Israel to ‘resist” Gaza pressure
Smoke rises following an Israeli strike on Gaza, seen from the Israel-Gaza border, Friday, July 11, 2014
Israel will resist international pressure to halt its operations in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says.
Bowen: ‘Terrible familiarity’
Amateur footage in Gaza Watch
‘It’s not worth living’
petrol station gutted
Watch In pictures: – Conflict escalates
International pressure over Gaza
oh and a video
Gaza girl had shrapnel in her brain
oh and a “Desperately Seeking” ISIS
Islamic story … cue piano music?
No headline about 100 s of terrorist rockets
all targeting Israeli civilians , before any escalation
of conflict
… ow queer!
What the bBC can’t be bothered to tell you:
Since June, tiny little Gaza has launched over 500 Missiles into Israel. Israel has retaliated in kind, however, for over 1000 airstrikes, it has managed to kill only 100 people. (One Syrian attack on Turkey killed 5 people.) So, either the IDF are crap at killing people by taking 10 airstrikes to kill one person, or they are targeting very, very carefully.
Meanwhile in the rest of the Islamic world over 2788 people have been killed these past 11 days and the bBC doesn’t care. (Included 200 killed in Yemen in one city) But look funny at an Islamic terrorist and Abu Bowens gang reports it as a human rights crime. The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
Exactly the BBc seems to be entirely focused on what Israel is doing as opposed to putting forward to the people they interview in Gaza it could all stop if they stopped firing rockets.
It would make a refreshing change if Mr Bowen devoted some of is no doubt expensive time educating us here in England about the deaths of the 10s of thousands of Christians in the part of the world that he is supposed to be reporting about. muslims are killing Christians mercilessly and this person choses to mouth off about those poor persecuted arab muslims in the land known as Palestine regardless of the fact that these same poor persecuted, and innocent muslims have effectively driven all Christians from Bethlehem; you know, the town where Jesus was born. The man is an utter disgrace.
Seems the Mishal Hussain logic is pervasive, in that for acceptable carnage to be balanced out (rather ignoring the relative sizes of Israel and those surrounding it in area and population), the Israelis really should not be as effective in protecting its children as the Palestinians are at sticking them in harm’s way. It’s a variation of Golda Meir’s famous quote.
This meme pervades many blogs and social media, and I can only presume the authors get their information and education from the BBC.
Or are just simply sick puppies blinded by hate.
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 afternoon play yesterday (Thursday)?
I caught the last few minutes and it seemed to be a hatchet job on Roy Farran (DSO, MC & 2 bars, Croix de Guerre and American Legion of Merit). From what I heard the setting for the play was Palestine at the end of the British Mandate when Farren was working with the Palestine Police, although the piece I heard was set later when the two characters were making light of Farren’s brother Rex being killed by Stern Gang letter bomb.
I though about listening to the whole play on iplayer, but instead pulled out a copy of Farren’s autobiography, “Winged Dagger”, and reread the chapters on Palestine and the attempt to frame him.
If any of you heard it – is it worth listening to?
If the section I heard was typical and it was a hatchet job the internal production discussions at the BBC will have been interesting. Normally nothing good about Israel can be broadcast, but if the villain is going to be the British policeman then the heroes will be the jewish terrorists. There must have been some soul searching over that one.
”Italian” Mario Balotelli needed the toilet while out driving his car, he passed a local school and went in to use their facilities. Doesn’t everyone ? He also crashed his Bentley into another car nearly killing the driver. He also set off fireworks in his house at New Year causing £50,000 worth of damage, black people, you gotta love them. Here he is posing with a shotgun.
This is the man who thought that an outdoor firework display would be better if he set it off inside the house! The bathroom being considered the most suitable room!
From the link: “It added young people had then been “dropped off (in their view, deliberately) in neighbouring housing estates or different parts of the city that are recognised as being the domain of rival gangs, thereby placing them at significant risk of being seriously hurt”
The London Evening Standard recently printed a composite photo of the most recent two hundred victims of gang killings and around 97% were young black men. So its only natural to illustrate a story with a white hooded chav. The picture editor isn’t named but the words white middle class prick …jump to mind for some reason. In words or pictures, it’s called “lying”.
Enjoying a “Honourable Woman” despite it being another drama set in a world where all the decision makers are women, the men (especially the brother) are a flawed, the Israelis are nasty, the Americans are nasty, etc. etc, and so on. 2 shows in 6 to go, will I reach the end or will the bias cause me to throw the towel in?
True. Can you be a radical lefty these days? It is all a bit trite now isn’t it? I pay my telly tax I have to watch something they do or it is even a bigger loss.
I simply can’t stomach BBC drama anymore and it constant propagandising for the corporations various pet causes and its strict adherence to liberal left values. The contagion is spreading quickly to its historical documentaries and science programmes. I think Paxo’s 13 year olds took over the corporation sometime ago and it will a long wait for them to grow out of this phase.
I have a slightly interesting link to that song. I lived in the house of the uncle of the songwriter, four story flats with a shop below, a bicycle shop at the time of the song being written I believe. He apparently worked for his uncle at the cycle shop for a while, so I’ve trod in his footsteps.
It’s now a Somalian international phone shop which no doubt trades in Khat. We now call that part of Bristol, New Mogadishu.
But hang on, its the site of an airstrike, people especially in the ME swarm such areas. Even in the UK at accident sites, people just mingle without aim. Now watch the video again, notice how people get out of the girls way. A girl in the Islamic Middle East? Really?
Watch how people who are in the way of the camera, move very quickly out of the way, watch how people moving towards her stop. Notice how she never ever turns round to look behind her.
Pallywood anybody? The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism, paid for by the British taxpayer
Palestinians start wars. Palestinians lose wars. Palestinians expect to be treated as innocent victims as if the first two conditions had never happened.
One of the BBC’s historians, Simon Schama, does not appear to be onboard the project. In the repeated “History of Britain” he says of Edward I “He had the chilling uncannily modern knowledge that to break your enemy you must first strip him of his cultural identity”
Yes, this anti-English ploy is a well known construct in Marxist circles: to flood England with Muslims and immigrants in order to undermine the fabric of its society (e.g., kill off Christianity and wipe out customs that reinforced national pride). But like everything else the Left touches, this cultural extermination project is headed for disaster: in other words violence between the indigenous population and the newly arrived!
At long last, there seems to be a groundswell of English/U.K. nationalism across the country (expressed, for example, by the increase in support for Ukip) especially in areas buckling under the continued effects of immigration.
The Left are not interested in the happiness of others (if they cared the slightest bit about other people they would not be on the Left – just look at the recent Public Sector strikes and for that matter every far Left State in history) if mass immigration did lead to the cultural and political disintegration and collapse of England into a Third World State the Marxists would be thrilled.
Unpacking why the Left hate England (and the UK and Anglosphere and Europe and the West and humanity in general) is a topic in itself.
Essentially they are just addicted to hate. To put it in psychological terms “They are sick in the head”. Show them an example of excellence and they want to pull it down.
If you want to read a “Daily Hate” newspaper read the Guardian. It consists of sanctimonious sour narcissistic hate filled sneering and envy, and is the place to go if you want to advertise a Public Sector job, for example the BBC.
Yes, agreed. But perhaps the most perverse aspect to all of this is that the middle-class, self-loathing Left are a product of the very Englishness they seek to destroy! They wouldn’t have the pants they’re sitting in if it wasn’t for hundreds of years of intellectual pursuit, freedom of expression and democracy and so on. And yet, they seem more eager to embrace a medieval ideology that is hellbent on destroying their liberties.
If they had an ounce of sense, or indeed had ever had to actually earn their living, pay their bills, help their kids with their homework whilst dog tired from working a ten-hour shift on minimum wage, etc. etc.
They would be normal people, with normal concerns.
Because only someone who has spent their life being mollycoddled at someone else’s expense and thinks that’s how life really is would be quite so cavalier about throwing away the things that everyone else has worked, struggled, suffered and died for, over the centuries.
You never appreciate something that has always been handed to you on a silver platter, with no conditions or cost to yourself……….because you come to believe that it’s no more than your due.
Vide the BBC-NUJ 13 year olds and the spoiled, petulant brats who populate much of the public sector, the teaching profession, politics and the media
These morons are no more than the natural and inevitable by-product of our civilisation’s success. The first generation, born to privelege and freedom, who have never had to defend that privelege and freedom and believe they never will.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall the day they realise they were wrong.
On the subject of UKIP and politics, if you are an English nationalist as I am, do not put your faith in UKIP. They are just another Unionist party. Nigel Farage has no interest in England, he opposes an English parliament, and says England should not follow the Scottish pattern of having a First Minister. The only party which campaigns for England and England only is the English Democrats.
Like the way in which they give the impression that the majority of UK Imams are against violence.
