Moaners hour (formerly known as womens hour) ran a piece promoting the wearing of the Jilbab (veil). No opposing voice was allowed.
No explanation of how this is not a part of Islam was given, although liberal use of the meaningless bully word ‘Islamofauxbia’ was allowed.
There was no explanation of the Wahabist interpretation of Islam which prescribes this garment, and that women should not be allowed out on their own without a chaperone, nor allowed to drive.
There was no mention of the biggest driver for the bans in Europe, that of women being forced to wear it against their will by oppressive men.
No mention of crimes carried out while wearing this bag, to inflict horrific acid attacks, or acts of terrorism (Which according to the BBC have nothing what so ever to do with Islam!)
No mention of restriction of vision while driving which should probably lead to a Police stop, but won’t because they’re scared to death of being accused of ‘waycism’ even though they can’t even tell the race of the person under the bag.
All considered it was a disgraceful example of the BBC promoting the interests of the top of the hierarchy of isms Pakistani Muslim Men, yet again.
I listened to the wimmin for a bit this morning. If I’d heard the barmy burkha stuff I would have exploded. Listened to the women in Parliament bit where they were saying how oppressed wimmin are and never mentioned Mrs Thatch at all. Then hard questioning of the Tory woman MP whilst the Lab got a free ride. The BBC are despicably biased, left wing and hate this country. Shut them down now.
According to Radio Devon this morning, David Cameron is having a cabinet reshuffle and ‘at least 13 MEN are leaving their posts’. It was the emphasis on the word ‘men’ (iPlayer at 6.31 a.m. if you wish to hear the ‘glee’) that made me look up, presumably that will be 13 more of us ‘wimmin’. Sorry.
As a massive fan of Lady T, I am the last person to be anti-women. But when Cameron fires all the “hideously white, middle-aged men” he does NOT win all the female votes in Britain, because we know he is being discriminatory, and certainly prioritising how someone looks over how they perform. As Labour found out, but can never admit, putting a face into the top job and back-filling their support teams with capable people (read white men), is a recipe for divisiveness and eventual loss of power. I can only hope that UKIP is the beneficiary of this foolishness
Agree. I often wonder if the female and ethnic people in prominent positions in Government and the media (especially you know who) ever privately wonder if they are there because of talent or because they just tick one or both of the boxes. In the case of the media it is very telling that as soon as their looks go so do they.
What surprised me this morning was the word ‘men’ – normally it would be some other collective such as ‘cabinet members’, ‘ministers’, or just ‘people’. It’s getting blatant, will this lunacy ever end.
The trouble is as half of the voting public are women , they want more representation in Parliament & the cabinet ,& this includes Conservative voters. Personally I can`t see the problem in having a few good looking female Tory cabinet ministers. The alternative which none of us are going to like , but may happen , is 5 years of Tyranny under the Millipeed & his evil Henchwoman ,Harperson, who will make the lives of English , White Hetrosexual males bloody unbearable . Be very afraid if this happens .
The Israeli power company has agreed to fix the damage but will not endanger its workers. The shooting has to stop first.
If the BBC gets to reporting this who is betting they will omit that Palestinian Authority has an outstanding bill of $1.5 billion to the Israel Electric Company NIS for electricity to Gaza. Many in Israel are asking why it is still supplying Gaza with power and water.
Britains most dangerous songs (I’ve just watched it) Yea ok take a walk on the wild side. Somehow at the end it all ends as anti Thatcherism. Lucy O’brien (who?) I wondered why she was on ’till I looked at wiki
Still Who? Informs us the rave scene was about anti-thatcherism. Was it? I was too old for that scene and hated the music but that’s not what I thought it was about. Then on to the “Witch is dead” controversy. However.However something in the back of my mind kept telling me there was someone who was always being banned then it came to me. Someone apparently banned more times by the BBc than any one else. Give up?
rave scene was about anti-thatcherism? utter B/S it was about the music and drugs not one person i met ore knew in that scene had the merest hint of a political thought until the usual permanent lefty agitators hijacked the media representation of rave for their own agenda just like this daft BBC Multi billion £ corporation pet !
Saying rave was anti thatcher is like saying ministry of sound is anti capitalist !
While I would agree, Mat, that the rave scene cannot solely be attributed to politics, I wouldn’t say the countercultural movement was completely apolitical. As someone who enjoyed the music, women and drugs of the rave scene I met many people who were reacting against both Tory and Labour government policies; well, it was more politics and society in general… a healthy youthful rejection of traditional ways of living . Just like political and social upheaval accompanied the scene in the sixties, I would say that political thought/activism did have a part (however big or small) of the rave scene. But, yes, getting hammered and going to your local drum ‘n’ bass gathering was the priority for most.
Anti-Thatcherism is much too broad a stroke but the scene was certainly highly politicised in the aftermath of the 1994 Criminal Justice & Public Order Act. Sure, the average rave goer was there to have a good time but a lot of the peace & love sentiment so prevalent in its growth gave way to anger and protest in later days.
Further reading
Your weasel words do nothing to exonerate yet another piece of BBC leftist revisionism.
There was nothing anti-Thatcher about rave – total BBC lies in support of its on-going demonization of Mrs T. They should be held to account for their glaring political bias and brainwashing agenda.
Where’s the anger, pray? Sounds like I’ve upset you, pal. Calm yourself.
To quote: ‘Anti-Thatcherism is much too broad a stroke….’, which is a good stretch from agreeing it wasn’t anti-Thatcherism. In fact, you’ve used weasel words.
I said It was later hijacked by politically challenged mega whingers ! thankfully goth/EBM stayed out of it which explains why it’s considered by BBC types as a joke and never played on any of their franchises!
They do say that Gaza is a very over crowded place and it’s all the fault of Israel of course for cramming them all in to such a small area.
Then Mr Bowen our BBC reporter from the strip tells us how Mohammed is fearful for his children and grandchildren, he has nine children and over 100 grandchildren says Bowen with such concern.
It might perhaps be better to drop condoms on them from a great height rather than ordinance?
Bowen would not dare broadcast any criticism of Hamas from people in the Gaza street. It would be their death warrant – and could be his while he is there.
There seem to be several BBC “reporters” in Gaza at present. How come they have not taken any film of Hamas terrorist rocket tunnels and sites within civilian areas ? Just the usual BBC veil overv the truth? – like their constant veil over the sheer filth shown on Palestinian TV ?
It was reckoned to be there in 2009 ? – or earlier – with a huge warren of tunnels under and around the hospital. The BBC knows that. But thinking that Bowen et al would chase any current evidence on that story is like believing in the tooth fairy.
Simir sites might well be found if the IDF go imto northern Gaza, as looks fairly likely now. I hope the IDF takes lots of film, and has embedded reporters. (But I somehow doubt if they would want any BBC embed).
When is HMG going to threaten to cut off any UK funding for the Palestinians pending Hamas ceasing their rocket attacks ? Again, that issue is not part of the BBC agenda.
Bowen on Monday’s 6pm news allows the Palestinian spokesman to declare that Israel is guilty of war crimes for indiscrimate bombing of civilian targets without comment…….and the rockets being fired into Israel are aimed at who? But Bowen couldn’t ask it.
It would never occur to Bowen to say anything that may explain Israel’s actions. He hates the Jewish State so much.. There may have been an added trigger as to why he is so vehemently against Israel – the death in front of his eyes of a journalist friend by a stray bullet during the conflict but whatever the reason his hatred of the Jewish state is shown time and time again in his commentaries.
The most revealing example is below. He read out in detail an extremely anti Semitic extract from the notoriously anti Semitic newspaper the Lebenese Star that compared Israeli treatment of Arab Palestinians with that of the treatment of Jews in the concentration camps. It was his tone of voice that clearly showed he endorsed what the newspaper was saying against the Jewish State. See last section at :
See details of the appeal to the BBC Governors . .
Dial M for Murder was on ITV3 the other night, although I’ve seen it a dozen times I watched it again, it was so refreshing because it was free of diversity, multicultural propaganda, effniks, rap music, etc etc, it was practically utopia. During the commercial break I switched over to BBC 3, big mistake, I was confronted by a depressing Ken Loach type kitchen sink drama ” Murdered by my boyfriend ” with a cast of teenage effniks, doing what teenage effniks do, shouting and screaming. After watching this for 30 seconds I immediately went into a tailspin of depression, I quickly changed channels and went back to watching Ray Milland and Grace Kelly.
A drama aimed at BBC3’s target age group, taking a real-life domestic abuse case that ended in a young woman’s murder. A piece of television that will hopefully get young people recognising when their friends are in need of help, and those who are in abusive situations to realise that not getting out of them could have terrible consequences.
The Daily Mail liked it. But David Brims? He was upset that the actors were black (or, as he likes to say, “effniks”).
No change there, then: David Brims’ comments, as ever, come at us from his usual racist viewpoint.
That is what the BBC does best, innit – making ‘dramas’ that give ‘real life stories’, normally focused on the ‘dangers’ of racism or ‘global warming’. We, “TV-tax” payers can’t even watch a plain old movie on the BBBC without it carrying a politically correct message, ie. incessant lefty propaganda.
And in what way is a drama that highlights domestic abuse “lefty propaganda”? Is it somehow left-wing to believe men shouldn’t abuse their girlfriends?
Dail M for Murder is a dreadful stage play filmed by Hitch to cash in on the 50s 3D boom and utterly predictable.
I suspect you’d find a film about necrophilia too much (Vertigo) or a mother fixated psycho of a girl who’s Mum is a harlot and so on….wonder who the Director was
Can I repost this forthright statement by Stephen Harper, PM of Canada – not reported by the BBC:
“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.
Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.
Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.
Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad. ”
As the Powerline website puts it – No call for restraint; no talk about mediation; no lectures about what Israel should or shouldn’t do. Just unequivocal support for our ally and unequivocal condemnation of our enemy.
Meanwhile we get the usual weaselly words from Obama and the lickspittle Cameron and Hague, equivocating and trying to split the difference between good and evil.
Netenyahu has sid a couple of times this week that the crucial difference is that Israel invests in protection for its civilians (eg bomb shelters everywhere, the missile defence system Hamas does not defend its civilians (eg no bomb shelters) – it uses the civilians as a human shields, forcing them to go into harm’s way.
Unlike some of the contributors to this site, I am not fully up to the politics of the middle east. I have to rely on the media reports esp. from ‘Al Beeb’. But after removing all the propaganda and the emotional camera work, sad as the deaths really are, the way I see it is this …
For some time Palestine has been firing hundreds of rockets, indiscriminately into Israel at any target. Israel effectively targets the rocket launching sites of the and hits so called ‘innocent civilians’
Answer to the problem – Palestine stops its hostile rocket fire.
Heaven forbid the BBC should ever give us any historical background at all to Israel/Palestine. If honestly told it wouldn’t fit the Hamas narrative would it? So best left alone….
It would only remind everyone that Israeli is illegally occupying its territory after chucking all the citizens who lived there for a few thousand years of it.
How about a history lesson from Mahmoud Abbas himself to challenge the lie. He was writing in the PLO’s official magazine “Al Thura in 1976. “The Arab armies entered Palestine……. they abandoned them (Palestinian Arabs) forced them to emigrate……..imposed on upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Europe” See also
The Arabs (illegally) invaded and occupied the country beginning in 636 under the command of Khalid ibn al-Walid making the Palestinians uniquely the only indigenous people in existence who can trace their emergence to a definite historical date under a real not mythical leader. They converted most of the people who actually had been there for thousands of years, Jews and Christians who genetically were Jews, by force, ruinous taxation and attrition.
That said, most Palestinians are not the descendants of the Jews nor of the 7th century Arab invaders (those that come under the 2nd category are very proud of it). They are the result of massive immigration during the late Ottoman period and the British mandate. This accounts for the common family names indicating the original place of residence.
Quit before your display of ignorance really gets out of hand. The area known as the Holy Land was occupied by Jews, amongst others (including Christians, later) until the Romans kicked them out. There was no significant Arab population until the violent spread of Islam across the Middle East.
There never was a state known as ‘Palestine’ and there was no such person as a ‘Palestinian’ – that was invented by Yasser Arafat circa 1964.
And you might ask yourself why there are so many Arab citizens living in Israel.
You will be completely shocked I assure you, if you do some research into a man by the name of Haj Al Amin Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1922 – 37
He was a great supporter of the Nazis and even met Hitler. His part in the Arab revolt which was intended to weaken British power in the region led to his removal from office.
It didn’t stop him though, he carried on agitating and working on behalf of the Nazis, and was described as ‘an architect of the Holocaust’. If it hadn’t been for the French deciding he was a Political Prisoner he would have been sent for trial in the UK or Yugoslavia where his actions led directly to the Balkan war (funny how the BBC was so reluctant to tell you about his involvement).
If you really want to know about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, start with this man.
He was succeeded by Hussam al-Din Jarallah who lasted until 1954. If only he had been appointed Grand Mufti by the British things might have turned out differently.
Husseini did not dies until 1974 when he was given a heros funeral and lived plenty long enough to influence another of his successors, one Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa
better known perhaps as Yasser Arafat, born in 1929.
Sadly the Nazi ties have never left the region and it with deep unease I see Fascists from the Labour party travelling to Palestinian regions to shake hands with men who are direct descendants and successors of an architect of the holocaust and whose supporters still give Nazi salutes to.
Another you might want to research is one Achmed Huber another Nazi supporter and fund raiser to the Taleban.
Well Aerfen perhaps you’d like to explain to us all why it is that the BBC has refused to publish the Balen report into allegations of its anti Zionism, if not anti Semitism.
Or why it is that it has spent over £300000 defending its position not to publish?
There can be only one reason, and that is because the report is critical of the BBC over its coverage of the Middle East.
It’s said that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Do you never wonder about the number of Jews who supported Adolf Hitler & his Nazis?
As for Johnny the Fishes crazy comments, have you never heard of ‘British Mandated Palestine?’ It existed before Arafat gained power !
You might say that it wasn’t a state in its own right because it was ruled by Britain, but I think that would really be splitting hairs !
Thoughtful, Very few Jews supported Adolf Hitler. Arguably only 36% of the general German people supported the Nazis and there is no evidence that anywhere near 36% of the Jews or anything close were part of this group. Unfortunately the majority opposition was divided and as hostile to each other as they were to the Nazis.
Also there was the feeling that it was all rhetoric for electioneering and would not go beyond that. How wrong they were.
There is very little doubt that whatever they thought about Hitler the Jews would have loyally fought in Germany’s armies in WWII, as they did in WWI, if they had been allowed. Much good it did them, Jews were completely loyal to Germany and much of Hitler’s rhetoric about Versailles was at least tacitly endorsed as it was by most Germans across the political spectrum.
‘Thoughtful’, you are speaking utter nonsense.. unfounded drivel hastily cut and pasted from various sites along with your own fabricated claims. Please carry out some research before posting such ludicrous comments.
You should read my post properly. I was referring to the term ‘Palestinian’ in 1964 not ‘Palestine’. I fully understand the establishment of the British Mandate following defeat of the Ottoman Empire, thank you, the Balfour Declaration and the dodgy dealings that followed. However, Palestine as such was not a state under that mandate.
Jews in the organisation make make much of a difference.
I have never thought of the BBC as Jew Haters or perhaps to be more accurate they haven’t realised that supporting antisemites they are only one degree way from it. If anything the BBC is anti Christian.
The BBC is quite happy to deal with the Jews occasionally as quaint or innocent victims of the last enemy of Britain the BBC opposed – the Nazis. It’s when the Jews refuse to be victims, which is the heart of Zionism that the BBC gets upset.
Journalism is a traditional Jewish profession so it is not surprising that Britain’s largest media employer has a group. That said, Jews make up only 0.5% of the British population. Do you have any evidence that make up even that percentage of the 23,000 person BBC workforce? It is true some are quite prominent. Perhaps they are very good at what they do?
I believe the BBC as an organisation desperately wants to support the Palestinian claim which by definition is anti Zionist, but they are prevented from doing that by law. As to why the Jews in the organisation don’t oppose that I can only speculate that it is a combination of British Jewry’s traditional reluctance to make waves; effective self selection as apart form the Israel issue the majority of BBC public facing employees come from what is normally described as the Left, (Pro Israel lefties have a very hard time of it.) and a not unwarranted view that speaking out on Israel is a fast way to the unemployment line.
That said, Jews make up only 0.5% of the British population. Do you have any evidence that make up even that percentage of the 23,000 person BBC workforce? It is true some are quite prominent. Perhaps they are very good at what they do?
I was referring to ‘prominent’ positions not the workforce as a whole, tea ladies, office staff etc. However given the level of nepotism at the BBC I think this is as, or more likely, to be the explanation than their being “very good at what they do”. There is no reason why they should be the latter! Indeed it is statistically unlikely. However the fact that many British Jews are Londoners probably has helped them get a foothold too.
