There was an jodd uxtaposition on BBC New Channel yesterday evening.
On one hand the BBC journos went cock-a-hoop for the Andy Coulson story and merrily aired a pre-prepared piece with David Blunket (a politician who appears to be a big BBC favourite) bemoaning intrusions into his private affairs that wrecked his otherwise fine progressive political career…. his sex scandal was alluded to but there was no mention at all of any share dealings or dodgy visas…..
(Were I a youngster with no memory of the New Labour years I would have come away from that report with a very slanted and one-sided view of Mr Bunket)
And on the other hand…. the ludicrous spectacle of the BBC NUJ chapel out in force on our Licence Fee campaigning with a demo against a recent Cairo court judgement.
Double standards. Left supporting. Self-interest. Bias.
The BBC v Murdoch battle (the so-called phone hacking so-called scandal) was where the BBC’s Left-leaning united with the BBC’s corporate self-interest. And what a fuss they made.
I think I can truthfully say that I have yet to meet anyone who could give a stuff about the whole sodding affair. Tedious doesn’t even begin to describe it. Does anyone agree, or am I the odd one out?
it’s a media bun-fight, you’d think Cameron had actually had a hand in the murder itself. Harriet Harridan was her usual screeching self on sky news, Do yourself a favour and don’t watch any news for a couple of days.
My Latest experience of the BBC complaints procedure concerns the time when Jon Snow told listeners “There is no tradition of forced conversions in Islam”.
It’s a long time ago now, but it has taken no less than 5 follow up phone calls to get a response.
When I finally have it’s been a flat denial that he ever said it.
This was something heard by other readers here and commented on at the time.
Because of the time it has taken all iPlayer pieces have aged off and the evidence their pants are on fire is not possible to obtain.
Is this a new technique the corporation are using to protect staff when they are clearly in the wrong?
Has anyone reading this experienced anything similar?
Myself and Dave666 both have ongoing complaints, which are more than a month old, regarding UKIP’s Croyden carnival during the run-up to the Euro elections. So far no response from the BBC.
I have just checked the webpage I was complaining about, and note that one of the points I raised has been taken off. Although the time stamp remains unchanged.
I am annoyed with myself for not taking a screen grab at the time because I suspect they will now deny it ever said what I complained about. Particularly as News Sniffer doesn’t have anything.
‘note that one of the points I raised has been taken off. Although the time stamp remains unchanged.’
That’s a bit naughty. But rather shows what the BBC archives is as reliable as the editorial for what goes in, gets changed or dropped out.
‘I am annoyed with myself for not taking a screen grab at the time because I suspect they will now deny it ever said what I complained about.’
Again, the BBC’s record in this is not good.
However, as a small niggle in the back of their minds must be that the minute you deny it ever happened, when it did, and someone still has the evidence, they add mendacious to moronic.
Roland I’m re complaining again tomorrow unless a reply turns up in the mean time. I want to know why UKIP were a target where as rent a mob carried on their usual antics without any investigation as to who these people are and why they were trying to cause trouble by pretending to be a nationality they were not. Who funds then and exactly what they get up to.
Ach, bugger it. Trying and failing to copy and paste on a Hudl tablet. What I meant to copy was an intermediate paragraph:
“People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen”.
I took some screen grabs of what I assumed was the Croydon Labour Party staged stunt as photographed by compliant Getty Images for circulation to national news editors as “fact”
BBC PM on Radio 4 told an absolute probable whopper tonight on the story of the kidnapped Nigeria school girls.
The correspondent made a big play about the forced conversion and then came out with it:
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!!”
The BBC should have a recording and I think they should be asked to provide you a copy. If not, see if your MP is interested.
‘I think they should be asked to provide you a copy’
Good luck with that. The minute they suss you don’t know exactly what you heard or when or where, the shutters come down before the words ‘computer says no’ cease to echo.
Doesn’t mean it isn’t worth tracking down, because if it was said it exists.
Be a nifty sound file to have on file.
BBc all over. Note how they changed the script on the UKIP carnival fake Romanian report and then initially told me I’d need to be more specific with when they showed it. (all day in fact.).
Although I never listen to it, were I a dedicated multiculturalist I would insist that the Archers exhibit diversity. I usually switch off when that tune strikes up – but replacing it with the Allah Akibar song would celebrate the diversity of our rural community.
But a definite pointer to where the next World War is going to come from.
But obviously, nobody wants to start until they have a sporting chance to kill more millions of us than they would have if we started when we should have. Say about 10 years ago.
When we had a racist Empire the Muslim subjects were mostly peaceful and many volunteered and served Britain faithfully in both World Wars.
Now we have no Empire and racism (which includes anti-Islamism) is considered the worst crime yet we have produced in recent years home grown British Muslim terrorists and jihadists keen to slaughter their fellow Brits and fellow Muslims.
Go figure.
In a classic example of how cosy is the backstairs relationship between BBC editors and their lefty establishment dinner party pals, BBC current affairs seemed to morph briefly for a couple of days into The David Blunkett Show. (A few weeks ago there was a similar spate of multiple BBC cosyings-up; this time with David Bowie.) This time its Blunkett.
First: he’s retiring at the next election…big deal…cue a 5 minute hagiography on Monday’s Radio4 Today programme.
Second: his phone was apparently hacked (like various other celebs)…cue another 5 minutes of drama-queeny self-pity/ self justification by Blunkett…. all in licence payer funded prime air time…….he just didn’t know how on earth he coped with it……the stress and blah blah….so he told BBC 6 o’clock News (Tuesday) at seemingly interminable length.
All air time, of course, that was therefore NOT devoted to real suffering of real significance….like women being brutalised in their hundreds of thousands all around the globe…like people running scared or being mown down in their hundreds of thousands by psychopathic terror organisations….but, never mind all that, let’s get back to the big story of the day….David Blunkett and his sufferings.
I am starting to wonder if there is not a subtle fifth column at play within the BBC.
Because unleashing the Prescott as the voice of ethical outrage is… frankly… hilarious.
Whatever he is wheeled out to ‘enhance’ is tainted in seconds.
BBC Radio London Vanessa Feltz. 3 hours yesterday on banning kat, gat, gut, cat or whatever it is. This morning we start with David Cameron and Andy Coulson and the Axis of Tory evil. For the last two weeks we have Robert Elms on after VF going on about the various communities in London celebrating the World Cup. Not one mention ever of the indigenous working class England supporters. The BBC and their presenters really do loathe this country and they expect us to pay for this drivel.
For what it’s worth, I think banning khat is a bad idea. Apart from the fact that these bans do not work and merely lead to increased criminality, if chewing khat keeps the Somalis chilled out, that is surely in all our interests.
There’s chilling out, and then there’s… ‘On occasions these presentations are associated with episodes of self-harm or harm to others.’
Given a related addiction to videos involving kitchen utensils not involved in cooking, I’d err on steering clear.
“For what it’s worth I think banning khat is a bad idea.” I don’t generally like anything banned but I’ve lived in an area (delightfully diverse) where the use of this narcotic is widespread. The Somalis have a repulsive tendency to chew the leaves and then gob the debris wherever they might be lounging. If they practised this vile habit in their own homes I wouldn’t be too bothered, but in parts of south London there’s more khat spat out on the pavements than dog shit.
Ah, the endless and unalloyed delights of fifty years third world mass immigration.
I can’t understand why I moved away…
The BBC at its Islamo fellating best again with this article on the growth of Islam among the Aborigine population in Australia. It starts with some extremely tenuous and debatable links between Australia and Macassar in Indonesia, especially with their effects on Aborigine art, music and religion.
It then goes on to relate Islams growth among the aborigine population today and how Islam is supposedly a natural fit with Aborigine culture. It never questions how Islam can ever be a natural fit with a culture whose art is overwhelmingly visual and song based. It also never challenges such howlers like ‘similar cultural attitudes like respect for land and resources‘. I mean where in the Islamic world is this respect displayed?
Never once in this report does it mention the likely horrible effects on aborigine and wider Australian society of the growth of this religion among a section of the population which already has a grievance against wider society and the likely violence that is almost certainly going to manifest as a result, as well as all the other negative consequences of this loathsome religion.
‘…never challenges such howlers like ‘similar cultural attitudes like respect for land and resources‘. I mean where in the Islamic world is this respect displayed?’
There was a moment in Salmon Fishing in The Yemen… maybe?
But mostly it’s how many gallons to the mile your gold plated Lambo can deliver.
Well I never knew that. Why don’t they just show the whole of breakfast via a video link from London. , Still I saw Metallica when they were good and have had zero desire ever to go to Glasto. Wonder how many presenters will be appearing at Glastonbury this year? Oh I see according to Wickepedia ” Kirkwood has also presented live forecasts as part of the BBC’s coverage of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, sharing these duties with Dan Corbett and Susan Powell”.
Although it’s now 3 years ago I haven’t heard a single thing about this until someone sent it to me in an email.
Given the issues in the UK most people would consider this to be an important news piece.
Let’s face it this would be something the BBc wouldn’t go shouting from the rooftops a bit like Chukka doing his anyone who voted UKIPcan’t use a computer slur.What the hell is this beige plastic box in front of me anyway?
If they’ve signed the LISBON treaty then nothing can be done as it’s stated EU policy (and that is run by the French commies). It is up to the UK to show the way when we leave others will surely follow. More on how to do that is here. I watched ‘Betrayed’ and there is another called ‘leaving the union’ which applies to the Netherlands same as the UK, we’re all sinking.
