On Eddie Mair’s show this eve, some beebdroid in Madrid was covering the accession of King Felipe VI.
Bearing in mind that
(a) The city was jam packed with happy, celebrating monarchists
(b) All opinion polls suggest a strong pro-monarchy majority in Spain and
(c) Republican protests have already been well covered by the BBC….
Who was the one person vox popped on the street?
A Republican of course – given ample opportunity to expand on her anti-monarchy and anti-austerity views.
I listened to Generation Right and the left-wing commentators bemoaning the loss of their ‘natural’ voting fodder.
Especially interesting was BBC favourite Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who claimed to be a political animal at the age of 16 and a frequenter of Carnaby Street when it was the radical centre of Britain. I think that time was known as ‘the swinging sixties’.
Slight problem: According to Wikipedia our Yasmin was still in Uganda when she was 16, (an Asian making a stir in ‘Black’ Africa, really?) and didn’t make it to the UK until 1972.
Yasmin has a habit of confusing what she would like to have happened with what did happen, bit like the BBC really.
For those of you who missed Muslim Victim Of The Day Jamal Osman thinks he gets picked upon as a ‘British’ citizen as he flies to the world’s trouble-spots under the cover of being a journalist.
The fact that he was born Somali, (retained citizenship?), is a Muslim, is in and out of these ‘vibrant’ foreign parts, yet refuses to pass on any intelligence to his adopted state is purely a coincidence.
Just goes to show that ‘we’ are as bad as those ISIS lot doesn’t it?
Not sure if the BBC are still doing this, but there was a time when they were trying to paint the ‘British’ Jihadis in Syria as the same as the left wing loons who went to fight the civil war in Syria.
O/T but Rod Liddle vs Alibebah Brown & Cathy Newman on Ch4 News tonight was worth a watch. Not sure how it related to news, but it seemed to be a platform for Newman & Brown to gang up on Liddle and call him a bigot using out of context quotes from his DM column. However the attack rather backfired with Alibebe sounding like a ranting extremist, and Liddle sounding calm and reasonable. And best of all, Liddle called out Newman’s smug lefty bias with a great line something like: “Cathy, I respect Alibebe’s honesty – she admits she detests the traditional working class, whereas you don’t admit it”. Well worth a watch.
And, in the article, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown immediately launches into a tirade, basically accusing the MP of being a racist.
Hmmm…. typical lefty race-baiter, it couldn’t possibly be her politics, her attitude, her ‘victim’ mentality or anything else which so got on Mr Fabricant’s nerves, now could it ?
A quick google will show that she makes racist statements herself, against white men, for instance, and admits to it….. but, of course, the BBC would never dream of excluding her from access to the air. Double standards, or what ?
As Iv’e said on this site many times, why, when she was kicked out of Uganda did she come here instead of some Islamic heaven.
And by the way I will now order Rod’s book just to needle the obnoxious woman.
This Week, BBC 2 last night, had Blair’s ex-aide, John McTernan in complete denial about the current Iraq crisis.
One can full appreciate now, that if this man was typical of those close to Blair giving advice on the folly of the 2003 invasion, exactly how this dreadful mess has so radicalised and escalated 11 years further down the line.
For example last night he suggested a ‘no fly zone’ over the Kurds even though Isis do not currently have an air force.
Bit of Friday irony fun.. http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jun/20/bbc-hiring-lucy-manning-nuj
“After Manning and Campbell’s hirings were announced, one BBC journalist posted on Facebook: “So Jonathan Munro [BBC head of newsgathering, ex ITV News] has just appointed two of his mates to the BBC – without an interview process – at a time of massive job cuts. He’s turning the BBC into a place where it’s ‘jobs for the boys’.”
A) Turning? Oooook.
B) Without an interview process? Ask Tone how that happens.
C) Boys? Poor Lucy.
D) It’s all relative. Ask the Dimbelbys.
BBC Breakfast in some Bristol street filming their reaction to last night’s England match. All the residents in the pre-match street party seem to be white. Then the BBC go into a white household to film them watching the match. What’s up, BBC? You normally would seek out a non-white family whenever doing you’re doing vox pop reporting on our streets. I suppose you couldn’t find a single brown or black family living here who have integrated into our ways and are supporting their newly adopted Country’s national team.