A page cropped up on my facebook entitled something like Imams Against Violence and what was frightening was the amount of young Muslims based in the UK calling for “kuffar scum to be killed” and other comments too foul to repeat here.
Islam is out of control and is spreading violence across the globe.
The BBC relies heavily on social media for quotes and context.
Many of its own FaceBook pages are now no-go areas for civilised discussion as those prepared to threaten are given free voice and drive any counter views away.
Facilitating the bullies and nutters seems quite the BBC thing now.
These empty platitudes, as always non-descript, lots of weasel words, such as “innocents” etc.
In truth, to Muslims, if you reject the insane asylum of Islam you are not innocent, so erm, all bets are off … on this violence thing.
Why are there no imams groups calling for condemnation of Hamas? condemnation of
the literal Quran verses calling for Jew hatred followed by 100,00 s Muslims
… end Islamic violence against Israel, end Islamic hatred of Israel perhaps.
Islam is an ideology that was born of deceit, that has prospered by it.
Tamaskan Tatamakan – very VERY well known, and well understood phrase, in Arabic.
“first show the victims face and then you take over” an Islamic precedent repeated time and again …
is it never more in effect than now?, in Europe?
“Do you understand what that means? Act the victim, and then after a while, you’ll take over the other person.
OK So we are interacting. I pretend that I’m in a bad situation and I’m suffering. You have pity on me and when the money comes, I destroy you. (or you let your guard down – give you a false sense of security, and then?)
Ok? That’s part of Arab culture. It’s an Arab phrase. It has a number of different variants. It’s well known in Arabic. It’s just what you learn when you learn Arabic.
I m asked to explain how that’s based in Islam. That’s what Muhammad did and it’s part of Islamic theology. It’s very well grounded. It has complex theological background to it. But you don’t have to study Islam to be shaped by ideas, just learn to speak Arabic.
It’s impossible to translate that easily into English. It’s not an English concept. It’s almost repugnant to us that it is part of Arabic culture because the religion has colonised the culture and has determined the shape of the culture”
BBC R4 – Any Questions 8mins 30
Leslie Riddoch … Hamas doesn t have a Muhammed Morsi, now to come to the rescue … as he s in jail, she sighs.
yep! … the saviours of the Muslim Brotherhood?.
Anyone hear the Today programme this morning on Organic food? Apparently it is not OK to put up a “non-expert” like Lord Lawson against “consensus” scientists. However when there is some suggestion that organic vegetables might contain a tad less cadmium than normally farmed ones it is quite OK to put up Peter Melchett (aka Peter Robert Henry Mond, 4th Baron Melchett, academic background in Law, Criminology and cannabis addiction) against Professor Tom Sanders, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Kings College.
it did not take long for are own dumped by radio 5 live shelagh fogarty to find a new radio station i see,she has joined lbc and is presenting the 1pm slot from today after those 2 bores ken livingston and david mellor finish there stint,how strange the media works heh.
I listen in for a laugh sometimes. James OBrien is the worst – what a pillock. If he leans any further left he’s going to need orthopaedic surgery to correct it.
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators are driving en masse to MediaCity to protest against the BBC’s Gaza coverage
Basically cue the Fascists and their favourite brown eyed boys who won’t be happy with anything less with a total condemnation of Israel and a statement that the Jewish state should cease to exist.
“A convoy – branded Drive for Justice – is making its way from Blackburn to Salford Quays emblazoned with green and red flags.”
Taking a look at the gallery pictures will tell you all you need to know, but I fear that the BBC will just use it to insist they present a balanced outlook because both sides complain.
“best friend of the “Palestinian” jihad is the international mainstream media, which eagerly promotes its jihadist propaganda as “news,” working hard to marshal world opinion against Israel. It has been marvelously effective now for decades. “BBC Promotes Lie that Israel is Targeting Civilians in Gaza (VIDEO),” by Hadar Sela, Algemeiner, July 11, 2014 ”
I decided to check up on what you said, believing it to be true, but found many “baby name” sites which have lists of the most popular boys names, and none of them supported that ascertion.
However, these are just baby name sites, and not official statistics. So I looked a little further, and found the official top ten from government statistics:
HARRY 6,893
OLIVER 6,324
JACK 5,933
JACOB 4,905
THOMAS 4,677
ALFIE 4,562
RILEY 4,497
JAMES 4,305
Lots of nice Christian names and not a Mohammed amongst it… Hmmmmm. Does not even make the top 10…
Luckily there was a link to an excel spreadsheet with the top 100 names, and guess what?
at a lowly 18th…
Then at 25:
And at 58:
Total number of a variant of Mohammed = 7032 making that name the NUMBER ONE on the list.
Tuesday 9.00 PM BBC 1 NIck and Margaret: Too many immigrants. Part 1 of 2
This reduces the issues raised by mass immigration to the question of whether five carefully chosen immigrants represent ” gain or drain.”
The summary in the Daily Mail TV magazine: “No prizes for guessing the answer.”
The second is on Thursday BBC 1 10.35 PM.
The Great Big Romanikan Invasion. The summary says Tim Samuels “takes a decidely positive view – even of the Roma beggars in Park Lane.”
Be warned. It will concentrate on the economics of immigration. It is the only argument the liberals have and is irrelevant and they know it. What matters are the cultural effects and the impact upon an ancient and settled way of life enjoyed by us English for centuries.
The liberal is devious and dishonest. Doe he know it? Undoubtedly but so ingrained is his dislike of our way of life and so wedded is he to a fantasy view of the world that he is capable of self deception on a grand scale. The BBC to the life sadly.
But the Liberal does not consider dishonesty as a barrier to winning an argument, insofar as anything which supports their argument is, by definition, true.
That is why they like Islamics so much. It is the same deceptive mindset.
Here’s another….A Christian man “converts’ to Islam because of extreme duress, before being summarily beheaded – Instead of shot…..Who says these caring sharing Islamists have no conscience?
Oh the humanity of the ( insert suitable noun here…ISIS, Taliban, Al Q etc….Ed.)
Editors note: can you find us some suitable Taliban poetry to insert with the video….along the lines of:
There was a young man from Syria
Who sharpened his blade I dont kid’ya
The guy who converted…..oh FFS:
Savages, lets have Willy vague support them.
“Hamas’s charter is committed to Israel’s destruction but in recent years it has said it will consider a …. long-term truce? …. 😀 …. with Israel. It cites Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as reasons for its attacks on the Jewish state before and after 2005. It says it is also acting in self-defence against Israeli air strikes, incursions and other military assaults.”
Hamas Weekly?, M Abba, lying to the UN?, PAL TV perhaps?
No! … Its the BBC silly, (oh,, the shrapnel child video seems to have gone from the news page now)
Latest Al BBC Gaza Stories
Home for disabled hit in Gaza
Israel strikes hit Gaza security HQ
What can Israel and Hamas gain?
‘It’s not worth living’
Why are civilians on the front line?
It cites Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as reasons for its attacks on the Jewish state before and after 2005.
Very dubious, Hamas is opposed to Israel pre 1967 as much as post 1967.
Article Eleven of the Hamas Charter:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?
The Hamas charter is very clear . There is no place or future for Israel and the Jews unless under Muslim rule. No future for Christians either, I took the time to read it and I am amazed that any BBC droid reading it could possiby be unaware of it’s arguments. Israel has to confront Hamas or it will go down to defeat. I am sure any Hamas apologist will agree with that if he or she took the time to read the charter.
Our liberal media in the West is in denial. As to why that is another matter and needs the future to answer it.
The BBC is most anxious to insist that it simply ‘reflects’ current issues, whereas infact it is only comfortable when it is moulding and directing national debate within a favoured narrow left-liberal framework.
A prime example of this tendancy is the present moral panic over – or rather moral panic under – the broad umbrella heading of ‘child abuse’. Even as her immediate reflex and indeed corporate self-interest seemed to be to brush the subject tidily beneath the rug (as the subject touched very close to home – in fact it was parked up in a camper van outside the building) so ambitious campainging interests close to Auntie’s heart (we’ll call them journos) were salivating at the chance to manipulate public disgust in a way that would smear political enemies.
It’s a One Show. Listen to the BBC and you will receive the message loud and clear that ‘child abuse’ is all one thing. It’s all bad, it’s all the same, it’s all one thing. It’s a One Show.
But it’s not. Things are never that simple. The BBC is deliberately conflating at least three very different tendencies. The Corporation fosters this attitude because its ingrained left-liberal instinct resists differentiating (should we call it discriminate then the BBC would run a mile) and therefore any insight or remedy to the problems will fail.
In no particular historical or any other order:
First there is the ‘child abuse’ of – let’s say ‘wayward’ – young indigenous girls by organised gangs of first and second generation non-integrated immigrant men of a muslim background. This has been a new phenomenon in this country – like Fagin’s kitchen but with minicabs, fast food canabis and a sexual twist (do you want some sauce with that kebab?) Although I do hear the brown eyed ‘loverboys’ have also been active in the Netherlands – so please let’s not have this decribed as a ‘British’ problem. No prizes for guessing why our dear old BBC find this issue so very very toxic – it’s hard to discuss and they would much prefer not to mention it all. Suffice to say it is a howling example of where airy-fairy concepts of multiculturalism could run up against liberal values with a loud bang on the streets.