Surreal discussion on the Media Show Radio 4 this afternoon re Leveson/Murdoch etc. Most of panel agreed that Murdoch had too much power and his empire was invincible. Politicians were in awe of him and feared him and he therefore exercised power over what policies they would put forward.
If you substituted the BBC for Murdoch, everything that the panel said would be equally true. Except of course that newspapers have much less power than the state funded BBC, which enters into almost every home in the country, and is paid for by taxing every home, and is therefore much more of a threat to British democracy than Murdoch ever was.
Now we`re out of the World Cup-any chance of the BBC sending its team of pimps and gasbags home on the next flight?
Collective punishment for the scum at the BBC who seem to prosper no matter how bad the team do…and continue to talk as if THEY themselves had ever won a jot with the national team!
I mean-coaching tips with Phil Neville?…man management from Alan Shearer?
Bring our boys home…a national embarrassment.
At least the team have a future-the BBC don`t.
And in other news…
I am continually intrigued by these ‘negotiations’.
The unions know that Lord Tone sits atop a near limitless cash pile, and the precedent (Pollard legals, McAlpine compo, pension shortfall, etc) is set that what serves or digs staff out of a hole simply means less for programming.
Lord Tone and the Market Second Rates know that they don’t get the gravy or the train if it’s stuck in the station for any length of time. No telly… no chance getting telly tax.
Also appreciated by the unions.
Hence it is seldom a matter of what; simply when he caves.
Comparisons with the private sector seem to have been suspended for a while, but one is sure that if anything favourable hoves into view, it will be used.
No one I know has had a pay rise in years, inflation-liked or otherwise.
Like others I too have noted the bBC article about peaceful Islam reaching Australasia before the British: When Islam came to Australia Few Australians are aware that the country’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had regular contact with foreign Muslims long before the arrival of Christian colonisers. And Islam continues to exercise an appeal for some Aboriginal peoples today….The Makasssans represent Australia’s first attempt at international relations, according to anthropologist John Bradley from Melbourne’s Monash University – and it was a success. “They traded together. It was fair – there was no racial judgement, no race policy,” he says. Quite a contrast to the British. Britain designated the country terra nullius – land belonging to no-one – and therefore colonised the country without a treaty or any recognition of the rights of indigenous people to their land.
Excuse me, according to this leftwing drivel Islam can only be peaceful while British Christians can only be evil. Ok two can play that game.
GB conquered the US, the US kicked them out and while it is a Christian nation many other faiths are followed
GB conquered India, the Indians gained their independence and many faiths are followed
In fact in every country the GB ruled indigenous faiths were allowed to strut their stuff .
Now lets look at Islam:
Every country it has conquered, Islam has become the majority faith, while some faiths are allowed, those faiths have virtually been extinguished due to the intolerant nature of Islam. Turkey,Pakistan, Jordan,Bangladesh, Yemen, Afghanistan all used to have sizeable non Islamic populations, now virtually nothing. Even Muslims who don’t belong to their particular branch of Islam are attacked. Yet to the bBC, the only nasty people are Christians, yet it is to Christians countries Muslims flock to, not Islamic ones (Unless you are a peaceful British victim wanting to kill for Allah in Syria) The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for intolerant Islam paid for by the British taxpayer.
“and therefore colonised the country without a treaty or any recognition of the rights of indigenous people to their land.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
So the 6 O’clock news. Hacking, Wonga & bitey footballer. What happened to Iraq, Syria etc.? Meanwhile North West tonight frackingly well leads with another fracking story, can you believe it? It’s fracking if you didn’t get it. North west even manages to include bitey footballer as apparently he plays for Liverpool.
Daily Politics today featured PMQs and Miliband pathetically attempting to score points and slur the PM about his stupid decision to employ Coulson.
They think we must all be stupid.
Coulson was not a criminal when first employed in Downing Street, as stated by Miliband.
It is as though us plebs have forgotten how all this News International coziness all started.
It was of course under the most disastrous 13 years of Labour rule that the Murdoch and Brooks habit commenced and became part of the Downing Street Propaganda Ministry without portfolio run by the evil Campbell et al.
They even spinned us into the most disastrous war, killing, maiming, radiclasising and displacing millions for which this country will take a generation to recover from.
Just like the millions of migrants they imported which we now attempting to cope with provide housing, healthcare, prison places, lost jobs with the ever depleted economy that they also severely trashed, .
Bliar has made £60 Million since he left office, jetting all over the World in his private airplane on the lecture tour giving speeches. At least he’s got his priorities right, you gotta look after number one.
According to Ryanair as of over two hours ago they have been told the French ATC strike is over from midnight, and all passengers should have no trouble tomorrow, and should turn up as normal.
According to the thousands of Beeboid reporters – It is past five pm, so we have buggered off and can’t be arsed reporting this
I do recall the eminent historian of the First World War, Prof Mary Beard no less, in a discussion on the War at the Hay on Wye literary do on Radio 4, pointing out how ethnically diverse the war actually was.
The BBC used to be the hub of high quality educational programmes. Contrast this trite effort with Twitter’s attempt to blog actual 1914 F.O. announcements, to the nearest minute, on the anniversary of WW1: Follow WW1 as it happened
Ah yes, the Foreign Office, the enemy within, I think it was Alan Clark who said ”You could save all that money on diplomats, embassies, the drinks bill and replace the entire operation with a telephone and a fax machine.”
Yes and from the same BBC who thought it was disgusting for anyone to think that the end of that horrific war could be seen as a celebration as well as commemoration! oh noo that’s wrong ! but as the butt of jokes and childish crap ! fine !
Radio 2 news said that campaigners had lost their fight to be allowed to ‘die with dignity’. Pretty much all of the corporation’s coverage takes this line, which is anything but neutral.
Dying with dignity is a funny euphemism for assisted suicide isn’t it.
In the world of Barraco Barma and the BBC, US unemployment is shown as being 10 million and apparently, according to the BBC, those unemployed blame themselves and not Barmer.
“Researchers tell the BBC that out-of-work Americans tend to blame themselves for their predicament,…”
Well somehow I doubt that.
The BBC however is guilty of a gross distortion here as the true unemployment figures are some 60% higher at over 16 million.
The BBC studiously ignores those who have given up looking for work because there are no jobs and who are not recorded on the US unemployment stats.
Can you imagine the mass hysteria that would break out in the BBC if the Conservatives tried pulling a stunt like that.
From Bunter Lardell and the asinine Kaye woman, not a peep.
They don’t reveal names or ethnicity in order to avoid stirring racial hatred from all the racist white people (i.e. anyone that does not subscribe to a wonderfully diverse viewpoint).
The head of the natural history unit gets paid £160K a year. That must be a very important job, as I believe David Cameron is on a similar salary.
And the former HR directory, Lucy Adams, was on £33K. Considering that there are many experienced, top notch HR managers out there on a tenth of that,, I can’t help wondering if she was overpaid.
I’d love to hear Scott’s take on this – whether he thinks that these salaries represent money well spent.
wonderful BBC report opens with the symbol of the “religion of peace” call to prayer, turrets, continues with the usual flannel … ends with “plea s” (??), from the police for help, from a chief superintendent donned in a hijab (for deep respect?), as she belittles herself grovelling as her audience looks down its nose at her, handwringing about, “police having to do more to earn the trust of the muslim community” yada yada!
and she s from … counter terrorism!
yep! pandering to a mosque well known for its lack of tolerance free speech, and goodwill to gays … on the BBC
……. yep! … good luck with that one.
even more simpering report from midland news plea s to pleeeeze “pick up the phone” … blabbing on about “Ramadan” with a shots from the hilarious mosques (two year old s “Meccano” set), front stairway,
(first item).
Imam – “trust us more after all we are not enemy within”?
Was that a British copper wearing the head scarf towards the end of the clip? This pandering to the ROP is going to end in tears – sooner or later – heaven forbid – a police officer will pay the price.
Something I have noticed often. The pronunciation of the word ‘muslim’ as ‘moouslim’ by women BBC reporters is widespread. Sounds more respectful.
She pronounces it about 4 different ways, almost as though it is racist or disrespectful in some way to pronounce it as Muzzlim. Mooooslim. Meslim. Musslim. Murzelim. It’s MUZZLIM. MUZZLIM MUZZLIM MUZZLIM. They seem to have the same issues with the word ‘Islam’. Isssslarm. Izlemm. Izzlermist. It’s IZZLAM, ffs!
“police having to do more to earn the trust of the muslim community”
I have a radical suggestion.
How about the Muslim community do more to earn the trust of the rest of us? Loudly and unequivocally condemning muslim atrocities, from which there are many to choose, throughout the world without trying to blame the west would be a start.
Another favour would not be to run to the various ‘Tell Mamas’ set up to funnel straight to Newsnight special ‘reports’ how the community living in fear (mostly of nasty words and errant meat products) is the one who seems unable to deal with a very high % of favoured sons actually committing crimes of violence on a very much faith-based basis, on certain communities with the clearly definite intention of inspiring justified (vs. spun) fear.
Trust is earned; not imposed, no matter how often enough platitudes are told.
Dave, Theresa, the Police, Judiciary & whole politico-media establishment bubble is trying to pull a doomed mass delusion stunt in the age of the internet, and those who’ve signed up will be held to account.
There’s what happens, what doesn’t happen, and how these get ‘enhanced’ up, down and/or out to try and shape something that is struggling to counter the evidence of people’s own lying senses.
