What is it about the BBC:
Most of those in the State sector, (includes BBC), increase limited to 1% – to counter balance previous over-generous settlements compared to private sector.
In fairness it would also enable those not taxpayer funded to catch up: http://www.broadcastnow.co.uk/news/broadcasters/unions-slam-bbc-pay-offer/5071824.article
Anyone working for BBC on average salary received 2.26% increase last year and 1.5% this year.
One should not forget that the organisation, although a State funded enterprise, has also been practicing tax avoidance by placing a lot of its highly paid employees on the self employed register.
Simultaneously the BBC has been totally ignoring its statutory remit to be fair and balanced in it’s left slanted Political reporting as exampled by a lot of the msm and also daily on sites like this.
They really know how to rub our noses in it.
The BBC can no longer help itself pushing propaganda. I saw a bit of “Coast” .
The loss of a South African troopship in 1917 caused by bad weather leading to a collision. A quite disgraceful suggestion that the black troops were left to drown because of racial prejudice. No evidence at all and highly unlikely given the circumstances.
Also ignored the fact that the vast majority of SA troops were white and took terrible casualties in battle. No words of praise for them. Just whites so what. Typical BBC agenda.
I did not watch the immigration show. No point in watching pre digested pap. Did it concentrate on the economics? bet it did.
Rita Chakrabarti (two boxes ticked – female and ethnic) talking about wimmen’s contribution to the WW1 war effort. Apparently, the ladee’s played a bit of footy at Preston North End where crowds of 20 thou would turn up. (they’re not still pushing women’s football are they?) No doubt, the British public, after years of gruelling war would watch anything.
So, while the women weren’t agitating for suffrage (which was nice of them) and working in the factories, the menfolk (who this report barely mentioned) were being splattered across northern France like strawberry jam.
Next to a convent in France where a few nurses cared for the injured. 20, yes 20, died and were buried there. The graves were there, surrounded by tens of thousands of (male) soldiers. So, to cut a long story short, it was the women who won the war. Next up: how the muslims defeated the Kaiser.
Don’t forget that it wasn’t until 1918 that all men over the age of 21 got the vote. Until then there had been a property requirement that excluded 40% of men over the minimum voting age. Women over the age of 30 got the vote too, but keep quiet about that.
To listen to the BBC’s constant Women’s Agenda one could be forgiven for thinking that men got the vote with Adam and women finally got it through the efforts of (Conservative party candidate) Emmeline Pankhurst.
Just watching BBC News 24, the top stories at 11pm. The headline re: the Gaza conflict has now completely evolved into pointing the finger squarely at Israel:
‘Israel resumes attacks on Gaza as the ceasefire breaks down’.
While it can be argued that this is factually correct there is no room for doubt that it is a criminally misleading headline and displays a firm bias against Israel.
Tonight’s Newsnight was basically just an advert for Labour – pure character assassination-mode aimed at Gove. Predictably, the piece on Gove included a reporter mingling with your typical soap-starved lefty rent-a-mob trying to give the impression that this motley crue of students skipping lectures and benefit junkies was indicative of the education community at large. It was laughable.
I’ve noticed, also, that since the old-hands have left, the team are looking younger and odiously more metro-trendy. Highly amateurish stuff.
The BBC’s obvious delight at Michael Gove’s removal from the post of education secretary and their cheerleading for the NUT brings to mind Jeremy Paxman’s claim that ‘Newsnight’ is run by children on a fool’s errand. I had a friend who was a teacher at the time of the Brighton hotel bombing in 1984 and remember him telling me how, on hearing the news, everyone in the staffroom had jumped to their feet cheering. It didn’t matter that people had been killed or maimed by the explosion, only that ’twas a famous victory’. I’ve never since been able to regard the teaching profession with the same respect I had for it before that event. Unfortunately, over the years, I have seen my doubts graphically realised by the dire results that a Marxist-based education system has delivered to us. Yes, I’m a middle-aged white male and, yes, I felt proud of my country and culture – I never imagined doing so would be regarded as a crime – but socialism and the prancing BBC ‘teenagers’ have taught me otherwise. Their sights are now set on the British people themselves – race, culture, history, education, music and religion. I am not a racist, the ones calling me a ‘middle-aged white male’ are. We are all losers in ‘multi-culti’ Britain and perhaps that’s what is intended.
regag line 10: “Yes, I’m a middle-aged white male…”
regag line 14: “I am not a racist, the ones calling me a ‘middle-aged white male’ are.”
“on hearing the news, everyone in the staffroom had jumped to their feet cheering.” Admirable dedication to work these teachers have. The bomb detonated at 2.54am.
