Good to hear on the BBC (2 mins) that ‘Israel continues to bomb Gaza in defiance of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who has called for an end to Israeli airstrikes.’
Nicky Campbell talking to an Israeli military spokesman earlier in the day (09:41) was busy making equivalence between the Israeli government and the terrorist organisation Hamas.
After asking if the Israeli airstrikes might be described as a ‘barrage of aggression’ he suggested ‘some people might think‘ that as well as Israelis living in fear perhaps Palestinian children are also living in fear at the moment because of those airstrikes asking ‘What would you say to those families?’.
He went on to say there is a [fair] comparison between civilian deaths.
But there isn’t. You cannot separate out the intentions of the various State actors. Hamas deliberately targets Israeli civilians whilst Israel does everything it can to avoid civilian casualties.
Campbell seems to think that Israel should not defend itself and should sit back and shrug off any amount of bombardment….philosophising that violence only begets more violence.
All very easy when sat in the comfort of a radio station in the safety of the UK.
The relative safety of the UK I should say…because Nicky Campbell has been traumatised by violence here… reported by the Mail today.
‘I was spat on because I tackled litter yobs’, says Five Live host Nicky Campbell
Nicky Campbell has revealed how he was left ‘extremely upset’ when litter louts spat on him outside his home.
The Radio 5 Live Breakfast host was verbally abused and ‘showered’ with spit when he confronted the gang of yobs for ripping open bin bags and kicking rubbish all over his street.
Speaking for the first time about the emotional impact of the attack in Clapham, south London, he said he had to be comforted afterwards by his wife Tina.
‘I asked them very politely to put [the litter] in a bin and they covered me in spittle all over my hair,’ he told this week’s Radio Times.
‘I walked back home and then I went upstairs and had a shower and lay on the bed.
‘I called Tina and she came up and I talked to her about it and I was extremely upset.
Although the incident occurred in 2011, it appears from Mr Campbell’s comments that it has had a lasting impact and remains in the forefront of his mind.
The shocking encounter happened just weeks after the father of four found himself having to chase a burglar from his property.
After being alerted by the family’s golden Labrador, Maxwell, he jumped out of bed naked at 5am to confront the thief who was trying to steal his £600 bike from the garden.
At the time Mr Campbell said: ‘I ran downstairs, opened the back door and flew out with Maxwell beside me.
‘My body parts were dangling in the wind. I just wanted to get him. I was pumping with adrenaline.’
However the burglar fled the property empty-handed. ‘If I’d caught him I don’t know what I’d have done – probably hit him,’ Mr Campbell added.
‘Or maybe I would have tried to sit on him naked until the police arrived – that would have traumatised him for life.
‘Something primordial took over…’
Interesting how a bit of abusive language and being spat at can have a lasting impact on the traumatised Campbell…and how he just wanted to hit a burglar.
Guess Campbell applies a different standard for Israelis who have been under attack by Muslims for over 60 years, living under the threat, once again, of annihilation.
It is the casual way the liberal demeans Israel and equates Israeli actions as aggression that is so wearing. This weekend I had to keep my peace in the West Country- what is it about Exeter?- listening to nice middle class English people openly equating Israel with the Third Reich and openly praising Hamas. They did not care that I found it very offensive and thoroughly anti Semitic.
The liberal media and particularly the BBC makes such talk respectable. I find the BBC disgusting.
It is as if the hatred of Israel is the liberal’s only way of showing that emotion so suppressed by PC self censorship.
It just goes to show how malevolently manipulative the BBC is. Your middle class connections in Exeter obviously do not bother to do any research; like a lot of people, they just listen to the BBC and think that that’s enough to arm themselves with facts.
Again, such deep ignorance. You have no idea if those people he describes even have TVs to watch the BBC.
The issue is not lack of research, given that evidence of Israel’s war crimes over decades is plentiful. The issue is one of humanity and respectability, neither of which could be used to describe you.
‘Like a lot of people’ – i.e. anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. No-one with such rigid and shallow beliefs is in any position to accuse anyone else of ignorance.