England’s performance in the World Cup has been rather amusing in the analysis by the BBC and others.
What is clear is that it’s a fantastic mirror for all that’s wrong with bringing in foreign talent, which has always been excused as a good thing for British industry.
Home grown talent is overlooked, and money is not spent training young people, because it’s just so easy to buy in from abroad without the expense and the risk of training up someone from this country.
Same with the NHS, which is little more than a vehicle to facilitate immigration. Why train a doctor in the UK, when you can just buy them in from another country? Cameron has even gone so far as to reduce the number of places at medical school to ensure we don’t train enough doctors, and will therefore have to import them from abroad.
All very strange to hear the BBC freely discussing the problems with foreign talent in football, but being completely incapable of transferring those thoughts onto other areas.
Interesting article mentioned on Todays newspaper review from the Grauniad
“Community leaders have warned that some Muslims could be effectively barred from becoming trustees or governors of new academies and free schools under rules introduced by the education secretary, Michael Gove, in response to the “Trojan horse” controversy.
The Department for Education has inserted new clauses into the model funding agreement for academies stipulating that its governors should demonstrate “fundamental British values”, and giving the secretary of state powers to close schools if they do not comply.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said that the new rule would make it very difficult to become a school governor if conservative Muslim beliefs were deemed to be incompatible with “British values”, and that it put too much power in the secretary of state’s hands to define those values”
I think that is the whole idea. How clever of them to work it out! If they don’t like “British Values” then there are 190 other countries they can go to.
The MCB should think itself fortunate that it is our liberal elite ridden government that is defining things. The ordinary Englishman might not be so reticent in asserting English values.
Henceforth none of us should use the word British. Use Welsh, English, Scottish or Irish.
British is no longer anything to be proud of. Devalued and demeaning.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
On Eddie Mair’s show this eve, some beebdroid in Madrid was covering the accession of King Felipe VI.
Bearing in mind that
(a) The city was jam packed with happy, celebrating monarchists
(b) All opinion polls suggest a strong pro-monarchy majority in Spain and
(c) Republican protests have already been well covered by the BBC….
Who was the one person vox popped on the street?
A Republican of course – given ample opportunity to expand on her anti-monarchy and anti-austerity views.
nearly posted the same thing myself. Typical BBC bias
I listened to Generation Right and the left-wing commentators bemoaning the loss of their ‘natural’ voting fodder.
Especially interesting was BBC favourite Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who claimed to be a political animal at the age of 16 and a frequenter of Carnaby Street when it was the radical centre of Britain. I think that time was known as ‘the swinging sixties’.
Slight problem: According to Wikipedia our Yasmin was still in Uganda when she was 16, (an Asian making a stir in ‘Black’ Africa, really?) and didn’t make it to the UK until 1972.
Yasmin has a habit of confusing what she would like to have happened with what did happen, bit like the BBC really.
For those of you who missed Muslim Victim Of The Day Jamal Osman thinks he gets picked upon as a ‘British’ citizen as he flies to the world’s trouble-spots under the cover of being a journalist.
The fact that he was born Somali, (retained citizenship?), is a Muslim, is in and out of these ‘vibrant’ foreign parts, yet refuses to pass on any intelligence to his adopted state is purely a coincidence.
Just goes to show that ‘we’ are as bad as those ISIS lot doesn’t it?
Not sure if the BBC are still doing this, but there was a time when they were trying to paint the ‘British’ Jihadis in Syria as the same as the left wing loons who went to fight the civil war in Syria.
I think you meant to say “Spain”.
oops yes!
And many of those going to fight in Spain were British Communists
I am not sure, but didn’t Franco enjjoy the support of several thousand muslims?
O/T but Rod Liddle vs Alibebah Brown & Cathy Newman on Ch4 News tonight was worth a watch. Not sure how it related to news, but it seemed to be a platform for Newman & Brown to gang up on Liddle and call him a bigot using out of context quotes from his DM column. However the attack rather backfired with Alibebe sounding like a ranting extremist, and Liddle sounding calm and reasonable. And best of all, Liddle called out Newman’s smug lefty bias with a great line something like: “Cathy, I respect Alibebe’s honesty – she admits she detests the traditional working class, whereas you don’t admit it”. Well worth a watch.
