A Palestinian teenager has been killed in Jerusalem.
Israeli Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said it was too early to draw conclusions as to the motive.
“We know of a boy who apparently was abducted and we see a link to the discovery of a body. This is still under investigation by the forensic labs and detectives,” he told reporters.
“Everything is being examined. There are many possibilities. There is a criminal possibility as well as a political one,” he added. “I am telling everyone, let us wait patiently.”
The BBC has already decided…..the teenager was killed by Israeli extremists in revenge for the killing of three Israeli teenagers by Palestinians.
Kevin Connolly reports (11:37) that ‘Most people, in the absence of evidence, are making a direct connection between this and the abduction and murder of the Israeli teenagers.’
Connolly goes onto make a spurious connection between what Netanyahu said and the motive for the killing….‘Now we don’t have the evidence to know that this is what happened but if you think about the words of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who described this murder as a despicable act….that implies he sees a political connection.’
Calling the murder a ‘despicable act’ and urging the police to catch the killers does not imply anything about the politics…that is purely Connolly’s spin.
Victoria Derbyshire shows her worth and asks…‘So it’s impossible to say what is behind the killing of this Palestinian boy but who might be behind it? What do people say?’
More indepth, factual reporting from the BBC.
Connolly tells us that the Palestinians are pretty sure it is Jewish extremists…but, ironically, ‘It would be nice to know more before we make our political judgement.’
But that hasn’t stopped them laying this at the door of the Israelis.
The one o’clock news on R4 (3 mins in )tells us that this was almost certainly the work of Israelis and Connolly tells us that the boy was kidnapped early in the morning on the way to the mosque…his family say they saw it on CCTV from the father’s shop…it showed a car pull up and a group of Israelis get out and abduct the boy.
However that’s not what the BBC reported elsewhere when ‘live’ witnesses saw the whole thing and were close enough to hear the conversation…remember this is in a solidly Palestinian area, right in front of people in the street:
Witnesses said Mohammed Abu Khdair was abducted near his father’s shop in the Arab district of Shufat in East Jerusalem.
A relative said he saw two men approach the boy and ask for directions before bundling him into a car.
“While they were speaking to him, a car approached in which there was a third man,” Saeed Abu Khudair told the Reuters news agency. “Two of them carried him. He was small so he couldn’t resist.”
“Some men who were nearby saw what happened. They chased after the kidnappers’ car, but they couldn’t catch it.”
So two different stories already. And it would be interesting to know how they knew they were ‘Israelis’ from the CCTV footage. Good of the BBC to give credence tot hat story.
Almost no doubt in the BBC’s mind that this could be anything other than an Israeli killing…they are happy to keep pushing that ‘suspicion’ anyway regardless of the ‘absence of evidence.’ An equally plausible scenario is that Palestinians staged the abduction themselves. It wouldn’t be the first time they have ‘sacrificed’ one of their own for propaganda purposes…to ‘blood-libel’ Israel……but no mention of any such possibility from the BBC.
Muhammed Al Dura was most likely killed (if killed at all) by Palestinian’s intent on blaming the Israelis and generating some anti-Israeli black propaganda:
The killing of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Durrah in Gaza became the defining image of the second intifada. Only Israel claims it was all a fake
One of the most evocative and shocking episodes of the second Intifada, the shooting of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy by the Israeli army, was staged. Indeed, Mohammed al-Durrah was not even injured in the incident.
Those, at least, are the findings of an investigation by the Israeli government, published today, which has described the case as a “blood libel on the state of Israel”.
Maybe he’ll come back to life like as this miracle…..although if he did he would still be murdered by Israelis in the BBC mindset.
Thank you, Alan.
The story you discuss was top item on the BBC website today. They have no shame, and all in the name of equivalence.
But I wouldn’t go as far as comparing it to the Al-Dura case. We have no evidence as yet this way or the other, and there is always the possibility of ‘plain’ crime, non-political. Happens all the time.
I am sure Anat has more Israeli links that I have, but the way the BBC gives the murder of the Palestinian equivalence to the 3 Jewish boys I just have a feeling that we have seen a Pallywood production. Surely most Israelis know that the Israeli army will be planning their reprisals. The whole thing is just too convenient, too similar and with either witnesses or CCTV footage.