Then there is ‘child abuse’ which is the opportunistic – let’s say ‘taking advantage’ perpetrated by celebrity showbiz types who either don’t bother about the age of their wouldbe (from the performer’s point of view) groupies or prefer the young ones. A problem as old as the hills and well known at least as early as when Elvis went on the road.
Another strain of ‘child abuse’, now re-entering the national consciousness at stage right, is the organised pederasty of powerful or wealthy homosexual men with procured willing – or otherwise – young boys. The actual Oscar Wilde ‘love’ that still ‘dare not’ be named by liberal society – just incase the roof may fall in upon the ‘gay’ lobby.
Three very different problems with, no doubt, very different causes and cures. Discuss.
But don’t discuss – because the BBC demands we lump them all together and so will stop us from thinking clearly about the different issues. Why? Because it is hopelessly left-liberal and will always miss-shape our national debate in light of its leftist politics.
They are not the same but they do share a common root, the dehumanising of the victim.
In the Islamic “grooming” case, it is because the Islamic rapists do not consider their victims to be human.
In the “Oscar Wilde” case of the political elite paedophile rings, they do not consider their victims to be worthy of human sympathy either. Both groups are vile.
And in the case of the “top of the pops groupies” there is certainly a case for some of the celebrities not asking the ages of willing groupies, but there is a darker side to this where Jimmy Savile’s case overlapped this group and the elite paedophile group, insofar as it is alleged that he procured young boys for the elite paedophile rings.
The first and third groups you list, use their power over the victims and their untouchability as a motivator to abuse. So long as the state’s agencies where run to a fascistic politically correct zeal, these Islamic grooming gangs were untouchable for years. Thankfully that is changing.
Likewise, it appears that the dam of secrecy around the elite rings is also finally being broken down. Time will tell.
The introduction to Broadcasting House teased us with an appearance by Jon Snow.
He was described by Paddy as being “a member of the Establishment…but who hates it!”.
I might add-but not enough to have forgone its privileges for the last fifty years-and with no prospect of his leaving his velvet cell anytime soon.
Didn`t listen to the crap to follow-but that sentence alone is the tombstone epitaph for all the liberal luvvies who get to tell us all what`s what these days.
Snow Future in Englands Dreaming…as Mr Lydon told us by way of prophecy in 1977.
The dove is a symbol of peace for the religion of peace.
Head and Shoulders for those itchy scalps just before beheading.
White underwear to offset their black turbans
Secret Love scent for their secret love and it ain’t no blue lady!
The BBC (and Sky which is just as politically correct, in my opinion) were guilty of foul censorship last night on their review programmes by using phrases such as “Religious extremism in schools…” implying that it is a problem pertaining to all religions when we all know it is the religion of ‘peace’ they are talking about. When will they learn that appeasing these intolerant supremacists will not protect their pathetic middle class safety in the long term?
The dove is a symbol of peace for the religion of peace.
Head and Shoulders for those itchy scalps just before beheading.
White underwear to offset their black turbans
Secret Love scent for their secret love and it ain’t no blue lady!
Yet more muslim/ramadan shite on the Sunday Politics North West. Apparently, they don’t want to pay interest on their student loans. Who does? I didn’t want to either but I didn’t get the ‘get out’ of a religion. I’m sure their continual bleating and their professional victimhood will get them somewhere though. This ‘report’ has to be seen to be believed – Noggin would love it.
Any chance that Ed Miliband will condemn the Labour-supporting Sunday People for slandering (only) dead members of Thatcher’s cabinet for abusing boys procured for them by the author?
When Miliband’s late father was attacked, politically, the chattering classes recoiled in horror.
Now that it is Keith Joseph, Rhodes Boyson et all we have silence.
Will the police arrest the whistleblower who has admitted serious crimes?
The whistle blower who admitted to being upset at being “shafted” out of a safe constituency you mean? No motivation there for making up stuff to hurt the party. /sarc
The following isn’t an example of political bias but is a clear indication of the way the BBC lets its staff’s personal fads, prejudices and tastes dictate what it covers. I present Exhibit A – the death of Tommy Ramone, the drummer in an American punk rock band called The Ramones.
Ramone’s death matters furiously to the BBC’s music hacks not because Ramone was significant in the history of music, but because he was significant to them during their adolescence. Were the BBC’s writers ten years younger, or older, Ramone would not have been so extensively eulogised.
If there is a monoculture of political; views at the BBC, there is also one of sex and age. It, too, really shows.
Sorry I just can’t let that go un-hallenged. Ramones (no The) were a very influential band. In the running for the punk template along with the stooges, MC5 & New York Dolls. It would make a change for the BBc to actually recognise that instead of the usual who the f**k are they that they normally choose. The band were inducted into the Rock and roll hall of fame and in 2011 were awarded a lifetime Grammy. I also don’t believe that the BBc’s writers are pushing through their 50’s like myself who did see the band in the very early days either.
It is happening more and more, especially on the downgraded Newsnight.
“We have asked a Government Minister to comment however they have informed us they have no one available”,
i.e. Government sending the BBC ‘to Coventry’ on this one.
Not a bad policy to avoid the obvious inevitable bias points:
‘Hope you get the message BBC’.
But am I alone in thinking, (normally shouting at the box), with so many predictable open goals in the Labour/BBC correspondents’ arguments, the Government spokesperson should be ready, more informed and determined, to make mincemeat of the biased points being spewed out for almost every subject of state they bring up!
Sadly we have come to expect nowadays that every BBC or opposition argument will definitely contain flawed facts and omissions.
The Government spokesperson should dam well get their act together, get professionally briefed, and wipe the floor with the trash the BBC try to spout.
Examples of what Government Minister should push home:
On WAGES – ‘The BBC is a Tax funded organisation but you do not stick with the 1%’:
2013 – Anyone working for BBC on average salary received 2.26% increase Last year and 1.5% this year
Nor did 90% of Labour support The Early Day Motion restricting MPs increase to 1%’
HOUSING/EDUCATION – ‘What do you expect if you import over 3 million more people come to live in your country and the Government that brings them with the lowest house building programme for a generation?’
Middle East Wars: ‘Labour told the lies and went against the biggest demonstrations ever held in this country that got us in that one in the first place’.
NHS: ‘What do you expect of A&Es when you increased the population by over 3 million yet Labour take away GPs out of hours service and them double their pay’
ECONOMY; ‘In my lifetime we only twice had a Labour Government and they nearly bankrupted us both times’
The BBC and Channel 4 both appear to act as headmaster and Freislers when it comes to the Tories.
Their arrogance and imperious nature is particularly applied when it comes to Israel-its spokesmen are shouted down and treated on a par with Anders Breivik…whereas Hamas invariably get the Muslim victim treatment and a party bag from the green room.
Luckily, it`s all so obvious these days, so all pervasive that the thick f***ers think it`s not being noticed.
None of us will be flagging it up to the BBC anymore either-we`re past all that now.
The BBC need burning off the body politic, much as a finished leech needs to be…the alternative will be the Left hog tying up the nation in halal bands all ready for the ritual killing of the country…it`s not going to happen.
There are more of us than there are of them.
The world cup final tonight is not between Germany and Argentina as we’re led to believe, but between Portugal and North Korea, and not only have the Koeans have yet to concede a goal in the tournament and have handed out some heavy defeats to their capitalist opponents…
Who says so?…….Well the North Korean state media of course, sounding about as truthful as the BBC do on the whole issue of “climate change”…
Any comment on some other videos around and about, fake that the BBC pushed, or inconveniently real that the BBC has steered clear of? Near-historical and current?
From a £4Bpa compelled-funded state media monopoly vs. an (irrelevant) blog poster sharing a URL from a print medium not unknown to BBC editorial too.
Of course it’s fake you hilarious pr**k it’s been in every paper since the break of dawn…..Only a complete half wit like yourself would need to verify that point..
Yeah, your original post made it SO clear that you already knew it was a fake. I mean, your stating, “Who says so?…….Well the North Korean state media of course” didn’t sound like you’d fallen for it AT ALL.
Maybe you did know it was a fake. Or maybe you fell for it, and once you realised that you’d been duped you went on the defensive, figuring it would be better to be foul-mouthed and blame me for your error. Quite frankly, based on your previous form the latter seems the more likely.
But hey. I’m sure calling me a “pr**k” makes you the better man in all this. Another shining example of Biased BBC commenters’ grace and civility.
“a group of morons who think that being aggressive from the sanctity of a pseudonym is a valid substitute for being a decent human being.”