I believe the BBC as an organisation desperately wants to support the Palestinian claim which by definition is anti Zionist, but they are prevented from doing that by law. As to why the Jews in the organisation don’t oppose that I can only speculate that it is a combination of British Jewry’s traditional reluctance to make waves; effective self selection as apart form the Israel issue the majority of BBC public facing employees come from what is normally described as the Left, (Pro Israel lefties have a very hard time of it.) and a not unwarranted view that speaking out on Israel is a fast way to the unemployment line.
You make a reasonable point about the general ‘leftish’ bias, but how about it being more likely that the BBC are simply trying very hard to be neutral and not to offend Muslims rather than being actually ‘anti’ Israel?
last line should read – Israel effectively targets the rocket launching sites and hits so called ‘innocent civilians’
Answer to the problem – Palestine stops its hostile rocket fire.
A good little test case of BBC wax and wane re the appointment of establishment schmoozer, grandee and do-gooding Lady Bountiful that is Lizzie Butty-Sloshed!
The BBC seemed rather taken with her to start with-and certainly loved her haughty insouciance when she stated that the plebs would not be getting her head on a plate.
But the turn came with her Bertie Wooster of a nephew-Nigel Havers-and his efforts to do a Windrush in going out to bat for his auntie.
Feedback eviscerated the young gullible sprig whose idea this was…and when Vera Baird( Beaker) wonders about her legal fees and expenses being threatened by Sloss exploding on the launchpad like a Hamas rocket before all those fees and Today appearances come onstream…well the old bird had to fall on her hatpin!
Farewell Butty…sliding on her greasy bottom to the bottom of the briney.
Should now be fun to see what establishment lickspittling cove, the Magic Circle of Child Survivors will now permit to “speak for the victims…and f*** the justice crap”.
I`d have thought that ALL suitable grandees and clapped-out judges were Establishment stooges by now…so my money is on Phil Scholari as I write.
Comedy Gold-and the BBC played their part!
Maybe Harris or Glitter might be considered-for surely only an old nonce will have the expertise in these areas….Harman, Hodge and Hewitt clearly knew nothing…
I rather assume that the ‘victims and survivors’ will only want a Left leaning judge/or whatever that will avoid any more recent politicians – and please don’t name them any further contributors otherwise David will have to remove all comments again but I think people know who I mean.
There are allegations against people in all parties and at all levels of the state. This is not a party political issue, no matter how much the BBC would wish it to be.
Radio 4 PM lying again about Malala Yousefzai being shot ‘for the crime of wanting an education’.
This is a lie!
She was shot because she criticised the Taleban, who have in a rare policy change gone on the record as to why she was shot.
The Taleban was opposed to mixed gender education (sound a bit familiar to Birmingham) and were prepared to assassinate teachers who did.
Malala Yousefzai spoke out against this and was shot for her trouble.
The problem the BBC have is that the known to be extremist Taleban are not expressing a religious view which is any different to that of the governors involved in the Trojan Horse plot, albeit that they have been able to get rids of non compliant heads rather than killing them.
When Extremist Muslims are doing the same thing as those ‘peaceful British’ Muslims then there’s no way on Gods green earth that they are going to allow the public to be aware of that comparison.
So Malala was shot by a groups of extremists who are nothing like the reasonable Muslims here, simply because she wanted an education !
Thats not accurate:
The Taliban commander denied the Taliban had attacked her because of her campaign against Taliban efforts to deny girls education.
“Please mind that Taliban or Mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl,” he wrote.
“Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smearing campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in Swat and your writings were provocative.”
Gameshow Nikki’s PR bunnies have him doing the rounds plugging his new series – never seen it but I believe it’s a Sooprise Sooprise Chook retread, and plugging, get this, a ‘single’ he’s released.
So where does this Fearless Warrior of the Left go to flog his tat?
Guardian (circulation 150,000)? Independent (circulation 25,000)? or perhaps Socialist Worker (circulation 500 inc several insane asylums)?
Nah: bereted revolutionary Nikki turns up in the hated Daily Mail (circulation 3,500,000) – funny that eh. Still he did ensure that they placed at the bottom of the page…
‘Nicky Campbell has asked that his fee for this article be donated to the Born Free Foundation.’
And there you have the hypocritic pretrendy left absolving themselves of their crimes.
The article itself? Apparently in 2011 Nikky told some kids to pick up their litter and got gobbed on.
N Campbell?
… the BBC 5 Live “Your Call” / BBC “Pallywood” hour,
N Campbell? …
One or two callers got near to commenting uncomfortable truths … but alas the BBC microphone
fairy intervened.
An irony-free zone on ITV then.
Their news bulletin squauks about the Butler Sloss bunfight-and the need to protect children in getting the right Toady to chair an enquiry-the children come first…remember that?
Next story interviews a 12 year-old Palestinian lad who grieves over his dead dad…but speaking directly to camera, a day after the death and no counselling or mediation…the liberal media doing a Dowler in using a tragedy to promote its anti-Israel cant.
And, without the wish to gainsay a tragedy-I`d like to know more about how this story got groomed to its current confection…Hamas?…human shields?…media controlling of the story for the Western medias pooled pack of useless quango ciphers by those who fire the rockets into Israel?
But no context-so until I get one, forgive my cynicism re this story for the moment.
When it comes to the IKEA flatpack stock solutions and agendas of Hamas, Islam and the BBC/ITV…I`ve had to shed any humanity and trust way too often…
BBC makes a U turn on it disgraceful ban on Lord Lawson over global warming/climate change/ extreme weather/ load of bollox or what ever they are calling the biggest scam in the history of science now
The Today show editor said that if you went into any pub near Oxford Street (Why near Broadcasting House ?) you would find one or two climate sceptics. Rubbish. If you went into most pubs in this country you would find lots of people who reject the Warmist scam. BBC out of touch with its audience again. Patronising fools.
The One Show tonight took a few minutes out from their usual luvvie-fest to spread pure propaganda on why we should let lots more gypos come here illegally without challenge. I think it was a trailer for another bBBC programme. Drip, drip, drip …
It’s a pity that the trolls on this site are so personally abusive: you know nothing about my lifetime achievements.
But I can assure you that they don’t include forcing my fellow-Britons to allow lots more foreigners to come here at our expense. I am not surprised that the TV-tax-funded lefties at the anti-British Broadcasting Corporation regard that as positive.
It’s a pity that the trolls on this site are so personally abusive:
And it’s a shame that the people who get so up in arms about people being “personally abusive” stay completely silent when the perpetrators of much worse abuse are other Biased BBC regulars, isn’t it?
Funny how you demand ‘Biased BBC regulars’ rush to protect you from your definition of ‘abuse’ yet do absolutely nothing to defend them ! the textbook lazy coward !
they don’t include forcing my fellow-Britons to allow lots more foreigners to come here at our expense
And that’s not what the Glasgow Girls were campaigning for at all. But eh, when has ignorance of the truth ever stopped Biased BBC from striking a blow for jumped-up outrage?
Still avoiding the very basic question of why you ignore other people’s abusive behaviour, John? Is such a simple question somehow beyond your ability to answer?
How do you know what Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling has achieved? To that, I am astonished that you feel the ‘Glasgow Girls’ are so amazing: Amal Azzudin and Roza Salih are concerned about the detention of their freind Agnesa Murselaj (all wonderfully Scottish names). However, this friend’s family had failed to get asylum and so were being deported, as they should have been. Interestingly I note that their concerns grew when “more children at their school were being dawn raided, detained and deported.” Typical Scottish school obviously.
We shouldn’t applaud them, we should denounce them.
It is a bout a group of girls who fulfill the multiculti PC narritive, but who still did a great diservice to rational society.
The assylum seekers had their assylum considered and rejected and they should have been deported. They should not have been here in the first place as under international law, they should seek assylum in the first safe country they land in. The crossed most of Europe before they got here.
You’ve come up with some very inconvenient facts there, Ken. Always guaranteed to send the leftist ideologues scurrying back down their dark holes where democracy can’t find them.
What a load presumptuous and ideologically charged nonsense you write. Spurting loaded and unfounded assertions in such a willy-nilly manner is very telling about your political motives, comrade. Incidentally, would you care to enlighten us with some examples that support your ‘race-hate…’ aspersions?
Pretty sure the alleged paedophile ring at the heart of government got mentioned here because I remember posting something about the BBC going very quiet ( i.e. off the attack) when they realised Leon Brittan had acted correctly and a few Labour names started to crop up in related news.
The paedophile scandal is not a party political issue, no matter how much the BBC and their lefty supporters would wish it. Their are paedophiles in senior positions in every party, and Savile was very close to ALL the prime Ministers at least from Heath onwards, including Blair and Brown.
The BBC keeps pushing the Gaza situation to top or near top of its news headlines.
Even that is a reflection of the BBC agenda. Most people, I believe, are sick and tired of the Palestinians (and Israel ?) and think there are more serious things going on in the world, things that affect them more directly. Frankly, they don’t care very much of a dozen or two people die each day in rocket exchanges in a conflict that has carried on for so many years – that is not much higher than thew death rate on a typical Chicago weekend. But the BBC likes to use Gaza as a stick to beat Israel with.
The Gaza conflict is not even in the Top 10 of Sky’s most-watched stories.
I’ve just watched a programme on Channel 5 called “Benefits Britain” that has told the outright truth about immigrants and benefits…..I’m truly shocked…Can’t wait for it to come on-line.
So here I am quickly presuming the news before calling it a night and I come across this whitewash of a story from the bBC: Sudan anger at ‘church-building ban’
So reading that headline would you think that one of the most intolerant Islamic countries in the world is defending…Christians.
Well according to the bBC, the country which waged war on its Southern Christian Neighbours (1-2 million dead)
On its Black Islamic inhabitants of Darfur (0.5 million dead)
The country which jails people for allowing children to name a teddy ‘Mohamed’, which jailed a woman for wearing trousers, another for marrying a Christian and many more and the bBC states this about the country: “Sudan is majority Muslim, but officially guarantees freedom of religion.”
Makes you wonder if the bBC really is the propaganda arm of Intolerant Islam
The BBC in the Midlands report the good news that a much delayed hospital for the Black Country (announced and continually postponed by Labour) has been given the ‘go ahead’ by the Chancellor who will release £350m for the project.
But wherever there is a silver lining the BBC in the Midlands will find a cloud. After a brief bit of VT showing Osborne in the Black Country, they ask;
‘Is there a political dimension to this?’ Cue BBC reporter and local Labour leader…’there’s an election on the way…Osborne made his announcement in a marginal constituency’.
If that’s not enough the BBC continue…’The new super hospital will replace two nearby hospitals…will patients miss out?’, the numpties ask.
The BBC hate good news and I like the expression that#88 used of ‘wherever there is a silver lining the BBC in the Midlands will find a cloud’ except that wherever there is good news for the Conservatives, Israel or Climate sceptics the BBC will find the cloud or just ignore it. I am sorry to see Mr Gove go but how will the BBC play this I wonder?
bBC headlines a story about a black man who was abused whilst in care during the 60s: Author Alex Wheatle: ‘Systematic abuse where I grew up’ The only records of historical child abuse that can be used to prosecute paedophiles lie in the memories of abused children, a victim has said. Author Alex Wheatle said he was abused at a south London children’s home where he lived from 1966 until 1978. There was “systematic” physical, sexual and emotional abuse there, he said. Mr Wheatle, who was appointed MBE in 2008, told the BBC few paper records would exist so victims must be made to feel “confident” to come forward. He said he had addressed issues of abuse in his novels, but now aged 51 he had decided to speak publicly about the abuse he suffered at Shirley Oaks children’s home. “I have spoken about violence before but not the sexual assault,” he said
Funny thing the bbC which is so quick to smear any Tory with allegation of child abuse doesn’t feel the need to do likewise when the nonce is from the left of the political spectrum. Here is what the bbC doesn’t tell you about the above, but the leftwing Daily Mirror does: Award winning author: I was abused at council care home linked to ex-Labour minister An award-winning author today reveals that he was abused at a children’s home thought to be linked to a paedophile ring involving an MP in Tony Blair’s government.
Strange how the bBC which goes after tory MPs when one of its own is in the spotlight:
Goes all quiet when a Labour MP is the dirty fucking bastard.
Why isn’t the bBC getting Tom Watson on the telly?
The bBC, doing what it does best: Buggering British Children and pointing the sticky finger of blame at anybody but themselves and their fat ilk.
Why isn’t the bBC getting Tom Watson on the telly?
Watson’s role in all this is dubious to say the least. It was the Labour smear unit that came up with the false allegations against McAlpine, happily broadcast by the BBC and Watson has been pushing the ‘paedo Tory’ line for ages. Yet no evidence ever appears, its all been conveniently ‘lost’.
Baring in mind Labour had control of the Home Office from 1997 to 2010 it is not beyond the realms of possibility that they disappeared these files for just this reason – so they could accuse the Tories of a cover up. This is of course despite the fact that even Geoffrey Dickens said he thought the allegations he had brought had been properly investigated and was happy that no further action would be taken. How better to create mistrust than to destroy files which exonerate Tories but which are ‘rumoured’ to discredit them.
So maybe that’s why Watson is keeping his head down. There are too many holes in his story, not that any journalist is bothering to point this out mind.
I hope that you are right, but fear that the truth is that there exists elite paedophile networks operating internationally which have members operating within the highest levels of the British establishment.
That is the allegation that desperately needs to be independently examined.
I agree but unfortunately this is unlikely to happen during the current witch hunt. Any enquiry that finds no evidence will be dismissed as a cover up and, considering the current low standard of evidence required during witch hunts any ‘evidence’ found will be used as a political football rather than a quest for justice.
The people who will suffer most from this are those who really have been abused rather than the far larger number looking for attention/compensation.
On Radio 4 ‘Today’, 7.35, this morning. Luton female muslim says she would happily pick up and use an AK-47 if asked to do so. And how many more feel that way?
It goes on to say that relying on “community leaders” to get the message through on not going to Syria/Iraq isn’t working. Why on earth would it?
Thanks Blair, Brown, Cameron, Straw, May, Blunkett, Reid, aided and abetted by the BBC.
After Scamerons reshuffle being called a ‘night of the long knives’ (a historical reference to the Nazi parties purge of it’s far left).
Now we have a gearing up for a great falsehood to be visited on the British people in the campaign to seek re-election for slippery Dave.
Fresh for his huge ‘victory’ opposing the election of Jean-Claude Juncker a wholly pointless exercise which was a done deal before Scameron took it on, it looks like he is choosing another lost cause to rail against which he knows all his raging will have no effect, but will play to a gallery of anti European sentiments in the UK.
Unfortunately the people of Britain are pretty thick and can’t see past the veneer of the attack, to the point that Cameron is screaming at the wind.
So it looks like he’s going to oppose the Human Rights Act. Not in a meaningful way which would see us pulling out, but in a way which puts the UK into conflict with it, meaning he can scream and shout and make deeply ’emotional’ speeches about the UK in Europe, while all the time knowing that he will have no effect what so ever.
Eventually he will concede that he has to comply with the EU diktats, but that he strove manfully against the oppression !
Don’t be taken in people! Cameron has EU written through him like a stick of rock, and he is only going to be trying to win votes back from people who voted UKIP whilst actually doing nothing positive or achievable at all.
The only way to scrap the HRA, get out of the ECHR is to get out of the EU, as being signed up to the ECHR is one of the conditions of membership.
We need a common sense bill of rights, re affirming common law and setting in place the rights that all law abiding people have. Criminals and terrorists aught to have fewer rights.
Talk about stating the bleeding obvious! His latest gimmick is more like Night of the long ‘wives’! It’s a cynical and pathetic attempt to get more women to vote for him; those few tory voters left in the land will be in dismay. Westminster politics becomes more risible each day.
This one is not a directly BBC gripe, more an impatience with all those hypocritical corporate bodies which love to assume a progressive public outward stance and do so by the shortcut of promoting leftist slogans.
Is it just me, or are others sick to the back teeth with this tendency? One example is the Google habit of pinning some vague leftist badge to its search page.
This morning something to do with feminism is order of the day for our corporate progressive conglomerate – as Emmile Pankhurst has her 156th(!) birthday celebrated by the computer giant.
And just a word about their “Don’t be Evil” slogan.
What on earth is that supposed to mean?
Apparently it stands for a…
“… bit of a jab at a lot of the other companies, especially our competitors, who at the time, in our opinion, were kind of exploiting the users to some extent.” So that’s clear then.
In light of privacy violantions and also this story…
‘An alleged prostitute, accused of injecting heroin into a Google executive on his yacht in California and leaving him to die when he overdosed, appeared in court on Wednesday on manslaughter and heroin charges’
….perhaps that slogan ought to be altered to “Don’t get caught”
I wonder how many readers are aware of the Pankhursts real political views and their background? Something the Fascists have constantly chosen to cover up and not speak about while creating their heroine champion of Diversity and Wimmins right.
