Jeez, BBC Points West finds over two minutes in a 7 minute broadcast (inc weather) to give an over-sympathetic non topical report on a Syrian anti Assad asylum seeker.
Its not about the rights or wrongs of events in Syria, but why is it necessary for a local BBC production to give an overview on an international problem with the narrative ‘poor asylum seekers’. We’re told they only get £5 a day and are ‘just a number’ yet we see a charity hall full of them looking well fed and clothed as indeed was ‘poor’ Mohammed…. The charity rep pleads for more donations as they are being ‘squeezed’
What happened to the old adage ‘charity begins at home’ ? What about our old who can’t afford to heat their homes in winter? That’s a real charity case. Without a ready supply of ‘donations’ would the BBC keep broadcasting inconsequential pro immigration sh1t like this?
But the richest countries on the planet are stone’s throw (lol) away from Syria/Iraq/etc ???? And they share the same backward 7th century religion too.
Jim Muir tells us that life is normal in Mosul. He managed to point out that they ‘were not forcing women to wear the hijab’, which looked awfully like he was putting words into the mouth of the car driver he was interviewing.
Nicki Campbell’s phone in the other day ” WHITE children are the lowest performing group in schools !!!” ( strange how the media has discovered the colour ‘white’ all of a sudden, yet they can’t bring themselves to say ‘black’ when it comes to knife crime, the euphemism is ‘yoofs’. NUJ rules. )
I suppose the ‘effnik’ kids are right little professors, studying Latin, Greek, nuclear physics, philosophy, violin and piano lessons !!
It seems we *can* to break down and analyse children’s education into skin colour groups, but we are not allowed to break down or even question crime figures by skin colour or ethnicity. Unsurprising double standards.
Indeed according to the Daily Mail we are to have a committee to fast track ethnic minority programmes and backstage staff. Can you imagine how Rita Chacribati for example would feel if she was told that she had the job because she came from an ethnic minority rather than because she was the best applicant.
Eno Oroatur, the Nigerian weather girl on North West Tonight, was clearly the best candidate for the job. She dresses flamboyantly and speaks heavily accented English. Who needs boring white people to do the job, with their square clothes and clear pronunciation?
She was the one who wore beautiful hats made up of fruits. Very jolly.
Yesterday there was a photo of Boris and the late interviewer of Newsnight with a bunch of bananas on their heads. At least that was what I thought until I realised that they were wearing cycle helmets.
Yes she also can not pronounce Cumbria, amongst several other words, she even admitted to that live on air. Which one would have thought would be a basic requirement for weather forcasting in the area. “Eno’s first job with the BBC came at Radio Leeds where she worked on the breakfast show, doing everything from producing content to presenting.
Coming back over the Pennines, Eno was then North West Tonight’s autocue operator for a short spell before she applied for the late weather presenter position” So yes obviously a prime candidate. It also appears that the North west has at least four weather forecasters, plus the news presenter does the weather at 09:00 so why do they need a forecaster for the period before?
A girl called Eno?
Yeek!…from Eno Orator to Ena Sharples eh?
What`s going up up there in the land of Stuart hall and David Davies?…whatever happened to that double act then?
This can only mean plenty of reverse discrimination against existing or future presenters, or if you prefer racial discrimination against white British (can I say that?) what happened to getting a job on merit?
It’s all window dressing and tokenism to appear non waaycist. I suspect the BBC Board of Governors, the old boys network will not be diverse, the job pays too well.
….and is there any hope in hell that we will have a truly representative political outlook across BBC employees…i.e. at least as many right-leaning as left-leaning employees ?
I’ll just count the tumbleweeds drifting by whilst waiting for any BBC answer to that one.
If I lived in India in a minority community would I expect IBC (if it exists) to hire white presenters to placate me? Or would I simply understand that I’m in a minority? Would I be perfectly able to accept a presenter who wasn’t white because the vast majority of people around me in society weren’t white neither?
Spent some time in Thailand years ago. I didn’t expect any concessions and didn’t get any.
I wish someone would have the guts to point out that if you choose to move to a country, it’s reasonable to assume that it’s because you see some virtues in that country as it stands, not because you think the people are gullible enough to allow you to replicate the country you left behind.
Oh, noes!
A full squadron of Flokkers has scrambled.
Do you not know of the new economics Prof., Lovely Linda, whose main contribution thus far seems to have been a few posts and selfies about her and her new BFF’s at Davos or somewhere similar.
I think it’s a ploy by the BBC to get more money. If they go down to just 1-in-7 for PSEM’s (Preferred Status Ethnic Minorities) then they are going to have to make lots of news staff redundant, plus remake hundreds of children programmes for CBeebies and CBBC. Cunning BBC!
Indeed according to the Daily Mail we are to have a committee to fast track ethnic minority programmes and backstage staff. Can you imagine how Rita Chacribati for example would feel if she was told that she had the job because she came from an ethnic minority rather than because she was the best applicant.
the reason why “White” children are falling behind at school is that some children who cant speak the lingo get extra help way more than the others.At what cost to our childrens education
Just read a report where one school is treating all pupils to lessons in ‘English as a Foreign Language’, whether they are native English speakers or not.
Now, that may even be a good thing for some native English speakers, but what’s the chances that quite a few kids will be bored stiff by such lessons….. cue the normal response from kids bored to death in classrooms; cue the loss of interest in learning by them; cue the stats going the wrong way for certain groups of students.
The indoctrination in diversity begins in the pre-school nurseries. See the charters they use to advertise their programmes. Children of pallor begin school heavily indoctrinated with white guilt whilst children of colour are assisted in building up their self confidence and awareness of their identity
I can vouch for this. A few years ago, I set up a pre-school in our village. Even though it was a 100% white intake, we had to have a multi-lingual “Welcome” poster showing a girl in a hijab and a variety of “ethnic” dolls and toys.
Yes good move. BBC like that socialist dichotomy. They send their own children to private schools claiming it’s a ‘moral choice’ knowing full well that state schools are crammed with multi-culturalism problems that conflict with the purpose of an English education. We can see from international league tables how ‘successful’ that policy is and how the ‘fiddled’ UK school league tables continue to plummet to EU socialist agendas. Destroying English identity.
I think points are given for diversity, not academic ability or intelligence.
A school in Devon had to send the kids to an inner city dump, so that the school would get a better score.
The weird thing is that now a school with poor results because of zero diversity, would mean that the kids would have a better chance of going to Oxford, than a school with good results because of a 100% diversity score.
So in some ways, political correctness can produce contradictory outcomes that would assist intelligent white kids from schools with bad scores due to zero diversity.
The loony lefties like unintelligent people because these people make them fell superior, so that is why they oppose Grammar schools and have turned everything in education upside-down.
What the filthy YAB needs to know is that there would be a host of people lining up behind Fabricant to get their punch in too……..she is the perfect example of the ungrateful islamic bitch whose family were given exile by this country…….she exalted in the deaths of 3000 souls in NewYork…..foul, ugly creature….
The idiot comment (if deliberately misquoted by the twittragesphere for maximum flounce) by Mr. Fabricant that followed was so unhelpful and frustrating, as it has offered a minor but now present and pervasive distraction from the car crash that was not just for Ms. AB, but also the blonde chair, who clearly had ripped up any pretence of being impartial from the outset.
Guessing Ian Katz has her on the line throwing Jezza’s wedge her way as we speak.
The irony here, is that the very idiots who are bitching about a punch in the throat tweet, remain silent on how the very Islamic Y.A.B subscribes to a codex where it is perfectly fine to punch females in the throat, or rape them, stone them to death, cut off their bits, cover them up or marry them off before they bleed.
Yup nothing wrong there, but a tweet borne out of frustration out of how Muslims who came to the UK as refugees from Intolerant Islamic countries are hell bent on remaking the UK, into the societies they fled from.
And let’s not forget that this so-easily- offended woman referred to Farage as a “rabble rouser” and called Clarkson “ape-man”. She’s just another bourgeois socialist with totally unrepresentative views who works for a left-wing rag that almost nobody buys. If she wasn’t ‘bigged up’ so much by the BBC and Channel 4 she would wallow in the obscurity she so richly deserves.
The essential point is that Mr F was not making a threat of any kind, he was simply using rhetoric to stress that he could never appear on the sale programme as that woman.
Usual faux outrage because a Muslim is involved.
It’s called the second conditional. People use it all the time.
I am having serious doubts about the force of the appeal to maltreatment of women in Islam. To me it is obvious that sharia is oppressive to women. But not to so many western femininists and certainly not to muslim feminists (an oxymoron?) like Y.A.B. and others. I have just watched Hannity on Fox news trying to squeeze out some criticism of sharia in Saudi etc. from a US muslim who freely wears the hijab out of choice in free America. Basically, they can see the evidence of maltreatment but it just washes off. Just like the muslim women who carry banners in London supporting sharia.
It used to be: “In Vino Veritas” now it’s more appropriate to say: “In Twitter is the truth” which more people will understand because fewer people know Latin.
I heard that they do not consider importing African or West Indian TV shows because some of the Blacks in them are depicted in a very disrespectfully derogatory way, due to a complete lack of respect for the Politically Correct Multiculturalism of the White Liberal Western Imperialist Culture of BBC types, by Black African TV Producers.
Worth reading the comments, if only for this one (of many – one other very insightful legal point, and a ‘this is our thread’ irony failure worried about trolling by… Tory Central Office) on the ‘unique’ that is a BBC independent review (see: ‘The Trust’):
20 June 2014 11:41am BBC director general Tony Hall… …also announced that he would chair a new independent diversity action group to advise the BBC.
How is this independent if the BBC DG is the chairman? Imagine a government watchdog chaired by David Cameron an “independent” healthy eating campaign chaired by the boss of Walkers Crisps.
I think the rules say that Tony Hall would have to resign and then wait six months, its how the BBC has become dominated by ex-politicians, even though it’s the only Media organisation that is supposed to be impartial and independent of politics due to its compulsory funding, and the fact that right-wing people do not have to pay for a left-wing Newspaper like the Guardian by a compulsory Government licence fee.
I think that type of thing for Newspapers was abolished about 350 years ago, as was the House of Lords, but brought back 90 years ago for Radio, with help from the House of Lords as well as continued support from the Labour party which unlike Oliver Cromwell, has not, and is not likely to abolish the House of Lords, due to support from people like John Prescott.
I see the bBC is on full twist the story regards the PMs message the otherday which made mention of the threat to the Uk from those relgious bigots who bugger off to pastures new ,while professing their hatred of anything British (Other than benefits and the bBC) until they are arrested,jailed or killed and then they are promoted as loyal British citizens whom we should all bend over and feel sorry for. To that end the bBC regales us to a message from the brother of a former jailed terrorist and the father of 3 boys fighting for allah in Syria and who became a champion of Islamic victimhood for the bBC when his youngest uttered allah ackba for the last time when he decided to stop a bullet or two. Syria fighters pose no risk to UK, says father A man whose three sons went to fight against the Syrian government has said British fighters will not pose a risk to the UK on their return. Abubaker Deghayes spoke to the BBC after David Cameron said Britain could not ignore the security threat the UK faced from jihadists in Iraq and Syria. But Mr Deghayes said there is a history of Britons fighting in foreign wars
And here is what the bBC don’t tell you about this preacher of peace Abubaker, 45, a trustee of a local mosque, is a controversial figure who once said a suicide attack on Tony Blair could be morally justified. He was secretly recorded at a mosque in 2006 branding the then prime minister and US president George W Bush ‘legitimate targets’
Why is it, the bBC can spend so much time trying to promote white British people as blind racist bigots as in the case of that poor Muslim girl stabbed to death in Colchester with no facts other than she was stabbed over 100 times, yet a man whose whole family are tainted with the stench of death (Brother,3 sons, himself) is allowed to promote the view that the UK has nothing to fear from Islamic terrorists who hate everything and anything about life.
And how we all laughed at the 2000AD story line of Judge Death who deemed life as a crime ans so killed anybody living,
One in seven?
Daft Danny’s 50:50 Blokey Comedian/Some Dopey Unfunny Bird split on panel shows was vaguely doable logistically if not rationally, but if Hislop, Merton or O’Briain see him shipping in a busload of Boko Harem ‘It Ain’t Half Diverse, Mum’ ENSA boys and firing up the chain saw to help Lord Pantone of Acceptable Hues and Cries’ fractions, I’d worry if I were them.
And any chemical residue (which I seriously doubt will be around) will be inert and useless as a chemical weapon. It would not survive detination.
IF these are genuine, how come the UN and the mass of the allied forces managed to miss these, yet ISIS terrorists turn up and discover all this stuff within a weekin a known and often searched location? Utter bollocks!
Had this been a real stock of Saddam’s WMD, then the entire mainstream media would have been shouting about their discovery from the rooftops when the allied soldiers found them.
Just like they tried to do when Bush announced the discovery of Saddam’s mobile bio weapons labs, which in reality nothing more than curtain sided trucks which carried battlefield helium ballon inflators sold to Saddam by the British.
You and everyone misses the whole point: we all KNEW he had WOMD because we had helped him obtain/make them. Why nothing more was made of this fact when “none were found” is just one of the many modern MSM ‘mysteries’.
No, what he says is bullshit and in tune with the infamous ‘hideously white’ bias: if it reflected the current population it would be – for every 100 presenters/whatever – 86 whites, 3 black, 2 Chinese/Japanese/Korean etc, 5 Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, 2 mixed race (white/any) and 1 Arab/other. 1 black or mixed race to round up.
