It’s all about black and white. And Brown. At least through the prism of the BBC.
EastEnders has too many white cast members to be authentic, the head of the BBC’s watchdog has warned.
The popular BBC soap opera, which is set in the fictional east London neighbourhood of Walford, also has too many young actors to be properly representative, said Diane Coyle, acting chairman of the BBC Trust.
In a speech at the London School of Economics, Coyle reportedly reflected on findings from Audience Council England which found that there were “nearly twice as many white people living in fictional E20 as in real life E17.” E17 is the postcode for Walthamstow, one of the multicultural east London neighbourhoods on which the soap is based.
Can’t wait to see these changes. Hopefully we can see more Somalis, more Roma and Bulgarians, more FGM operatives and hopefully a few wannabe ISIS recruits. Good old BBC – always focused on that all important multicultural gaiety.
Danny, Lord Pantone… Now our Diane.
Who next from the hideously market second rate top floor is going to try and impose a quota outside the bubble without a hint of irony?
This is a white country and we expect to see white people on the tv. Why is that so hard for the bbc to understand?
I think it is a great idea, so that the rest of the country can see what modern Britain looks like. The new story line for the Borough of Walford could contain, say insurrection, the mayor has arranged to hijack the postal votes and with 100% voter approval block off all the major A roads and declare Walford an independent caliphate in Londonistan.
See how that idea flys in the writers storyline when being reviewed by the bBC PC steering committee.
My thoughts exactly.
The BBC do not want to raise awareness among non Londoners of just how great the foreign colonisation is. I bet there are many people who believ it is pretty much as portrayed on Eastenders.
There basically are almost no indigenous Cockneys left now, they have been ethnically ‘cleansed’ from inner London.
Vote rigging, voter intimidation, R.E teachers beaten to within an inch of their lives for covering Christianity in their classes, post code gang killings, children being executed on suspicion of Witchcraft, honour killings, characters coming down with T.B etc etc . . . .
There’s some juicy story lines ahead!
self hating, rich white liberals have done so much damage to this country and continue on and on…. I am going to stop reading this website as it is bad for my blood pressure!!
It won’t make much of a soap with no pub and no-one talking to anyone else!
Mind they could change the format into something like a Wilkie Collins novel with the same story told by different characters:
Scene opens opens with fat white git scratching his head whilst standing in street looking at new jungle of road signs:
“Bladdy hell? Wot ‘ave they gorn an’ darn naah? Wot wiv the bleedin’ congestion charge ‘ows a white van man to live?”
Scene cuts to thin brown man saying essentially the same thing in Urdu.
Repeat with various stereotypical representatives of E17 talking in their ‘vibrant’, enriching native tongues.
What’s not to like?
If it’s Walthamstow there’ll be characters who mysteriously disappear and after a few months absence their family will talk about their overseas ‘charity’ work. We will hear of arrests and see family members assuring other BME characters that their brother/son is most definitely not a terrorist but not daring to speak to the local whitey who aren’t cockney geezers but Poles or Albanians. And so on.
Will the BBC be using subtitles for those in the cast who represent that proportion of the Multi-Culti immigrants who do not speak a single word of English?
At least the BBC has woken up to a joke that has been around for the last 20 years. Will they replace the theme tune with a Bangra version.
Might as well change the name to “MiddleEastenders”
Pub will have to go, converted into a mosque, the square itself will be full of trash, to give it that authentic “diverse” town feel, Halal butcher on the corner, with a handy sideline in meat cleavers, for any of the locals who fancy popping down to Woolwich, every shop will be somehow owned by “new arrivals”, the only whitey to be seen will be a street sweeper.
It will be fab.
Dunno what you are all worried about, the show will be diverse and vibrant.
I have not watched the tripe for years, I doubt I’ll ever watch it again in my lifetime, unless it’s by accident.
Why the hell didn’t I think of that? So obvious!
Another instance of the fingerpost. What are they playing at?
I could believe, when I’m feeling particularly gullible, that they honestly believe they are doing the right thing. That they really think that the more people see how wonderful and harmonious diversity can be that we will all go ‘ahhhh bless’ and welcome one and all into our arms.
Sadly, if that’s the right word, that is the most unlikely scenario. There are far too many people who simply will not accept black faces on the TV (not all of them white neither) and the more they see the angrier they will get. We have seen this here with plenty of posts from people who simply don’t like darkies, and not in a Monty Python way either. That’s their right, it’s their home too.
So, either they are perpetually stupid or they are deliberately trying to stir up racial tension, solid in the belief that they will be immune once the blood starts to be spilt in earnest. They are wrong, the inner city metro-sexuals will be in the firing line long before most of us are aware the killing has even started.
