Interesting, as always, couple of exchanges with Nicky Campbell this morning on ‘Your Call’.
Campbell emphasised this is about ‘your calls’…just a shame that that isn’t necessarily true…step over the BBC imposed line of what is ‘acceptable’ and you’ll find ‘your call’ gets you a self-righteous and sanctimonious telling off from Campbell.
This morning’s effort was about the conflict in Gaza…though I would object to that narrow term of reference…the BBC has been insisting on limiting its reporting of casualties in Gaza starting only from when the Israeli counter-attacks began….which kind of puts the blame on Israel….ignoring the hundreds of rockets that are launched at Israel every year and neglecting the fact that the attacks began in 1948 when the Muslims first tried to wipe out the Jews…something they are still intent on accomplishing.
Campbell though keeps up the chosen narrative asking ‘What do you think of the slaughter of the innocent people in Gaza?’
Nothing prejudiced and emotive about that at all.
However when a caller comes on (23 mins) and says that a sizeable majority of Arabs are not interested in peace with Israel and that a sizeable proportion of Muslims aren’t interested in living in peace with the rest of mankind Campbell objects to the tone of the language used.
Campbell says ‘With every respect that’s an incendiary thing to say, it’s a highly inflammatory thing to say….em..peace loving…em..some would say that’s extremely islamophobic.’
The caller reels off a list of Muslim atrocities and intentions…Campbell tries to ignore the implications by claiming the caller is conflating entirely unrelated issues…except of course they are all related by one issue…and wraps up with the thought that ‘People will draw their own conclusions about what you said and why you said it.’
Really? Why he said it? What did Campbell mean? Isn’t this the usual BBC brush off of open and honest discussion about a serious issue with the shout of ‘racist’…or rather ‘islamophobe!!’?
All so different though when a pro-Palestinian comes on(33 mins) and tells us that Israel is a terrorist state inflicting terror upon the Palestinians.
Campbell merely asks the next caller what she thinks of that idea. No outrage from Campbell, no condescending censure.
Shelagh Fogarty carries on the good work later….she has a couple of quick comments from Israelis then a long interview with a Palestinian, a ‘Gaza mother’….Fogarty asks, amongst other things, ‘What do you say to your 6 year when he says to you ‘When is it my turn to die’.
Any proof at all that the 6 year old boy said that? Or is that the invention of Hamas’ media unit?
How well briefed Fogarty was on the plight of this woman and her family. The producer or researcher must have had along discussion with this ‘mother’ before the interview and determined which especially affecting bits they wanted to be emphasised. Pure propaganda from Hamas aided by the BBC.
Fogarty finishes with the thought that this ‘mother of 5’ doesn’t want to talk politics and refuses to talk about Hamas, Fogarty emphasises this and says that she only wants to talk as ‘a mother’ and that this makes her words all the more powerful.
OK…except is there any doubt that every word the woman spoke was approved by a Hamas offical stood nearby? She didn’t want to talk about Hamas because then she couldn’t be drawn into any discussion about the rights and wrongs of Hamas’ behaviour.
Her refusal to talk politics was itself ‘politics’. Shame the BBC aren’t honest enough to admit that…they must have known the ‘mother’ had a minder as they interviewed her….as do all their journalists in Gaza.
Kill All The Jews
Let’s just remind ourselves what the Palestinians teach their children…from The Commentator:
The anti-Semitic terror group Hamas, which runs the Gaza strip and which has recently moved to reconcile differences with the Palestinian Authority, came under renewed criticism on Monday after revelations reached the West that Hamas TV had just run a broadcast openly telling children to kill all the Jews.
Watchdog organisation Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), reported that, “on the weekly Hamas TV children’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers this week. The young Hamas TV host Rawan talks to a young girl in the studio named Tulin, who tells her she wants to be a police officer when she grows up. The child host directs her to the conclusion that as a police officer she would shoot “all the Jews.”
Child host (Rawan): “Tulin, why do you want to be a police officer? Like who?”
Girl (Tulin): “Like my uncle.” …
Child host: “OK, so what does a policeman do?”
Nahul (an adult in a giant bee costume): “He catches thieves, and people who make trouble.”
Child host: “And shoots Jews. Right?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “You want to be like him?”
[Girl nods]
Child host: “Allah willing, when you grow up.”
Girl: “So that I can shoot Jews.”
[Nahul the bee claps his hands]
Child host: “All the Jews? All of them?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “Good.”
For years the left defended the intolerance written into the DNA of Islam by playing the race card. Anybody who asked questioned was called a racist, and deemed Persona non grata and sent to Coventry.
Then 9/11 happened, followed by Madrid and then 7/7. People who had been fed a diet of Islam is a religion of peace, openly started speaking out about the ugliness we see everyday when it comes to Islam.