Off now to look for a non Uber-sore cabbie to bring to Ian Katz’ attention to roam various communities for a Newsnight special, checking out how spooked they are by thus far minimal actual reaction to near relatives or followers murdering folk screaming certain benedictions?
Labour MP and anti-Murdoch campaigner Tom Watson was clearly among friends last night on Newsnight.
Overpaid and overpromoted public payroll shouty female BBC presenters left the viewer in little doubt that whilst in their modern late night sound bite sloganized world Mr Murdoch’s imperial heap of gold was to be despised, our Tom was the great sage and guru – the Robin Hood of the public airwaves.
But if Newsnight is now Sherwood Forest – the sacred glen as it were… the meeting place and hide out of all merry men who are outlaws of olde England….
Then what if a tree falls in the forest and no one is watching?
Newsnight try to keep me awake with the promise of a Skype-link to some young mohamedan fool whose parents may have a cornershop in Brum or somesuch…. innit tho…. geewhiz he’s gone to Syria or some Levantine backwater to play Jihadees in the sand… how totes thrilling…. oxygen of publicity anyone?
Switch Off. I say cut off the Licence Fee before it get really silly.
BBc breakfast: The wheel of monotony turns again with a double feature this morning. House prices, at least they now recognise that London is a separate case. Oh and just for a change (not) SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the expert who tells us that if your kid has fruit juice in the morning they should only have water for the rest of the day. TAX ON SUGARY FOODS!!!!! Anyone seen the size of cakes these days? They all appear to have been subject to a shrink ray.
This was the twitter “quote we like” headline this morning: BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews)
26/06/2014 Water as only teatime drink “will combat child obesity”
‘Willing it’ much there, Aunty?
Not sure the Marie Antoinette tone from those whose corridors can be awash with empty Bolly bottles was cutting much ice with twittosphere. mind.
Speaking of wording, they have actually managed to not avoid breaking some news, that has just popped into my in-box feed… Savile NHS victims aged five to 75
Ex-BBC DJ Jimmy Savile sexually abused victims aged five to 75 in NHS hospitals, over decades of unrestricted access
A crafting masterpiece in every sentence.
The headline does not (it does) have space for the subhead inclusion of his original employers who hired him, boosted him and protected him.
He was, also, most definitely, an ex-employee, apparently. If not when all this was going on. To his death.
If a turd needs polishing, BBC’s subs will give it their best shot.
One has to wonder what made this person so attractive to invite in and so feared to deal with by even thinking of suggesting a national treasure may be tarnished to a ‘get it about right’ complaints culture that will crush any threat to the hive cohesion with a second’s pause or thought. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites
Or, if it can help it, apparently anything that goes on within its own premises either.
Any other corporate FUBAR would have been shut down within months.
Jimmy Saville never worked alone. Other non reported BBC sex abusers included many child actors; One (Ben Fellows) from ‘EastEnders’ shows the perils of working for the BBC (even within the BBC) ‘under cover’ operations were always highly risky, he says…
The bBC report on the despicable rape of a 90 year old woman are happy to report that her attacker was white, anything else would have been conveniently omitted from the report.
Of course white could mean anything this is Rochdale, and I would be called a bigot to surmise, remember Gillian Duffy?
National Union of Journalists, endorsed by the very many BBC-NUJ’s branches, still politically campaigns to get 80 million Turks into E.U so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe (inc U.K.):-
“Sharia Turkey: Islamic supremacists distribute brochures on beach telling women to cover up”
By Robert Spencer.
“There is a hint of menace to this morality initiative, for the recipients of the brochure know that if they don’t comply, some Muslims may think that killing them is preferable to the continued affront to their honor that their immoral dress represents.”
Be interesting, if asked, and given the option, who the British public could live without, or not.
Well, until Chas ascends and suddenly he’s Aunty’s main man on many ‘issues’.
“Be interesting, if asked, and given the option, who the British public could live without, or not.”
And the fact that, in the opinion of most people here (I think), there is a clear commercial alternative to the BBC, whereas a presidency would still be a cost to the state.
And, since Royal palaces would continue to be maintained, and foreign dignitaries would still have to be received, I strongly suspect that the net cost of a presidency would be more.
I seem to recall a (admittedly simplistic) statistic a few years ago comparing the running costs of our embassies in Paris and Washington with all Royal palaces put together. Guess which were more expensive.
BBC News has been asking most of the day, “Is the monarchy value for money?” The question of whether or not the profligate, media fat cats at the BBC give value for money has not been raised.
Works just fine (must find out how to do that).
It is a classic BBC plug pull, beyond what was un-nerving the mods on the likes front.
25 June 2014 Last updated at 11:28
It may be my browser, but clicking the link you provide sees no comments at all appear.
Maybe that was the ‘last update’?
Do newsniffer or Wayback capture such things?
If so… tricky one to explain away, surely?
‘if you go to the “Latin America” page the headline is there, complete with 52 comments that don’t exist’
That*, surely, warrants an explanation?
One presumes there are at least 52 people who committed time to commenting who may feel… vexed?
Also rather worth keeping on file for when a Flokker starts an irony-free whinge campaign packing out the pages with how they have been muzzled or banned.
*Still there. Making ‘Mail Contents of this page’ and ‘Grab’ such useful additions to the browser menu.
The bBC praises allah for the aquittal of a AL Queada terrorist inside Jordan. Abu Qatada found not guilty by Jordan court of terror plot Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada has been found not guilty of terrorism offences by a court in Jordan, over an alleged plot in 1998. A panel of civilian judges sitting at the State Security Court in Amman cleared him of conspiracy to carry out terrorist acts. Abu Qatada was deported from the UK in July 2013. A verdict on another alleged plot was adjourned until September.The Home Office said Abu Qatada would not be able to return to Britain.
The bBC is jubilent over how a member of the peaceful gay death cult has been found not guilty of murdering his fellow man in his home country. Note I said his home country. The bbC then comes out with:
1. When he was deported from the UK in July 2013, Home Secretary Theresa May said she had been “as frustrated as the public” about the estimated £1.7m cost and length of time it had taken to remove him. The cleric had fought his deportation since 2005.
2.Mr Brokenshire also said Abu Qatada is subject to a deportation order which means he will be unable to return to the UK. He is also subject to a UN travel ban.
3. When asked if Abu Qatada could return to Britain,
4.”Based on everything that we know, the Jordanian government will go to great lengths to keep Abu Qatada in prison, so I don’t think the question of him coming to the UK is a real possibility at this particular point.”
Gee, I wonder if the bBC is tryign to send me a message?
Well no reply to my complaint as of when I started writing this: I am still waiting for a reply in connection with a complaint I initially made on 21/5/2014 CAS-2716239-TGXSVY concerning your reporting of the UKIP “carnival” on 20/5/14 in Croydon. When you were happy enough to film the “rent a mob” including members of their faction pretending to be Romanians. Despite then interviewing a Romanian hotel worker ,I was informed you needed more details as despite showing this story all day you didn’t seem to know what I was referring to.. The website story was changed from ““Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” to “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.”. Which would mean as far as I can see you were fully aware that this was a tactic being used by I assume the usual suspects UAF/ Hope not hate/ Socalist Worker / rent a mob to stir up trouble.” Now submitted
Good luck getting a reply to that. Let’s see which of us gets fobbed off first.
However, by quoting your case number I fear you may have enabled them to tie up your complaint to your posts here, and you may now be put on the naughty step.
At the very least, he and the site owners may be getting a “we notice you don’t appear intimidated by our ‘let’s keep this our little secret'” missive.
However, given who is again cresting the news today, they may hold off a wee while on such terms until it’s safe… again.
Roland. They know exactly who I am anyway. I had a complaint about their anti-English bias that went to editorial level, I’ve been complaining on and off when I thought it has been justified since 2008 when they produced the affront that was the “white “series. At the end of the day let’s not forget I’m actually paying them for their “service”. As far as I see every complaint I’ve made has been justified. Anyway if life was a popularity competition I’d lose and I still wouldn’t care.
The BBC, as predictable as ever…. When I saw on the BBC home page a link entitled “Celebrities call for drug law change”, I wondered how far into the article would there be a mention of the alleged comedian Russell Brand. Would it be within the first paragraph? The first sentence? Even better – the article starts with his photograph and name. How predictable – rather reminds me of that line in the movie Casablanca – “Round up the usual suspects”. See Alternatively, look for the last such article on the BBC website – can’t be more than a month ago.
Earlier today I caught Jezza Vine mounting a very high horse about Wonga and threatening letters for non payment (of an actual debt).
No defence of Wonga (or Dave’s wise decisions accepting their donations) from me… I can see no merit in the business or its methods, especially if, as shown, caught breaking the law and having to stump up compo.
But Mr. Vine and his empathetic oppo really were gunning for anyone who uses intimidation in any way shape or form, especially with no sound basis, such as even the fact of a debt.
This seems… brave… all things considered.
Maybe Jezza or Kamal Ahmed may like to hook up with Panorama or Newsnight to look into other instances of corporate abuse of this nature, with even less of a basis to proceed… ‘TV Licensing are quick to quote (mostly imaginary) legislation when it suits’
Looks like others are getting pissed of with the Noddy “Countryfile”, “Farming Today”, and other Blue Peter environmental dross that bears no relation to the real world:
Meanwhile, in other news… ‘I.E. We’re not doing what were told. The Trust may care to peruse recent appointments within “News”, to see if they agree with the spending priorities of Messrs Harding and Munro’
I editted a bit and popped news in “quotes”, BBC-style, to sort of hint that whatever it says it is, I don’t think so.
