Watching the BBC news programmes today you would think that Jimmy Anderson was guilty of GBH / ABH against a poor defenceless Indian cricketer, the BBC paraded in front of the TV a plethora of Indian ex players to support the allegations.
The big problem is that the so called assault never happened and the CCTC cameras of which the Indian team where unaware were capturing the moment the two sides converged to enter the dressing room showed that no such assault took place.
I am eagerly awaiting the BBC’s attempts tomorrow to downplay their knee-jerk reaction to to attack an English player which they have based on the unsubstantiated words of a Indian player.
If I was a cynic I would wonder if someone in India has had a bet on either a player getting suspended!!
Should be required reading for all. It is why it is our duty to support Israel. Not on a whim but because it is just. The Canadian PM is right and good men and women know it. Europe is morally bankrupt and will go down and who will mourn.
Nobody celebrates the deaths in Gaza . Nobody will celebrate the deaths that may come in Israel. The first is true of all good men but as to the second I fear so morally depraved is the European politcal and intellectual class that he or she will not condemn them.
But what I simply can’t get my head around is why so many are so inclined. It must surely be some form of perverse evolutionary development that gets worse with each generation. What else can it be, as the mind numbing dangerous idocy of it is crystal clear to anyone who pauses for a moment and thinks about how fragile civilisation and life on earth really is in the scheme of the universe ?
Watched 30 seconds of the BBC 3 drama, it was more like the school play, ” The Glasgow Girls,” it turned my stomach. Don’t know why it was called that since the immigrants come from the 4 corners of the World, nothing to do with Glasgow, should’ve been called ” The Somalian Girls.”
Who knew the children/ spoiled brats were experts at British and European Human Rights Law !!! and Saul Alinsky tactics, protests, marches, demonstrations, agitation and subversion to get their way. At that age I was reading comics, do you think they were helped by adults and outside forces ?
The play was all about the Rights of Third World Immigrants, but what about the indigenous British inhabitants who were never asked that their neighbourhood, town, city, was turned into a crime ridden ghetto, don’t they have any Rights ?
Alba my friend, name calling is the most graceless act of admitting you’ve lost the argument, I’m so disappointed in you, I thought you were better than that, apparently not, such a shame.
If you like Third World immigrants so much, why don’t you move to Somalia then ? 5 minutes living there dodging the bullets might knock some common sense into that thick skull of yours.
Absolutely. I didn’t watch it. I looked the story up on line. In the last case the BBc jumped on the “child” who was an adult there also seemed to be an organizing force behind the “kids” who were trying to stop her being deported.
I posted this on the Start The Week thread after the Midweek thread had opened. As I don’t often praise the BBC I’ve copied it here.
Congratulations to the BBC.
This afternoon (Wednesday) they showed the 1959 film “North West Frontier”. A British officer leads a small group saving a Hindu prince from a horde a fanatical Muslims.
I wonder how that made it through the scheduling committee?
I see the bBC is reporting the news that Islamic Jihad propagandist Babar Ahmad has been jailed. You know that terrorist fund raiser who after he was arrested , the bBC went well out its way in which to paint him as a…..victim. So days after he was nicked the bBC ran with: Father defends terror suspect son The father of a British man the US wants to extradite on terrorism charges has said his son is “totally innocent” and the case against him “ridiculous”.
Then they came out with:Muslim fear amid terror arrests Many Muslims are increasingly troubled by anti-terrorism operations. One public meeting this weekend showed how for some that concern is turning to anger
Then the bbC came out with:Terror suspect human rights fear A Briton fighting extradition to the United States over terror charges risks having his human rights breached, a court has been told.
Can you see the pattern here, according to the bBC, this Islamic terrorist funder could only be a victim, those who wanted him to have his day in court were (Are) evil and to illuminate that angle the bBC devorted a lot of time on how when this terrorist was arrested, Allah forbid he claimed the police taunted…..Allah.Terror suspect Babar Ahmad ‘taunted over God’ by police A terrorist suspect was forced into a praying position and asked “where is your God now?” during arrest at his south London home The problem for Allah features and the bBC, is that MI5 had a bug planted in the house and a playback revealed nothing, I mean nothing, no abuse,no violence. so it appears terrorist features lied. However any of the bBC accounts of the police aquittal and the bBC insist that the lying bastard is the…victim Babar Ahmad: trial concluded after eight years
And so it continues with the latest bBC article regards their fav jailed terrorist: British cyber-jihadist Babar Ahmad jailed in US ‘No threat’ The judge said she had to weigh the seriousness of the crime with Ahmad’s good character, after reading thousands of letters of support and hearing from British prison officials who described him as an exemplary prisoner.
