What is happening in Iraq causes problem for the BBC ‘s idol, Obama. ISIS attacks in Iraq have skyrocketed ever since the retreat was sounded by Obama in 2011 and he declared the war a success. Rather than examine the consequences of US withdrawal (which the BBC fully supported) it keeps going back to place blame on Bush and Blair. Furthermore, why doesn’t the BBC explore why Iran supports Assad and why other Arab states have funded ISIS? The issue is complex but the BBC seems determined to ensure that Obama gets a bye. And as for ISIS, why doesn’t the BBC ask why devotion to Islam creates such inhuman savagery? As is so often the case, the BBC uses bias by omission to sustain its own narrative.
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I have noticed that all reports of trouble in Iraq focus on the US going into Iraq (both BBC and the newspaper press) in order to blame Bush and Blair and I am no admirer of Blair. Even before the Iraqi war the area was not stable. Sadam is thought to have killed one million of his own people. But Obama is still flavour of the month with the BBC and reports are unwilling to put even partial blame on him bringing troops out as fast as he could. However the BBC was constantly reporting with glee over the last 10 years how many bombs were being detonated in Baghdad. Perhaps they should have been analysing and reporting who was doing the bombing. But that would have brought Islam into the wrong sort of focus again.
It’s kind of funny that al Beeb refers to ISIS terrorists and cold blooded murderers of innocent civilians as ‘fighters’ yet yesterday they referred to Buddhists who had the audacity to stand up against Islamic murderers and butchers as ‘extremists’
The BBC will use “rebels”, “activists” and “militants” long before they use “terrorist” with regard to these fucking deranged Muslamics.
To be fair, I have heard use of the word ‘jihadist’ to describe them on the BBC. But this is usually in the context of “Islamist (as opposed to ‘islamic’) Jihadists”, with “islamist” being a neat device to divorce their activity from Islam as a whole, and meaning it has nothing to do with Islam (therefore, ‘Jihadist’ doesn’t either. Geddit?) That does leave them with a problem using jihadist, because the legal definition in sharia law means “to wage war against non-muslims”. That definition has the explicit approval of the Al Azhar University in Cairo, the foremost doctrinal authority in Sunni Islam, so no arguing, Scott. Unless you know better than the Sunni equivalent of the Vatican, of course…
Jihad is only allowed as a defence though, so it’s interesting when these people give their opinion, to see that they can twist reality as well as the BBC to justify that some how they are under attack.
Attack is often suggested as the best form of defence.
Witness the BBC apologists who weigh in attacking a post author here, if oddly then getting very unhappy and high horsey if anyone follows up questioning their motives.
Ah, but you see, if you prevent Islam from advancing, that is an ‘attack’ that has to be defended. The Twin Towers was a defensive jihad attack. Bin Laden had written twice to Clinton (on the record) offering Islam, Subjugation, or War. As it was ignored, this was an ‘attack’ on Islam. That’s how it works. The defensive jihad schtick can be parsed a number of ways to make it qualify as “defensive”.
But rest assured, once they declare their caliphate in the next couple of years, the outright offensive Jihad will begin.
The reason buddhist ‘extremists’ are fighting back.
Warning…graphic content.
But it was Blair and Bush’s faults.
I think it was inevitable once US and UK troops were withdrawn, that Iraq and Afghanistan would regress into a civil war. To that extent I don’t see what else Obama can do other than to bow to the inevitable and get the hell out of those hell holes.
Would be more convinced of the Obamaramas innocence in this if he had only just got power but he has been in office since 2008 and as he is supposed to be the worlds most brilliant thinker , full time messiah and savior of man kind he is just as guilty of not sorting this horror out as any of the lot who caused it !
No – Obama should have left sufficient support behind – as the US had done in Germany, Korea and Japan – not just scuttling. He was being strongly advised to do this, but he wanted to flaunt a total pull-out for the 2012 election.
And it will be even worse when he scuttles from Afghanistan.
