Victoria Derbyshire wants to know what Ramadan means for you. (11:50)
Remarkably the BBC didn’t find anyone who said Ramadan was a pain in the backside, you starve, you get irritated and angry, you get thirsty and for what? It’s so stupid.
Instead we had the ‘wonders’ of Ramadan…it makes you more empathetic towards the less fortunate, the poor and starving, it cleanses your soul, detoxes your body, makes you closer to God, makes you more spiritual, less materialistic.
It must be good, the fellow from the BBC’s Asian Network (ghetto radio) told us ‘I highly recommend it for everyone!’
Nothing like a bit of propaganda to fill the airwaves.
Speaking of which just before that Derbyshire had on a woman from the Muslim Women’s Network speaking about the ‘boys’, and girls, heading off for a bit of Jihad.
She of course was totally against them going…..but said, after claiming it was Western society’s fault that they were ‘disengaged and disenfranchised‘, that if the belief is there and they have the courage of their convictions ‘you will go’…and that ‘there is a lot of glory attached to being a martyr or a shahid.’
Another speaker spoke of them ‘fighting for truth and justice’…..curiously mixed messages…don’t go, but…….seemed more weighted in favour of going than not.
Still, I’m sure the BBC knows exactly what it is doing and the message it is broadcasting.
Ramadan means nothing to me. Why should it? I am the inheritor of Western Christian civilisation. That this inheritance is under threat is a result of my own weakness and that of my fellow Westerners. In the end we are all resonsible .
We are ill served by those who profess to lead us. We are betrayed by them and their mouthpieces in the media.
These are bad times and worse is to come.
On Radio 4’s PM programme today [25:15] the suggestion is slipped in that if Scotland departs the UK then any new flag might not be acceptable if it were to have purely Christian symbols – drip, drip drip.
No worry at all that almost every majority Islamic state on the the planet features the star and crescent moon on their flags then ? Big fat shocka.
Watch out Wales if you go down this route: they’ll have that non-halal Dragon ereased for starters.
Might even have it erased. Bugger.
Time to fly the flag of our last real king( Harold of Wessex). The BBC really is beyond parody.
Murderous terrorist attacks always rise at Ramadan.
Here is a blog that keeps count.
i listened to that bbc asian network once and once only and everybody including the presenters came across as a bunch of street thugs who yapped on about the bruvs and sis and blamed all the problems that the muslim community have on foreign policy and islamaphobia.very poor radio that panders to haters of the west,as for vicky and that interview with that woman from the muslim network about these so called british girls(jihadi brides) imports from somalia well have you ever heard such a load of pc bullcrap pandering and excuse making for terrorism and was a quiet sickening inteview,good riddance to vicky derbyshire in the radio 5 live shake up,enough of that pc woman,enough of her.
Hugh Fitzgerald in good form
Egyptian Researcher: 80% Of The 50 Million Muslims In The West Live On Welfare Bookmark and Share
Read the article here.
And the expense does not end with the enormous burden on the health systems — made still more burdensome by the high number of Muslims who intermarry (in a culture where no one is to be trusted, ideally you marry your daughter to your brother’s son)wh have congenital problems . Nor does it end with the enormous burden on the educational systems, where there is not only a language to be taught (and not just to the first generation), but the hostility of Muslims students, and their threatening parents (see the murder, last Friday, of the institutrice in Albi who was stabbed to death by one “Rachida” who, in the French press, was misleadingly described as “une desequilibree espagnole”), to what is taught in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch schools, and threaten, too, the other, non-Muslim students who must endure life in the classroom with the aggressive and dangerous Muslims. Nor does it end with the free or heavily subsidized housing estates, the cites, where the police and firemen are fearful of entering, where crime and vandalism constantly increase the cost to the indigenous, non-Muslim taxpayers. No, not health, not education, not housing, not the family allowance, that Muslims everywhere take such advantage of, exhaust the list of expenses to the host country (some host, some guest). The women are encouraged to stay home and breed, breed, breed, and discouraged from working. And the men — what skills do they posssess, what jobs are they capable of filling, how many of them, as compared with other immigrant groups or the native non-Muslims, manage to find and hold jobs, and perform those jobs, in a way that constitutes a benefit to the host nation’s economic wellbeing?
Much more in the above link
The Lame Stream Media calls Europe the West, but at one time not so long ago it was called by a very different name, Christendom.
Means nothing to me. I’m not interested & I already know what it’s like to be hungry and thirsty so self infliction doesn’t seem to be the brightest thing to do. As it only affects such a small percentage of the population why does it dominate the media?
‘the ‘wonders’ of Ramadan…it makes you more empathetic towards the less fortunate, the poor and starving,’
VC had obviously listened to the Prime Minister’s message to the moouslim community for Ramadam.
Which e
For me it means a time for:
Ramadan Death Count
Yes but Muslims killing 4000 other Muslims is not news, Israelis killing 1 Muslim is big news.