Feeeeed…. me, Seymour!!!!
The BBC can be endlessly pro-Miliband, and gun for Cameron all it likes, but it is all undercut by the type of cool and accurate report that Joey Jones of Sky TV gave on PMQs, Coulson and Leveson :
Not the normal offender but this week on ‘Open Book’ Mariella Frostrup let her politics out of the bag when gushing enthusiastically about a book written by a black writer with a white character.
at 10:55 “and that’s the thing isn’t it, in a world where we’re all wanting to be colour blind” !!!!!!!!!!!
Now I know a few mixed race people, who would be extremely annoyed if someone overlooked their coloured heritage!
We are not all trying to be part of the same grey Fascist mush we are distinct and different and some of that is in the colour of our skin and our racial background.
I imagine that this must have offended people from all the political spectrum, but it’s further illustration of the direction of the BBC.
I wonder if that fat, walking barrel of blubber, Watson, from Liebour will say sorry for the abuse he’s heaped on Brookes? Don’t hold your breath!
Nice subtle indoctrination from the BBC with the title on its webpage: “Brookes faces questions”. When you click on the link you get the rest: “Brookes faces questions from reporters.”
Pathetic… the BBC slammed this woman on every opportunity and she has been found NOT GUILTY! The BBC is a disgrace.
All of these third world thugs originate from areas like Camel Dung Central. It’s an utterly intolerant way of life, a sort of religious Nazism. Alcohol is forbidden, their unfortunate women are imprisoned in black body bags, gays are thrown off cliffs and errant daughters murdered. They want to impose their idiotic, backward, barbaric way of life on the rest of us.
And what does the Beeb say…
World cup: bBC really know how to organise a jolly at our expense as usual. While doing a link between games, the presenter, yet another one, introduces yet another presenter who does R1 newsbeat and we find out that his job is to monitor social networks for world cup activity. But of course he has to do it from Rio.
Er. Try reading the article. Apparently they’ve actually ruled *against* giving climate policy objectors like Lawson any airtime without an attached health warning to say ‘This man is wrong/a liar etc’ – even if what he is saying is factually correct. And of course no such restrictions ever apply to the wild & bogus claims of climate alarmists.
I am going to commit hari kari and impale myself into that irritating racist, Yasmin goodbye white!
Here is a snippet…
‘And the BBC should also take into account that the views of climate change ‘sceptics’ are already hugely over-represented in media coverage, giving the public the false impression that there is no scientific consensus over the causes and potential consequences.’
Sadly reading todays news report on Jeremy Hunt public ‘apology’ (TELEGRAPH) on Jimmy Saville’s ‘sickening series of abuses’ is worse than imaginable. You are almost led to believe he acted alone (when he worked almost ‘exclusively’ for the BBC along with his BBC chauffeur (both now deceased and found guilty) are blamed on NHS management (who gave access to everywhere and everybody – including dead bodies it says here). There is also the disturbing fact that the BBC staff are still ‘vetted’ by Mi5 for security reasons that seem completely pointless when paedophiles and devients have such a clear network (within the BBC) that allowed Saville to sexually exploit ‘by invitation’. No mention of connections to (Liberal) Cyril Smith and (Labour) Bob Flowers (who both knew of Saville by reputation). This is a shocking reflection on the BBC perversions which as yet do not show the full extent of ‘cooperation’ and ‘encouragement’ he must have received from the BBC and assorted political parties (not named).
Newsnight is ‘made by 13-year-olds’, says Jeremy Paxman The BBC’s flagship politics programme Newsnight is made by “13-year-olds”, its former host Jeremy Paxman has said, as he suggests his Conservative leanings made him a lone voice on the show.
Paxman, who made his last appearance on the flagship BBC programme earlier this month, said the makers of the programme were still young idealists, wanting to “change the world”.
He added his experience in politics had led him to be a “one-nation Tory”, with youthful idealism being a “fools’ errand”.
On the question of whether he truly was the last Conservative at the BBC, he began to answer before stopping himself.
“If I had to…are there any members of the press here?” he said, at the sold-out event. “I think I’ll plead the fifth on that one.”
In other words Paxman thinks today’s Newsnight is drivel. Surprise surprise he has often looked bored . It is rubbish and not worth watching.
RIP Newsnight. Soon to be gone and forgottten.
Finally if Paxman was the last conservative at the BBC what does that say about the rest?
None of them would hold down a job in the world outside the Guardian/liberal media axis of inanity.
A little unfair of Mr. P to many fresh new teens, who in my experience can be pretty sharp.
The Katz kindergarten, however, has long been the most lost of causes.
Making its scheduling odd, given those most likely to appreciate the calibre of its offering are unlikely to… well, anything much, yet.
Good job it still has budget aplenty to burn, one supposes.
BBC Online headline “Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman freed again.” This was followed by an obtuse article implying she had committed some sort of crime.
Only in the final sentence do we find: ‘Even though Mrs Ibrahim was brought up as an Orthodox Christian, the authorities considered her to be a Muslim because of her father’s religion.’ (Her father ran off when she was very small)
If that information had been included in the first paragraph, readers would have known that this was yet another story about the vindictive application of sharia law.
The BBC seems very keen on exploring every explanation but unable to get around to any excuse.
Their pervasive ‘analysis’ is in high gear on this at all times, when not quoting sources incorrectly and making things worse for this poor woman.
She was, and remains on an apparent yo-yo basis (until clear of that benighted country… I read last night again in play but have yet to read overnight news that can be trusted) under threat of death for… not a heck of a lot. Apostasy seems to be joining ‘honour killing’ and bacon deployment for justifying the unjustifiable.
Yet this gets treated to full analytical insights on the complex faith and legal churning that still prevails in some Stone Age cultures that are exporting devotees on an industrial level to enrich other countries.
It’s possible this ‘story’ requires wider outrage conveyed by the medium of two strips of duct tape than many. Or, if going full symbolism, with circles of screaming male journos on the steps of Broadcasting House holding stones over a prone female (don’t mean BBC producers with presenterettes who have crossed the Logan’s Run divide – youth and beauty being isms any televisual medium has to exempt itself from).
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
There was an jodd uxtaposition on BBC New Channel yesterday evening.
On one hand the BBC journos went cock-a-hoop for the Andy Coulson story and merrily aired a pre-prepared piece with David Blunket (a politician who appears to be a big BBC favourite) bemoaning intrusions into his private affairs that wrecked his otherwise fine progressive political career…. his sex scandal was alluded to but there was no mention at all of any share dealings or dodgy visas…..
(Were I a youngster with no memory of the New Labour years I would have come away from that report with a very slanted and one-sided view of Mr Bunket)
And on the other hand…. the ludicrous spectacle of the BBC NUJ chapel out in force on our Licence Fee campaigning with a demo against a recent Cairo court judgement.
Double standards. Left supporting. Self-interest. Bias.
“Last night champagne and flowers were being delivered to Rebekah Brookes house, obviously there was a celebration going on” (no shit Sherlock!)
“The News International group are calling it a great victory for the red tops, we will ask someone who was a victim of phone hacking – John Prescott !
Because we’re not biased at all !
The BBC v Murdoch battle (the so-called phone hacking so-called scandal) was where the BBC’s Left-leaning united with the BBC’s corporate self-interest. And what a fuss they made.
I think I can truthfully say that I have yet to meet anyone who could give a stuff about the whole sodding affair. Tedious doesn’t even begin to describe it. Does anyone agree, or am I the odd one out?
I agree.
it’s a media bun-fight, you’d think Cameron had actually had a hand in the murder itself. Harriet Harridan was her usual screeching self on sky news, Do yourself a favour and don’t watch any news for a couple of days.
Completely agree. Why does the really tedious stuff always get 15 minutes at the head of the news?
I also have a view of Plunket ,I think he is a cunt.
My Latest experience of the BBC complaints procedure concerns the time when Jon Snow told listeners “There is no tradition of forced conversions in Islam”.
It’s a long time ago now, but it has taken no less than 5 follow up phone calls to get a response.
When I finally have it’s been a flat denial that he ever said it.
This was something heard by other readers here and commented on at the time.
Because of the time it has taken all iPlayer pieces have aged off and the evidence their pants are on fire is not possible to obtain.
Is this a new technique the corporation are using to protect staff when they are clearly in the wrong?
Has anyone reading this experienced anything similar?
I recall someone saying that. If it was Jon Snow would it not be C4?
sorry, it might have been Simpson.
Myself and Dave666 both have ongoing complaints, which are more than a month old, regarding UKIP’s Croyden carnival during the run-up to the Euro elections. So far no response from the BBC.
I have just checked the webpage I was complaining about, and note that one of the points I raised has been taken off. Although the time stamp remains unchanged.
I am annoyed with myself for not taking a screen grab at the time because I suspect they will now deny it ever said what I complained about. Particularly as News Sniffer doesn’t have anything.
‘note that one of the points I raised has been taken off. Although the time stamp remains unchanged.’
That’s a bit naughty. But rather shows what the BBC archives is as reliable as the editorial for what goes in, gets changed or dropped out.
‘I am annoyed with myself for not taking a screen grab at the time because I suspect they will now deny it ever said what I complained about.’
Again, the BBC’s record in this is not good.
However, as a small niggle in the back of their minds must be that the minute you deny it ever happened, when it did, and someone still has the evidence, they add mendacious to moronic.
Roland I’m re complaining again tomorrow unless a reply turns up in the mean time. I want to know why UKIP were a target where as rent a mob carried on their usual antics without any investigation as to who these people are and why they were trying to cause trouble by pretending to be a nationality they were not. Who funds then and exactly what they get up to.