Danny, to call a man white and middle-aged is a statement of fact but to use the term as a form of abuse is racist or perhaps you think it isn’t if the abuse is directed toward white skinned people?
You assume that the teachers already knew the news when they arrived in the staffroom in the morning – do you really believe that the media would have been able to have given a clear account of the bombing 3 or 4 hours later?
I’ll sit back and wait for the torrent of senior white managers jacking in their jobs to make way for diversity then. Think I’ll be waiting a bloody long time. Similar to my experience of the 1980s civil service when they decided there weren’t enough female managers. So the supervisor job them becomes pretty much female dominated, but hey hold on all the senior management stay, you guessed it mainly male.
TV News this morning and BBC man Ben Wright declares : “Three-quarters of the cabinet remain men!”
Well, there’s a call to arms. What would the BBC recommend, I wonder? Sex change, castration, ‘coming out’ (does that count Scott? – if you can resist the endless ad homming and avoiding answering to BBC political bias campaingning on behalf of leftist issues, and actually answer a question?)
Of course, we note that three-quarters of the actors in the BBC’s Three Musketeers (there’s 4, 3 + D’Artagnan) are still white. Something there for Ben Wright to moan about? Ben Wright, the son of a Labour MP. Gosh the career choices eh? There you are the son of a Labour MP…. follow in Daddy’s footsteps and inherit a safe seat to become a ‘Red Prince’ or make your own way in life and become a BBC talking head?
Yesterday seemed to be a day of women interviewing women about there not being enough women in places where there should be more women. Fair enough, up to a point, and I’d much rather look at Esther McVee on the box than Alan Clarke. But it was the casual, everyday sexism that got me. For example, Jo Coburn on the ‘Daily Politics’ talking about “clearing out the male, pale and stale”.
“It’s a system that ain’t broke….. For 40 pence a day everybody in this country can enjoy first-class programmes and services,” says Hall.
What a load of bollocks. I’m paying 40p a day and now never watch or listen to their lying news or crap shows anymore.
BBC ‘Today’ at 8:40 wheels on a Fascist who claims that the BBC is biased in favour of the Israelis.
The presenter then goes on to list a whole slew of presenters they have in Gaza.
And the basis for all this? The fact that the historical context is not quoted in every report. But the Fascist only wants to go back to the time of the foundation of the modern state of Israel.
The usual Fascist words come out – brutal oppressive state – military occupation etc etc.
“The Palestinians are a displaced people who are fighting to overthrow a brutal military occupation”.
The next logical question would be whether he wants to see the destruction of the state of Israel as many Fascists do, but it was never asked.
“…The next logical question would be whether he wants to see the destruction of the state of Israel as many Fascists do, but it was never asked.”
It never is. In much the same way, the BBC quislings always skirt around hardline Islam’s mandated aim of eradicating all Jews, everywhere. Of course, if Islamist ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘militants’ goose-stepped around the desert in fetching Hugo Boss designed uniforms or suddenly took to holding vast open air militaristic rallies, one might imagine these cowards would perhaps have something to say about Islam’s aspirant deathwish towards the Jews… instead we get the likes of Jeremy Bowen filing blatantly pro-Palestine news stories night-after-night as if that somehow represents the integrity of ‘world class journalism’ as the BBC quaintly (if inaccurately) likes to call it.
Although they don’t wear a uniform as such, or go goose stepping, they do hold mass open air rallies and openly give the Socialist salute, otherwise known as the Nazi Salute.
Melanie Philips wrote a piece about the Fascist views of Manchesters Police Commissioner the disgraceful liebour ex MP Tony Lloyd for travelling to Palestine to shake thehand of a man who is a successor of some one described as an ‘architecht of the holocaust’. – He didn’t sue so he must be pretty comfortable with that.
Further to Thoughtful’s comment, I turned on Today at just after 8:00 am to hear a very aggressive Hamas spokeswoman speaking from Gaza blaming the Egyptians for the Hamas refusal to accept the ceasefire proposals because Hamas only received the proposals via the “media” not direct from Cairo. If true this was a diplomatic blunder but hardly a fatal error. Nevertheless – according to the spokeswoman – this insult to the dignity of Hamas was sufficient to keep Hamas firing its rockets.
However, I seemed to recognise the dulcet tones of the spokeswoman and, whadya know, it turned out to be Lise Doucet the well-known BBC reporter. The tone and content of her broadcast – and the tone of most of the broadcasts from the Middle East by BBC reporters or stringers – undermined any spurious claims made later on Today by some kapo concerning supposed bias in favour of Israel.
“BBC’s ‘racist approach’ to diversity ignores white working class – Tory MP.