News from the future: A spokesperson for the newly elected Labour government confirmed to the BBC that from now on Ramadan would be adhered to in all public bodies and institutions, including schools, with no eating and drinking permitted for anyone, regardless of faith. He continued: “Britain has over 3 million Muslim citizens, many of whom are deeply offended that other people do not follow their customs. As a multi-cultural society, we must respect their wishes”. He further stated that although there was no intention to force private businesses to observe Ramadan and other Muslim festivals, those that did not could find themselves subject to legal action under existing Equality and Diversity legislation. The comments were welcomed by an EU commissioner, who wished to remain unnamed.
The future is now. US soldiers prepare for Ramadam.
“While not required to fast during Ramadan, in Bahrain, Americans can be fined or detained by local authorities for eating, drinking or smoking in public when off-base during daylight hours”
I don’t have a big problem with that as they are in a Muslim country and therefore should respect the customs whereas here is a totally different kettle of fish. In my country, which I consider to be of Christian heritage, I feel no need whatsoever to give any kind of succour or respect to a foreign religion that I consider has no place here.
Lent it ain’t.
Funny how the BBC never talks much about fasting and abstinence over Lent – or, for that matter, Lent in general.
And when was the last time Christians embarked on terror campaigns over Lent ?
The BBC prefer lentils.
Well these guys seem very serene and spiritual –
Working as I do with people located in middle eastern countries and of middle eastern backgrounds the major aspect of note is that everything just slows right down.
It doesn’t stop, just slows right down. Infuriating.
On another matter, I’m unsure that fasting in that kind of way can be at all healthy. Starving during the day and then bingeing at night-time cannot be good..
When I was in the middle east Ramadan to me meant; more bad driving than usual, with drivers falling asleep at the wheel or unable to concentrate through lack of food and water. Work not getting done (more than usual). Having to sneak off to get a drink and something to eat, or if I was really callous, eating my meal in front of my Muslim friends but telling them that I wasn’t enjoying it if that helped. Everyone concentrating on booking their time off for Eid and working out their holidays. Standing outside on the alleged last day of Ramadan looking to see if the moon could be spotted so I knew if I had the next day off
Victoria Derbyshire wants to know what Ramadan means for you.
While the bBC pushes this vision that Islam can only be a relgion of peace and that during Ramadan it can only be a victim from white racist British people. Here are a number of Stories from today which the bBC hasn’t aired which shows that Islam really is a religion of peace. (NOT)
Central African Republic church attacks leaves 17 dead
Shia fighters capture main Yemeni city after fighting kills 200
A Shia mosque , set on fire in İstanbul.
The above tells me Ram-a-dam-a-ding-dong means fuck all to Muslims around the world other than an excuse to Murder death kill.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this bBC story about a Militant attack in Ugranda:
Uganda militant attack leaves scores dead while the bBC doesn’t tell you just who these people were,(Are) other so called third world newspapers did:
The bBC, the traiotrs within our midst and apologists for intolerant Islam paid for by…….You.
If VD is reading this, I’d like her to know that Ramadan means jack all to me. Thanks for asking.
She of course was totally against them going…..but said, after claiming it was Western society’s fault that they were ‘disengaged and disenfranchised‘…
If they can’t engage and ‘enfranchise’ in a tolerant, generous and free society such as ours, especially when they are born here, it tells you more about them than it does about us. Did you think of making that point, Victoria? Oh, and by the way luv, hope it’s not you one of these ‘disenfranchised’ Islamonutjobs is stood next to when they inevitably return to blow themselves up on the streets of Britain (in which circumstances, though, you might have that split second of reflection on your unwitting contribution to the jihadist cause before your arse exits through the top of your head).
ISIS have declared that they intend to form a global caliphate. This means destroying all who are not Sunni muslims. It is only a matter of time before these fanatics begin to cause real problems in the U.K. The government cannot see this, so we all must prepare ourselves to fight this evil when it happens.
A couple of weeks ago Today were interviewing an Islamic scholar from Exeter uni about Isis. At the end, John Humphrys asked him where he thought the next targets for the ‘Caliphate’ would be. As well as the expected around the Middle East he said (paraphrase) ‘And likely also Europe’.
‘Really?’ exclaimed Humphrys, obviously taken aback. Needless to say, time was called at that point and the scholar’s views have since been left to rest in peace, unexamined.
Ramada Inn isn’t bad, but I find that Travelodge does a better breakfast.
Bugger all.
What do Nirvana, Wesak, Holi, Vaisakhi and Passover mean to the BBC? How about Lent and Easter?
I guess we have to wait until next year to find out. This year? Not a lot, if anything. At least the BBC can’t claim it didn’t know. BBC-Schools-Religion
VD reports on how muslims and Jews celebrate Ramadan in Londonistan.