Some things never change. The senior management of the BBC still loath the fact this country remains 82% WHITE and this causes them great stress as they seek to change that on our screens;
The BBC has pledged to increase the number of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people on air by more than 40% over the next three years and almost double the number of senior managers from those groups who work at the corporation by 2020.
The BBC director general, Tony Hall, has unveiled a number of measures, including spending £2.1m ringfenced development fund to help fast-track BAME talent and programme ideas on to the screen, in a bid to increase what actor and comedian Lenny Henry recently called the “appalling” percentage of black and Asian people in the creative industries.
Speaking at a press launch for the diversity measures on the set of BBC1 soap EastEnders on Friday, Hall said: “The BBC gets much right on diversity, but the simple fact is that we need to do more.
The BBC already has an OVER-representation of ethnic faces, if one chooses to believe Andrew Marr, so why do they seek to go even further in their discrimination against white faces?
Can’t see why the BBC are complaining. There were plenty of ethic minorities on the TV when I was a kid, like Eamon Andrews, Terry Wogan and Jimmy Cricket.
Dave Allen, Warren Mitchell, Dr Jacob Bronowski, Charlie Williams. Although Charlie ‘me old flower’ Williams was pretty much exclusively an ITV guy…and next time someone from the BBC comes over all sanctimonious about diversity could someone please remind them that it was the BBC who gave the world The Black and White Minstrel Show!
What he really means is more muslims on TV.
Seems to me that there are plenty Muslims on telly as it is!
The News, Crimewatch seem rather over-represented with the submissives for the ROP.
At least we never see them at the business end of the World Cup, save for a few shining exceptions like Zidane.
Funny how Udin Husseins Iraqi team never progressed too far, unless it was to the torture tables of Baghdad…may well be the future of football if the EU can fuse our national teams into a Cathy Ashton X1
there can never be too many muslims for them.
It pays for many a perk, oil money seeps through all crevasses just like its proxy oil itself.
Think of newsreaders for example on local BBC news. In London there is scarcely a white face. The national sports reporters are in general black women. Even in my area of the country which has a very low non white population we have around 10% non white reporters. And of course we have young Tomasz Schaffernaffer doing the weather to represent our Eastern European friends.
its like the sports themselves which on itself is a dysfunctional and raaacist undeserving millionaires machine
Is giving preferential treatment to people because of their race legal? Anyway, interesting isn;t it, the BBC feels that it has to fast track BME ‘programme ideas’, presumably there aren’t enough BME writers out there so bung some meoney at them because subsidy always generates excllence doesn’t it! The (pop) music industry is overwealmingly successful and has a massive BME input, and no subsidy (apart from ludicrous MOBO awards). It is commercially successful because people like the product. If the BBC wants to increase BME programming then they need to produce stuff people want to watch / hear, and I can tell you now I never want to see Benjamin Zeppaniah giving me the history of BME poetry, or a mini-series about the first black-british league footballer (both virtually guaranteed by the way). One success (that launched a dozen careers) was Goodness Gracious Me. It is interesting to see how this is always talked of as an Indian comedy show rather tha something everybody found funny.
Also, light of the Dr Who ‘African Elizabethans’ debate, does this new BBC policy mean that we can expect to see an broadening and deepening of the mission to re-portray history, and more blatant and ludicrous tokenism (remember the family of Zimbabweans that Countryfile just happened to come across as typical se anglers from Whitby).
Looks like the BBC is about to make itself even more unprepresentative, patronising and self deluding. Can’t wait
What`s this about Jack Dee being inclined to quit over “I`m sorry, I haven`t a clue”?
The “offending” skits about their scorer Samantha are complete rip offs and copies of what Humphry Lyttleton used by way of humour…they are NOT new, just funny…and Dee and his “writing team” are in no position to claim copyright as far as I can tell.
It may be new priorities at the BBC-but these Lyttleton double entendres are integral to the show-and if the BBC try to ban them, it`s f***all to do with Dee and his team of writers…it`s a death knell to the great show itself.
