Listening to BBC radio news I was outraged and astonished to hear Charlie boy had been bending the ear of those trusty yeoman charged with keeping HMS Britain on an even keel…the politicians.
The BBC revealed that David Blunkett told them that Charlie had been campaigning for more Grammar schools.
Imagine my surprise when looking at the Telegraph we find a different emphasis, or rather, a more honest report:
Prince Charles ‘consorted with Labour on climate change and grammar schools’
Former ministers reveal the Prince of Wales wanted tougher policies on climate change and the expansion of grammar schools
The BBC’s effort is more circumspect:
Prince ‘wanted more grammar schools’
The Prince of Wales tried to influence government decisions in areas including grammar schools expansion and GM crops, former Labour cabinet ministers reveal.
Why does the BBC dodge around the climate change part? Could it be that the liberal BBC sees grammar schools as divisive and elitist whilst tougher policies on climate change meets with its approval and so a careful and less critical approach to Charlie boy’s advocacy of this particular policy is warranted?
When climate change is one of the most contentious issues (despite the BBC trying to quash all debate) and the policies introduced to deal with the ‘problem’ are set to cost this country an ever increasing fortune surely the fact that Charlie has been putting pressure on government, with the willing co-operation of the Labour environment minister of the time, should be the headline news not grammar schools.
The BBC doesn’t want to stir up a fuss about climate and govenrment policies because it doesn’t want that whole can of worms opened up again and yet more doubts raised in the Public’s minds about what is being forced upon them.
The BBC mentions climate but only as a minor point after complementary medicine…..
He discussed complementary medicine and climate with other Labour ministers.
and then again a long way down the report…and even then concentrates on GM crops:
Former environment minister Michael Meacher recalled that he and the Prince “would consort together quietly” to affect policy on climate change and genetically modified crops.
He said they worked together “to try and ensure that we increased our influence within government”.
“I knew that he largely agreed with me and he knew that I largely agreed with him,” said Mr Meacher. “We were together in trying to persuade Tony Blair to change course.”
Asked if there might be a constitutional problem in the Prince taking a political opinion, Mr Meacher replied: “Well, over GM I suppose you could well say that. Maybe he was pushing it a bit. I was delighted, of course.”
An unelected unaccountable BBC, which tries to unduly influence government policy, reports that an unelected unaccountable member of the Royal Family tries to unduly influence government policy.
I’ll just have to try to get my head around the irony of that.
Beeboids (and Labour Party) very selective (and hypocritical) on which bits of Prince Charles’s pronouncements they politically approve: apparently they like his views on ‘global warming’ but not on ‘grammar schools’.
There is nothing new in this. The previous Prince of Wales did the same sort of thing. Soon someone will pop up on the BBC saying that Charles should not be King . Then you will know why the BBC ran with this. It is just the BBC politicking again.
They lap up everything the deluded ecolunatic says about global warming and the rest of the garbage, but on the few occasions he talks some sense they throw their hands in the air in mock horror.
Imagine the children of the real working and middle class being able to attend schools where they will not have their education disrupted by the foul progeny of the mindless moronic scum class, they will be in direct competition with BBC and leftie liberal socialist brats , that will never do!
He’s not the first numpty Prince of Wales, and he’s unlikely to be the last. As King, he would be wise to keep his nose out of political affairs. I advocate a sharpening of the axe…
Goat Stew
Place the olive oil in a large casserole pan and put it over a moderate-high heat. When the oil is hot, add the onion and sweat for 1 minute until transparent.
Place all the spice mixture ingredients in a bowl and mix together until combined.
Toss the old goat in the spices so that it is well coated. Add it to the pan and seal on all sides so that it is browned.
Stir in the chopped tomatoes, cinnamon stick, apricots, saffron and enough stock to just cover the pieces of old goat. Bring to the boil then reduce to a slow simmer. Leave the goat to cook for 1–1½ hours or until the meat is tender, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon (adding more stock or water as needed).
If the stew is too watery, drain off the excess liquid into a saucepan and reduce until thickened. Then return to the stew.
Stir in 3 tablespoons of the chopped coriander, harissa paste (more or less to taste), lemon zest, juice and honey.
Garnish with roasted pumpkin and scatter over remaining coriander.
I take it you don’t sympathise with my comment, then?
If only the axe was needed. Unfortunately, there’s a whole Ceausescu class in our country and one axe won’t even cut their toe nails. On second thoughts, maybe there is a need for Romanian immigrants, since we might have something to learn from them.
It is not only that they omit the Climate Change bit; they completely misreport and so misrepresent the Grammar School bit as well. The following two quotes from the headline and first couple of sentences are in fact disingenuous to say the least. Prince Charles ‘tried to influence government decisions'”
“In a BBC Radio 4 documentary examining the constitutional role of the prince, Mr Blunkett said Prince Charles “didn’t like” it when his request was refused.”
I was encouraged that nearly all the ‘highest rated’ comments are in favour of Charles and what he said and his right to have an opinion.