Paedophile gangs, honour killings and FGM once deemed off limits are now seen as priority targets for the police and the courts.
All around the world for the past 13 years , while we have been fed a diet of poor bloody Muslims by the left, we have played witness to murderous rampages from the followers of …Mohammed. Be it Danish cartoons, Sudanese teddy bears,French burka ban or even faux outrage over Gaza. The world has woken up to the fact that Islam isn’t peace, it isn’t magnanimous and that it is pure evil. Yet to the left, it is the victims of Islam who are wrong, they still subscribe to the propaganda fed to them by radical Islamists that Islam is in pain and only when those who persecute Muslims around the world will peace come to the land. But they never ask the question that if Israel, was to go the way of of the dodo tomorrow would peace finally dawn on the world.
All we would see is Muslims opine about:
Spain (Yes Spain)
How about Iran, well it is Shia central
then when all of the Middle East is conquered they would turn on the neighbours.
For some people all of the above is far fetched, yet Kosovo , the holyland for Serbs was taken over by Islamic immigrants from Albania and handed to them. The same in the south of Thailand , the Philippines, Nigeria and even China.
The left refuse to see what is in front of them becasue to do so would mean that they would have to accept that they are wrong. I mean they love to say that not all Muslims are terrorists. Yet the fact remains, virtually all Muslims would kill their daughters if they left the faith in which to terrorise the rest to remain within the fold. Isn’t that what terrorists do?
The BBC/Guardian axis continues to spin
Campbell needs to read the Hamas charter or is that too much to ask. Of course it is too much to ask.
Liberals and the liberal media would much rather ignore the reality of exactly what drives Hamas .
A dereliction of journalistic enquiry at the very least.
Any Jew reading that charter can be in no doubt as to his position. Hamas does not envisage a future that contains the state of Israel .
Just one point, could comentors please refrain from calling our politicians and others “liberals”. None of them are liberal in any true sense of the word, all are authoritarians abusing whatever power they can lay their sticky, corrupt little hands on.
Point taken, Derek. They are ‘Neo-Liberals’. The New Left appropriated the term ‘Liberal’ in the 60s, as a cloak for their anything-but-truly-liberal policies; their social engineering.
When Andrew Marr describes the BBC as having an ‘innate liberal bias’, he’s using the cloak. Another utterance from the Lenin of Barnes had him wishing ‘to stamp on people’s natural instincts’ – bloody liberals.
I just watched the 8am news headlines on Sky, and then turned over for the 8am headlines on BBC Breakfast.
One said that the Egyptian ceasefire initiative had been accepted by the Israelis and rejected by Hamas. The other said it had been accepted by the Israelis and was being considered by Hamas.
To be fair, the BBC onsight reporter subsequently corrected the statement and said that Hamas had rejected the plan, but by then the headline had been set and an incorrect impression given.
Extraordinary performance really, from the envy of the broadcasting world.
It is clear the chosen public diplomacy line coming from Hamas in languages other than Arabic is Israel is killing the innocent for no apparent reason.
I don’t think the BBC has to be told to take this line so much as it is instinctive to follow the Hamas line. I say Hamas line because the bulk of Palestinians have been remarkably quiet.
Take Five Live off air until it meets basic journalistic standards.
take the BBC off air full stop.
nicky campbell was at his most big headed and smarmy best in that so called phone in about palestine,yes he was biased in favour of the palestinians no surprise there,yes he shook down that caller who dared to be critical of islam and muslims worldwide,nicky declared islam is a very peacefull religion,sure nicky,sure mate,it was an awful phone that was more about nicky campbells self inflated self importance than it was about dealing with this issue about hamas terrorists linked to al qaeda bombarding innocent israeli citixens with scud missiles and rockets.
Nicky Campbell has been whining about littler louts in the Daily Mail.
Never understand why BBC employees write articles for the DM. I thought they hated it.
Campbell says they made him cry when some “youths” he confronted shouted abuse at him and spat on him.
BBC hasn’t reported this yet (maybe never) but the CAMERA organisation using data from Al Jazeera of all places has discovered that the majority of casualties in the current Gaza conflict are combat age males with the next highest group being males over the age of 40. This strongly suggests that far from the majority of casualties being women and children they are fighters from Hamas and allied groups and their leadership. Hamas, surprise, surprise is lying and the media is eating it up.
Gaza under siege: naming the dead, Al Jazeera
Reporting of Casualties in Gaza. CAMERA
How can anyone think it is likely that the BBC would publish this data ? Similar stuff was available in much greater detail last time – and the BBC suppressed it. Any idea that the likes of Bowen, Connolley or Knell would give us the truth and proper context is a mirage.