If the Police can’t say that a stabbing was race or religion related at this point, why do I get the feeling that the bBC are promoting the idea all day, in fact ooozing out of their pores, hoping that the killer is a white racist?
* can be applied in many circumstances – for example it large provicial cities in France afflicted by a spate of murders, or massacres in Belgian museums,
The bBC plays the victim card for a leftwing rapist: Wikileaks founder ‘fears for safety of family’ The founder of the Wikileaks website Julian Assange says he fears for the safety of his family.Speaking at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, Mr Assange said unspecified individuals had made threats against his children and his mother.He complained that he has been unable to see them in four years.Mr Assange took refuge at the Ecuadorean embassy two years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden. The authorities in Stockholm want to question him over allegations by two women of sexual assault.
You’d think that one of the supporters of this very brave man would pay for his children to fly over to the Uk (Children, I can only find one son who works for a living) to visit their father. Oh hang on, he lost a load of left and liberal friends when he did a runner and so they lost their bonds.
The irony here, is this dick splash, in trying to find a quick fix solution from the Swedish old bill and maybe a prison sentence has resulted in him enduring a self imposed prison sentence, which lets be honest is a lot worse than anything he would have to endure in Sweden.
BBC News showing clips of the Brits/Aussie jihad video. But with the usual BS qualifiers of “purports to show”, “claims”, “unverified” – you know the score. And no audio, because in it they cite copious amounts of Islamic doctrine on the subject of jihad ie waging war against unbelievers. And we can’t have that, now, can we? The bloke doing the piece was paralysed by Islamic jihadists gunshots – and the twat still doesn’t get it – “it has nothing to do with mainstream Islam”. I suppose if you pretend it’s not happening, eventually, it will go away, right?
Not until a bunch of ISIS medieval Muslim savages are charging down the corridors of the BBC with their dicks out and firing ak47s at random will it dawn on the drones that Islam might not be the ROP after all. And even then one can imagine that they will be offering to show them their diversity and inclusiveness employee of the month awards as they queue up to have their heads cut off .
They will not be able to get into the BBC building until they have completed a health and safety course about how to use the doors and lifts safely and sat the health and safety exam.
According to Wikipedia, ISIHAC producer Jon Naismith recalls that when he took over the show (in 1991) they “used to get quite a few letters accusing us of sexist references to Samantha”. I guess all that has changed is that nowadays they would be taken seriously.
I am sure that Samantha herself wouldn’t take it lying down.
Oh dear. What’s this from Labour adviser John McTernan?
“Next time you feel like popping a slip in the online suggestion box that is the internet, pick up a spear instead and throw it at the Tories. You’ll feel better. I’ll feel better. We’ll all feel better.”
Silly man. Doesn’t he realise what will happen when the BBC find out about these thoughts of violence toward others? And what will Yasmin think? 😯
Liebour apparatchik John McTernan on a European referendum , what an arrogant, sniveling, little creep.
JM: I think a referendum is ridiculous.
DP: People want it…
JM: I don’t care if people want it. People want lots of things.
DP: Do you think it will actually happen?
JM: No I don’t, no. I think that a Labour government would not have a referendum.
We have been treated to several BBC programmes on which all sorts of commentators wring their hands about what we can do to protect ourselves from what they term Iraq blowback , when those Muslims from the UK return home and start to attack us. The basic consensus is that there isn’t much we can do until they attack us! Surely any normal country , not ruled by a liberal left dictatorship in thrall to multiculturalism and the human rights of homicidal maniacs, would put the protection of its citizens as its highest priority and do whatever was necessary to discharge that responsibility.
Of course no one on the BBC has made the obvious comment that if we hadn’t let so many immigrants into the UK , we would be facing a much smaller risk to our citizens.
I don’t expect they list the cost of protecting us from these 14th century nutters in the cost/benefit equation on immigration. I suppose they list it under cultural enrichment. After all living in our little, peaceful, democratic and homogeneous island with minimal internal strife, was boring. Its so much more exciting not knowing when these maniacs will blow some of us up.
I know the BBC can only imagine ever using them, but I’d be keen to know who this person was, to assign it the level of importance accorded, especially as the party leader said the same thing anyway: ‘A Conservative party spokesman said: “Mr Fabricant’s comments were completely unacceptable.”
Or is ‘news’ (my quotes) these days basically stuff made up by politicians and media that actually says whatever is desired, but means nothing, he asks, rhetorically?
What is it about Twitter .It seems to make people behave oddly. It does not seem to encourage thought or the well crafted put down. Fabricant just sounded silly and turned YAB into some sort of liberal heroine.
I once had a correspondence with her which continued until she was forced to confront an undeniable fact that could only be answered yes or no. Then she abruptly lost interest.
Liberals cannot handle this approach.
‘DIVERSITY’ = D.G. HALL’s code word for Beeboid political campaign for expansion and promotion of non-white ethnicity, and non-British, non-indigenous culture.
This ‘one degree of separation’ style of reporting can have its merits… ‘Next Thursday, the Culture Select Committee, as part of its series on the future of the BBC, holds a session with Lenny Henry as the lead witness. Lord Hall needs to have made him happy by then.’
The ‘witnesses’ this committee are seeing wheeled out seem to originate from a shallow pool.
More pernicious ‘diversity’ in practice in Britain-
“‘British Jihadist’ Video Calls For Iraq Recruits.
Footage emerges of militants urging Westerners to join the fight in Iraq as ISIS launches a global social media campaign.”
By definition they cannot be Westerners. They might live in the West but that is all. The customs and laws of the West are alien to them. So describing them as Westerners is absurd.
That smug, middle-class and arrogant presenter epitomizes everything I hate about sanctimonious left-wing trendies… and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, what a pathetic joke.
The presenter was far far worse than YAB. They all are . Cloned and predictable in their opinions.
Also woefully ill informed about the world outside their media bubblr.
This is the same YAB that hopes to see the white male become extinct in 100 years. Yes really, look it up. YAB is a racist, sexist bigot of huge proportions. One of the Asians tossed out of Uganda in the 70’s. I worked with one of her cohort who never stopped talking about how beautiful Uganda was and how big their house there was, and how many ‘black servants’ her father employed.
Area 51 and Alien Conspiracy Enthusiast/Immature loser says:
I’m sorry if this offends some but I really feel that we should never have let these useless articles in as they hate England and Britain and moan constantly… they are the enemy who constantly undermine our traditions and heritage whilst yet enjoying the comforts our forefathers spilled blood to create. It’s funny, they moan about the nasty English but yet prefer living here rather than the third world cesspits their ancestors came from. If they hate us so much why are they here? Why can’t this ‘I Don’t Have An Alibhai-Brown’ woman go and find her forebears (and get lost in the process)?
What they really want is to turn England in to a copy of their third world country of origin with better sanitation and public utilities. We are in the way particularly if you a a male and educated past a basic level.
There is reason the shit holes of the world are like they are. Not that they will ever admit it . IThey and the liberals tell us it is all the fault of male whitey.
There is something called social capital. It takes generations and centuries to build up. Easily destroyed that is what is actually happening to old England. Not that the liberal cares.
Censorship by the BBC means only people calling for Censorship are allowed free speech by the BBC.
Its why Andrew Montford, Christopher Booker, Donna Laframboise and scientists with answers such as Richard Lindzen, Piers Corbyn and Henrik Svensmark are censored by the BBC.
So scientist are now starting to do their own Journalism, and post articles about the science censored by the BBC in books, newsletters and any other publications that do not censor debate.
Apart from Books and University newsletters, outside of the Internet, only the GWPF, Mensa and UKIP publications seem to be completely free from censorship in Britain.
Here’s a bit more that may raise a smile, (previously shared but I also had a scope at the comments):
Mr. Cameron again placing himself shoulder to shoulder with Ed Miliband.
The womanly peroxide sink still handed vast broadcast time digging her credibility hole, and nicely editted vox pops.
YAB says she’s never used unpleasant words. Shame James D. (not the best advocate, frankly) & this supposed journo were not more aware of her and Ms. Abbott’s on record utterances to lay bare the rampant hypocrisy being deployed here.
Anyway, coffee break over here too, and off now back to a life ((c) Howard. D) with the fam outdoors as the bunker boys rattle around risking rickets serving the BBC here all day.
Tonight’s 7 p.m. bBBC ‘news’ led with the item that ‘British’ militants are encouraging more ‘British’ psychopaths to join them and other ‘British’ extremists fighting with ‘British’ men in Iraq and Syria. Did I mention that they were ‘British’? The bBBC did, about every five seconds.
Harrison Schmitt was American, he was the only scientist to walk on the Moon, he was the Geologist who confirmed that the Moon was not made of cheese, he is now a prominent man-made-climate sceptic.
Obama has just accused Climate sceptics of believing that the Moon is made of Cheese, but then, he is Americas first black president.
No he isn’t. He is of mixed race, brought up by his white mother with help from her own parents after his black father left her.
Taking into account his genetic make up and upbringing I would say he is about 80% non black African. But then supposed dark skin colour counts so much more than any other aspect of a successful ”black’ person to the BBC & left wing media
‘Sky News,’ not INBBC on Boko Haram on Nigeria-Cameroon border.
(This report is by Ms Alex Crawford, not by an INBBC Muslim reporter from Islamic Radio Hausa.)
“Boko Haram Threat Spreads Into Cameroon.
Sky reports from Cameroon, where Islamists are spilling over the border from Nigeria to terrorise villages and grab young boys.”
“After failing to stop production of new Muslim-themed TV series, ‘Tyrant,’ CAIR thugs are pressuring reviewers of FX’s ‘Tyrant’ to address what they call ‘stereotypes of Muslim, Arab culture'”
The Islamic Jihad threat is under Beeboid reporters’ noses in all continents, and in Britain. But still INBBC has not got the nature of this Islamic, globally inter-connected, ever-present danger.
A joy to hear Justin Webb fluff on with Sol Campbell about the failings of the England football team.
Poor Justin knew as much about football as he does about all other plebbish, oiky issues…and his “interview” showed his class-based private school toff ignorance..This was just before the 8am news on Today.
Just AFTER the 8am news however was some OFSTED flannel about too many toffs from private school doing well in sports.
Don`t recall any of our lads last night-nor indeed many football players-being toffs like Justin or Miliband, Cameron r Clegg…hence the reason why the BBC toffs have to patronise football, doff their top hats at the game. But know f***all about it, as Justin clearly proved.
Perfect timing from the BBC-the toffs running sports and being successful..but the only game in town at the moment is played, watched and funded by the oiks.
OFSTED are just lefty guilt tripping multiculti oafs like the BBC…
“Pair jailed for Edinburgh’s Central Mosque bacon attack”
‘… Bacon attack’, they actually ran with…. ‘Bacon attack’?
The BBC seems dedicated to the Montoyaisation of the English language, drip, by oozing drip.
The act was daft, disrespectful, provocative and deserved a fine or something, but jailing folk for inappropriate deployment of foodstuffs is only explicable when the nation media monopoly can describe it as an ‘attack’, apparently placing it on par with what happens to Nairobi shopping malls (actually didn’t the BBC have that fall down by mystery means with people getting not alive by equally vague mechanisms?).
If true to form, it won’t be long before the BBC impose their crack down. Richard ‘B-word’, anybody? Lucky we’ve still got those laser guided sausages!
I wonder if the months-long custodial sentence for desecrating a place of worship would have drawn more interest from the liberal brigade if it had been, say, a Russian feminist group noisily crashing a Christian service.
BBC – “Ahmed Muthana:
“Somebody is driving those kids to do this”
yep! … spot on
long time dead now though
but, funny how cult leaders inspire long after their demise.
good job … they didn t make Hitler a ahem “prophet”, and have a yearly pilgrimage
to the bunker eh!.
the most dangerous ideology on this planet
not militant, not insurgent, not al quaida, not boko haram … and not isis
… Islam … the problem … the issue … all encompassing …
… the leader?, the “erm “perfect example, for every muslim … the “seal of the prophets”
to be obeyed more than ones own father?
… his guidebook? unchangeable? above any law?, that it is a fascist wet dream? … no problem?.
aloha snackbar and all that
any picture emerging?
then … of course, even after 1400 yrs of countless and consistent examples?
… it could be “islamofauxbia”
Radio 4 Today is heavily running the father of a young Jihadi who has gone to Syria.
There’s the usual talk of ‘radicalisation’ and an interview with some one from the useless brigade, who used to be called the ‘Police’ but have changed into some horrible oppressive political correctness enforcement squad.
There’s a short mention that this guy was obviously intelligent, and was offered a place at medical school, but as usual there’s no investigation into how this ‘radicalisation’ happens, nor the verses in the Qur’an which enable it to happen.
It’s as if the BBC expect it’s audience to accept that somehow a Muslim magician waves a wand and suddenly someone is ‘radicalised’ !
The father can’t understand how it’s happened to his son. Well allow me to shine some light for you.
It’s happened because of a lifetimes religious indoctrination which began when you took him to the madrassa at the age of 5 and continued every day with prayers and fasting.
It doesn’t just happen accidentally there’s a whole lifetime of indoctrination there as preparation – something never mention by a BBC desperate to deflect any kind of blame from their favourite brown eyed boys.
‘offered a place at medical school’
Ah, question no sooner asked than answered.
So Glasgow bound then to spread Hippocratic happiness in departure halls near you.
Time to start refusing entry to the young men – and deporting their parents for bringing them up that way. Plus – name their local imams and other influences. Extreme times require extreme measures.
