Anybody else notice how reticent the bBC are when it comes to airing news of an Israeli death, yet a pal gets killed and faster than you can say Allah ackba the bBC have the whole studio on the matter.
So far they certainly seem more secure with their ‘expert’ sources on this one, who in turn seem much more certain with their guesses.
Sadly for them, some may have memories the last time BBC-employed stringers were handed the pulpit to try and turn opinion into fact.
Facilitating one-sided propaganda seems to be their basic remit now.
Who, for interest, has been wheeled out thus far to offer calming words on who has the best reasons to escalate tensions in the ME?
I don’t know, but given history, I’m erring on some old men feeling things are working out just as they’d hoped about now.
With such as the BBC delivering entirely to plan.
Watch out kids.
As an aside, anyone know what happened to that poor Saudi girl whose death causes the BBC were happy to run with via our idiot police farce?
This whole “Palestinian” kidnapping palava,
so called revenge …
like clockwork, deflection, from the “we love death” brigade … could you put it past that crew, to sacrifice
yet another teen for allah?
The whole thing is beyond dubious, anyone catch Ch4 news last night, disgraceful, slime buddies to the BBC
If Israel needs a leveller it does it properly, and Hamas will bloody know about it … it doesn t go around grabbing some youth for the hell of it.
The MSM will as always, omit, twist or downright lie about what are glaring facts …
here we are 03/07/14.
hey ho! … clear evidence, that Hamas
affiliates are behind the 3 teen hate murders.
I repeat … could you put it past that crew, to sacrifice yet another teen, (one of their own) for allah?.
Yep! … Even the BBC reports it now,
but BBC 5Live still has lots of airtime for some absurd Muslim apologist, to obfuscate and bleat away without any in depth questioning.
and the very next report … not taking harsh action against FGM is being reported as a “national scandal” in the UK
… numbers upwards of 130,000 little girls!
… any ideas just who?, who would want such atrocity?…
Does it strike anyone else as being a remarkable coincidence and of great benefit to muslims and their apologists that a muslim kid is ‘abducted’ and found dead; it didn’t take them too long to find the body either. Is it possible the muslims made themselves a martyr to deflect attention away from the true nature of Hamas and islam? After all it’s not unknown for the muslims to stage such situations; that’s why the term Pallywood was coined.
Now that yet another bBC worker has been found guilty of being a sex pest . Anybody else surprised how Rolf is being kept off the top spot by allegations aimed at yet another Tory.
Last time the bBC got their fingers burnt, yet have a look at how they word headlines regards Mr Brittan.
They just can’t help themselves can they.
All in the spirit of two wrongs reporting.
The BBC may need to be careful who it associates with.
Certainly of all large, high-profile entities, Westminster (if the Lib Dems securing profile beyond their actual numbers) and the BBC do seem to be havens for a peculiar breed of folk more than most.
At least any in the former can (if outed) still be subject to their constituents’ ballot and their parties suffer the consequences.
The BBC, however, appears able to darn near run a programme internally, with nobody knowing anything or being held to account.
The Panorama ‘special’ a few weeks ago majored in true BBC lip-curling fashion on the relationship between Savile and ‘the Tories’ – in particular Mrs Thatcher and Edwina Currie – and specifically his role at Broadmoor. The tone was blatantly ‘but they should have known’ or even ‘they did know’ and most definitely ‘what the hell were they playing at’, a clear tarring by association – yet the ones who genuinely did know what he was up to were at the BBC, of whom there was not a single mention.
The BBC – arrogant bastards beyond accountability.
In a similar vein, on the ‘The Religion of Peace’ website there is a table showing that up to day 5 or ramdam the tally is :
33 terror attacks
1 suicide bombing
245 dead bodies
353 wounded
all carried out by muslims
Number of atrocities by non-muslims = zero
Isn’t ramdam supposed to be a holy month when the muslims are nice to people? But to them, I suppose they’re doing allah’s work.
ukcolumn exposes BBC Media Action, ‘the BBC’s international development charity’ as a dangerous subversive organisation.
‘An innocent BBC charity deserving our support and money, or a dangerous subversive organisation? We overwhelmingly think the latter.’
‘Media Action’s self praise continues – “Our work is valued by the development community and by media organisations contributing to development and better standards of governance in developing countries.” So the BBC which specialises in politically biased news, dark drama, foul language, violence, pro Eu reporting, skewed docudramas and explicit sex, is supposedly the appropriate source vehicle to tell other societies how to govern themselves. The arrogance might be amusing if it were not for much deeper and dirtier layers of their work.’
Giggling school girl Sue Barker wittering on about British tennis players , but there’s one British tennis player the BBC never mentions, he’s been practically erased from the history books, Buster Mottram, I wonder why ? Like David Bellamy and Johnny Ball, they’ve simply vanished.
Why would he be mentioned. Not exactly a glittering career. Did she mention Mark Cox? Nope. Why not? Unlike your mate Buster he was not a National Front stalwart (your tawdry point obviously) yet he has vanished too. You will just have to take up the game yourself, Brimful of racism. Right these terrible wrongs.
Not quite, fishy. I was pointing out Brims’ NF fetish yet gracefully accepted that the other ex player who I plucked out of the air was a poor comparison. If that a dickhead makes, then I am happy to wear your witless slur. I imagine I am in good company.
NF fetish? How so? ‘Witless slur’? ‘Gracefully accepted’?
‘Unlike your mate Buster he was not a National Front stalwart (your tawdry point obviously) yet he has vanished too. You will just have to take up the game yourself, Brimful of racism.’
I have read his postings. He can speak for himself I’m sure, but he sympathises with National Front & BNP.
Let him confirm or deny. Despite your taking an interest, it is not addressed to you at all and your sniping at me serves no purpose. I have no desire to trade insults with someone who weighs in with ‘dick head’ in a grown up discussion. Life’s too short.
Your first attempt at a ‘grown up’ discussion here – assuming it is your first, though your style looks familiar – didn’t go too well, eh, with factual inaccuracies and tawdry accusations abounding.
Stick to one alias then we can get the measure of you.
As it was, couldn’t resist the puns on your adopted turtle persona, but no offence intended.
Better luck next time when you will be…..who knows?
For the record I used one other alias on here before, last year I believe, but I can’t recall what it was as I didn’t stick around for long. That is the truth although I appreciate the fact that it is unprovable. C’est la vie.
I did see something about this early morning. the report blatently trying to put the UKIP MEP in the worst light, oh look she can’t find her office in the maze. Oh look she’s been locked out of her computer. Oh look how childish they are turning their backs on the European empire’s anthem, One of the presenters had a “very” serious face on, so this was obviosly a serious story. Of course I may have imagined this as BBc may well have only broadcast this in Mongolia. If you don’t get the last bit it’s an in joke between me and BBc complaints department.
Yes I witnessed that attempt to portray her as a numpty, tip-tapping at the keyboard without success, and then, doncha know? She was helped out of her incompetence by a bloody foreigner of all people: an Italian IT person.
Fuck the beeb, nasty bastards.
Muslims as victims again. This time in China, where the BBC disputes they are responsible for violence. However, the Chinese have put a ban on fasting for Ramadan. That’ll teach them.
Can someone explain how one can enforce a ban on fasting? Eat your noodles or die, might be the order, but you can always throw it up as we had to do with school dinners.
I’m a little surprised at this story as its something the Chinese do every year. If you can cut through all the hype you will come to: “the fasting ban applied to party members, teachers and young people.”
Now if the bBC can inform me regards the Algerian football team the other day: “Ramadan is mandatory for Muslims and one of the five pillars of Islam, although there are exemptions for the sick, pregnant, infirm or elderly. Individuals who are travelling or going to war are also permitted to avoid it and this is the provision under which most athletes will delay the fast until a more suitable time.
I don’t see why they are upset the Chinese are insisting the young , teachers and Party members from doing likewise.
‘“Ramadan is mandatory for Muslims and one of the five pillars of Islam, although there are exemptions for the sick, pregnant, infirm or elderly. Individuals who are travelling or going to war are also permitted to avoid it and this is the provision under which most athletes will delay the fast until a more suitable time.’
Treading a fine line between information and propaganda.
Had it been a Christian requirement to fast during daylight hours for the duration of a ‘festival’, I feel pretty damned sure the illogicality of it all would have been subtly communicated by the BBC to all its listeners and viewers.
Well seeing as a vast majority are Pakistani Muslims, how the Whites can’t bend over fast enough for Allah and their combined penchant for paedophilia anything from Gary Glitter will suffice:
“National leaders must now ‘obey’ Germany, claims Farage as he attacks spectacle of EU flag being ‘goosestepped’ around Brussels to European anthem.
“UKIP leader told MEPs the European Union was guilty of ‘naked militarism.’
“Speech came in first session of new parliament after May’s EU elections.
“He said Cameron had ‘no chance’ of winning fundamental reforms of union.
“Came after Farage turned his back as ‘European anthem’ played.
“Party said they did not ‘recognise or respect the EU flag or anthem.’
“Comes after Martin Schulz chosen by MEPs to carry on as Parliament chief.
“The vote was taken in secret sparking accusations of EU ‘carve up.’
“Socialist MEP wants more power for Brussels over national Parliaments.
“Schulz backed by supporters of Jean-Claude Juncker in ‘backroom’ deal.”
When I first read the headline, I wondered if you were using a euphemism! A ‘cops show off their lethal weapons’ type story is something you’d expect from the Daily Star, but at least there would have been a human interest element.
Instead, you wasted my time with a non-story. Was ‘man puts picture of himself at work on dating website’ really worth reporting on?
Police in some part of the world carry guns and aren’t ashamed of it, or of the job they do. Get over it.
Ooooooooooooh – very good question ! Not that the BBC will ever venture to even mention such predilections of a left-winger…….. however, had it been a Conservative MP… holds barred.
And in other news… ‘a BSc from Bristol University – in politics’
Ah, the science of Politics; a noble calling.
At least if there is another DMI, he’s well prepped to know who to set up for the fall. ‘”commitments” of previous and current DGs get in the way of the serious business of saving money’
Luckily, money tree economics is the norm at the BBC. ‘how many other organisations reward their head of training with a package of £217,750 ?’
Maybe any who have training sessions on how to get paid telephone numbers on the public teat? ‘Peter Salmon, once Director of North, is now Director of England. Presumably “The Rest of England”.’
It’s is possible Marl Easton’s head just exploded.
Meanwhile hiring sprees continue.
The BBC seems almost single-handedly boosting the employment and pay figures.
Which is nice.
Perhaps others do not share my belief that this government will go to great lengths, using the police and mental health authorities to promote diversity and multiculturalism. But this story of the Angel of Woolwich being detained on mental health grounds following an investigation concerning a race incident in a Tesco’s store, had me thinking along the lines of government involvement. Surely one who had been praised by the party leader – comrade Cameron – cannot be prosecuted for a race crime. Mental health issues are well known in leftist administrations. Anyhow. God bless this woman, for she has seen hell.
Yes, very reminiscent of Stalinist Russia at it’s best, where they were very fond of chucking you in the lunatic asylum if you said anything they didn’t like. After all, anybody who disagreed with the Glorious People’s Revolution HAD to be mad…….it’s obvious. Exactly so with the multicultural paradise in which we now live. Anybody who doesn’t gush approval is obviously off their chump……..QED.
So here we have a lady who has been involved in a horrific incident (no mention of course WHO was responsible for said incident…) and a year later gets into an altercation with someone of colour.
Now, we all know that any altercation between a white person and a person of colour must be: (a) the white person’s fault and (b) have racist overtones, so the poor dear obviously needs a rest and some strong medication.
You remember poor Emma West was similarly detained and then had to be remanded in custody “for her own protection” for the heinous crime of speaking her mind on a tram whilst in her cups. And that lady on the Tube. And God knows how many more.
Orwell really was bang on the money. Just a few years out. No wonder the Beeb didn’t want a statue of him cluttering up the yard in their newly built Ministry of Truth.
To be fair to this one I read it as a woman who probably hasn’t come to terms with what she saw that day. It must have been horrific and as much as I don’t trust the establishment on this issue I think the police must have seen something not right with her and detained her for her own good.
Normal people don’t go into a supermarket and start telling cashiers to “go back home” or whatever it was.
To be fair on this one I suspect she needs to be detained for her own good. What she saw that day must have been horrific in the extreme and must have had an effect on her.
Normal people don’t walk into a supermarket and tell a cashier to “go home” so the police must have seen something wasn’t right
Claimed racial abuse, at that. Mind you, I should have know she was one of them islamaphobic racialists, deliberately disrupting those misunderstood, meat cleaver wielding lads from practising the religion of peace, like what she did.
After the brutality that that woman witnessed and her courage in the face of it, it is no wonder she is struggling psychologically. I hope she gets the help she needs because she had damn well earned it.
Not being a psychiatrist I cannot say whether or not the experience of that day had such an effect that she had to be detained. So I would not go along with the conclusion that this experienced deranged her in some way. But it is damned convenient that she can be banged up for going against the multiculture. Remember the psychiatric tests they put Emma West through for saying offensive things on a tram. It is all too easy to introduce medical diagnosis for political beliefs, as with Islamophobia and more recently Europhobia.
The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. -Nietzsche.
On the face of it this is alarming. Reminiscent of the USSR .
Please remember the liberal left sees us on the so called right as downright evil.
We see them as misguided. They do not extend that description to us. Like all fantasists since 1789 they are capable of terrible things. Justifed by their faith alone.
Update for INBBC on latest example of Islamic jihad threat to British people:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“British jihadist: UK should be afraid of terror skills I’ve learnt.
“Man believed to be Nasser Muthana shows images of homemade bombs and says UK should be afraid.”
‘Terror’ skills? Surely the BBC are constantly describing these young Islamist scamps as ‘militants’.
Terrorist is such a judgemental word, dontcha think?
I now find myself wondering which community will currently be living in the greater fear.
It will be interesting who BBC dispatches where to find ou… tell us.
Todays lunchtime News report (Sky) + no doubt BBC somewhere will report:. ‘Labour MP Simon Danczuk accusing Conservatives of a paedophile Conservative ‘cover-up”. THATS A BIT RICH BY LABOUR! There still is a predatory paedophile network that branches from the BBC right into Westminster. Leon Britain says the Home Office file (from 1980’s) has been conveniently lost (that Labour sponsored cross-party PIE activities for primarily ‘under age sex with minors’ is all forgotten and let’s not forget Labour paved the way for UK homosexuals from 21 to 16 (with the BBC proposing recently that it should be reduced to 12) whilst the EU itself (Lunacek report) proposing lowering that age again to just 4 years, (for no reason whatsoever other than banning parents from any moral grounds for a legal objection). Anyway Paul Danczuk does have a true historic case against Westminster sexual ‘cover-ups’ of all parties. Leon Brittan may know more than he is prepared to admit. There is link to high ranking politicians today (and the 1980’s) and this is not entirely unconnected to the current Savile/Cyril Smith/ Flowers that the BBC/Labour/Liberals claimed NOT to know anything about… but Labour do ‘know’ a 1980’s Conservative ‘cover up’ admission would be a huge and embarrassing exposure for Cameron’ former aid (Patrick Rock) has yet to be tried in court on similar charges (as yet unproven). How many past politicians may never be revealed as all main parties have an blind spot (amnesia) on that delicate subject of their exploits.
The Dossier of which you speak was produced by Geoffrey Dickens, a friend and neighbour of mine at the time.
I was not privy to the information in it, but I knew that it was explosive in the scope and the people it named.
It would seem that yet again the useless brigade failed to act, or worse decided not too.
So the dossier is ‘lost’, I wonder if that isn’t a deliberate act. It is now wondered if the man who he described as a friend wasn’t Cyril Smith.
It seems the pit of filth we call the palace of Westminster has no bottom and the lengths to which the monsters who supposed represent us will go in their efforts to deliver wealth and protection to themselves.
Hold on. Leon Brittan agrees he was given a big folder of papers by Dickens. He says he gave it to officials and told them to look into it – and to refer it elsewhere eg the Attorney General’s office if necessary.
That sounds entirely plausible to me. It is what a busy Home Secretary would and should do. He says this should be confirmed by whichever Private Secretary was present when the papers were handed across. That is the first information we want, the first link in the chain..
Brittan says he cannot recall anything after that. This suggests the papers were lost in the maw of the Home Office after Brittan asked for them to be examined – lost with officials, not with politicians.
We obviously need to know more. But it is unfair IMHO to be suggesting yet that Brittan or any other politician is involved in a cover-up.
This is what Leon Brittan has said – including that he does not recall Dickens contacting him again :
“During my time as Home Secretary (1983 to 1985), Geoff Dickens MP arranged to see me at the Home Office. I invariably agreed to see any MP who requested a meeting with me. As I recall, he came to my room at the Home Office with a substantial bundle of papers. As is normal practice, my Private Secretary would have been present at the meeting. I told Mr Dickens that I would ensure that the papers were looked at carefully by the Home Office and acted on as necessary. Following the meeting, I asked my officials to look carefully at the material contained in the papers provided and report back to me if they considered that any action needed to be taken by the Home Office. In addition I asked my officials to consider a referral to another Government Department, such as the Attorney General’s Department, if that was appropriate. This was the normal procedure for handling material presented to the Home Secretary. I do not recall being contacted further about these matters by Home Office officials or by Mr Dickens or by anyone else.”
He’s hardly likely to say I said to ‘file this in the round file’ given the gravity of the potential accusations now history has proved Geoffrey was right.
If it were you, and you held power 20 years ago, I think you’d be doing everything in your power to avoid being caught up in a scandal involving kiddie fiddling which had you paid a bit more notice you could have prevented.
Any thing is possible, but just because a politician says something, especially in this febrile environment I doubt very much it will be entirely accurate.
Just cast your mind back to Forgemasters if you want to recall just what that government was capable of.
The file got lost !! that’s strange, the file on Cyril Smith which was handed to Special Branch also got lost too, what are the chances of that, eh ? It must have fallen down the back of the sofa !! Brittan like David Steel can’t remember a thing ! How very convenient.
Brittan was Home Secretary from 1983 to 1985, when he had to deal with the miners’ strike. as I remember the BBC’s sympathies were not with the police.