It is true that the Suffragettes campaigned for votes for women, however what is omitted is that it is not a campaign for all of them to have the vote, only those who qualified by possession of land / property deemed large enough.
Pankhurst born in 1858 was 26 when the 3rd electoral reform act was brought in, in 1884.
This act took away the exclusivity of the property owning males to vote, and widened the electorate to include all eligible males. This incensed Pankhurst who thought that rather than allowing the poor to vote, the act should have included property owning women, and the spouses of men who owned property. She did not want working class men to have a vote at all !
Now we see that the TEA party in America is putting forward property ownership as a good basis for a right to vote. Diametrically opposed to the Fascists who champion Pankhurst, who ironically is more closely allied with their political enemies.
“Films must “tick” at least two of three criteria: on-screen diversity; off-screen diversity and “creating opportunities and social mobility,” the paper reported.
In the first category, at least one lead character must be “positively reflecting diversity,” with the project more likely to receive funding if it “explicitly and predominantly explores issues of identity relating to ethnicity or national origins, a specific focus on women, people with disabilities, sexual identity, age and people from a socially disadvantaged background.”
Already happening in the BBC. Why not just rename the BFI “The Ministry of Truth” and have done with it?
an acquaintance of mine works in the film industry at a senior level and was ranting at me last summer about the BFI’s continued funding of Ken Loach – “the only way he can make dreary left-wing movies no bugger wants to see is to get public funding – his mates at the BFI keep funding him because he’s “radical” and “socially relevant” when what they should be funding is popular work that might make them some money. And he lives in a bloody mansion in the most expensive part of Bath…”
Your friend needs to check out Box Office mojo instead of spouting. Most of Loach’s films are shoe string budgets. Wind that Shakes the Barley made $22m before DVD and streaming fees. For a low budget film it did more than pay back.
What’s wrong with living in Bath? Better than your assisted living accommodation surely?
As if they haven’t been doing that for years. They fund movies about asylum seekers, homosexuals, trade unions and ethnics. You know worthy films, films that no one in their right mind would fork out a tenner to see at the cinema.
Film subsidy is a racket, they don’t care about the audience who pays to see films, only “their” lefty message.
Hmm. The list of projects that have received some form of funding through the BFI Film Fund is published via the BFI website, and demonstrates your summary is, as is sadly usual for Biased BBC, overgeneralised to the point of falsehood.
The Arts are full of lefty hypocrites who perform ‘socially relevant’ projects about their poor and the miners strike and how evil Tories are yet refuse to have unionised staff, run zero-hour contracts, employ thousands of unpaid interns on the often unrealised promise of paid work and have the employment practices that would make McDonalds blush.
Confront them and they bluster away and resort to ad homs. Lovely people.
They work on the entitlement theory of wealth i.e. that social justice [fanfare] requires them to take money earned by somebody else and give it to themselves – as a reward for their [fanfare] social conscience.
In the case of the Jew hating (“If there has been a rise [anti-semitism]…it is perfectly understandable because Israel feeds feelings of anti-semitism.”) egalitarian Ken Loach, he [cut to a picture of Stalin] has his principles, and so does not let a little thing like the poverty, misery, and oppression which Socialism has caused across the world trouble his “social conscience” – which is a funny sort of conscience isn’t it.
BBC 3 (the one that’s aimed at young people) 7pm yesterday:
Hotel of Mum and Dad
‘Swansea couple Rob and Jon, who have been together for four years, sample life away from Rob’s doting mother because Jon is desperate to move out.’
Yes, that’s right, Rob and Jon are both guys. Maybe these lads like their rugger or maybe they don’t – but it is a case of how pink is my valley. Have to admire the euphemism ‘been together for four years’.
Was a little surprised by this phrasing : ‘mummy’s boy Rob’
Steady on BBC, let’s not stereotype.
‘how will this pampered chap cope without his doting mum?’
They certainly are pushing on with the project of making homosexual marriage mainstream i.e. lets put it in front of the children!
There is an irritating comedienne who features on one of the unfunny shows in the radio four so called ‘comedy slot’ at 6.30 who regularly refers to ‘my wife’. I wonder if the ‘wife’ describes her ‘on top’ partner as ‘my husband’ or is it two wives? Hmmm
Scott, I don’t think you actually read my post and understood the joke about the BBC stereotyping gays – you just honed in on the gay theme and happily fired off “You seem to have a problem with gay couples” Typical, typical leftist remark and so very BBC.
Er, I did read your post. I’m sorry that the rest of the world doesn’t think you’re the world class comedian that you seem to think yourself to be.
Stuff like “how pink is my valley” isn’t funny, it’s just lame. And claiming that a couple “being together for four years” is a euphemism isn’t even attempting to be funny.
But hey. You live in Biased BBC world, which has such poor standards of “comedy” that it’s little wonder that you don’t realise you’re not the comedian the sad, lonely little voice in your head is forlornly trying to convince itself you are.
Bless. This stalking is turning into quite the little obsession with you isn’t it, “John”? It’s almost charming how you lie in wait, desperate to reply to every post I make.
And not so very, very sad at all. No, don’t let anyone tell you that your interjections are dull and worthless. You keep showing what a fine upstanding member of society you are by repeating the same old nonsense as much as you like !
On Today this morning, the BBC’s Middle East editor speaking from Gaza denounced Israel’s acceptance of the Egyptian truce proposals as another Jewish plot to swindle Hamas out of its birthright to wipe out israel. Well, Bowen wasn’t as frank as that but his commentary boiled down to justifying the Hamas refusal to accept the proposals and damning the Israeli acceptance as part of a devious Israeli plan to deny its guilt concerning the death of innocent Gazans.
Really, why does the BBC persist in employing this ignoramus? His efforts during the start of the “Arab Spring” in Cairo were pathetic. As I wrote at the time, his analysis of the then situation was embarrassing in its shallowness. This time, I simply don’t believe that his Hamas minders would allow him (even if he wanted to – which is a different matter altogether) to file a disinterested analysis let alone one which might conclude that Israel isn’t the 100% villain here.
Latest news is that rockets are still being fired from Gaza into Israel.
Some members of the Israeli cabinet were reported to be opposed to the Egyptian truce. But they may have expected Hamas to refuse to comply.
Since Israel withdrew from Gaza the pattern has been that Hams etc have attcked Israel with rockets and other means, eventually there has been a strong Israeli response aimed at weakening Hamas capacity, then a ceasefire – then Hamas starts rebuilding its rocket arsenal and starts more rockets. Each time the rocket arsenal has grown larger.
This time there were an estimated 10,000 rockets in Gaza. What is clearly needed is a major land offensive to hunt down the tunnels and rocket stores, to really weaken Hamas. Hamas itself is now much weaker financially, especially because the Egyptians have cracked down on the tunnels which yielded lots of “tax”, and the Arab world is distracted to other far worse problems.. This is perhaps which is why it was forced into a deal with Fatah.
Public opinion in Israel is probably much more united in Israel than before, partly because the Hamas rockets now threaten most of the country. There is not such strong overseas attacks on Israeli policy as have happened before the Middle East collapsed into general chaos.
Clearly Israel was poised to move into northern Gaza. My guess is that this could still happen, because Hamas will not observe the proposed ceasefire. Moving into one zone would carry less risk than an overall offensive – and it could let Israel display the huge amount of rockets and tunnels – and their location.
Moral disapproval from the likes of Bowen and the BBC can go hang.
Sadly, John thousands if not millions of people ( if you include the BBC World service ) are influenced by these reports. Saying the BBC can go hang and not doing anything doesn’t help anyone.
“The Holocaust didn’t just happen it began with words” A Canadian foreign minister said this. It is vital that people like yourself protest loudly to the BBC and any other MP who has the courage to fight against this incitement to racial hatred of the oldest kind. Unfortunately the correspondence between MP Denis McShane and the BBC Director General on my behalf has to stay confidential but Mr McShane had the courage to respond to Bowen’s anti Semitism( and there MUST be other decent MP’s who will fight this slander ). See
“But now, he’s decided to come down from his BBC mountain and has give(n) an interview to – wait for it, the BBC house organ, The Guardian. On first sight, it’s one of those soft-touch meejah ‘profiles’ without an obvious peg. But read between the lines and it speaks volumes about the man and his mission – as well as the Corporation he works for. ‘BBC propagandist’ is emblazoned there as clearly as if it had been extruded through a stick of Blackpool rock.”
I wonder when the BBC will note that Hamas not only rejected the proposal but heavily rocketed Israel after they did so?
Hamas, which controls Gaza, is still discussing the plan, but its armed wing has rejected it as a “surrender”. Will the BBC suggest the supposed political wing had nothing to do with the decision to resume hostilities? Perhaps, it’s only Hamas trying to get in as many shots as they can before the ceasefire takes effect?
Blatant bias on the One News with the BBC assuming that left-wing teachers = the majority of teaching opinion across England. Whilst the reporter was stating that he is the most unpopular Ed. Secretary for many years the camera conveniently fell upon a small enclave of young teachers at a union conference heckling Give in protest: you could see that many others around this group were not participating. This was the BBC trying to give the impression that this small group of lefties was representative of the profession.
Anyone notice the endless leader article in every ‘news’ broadcast concerns a country called ‘Germany’ winning a football match? Unlimited BBBC pride and happiness, almost like they represent us…..
Also multiple viewings of frozen water falling from the sky in a place called ‘Siberia’. Hmmmm – must be more evidence of that ‘global warming’ at work again!
Got me thinking there!
I imagine that the BBC would happily lend its surveillance techniques and hardware to any passing lefty-liberal government that offered equality, diversity, progress and Islam.
Have the EU checked on the BBCs willingness to keep an eye on us-and maybe if they rot our brains enough with their hideous output…we`ll no longer need to be watched by the EU/UN or other “progressive agents of world harmony”.
Just a thought…
With inflation 0.1% away from the 2% target the BBC News journalist masquerading as a business correspondent keeps telling us that the rate is almost at that at which the Governor would have to write a letter of explanation to the Chancellor. That would actually be required if the rate was 1% or 3%.
A newsroom the size of a planet but filled with ignorant staff.
A deep sense of foreboding has come over me about this new BBC 3 drama ” The Glasgow Girls ” which will screened tonight. I don’t want to watch this train wreck but I’m going to force myself to observe and analysis the blatant, in your face, pro immigration propaganda.
”The Glasgow Girls” a play set in Glasgowgrad twinned with Stalingrad.
”Seven teenagers with a cause that captured the imagination of a country !!!!”
Err, um, not really.
”seven teenage girls whose lives are changed forever !!”
”when they arrive at school one day to be told that one of their friends – and her asylum seeking family – have been forcibly taken from their home to be deported !!! ”
No one get’s deported from this country, muslim jihadist terrorists don’t get deported for God’s sake.
”After the initial shock of this news has worn off, these feisty girls.”
Another word for fiesty is chippy, uppity and aggressive.
”feisty young women are galvanised to take a stand and to fight for the life of their friend, her family, and, ultimately for the rights of all children of asylum-seekers in Scotland. They take on the Scottish Government and the Home Office and succeed !!!!”
More garbage, the Scottish and UK government are all for flooding the country with mass immigration.
” The girls succeed where adults and politicians have failed !!!! ”
I don’t buy that, children can’t organise things, they were probably helped by their parents and I suspect the Pro Immigration Industrial Complex, social workers, human rights lawyers, Liebour, Liberals UAF, SWP, Hope not Hate, etc etc.
“I don’t buy that, children can’t organise things, they were probably helped by their parents and I suspect the Pro Immigration Industrial Complex, social workers, human rights lawyers, Liebour, Liberals UAF, SWP, Hope not Hate, etc etc.”
“Yet the narrative of this BS story is you’d think Britain was a brutal tyrannical dictatorship deporting millions of immigrants in cattle trucks.
If only…. ”
A few lines that tell us all we need to know about your prejudices. You really are a credit to this site!!
Perhaps try a Gaza demo or two as well. These are my opinions of you and no-one else’s. These are based on your comments and desperate efforts for attention. No more, no less.
No, I don’t. However, John Anderson and other, similar trolls keep posting comments about me on that topic.
So, yet again, you’re lying. Or are you just very, very, very stupid and can’t tell the difference? Which is it – liar or idiot? (For clarity, “all of the above” is also an option.)
John, you seem to have a problem understanding very basic concepts.
Brims said “Scott continues to post offensive comments swooning and gushing”
And yet I haven’t done. But you have. Over and over and over and over again.
Brims is mistaking your juvenile little trrolling, your inability to read a post of mine without responding with the same tripe, for something that’s my fault.
Your appalling behaviour is not my responsibility. The only person who can make you behave like an adult is you.
Why does the troll pretend not to be just an immature punk, always lashing out at all and sundry.?
Ignore the troll – see how cross and stroppy it gets.
Poor John Anderson. It must be a tough life, being so clueless.
It’s proving impossible to reason with someone who behaves abominably, and yet lashes out. I feel sorry for his parents, and their obvious inability to raise their child to a basic level of emotional comprehension.
As you wisely point out, it is best to ignore the troll. He seems to be working through psychological issues that have nothing to do with the topic of BBC bias.
Yeah, yeah, Anderson’s behaviour is a somehow a symptom of a failure on my part. Here we go again – Biased BBC regulars behaving like idiots, and blaming everybody else because they’re incapable of taking responsibility for their own nonsensical behaviour.
But do keep going. The more you do, the bigger a hole you dig for yourselves, and the more you show the world how little comprehension you have of how to behave like decent members of society.
I mean, some of the characters are non-white so it’s a given that you’re going to hate it.
And the attempt at fisking the NTS description of the musical above is so inept and prone to prejudiced flights of fancy that any valid objections you may have will probably, as so often with you, disappear under a weight of bigoted, racist tripe.
NO Scotty just a weak ad hom, implying anti immigrationism is about skin colour.
Its not. Believe it or not anti immigrationism is about immigration, culture, identity, over population, congestion, shortage of housing, language – hearing only English spoken in your workplace so that you can understand everything your colleagues are saying!
‘Mat’, I see that you use ad hominem attacks instead of reasoned responses. Tells me everything I need to know about your education and academic prowess.
ad hominem ? oh get you Mr Fry !
it wasn’t a ad hominem it was meant as an outright insult you moron! jesus you can lead a jerk to the insult but this lot you have to fecking draw a map and give instructions in big crayon !
Oh and what you think is of no more consequence to me then what the dog has just left on the front garden ! now go fondle yourself in yer moms cellar like always rectal !
Oh dear. You really are a pathetic and misguided little individual, aren’t you. It’s illiterate and obnoxious prats like you that cancel out some of the more intelligent, educated and reasoned comments on here. Now go away and educate yourself you unsavoury and unlettered twerp!
I had the misfortune to hear the 2 p.m. ‘news’ bulletin on Radio 5 Dead, from which I learned that the most important ‘news’ of the day is that a loony teachers’ union leader has welcomed the removal of Michael Gove as Secretary of State for Education, and that the loony (Christine Blower, NUT General Secretary) hoped that they could return to the former system where she decided what teachers would tell our children.
BBc reporter in Gaza informs us that due to restrictions by Egypt & Isreal the economy has collapsed. If they put as much effort into their economy as they do obtaining rockets the economy might not be so much of an issue.
Massive corruption, failure to invest in infrastructure, Muslim (as interpreted by Hamas) strictures against women in the workforce and lending money for interest, assassination of entrepreneurs who came out of the Fatah camp and the welfare mentality that came out of the unique UNRWA system clearly had nothing to do with it.
Why this country is never going to be able to successfully counter Islamic Jihad and its violence.
The UK runs a government body grandly entitled “The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation” (ICSR), based in King’s College London.
They have been monitoring Muslim women travelling to Syria to fight Jihad, and yet so deluded are this bunch of lefties that they haven’t got the first clue of Islamic doctrine (or they’re lying), nor the motives of people travelling on Jihad.
According to Melanie Smith, a research associate at the ICSR “Ms Smith also claims a vast majority of these women go to make hijrah – a migration in search of a better life.”
Two things here, hijrah does not mean a migration in search of a better life, but even if it did does anyone reading this seriously believe for one instant, that life in Syria as a Jihadi fighter or ‘bride’ will be a better life than it is in Luton?
This women is either certifiable, lying, or the BBC have completely distorted her accounts.
The simple meaning of the word Hijrah (migration) is to move from one place to the other and take up residence there. It is an historical reference to Mohammeds supposed flight from Mecca to Medina.
“I spoke to at least two dozen Muslim women in Luton, most of whom said they would like to go to Syria to provide humanitarian aid but whose family priorities at home are making such a journey difficult.”
What a shame ! The BBC article really sucks it up to these wanna be terrorists and their facilitators.