I despise Dyke and his ability to morph into public sector greybeard sinecures as he likes.
Like Simon Jenkins, Bonnie Greer and all the rest of the gilded truffle hounds pimping off our cultural life whilst slitting our purses to pay for it all.
That said-when Justin Webb reads out crap about whether Hodgson needs to go to make way for say Gary Lineker…we just KNOW that the rubber buggers/Eton water boatmen/Hay-ho Flinty gels there at the BBC can just f*** off…no story here.
England were better this time round than anytime since 2002, as far as I could see…I could no more play football in the rain forest after a hard season that walk round the pitch!…so felt they did pretty well.
Few more years-just 3/4 changes…and we`ve got the makings of a good team under Uncle Roy.
The BBC like to pull up things just for news stories and for changing headlines-they hate the national game, save for allowing scum like Gary Richardson to get a pension…so Dyke is right.
Four more years Roy-and f*** the BBC!
Insightful analysis from “expert” Ian Groves on BBC Breakfast regarding the drop-out medical student’s recruitment call: “Those responding to this drive aren’t really any different to those who joined the International Brigade in Spain…there’s no reason to conclude ISIS is any threat to Britain – though if we stop these Brits (his term) going off to fight they may conclude Britain IS their enemy”
None of this was challenged IIRC. Can’t find any background for this absurd Richard Griffiths lookalike.
It also sticks in the craw of BBC journalists that muslims, who have been given educational opportunities in Britain, are fighting in Iraq. It doesn’t fit in with the “disaffected become rebellious” left-wing narrative that they like to peddle.
-another consequence of immigration into U.K from Islamic countries-
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘I disown my sons.
If they come back alive, they should go to jail’: Father’s fury after British medical student, 20 and his 17-year-old brother go to fight jihad and appear in chilling ISIS recruitment video.”
“UK: Muslims face jail after beating non-Muslim while handing out Islamic tracts”
-{Excerpt, by Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’}-
“It seems ludicrous at first glance: a gang of Muslims thrashing a non-Muslim bloody while pausing to hand out pro-Muslim leaflets. Ordinarily, one would think that it would have crossed their minds that they weren’t exactly presenting an attractive picture of Islam by punching, kicking, and hitting someone with a crutch — but then it all starts to make sense. They were illustrating Muhammad’s statement: As Muhammad said, ‘I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.’ (Sahih Muslim 30) So the passersby could see: if they wanted their property and lives to be protected, they needed to convert to Islam forthwith.”
The original is here, no mention on the Beeb about this vicious jihad hate crime.
A gang of devout Luton Muslims who chanted ‘f**k the Queen’ after battering an innocent football fan to the ground and leaving him covered in blood are facing jail.
Andrew White was set upon by ten Asian men as he walked along Oxford Street in London’s West End.He was hit on the back of the head by ringleader Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, of Hazelbury Crescent, Luton, and punched, kicked, and struck with a crutch as he lay prone on the ground.
When the Muslim group shouted ‘F*ck the Queen’ as Mr White lay bleeding on the ground, football supporters responded by singing the national anthem, the Old Bailey heard.
The gang had cleared the area of Asian women and children before the attack, and handed out pro-Muslim leaflets as the violence was happening.
I followed the link and came across this snippet: Aziz, an associate of firebrand cleric Anjem Choudary
Would that be the same AC known to the two Muslims who beheaded Tpr Rigby, known to those idiots in the East End and their Shaira zone, the same AC known to so many idiots on control orders and who bugger off to the lands they sought asylum from, when wanted for carrying out the orders of Allah.
It seems that Anjem Choudary is a nasty piece of work, who has his gubby hands in plots of plots and acts of violence in the Uk, and yet the bBC still cannot see this and have him on speed dial in which to get him in the studio as fast as possible in which to speak about Islamic victimhood whenever somebody is killed by a muslim in the UK and the bBC fears of a backlash.
“The Metropolitan Police have been resolute in investigating this ahem … “criminality”? …
and the group have now been held to account for their actions by the court.”
bBC bias for all to see.
So if there was a story about a tory councillor who who hurled homophobic abuse at a colleague during a public spat do you think the bBC would cover it? So why is it a week after Farooq Ahmed a former labour councillor resigned from the Labour party for doing just that hasn’t the bBC decided to mention it. Councillor fined for homophobic abuse of colleague quits Labour over ‘lack of support’
A councillor who hurled homophobic abuse at a colleague during a public spat has resigned from the Labour party – and blamed it for not supporting him. Farooq Ahmed – formerly Rochdale council’s finance chief – was convicted last week of a public order offence that saw him yell ‘queer’ at a fellow councillor. He had been suspended by the Labour party since February, shortly after the incident occurred…Coun Ahmed was arguing with Neil Emmott – a fellow Labour councillor and employee of Mr Danczuk – about an article the MP had written about Rochdale’s grooming scandal. During the course of the row he swore, called his colleague a ‘queer’ and warned him: “Watch your back.” Manchester magistrates court fined him £1,000 with £625 costs and ordered him to pay his victim £250 compensation after he was found guilty of a public order offence.
He can thank his lucky stars he didn’t tweet the above, then the bBC would have been all over him. Yeah right.
We don’t want to know whether his family are ‘heartbroken’ but we certainly wish to know how much of a threat these young Muslim fanatics (or conservatives as the Left prefer to put it) pose to our safety.
I’m sick of the BBC trying to sanitize the crazed and evil actions of extremist Muslims with tales of sympathy from the moderates.
This week’s Feedback on Radio 4 looked at the question of political balance – specifically the time allowed to UKIP as against the Greens. (13 minutes in) Roger Bolton then asked Ric Bailey, the BBC Chief Political Advisor in charge of impartiality, , how the BBC ensured there was overall balance. Did someone track all the strands of coverage of the parties ? No – that would drive a person crazy.
“It is left to the individual producers to ensure balance on their programme”.
Hello !!! Quis custodiet ipsos custodes – Who guards the guards – if the producers themselves are drawn mostly from the leftie BBC bubble ?
And no-one is taking an overall view ? This is scandalous – a dereliction of responsibility.
What amazed me on feedback was the statement that 1400 people had complained that the bbc coverage of Ukip during the euro elections was bias in Ukips favour! Eh!
You`ll find that the Met as well as the PCS count was actually 250,000…and enough to claim a landslide in Tower Hamlets, whilst we`re at it.
No More or Less investigation of this one though eh?…not when there FoI requests and leaked emails on Tory spats to trawl for, using license payers money.
The party that promises to ban the TV Licence as funding terrorism will get my vote…wake up UKIP!
Black Armbands at New Broadcasting House , one of the Guilford 4 dies , did he know the ones that did it? The banning of Khat from Africa .Ebola strikes down a lot of West Africans. Cheering at the same Regent Street Mudhut , Illegals saved from a rusting hulk in the Med , now in Hideously White Europe , heading our way . All of al bbc comrades , just evil .
Today there is a mass demonstration against Tory austerity, with appearances by BBC idols, Russell Brant, Caroline Lucas, St Owen Jones and a hold of Stop the War, UAF and Union leaders. It started outside BBC HQ in London. But not one mention by the BBC so far. What is happening?
After combing many sites all I can find on the comrades against austerity outside BBC House is a short report from RT news and scores of complaints on Twitter about a media blackout. What is happening? Over 50,000 leftists protesting against the government and not a peep from the BBC.
A word of advice for those posting comments; don’t forget to include a winking smiley when you want to take the piss out of someone’s comment, but look like you’re just pulling their leg and being ‘matey’.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported these stories from the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) Central African Republic Conflict: Two Christian Hostages Publicly Executed Two Christian hostages captured after violence between Muslims and Christians broke out on Monday have been publicly executed in Central African Republic, or CAR.
Tortured bodies found in CAR river Bangui – Ten bodies showing signs of torture have been found this week in a river in the troubled Central African Republic, a security official said on Thursday. The bodies were found in the central Bambari region…… near where the mainly-Muslim ex-Seleka rebels have established their new headquarters.
Exiled former president’s support for rebel group increases likelihood of widespread violence and coup risks in CAR Michel Djotodia, the former interim President of the Central African Republic (CAR), on 17 June allegedly reaffirmed his support for ex-Séléka rebels operating in the country. He said that there were 17,000 ex-Séléka militia and that they would retake the capital Bangui by the end of 2014, according to a report in news source Jeune Afrique . Djotodia was the leader of Séléka coalition, which comprised more than 25,000 fighters from at least four armed groups that overthrew President François Bozizé in March 2013.
At least 22 killed in fighting in east of Central Africa Fighting between mainly Muslim ex-rebels and the largely Christian ‘anti-balaka’ militia has killed at least 22 people in eastern Central African Republic, security officials said Thursday…‘We have also counted 127 homes burned by the ex-Seleka and armed Fulani. Other people were kidnapped and taken to Bambari by the latter, who on Tuesday publicly executed two men,’ the source added.
It appears that when Muslims are doing the killing in C.A.R. the bBC just doesn’t want to know.
Now a week and a half since my we can’t reply straight away response and a month since the original complaint about fake Romanians. Still waiting. I haven’t forgotten
I see they really are milking the death of non-entity and innocent gerry conlon to keep rubbing the English’s noses in it, it’s nearly as bad as when mandingo corked it
Yes, they received compensation. But that’s not the same.
Here’s a quote from one of them:
‘Back then it was the Irish, now it’s Muslims. But nobody is safe, one of the Guildford Four was English. Everyone thinks this happens to other people, but it’s closer than you think’.
Continued my Google search and there’s no reference to either the Birmingham Six or the Guildford Four suing the authorities. As being innocent, why didn’t they?
Please enlighten me, RiddleMeThis. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer re this web thingy.
Ex Gratia payments are extremely rare and are a complete acknowledgement of liability by the Home Secretary, therefore bypassing the need for a civil action which would have been uncontested.
They were exonerated. Had they been unhappy with the settlement or had any stain remained on their name I expect they would have used the civil system but the unequivocal nature of their discharge meant it was unnecessary.
Are you suggesting that they were guilty? Yes or no will suffice.
in fact conlon was found not guilty, exoneration was not at issue.
are you privy to his legal advice? how do you known that he decided not to sue because he got as much as he would have done had he sued rather than because his conduct would have been exposed in court?
Although the Guildford Four scandal has been known for 30 years the case files remain classified.
Along with the Birmingham Six the material associated with the investigation and prosecution is held under the Official Secrets Act where it can remain shut to the public for 75 years.
Mr Conlon in recent years took up the cause of a number of dissident republicans jailed in Northern Ireland including Marian Price.
according to `diddlemethis`, “All four did of course. You and your ‘liker’ might try reading about that first before jumping the gun. I hear google is easy to use.” Perhaps he or she could follow their own advice next time.
In 1977, having spent the first 13 years of my working life in the armed forces and then travelling round the world working for other countries’ armed forces, I returned to the UK and joined Surrey Police. My first posting was Guildford Police Station. It was three years after the bombing of The Horse & Groom and the Seven Stars pubs.
I met many of those who were involved in the investigation and got first hand accounts of what happened.
Much later I found out that at an early stage information had come in from a particular source (presumably an informant in Northern Ireland) that part of PIRA’s ASU involved in the bombings were using squats as a cover. A number of police went undercover, living as down and outs in the areas where they thought the ASU were.
At the same time a photofit of a woman who was seen leaving a bag under a seat in the Horse and Groom was circulated. The photofit was recognised by an RUC Special Branch officer who identified the ‘woman’ as Paul Hill, who, if memory serves me right, was wanted in connection with the murder of a Policeman a couple of years prior.
People have to bear in mind that PIRA had two other ASUs in the UK at that time, one being the gang who had murdered PC Stephen Tibble and Ross McWhirter of Guiness Book of Records fame. They were conducting a bombing campaign in central London and I personally think they carried out the Woolwich bombing.
When Hill and his gang were brought in they were subject to ill treatment (but not torture as has been claimed). However their behaviour from the outset was violent and confrontational and continued during their time at Guildford police station. An example being that they would ask for water, which obviously couldn’t be refused. This was give in paper cups which they would then urinate in and when the cell door hatch was opened, they would hurl it through the hatch.
The first to break was Carole Richardson (now living under an assumed name, which I know, not far from Hampton Court).
There was a young and very personable temporary detective constable who she had somehow taken to.
Her words were, “I’m not talking to any of you cunts, but I’ll tell XXXXXX”
She then laid out what had taken place. With her confession the others gave in.
What most people either don’t know or have forgotten is that two Met Police senior bomb squad officers, Bob Huntley and Peter Imbert (later Met Commisioner) interviewed Conlon in prison where he gave chapter and verse of the IRA battle order in the UK. This was secretly taped by Huntley & Imbert, but later ruled as inadmissible by an Appeal Court Judge whose name escapes me.
It has to be pointed out that none of the Guildford or Birmingham bomber, nor the Maguire group were ever acquitted. Their convictions were overturned as ‘being unsatisfactory’
Much has been made by their cheerleaders (BBC included) that the Griess forensic tests were misinterpreted by Professor Keith Skuse, but it is unfortunate for them that the original swab samples were still available many years later and when tested by more up to date forensic analysis, showed conclusively that the Birmingham gang had handled nitroglycerine.
Interestingly the Birmingham gang were arrested on a train when they were on their way back to NI to attend the funeral of an IRA bomber who had the misfortune to blow himself up in Coventry a couple of weeks earlier.
Am I pleased that Conlon has died? You betcha I am!!
Thanks for that. Most informative and confirming a lot of what I am sure a lot of public inquiring minds suspected.