To be fair to Obama, the US public wanted the troops out, and so did the Iraqi government.
Unfortunately, the lesson of history is that the Liberated nearly always turn on their liberators.
Obama seldom listens to public opinion. His job is to be a statesman – and he has failed bigtime. It was obvious what would happen from precipitate US withdrawal fro Iraq, he was warned in detail by the Pentagon. Just like he is being warned on Afghanistan.
The main point here is that the BBC has been largely covering up the fact that this is a highly contentious issue in the US.
What else can he do? Well, his usual response to a crisis is to go and play golf.
That is a really unfair criticism of Obama. He did not just take a few hours off from the Iraq crisis to play a round of golf.
No, not at all. He flew off to California for the whole weekend – Friday evening to Monday evening. He played rounds at 2 separate courses in Palm Springs, with a fundraiser event in between. Totally awesome devotion to duty.
The idea that Obama should be in the Situation Room at the White House during a crisis, with John Kerry off in Baghdad kicking Maliki’s butt is far too severe a requirement of political leadership and focus. So we should not expect the BBC to mention Obama going AWOL.
Where’s Stupid White Man Mikey Moore when we need him ? There’s plenty of material there for his next film.
Al Beeb reporting government concern about the threat of returning battle-hardened “British” jihadists returning to UK.
Answer – block their passports and refuse entry. Stop them coming back in- simples ?
Easier in theory – no doubt they’ll have fake passports to re-enter the UK. Thousands of such fake passports were discovered at London’s Finsbury Park mosque some years ago.
‘Easier in theory’
That applies to most things inspired by certain government talents over the years, from Gordon Brown creating an extra 800k essentially unretrenchable public sector positions (and hence bloc votes) to Tony Blair handing out actual valid nose-rubbing passports to anyone on speed dial to a legal aid or EU Court of Human Rights bonanza for anyone even thinking of holding them to account and/or outside these fair shores.
Meanwhile, moves appear underway to remove the ability to not pay the TVL tax by any legitimate means to ensure a free flow of PR supporting such measures as the above, in perpetuity.
I’m not sure that you can stop a British citizen returning home. You might be able to detain him once he reaches British soil, but you would have to make a judicially valid case that they were a threat to civilian life and property at home.
Just pass the legislation needed to keep them out. Including withdrawal of British citizenship.
We need to leave the EU and ECHR first. They have a right to a family life apparently.
My answer is deport them and their entire families.
But if muslims are only 3% of the population, why not only screen, search and concentrate all our efforts on that 3%? I am unaware of any indigenous British ever having taken bombs on planes.
Once we identify these people just take them out, no pussyfooting around. To hell with their rights they don’t deserve them.
“More UK citizens signed up for jihad in Iraq and Syria than joined Army Reserve”
Robert Spencer:-
“This is the Britain that Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron have given to the world. This is the Britain that Jack Straw, Jacqui Smith and Theresa May have helped come into being. This is the Britain that bans freedom fighters from its shores, while appeasing and accommodating Islamic supremacists. This is Britain, the dying civilization, pusillanimous in its death throes.”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s ‘values’ seem to be more politically understanding to those of its wrongly-named ‘militants’ (jihadists) of ISIS and Al Qaeda, than to those of ‘Stop the Islamization of Nations’ (SION):
Time to take a look at the laws about treason ?
what laws?
ANTHONY Blair repealed, unlawfully, the 1795 Treason Act in the Criminal Law Act 1998
I wonder why………?
He did not repeal treason. It is common law, he cannot repeal it.
He repealed the death penalty for treason.
…and he attached it to the end of a Youth Crime Bill.
That’s because in the British Army you are underpaid overworked and have no equipment. Once your dead your forgotten. In ISIS you get wages food, and an AK and when you die you get 70 virgins to shag.
I read that ISIS are also acting as a kind of Consumer Standards Authority, going around markets telling traders they can’t sell this or that. Not because the goods are unislamic, but because they deem them to be of insufficient quality to go on sale. They have also organised more regular rubbish collections, and street cleaning in the cities they have taken over. I suppose you can’t leave the blood and severed heads lying about really, can you?