I really must look up grace and civility in the big BBC bookie-wookie of what English can also mean once passed through the Editorial Guidelines.
Unless, of course, it was another tim… thread.
Now, about BBC use of hoax footage or avoiding material that counters the narrative… any comments, or you sticking with the personal flailing about based on your interpretations of past form (a whole new precedent set on BBC commentary here, so thanks for that) and what things sound like inside your head?
I think that Portugal will win 5-3 with four goals from Eusebio.
But I think that BBC Censorship of climate science, scientists and scientific debate, and now censorship of politicians talking about its relationship with fuel policy, is far more serious than North Korean censorship of World Cup football from that 2-3 half-time score with Portugal in 1966.
But it looks like the BBC complaints department is under intense scrutiny from more than one investigation team.
Hardeep Singh Kohli on Pienaar’s Politics Scots referendum special this morning on Five Live. “There is something wrong with England. It is rotten to the core.” Unchallenged, naturally.
He’s a failed and unpopular Sikh looking for any country to call home. The BBC, predictably, are the only media organisation who give the talentless waste of space a platform.
And in other news…
A few interesting things there, but I was mostly struck by how a BBC person’s email, even senior and paid in the thousands daily, comes not from a person, but a collective entity.
The Borg Hive, and friends closer to home, do spring to mind.
This is not an example of BBC Bias, just the BBC treating the bleeding obvious as a serious matter without any hint of irony at all….or examining it’s own role in the downfall of modern television (said Tinky Winky – or he would if he spoke any educational sense)
Children’s TV ‘in long-term decline’ says Teletubbies creator
BBC-NUJ: the pro-Immigrant public broadcasting propagandist.
As blatantly politically biased as ever:-
Radio 5-
“The Life of the Male Immigrant.
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: Saturday 12 July 2014
“Tim Samuels meets the refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers who have come to Britain for a better life.
“Tim speaks to the gay Ugandan who fled here fearing death and persecution, the Syrian businessman looking for love, and the Romanian big issue seller supporting his family.”
I heard about ten minutes of this. It was, as you say, pure propaganda. It could have easily been a paid presentation by one of the leftwing think tanks Five Live adore.
Five Live have a political position, on this as with many other issues, from the spare room subsidy, to austerity, to immigration, to the benefits of Sharia and Scots independence.
A couple of weeks ago Rachel Burden, Rugby Bore, interviewed Alastair Darling ahead of a speech he was giving later that morning. She introduced the interview by saying he was in Scotland “desperately trying to shore up the no vote.” That day, like today in fact, the no vote was running about fourteen or fifteen points ahead.
Half an hour later she interviewed an SNP politician and gave him an incredibly easy ride.
Five Live should have the courage of their convictions and come out in favour of Labour and the leftwing political values it routinely espouses.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Five Live should be investigated by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee as a matter of urgency.
If controlled media says ‘religious extremism’ we all know they mean Muslim nazis. If they say radical, militant or progressive we all know they mean Muslim fascist. Everywhere there be Islam there be trouble.
BBC … as usual, days behind, head in the sand, still too busy with its idiotic propaganda.
Not ready for ceasefire
Means to an end
Rockets and missiles
Risks of invasion
Thousands flee Gaza after Israeli warnings
and hilariously …
‘Nowhere to go’ ??
Where they came from … Jordan?
Egypt? … how about those many 1000s of miles of ahem … “muslim lands” their always bloody crowing about?
how many are triumphantly holding three fingers out for photos at the moment?
There has been a consisitent view that France is no longer safe for Jews and that only Israel can provide safe haven.
How long before the US and maybe other nations receive request for asylum from Europe’s Jews?
Reading Mr. Putin is siding with Prezzo Kirchner over the Falklands.
Wishing the Beeboid narrative policy team well getting their heads round pitching that one.
At least Gazza’s Dateline London guests will be easier to ‘select’ (criteria FoI-exempted for the purposes of ensuring the required unanimity).
1) is it possible it is a hoax? (There is an expert on station who may confirm. Or not).
2) there being a record may be tricky; get Newsnight to report on it so it can be discredited.
3) or Panorama could investigate, at least until the few remaining professionals of integrity remaining get side-swiped by the new ethical override brigade in research.
4) Helen, Lord Pantone & James Harding get their anonymous (but not pseudo, natch) spokespersons to issue the often weekly ‘we’re globally trusted’ press release.
5) A. Newsroom Tealady (not pseudonymonous, natch) appears to claim that, in their vast experience, even if true it is not news.
6) BBC ‘news’ wins a Sony Award for ‘news’. All other ‘news’ relegated to obscurity, because, well, they can.
The muslims are right to stop homosexualist propaganda being used to brainwash their children,it is high time atheists and other religions took a similar attitude , the BBC are always on the back foot over this ,who do they love the most ,arsehole monkeys or muslims ?
moggiemooFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It’s simply a description of the poor bastards that are forced to pay for its rubbish, nobody else does.
Up2snuffFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 JohnC, I seem to recall that it was not NATO membership but EU Membership that was offered to Ukraine as…
Rob in CheshireFeb 25, 17:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I knew this “Dope Girls” thing would be rubbish, I didn’t waste even a second watching it. Not watching BBC…
tomoFeb 25, 17:34 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Those specs were a poor fashion choice – the porcine closeness of the eyes …. I thought Corbyn a prat…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 17:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 SECURE AT HOME (Cannot stop one boat) STRONG ABROAD
Fri 8pm
just checked Al BBC News Page
Israel to ‘resist” Gaza pressure
Smoke rises following an Israeli strike on Gaza, seen from the Israel-Gaza border, Friday, July 11, 2014
Israel will resist international pressure to halt its operations in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says.
Bowen: ‘Terrible familiarity’
Amateur footage in Gaza Watch
‘It’s not worth living’
petrol station gutted
Watch In pictures: – Conflict escalates
International pressure over Gaza
oh and a video
Gaza girl had shrapnel in her brain
oh and a “Desperately Seeking” ISIS
Islamic story … cue piano music?
No headline about 100 s of terrorist rockets
all targeting Israeli civilians , before any escalation
of conflict
… ow queer!
What the bBC can’t be bothered to tell you:
Since June, tiny little Gaza has launched over 500 Missiles into Israel. Israel has retaliated in kind, however, for over 1000 airstrikes, it has managed to kill only 100 people. (One Syrian attack on Turkey killed 5 people.) So, either the IDF are crap at killing people by taking 10 airstrikes to kill one person, or they are targeting very, very carefully.
Meanwhile in the rest of the Islamic world over 2788 people have been killed these past 11 days and the bBC doesn’t care. (Included 200 killed in Yemen in one city) But look funny at an Islamic terrorist and Abu Bowens gang reports it as a human rights crime.
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
And guess which religion kills most Muslims ….. it ain’t the Jews or the Christians.
Exactly the BBc seems to be entirely focused on what Israel is doing as opposed to putting forward to the people they interview in Gaza it could all stop if they stopped firing rockets.
It would make a refreshing change if Mr Bowen devoted some of is no doubt expensive time educating us here in England about the deaths of the 10s of thousands of Christians in the part of the world that he is supposed to be reporting about. muslims are killing Christians mercilessly and this person choses to mouth off about those poor persecuted arab muslims in the land known as Palestine regardless of the fact that these same poor persecuted, and innocent muslims have effectively driven all Christians from Bethlehem; you know, the town where Jesus was born. The man is an utter disgrace.
Oh for a Gazan rocket to go right up Bowen’s arse
I just watched Jeremy Bowen’s video report and it was pure “Palestinian/Gaza” propoganda.
NO-ONE, wants to see any child suffer but why make it the centre piece of a report?.
Listen carefully at 02.45 “but Palestinians, AND PLENTY OF OTHERS say……”.
What’s that supposed to mean??.
Seems the Mishal Hussain logic is pervasive, in that for acceptable carnage to be balanced out (rather ignoring the relative sizes of Israel and those surrounding it in area and population), the Israelis really should not be as effective in protecting its children as the Palestinians are at sticking them in harm’s way. It’s a variation of Golda Meir’s famous quote.
This meme pervades many blogs and social media, and I can only presume the authors get their information and education from the BBC.
Or are just simply sick puppies blinded by hate.
‘Sir’ David Steel can’t remember ‘Sir’ Cyril Smith, that’s understandable, a man weighing 40 stone is easy to forget.
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 afternoon play yesterday (Thursday)?
I caught the last few minutes and it seemed to be a hatchet job on Roy Farran (DSO, MC & 2 bars, Croix de Guerre and American Legion of Merit). From what I heard the setting for the play was Palestine at the end of the British Mandate when Farren was working with the Palestine Police, although the piece I heard was set later when the two characters were making light of Farren’s brother Rex being killed by Stern Gang letter bomb.
I though about listening to the whole play on iplayer, but instead pulled out a copy of Farren’s autobiography, “Winged Dagger”, and reread the chapters on Palestine and the attempt to frame him.
