Mail: Police hunting for group of ‘Asian men’ who took a 17-year-old girl into woods and gang-raped her
BBC: Police seek group of men in Slough after teenager raped
Muslim men might be more precise…..
A Jewish cemetery vandalised in Manchester. Now there have been arrests of 13 years olds who are of course too young to be legally identified by any media outlets.
The left wing MEN is of course trying to paint this as some kind of NF/BNP attack, but look at the pictures of the graffiti – KAM R has more of an Pakistani Muslim ring than a European one. The attacks on Jews in Belgium have been mainly carried out by Muslims and their friends on the Fascist left, with the other Fascists making up the rest.
No doubt we’ll never know who carried out this violation, but because of the anonymity the Fascist left will always assume that it is white people, even covering up for the sins of their brown eyed boys whenever they need to.
What else would you expect from the MEN. Remember the Guardian started life as the Manchester Guardian and the Manchester Evening News was part of it’s stable and printed in the same place. The MEN remained under the same ownership as the Guardian until it was sold to, wait for it, Trinity Mirror, that other totally unbiased and impartial group of newspapers. No wonder it slavishly follows the gospel according to the Guardian/BBC.
If this had happened in India it would have been one of the main headlines of the INBBC News
After dark during Ramadan, certain “men” behave even more like animals that at any other time…
OK then the BBC won’t report the truth so we can’t rely on them. The EDL have been demonised by the BBC so we can’t join them. So who will represent us and fight back. This is a genuine plea as I only see these situations happening again and again. Who is going to stand up for the currently majority non-muslim members of this country? The three main parties certainly don’t. Plus UKIP have to watch themselves now. So come on who fights with us and for us?
Noone, is the simple answer.
Eventually, when it may well be too late, some politician will overcome their fear of the BBC and the liberal left establishment and stand up for the natives in this country.
I am sure that many politicians, commentators and journalists, today would be much more outspoken about key issues like immigration, the lunacy of multiculturalism, the abject failure of comprehensive education, to name but three, if they weren’t scared of being demonised by the left and its witch finder general, the BBC.
Few journalists/commentators dare cross the BBC because the corporation employs such a high % of posts in both types of jobs. Politicians run scared of being demonised by the BBC and losing votes. Such is the power of the over mighty BBC, it casts a long dark shadow . The corporation is just too powerful to allow there to be true pluralism and balance across news and current affairs in our country. The suffocating effect of the BBC on debate and pluralism in our democracy is the best argument there is for doing away with the state funded monster.
Weasle words again from the BBC. Why don’t they just cut to the chase and say: “Police seek group of things in Slough after teenager raped” ?
The bBC in Manchester report yet another rape:
Woman dragged off street and raped in Manchester
A 23-year-old woman returning home from a night out in central Manchester was dragged off the street and raped, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said. The woman was attacked near the Great Northern Tower in Watson Street at 03:20 BST on Saturday. GMP said a man had been arrested in connection with the rape and was released on police bail. Det Insp Mike Gladwin said: “She has suffered an incomprehensibly distressing experience.”Police believe she was followed along a number of streets before the attack.
And here’s what the bBC don’t bother telling you:
The man police wish to trace is described as tanned, about 22 years old, of normal build and 5ft 6in tall. He has short dark hair and was said to be of be possibly Turkish or Algerian. He wore a white t-shirt and dark trousers.
The public need the full description of the rapists in order to help find them.
The full description includes their skin colour.
Otherwise, there’s a chance they’ll commit further rapes.
Does the BBC want to put the safety of women at risk???
The reputation of the ethnic minorities trumps the safety of white women . Ask Nick Griffin .
Hi DV, having read the DM report I think referring to the alleged rapists as “Muslims” would be extremely unhelpful. We only no they´re Asian, not their religion.
The BBC of course aids and abets the rape by giving no description whatsoever.
Of course, if this was an Asian girl raped by white men, they would be champing at the bit to attribute racism as the motive regardless of the evidence.
The BBC really is run by some very despicable people.
Things can only get worse before they get better.
“One of the white men had auburn hair, a crooked noise and a sense of racial superiority that indicates he was a BNP supporter.”
I have to agree with hippiepooter there. While it’s a reasonable assumption that they’re Muslim, that’s all it is. An assumption. Skin colour does not equal religion.
That the BBC is fast and loose with which assumptions become fact should not mean we do it here. DV does not actually say they ARE Muslim but could be interpreted as having done so and gives trolls the opportunity to derail the thread and ignore the substantive point.
But ‘Asian’ makes me think of the Chinese guys at the Golden Dragon…………
Only if you’re American. In Britain the word is almost always associated with people whose ancestors came from the Indian subcontinent.
You can bet your last pound if there were indications that it was white men involved the BBC headline would be screaming that.
Utterly shameful……..yet again.