Maybe we should get them over here? Whoops, already done that!
You mean that ISIS have wheely bin cops too? You get stoned in you put bottles in the waste food bins, hands cut off for putting tins in the bottle bins.
Dear me, soon we’ll have the Shia sitting in a group and asking each other:
‘ but what have ISIS ever done for us! ‘
The answer is to get Crapita to administer recruitment to ISIS as well as they have done for the TA. Then watch the numbers joining ISIS plummet.
Yes the same politicians who took us into Iraq were the same ones who opened our borders and took us further into the EU. and introduced the most stringent ‘equality’ laws in the world. Iraq was a conflict pursued by Bliar and his party of ex-communists.
Last week the Beeb was wibbling about “what makes us British?”
Try this, Auntie – we tend not to join the Mad Mahdi’s army.
Is the BBC British ?
Perhaps we should push to have it renamed as ‘The People’s Broadcasting corporation’. Would suit the leftie inhabitants to a tee.
INBBC interested in exposing this?:-
“‘U dnt need much, u get wages here, u get food provided and place to stay’:
“The rough travel guide British ISIS fighters are using to lure fellow Britons in to waging Jihad in Iraq.
“Extremists use Twitter and Ask.fm in the hope of recruiting young Britons.
“They offer advice on what to pack and how to evade security en route.
“Also encourage would-be jihadists to pack smart phones to access internet.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2661177/Travel-light-leave-Islamic-books-home-dont-arouse-suspicion-Isis-militants-offer-travel-advice-jihadists-arriving-Syria-Iraq-Britain.html#ixzz34z5f0w7s
The wonderful pay-off to British indigenous people of years of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries.
And continuing. And getting worse.
>The issue is complex but the BBC seems determined to ensure that Obama gets a bye.<
Herein lies the answer. The issue is complex, maybe too complex for your average BBC reporter to find the words to report in a small reporting time segment.
I may be doing them an injustice, in which case maybe they have determined that we can only take in small portions of information at any one time and that they should try to keep it all very simple.
Once again thought, evidence of reporting by omission at the BBC
Al Beeb now calling these jihadists “people” from Britain. Well its time for the communities that these “people” come from to stand up for the country that gave them a place of freedom, a home and a safe place of refuge.
Or is it a case of “the dog biting the hand that feeds it” ?
The liberal’s pavlovian response to the bite is to blame himself and thus improve the quality/quantity of the food in an attempt to solve HIS problem.
This was Bush and Blair’s fault as far as I am concerned. The bigger issue is “British” citizens going over there for training to kill and murder and will be welcomed back with council houses and free money. That is what worries me
The issue is complex, so let’s blame the BBC.
The only people who regard treason as ‘complex’ are hand-wringing self-styled ‘liberals’, who habitually try to cover-up their mistakes in a fog of synthesized ‘context’.
The BBC employs almost nothing but such individuals.
have you noticed how the bbc and radio 5 live presenters avoid using the word islam or muslims when describing these isis bunch of 7th century savages and murderers,today radio 5 lives own very rachael burden said up to 400 british citixens are feared to be fighting with isis in syria,then nicky campbell said up to 500 british subjects could be fighting with these isis lot in iraq.no mention of islam or muslim in these reports, so are these so called british citixens and subjects out there fighting in iraq and syria with the isis and al qaeda all christians,sikhs,jews,hindus or buddhists,see what is going on here with this mirage of not mentioning the religion of these so called british fighters.the last time i looked these isis lot have a ak47 and a sharp knife in one hand and a copy of the koran in the other hand shouting allah hu akbar while cutting some old mans head off with his hands tied behind his back or pumping hundreds of bullets into terrified iraqi conscripts captured by the islamic muslim sunni terrorist murderers,thank god i am english and dont have to associate my name with this word called british that these terrorists are called by the media.