Is it this sentence
“Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.”
Which was changed to
People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.
if it is then you will be glad to know that the Waybak machine has a copy of the original
The very one. However it now says:
“People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.”
All bearing the time stamp 20 May 2014 Last updated at 23:33.
Ach, bugger it. Trying and failing to copy and paste on a Hudl tablet. What I meant to copy was an intermediate paragraph:
“People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen”.
It’s rather old school but you can video the screen and record the audio. Won’t be perfect but let’s see the BBC argue wth your record.
I took some screen grabs of what I assumed was the Croydon Labour Party staged stunt as photographed by compliant Getty Images for circulation to national news editors as “fact”
On you posted
“Thoughtful says:
May 12, 2014 at 5:28 pm
BBC PM on Radio 4 told an absolute probable whopper tonight on the story of the kidnapped Nigeria school girls.
The correspondent made a big play about the forced conversion and then came out with it:
“There is no tradition of forced conversion in Islam” !!!!!”
The BBC should have a recording and I think they should be asked to provide you a copy. If not, see if your MP is interested.
‘I think they should be asked to provide you a copy’
Good luck with that. The minute they suss you don’t know exactly what you heard or when or where, the shutters come down before the words ‘computer says no’ cease to echo.
Doesn’t mean it isn’t worth tracking down, because if it was said it exists.
Be a nifty sound file to have on file.
BBc all over. Note how they changed the script on the UKIP carnival fake Romanian report and then initially told me I’d need to be more specific with when they showed it. (all day in fact.).
Sneak peek at the new ‘revamped’ Eastenders –
Not much “diversity” on display, is there?
What do you mean? It’s 100% diverse!
This video will never be shown by the BBC!
The new theme tune is so catchy. How does it go again? Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Almost as memorable as the theme from Crossroads.
It is disgusting to have those kids chanting their supremacist squawk through English streets.
Don’t blame the kids – this is child abuse.
Although I never listen to it, were I a dedicated multiculturalist I would insist that the Archers exhibit diversity. I usually switch off when that tune strikes up – but replacing it with the Allah Akibar song would celebrate the diversity of our rural community.
Looks like “Daubhill” in Bolton if i’m not too mistaken.
I have had the pleasure of walking through that dump at night, not pleasant.
Genuinely makes me feel sick to see that.
Makes you wonder why we bothered fighting the First and Second World Wars, doesn’t it ?
But a definite pointer to where the next World War is going to come from.
But obviously, nobody wants to start until they have a sporting chance to kill more millions of us than they would have if we started when we should have. Say about 10 years ago.
When we had a racist Empire the Muslim subjects were mostly peaceful and many volunteered and served Britain faithfully in both World Wars.
Now we have no Empire and racism (which includes anti-Islamism) is considered the worst crime yet we have produced in recent years home grown British Muslim terrorists and jihadists keen to slaughter their fellow Brits and fellow Muslims.
Go figure.
This is the worst version by far I’ve ever hard of Land of Hope and Glory.
In a classic example of how cosy is the backstairs relationship between BBC editors and their lefty establishment dinner party pals, BBC current affairs seemed to morph briefly for a couple of days into The David Blunkett Show. (A few weeks ago there was a similar spate of multiple BBC cosyings-up; this time with David Bowie.) This time its Blunkett.
First: he’s retiring at the next election…big deal…cue a 5 minute hagiography on Monday’s Radio4 Today programme.
Second: his phone was apparently hacked (like various other celebs)…cue another 5 minutes of drama-queeny self-pity/ self justification by Blunkett…. all in licence payer funded prime air time…….he just didn’t know how on earth he coped with it……the stress and blah blah….so he told BBC 6 o’clock News (Tuesday) at seemingly interminable length.
All air time, of course, that was therefore NOT devoted to real suffering of real significance….like women being brutalised in their hundreds of thousands all around the globe…like people running scared or being mown down in their hundreds of thousands by psychopathic terror organisations….but, never mind all that, let’s get back to the big story of the day….David Blunkett and his sufferings.
Coulson this, and Coulson that, and then Lard Prescott and “Fornakkin'”.
I had to turn it off.
I am starting to wonder if there is not a subtle fifth column at play within the BBC.
Because unleashing the Prescott as the voice of ethical outrage is… frankly… hilarious.
Whatever he is wheeled out to ‘enhance’ is tainted in seconds.
BBC Radio London Vanessa Feltz. 3 hours yesterday on banning kat, gat, gut, cat or whatever it is. This morning we start with David Cameron and Andy Coulson and the Axis of Tory evil. For the last two weeks we have Robert Elms on after VF going on about the various communities in London celebrating the World Cup. Not one mention ever of the indigenous working class England supporters. The BBC and their presenters really do loathe this country and they expect us to pay for this drivel.
For what it’s worth, I think banning khat is a bad idea. Apart from the fact that these bans do not work and merely lead to increased criminality, if chewing khat keeps the Somalis chilled out, that is surely in all our interests.
There’s chilling out, and then there’s…
‘On occasions these presentations are associated with episodes of self-harm or harm to others.’
Given a related addiction to videos involving kitchen utensils not involved in cooking, I’d err on steering clear.
“For what it’s worth I think banning khat is a bad idea.” I don’t generally like anything banned but I’ve lived in an area (delightfully diverse) where the use of this narcotic is widespread. The Somalis have a repulsive tendency to chew the leaves and then gob the debris wherever they might be lounging. If they practised this vile habit in their own homes I wouldn’t be too bothered, but in parts of south London there’s more khat spat out on the pavements than dog shit.
Ah, the endless and unalloyed delights of fifty years third world mass immigration.
I can’t understand why I moved away…
The BBC at its Islamo fellating best again with this article on the growth of Islam among the Aborigine population in Australia. It starts with some extremely tenuous and debatable links between Australia and Macassar in Indonesia, especially with their effects on Aborigine art, music and religion.
It then goes on to relate Islams growth among the aborigine population today and how Islam is supposedly a natural fit with Aborigine culture. It never questions how Islam can ever be a natural fit with a culture whose art is overwhelmingly visual and song based. It also never challenges such howlers like ‘similar cultural attitudes like respect for land and resources‘. I mean where in the Islamic world is this respect displayed?
Never once in this report does it mention the likely horrible effects on aborigine and wider Australian society of the growth of this religion among a section of the population which already has a grievance against wider society and the likely violence that is almost certainly going to manifest as a result, as well as all the other negative consequences of this loathsome religion.
I suspect they missed out a word …could they mean: “this article on the growth of Islam among the Aborigine prison population in Australia” 😉
‘…never challenges such howlers like ‘similar cultural attitudes like respect for land and resources‘. I mean where in the Islamic world is this respect displayed?’
There was a moment in Salmon Fishing in The Yemen… maybe?
But mostly it’s how many gallons to the mile your gold plated Lambo can deliver.
BBc Breakfast: So it must be a necessity for the dubiously accurate weather forecast
to come from Wimbledon.
Apparently the gasping Scots weather presenter has never moved to Salford, she presents from London via a video link, so not much change there.
I guess we can expect a forecast from Glastonbury later in the week?
Well I never knew that. Why don’t they just show the whole of breakfast via a video link from London. , Still I saw Metallica when they were good and have had zero desire ever to go to Glasto. Wonder how many presenters will be appearing at Glastonbury this year? Oh I see according to Wickepedia ” Kirkwood has also presented live forecasts as part of the BBC’s coverage of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, sharing these duties with Dan Corbett and Susan Powell”.
Any readers here heard the BBC carry any reports about this?
Although it’s now 3 years ago I haven’t heard a single thing about this until someone sent it to me in an email.
Given the issues in the UK most people would consider this to be an important news piece.
No reports on the banning of the Burkha from 1st Jan 2014 either.
Let’s face it this would be something the BBc wouldn’t go shouting from the rooftops a bit like Chukka doing his anyone who voted UKIPcan’t use a computer slur.What the hell is this beige plastic box in front of me anyway?
If they’ve signed the LISBON treaty then nothing can be done as it’s stated EU policy (and that is run by the French commies). It is up to the UK to show the way when we leave others will surely follow. More on how to do that is here. I watched ‘Betrayed’ and there is another called ‘leaving the union’ which applies to the Netherlands same as the UK, we’re all sinking.
Today, the BBC claims Australia for Islam. Yes, really:
Surreal discussion on the Media Show Radio 4 this afternoon re Leveson/Murdoch etc. Most of panel agreed that Murdoch had too much power and his empire was invincible. Politicians were in awe of him and feared him and he therefore exercised power over what policies they would put forward.
If you substituted the BBC for Murdoch, everything that the panel said would be equally true. Except of course that newspapers have much less power than the state funded BBC, which enters into almost every home in the country, and is paid for by taxing every home, and is therefore much more of a threat to British democracy than Murdoch ever was.
‘Most of panel agreed that Murdoch had too much power’
Didn’t include independent media expert, Steve ‘the BBC gets it about right’ Hewlett by chance?
Now we`re out of the World Cup-any chance of the BBC sending its team of pimps and gasbags home on the next flight?
Collective punishment for the scum at the BBC who seem to prosper no matter how bad the team do…and continue to talk as if THEY themselves had ever won a jot with the national team!
I mean-coaching tips with Phil Neville?…man management from Alan Shearer?
Bring our boys home…a national embarrassment.
At least the team have a future-the BBC don`t.
And in other news…
I am continually intrigued by these ‘negotiations’.