If any of you heard it – is it worth listening to?
If the section I heard was typical and it was a hatchet job the internal production discussions at the BBC will have been interesting. Normally nothing good about Israel can be broadcast, but if the villain is going to be the British policeman then the heroes will be the jewish terrorists. There must have been some soul searching over that one.
Mario Balatelli, gun mad, training ground dart thrower, serial parking offender.
But relax, it’s probably all because of racism, so that’s OK then.
”Italian” Mario Balotelli needed the toilet while out driving his car, he passed a local school and went in to use their facilities. Doesn’t everyone ? He also crashed his Bentley into another car nearly killing the driver. He also set off fireworks in his house at New Year causing £50,000 worth of damage, black people, you gotta love them. Here he is posing with a shotgun.
This is the man who thought that an outdoor firework display would be better if he set it off inside the house! The bathroom being considered the most suitable room!
“Mario Balatelli, gun mad, training ground dart thrower, serial parking offender.”
And his age on the verge of exceeding his IQ.
Random picture of a ‘gang member’ accompanying this story, guess what, he’s white.
You couldn’t make it up.
From the link:
“It added young people had then been “dropped off (in their view, deliberately) in neighbouring housing estates or different parts of the city that are recognised as being the domain of rival gangs, thereby placing them at significant risk of being seriously hurt”
And this is a problem, how?
Has it changed?
What I see looks like they swapped Kenny.
The London Evening Standard recently printed a composite photo of the most recent two hundred victims of gang killings and around 97% were young black men. So its only natural to illustrate a story with a white hooded chav. The picture editor isn’t named but the words white middle class prick …jump to mind for some reason. In words or pictures, it’s called “lying”.
Enjoying a “Honourable Woman” despite it being another drama set in a world where all the decision makers are women, the men (especially the brother) are a flawed, the Israelis are nasty, the Americans are nasty, etc. etc, and so on. 2 shows in 6 to go, will I reach the end or will the bias cause me to throw the towel in?
I cunningly anticipated the bias and vowed never to see it, on account of my blood pressure.
Well they shipped in lefty radical Maggie Gyllenhall for the main role, what would you expect?
True. Can you be a radical lefty these days? It is all a bit trite now isn’t it? I pay my telly tax I have to watch something they do or it is even a bigger loss.
“Can you be a radical lefty these days?”
You can if you’re wealthy enough.
Take Britain’s wealthiest woman – Labour-supporting J.K. Rowling.
I simply can’t stomach BBC drama anymore and it constant propagandising for the corporations various pet causes and its strict adherence to liberal left values. The contagion is spreading quickly to its historical documentaries and science programmes. I think Paxo’s 13 year olds took over the corporation sometime ago and it will a long wait for them to grow out of this phase.
I know.
Made the mistake of watching Happy Valley, mainly out of curiosity because I come from part of Yorkshire. Grim, humourless, obnoxious.
The BBC agenda – it’s always there, somewhere.
“that” part of Yorkshire
So after the bBC didn’t bother its arse to report the jailing of an Islamic racist gang for 36 years last week in London , I wonder if the bBC will get round to reporting this story from the leftwing Daily Mirror:
Soldiers on high alert for ‘Lee Rigby-style’ attack from Islam extremist former prisoner
BBC4, tonight – all about banned music on the BBC. I wonder if they’ll mention “The Sun has got his hat on”?
They didn’t.
I don’t know what’s happened to the site, but it’s taking nearly five minutes to load at the moment.
I have a slightly interesting link to that song. I lived in the house of the uncle of the songwriter, four story flats with a shop below, a bicycle shop at the time of the song being written I believe. He apparently worked for his uncle at the cycle shop for a while, so I’ve trod in his footsteps.
It’s now a Somalian international phone shop which no doubt trades in Khat. We now call that part of Bristol, New Mogadishu.
I was referring to The Sun has got his hat on comment.
Makes a change to hear about Somalis actually in employment.
But why do so many mobile phone shops seem to be run by Muslims ?
Mobile phone bombs were the weapon behind the Madrid 2004 train atrocity IIRC.
A radicalised Muslim techie is a disaster waiting to happen.
I’ve just watched this video on the bBC news website:
Amateur footage after Israeli air strike on Gaza
Emotive, Poignant and apparently from the heart of a little girl.
But hang on, its the site of an airstrike, people especially in the ME swarm such areas. Even in the UK at accident sites, people just mingle without aim. Now watch the video again, notice how people get out of the girls way. A girl in the Islamic Middle East? Really?
Watch how people who are in the way of the camera, move very quickly out of the way, watch how people moving towards her stop. Notice how she never ever turns round to look behind her.
Pallywood anybody?
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism, paid for by the British taxpayer
Palestinians start wars. Palestinians lose wars. Palestinians expect to be treated as innocent victims as if the first two conditions had never happened.
One of the BBC’s historians, Simon Schama, does not appear to be onboard the project. In the repeated “History of Britain” he says of Edward I “He had the chilling uncannily modern knowledge that to break your enemy you must first strip him of his cultural identity”
Yes, this anti-English ploy is a well known construct in Marxist circles: to flood England with Muslims and immigrants in order to undermine the fabric of its society (e.g., kill off Christianity and wipe out customs that reinforced national pride). But like everything else the Left touches, this cultural extermination project is headed for disaster: in other words violence between the indigenous population and the newly arrived!
At long last, there seems to be a groundswell of English/U.K. nationalism across the country (expressed, for example, by the increase in support for Ukip) especially in areas buckling under the continued effects of immigration.
The Left are not interested in the happiness of others (if they cared the slightest bit about other people they would not be on the Left – just look at the recent Public Sector strikes and for that matter every far Left State in history) if mass immigration did lead to the cultural and political disintegration and collapse of England into a Third World State the Marxists would be thrilled.
Unpacking why the Left hate England (and the UK and Anglosphere and Europe and the West and humanity in general) is a topic in itself.
Essentially they are just addicted to hate. To put it in psychological terms “They are sick in the head”. Show them an example of excellence and they want to pull it down.
If you want to read a “Daily Hate” newspaper read the Guardian. It consists of sanctimonious sour narcissistic hate filled sneering and envy, and is the place to go if you want to advertise a Public Sector job, for example the BBC.
Yes, agreed. But perhaps the most perverse aspect to all of this is that the middle-class, self-loathing Left are a product of the very Englishness they seek to destroy! They wouldn’t have the pants they’re sitting in if it wasn’t for hundreds of years of intellectual pursuit, freedom of expression and democracy and so on. And yet, they seem more eager to embrace a medieval ideology that is hellbent on destroying their liberties.
Some very good points…
With respect Alex. You’re missing the point mate.
If they had an ounce of sense, or indeed had ever had to actually earn their living, pay their bills, help their kids with their homework whilst dog tired from working a ten-hour shift on minimum wage, etc. etc.
They would be normal people, with normal concerns.
Because only someone who has spent their life being mollycoddled at someone else’s expense and thinks that’s how life really is would be quite so cavalier about throwing away the things that everyone else has worked, struggled, suffered and died for, over the centuries.
You never appreciate something that has always been handed to you on a silver platter, with no conditions or cost to yourself……….because you come to believe that it’s no more than your due.
Vide the BBC-NUJ 13 year olds and the spoiled, petulant brats who populate much of the public sector, the teaching profession, politics and the media
These morons are no more than the natural and inevitable by-product of our civilisation’s success. The first generation, born to privelege and freedom, who have never had to defend that privelege and freedom and believe they never will.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall the day they realise they were wrong.
Yes, well said!
On the subject of UKIP and politics, if you are an English nationalist as I am, do not put your faith in UKIP. They are just another Unionist party. Nigel Farage has no interest in England, he opposes an English parliament, and says England should not follow the Scottish pattern of having a First Minister. The only party which campaigns for England and England only is the English Democrats.
The BBC salivating over this:
Like the way in which they give the impression that the majority of UK Imams are against violence.
A page cropped up on my facebook entitled something like Imams Against Violence and what was frightening was the amount of young Muslims based in the UK calling for “kuffar scum to be killed” and other comments too foul to repeat here.
Islam is out of control and is spreading violence across the globe.
The BBC relies heavily on social media for quotes and context.
Many of its own FaceBook pages are now no-go areas for civilised discussion as those prepared to threaten are given free voice and drive any counter views away.
Facilitating the bullies and nutters seems quite the BBC thing now.
These empty platitudes, as always non-descript, lots of weasel words, such as “innocents” etc.
In truth, to Muslims, if you reject the insane asylum of Islam you are not innocent, so erm, all bets are off … on this violence thing.
Why are there no imams groups calling for condemnation of Hamas? condemnation of
the literal Quran verses calling for Jew hatred followed by 100,00 s Muslims
… end Islamic violence against Israel, end Islamic hatred of Israel perhaps.