“Director general defends plan to boost representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic people after attack from Philip Davies”
Of course, the leftist Beeboid Director General, HALL, is still abusing the word ‘diversity’ so as to use the public broadcaster to politically orchestrate both a mass immigration. open-door policy of colonisation of U.K. That propaganda is coupled with a policy of discriminating against white indigenous British people, who have to pay £3.5 billion a year to finance Hall’s propaganda against themselves!
I was in school yesterday when the whoops and hollers told me that Gove had gone.
These oafs in their staffrooms had lived in acquiescence as Labour disembowelled any pretence that the State “did” education anymore.
For thirteen years, they paid their subs, took the unmerited threshold payments, used a mums army as teaching supervisors and assistants-and generally deskilled themselves and lost any authority to teach anything but Citizenship and Media Studies.
These same oafs were texting and twittering up and down the nation, from their classrooms on the end of Gove-it would never occur to them that they ought to have been teaching something to children at the times they were ringing into 5 Live or suchlike.
The teachers these days are unthinking Labour poodles who long ago gave up their brains and morality-in favour of a perpetual student war against the Man, UKIP and Israel.
Indeed, had they any independence-they`d not have been allowed anywhere near a school, had the Labour Councils or unions got wind of that…not that the Tories are much better.
Just less hypocritical and with less time spent in destroying our school system.
Gove is a hero-to have the BBC, unions, Labour and teachers hating you is quite a tribute.
Blob Off you Leftards…Gove has won….up to us now to nail that in.
Thinking Allowed this afternoon has Laurie Taylor fussing on with a similar verbose do gooder from Lancaster Uni, and all about the old blokes dying in prison.
Why, it`s as if the BBC would like a younger strain of sex criminal to jail…Rolf and Stuart will only put people off dying if they are handcuffed to a guard, and such like. Is that what you want, you white trash you?
S`pose it would never occur to Laurie that -had they not committed their crimes in the first place-they`d not now be under threat of dying in prison.
Not at all-poor lambs need excuses and lots of sociological types on fat salaries to support…so the notion of a useful deterrence goes by the wayside.
Presumably had we paid Savile, Harris and Hall more-then they`d not have committed their crimes.
So pay your license fees and stump up something in the old mans hat on top of that…or else the BBC employees decide that crime is the result of us not paying them enough.
Blackmail or what…f*** off Laurie-your family do all too well out of the BBC, I`m sure.
This shows how Jeremy Bowen and Yolande Knell are refusing to tell the BBC audiences clearly that Hamas is using the Shufi Hospital in Gaza as a “human shield”.
If the BBC published that one simple truth it would be very damaging to Hamas. Is that why the BBC hides the truth ? It certainly looks so.
Utterly laughable attempts this morning on both Radio 2 and Radio 4-news and features to puff up some non-story about Lawsons charity( GWPF) now needing to create a political arm as separate from the original educational one.
How the hell is this news-the greenies surely got that news back in the Guardian two months ago?
Only one reason I suspect-given the BBCs wish to ban Lawson from the Green debate re global warming crapola and dud science-the BBC want us all now to see them as “creating heads of steam” to promote its own slimy and venal agendas.
Sorry Beeb-you`re mere Stalins in lime green, high viz vests with all the presence and wattage of Ed Daveys willy warmer.
Desperate astroturfing of the so called news….as St Phil of Lynott once sang…”Don`t believe a word”…”DON`CHA!…
Need I ask whether the BBC will be reporting on the shambles that Labour presented this lunchtime at PMs Question Time ?
Harman wants higher taxes for the squeezed middle, and was recorded saying so on LBC yesterday…Miliband and Balls ambushed , and shown up for the venal weasels and snake oil sickups that they are.
But-I can`t imagine it`ll be on the news tonight….might upset the PIE lobby there at the BBC….Creeps!
BBC – Dutch state liable over 300 Srebrenica deaths
yep! overt Islamophile Al BBC goes all out on this one.
‘We seek justice until the end’
Watch The horror
From the air Ruling’s
wider impact
Siege of Srebrenica
Dutch liable over Srebrenica deaths
Horror of Srebrenica’s graves
Pictures Srebrenica siege
Soldiers’ lawyers defended their clients Witness recalls Bosnia killings OPE
Little sense of justice
Analysis from Anna Holligan, BBC News, The Hague
I think only Pallywood gets more tags at present,
hmmm Bosniaks … “Palestinians”?
There must be something about them that’s linked.?
When I hear the code word ” British,” I immediately think they either come from the Khyber Pass or Timbuktu. Let’s put it this way, they don’t look like Terry Thomas.
Noted that the BBC did not like the idea of Type 2 diabetes being “downgraded”, as being a spurious diagnosis.