AS your reply concerns my post I will only point out that to me it is beyond offensive to have Israel compared to the Third Reich by English people. It was only the fact that I was a guest and heavily outnumbered that stopped me from taking that action that in retrospect I should have done whatever the result.
You are either with Israel or against her. You have your views and that is enough. There can never be a meeting of minds on this matter. .
Mmm, so many people damning the actions of Israel against innocent Palestinians and yet you still don’t get the message. Those people may obtain their information from a range of sources, but you prefer to blame the BBC. And you think THEY are ignorant!
It is Hamas that has been attacking Israel with rockets. It is Hamas that puts many of its weapons sites among civilians. It is Hamas that causes people to ignore Israeli warnings of precision strikes against specific buildings – there is no need for civilians to be caught up in such hits but Hamas actually WANTS civilian casualties so civilians are prevented from moving away. And it is Hamas that presents many of its operatives killed in strikes as “civilians”.
Hamas could stop the rockets right now. And that would stop the IDF response. Hamas could and should have have stopped the rocket attacks last week or the week before.
So it is Hamas that is entirely responsible for the current increase in tension. It is Hamas that is thereby responsible for Palestinian casualties. Far too often, the BBC fails to point this out.
You seem to be one of those clowns who think that Israel should not defend itself – and should be vilified if it does defend itself. Israel seeks to minimise civilian casualties – Hamas actually SEEKS civilian casualties, it celebrates civilian casualties. And unfortunately Palestinians are fed this evil Hamas / Palestinian Authority propaganda from childhood onwards. Along the line, you sem to have been suckered into the Hamas distorted view of reality and morality.
Israel targets the houses of Hamas leaders and members.
There is some speculation that most of the damage done, and the casualties, is by secondary explosions at these homes. Quite likely.
The way the BBC have twisted the whole unfolding situation against Israel since the abduction and murder of the thee Israeli teenagers has been so demoralising to watch.
They never even reported that a man was arrested in relation to the murder of the three teenagers. Indeed, we hear absolutely nothing about that initial crime.
And now, headline after headline paints Israel as the aggressor and initiator of the violence.
The BBC News website has been filled with nothing but Palestinian film footage and photos for days now.
The bias in favour of the Palestinians is beyond the pale.
Obviously I must be viewing a different BBC to teh one you watch. The BBC I watch says nothing about Israel’s illegal detention of children who throw stones at illegal occupiers and are then presented, shackled, to a military tribunal on a charge of terrorism after having had very limited legal access, be locked in solitary confinement, for weeks/months/years without charge, without access to friends or family. I’ve read almost nothing on the BBC about Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza, where children’s toys, paper, spices, pasta and other arbitrary goods have been at some time or are currently banned from entering Gaza, or that Gazans are banned from vneturing out 3 miles from the Gaza coastline and shot at if they do so. I haven’t heard much about Israel murdering on average 1 child every 3 days for the last 13 years on the BBC either. Have you?
Sorry I had to like this pillocks rubbish as he has really been brought and paid for !
Gaza has a land border with Egypt, are they also guilty of blockading Gaza and if so why do they receive no similar condemnation?
Provenance/Sources for the above accusations against Israel Please.
Amnesty? Human Rights Watch? Electronic Intifada? Hamas?
To be fair, it’s probably not antisemitism: I’m sure Dame Nicky doesn’t think we should do anything about Jihadists in Britain either.
More doctored stuff from Al Beeb.
When are our politicians going to step up to the plate and put an end to decent people having to pay for this obscenity?
I may have missed context here, but as far as I could gather the piece is saying much on twitter is corrupted BS simply digested without thought and passed on by brain dead five year olds who happen to be older.
The ‘excuse’ by the 16 yo tackled was laughable and I’d have to presume was meant to damn her in her own words.
Where this piece was located and how many saw/see it is another matter.
What worries me more is the broadcast ‘reporting’ from the likes of Ms. Knell, who at best seems guided to the point of professional suicide by her local minders, or plain simple using the BBC as a propaganda outlet.