‘Two things here, hijrah does not mean a migration in search of a better life, but even if it did does anyone reading this seriously believe for one instant, that life in Syria as a Jihadi fighter or ‘bride’ will be a better life than it is in Luton?’
I hope Beeboids do not want ‘diverse’ supporters of such Islamic jihad atrocities to become immigrants to U.K and given privileged positions in U.K society for being ‘diverse’.
The ‘humanity of the Taliban’ indeed.
Cosy little chat Sarah Montague had this morning with one of the many BBC’s correspondents in the Middle East (why are so many of them Irish women?).
You’d have thought the unholy mess in Iraq, Syria and beyond with its mass murder, mutilations, crucifixions, butchery, religious cleansing and general stomach-churning savagery would have merited at least the same grave tones as when the BBC reports on Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Not a bit of it.
So calm and matter of fact and reasonable you’d think the emergence of ISIS and its ‘Caliphate’ had come about by some faultless democratic process.
‘So I decided to find out what life is like under ISIS’ says our correspondent, breezily.
Interviewee (of which there was only one): ‘Life is good’.
Correspondent: ‘Really?’
Interviewee: ‘Yes, they’ve opened up roads and you are much more free to move about Mosul now than before’.
End of interview.
I’d guess he wasn’t a Christian or a music lover, or didn’t mind his wife being forced to walk round in a head-to-toe black shroud. But we’ll never really know, will we?
But what you do know is that life is good under ISIS. And you know that because you heard it on the BBC.
Bleating on the socialist broadcasting North West about 17 year olds not being treated as children when arrested. Hey maybe try this one…Don’t break the law.
Unless they were Israeli boys who were butchered by Hamas-where they would inevitably be described as “illegal settlers” and provoking Islam by daring to study Jewish theology in a Sharia-compliant zone.
Funny how these ‘children’ are allowed to vote in Salmonds referendum and Beeboids would love to give them the vote in every election
Funny how beeboids were all for the age of homosexual consent reduction to sixteen for these ‘children’ – or maybe not so odd given recent exposures of celebrities at the BBC.
Funny how Biased BBC commenters imply the equalisation of the age of consent was down to some sort of predatory instinct. The age of consent was 16 for opposite sex relationships for how many decades? THOSE FILTHY HETEROSEXUALS.
But then. When it comes to bigotry on Biased BBC we can’t let logic and facts get in the way, now, can we. Allowing sad little men to lie to themselves in a pitiful attempt to let themselves believe they’re in the right is FAR more important than telling the truth.
No not so funny given that a high proportion of homosexuals are attracted to teenagers – this goes back to Roman times, and probably prehistory, Virgils Aenid glorifies a man/boy relationship.
a high proportion of homosexuals are attracted to teenagers
Any source reference that isn’t over 2,000 years old? I mean, I know making blanket asssertions to cover up one’s own prejudice is de rigeur for Biased BBC’s regular bigots, but you never know – you could buck the trend…
That Lyse Doucet is yet another Muslim brown-noser. In her interview earlier with Israeli government spokesman, Mark Regev, she heckled and revealed an undeniable sympathy for Hamas. There’s too many of these save-the-world types getting involved and misrepresenting the conflict. Cannot stand the woman!
In contrast, INBBC’s Clive Myrie fronting INBBC TV News Channel (after 9 pm tonight), indulged a Hamas ‘spokesperson’ in a long interview, which Myrie lost control of, as the Hamas propagandist refused to be interrupted; Myrie was reduced to merely saying, ‘OK’, ‘OK’, ending with a ‘thank you very much’ to Hamas, of course.
Utter crap news about some Space Aeroport or such being foisted on the UK, just so the likes of Branson can dress up as an astronaut.
Funny there`s been no cavils from the Greens or the BBC about the colossal waste of fuels required to send such a vainglorious piece of tin into space…course not, it`s glam, sexy cool and very JFK!
So no Greens squauking as yet-unless, of course those fuels are to be obtained from fracking.
And-if our money is involved in this tomfoolery as taxpayers-why the hell are Scotland being considered for the beanos to follow.
Let the SNP fund and underwrite it up there after September 18th…until then, let them publish their figures on how they`ll pay to destroy the Moray Firth.
Don’t like to do the British thing and dismiss everything as a white elephant, doomed to failure, but the timing of this and the number of Scottish locations are suspicious, to say the least.
Apparently it will be the first outside the US, which makes me wonder why nobody else has bothered if it’s such a great idea. It’s the sort of grandiose scheme the French normally go for.
A couple of other thoughts. If this is supposed to be a commercial venture, how will the inevitable cancellations due to bad weather work out? And wouldn’t two bases be needed to provide an alternative landing site?
Simple maths and physics show that it is best to launch near the equator, England seems marginally better placed than Scotland in that respect.
On the other hand people may feel better at leaving Scotland at great speed…. ( using an argument similar to mine that it would be better to extract the toll on leaving Wales rather than on entry. )
Haddock wrote: “Simple maths and physics show that it is best to launch near the equator”
For a conventional ground based launch then you are correct, however the US and the Brits are looking at a plane launch system along the lines of what Richard Branson is using for his commercial venture. google Skylon, the reason why Scotland looks good is because it it out of the way of most commercial air routes
Did I hear that right?
Israel had a unilateral ceasefire, based on the obvious understanding that Hamas would not be firing rockets into Israel as they held it.
But Hamas “did not consider themselves part of the negotiations”-so sent rockets into Israel, by way of ” avoiding being seen as surrendering”.
And the BBC/ITV portray this as ISRAEL breaching an Egyptian-based ceasefire?…WTF?
I`m guessing we`re now well beyond Orwell now…these nutjobs of Hamas and the BBC plead victimhood, even as they kill Israeli volunteers.
Total madness…
You can tell the calibre of a man when you see the whole established order, parrotting the platitudes and cliches of the dunces confederacy.
Michael Gove fatally wounded the bouncy castles of privilege and educational vested interests-and don`t the unions, the BBC and the chattering classes reckon that they`e got his scalp?
Typical of the BBC to go to the schoolrooms of the dead and the damned…to sniff the bins at Congress House or ask a Prescott or a Tristram about the end of divisive and controversial policies-now that good old Labour are coming home.
Deluded bastards-collectively short of a brain-and seeming to think that we teachers and parents who STILL are able to think for ourselves didn`t agree with all he did.
Well , not all-but way more than any education secretary since…God knows.
The Blob is oozing away…and good old Michael Gove has been a hero in slaying the f***in lefty shitspear of “Producer Capture” and Public Sector Sinkholes.
Thanks Michael-to be hated by all the right kind of tossing enemies shows just how great you`ve been…keep it coming!
Watched Emily Maitlis giving the Archbishop of Canterbury a grilling on Newsnight last night.
The callow womans arrogance knew no bounds…the BBC of course being the Peoples Church and not privy to pervy stuff like the Church…errr…well, moving on….
Anyway-if anybody ever thought that sucking up to the liberals agenda in allowing for woman bishops , would possibly satisfy the Left…well they`re thick!
For Maitls devoted the last ten minutes repeatedly asking about gay marriage, and whether he`d be carpeting George Carey for his euthanasia advocacy.
Why-it`s as if Women Bishops was but an excuse to flay the church over gay marriage and its opposition to euthanasia.
This can`t be so-for the liberals have spoke about nothing else…until they get their wishes coming true.
Women as token window dressing and excuses to flag up gays and mercy killing?…sexist!,,,does Womans Hour know?
And the message-throwing sprats to the liberals…whether church or Tory do it…is no use…these are sharks and are insatiable…and even a token sacrifice drives them wild with bloodlust.
Welby?…Cameron?….the BBC hate you-so do what is right, not what is done to assuage the lavender nazis of the media and the left…
There is a programme on immigration on the BBC tonight. Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford explore the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides of the debate together. Pairing five Brits who are opposed to immigration with five immigrants, they look at the issues of jobs, housing and what it means to be British. Oh dear. The outcome, net benefits, immigrants contribute more than they take out island built on immigration, we are all immigrants yadah yadah yadah…
Wouldn’t it be absolutely bloody predictable a-may-zing if the five Brits who are opposed to immigration had the scales fall from their eyes by the end of the programme ?
Yes you are correct, apparently the housing crisis is not caused by immigration yet is caused by London’s population increasing by 15%. Ehhhh who are these 15 % indigenous white English.
This is a very clever piece of propaganda. I couldnt keep watching it, it annoyed me so much. Superficially it does appear ‘balanced’, its not unsympathetic to the situation of the Brits, BUT, I have watched only two, the first a young carpenter, not stupid, but not the most articulate either, set up opposed to a middle aged Polish man who has lived here ten years and now runs his own furniture making business, employing only Poles. The young lad isnt exactly a match for him. Then we have an older man from Southend, unhappy with the way his mother was treated by immigrants in the NHS, sent to meet a pretty bright Phillipino family, wife a nurse, husband formerly an assistant to a congressman, now workign in a care home two kids. They know exactly what to say: ‘difficult decision to come here’ (like hell it was), she claimed she came because she ‘loves travel’, like hell that was the reason. He claims when asked about his current job (which he is clearly only doing as a stepping stone to something better) ‘Phillipinos are very caring people ‘LOL!
This family are living in a shared ownership new build flat in south London. Their two boys (and maybe more to come) are getting an education at our expense. They are not an ‘asset’. They are here for themselves to take what they can.
Well said, I feel well and truly insulted the program consisted of nothing other that the immigrants patronising the indigenous. Note the carefully selected immigrant examples ie not a Roma to be seen.
Immigrants = Intelligent and hardworking
British (English) = Stupid, bigoted and lazy
No intelligent person opposed to immigration would ever agree to appear on BBC documentary, or at least not without full editorial control, thus Brits who go on are naive , not very bright, or usually both -lambs to the slaughter.
The whole programme really left one with no doubt at all as to its predetermined agenda. This was a deliberate (and typical) false flag operation on the part of the ever disingenuous BBC to ‘discuss’ a contentious subject upon which the BBC has an absolutely inflexible, fixed political stance. As a result, it was little wonder, then, to see that within the first part of this two parter (second part tonight on BBC1 at 9pm) we already have one of the five test subjects (white English boy, unemployed, lives in the SE, a little slow) successfully ‘converted’ (re-educated?) to see the unlimited ‘benefits’ of open door EU immigration.
Job done, BBC, job done. One can only imagine how ‘balanced’ and ‘impartial’ the remainder of the ‘debate’ will be in tonight’s concluding episode. We are promised ‘verdicts’ from our remaining four immigration sceptics.
Anyone care to place any bets on whether or not they’ll have seen the ‘error of their ways’..?
I PVRd it to watch later as I’m in a low tolerance mood at the moment I did turn on briefly to watch someone saying something about migrants having an understanding of English…or British.
“I did turn on briefly to watch someone saying something about migrants having an understanding of English…or British.”
Yes that was the unfortunate young carpeneter who certainly fluffed his words ( as one might when not used to the camera of course), while anything stupid said by the immigrants would have been cut by the helpful beeboids.
It was an inappropriate response from the carpenter who should have come down like a ton of bricks on the arrogant little Polish apprentice who claimed to be having no problems learning English – a parody of the truth, when it was clear how slow his progress was when his employer had to interpret for him! Instead our none too articulate countryman mumbled the faux pas you mention.
Not so unsubtle as that, the Beeboids are Past Masters at propaganda. No the Brits arent obvious dumbos just no match for their carefully selected immigrant counterparts.
That being the case it would be a direct re run of the day the migrants went home. In that program we had a yoof who spent his day playing video games who didn’t bother to turn up for the job what a suprise. Didn’t one of the others have ADHD and was sent out picking in the fields and suprise failed. Of course when I complained at the time that it appeared to me there had been a selection process in operation I was told that wasn’t the case.
I watched ‘Sharknado’, a truly fantastic film which would surely have swept the Oscars had it been given a theatre release. Much more realistic than most of Auntie’s agitprop drama output.
In this one, giant sharks are swept up by a hurricane and dumped on L.A.
The sequel lands them on New York.
As a title for the the second sequel I suggest: “Sharknado 3: This Time It’s Salford !”
Unbelievable. A lot more Roma would be helped if their home nations were developing. Having a few come and exploit the British benefits system is so obviously wrong. British workers and immigrants working here won’t be happy seeing their taxes wasted.
I really don’t think the BBC would make a programme like this.
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Moaners hour (formerly known as womens hour) ran a piece promoting the wearing of the Jilbab (veil). No opposing voice was allowed.
No explanation of how this is not a part of Islam was given, although liberal use of the meaningless bully word ‘Islamofauxbia’ was allowed.
There was no explanation of the Wahabist interpretation of Islam which prescribes this garment, and that women should not be allowed out on their own without a chaperone, nor allowed to drive.
There was no mention of the biggest driver for the bans in Europe, that of women being forced to wear it against their will by oppressive men.
No mention of crimes carried out while wearing this bag, to inflict horrific acid attacks, or acts of terrorism (Which according to the BBC have nothing what so ever to do with Islam!)
No mention of restriction of vision while driving which should probably lead to a Police stop, but won’t because they’re scared to death of being accused of ‘waycism’ even though they can’t even tell the race of the person under the bag.
All considered it was a disgraceful example of the BBC promoting the interests of the top of the hierarchy of isms Pakistani Muslim Men, yet again.
I listened to the wimmin for a bit this morning. If I’d heard the barmy burkha stuff I would have exploded. Listened to the women in Parliament bit where they were saying how oppressed wimmin are and never mentioned Mrs Thatch at all. Then hard questioning of the Tory woman MP whilst the Lab got a free ride. The BBC are despicably biased, left wing and hate this country. Shut them down now.
According to Radio Devon this morning, David Cameron is having a cabinet reshuffle and ‘at least 13 MEN are leaving their posts’. It was the emphasis on the word ‘men’ (iPlayer at 6.31 a.m. if you wish to hear the ‘glee’) that made me look up, presumably that will be 13 more of us ‘wimmin’. Sorry.
As a massive fan of Lady T, I am the last person to be anti-women. But when Cameron fires all the “hideously white, middle-aged men” he does NOT win all the female votes in Britain, because we know he is being discriminatory, and certainly prioritising how someone looks over how they perform. As Labour found out, but can never admit, putting a face into the top job and back-filling their support teams with capable people (read white men), is a recipe for divisiveness and eventual loss of power. I can only hope that UKIP is the beneficiary of this foolishness
Agree. I often wonder if the female and ethnic people in prominent positions in Government and the media (especially you know who) ever privately wonder if they are there because of talent or because they just tick one or both of the boxes. In the case of the media it is very telling that as soon as their looks go so do they.
What surprised me this morning was the word ‘men’ – normally it would be some other collective such as ‘cabinet members’, ‘ministers’, or just ‘people’. It’s getting blatant, will this lunacy ever end.
Harriet Harman? Yvette Cooper? Mo Mowlem? All thick as two short planks, but at least they were wimmin. God bless diversity.
If Cameron thinks this is a vote winner, all it does is prove he is unfit to be a party leader, or PM. Perhaps Dopey Dave needs a sex change…
The trouble is as half of the voting public are women , they want more representation in Parliament & the cabinet ,& this includes Conservative voters. Personally I can`t see the problem in having a few good looking female Tory cabinet ministers. The alternative which none of us are going to like , but may happen , is 5 years of Tyranny under the Millipeed & his evil Henchwoman ,Harperson, who will make the lives of English , White Hetrosexual males bloody unbearable . Be very afraid if this happens .
Better the first on the new thread than the last on the old!
The BBC has yet to report this:
Damage from Gaza rocket cuts power to 70,000 in strip
The Israeli power company has agreed to fix the damage but will not endanger its workers. The shooting has to stop first.
If the BBC gets to reporting this who is betting they will omit that Palestinian Authority has an outstanding bill of $1.5 billion to the Israel Electric Company NIS for electricity to Gaza. Many in Israel are asking why it is still supplying Gaza with power and water.
Damn 2nd!
Britains most dangerous songs (I’ve just watched it) Yea ok take a walk on the wild side. Somehow at the end it all ends as anti Thatcherism. Lucy O’brien (who?) I wondered why she was on ’till I looked at wiki
Still Who? Informs us the rave scene was about anti-thatcherism. Was it? I was too old for that scene and hated the music but that’s not what I thought it was about. Then on to the “Witch is dead” controversy. However.However something in the back of my mind kept telling me there was someone who was always being banned then it came to me. Someone apparently banned more times by the BBc than any one else. Give up?
rave scene was about anti-thatcherism? utter B/S it was about the music and drugs not one person i met ore knew in that scene had the merest hint of a political thought until the usual permanent lefty agitators hijacked the media representation of rave for their own agenda just like this daft BBC Multi billion £ corporation pet !