The unions know that Lord Tone sits atop a near limitless cash pile, and the precedent (Pollard legals, McAlpine compo, pension shortfall, etc) is set that what serves or digs staff out of a hole simply means less for programming.
Lord Tone and the Market Second Rates know that they don’t get the gravy or the train if it’s stuck in the station for any length of time. No telly… no chance getting telly tax.
Also appreciated by the unions.
Hence it is seldom a matter of what; simply when he caves.
Comparisons with the private sector seem to have been suspended for a while, but one is sure that if anything favourable hoves into view, it will be used.
No one I know has had a pay rise in years, inflation-liked or otherwise.
Like others I too have noted the bBC article about peaceful Islam reaching Australasia before the British:
When Islam came to Australia
Few Australians are aware that the country’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had regular contact with foreign Muslims long before the arrival of Christian colonisers. And Islam continues to exercise an appeal for some Aboriginal peoples today….The Makasssans represent Australia’s first attempt at international relations, according to anthropologist John Bradley from Melbourne’s Monash University – and it was a success. “They traded together. It was fair – there was no racial judgement, no race policy,” he says. Quite a contrast to the British. Britain designated the country terra nullius – land belonging to no-one – and therefore colonised the country without a treaty or any recognition of the rights of indigenous people to their land.
Excuse me, according to this leftwing drivel Islam can only be peaceful while British Christians can only be evil. Ok two can play that game.
GB conquered the US, the US kicked them out and while it is a Christian nation many other faiths are followed
GB conquered India, the Indians gained their independence and many faiths are followed
In fact in every country the GB ruled indigenous faiths were allowed to strut their stuff .
Now lets look at Islam:
Every country it has conquered, Islam has become the majority faith, while some faiths are allowed, those faiths have virtually been extinguished due to the intolerant nature of Islam. Turkey,Pakistan, Jordan,Bangladesh, Yemen, Afghanistan all used to have sizeable non Islamic populations, now virtually nothing. Even Muslims who don’t belong to their particular branch of Islam are attacked. Yet to the bBC, the only nasty people are Christians, yet it is to Christians countries Muslims flock to, not Islamic ones (Unless you are a peaceful British victim wanting to kill for Allah in Syria)
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for intolerant Islam paid for by the British taxpayer.
“and therefore colonised the country without a treaty or any recognition of the rights of indigenous people to their land.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
Perhaps a better question is why did Islam have so little impact on Australia Aborigines?
So the 6 O’clock news. Hacking, Wonga & bitey footballer. What happened to Iraq, Syria etc.? Meanwhile North West tonight frackingly well leads with another fracking story, can you believe it? It’s fracking if you didn’t get it. North west even manages to include bitey footballer as apparently he plays for Liverpool.
Daily Politics today featured PMQs and Miliband pathetically attempting to score points and slur the PM about his stupid decision to employ Coulson.
They think we must all be stupid.
Coulson was not a criminal when first employed in Downing Street, as stated by Miliband.
It is as though us plebs have forgotten how all this News International coziness all started.
It was of course under the most disastrous 13 years of Labour rule that the Murdoch and Brooks habit commenced and became part of the Downing Street Propaganda Ministry without portfolio run by the evil Campbell et al.
They even spinned us into the most disastrous war, killing, maiming, radiclasising and displacing millions for which this country will take a generation to recover from.
Just like the millions of migrants they imported which we now attempting to cope with provide housing, healthcare, prison places, lost jobs with the ever depleted economy that they also severely trashed, .
Bliar has made £60 Million since he left office, jetting all over the World in his private airplane on the lecture tour giving speeches. At least he’s got his priorities right, you gotta look after number one.
And that is why Cameron only wants to serve one term !
According to Ryanair as of over two hours ago they have been told the French ATC strike is over from midnight, and all passengers should have no trouble tomorrow, and should turn up as normal.
According to the thousands of Beeboid reporters – It is past five pm, so we have buggered off and can’t be arsed reporting this
Words fail me:
BBC Shreds WWI Centenary Credibility with Monumentally Lame ‘Rap Battle’
True to form it seems the BBC want their WW1 season to be as diverse as possible, who can forget this?
I’ve posted a comment re BBC ideology and their worship of black teenagers.
I will be arrested at dawn by the BBC Gestapo no doubt.
Please pray for me.
Nein Praying is verboten unless your of the weirdy beardy death cult !
I will indeed offer up a prayer to Allah in line with our most important religion (according to the national broadcaster).
How can we expect “da black kids” to relate to that rap if there are no black faces? It is truly an epic fail by the whitesters at BBC house.
I do recall the eminent historian of the First World War, Prof Mary Beard no less, in a discussion on the War at the Hay on Wye literary do on Radio 4, pointing out how ethnically diverse the war actually was.
The BBC used to be the hub of high quality educational programmes. Contrast this trite effort with Twitter’s attempt to blog actual 1914 F.O. announcements, to the nearest minute, on the anniversary of WW1:
Follow WW1 as it happened
Ah yes, the Foreign Office, the enemy within, I think it was Alan Clark who said ”You could save all that money on diplomats, embassies, the drinks bill and replace the entire operation with a telephone and a fax machine.”
Dumb everything down to the dumbest level.
Yes and from the same BBC who thought it was disgusting for anyone to think that the end of that horrific war could be seen as a celebration as well as commemoration! oh noo that’s wrong ! but as the butt of jokes and childish crap ! fine !
Radio 2 news said that campaigners had lost their fight to be allowed to ‘die with dignity’. Pretty much all of the corporation’s coverage takes this line, which is anything but neutral.
Dying with dignity is a funny euphemism for assisted suicide isn’t it.
And “assisted suicide” is a euphemism for “arrange for someone to kill me”.
I wish the fucking BBC would ‘die with dignity’
In the world of Barraco Barma and the BBC, US unemployment is shown as being 10 million and apparently, according to the BBC, those unemployed blame themselves and not Barmer.
“Unemployed in US blame themselves for failing”
“Researchers tell the BBC that out-of-work Americans tend to blame themselves for their predicament,…”
Well somehow I doubt that.
The BBC however is guilty of a gross distortion here as the true unemployment figures are some 60% higher at over 16 million.
The BBC studiously ignores those who have given up looking for work because there are no jobs and who are not recorded on the US unemployment stats.
Can you imagine the mass hysteria that would break out in the BBC if the Conservatives tried pulling a stunt like that.
From Bunter Lardell and the asinine Kaye woman, not a peep.
bBC reporting this morning on the forthcoming court case against six ‘men’ for sexual grooming and assault, all under sixteen.
No names or info on ethnicity but the Oxford Mail report lets the cat out of the bag. More biased by omission.
.. and you can guess which religion the victims don’t follow.
They don’t reveal names or ethnicity in order to avoid stirring racial hatred from all the racist white people (i.e. anyone that does not subscribe to a wonderfully diverse viewpoint).
The BBC fat cats – a who’s who guide
The head of the natural history unit gets paid £160K a year. That must be a very important job, as I believe David Cameron is on a similar salary.
And the former HR directory, Lucy Adams, was on £33K. Considering that there are many experienced, top notch HR managers out there on a tenth of that,, I can’t help wondering if she was overpaid.
I’d love to hear Scott’s take on this – whether he thinks that these salaries represent money well spent.
PS I meant to write £333K for Lucy Adams.
Admins – Any chance an edit facility could be introduced?
wonderful BBC report opens with the symbol of the “religion of peace” call to prayer, turrets, continues with the usual flannel … ends with “plea s” (??), from the police for help, from a chief superintendent donned in a hijab (for deep respect?), as she belittles herself grovelling as her audience looks down its nose at her, handwringing about, “police having to do more to earn the trust of the muslim community” yada yada!
and she s from … counter terrorism!
yep! pandering to a mosque well known for its lack of tolerance free speech, and goodwill to gays … on the BBC
……. yep! … good luck with that one.
even more simpering report from midland news plea s to pleeeeze “pick up the phone” … blabbing on about “Ramadan” with a shots from the hilarious mosques (two year old s “Meccano” set), front stairway,
(first item).
Imam – “trust us more after all we are not enemy within”?
Was that a British copper wearing the head scarf towards the end of the clip? This pandering to the ROP is going to end in tears – sooner or later – heaven forbid – a police officer will pay the price.
Something I have noticed often. The pronunciation of the word ‘muslim’ as ‘moouslim’ by women BBC reporters is widespread. Sounds more respectful.
She pronounces it about 4 different ways, almost as though it is racist or disrespectful in some way to pronounce it as Muzzlim. Mooooslim. Meslim. Musslim. Murzelim. It’s MUZZLIM. MUZZLIM MUZZLIM MUZZLIM. They seem to have the same issues with the word ‘Islam’. Isssslarm. Izlemm. Izzlermist. It’s IZZLAM, ffs!
“police having to do more to earn the trust of the muslim community”
I have a radical suggestion.
How about the Muslim community do more to earn the trust of the rest of us? Loudly and unequivocally condemning muslim atrocities, from which there are many to choose, throughout the world without trying to blame the west would be a start.
Another favour would not be to run to the various ‘Tell Mamas’ set up to funnel straight to Newsnight special ‘reports’ how the community living in fear (mostly of nasty words and errant meat products) is the one who seems unable to deal with a very high % of favoured sons actually committing crimes of violence on a very much faith-based basis, on certain communities with the clearly definite intention of inspiring justified (vs. spun) fear.
Trust is earned; not imposed, no matter how often enough platitudes are told.