From the sound of it, the post-match green room session was quite special, too.
Feel the outrage.
“A Conservative MP has said he might end up punching a journalist “in the throat” if he appeared on a panel show with her.“
And, in the article, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown immediately launches into a tirade, basically accusing the MP of being a racist.
Hmmm…. typical lefty race-baiter, it couldn’t possibly be her politics, her attitude, her ‘victim’ mentality or anything else which so got on Mr Fabricant’s nerves, now could it ?
A quick google will show that she makes racist statements herself, against white men, for instance, and admits to it….. but, of course, the BBC would never dream of excluding her from access to the air. Double standards, or what ?
God that thing requires a plane ticket to a country that supports her so called liberal mindset.
As Iv’e said on this site many times, why, when she was kicked out of Uganda did she come here instead of some Islamic heaven.
And by the way I will now order Rod’s book just to needle the obnoxious woman.
This Week, BBC 2 last night, had Blair’s ex-aide, John McTernan in complete denial about the current Iraq crisis.
One can full appreciate now, that if this man was typical of those close to Blair giving advice on the folly of the 2003 invasion, exactly how this dreadful mess has so radicalised and escalated 11 years further down the line.
For example last night he suggested a ‘no fly zone’ over the Kurds even though Isis do not currently have an air force.
Bit of Friday irony fun..
“After Manning and Campbell’s hirings were announced, one BBC journalist posted on Facebook: “So Jonathan Munro [BBC head of newsgathering, ex ITV News] has just appointed two of his mates to the BBC – without an interview process – at a time of massive job cuts. He’s turning the BBC into a place where it’s ‘jobs for the boys’.”
A) Turning? Oooook.
B) Without an interview process? Ask Tone how that happens.
C) Boys? Poor Lucy.
D) It’s all relative. Ask the Dimbelbys.
BBC Breakfast in some Bristol street filming their reaction to last night’s England match. All the residents in the pre-match street party seem to be white. Then the BBC go into a white household to film them watching the match. What’s up, BBC? You normally would seek out a non-white family whenever doing you’re doing vox pop reporting on our streets. I suppose you couldn’t find a single brown or black family living here who have integrated into our ways and are supporting their newly adopted Country’s national team.
England’s performance in the World Cup has been rather amusing in the analysis by the BBC and others.
What is clear is that it’s a fantastic mirror for all that’s wrong with bringing in foreign talent, which has always been excused as a good thing for British industry.
Home grown talent is overlooked, and money is not spent training young people, because it’s just so easy to buy in from abroad without the expense and the risk of training up someone from this country.
Same with the NHS, which is little more than a vehicle to facilitate immigration. Why train a doctor in the UK, when you can just buy them in from another country? Cameron has even gone so far as to reduce the number of places at medical school to ensure we don’t train enough doctors, and will therefore have to import them from abroad.
All very strange to hear the BBC freely discussing the problems with foreign talent in football, but being completely incapable of transferring those thoughts onto other areas.
Interesting article mentioned on Todays newspaper review from the Grauniad
“Community leaders have warned that some Muslims could be effectively barred from becoming trustees or governors of new academies and free schools under rules introduced by the education secretary, Michael Gove, in response to the “Trojan horse” controversy.
The Department for Education has inserted new clauses into the model funding agreement for academies stipulating that its governors should demonstrate “fundamental British values”, and giving the secretary of state powers to close schools if they do not comply.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said that the new rule would make it very difficult to become a school governor if conservative Muslim beliefs were deemed to be incompatible with “British values”, and that it put too much power in the secretary of state’s hands to define those values”
Lost for words
I think that is the whole idea. How clever of them to work it out! If they don’t like “British Values” then there are 190 other countries they can go to.
The MCB should think itself fortunate that it is our liberal elite ridden government that is defining things. The ordinary Englishman might not be so reticent in asserting English values.
Henceforth none of us should use the word British. Use Welsh, English, Scottish or Irish.
British is no longer anything to be proud of. Devalued and demeaning.