Saying rave was anti thatcher is like saying ministry of sound is anti capitalist !
yeah it was all about extacy, music, dancing and everyone loved each other. They were happy days
While I would agree, Mat, that the rave scene cannot solely be attributed to politics, I wouldn’t say the countercultural movement was completely apolitical. As someone who enjoyed the music, women and drugs of the rave scene I met many people who were reacting against both Tory and Labour government policies; well, it was more politics and society in general… a healthy youthful rejection of traditional ways of living . Just like political and social upheaval accompanied the scene in the sixties, I would say that political thought/activism did have a part (however big or small) of the rave scene. But, yes, getting hammered and going to your local drum ‘n’ bass gathering was the priority for most.
Anti-Thatcherism is much too broad a stroke but the scene was certainly highly politicised in the aftermath of the 1994 Criminal Justice & Public Order Act. Sure, the average rave goer was there to have a good time but a lot of the peace & love sentiment so prevalent in its growth gave way to anger and protest in later days.
Further reading
Your weasel words do nothing to exonerate yet another piece of BBC leftist revisionism.
There was nothing anti-Thatcher about rave – total BBC lies in support of its on-going demonization of Mrs T. They should be held to account for their glaring political bias and brainwashing agenda.
Eh? I agreed that it wasn’t Anti-Thatcherism. “Weasel words”?
Let me say, then, with absolute candour: Try removing the poker from up your arse. It might temper your anger issues.
Where’s the anger, pray? Sounds like I’ve upset you, pal. Calm yourself.
To quote: ‘Anti-Thatcherism is much too broad a stroke….’, which is a good stretch from agreeing it wasn’t anti-Thatcherism. In fact, you’ve used weasel words.
Sounds like you’ve got a logic module missing.
I said It was later hijacked by politically challenged mega whingers ! thankfully goth/EBM stayed out of it which explains why it’s considered by BBC types as a joke and never played on any of their franchises!
They do say that Gaza is a very over crowded place and it’s all the fault of Israel of course for cramming them all in to such a small area.
Then Mr Bowen our BBC reporter from the strip tells us how Mohammed is fearful for his children and grandchildren, he has nine children and over 100 grandchildren says Bowen with such concern.
It might perhaps be better to drop condoms on them from a great height rather than ordinance?
I suppose it never occurred to Jeremy Bowen to ask why Mohammed don’t protest to Hamas to stop the attacks on Israel?
The answers could be eye-opening.
Bowen would not dare broadcast any criticism of Hamas from people in the Gaza street. It would be their death warrant – and could be his while he is there.
There seem to be several BBC “reporters” in Gaza at present. How come they have not taken any film of Hamas terrorist rocket tunnels and sites within civilian areas ? Just the usual BBC veil overv the truth? – like their constant veil over the sheer filth shown on Palestinian TV ?
Waiting for any BBC journo to ask to see Hamas command centre believed to be under Shifa Hospital.
It was reckoned to be there in 2009 ? – or earlier – with a huge warren of tunnels under and around the hospital. The BBC knows that. But thinking that Bowen et al would chase any current evidence on that story is like believing in the tooth fairy.
Simir sites might well be found if the IDF go imto northern Gaza, as looks fairly likely now. I hope the IDF takes lots of film, and has embedded reporters. (But I somehow doubt if they would want any BBC embed).
When is HMG going to threaten to cut off any UK funding for the Palestinians pending Hamas ceasing their rocket attacks ? Again, that issue is not part of the BBC agenda.
Bowen on Monday’s 6pm news allows the Palestinian spokesman to declare that Israel is guilty of war crimes for indiscrimate bombing of civilian targets without comment…….and the rockets being fired into Israel are aimed at who? But Bowen couldn’t ask it.
Have you seen the Michelle Obama-style ‘Sad Duck Face’ shot on his twitter page? Such concern etched on his features…
It would never occur to Bowen to say anything that may explain Israel’s actions. He hates the Jewish State so much.. There may have been an added trigger as to why he is so vehemently against Israel – the death in front of his eyes of a journalist friend by a stray bullet during the conflict but whatever the reason his hatred of the Jewish state is shown time and time again in his commentaries.
The most revealing example is below. He read out in detail an extremely anti Semitic extract from the notoriously anti Semitic newspaper the Lebenese Star that compared Israeli treatment of Arab Palestinians with that of the treatment of Jews in the concentration camps. It was his tone of voice that clearly showed he endorsed what the newspaper was saying against the Jewish State. See last section at :
See details of the appeal to the BBC Governors . .
I’m just waiting for Bowen to start tweeting extracts from ‘The Protocols of The Elders of Zion’. You know very well it’s coming…
Dial M for Murder was on ITV3 the other night, although I’ve seen it a dozen times I watched it again, it was so refreshing because it was free of diversity, multicultural propaganda, effniks, rap music, etc etc, it was practically utopia. During the commercial break I switched over to BBC 3, big mistake, I was confronted by a depressing Ken Loach type kitchen sink drama ” Murdered by my boyfriend ” with a cast of teenage effniks, doing what teenage effniks do, shouting and screaming. After watching this for 30 seconds I immediately went into a tailspin of depression, I quickly changed channels and went back to watching Ray Milland and Grace Kelly.
A drama aimed at BBC3’s target age group, taking a real-life domestic abuse case that ended in a young woman’s murder. A piece of television that will hopefully get young people recognising when their friends are in need of help, and those who are in abusive situations to realise that not getting out of them could have terrible consequences.
The Daily Mail liked it. But David Brims? He was upset that the actors were black (or, as he likes to say, “effniks”).
No change there, then: David Brims’ comments, as ever, come at us from his usual racist viewpoint.
That is what the BBC does best, innit – making ‘dramas’ that give ‘real life stories’, normally focused on the ‘dangers’ of racism or ‘global warming’. We, “TV-tax” payers can’t even watch a plain old movie on the BBBC without it carrying a politically correct message, ie. incessant lefty propaganda.
And in what way is a drama that highlights domestic abuse “lefty propaganda”? Is it somehow left-wing to believe men shouldn’t abuse their girlfriends?
Dail M for Murder is a dreadful stage play filmed by Hitch to cash in on the 50s 3D boom and utterly predictable.
I suspect you’d find a film about necrophilia too much (Vertigo) or a mother fixated psycho of a girl who’s Mum is a harlot and so on….wonder who the Director was
Can I repost this forthright statement by Stephen Harper, PM of Canada – not reported by the BBC:
“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.
Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.
Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.
Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad. ”
As the Powerline website puts it – No call for restraint; no talk about mediation; no lectures about what Israel should or shouldn’t do. Just unequivocal support for our ally and unequivocal condemnation of our enemy.
Meanwhile we get the usual weaselly words from Obama and the lickspittle Cameron and Hague, equivocating and trying to split the difference between good and evil.
Netenyahu has sid a couple of times this week that the crucial difference is that Israel invests in protection for its civilians (eg bomb shelters everywhere, the missile defence system Hamas does not defend its civilians (eg no bomb shelters) – it uses the civilians as a human shields, forcing them to go into harm’s way.
Magnificently put by a true statesman. Nothing like the shitebag Camoron.
Even the French are closer to unequivocal condemnation of Hamas than the spineless UK politicians.
Harper is a real person. There is still hope for the West.
I agree with your first sentence, but am not so sure about the second.
Unlike some of the contributors to this site, I am not fully up to the politics of the middle east. I have to rely on the media reports esp. from ‘Al Beeb’. But after removing all the propaganda and the emotional camera work, sad as the deaths really are, the way I see it is this …
For some time Palestine has been firing hundreds of rockets, indiscriminately into Israel at any target. Israel effectively targets the rocket launching sites of the and hits so called ‘innocent civilians’
Answer to the problem – Palestine stops its hostile rocket fire.
Heaven forbid the BBC should ever give us any historical background at all to Israel/Palestine. If honestly told it wouldn’t fit the Hamas narrative would it? So best left alone….
You are quite right.
It would only remind everyone that Israeli is illegally occupying its territory after chucking all the citizens who lived there for a few thousand years of it.
But of course you knew that.
That;s a lie. The Arabs left because Arab lkeaders told them to leave. They expected to annihilate the Jews, then let all the v”Palestinians” return.
Go read some history.
How about a history lesson from Mahmoud Abbas himself to challenge the lie. He was writing in the PLO’s official magazine “Al Thura in 1976. “The Arab armies entered Palestine……. they abandoned them (Palestinian Arabs) forced them to emigrate……..imposed on upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Europe” See also
What is your position on the Turkish occupation of Constantinople?
for a few thousand years?
The Arabs (illegally) invaded and occupied the country beginning in 636 under the command of Khalid ibn al-Walid making the Palestinians uniquely the only indigenous people in existence who can trace their emergence to a definite historical date under a real not mythical leader. They converted most of the people who actually had been there for thousands of years, Jews and Christians who genetically were Jews, by force, ruinous taxation and attrition.
That said, most Palestinians are not the descendants of the Jews nor of the 7th century Arab invaders (those that come under the 2nd category are very proud of it). They are the result of massive immigration during the late Ottoman period and the British mandate. This accounts for the common family names indicating the original place of residence.
Quit before your display of ignorance really gets out of hand. The area known as the Holy Land was occupied by Jews, amongst others (including Christians, later) until the Romans kicked them out. There was no significant Arab population until the violent spread of Islam across the Middle East.
There never was a state known as ‘Palestine’ and there was no such person as a ‘Palestinian’ – that was invented by Yasser Arafat circa 1964.
And you might ask yourself why there are so many Arab citizens living in Israel.
You will be completely shocked I assure you, if you do some research into a man by the name of Haj Al Amin Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1922 – 37
He was a great supporter of the Nazis and even met Hitler. His part in the Arab revolt which was intended to weaken British power in the region led to his removal from office.
It didn’t stop him though, he carried on agitating and working on behalf of the Nazis, and was described as ‘an architect of the Holocaust’. If it hadn’t been for the French deciding he was a Political Prisoner he would have been sent for trial in the UK or Yugoslavia where his actions led directly to the Balkan war (funny how the BBC was so reluctant to tell you about his involvement).
If you really want to know about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, start with this man.
He was succeeded by Hussam al-Din Jarallah who lasted until 1954. If only he had been appointed Grand Mufti by the British things might have turned out differently.
Husseini did not dies until 1974 when he was given a heros funeral and lived plenty long enough to influence another of his successors, one Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa
better known perhaps as Yasser Arafat, born in 1929.
Sadly the Nazi ties have never left the region and it with deep unease I see Fascists from the Labour party travelling to Palestinian regions to shake hands with men who are direct descendants and successors of an architect of the holocaust and whose supporters still give Nazi salutes to.
Another you might want to research is one Achmed Huber another Nazi supporter and fund raiser to the Taleban.
What nonsense! When so many BBC people are Jewish themselves there is no way the BBC is even anti Zionist, still less anti Semitic.
Lots of Jewish names in the BBC hierarchy….
Well Aerfen perhaps you’d like to explain to us all why it is that the BBC has refused to publish the Balen report into allegations of its anti Zionism, if not anti Semitism.
Or why it is that it has spent over £300000 defending its position not to publish?
There can be only one reason, and that is because the report is critical of the BBC over its coverage of the Middle East.
It’s said that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Do you never wonder about the number of Jews who supported Adolf Hitler & his Nazis?
As for Johnny the Fishes crazy comments, have you never heard of ‘British Mandated Palestine?’ It existed before Arafat gained power !
You might say that it wasn’t a state in its own right because it was ruled by Britain, but I think that would really be splitting hairs !
Thoughtful, Very few Jews supported Adolf Hitler. Arguably only 36% of the general German people supported the Nazis and there is no evidence that anywhere near 36% of the Jews or anything close were part of this group. Unfortunately the majority opposition was divided and as hostile to each other as they were to the Nazis.
Also there was the feeling that it was all rhetoric for electioneering and would not go beyond that. How wrong they were.
There is very little doubt that whatever they thought about Hitler the Jews would have loyally fought in Germany’s armies in WWII, as they did in WWI, if they had been allowed. Much good it did them, Jews were completely loyal to Germany and much of Hitler’s rhetoric about Versailles was at least tacitly endorsed as it was by most Germans across the political spectrum.
‘Thoughtful’, you are speaking utter nonsense.. unfounded drivel hastily cut and pasted from various sites along with your own fabricated claims. Please carry out some research before posting such ludicrous comments.
You should read my post properly. I was referring to the term ‘Palestinian’ in 1964 not ‘Palestine’. I fully understand the establishment of the British Mandate following defeat of the Ottoman Empire, thank you, the Balfour Declaration and the dodgy dealings that followed. However, Palestine as such was not a state under that mandate.
Jews in the organisation make make much of a difference.
I have never thought of the BBC as Jew Haters or perhaps to be more accurate they haven’t realised that supporting antisemites they are only one degree way from it. If anything the BBC is anti Christian.
The BBC is quite happy to deal with the Jews occasionally as quaint or innocent victims of the last enemy of Britain the BBC opposed – the Nazis. It’s when the Jews refuse to be victims, which is the heart of Zionism that the BBC gets upset.
Journalism is a traditional Jewish profession so it is not surprising that Britain’s largest media employer has a group. That said, Jews make up only 0.5% of the British population. Do you have any evidence that make up even that percentage of the 23,000 person BBC workforce? It is true some are quite prominent. Perhaps they are very good at what they do?
I believe the BBC as an organisation desperately wants to support the Palestinian claim which by definition is anti Zionist, but they are prevented from doing that by law. As to why the Jews in the organisation don’t oppose that I can only speculate that it is a combination of British Jewry’s traditional reluctance to make waves; effective self selection as apart form the Israel issue the majority of BBC public facing employees come from what is normally described as the Left, (Pro Israel lefties have a very hard time of it.) and a not unwarranted view that speaking out on Israel is a fast way to the unemployment line.
Oops. Should read don’t make much of a difference.
I was referring to ‘prominent’ positions not the workforce as a whole, tea ladies, office staff etc. However given the level of nepotism at the BBC I think this is as, or more likely, to be the explanation than their being “very good at what they do”. There is no reason why they should be the latter! Indeed it is statistically unlikely. However the fact that many British Jews are Londoners probably has helped them get a foothold too.
You make a reasonable point about the general ‘leftish’ bias, but how about it being more likely that the BBC are simply trying very hard to be neutral and not to offend Muslims rather than being actually ‘anti’ Israel?
last line should read – Israel effectively targets the rocket launching sites and hits so called ‘innocent civilians’
Answer to the problem – Palestine stops its hostile rocket fire.
A good little test case of BBC wax and wane re the appointment of establishment schmoozer, grandee and do-gooding Lady Bountiful that is Lizzie Butty-Sloshed!
The BBC seemed rather taken with her to start with-and certainly loved her haughty insouciance when she stated that the plebs would not be getting her head on a plate.
But the turn came with her Bertie Wooster of a nephew-Nigel Havers-and his efforts to do a Windrush in going out to bat for his auntie.
Feedback eviscerated the young gullible sprig whose idea this was…and when Vera Baird( Beaker) wonders about her legal fees and expenses being threatened by Sloss exploding on the launchpad like a Hamas rocket before all those fees and Today appearances come onstream…well the old bird had to fall on her hatpin!
Farewell Butty…sliding on her greasy bottom to the bottom of the briney.
Should now be fun to see what establishment lickspittling cove, the Magic Circle of Child Survivors will now permit to “speak for the victims…and f*** the justice crap”.
I`d have thought that ALL suitable grandees and clapped-out judges were Establishment stooges by now…so my money is on Phil Scholari as I write.
Comedy Gold-and the BBC played their part!
Maybe Harris or Glitter might be considered-for surely only an old nonce will have the expertise in these areas….Harman, Hodge and Hewitt clearly knew nothing…
I rather assume that the ‘victims and survivors’ will only want a Left leaning judge/or whatever that will avoid any more recent politicians – and please don’t name them any further contributors otherwise David will have to remove all comments again but I think people know who I mean.
Would you suggest some serious googling of Dunblane?
There are allegations against people in all parties and at all levels of the state. This is not a party political issue, no matter how much the BBC would wish it to be.
Radio 4 PM lying again about Malala Yousefzai being shot ‘for the crime of wanting an education’.
This is a lie!
She was shot because she criticised the Taleban, who have in a rare policy change gone on the record as to why she was shot.
The Taleban was opposed to mixed gender education (sound a bit familiar to Birmingham) and were prepared to assassinate teachers who did.
Malala Yousefzai spoke out against this and was shot for her trouble.
The problem the BBC have is that the known to be extremist Taleban are not expressing a religious view which is any different to that of the governors involved in the Trojan Horse plot, albeit that they have been able to get rids of non compliant heads rather than killing them.
When Extremist Muslims are doing the same thing as those ‘peaceful British’ Muslims then there’s no way on Gods green earth that they are going to allow the public to be aware of that comparison.