A senior former police official argues that the abduction and murder of the Arab youth who was found dead Wednesday morning was most likely a criminal act, rejecting the claim that Jewish “revenge” for the murdered Israeli teens lay behind it. The official noted that the family of the murdered 16-year-old was well known to police sources in Jerusalem, adding “it’s a problematic family with internal clashes that have been ongoing for many years.” “I have no doubt that as time passes it will be clarified that the murder was criminal and nothing more,” declared the official, who spoke to Arutz Sheva on condition of anonymity. Several Israeli officials jumped to condemn the murder, including Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who called it “a grave and barbaric act,” adding “this is not our way of doing things.”Burning and mutilating the body does not seem to be the Jewish “way of doing things”…
Hat tip to Biodegradable
i just smell a rat here,there is no history of isreali citixens going on revenge missions like this when one of theres are murdered by the hamas terrorists,the military deal with these people in a legal and lawful manner,i suspect this murder of this palestinian man has more do with in fighting betreen criminal drug gangs or a falling out betreen factions of the hamas terrorist organisation.
The area where the Palestinian boy was kidnapped is 3 miles from Jerusalem Old City – it is a totally Palestinian suburb (including a refugee camp WTF!) I doubt if many Jewish people would risk their necks going there, the area is recognised as having a very high crime rate..
I see a BBC journalist was interviewing the grieving relatives of the dead Palistinian boy on the News at 10 tonight. Funny I don’t recall any interviews with the parents of the murdered Israeli’s but nevermind. The BBC reporter presented a riot outside the parent’s house from an entirely Pali perspective – including a priceless line about Palistinian stone throwers ‘facing off against Israeli snipers’ (cue a panning shot of an Israeli soldier looking down his rifle sight). WTF!?? If the Israeli snipers were minded to shoot, the entire group of Pali thugs would be dead in seconds but, contrary to the impression given by the BBC reporter, Israeli soldiers are not in the habit of using deadly force against unarmed civilians.
Definitely seems like a put up job and the liberal media have been licking their lips at being able to paint the Israelis as the bad guys like they always do
On the 22nd of May the BBC were quick to run this article:
Video ‘shows shootings of Palestinian protesters’ which accuses Israel of killing 2 teenage Palestinians, and linked to this CCTV footage which ‘proved’ it.
Even at the time looking at the video the supposed killing seemed very fishy. Now the unedited version of this CCTV footage has emerged which shows it was a complete scam. The BBC have not amended their article, nor are they likely to. As we all know only too well, the BBC don’t care what the truth actually is, so long as it supports their desired agenda.
Here’s the link to see the original unedited CCTV footage
Please keep the evidence for the Nuremberg-style trial of the BBC. Maybe it’s time to involve a lawyer, preferably British rather than Israeli.
They never told the truth about Al-Dura either, even though the boy is seen in the uncut tapes (ordered by a French court) to be alive at the end of the event.
The point is that the BBC should know, from the al-Dura case and others, that Arabs have been incited by such pallywood items to carry out more murder of Jews. So every time they propagate one, they knowingly incite someone to the next murder. Couldn’t this stand in court?
Sorry, wrong click. Didn’t intend to report myself.
Done that myself – more than once.
Is there some way to move the Report comment link or maybe allow for an undo? Perhaps a pop-out window asking if you really want to report?
Trevor Asserson is a British lawyer and was the original founder of BBC Watch, the website monitoring BBC anti-Israel coverage before passing it over to the capable hands of Hadar Sela.
I assure you Anat if he felt suing the BBC would yield the result that we all know they deserve he would. Frankly their incitement and empowerment that causes so many deaths on both sides makes them as insidious as the terrorists.
The BBC are a complete and total disgrace. Where is Scott to defend this then?
The BBC News this morning just seems to be an all out effort to support the Palestinians. Even an interview with the boy’s mother and a film report and staged/loaded interview from the “front line”.
The BBC didn’t offer such personal “analysis” when the three Israeli youths were abducted and murdered…..
I also noticed yesterday that one of the suspects’ houses was “destroyed” by the Israeli army in an attack. Infact, the word “destroyed” was used twice.
It’s the usual line though – Israel is the aggressor……and at the end of the day Israel is “to blame” for it all.
A long rant, which sounded like a scripted rant to me, was broadcast on Today this morning, in prime slot just after 8:00, from “cousins” of the poor sod who died. How unfortunate that kidnappers appear to have picked on someone with such an articulate family and such perfect command of English. And how fortunate that the BBC managed to find them.