Also thanks for your many years great public service too.
Such great stories you have I am sure would sell a good book?
as we write the bbc is commissioning a greengrass or a mcqueen to produce a `dwama` based on PTO’s version events. it will be shown shortly after MtW have parodied riddle’s apologia.
It was playing cards. Apparently, and I’m no forensic scientist, some compound or substance found on the back of playing cards can give a similar reading to nitroglycerine when using the griess test. Boot polish can do the same.
The Birmingham bunch were playing cards on the way back to attend the IRA funeral.
On another matter there is a prominent and well known ‘human rights’ solicitor who was always used by the IRA. In one instant and IRA bomber was stopped on the M25 and taken immediately to Paddington Green Police Station. Before he got there, and long before there was any press statement she was on her way to the police station. An IRA spotter vehicle that had been following the bomber called it in and she was on her way.
Much later, when I moved into the intelligence business I found out that she was doing certain unlawful acts and that there was a prima facie case to charge her with perverting the course of justice in relation to evidence. A very high up political decision was taken not to pursue it. I won’t name the individual but most will be able to work out who she was.
I attended the trial of the Birmingham Six at Lancaster Castle. I was convinced of the guilt of these men when I received information from persons who attended the trial and knew them well.
Also, if my memory serves me right, Michael Mansfield represented them at the appeal, as TPO says doubt was cast upon the evidence regarding the swab samples taken from their hands. They claimed that the nitro compunds detected in the samples came from the playing cards they used in the train travelling from Birmingham to Heysham.
TOP mentions the fact that subsequent and more up to date analysis isolated these nitro compounds as being constituents of high explosives. I think that the only newspaper to reveal this fact was the Daily Telegraph, and was instantly dismissed by Mansfield as the result of cross contamination of the samples by them being stored in a room with high explosives. As if!
Good luck. There are a couple of books around, as you probably know already, but I doubt if they are what you are looking for as a result of legal restrictions, and PC pressures.
That is so weird.
Llareggub above mentioned the Austerity demo in London today- 50,000 expected – and yet there is no mention whatsoever on the BBC website from what I can see?
Are the BBC deliberately ignoring this?
I think it must be the case since I have NEVER EVER seen the BBC fail to do a lefty promotion with such a reporting opportunity like this demo..
Possibly it could be to fill the ‘bias bucket’ with some right wingery in response to yesterday IDS Welfare Department put in an official bias complaint in to them?
Cannot wait now to see the left response, which surely they will be since the signed up NUJ members, (some attending rally), must be absolutely seething in the newsrooms sat there with masking tape over their mouths!
It tops the news across the globe. Search ‘Gerry Conlon’ on Twitter and you will notice coverage in almost every language imaginable. It is a story of huge interest.
well I have goodled it and funnily enough the first page of links are mainly to pro-ira media reports of poor Gerry’s premature demise. before you get to `conlon`, your `gerry` gets directed to `adams` funnily enough.
incidentally, what did poor gerry die of, wasn’t guilt was it?
Cancer. Luckily for you there are no libel laws to protect the dead but you do a great disservice to the victims by maintaining that those convicted were guilty after all. The murdering bastards who carry this out remain free men and the families have to face that everyday. You think what you like despite all evidence.
I think your disregard for the bereaved is pretty sick.
Sorry, Riddle – TPO’s comment exposes your position as the usual Guardianista rubbish.
TPO is an old hand here and is known to be credible witness, with first hand, inside experience. That is, as opposed to some twerp who regurgitates the prescribed bien pensant line.
An absolute travesty that the victims are left with no answers. And no. I don’t believe for a second that IRA leadership would do the decent thing. No change there.
And he never sued in a Civil Court. Why? After all, he and the Civil Court could have heard ALL the evidence under Civil Law. Evidence that was not presented at the original Criminal trial by the prosecution, perhaps?
South Africa starting to go for Blair now too:
Damming Tony Blair’s legacy article
The following extract is so amazing since it includes statement: “regret never having supported a campaign to try Blair for war crimes. statement about Blair facing War Crimes”
“It is widely accepted that Tony Blair’s government featured some desperately ill people, from alcoholics to bulimics to paranoiacs to manic depressives and cross-dressers caught gagging on orange balls in public lavatories — the era of sneering, awful, liberals from Jack Straw to Claire Short to Peter Hain.
But Blair, particularly over Iraq, was the worst of them all: not only is he responsible for the 179 deaths; the £9bn cost; the thousands of maimed young — but New Labour’s legacy will be revealed by fuel poverty and by young British Jihadis who will return from Syria or Iraq to their home country with the express purpose of mass murder.
Despite political volatility factored into oil pricing, there is only so much the markets can absorb before it all goes piss in a kettle: when it does — which it will — we will deeply regret never having supported a campaign to try Blair for war crimes.
I’ve just watched the bBC report on Iraq and somehow blame the US for not stopping ISIS and then its lead fat Islamic terrorist apologist gave his view that the Iraqi army just hasn’t a clue to stop the ISIS advance. But I’m surprised that the bBC editors haven’t elucidated the full story.
Iraq is a patchwork of relgious Islamic sects throw together into one huge boiling pot. In the North you have Kurds, In the centre you have Sunni and in the South you have Shia. None get on with the other, and like TITO with Yugoslavia, Saddam held the country together with a huge big stick. Here is what I mean:
Now have a look at the areas where ISIS have quickly advanced into:
Its advance has been in predominately Sunni areas. Like the Serbs in Yugoslavia, the Sunni feel that they have been stabbed in the back by the rest and thus they have largely supported the ISIS advance through Their areas. Once they hit Shia areas, that may be a different story and I’ll bet that ISIS don’t advance too far into enemy (Shia) territory. The powers that be know this and I think they are all looking at the breakup of Iraq into 3 distinctive parts , which should hopefully put paid to a lot of the long-term angst in the country. However before that, there will be a lot of blood letting.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned any of the above?
Got to love the idiot liberal take on any world conflict haven`t you?
The Sunni-Shia schism has been in evidence since the 6th/7th Century…yet it all turns out to be the fault of Blair and Bush with their reckless hubris.
Islam`s ongoing civil war has been going then for 14/15 centuries…so the BBC blame a cartoon, a Pope or the likes of me for not welcoming Lee Rigbys butchers into my nursery premises….
Typical liberal eejits…so BBC!
The BBC’s take is that the 2003 Iraq war allowed such sectarian divisions to resurface. they really believe Saddam kept a lid on such tensions by applying his own brand of soothing justice.
it is just mind boggling tonight that inteview on the bbc with the father of one of them jihadis in cardiff that nobody knew what his intention was went he went to iraq to fight the dirty kuffar and infidel,i was always under the impression that the muslim community are very close knit and know what exactly what is going on in there is just baffling that fathers,mothers,sisters,grandads,uncles,cousins etc etc did not have a clue at all about members of there family going missing for months,i smell a rat here and i think there familys are pulling the blinds over the medias eyes with all this constant denial about there sons involment with isis and al qaeda,worrying news tonight that 300 of this isis lot have returned to england and are no doubt living in the same houses with the same family who did not have a clue what they was doing when they went missing for months on end,how strange,
Even when they know and see the signs – a boy going to see strange people a lot, often growing a beard and adopting traditional Asian dress, becoming ultra-religious – they do not intervene, they do not tell the police – they don;t even try to get their mosque to look into the matter. We have seen this time after time – parents “amazed” that their sons have become jihadis when many of the warning signs were there.
And in one of the current cases – the elder boy goes away – and the parents then let him summon the younger boy to joiun him ?
C’mon – its unbelievable. Unless you are dumb and naive like a BBC reporter – or deliberately wanting to twist the truth, to deny the obvious.
All the result of years and years of uncontrolled PC “education” in the schools and universities, where whistleblowers were marginalised or sacked on the excuse of “Islamophobia” and for daring to dissent from the gospel of multiculturalism.
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pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
Jeez, BBC Points West finds over two minutes in a 7 minute broadcast (inc weather) to give an over-sympathetic non topical report on a Syrian anti Assad asylum seeker.
Its not about the rights or wrongs of events in Syria, but why is it necessary for a local BBC production to give an overview on an international problem with the narrative ‘poor asylum seekers’. We’re told they only get £5 a day and are ‘just a number’ yet we see a charity hall full of them looking well fed and clothed as indeed was ‘poor’ Mohammed…. The charity rep pleads for more donations as they are being ‘squeezed’
What happened to the old adage ‘charity begins at home’ ? What about our old who can’t afford to heat their homes in winter? That’s a real charity case. Without a ready supply of ‘donations’ would the BBC keep broadcasting inconsequential pro immigration sh1t like this?
Judge for yourselves 4.05 in
But the richest countries on the planet are stone’s throw (lol) away from Syria/Iraq/etc ???? And they share the same backward 7th century religion too.
5 quid? Is this UK or Syria? Half the world lives on less than 2 quid a day.
Look at the map. How does someone fleeing Syria come to the UK? Why evade Rebel/Free Syria, Turkey and Lebanon to get here?
Jim Muir tells us that life is normal in Mosul. He managed to point out that they ‘were not forcing women to wear the hijab’, which looked awfully like he was putting words into the mouth of the car driver he was interviewing.
Nicki Campbell’s phone in the other day ” WHITE children are the lowest performing group in schools !!!” ( strange how the media has discovered the colour ‘white’ all of a sudden, yet they can’t bring themselves to say ‘black’ when it comes to knife crime, the euphemism is ‘yoofs’. NUJ rules. )
I suppose the ‘effnik’ kids are right little professors, studying Latin, Greek, nuclear physics, philosophy, violin and piano lessons !!
It seems we *can* to break down and analyse children’s education into skin colour groups, but we are not allowed to break down or even question crime figures by skin colour or ethnicity. Unsurprising double standards.
I don’t buy that survey at all. Here’s a ‘wonderful’ comprehensive. A Leeds school with 314 pupils and 55 languages. Read and weep.
”Native English speakers are a minority at 314-pupil City of Leeds School
”The head teacher says many students are not even literate in own language
Georgiana Sale says: ‘Sometimes we are the first to put a pen in their hand’
All students will be taught English as a foreign language to raise standards”
Does it not occur to these numpties that teaching TEFL to English kids is not exactly an admission of success.
WTF are they play at?
Indeed according to the Daily Mail we are to have a committee to fast track ethnic minority programmes and backstage staff. Can you imagine how Rita Chacribati for example would feel if she was told that she had the job because she came from an ethnic minority rather than because she was the best applicant.
Eno Oroatur, the Nigerian weather girl on North West Tonight, was clearly the best candidate for the job. She dresses flamboyantly and speaks heavily accented English. Who needs boring white people to do the job, with their square clothes and clear pronunciation?
”She dresses flamboyantly and speaks heavily accented English.”
She sounds like Carmen Miranda.
She was the one who wore beautiful hats made up of fruits. Very jolly.
Yesterday there was a photo of Boris and the late interviewer of Newsnight with a bunch of bananas on their heads. At least that was what I thought until I realised that they were wearing cycle helmets.
Yes she also can not pronounce Cumbria, amongst several other words, she even admitted to that live on air. Which one would have thought would be a basic requirement for weather forcasting in the area. “Eno’s first job with the BBC came at Radio Leeds where she worked on the breakfast show, doing everything from producing content to presenting.
Coming back over the Pennines, Eno was then North West Tonight’s autocue operator for a short spell before she applied for the late weather presenter position” So yes obviously a prime candidate. It also appears that the North west has at least four weather forecasters, plus the news presenter does the weather at 09:00 so why do they need a forecaster for the period before?
Carmen Miranda
didn’t look like (in my opinion) a brickie in a dress.
A girl called Eno?
Yeek!…from Eno Orator to Ena Sharples eh?
What`s going up up there in the land of Stuart hall and David Davies?…whatever happened to that double act then?
Would such a percentage of BAME prseneters and actors be representtaive of the population as a whole?
Or indeed anywhere outside a couple of cities?
The Beeb seems increasingly to be a ‘faraway place of which we know little’
Lucky this is all funded by the telly tax
1 in 7? Surely we’ve passed that already?
This can only mean plenty of reverse discrimination against existing or future presenters, or if you prefer racial discrimination against white British (can I say that?) what happened to getting a job on merit?
”can I say that?”
You just did !
”can I say that?”
The real tragedy is that you think that you even have to ask.
Purely rhetorical.
“Getting a job on merit”, well it works on crimewatch.
“One in seven BBC presenters and actors to be black, Asian or ethnic minority”
So can we expect more Chinese, Sikhs, Thais, Hasidic Jews (fat chance!), Poles and Latvians?
Or, in reality, is this just code for more blacks and Muslims?
It’s all window dressing and tokenism to appear non waaycist. I suspect the BBC Board of Governors, the old boys network will not be diverse, the job pays too well.
….and is there any hope in hell that we will have a truly representative political outlook across BBC employees…i.e. at least as many right-leaning as left-leaning employees ?
I’ll just count the tumbleweeds drifting by whilst waiting for any BBC answer to that one.
Wrong type of diversity I’m afraid.
Diverse on ethnicity – monocultural on political outlook.
If I lived in India in a minority community would I expect IBC (if it exists) to hire white presenters to placate me? Or would I simply understand that I’m in a minority? Would I be perfectly able to accept a presenter who wasn’t white because the vast majority of people around me in society weren’t white neither?
Why does the BBC think BEMs are any different?
Spent some time in Thailand years ago. I didn’t expect any concessions and didn’t get any.