Too many white faces, and far too much English being spoken to be truly representative as modern day London…
I await Eastenders subtitles in the coming years, as the BBC attempt to phase out the English language in the interests of “progress”…
The trouble is that if they made it a representative cast then they would have to kill each other off every few weeks.
And how would they show the under-age child molesting before the watershed?
Who would want to appear on a programme where the likelihood is that you would only be a cast member for 3 or 4 months,.
Complain to the BBC. I’ve done I many times.
Just the usual fantasy world of the liberal. Ignore it and them. Their days are coming to an end. Coyle is aiming to head the BBC Trust. An ideal candidate.
The more of them in charge of the BBC the better . The quicker it it will implode.
Eastenders promoting Cultural Marxism and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous British.
”The BBC continues its drive to expunge the British from the face of the earth. This agenda can be seen in action through the BBC drive to eliminate British and specifically English identity through miscegenation. Here is an analysis of the racial character of the ’love interest‘of just one family, that of Bianca in ‘East Enders’ .
Bianca: Bianca has a mixed race son, Morgan.
Carol : (Bianca’s mum) – Married a black man Alan Jackson and had a mixed race son, Billy. Carol has shared a black boyfriend (Connor) with Bianca’s adopted daughter, the perennial victim
Whitney: Shared a black boyfriend with Carol (see above).
Thus three generations of this one English BBC TV family have had or are having sexual relationships with blacks. (The concentration on blacks arises from the Cultural Marxist position that as historically the most primitive and most ‘oppressed’ of races, the black most requires to be shown as on the same socio-economic level as the ‘oppressing’ whites).
Some major points arise: although the East Enders’ depiction of reality is grossly perverted through the deliberate, ridiculous exaggeration of the frequency of mixed–race liaisons which is a device for encouraging them, there is a certain amount of truth in it:- ”
Oh, what a surprise: David Brims whining on about black people. It seems “the concentration on blacks” comes more from people like him, who seem to be outraged that characters are portrayed as having relationships not dependent upon skin colour.
Brims doesn’t like being described as racist – but I’d suggest his frequent postings on Biased BBC speak for themselves.
Quisling Scott,
Why would you tweet that the muslim Time Square bomber was ‘kinda hot’, but not Anders Brevik. It is because you know one indicates political approval for his anti-white, anti-western agenda (though disguised as a sexual preference) which your lefty friends approve of, but would not approve about such a tweet on Anders Brevik.
If making frequent comments about race makes one a racist would you agree that such mega media luminaries of Gazza Younge, Bonnie Sneer, and the YAB are racists as they only ever seem to see an issue through a skin colour perspective.
did he really tweet that??
Thanks for the info.
Yes, the despicable troll admits that he tweeted that. The troll has been challenged on it several times in the past week or so – and tries to say it is irrelevant.
It wasn’t a particularly serious tweet, as the context at the time (which was years ago) would have indicated. Unfortunately Biased BBCers were denied any such context, because DB – who was a frequent poster at the time, but seems to have fallen out of favour – kept it around on his hard drive for months, finally using it when writing a whole post about me when he’d got fed up with me pointing out inaccuracies in his posts. So on a blog that’s about BBC bias, a sad little man devoted a lengthy post to a personal attack on somebody who’s never worked for the BBC in his life. For a site where sensitive little souls shriek “ad hominem” whenever somebody so much as stands up for themselves, it showed the craven depths to which this site’s posters are prepared to sink in their attempt to feel that their scribblings have any power.
It was a particularly juvenile post, but struck a chord with a similarly immature audience. It’s now brought up regularly by people like “Kyoto” and “John Anderson” when they want to change the subject. Because they think that I’m going to be shamed by a group of pathetic little pseudonymous racists.
But hey. If it avoids the issue of Brims’ repeated and blatant racism, I’m sure the sad little should will keep bringing it up. Anything to avoid being honest about the scum that infest this site, eh…
What a pathetic troll post.
The troll declared that the jihadist Times Square bomber was “hot”. He agrees he did this.
That marks the troll down as scum in my book.
Don’t feed any kind of troll. But especially this one – he has tried for years to disrupt this site.
Yup, “John Anderson”, you avoid the issue just like that. Because a non-serious tweet written years ago is apparently far more important than Alan lying about BBC content, isn’t it. Or Biased BBC regulars calling people “cunts”. Or David Brims’ repeated racism.
Whenever I ask why you ignore all those in favour of stalking me, you refuse to answer. It’s not because you really think I’m a troll, it’s because you know that you turn a blind eye to regular commenters’ appalling behaviour, and you have no justification for doing so.