So Malala was shot by a groups of extremists who are nothing like the reasonable Muslims here, simply because she wanted an education !
Thats not accurate:
The Taliban commander denied the Taliban had attacked her because of her campaign against Taliban efforts to deny girls education.
“Please mind that Taliban or Mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl,” he wrote.
“Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smearing campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in Swat and your writings were provocative.”
Gameshow Nikki’s PR bunnies have him doing the rounds plugging his new series – never seen it but I believe it’s a Sooprise Sooprise Chook retread, and plugging, get this, a ‘single’ he’s released.
So where does this Fearless Warrior of the Left go to flog his tat?
Guardian (circulation 150,000)? Independent (circulation 25,000)? or perhaps Socialist Worker (circulation 500 inc several insane asylums)?
Nah: bereted revolutionary Nikki turns up in the hated Daily Mail (circulation 3,500,000) – funny that eh. Still he did ensure that they placed at the bottom of the page…
‘Nicky Campbell has asked that his fee for this article be donated to the Born Free Foundation.’
And there you have the hypocritic pretrendy left absolving themselves of their crimes.
The article itself? Apparently in 2011 Nikky told some kids to pick up their litter and got gobbed on.
#prasnews #knobhead #hypocriticaltwat
N Campbell?
… the BBC 5 Live “Your Call” / BBC “Pallywood” hour,
N Campbell? …
One or two callers got near to commenting uncomfortable truths … but alas the BBC microphone
fairy intervened.
An irony-free zone on ITV then.
Their news bulletin squauks about the Butler Sloss bunfight-and the need to protect children in getting the right Toady to chair an enquiry-the children come first…remember that?
Next story interviews a 12 year-old Palestinian lad who grieves over his dead dad…but speaking directly to camera, a day after the death and no counselling or mediation…the liberal media doing a Dowler in using a tragedy to promote its anti-Israel cant.
And, without the wish to gainsay a tragedy-I`d like to know more about how this story got groomed to its current confection…Hamas?…human shields?…media controlling of the story for the Western medias pooled pack of useless quango ciphers by those who fire the rockets into Israel?
But no context-so until I get one, forgive my cynicism re this story for the moment.
When it comes to the IKEA flatpack stock solutions and agendas of Hamas, Islam and the BBC/ITV…I`ve had to shed any humanity and trust way too often…
BBC makes a U turn on it disgraceful ban on Lord Lawson over global warming/climate change/ extreme weather/ load of bollox or what ever they are calling the biggest scam in the history of science now
Don’t be fooled! He’s used it as just another excuse to trot (no pun intended) out tired old mantras.
The Today show editor said that if you went into any pub near Oxford Street (Why near Broadcasting House ?) you would find one or two climate sceptics. Rubbish. If you went into most pubs in this country you would find lots of people who reject the Warmist scam. BBC out of touch with its audience again. Patronising fools.
The One Show tonight took a few minutes out from their usual luvvie-fest to spread pure propaganda on why we should let lots more gypos come here illegally without challenge. I think it was a trailer for another bBBC programme. Drip, drip, drip …
It’s a true story about a group of girls achieving more in a year than you have in your complete life.
Glasgow Girls. You might learn something positive.
Yes, it’s a fascinating tale that’s already spawned a stage musical by the National Theatre of Scotland. Really looking forward to BBC3’s interpretation.
It’s a pity that the trolls on this site are so personally abusive: you know nothing about my lifetime achievements.
But I can assure you that they don’t include forcing my fellow-Britons to allow lots more foreigners to come here at our expense. I am not surprised that the TV-tax-funded lefties at the anti-British Broadcasting Corporation regard that as positive.
It’s a pity that the trolls on this site are so personally abusive:
And it’s a shame that the people who get so up in arms about people being “personally abusive” stay completely silent when the perpetrators of much worse abuse are other Biased BBC regulars, isn’t it?
Funny how you demand ‘Biased BBC regulars’ rush to protect you from your definition of ‘abuse’ yet do absolutely nothing to defend them ! the textbook lazy coward !
That probably made sense in your head, didn’t it? Shame about how it come out on the keyboard, eh.
they don’t include forcing my fellow-Britons to allow lots more foreigners to come here at our expense
And that’s not what the Glasgow Girls were campaigning for at all. But eh, when has ignorance of the truth ever stopped Biased BBC from striking a blow for jumped-up outrage?
Ignore the jihadi-fancying troll
… the hypocritical troll that whines about attacks but usually attacks and disparages all the users of this site
Oh look, my stalker’s back.
Still avoiding the very basic question of why you ignore other people’s abusive behaviour, John? Is such a simple question somehow beyond your ability to answer?
How do you know what Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling has achieved? To that, I am astonished that you feel the ‘Glasgow Girls’ are so amazing: Amal Azzudin and Roza Salih are concerned about the detention of their freind Agnesa Murselaj (all wonderfully Scottish names). However, this friend’s family had failed to get asylum and so were being deported, as they should have been. Interestingly I note that their concerns grew when “more children at their school were being dawn raided, detained and deported.” Typical Scottish school obviously.
We shouldn’t applaud them, we should denounce them.
It is a bout a group of girls who fulfill the multiculti PC narritive, but who still did a great diservice to rational society.
The assylum seekers had their assylum considered and rejected and they should have been deported. They should not have been here in the first place as under international law, they should seek assylum in the first safe country they land in. The crossed most of Europe before they got here.
You’ve come up with some very inconvenient facts there, Ken. Always guaranteed to send the leftist ideologues scurrying back down their dark holes where democracy can’t find them.
I don’t bloody care about Mosque super speakers!
So we have two major stories utterly ignored here.
The Child abuse scandal as the establishment tries to cover up.
And the continued surveillance culture which means all the posters here are going to be tagged as potential race hate perpetrators.
Where is Vance on the Kincora Boys home scandal?
Why isn’t he demanding a inquiry?
Or Alan on the Dolphin Square story, totally ignored by the BBC.
Is it the fact that most of pervs are Tories the problem? Funny how BIASEDBBC seems to protect the Establishment just like the BBC and Saville.
Your trite comments are not worth a dime. No-one here is trying to cover anything up.
Are you a Vance stalker ?
What a load presumptuous and ideologically charged nonsense you write. Spurting loaded and unfounded assertions in such a willy-nilly manner is very telling about your political motives, comrade. Incidentally, would you care to enlighten us with some examples that support your ‘race-hate…’ aspersions?
unfounded assertions! lol the only accurate thing you have said !
Or perhaps it’s your poor grasp of the English language? Where, in my passage, is there anything inaccurate?
Pretty sure the alleged paedophile ring at the heart of government got mentioned here because I remember posting something about the BBC going very quiet ( i.e. off the attack) when they realised Leon Brittan had acted correctly and a few Labour names started to crop up in related news.
The paedophile scandal is not a party political issue, no matter how much the BBC and their lefty supporters would wish it. Their are paedophiles in senior positions in every party, and Savile was very close to ALL the prime Ministers at least from Heath onwards, including Blair and Brown.
‘Is it the fact that most of pervs are Tories the problem?
Reading your posts on the Middle East above, mate, I don’t reckon facts are your strong point.
The BBC keeps pushing the Gaza situation to top or near top of its news headlines.
Even that is a reflection of the BBC agenda. Most people, I believe, are sick and tired of the Palestinians (and Israel ?) and think there are more serious things going on in the world, things that affect them more directly. Frankly, they don’t care very much of a dozen or two people die each day in rocket exchanges in a conflict that has carried on for so many years – that is not much higher than thew death rate on a typical Chicago weekend. But the BBC likes to use Gaza as a stick to beat Israel with.
The Gaza conflict is not even in the Top 10 of Sky’s most-watched stories.
I’ve just watched a programme on Channel 5 called “Benefits Britain” that has told the outright truth about immigrants and benefits…..I’m truly shocked…Can’t wait for it to come on-line.
So here I am quickly presuming the news before calling it a night and I come across this whitewash of a story from the bBC:

Sudan anger at ‘church-building ban’
So reading that headline would you think that one of the most intolerant Islamic countries in the world is defending…Christians.
Well according to the bBC, the country which waged war on its Southern Christian Neighbours (1-2 million dead)
On its Black Islamic inhabitants of Darfur (0.5 million dead)
The country which jails people for allowing children to name a teddy ‘Mohamed’, which jailed a woman for wearing trousers, another for marrying a Christian and many more and the bBC states this about the country:
“Sudan is majority Muslim, but officially guarantees freedom of religion.”
Makes you wonder if the bBC really is the propaganda arm of Intolerant Islam
The BBC in the Midlands report the good news that a much delayed hospital for the Black Country (announced and continually postponed by Labour) has been given the ‘go ahead’ by the Chancellor who will release £350m for the project.
But wherever there is a silver lining the BBC in the Midlands will find a cloud. After a brief bit of VT showing Osborne in the Black Country, they ask;
‘Is there a political dimension to this?’ Cue BBC reporter and local Labour leader…’there’s an election on the way…Osborne made his announcement in a marginal constituency’.
If that’s not enough the BBC continue…’The new super hospital will replace two nearby hospitals…will patients miss out?’, the numpties ask.
FFS. The bastards never miss an opportunity.
The BBC hate good news and I like the expression that#88 used of ‘wherever there is a silver lining the BBC in the Midlands will find a cloud’ except that wherever there is good news for the Conservatives, Israel or Climate sceptics the BBC will find the cloud or just ignore it. I am sorry to see Mr Gove go but how will the BBC play this I wonder?
“but how will the BBC play this I wonder?”
As a victory for the unions.
To me, though, it looks like a defeat for the children.
Banned everywhere but in the link below….
Aisha and Muhammad – Full Movie – By Imran Firasat
Watch quick because it wont be up long..
bBC headlines a story about a black man who was abused whilst in care during the 60s:
Author Alex Wheatle: ‘Systematic abuse where I grew up’
The only records of historical child abuse that can be used to prosecute paedophiles lie in the memories of abused children, a victim has said. Author Alex Wheatle said he was abused at a south London children’s home where he lived from 1966 until 1978. There was “systematic” physical, sexual and emotional abuse there, he said. Mr Wheatle, who was appointed MBE in 2008, told the BBC few paper records would exist so victims must be made to feel “confident” to come forward. He said he had addressed issues of abuse in his novels, but now aged 51 he had decided to speak publicly about the abuse he suffered at Shirley Oaks children’s home. “I have spoken about violence before but not the sexual assault,” he said
Funny thing the bbC which is so quick to smear any Tory with allegation of child abuse doesn’t feel the need to do likewise when the nonce is from the left of the political spectrum. Here is what the bbC doesn’t tell you about the above, but the leftwing Daily Mirror does:
Award winning author: I was abused at council care home linked to ex-Labour minister
An award-winning author today reveals that he was abused at a children’s home thought to be linked to a paedophile ring involving an MP in Tony Blair’s government.
Strange how the bBC which goes after tory MPs when one of its own is in the spotlight:
Goes all quiet when a Labour MP is the dirty fucking bastard.
Why isn’t the bBC getting Tom Watson on the telly?
The bBC, doing what it does best:
Buggering British Children and pointing the sticky finger of blame at anybody but themselves and their fat ilk.
Why isn’t the bBC getting Tom Watson on the telly?
Watson’s role in all this is dubious to say the least. It was the Labour smear unit that came up with the false allegations against McAlpine, happily broadcast by the BBC and Watson has been pushing the ‘paedo Tory’ line for ages. Yet no evidence ever appears, its all been conveniently ‘lost’.
Baring in mind Labour had control of the Home Office from 1997 to 2010 it is not beyond the realms of possibility that they disappeared these files for just this reason – so they could accuse the Tories of a cover up. This is of course despite the fact that even Geoffrey Dickens said he thought the allegations he had brought had been properly investigated and was happy that no further action would be taken. How better to create mistrust than to destroy files which exonerate Tories but which are ‘rumoured’ to discredit them.
So maybe that’s why Watson is keeping his head down. There are too many holes in his story, not that any journalist is bothering to point this out mind.
And all in the run up to an election too …
I hope that you are right, but fear that the truth is that there exists elite paedophile networks operating internationally which have members operating within the highest levels of the British establishment.
That is the allegation that desperately needs to be independently examined.
I agree but unfortunately this is unlikely to happen during the current witch hunt. Any enquiry that finds no evidence will be dismissed as a cover up and, considering the current low standard of evidence required during witch hunts any ‘evidence’ found will be used as a political football rather than a quest for justice.
The people who will suffer most from this are those who really have been abused rather than the far larger number looking for attention/compensation.
On Radio 4 ‘Today’, 7.35, this morning. Luton female muslim says she would happily pick up and use an AK-47 if asked to do so. And how many more feel that way?
It goes on to say that relying on “community leaders” to get the message through on not going to Syria/Iraq isn’t working. Why on earth would it?
Thanks Blair, Brown, Cameron, Straw, May, Blunkett, Reid, aided and abetted by the BBC.
After Scamerons reshuffle being called a ‘night of the long knives’ (a historical reference to the Nazi parties purge of it’s far left).
Now we have a gearing up for a great falsehood to be visited on the British people in the campaign to seek re-election for slippery Dave.
Fresh for his huge ‘victory’ opposing the election of Jean-Claude Juncker a wholly pointless exercise which was a done deal before Scameron took it on, it looks like he is choosing another lost cause to rail against which he knows all his raging will have no effect, but will play to a gallery of anti European sentiments in the UK.
Unfortunately the people of Britain are pretty thick and can’t see past the veneer of the attack, to the point that Cameron is screaming at the wind.
So it looks like he’s going to oppose the Human Rights Act. Not in a meaningful way which would see us pulling out, but in a way which puts the UK into conflict with it, meaning he can scream and shout and make deeply ’emotional’ speeches about the UK in Europe, while all the time knowing that he will have no effect what so ever.
Eventually he will concede that he has to comply with the EU diktats, but that he strove manfully against the oppression !
Don’t be taken in people! Cameron has EU written through him like a stick of rock, and he is only going to be trying to win votes back from people who voted UKIP whilst actually doing nothing positive or achievable at all.
The only way to scrap the HRA, get out of the ECHR is to get out of the EU, as being signed up to the ECHR is one of the conditions of membership.
We need a common sense bill of rights, re affirming common law and setting in place the rights that all law abiding people have. Criminals and terrorists aught to have fewer rights.
Talk about stating the bleeding obvious! His latest gimmick is more like Night of the long ‘wives’! It’s a cynical and pathetic attempt to get more women to vote for him; those few tory voters left in the land will be in dismay. Westminster politics becomes more risible each day.
Cameron is looking more and more as though it is the BBC that acts as his political advisor.
This one is not a directly BBC gripe, more an impatience with all those hypocritical corporate bodies which love to assume a progressive public outward stance and do so by the shortcut of promoting leftist slogans.
Is it just me, or are others sick to the back teeth with this tendency? One example is the Google habit of pinning some vague leftist badge to its search page.
This morning something to do with feminism is order of the day for our corporate progressive conglomerate – as Emmile Pankhurst has her 156th(!) birthday celebrated by the computer giant.
And just a word about their “Don’t be Evil” slogan.
What on earth is that supposed to mean?
Apparently it stands for a…
“… bit of a jab at a lot of the other companies, especially our competitors, who at the time, in our opinion, were kind of exploiting the users to some extent.” So that’s clear then.
In light of privacy violantions and also this story…
‘An alleged prostitute, accused of injecting heroin into a Google executive on his yacht in California and leaving him to die when he overdosed, appeared in court on Wednesday on manslaughter and heroin charges’
….perhaps that slogan ought to be altered to “Don’t get caught”
I wonder how many readers are aware of the Pankhursts real political views and their background? Something the Fascists have constantly chosen to cover up and not speak about while creating their heroine champion of Diversity and Wimmins right.
It is true that the Suffragettes campaigned for votes for women, however what is omitted is that it is not a campaign for all of them to have the vote, only those who qualified by possession of land / property deemed large enough.
Pankhurst born in 1858 was 26 when the 3rd electoral reform act was brought in, in 1884.
This act took away the exclusivity of the property owning males to vote, and widened the electorate to include all eligible males. This incensed Pankhurst who thought that rather than allowing the poor to vote, the act should have included property owning women, and the spouses of men who owned property. She did not want working class men to have a vote at all !
Now we see that the TEA party in America is putting forward property ownership as a good basis for a right to vote. Diametrically opposed to the Fascists who champion Pankhurst, who ironically is more closely allied with their political enemies.
Does this remind you of anything:
British Film Institute Will Demand ‘Diversity’ Quotas or Cut Off Movie Funding
“Films must “tick” at least two of three criteria: on-screen diversity; off-screen diversity and “creating opportunities and social mobility,” the paper reported.