I wish someone would have the guts to point out that if you choose to move to a country, it’s reasonable to assume that it’s because you see some virtues in that country as it stands, not because you think the people are gullible enough to allow you to replicate the country you left behind.
Nobody could be that gullible …..
yet to see a Chinese or Japanese reporter on the BBC ?
Oh, noes!
A full squadron of Flokkers has scrambled.
Do you not know of the new economics Prof., Lovely Linda, whose main contribution thus far seems to have been a few posts and selfies about her and her new BFF’s at Davos or somewhere similar.
I think it’s a ploy by the BBC to get more money. If they go down to just 1-in-7 for PSEM’s (Preferred Status Ethnic Minorities) then they are going to have to make lots of news staff redundant, plus remake hundreds of children programmes for CBeebies and CBBC. Cunning BBC!
A Whites only sacking policy, until they get the correct 1:7 ratio, as a starter before the abolition of the licence fee.
Then in a free market they would need to return to employment on merit.
Indeed according to the Daily Mail we are to have a committee to fast track ethnic minority programmes and backstage staff. Can you imagine how Rita Chacribati for example would feel if she was told that she had the job because she came from an ethnic minority rather than because she was the best applicant.
You mean she didn’t ?
Apologies, double posting again in error (and in different places too)
the reason why “White” children are falling behind at school is that some children who cant speak the lingo get extra help way more than the others.At what cost to our childrens education
Just read a report where one school is treating all pupils to lessons in ‘English as a Foreign Language’, whether they are native English speakers or not.
Now, that may even be a good thing for some native English speakers, but what’s the chances that quite a few kids will be bored stiff by such lessons….. cue the normal response from kids bored to death in classrooms; cue the loss of interest in learning by them; cue the stats going the wrong way for certain groups of students.
The indoctrination in diversity begins in the pre-school nurseries. See the charters they use to advertise their programmes. Children of pallor begin school heavily indoctrinated with white guilt whilst children of colour are assisted in building up their self confidence and awareness of their identity
I can vouch for this. A few years ago, I set up a pre-school in our village. Even though it was a 100% white intake, we had to have a multi-lingual “Welcome” poster showing a girl in a hijab and a variety of “ethnic” dolls and toys.
Yes good move. BBC like that socialist dichotomy. They send their own children to private schools claiming it’s a ‘moral choice’ knowing full well that state schools are crammed with multi-culturalism problems that conflict with the purpose of an English education. We can see from international league tables how ‘successful’ that policy is and how the ‘fiddled’ UK school league tables continue to plummet to EU socialist agendas. Destroying English identity.
They all will be. The problems of native speakers who are not fully literate are not the same as those of foreign learners of English.
I think points are given for diversity, not academic ability or intelligence.
A school in Devon had to send the kids to an inner city dump, so that the school would get a better score.
The weird thing is that now a school with poor results because of zero diversity, would mean that the kids would have a better chance of going to Oxford, than a school with good results because of a 100% diversity score.
So in some ways, political correctness can produce contradictory outcomes that would assist intelligent white kids from schools with bad scores due to zero diversity.
The loony lefties like unintelligent people because these people make them fell superior, so that is why they oppose Grammar schools and have turned everything in education upside-down.
Here’s another link to Rod Liddle’s spat with Alibhai-Brown and a leftie Channel 4 interviewer :
What the filthy YAB needs to know is that there would be a host of people lining up behind Fabricant to get their punch in too……..she is the perfect example of the ungrateful islamic bitch whose family were given exile by this country…….she exalted in the deaths of 3000 souls in NewYork…..foul, ugly creature….
….lining up behind Fabricant…. – or jumping in front of him ?
I for one wouldn’t be lining up to punch her.
I’d be taking a lump hammer to the ugly munter’s face.
Often one has to look to the past to see the remedy. It’s time to bring back the ducking stool for the likes of this ungrateful immigrant
The idiot comment (if deliberately misquoted by the twittragesphere for maximum flounce) by Mr. Fabricant that followed was so unhelpful and frustrating, as it has offered a minor but now present and pervasive distraction from the car crash that was not just for Ms. AB, but also the blonde chair, who clearly had ripped up any pretence of being impartial from the outset.
Guessing Ian Katz has her on the line throwing Jezza’s wedge her way as we speak.
The irony here, is that the very idiots who are bitching about a punch in the throat tweet, remain silent on how the very Islamic Y.A.B subscribes to a codex where it is perfectly fine to punch females in the throat, or rape them, stone them to death, cut off their bits, cover them up or marry them off before they bleed.
Yup nothing wrong there, but a tweet borne out of frustration out of how Muslims who came to the UK as refugees from Intolerant Islamic countries are hell bent on remaking the UK, into the societies they fled from.
And let’s not forget that this so-easily- offended woman referred to Farage as a “rabble rouser” and called Clarkson “ape-man”. She’s just another bourgeois socialist with totally unrepresentative views who works for a left-wing rag that almost nobody buys. If she wasn’t ‘bigged up’ so much by the BBC and Channel 4 she would wallow in the obscurity she so richly deserves.
The essential point is that Mr F was not making a threat of any kind, he was simply using rhetoric to stress that he could never appear on the sale programme as that woman.
Usual faux outrage because a Muslim is involved.
It’s called the second conditional. People use it all the time.
“same programme”
I am having serious doubts about the force of the appeal to maltreatment of women in Islam. To me it is obvious that sharia is oppressive to women. But not to so many western femininists and certainly not to muslim feminists (an oxymoron?) like Y.A.B. and others. I have just watched Hannity on Fox news trying to squeeze out some criticism of sharia in Saudi etc. from a US muslim who freely wears the hijab out of choice in free America. Basically, they can see the evidence of maltreatment but it just washes off. Just like the muslim women who carry banners in London supporting sharia.
It used to be: “In Vino Veritas” now it’s more appropriate to say: “In Twitter is the truth” which more people will understand because fewer people know Latin.
Apparently, what the BBC needs is more diversity.
Why don’t the BBC save all that money, time, effort and just import Nigerian television programmes for us to watch ?
I heard that they do not consider importing African or West Indian TV shows because some of the Blacks in them are depicted in a very disrespectfully derogatory way, due to a complete lack of respect for the Politically Correct Multiculturalism of the White Liberal Western Imperialist Culture of BBC types, by Black African TV Producers.
Worth reading the comments, if only for this one (of many – one other very insightful legal point, and a ‘this is our thread’ irony failure worried about trolling by… Tory Central Office) on the ‘unique’ that is a BBC independent review (see: ‘The Trust’):
20 June 2014 11:41am
BBC director general Tony Hall… …also announced that he would chair a new independent diversity action group to advise the BBC.
How is this independent if the BBC DG is the chairman? Imagine a government watchdog chaired by David Cameron an “independent” healthy eating campaign chaired by the boss of Walkers Crisps.
I think the rules say that Tony Hall would have to resign and then wait six months, its how the BBC has become dominated by ex-politicians, even though it’s the only Media organisation that is supposed to be impartial and independent of politics due to its compulsory funding, and the fact that right-wing people do not have to pay for a left-wing Newspaper like the Guardian by a compulsory Government licence fee.
I think that type of thing for Newspapers was abolished about 350 years ago, as was the House of Lords, but brought back 90 years ago for Radio, with help from the House of Lords as well as continued support from the Labour party which unlike Oliver Cromwell, has not, and is not likely to abolish the House of Lords, due to support from people like John Prescott.
What the BBC needs is a kick up the backside.
Oops, am I allowed to say that on the internet?
I see the bBC is on full twist the story regards the PMs message the otherday which made mention of the threat to the Uk from those relgious bigots who bugger off to pastures new ,while professing their hatred of anything British (Other than benefits and the bBC) until they are arrested,jailed or killed and then they are promoted as loyal British citizens whom we should all bend over and feel sorry for. To that end the bBC regales us to a message from the brother of a former jailed terrorist and the father of 3 boys fighting for allah in Syria and who became a champion of Islamic victimhood for the bBC when his youngest uttered allah ackba for the last time when he decided to stop a bullet or two.
Syria fighters pose no risk to UK, says father
A man whose three sons went to fight against the Syrian government has said British fighters will not pose a risk to the UK on their return. Abubaker Deghayes spoke to the BBC after David Cameron said Britain could not ignore the security threat the UK faced from jihadists in Iraq and Syria. But Mr Deghayes said there is a history of Britons fighting in foreign wars
And here is what the bBC don’t tell you about this preacher of peace
Abubaker, 45, a trustee of a local mosque, is a controversial figure who once said a suicide attack on Tony Blair could be morally justified. He was secretly recorded at a mosque in 2006 branding the then prime minister and US president George W Bush ‘legitimate targets’
Why is it, the bBC can spend so much time trying to promote white British people as blind racist bigots as in the case of that poor Muslim girl stabbed to death in Colchester with no facts other than she was stabbed over 100 times, yet a man whose whole family are tainted with the stench of death (Brother,3 sons, himself) is allowed to promote the view that the UK has nothing to fear from Islamic terrorists who hate everything and anything about life.
And how we all laughed at the 2000AD story line of Judge Death who deemed life as a crime ans so killed anybody living,
Mr. Hall, describing his idea of social engineering in his workplace:
And Lubos Motl’s take on Google’s own ideas of social engineering – different circumstances, but similar intended result:
One in seven?
Daft Danny’s 50:50 Blokey Comedian/Some Dopey Unfunny Bird split on panel shows was vaguely doable logistically if not rationally, but if Hislop, Merton or O’Briain see him shipping in a busload of Boko Harem ‘It Ain’t Half Diverse, Mum’ ENSA boys and firing up the chain saw to help Lord Pantone of Acceptable Hues and Cries’ fractions, I’d worry if I were them.
Have ISIS got access to weapons of mass destruction? Can we have another invasion?
No, they’re only old, wooden ones…
And any chemical residue (which I seriously doubt will be around) will be inert and useless as a chemical weapon. It would not survive detination.
IF these are genuine, how come the UN and the mass of the allied forces managed to miss these, yet ISIS terrorists turn up and discover all this stuff within a weekin a known and often searched location? Utter bollocks!
Had this been a real stock of Saddam’s WMD, then the entire mainstream media would have been shouting about their discovery from the rooftops when the allied soldiers found them.
Just like they tried to do when Bush announced the discovery of Saddam’s mobile bio weapons labs, which in reality nothing more than curtain sided trucks which carried battlefield helium ballon inflators sold to Saddam by the British.
You and everyone misses the whole point: we all KNEW he had WOMD because we had helped him obtain/make them. Why nothing more was made of this fact when “none were found” is just one of the many modern MSM ‘mysteries’.
Did you miss the 1990s? You know, when the UN destroyed Saddam’s WMD capability?
certainly I wasn’t living in the UK then and the Internet was a baby but I guess that way I missed being brainwashed by the PTB and the lying MSM.
Yes ,the BBC went on and on at the time about the fact that there were no WMD. It was difficult not to be brainwashed !!
So pleasing to see the BBC is getting its priorities right…
I just hope this diversity quota will be representative of the British population.
No, what he says is bullshit and in tune with the infamous ‘hideously white’ bias: if it reflected the current population it would be – for every 100 presenters/whatever – 86 whites, 3 black, 2 Chinese/Japanese/Korean etc, 5 Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, 2 mixed race (white/any) and 1 Arab/other. 1 black or mixed race to round up.
If the Police can’t say that a stabbing was race or religion related at this point, why do I get the feeling that the bBC are promoting the idea all day, in fact ooozing out of their pores, hoping that the killer is a white racist?
unbiased my arse.
I’m sure this story will quietly disappear if the unfortunate girl was the victim of an honour killing.
The BBC Boston marathon knee-jerk (TM)* .
* can be applied in many circumstances – for example it large provicial cities in France afflicted by a spate of murders, or massacres in Belgian museums,
The bBC plays the victim card for a leftwing rapist:
Wikileaks founder ‘fears for safety of family’
The founder of the Wikileaks website Julian Assange says he fears for the safety of his family.Speaking at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, Mr Assange said unspecified individuals had made threats against his children and his mother.He complained that he has been unable to see them in four years.Mr Assange took refuge at the Ecuadorean embassy two years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden. The authorities in Stockholm want to question him over allegations by two women of sexual assault.
You’d think that one of the supporters of this very brave man would pay for his children to fly over to the Uk (Children, I can only find one son who works for a living) to visit their father. Oh hang on, he lost a load of left and liberal friends when he did a runner and so they lost their bonds.
The irony here, is this dick splash, in trying to find a quick fix solution from the Swedish old bill and maybe a prison sentence has resulted in him enduring a self imposed prison sentence, which lets be honest is a lot worse than anything he would have to endure in Sweden.
BBC News showing clips of the Brits/Aussie jihad video. But with the usual BS qualifiers of “purports to show”, “claims”, “unverified” – you know the score. And no audio, because in it they cite copious amounts of Islamic doctrine on the subject of jihad ie waging war against unbelievers. And we can’t have that, now, can we? The bloke doing the piece was paralysed by Islamic jihadists gunshots – and the twat still doesn’t get it – “it has nothing to do with mainstream Islam”. I suppose if you pretend it’s not happening, eventually, it will go away, right?
Not until a bunch of ISIS medieval Muslim savages are charging down the corridors of the BBC with their dicks out and firing ak47s at random will it dawn on the drones that Islam might not be the ROP after all. And even then one can imagine that they will be offering to show them their diversity and inclusiveness employee of the month awards as they queue up to have their heads cut off .