There’s a great article about the winning strategy against the ISIS and other head hackers…
Do nothing!
It’s called, “They Don’t Like It Up ‘Em” at:
Islamic jihad threat to British people is increasing.
Two reports:-
‘Daily Mirror’-
“David Cameron: ‘ISIS and Syria jihadists are planning terror attacks on Britain’”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
– Note INBBC’s politically euphemistic choice of words for its headline-
‘hey: they’re only “militants”‘
(Are there ISIS non-militants, INBBC?)
“Iraq crisis: ISIS militants threaten UK, says Cameron”
It looks to me as if Cameron and the BBC are preparing us all for a war. Just awaiting Hussein to make his mind up. Don’t need Congress.
We should be supporting the Kurds. Not only because they are the only group willing and able to fight ISIS but because they have created a democratic, working ‘state’ even if we don’t formally recognise it.
I heard on the Lunchtime News Radio today that Cameron waffling on about his ‘concern’ that ‘450’ ‘Britons’ are known to have volunteered for ‘ISIS activities’ in Syriah. I suspect that (450) low ‘estimate’ (likely to be more than double that) hides the guilty unquestioned ‘support’ by the BBC HQ (located now in Birmingham – why you may ask!) Combine that ‘coincidence with Birmingham’s officially atrocious (poor to non-existant) State school record (under Labour) of encouraging Islamic ideology. Is this not part of the same problem? No surprise then that the US thinks the UK is an ideal breeding ground for Islamic terrorists and Islamic radicals who will no doubt return back to the UK (and rewarded) to be ‘heralded by the BBC as inspirational ‘Britons’ (which none of us HERE would recognise as true). The BBC’s continuous and overt Islamic propaganda, Christian persecution, extreme Racial abuse (kill your ememies), and then overthrow the mild and moderate England into a foreign war-zone is an undercurrent that Cameron has suddenly woken up too. Our already frail democracy (under the stupidity of the EU Islamic appeasement and integration policies). Cameron talks as though these are misguided ‘British’ (politically correct still) just happenstance to have been radicalised in Birmingham ghettos. Britain is certainly NOT Birmingham. Nor does the BBC represent our unique British values, other than a mocking parody of our once proud independent nation.
Cameron is right to be worried. The first duty of government is to preserve the lives and liberties of the people.
Not that you would know it from the way the liberals waffle on about this and that. Usually inconsequential .
Failure to do this renders the government in breach of it’s duty and it should make way for those who will.
Multiculturalism stand revealed as a completely failed policy and the liberal is distraught. Reality wins again.
The schools scandal and the Isis “Britons” are all the evidence you need.
The liberal, and this includes the current Tory elite, is not going to be able to solve this one.
Islam is rampaging through our world. Eventually it will pass but for now we have a problem. Face up to it and in the end it will be for the best. I have no confidence any longer in the elite both in government and in the opinion makers.
None at all. I have grandchildren. They have inalienable rights to their lives and safety in the land that has been ours for untold generations.
This is a serious matter. Not a matter for liberals to agonise over. They are not England.
I am waiting the the Beeb to break the story – Isis have found the missing weapons of mass destruction and are going to use them on us. Obama and Cameron take us into Iraq. History repeats itself.
“ISIS jihadi from UK calls for jihad attacks on British civilians to avenge Muslima’s murder”
This dangerous lunatic needs to be dispatched by the SAS – pronto.
“British ISIS Militants ‘Will Target UK.’
A senior Kurdish intelligence officer says militants allowed to survive in Iraq will go on to carry out attacks in the West.”
“ISIS And Its String Of Dazzling Pyrrhic Victories”
By Hugh Fitzgerald.
“One more time:
“‘The large-scale presence of Muslims in the countries of the West has led to a situation, for the indigenous non-Muslims and for other, non-Muslim, immigrants, that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without that large-scale Muslim presence.'”
“And when that is grasped, other policies will naturally follow.”
That article makes a lot of sense !