Sometimes the media makes me sick in the way the report incidents like this. They are so precious about being politically correct that they cannot see the wood for the trees.
The ironic thing is that by calling these men “Asian” when the media and the police know full well they mean Muslims of Pakistani origins, they are demonizing Sikhs of North Indian origin, Jains of South Indian, Hindus from all over India or of Bhutanese, Nepalese origin, Buddhists of Sri Lankan origin etc. etc. What about racism towards these ethnic groups?
What is so special about Muslim Pakistanis? Besides the statistical evidence that clearly states of men convicted of sex crime committed in groups 83% of are Pakistani. 83%!!!
The greater irony is that the only section of White British people that prepared to make the distinction and state such facts are sections that the liberal “intelligentsia” will label as racists.
I am a British born Sikh of Indian origin living in Slough. It is inconceivable that a gang of men sharing my ethnic and religious background could collude together like a pack of dirty hyenas do this. Furthermore, I know for an absolute fact that the elders in my community would bring such savages to immediate justice, had their sons committed such a heinous act before succumbing to utter shame that they have somehow raised men with such contempt for another person’s humanity. Whereas to a Pakistani Muslim… if you’re not one of them you are just a kuffar.
You are entirely right – why should any “Asians” be insulted by being associated with the crimes of Muslims Pakistanis ?.
It has taken many years for most people toi recognise – or be properly told by the authorities and the media – that it is Pakistani gangs that are overwhelmingly responsible for the grooming crimes across Britain.
Likewise most people can see from the unending news of brutality and terrorism and mayhem around the world that Muslims are so often involved or responsible. But even that perception is often skewed – eg by the BBC omissions. How many people realise that the whole mess in Yugoslavia was primarily the Muslims kicking off ?
Worst of all – how many realise the awful scale of Muslim brutality over centuries of conquests in Asia and Africa. For instance – that in Afghanistan the romantic-sounding “Hindu Kush” actually means Hindu Slaughter, that there are estimates of 80 to 100 million Hindus being killed in the successive Muslim invasions of India, often with utmost ferocity and massive massacres. Or – that the Sikh religion stems from groups of former Hindus deciding to fight back more effectively against the murderous Muslims.
Well said Pam. I find this tarring of all ‘asian’ men particularly obnoxious. We all know who the BBC et al are referring to but they are too cowardly to spell it out. It’s not the Sikhs, it’s not the Hundus, it’s Pakistani Muslims.
Sorry *Hindus*
Thanks Bendybus. I’m glad that you and others can see things as they are despite they way the media continually window dress the way they report these events.
Pam – Excellent point you make about the BBC obfuscation by identifying ‘Asian’ when the known facts are Pakistani Muslims who are performing this wave of sex crimes in this country.
This must be terribly offensive to you and your proud Sikh heritage.
It would definitely help your case, I would suggest, if you challenge the BBC directly and ask them why they are deliberately doing this and being so offensive to your community?
This is especially wrong when the BBC already have the facts from other reports of the real culprits identity.
It can only be an indoctrination exercise protecting the real culprits who not the Sikh community, Chinese, or any of the other ‘Asian’ communities.
Our National broadcaster is well aware of it’s influence and worldwide audience and such labels are offensive to so many and the BBC should stop it.
Please believe me we have tried to no avail. The BBC themselves acknowledge our grievances as stated in this article:
The Telegraph even acknowledge the problem:
Still they revert back to form. I simply do not understand why there is so much fear of stating the specific facts.
OMG Pam – Your BBC link clearly indicates our National tax funded broadcaster must have a deliberate policy to trash all ‘Asians’ in efforts not to upset Pakistani Muslims!
They must think the Sikhs, Chinese etc are a much easier option to denigrate, (and they can walk all over you).
Tell me about it! Maybe it is because we are unlikely/unwilling to send them death threats?
Thank you Pam, i hold the Sikhs in high regard, and wish i could trade every wretched muslim, Somali, for them.
We have to complain to the BBC. We have to complain to our MPs.
Democracy and free speech have to be fought for. And continue to be fought for.
Never give up. Fight to the end.
notice the double standards here,last week the police said they was investigating if there was any links to that saudi student stabbed in essex because she wore muslim headress and clothing,no mention here of the race of this young girl because you can bet your bottem dollar that this young girl weas targeted because she was a white girl by these asian/ alleged pakistani muslim rapists or a might be tottally wrong here and this girl that was raped was dressed in a burkha. but i dont think so.why do the police never ever mention the race of white people when they are victims of racial injustice.why does tell mama never record and campaign on behalf of white victims of muslim racism and injustice.hypocrites the lot of them.