They will not be able to get into the BBC building until they have completed a health and safety course about how to use the doors and lifts safely and sat the health and safety exam.
Jack Dee is threatening to leave “I’m sorry I haven’t a clue” because of a complaint to the bBC that the inclusion of mythical Samantha on the show is sexist.
How on earth does the odious Boyle manage to get away with his garbage and yet, what is probably the only “truly funny” show on bBC is threatened.
Samantha can’t be with us this evening, as she’s getting felt laid down in her attic.
According to Wikipedia, ISIHAC producer Jon Naismith recalls that when he took over the show (in 1991) they “used to get quite a few letters accusing us of sexist references to Samantha”. I guess all that has changed is that nowadays they would be taken seriously.
I am sure that Samantha herself wouldn’t take it lying down.
Oh dear. What’s this from Labour adviser John McTernan?
“Next time you feel like popping a slip in the online suggestion box that is the internet, pick up a spear instead and throw it at the Tories. You’ll feel better. I’ll feel better. We’ll all feel better.”
Silly man. Doesn’t he realise what will happen when the BBC find out about these thoughts of violence toward others? And what will Yasmin think? 😯
Depends if the spear is left or right handed, I suppose.
What a surprise that a fellow of such moderate, centrist views is penning columns in the from-strength-to-strength Telegraph these days.
Liebour apparatchik John McTernan on a European referendum , what an arrogant, sniveling, little creep.
JM: I think a referendum is ridiculous.
DP: People want it…
JM: I don’t care if people want it. People want lots of things.
DP: Do you think it will actually happen?
JM: No I don’t, no. I think that a Labour government would not have a referendum.
The same knob that said people cannot be trusted with their own money after the suggestion that pensioners could withdraw their whole pot of cash.
The true spirit of the Left and, of course, of the BBC: whatever we mere plebs think, may think, they know better.
Throw a spear? Had a Conservative MP said this there would be “Bongo Bongo Land” style outcry.
Perhaps he is implying Great Britain has a lot of Spear-chuckers.
We have been treated to several BBC programmes on which all sorts of commentators wring their hands about what we can do to protect ourselves from what they term Iraq blowback , when those Muslims from the UK return home and start to attack us. The basic consensus is that there isn’t much we can do until they attack us! Surely any normal country , not ruled by a liberal left dictatorship in thrall to multiculturalism and the human rights of homicidal maniacs, would put the protection of its citizens as its highest priority and do whatever was necessary to discharge that responsibility.
Of course no one on the BBC has made the obvious comment that if we hadn’t let so many immigrants into the UK , we would be facing a much smaller risk to our citizens.
I don’t expect they list the cost of protecting us from these 14th century nutters in the cost/benefit equation on immigration. I suppose they list it under cultural enrichment. After all living in our little, peaceful, democratic and homogeneous island with minimal internal strife, was boring. Its so much more exciting not knowing when these maniacs will blow some of us up.
MP Michael Fabricant apologises for ‘punch journalist’ joke –
Why is the BBC reporting this when it didn’t tell us about this tweet from Harriet Harm-Men?
I know the BBC can only imagine ever using them, but I’d be keen to know who this person was, to assign it the level of importance accorded, especially as the party leader said the same thing anyway:
‘A Conservative party spokesman said: “Mr Fabricant’s comments were completely unacceptable.”
Or is ‘news’ (my quotes) these days basically stuff made up by politicians and media that actually says whatever is desired, but means nothing, he asks, rhetorically?
Didn’t she call Danny Alexander ” a ginger headed rodent ” or insults to that effect.
James Delingpole debating the tweet with Alibi-Brown:
Well worth watching this video clip, although all viewers will probably feel like Fabricant did, that they couldn’t stand being with the woman.
What is it about Twitter .It seems to make people behave oddly. It does not seem to encourage thought or the well crafted put down. Fabricant just sounded silly and turned YAB into some sort of liberal heroine.
I once had a correspondence with her which continued until she was forced to confront an undeniable fact that could only be answered yes or no. Then she abruptly lost interest.
Liberals cannot handle this approach.
‘DIVERSITY’ = D.G. HALL’s code word for Beeboid political campaign for expansion and promotion of non-white ethnicity, and non-British, non-indigenous culture.
“Tony Hall outlines BBC diversity mission”
This ‘one degree of separation’ style of reporting can have its merits…
‘Next Thursday, the Culture Select Committee, as part of its series on the future of the BBC, holds a session with Lenny Henry as the lead witness. Lord Hall needs to have made him happy by then.’
The ‘witnesses’ this committee are seeing wheeled out seem to originate from a shallow pool.
Why does the BBC feel it necessary to have a *diversity mission*?
Indeed. By what rights does the Corporation have any political ‘missions’ at all?
Because the BBC long ago appointed itself to be the moral conscience of the nation.
For D.G. HALL:-
Pernicious ‘diversity’ in practice in Europe –
“Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Exposed in Sweden: All 30 Girls in One Class Discovered Mutilated”
– See more at:
For D.G HALL:-
More pernicious ‘diversity’ in practice in Britain-
“‘British Jihadist’ Video Calls For Iraq Recruits.
Footage emerges of militants urging Westerners to join the fight in Iraq as ISIS launches a global social media campaign.”
By definition they cannot be Westerners. They might live in the West but that is all. The customs and laws of the West are alien to them. So describing them as Westerners is absurd.
Not sure if you seen this yet – extension of Rod Liddle and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.
Her niece has criminal connections and great detective work read on Anna Raccoon site:’
Heh heh. Classic stuff. Alibhai Brown is a real pest.
That smug, middle-class and arrogant presenter epitomizes everything I hate about sanctimonious left-wing trendies… and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, what a pathetic joke.
The presenter was far far worse than YAB. They all are . Cloned and predictable in their opinions.
Also woefully ill informed about the world outside their media bubblr.
This is the same YAB that hopes to see the white male become extinct in 100 years. Yes really, look it up. YAB is a racist, sexist bigot of huge proportions. One of the Asians tossed out of Uganda in the 70’s. I worked with one of her cohort who never stopped talking about how beautiful Uganda was and how big their house there was, and how many ‘black servants’ her father employed.
I’m sorry if this offends some but I really feel that we should never have let these useless articles in as they hate England and Britain and moan constantly… they are the enemy who constantly undermine our traditions and heritage whilst yet enjoying the comforts our forefathers spilled blood to create. It’s funny, they moan about the nasty English but yet prefer living here rather than the third world cesspits their ancestors came from. If they hate us so much why are they here? Why can’t this ‘I Don’t Have An Alibhai-Brown’ woman go and find her forebears (and get lost in the process)?
What they really want is to turn England in to a copy of their third world country of origin with better sanitation and public utilities. We are in the way particularly if you a a male and educated past a basic level.
There is reason the shit holes of the world are like they are. Not that they will ever admit it . IThey and the liberals tell us it is all the fault of male whitey.
There is something called social capital. It takes generations and centuries to build up. Easily destroyed that is what is actually happening to old England. Not that the liberal cares.
A reprise-
“Yasmin Alibhai Brown, censor UK press, stop Farage “(31Mar14)
Why is this wretched harridan allowed the oxygen of publicity yet other people get black listed from television ?
Censorship by the BBC means only people calling for Censorship are allowed free speech by the BBC.
Its why Andrew Montford, Christopher Booker, Donna Laframboise and scientists with answers such as Richard Lindzen, Piers Corbyn and Henrik Svensmark are censored by the BBC.
So scientist are now starting to do their own Journalism, and post articles about the science censored by the BBC in books, newsletters and any other publications that do not censor debate.
Apart from Books and University newsletters, outside of the Internet, only the GWPF, Mensa and UKIP publications seem to be completely free from censorship in Britain.
This is the boasting doppelganger, again, but thanks for reading all my posts.
Don’t forget what the bastards did to David Bellamy!
Is she Harriet Harmperson’s Asian cousin?!
A bit more:
Not feeling the love in the comments either, and that’s just for the peroxide sink supposedly chairing the discussion.
Thanks for that link Guest Who. Reading a lot of the comments section gave me so much pleasure over my morning coffee earlier!
Here’s a bit more that may raise a smile, (previously shared but I also had a scope at the comments):
Mr. Cameron again placing himself shoulder to shoulder with Ed Miliband.
The womanly peroxide sink still handed vast broadcast time digging her credibility hole, and nicely editted vox pops.
YAB says she’s never used unpleasant words. Shame James D. (not the best advocate, frankly) & this supposed journo were not more aware of her and Ms. Abbott’s on record utterances to lay bare the rampant hypocrisy being deployed here.
Anyway, coffee break over here too, and off now back to a life ((c) Howard. D) with the fam outdoors as the bunker boys rattle around risking rickets serving the BBC here all day.
That midget lefty with the throwback 40’s hair is definitely on the BBC ‘must hire’ list.
Tonight’s 7 p.m. bBBC ‘news’ led with the item that ‘British’ militants are encouraging more ‘British’ psychopaths to join them and other ‘British’ extremists fighting with ‘British’ men in Iraq and Syria. Did I mention that they were ‘British’? The bBBC did, about every five seconds.
Oh yes they are so indisputably bloody ‘British’ aren’t they?
“Stiff upper lip chaps! Don your bowler hat and furl your brolley, we’ve got a spiffing jihad to fight!”
They are no more British than the Man in the Moon.
Harrison Schmitt was American, he was the only scientist to walk on the Moon, he was the Geologist who confirmed that the Moon was not made of cheese, he is now a prominent man-made-climate sceptic.
Obama has just accused Climate sceptics of believing that the Moon is made of Cheese, but then, he is Americas first black president.
No he isn’t. He is of mixed race, brought up by his white mother with help from her own parents after his black father left her.
Taking into account his genetic make up and upbringing I would say he is about 80% non black African. But then supposed dark skin colour counts so much more than any other aspect of a successful ”black’ person to the BBC & left wing media
Indeed, according to Globalists your genes count for nothing, so Obama by that account, raised by his mother, is culturally 100% white American.
The aspect of describing the terrorists as “British” that most concerns me is the thought of what they have in mind for their *cough* homeland.
‘Sky News,’ not INBBC on Boko Haram on Nigeria-Cameroon border.
(This report is by Ms Alex Crawford, not by an INBBC Muslim reporter from Islamic Radio Hausa.)
“Boko Haram Threat Spreads Into Cameroon.
Sky reports from Cameroon, where Islamists are spilling over the border from Nigeria to terrorise villages and grab young boys.”
Will this TV series, ‘TYRANT’, get on INBBC TV?
“After failing to stop production of new Muslim-themed TV series, ‘Tyrant,’ CAIR thugs are pressuring reviewers of FX’s ‘Tyrant’ to address what they call ‘stereotypes of Muslim, Arab culture'”
The Islamic Jihad threat is under Beeboid reporters’ noses in all continents, and in Britain. But still INBBC has not got the nature of this Islamic, globally inter-connected, ever-present danger.
A joy to hear Justin Webb fluff on with Sol Campbell about the failings of the England football team.
Poor Justin knew as much about football as he does about all other plebbish, oiky issues…and his “interview” showed his class-based private school toff ignorance..This was just before the 8am news on Today.
Just AFTER the 8am news however was some OFSTED flannel about too many toffs from private school doing well in sports.
Don`t recall any of our lads last night-nor indeed many football players-being toffs like Justin or Miliband, Cameron r Clegg…hence the reason why the BBC toffs have to patronise football, doff their top hats at the game. But know f***all about it, as Justin clearly proved.
Perfect timing from the BBC-the toffs running sports and being successful..but the only game in town at the moment is played, watched and funded by the oiks.
OFSTED are just lefty guilt tripping multiculti oafs like the BBC…
And yet it’s OK for scumbags like Choudry to burn poppies, spit at soldiers and call for Christians to be beheaded and get nothing…
Chucking bacon at buildings will get you a hefty sentence.
“Pair jailed for Edinburgh’s Central Mosque bacon attack”
‘… Bacon attack’, they actually ran with…. ‘Bacon attack’?
The BBC seems dedicated to the Montoyaisation of the English language, drip, by oozing drip.
The act was daft, disrespectful, provocative and deserved a fine or something, but jailing folk for inappropriate deployment of foodstuffs is only explicable when the nation media monopoly can describe it as an ‘attack’, apparently placing it on par with what happens to Nairobi shopping malls (actually didn’t the BBC have that fall down by mystery means with people getting not alive by equally vague mechanisms?).
The bacon brigade has been forced to retreat. Arm the laser guided sausages!
If true to form, it won’t be long before the BBC impose their crack down. Richard ‘B-word’, anybody? Lucky we’ve still got those laser guided sausages!
I wonder if the months-long custodial sentence for desecrating a place of worship would have drawn more interest from the liberal brigade if it had been, say, a Russian feminist group noisily crashing a Christian service.
What a good point.
Very good point Reimer!
BBC sanitize Jihadist call to fight for Allah. Good, solid British family upset by son’s appearance in video.
He isn’t by chance a promising footballer?
England appears to need them.
Pay’s good, too.
BBC – “Ahmed Muthana:
“Somebody is driving those kids to do this”
yep! … spot on
long time dead now though
but, funny how cult leaders inspire long after their demise.
good job … they didn t make Hitler a ahem “prophet”, and have a yearly pilgrimage
to the bunker eh!.
the most dangerous ideology on this planet
not militant, not insurgent, not al quaida, not boko haram … and not isis
… Islam … the problem … the issue … all encompassing …
… the leader?, the “erm “perfect example, for every muslim … the “seal of the prophets”
to be obeyed more than ones own father?