During his time as Home Secretary he also had a major run in with the BBC over a proposed programme on Northern Ireland – he wrote to the BBC Chairman objecting to the broadcast, which was cancelled.
Then, when he was Trade and Industry Secretary he opposed the takeover of Westland by a European consortium – he (and the rest of the government except Heseltine) favoured a deal with Sikorsky (A US company).
The BBC will be out to get him if they can – irrespective of the evidence.
let’s not forget Labour paved the way for UK homosexuals from 21 to 16
So, the same age for all. Not a bad thing. Although of course you sandwich it among claims of paedophilia, which implies you think there’s some equivalence there, despite there being none.
with the BBC proposing recently that it should be reduced to 12
Link, please? Google’s drawing a blank on that one. Even considering the possibility that you’re confusing “reporting someone’s opinion” with “proposing” – easily done, and many Biased BBCers seem to make a career out of such misrepresentation – it does seem unlikely. I’m sure a link will clear things up.
whilst the EU itself (Lunacek report) proposing lowering that age again to just 4 years,
The Lunacek report is about protecting LGBTI individuals of any age from discrimination and harassment. There’s nothing in it about changing the age of consent at all – unless, of course, you can provide links to prove the contrary?
Well Harpersons ex employer ‘Liberty’ in its high PIE supporting pomp issued this back in the day:
In March 1976, the UK’s political pressure group Liberty, under their alternate name National Council for Civil Liberties, (NCCL) called for an equal age of consent of 14 in Britain. Its submission to the Criminal Law Revision Committee generated extensive newspaper coverage. Albeit the report recognised the merits for the abolition of the age of consent, it proposed the retention of a prohibition upon sex below the age of 14 “as a compromise with public attitudes
however under Labour:
“In 2000, a committee of 12 teenage girls set up to advise the UK government on youth issues recommended that the age of consent be reduced to twelve. The website from which the group was recruited also conducted a poll of 42,000 girls between 12 and 16 on the age-of-consent. 87% agreed that it should be lowered from 16”
Given the issues brought to our attention today about the dossier on senior people going ‘missing’ there are going to be questions asked of people in Westminster, the BBC, and the useless brigade.
Any chance you could link to a reasoned, factual piece, rather than an anti-gay propaganda pamphlet that prefers dissembly to honesty?
And I note that even among all that article’s hysteria (“She’s a feminist! THE HORROR!”) there’s nothing to back up your claim that the report proposed lowering the age of consent to 4. Given the hyperbole within the article, I would have thought that point would have come up, if it had been in the report at all. Which it is not.
As with all such coverage, huge doses of salt are required. Online forms were examined to see how they could best serve transpeople equally as well as they do for others. Other websites, not just council ones, have looked at the same issue. In BHCC’s case, they decided to allow non-selection from such drop downs an acceptable option, as well as possible additions of honorifics such as ‘Mx’, which some transpeople prefer.
Neither case harms or damages the use of the form by others, and nothing is banned.
And, back to the point after this little diversion, there is still nothing to backup Philip’s assertion that the Lunacek report proposes a reduction of the age of consent. Which it doesn’t.
And I tend to find that people who “always find” things and think that grouping people as a homogeneous group of “lefties” for having the temerity to hold opinions different to their own are often those people least worthy of being listened to. 🙂
In the instance cited by johnnythefish, a news report was rather sensationalised in its coverage of the start of an investigation. The actual recommendation and implementation turned out to be somewhat different, and implemented at next to cost with no impact to those for whom the existing options were fine.
9.34 Given recent press coverage of the subject of honorifics, the Panel would like to make clear that they never had any intention of recommending that the use of honorifics should be removed. The recommendation of this report is aimed at giving more choice to those who do not want to identify as Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr. It is worth noting that this may not just apply to trans people: others may not choose to use a honorific if given the option.
Now that’s cleared up, any chance you could help Philiip “pin down” his claims, which he’s so far been able to substantiate?
‘In the instance cited by johnnythefish, a news report was rather sensationalised in its coverage of the start of an investigation. The actual recommendation and implementation turned out to be somewhat different, and implemented at next to cost with no impact to those for whom the existing options were fine.’
Misleading as ever, Scott, as it sounds like the proposal had a lot more substance to it than you are making out:
‘The proposal is backed by Brighton and Hove City Council deputy leader Phelim MacCafferty, who has called the titles ‘useless’.
But the new proposal has been branded ‘political correctness gone too far’ by an opposition councillor who says the idea is ‘ludicrous’.
Doesn’t sound like Mx. MacCafferty is going to let this one lie, does it?
And I know how woolly-minded Leftists can be when it comes to money in the real world but ‘at next to no cost’?! How much do you think it costs in time and resources to run these bizarre committees and have them carry out their ‘studies’ and consultations and produce their reports and hold their endless meetings? Tens of millions of hard-earned taxpayers’ money is being wasted up and down the country on non-jobs like these which, if other public sector posts are anything to go by, will be handsomely remunerated. And you lefties moan about ‘austerity’?
‘In BHCC’s case, they decided to allow non-selection from such drop downs an acceptable option, as well as possible additions of honorifics such as ‘Mx’, which some transpeople prefer.’
Leaving aside wtf ‘Mx’ actually stands for, the mind boggles at the consequences of ‘leaving blank’. Does it mean John Smith might turn up for interview dressed as a bird, or Wendy Smith as a bloke? Apologies if I’ve misunderstood, but I’m just a simple northern lad you see….
Apologies if I’ve misunderstood, but I’m just a simple northern lad you see…
You’ll get no argument from me there 🙂 But seriously…
How much do you think it costs in time and resources to run these bizarre committees and have them carry out their ‘studies’ and consultations and produce their reports and hold their endless meetings?
When I’ve run UX meetings on form accessibility and the options available, decisions like this can be made in a matter of minutes. It may well have taken less time to evaluate where it was possible than it took for you to type your response.
Tens of millions of hard-earned taxpayers’ money is being wasted up and down the country on non-jobs like these
Making sure that web pages and other forms of communication work as well as they can for as many people as possible isn’t a “non-job” at all. It doesn’t cost millions, either: although overexpenditure and poor budgeting are well-known in the public sector, those are usually as a result of poor planning and project management, not of a UX evaluation.
Encouraging people who construct forms, whether on paper or online, to think about people whose circumstances may be different from their own has great benefits all round.
Thanks for illustrating the gulf between your use of the word “troll” and your understanding of its meaning once again, “John”.
Anything to say about Justin Casey’s direct personal abuse towards me? Or is that okay, while discussion of issues conducted in a civil manner is off-limits? You do seem to have a weird set of priorities. Why is that?
‘When I’ve run UX meetings on form accessibility and the options available, decisions like this can be made in a matter of minutes. It may well have taken less time to evaluate where it was possible than it took for you to type your response.’
Really? Isn’t this example a very sensitive policy issue? And they can decide it in minutes? Must have had some pretty powerful decision-makers there – at what cost?
‘Making sure that web pages and other forms of communication work as well as they can for as many people as possible isn’t a “non-job” at all.’
I was referring to the LGBT committee. But you probably knew that.
An example would be that a lefty would say Climate Change instead of Global Warming, but then Climate Change has a double meaning.
When a lefty says Climate Change, we assume that the lefty means Global warming, but Climate Change has a double meaning, as it also means Global Cooling, so therefore when the predicted mini-ice age arrives, then Scott can say that the lefties where correct, as all the left-wing reports say ‘Climate Change’.
And, only lefties would think of holding a Mx/Ms/Mr/Miss/Mrs/Master/Dr/Sir/Lord Snot titles Conference.
Standard civil service procedure would be to ‘raise’ a file into which the dossier and related papers would be placed.
Once the work is deemed to be complete the file would be closed. In the case of this dossier that might mean that an investigation was carried out and nothing found, or it was passed to the police, in which case as far as the Home Office was concerned the subject is closed.
If none of the papers in the file concern policy there is no legal need to archive the file. If none of the material was considered to be confidential then no record would be kept either.
Given how long ago this dossier was produced it is quite likely that it would have been routinely destroyed, just as most civil service papers are. That is actually a legal requirement!
I love the way that records that might embarrass the government must be kept for all time, whereas records that might embarrass the ‘right’, i.e. left-leaning individuals, must never be kept, or if they are, they must be destroyed.
@ Scott …. I expect you can`t wait for the age of consent to be lowered to under two years…., so that you can rush down to the local Pets At Home store to buy as many hamsters and gerbils as you can cram into yourself (first checking that none of the hamsters are Syrian of course, i expect you will use wikipedia and the Quran as a reference on this…) Just keep in mind though that the lube on your grubby little digits combined with your already slippery nature will lead to the odd typo, whereupon you can expect to engender a mass of pandantic and unwanted replies which ignore the points of the debate and instead concentrate on the spelling mistakes you made..
Scott …. The answer to the question that nobody ever bothered to ask…….
I can`t wait till Friday (No!! not for evening prayers) … But for the Judge to turn to Rolf Harris …. and say just just before passing down sentence … “Can ya tell what it is yet!!??”
Wonder which of Biased BBC’s regulars chose this pseudonym under which to contribute nothing other than highly offensive personal insults?
Nice to see that Biased BBC’s seamier side can never hide itself for very long. Still, never mind, “John Anderson” and his ilk won’t bother admonishing you. Alan and Vance will do nothing. So you can carry on believing that your juvenile little insults have made you a better man, even though nothing could be further from the truth.
Ah, I see: I contribute points to a discussion, back them up with links, get called a paedophile for my troubles. And yet “Old Goat” decides I’m the troll. Plus ça change…
Remember your defense of the ‘kinda hot’ tweet for the muslim Times Square bomber. We don’t know the context and it was anyway jokey (your defense), and since we cannot read each others minds – as you insist – you only have a partial context, and do know the intent behind the post so why not see it as a joke. And smile. And as you say ‘bless’.
Also I’m correct to remember that another defense about finding the muslim Time Square bomber ‘kinda hot’ was because there are only a limited number of characters available on twitter. So I assume as per the Fatty Abbott defense size limitations preclude clarity and therefore we cannot judge intent. Bear in mind that E=mc2 has a limited number of characters yet has clarity, and also just consider with even more characters available what other things you may have said about the ‘kinda hot’ muslim Time Square Bomber as you reached the climax of the ‘edgy’ exchange with some other lefty.
And just to be clear you are being engaged in a debate even though you may not like it.
‘Justin Casey’ you are a sick bastard. I shan’t click report as I think the comment should stay here as a monument to your ignorance and spite.
Not that reporting would do the slightest bit of good. Alan or David Vance would probably merely edit it to make Scott’s response look OTT thus deflecting all accountability.
I think that exemplifies the euphemism ‘Robust debate’ around here.
Quisling Scott never deals with the substantive issues of BBC bias. So when the case of Liberty (Harman et. al.) in the 1970s to early-1980s at no point am I aware did Scott ever post to point out that the BBC was well to the front of the media pack raising concerns, pointing fingers and robustly questioning whether people who (and paraphrasing Mr. Tom Carroll – head of PIE): they probably disapproved of us but kept quiet because they wanted to progress their careers on the left. In my view a pretty damning indictment on say Harman. I would say that it renders her unfit for any official position. But can you cite one occasion when such a question was forcefully asked of Harman by the BBC? I cannot. Also can you note any time Scott offered evidence that the BBC did? Can Scott? Or can either you or Scott show that Scott posted to agree that the BBC coverage of PIE/Harman was totally inadequate, just to prove that Scott is not bigoted (maintaining the same position even when confronted with sufficient evidence to the contrary), so his continual postings on secondary issues where he may or may not have identified some inconsistency indicates he is at best here to disrupt or in modern parlance is a troll.
And do note it was the BBC’s refusal to deal properly with Harman/PIE that got her off the hook and allowed her to survive.
You have to be sad yourself if you choose to defend a troll who fancied a jihadi bomber. People are sick to death of the weaselly disruptive troll. The troll regularly insults EVERYONE who posts here, the troll evades questions, it has indulged in endless drive-by behaviour.that is the definition of trolling.
The troll’s fancying of a jihadi bomber puts it way beyond the pale. Or do you seek to defend such disgusting behaviour ? The troll is not fit to be in decent company.
I don’t know anything about that, John. I do recall that I myself posted on twitter that Bin Laden had kind eyes. I was quite clear that it was an anomaly and that if one wasn’t aware of his pure evil then they might be duped by him. Nobody was offended, in fact it was discussed at length with a few folk who also found it unsettling.
People understood the context so it was a non issue.
As for being a troll, with all due respect, it seems anyone who is off message and has their own views and opinions will be labelled as such.
Like everything else it is about interpretation.
I will bow to your superior knowledge that Scott insults everyone but speaking in the here and now, if he is addressed with such gross innuendo and malice that he might well lose his rag.
I am not here to justify or defend anyone I just comment on things as I see fit.
As you say – you “don’t know anything about that”. You don’t know the context, the track record. Why not just accept :
1 The troll admits to stating that he saw the Times Square jihadist bomber as “kinda hot”.
2 You obviously have not seen the endless attention-seeking trolling behaviour, and the repeated insults offered by the troll to EVERYONE who posts here.
Oops sorry John, hit report in error. Fat fingeritis on my part.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to misrepresent someone else as a paedophile no matter what their transgressions. It is (to re-appropriate your own phrase) beyond the pale. That is what I personally believe and I must admit to finding it a tad off that the poster has not been admonished with the same vigour as Scott has. I very much doubt that he has ever been quite so obscene himself but not being a regular I am perfectly happy to be proved wrong.
and the repeated insults offered by the troll to EVERYONE who posts here.
If by “the troll” you mean me (rather than, say, someone who attempts to post underneath under every comment I make, such as you and Kyoto seem to want to do) – again, as I’ve said repeatedly, you choose to ignore far worse behaviour and language from many others. When I’ve asked you why you do this, you raise the spectre of an ancient tweet as if that absolves you of ever answering a question.
As I’ve said, I’ve long since given up any hpoe of you ever challenging behaviour from the likes of Justin Casey above. But I would like to know why you think it’s acceptable to ignore it, while attempting to harass me at every opportunity. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable question to ask.
So again the substantive and ongoing problem with Scott can be ignored because of the immediate. Seems to run along the lines of you have to be perfect before you can accuse the BBC of bias. Now who seems to perpetually putting forward that argument?
Sorry you have a thing for Bin Laden’s eyes? Is there something aberrant going on here. The question posed to Scott about the muslim Time Square Bomber and finding him ‘kinda hot’ is that it also expresses approval for his political agenda. In lefty world he would never twitter that he found Anders Brevik ‘kinda hot’. But it appears you are so removed from reality you are surprized friends (and I assume these are lefties) were ‘unsettled’ by your comment on Bin Laden’s eyes.
Out of curiosity for those who click on Scott’s posts do you have something to confess along the lines of say ‘Mao always makes me feel horny’.
Probably because focusing on the immediate means that once again Scott’s ongoing abuse (refusing to engage in the substance of BBC bias) can be ignored.
Essentially, it works as until you are perfect then Scott does not have to explain his failure. Which is practically the same as Scotts trolling. All posts must be perfect until he will consider the substantive point about BBC bias. And of course goal-posts will be moved all the time.
Sorry but is there some weird lefty thing going on about needing to admire the beauty of a mass murderer? You do realise that indicating a physical approval does also indicate a political approval. The fact that you are suprised by friends (and I assume lefty ones at that) were unsettled by finding Bin Laden’s eyes ‘kind’ does indicate a lack of awareness on your part. For example you would never say that you think Hitler has ‘kind eyes’.
Also for those who do click on Quisling Scott’s posts does anyone else want to come out of the closet on this. For example does anyone find Chairman Mao ‘kinda horny’.
But Kyoto I did not express my surprise I said that people commented and said they too had thought it and how creepy it was that he was the exact opposite of kind. I didn’t just throw it out to be controversial or to provoke a reaction and I made sure that my disgust for him/it was unequivocal.
My timeline there is mostly fellow music and literature geeks and I usually only comment on N.I politics and have yet to have any major slanging matches with anyone. I expect those who follow are indeed left leaning if they share my tastes in art, music or literature as It would be nefarious of me to pretend I wasn’t left of centre on most things.
To paraphrase: nobody was offended though some did find it unsettling. So I did get the substance of your comment correct, but is your defense since it was not perfect it does cannot stand? With respect the former are clearly lefties who realised that it was sympathetic to Bin Laden as they also sympathiesed with his reasons/aims. And had no problem with the subconscious element of the comment. But even some of the lefties were unsettled. But again the context defense!
Also are you able to note that again Quisling Scott fails to deal with the substance of my observations. Essentially, he cannot deny them and therefore has to dissemble through trite distraction.
Absolutely not. They were unsettled because they could see what I meant. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear but I will never accept that the point I was making shows any empathy for that man. Why would I open myself up to that to you and John if I didn’t think it was obvious what I meant.
It was a comment about the human condition. I can assure you that I despise evil monsters like him. I shouldn’t need to yet here I am doing just that.
I suggest you don’t pick up the wrong end of the stick to beat me with and negate any further comments with ‘Quisling Turtle you said Bin Laden was kind.’
There is an absolute honesty in what I am saying and if you think otherwise then it is pointless trying to clarify further.
Interesting to note that both Google and my own RSS reader’s archive search show that the only topic “Kyoto” has posted on in the past month is – me.
Whereas I’ve posted about several topics and tried to discuss issues, but regularly face disruption from John Anderson and Kyoto. If you two are going to attempt to claim the moral high ground, you’re going to have to behave a helluva lot better.
Thanks for letting me know what I should say and think. How very totalitarian of you.
And no I don’t accept your explanation. I find it exceedingly weak. Also the saccharine nature of your post leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Hitler was a vegetarian, and dog lover so I’m surprised he was a mass murderer. You have to be 12 to make such a comment and not wonder why people find you an idiot.
Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. Do you think he’ll try the defense that I’m surprised that ‘kinda hot’ people would wish to plant a bomb in Time Square?
‘The matter at hand is the vile language aimed at him. I don’t see a queue forming to condemn it. That is pretty sad.’
I don’t think it’s pretty sad, it’s pretty standard for blog sites. Lack of ‘likes’ is usually more of an indicator on here.