She said Ahmad was not an operational terrorist, showed he posed no threat to the public and exhibited remorse for setting up websites that promoted jihad.
The judge said she was struck by the impact the Bosnia War had had on him, where he had gone as an 18-year-old and saw the suffering of Muslims, after which he committed to jihad.
Note how many times the bBC informs you that Babar has many supporters;
Note how the bBC lets you know that babar was never charged
Note even how dicksplash pleaded guilty to terrorism charges. (Last dec) to the bBC this terrorist was and can only be…innocent.
<B<The bBC, the terrorist mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism, paid for by,,,,you.
We watched News 24 at 7 last night and Sophie Long just waffled on and on about this topic. She more or less read the same report twice while they waited for their American link. The link appeared, again repeating the same facts and then failed! … we were promised it would be reconnected later, they sounded devastated. I do love the off button.
Wonderful watching the BBC sticking fingers in ears and whistling ‘Dixie’ whilst looking the other way in its efforts to studiously ignore the links between Babar Ahmad and Labour shadow minister for Justice (Oh the irony) and expenses fiddler Sadiq Khan.
So I’m reading this bBC article of a white Swedish Nazis who has gone to the Ukraine in which to fight the Russians. ‘White power’ warrior Reading the article I find out that Mikael Skillt is a Swedish sniper who believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
So lets out the above into prospective , The above is a racist bigot, who hates people not of his colour,ilk or creed. and for that he is evil.
Yet a similar band of brothers who have left the West for the East (Syria/Iraq etc..) who subscribe to a very similar mindset
are painted as brainwashed,victims anything but….Evil
See the bBC doing what it does best, lying for allah
The bBC promotes this vision of Islam as a religion of peace, how they can only be Muslims, how people who carry out evil acts while uttering “Allah ackba” are not Muslims and how at the end of the day, the finger of blame is always pointed at the…British Empire. Well here’s something the bBC doesn’t want you to know Ramadan Death Count
Yup the bBC is happen to cry out from the highest minaret how the nasty evil hooked nosed jews have killed around 200 Pals these past 10 days. Meanwhile over the past 17 days nearly 4000 people have been killed by Muslims
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
The bBC bias exposed yet again: MP Andrew Mitchell invested in scheme HMRC says avoided tax
The bBC reports on the revelation that film financing company Film Partners 2 LLP has been exposed as a tax avoidance scheme and the person they pick as the most notable is…Tory MP Andrew Mitchell . They then spend a bit of time informing us all why Mitchell is infamous and then they add another tax avoiding fellow Lord Waldegrave, (Tory) and former bBC chairman ‘Lord Grade who admitted he was a Tory in 2010. So 3 people guilty of a tax scam (According to the bBC they can only be guilty) and they are all conservatives.
A quick internet search reveals that a lot of people paid into the above fund they are:
Robbie Keane
John O’Shea
Steven Gerrard
Emile Heskey Gary Lineker
David Beckham
Ryan Giggs
Wes Brown
Nicky Butt
Sacha Baron Cohen David Baddiel
Gareth Gates
Marcus Trescothwick.
That BBC article is by Chris Cook who is Policy Editor at There are several names in the lists you have given that a far better known than Andrew Mitchell. Newsnight. For example Wayne Rooney, David Beckham and Ant and Dec. Newsnight has been looking at this tax issue for some time, so Cook must have known how biased his article is – how many other famous names were also involved.
Whenever Israel is pushed to reacting strongly against Hamas, there are many even within Israel who raise objections. But this time, there appears to be near-unanimity in Israel that Hamas must be attacked. Here is someone normally regarded as a “softie” who is now forthright about the guilt and folly of Hamas :
Yep. a leftist facing cognitive dissonance. It happens quite often on Harry’s Place.
Myself a former leftist, I used to frequent Harry’s Place quite a lot but have now lost patience. How much dissonance can people face before realizing that something is wrong with their basic assumptions?