Dave, Theresa, the Police, Judiciary & whole politico-media establishment bubble is trying to pull a doomed mass delusion stunt in the age of the internet, and those who’ve signed up will be held to account.
There’s what happens, what doesn’t happen, and how these get ‘enhanced’ up, down and/or out to try and shape something that is struggling to counter the evidence of people’s own lying senses.
Why are there no publicly-funded organisations monitoring attacks by muslims on non-muslims?
Sort of a ‘Don’t Men-tion’ thing?
Off now to look for a non Uber-sore cabbie to bring to Ian Katz’ attention to roam various communities for a Newsnight special, checking out how spooked they are by thus far minimal actual reaction to near relatives or followers murdering folk screaming certain benedictions?
Lack of resources – also they would have to disclose all the attacks under an FOI request.
Hello Tom
Labour MP and anti-Murdoch campaigner Tom Watson was clearly among friends last night on Newsnight.
Overpaid and overpromoted public payroll shouty female BBC presenters left the viewer in little doubt that whilst in their modern late night sound bite sloganized world Mr Murdoch’s imperial heap of gold was to be despised, our Tom was the great sage and guru – the Robin Hood of the public airwaves.
But if Newsnight is now Sherwood Forest – the sacred glen as it were… the meeting place and hide out of all merry men who are outlaws of olde England….
Then what if a tree falls in the forest and no one is watching?
Newsnight try to keep me awake with the promise of a Skype-link to some young mohamedan fool whose parents may have a cornershop in Brum or somesuch…. innit tho…. geewhiz he’s gone to Syria or some Levantine backwater to play Jihadees in the sand… how totes thrilling…. oxygen of publicity anyone?
Switch Off. I say cut off the Licence Fee before it get really silly.
BBc breakfast: The wheel of monotony turns again with a double feature this morning. House prices, at least they now recognise that London is a separate case. Oh and just for a change (not) SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the expert who tells us that if your kid has fruit juice in the morning they should only have water for the rest of the day. TAX ON SUGARY FOODS!!!!! Anyone seen the size of cakes these days? They all appear to have been subject to a shrink ray.
This was the twitter “quote we like” headline this morning:
BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews)
Water as only teatime drink “will combat child obesity”
‘Willing it’ much there, Aunty?
Not sure the Marie Antoinette tone from those whose corridors can be awash with empty Bolly bottles was cutting much ice with twittosphere. mind.
Speaking of wording, they have actually managed to not avoid breaking some news, that has just popped into my in-box feed…
Savile NHS victims aged five to 75
Ex-BBC DJ Jimmy Savile sexually abused victims aged five to 75 in NHS hospitals, over decades of unrestricted access
A crafting masterpiece in every sentence.
The headline does not (it does) have space for the subhead inclusion of his original employers who hired him, boosted him and protected him.
He was, also, most definitely, an ex-employee, apparently. If not when all this was going on. To his death.
If a turd needs polishing, BBC’s subs will give it their best shot.
One has to wonder what made this person so attractive to invite in and so feared to deal with by even thinking of suggesting a national treasure may be tarnished to a ‘get it about right’ complaints culture that will crush any threat to the hive cohesion with a second’s pause or thought.
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites
Or, if it can help it, apparently anything that goes on within its own premises either.
Any other corporate FUBAR would have been shut down within months.
Fubar gw?
Please explain to me? Tyvm.
Watch ‘Saving Private Ryan’ again.
FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. (Septic Speak circa WW2).
Tyvm sir!
Covered already, but there are others, such as SNAFU, from an earlier age too.
Jimmy Saville never worked alone. Other non reported BBC sex abusers included many child actors; One (Ben Fellows) from ‘EastEnders’ shows the perils of working for the BBC (even within the BBC) ‘under cover’ operations were always highly risky, he says…
According to many of the comments its all the fault of the Jooooooooose! Fantasy time I’m afraid.
If you want a sober appreciation of the Savile scandal visit Anna Raccoon who is very good at pulling the truth out of these sorts of allegations.
The bBC report on the despicable rape of a 90 year old woman are happy to report that her attacker was white, anything else would have been conveniently omitted from the report.
Of course white could mean anything this is Rochdale, and I would be called a bigot to surmise, remember Gillian Duffy?
Islamising Turkey, and Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
National Union of Journalists, endorsed by the very many BBC-NUJ’s branches, still politically campaigns to get 80 million Turks into E.U so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe (inc U.K.):-
“Sharia Turkey: Islamic supremacists distribute brochures on beach telling women to cover up”
By Robert Spencer.
“There is a hint of menace to this morality initiative, for the recipients of the brochure know that if they don’t comply, some Muslims may think that killing them is preferable to the continued affront to their honor that their immoral dress represents.”
BBC-NUJ headline is NOT:
‘BBC cost licence payers £3,656 million in the last year’
-But BBC-NUJ headline IS:-
“Monarchy cost tax payers £35.7 million in the last year”
Be interesting, if asked, and given the option, who the British public could live without, or not.
Well, until Chas ascends and suddenly he’s Aunty’s main man on many ‘issues’.
“Be interesting, if asked, and given the option, who the British public could live without, or not.”
And the fact that, in the opinion of most people here (I think), there is a clear commercial alternative to the BBC, whereas a presidency would still be a cost to the state.
And, since Royal palaces would continue to be maintained, and foreign dignitaries would still have to be received, I strongly suspect that the net cost of a presidency would be more.
I seem to recall a (admittedly simplistic) statistic a few years ago comparing the running costs of our embassies in Paris and Washington with all Royal palaces put together. Guess which were more expensive.
BBC News has been asking most of the day, “Is the monarchy value for money?” The question of whether or not the profligate, media fat cats at the BBC give value for money has not been raised.
I don’t think the Have Your Say bods were getting the expected feedback on this one so promptly closed down the discussion:
HYS headline : “Bolivian congress’s clock turns left”
(Article here:
Comments promptly closed, this is the highest rated comment:
(Have not embedded images/image links before. Hope they work OK.)
Works just fine (must find out how to do that).
It is a classic BBC plug pull, beyond what was un-nerving the mods on the likes front.
25 June 2014 Last updated at 11:28
It may be my browser, but clicking the link you provide sees no comments at all appear.
Maybe that was the ‘last update’?
Do newsniffer or Wayback capture such things?
If so… tricky one to explain away, surely?
I get the same. Yet if you go to the “Latin America” page the headline is there, complete with 52 comments that don’t exist.
Perhaps Winston Smith has done his job unproperly.
‘if you go to the “Latin America” page the headline is there, complete with 52 comments that don’t exist’
That*, surely, warrants an explanation?
One presumes there are at least 52 people who committed time to commenting who may feel… vexed?
Also rather worth keeping on file for when a Flokker starts an irony-free whinge campaign packing out the pages with how they have been muzzled or banned.
*Still there. Making ‘Mail Contents of this page’ and ‘Grab’ such useful additions to the browser menu.
BBC-NUJ’s trade union chum:-
“Len McCluskey strikes gold with £140,000 pay deal.
Len McCluskey, leader of Unite, sees salary rise 3.7 per cent while members endure pay freezes.”
The bBC praises allah for the aquittal of a AL Queada terrorist inside Jordan.
Abu Qatada found not guilty by Jordan court of terror plot
Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada has been found not guilty of terrorism offences by a court in Jordan, over an alleged plot in 1998. A panel of civilian judges sitting at the State Security Court in Amman cleared him of conspiracy to carry out terrorist acts. Abu Qatada was deported from the UK in July 2013. A verdict on another alleged plot was adjourned until September.The Home Office said Abu Qatada would not be able to return to Britain.
The bBC is jubilent over how a member of the peaceful gay death cult has been found not guilty of murdering his fellow man in his home country. Note I said his home country. The bbC then comes out with:
1. When he was deported from the UK in July 2013, Home Secretary Theresa May said she had been “as frustrated as the public” about the estimated £1.7m cost and length of time it had taken to remove him. The cleric had fought his deportation since 2005.
2.Mr Brokenshire also said Abu Qatada is subject to a deportation order which means he will be unable to return to the UK. He is also subject to a UN travel ban.
3. When asked if Abu Qatada could return to Britain,
4.”Based on everything that we know, the Jordanian government will go to great lengths to keep Abu Qatada in prison, so I don’t think the question of him coming to the UK is a real possibility at this particular point.”
Gee, I wonder if the bBC is tryign to send me a message?
Well no reply to my complaint as of when I started writing this: I am still waiting for a reply in connection with a complaint I initially made on 21/5/2014 CAS-2716239-TGXSVY concerning your reporting of the UKIP “carnival” on 20/5/14 in Croydon. When you were happy enough to film the “rent a mob” including members of their faction pretending to be Romanians. Despite then interviewing a Romanian hotel worker ,I was informed you needed more details as despite showing this story all day you didn’t seem to know what I was referring to.. The website story was changed from ““Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.” to “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.”. Which would mean as far as I can see you were fully aware that this was a tactic being used by I assume the usual suspects UAF/ Hope not hate/ Socalist Worker / rent a mob to stir up trouble.” Now submitted
Good luck getting a reply to that. Let’s see which of us gets fobbed off first.
However, by quoting your case number I fear you may have enabled them to tie up your complaint to your posts here, and you may now be put on the naughty step.
At the very least, he and the site owners may be getting a “we notice you don’t appear intimidated by our ‘let’s keep this our little secret'” missive.
However, given who is again cresting the news today, they may hold off a wee while on such terms until it’s safe… again.