I personally do not approve of some of the abuse which has been aimed at Scott – it has been pretty base at times. However several, including myself, have pointed out that Scott’s main objective seems to be to wind people up (including puerile insults) until they do insult him in return, at which point he not only takes the moral high ground but also condemns the whole site and its contributors (and no doubt trolls off elsewhere proclaiming his ‘victory’). In the early days of his postings people were pretty patient with him, despite his constant provocations, but that patience eventually ran out.
If Scott engaged in the debate more – and let’s face it the vast majority of serious accusations of bias on here go unchallenged – rather than picking on minor inaccuracies or views he considers ‘homophobic’, he might get more favourable treatment.
I get what you are saying. Maybe the likes feature could be tempered somewhat with a thumbs down. I think it would democratise the site and people like me might feel able to actually get involved with the issue of bias which is what initially brought me here.
The like-o-meter can be disheartening as some horrendous posts actually do get a lot of likes. I can list a few from off the top of my head but the grey cells can’t parse them with who and when they were said.
Also having a glass of Riesling in the garden so that becomes a limitation, also. 😉
Doesn’t get my… ‘vote’, sorry.
Unless de-anonymised.
Won’t necessarily address bloc-rigging (the value, or not, of a post remains in what is written, not who can be e-mobilised) but it could give pause to those tempted to ‘like’ more extreme views. Or get seen to mark down fair ones for ideological reasons.
But I fully support the statement that in the current system the lack of a ‘like’ is still pretty potent.
Those hypocrites demanding mass atonement demonstrations for their narrow outrage campaigns on behalf of their cubicle colleagues simply look silly, other than successfully seeing addressing BBC bias left in the traps.
Report me…. not to Mr. Vance ring the internet police…. I`ll gladly repeat my sentiments at the station…. What are they going to do?? To find me guilty of anything they would have to disprove what i stated including a visit to Pets At Home and also a search of Scotts mosol oops I mean Mouse hole, i can`t help it as i`ve heard nothing but endless shit concerning the Middle East and reports of yet more false victimhood from the knuckle draggers who have no one to blame but themselves…. As for the Rolf quip …. Well… it was his catchphrase and I was being ironic becouse a judge wouldn`t say that… but maybe Roolf did just before his fly unzipped when raping children yet again whilst employed by the BBC and also in the company of Saville at the Hospital according to new accusations he is to face…..
So go have a cry and wring ur grubby lil paws for a bit and dial 999 and tell them i told them to f**k off as well!!!
Jesus wept. I have no inclination whatsoever to report your ugliness to anyone. Despite your sick antics on here it isn’t a crime to be an imbecile.
I just hope you don’t have kids. You are a see through tough guy.
Whatever values you apply to your sorry existence I can only hope aren’t infecting anyone else.
Anonymous bullies infest the internet you are merely another one who seeks to validate yourself by throwing around appalling insults and supposition dressed up in the kind of humour that plays only to fellow misfits.
You are unworthy of pity and karma has your number, you tiny man.
Anyone see the interview this evening with some Scouse playwright trying to articulate the ideas behind his latest play/film? It’s called “Common”, I believe. Usual depressing, gritty (ie Northern) British stuff.
Didn’t catch his name, but apparently the law on “joint venture” is simply a means to put away as many black kids as possible in London, and working class kids elsewhere. So now you know.
He cited the situation where an innocent driver takes three others shopping but, in fact, their real motive is to attack someone in the store. According to Mr Scouse, the driver would be convicted under the joint venture principle.
Bit of a sweeping statement that, in my opinion, and would be up to the courts, not the police, as Mr Scouse implied.
As soon as the interview was introduced I knew how it was going to turn out. I wasn’t disappointed.
“How can the Guardian realistically expect to end this practice if it is afraid to expose the Islamic justifications for it? No, Muslims did not invent female genital mutilation, and are not the only people who practice it. But they are the only group whose theological and legal traditions contain justification for it. Until that changes, many more women will fall victim to this practice, no matter what the Guardian does.”
Of course, if Britain’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) had not campaigned for open-door, mass immigration into Britain from Islamic and other African countries (which it still does), the indigenous British people would not have had the social, cultural and economic costs of FGM inflicted on them.
Think of all the things like Ramadan, FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Killings, Taqiyya, etc, etc that we hadn’t really heard about until September 11th, 2001.
Is FGM really a news story, in so much as it’s not new. However after north west going overboard on a PR campaign for share ramadam I’m surprised they aren’t suggesting other customs we might like to share in or not, Today they have been mostly going on about the failure of the personal independent payment. But which Government was it that started destroying DHSS into a Organisation that wasn’t to difficult to predict what was going to happen. I saw the future I left.
Got to love the bBC and how they report the news: Failure to stop FGM is a ‘national scandal’, say MPs The failure to tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) is a “national scandal” with as many as 170,000 victims in the UK, MPs have said.Failures by ministers, police and other agencies have led to the “preventable mutilation of thousands of girls”, the Home Affairs Committee said.It blamed a “misplaced concern for cultural sensitivities” for inaction, and called for a national action plan.
and guess what is missing from the above bBC article:
This young lady’s areas of conscience seems to have expanded to suit.
I remain intrigued why the BBC at all, much less investigative journalists, or several-day temp researchers have access to such information, especially if lives depend on it.
“A BBC spokesperson said: “There has been a lot of baseless speculation on the circumstances surrounding this programme. It’s not appropriate for us to comment further while there is an investigation by the ICO under way.”
An interesting, if predictable reaction.
One can’t help but note where the BBC has wallowed recently in potemtially baseless speculation elsewhere when it suits its own narrative, again putting lives at risk.
Another of those unique multiples of standard again.
At least the ICO has been let past the ‘purposes of…’ blanket exclusion this time.
Even the BBC couldn’t justify an internal ‘our little secret’ whitewash on this one.
You`ll have fun listening to the newsreader rushing through this headline on the 7a.m news this morning on Today!
She made it though at the speed they use when they blather all those terms and conditions on at the end of car and finance deals…most impressive.
So thanks for putting this up-this ought to bring down the BBCs Panorama nest of eels and gummy mongooses…of course it won`t, but it hopefully will bring the BBCs end a little nearer.
The bB in the above article reply: “A BBC spokesperson said: “There has been a lot of baseless speculation on the circumstances surrounding this programme. It’s not appropriate for us to comment further while there is an investigation by the ICO under way.”
More than the usual mash-up between the laws of unintended consequences and irony here:
@chrishams: .@Peston updates his “right to be forgotten” blog post – finger of suspicion pointing at comments:
Seems the EU ruling not working out to Pesto’s tastes.
And he alludes to dirty deeds in the comments getting things shut down.
‘There’s one dreadful old bore at the Philosopher’s Arms. He’s always propping up the bar, whining on about football, the X Factor and his view that ‘coloured people’ are ruining the country. We’ve just heard about a new drug: it’s called propranolol, and it makes people less racist. It comes in liquid form. We can’t stop this bloke rabbiting on about the X Factor, but if we slip the phial into his beer, we could at least save ourselves having to listen to his bigoted rants…. As long as he stops being racist, is that enough? Or does it matter why people hold the views they do? ‘
Like I said at the top, this is posted tongue in cheek.
There are, however, several real issues here – there’s this one:
I think it is in bad taste for the BBC to joke about in this way. Of course there is a thinly veiled implied slur on Ukipers etc :
Eric Ilde-like, there’s a ‘nudge nudge’ says Radio 4 to its liberal-minded metropolitan would-be elite audience ‘do you hate X factor, football and little Englanders, nudge nudge – we do. They are about the most reprehensible things we can think of’ (Not religion-inspired phone camera friendly street murder or anything really leathal and deranged like that. Phew, no)
BBC: X Factor, Football and Racism – the three dreadful footmen of the metropolis.
Sorry for perhaps being trivial, folks, but this twerp really irked me this morning.
I never usually listen to the radio but we’re up staying with my parents who always have it on in the morning so have no choice in the matter. Anyway, to get to the point: I was subjected to some smug, opinionated, motor-mouthed, middle-class pillock who was seemingly more interested in the sound of his own voice then that of others. After some Christian pop tune entitled ‘Harvest for the World’ (I think!) came to a close, he was still singing along to the lyrics as radio hosts usually do etc, but then said ‘Right, that’s enough of that type of nonsense’ in what I thought was a facetious, little anti-Christian dig. I wonder if it was a Muslim pop song (if such a thing exists) with idiomatic Muslim lyrics, would he have said the same sly little comment? No, and if he did he would be sacked.
Are you referring to the version of the song by The Christians? The band was named after the three brothers originally in the line-up, Garry, Roger and Russell Christian. I don’t think religion has anything to do with it on this occasion, perhaps he just preferred the Isley Brothers’ version.
On the BBC News, this morning it’s, yes you guessed it – Islam! It, yet again, seems to be a frequent subject on News programs these days… I wonder why?
Anyway, the news reader was reporting on the story of the USA increasing security from UK flights. The reporter listed numerous complicated moves that security officials will take to look out for suspects and I thought to myself, there’s an easier way for sure: look for young Muslim men, with beards, in the queue who have the appearance of chips on both their shoulders. It’s an Islamic problem so why would you take extra security measures with an elderly English couple?
For the same reason I have to take my shoes and belt and jacket off going through security everytime I fly to the US and watch as the hijabbed woman working for the Immigration Service checks MY stuff to see if I’m carrying explosives.
Thank God the security services aren’t taking advice from you!
Let me give you one name which blows your theory apart. Samantha Lewthwaite !
You think she’d even bother with a Hijab if she had an atrocity to perpetrate?
The bombers ideal bomb mule is a pregnant white woman with a baby in a pram. It won’t be long before they find one.
Trust me, pal… if security took advice from me these sods would be banished from the land! But, yes, worryingly, the white convert is something we overlook!
Although it will be a growing problem the white convert is still the minority so I agree that because of Muslim problem we shouldn’t all have to go through this crap. I mean granny and grandad are suspects too? Rubbish!
Alex, for goodness sakes, I haven’t been on this site for months and yet you’re still cooking up the same old soft soap and racist poppycock. Your comments are inane beyond belief!
And, as for the mutton-headed nincompoop, Thoughtful….
“The bombers ideal bomb mule is a pregnant white woman with a baby in a pram. It won’t be long before they find one.” –
Any evidence of this vile old cobblers you throw, like a dice, onto the debate table? No, thought not! I despair, I really do.
The sentiments for a start! Bigoted sentiments that are leering beneath every syllable. If you can’t see it, then I fear your judgement is beyond repair… but fear not as you’ll be in good company.
Wikipedia? Have you ever had to compose an academic piece citing credible evidence to support your thesis? You’ve never studied postgraduate critical reading have you? No, you haven’t or if you have it was most probably at a polytechnic or second rate college. Please, using Wikipedia is to respectable academia what One Direction is to intelligent music so vex me not with your foul suppositions!
That is just ducking the issue. Prattling on about Wikipedia being somehow always unreliable is ridiculous. In this particular instance the Wiki article cites plenty of other sources that confirm the essence of the Wiki entry. For example :
You say “Have you ever had to compose an academic piece citing credible evidence to support your thesis?” Have you?
Are you saying that there is some doubt that Anne-Marie Murphy was the fiance of Nezar Hindawi ?
Are you saying that Nezar was not convicted and given a long prison sentence?
Just because it is on Wikipedia does not mean that it is wrong.
Both Sky and BBC seem more interested in not offending Muslims rather than discussing the real issue that Islam poses a very real threat to world security. It’s causing mayhem everywhere… now I’m not saying it’s all of them, but why don’t we ever hear loud protestations when Muslim extremists cause terror? All we ever get is silence. Many Muslims do not want to mingle with or entertain western values etc. Christianity is against their creed.
The most disgraceful BBC bias yet, is being aired on 5Live right now, 10 minute rant of inaccurate Hamas propaganda.
Pally-wood in full effect. As usual using a teen death,(by who?), as an excuse for overt and orchestrated funeral hysterics … quite literally this cult can surely have no shame.
No surprise its a dose of VD again, on the V Drearybyshire
Go to Halfords & get a DAB radio adapter for about £30 . You can then consign bbc 5 dead to the dustbin of radio history . Another national DAB multiplex coming by next year for commercial radio too.
No. The post is for head of a Gaelic speaking school so naturally one would assume all candidates should be fluent in order to perform their duties within the role.
One wouldn’t expect a French teacher to have no French language skills.
Or did you mean a French Headmaster, as in France?
Still an odd concept, though. Can’t see how concentrating on Gaelic will give pupils a solid foundation for going out into the big, wide globalised world – rather than, say, Spanish or Mandarin.
In my home town there is a Bunscoil. (Irish Gaelic) but they also teach English, maths etc in line with the local board. I was dubious when it opened many years back but the kids (in the main) attained above national average grades and transferred to grammar at 11 and continued to thrive.
“Colorado: 19-year-old Muslima charged with trying to aid Islamic State”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As is the mainstream media’s near-universal practice, Shannon Maureen Conley’s Muslim name is not given in this story. But she appears to be a convert to Islam who wanted to go overseas and wage jihad against the kuffar. She also hates Israel. Where did she get this understanding of Islam? Once again, neither law enforcement authorities nor the mainstream media appear to be interested in this all-important question.”
Bbc news at one:
Clive Myrie
The rise of the FGM SCANDAL in the Uk.
So where does aljabeeba go for an example of the practice?
Obvious really, Kenya and the Massai tribes.
Off topic but has anyone read the Telegraph website recently? It is turning into feminists-r-us at the moment with a piece written by a bloke about the world cup being sexist because the cameras zoom in on attractive women in the crowd…I can’t escape the pc garbage at the moment!!
Nice try to get an angry response but it won’t work
but I will bite just a bit….the women I work with all couldn’t care less when I commented saying I was enjoying the cameras zooming in and the majority of them comment on the players they fancy so guess they are sexist too
But you notice that Rupert is not intelligent anough to answer a valid argument, such intelligent enough to use a thesaurus to make himself sound ever more condescending, arrogant and idiotic.
Apparently a woman being gifted with brains is quite acceptable, but a woman being gifted with good looks is of course quite unacceptable. Let’s just be thankful that the TV production crew has the good sense to show photogenic people enjoying themselves. Imagine if the BBC were doing the camerawork – they’d go out of their way to find characters that meet their own distorted world view of gender, race, disability and fetish, even if they had to import them or CGI them in the studio.
This was touched on during Mock The Week. Dara O’Briain claimed to have unleashed a twat storm by making a similar complaint.
I gather the Irish comedian thought that looking at Englishmen weeping was better than the planted beauties in the crowd. Nothing racist there obviously.
Thanks Old Goat: Commenting on BBC accounts secrecy (above) ‘….as if it were covered by the Official Secrets Act – to be disclosed on a strictly “need to know” basis. This institutional paranoia is justified on the basis that the BBC has “enemies” whose own commercial self-interest make them wish to do the Corporation harm at every possible opportunity’…
> I wonder WHO they (BBC) mean? And is it all not self-inflicted BBC abuse of tax payers money that does not go on original programming but ‘cramming’ recycled Trotsky pap on a 24/7 spin. I still think I would prefer meglomaniac Murdoch Media corp to the ever-so-secretive ‘British Bankrupt Corpulents’ (with matching corrupt EU lifestyle habits). The point is choice and you don’t get any with the BBC without Trotsky pap.
‘And this is a surprise to whom? This “shock announcement” by the Sir Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office (NAO), after he had presumably been reduced to screaming exasperation in his attempts to get at the truth about BBC executive pay-offs….’
Sounds like Sir Amyas had never heard of 28gate and the BBC fighting FOI requests. And we all know how they were held to account when the truth finally did come out – not. No wonder they are so effing arrogant.
I have just been watching the bbbc news and it struck me (again) that the news now is almost totally about atrocities/weird practices that always seem to have the root cause of the muslim religion as the cause…….all very professionally stirred up and promoted by the bbbc. A fine example today is the article (its not really a news item in the true sense of the word) about the problem of FGM………….Why am I made to feel responsible for their practices, it is nothing to do with me or mine so don’t run a news item saying that the institutions are ‘responsible’ and not the people who carry out these weird, archaic, medieval, brutal, cruel practices……
Please can someone close down the bbbc
Still, I voted UKIP at those last elections so I suppose I must be older, slightly racist and of lesser intellect (according to the bbbc definition of a UKIP voter)
You voted UKIP?
So did I, and probably like yourself I’ve had to go to the library to dictate this to a young person as I have absolutely no concept of new fangled computers, emails and all that stuff.
Just as bad as another Labour MP talking good about the town she was in but got the wrong place, which was about 50 miles away. Trouble was, it was her own constituency!
When Radio 4 starts early each morning, it gives news, weather forecasts etc – and then at about 5.43am has “Prayer for the Day”.
Every morning this week the slot has been and is being given to a Muslim who repeats the usual tqwaddle about Islam being a Religion of Peace. What the hell is happening ?
Considering Muslims account for approximately 5% of the population (this is no doubt a conservative estimate) they should be getting no more than a prayer every two weeks. For such a minority religion it gets way too much coverage but because of its followers’ big mouths and the distressing fact that our media, universities, law institutions and political establishments are bursting with middle-class, soppy sissies and feminists who are afraid of being beaten up by bearded jihadis, no protest is ever made. It is fast becoming the religion of pieces.
Blimey, you go away for a wee while only to come back and find the entire forum under a denial of service assault by Barking, New, Borrowed and Blue, the Four Horsepersons of the Trollcalypse.
My entire feed appears packed with their special form of ‘contribution’.
Has the BBC done something extra special that needs distracting from today?
Looks like a fun surf with the iPad a cocoa later.
Meanwhile, in other, actual BBC-relevant news…
I remain dubious about OFCOM being the next best thing to replace the Trust, especially given Mr. Richard’s past fealties, friendships and ambitions, but this does make fun reading: “If it is the case, as I have read, that in relation to the payoffs issue the Trust felt it had no remit, that to me is beyond belief”
Well, possibly not to the gilded ones in ‘GIAR’ Towers, doubtless hoping the culture of astounding uncuriosity and selective Alzheimers can continue, and pay well into the never never world of comfy BBC sinecureland.
Sadly he does rather spoil things when mates get involved: ‘he believed that it was, in principle, OK to give the BBC a Charter funded by a licence fee for the next ten years.’