Imagine!-no labels, no welfare benefits, no “You and Yours”, no “In Touch”-no entitlement groups, no charities no advocacy and no DWP lawyers…and no excuse for the BBC to “champion the vulnerable” or to wave its musty shroud b way of care.
The BBC are desperate welfare hustlers of the first order. We`re all patients and in need of a label from the BBC….and let the State pay.
After all, it pays the BBC well enough-boy, they`re sick!
The mediocre BBCs perpetual drivel does throw up some unintended gems.
No science was intended when Justin Webb asked some social sciences wallah about “lying and its motives”.
Soon a few questions opened up-when and why do we lie…do we lie for others, or for our own virtues…and is it obvious in physical factors, not just in shifty eyes and cold sweats etc.
Got a bit uncomfortable for all concerned I would say….and now I see why Today will never be transferred to television.
Maybe all that Today says about Israel should be uploaded to film…we might leant a lot more about the Today shower of slime in their “I speak my Masters Words” mode.
Sure as hell, they don`t write that stuff do they?…I sense they`re just flouncing birds of paradise in need of Allahs razor…..
I know its not BBC-but Jon Snows insulting and ignorant rant at Mark Regev on tonights Channel 4 News, was fit only for the BBC or Der Sturmer…and who can tell the difference these days?
Best bit was a florid Snow accusing the Israelis of “not having courage”…WHAT?
As opposed to replacing your bike clips from titanium to vanadium I expect-and saying that you hate the Establishment that spawned you and all your privileges-but never quite enough to give up the fat salary and white poppy?
What a f****in skiddoo…the idea of “talking to Hamas” as being on a par with “courage” is something else.
Suspect Snow regards Gordon Browns book on courage as the final word…as opposed to dodging Hamas rockets and Jeremy Bowens halitosis!
Snow`s a streak of slime.
Jon Snow is as ignorant as they come. The whole of the Channel 4 team, almost without exception, require a damn good thrashing, then sent to bed with no tea.
One thing I’ve always noticed about Jew haters is they love to point out the disparity in deaths. Yet the facts remain, it isn’t for a lack of effort or trying on the Muslim side. The first rule of war is to kill the other guy before he kills you. Yet to the likes of the bBC, this isn’t fair, and that actually the jews should fight with one hand behind their back agaisnt Muslims who lets be honest, can only fight the sick lame and lazy when the numbers game favours them.
Now the Jews have giving Hamas a breather, lets see if they launch tomorrow?
This afternoon (Wednesday) they showed the 1959 film “North West Frontier”. A British officer leads a small group saving a Hindu prince from a horde a fanatical Muslims.
I wonder how that made it through the scheduling committee.
Site appears to be having a holiday since last comment was yesterday on this thread!
Thanks God, (if there is one), for the lovely sunshine which has sent all subscribers down to the beach.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:58 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Benefits for everyone: Making the case for a universal BBC” Clare Sumner CBE Director, Policy Benefits for audiences Benefits for…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “There were no signs of any allegiance to a single cause – which is why despite pleading guilty to downloading…
Lunchtime LoatherJan 22, 19:54 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Want a good laugh? Read this tosh: https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/articles/2021/making-the-case-for-a-universal-bbc
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 19:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Vlad, From Jay Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBOsrvShAwI
Fedup2Jan 22, 19:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Absolutely not a ( Islamic ) terrorist incident … at the moment – until the truth pops up …. TTK…
vladJan 22, 19:18 Midweek 22nd January 2025 A man and a boy have been stabbed to death in Germany. Now, before all you islamophobes jump to conclusions,…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 THIS IS F*ING AMAZING…. “China has slowly expanded its soft power by opening its first Confucius Institute in the country…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:03 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Maybe the BBC could a “3 Girls” documentary drama but based on 1500 people? Maybe call it “Trump MADE US…
What is it about the BBC:
Most of those in the State sector, (includes BBC), increase limited to 1% – to counter balance previous over-generous settlements compared to private sector.
In fairness it would also enable those not taxpayer funded to catch up:
Anyone working for BBC on average salary received 2.26% increase last year and 1.5% this year.
One should not forget that the organisation, although a State funded enterprise, has also been practicing tax avoidance by placing a lot of its highly paid employees on the self employed register.
Simultaneously the BBC has been totally ignoring its statutory remit to be fair and balanced in it’s left slanted Political reporting as exampled by a lot of the msm and also daily on sites like this.
They really know how to rub our noses in it.
Not strictly to do with BBC bias, but http://hiddenfromgoogle.com/ is worth keeping an eye on, listing search results omitted, erased, or censored due to the “Right to be forgotten”.
The first one currently listed is from Robert Peston’s BBC blog. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/legacy/thereporters/robertpeston/2007/10/merrills_mess.html
Bbc yet again you lazy white idiots.