Roland. They know exactly who I am anyway. I had a complaint about their anti-English bias that went to editorial level, I’ve been complaining on and off when I thought it has been justified since 2008 when they produced the affront that was the “white “series. At the end of the day let’s not forget I’m actually paying them for their “service”. As far as I see every complaint I’ve made has been justified. Anyway if life was a popularity competition I’d lose and I still wouldn’t care.
The BBC, as predictable as ever…. When I saw on the BBC home page a link entitled “Celebrities call for drug law change”, I wondered how far into the article would there be a mention of the alleged comedian Russell Brand. Would it be within the first paragraph? The first sentence? Even better – the article starts with his photograph and name. How predictable – rather reminds me of that line in the movie Casablanca – “Round up the usual suspects”. See Alternatively, look for the last such article on the BBC website – can’t be more than a month ago.
Who alleged that Russell Brand was a comedian? Will they be sued?
In other news Breitbart (one man and his dog) reports at 0238 this morning
On BBC (world leading news £multi million organ) no mention….
As far as I can find (1230) using their useless search facility
Still, the Miliband chocolate ration is going up….
Brietbert link: And defects to Ukip! No less. The BBC won’t report that too much. I wonder how many others are planing to jump ship from Labour camp.
Earlier today I caught Jezza Vine mounting a very high horse about Wonga and threatening letters for non payment (of an actual debt).
No defence of Wonga (or Dave’s wise decisions accepting their donations) from me… I can see no merit in the business or its methods, especially if, as shown, caught breaking the law and having to stump up compo.
But Mr. Vine and his empathetic oppo really were gunning for anyone who uses intimidation in any way shape or form, especially with no sound basis, such as even the fact of a debt.
This seems… brave… all things considered.
Maybe Jezza or Kamal Ahmed may like to hook up with Panorama or Newsnight to look into other instances of corporate abuse of this nature, with even less of a basis to proceed…
‘TV Licensing are quick to quote (mostly imaginary) legislation when it suits’
Looks like others are getting pissed of with the Noddy “Countryfile”, “Farming Today”, and other Blue Peter environmental dross that bears no relation to the real world:
Meanwhile, in other news…
‘I.E. We’re not doing what were told. The Trust may care to peruse recent appointments within “News”, to see if they agree with the spending priorities of Messrs Harding and Munro’
I editted a bit and popped news in “quotes”, BBC-style, to sort of hint that whatever it says it is, I don’t think so.
Feeeeed…. me, Seymour!!!!
The BBC can be endlessly pro-Miliband, and gun for Cameron all it likes, but it is all undercut by the type of cool and accurate report that Joey Jones of Sky TV gave on PMQs, Coulson and Leveson :
The BBC simply cannot be trusted to give this sort of accuracy and balance.
A source of Beeboid diversity’-
“Scale of student visa fraud condemned as ‘truly shocking'”
Not the normal offender but this week on ‘Open Book’ Mariella Frostrup let her politics out of the bag when gushing enthusiastically about a book written by a black writer with a white character.
at 10:55 “and that’s the thing isn’t it, in a world where we’re all wanting to be colour blind” !!!!!!!!!!!
Now I know a few mixed race people, who would be extremely annoyed if someone overlooked their coloured heritage!
We are not all trying to be part of the same grey Fascist mush we are distinct and different and some of that is in the colour of our skin and our racial background.
I imagine that this must have offended people from all the political spectrum, but it’s further illustration of the direction of the BBC.
Listen here at 10:45 on
I wonder if that fat, walking barrel of blubber, Watson, from Liebour will say sorry for the abuse he’s heaped on Brookes? Don’t hold your breath!
Nice subtle indoctrination from the BBC with the title on its webpage: “Brookes faces questions”. When you click on the link you get the rest: “Brookes faces questions from reporters.”
Pathetic… the BBC slammed this woman on every opportunity and she has been found NOT GUILTY! The BBC is a disgrace.
Sorry, the link:
That Tom Watson really is a megaphone-mouthed, fat lump of sanctimonious lard.
Not appearing on a BBC news website near you:
But they could include this:
Well worth the £145pa Tax…
All of these third world thugs originate from areas like Camel Dung Central. It’s an utterly intolerant way of life, a sort of religious Nazism. Alcohol is forbidden, their unfortunate women are imprisoned in black body bags, gays are thrown off cliffs and errant daughters murdered. They want to impose their idiotic, backward, barbaric way of life on the rest of us.
And what does the Beeb say…
So, you tracked back to when the incident happened?…yet the Mail has been following THE CASE while it has been in court…for the past 3-4 days, BBC?
BBC: 23 October 2013 Last updated at 09:33
Now go away, turtles head.
Look at the headline:
Look at the picture…must be all those f’king whiteys breeding, eh?
“A quarter of the UK population growth was in London”
No shit Sherlock, now how about a “Normal” picture of London?
Why did they not use this picture of Londoners instead?
World cup: bBC really know how to organise a jolly at our expense as usual. While doing a link between games, the presenter, yet another one, introduces yet another presenter who does R1 newsbeat and we find out that his job is to monitor social networks for world cup activity. But of course he has to do it from Rio.
Is Hislop in danger of being sued? Gotcha?
" rel="nofollow ugc">
BBC upholds complaint against Today for climate change bias
Er. Try reading the article. Apparently they’ve actually ruled *against* giving climate policy objectors like Lawson any airtime without an attached health warning to say ‘This man is wrong/a liar etc’ – even if what he is saying is factually correct. And of course no such restrictions ever apply to the wild & bogus claims of climate alarmists.
Obviously you don’t recognise sarcasm when you see it.
WTF, you could not make it up, read and weep!!!
I am going to commit hari kari and impale myself into that irritating racist, Yasmin goodbye white!
Here is a snippet…
‘And the BBC should also take into account that the views of climate change ‘sceptics’ are already hugely over-represented in media coverage, giving the public the false impression that there is no scientific consensus over the causes and potential consequences.’
Sadly reading todays news report on Jeremy Hunt public ‘apology’ (TELEGRAPH) on Jimmy Saville’s ‘sickening series of abuses’ is worse than imaginable. You are almost led to believe he acted alone (when he worked almost ‘exclusively’ for the BBC along with his BBC chauffeur (both now deceased and found guilty) are blamed on NHS management (who gave access to everywhere and everybody – including dead bodies it says here). There is also the disturbing fact that the BBC staff are still ‘vetted’ by Mi5 for security reasons that seem completely pointless when paedophiles and devients have such a clear network (within the BBC) that allowed Saville to sexually exploit ‘by invitation’. No mention of connections to (Liberal) Cyril Smith and (Labour) Bob Flowers (who both knew of Saville by reputation). This is a shocking reflection on the BBC perversions which as yet do not show the full extent of ‘cooperation’ and ‘encouragement’ he must have received from the BBC and assorted political parties (not named).
Newsnight is ‘made by 13-year-olds’, says Jeremy Paxman
The BBC’s flagship politics programme Newsnight is made by “13-year-olds”, its former host Jeremy Paxman has said, as he suggests his Conservative leanings made him a lone voice on the show.
Paxman, who made his last appearance on the flagship BBC programme earlier this month, said the makers of the programme were still young idealists, wanting to “change the world”.
He added his experience in politics had led him to be a “one-nation Tory”, with youthful idealism being a “fools’ errand”.
On the question of whether he truly was the last Conservative at the BBC, he began to answer before stopping himself.
“If I had to…are there any members of the press here?” he said, at the sold-out event. “I think I’ll plead the fifth on that one.”
In other words Paxman thinks today’s Newsnight is drivel. Surprise surprise he has often looked bored . It is rubbish and not worth watching.
RIP Newsnight. Soon to be gone and forgottten.
Finally if Paxman was the last conservative at the BBC what does that say about the rest?
None of them would hold down a job in the world outside the Guardian/liberal media axis of inanity.
A little unfair of Mr. P to many fresh new teens, who in my experience can be pretty sharp.
The Katz kindergarten, however, has long been the most lost of causes.
Making its scheduling odd, given those most likely to appreciate the calibre of its offering are unlikely to… well, anything much, yet.
Good job it still has budget aplenty to burn, one supposes.
BBC Online headline “Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman freed again.” This was followed by an obtuse article implying she had committed some sort of crime.
Only in the final sentence do we find: ‘Even though Mrs Ibrahim was brought up as an Orthodox Christian, the authorities considered her to be a Muslim because of her father’s religion.’ (Her father ran off when she was very small)
If that information had been included in the first paragraph, readers would have known that this was yet another story about the vindictive application of sharia law.
The BBC seems very keen on exploring every explanation but unable to get around to any excuse.
Their pervasive ‘analysis’ is in high gear on this at all times, when not quoting sources incorrectly and making things worse for this poor woman.
She was, and remains on an apparent yo-yo basis (until clear of that benighted country… I read last night again in play but have yet to read overnight news that can be trusted) under threat of death for… not a heck of a lot. Apostasy seems to be joining ‘honour killing’ and bacon deployment for justifying the unjustifiable.
Yet this gets treated to full analytical insights on the complex faith and legal churning that still prevails in some Stone Age cultures that are exporting devotees on an industrial level to enrich other countries.
It’s possible this ‘story’ requires wider outrage conveyed by the medium of two strips of duct tape than many. Or, if going full symbolism, with circles of screaming male journos on the steps of Broadcasting House holding stones over a prone female (don’t mean BBC producers with presenterettes who have crossed the Logan’s Run divide – youth and beauty being isms any televisual medium has to exempt itself from).