One is sure such belief is welcome at the spiritual home of such things.
In principle.
The bBC’s so called security expert shows just how he got his camera man shot dead and why he is a cripple: Jihadist Nasser Muthana’s home-made bomb pictures
In 2004 Frank Gardner went filming in an area of Riyadh. known to be a hotbed for AL Q. His film crew were attacked resulting in Cameraman Simon Cumbers was killed and security correspondent Frank Gardner is critically ill in hospital. The British ambassador to Saudi Arabia said the men had been shot from a jeep with a machine pistol as they filmed in a southern suburb of the capital. Sherard Cowper-Coles said the area had seen “a number of clashes” between security forces and terrorists.
(The above in italics are from the bBC article regards the shooting)
In other words he didn’t do a proper risk assessment.
Today the bbC air an article regards how a British born terrorist from Cardiff used social media outlets in which to have a go at the country.
So let me get this right, a brainwashed Islamic thug who has buggered off to Syria in which to kill or be killed boasts that : “”So the UK is afraid I come back with the skills I’ve gained,”
and airs a picture showing a large number of Keg (Cooking pot) bombs as used in the ME and Afghanistan theatres. He obviously has learnt his killing trade well and past experience has shown not only in the UK but elsewhere these people have no problem killing for Allah. (Boston bombings for example)
So have a look at how the bBC’s so called security expert responds in which to put at ease the British public.
Frank uses his so called expert knowledge on security matters and says: “I have seen those pictures and I think that’ is boasting, frankly.”
Really Frank and why do you think so? “Nasser Muthana is not going to come back to this country, unless he wants to be arrested,
Can somebody please explain to me how somebody who has buggered off to a war zone in which to kill for Allah and from past experience are willing to die for their cause. Is going to be afraid of coming back to the UK in case he gets arrested. What a prick and it totally explains to me how and why Frank Gardner is in a wheelchair.
Security expert my arse.
Only a media that has lost all sense of irony would give us a Frank Gardner as “security editor”-given his personal tragedy, and his involvement in a death of a team member that HE would have been responsible for.
Likewise only a political class that had lost all sense of irony and any wish to preserve itself, would have allowed David Blunkett to judge its education, police, prison and border services for near on ten years.
These dysfunctional, frankly weird odditites are now favoured for their disabilities and inability to function -their catastrophic influence on all about them. And not a mocking skit by way of reply…irony-free media and political donglers conspire to dare us to laugh at the grotesques that rule and massage our images of news.
Boy, we`re dumb…Oscar Pistorius will be UN High Commissioner to Africa if he gets off.
So, just read this over on the Docklands and East London advertiser and then found the Daily Mail have covered it. So the question I am going to ask, is when do you think the bBC will cover it?
Sorry a little confused, I’ve searched high and low and can’t find it on the bBC website. Now I must state I haven’t done a targeted search, rather I’ve clicked on Home,Uk,England and even London bBC web pages and cannot find it. Reason I have done so, is simply I am acting as somebody who doesn’t know about this, and so will simply read what is on offer. If it is easily found could you link me in please.
And an example from t’north:
“Twin sons of Keighley councillor sentenced for armed assault.”
Ah, blokes with baseball bats but no interest in sport-a pretty good working definition of a racist when I were a lad. The black (no pun intended) humour in this story is that one of these blokes is “studying criminology”! Must have been the practical…
I’ve copied in my 7.11 post, and you respond at 7.18. You don’t answer any point I make but simply state: ‘Kyoto Re: your post below.
Wise up.’
I have made no post below the 7.11 post. So what you say is simply at best meaningless, but is actually patronizing and insulting.
Also ‘wise up’? How old are you?
Turtle Power,
Thanks for letting me know what I should say and think. How very totalitarian of you.
And no I don’t accept your explanation. I find it exceedingly weak. Also the saccharine nature of your post leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Hitler was a vegetarian, and dog lover so I’m surprised he was a mass murderer. You have to be 12 to make such a comment and not wonder why people find you an idiot.
Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. Do you think he’ll try the defense that I’m surprised that ‘kinda hot’ people would wish to plant a bomb in Time Square?
I am using my iPhone and the only reply button offered was your previous post so I assumed it would nest beneath that, so I specified below as that is how it appeared until published.
I kinda lost interest after your idiot jibe so brevity seemed the wisest course.
I can’t answer why Scott won ‘t give his account but I don’t know the lad but I don’t think any explanation from him will be accepted but I didn’t know about this tweet until this afternoon.
You seem happy to paint me as some kind of terrorist fetishist and totally dismissed my logic.
Ask me a straight question about me and I will answer honestly but I am not here to answer questions about the motives of another.
“Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. ”
How about “because every time you come on a comment thread to harass me, you change the subject from the one under discussion to a specific point that’s usually unrelated, but to which you DEMAND that I reply, while repeatedly insulting me.”
Any refusal to feed your troll-like antics is interpreted as a failing on my part, as if your arrival on a thread demands instant, immediate and undivided attention. As I’ve noted above, your entire contribution over the last month (at least, under this pseudonym) has been to attempt to derail any topic to which I may have been contributing.
Your behaviour, quite frankly, makes any foot stamping questions you may ask less, not more, likely to get answered.
Not quite the BBC reporting mode, but pretty close! Classic FM news bulletins can be quite a laugh at times especially as they are nothing more than a Labour Party broadcast, much like most of the news bulletins on the BBC. This morning they did a brief section on the increased security at airports and a female reporter at Manchester Airport, started he piece off with the words; “Well, everything is calm here at the moment…..” I couldn’t help but shout out at the radio “Don’t panic Mr Mannering, don’t panic”
Oh and how about this for a weather forecast for the South West yesterday afternoon also from Classic FM: “Storm cloud gathering”….and that was it! Guess what? We had a lovely afternoon and evening and it hasn’t rained anywhere for a couple of days now. A bit like the BBC, pathetic.
TV license update: I now have 28 letters informing me, that my property does not have a TV licence. I’ve now lived 7 years in this property and by my reckoning have saved 7 x £145.50 (give or take) which is £1018.50. It does feel good typing that!
Will BBC-NUJ and Labour Party learn this political lesson, late in the day?
“Immigration and Europe policies ‘could cost Labour election’:
“Senior Shadow Cabinet member says voter anger over issues is a ‘big hurdle’ for Miliband.
“Soft stance on immigration and Europe could cost Labour election, senior party figure warns.
“-Andy Burnham says anger over issues is a ‘big hurdle’ ahead of voting next year.
“Shadow Health Secretary said immigration repeatedly raised on doorsteps.”
Image, it’s 1944 and Alvar Lidell’s voice comes over loud and clear on the radio:
“This is Alvar Lidell. The BBC has heard from a British man in Germany that he won’t return home until the red, white and black flag of National Socialism is flying over Buckingham Palace. While in Germany he has been learning how to make bombs and fire weapons. He described Britain as being evil.”
Different times now, aren’t they in Clegg’s Modern Britain. In 1944 the rope would have been waiting, now it will be the BBC’s ‘green room’. In 1944 the ‘lip’ would definitely have been more than stiff and it would be quite clear whose side Mr. Lidell was on. Move on 70 years, change the country and the flag and the tone on Radio 4 news this morning is so ‘matter of fact’, well of course Britain is evil and every right-thinking British man is hoping for the downfall of this nation.
Oh dear the BBC has found a ‘waycist’ video from half way around the world in Australia, and of course it’s been elevated to headline status.
Incidents like this are used as proof by the Fascists that ‘waycism’ is a very real ‘threat’ and needs to be fought where ever it appears.
People used to be taught manners, and it is extremely bad form to abuse anyone for anything ! Because the left decided that manners were part of the class war & destroyed them, then anything goes, and it is sadly inevitable that in a conflict situation people will use what ever difference they can see in the opposition. They’re hardly going to unleash a barrage of compliments are they?
But yet again the BBC choose to show a clip where the victim is ethnic, and the abuser is white. You can bet your bottom dollar if it was the other way around they wouldn’t report it – they never do!
‘Thoughtful’, please excuse my fastidiousness, but I can’t see it anywhere as a headline on the BBC’s main news page, so your statement “… it’s been elevated to headline status.’ is simply not true.
And, the following grammatically poor, nonsensical flapdoodle really is no better than that of a primary school pupil struggling with basic syntax:
“People used to be taught manners, and it is extremely bad form to abuse anyone for anything ! ”
Overall, your statement is a steaming pile meaningless night soil. But, I presume many on here have become used to it.
Where did I say they BBC have elevated it to headline status ‘on the web page’?
You have simply assumed this, because you wanted to find fault and were so desperate to do so you read into a sentence, what you wanted to be there, and not what was there.
Interesting that you have to attack the grammar, without actually providing a corrected example!
It’s plain to me that the piece has merit as you have been able to find any fault with it at all!
Oddly familiar, is it not? But still takes getting used to:)
Rupert had rather undone the good ‘simple, gracious seekers of truth’ work by the rest of the team yesterday.
Dark looks over the POETS debrief shandies I’d hazard.
You genuinely believe there is a team? BBC are employing people to ‘Troll’ this blog?
It seems to be an oft repeated mantra. One for the conspiracy theorist brigade, I suppose.
This BBC ‘job’ of mine doesn’t pay so I couldn’t make the Top Secret Fictional Friday Shandy Select Commitee today. It sounds like great fun though.
‘Rupert’, please excuse my fastidiousness, but I can’t see Thoughtful claiming anywhere it was a headline on the BBC’s main news page, so your statement appears to be guided more by BBC Editorial SOP than much else.
The calibre of which you colourfully describe.
…”your statement is a steaming pile meaningless night soil.” Surely that should read, ‘a steaming pile OF meaningless night soil.’? It must have been written by “a primary school pupil struggling with basic syntax”.
It’s not nice, clever, or a bunch of other things, including legal, in some cases and places.
But it is also surely not ‘news’?
People being beastly to each other is sadly a fact of life, and while verbal abuse now has found a complicated way into the legal and media systems, the severity cannot compare to more tangible assaults that do deserve coverage.
You are right that selectivity is at play, but maybe the BBC and its acolytes may ponder why such as this from another country garners prominence… a white abuser mouthing off… when more serious crimes of actual violence involving minorities on minorities, or on majorities, get steered around or ignored.
That may screw an inconvenient lid down on the pressure cooker a while longer, but likely only adds to the inevitable result when containment fails.
Shouldn’t an impartial broadcaster be asking who is using children as political pawns in an attempt to embarrass the Chancellor? The choice of sum is a dead give away.
UK airports on higher alert over growing jihadist threat,
Islamic inbreds batter two non muslims with baseball bats
for being … non muslim.
UK islamic inbreed teen charged with funding aiding jihad terror.
FGM in UK now a “national scandal” 130, 000 child victims
UK muslim jihadi inbreed, violent jihad “obligatory” for every muslim..
UK more rushing over to jihad in Syria or Iraq … will they return the same here?
UK muslim teens “willing to die” in violent jihad ..urge all other muslims do the same
Euro terror groups UK now a hub … from London spreads out, now to Denmark … arrests in Bham terrorism charges.
Does there appear to be a pattern emerging?
any link at all? ….
… anyone
BBC … one of the very few opportunities for any public voice over its narrative … 94 yep that 94% vote muslims are complacent over extremism, hilariously after overwhelming votes that muslims are NOT demonised, and ARE deliberately easily offended.
Totted up objectively, the build up of this news is astonishing, and are? … the publics wishes and views reflected at the BBC?
As adage, the BBC are trumpeting that 100 imams
have signed a letter “supposedly” opposing going over
to Syria and Iraq? … its now got a dose of VD on 5Live
with lots of V Drearybyshire airtime, why has it taken so long
Over 500immediately opposed gay marriage, in a protest not long ago?
… propaganda and priorities?
The evil socialist beeboid Robin Brant jumping up and down saying Andy Coulson is going to jail for a considerable time , er maximum would be 2years , out after 1 year , but he he got 18 months ,out end end of March ,just in time for Easter . I could see the froth coming out of his mouth , & he only is there to serve his “Master” ,Millipeed .
Notice the the BBC just had to insert a picture of those terrible, oppressive British redcoats burning down the Jacobites homes in this shite little article which seeks to enlighten us non-Scots to the Scots’ vernacular.
StewGreenFeb 6, 00:50 Midweek 5th February 2025 “The fact that a jury voted unanimously to acquit Jamie in just 17 minutes suggests that if the dozens of…
StewGreenFeb 6, 00:32 Midweek 5th February 2025 “A politician reported a citizen for political speech. The police acted swiftly. And the legal system accommodated it.” It was…
pugnaziousFeb 6, 00:11 Midweek 5th February 2025 Jeremy Bowen…you can always, always rely on him to give the terrorists a good write-up. 5 Live doing a piece…
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Eddy BoothFeb 5, 22:29 Midweek 5th February 2025 [img][/img]
Lucy PevenseyFeb 5, 22:28 Midweek 5th February 2025 [img][/img]
StewGreenFeb 5, 22:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 The wokeSupremacist BBC new headline is .. “Ex-footballer not guilty of racial hatred on Facebook” Jamie Michael posted a…
StewGreenFeb 5, 22:25 Midweek 5th February 2025 Newport : libmob tried to nail a royal marine to the wall for Facebook posts but he’s been found NOT…
Anybody else notice how reticent the bBC are when it comes to airing news of an Israeli death, yet a pal gets killed and faster than you can say Allah ackba the bBC have the whole studio on the matter.
So far they certainly seem more secure with their ‘expert’ sources on this one, who in turn seem much more certain with their guesses.
Sadly for them, some may have memories the last time BBC-employed stringers were handed the pulpit to try and turn opinion into fact.
Facilitating one-sided propaganda seems to be their basic remit now.
Who, for interest, has been wheeled out thus far to offer calming words on who has the best reasons to escalate tensions in the ME?
I don’t know, but given history, I’m erring on some old men feeling things are working out just as they’d hoped about now.
With such as the BBC delivering entirely to plan.
Watch out kids.
As an aside, anyone know what happened to that poor Saudi girl whose death causes the BBC were happy to run with via our idiot police farce?
I wish we could just nuke that whole area and clean the world’s toilet.
Drop a load of old flip-flops on them, it seems to be the only thing they fear…plus, it would be ever so insulting.
This whole “Palestinian” kidnapping palava,
so called revenge …
like clockwork, deflection, from the “we love death” brigade … could you put it past that crew, to sacrifice
yet another teen for allah?
The whole thing is beyond dubious, anyone catch Ch4 news last night, disgraceful, slime buddies to the BBC
If Israel needs a leveller it does it properly, and Hamas will bloody know about it … it doesn t go around grabbing some youth for the hell of it.
The MSM will as always, omit, twist or downright lie about what are glaring facts …
here we are 03/07/14.
hey ho! … clear evidence, that Hamas
affiliates are behind the 3 teen hate murders.
I repeat … could you put it past that crew, to sacrifice yet another teen, (one of their own) for allah?.
Yep! … Even the BBC reports it now,
but BBC 5Live still has lots of airtime for some absurd Muslim apologist, to obfuscate and bleat away without any in depth questioning.
and the very next report … not taking harsh action against FGM is being reported as a “national scandal” in the UK
… numbers upwards of 130,000 little girls!
… any ideas just who?, who would want such atrocity?…
oh yes nearly forgot
……….. happy Ramadan (day 3)
Does it strike anyone else as being a remarkable coincidence and of great benefit to muslims and their apologists that a muslim kid is ‘abducted’ and found dead; it didn’t take them too long to find the body either. Is it possible the muslims made themselves a martyr to deflect attention away from the true nature of Hamas and islam? After all it’s not unknown for the muslims to stage such situations; that’s why the term Pallywood was coined.
Now that yet another bBC worker has been found guilty of being a sex pest . Anybody else surprised how Rolf is being kept off the top spot by allegations aimed at yet another Tory.
Last time the bBC got their fingers burnt, yet have a look at how they word headlines regards Mr Brittan.
They just can’t help themselves can they.
All in the spirit of two wrongs reporting.
The BBC may need to be careful who it associates with.
Certainly of all large, high-profile entities, Westminster (if the Lib Dems securing profile beyond their actual numbers) and the BBC do seem to be havens for a peculiar breed of folk more than most.
At least any in the former can (if outed) still be subject to their constituents’ ballot and their parties suffer the consequences.
The BBC, however, appears able to darn near run a programme internally, with nobody knowing anything or being held to account.
The Panorama ‘special’ a few weeks ago majored in true BBC lip-curling fashion on the relationship between Savile and ‘the Tories’ – in particular Mrs Thatcher and Edwina Currie – and specifically his role at Broadmoor. The tone was blatantly ‘but they should have known’ or even ‘they did know’ and most definitely ‘what the hell were they playing at’, a clear tarring by association – yet the ones who genuinely did know what he was up to were at the BBC, of whom there was not a single mention.
The BBC – arrogant bastards beyond accountability.
Forgot to mention
Ramadan death count 2014
In a similar vein, on the ‘The Religion of Peace’ website there is a table showing that up to day 5 or ramdam the tally is :
33 terror attacks
1 suicide bombing
245 dead bodies
353 wounded
all carried out by muslims
Number of atrocities by non-muslims = zero
Isn’t ramdam supposed to be a holy month when the muslims are nice to people? But to them, I suppose they’re doing allah’s work.
ukcolumn exposes BBC Media Action, ‘the BBC’s international development charity’ as a dangerous subversive organisation.
‘An innocent BBC charity deserving our support and money, or a dangerous subversive organisation? We overwhelmingly think the latter.’
‘Media Action’s self praise continues – “Our work is valued by the development community and by media organisations contributing to development and better standards of governance in developing countries.” So the BBC which specialises in politically biased news, dark drama, foul language, violence, pro Eu reporting, skewed docudramas and explicit sex, is supposedly the appropriate source vehicle to tell other societies how to govern themselves. The arrogance might be amusing if it were not for much deeper and dirtier layers of their work.’
Giggling school girl Sue Barker wittering on about British tennis players , but there’s one British tennis player the BBC never mentions, he’s been practically erased from the history books, Buster Mottram, I wonder why ? Like David Bellamy and Johnny Ball, they’ve simply vanished.
Wrong political colour ?