What on earth did we do before this , how did we manage.
Totally engineered program by the bbc.
one day it will all blow up in the bbc face when we face civil war..
Now some good news. BBC journalists are going on strike again.
Glad to see the BBC not employing the scientific method in their propaganda piece about immigration.
No need to change the habit of a lifetime.
Re-write of headline for INBBC on Islamising City of Bradford,
“Carlton Bolling College pupils ‘not protected from extremism'”
(inc video clip).
‘Carlton Bolling College pupils ‘not protected from Islamic extremism’
And, Islamising Birmingham schools.
INBBC report gives predominant say to pro-Islam Muslim.
“Trojan Horse: Park View Educational Trust board resigns”
The BBC can no longer help itself pushing propaganda. I saw a bit of “Coast” .
The loss of a South African troopship in 1917 caused by bad weather leading to a collision. A quite disgraceful suggestion that the black troops were left to drown because of racial prejudice. No evidence at all and highly unlikely given the circumstances.
Also ignored the fact that the vast majority of SA troops were white and took terrible casualties in battle. No words of praise for them. Just whites so what. Typical BBC agenda.
I did not watch the immigration show. No point in watching pre digested pap. Did it concentrate on the economics? bet it did.
Rita Chakrabarti (two boxes ticked – female and ethnic) talking about wimmen’s contribution to the WW1 war effort. Apparently, the ladee’s played a bit of footy at Preston North End where crowds of 20 thou would turn up. (they’re not still pushing women’s football are they?) No doubt, the British public, after years of gruelling war would watch anything.
So, while the women weren’t agitating for suffrage (which was nice of them) and working in the factories, the menfolk (who this report barely mentioned) were being splattered across northern France like strawberry jam.
Next to a convent in France where a few nurses cared for the injured. 20, yes 20, died and were buried there. The graves were there, surrounded by tens of thousands of (male) soldiers. So, to cut a long story short, it was the women who won the war. Next up: how the muslims defeated the Kaiser.
Don’t forget that it wasn’t until 1918 that all men over the age of 21 got the vote. Until then there had been a property requirement that excluded 40% of men over the minimum voting age. Women over the age of 30 got the vote too, but keep quiet about that.
To listen to the BBC’s constant Women’s Agenda one could be forgiven for thinking that men got the vote with Adam and women finally got it through the efforts of (Conservative party candidate) Emmeline Pankhurst.
Just watching BBC News 24, the top stories at 11pm. The headline re: the Gaza conflict has now completely evolved into pointing the finger squarely at Israel:
‘Israel resumes attacks on Gaza as the ceasefire breaks down’.
While it can be argued that this is factually correct there is no room for doubt that it is a criminally misleading headline and displays a firm bias against Israel.
Tonight’s Newsnight was basically just an advert for Labour – pure character assassination-mode aimed at Gove. Predictably, the piece on Gove included a reporter mingling with your typical soap-starved lefty rent-a-mob trying to give the impression that this motley crue of students skipping lectures and benefit junkies was indicative of the education community at large. It was laughable.
I’ve noticed, also, that since the old-hands have left, the team are looking younger and odiously more metro-trendy. Highly amateurish stuff.
The BBC’s obvious delight at Michael Gove’s removal from the post of education secretary and their cheerleading for the NUT brings to mind Jeremy Paxman’s claim that ‘Newsnight’ is run by children on a fool’s errand. I had a friend who was a teacher at the time of the Brighton hotel bombing in 1984 and remember him telling me how, on hearing the news, everyone in the staffroom had jumped to their feet cheering. It didn’t matter that people had been killed or maimed by the explosion, only that ’twas a famous victory’. I’ve never since been able to regard the teaching profession with the same respect I had for it before that event. Unfortunately, over the years, I have seen my doubts graphically realised by the dire results that a Marxist-based education system has delivered to us. Yes, I’m a middle-aged white male and, yes, I felt proud of my country and culture – I never imagined doing so would be regarded as a crime – but socialism and the prancing BBC ‘teenagers’ have taught me otherwise. Their sights are now set on the British people themselves – race, culture, history, education, music and religion. I am not a racist, the ones calling me a ‘middle-aged white male’ are. We are all losers in ‘multi-culti’ Britain and perhaps that’s what is intended.
Well said, sir!
Comment of the day, well said and well put.
regag line 10: “Yes, I’m a middle-aged white male…”
regag line 14: “I am not a racist, the ones calling me a ‘middle-aged white male’ are.”
“on hearing the news, everyone in the staffroom had jumped to their feet cheering.” Admirable dedication to work these teachers have. The bomb detonated at 2.54am.
So they heard the news on the radio in the staff room the next morning? You haven’t thought that one through.