Well it didn’t take long! I posted only a few days ago that Scameron would pick a meaningless fight with Europe in an attempt to appear as tough on Europe, tough on the causes of Europe, and so today he’s announced what he’s going to do.
He is going to change the primacy of Human Rights Act law so that British law takes primacy. The hard of thinking might well think that this sounds wonderful, and just what’s needed, whilst having little understanding that it’s just another scam!
When the utterly corrupt BLiar brought the ECtHR to Britain he integrated it with UK law, in a way which has not been done by any other European country. It would be a difficult job to untangle the ECtHR if we now want to leave but that is what is needed.
As the UK law now has to comply with ECtHR how is UK law going to take primacy over it?
It’s like mixing a Gin & Tonic, and trying to talk about the gin as if its somehow now still as separate as it was when in the bottle.
UK can’t take primacy because BLiar mixed the two together! Wonder why he did that when no other European country did? Couldn’t have anything to do with his wife could it?
So all the rest of Europe uses the ECtHR as a guide, and not as a court imposing law and decisions upon them, except for us! Scameron is making a pointless gesture as a showman who will never make a real difference at all.
In all the sh*te about awarding supremacy to Parliament here, I can’t recall one commentator noting that decisions of the ECHR are only persuasive and need only be taken into account in UK trials. This is unlike the European Court of Justice which is, in law and practice, the supreme court of the UK.
So there’s no need for Cameron to grandstand on this. All he (or the Ministry of “Justice”) needs to do is issue a a very public bulletin to the Judiciary reminding them of this. Unfortunately, even if Parliament is made “supreme” (again!) by another PR document dressed up by an act of Parliament, why would anyone expect our Judiciary to change their judgements? They are already applying the law as they see it – it’s not the fault of a dysfunctional ECHR.
The only solution is repeal of the law incorporating the Human Rights convention into our domestic law (a one-liner which could go through Parliament in a day). However you rarely hear any of the facts from the politicians or, oddly, from the BBC’s “experts”.
Radio 4s Today program managed to get hold of the Romanian Immigrant who was met by Keith Vaz, and his apologist, who tells us that the man has had a terrible time having to sleep in a car for a few nights, but now he is making cheese! and hoping to buy a cheese shop in the future.
All of the BBC staff are fawning in their awe of him, and there are no searching or difficult questions of the kind which I would have asked !
I really can’t understand how the BBC can realistically think that it isn’t bias to the far left, unless they believe that they represent mainstream thinking!
An interesting little admission by a fully paid up member of the liberal elite.
Martin Kettle : Martin James Kettle (born 7 September 1949) is a British journalist and author. The son of two prominent communist activists. Martin Kettle is an associate editor of the Guardian and writes on British, European and American politics, as well as the media, law and music. Educated at Leeds Modern School and Balliol College, Oxford University. Worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties as a research officer from 1973. He then began his career in journalism as home affairs correspondent for New Society (1977–81) and moved to The Sunday Times in 1981, working as a political correspondent for three years. He has been with The Guardian since 1984 and also wrote regularly for Marxism Today in its later years. He writes a column on classical music in Prospect magazine. Martin Kettle has often defended New Labour and Tony Blair (a personal friend) – though not over the Iraq war.
You will rarely see more impeccable liberal elite credentials.
But Mr Ketlle is interesting because he is prepared to break ranks with the unthinking knee-jerk tribalists of the left.
‘….soon after the 2010 general election, Kettle wrote that David Cameron’s Conservative-led Coalition had had a positive effect on the country’
He doesn’t feel the need to endlessly patronize and placate special groups – such as the Celts…
‘Romanticising the Scots does Scotland no favours. The argument that Scotland’s problems are exceptional, and solvable only by independence, is wrong on both counts’
And now, BBC, please take note of this little admission from Mr Kettle…
‘Guardian readers may take for granted that everybody shares their feelings about Michael Gove, but the truth is that most people don’t know much about him, even today’.
A Guardian journo there, who, one suspects, will not be making the easy cross-over to the BBC
Is this not more to do with Martin Kettle fear that if Scotland becomes independent the Liebour party will lose 42 MPs, meaning they will find it very difficult to win at Westminster ever again ?