Why would he be mentioned. Not exactly a glittering career. Did she mention Mark Cox? Nope. Why not? Unlike your mate Buster he was not a National Front stalwart (your tawdry point obviously) yet he has vanished too. You will just have to take up the game yourself, Brimful of racism. Right these terrible wrongs.
”Did she mention Mark Cox? yet he has vanished too.”
He’s working for the BBC doing commentary for some of the matches.
Well I stand corrected on that.
You’re welcome.
The Turtle’s Neck pokes in his dick-headed views and gets a stuffing.
Not quite, fishy. I was pointing out Brims’ NF fetish yet gracefully accepted that the other ex player who I plucked out of the air was a poor comparison. If that a dickhead makes, then I am happy to wear your witless slur. I imagine I am in good company.
NF fetish? How so? ‘Witless slur’? ‘Gracefully accepted’?
‘Unlike your mate Buster he was not a National Front stalwart (your tawdry point obviously) yet he has vanished too. You will just have to take up the game yourself, Brimful of racism.’
Yeh, copy that.
I have read his postings. He can speak for himself I’m sure, but he sympathises with National Front & BNP.
Let him confirm or deny. Despite your taking an interest, it is not addressed to you at all and your sniping at me serves no purpose. I have no desire to trade insults with someone who weighs in with ‘dick head’ in a grown up discussion. Life’s too short.
Mr Turtle
” Better to have a fight with an angry bear than a fool.”
Your first attempt at a ‘grown up’ discussion here – assuming it is your first, though your style looks familiar – didn’t go too well, eh, with factual inaccuracies and tawdry accusations abounding.
Stick to one alias then we can get the measure of you.
As it was, couldn’t resist the puns on your adopted turtle persona, but no offence intended.
Better luck next time when you will be…..who knows?
For the record I used one other alias on here before, last year I believe, but I can’t recall what it was as I didn’t stick around for long. That is the truth although I appreciate the fact that it is unprovable. C’est la vie.
I did see something about this early morning. the report blatently trying to put the UKIP MEP in the worst light, oh look she can’t find her office in the maze. Oh look she’s been locked out of her computer. Oh look how childish they are turning their backs on the European empire’s anthem, One of the presenters had a “very” serious face on, so this was obviosly a serious story. Of course I may have imagined this as BBc may well have only broadcast this in Mongolia. If you don’t get the last bit it’s an in joke between me and BBc complaints department.
Yes I witnessed that attempt to portray her as a numpty, tip-tapping at the keyboard without success, and then, doncha know? She was helped out of her incompetence by a bloody foreigner of all people: an Italian IT person.
Fuck the beeb, nasty bastards.
Shwmae myfyriwr.
Have a good laugh at this:-
Farage at his best!
Da Iawn Nigel , ymlaen UKIP.
Well Done Nigel
Muslims as victims again. This time in China, where the BBC disputes they are responsible for violence. However, the Chinese have put a ban on fasting for Ramadan. That’ll teach them.
Can someone explain how one can enforce a ban on fasting? Eat your noodles or die, might be the order, but you can always throw it up as we had to do with school dinners.
I’m a little surprised at this story as its something the Chinese do every year. If you can cut through all the hype you will come to:
“the fasting ban applied to party members, teachers and young people.”
Now if the bBC can inform me regards the Algerian football team the other day:
“Ramadan is mandatory for Muslims and one of the five pillars of Islam, although there are exemptions for the sick, pregnant, infirm or elderly. Individuals who are travelling or going to war are also permitted to avoid it and this is the provision under which most athletes will delay the fast until a more suitable time.
I don’t see why they are upset the Chinese are insisting the young , teachers and Party members from doing likewise.
Mind you I just love how they placed that provision for Jihad into a sport article.
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for intolerant Islam
‘“Ramadan is mandatory for Muslims and one of the five pillars of Islam, although there are exemptions for the sick, pregnant, infirm or elderly. Individuals who are travelling or going to war are also permitted to avoid it and this is the provision under which most athletes will delay the fast until a more suitable time.’
Treading a fine line between information and propaganda.
Had it been a Christian requirement to fast during daylight hours for the duration of a ‘festival’, I feel pretty damned sure the illogicality of it all would have been subtly communicated by the BBC to all its listeners and viewers.
Which anthem would Beeboids most likely stand up for, the British anthem or the European Union anthem?
“Nigel Farage leads UKIP protest at EU Parliament”
(video clip).
Well seeing as a vast majority are Pakistani Muslims, how the Whites can’t bend over fast enough for Allah and their combined penchant for paedophilia anything from Gary Glitter will suffice:
Neither – it would be the Internationale.
I’m not a fan of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. I prefer the first four notes of his 5th Symphony.
Another country used Beethoven’s Ninth as its anthem – Rhodesia !
I suggest the Cuckoo theme from Laurel and Hardy. ‘Another fine mess you have got me in’.
“National leaders must now ‘obey’ Germany, claims Farage as he attacks spectacle of EU flag being ‘goosestepped’ around Brussels to European anthem.
“UKIP leader told MEPs the European Union was guilty of ‘naked militarism.’
“Speech came in first session of new parliament after May’s EU elections.
“He said Cameron had ‘no chance’ of winning fundamental reforms of union.
“Came after Farage turned his back as ‘European anthem’ played.
“Party said they did not ‘recognise or respect the EU flag or anthem.’
“Comes after Martin Schulz chosen by MEPs to carry on as Parliament chief.
“The vote was taken in secret sparking accusations of EU ‘carve up.’
“Socialist MEP wants more power for Brussels over national Parliaments.
“Schulz backed by supporters of Jean-Claude Juncker in ‘backroom’ deal.”
Read more:
Surely the choice is obvious:
“We’re busy doin’ nothin’
Workin’ the whole day through
Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
Should police pose on dating sites with their weapons? –
Oh dear or dear BBC.
When I first read the headline, I wondered if you were using a euphemism! A ‘cops show off their lethal weapons’ type story is something you’d expect from the Daily Star, but at least there would have been a human interest element.
Instead, you wasted my time with a non-story. Was ‘man puts picture of himself at work on dating website’ really worth reporting on?
Police in some part of the world carry guns and aren’t ashamed of it, or of the job they do. Get over it.
Should Labour MPs pose on dating sites in their underpants?………..
Guess the BBC will never tell us.
Ooooooooooooh – very good question ! Not that the BBC will ever venture to even mention such predilections of a left-winger…….. however, had it been a Conservative MP… holds barred.
Was he from the hard left?
And in other news…
‘a BSc from Bristol University – in politics’
Ah, the science of Politics; a noble calling.
At least if there is another DMI, he’s well prepped to know who to set up for the fall.
‘”commitments” of previous and current DGs get in the way of the serious business of saving money’
Luckily, money tree economics is the norm at the BBC.
‘how many other organisations reward their head of training with a package of £217,750 ?’
Maybe any who have training sessions on how to get paid telephone numbers on the public teat?
‘Peter Salmon, once Director of North, is now Director of England. Presumably “The Rest of England”.’
It’s is possible Marl Easton’s head just exploded.
Meanwhile hiring sprees continue.
The BBC seems almost single-handedly boosting the employment and pay figures.
Which is nice.
Perhaps others do not share my belief that this government will go to great lengths, using the police and mental health authorities to promote diversity and multiculturalism. But this story of the Angel of Woolwich being detained on mental health grounds following an investigation concerning a race incident in a Tesco’s store, had me thinking along the lines of government involvement. Surely one who had been praised by the party leader – comrade Cameron – cannot be prosecuted for a race crime. Mental health issues are well known in leftist administrations. Anyhow. God bless this woman, for she has seen hell.
Yes, very reminiscent of Stalinist Russia at it’s best, where they were very fond of chucking you in the lunatic asylum if you said anything they didn’t like. After all, anybody who disagreed with the Glorious People’s Revolution HAD to be mad…….it’s obvious. Exactly so with the multicultural paradise in which we now live. Anybody who doesn’t gush approval is obviously off their chump……..QED.
So here we have a lady who has been involved in a horrific incident (no mention of course WHO was responsible for said incident…) and a year later gets into an altercation with someone of colour.
Now, we all know that any altercation between a white person and a person of colour must be: (a) the white person’s fault and (b) have racist overtones, so the poor dear obviously needs a rest and some strong medication.
You remember poor Emma West was similarly detained and then had to be remanded in custody “for her own protection” for the heinous crime of speaking her mind on a tram whilst in her cups. And that lady on the Tube. And God knows how many more.
Orwell really was bang on the money. Just a few years out. No wonder the Beeb didn’t want a statue of him cluttering up the yard in their newly built Ministry of Truth.
To be fair to this one I read it as a woman who probably hasn’t come to terms with what she saw that day. It must have been horrific and as much as I don’t trust the establishment on this issue I think the police must have seen something not right with her and detained her for her own good.
Normal people don’t go into a supermarket and start telling cashiers to “go back home” or whatever it was.
To be fair on this one I suspect she needs to be detained for her own good. What she saw that day must have been horrific in the extreme and must have had an effect on her.
Normal people don’t walk into a supermarket and tell a cashier to “go home” so the police must have seen something wasn’t right
sorry double post – it didn’t seem to post my first one so had to write again!
It will be interesting to see how this one unfolds.
But detaining someone under the Mental Health Act simply for racist abuse…. let’s hope that’s not true.
Claimed racial abuse, at that. Mind you, I should have know she was one of them islamaphobic racialists, deliberately disrupting those misunderstood, meat cleaver wielding lads from practising the religion of peace, like what she did.
After the brutality that that woman witnessed and her courage in the face of it, it is no wonder she is struggling psychologically. I hope she gets the help she needs because she had damn well earned it.
Not being a psychiatrist I cannot say whether or not the experience of that day had such an effect that she had to be detained. So I would not go along with the conclusion that this experienced deranged her in some way. But it is damned convenient that she can be banged up for going against the multiculture. Remember the psychiatric tests they put Emma West through for saying offensive things on a tram. It is all too easy to introduce medical diagnosis for political beliefs, as with Islamophobia and more recently Europhobia.
The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. -Nietzsche.
On the face of it this is alarming. Reminiscent of the USSR .
Please remember the liberal left sees us on the so called right as downright evil.
We see them as misguided. They do not extend that description to us. Like all fantasists since 1789 they are capable of terrible things. Justifed by their faith alone.
No words needed,.
Traitors in our midst.
Fifth column
Update for INBBC on latest example of Islamic jihad threat to British people:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“British jihadist: UK should be afraid of terror skills I’ve learnt.
“Man believed to be Nasser Muthana shows images of homemade bombs and says UK should be afraid.”
‘Terror’ skills? Surely the BBC are constantly describing these young Islamist scamps as ‘militants’.
Terrorist is such a judgemental word, dontcha think?
I now find myself wondering which community will currently be living in the greater fear.
It will be interesting who BBC dispatches where to find ou… tell us.
Todays lunchtime News report (Sky) + no doubt BBC somewhere will report:. ‘Labour MP Simon Danczuk accusing Conservatives of a paedophile Conservative ‘cover-up”. THATS A BIT RICH BY LABOUR! There still is a predatory paedophile network that branches from the BBC right into Westminster. Leon Britain says the Home Office file (from 1980’s) has been conveniently lost (that Labour sponsored cross-party PIE activities for primarily ‘under age sex with minors’ is all forgotten and let’s not forget Labour paved the way for UK homosexuals from 21 to 16 (with the BBC proposing recently that it should be reduced to 12) whilst the EU itself (Lunacek report) proposing lowering that age again to just 4 years, (for no reason whatsoever other than banning parents from any moral grounds for a legal objection). Anyway Paul Danczuk does have a true historic case against Westminster sexual ‘cover-ups’ of all parties. Leon Brittan may know more than he is prepared to admit. There is link to high ranking politicians today (and the 1980’s) and this is not entirely unconnected to the current Savile/Cyril Smith/ Flowers that the BBC/Labour/Liberals claimed NOT to know anything about… but Labour do ‘know’ a 1980’s Conservative ‘cover up’ admission would be a huge and embarrassing exposure for Cameron’ former aid (Patrick Rock) has yet to be tried in court on similar charges (as yet unproven). How many past politicians may never be revealed as all main parties have an blind spot (amnesia) on that delicate subject of their exploits.
The Dossier of which you speak was produced by Geoffrey Dickens, a friend and neighbour of mine at the time.
I was not privy to the information in it, but I knew that it was explosive in the scope and the people it named.
It would seem that yet again the useless brigade failed to act, or worse decided not too.
So the dossier is ‘lost’, I wonder if that isn’t a deliberate act. It is now wondered if the man who he described as a friend wasn’t Cyril Smith.
It seems the pit of filth we call the palace of Westminster has no bottom and the lengths to which the monsters who supposed represent us will go in their efforts to deliver wealth and protection to themselves.
Hold on. Leon Brittan agrees he was given a big folder of papers by Dickens. He says he gave it to officials and told them to look into it – and to refer it elsewhere eg the Attorney General’s office if necessary.
That sounds entirely plausible to me. It is what a busy Home Secretary would and should do. He says this should be confirmed by whichever Private Secretary was present when the papers were handed across. That is the first information we want, the first link in the chain..
Brittan says he cannot recall anything after that. This suggests the papers were lost in the maw of the Home Office after Brittan asked for them to be examined – lost with officials, not with politicians.
We obviously need to know more. But it is unfair IMHO to be suggesting yet that Brittan or any other politician is involved in a cover-up.
This is what Leon Brittan has said – including that he does not recall Dickens contacting him again :
“During my time as Home Secretary (1983 to 1985), Geoff Dickens MP arranged to see me at the Home Office. I invariably agreed to see any MP who requested a meeting with me. As I recall, he came to my room at the Home Office with a substantial bundle of papers. As is normal practice, my Private Secretary would have been present at the meeting. I told Mr Dickens that I would ensure that the papers were looked at carefully by the Home Office and acted on as necessary. Following the meeting, I asked my officials to look carefully at the material contained in the papers provided and report back to me if they considered that any action needed to be taken by the Home Office. In addition I asked my officials to consider a referral to another Government Department, such as the Attorney General’s Department, if that was appropriate. This was the normal procedure for handling material presented to the Home Secretary. I do not recall being contacted further about these matters by Home Office officials or by Mr Dickens or by anyone else.”
He’s hardly likely to say I said to ‘file this in the round file’ given the gravity of the potential accusations now history has proved Geoffrey was right.
If it were you, and you held power 20 years ago, I think you’d be doing everything in your power to avoid being caught up in a scandal involving kiddie fiddling which had you paid a bit more notice you could have prevented.
Any thing is possible, but just because a politician says something, especially in this febrile environment I doubt very much it will be entirely accurate.
Just cast your mind back to Forgemasters if you want to recall just what that government was capable of.
The file got lost !! that’s strange, the file on Cyril Smith which was handed to Special Branch also got lost too, what are the chances of that, eh ? It must have fallen down the back of the sofa !! Brittan like David Steel can’t remember a thing ! How very convenient.
”Wickedness in High Places.”
Brittan was Home Secretary from 1983 to 1985, when he had to deal with the miners’ strike. as I remember the BBC’s sympathies were not with the police.
During his time as Home Secretary he also had a major run in with the BBC over a proposed programme on Northern Ireland – he wrote to the BBC Chairman objecting to the broadcast, which was cancelled.
Then, when he was Trade and Industry Secretary he opposed the takeover of Westland by a European consortium – he (and the rest of the government except Heseltine) favoured a deal with Sikorsky (A US company).
The BBC will be out to get him if they can – irrespective of the evidence.
Sky has an update :
This one from 1982 springs to mind.
Surely if some or parts of it had been actioned as the “letter” would seem to imply there should be a paper trail. Shouldn’t there?
”but I knew that it was explosive in the scope and the people it named.”
Before you get into a car always check the brakes, we don’t want an ‘accident’.
Some of the named: (allegedly)
let’s not forget Labour paved the way for UK homosexuals from 21 to 16
So, the same age for all. Not a bad thing. Although of course you sandwich it among claims of paedophilia, which implies you think there’s some equivalence there, despite there being none.
with the BBC proposing recently that it should be reduced to 12
Link, please? Google’s drawing a blank on that one. Even considering the possibility that you’re confusing “reporting someone’s opinion” with “proposing” – easily done, and many Biased BBCers seem to make a career out of such misrepresentation – it does seem unlikely. I’m sure a link will clear things up.
whilst the EU itself (Lunacek report) proposing lowering that age again to just 4 years,
The Lunacek report is about protecting LGBTI individuals of any age from discrimination and harassment. There’s nothing in it about changing the age of consent at all – unless, of course, you can provide links to prove the contrary?
Don;t feed the persistent whining disruptive troll
Does Mr Troll have two other accounts because he always seems to have 3 “likes”.
Well Harpersons ex employer ‘Liberty’ in its high PIE supporting pomp issued this back in the day:
In March 1976, the UK’s political pressure group Liberty, under their alternate name National Council for Civil Liberties, (NCCL) called for an equal age of consent of 14 in Britain. Its submission to the Criminal Law Revision Committee generated extensive newspaper coverage. Albeit the report recognised the merits for the abolition of the age of consent, it proposed the retention of a prohibition upon sex below the age of 14 “as a compromise with public attitudes
however under Labour:
“In 2000, a committee of 12 teenage girls set up to advise the UK government on youth issues recommended that the age of consent be reduced to twelve. The website from which the group was recruited also conducted a poll of 42,000 girls between 12 and 16 on the age-of-consent. 87% agreed that it should be lowered from 16”
Given the issues brought to our attention today about the dossier on senior people going ‘missing’ there are going to be questions asked of people in Westminster, the BBC, and the useless brigade.
For the more informed readers.
Any chance you could link to a reasoned, factual piece, rather than an anti-gay propaganda pamphlet that prefers dissembly to honesty?
And I note that even among all that article’s hysteria (“She’s a feminist! THE HORROR!”) there’s nothing to back up your claim that the report proposed lowering the age of consent to 4. Given the hyperbole within the article, I would have thought that point would have come up, if it had been in the report at all. Which it is not.
I think it actually says ‘left wing feminist and LGBT activist’.
You know, Scott, one of those tiny minorities who seem to be dictating play for the rest of us these days….