Islam is an ideology that was born of deceit, that has prospered by it.
Tamaskan Tatamakan – very VERY well known, and well understood phrase, in Arabic.
“first show the victims face and then you take over” an Islamic precedent repeated time and again …
is it never more in effect than now?, in Europe?
“Do you understand what that means? Act the victim, and then after a while, you’ll take over the other person.
OK So we are interacting. I pretend that I’m in a bad situation and I’m suffering. You have pity on me and when the money comes, I destroy you. (or you let your guard down – give you a false sense of security, and then?)
Ok? That’s part of Arab culture. It’s an Arab phrase. It has a number of different variants. It’s well known in Arabic. It’s just what you learn when you learn Arabic.
I m asked to explain how that’s based in Islam. That’s what Muhammad did and it’s part of Islamic theology. It’s very well grounded. It has complex theological background to it. But you don’t have to study Islam to be shaped by ideas, just learn to speak Arabic.
It’s impossible to translate that easily into English. It’s not an English concept. It’s almost repugnant to us that it is part of Arabic culture because the religion has colonised the culture and has determined the shape of the culture”
Immams genuinely are against violence against any human being.
Unfortunately, they also think that Non-Muslims are not human, but the BBC will never tell you that very important bit of information.
Five Live making a huge deal out of the fact that former AOC George Carey is now supporting the assisted dying bill – lead story no less.
Funny, but I don’t recall them giving the same prominence to his staunch anti-gay “marriage” views when that bill was debated.
But that of course does not fit with the Beeb’s “progressive” agenda.
The BBC fall for another hoax, apparently – so do a labour council. Is there a connection? Why, yes, I believe there is…
BBC R4 – Any Questions 8mins 30
Leslie Riddoch … Hamas doesn t have a Muhammed Morsi, now to come to the rescue … as he s in jail, she sighs.
yep! … the saviours of the Muslim Brotherhood?.
Anyone hear the Today programme this morning on Organic food? Apparently it is not OK to put up a “non-expert” like Lord Lawson against “consensus” scientists. However when there is some suggestion that organic vegetables might contain a tad less cadmium than normally farmed ones it is quite OK to put up Peter Melchett (aka Peter Robert Henry Mond, 4th Baron Melchett, academic background in Law, Criminology and cannabis addiction) against Professor Tom Sanders, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Kings College.
ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC unless we have suddenly started eating metal cabbages .
it did not take long for are own dumped by radio 5 live shelagh fogarty to find a new radio station i see,she has joined lbc and is presenting the 1pm slot from today after those 2 bores ken livingston and david mellor finish there stint,how strange the media works heh.
lbc= leftie broadcasting corporation
I listen in for a laugh sometimes. James OBrien is the worst – what a pillock. If he leans any further left he’s going to need orthopaedic surgery to correct it.
There are two things I loath in life, one are the banks, the other is the BBC. I feel better now for saying that.
At least you can close your account at the bank!
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators are driving en masse to MediaCity to protest against the BBC’s Gaza coverage
Basically cue the Fascists and their favourite brown eyed boys who won’t be happy with anything less with a total condemnation of Israel and a statement that the Jewish state should cease to exist.
“A convoy – branded Drive for Justice – is making its way from Blackburn to Salford Quays emblazoned with green and red flags.”
Taking a look at the gallery pictures will tell you all you need to know, but I fear that the BBC will just use it to insist they present a balanced outlook because both sides complain.
Wish they’d all just sod off and join the jihad.
To think we have imported all this filth into our land.
“best friend of the “Palestinian” jihad is the international mainstream media, which eagerly promotes its jihadist propaganda as “news,” working hard to marshal world opinion against Israel. It has been marvelously effective now for decades. “BBC Promotes Lie that Israel is Targeting Civilians in Gaza (VIDEO),” by Hadar Sela, Algemeiner, July 11, 2014 ”
… BBC promoting lies 😀 … ya don t say
According to a recent survey Mohammed is the most popular boys name in Britain.
According to another survey it’s also the most unpopular !
The Daily Mail article shows how the various spellings of “Muhammad” are broken up to disguise the quantity:
But when combined they outnumber any other name for the third year running.
Oops, sorry, just realised that’s from 2013. You can’t delete comments on this site though.
I decided to check up on what you said, believing it to be true, but found many “baby name” sites which have lists of the most popular boys names, and none of them supported that ascertion.
However, these are just baby name sites, and not official statistics. So I looked a little further, and found the official top ten from government statistics:
HARRY 6,893
OLIVER 6,324
JACK 5,933
JACOB 4,905
THOMAS 4,677
ALFIE 4,562
RILEY 4,497
JAMES 4,305
Lots of nice Christian names and not a Mohammed amongst it… Hmmmmm. Does not even make the top 10…
Luckily there was a link to an excel spreadsheet with the top 100 names, and guess what?
at a lowly 18th…
Then at 25:
And at 58:
Total number of a variant of Mohammed = 7032 making that name the NUMBER ONE on the list.
I conclude that you are correct.
Coming to your screen this week
Two programmes about immigration on BBC
Tuesday 9.00 PM BBC 1 NIck and Margaret: Too many immigrants. Part 1 of 2
This reduces the issues raised by mass immigration to the question of whether five carefully chosen immigrants represent ” gain or drain.”
The summary in the Daily Mail TV magazine: “No prizes for guessing the answer.”
The second is on Thursday BBC 1 10.35 PM.
The Great Big Romanikan Invasion. The summary says Tim Samuels “takes a decidely positive view – even of the Roma beggars in Park Lane.”
Be warned. It will concentrate on the economics of immigration. It is the only argument the liberals have and is irrelevant and they know it. What matters are the cultural effects and the impact upon an ancient and settled way of life enjoyed by us English for centuries.
The liberal is devious and dishonest. Doe he know it? Undoubtedly but so ingrained is his dislike of our way of life and so wedded is he to a fantasy view of the world that he is capable of self deception on a grand scale. The BBC to the life sadly.
But the Liberal does not consider dishonesty as a barrier to winning an argument, insofar as anything which supports their argument is, by definition, true.
That is why they like Islamics so much. It is the same deceptive mindset.
Good God these Islamists are animals…
Has this been reported on the bbbc?
Perhaps ‘call me dave’ can send some more of our money over to these poor chaps…….
Here’s another….A Christian man “converts’ to Islam because of extreme duress, before being summarily beheaded – Instead of shot…..Who says these caring sharing Islamists have no conscience?
Oh the humanity of the ( insert suitable noun here…ISIS, Taliban, Al Q etc….Ed.)
Editors note: can you find us some suitable Taliban poetry to insert with the video….along the lines of:
There was a young man from Syria
Who sharpened his blade I dont kid’ya
The guy who converted…..oh FFS:
Savages, lets have Willy vague support them.
“Hamas’s charter is committed to Israel’s destruction but in recent years it has said it will consider a …. long-term truce? …. 😀 …. with Israel. It cites Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as reasons for its attacks on the Jewish state before and after 2005. It says it is also acting in self-defence against Israeli air strikes, incursions and other military assaults.”
Hamas Weekly?, M Abba, lying to the UN?, PAL TV perhaps?
No! … Its the BBC silly, (oh,, the shrapnel child video seems to have gone from the news page now)
Latest Al BBC Gaza Stories
Home for disabled hit in Gaza
Israel strikes hit Gaza security HQ
What can Israel and Hamas gain?
‘It’s not worth living’
Why are civilians on the front line?
It cites Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as reasons for its attacks on the Jewish state before and after 2005.
Very dubious, Hamas is opposed to Israel pre 1967 as much as post 1967.
The Hamas charter is very clear . There is no place or future for Israel and the Jews unless under Muslim rule. No future for Christians either, I took the time to read it and I am amazed that any BBC droid reading it could possiby be unaware of it’s arguments. Israel has to confront Hamas or it will go down to defeat. I am sure any Hamas apologist will agree with that if he or she took the time to read the charter.
Our liberal media in the West is in denial. As to why that is another matter and needs the future to answer it.
Thought for the day
The BBC is most anxious to insist that it simply ‘reflects’ current issues, whereas infact it is only comfortable when it is moulding and directing national debate within a favoured narrow left-liberal framework.
A prime example of this tendancy is the present moral panic over – or rather moral panic under – the broad umbrella heading of ‘child abuse’. Even as her immediate reflex and indeed corporate self-interest seemed to be to brush the subject tidily beneath the rug (as the subject touched very close to home – in fact it was parked up in a camper van outside the building) so ambitious campainging interests close to Auntie’s heart (we’ll call them journos) were salivating at the chance to manipulate public disgust in a way that would smear political enemies.
It’s a One Show. Listen to the BBC and you will receive the message loud and clear that ‘child abuse’ is all one thing. It’s all bad, it’s all the same, it’s all one thing. It’s a One Show.