After that, John Humphrys was left to interview someone from the Palestinian side. Fair do’s to him: he sounded utterly exasperated by the man’s inability to do much other than rant at the Israelis.
I noted this disgraceful pot rattling by the PLO given free and uncensored coverage on Today.
I note too that one of the cousins interviewed was the same one who was on Channel 4 News where she was much more measured and aware of the risks in using her cousins death as a jihad excuse.
I detect Yolande Knell and crew choosing to whip up the rhetoric and editorialising to this aim….the girl was measured on Channel 4, but ranting like a Jenny Tonge a few hours later by the time the BBC came a crawlin.
Giving good Duggan…that`s the BBC…I`m guessing the teenage rampers who do BBC Current Affairs these days wouldn`t have given her airtime had she not got some emoting and bloodthirsty guff from the suffering Muslims.
Whether it`s a Danish cartoon or the death of one of their kind( in nearly all cases, at the behest of another one of their kind-albeit Shi`a and not Sunni)…the Muslim has the conch shell and therapeutic hot tub always at his disposal.
It`s always the Jews…then work up to a Rushdie or a Tom Holland…but it`ll be the Jews at source.
The lefty liberal elite will always blame the Jews as well-Israel, the USA and the Jesus freaks too-because Muslims will kill them if they don`t.
Or at least not provide the Turkish delight or a chance to feign an Arafat impression…THAT`S how debauched the Left now is.
Vengeance is mine says the Lord…and only HIS people can discern when He`ll want to exact it…God Bless Israel-and He does…He will!
The BBC would appear to have found a replacement for Alan Johnston as Hamas Correspondent, Christian Fraser. On the World Service last night he did his best to make the murder of Abu Khdair sound as horrific as that of Kris Donald (who?), saying that he was beaten and set on fire as if that was the cause of death rather than being burnt post mortem – something which has not yet been put into the media. He went on to say that Palestinian youths were throwing stones towards “snipers”, although he could only report on the presence of police with tear gas & rubber bullets.
No-one seems to take into account that’s its a horrible crime-ridden scummy shithole of a place inhabited by rats, and that murder and horrific brutality is simply part of the Arab muslim mentality.
No doubt this Guardian cartoon would have initiated howls of laughter at the Palace of Pedophilia aka Broadcasting House.
So in conclusion, the BBC has made it absolutely clear that there is not the evidence to know who was repsonsible, but in the meantime should what? pretend it never happened?
And of course, no Israeli could ever kill a Palestinian, and no black person has never experienced racism.
Both Channel 4 and BBC News have managed to find relatives of the Israeli boys murdered by Hamas the other day.
Their scripts are much to the liking of the likes of Mair and Snow…peace, peace and no harm to the Muslims please.
It`s their right to say so, but I do sense the BBC enjoying sniffing out grieving relatives to spout the Lennon songbook…and only if they`re Jewish victims.
I`ve yet to hear a Muslim ever apologise or coo the doves of peace stuff to the media when THEIR people get killed…that because the BBC would rather NOT put the lives of the relatives at risk, by showing even the slightest sliver of humanity to Jewsih murder victims or their families?
Or does the BBC only want peace from one side-as does Obama, Kerry and Hague?
Muslims get away unchallenged as ever…Jews had better accommodate and dig a nice grave in the meantime.
No…when I hear a Muslim give a damn for a dead Jew( and one who actually still lives in a Muslim land)…THEN I`ll begin to think that they are victims too-for now they are role playing grievance hustlers who want Israel (and the Israelis) dead
“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” – Golda Meir
That was said by Gold Meir in 1957. Fifty Seven Years Ago!
Yet still, Palestinian/Arab websites, schools, TV stations, radio broadcasts, YouTube links, they all spew forth the message of never-ending hatred to both Jews and Kuffars.
Until one single government in the West decides to tackle this absolute, unadulterated hatred, coming from *MUSLIM* sources, the on-creeping rule of Sharia will continue. This is *NOT* about “Islamism”!
It is about Islam and the way the followers of that religion have decided to align themselves with the promise of their prophet = Islam by The Sword, and don’t you ever dare try to mention another way!
Meanwhile in Iraq during June alone over 2 000 people killed by fighting and terrorism. Look at Egypt, Syria, Lebanon …
Israel is an oasis of calm and stability in the Middle East.