…this being just one example of their Orwellian influence:
‘Brighton and Hove City Council is proposing to ban titles such as Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms in case they offend the transgender community.’
As with all activist zealots from the extreme Left – give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile.
Jeezus, why don’t the LGBT employees of Brighton and Hove City Council just like, ya know, get on with their work.
I heard that the use of LGBT activists can be very useful, if you want to investigate the BBC.
As with all such coverage, huge doses of salt are required. Online forms were examined to see how they could best serve transpeople equally as well as they do for others. Other websites, not just council ones, have looked at the same issue. In BHCC’s case, they decided to allow non-selection from such drop downs an acceptable option, as well as possible additions of honorifics such as ‘Mx’, which some transpeople prefer.
Neither case harms or damages the use of the form by others, and nothing is banned.
And, back to the point after this little diversion, there is still nothing to backup Philip’s assertion that the Lunacek report proposes a reduction of the age of consent. Which it doesn’t.
I always find that reports made by lefties always have double meanings, so you can never pin the morons down to any factual points in the report.
And I tend to find that people who “always find” things and think that grouping people as a homogeneous group of “lefties” for having the temerity to hold opinions different to their own are often those people least worthy of being listened to. 🙂
In the instance cited by johnnythefish, a news report was rather sensationalised in its coverage of the start of an investigation. The actual recommendation and implementation turned out to be somewhat different, and implemented at next to cost with no impact to those for whom the existing options were fine.
From a report available online:
Now that’s cleared up, any chance you could help Philiip “pin down” his claims, which he’s so far been able to substantiate?
Tsk. “Unable to substantiate”. Noticed that just as I clicked on the submit button, sorry…
‘In the instance cited by johnnythefish, a news report was rather sensationalised in its coverage of the start of an investigation. The actual recommendation and implementation turned out to be somewhat different, and implemented at next to cost with no impact to those for whom the existing options were fine.’
Misleading as ever, Scott, as it sounds like the proposal had a lot more substance to it than you are making out:
‘The proposal is backed by Brighton and Hove City Council deputy leader Phelim MacCafferty, who has called the titles ‘useless’.
But the new proposal has been branded ‘political correctness gone too far’ by an opposition councillor who says the idea is ‘ludicrous’.
Doesn’t sound like Mx. MacCafferty is going to let this one lie, does it?
And I know how woolly-minded Leftists can be when it comes to money in the real world but ‘at next to no cost’?! How much do you think it costs in time and resources to run these bizarre committees and have them carry out their ‘studies’ and consultations and produce their reports and hold their endless meetings? Tens of millions of hard-earned taxpayers’ money is being wasted up and down the country on non-jobs like these which, if other public sector posts are anything to go by, will be handsomely remunerated. And you lefties moan about ‘austerity’?
‘In BHCC’s case, they decided to allow non-selection from such drop downs an acceptable option, as well as possible additions of honorifics such as ‘Mx’, which some transpeople prefer.’
Leaving aside wtf ‘Mx’ actually stands for, the mind boggles at the consequences of ‘leaving blank’. Does it mean John Smith might turn up for interview dressed as a bird, or Wendy Smith as a bloke? Apologies if I’ve misunderstood, but I’m just a simple northern lad you see….
Apologies if I’ve misunderstood, but I’m just a simple northern lad you see…
You’ll get no argument from me there 🙂 But seriously…
How much do you think it costs in time and resources to run these bizarre committees and have them carry out their ‘studies’ and consultations and produce their reports and hold their endless meetings?
When I’ve run UX meetings on form accessibility and the options available, decisions like this can be made in a matter of minutes. It may well have taken less time to evaluate where it was possible than it took for you to type your response.
Tens of millions of hard-earned taxpayers’ money is being wasted up and down the country on non-jobs like these
Making sure that web pages and other forms of communication work as well as they can for as many people as possible isn’t a “non-job” at all. It doesn’t cost millions, either: although overexpenditure and poor budgeting are well-known in the public sector, those are usually as a result of poor planning and project management, not of a UX evaluation.
Encouraging people who construct forms, whether on paper or online, to think about people whose circumstances may be different from their own has great benefits all round.
Ignore the failed-geek troll
Thanks for illustrating the gulf between your use of the word “troll” and your understanding of its meaning once again, “John”.
Anything to say about Justin Casey’s direct personal abuse towards me? Or is that okay, while discussion of issues conducted in a civil manner is off-limits? You do seem to have a weird set of priorities. Why is that?
‘When I’ve run UX meetings on form accessibility and the options available, decisions like this can be made in a matter of minutes. It may well have taken less time to evaluate where it was possible than it took for you to type your response.’
Really? Isn’t this example a very sensitive policy issue? And they can decide it in minutes? Must have had some pretty powerful decision-makers there – at what cost?
‘Making sure that web pages and other forms of communication work as well as they can for as many people as possible isn’t a “non-job” at all.’
I was referring to the LGBT committee. But you probably knew that.
And you didn’t answer my closing question.
And keep up with the insults – it so becomes you.
I am a boasting doppelganger who wishes that I really was Richard Pinder
An example would be that a lefty would say Climate Change instead of Global Warming, but then Climate Change has a double meaning.
When a lefty says Climate Change, we assume that the lefty means Global warming, but Climate Change has a double meaning, as it also means Global Cooling, so therefore when the predicted mini-ice age arrives, then Scott can say that the lefties where correct, as all the left-wing reports say ‘Climate Change’.
And, only lefties would think of holding a Mx/Ms/Mr/Miss/Mrs/Master/Dr/Sir/Lord Snot titles Conference.
Why are you not on the Israeli kids thread? Wanker.
Standard civil service procedure would be to ‘raise’ a file into which the dossier and related papers would be placed.
Once the work is deemed to be complete the file would be closed. In the case of this dossier that might mean that an investigation was carried out and nothing found, or it was passed to the police, in which case as far as the Home Office was concerned the subject is closed.
If none of the papers in the file concern policy there is no legal need to archive the file. If none of the material was considered to be confidential then no record would be kept either.
Given how long ago this dossier was produced it is quite likely that it would have been routinely destroyed, just as most civil service papers are. That is actually a legal requirement!
I love the way that records that might embarrass the government must be kept for all time, whereas records that might embarrass the ‘right’, i.e. left-leaning individuals, must never be kept, or if they are, they must be destroyed.
@ Scott …. I expect you can`t wait for the age of consent to be lowered to under two years…., so that you can rush down to the local Pets At Home store to buy as many hamsters and gerbils as you can cram into yourself (first checking that none of the hamsters are Syrian of course, i expect you will use wikipedia and the Quran as a reference on this…) Just keep in mind though that the lube on your grubby little digits combined with your already slippery nature will lead to the odd typo, whereupon you can expect to engender a mass of pandantic and unwanted replies which ignore the points of the debate and instead concentrate on the spelling mistakes you made..
Scott …. The answer to the question that nobody ever bothered to ask…….
I can`t wait till Friday (No!! not for evening prayers) … But for the Judge to turn to Rolf Harris …. and say just just before passing down sentence … “Can ya tell what it is yet!!??”
Wonder which of Biased BBC’s regulars chose this pseudonym under which to contribute nothing other than highly offensive personal insults?
Nice to see that Biased BBC’s seamier side can never hide itself for very long. Still, never mind, “John Anderson” and his ilk won’t bother admonishing you. Alan and Vance will do nothing. So you can carry on believing that your juvenile little insults have made you a better man, even though nothing could be further from the truth.
Thus spake smug Scott, the blog troll.
Ah, I see: I contribute points to a discussion, back them up with links, get called a paedophile for my troubles. And yet “Old Goat” decides I’m the troll. Plus ça change…
You contribute nothin’!
Quisling Scott,
Remember your defense of the ‘kinda hot’ tweet for the muslim Times Square bomber. We don’t know the context and it was anyway jokey (your defense), and since we cannot read each others minds – as you insist – you only have a partial context, and do know the intent behind the post so why not see it as a joke. And smile. And as you say ‘bless’.
Also I’m correct to remember that another defense about finding the muslim Time Square bomber ‘kinda hot’ was because there are only a limited number of characters available on twitter. So I assume as per the Fatty Abbott defense size limitations preclude clarity and therefore we cannot judge intent. Bear in mind that E=mc2 has a limited number of characters yet has clarity, and also just consider with even more characters available what other things you may have said about the ‘kinda hot’ muslim Time Square Bomber as you reached the climax of the ‘edgy’ exchange with some other lefty.
And just to be clear you are being engaged in a debate even though you may not like it.
And just to be clear you are being engaged in a debate even though you may not like it.
That you can’t tell the difference between direct personal abuse and “being engaged in a debate you don’t like” comes as zero surprise, to be frank.
Scott has just been abused when I personally like the fact he comes on here to debate things
He lets himself down when he regularly calls ALL people who read this site scum when sometimes I actually agree with him
Quisling Scott,
Tut tut and bless! Are we not answering questions today. Is this the prelude to a manic episode?
Ignore the bleating tiresome disruptive troll, always whining away in the corner
‘Justin Casey’ you are a sick bastard. I shan’t click report as I think the comment should stay here as a monument to your ignorance and spite.
Not that reporting would do the slightest bit of good. Alan or David Vance would probably merely edit it to make Scott’s response look OTT thus deflecting all accountability.
I think that exemplifies the euphemism ‘Robust debate’ around here.
Quisling Scott never deals with the substantive issues of BBC bias. So when the case of Liberty (Harman et. al.) in the 1970s to early-1980s at no point am I aware did Scott ever post to point out that the BBC was well to the front of the media pack raising concerns, pointing fingers and robustly questioning whether people who (and paraphrasing Mr. Tom Carroll – head of PIE): they probably disapproved of us but kept quiet because they wanted to progress their careers on the left. In my view a pretty damning indictment on say Harman. I would say that it renders her unfit for any official position. But can you cite one occasion when such a question was forcefully asked of Harman by the BBC? I cannot. Also can you note any time Scott offered evidence that the BBC did? Can Scott? Or can either you or Scott show that Scott posted to agree that the BBC coverage of PIE/Harman was totally inadequate, just to prove that Scott is not bigoted (maintaining the same position even when confronted with sufficient evidence to the contrary), so his continual postings on secondary issues where he may or may not have identified some inconsistency indicates he is at best here to disrupt or in modern parlance is a troll.
And do note it was the BBC’s refusal to deal properly with Harman/PIE that got her off the hook and allowed her to survive.
The matter at hand is the vile language aimed at him. I don’t see a queue forming to condemn it. That is pretty sad.
You have to be sad yourself if you choose to defend a troll who fancied a jihadi bomber. People are sick to death of the weaselly disruptive troll. The troll regularly insults EVERYONE who posts here, the troll evades questions, it has indulged in endless drive-by behaviour.that is the definition of trolling.
The troll’s fancying of a jihadi bomber puts it way beyond the pale. Or do you seek to defend such disgusting behaviour ? The troll is not fit to be in decent company.
I don’t know anything about that, John. I do recall that I myself posted on twitter that Bin Laden had kind eyes. I was quite clear that it was an anomaly and that if one wasn’t aware of his pure evil then they might be duped by him. Nobody was offended, in fact it was discussed at length with a few folk who also found it unsettling.
People understood the context so it was a non issue.
As for being a troll, with all due respect, it seems anyone who is off message and has their own views and opinions will be labelled as such.
Like everything else it is about interpretation.
I will bow to your superior knowledge that Scott insults everyone but speaking in the here and now, if he is addressed with such gross innuendo and malice that he might well lose his rag.
I am not here to justify or defend anyone I just comment on things as I see fit.
As you say – you “don’t know anything about that”. You don’t know the context, the track record. Why not just accept :
1 The troll admits to stating that he saw the Times Square jihadist bomber as “kinda hot”.
2 You obviously have not seen the endless attention-seeking trolling behaviour, and the repeated insults offered by the troll to EVERYONE who posts here.
Oops sorry John, hit report in error. Fat fingeritis on my part.
I do not believe that anyone has the right to misrepresent someone else as a paedophile no matter what their transgressions. It is (to re-appropriate your own phrase) beyond the pale. That is what I personally believe and I must admit to finding it a tad off that the poster has not been admonished with the same vigour as Scott has. I very much doubt that he has ever been quite so obscene himself but not being a regular I am perfectly happy to be proved wrong.
and the repeated insults offered by the troll to EVERYONE who posts here.
If by “the troll” you mean me (rather than, say, someone who attempts to post underneath under every comment I make, such as you and Kyoto seem to want to do) – again, as I’ve said repeatedly, you choose to ignore far worse behaviour and language from many others. When I’ve asked you why you do this, you raise the spectre of an ancient tweet as if that absolves you of ever answering a question.
As I’ve said, I’ve long since given up any hpoe of you ever challenging behaviour from the likes of Justin Casey above. But I would like to know why you think it’s acceptable to ignore it, while attempting to harass me at every opportunity. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable question to ask.
So again the substantive and ongoing problem with Scott can be ignored because of the immediate. Seems to run along the lines of you have to be perfect before you can accuse the BBC of bias. Now who seems to perpetually putting forward that argument?
Sorry you have a thing for Bin Laden’s eyes? Is there something aberrant going on here. The question posed to Scott about the muslim Time Square Bomber and finding him ‘kinda hot’ is that it also expresses approval for his political agenda. In lefty world he would never twitter that he found Anders Brevik ‘kinda hot’. But it appears you are so removed from reality you are surprized friends (and I assume these are lefties) were ‘unsettled’ by your comment on Bin Laden’s eyes.
Out of curiosity for those who click on Scott’s posts do you have something to confess along the lines of say ‘Mao always makes me feel horny’.
Probably because focusing on the immediate means that once again Scott’s ongoing abuse (refusing to engage in the substance of BBC bias) can be ignored.
Essentially, it works as until you are perfect then Scott does not have to explain his failure. Which is practically the same as Scotts trolling. All posts must be perfect until he will consider the substantive point about BBC bias. And of course goal-posts will be moved all the time.
Sorry but is there some weird lefty thing going on about needing to admire the beauty of a mass murderer? You do realise that indicating a physical approval does also indicate a political approval. The fact that you are suprised by friends (and I assume lefty ones at that) were unsettled by finding Bin Laden’s eyes ‘kind’ does indicate a lack of awareness on your part. For example you would never say that you think Hitler has ‘kind eyes’.
Also for those who do click on Quisling Scott’s posts does anyone else want to come out of the closet on this. For example does anyone find Chairman Mao ‘kinda horny’.
But Kyoto I did not express my surprise I said that people commented and said they too had thought it and how creepy it was that he was the exact opposite of kind. I didn’t just throw it out to be controversial or to provoke a reaction and I made sure that my disgust for him/it was unequivocal.
My timeline there is mostly fellow music and literature geeks and I usually only comment on N.I politics and have yet to have any major slanging matches with anyone. I expect those who follow are indeed left leaning if they share my tastes in art, music or literature as It would be nefarious of me to pretend I wasn’t left of centre on most things.
To paraphrase: nobody was offended though some did find it unsettling. So I did get the substance of your comment correct, but is your defense since it was not perfect it does cannot stand? With respect the former are clearly lefties who realised that it was sympathetic to Bin Laden as they also sympathiesed with his reasons/aims. And had no problem with the subconscious element of the comment. But even some of the lefties were unsettled. But again the context defense!
Also are you able to note that again Quisling Scott fails to deal with the substance of my observations. Essentially, he cannot deny them and therefore has to dissemble through trite distraction.
Absolutely not. They were unsettled because they could see what I meant. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear but I will never accept that the point I was making shows any empathy for that man. Why would I open myself up to that to you and John if I didn’t think it was obvious what I meant.
It was a comment about the human condition. I can assure you that I despise evil monsters like him. I shouldn’t need to yet here I am doing just that.
I suggest you don’t pick up the wrong end of the stick to beat me with and negate any further comments with ‘Quisling Turtle you said Bin Laden was kind.’
There is an absolute honesty in what I am saying and if you think otherwise then it is pointless trying to clarify further.
Interesting to note that both Google and my own RSS reader’s archive search show that the only topic “Kyoto” has posted on in the past month is – me.
Whereas I’ve posted about several topics and tried to discuss issues, but regularly face disruption from John Anderson and Kyoto. If you two are going to attempt to claim the moral high ground, you’re going to have to behave a helluva lot better.
Endles whining from the attention-seeking sad troll
That whooshing sound above John’s head? That was the point, missing him by miles.
Quisling Scott,
Bless. Again ignoring the content of the posts.
Turtle Power,
Thanks for letting me know what I should say and think. How very totalitarian of you.
And no I don’t accept your explanation. I find it exceedingly weak. Also the saccharine nature of your post leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Hitler was a vegetarian, and dog lover so I’m surprised he was a mass murderer. You have to be 12 to make such a comment and not wonder why people find you an idiot.
Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. Do you think he’ll try the defense that I’m surprised that ‘kinda hot’ people would wish to plant a bomb in Time Square?
Kyoto Re: your post below.
Wise up.
‘The matter at hand is the vile language aimed at him. I don’t see a queue forming to condemn it. That is pretty sad.’
I don’t think it’s pretty sad, it’s pretty standard for blog sites. Lack of ‘likes’ is usually more of an indicator on here.
I personally do not approve of some of the abuse which has been aimed at Scott – it has been pretty base at times. However several, including myself, have pointed out that Scott’s main objective seems to be to wind people up (including puerile insults) until they do insult him in return, at which point he not only takes the moral high ground but also condemns the whole site and its contributors (and no doubt trolls off elsewhere proclaiming his ‘victory’). In the early days of his postings people were pretty patient with him, despite his constant provocations, but that patience eventually ran out.
If Scott engaged in the debate more – and let’s face it the vast majority of serious accusations of bias on here go unchallenged – rather than picking on minor inaccuracies or views he considers ‘homophobic’, he might get more favourable treatment.
I get what you are saying. Maybe the likes feature could be tempered somewhat with a thumbs down. I think it would democratise the site and people like me might feel able to actually get involved with the issue of bias which is what initially brought me here.
The like-o-meter can be disheartening as some horrendous posts actually do get a lot of likes. I can list a few from off the top of my head but the grey cells can’t parse them with who and when they were said.
Also having a glass of Riesling in the garden so that becomes a limitation, also. 😉
Thumbs up to ‘thumbs down’.