But it’s not. Things are never that simple. The BBC is deliberately conflating at least three very different tendencies. The Corporation fosters this attitude because its ingrained left-liberal instinct resists differentiating (should we call it discriminate then the BBC would run a mile) and therefore any insight or remedy to the problems will fail.
In no particular historical or any other order:
First there is the ‘child abuse’ of – let’s say ‘wayward’ – young indigenous girls by organised gangs of first and second generation non-integrated immigrant men of a muslim background. This has been a new phenomenon in this country – like Fagin’s kitchen but with minicabs, fast food canabis and a sexual twist (do you want some sauce with that kebab?) Although I do hear the brown eyed ‘loverboys’ have also been active in the Netherlands – so please let’s not have this decribed as a ‘British’ problem. No prizes for guessing why our dear old BBC find this issue so very very toxic – it’s hard to discuss and they would much prefer not to mention it all. Suffice to say it is a howling example of where airy-fairy concepts of multiculturalism could run up against liberal values with a loud bang on the streets.
Then there is ‘child abuse’ which is the opportunistic – let’s say ‘taking advantage’ perpetrated by celebrity showbiz types who either don’t bother about the age of their wouldbe (from the performer’s point of view) groupies or prefer the young ones. A problem as old as the hills and well known at least as early as when Elvis went on the road.
Another strain of ‘child abuse’, now re-entering the national consciousness at stage right, is the organised pederasty of powerful or wealthy homosexual men with procured willing – or otherwise – young boys. The actual Oscar Wilde ‘love’ that still ‘dare not’ be named by liberal society – just incase the roof may fall in upon the ‘gay’ lobby.
Three very different problems with, no doubt, very different causes and cures. Discuss.
But don’t discuss – because the BBC demands we lump them all together and so will stop us from thinking clearly about the different issues. Why? Because it is hopelessly left-liberal and will always miss-shape our national debate in light of its leftist politics.
They are not the same but they do share a common root, the dehumanising of the victim.
In the Islamic “grooming” case, it is because the Islamic rapists do not consider their victims to be human.
In the “Oscar Wilde” case of the political elite paedophile rings, they do not consider their victims to be worthy of human sympathy either. Both groups are vile.
And in the case of the “top of the pops groupies” there is certainly a case for some of the celebrities not asking the ages of willing groupies, but there is a darker side to this where Jimmy Savile’s case overlapped this group and the elite paedophile group, insofar as it is alleged that he procured young boys for the elite paedophile rings.
The first and third groups you list, use their power over the victims and their untouchability as a motivator to abuse. So long as the state’s agencies where run to a fascistic politically correct zeal, these Islamic grooming gangs were untouchable for years. Thankfully that is changing.
Likewise, it appears that the dam of secrecy around the elite rings is also finally being broken down. Time will tell.
The introduction to Broadcasting House teased us with an appearance by Jon Snow.
He was described by Paddy as being “a member of the Establishment…but who hates it!”.
I might add-but not enough to have forgone its privileges for the last fifty years-and with no prospect of his leaving his velvet cell anytime soon.
Didn`t listen to the crap to follow-but that sentence alone is the tombstone epitaph for all the liberal luvvies who get to tell us all what`s what these days.
Snow Future in Englands Dreaming…as Mr Lydon told us by way of prophecy in 1977.
The BBC loves fatty Al Gore. He, of course, is far more of a “climeate sceantist” than Lord Lawson…
BBC 1 – Sunday Morning Live poll –
Should assisted dying be legalised – ‘Yes’ says The new Calaphite Administration.
This is truly pathetic:
Not really:
The dove is a symbol of peace for the religion of peace.
Head and Shoulders for those itchy scalps just before beheading.
White underwear to offset their black turbans
Secret Love scent for their secret love and it ain’t no blue lady!
The BBC (and Sky which is just as politically correct, in my opinion) were guilty of foul censorship last night on their review programmes by using phrases such as “Religious extremism in schools…” implying that it is a problem pertaining to all religions when we all know it is the religion of ‘peace’ they are talking about. When will they learn that appeasing these intolerant supremacists will not protect their pathetic middle class safety in the long term?
Not really:
The dove is a symbol of peace for the religion of peace.
Head and Shoulders for those itchy scalps just before beheading.
White underwear to offset their black turbans
Secret Love scent for their secret love and it ain’t no blue lady!
Yet more muslim/ramadan shite on the Sunday Politics North West. Apparently, they don’t want to pay interest on their student loans. Who does? I didn’t want to either but I didn’t get the ‘get out’ of a religion. I’m sure their continual bleating and their professional victimhood will get them somewhere though. This ‘report’ has to be seen to be believed – Noggin would love it.
To any student muslim or otherwise
“don’t want to pay interest, on their student loan”
one word answer
……..and? ……
Any chance that Ed Miliband will condemn the Labour-supporting Sunday People for slandering (only) dead members of Thatcher’s cabinet for abusing boys procured for them by the author?
When Miliband’s late father was attacked, politically, the chattering classes recoiled in horror.
Now that it is Keith Joseph, Rhodes Boyson et all we have silence.
Will the police arrest the whistleblower who has admitted serious crimes?
The whistle blower who admitted to being upset at being “shafted” out of a safe constituency you mean? No motivation there for making up stuff to hurt the party. /sarc
The following isn’t an example of political bias but is a clear indication of the way the BBC lets its staff’s personal fads, prejudices and tastes dictate what it covers. I present Exhibit A – the death of Tommy Ramone, the drummer in an American punk rock band called The Ramones.
Ramone’s death matters furiously to the BBC’s music hacks not because Ramone was significant in the history of music, but because he was significant to them during their adolescence. Were the BBC’s writers ten years younger, or older, Ramone would not have been so extensively eulogised.
If there is a monoculture of political; views at the BBC, there is also one of sex and age. It, too, really shows.
Sorry I just can’t let that go un-hallenged. Ramones (no The) were a very influential band. In the running for the punk template along with the stooges, MC5 & New York Dolls. It would make a change for the BBc to actually recognise that instead of the usual who the f**k are they that they normally choose. The band were inducted into the Rock and roll hall of fame and in 2011 were awarded a lifetime Grammy. I also don’t believe that the BBc’s writers are pushing through their 50’s like myself who did see the band in the very early days either.
But they were not punks though. No more punk than Blondie.
I was a punk in the 1970s. The Americans NEVER “got” Punk Rock at all.
I never considered them Punk at the time, and still don’t. They were a very overly commercialised American corporate copy of punk at best.
It is happening more and more, especially on the downgraded Newsnight.
“We have asked a Government Minister to comment however they have informed us they have no one available”,
i.e. Government sending the BBC ‘to Coventry’ on this one.
Not a bad policy to avoid the obvious inevitable bias points:
‘Hope you get the message BBC’.
But am I alone in thinking, (normally shouting at the box), with so many predictable open goals in the Labour/BBC correspondents’ arguments, the Government spokesperson should be ready, more informed and determined, to make mincemeat of the biased points being spewed out for almost every subject of state they bring up!
Sadly we have come to expect nowadays that every BBC or opposition argument will definitely contain flawed facts and omissions.
The Government spokesperson should dam well get their act together, get professionally briefed, and wipe the floor with the trash the BBC try to spout.
Examples of what Government Minister should push home:
On WAGES – ‘The BBC is a Tax funded organisation but you do not stick with the 1%’:
2013 – Anyone working for BBC on average salary received 2.26% increase Last year and 1.5% this year
Nor did 90% of Labour support The Early Day Motion restricting MPs increase to 1%’
HOUSING/EDUCATION – ‘What do you expect if you import over 3 million more people come to live in your country and the Government that brings them with the lowest house building programme for a generation?’
Middle East Wars: ‘Labour told the lies and went against the biggest demonstrations ever held in this country that got us in that one in the first place’.
NHS: ‘What do you expect of A&Es when you increased the population by over 3 million yet Labour take away GPs out of hours service and them double their pay’
ECONOMY; ‘In my lifetime we only twice had a Labour Government and they nearly bankrupted us both times’
The BBC and Channel 4 both appear to act as headmaster and Freislers when it comes to the Tories.
Their arrogance and imperious nature is particularly applied when it comes to Israel-its spokesmen are shouted down and treated on a par with Anders Breivik…whereas Hamas invariably get the Muslim victim treatment and a party bag from the green room.
Luckily, it`s all so obvious these days, so all pervasive that the thick f***ers think it`s not being noticed.
None of us will be flagging it up to the BBC anymore either-we`re past all that now.
The BBC need burning off the body politic, much as a finished leech needs to be…the alternative will be the Left hog tying up the nation in halal bands all ready for the ritual killing of the country…it`s not going to happen.
There are more of us than there are of them.