Equally the BBC FaceBook pages on this topic now seem designed to open the floor to some pretty wild claims and sick puppies, who predominate.
It would take a brave poster to try and correct some of the inaccuracies and hate the BBC facilitated there.
The capacity for the easily led to excuse blatant manipulation and ignore facts on supposed blockades that allow arms but medicines and ignore Eygpt, plus clear factual evidence of deliberate use of civilian shields, is nothing short of pathetic.
What is intriguing is the growing block of posters claiming the BBC is biased by failing to carry the required level of misinformation.
They should also withdraw their support of funding by legal means.
Oddly, when such an option is suggested, they tend to feel the BBC should remain to push their views, only more so. Or suppress those they don’t like.
The BBC’s stance on AGW has of course offered them precedent in their demands, and these are folk skilled at demanding an inch and then once a foothold established, taking a mile.
Has Nicky spoken to Assad Jr recently to ask about all those Syrian children living in fear?
No doubt the sight of those black bin bags getting torn apart by the yobs( others less lind would say they were discerning critics of Campbell) traumatised the wee sprout.
Littler holocaust…BLACK bin bags targeted by the vandals…and the sight of bin juice seeping from the open wounds would have shut up lesser men than Nicky”Living on the Frontline” Campbell.
From Morningside to Clapham in a single “Mother May I ?”step.
Wee Nicky really needs a shot of Braveheart .Wouldn`t recommend this to most Scots at the moment-but poor Nicky still suffers from PTSD and may well miss the Roedean Pillow fighting Championship if we con`t set him right.
Baxters Cock-a leekie(condensed) for Bed Number 5…now!
I am praying that Israel will be allowed to finish the job this time and ignore the pressure that is bound to come from the U(islamic)N and the West.
‘Finish the job’? Nicely put. By that I assume that you mean ‘kill all Palestinians’, right?
Pressure? That ‘pressure’ hasn’t stopped Israel from murdering 1 child every 3 days for the last 13 years, has it? It hasn’t stopped them using human shields or dropping illegal weapons (e.g. white phosphorous) on the heads of innocent civilians, has it? It hasn’t stopped Israel policy of ‘starving’ the Palestinians (as an Israeli cabinet minister put it) or illegally detaining children.
You actually believe the lies put out by the fascist BBC and Hamas! I pity you. You say in a previous post that the BBC are not reporting various things that you claim Israel are doing – obviously even the BBC have limits on what lies they feel they can put out. They must know that to go too far, too soon would leave their remaining shreds of credibility in tatters. No, Israel has not been murdering children, they try to avoid casualties despite Hamas trying to maximise their own so as to blame Israel and fool gullible idiots like yourself. Any child killed as a result of “collateral” damage (hate that expression) is a tragedy which must be firmly put at the door of Hamas. As far as cl;aiming that Jackde wants to kill all Palestinians, that is in your head. To finish the job must mean to wipe out Hamas. If that happened it would bring peace to the Palestinian people as much as the Isralies. Hamas are the ones who talk about murdering every Jew (not just in Israel either) but no credible Israeli says the same in reverse. The figures you quote are pure lies, no doubt put about by Hamas and spread about by other left-wing, fascist organisations. I think I can guess what he N stands for in FN.
The Israeli Ambassador brought in yet again by the Today Show to get a carpetting from Humphrys at 8.45 or so.
Why do the Israelis give a damn what the liberal left think…and why continue to allow yourself to be seen as equivalent to the latest PLO shill( doctors badge or not) who wants your nation driven into the sea..and you strung up on halal meat hooks?
Hope Israel let the likes of us and Melanie Phillips do their bidding…the Israelis surely have more essential tasks to do-like find who killed those lads of theirs.
Israel needs to tell the BBC to f*** off-witness Humphrys not “having a clue what to do” when Taub asked him how HE`D respond to “volleys of rockets” getting ever closer to Tel Aviv.
Hmmm…the Sweet…Blockbuster…no more articulate than the BBCs current output re Israel…Children of the Revolution indeed.
To be fair, Humph did mention those three Israeli boys…but our PLO chum wouldn`t be wanting to know about that.