Danny, to call a man white and middle-aged is a statement of fact but to use the term as a form of abuse is racist or perhaps you think it isn’t if the abuse is directed toward white skinned people?
You assume that the teachers already knew the news when they arrived in the staffroom in the morning – do you really believe that the media would have been able to have given a clear account of the bombing 3 or 4 hours later?
I’ll sit back and wait for the torrent of senior white managers jacking in their jobs to make way for diversity then. Think I’ll be waiting a bloody long time. Similar to my experience of the 1980s civil service when they decided there weren’t enough female managers. So the supervisor job them becomes pretty much female dominated, but hey hold on all the senior management stay, you guessed it mainly male.
from a couple of years ago – a potted history in visual form by Bill Whittle showing decades of Palestinian intransigence and stupid leadership :
TV News this morning and BBC man Ben Wright declares : “Three-quarters of the cabinet remain men!”
Well, there’s a call to arms. What would the BBC recommend, I wonder? Sex change, castration, ‘coming out’ (does that count Scott? – if you can resist the endless ad homming and avoiding answering to BBC political bias campaingning on behalf of leftist issues, and actually answer a question?)
Of course, we note that three-quarters of the actors in the BBC’s Three Musketeers (there’s 4, 3 + D’Artagnan) are still white. Something there for Ben Wright to moan about? Ben Wright, the son of a Labour MP. Gosh the career choices eh? There you are the son of a Labour MP…. follow in Daddy’s footsteps and inherit a safe seat to become a ‘Red Prince’ or make your own way in life and become a BBC talking head?
Yesterday seemed to be a day of women interviewing women about there not being enough women in places where there should be more women. Fair enough, up to a point, and I’d much rather look at Esther McVee on the box than Alan Clarke. But it was the casual, everyday sexism that got me. For example, Jo Coburn on the ‘Daily Politics’ talking about “clearing out the male, pale and stale”.
Sorry, Ken Clarke!
Then Jo Coburn is sexist, and a racist.
If Ben Wright thinks three quarters of the cabinet are men, he is, as usual, sadly mistaken.
“Three-quarters of the cabinet remain men!”
Purely supposition.
“It’s a system that ain’t broke….. For 40 pence a day everybody in this country can enjoy first-class programmes and services,” says Hall.
What a load of bollocks. I’m paying 40p a day and now never watch or listen to their lying news or crap shows anymore.
BBC ‘Today’ at 8:40 wheels on a Fascist who claims that the BBC is biased in favour of the Israelis.
The presenter then goes on to list a whole slew of presenters they have in Gaza.
And the basis for all this? The fact that the historical context is not quoted in every report. But the Fascist only wants to go back to the time of the foundation of the modern state of Israel.
The usual Fascist words come out – brutal oppressive state – military occupation etc etc.
“The Palestinians are a displaced people who are fighting to overthrow a brutal military occupation”.
The next logical question would be whether he wants to see the destruction of the state of Israel as many Fascists do, but it was never asked.
“…The next logical question would be whether he wants to see the destruction of the state of Israel as many Fascists do, but it was never asked.”
It never is. In much the same way, the BBC quislings always skirt around hardline Islam’s mandated aim of eradicating all Jews, everywhere. Of course, if Islamist ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘militants’ goose-stepped around the desert in fetching Hugo Boss designed uniforms or suddenly took to holding vast open air militaristic rallies, one might imagine these cowards would perhaps have something to say about Islam’s aspirant deathwish towards the Jews… instead we get the likes of Jeremy Bowen filing blatantly pro-Palestine news stories night-after-night as if that somehow represents the integrity of ‘world class journalism’ as the BBC quaintly (if inaccurately) likes to call it.
Although they don’t wear a uniform as such, or go goose stepping, they do hold mass open air rallies and openly give the Socialist salute, otherwise known as the Nazi Salute.
Melanie Philips wrote a piece about the Fascist views of Manchesters Police Commissioner the disgraceful liebour ex MP Tony Lloyd for travelling to Palestine to shake thehand of a man who is a successor of some one described as an ‘architecht of the holocaust’. – He didn’t sue so he must be pretty comfortable with that.
Further to Thoughtful’s comment, I turned on Today at just after 8:00 am to hear a very aggressive Hamas spokeswoman speaking from Gaza blaming the Egyptians for the Hamas refusal to accept the ceasefire proposals because Hamas only received the proposals via the “media” not direct from Cairo. If true this was a diplomatic blunder but hardly a fatal error. Nevertheless – according to the spokeswoman – this insult to the dignity of Hamas was sufficient to keep Hamas firing its rockets.