Doesn’t get my… ‘vote’, sorry.
Unless de-anonymised.
Won’t necessarily address bloc-rigging (the value, or not, of a post remains in what is written, not who can be e-mobilised) but it could give pause to those tempted to ‘like’ more extreme views. Or get seen to mark down fair ones for ideological reasons.
But I fully support the statement that in the current system the lack of a ‘like’ is still pretty potent.
Those hypocrites demanding mass atonement demonstrations for their narrow outrage campaigns on behalf of their cubicle colleagues simply look silly, other than successfully seeing addressing BBC bias left in the traps.
Report me…. not to Mr. Vance ring the internet police…. I`ll gladly repeat my sentiments at the station…. What are they going to do?? To find me guilty of anything they would have to disprove what i stated including a visit to Pets At Home and also a search of Scotts mosol oops I mean Mouse hole, i can`t help it as i`ve heard nothing but endless shit concerning the Middle East and reports of yet more false victimhood from the knuckle draggers who have no one to blame but themselves…. As for the Rolf quip …. Well… it was his catchphrase and I was being ironic becouse a judge wouldn`t say that… but maybe Roolf did just before his fly unzipped when raping children yet again whilst employed by the BBC and also in the company of Saville at the Hospital according to new accusations he is to face…..
So go have a cry and wring ur grubby lil paws for a bit and dial 999 and tell them i told them to f**k off as well!!!
Jesus wept. I have no inclination whatsoever to report your ugliness to anyone. Despite your sick antics on here it isn’t a crime to be an imbecile.
I just hope you don’t have kids. You are a see through tough guy.
Whatever values you apply to your sorry existence I can only hope aren’t infecting anyone else.
Anonymous bullies infest the internet you are merely another one who seeks to validate yourself by throwing around appalling insults and supposition dressed up in the kind of humour that plays only to fellow misfits.
You are unworthy of pity and karma has your number, you tiny man.
Anyone see the interview this evening with some Scouse playwright trying to articulate the ideas behind his latest play/film? It’s called “Common”, I believe. Usual depressing, gritty (ie Northern) British stuff.
Didn’t catch his name, but apparently the law on “joint venture” is simply a means to put away as many black kids as possible in London, and working class kids elsewhere. So now you know.
He cited the situation where an innocent driver takes three others shopping but, in fact, their real motive is to attack someone in the store. According to Mr Scouse, the driver would be convicted under the joint venture principle.
Bit of a sweeping statement that, in my opinion, and would be up to the courts, not the police, as Mr Scouse implied.
As soon as the interview was introduced I knew how it was going to turn out. I wasn’t disappointed.
Female Genital Mutilation.
It’s a national scandal according to some committee MPs (not named).
Sure, bring the whole of the UK into it, why don’t you.
What do Beeboids censor from their ‘report’ on Female Genital Mutilation?-
“Failure to stop FGM is a ‘national scandal’, say MPs”
Here’s a hint on what Beeboids censor on this:-
Robert Spencer, an excerpt,:-
“How can the Guardian realistically expect to end this practice if it is afraid to expose the Islamic justifications for it? No, Muslims did not invent female genital mutilation, and are not the only people who practice it. But they are the only group whose theological and legal traditions contain justification for it. Until that changes, many more women will fall victim to this practice, no matter what the Guardian does.”
(Feb, 2014.)
Of course, if Britain’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) had not campaigned for open-door, mass immigration into Britain from Islamic and other African countries (which it still does), the indigenous British people would not have had the social, cultural and economic costs of FGM inflicted on them.
Think of all the things like Ramadan, FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Killings, Taqiyya, etc, etc that we hadn’t really heard about until September 11th, 2001.
Is FGM really a news story, in so much as it’s not new. However after north west going overboard on a PR campaign for share ramadam I’m surprised they aren’t suggesting other customs we might like to share in or not, Today they have been mostly going on about the failure of the personal independent payment. But which Government was it that started destroying DHSS into a Organisation that wasn’t to difficult to predict what was going to happen. I saw the future I left.
Got to love the bBC and how they report the news:
Failure to stop FGM is a ‘national scandal’, say MPs
The failure to tackle female genital mutilation (FGM) is a “national scandal” with as many as 170,000 victims in the UK, MPs have said.Failures by ministers, police and other agencies have led to the “preventable mutilation of thousands of girls”, the Home Affairs Committee said.It blamed a “misplaced concern for cultural sensitivities” for inaction, and called for a national action plan.
and guess what is missing from the above bBC article:
Nice sleight-of-hand with the ethnicity of the “at risk” girl in the accompanying photo too.
its those christians again,you can tell its a white girl…….
We have another Newsnight platform for a Labour announcement tomorrow.
Front page of Thursday’s ‘Independent’-
“Exclusive: BBC’s Panorama team loses confidential information relating to a secret British Army unit”
By Ian Burrell.
This young lady’s areas of conscience seems to have expanded to suit.
I remain intrigued why the BBC at all, much less investigative journalists, or several-day temp researchers have access to such information, especially if lives depend on it.
“A BBC spokesperson said: “There has been a lot of baseless speculation on the circumstances surrounding this programme. It’s not appropriate for us to comment further while there is an investigation by the ICO under way.”
An interesting, if predictable reaction.
One can’t help but note where the BBC has wallowed recently in potemtially baseless speculation elsewhere when it suits its own narrative, again putting lives at risk.
Another of those unique multiples of standard again.
At least the ICO has been let past the ‘purposes of…’ blanket exclusion this time.
Even the BBC couldn’t justify an internal ‘our little secret’ whitewash on this one.
You`ll have fun listening to the newsreader rushing through this headline on the 7a.m news this morning on Today!
She made it though at the speed they use when they blather all those terms and conditions on at the end of car and finance deals…most impressive.
So thanks for putting this up-this ought to bring down the BBCs Panorama nest of eels and gummy mongooses…of course it won`t, but it hopefully will bring the BBCs end a little nearer.
bBC shaft the Armed forces yet again
Exclusive: BBC’s Panorama team loses confidential information relating to a secret British Army unit
The above information was slipped onto a data stick by a Muslim employed by the bBC and who then handed it over to the dodgy Islamic Mayor of Tower Hamlets who has links to radical Islamists .
The bB in the above article reply:
“A BBC spokesperson said: “There has been a lot of baseless speculation on the circumstances surrounding this programme. It’s not appropriate for us to comment further while there is an investigation by the ICO under way.”
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
Here is the article this dangerous Islamic bitch wrote about not selling out to the white man in the UK
It appears she was more interested in exposing the British military for her fellow gay death followers.
Deport the bitch and her family
Shooting in Birmingham, bBC very vague on information, however the local rag not only gives you more information they air a short video of the science, tells you all you need to know
would that be “Balti triangle” Sparkbrook?
by any chance?
From the BM this morning:-
“The one who was shot was fasting because I gave him water and he didn’t want to drink it. I told him ‘Mate, your fast is already broken’.
More than the usual mash-up between the laws of unintended consequences and irony here:
@chrishams: .@Peston updates his “right to be forgotten” blog post – finger of suspicion pointing at comments:
Seems the EU ruling not working out to Pesto’s tastes.
And he alludes to dirty deeds in the comments getting things shut down.
Well, who could have seen that coming?
I’m trying to decide whether to laugh at the irony or cry at the reality of the censorship we now live under.
Yea – another reason to get out of the EU – the European Court definitely got this one wrong: ‘delete ones past’ everyone deserves a second chance:
You guessed it – EU official censor – close down those we do not agree with.
This may be a little tongue in cheek – but it does start one thinking…..
Recently a poster here highlighted this story
‘A woman dubbed the “Angel of Woolwich” for confronting one of the killers of soldier Lee Rigby has been detained under the Mental Health Act.’
‘She had been under investigation after claims a Tesco worker was racially abused in the town on Friday.’
Conspiracy! we are tempted to shout – compulsory multiculturalism treatment on the NHS…..
That’s as maybe, I know nothing of the story beyond the bland BBC report on line.
Mind you, the BBC would be pretty comfortable about the idea – that’s if BBC Radio 4 are anything to go by….
“This week: moral enhancement.”
‘There’s one dreadful old bore at the Philosopher’s Arms. He’s always propping up the bar, whining on about football, the X Factor and his view that ‘coloured people’ are ruining the country. We’ve just heard about a new drug: it’s called propranolol, and it makes people less racist. It comes in liquid form. We can’t stop this bloke rabbiting on about the X Factor, but if we slip the phial into his beer, we could at least save ourselves having to listen to his bigoted rants…. As long as he stops being racist, is that enough? Or does it matter why people hold the views they do? ‘
Like I said at the top, this is posted tongue in cheek.
There are, however, several real issues here – there’s this one:
I think it is in bad taste for the BBC to joke about in this way. Of course there is a thinly veiled implied slur on Ukipers etc :
Eric Ilde-like, there’s a ‘nudge nudge’ says Radio 4 to its liberal-minded metropolitan would-be elite audience ‘do you hate X factor, football and little Englanders, nudge nudge – we do. They are about the most reprehensible things we can think of’ (Not religion-inspired phone camera friendly street murder or anything really leathal and deranged like that. Phew, no)
BBC: X Factor, Football and Racism – the three dreadful footmen of the metropolis.
Sorry for perhaps being trivial, folks, but this twerp really irked me this morning.
I never usually listen to the radio but we’re up staying with my parents who always have it on in the morning so have no choice in the matter. Anyway, to get to the point: I was subjected to some smug, opinionated, motor-mouthed, middle-class pillock who was seemingly more interested in the sound of his own voice then that of others. After some Christian pop tune entitled ‘Harvest for the World’ (I think!) came to a close, he was still singing along to the lyrics as radio hosts usually do etc, but then said ‘Right, that’s enough of that type of nonsense’ in what I thought was a facetious, little anti-Christian dig. I wonder if it was a Muslim pop song (if such a thing exists) with idiomatic Muslim lyrics, would he have said the same sly little comment? No, and if he did he would be sacked.
Are you referring to the version of the song by The Christians? The band was named after the three brothers originally in the line-up, Garry, Roger and Russell Christian. I don’t think religion has anything to do with it on this occasion, perhaps he just preferred the Isley Brothers’ version.
Not sure, mate… if so I stand corrected!! 🙂
Don’t apologise Alex lol, the BBC is so anti-Christian these days it’s now impossible to know when they’re being biased or not!
On the BBC News, this morning it’s, yes you guessed it – Islam! It, yet again, seems to be a frequent subject on News programs these days… I wonder why?
Anyway, the news reader was reporting on the story of the USA increasing security from UK flights. The reporter listed numerous complicated moves that security officials will take to look out for suspects and I thought to myself, there’s an easier way for sure: look for young Muslim men, with beards, in the queue who have the appearance of chips on both their shoulders. It’s an Islamic problem so why would you take extra security measures with an elderly English couple?
For the same reason I have to take my shoes and belt and jacket off going through security everytime I fly to the US and watch as the hijabbed woman working for the Immigration Service checks MY stuff to see if I’m carrying explosives.
Thank God the security services aren’t taking advice from you!
Let me give you one name which blows your theory apart. Samantha Lewthwaite !
You think she’d even bother with a Hijab if she had an atrocity to perpetrate?
The bombers ideal bomb mule is a pregnant white woman with a baby in a pram. It won’t be long before they find one.
Trust me, pal… if security took advice from me these sods would be banished from the land! But, yes, worryingly, the white convert is something we overlook!
Although it will be a growing problem the white convert is still the minority so I agree that because of Muslim problem we shouldn’t all have to go through this crap. I mean granny and grandad are suspects too? Rubbish!
Alex, for goodness sakes, I haven’t been on this site for months and yet you’re still cooking up the same old soft soap and racist poppycock. Your comments are inane beyond belief!
And, as for the mutton-headed nincompoop, Thoughtful….
“The bombers ideal bomb mule is a pregnant white woman with a baby in a pram. It won’t be long before they find one.” –
Any evidence of this vile old cobblers you throw, like a dice, onto the debate table? No, thought not! I despair, I really do.
What was racist in his post?
‘What was racist in his post?’ –
The sentiments for a start! Bigoted sentiments that are leering beneath every syllable. If you can’t see it, then I fear your judgement is beyond repair… but fear not as you’ll be in good company.
Go read the link that “Mark” posts just below your diatribe.
Then come back and apologise, if you have the decency and courage to do so.
@Henry –
Wikipedia? Have you ever had to compose an academic piece citing credible evidence to support your thesis? You’ve never studied postgraduate critical reading have you? No, you haven’t or if you have it was most probably at a polytechnic or second rate college. Please, using Wikipedia is to respectable academia what One Direction is to intelligent music so vex me not with your foul suppositions!
That is just ducking the issue. Prattling on about Wikipedia being somehow always unreliable is ridiculous. In this particular instance the Wiki article cites plenty of other sources that confirm the essence of the Wiki entry. For example :
Utter pomposity.
You say “Have you ever had to compose an academic piece citing credible evidence to support your thesis?” Have you?
Are you saying that there is some doubt that Anne-Marie Murphy was the fiance of Nezar Hindawi ?
Are you saying that Nezar was not convicted and given a long prison sentence?
Just because it is on Wikipedia does not mean that it is wrong.
Nezar Hindawi used a pregnant Irish woman as a terrorist ‘mule’ back in the 1980s IIRC
Obviously not to do so would be racist in our crazy country!
Both Sky and BBC seem more interested in not offending Muslims rather than discussing the real issue that Islam poses a very real threat to world security. It’s causing mayhem everywhere… now I’m not saying it’s all of them, but why don’t we ever hear loud protestations when Muslim extremists cause terror? All we ever get is silence. Many Muslims do not want to mingle with or entertain western values etc. Christianity is against their creed.
“It’s causing mayhem everywhere”
and that, my friend
… is the technique of terror
The most disgraceful BBC bias yet, is being aired on 5Live right now, 10 minute rant of inaccurate Hamas propaganda.
Pally-wood in full effect. As usual using a teen death,(by who?), as an excuse for overt and orchestrated funeral hysterics … quite literally this cult can surely have no shame.
No surprise its a dose of VD again, on the V Drearybyshire
wish we could get LBC on FM, then my car would be a bBC-free zone.
mind you there are some crackers of presenters on there too, but at least my hard earned cash isn’t going towards it.
Go to Halfords & get a DAB radio adapter for about £30 . You can then consign bbc 5 dead to the dustbin of radio history . Another national DAB multiplex coming by next year for commercial radio too.
If a cat gets stuck up a tree it’s worthy of a mention in BBC Scotland news…
Isn’t the fact that they seek to appoint Gaelic speakers discrimination towards non-Gaelic speakers?
No. The post is for head of a Gaelic speaking school so naturally one would assume all candidates should be fluent in order to perform their duties within the role.
One wouldn’t expect a French teacher to have no French language skills.
A French teacher where? Here?
Or did you mean a French Headmaster, as in France?
Still an odd concept, though. Can’t see how concentrating on Gaelic will give pupils a solid foundation for going out into the big, wide globalised world – rather than, say, Spanish or Mandarin.
In my home town there is a Bunscoil. (Irish Gaelic) but they also teach English, maths etc in line with the local board. I was dubious when it opened many years back but the kids (in the main) attained above national average grades and transferred to grammar at 11 and continued to thrive.
Two reports of same issue:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Colorado: 19-year-old Muslima charged with trying to aid Islamic State”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As is the mainstream media’s near-universal practice, Shannon Maureen Conley’s Muslim name is not given in this story. But she appears to be a convert to Islam who wanted to go overseas and wage jihad against the kuffar. She also hates Israel. Where did she get this understanding of Islam? Once again, neither law enforcement authorities nor the mainstream media appear to be interested in this all-important question.”
2.) INBBC-
“Colorado woman arrested for ‘trying to support Isis'”
Don’t worry: in its devious ‘journalistic’ obfuscation, INBBC does mention- in the SECOND HALF of its ‘report’- that the woman is a convert to Islam.
Its all about multiculturalism.
Something our European friend, Chancellor Angela Merkel
said was not working in 2010
Another f***ing convert to Islam – ’nuff said !
Bbc news at one:
Clive Myrie
The rise of the FGM SCANDAL in the Uk.
So where does aljabeeba go for an example of the practice?
Obvious really, Kenya and the Massai tribes.
aparrently the massai women love it, it helps with childbirth and is traditional.
Thats ok then.
I’m glad al-beeb cleared that up for us, and there was me thinking it was a nasty, barbaric, religious ritual.
thanks bBC!
Off topic but has anyone read the Telegraph website recently? It is turning into feminists-r-us at the moment with a piece written by a bloke about the world cup being sexist because the cameras zoom in on attractive women in the crowd…I can’t escape the pc garbage at the moment!!
Perhaps you cannot see past your own sexist views.
the women who get on camera always seem happy to be there and they love the attention they get from men. Would you prefer them in burkhas?
Typical response that doesn’t merit a moment of my intellect. Goodbye.
Nice try to get an angry response but it won’t work
but I will bite just a bit….the women I work with all couldn’t care less when I commented saying I was enjoying the cameras zooming in and the majority of them comment on the players they fancy so guess they are sexist too
Rupert. Titanic intellect. We are honoured that he trod these pages. Killer arguments we’ve not seen the likes of since Jim Dandy’s ‘You’re an idiot’.
But you notice that Rupert is not intelligent anough to answer a valid argument, such intelligent enough to use a thesaurus to make himself sound ever more condescending, arrogant and idiotic.
Typical response?? hmm maybe you should stop hanging round those SWP rapists ?
Apparently a woman being gifted with brains is quite acceptable, but a woman being gifted with good looks is of course quite unacceptable. Let’s just be thankful that the TV production crew has the good sense to show photogenic people enjoying themselves. Imagine if the BBC were doing the camerawork – they’d go out of their way to find characters that meet their own distorted world view of gender, race, disability and fetish, even if they had to import them or CGI them in the studio.
This was touched on during Mock The Week. Dara O’Briain claimed to have unleashed a twat storm by making a similar complaint.
I gather the Irish comedian thought that looking at Englishmen weeping was better than the planted beauties in the crowd. Nothing racist there obviously.