So do stop claiming the moral high ground, there’s a love. You’re nothing more than a hypocrite, and you know it.
Contrary to the stupid arguments the troll throws around I do not use a pseudonym.
Unlike the troll, I have real achievements, a wide graduate and postgraduate education from a working-class start, I have held real worthwhile jobs, I have run my own business successfully, I have brought up a thriving family, and I have travelled the world.
By sheer hard work I never ended up in a dead-end nerd job like the troll. It is because he has been such a failure in life that he constantly seeks attention.
His endlessly disruptive behaviour at this website marks him out as a troll.
And his declaration that a jihadist as “hot” marks him out as pure scum.
So you’re going to avoid the fact that you ignore bad behaviour by others on this site by doing what you always do – try and insult me.
It won’t work. You’ve proven time and time again that your word means nothing, so expressing false opinions about my life as if they’re fact is hardly going to have any effect.
Unlike the troll, I have real achievements, a wide graduate and postgraduate education from a working-class start
And you’re reduced to attempting to insult someone on the internet because they had the temerity to ask you why you’re so consistently hypocritical. You poor man.
Why do you ignore other people’s bad behaviour on this site? Why do you obsess about me, but lack the ability to answer basic questions about your own behaviour?
Go away, scum troll. You admit you fancied a suicide bomber – go crawl away under a rock
Avoiding the questions about your own behaviour by being rude about me again? Getting kind of old. Any time you want to behave like a reasonable person, do let us know.
Scott my simple child, so you think the muslim Time Bomber terrorist is kinda hot ? Hmm…
Don’t the Beeb have some sort of shitty spin off from MiddleEastenders, E20 or something?
The plots we can develop for that…like, following around the jovial “Yoof” of Walford as they go out on their “Muslim Patrols”, chasing away the gays, whites, and un-burka’d women…How about cheeky Mo’ the cabbie, he’s a geezer alright, he loves nothing more than to rape drunken women that he picks up in his cab while they are passed out….what a hoot!…how about Imran Al Beale’s Halal chicken take away, where him and his cheeky chums lure in 11 year old girls with drugs and vodka in order to rape, and prostitute them amongst friends and family?…
I think we are onto a winner here lads.
At least more people are waking up to the fact that the BBC Is Biased
The best way to end the overrepresentation of white people in Eastenders would be to scrap the programme.
This would also end the overrepresentation of murder, rape, other crime, shouting, fighting, people on life support systems in hospital, fires, car crashes and other soap staples which happen in real life but much more rarely.
What’s the state doing in the junk TV industry anyway?
Nearly all the cast were liars and criminals, last time I looked, so it obviously is true to London life. The only aspect that isn’t representative is that surely all those cockneys ought to be Manchester United supporters?
Thankfully, after St. David of Moyes struck, United have managed to shake off large swathes of gloryhunters.
IF Eastenders starts to reflect E17 more than other parts of London, or the surrounding districts does that mean licence fee payers from north of the Watford Gap can expect Eastenders to be entirely funded from the pockets of people living in E17?
Will the crime rate go up too?
According to the Daily Telegraph, Diana Coyle, the current deputy chairman of BBC Trustees, made this speech as a central point of her bid to become BBC chairman. Was it to suck up to Sajid Javid, the culture minister? She deputy-presided over some of the worst journalistic debacles in BBC history (Entwhistle, Savile, McAlpine), and despite that, is still in the frame to succeed the ghastly Patten. Now, it seems, this ‘quango queen’ thinks the way to get appointed is not to pledge radical reform of bankrupt standards of journalism, but to appeal to a black culture minister by flaunting – with all the subtlety of a male baboon – her multicultural credentials. Walford was always a nasty world where lying and cheating about basic standards was more important than community spirit; in Ms Coyle, it has a perfect champion: a lefty economist, who adores the EU.
Coyle is eminently qualified for the job – she’s an adviser to Labour M.P. Chuckup Ummuna, and married to a BBC journalist .
‘an adviser to Labour M.P. Chuckup Ummuna’
I wonder if she worked her magic with his UKIP email claim as much as she has dusted the rest of the Trust footprint with disaster.
In other news…
‘But she doesn’t offer a solution – let’s hope she’s found one by interview time.’
That went well, then.
There once was an MP named Chuka, Who thinks I’m a thick techno-sucker, Now all of the net,
Won’t let him forget,
We think he’s an arrogant f.. f… fellow.
What on earth is Eastenders supposed to be “properly representative” of?
If it is reality then none of the characters would be there at all as an attractive square in East London would have been gentrified and sold off to arty types years ago.
