Manchester’s boom shows what can be achieved when councils work together
The city centre has seen a 40% increase in private sector jobs, and one of the UK’s largest expansions in recent years
Here is the truth about Labour’s job’s record, showing how they destroyed manufacturing jobs in Britain….the blue area showing job losses in manufacturing from 2001 to 2013….note from 2011 the jobs started to grow:
Labour is now proclaiming itself the party that will bring jobs to the regions. History tells a different story….most of that famed growth and financial wizardry was in…London…the spectacular collapse of which left the rest of the country having to dig deep to rescue the City whilst the BBC smoothed over the politician’s embarrassment by mostly ignoring their guilty part in that downfall.
However the BBC has been giving plenty of airtime to broadcasting Labour’s ‘new’ regional plan based upon figures provided by the ‘Centre for Cities’ think tank.
Miliband has claimed that 80% of new jobs are being created in London…and therefore this proves that the regions are being left behind…..and the Coalition is failing to spread the recovery nationwide.
Ever get the feeling we’ve been here before such as earlier this year when I asked ”Will Miliband be announcing a new policy on cities in the next few days?” (A few months out!)
In January this year we looked at the very same claims….
This morning [January] the BBC were trumpeting on the radio some research by a think tank called ‘Centre For Cities’ that said London was growing much faster than other UK cities as the much vaunted ‘Recovery’ left them behind as economic also-rans…presumably hinting they were being ignored or abandoned by the Government.
The BBC said it was an independent think tank, but admitted that it had been set up by Labour peer Lord Sainsbury…er …the man who donated nearly £20 million to Labour.
Apparently…. Centre for Cities was launched in March 2005 as part of IPPR and became independent in November 2007.
So independent of the IPPR now…Labour’s very own think tank.
Just as today, in January the BBC, and Labour, ignored that inconvenient growth occurring in the regions…..
The story seems to ignore some other truths about ‘the Regions’…the streets may not be paved with gold but things are moving:
Record growth for business activity
Business activity rose at a record rate in the West Midlands in December according to the latest purchasing managers report for Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking. West Midlands private sector companies reported increases for the eighth month in a row with the rate of expansion the strongest in the 16-year-old survey’s history.
This is from Manchester which they tell us is doomed:
It’s double joy for regional growth
Experts said the two per cent growth estimate for 2013 represents some of the strongest figures since the QES began.
Greater Manchester’s economy grew twice as much as predicted in 2013, a study out today reveals.
A total of 623 businesses were quizzed between November 11 and December 4 2013 as part of the QES – the largest of its kind in the country.
The Chamber also said international sales and orders have increased on every measure with manufacturing performing better abroad than in the UK.
Manchester’s boom shows what can be achieved when councils work together
The city centre has seen a 40% increase in private sector jobs, and one of the UK’s largest expansions in recent years
So why is the ‘Centre for Cities’ claiming, and the BBC reporting, this:
So not a lot has changed since January…the BBC is still guilessly reporting Miliband’s every word without challenge….here is the BBC’s ‘expert’ Nick Robinson, who doesn’t bother to fact check Labour’s figures…reporting the ‘stark facts’ as given to him by Labour…until corrected by Tory MPs:
Labour is promising to give more power and more money to cities outside London and the regions that surround them.
It is one part of a series of policies designed to mend what the party is calling the “fractured economy” symbolised by one stark fact – eight out of 10 new private sector jobs created in the past four years have been created in London.
Robinson, the ‘expert’ political and economic journalist, who should be doing some spade work, has had to backtrack and ‘update’:
When Ed Miliband spoke he dropped the quote in the press release of his speech about four out of five jobs being created in London since 2010.
This was after the Tories pointed out that his figures were 2 years out of date and highlighted the latest official ONS statistics that in the last year four out of five jobs were actually created outside London. This is the link to the latest data.
Robinson adds:
When I asked the Labour leader about this he replied that he was using the “best data I’ve seen”.
So why didn’t Robinson ask about the provenance of the figures in the first place?
The BBC seems all too ready to report Miliband’s claims without questioning the facts or whether the planned chnages are workable or not.
It is a different game with the Tories when Mark Easton is straight on their case should they make any questionable claims based on ‘dodgy’ statistics:
Are the Tories being honest with their claims on violent crime?
When I asked the Labour leader about this he replied that he was using the “best data I’ve seen”.
So why didn’t Robinson ask about the provenance of the figures in the first place?
Allow me to explain via the medium of the edit…
So why didn’t Robinson ask about the provenance of the figures in the first place?
“When I asked the Labour leader about this he replied that he was using the “best data I’ve seen”.
Nothing else required. Hope that makes it clear?
But the Centre for Cities report is not out of date. The 2013 data is not yet available. There is a simple and compelling reason why Centre For Cities did not use ONS data. The Annual Population Survey asks people where they live. Not where they work.
That becomes extremely significant when the jobs you are studying are in a region where huge numbers are commuting…….
‘Labour is promising to give more power and more money to cities outside London and the regions that surround them.’
Regional Assemblies by stealth, aka prepping England for Balkanisation into EU-governed regions? (J. Prescott, failed, 2004)
Correct. I think they tried it in the North East and got a resounding no.
They did – no regional developmental council and please leave the local councils alone.
So the amalgamated the local councils – derwentside, Stanley, South-west durham, darlington into one council that could be controlled by the labour votes from the sunderland area.
Devolution wasn#t granted to give Scots and Welsh a greater say in the matter – it was so that Labour could control the WHOLE of Scotland through their votes in Glasgow and the WHOLE of Wales by their votes in the Valleys.
The whole reason why the requirement for devolution in the two countries was different was that they figured it would be harder to get the welsh to vote for devolution.
Well we now see what a pigs ear Labour make in Wales and no doubt would have made in Scotland had they not had the misfortune to find the Scots want to go further than Labour wanted.
That was Prescott in his heartlands being trounced in every ward….It was also the first time that the loathsome spectre of Julia Middleton of common purpose infamy, was let loose by Prescott to weave her publicly funded ‘magic” on the unsuspecting world…
If my understanding is correct then I find it unsurprising that the Labour Party proposals tend to result in the breakup of England which is the future the EU is planning for us.
Here’s a better idea: instead of taxing people more, putting it in the Treasury and distributing to regional bureaucracies why not just let people keep their money and spend it?
Labour are allowed by the BBC to say pretty much anything they want, using spurious stats to ‘back it up’, often coming from dubious so called independent think tanks and charities, which are in fact working hand in hand with Labour. The BBC never challenges or investigates any of the claims that Labour makes , never holds their plans up to financial scrutiny. This is in marked contrast to almost anything the government says which is dissected by legions of BBC researchers to the nth degree.
If I were the Tories, abolishing the BBC would be my first priority. It would also be of great benefit to the health of our democracy, which is currently being undermined by the BBC’s leftist bias.
My main gripe with the BBC this week is that the Newsnight presenter did not explore the reasons why the Centre for Cities report did not use ONS data. (Covered in my other post).
Adonis was ready and willing to tell her but she stuck with her script…..
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