@stuart,i agree with you 100%
Of course, since you *are* Stuart, your agreement is hardly a surprise. (None of your personas has yet worked out how to reply to a particular comment. I note…)
Quisling Scott,
Per your I find him ‘kinda hot’ tweet on the muslim Time Square bomber. I note your first resort is the standard leftist context defense. But the context is that in leftist world were two lefties are egging each other on then a climax of finding a muslim (anti-white, anti-west) is ‘edgy’ and acceptable, whilst making such a tweet about Anders Brevik is not. You know this.
Also I’m certain Rio Ferdinhand (currently on display on the Quilsing Broadcasting Corporation) used the context defense/distraction about his endorsement of the Ashely Cole/Choc Ice tweet. So you agree he is a racist, and since you are not prejudiced against white people you will be outraged that he is on the QBC. Has well-balance Quisling Scott made this outrage known? I must have missed the post, but then I don’t spend as much time on this site as you do.
Also you’ve previously said how can I possibly know what you think, along the lines of a stern admonishment of ‘how can I read your mind’. However, could you let me know how you can read my mind as you ascribed a reason for me bringing up your ‘kinda hot’ perversion, but following Quisling Scott logic you would not be able to read it. To me this is hypocrisy but may you ascribe to a function of being a ‘magical’ lefty.
Also if the ‘kinda hot’ tweet was humorous – as you claim – then maybe all the posts about you are simply humorous, so you should appreciate the edgy humor. After all you cannot possibly mind-read and therefore should not presume.
Finally, is this a manic day for Quisling Scott were you make an Owen Jones response to every post, or will be more of a sulky day or day and a half.
How can you tell? Would be interested to know…
“Stuart”, “Roy”, “bob” and whatever other aliases he’s used in the past all possess the same punctuation and grammar deficiencies – the lack of capitals, never following punctuation with spaces, etc. Also, as noted, none of them can use the site’s threaded comments facility correctly.
And notably, the “Roy” and “bob” personas have only ever turned up to agree with Stuart.
Don’t feed the snivelling troll
And here’s my obsessed little stalker. Good morning, “John”! It wouldn’t be a post of mine without you oh-so-hilariously following me around, imagining that you’re doing anything other than showing yourself up.
Just to clear up a few things here, the girl who was raped was…Asian also. However this happened in Slough and it is a well known fact that Muslim gangs go on a mission to impregnate other Asian women: Sikhs,Hindu,Tamils etc in which to get one other them. its been going on for years .
It is true that the victim was “Asian” it is highly unlikely that she was of a Muslim Pakistani – the chances are 0.00001%.
To me it does not matter what ethnicity the victim was. This is Britain where every woman of any ethnicity, race or religion should have the right to walk on the streets in safety. It doesn’t matter what time of day she was out – morning, noon or night. It doesn’t matter if she was wearing a bikini or a cassock. This is Britain.
I have seen some comments elsewhere questioning what was she doing/thinking talking to these despicable creatures? Doesn’t she watch television etc.? Hasn’t she heard about Rochdale or Oxford?
No! No! No! We do not adjust how we function and live in response to sick criminals. We tackle the criminals! They are the problem.
I won’t live in fear of these animals nor do I think anyone else should. I will educate my younger nieces and cousins about the dangers and risks that these Muslim Pakistanis pose. I will be as blunt and truthful as is possible so that I paint as clear and honest a picture possible. I only wish that the media would do likewise instead of tip-toeing around worrying about cultural sensitivities.
Call a spade and f’ing spade – don’t call it a “gardening tool”. I’ve got 20 different gardening tools in the shed but I won’t be digging up a vegetable patch with some hedge shears.
Pakistani Muslim gangs have been preying on girls of Hindu and Sikh girls for as long as I can remember but to our own disgrace Hindu and Sikh communities have been covering it up because of the shame it would bring them. Maybe because of our collective silence the Pakistani rape gangs became emboldened and started targeting vulnerable young white girls? Who knows? Our silence is their strength and to exacerbate matters the media are silent on the issue too!
What this girl has done in coming forward and alerting the police so soon after the event is really brave. As Angelina Jolie recently said the shame is on the aggressor and not the victim.
There’s a little specky prick above that will give you all the excuses in the book for this type of behavior.
I also noticed that Sky ran the story in the morning on its news ticker using the term “Asian men”. But by the afternoon, the story had just become “men”. I wonder why?
As soon as no descriptions are forthcoming you know the perpetrators are ethnics. if there are no names given they are muslim ethnics .
If the perpetrators are white, both names and pictures are published.
If the perpetrators are West Indian ethnics with anglo scottish surnames the names are published without pictures
Theyre a little slyer than that though, there is an element of inconsistency, so they can maintain the pretence that there is no cover up, for example occasionally there is no description and then the perp will turn out to be white, ethnic British. This gives the Globalists an opportunity to sneer at ‘racists’ who assumed the absence of a description meant a foreign ethnic perp.