… his guidebook? unchangeable? above any law?, that it is a fascist wet dream? … no problem?.
aloha snackbar and all that
any picture emerging?
then … of course, even after 1400 yrs of countless and consistent examples?
… it could be “islamofauxbia”
Bet he’s good at school too.
Radio 4 Today is heavily running the father of a young Jihadi who has gone to Syria.
There’s the usual talk of ‘radicalisation’ and an interview with some one from the useless brigade, who used to be called the ‘Police’ but have changed into some horrible oppressive political correctness enforcement squad.
There’s a short mention that this guy was obviously intelligent, and was offered a place at medical school, but as usual there’s no investigation into how this ‘radicalisation’ happens, nor the verses in the Qur’an which enable it to happen.
It’s as if the BBC expect it’s audience to accept that somehow a Muslim magician waves a wand and suddenly someone is ‘radicalised’ !
The father can’t understand how it’s happened to his son. Well allow me to shine some light for you.
It’s happened because of a lifetimes religious indoctrination which began when you took him to the madrassa at the age of 5 and continued every day with prayers and fasting.
It doesn’t just happen accidentally there’s a whole lifetime of indoctrination there as preparation – something never mention by a BBC desperate to deflect any kind of blame from their favourite brown eyed boys.
‘offered a place at medical school’
Ah, question no sooner asked than answered.
So Glasgow bound then to spread Hippocratic happiness in departure halls near you.
“Family ‘heartbroken’ after British man appears in jihadist film”
I like how the family are being seen as the victims, good old BBC changing the narrative.
Time to start refusing entry to the young men – and deporting their parents for bringing them up that way. Plus – name their local imams and other influences. Extreme times require extreme measures.
Pour encourager les autres.
Both his sons went “missing” in November last year. They only found out when they saw the video.
What parent loses track of their 20 year son for 8 months? Never received any phone calls? If not were they put on a missing persons lists.
Saw the father on the news, neck down only. He was wearing one of those Jihad nightshirts.
“sons went “missing” in November last year – only found out when they saw the video”
… that’s called many things James –
collusion/protection/conspiring/lying by omission etc … after all, the perfect example for every muslim
… “war is deceit “- Mohamhead
Reinforcing failure
I see that Greg Dyke is putting his BBC experience to good use as troubleshooter at the FA
‘World Cup 2014: Roy Hodgson ‘will remain England boss”
No blame accepted, no discussion, just plough on, because… well, you just know you are right…
‘Dyke acknowledged it was “disappointing” England had lost 2-1 to both Italy and Uruguay, but said there were “some positives”.’
Just keep the jolly old bandwagon rolling. How very BBC.
I despise Dyke and his ability to morph into public sector greybeard sinecures as he likes.
Like Simon Jenkins, Bonnie Greer and all the rest of the gilded truffle hounds pimping off our cultural life whilst slitting our purses to pay for it all.
That said-when Justin Webb reads out crap about whether Hodgson needs to go to make way for say Gary Lineker…we just KNOW that the rubber buggers/Eton water boatmen/Hay-ho Flinty gels there at the BBC can just f*** off…no story here.
England were better this time round than anytime since 2002, as far as I could see…I could no more play football in the rain forest after a hard season that walk round the pitch!…so felt they did pretty well.
Few more years-just 3/4 changes…and we`ve got the makings of a good team under Uncle Roy.
The BBC like to pull up things just for news stories and for changing headlines-they hate the national game, save for allowing scum like Gary Richardson to get a pension…so Dyke is right.
Four more years Roy-and f*** the BBC!
Insightful analysis from “expert” Ian Groves on BBC Breakfast regarding the drop-out medical student’s recruitment call: “Those responding to this drive aren’t really any different to those who joined the International Brigade in Spain…there’s no reason to conclude ISIS is any threat to Britain – though if we stop these Brits (his term) going off to fight they may conclude Britain IS their enemy”
None of this was challenged IIRC. Can’t find any background for this absurd Richard Griffiths lookalike.
It also sticks in the craw of BBC journalists that muslims, who have been given educational opportunities in Britain, are fighting in Iraq. It doesn’t fit in with the “disaffected become rebellious” left-wing narrative that they like to peddle.
-another consequence of immigration into U.K from Islamic countries-
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘I disown my sons.
If they come back alive, they should go to jail’: Father’s fury after British medical student, 20 and his 17-year-old brother go to fight jihad and appear in chilling ISIS recruitment video.”
Read more:
“UK: Muslims face jail after beating non-Muslim while handing out Islamic tracts”
-{Excerpt, by Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’}-
“It seems ludicrous at first glance: a gang of Muslims thrashing a non-Muslim bloody while pausing to hand out pro-Muslim leaflets. Ordinarily, one would think that it would have crossed their minds that they weren’t exactly presenting an attractive picture of Islam by punching, kicking, and hitting someone with a crutch — but then it all starts to make sense. They were illustrating Muhammad’s statement: As Muhammad said, ‘I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.’ (Sahih Muslim 30) So the passersby could see: if they wanted their property and lives to be protected, they needed to convert to Islam forthwith.”
-And this is the trending condition of British society when the Muslim population is little over 5%, but growing rapidly.
The original is here, no mention on the Beeb about this vicious jihad hate crime.
A gang of devout Luton Muslims who chanted ‘f**k the Queen’ after battering an innocent football fan to the ground and leaving him covered in blood are facing jail.
Andrew White was set upon by ten Asian men as he walked along Oxford Street in London’s West End.He was hit on the back of the head by ringleader Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, of Hazelbury Crescent, Luton, and punched, kicked, and struck with a crutch as he lay prone on the ground.
When the Muslim group shouted ‘F*ck the Queen’ as Mr White lay bleeding on the ground, football supporters responded by singing the national anthem, the Old Bailey heard.
The gang had cleared the area of Asian women and children before the attack, and handed out pro-Muslim leaflets as the violence was happening.
Read more:
I followed the link and came across this snippet:
Aziz, an associate of firebrand cleric Anjem Choudary
Would that be the same AC known to the two Muslims who beheaded Tpr Rigby, known to those idiots in the East End and their Shaira zone, the same AC known to so many idiots on control orders and who bugger off to the lands they sought asylum from, when wanted for carrying out the orders of Allah.
It seems that Anjem Choudary is a nasty piece of work, who has his gubby hands in plots of plots and acts of violence in the Uk, and yet the bBC still cannot see this and have him on speed dial in which to get him in the studio as fast as possible in which to speak about Islamic victimhood whenever somebody is killed by a muslim in the UK and the bBC fears of a backlash.
“The Metropolitan Police have been resolute in investigating this ahem … “criminality”? …
and the group have now been held to account for their actions by the court.”
the Met every bit as craven as the BBC.
bBC bias for all to see.
So if there was a story about a tory councillor who who hurled homophobic abuse at a colleague during a public spat do you think the bBC would cover it? So why is it a week after Farooq Ahmed a former labour councillor resigned from the Labour party for doing just that hasn’t the bBC decided to mention it.
Councillor fined for homophobic abuse of colleague quits Labour over ‘lack of support’
A councillor who hurled homophobic abuse at a colleague during a public spat has resigned from the Labour party – and blamed it for not supporting him. Farooq Ahmed – formerly Rochdale council’s finance chief – was convicted last week of a public order offence that saw him yell ‘queer’ at a fellow councillor. He had been suspended by the Labour party since February, shortly after the incident occurred…Coun Ahmed was arguing with Neil Emmott – a fellow Labour councillor and employee of Mr Danczuk – about an article the MP had written about Rochdale’s grooming scandal. During the course of the row he swore, called his colleague a ‘queer’ and warned him: “Watch your back.” Manchester magistrates court fined him £1,000 with £625 costs and ordered him to pay his victim £250 compensation after he was found guilty of a public order offence.
He can thank his lucky stars he didn’t tweet the above, then the bBC would have been all over him. Yeah right.
The BBC will do anything to garner sympathy for Muslims…
We don’t want to know whether his family are ‘heartbroken’ but we certainly wish to know how much of a threat these young Muslim fanatics (or conservatives as the Left prefer to put it) pose to our safety.
I’m sick of the BBC trying to sanitize the crazed and evil actions of extremist Muslims with tales of sympathy from the moderates.
With any luck that bastard and his brother will never make it back.
I sincerely hope they end up rather dead over there.
This week’s Feedback on Radio 4 looked at the question of political balance – specifically the time allowed to UKIP as against the Greens. (13 minutes in) Roger Bolton then asked Ric Bailey, the BBC Chief Political Advisor in charge of impartiality, , how the BBC ensured there was overall balance. Did someone track all the strands of coverage of the parties ? No – that would drive a person crazy.
“It is left to the individual producers to ensure balance on their programme”.
Hello !!! Quis custodiet ipsos custodes – Who guards the guards – if the producers themselves are drawn mostly from the leftie BBC bubble ?
And no-one is taking an overall view ? This is scandalous – a dereliction of responsibility.
What amazed me on feedback was the statement that 1400 people had complained that the bbc coverage of Ukip during the euro elections was bias in Ukips favour! Eh!
You`ll find that the Met as well as the PCS count was actually 250,000…and enough to claim a landslide in Tower Hamlets, whilst we`re at it.
No More or Less investigation of this one though eh?…not when there FoI requests and leaked emails on Tory spats to trawl for, using license payers money.
The party that promises to ban the TV Licence as funding terrorism will get my vote…wake up UKIP!
Black Armbands at New Broadcasting House , one of the Guilford 4 dies , did he know the ones that did it? The banning of Khat from Africa .Ebola strikes down a lot of West Africans. Cheering at the same Regent Street Mudhut , Illegals saved from a rusting hulk in the Med , now in Hideously White Europe , heading our way . All of al bbc comrades , just evil .
Why not harp on and on about it a la Hillsborough/Stephen Lawrence/etc
Today there is a mass demonstration against Tory austerity, with appearances by BBC idols, Russell Brant, Caroline Lucas, St Owen Jones and a hold of Stop the War, UAF and Union leaders. It started outside BBC HQ in London. But not one mention by the BBC so far. What is happening?
After combing many sites all I can find on the comrades against austerity outside BBC House is a short report from RT news and scores of complaints on Twitter about a media blackout. What is happening? Over 50,000 leftists protesting against the government and not a peep from the BBC.
A word of advice for those posting comments; don’t forget to include a winking smiley when you want to take the piss out of someone’s comment, but look like you’re just pulling their leg and being ‘matey’.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported these stories from the Central African Republic (C.A.R.)
Central African Republic Conflict: Two Christian Hostages Publicly Executed
Two Christian hostages captured after violence between Muslims and Christians broke out on Monday have been publicly executed in Central African Republic, or CAR.
Tortured bodies found in CAR river
Bangui – Ten bodies showing signs of torture have been found this week in a river in the troubled Central African Republic, a security official said on Thursday. The bodies were found in the central Bambari region…… near where the mainly-Muslim ex-Seleka rebels have established their new headquarters.
Exiled former president’s support for rebel group increases likelihood of widespread violence and coup risks in CAR
Michel Djotodia, the former interim President of the Central African Republic (CAR), on 17 June allegedly reaffirmed his support for ex-Séléka rebels operating in the country. He said that there were 17,000 ex-Séléka militia and that they would retake the capital Bangui by the end of 2014, according to a report in news source Jeune Afrique . Djotodia was the leader of Séléka coalition, which comprised more than 25,000 fighters from at least four armed groups that overthrew President François Bozizé in March 2013.
At least 22 killed in fighting in east of Central Africa
Fighting between mainly Muslim ex-rebels and the largely Christian ‘anti-balaka’ militia has killed at least 22 people in eastern Central African Republic, security officials said Thursday…‘We have also counted 127 homes burned by the ex-Seleka and armed Fulani. Other people were kidnapped and taken to Bambari by the latter, who on Tuesday publicly executed two men,’ the source added.
It appears that when Muslims are doing the killing in C.A.R. the bBC just doesn’t want to know.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
Now a week and a half since my we can’t reply straight away response and a month since the original complaint about fake Romanians. Still waiting. I haven’t forgotten
Me too.
I see they really are milking the death of non-entity and innocent gerry conlon to keep rubbing the English’s noses in it, it’s nearly as bad as when mandingo corked it
Why didn’t any of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six sue the authorities? That would be the normal course of events.
After all, in a Civil Court, absolutely everything is admissible in evidence.
All four did of course. You and your ‘liker’ might try reading about that first before jumping the gun. I hear google is easy to use.
Post a link where any of them sued Riddle.
Yes, they received compensation. But that’s not the same.
Here’s a quote from one of them:
‘Back then it was the Irish, now it’s Muslims. But nobody is safe, one of the Guildford Four was English. Everyone thinks this happens to other people, but it’s closer than you think’.
Continued my Google search and there’s no reference to either the Birmingham Six or the Guildford Four suing the authorities. As being innocent, why didn’t they?
Please enlighten me, RiddleMeThis. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer re this web thingy.
Ex Gratia payments are extremely rare and are a complete acknowledgement of liability by the Home Secretary, therefore bypassing the need for a civil action which would have been uncontested.
not at all, the clue is in the words `ex gratia`, these payments could not have been made as compensation in legal action?
They were exonerated. Had they been unhappy with the settlement or had any stain remained on their name I expect they would have used the civil system but the unequivocal nature of their discharge meant it was unnecessary.