The world cup final tonight is not between Germany and Argentina as we’re led to believe, but between Portugal and North Korea, and not only have the Koeans have yet to concede a goal in the tournament and have handed out some heavy defeats to their capitalist opponents…
Who says so?…….Well the North Korean state media of course, sounding about as truthful as the BBC do on the whole issue of “climate change”…
That video’s a fake:
Biased BBC commenters – sounding about as truthful as they always do. Which is to say, “not very”.
Any comment on some other videos around and about, fake that the BBC pushed, or inconveniently real that the BBC has steered clear of? Near-historical and current?
From a £4Bpa compelled-funded state media monopoly vs. an (irrelevant) blog poster sharing a URL from a print medium not unknown to BBC editorial too.
Don’t feed the jihadi-fancying troll
Who woke you up?
Of course it’s fake you hilarious pr**k it’s been in every paper since the break of dawn…..Only a complete half wit like yourself would need to verify that point..
Tired & Emotional,
Calm down dear!
Yeah, your original post made it SO clear that you already knew it was a fake. I mean, your stating, “Who says so?…….Well the North Korean state media of course” didn’t sound like you’d fallen for it AT ALL.
Maybe you did know it was a fake. Or maybe you fell for it, and once you realised that you’d been duped you went on the defensive, figuring it would be better to be foul-mouthed and blame me for your error. Quite frankly, based on your previous form the latter seems the more likely.
But hey. I’m sure calling me a “pr**k” makes you the better man in all this. Another shining example of Biased BBC commenters’ grace and civility.
“a group of morons who think that being aggressive from the sanctity of a pseudonym is a valid substitute for being a decent human being.”
I really must look up grace and civility in the big BBC bookie-wookie of what English can also mean once passed through the Editorial Guidelines.
Unless, of course, it was another tim… thread.
Now, about BBC use of hoax footage or avoiding material that counters the narrative… any comments, or you sticking with the personal flailing about based on your interpretations of past form (a whole new precedent set on BBC commentary here, so thanks for that) and what things sound like inside your head?
I think that Portugal will win 5-3 with four goals from Eusebio.
But I think that BBC Censorship of climate science, scientists and scientific debate, and now censorship of politicians talking about its relationship with fuel policy, is far more serious than North Korean censorship of World Cup football from that 2-3 half-time score with Portugal in 1966.
But it looks like the BBC complaints department is under intense scrutiny from more than one investigation team.
Confusion: I was left more than mystified by a combination of the following; the paedo hunt going on in Parliament and the news that a statue of Ghandi is to be put up in Parliament Sq. The confusion is that the bBc have not mentioned the strange habits of Ghandi, Here is an article from the Independent, So I think Osbourne and co who announced this little item should have a serious rethink about what they have recommended.
Hardeep Singh Kohli on Pienaar’s Politics Scots referendum special this morning on Five Live. “There is something wrong with England. It is rotten to the core.” Unchallenged, naturally.
Circa five minutes into the show.
What has England got to do with him anyway? If he doesn’t like it, he shouldn’t go there, and butt the f*ck out.
Is he still a ruddy slumlord ? Clearly just the sort of chap I’d want to take moral criticism from.
He’s a failed and unpopular Sikh looking for any country to call home. The BBC, predictably, are the only media organisation who give the talentless waste of space a platform.
“There is something wrong with England. It is rotten to the core”
He’s preaching to the converted telling that to BBC 5 Live.
They’ve disowned England as a matter of station policy.
Tony Livesey speaks for the Salford crew when he says he’s “only English by default”
So, there I was wondering what new corporate slogans the BBC might soon be presenting us….
How about “No Patriotism Please, We’re British (Broadcasting Company)”
Well that got me thinking about “White City Farces”
But wait… “No Sex…” was an Anthony Mariott play – not actually one of the five classic Brian Rix Whithall Farces.
You have to laugh at the five Whitehall titles, they could hardly be more appropriate to our modern BBC…
“Reluctant Heroes”
“Dry Rot”
“Simple Spymen”
“One for the Pot”
….and…. wait for it….
“Chase Me, Comrade”
Well, at £145 per year, you have to make your own jokes at their expense.
And in other news…
A few interesting things there, but I was mostly struck by how a BBC person’s email, even senior and paid in the thousands daily, comes not from a person, but a collective entity.
The Borg Hive, and friends closer to home, do spring to mind.
This is not an example of BBC Bias, just the BBC treating the bleeding obvious as a serious matter without any hint of irony at all….or examining it’s own role in the downfall of modern television (said Tinky Winky – or he would if he spoke any educational sense)
Children’s TV ‘in long-term decline’ says Teletubbies creator
Eh-oh. said Laa Laa
BBC-NUJ: the pro-Immigrant public broadcasting propagandist.
As blatantly politically biased as ever:-
Radio 5-
“The Life of the Male Immigrant.
Duration: 1 hour
First broadcast: Saturday 12 July 2014
“Tim Samuels meets the refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers who have come to Britain for a better life.
“Tim speaks to the gay Ugandan who fled here fearing death and persecution, the Syrian businessman looking for love, and the Romanian big issue seller supporting his family.”
BBC-NUJ: political advocate of ‘open-door,’ unlimited mass immigration- at British indigenous people’s expense.
I heard about ten minutes of this. It was, as you say, pure propaganda. It could have easily been a paid presentation by one of the leftwing think tanks Five Live adore.
Five Live have a political position, on this as with many other issues, from the spare room subsidy, to austerity, to immigration, to the benefits of Sharia and Scots independence.
A couple of weeks ago Rachel Burden, Rugby Bore, interviewed Alastair Darling ahead of a speech he was giving later that morning. She introduced the interview by saying he was in Scotland “desperately trying to shore up the no vote.” That day, like today in fact, the no vote was running about fourteen or fifteen points ahead.
Half an hour later she interviewed an SNP politician and gave him an incredibly easy ride.
Five Live should have the courage of their convictions and come out in favour of Labour and the leftwing political values it routinely espouses.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Five Live should be investigated by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee as a matter of urgency.
Standard trope, but journos never finish the sentence: “come to Britain for a better life” (for them, not us)
If controlled media says ‘religious extremism’ we all know they mean Muslim nazis. If they say radical, militant or progressive we all know they mean Muslim fascist. Everywhere there be Islam there be trouble.
from a man who knows
Two-state solution is impossible, Israel on frontlines of jihad
Netanyahu finally … speaks his mind
two state solution … dead!
BBC … as usual, days behind, head in the sand, still too busy with its idiotic propaganda.
Not ready for ceasefire
Means to an end
Rockets and missiles
Risks of invasion
Thousands flee Gaza after Israeli warnings
and hilariously …
‘Nowhere to go’ ??
Where they came from … Jordan?
Egypt? … how about those many 1000s of miles of ahem … “muslim lands” their always bloody crowing about?
how many are triumphantly holding three fingers out for photos at the moment?
Does BBC-NUJ, which is pro-E.U, ever criticise E.U’s limited defence, inordinately financed by UK?
” Booker: the EU’s HMS White Elephant”
This article is indicative of the redundant role of Beeboid Economics editor, Robert Peston-
“Why Coe is set to win BBC race”
For INBBC to censor:
Savage anti-Israel rioters trap hundreds of Jews in synagogue”
Supplementary, for INBBC-
“Muslim Rioters Attack Synagogue in Paris”
There has been a consisitent view that France is no longer safe for Jews and that only Israel can provide safe haven.
How long before the US and maybe other nations receive request for asylum from Europe’s Jews?
Reading Mr. Putin is siding with Prezzo Kirchner over the Falklands.
Wishing the Beeboid narrative policy team well getting their heads round pitching that one.
At least Gazza’s Dateline London guests will be easier to ‘select’ (criteria FoI-exempted for the purposes of ensuring the required unanimity).
Don’t recall the BBC reporting this one:
They’ll hope it just goes away so as not to spoil their infantile little multicultural utopia.
1) is it possible it is a hoax? (There is an expert on station who may confirm. Or not).
2) there being a record may be tricky; get Newsnight to report on it so it can be discredited.
3) or Panorama could investigate, at least until the few remaining professionals of integrity remaining get side-swiped by the new ethical override brigade in research.
4) Helen, Lord Pantone & James Harding get their anonymous (but not pseudo, natch) spokespersons to issue the often weekly ‘we’re globally trusted’ press release.
5) A. Newsroom Tealady (not pseudonymonous, natch) appears to claim that, in their vast experience, even if true it is not news.
6) BBC ‘news’ wins a Sony Award for ‘news’. All other ‘news’ relegated to obscurity, because, well, they can.
The muslims are right to stop homosexualist propaganda being used to brainwash their children,it is high time atheists and other religions took a similar attitude , the BBC are always on the back foot over this ,who do they love the most ,arsehole monkeys or muslims ?
You should have read the article because it contains the answer:
“Blackburn MP Jack Straw said: ‘I reserve final judgment until I see the programme. From what I know the allegations are groundless.’”
So, the Liebour party says the allegations are groundless so therefore they are and the BBC are not going to report them.