However, I seemed to recognise the dulcet tones of the spokeswoman and, whadya know, it turned out to be Lise Doucet the well-known BBC reporter. The tone and content of her broadcast – and the tone of most of the broadcasts from the Middle East by BBC reporters or stringers – undermined any spurious claims made later on Today by some kapo concerning supposed bias in favour of Israel.
A great piece of Pallywood work. Come on BBC, when are you going to report on this?
Any comments as to why relatively few people are aware of all of this Bowen ?
“BBC’s ‘racist approach’ to diversity ignores white working class – Tory MP.
“Director general defends plan to boost representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic people after attack from Philip Davies”
By Mark Sweney.
Of course, the leftist Beeboid Director General, HALL, is still abusing the word ‘diversity’ so as to use the public broadcaster to politically orchestrate both a mass immigration. open-door policy of colonisation of U.K. That propaganda is coupled with a policy of discriminating against white indigenous British people, who have to pay £3.5 billion a year to finance Hall’s propaganda against themselves!
” word ‘diversity’”
The correct spelling is DIEversity for the indigenous inhabitants, they want us to die off.
I was in school yesterday when the whoops and hollers told me that Gove had gone.
These oafs in their staffrooms had lived in acquiescence as Labour disembowelled any pretence that the State “did” education anymore.
For thirteen years, they paid their subs, took the unmerited threshold payments, used a mums army as teaching supervisors and assistants-and generally deskilled themselves and lost any authority to teach anything but Citizenship and Media Studies.
These same oafs were texting and twittering up and down the nation, from their classrooms on the end of Gove-it would never occur to them that they ought to have been teaching something to children at the times they were ringing into 5 Live or suchlike.
The teachers these days are unthinking Labour poodles who long ago gave up their brains and morality-in favour of a perpetual student war against the Man, UKIP and Israel.
Indeed, had they any independence-they`d not have been allowed anywhere near a school, had the Labour Councils or unions got wind of that…not that the Tories are much better.
Just less hypocritical and with less time spent in destroying our school system.
Gove is a hero-to have the BBC, unions, Labour and teachers hating you is quite a tribute.
Blob Off you Leftards…Gove has won….up to us now to nail that in.
Thinking Allowed this afternoon has Laurie Taylor fussing on with a similar verbose do gooder from Lancaster Uni, and all about the old blokes dying in prison.
Why, it`s as if the BBC would like a younger strain of sex criminal to jail…Rolf and Stuart will only put people off dying if they are handcuffed to a guard, and such like. Is that what you want, you white trash you?
S`pose it would never occur to Laurie that -had they not committed their crimes in the first place-they`d not now be under threat of dying in prison.
Not at all-poor lambs need excuses and lots of sociological types on fat salaries to support…so the notion of a useful deterrence goes by the wayside.
Presumably had we paid Savile, Harris and Hall more-then they`d not have committed their crimes.
So pay your license fees and stump up something in the old mans hat on top of that…or else the BBC employees decide that crime is the result of us not paying them enough.
Blackmail or what…f*** off Laurie-your family do all too well out of the BBC, I`m sure.
Seems to be something odd going on with the comments. Some “recent comments” aren’t showing up when clicked on.
And then they appeared when I posted that. How strange.
yes, I’m having the same problem… so thankfully it’s not my computer, then! Every time I enter the site it fails to register new/recent comments.
This site seems to hell bent on boosting Scott’s ego again.
(Not) coming to the BBC any time soon:
‘Jihadi Vogue’ magazine lampoons Iraq’s Islamic State warriors
This shows how Jeremy Bowen and Yolande Knell are refusing to tell the BBC audiences clearly that Hamas is using the Shufi Hospital in Gaza as a “human shield”.
If the BBC published that one simple truth it would be very damaging to Hamas. Is that why the BBC hides the truth ? It certainly looks so.
Utterly laughable attempts this morning on both Radio 2 and Radio 4-news and features to puff up some non-story about Lawsons charity( GWPF) now needing to create a political arm as separate from the original educational one.
How the hell is this news-the greenies surely got that news back in the Guardian two months ago?
Only one reason I suspect-given the BBCs wish to ban Lawson from the Green debate re global warming crapola and dud science-the BBC want us all now to see them as “creating heads of steam” to promote its own slimy and venal agendas.
Sorry Beeb-you`re mere Stalins in lime green, high viz vests with all the presence and wattage of Ed Daveys willy warmer.
Desperate astroturfing of the so called news….as St Phil of Lynott once sang…”Don`t believe a word”…”DON`CHA!…
Need I ask whether the BBC will be reporting on the shambles that Labour presented this lunchtime at PMs Question Time ?
Harman wants higher taxes for the squeezed middle, and was recorded saying so on LBC yesterday…Miliband and Balls ambushed , and shown up for the venal weasels and snake oil sickups that they are.