Hopefully, the more the liberal media lets us hear Hamas and its deviants…the more the country backs Israel.
With enemies like them, Israel are luckier than usual.
The BBC should be kicked out of Israel and no Israeli should agree to an interview. Could not make things worse.
Nicky Campbell lives in Clapham, a rather nice enclave with not so nice areas nearby. I know a number of people who have been mugged/attacked/abused in Clapham. Every time it was by gangs of black youths. Mr Campbell does not elaborate on this aspect of course, but I think if they had been white we would have been told by now……
“Foolish little man” seems to be an apt description of Campbell. He is prepared to speak out about yobbish behaviour, but unable to deal with the inevitable retaliation. Still, nice to know after a good lie down and a bit of female comforting he is back to his best again.
Such a man is simply unable to understand real violence and real war. He is typical of all the girly-men who think the laws of nature, man and history no longer apply to Western humans.
Reminds me of the old joke that a liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet
I’m wondering if this sentiment is shared by the majority of visitors here
Genuinely curious. Not a trolling attempt just interested in the depth of feeling. Hit like if you agree with the contents of the quoted article.
I don’t agree with that view. Neither does the Israeli government. Nor would I imagine do many Israelis agree with it.
I don’t like the sentiment but can understand what causes her, and people like her, to start thinking in such extreme ways. Think of some comments from people on here regarding left-wing (are there any other type) Beeboids and Muslims and we’ve not been almost-constantly under attack for nearly 70 years.
No, she IS too extreme, but not as extreme as Hamas and the brainwashed Palestinians (aided and abetted by left-wing Westerners like the BBC).
By the way, is that her picture at the top of teh article?
Indeed it is.
It should be noted that there are 120 seats in the Knesset and she holds only one of them. Her party is one of 12 in the Knesset. It should also be noted for Israel to be at war with the Palestinian people it would have to be bombing Ramallah as well as Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It clearly isn’t.
That said, it should also be noted that many of the Palestinians have no problem declaring themselves to be at war with the Jews. The basic documents of Hamas quote hadith (twice) calling on Muslims to kill the Jews and the children are incited to murder from the youngest age. That doesn’t excuse Shaked but it does put her in context.
FN your excuse for this please !
Is she not simply expressing the Hams/Leftist/Muslim view in reverse?
The difference is she is the exception, not the rule.
Rather ,a long drive ,or late evening ,train or flight to Manchester,from Clapham, on a daily basis , or can we assume the show really comes from Broadcasting House , or we pay for his travel & accommodation ,while doing his “show” from Manchester. An F.O.E. request , will show , the true cost of this” Made in Manchester” farce.
Alan, it sounds to me that Campbell was just asking questions.
As for the rest of what you’ve written, I really don’t get it?
Campbellphobia does a lot of discredit to B-BBC. He’s one of the best examples of what a BBC journalist should be that you can possibly find in my opinion.
You’ve always defended Campbell but none of the rest of us can see any reason to do so. As far as I can tell, both from watching him (as rarely as possible now) and from what others report he is just as biased and blinkered and anti-truth as any other beeboid. I admire your faith in him but cannot see from where it springs.
Nicky Campbell was once burgled therefore shouldn’t ask an Israeli questions. Flawless logic there Al as always.
Glad the doors of precedent on conflation are well-oiled and opened, even if on a pretty tortuous basis to kick off with.
Didn’t get the connection that managed to arrive at ‘shouldn’t ask questions’ from what was written. More questioning in turn the basis from which they were springing, as the inquisitor appears to have variable views on legitimate responses, along with many colleagues.
But it seems you read in, report out like the best of them too.
And when it comes to dubious conflation when it suits, the BBC is without peer.
With luck there is a Tina on hand to comfort you at such times, bits dangling or not.
”I was spat on because I tackled litter yobs’, says Five Live host Nicky Campbell.”
I suspect he’s exaggerating, on the genealogical show he did a couple of years ago he said his grandad was an IRA gun man !! All lies of course, Campbell a real Walter Mitty.