So, we’ve the news on and the bBC in a so called world exclusive interview Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for marrying…..a Christian, who on being released was rearrested by the peaceful Islamic police.
Well, she’s been released again and on talking to the bBC, she speaks without looking at the camera, by thanking the Sudanese people, the Sudanese police and the twat of a bBC reporter asks her: “Do you consider yourself a Christian?”
Excuse me, a woman who until a few days ago was going to get her neck stretched for the made up charges of leaving ‘Isalm’ The same country which dragged its feet in releasing her after saying it would, over 3 weeks for the paperwork to be sorted. who was arrested again by the State on trumped up charges days after getting released and is now living in fear inside the American Embassy and the bBC feel the need to try and trip this woman up by asking such a damning question inside such an intolerant Country where even calling a teddybear ‘Mohammed’ gets you a jail sentence.
The same bBC I should add which tiptoes on eggshells around Muslims every chance it gets doesn’t afford the same to persecuted Christians inside Islamic countries. The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam, paid for by the British taxpayer.
Bloody hell… an exclusive ‘interview’ which appears no more than the BBC ringer on the spot getting a chance to stick a mic in her face and fire off idiot questions designed to rile the locals (which she had the wit to ignore). This from the same broadcaster who got that wee kid shot on the same basis. What a set up.
And look at the headline:
“Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman freed again”
Freed again? This is straying into ‘little bit pregnant’ levels of farce in reporting, reflecting the circus of the absurd being played out still.
Best I can gather she is as ‘free’ at the US embassy as St Jules is here, only with the added frisson of fun that there’s some guarantee she’ll be served up for the locals’ quaint notion of justice at their beck and call on whim.
That does not yet seem much like freedom to me.
And the BBC making things a hundred times worse provoking an idiotic question on Christianity is entirely typical and what I have come to expect from the sack of rats/nest of vipers workforce from this benighted propaganda monopoly.
“BBC correspondents say that now Sudan’s intelligence agency is involved, Mrs Ibrahim’s case is likely to be more difficult and complicated to resolve.”
Correspondents… un-named, plural. How many of these mystery men are there? And all seemingly dedicated to making her case a whole lot more difficult and complicated to resolve if they can swing it.
The BBC really is getting beyond a joke.
There’s what it gets really upset about, and then there’s what worries them less:
But actively trying to get a woman in further trouble in a 3rd World hellhole really takes the biscuit.
I am more than vexed.
The bBC finally work out who to really blame for why 500 Islamic young men have left the Uk to murder their own in the ME…. It’s all the fault of the British police for not stopping them The head of Wales’ counter-terrorism unit has denied that police are failing in their efforts to combat the radicalisation of young Muslims…The father of one of them – Nasser Muthana – claimed police had failed to win the trust of Welsh Muslims.
Got to love this statement: Ahmed Muthana, father of Nasser and Aseel Muthana, has claimed police have failed to win the trust of Muslim communities in Cardiff because the Prevent team was mainly made up of white officers.
BBc breakfast: Jackie Kay (who?)
bet the beeb love her, talking some bollocks about prisoners not being able to get books sent to them, even though there are prison libraries.
David Cameron is opposing Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the EU, but is that opposition real?
Completely isolated in Europe Cameron never really had a hope of preventing the election of Juncker, and the question the media doesn’t seem to be asking is whether his opposition is bourne out of real opposition, or whether it’s just a show to placate his Eurosceptic back benchers and those UKIP voters he might attract back.
This futile gesture makes no difference to the working of the EU nor to the outcome, so what’s the point if it isn’t just for show?
UKIP followers laugh and Conservatives despair at his attempts to be strong on Europe. The BBC/Milliband/Labour must be very grateful however as Cameron continues to make a fool of himself and his party over Europe. Unless Cameron sits down and talks to Nigel, or is removed, Milliband will be PM this time next year. Nigel Farage once said UKIP is only a protest movement to get us out of Europe but that he will not talk to Cameron about a deal due to Cameron’s petty attitude towards UKIP.
On immigration Cameron has been in power for four years and has let in as many Blair. This is pure incompetence because, as we now know, at least Blair knew what he was doing.
As for the ‘hacking’ debacle he was steamrolled into costing the country what now must have cost close to a billion pounds by Labour, the ones under who’s watch it all started. And why? Because he employed Coulson. He may have won the schoolboy debate at PMQ’s this week but the country saw a man with his back to the wall with no cards left to play. A busted flush.
In the week following damaging attacks on Ed Miliband’s leadership – originating from within the Left…. Question Time questions from the public – so we are told – are not previously known to the panel. Well most observers will know the supposed issues of the day. Then it is a matter of how questions on those topics are phrased. It turns out there are two questions that just happen to be worded as attacks on “Cameron’s judgement” (always the surname).
The BBC : when Labour fails, there is still an official broadcast opposition.
@mikebutcher: WHY do BBC journalists unthinkingly create ‘sound bite’ news stories for Putin’s own propaganda machine to recycle?
Because unthinkingly creating ‘sound bite’ news stories to suit propaganda is basically now all they can do?
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
So, we’ve the news on and the bBC in a so called world exclusive interview Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for marrying…..a Christian, who on being released was rearrested by the peaceful Islamic police.
Well, she’s been released again and on talking to the bBC, she speaks without looking at the camera, by thanking the Sudanese people, the Sudanese police and the twat of a bBC reporter asks her:
“Do you consider yourself a Christian?”