Are you suggesting that they were guilty? Yes or no will suffice.
in fact conlon was found not guilty, exoneration was not at issue.
are you privy to his legal advice? how do you known that he decided not to sue because he got as much as he would have done had he sued rather than because his conduct would have been exposed in court?
But none sued.
Conlon campaigned as follows:
Although the Guildford Four scandal has been known for 30 years the case files remain classified.
Along with the Birmingham Six the material associated with the investigation and prosecution is held under the Official Secrets Act where it can remain shut to the public for 75 years.
Mr Conlon in recent years took up the cause of a number of dissident republicans jailed in Northern Ireland including Marian Price.
Read more:
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And do you now accept that you were wrong in saying that they had sued?
4 hours on….I guess not.
according to `diddlemethis`, “All four did of course. You and your ‘liker’ might try reading about that first before jumping the gun. I hear google is easy to use.” Perhaps he or she could follow their own advice next time.
‘Back then it was the Irish, now it’s Muslims’ – yes bombing and killing on our streets.
In 1977, having spent the first 13 years of my working life in the armed forces and then travelling round the world working for other countries’ armed forces, I returned to the UK and joined Surrey Police. My first posting was Guildford Police Station. It was three years after the bombing of The Horse & Groom and the Seven Stars pubs.
I met many of those who were involved in the investigation and got first hand accounts of what happened.
Much later I found out that at an early stage information had come in from a particular source (presumably an informant in Northern Ireland) that part of PIRA’s ASU involved in the bombings were using squats as a cover. A number of police went undercover, living as down and outs in the areas where they thought the ASU were.
At the same time a photofit of a woman who was seen leaving a bag under a seat in the Horse and Groom was circulated. The photofit was recognised by an RUC Special Branch officer who identified the ‘woman’ as Paul Hill, who, if memory serves me right, was wanted in connection with the murder of a Policeman a couple of years prior.
People have to bear in mind that PIRA had two other ASUs in the UK at that time, one being the gang who had murdered PC Stephen Tibble and Ross McWhirter of Guiness Book of Records fame. They were conducting a bombing campaign in central London and I personally think they carried out the Woolwich bombing.
When Hill and his gang were brought in they were subject to ill treatment (but not torture as has been claimed). However their behaviour from the outset was violent and confrontational and continued during their time at Guildford police station. An example being that they would ask for water, which obviously couldn’t be refused. This was give in paper cups which they would then urinate in and when the cell door hatch was opened, they would hurl it through the hatch.
The first to break was Carole Richardson (now living under an assumed name, which I know, not far from Hampton Court).
There was a young and very personable temporary detective constable who she had somehow taken to.
Her words were, “I’m not talking to any of you cunts, but I’ll tell XXXXXX”
She then laid out what had taken place. With her confession the others gave in.
What most people either don’t know or have forgotten is that two Met Police senior bomb squad officers, Bob Huntley and Peter Imbert (later Met Commisioner) interviewed Conlon in prison where he gave chapter and verse of the IRA battle order in the UK. This was secretly taped by Huntley & Imbert, but later ruled as inadmissible by an Appeal Court Judge whose name escapes me.
It has to be pointed out that none of the Guildford or Birmingham bomber, nor the Maguire group were ever acquitted. Their convictions were overturned as ‘being unsatisfactory’
Much has been made by their cheerleaders (BBC included) that the Griess forensic tests were misinterpreted by Professor Keith Skuse, but it is unfortunate for them that the original swab samples were still available many years later and when tested by more up to date forensic analysis, showed conclusively that the Birmingham gang had handled nitroglycerine.
Interestingly the Birmingham gang were arrested on a train when they were on their way back to NI to attend the funeral of an IRA bomber who had the misfortune to blow himself up in Coventry a couple of weeks earlier.
Am I pleased that Conlon has died? You betcha I am!!
super report !
Thanks for that. Most informative and confirming a lot of what I am sure a lot of public inquiring minds suspected.
Also thanks for your many years great public service too.
Such great stories you have I am sure would sell a good book?
as we write the bbc is commissioning a greengrass or a mcqueen to produce a `dwama` based on PTO’s version events. it will be shown shortly after MtW have parodied riddle’s apologia.
TPO wrote:
when tested by more up to date forensic analysis, showed conclusively that the Birmingham gang had handled nitroglycerine.
Didn’t the bBC try to discredit the police by saying the same results could be achieved by playing ping pong and handling the balls?
It was playing cards. Apparently, and I’m no forensic scientist, some compound or substance found on the back of playing cards can give a similar reading to nitroglycerine when using the griess test. Boot polish can do the same.
The Birmingham bunch were playing cards on the way back to attend the IRA funeral.
On another matter there is a prominent and well known ‘human rights’ solicitor who was always used by the IRA. In one instant and IRA bomber was stopped on the M25 and taken immediately to Paddington Green Police Station. Before he got there, and long before there was any press statement she was on her way to the police station. An IRA spotter vehicle that had been following the bomber called it in and she was on her way.
Much later, when I moved into the intelligence business I found out that she was doing certain unlawful acts and that there was a prima facie case to charge her with perverting the course of justice in relation to evidence. A very high up political decision was taken not to pursue it. I won’t name the individual but most will be able to work out who she was.
I forgot to mention that this individual is often involved in islamic terrorist trials. anyone see the trend.
I attended the trial of the Birmingham Six at Lancaster Castle. I was convinced of the guilt of these men when I received information from persons who attended the trial and knew them well.
Also, if my memory serves me right, Michael Mansfield represented them at the appeal, as TPO says doubt was cast upon the evidence regarding the swab samples taken from their hands. They claimed that the nitro compunds detected in the samples came from the playing cards they used in the train travelling from Birmingham to Heysham.
TOP mentions the fact that subsequent and more up to date analysis isolated these nitro compounds as being constituents of high explosives. I think that the only newspaper to reveal this fact was the Daily Telegraph, and was instantly dismissed by Mansfield as the result of cross contamination of the samples by them being stored in a room with high explosives. As if!
Isn’t it strange how quiet our BBC-loving friend Riddle has been since two experts appeared on the scene?
Many thanks for that.
I’d been trying to recall the details without much success. Can anyone point me towards the best account of these events please?
I’ve also been wondering, if they didn’t do it, who did? We seem rather fond of reopening old wounds. Was the investigation reopened? If not, why not?
Good luck. There are a couple of books around, as you probably know already, but I doubt if they are what you are looking for as a result of legal restrictions, and PC pressures.
That is so weird.
Llareggub above mentioned the Austerity demo in London today- 50,000 expected – and yet there is no mention whatsoever on the BBC website from what I can see?
Are the BBC deliberately ignoring this?
I think it must be the case since I have NEVER EVER seen the BBC fail to do a lefty promotion with such a reporting opportunity like this demo..
Possibly it could be to fill the ‘bias bucket’ with some right wingery in response to yesterday IDS Welfare Department put in an official bias complaint in to them?
Cannot wait now to see the left response, which surely they will be since the signed up NUJ members, (some attending rally), must be absolutely seething in the newsrooms sat there with masking tape over their mouths!
The death of Gerry Conlon, of Guildford Four fame, somehow deserves to be top news on the BBC News webpage.
It tops the news across the globe. Search ‘Gerry Conlon’ on Twitter and you will notice coverage in almost every language imaginable. It is a story of huge interest.
well I have goodled it and funnily enough the first page of links are mainly to pro-ira media reports of poor Gerry’s premature demise. before you get to `conlon`, your `gerry` gets directed to `adams` funnily enough.
incidentally, what did poor gerry die of, wasn’t guilt was it?
Cancer. Luckily for you there are no libel laws to protect the dead but you do a great disservice to the victims by maintaining that those convicted were guilty after all. The murdering bastards who carry this out remain free men and the families have to face that everyday. You think what you like despite all evidence.
I think your disregard for the bereaved is pretty sick.
See TPO’s post above – the conviction was found to be “unsafe”. That does not equate with “Not Guilty”
Sorry, Riddle – TPO’s comment exposes your position as the usual Guardianista rubbish.
TPO is an old hand here and is known to be credible witness, with first hand, inside experience. That is, as opposed to some twerp who regurgitates the prescribed bien pensant line.
But no interest as regards those that were blown up and maimed by the IRA in Guildford and Birmingham?
And have today’s IRA revealed who were the bombers??
An absolute travesty that the victims are left with no answers. And no. I don’t believe for a second that IRA leadership would do the decent thing. No change there.
We have some common ground there, RiddleMeThis.
It does not top the list on Sky News.
And it foes not figure on various US news websites I have seen today.
It does NOT warrant top billing at the BBC.
the us media had to give up on supporting ira terrorism following 9/11. even pete king soft peddles on orish terror now
And he never sued in a Civil Court. Why? After all, he and the Civil Court could have heard ALL the evidence under Civil Law. Evidence that was not presented at the original Criminal trial by the prosecution, perhaps?
I don’t know of course. Just curious…
This is the IRA’s newspaper mouthpiece.
Very left wing and supporting downtrodden Palestinians.
I notice that Conlon spoke at one of their meetings. (Check the Twitter page). No harm in that of course.
An absolute anti Labour trashing fest on Guido Fawkes site today: starting with this video – but followed by many others (see link)
South Africa starting to go for Blair now too:
Damming Tony Blair’s legacy article
The following extract is so amazing since it includes statement: “regret never having supported a campaign to try Blair for war crimes. statement about Blair facing War Crimes”
“It is widely accepted that Tony Blair’s government featured some desperately ill people, from alcoholics to bulimics to paranoiacs to manic depressives and cross-dressers caught gagging on orange balls in public lavatories — the era of sneering, awful, liberals from Jack Straw to Claire Short to Peter Hain.
But Blair, particularly over Iraq, was the worst of them all: not only is he responsible for the 179 deaths; the £9bn cost; the thousands of maimed young — but New Labour’s legacy will be revealed by fuel poverty and by young British Jihadis who will return from Syria or Iraq to their home country with the express purpose of mass murder.
Despite political volatility factored into oil pricing, there is only so much the markets can absorb before it all goes piss in a kettle: when it does — which it will — we will deeply regret never having supported a campaign to try Blair for war crimes.
I’ve just watched the bBC report on Iraq and somehow blame the US for not stopping ISIS and then its lead fat Islamic terrorist apologist gave his view that the Iraqi army just hasn’t a clue to stop the ISIS advance. But I’m surprised that the bBC editors haven’t elucidated the full story.

Iraq is a patchwork of relgious Islamic sects throw together into one huge boiling pot. In the North you have Kurds, In the centre you have Sunni and in the South you have Shia. None get on with the other, and like TITO with Yugoslavia, Saddam held the country together with a huge big stick. Here is what I mean:
Now have a look at the areas where ISIS have quickly advanced into:

Its advance has been in predominately Sunni areas. Like the Serbs in Yugoslavia, the Sunni feel that they have been stabbed in the back by the rest and thus they have largely supported the ISIS advance through Their areas. Once they hit Shia areas, that may be a different story and I’ll bet that ISIS don’t advance too far into enemy (Shia) territory. The powers that be know this and I think they are all looking at the breakup of Iraq into 3 distinctive parts , which should hopefully put paid to a lot of the long-term angst in the country. However before that, there will be a lot of blood letting.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned any of the above?
Got to love the idiot liberal take on any world conflict haven`t you?
The Sunni-Shia schism has been in evidence since the 6th/7th Century…yet it all turns out to be the fault of Blair and Bush with their reckless hubris.
Islam`s ongoing civil war has been going then for 14/15 centuries…so the BBC blame a cartoon, a Pope or the likes of me for not welcoming Lee Rigbys butchers into my nursery premises….
Typical liberal eejits…so BBC!
The BBC’s take is that the 2003 Iraq war allowed such sectarian divisions to resurface. they really believe Saddam kept a lid on such tensions by applying his own brand of soothing justice.
it is just mind boggling tonight that inteview on the bbc with the father of one of them jihadis in cardiff that nobody knew what his intention was went he went to iraq to fight the dirty kuffar and infidel,i was always under the impression that the muslim community are very close knit and know what exactly what is going on in there is just baffling that fathers,mothers,sisters,grandads,uncles,cousins etc etc did not have a clue at all about members of there family going missing for months,i smell a rat here and i think there familys are pulling the blinds over the medias eyes with all this constant denial about there sons involment with isis and al qaeda,worrying news tonight that 300 of this isis lot have returned to england and are no doubt living in the same houses with the same family who did not have a clue what they was doing when they went missing for months on end,how strange,
Even when they know and see the signs – a boy going to see strange people a lot, often growing a beard and adopting traditional Asian dress, becoming ultra-religious – they do not intervene, they do not tell the police – they don;t even try to get their mosque to look into the matter. We have seen this time after time – parents “amazed” that their sons have become jihadis when many of the warning signs were there.
And in one of the current cases – the elder boy goes away – and the parents then let him summon the younger boy to joiun him ?
C’mon – its unbelievable. Unless you are dumb and naive like a BBC reporter – or deliberately wanting to twist the truth, to deny the obvious.
All the result of years and years of uncontrolled immigration.
All the result of years and years of uncontrolled PC “education” in the schools and universities, where whistleblowers were marginalised or sacked on the excuse of “Islamophobia” and for daring to dissent from the gospel of multiculturalism.
The BBC are ‘completely racist”…
broadcaster Floella Benjamin.
Last time I saw her, she was farting about with an ugly doll on playschool called “Hambel”
Since when did children’s tv presenters become broadcasters?
Well if you’re a druggie PeeCee doofus like Richard Bacon, black like Floella or Muslim like Konnie Huq it seems.