At least they have described them a s’Asian men’ rather than ‘Berkshire men’!
How can one resist nominating thoughtful as Fuckwit of the Month for this utter gem of stupidity:
KAM R has more of an Pakistani Muslim ring than a European one.
On the basis of no evidence other then his one cell mind, thoughtless decides grafitti must be muslim! A quick look at KAM R Google will reveal the utter depths of stupidity this cretin exists in.
Arise Sir Fuckwit.
Gum on my shoe has more brains. Maybe its Muslim gum!
best way to respond to scott is to totally ignore him which i am doing from now on,feeding scotts paranoid delusions just increases his bizarre behavior.
We can only hope that you’re true to your word for once. Of course, you could do the responsible thing and also admit that you post as “bob” and “roy” in order to agree with yourself, but having you no longer laughably accuse me of paranoia is a win.
Ignore the tedious troll
Bless. Ever tried taking your own advice?
Of course, you will never answer the question you’ve been asked several times – why you’re obsessed with replying to every comment I may make but lack the courage/decency/other virtue to address genuinely trolling behaviour by Biased BBC regulars.
I imagine you think your silence is a sign of superiority. If so, you’d be so very wrong.
Quisling Scott,
Your earlier manic episode did not include a response to my post. So your starter for 10. Which Quisling-troll recently posted this most emphatic statement: “I imagine you think your silence is a sign of superiority. If so, you’d be so very wrong”.
Apolagies for feeding the troll a sticky bun, but I understand trolls like sticky buns.
Ah, another obsessive. You seem to think that using the word “Quisling” confers upon yourself some semblance of authority. Why is that? And why do you, like “John Anderson”, obsess about me but ignore vile and abusive language from Biased BBC regulars?
Not that I expect you to answer that one – Biased BBC’s hypocrites always seem too busy pretending to be something they’re not to admit being what they truly are.
Keep ignoring the obsessive whining troll
Poor “John”. Reduced to repeating himself because he can’t bring himself to admit that he’ll happily give liars and abusive, foul-mouthed little vermin an easy pass if the subject of their attacks chime with the prevailing bigotries of this site. What a pitiful excuse for a man he’s showing himself – and the other nasty little people who infest this site – up to be.
I really do pity you Scott, isn’t it time you got a life or are you so woefully inadequate that all you can do is insult people on this blog and then whine when they insult you back.
Also, before you accuse other people of being obsessive and stalkers I suggest that you take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you feel the need to reply to so many posts.
It’s not really very normal behaviour.
Once you where quite funny, now you just a tedious, obnoxious, whining bore.
Yes, how dare I stand up for myself when Biased BBC’s usual coterie insult and lie about me. I should roll over and let them get on with it from behind their safety of their multiple adopted pseudonyms. After all, can’t have them challenged about their behaviour, can we.
But I forget: the usual culprits don’t see themselves as responsible for their own hypocrisy. It’s somehow my fault that they can’t behave like responsible, mature adults.
Quisling Scott,
Did you like the sticky bun? I understand trolls like sticky buns.
The troll admits that it called the jihadist Times Square bomber “kinda hot”. That is not “mature and responsible” – it is sick and depraved. So – don’t feed the whiny disruptive troll.
And “John Anderson” keeps on bringing up a years old collection of less than 140 characters as a means of avoiding answering why he’s so obsessed with my supposed behaviour, yet lets other Biased BBC behave outrageously without a peep.
Poor “John Anderson”. Maybe he’s just too afraid of having the big boys pick on him if he stands up to them. That’s it, isn’t it, “John”? You’re a coward, so you pick on somebody you think you can bully. And the fact it’s not working pisses you off. You have my pity.
Yes, the pathetic whinging troll agrees it fancied the jihadist intent on murder in New York.
.Ignore the disgusting troll.
Oh, please put another record on, “John”. You must be boring even yourself by now.
Crawl away under a rock where you belong, whiny troll.
Bless you for thinking that such words, coming from you, should have any effect at all. That’d be quite sweet, if it wasn’t so laughably inept.
sorry to say this scott but you met your match with john,he has outed you for the vile foul mouthed quite ignorant jihadist loving imbecile you are,that you cant take innit——————————-
And I thought you (and your alter egos “bob” and “roy”) were done with me and you weren’t going to respond any more? Ah well, given that you lied about using multiple personas, and you lie about me being “vile” and “foul mouthed” (don’t read some of pounce’s posts, if my standing up for myself against “John”‘s foolish trolling offends you so) I guess one more fib won’t hurt.
Well Scott you really did make me chuckle. Of course you can stand up for yourself. I wasn’t aware that anything on this blog was actually about you but stand up for yourself anyway.
As for you describing other people posting as hypocrites look no further than the mirror, where ever you live, there’s one looking straight back at you.