But-I can`t imagine it`ll be on the news tonight….might upset the PIE lobby there at the BBC….Creeps!
BBC – Dutch state liable over 300 Srebrenica deaths
yep! overt Islamophile Al BBC goes all out on this one.
‘We seek justice until the end’
Watch The horror
From the air Ruling’s
wider impact
Siege of Srebrenica
Dutch liable over Srebrenica deaths
Horror of Srebrenica’s graves
Pictures Srebrenica siege
Soldiers’ lawyers defended their clients Witness recalls Bosnia killings OPE
Little sense of justice
Analysis from Anna Holligan, BBC News, The Hague
I think only Pallywood gets more tags at present,
hmmm Bosniaks … “Palestinians”?
There must be something about them that’s linked.?
The Palestinian Lie
Media Lies & Manipulation of the Balkan War
Will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report this, or doesn’t it want to show Christians as the martyred victims of Islamic jihad?
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder 38 in raid on Christian village”
BBC – A brief history of climate change ………. 😀
oops! think they forgot to add … “propaganda”
Trying to make out the lack of school places is down to 2001 “baby boomers ”
Very disingenuous and the pictures they use says it all .
Here’s a good old British name for you:
The BBC love calling these vermin ‘British’. They’re not good enough to be called British
When I hear the code word ” British,” I immediately think they either come from the Khyber Pass or Timbuktu. Let’s put it this way, they don’t look like Terry Thomas.
Noted that the BBC did not like the idea of Type 2 diabetes being “downgraded”, as being a spurious diagnosis.
Imagine!-no labels, no welfare benefits, no “You and Yours”, no “In Touch”-no entitlement groups, no charities no advocacy and no DWP lawyers…and no excuse for the BBC to “champion the vulnerable” or to wave its musty shroud b way of care.
The BBC are desperate welfare hustlers of the first order. We`re all patients and in need of a label from the BBC….and let the State pay.
After all, it pays the BBC well enough-boy, they`re sick!
The mediocre BBCs perpetual drivel does throw up some unintended gems.
No science was intended when Justin Webb asked some social sciences wallah about “lying and its motives”.
Soon a few questions opened up-when and why do we lie…do we lie for others, or for our own virtues…and is it obvious in physical factors, not just in shifty eyes and cold sweats etc.
Got a bit uncomfortable for all concerned I would say….and now I see why Today will never be transferred to television.
Maybe all that Today says about Israel should be uploaded to film…we might leant a lot more about the Today shower of slime in their “I speak my Masters Words” mode.
Sure as hell, they don`t write that stuff do they?…I sense they`re just flouncing birds of paradise in need of Allahs razor…..
I know its not BBC-but Jon Snows insulting and ignorant rant at Mark Regev on tonights Channel 4 News, was fit only for the BBC or Der Sturmer…and who can tell the difference these days?
Best bit was a florid Snow accusing the Israelis of “not having courage”…WHAT?
As opposed to replacing your bike clips from titanium to vanadium I expect-and saying that you hate the Establishment that spawned you and all your privileges-but never quite enough to give up the fat salary and white poppy?
What a f****in skiddoo…the idea of “talking to Hamas” as being on a par with “courage” is something else.
Suspect Snow regards Gordon Browns book on courage as the final word…as opposed to dodging Hamas rockets and Jeremy Bowens halitosis!
Snow`s a streak of slime.
Jon Snow is as ignorant as they come. The whole of the Channel 4 team, almost without exception, require a damn good thrashing, then sent to bed with no tea.
Enough said? probably not. Bloody BBC.
One thing I’ve always noticed about Jew haters is they love to point out the disparity in deaths. Yet the facts remain, it isn’t for a lack of effort or trying on the Muslim side. The first rule of war is to kill the other guy before he kills you. Yet to the likes of the bBC, this isn’t fair, and that actually the jews should fight with one hand behind their back agaisnt Muslims who lets be honest, can only fight the sick lame and lazy when the numbers game favours them.
Now the Jews have giving Hamas a breather, lets see if they launch tomorrow?
No comments for the last 6 hours ??? What’s going on?
Sorry, It’s working now.
Congratulations to the BBC.
This afternoon (Wednesday) they showed the 1959 film “North West Frontier”. A British officer leads a small group saving a Hindu prince from a horde a fanatical Muslims.
I wonder how that made it through the scheduling committee.
Site appears to be having a holiday since last comment was yesterday on this thread!
Thanks God, (if there is one), for the lovely sunshine which has sent all subscribers down to the beach.
no, there’s a new Open thread…as usual
Those guys could now rest in the guarantee that they could take advantage in all 25 Jan 2012.