In the first category, at least one lead character must be “positively reflecting diversity,” with the project more likely to receive funding if it “explicitly and predominantly explores issues of identity relating to ethnicity or national origins, a specific focus on women, people with disabilities, sexual identity, age and people from a socially disadvantaged background.”
Already happening in the BBC. Why not just rename the BFI “The Ministry of Truth” and have done with it?
an acquaintance of mine works in the film industry at a senior level and was ranting at me last summer about the BFI’s continued funding of Ken Loach – “the only way he can make dreary left-wing movies no bugger wants to see is to get public funding – his mates at the BFI keep funding him because he’s “radical” and “socially relevant” when what they should be funding is popular work that might make them some money. And he lives in a bloody mansion in the most expensive part of Bath…”
So he’s absolutely typical then?
Your friend needs to check out Box Office mojo instead of spouting. Most of Loach’s films are shoe string budgets. Wind that Shakes the Barley made $22m before DVD and streaming fees. For a low budget film it did more than pay back.
What’s wrong with living in Bath? Better than your assisted living accommodation surely?
As if they haven’t been doing that for years. They fund movies about asylum seekers, homosexuals, trade unions and ethnics. You know worthy films, films that no one in their right mind would fork out a tenner to see at the cinema.
Film subsidy is a racket, they don’t care about the audience who pays to see films, only “their” lefty message.
Hmm. The list of projects that have received some form of funding through the BFI Film Fund is published via the BFI website, and demonstrates your summary is, as is sadly usual for Biased BBC, overgeneralised to the point of falsehood.
The Arts are full of lefty hypocrites who perform ‘socially relevant’ projects about their poor and the miners strike and how evil Tories are yet refuse to have unionised staff, run zero-hour contracts, employ thousands of unpaid interns on the often unrealised promise of paid work and have the employment practices that would make McDonalds blush.
Confront them and they bluster away and resort to ad homs. Lovely people.
They work on the entitlement theory of wealth i.e. that social justice [fanfare] requires them to take money earned by somebody else and give it to themselves – as a reward for their [fanfare] social conscience.
In the case of the Jew hating (“If there has been a rise [anti-semitism]…it is perfectly understandable because Israel feeds feelings of anti-semitism.”) egalitarian Ken Loach, he [cut to a picture of Stalin] has his principles, and so does not let a little thing like the poverty, misery, and oppression which Socialism has caused across the world trouble his “social conscience” – which is a funny sort of conscience isn’t it.
BBC 3 (the one that’s aimed at young people) 7pm yesterday:
Hotel of Mum and Dad
‘Swansea couple Rob and Jon, who have been together for four years, sample life away from Rob’s doting mother because Jon is desperate to move out.’
Yes, that’s right, Rob and Jon are both guys. Maybe these lads like their rugger or maybe they don’t – but it is a case of how pink is my valley. Have to admire the euphemism ‘been together for four years’.
Was a little surprised by this phrasing : ‘mummy’s boy Rob’
Steady on BBC, let’s not stereotype.
‘how will this pampered chap cope without his doting mum?’
Careful, now.
They certainly are pushing on with the project of making homosexual marriage mainstream i.e. lets put it in front of the children!
There is an irritating comedienne who features on one of the unfunny shows in the radio four so called ‘comedy slot’ at 6.30 who regularly refers to ‘my wife’. I wonder if the ‘wife’ describes her ‘on top’ partner as ‘my husband’ or is it two wives? Hmmm
Have to admire the euphemism ‘been together for four years’.
That’s not a euphemism. If a straight couple had been described that way, you wouldn’t have mentioned it.
You seem to have a problem with gay couples being treated in exactly the same way as straight couples are. Why is that?
Scott, I don’t think you actually read my post and understood the joke about the BBC stereotyping gays – you just honed in on the gay theme and happily fired off “You seem to have a problem with gay couples” Typical, typical leftist remark and so very BBC.
Er, I did read your post. I’m sorry that the rest of the world doesn’t think you’re the world class comedian that you seem to think yourself to be.
Stuff like “how pink is my valley” isn’t funny, it’s just lame. And claiming that a couple “being together for four years” is a euphemism isn’t even attempting to be funny.
But hey. You live in Biased BBC world, which has such poor standards of “comedy” that it’s little wonder that you don’t realise you’re not the comedian the sad, lonely little voice in your head is forlornly trying to convince itself you are.
Ignore the bitter jihadi-bomber-fancying troll
Bless. This stalking is turning into quite the little obsession with you isn’t it, “John”? It’s almost charming how you lie in wait, desperate to reply to every post I make.
And not so very, very sad at all. No, don’t let anyone tell you that your interjections are dull and worthless. You keep showing what a fine upstanding member of society you are by repeating the same old nonsense as much as you like !
…actually “how pink is my valley” read ‘in a welsh accent’ is quite funny; I bet he thinks he’s the only gay in the village.
Since when were all gays left wing!
Clearly don’t know any.
On Today this morning, the BBC’s Middle East editor speaking from Gaza denounced Israel’s acceptance of the Egyptian truce proposals as another Jewish plot to swindle Hamas out of its birthright to wipe out israel. Well, Bowen wasn’t as frank as that but his commentary boiled down to justifying the Hamas refusal to accept the proposals and damning the Israeli acceptance as part of a devious Israeli plan to deny its guilt concerning the death of innocent Gazans.
Really, why does the BBC persist in employing this ignoramus? His efforts during the start of the “Arab Spring” in Cairo were pathetic. As I wrote at the time, his analysis of the then situation was embarrassing in its shallowness. This time, I simply don’t believe that his Hamas minders would allow him (even if he wanted to – which is a different matter altogether) to file a disinterested analysis let alone one which might conclude that Israel isn’t the 100% villain here.
Latest news is that rockets are still being fired from Gaza into Israel.
Some members of the Israeli cabinet were reported to be opposed to the Egyptian truce. But they may have expected Hamas to refuse to comply.
Since Israel withdrew from Gaza the pattern has been that Hams etc have attcked Israel with rockets and other means, eventually there has been a strong Israeli response aimed at weakening Hamas capacity, then a ceasefire – then Hamas starts rebuilding its rocket arsenal and starts more rockets. Each time the rocket arsenal has grown larger.
This time there were an estimated 10,000 rockets in Gaza. What is clearly needed is a major land offensive to hunt down the tunnels and rocket stores, to really weaken Hamas. Hamas itself is now much weaker financially, especially because the Egyptians have cracked down on the tunnels which yielded lots of “tax”, and the Arab world is distracted to other far worse problems.. This is perhaps which is why it was forced into a deal with Fatah.
Public opinion in Israel is probably much more united in Israel than before, partly because the Hamas rockets now threaten most of the country. There is not such strong overseas attacks on Israeli policy as have happened before the Middle East collapsed into general chaos.
Clearly Israel was poised to move into northern Gaza. My guess is that this could still happen, because Hamas will not observe the proposed ceasefire. Moving into one zone would carry less risk than an overall offensive – and it could let Israel display the huge amount of rockets and tunnels – and their location.
Moral disapproval from the likes of Bowen and the BBC can go hang.
Sadly, John thousands if not millions of people ( if you include the BBC World service ) are influenced by these reports. Saying the BBC can go hang and not doing anything doesn’t help anyone.
“The Holocaust didn’t just happen it began with words” A Canadian foreign minister said this. It is vital that people like yourself protest loudly to the BBC and any other MP who has the courage to fight against this incitement to racial hatred of the oldest kind. Unfortunately the correspondence between MP Denis McShane and the BBC Director General on my behalf has to stay confidential but Mr McShane had the courage to respond to Bowen’s anti Semitism( and there MUST be other decent MP’s who will fight this slander ). See
Guido Fawkes links to this…
“But now, he’s decided to come down from his BBC mountain and has give(n) an interview to – wait for it, the BBC house organ, The Guardian. On first sight, it’s one of those soft-touch meejah ‘profiles’ without an obvious peg. But read between the lines and it speaks volumes about the man and his mission – as well as the Corporation he works for. ‘BBC propagandist’ is emblazoned there as clearly as if it had been extruded through a stick of Blackpool rock.”
And BBC leftist bias marches on and on.
15 July 2014 Last updated at 11:38 GMT
Israel accepts Egypt proposal to end Gaza conflict
Almost sounds like a favourable headline.
I wonder when the BBC will note that Hamas not only rejected the proposal but heavily rocketed Israel after they did so?
Hamas, which controls Gaza, is still discussing the plan, but its armed wing has rejected it as a “surrender”. Will the BBC suggest the supposed political wing had nothing to do with the decision to resume hostilities? Perhaps, it’s only Hamas trying to get in as many shots as they can before the ceasefire takes effect?
Islam….”The religion of peace” to all of the worlds creatures….
J.H. Christ these people are sick..
Blatant bias on the One News with the BBC assuming that left-wing teachers = the majority of teaching opinion across England. Whilst the reporter was stating that he is the most unpopular Ed. Secretary for many years the camera conveniently fell upon a small enclave of young teachers at a union conference heckling Give in protest: you could see that many others around this group were not participating. This was the BBC trying to give the impression that this small group of lefties was representative of the profession.
Anyone notice the endless leader article in every ‘news’ broadcast concerns a country called ‘Germany’ winning a football match? Unlimited BBBC pride and happiness, almost like they represent us…..
Also multiple viewings of frozen water falling from the sky in a place called ‘Siberia’. Hmmmm – must be more evidence of that ‘global warming’ at work again!
I thought quite the converse, that Beeboids were very disappointed to see Germany not Brazil win!
Check out the crowd of 1,000,000’s celebrating the German World Cup win in Berlin – not a coloured face in sight!
I saw plenty of red, yellow and black faces. 😉
They are using the Glastonbury STBP Cam. Technology invented by the BBC for crowd events.
Got me thinking there!
I imagine that the BBC would happily lend its surveillance techniques and hardware to any passing lefty-liberal government that offered equality, diversity, progress and Islam.
Have the EU checked on the BBCs willingness to keep an eye on us-and maybe if they rot our brains enough with their hideous output…we`ll no longer need to be watched by the EU/UN or other “progressive agents of world harmony”.
Just a thought…
hahahahahaha – you found one picture with 3 black faces and about 200,000 whites
Jesus Christ – are you that desperate Albaman? You can’t even see the irony in what you posted?
Alba my simple child, that was pretty desperate bordering on tragic.
With inflation 0.1% away from the 2% target the BBC News journalist masquerading as a business correspondent keeps telling us that the rate is almost at that at which the Governor would have to write a letter of explanation to the Chancellor. That would actually be required if the rate was 1% or 3%.
A newsroom the size of a planet but filled with ignorant staff.
the “rose sharply” and “has risen sharply” to 1.9% was amusing…every hour
A deep sense of foreboding has come over me about this new BBC 3 drama ” The Glasgow Girls ” which will screened tonight. I don’t want to watch this train wreck but I’m going to force myself to observe and analysis the blatant, in your face, pro immigration propaganda.
”The Glasgow Girls” a play set in Glasgowgrad twinned with Stalingrad.
”Seven teenagers with a cause that captured the imagination of a country !!!!”
Err, um, not really.
”seven teenage girls whose lives are changed forever !!”
”when they arrive at school one day to be told that one of their friends – and her asylum seeking family – have been forcibly taken from their home to be deported !!! ”
No one get’s deported from this country, muslim jihadist terrorists don’t get deported for God’s sake.
”After the initial shock of this news has worn off, these feisty girls.”
Another word for fiesty is chippy, uppity and aggressive.
”feisty young women are galvanised to take a stand and to fight for the life of their friend, her family, and, ultimately for the rights of all children of asylum-seekers in Scotland. They take on the Scottish Government and the Home Office and succeed !!!!”
More garbage, the Scottish and UK government are all for flooding the country with mass immigration.
” The girls succeed where adults and politicians have failed !!!! ”
I don’t buy that, children can’t organise things, they were probably helped by their parents and I suspect the Pro Immigration Industrial Complex, social workers, human rights lawyers, Liebour, Liberals UAF, SWP, Hope not Hate, etc etc.
The play ‘Glasgow Girls ‘ by the National Theatre of Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government, in other words the tax payer.
Yet the narrative of this BS story is you’d think Britain was a brutal tyrannical dictatorship deporting millions of immigrants in cattle trucks.
If only….
“I don’t buy that, children can’t organise things, they were probably helped by their parents and I suspect the Pro Immigration Industrial Complex, social workers, human rights lawyers, Liebour, Liberals UAF, SWP, Hope not Hate, etc etc.”
“Yet the narrative of this BS story is you’d think Britain was a brutal tyrannical dictatorship deporting millions of immigrants in cattle trucks.
If only…. ”
A few lines that tell us all we need to know about your prejudices. You really are a credit to this site!!
”You really are a credit to this site.”
Thanks Albachild, well I try and do my best.
Go read your Socialist Worker you Scots prick
Another personal attack from one of Vance’s sycophants.
You and Brim’s really do not enjoy being called out for the racist bigots you are.
The fact that your posts are tolerated by the site owner and supported by others is a damning indictment of this site.
”You and Brim’s ”
Alba my simple child, there’s no apostrophe, now that I’ve educated you, you’re still none the wiser.
Perhaps try a Gaza demo or two as well. These are my opinions of you and no-one else’s. These are based on your comments and desperate efforts for attention. No more, no less.
”’The fact that your posts are tolerated by the site owner is a damning indictment of this site.”
I agree but Scott continues to post offensive comments swooning and gushing over the looks of muslim terrorists.
No, I don’t. However, John Anderson and other, similar trolls keep posting comments about me on that topic.
So, yet again, you’re lying. Or are you just very, very, very stupid and can’t tell the difference? Which is it – liar or idiot? (For clarity, “all of the above” is also an option.)
The troll is lying again .
This is exactly what he tweeted :
“Is it just me, or is the suspected Times Square bomber Faisal Sharzad kinda hot looking”
signed as scottm – Scott Matthewman – with its usual mugshot
This geektroll really should stay hidden under the bridge and quit the whining and disruption.
Disgusting troll.
The troll is lying again.
This is exactly what the troll weeted :
“Is it just me or is suspected Times Square bomber Faisal Sharzad kinda hot looking?”
signed as scottm – Scott Matthewman – with the usual grisly mugshot
The disgusting troll should go back under the bridge and quit disrupting.
John, you seem to have a problem understanding very basic concepts.
Brims said “Scott continues to post offensive comments swooning and gushing”
And yet I haven’t done. But you have. Over and over and over and over again.
Brims is mistaking your juvenile little trrolling, your inability to read a post of mine without responding with the same tripe, for something that’s my fault.
Your appalling behaviour is not my responsibility. The only person who can make you behave like an adult is you.
Why does the troll pretend not to be just an immature punk, always lashing out at all and sundry.?
Ignore the troll – see how cross and stroppy it gets.
Poor John Anderson. It must be a tough life, being so clueless.
It’s proving impossible to reason with someone who behaves abominably, and yet lashes out. I feel sorry for his parents, and their obvious inability to raise their child to a basic level of emotional comprehension.
John Anderson,
As you wisely point out, it is best to ignore the troll. He seems to be working through psychological issues that have nothing to do with the topic of BBC bias.
Yeah, yeah, Anderson’s behaviour is a somehow a symptom of a failure on my part. Here we go again – Biased BBC regulars behaving like idiots, and blaming everybody else because they’re incapable of taking responsibility for their own nonsensical behaviour.
But do keep going. The more you do, the bigger a hole you dig for yourselves, and the more you show the world how little comprehension you have of how to behave like decent members of society.
A similar storyline was run in the last series of Waterloo Road on BBC 1
An age guide of 12+ is suggested for Glasgow Girls.
Ideal brainwashing material for school children, hey?
I wouldn’t bother, David.
I mean, some of the characters are non-white so it’s a given that you’re going to hate it.
And the attempt at fisking the NTS description of the musical above is so inept and prone to prejudiced flights of fancy that any valid objections you may have will probably, as so often with you, disappear under a weight of bigoted, racist tripe.
Don’t feed the jihadi-fancying attention-seeking troll
You and your obsession with skin color? you really are a repellant little racist ain’t you Scrote !
Yup, acknowledging David Brims’ ongoing and repeated racism is somehow my obsession with skin colour.
That “high quality of argument” thing is still proving elusive, eh, Mat?
Don’t feed the disruptive whining jihadi-fancying troll
NO Scotty just a weak ad hom, implying anti immigrationism is about skin colour.
Its not. Believe it or not anti immigrationism is about immigration, culture, identity, over population, congestion, shortage of housing, language – hearing only English spoken in your workplace so that you can understand everything your colleagues are saying!
‘Mat’, I see that you use ad hominem attacks instead of reasoned responses. Tells me everything I need to know about your education and academic prowess.
ad hominem ? oh get you Mr Fry !
it wasn’t a ad hominem it was meant as an outright insult you moron! jesus you can lead a jerk to the insult but this lot you have to fecking draw a map and give instructions in big crayon !