Excuse me, a woman who until a few days ago was going to get her neck stretched for the made up charges of leaving ‘Isalm’ The same country which dragged its feet in releasing her after saying it would, over 3 weeks for the paperwork to be sorted. who was arrested again by the State on trumped up charges days after getting released and is now living in fear inside the American Embassy and the bBC feel the need to try and trip this woman up by asking such a damning question inside such an intolerant Country where even calling a teddybear ‘Mohammed’ gets you a jail sentence.
The same bBC I should add which tiptoes on eggshells around Muslims every chance it gets doesn’t afford the same to persecuted Christians inside Islamic countries.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam, paid for by the British taxpayer.
Bloody hell… an exclusive ‘interview’ which appears no more than the BBC ringer on the spot getting a chance to stick a mic in her face and fire off idiot questions designed to rile the locals (which she had the wit to ignore). This from the same broadcaster who got that wee kid shot on the same basis. What a set up.
And look at the headline:
“Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman freed again”
Freed again? This is straying into ‘little bit pregnant’ levels of farce in reporting, reflecting the circus of the absurd being played out still.
Best I can gather she is as ‘free’ at the US embassy as St Jules is here, only with the added frisson of fun that there’s some guarantee she’ll be served up for the locals’ quaint notion of justice at their beck and call on whim.
That does not yet seem much like freedom to me.
And the BBC making things a hundred times worse provoking an idiotic question on Christianity is entirely typical and what I have come to expect from the sack of rats/nest of vipers workforce from this benighted propaganda monopoly.
“BBC correspondents say that now Sudan’s intelligence agency is involved, Mrs Ibrahim’s case is likely to be more difficult and complicated to resolve.”
Correspondents… un-named, plural. How many of these mystery men are there? And all seemingly dedicated to making her case a whole lot more difficult and complicated to resolve if they can swing it.
The BBC really is getting beyond a joke.
There’s what it gets really upset about, and then there’s what worries them less:
But actively trying to get a woman in further trouble in a 3rd World hellhole really takes the biscuit.
I am more than vexed.
The bBC finally work out who to really blame for why 500 Islamic young men have left the Uk to murder their own in the ME…. It’s all the fault of the British police for not stopping them
The head of Wales’ counter-terrorism unit has denied that police are failing in their efforts to combat the radicalisation of young Muslims…The father of one of them – Nasser Muthana – claimed police had failed to win the trust of Welsh Muslims.
Got to love this statement:
Ahmed Muthana, father of Nasser and Aseel Muthana, has claimed police have failed to win the trust of Muslim communities in Cardiff because the Prevent team was mainly made up of white officers.
Really bBC , has nobody heard of:
Samantha Lewthwaite
Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
Yvonne Ridley
Lauren Booth
Jemima Khan
in fact the bBC even knock out a news article in which to scream ‘Allah ackba’ how Islam is the fastest growing religion in Britain and most Muslim converts are white.
and yet they allow a darkskinned muslim to make such a racist statement.
“What would the UK be called without Scotland?”
With, or without Scotland: Britainistan.
Capital city: Londonistan.
BBc breakfast: Jackie Kay (who?)
bet the beeb love her, talking some bollocks about prisoners not being able to get books sent to them, even though there are prison libraries.
David Cameron is opposing Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the EU, but is that opposition real?
Completely isolated in Europe Cameron never really had a hope of preventing the election of Juncker, and the question the media doesn’t seem to be asking is whether his opposition is bourne out of real opposition, or whether it’s just a show to placate his Eurosceptic back benchers and those UKIP voters he might attract back.
This futile gesture makes no difference to the working of the EU nor to the outcome, so what’s the point if it isn’t just for show?
Cameron is a busted flush.
UKIP followers laugh and Conservatives despair at his attempts to be strong on Europe. The BBC/Milliband/Labour must be very grateful however as Cameron continues to make a fool of himself and his party over Europe. Unless Cameron sits down and talks to Nigel, or is removed, Milliband will be PM this time next year. Nigel Farage once said UKIP is only a protest movement to get us out of Europe but that he will not talk to Cameron about a deal due to Cameron’s petty attitude towards UKIP.
On immigration Cameron has been in power for four years and has let in as many Blair. This is pure incompetence because, as we now know, at least Blair knew what he was doing.
As for the ‘hacking’ debacle he was steamrolled into costing the country what now must have cost close to a billion pounds by Labour, the ones under who’s watch it all started. And why? Because he employed Coulson. He may have won the schoolboy debate at PMQ’s this week but the country saw a man with his back to the wall with no cards left to play. A busted flush.
Newsnight is ‘made by 13-year-olds’, says Jeremy Paxman
In the week following damaging attacks on Ed Miliband’s leadership – originating from within the Left…. Question Time questions from the public – so we are told – are not previously known to the panel. Well most observers will know the supposed issues of the day. Then it is a matter of how questions on those topics are phrased. It turns out there are two questions that just happen to be worded as attacks on “Cameron’s judgement” (always the surname).
The BBC : when Labour fails, there is still an official broadcast opposition.
@mikebutcher: WHY do BBC journalists unthinkingly create ‘sound bite’ news stories for Putin’s own propaganda machine to recycle?
Because unthinkingly creating ‘sound bite’ news stories to suit propaganda is basically now all they can do?