Pathetic omerta there among our comics…we either continue Lyttletons work in death, or we kill the thing on the altar of Jenni Murray…he was an original was Humph-and a privately-educated old white man…so guilty on all counts.
Which is why we treasure him!…stuff the BBC!
Ha ha! I love the idea of things being sacrificed on the alter of Jenni Murray. Brilliant!
It is a big altar.
Just thought I `d warn you.
Bonnie Greer has got her autobiography out.
Let me count the ways that shameless leech and race hustler will do a Yazmin Haribo Toynbee-and jemmy herself onto all the usual Channel 4/BBC/Guardian/Indie outlets created for her ilk..with the recycled menstruating grievance farming that only Bonnie and Constance Brisco/Vicky Pryce can do.
Just thought I`d warn you-maybe if you see her out hustling for headlines or puffs for the book(oo er), you`ll be entered for a cash cow prize at the Times.
Constance Brisco and Eric eh?…whatever did he see in her?
“and almost double the number of senior managers from those groups who work at the corporation by 2020”
The only way they can do this by 2020 is by hugely increasing the number of senior managers, so yet again the BBC is spending our money with impunity.
That occured to me. As they cannot sack the whiteys the only way is as you suggest. What a shower!
there seem to be plenty there
Trying to increase the percentage of good managers would be better. As a tax funded organisation efficiency and quality of service is less important than it would be to a private company.
Having heard that five blokes in NYC have hit the jackpot with the new Democratic Mayor-and, of course the gushing by the BBC-I thought Id go and check with Ann Coulter.
In the absence of David Preisler, she`ll tell me far more of the truth than any Mardell, Kay, Webb or Crick.
Here`s her take on the Central Park Five…and a bit of context, that the BBC/liberals here won`t be giving us anytime soon.
Yes, in short, the BBC, from top to bottom is a political broadcasting propagandist, which has decided to have the British people colonised by largely people from Islamic countries, regardless of any threat from Islamic ideology and practices. This is D.G. HALL’s coded intent in ‘diversity’.
so the bbc should just put a sign up outside all there buildings saying no whites,no christians and no return we dont have to pay this tv licence to be discriminated against by the the way,when are tony hall and these other bbc top nobs going to step down and and let ethnic minority fill there jobs i wonder.
I think it’s disgusting how the BBC can take our money and shove the unwanted diversity down our throats! It’s an utter disgrace. The British public have been robbed, bullied and lied to by the Left for too long. I just wish the silent majority would stand up and do something about this self-indulgent, urban trendy hive of Marxists and self-absorbed narcissists. We don’t want or need more ethnics on our screens as we get enough as it is. It should be about talent not colour of skin.
The corrupt BBC mafia is essentially using our money to brainwash the country into thinking there’s more ethnics than in reality.
It is a sure sign of a failing organisation if it puts dogma before ability. Let the BBC fail.
When I say “Jump” they say “How high?”
I quote “and almost double the number of senior managers from those groups”.
So much for the posts being given on merit and to the most suitable candidate.
So any white person who may be more qualified for the role will be by-passed because of the colour of their skin?.
Sounds to me like blatant discrimination in the name of “diversity”.
If we take this to its natural end we will have a transsexual anchor ladyboy political correspondent autistic weather girl ext . We are substituting exilence for some kind of handicapped (sorry) level playing field . All this time china is sending all it’s best to our university’s
Your description sounds eerily like Thomasz Schafernaker….
The BBC managers are a mirror of The Home Office, The Foreign Office, The Ministry of Defence, The Police, The CPS, The Border Agency, The Revenue and Customs, The NHS, The Prison Service and many more.
They all now talk the same meaningless Politically Correct words such as issues, needs, appropriateness, demands, embracing diversity and change, addressing, driven, forging partnerships, welcoming and many more.
The BBC is the media face of the corruption of our Institutions by the destructive power of Political Correctness.
The Russians say, a fish rots from the head first.
I honestly forget that the country is 80% white when watching the little TV I do. I see England the country as I do the football team – all style with no substance and gets worse with time