Oh and what you think is of no more consequence to me then what the dog has just left on the front garden ! now go fondle yourself in yer moms cellar like always rectal !
Oh dear. You really are a pathetic and misguided little individual, aren’t you. It’s illiterate and obnoxious prats like you that cancel out some of the more intelligent, educated and reasoned comments on here. Now go away and educate yourself you unsavoury and unlettered twerp!
I had the misfortune to hear the 2 p.m. ‘news’ bulletin on Radio 5 Dead, from which I learned that the most important ‘news’ of the day is that a loony teachers’ union leader has welcomed the removal of Michael Gove as Secretary of State for Education, and that the loony (Christine Blower, NUT General Secretary) hoped that they could return to the former system where she decided what teachers would tell our children.
BBc reporter in Gaza informs us that due to restrictions by Egypt & Isreal the economy has collapsed. If they put as much effort into their economy as they do obtaining rockets the economy might not be so much of an issue.
Massive corruption, failure to invest in infrastructure, Muslim (as interpreted by Hamas) strictures against women in the workforce and lending money for interest, assassination of entrepreneurs who came out of the Fatah camp and the welfare mentality that came out of the unique UNRWA system clearly had nothing to do with it.
Hamas got rich as Gaza was plunged into poverty
Surely the BBC will do an in-depth report,
What is the difference between Gaza and the Palestinian Authority? Why is it so much better in the P.A.?
Could it be that the P.A. hates Israel no less but isn’t in a continual state of war with it?
Why this country is never going to be able to successfully counter Islamic Jihad and its violence.
The UK runs a government body grandly entitled “The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation” (ICSR), based in King’s College London.
They have been monitoring Muslim women travelling to Syria to fight Jihad, and yet so deluded are this bunch of lefties that they haven’t got the first clue of Islamic doctrine (or they’re lying), nor the motives of people travelling on Jihad.
According to Melanie Smith, a research associate at the ICSR “Ms Smith also claims a vast majority of these women go to make hijrah – a migration in search of a better life.”
Two things here, hijrah does not mean a migration in search of a better life, but even if it did does anyone reading this seriously believe for one instant, that life in Syria as a Jihadi fighter or ‘bride’ will be a better life than it is in Luton?
This women is either certifiable, lying, or the BBC have completely distorted her accounts.
The simple meaning of the word Hijrah (migration) is to move from one place to the other and take up residence there. It is an historical reference to Mohammeds supposed flight from Mecca to Medina.
“I spoke to at least two dozen Muslim women in Luton, most of whom said they would like to go to Syria to provide humanitarian aid but whose family priorities at home are making such a journey difficult.”
What a shame ! The BBC article really sucks it up to these wanna be terrorists and their facilitators.
‘Two things here, hijrah does not mean a migration in search of a better life, but even if it did does anyone reading this seriously believe for one instant, that life in Syria as a Jihadi fighter or ‘bride’ will be a better life than it is in Luton?’
Have you ever been to Luton?
Supplementary, for INBBC to censor-
Raymond Ibrahim:
“‘Sex Jihad’ Fatwa Permits Incest in Syria.”
(May, 2014.)
I have always thought the predilection of certain Muslims towards marrying first cousins was pretty close to incest in any case.
It’s all relative.
A re-write of headline for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Afghan market car bomb kills 89 in Paktika province”
Islamic jihadists’ Afghan market car bomb kills 89″
I hope Beeboids do not want ‘diverse’ supporters of such Islamic jihad atrocities to become immigrants to U.K and given privileged positions in U.K society for being ‘diverse’.
The ‘humanity of the Taliban’ indeed.
Whose side is publicly-funded national broadcaster BBC on, in relation to Britain’s national security?
-That of Britain, or that of every other nation?
Beeboid ‘truth’ via their messiahs, Greenwald and Snowden:-
“GCHQ leak lists UK cyber-spies’ hacking tools”
Cosy little chat Sarah Montague had this morning with one of the many BBC’s correspondents in the Middle East (why are so many of them Irish women?).
You’d have thought the unholy mess in Iraq, Syria and beyond with its mass murder, mutilations, crucifixions, butchery, religious cleansing and general stomach-churning savagery would have merited at least the same grave tones as when the BBC reports on Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Not a bit of it.
So calm and matter of fact and reasonable you’d think the emergence of ISIS and its ‘Caliphate’ had come about by some faultless democratic process.
‘So I decided to find out what life is like under ISIS’ says our correspondent, breezily.
Interviewee (of which there was only one): ‘Life is good’.
Correspondent: ‘Really?’
Interviewee: ‘Yes, they’ve opened up roads and you are much more free to move about Mosul now than before’.
End of interview.
I’d guess he wasn’t a Christian or a music lover, or didn’t mind his wife being forced to walk round in a head-to-toe black shroud. But we’ll never really know, will we?
But what you do know is that life is good under ISIS. And you know that because you heard it on the BBC.
Beeboids don’t discuss whether Government re-shuffle is based on ability or gender.
‘EU Referendum’ has:-
“UK politics: a serious mistake”
Bleating on the socialist broadcasting North West about 17 year olds not being treated as children when arrested. Hey maybe try this one…Don’t break the law.
Unless they were Israeli boys who were butchered by Hamas-where they would inevitably be described as “illegal settlers” and provoking Islam by daring to study Jewish theology in a Sharia-compliant zone.
Funny how these ‘children’ are allowed to vote in Salmonds referendum and Beeboids would love to give them the vote in every election
Funny how beeboids were all for the age of homosexual consent reduction to sixteen for these ‘children’ – or maybe not so odd given recent exposures of celebrities at the BBC.
Funny how Biased BBC commenters imply the equalisation of the age of consent was down to some sort of predatory instinct. The age of consent was 16 for opposite sex relationships for how many decades? THOSE FILTHY HETEROSEXUALS.
But then. When it comes to bigotry on Biased BBC we can’t let logic and facts get in the way, now, can we. Allowing sad little men to lie to themselves in a pitiful attempt to let themselves believe they’re in the right is FAR more important than telling the truth.
still fancy young fresh faced terrorists scott?
Still more concerned about making cheap jibes about me than being an adult?
Why not your more concerned about being a BBC pet then a free man !
No not so funny given that a high proportion of homosexuals are attracted to teenagers – this goes back to Roman times, and probably prehistory, Virgils Aenid glorifies a man/boy relationship.
a high proportion of homosexuals are attracted to teenagers
Any source reference that isn’t over 2,000 years old? I mean, I know making blanket asssertions to cover up one’s own prejudice is de rigeur for Biased BBC’s regular bigots, but you never know – you could buck the trend…
It is not Salmond’s referendum it is Scotland’s. The terms of the referendum, including voter eligibility, were agreed by both governments.
That Lyse Doucet is yet another Muslim brown-noser. In her interview earlier with Israeli government spokesman, Mark Regev, she heckled and revealed an undeniable sympathy for Hamas. There’s too many of these save-the-world types getting involved and misrepresenting the conflict. Cannot stand the woman!
In contrast, INBBC’s Clive Myrie fronting INBBC TV News Channel (after 9 pm tonight), indulged a Hamas ‘spokesperson’ in a long interview, which Myrie lost control of, as the Hamas propagandist refused to be interrupted; Myrie was reduced to merely saying, ‘OK’, ‘OK’, ending with a ‘thank you very much’ to Hamas, of course.
Utter crap news about some Space Aeroport or such being foisted on the UK, just so the likes of Branson can dress up as an astronaut.
Funny there`s been no cavils from the Greens or the BBC about the colossal waste of fuels required to send such a vainglorious piece of tin into space…course not, it`s glam, sexy cool and very JFK!
So no Greens squauking as yet-unless, of course those fuels are to be obtained from fracking.
And-if our money is involved in this tomfoolery as taxpayers-why the hell are Scotland being considered for the beanos to follow.
Let the SNP fund and underwrite it up there after September 18th…until then, let them publish their figures on how they`ll pay to destroy the Moray Firth.
Don’t like to do the British thing and dismiss everything as a white elephant, doomed to failure, but the timing of this and the number of Scottish locations are suspicious, to say the least.
Apparently it will be the first outside the US, which makes me wonder why nobody else has bothered if it’s such a great idea. It’s the sort of grandiose scheme the French normally go for.
A couple of other thoughts. If this is supposed to be a commercial venture, how will the inevitable cancellations due to bad weather work out? And wouldn’t two bases be needed to provide an alternative landing site?
Simple maths and physics show that it is best to launch near the equator, England seems marginally better placed than Scotland in that respect.
On the other hand people may feel better at leaving Scotland at great speed…. ( using an argument similar to mine that it would be better to extract the toll on leaving Wales rather than on entry. )
Haddock wrote:
“Simple maths and physics show that it is best to launch near the equator”
For a conventional ground based launch then you are correct, however the US and the Brits are looking at a plane launch system along the lines of what Richard Branson is using for his commercial venture. google Skylon, the reason why Scotland looks good is because it it out of the way of most commercial air routes
I noticed that one of the potential sites was Stornoway… on one condition, though: that the rocket doesn’t blast off on the Sabbath!
Did I hear that right?
Israel had a unilateral ceasefire, based on the obvious understanding that Hamas would not be firing rockets into Israel as they held it.
But Hamas “did not consider themselves part of the negotiations”-so sent rockets into Israel, by way of ” avoiding being seen as surrendering”.
And the BBC/ITV portray this as ISRAEL breaching an Egyptian-based ceasefire?…WTF?
I`m guessing we`re now well beyond Orwell now…these nutjobs of Hamas and the BBC plead victimhood, even as they kill Israeli volunteers.
Total madness…
You can tell the calibre of a man when you see the whole established order, parrotting the platitudes and cliches of the dunces confederacy.
Michael Gove fatally wounded the bouncy castles of privilege and educational vested interests-and don`t the unions, the BBC and the chattering classes reckon that they`e got his scalp?
Typical of the BBC to go to the schoolrooms of the dead and the damned…to sniff the bins at Congress House or ask a Prescott or a Tristram about the end of divisive and controversial policies-now that good old Labour are coming home.
Deluded bastards-collectively short of a brain-and seeming to think that we teachers and parents who STILL are able to think for ourselves didn`t agree with all he did.
Well , not all-but way more than any education secretary since…God knows.
The Blob is oozing away…and good old Michael Gove has been a hero in slaying the f***in lefty shitspear of “Producer Capture” and Public Sector Sinkholes.
Thanks Michael-to be hated by all the right kind of tossing enemies shows just how great you`ve been…keep it coming!
Watched Emily Maitlis giving the Archbishop of Canterbury a grilling on Newsnight last night.
The callow womans arrogance knew no bounds…the BBC of course being the Peoples Church and not privy to pervy stuff like the Church…errr…well, moving on….
Anyway-if anybody ever thought that sucking up to the liberals agenda in allowing for woman bishops , would possibly satisfy the Left…well they`re thick!
For Maitls devoted the last ten minutes repeatedly asking about gay marriage, and whether he`d be carpeting George Carey for his euthanasia advocacy.
Why-it`s as if Women Bishops was but an excuse to flay the church over gay marriage and its opposition to euthanasia.
This can`t be so-for the liberals have spoke about nothing else…until they get their wishes coming true.
Women as token window dressing and excuses to flag up gays and mercy killing?…sexist!,,,does Womans Hour know?
And the message-throwing sprats to the liberals…whether church or Tory do it…is no use…these are sharks and are insatiable…and even a token sacrifice drives them wild with bloodlust.
Welby?…Cameron?….the BBC hate you-so do what is right, not what is done to assuage the lavender nazis of the media and the left…
There is a programme on immigration on the BBC tonight. Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford explore the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides of the debate together. Pairing five Brits who are opposed to immigration with five immigrants, they look at the issues of jobs, housing and what it means to be British. Oh dear. The outcome, net benefits, immigrants contribute more than they take out island built on immigration, we are all immigrants yadah yadah yadah…
Wouldn’t it be
absolutely bloody predictablea-may-zing if the five Brits who are opposed to immigration had the scales fall from their eyes by the end of the programme ?I suspect by the end of the programme the 5 Britons will not only think mass immigration truly wondrous, they’ll convert to islam.
Yes you are correct, apparently the housing crisis is not caused by immigration yet is caused by London’s population increasing by 15%. Ehhhh who are these 15 % indigenous white English.
This is a very clever piece of propaganda. I couldnt keep watching it, it annoyed me so much. Superficially it does appear ‘balanced’, its not unsympathetic to the situation of the Brits, BUT, I have watched only two, the first a young carpenter, not stupid, but not the most articulate either, set up opposed to a middle aged Polish man who has lived here ten years and now runs his own furniture making business, employing only Poles. The young lad isnt exactly a match for him. Then we have an older man from Southend, unhappy with the way his mother was treated by immigrants in the NHS, sent to meet a pretty bright Phillipino family, wife a nurse, husband formerly an assistant to a congressman, now workign in a care home two kids. They know exactly what to say: ‘difficult decision to come here’ (like hell it was), she claimed she came because she ‘loves travel’, like hell that was the reason. He claims when asked about his current job (which he is clearly only doing as a stepping stone to something better) ‘Phillipinos are very caring people ‘LOL!
This family are living in a shared ownership new build flat in south London. Their two boys (and maybe more to come) are getting an education at our expense. They are not an ‘asset’. They are here for themselves to take what they can.
Well said, I feel well and truly insulted the program consisted of nothing other that the immigrants patronising the indigenous. Note the carefully selected immigrant examples ie not a Roma to be seen.
Immigrants = Intelligent and hardworking
British (English) = Stupid, bigoted and lazy
No intelligent person opposed to immigration would ever agree to appear on BBC documentary, or at least not without full editorial control, thus Brits who go on are naive , not very bright, or usually both -lambs to the slaughter.
They did include a respectable Pakistani couple, but not a bunch of rabid Islamosavages outside Finsbury Park mosque.
The whole programme really left one with no doubt at all as to its predetermined agenda. This was a deliberate (and typical) false flag operation on the part of the ever disingenuous BBC to ‘discuss’ a contentious subject upon which the BBC has an absolutely inflexible, fixed political stance. As a result, it was little wonder, then, to see that within the first part of this two parter (second part tonight on BBC1 at 9pm) we already have one of the five test subjects (white English boy, unemployed, lives in the SE, a little slow) successfully ‘converted’ (re-educated?) to see the unlimited ‘benefits’ of open door EU immigration.
Job done, BBC, job done. One can only imagine how ‘balanced’ and ‘impartial’ the remainder of the ‘debate’ will be in tonight’s concluding episode. We are promised ‘verdicts’ from our remaining four immigration sceptics.
Anyone care to place any bets on whether or not they’ll have seen the ‘error of their ways’..?
“five Brits who are opposed to immigration”
No doubt they’ll select Brits who can barely stand upright.
I PVRd it to watch later as I’m in a low tolerance mood at the moment I did turn on briefly to watch someone saying something about migrants having an understanding of English…or British.
“I did turn on briefly to watch someone saying something about migrants having an understanding of English…or British.”
Yes that was the unfortunate young carpeneter who certainly fluffed his words ( as one might when not used to the camera of course), while anything stupid said by the immigrants would have been cut by the helpful beeboids.
It was an inappropriate response from the carpenter who should have come down like a ton of bricks on the arrogant little Polish apprentice who claimed to be having no problems learning English – a parody of the truth, when it was clear how slow his progress was when his employer had to interpret for him! Instead our none too articulate countryman mumbled the faux pas you mention.
Not so unsubtle as that, the Beeboids are Past Masters at propaganda. No the Brits arent obvious dumbos just no match for their carefully selected immigrant counterparts.
That being the case it would be a direct re run of the day the migrants went home. In that program we had a yoof who spent his day playing video games who didn’t bother to turn up for the job what a suprise. Didn’t one of the others have ADHD and was sent out picking in the fields and suprise failed. Of course when I complained at the time that it appeared to me there had been a selection process in operation I was told that wasn’t the case.
I didn’t watch it. I watched a recording of Friday the 13th from 2009. More entertaining but no less predictable
I watched ‘Sharknado’, a truly fantastic film which would surely have swept the Oscars had it been given a theatre release. Much more realistic than most of Auntie’s agitprop drama output.
In this one, giant sharks are swept up by a hurricane and dumped on L.A.
The sequel lands them on New York.
As a title for the the second sequel I suggest: “Sharknado 3: This Time It’s Salford !”
Channel 5 actually did a truthful immigrant programme last night, no doubt much to the horror of the BBC…
All they want is benefits….in their own words…
Unbelievable. A lot more Roma would be helped if their home nations were developing. Having a few come and exploit the British benefits system is so obviously wrong. British workers and immigrants working here won’t be happy seeing their taxes wasted.
I really don’t think the BBC would make a programme like this.