I suppose that Coyle means “BBC culturally inclusive” authentic in which case I am looking forward to seeing the Caff full of Somalis complaining that they are going to have to go home and beat up their wives because Theresa May has cut off their khat supply.
If ‘Eastenders’ was to be authentic, they would need to replace the entire cast with Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, and have the whole thing in Punjabi.
Why not do it properly?
This for me is proof that the BBC is nothing more than a propaganda organisation, and those at its head care nothing for their audience.
In the real world TV companies have to produce programs which their audience want to watch, not programs their PC crazed publicly funded bosses want to make,
The sooner they produce programs like this the better, because that way will further spell the end for this hopeless out of control dinosaur.
First MiddleEastenders storyline?
Wouldn’t surprise me if lots at the BBC thought he deserved it as he was an American
My prediction is that the beeboids will increase the proportion of ethnic characters, but sanitise out any negative aspects of their cultural contribution, leaving a load of Somalis and Bangladeshis acting like loveable, ethnic versions of Dick Van Dyke’s chimney sweep.
This will teach us horrible reactionary/tory/ukip types about how wonderful multiculturalism really is.
The show is appalling so what happens to it is something I have no interest in at all. As for speaking English the characters appear to struggle with a basic English vocabulary. I have heard 3 year olds with a better command of our language. It is a blot on our nation and we would be well rid of it.
It also shows just how rapid immigration into the UK has been in the last decade that not even the progressive BBC can keep up with the demographic changes in London.
see the thing is scott.i just dont believe you come from a working class backgroud,in attack me on many blogs because of my poor spelling and bad punctuation because of my working class background and i find that very hurtfull,just be honest scott,you are very middle class and and in fact i think you spend most of your energy rebelling against your priviliged and middle class background,not many post graduates living on my working council estate scott or maybe you are that secret one that does and i have never met.
i just dont believe you come from a working class background
Where have I ever talked about my background? I don’t particularly care what you believe one way or another, but you’re accusing me of saying things I haven’t. attack me on many blogs because of my poor spelling and bad punctuation because of my working class background and i find that very hurtfull
No, I’ve pointed out in the past that it’s been easy to spot when you’ve attacked me using multiple pseudonyms, because whatever name you’ve used, Stuart/Bob/Roy/etc., your spelling, punctuation and grammar have been consistent.
just be honest scott
You’re accusing me of “rebelling” in ways I haven’t done. Of saying things I haven’t said. Coming from a man who’s lied about his identity in the past to try and make it look as if multiple people were agreeing with you about my “paranoia”, I’ll take a pass on any judgements of honesty from you, if you don’t mind.
Don’t feed the whining boring troll
Not got anything better to do than stalk me, eh, “John”.
Still, at least popping up time after time to admonish me eats into that time you could be using to explain why you tolerate vile and abusive behaviour from Biased BBC regulars. Can’t have you trying to justify your hypocrisy, now, can we?
BBC EastEnders, Ben Fellows writes of his experience as a child actor in the UK: “As a young actor on East Enders, I was propositioned by another adult actor… ”
Why do I feel so dirty after reading a post and comments about race on this site? What a delightful bunch you are.
Guessing that first is rhetorical.
As to the second, the all-inclusivity fragging surely becomes suicidal?
You don’t go into specifics, evidently preferring a vague scattergun approach, so neither will I.
Yes, there are some posts that are not about BBC accuracy, objectivity or integrity, seem designed at best to rouse rabble (consider yourself stirred), and for preference were not made here, or anywhere.
Thing is, they are almost inevitable.
Most ignore, some challenge, and a few lurk and whinge, later on.
Now, in the spirit of righting two wrongs, having failed here to explain specifically what you are on about or take anyone to task (scoring high on option 3), perhaps you’d be good enough to share your last outing on a BBC FaceBook page (operating roughly similar modding levels as here), who you tackled, about what and the outcome.
BBC World News is always a rich seam (current topics looking more than promising). In amongst the spammers there’s usually a tribal, faith or race-based psycho wishing hell and damnation on any not on their team.
Go get ’em tiger.
Let us know how you get on.
Or with the BBC mods.
you accussed me of being a liar scott and having multilple personalitys,wrong as usual.,also you claimed you never mentioned your class,dont think so mate,scroll up to one of your many comments on this blog and you do claim to come from a working class background bubba,who is the liar now scott,he he.
*sigh* it was “John Anderson” who claimed to be from a working class background, not me.
And as for the other personas who just happened to agree with you, and who just happened to omit spaces after punctuation in the way that you do, who just happened to tend towards run-on sentences in the way that you do, and who just happened to ignore capital letters in exactly the way that you do… forgive me for not believing you when you say they weren’t you. Honesty isn’t one of your strong suits, is it?