Janet Daly makes a startling discovery about the BBC:
Thanks Old Goat: Commenting on BBC accounts secrecy (above) ‘….as if it were covered by the Official Secrets Act – to be disclosed on a strictly “need to know” basis. This institutional paranoia is justified on the basis that the BBC has “enemies” whose own commercial self-interest make them wish to do the Corporation harm at every possible opportunity’…
> I wonder WHO they (BBC) mean? And is it all not self-inflicted BBC abuse of tax payers money that does not go on original programming but ‘cramming’ recycled Trotsky pap on a 24/7 spin. I still think I would prefer meglomaniac Murdoch Media corp to the ever-so-secretive ‘British Bankrupt Corpulents’ (with matching corrupt EU lifestyle habits). The point is choice and you don’t get any with the BBC without Trotsky pap.
‘And this is a surprise to whom? This “shock announcement” by the Sir Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office (NAO), after he had presumably been reduced to screaming exasperation in his attempts to get at the truth about BBC executive pay-offs….’
Sounds like Sir Amyas had never heard of 28gate and the BBC fighting FOI requests. And we all know how they were held to account when the truth finally did come out – not. No wonder they are so effing arrogant.
I have just been watching the bbbc news and it struck me (again) that the news now is almost totally about atrocities/weird practices that always seem to have the root cause of the muslim religion as the cause…….all very professionally stirred up and promoted by the bbbc. A fine example today is the article (its not really a news item in the true sense of the word) about the problem of FGM………….Why am I made to feel responsible for their practices, it is nothing to do with me or mine so don’t run a news item saying that the institutions are ‘responsible’ and not the people who carry out these weird, archaic, medieval, brutal, cruel practices……
Please can someone close down the bbbc
Still, I voted UKIP at those last elections so I suppose I must be older, slightly racist and of lesser intellect (according to the bbbc definition of a UKIP voter)
You voted UKIP?
So did I, and probably like yourself I’ve had to go to the library to dictate this to a young person as I have absolutely no concept of new fangled computers, emails and all that stuff.
One wonders of the religious persuasions of these lot.
yes, quite… the photos in the following Daily Nail report are revealing:
It’s now six weeks since I complained to the BBC about the inaccuracies in their UKIP/Romanians/Croyden story.
Six weeks and they STILL haven’t been able either to accept it was wrong or come up with some weaselly reason why they got it about right.
From what I remember this looked like serious manipulation of a news story to fit a pro-immigration agenda.
If proven, they should be hauled over the coals for it (ha!).
Regards the murder in Birmingham, here’s a little something that tells you so much more than the bBC account:
I guess this bbc guy will soon be losing his job.
The British Obama, apparently.
Doesn’t think we ‘europhobes’ can use computers, apparently.
I don’t like to appear unkind but what a complete pillock.
Just as bad as another Labour MP talking good about the town she was in but got the wrong place, which was about 50 miles away. Trouble was, it was her own constituency!
When Radio 4 starts early each morning, it gives news, weather forecasts etc – and then at about 5.43am has “Prayer for the Day”.
Every morning this week the slot has been and is being given to a Muslim who repeats the usual tqwaddle about Islam being a Religion of Peace. What the hell is happening ?
Considering Muslims account for approximately 5% of the population (this is no doubt a conservative estimate) they should be getting no more than a prayer every two weeks. For such a minority religion it gets way too much coverage but because of its followers’ big mouths and the distressing fact that our media, universities, law institutions and political establishments are bursting with middle-class, soppy sissies and feminists who are afraid of being beaten up by bearded jihadis, no protest is ever made. It is fast becoming the religion of pieces.
Just another Taqiyya Sunrise…!
“What the hell is happening”? It is the BBC’s damage limitation exercise in full swing.
BBC news website – Lads not Men
A man is shot and killed and two others are injured after hundreds of “lads” are reported to have gathered around a Birmingham street.
Blimey, you go away for a wee while only to come back and find the entire forum under a denial of service assault by Barking, New, Borrowed and Blue, the Four Horsepersons of the Trollcalypse.
My entire feed appears packed with their special form of ‘contribution’.
Has the BBC done something extra special that needs distracting from today?
Looks like a fun surf with the iPad a cocoa later.
Meanwhile, in other, actual BBC-relevant news…
I remain dubious about OFCOM being the next best thing to replace the Trust, especially given Mr. Richard’s past fealties, friendships and ambitions, but this does make fun reading:
“If it is the case, as I have read, that in relation to the payoffs issue the Trust felt it had no remit, that to me is beyond belief”
Well, possibly not to the gilded ones in ‘GIAR’ Towers, doubtless hoping the culture of astounding uncuriosity and selective Alzheimers can continue, and pay well into the never never world of comfy BBC sinecureland.
Sadly he does rather spoil things when mates get involved:
‘he believed that it was, in principle, OK to give the BBC a Charter funded by a licence fee for the next ten years.’
One is sure such belief is welcome at the spiritual home of such things.
In principle.
The bBC’s so called security expert shows just how he got his camera man shot dead and why he is a cripple:
Jihadist Nasser Muthana’s home-made bomb pictures
In 2004 Frank Gardner went filming in an area of Riyadh. known to be a hotbed for AL Q. His film crew were attacked resulting in Cameraman Simon Cumbers was killed and security correspondent Frank Gardner is critically ill in hospital. The British ambassador to Saudi Arabia said the men had been shot from a jeep with a machine pistol as they filmed in a southern suburb of the capital. Sherard Cowper-Coles said the area had seen “a number of clashes” between security forces and terrorists.
(The above in italics are from the bBC article regards the shooting)
In other words he didn’t do a proper risk assessment.
Today the bbC air an article regards how a British born terrorist from Cardiff used social media outlets in which to have a go at the country.
So let me get this right, a brainwashed Islamic thug who has buggered off to Syria in which to kill or be killed boasts that :
“”So the UK is afraid I come back with the skills I’ve gained,”
and airs a picture showing a large number of Keg (Cooking pot) bombs as used in the ME and Afghanistan theatres. He obviously has learnt his killing trade well and past experience has shown not only in the UK but elsewhere these people have no problem killing for Allah. (Boston bombings for example)
So have a look at how the bBC’s so called security expert responds in which to put at ease the British public.
Frank uses his so called expert knowledge on security matters and says:
“I have seen those pictures and I think that’ is boasting, frankly.”
Really Frank and why do you think so?
“Nasser Muthana is not going to come back to this country, unless he wants to be arrested,
Can somebody please explain to me how somebody who has buggered off to a war zone in which to kill for Allah and from past experience are willing to die for their cause. Is going to be afraid of coming back to the UK in case he gets arrested. What a prick and it totally explains to me how and why Frank Gardner is in a wheelchair.
Security expert my arse.
Only a media that has lost all sense of irony would give us a Frank Gardner as “security editor”-given his personal tragedy, and his involvement in a death of a team member that HE would have been responsible for.
Likewise only a political class that had lost all sense of irony and any wish to preserve itself, would have allowed David Blunkett to judge its education, police, prison and border services for near on ten years.
These dysfunctional, frankly weird odditites are now favoured for their disabilities and inability to function -their catastrophic influence on all about them. And not a mocking skit by way of reply…irony-free media and political donglers conspire to dare us to laugh at the grotesques that rule and massage our images of news.
Boy, we`re dumb…Oscar Pistorius will be UN High Commissioner to Africa if he gets off.
Heaven forbid he would hold a grudge against those who handicapped him.
So, just read this over on the Docklands and East London advertiser and then found the Daily Mail have covered it. So the question I am going to ask, is when do you think the bBC will cover it?
Ill go for report, Not.
No Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report by 10:30 pm.
This is not simply racist violence by brown men against black men, but seems to be a case of Islamic supremicist violence against non-Muslims.
Another example of the Islamisation of British society.
Sorry a little confused, I’ve searched high and low and can’t find it on the bBC website. Now I must state I haven’t done a targeted search, rather I’ve clicked on Home,Uk,England and even London bBC web pages and cannot find it. Reason I have done so, is simply I am acting as somebody who doesn’t know about this, and so will simply read what is on offer. If it is easily found could you link me in please.
No, Pounce, I can’t find such a Beeboid report either.
Fine upstanding fellow.
And an example from t’north:
“Twin sons of Keighley councillor sentenced for armed assault.”
Ah, blokes with baseball bats but no interest in sport-a pretty good working definition of a racist when I were a lad. The black (no pun intended) humour in this story is that one of these blokes is “studying criminology”! Must have been the practical…
Imagine if it had been a white guy……………
Turtle Power,
I’ve copied in my 7.11 post, and you respond at 7.18. You don’t answer any point I make but simply state: ‘Kyoto Re: your post below.
Wise up.’
I have made no post below the 7.11 post. So what you say is simply at best meaningless, but is actually patronizing and insulting.
Also ‘wise up’? How old are you?
Turtle Power,
Thanks for letting me know what I should say and think. How very totalitarian of you.
And no I don’t accept your explanation. I find it exceedingly weak. Also the saccharine nature of your post leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Hitler was a vegetarian, and dog lover so I’m surprised he was a mass murderer. You have to be 12 to make such a comment and not wonder why people find you an idiot.
Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. Do you think he’ll try the defense that I’m surprised that ‘kinda hot’ people would wish to plant a bomb in Time Square?
I am using my iPhone and the only reply button offered was your previous post so I assumed it would nest beneath that, so I specified below as that is how it appeared until published.
I kinda lost interest after your idiot jibe so brevity seemed the wisest course.
I can’t answer why Scott won ‘t give his account but I don’t know the lad but I don’t think any explanation from him will be accepted but I didn’t know about this tweet until this afternoon.
You seem happy to paint me as some kind of terrorist fetishist and totally dismissed my logic.
Ask me a straight question about me and I will answer honestly but I am not here to answer questions about the motives of another.
“Again why do you think Quisling Scott does not respond – like yourself – to the substance of my post. ”
How about “because every time you come on a comment thread to harass me, you change the subject from the one under discussion to a specific point that’s usually unrelated, but to which you DEMAND that I reply, while repeatedly insulting me.”
Any refusal to feed your troll-like antics is interpreted as a failing on my part, as if your arrival on a thread demands instant, immediate and undivided attention. As I’ve noted above, your entire contribution over the last month (at least, under this pseudonym) has been to attempt to derail any topic to which I may have been contributing.
Your behaviour, quite frankly, makes any foot stamping questions you may ask less, not more, likely to get answered.
Ignore the BORING tripe from the attention-seeking troll
Thanks, as ever, “John”, for making my point about your behaviour for me.
Crawl away, sicko troll
Bless. Have a good evening, and hopefully wake in the morning with a new desire to actually engage rather than just be an amusingly broken record.
Good, crawl away. No-one with any decency wants to engage with a sick jihadist-fancying time-wasting troll like you.
Not quite the BBC reporting mode, but pretty close! Classic FM news bulletins can be quite a laugh at times especially as they are nothing more than a Labour Party broadcast, much like most of the news bulletins on the BBC. This morning they did a brief section on the increased security at airports and a female reporter at Manchester Airport, started he piece off with the words; “Well, everything is calm here at the moment…..” I couldn’t help but shout out at the radio “Don’t panic Mr Mannering, don’t panic”
Oh and how about this for a weather forecast for the South West yesterday afternoon also from Classic FM: “Storm cloud gathering”….and that was it! Guess what? We had a lovely afternoon and evening and it hasn’t rained anywhere for a couple of days now. A bit like the BBC, pathetic.
TV license update: I now have 28 letters informing me, that my property does not have a TV licence. I’ve now lived 7 years in this property and by my reckoning have saved 7 x £145.50 (give or take) which is £1018.50. It does feel good typing that!
BBC QT audience full of lefties and ethnics, tonight. Plants, drones and lefty heckling together with a 3 verses 2 lefty panel. The BBC is a disgrace!
Will BBC-NUJ and Labour Party learn this political lesson, late in the day?
“Immigration and Europe policies ‘could cost Labour election’:
“Senior Shadow Cabinet member says voter anger over issues is a ‘big hurdle’ for Miliband.
“Soft stance on immigration and Europe could cost Labour election, senior party figure warns.
“-Andy Burnham says anger over issues is a ‘big hurdle’ ahead of voting next year.
“Shadow Health Secretary said immigration repeatedly raised on doorsteps.”
Read more:
Image, it’s 1944 and Alvar Lidell’s voice comes over loud and clear on the radio:
“This is Alvar Lidell. The BBC has heard from a British man in Germany that he won’t return home until the red, white and black flag of National Socialism is flying over Buckingham Palace. While in Germany he has been learning how to make bombs and fire weapons. He described Britain as being evil.”
Different times now, aren’t they in Clegg’s Modern Britain. In 1944 the rope would have been waiting, now it will be the BBC’s ‘green room’. In 1944 the ‘lip’ would definitely have been more than stiff and it would be quite clear whose side Mr. Lidell was on. Move on 70 years, change the country and the flag and the tone on Radio 4 news this morning is so ‘matter of fact’, well of course Britain is evil and every right-thinking British man is hoping for the downfall of this nation.
The BBC of 1944 would not have broadcast the idiot-boy’s rant in the first place.
or even reported it. But today’s BBC seeks to amplify any deranged message from jihadists.
Oh dear the BBC has found a ‘waycist’ video from half way around the world in Australia, and of course it’s been elevated to headline status.
Incidents like this are used as proof by the Fascists that ‘waycism’ is a very real ‘threat’ and needs to be fought where ever it appears.
People used to be taught manners, and it is extremely bad form to abuse anyone for anything ! Because the left decided that manners were part of the class war & destroyed them, then anything goes, and it is sadly inevitable that in a conflict situation people will use what ever difference they can see in the opposition. They’re hardly going to unleash a barrage of compliments are they?
But yet again the BBC choose to show a clip where the victim is ethnic, and the abuser is white. You can bet your bottom dollar if it was the other way around they wouldn’t report it – they never do!
‘Thoughtful’, please excuse my fastidiousness, but I can’t see it anywhere as a headline on the BBC’s main news page, so your statement “… it’s been elevated to headline status.’ is simply not true.
And, the following grammatically poor, nonsensical flapdoodle really is no better than that of a primary school pupil struggling with basic syntax:
“People used to be taught manners, and it is extremely bad form to abuse anyone for anything ! ”
Overall, your statement is a steaming pile meaningless night soil. But, I presume many on here have become used to it.
Where did I say they BBC have elevated it to headline status ‘on the web page’?
You have simply assumed this, because you wanted to find fault and were so desperate to do so you read into a sentence, what you wanted to be there, and not what was there.
Interesting that you have to attack the grammar, without actually providing a corrected example!
It’s plain to me that the piece has merit as you have been able to find any fault with it at all!
Oddly familiar, is it not? But still takes getting used to:)
Rupert had rather undone the good ‘simple, gracious seekers of truth’ work by the rest of the team yesterday.
Dark looks over the POETS debrief shandies I’d hazard.
You genuinely believe there is a team? BBC are employing people to ‘Troll’ this blog?
It seems to be an oft repeated mantra. One for the conspiracy theorist brigade, I suppose.
This BBC ‘job’ of mine doesn’t pay so I couldn’t make the Top Secret Fictional Friday Shandy Select Commitee today. It sounds like great fun though.
‘Rupert’, please excuse my fastidiousness, but I can’t see Thoughtful claiming anywhere it was a headline on the BBC’s main news page, so your statement appears to be guided more by BBC Editorial SOP than much else.
The calibre of which you colourfully describe.
…”your statement is a steaming pile meaningless night soil.” Surely that should read, ‘a steaming pile OF meaningless night soil.’? It must have been written by “a primary school pupil struggling with basic syntax”.
I can see it on the front page of the BBC news site. On the right hand side under ‘Features’.
Funny how they don’t report when it’s a Maori (future king?) doing the racist taunting!
It’s not nice, clever, or a bunch of other things, including legal, in some cases and places.
But it is also surely not ‘news’?
People being beastly to each other is sadly a fact of life, and while verbal abuse now has found a complicated way into the legal and media systems, the severity cannot compare to more tangible assaults that do deserve coverage.
You are right that selectivity is at play, but maybe the BBC and its acolytes may ponder why such as this from another country garners prominence… a white abuser mouthing off… when more serious crimes of actual violence involving minorities on minorities, or on majorities, get steered around or ignored.
That may screw an inconvenient lid down on the pressure cooker a while longer, but likely only adds to the inevitable result when containment fails.
I think the BBC are taking this a bit too far…
Shouldn’t an impartial broadcaster be asking who is using children as political pawns in an attempt to embarrass the Chancellor? The choice of sum is a dead give away.
UK airports on higher alert over growing jihadist threat,
Islamic inbreds batter two non muslims with baseball bats
for being … non muslim.
UK islamic inbreed teen charged with funding aiding jihad terror.
FGM in UK now a “national scandal” 130, 000 child victims
UK muslim jihadi inbreed, violent jihad “obligatory” for every muslim..
UK more rushing over to jihad in Syria or Iraq … will they return the same here?
UK muslim teens “willing to die” in violent jihad ..urge all other muslims do the same
Euro terror groups UK now a hub … from London spreads out, now to Denmark … arrests in Bham terrorism charges.
Does there appear to be a pattern emerging?
any link at all? ….
… anyone
BBC … one of the very few opportunities for any public voice over its narrative … 94 yep that 94% vote muslims are complacent over extremism, hilariously after overwhelming votes that muslims are NOT demonised, and ARE deliberately easily offended.
Totted up objectively, the build up of this news is astonishing, and are? … the publics wishes and views reflected at the BBC?
As adage, the BBC are trumpeting that 100 imams
have signed a letter “supposedly” opposing going over
to Syria and Iraq? … its now got a dose of VD on 5Live
with lots of V Drearybyshire airtime, why has it taken so long
Over 500immediately opposed gay marriage, in a protest not long ago?
… propaganda and priorities?
The evil socialist beeboid Robin Brant jumping up and down saying Andy Coulson is going to jail for a considerable time , er maximum would be 2years , out after 1 year , but he he got 18 months ,out end end of March ,just in time for Easter . I could see the froth coming out of his mouth , & he only is there to serve his “Master” ,Millipeed .
Notice the the BBC just had to insert a picture of those terrible, oppressive British redcoats burning down the Jacobites homes in this shite little article which seeks to enlighten us non-Scots to the Scots’ vernacular.