Al Beeb “news currently employs around 8,400 people, including around 5,000 journalists, based in London around the UK and overseas”
Well I know which ones I would cut. But I bet there is a large Golden Handshake awaiting their ‘favourites’ when they get the boot .
Needed several stiff drinks after viewing the Beeb’s coverage of Cameron’s reshuffle.
If only the vote on proportional representation had passed. Then everybody sickened by his pathetic PC games could vote against him without letting that freak Miliband in.
There’s a great post by the by on the solemn madness behind liberal pretensions called: “Racism Meme” at:
Davies can be good on business as in his Bottom Line prog but he is a liberal sweetie. His whole interview with Laffer assumed that the best tax rate is that which takes in most tax. Why shouldn’t it be the rate that makes the most people the most well off? Laffer himself spoke in favour of a (low) fixed rate tax on income, and a similar sales tax. Not a rate to bring in the most tax.
The BBC are completely detached from reality.
Despite denials from all sides (Israel, Hamas, Egypt), the top headline of the BBC website still screams:
‘Israel-Gaza Ceasefire deal ‘reached”
And additional Breaking News even specifies when it is supposed to take place.
Inside the article, nothing particularly new except:
‘However, the United Nations says most of those killed in Gaza have been civilians.’
The BBC fails to inform that UN in Gaza means UNRWA, who take pride in that over 90% of their workers are local ‘Palestinians’. So the neutrality implied by referring to the UN is simply a lie.
The BBC, perfecting the art of lying through omission.
Reporting of Casualties in Gaza
Summary: The largest group of casualties are males 16-39 and the second largest group males over 40. Females are greatly under represented. This strongly suggests fighters and commanders not civilians.
This analysis suggests that Israel might be well-advised to mount the incursion into northern Gaza – presenting it as an aim to destroy Hamas and other tunnels and munitions and control centres. The civilian population have already had several days’ notice to evacuate the area, so any fighting would be between the IDF and terrorists:
It seems that India’s progress in the cricket is more important than England’s as reported on the Radio 2 3pm news who lead with ‘India are making slow progress in the cricket, latest score they’re 113-4.
To my way of thinking, surely a BRITISH broadcaster should be reporting that ‘England are making good progress’ ?
Really? Dp you believe your own explanation? Why not simply put it down to the BBC following traditional British self-deprecation? Then why the sudden shout about the ‘paranoid confusion’ of a poster here? Just me, or is there an increasing incidence of visitors (friends of the BBC) slinging personal accusations about? What’s your motive chaps?
I notice the BBC is continuing with it relentless pro-immigration propaganda push. Tonight we’ll be treated to this little gem:
The Great Big Romanian Invasion
Thursday 10:35pm BBC1
Okay, hands up who already knows which way this will go? After the travesty of ‘Nick & Margaret’ last night (a total and complete exercise in doctrinal re-education), it appears the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern are absolutely determined to keep pressing home the pro-immigration message.
I’m guessing they’ll say it [The Great Big Gypsy er … Romanian Invasion] never happened despite tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of gyppo’s er … Romanians in the country. No one is counted or out any more so it’s anyone’s guess how many gyppo’s er … Romanians are here. It’ll probably be a good opportunity by the BBC to rubbish Farage as well.
If you thought the BBC was in the gutter, well they’re even lower than that with this non story provided by a far left labour dyke.
“Michael Gove ‘got stuck in Commons toilet'”
“Michael Gove got stuck in the toilet on his first full day as government Chief Whip, according to Labour’s Shadow Leader of the Commons, Angela Eagle.”
So the only source for this story is the disgusting Eagle ‘woman’.
Puts me in mind of when the BBC used to roll around on the floor laughing uncontrollably at every utterance by that disgusting far left turd Tony Banks, thankfully no longer stealing air.
Ah look, TPO won’t be alone in the gutter after all.
There’s always one more adolescent Biased BBC half wit who thinks that making derogatory statements about gay people will compensate for their own insecurities, isn’t there…
Hi, im from the online pressure group Gays Against Scott or GAS. i would just like to point out that Scott isn’t representative of the gay community, on the contrary, he is an embarrassment to the gay community and we are now launching an online campaign to ban Scott from ever gay pub and club in the country.
Any pub or club that serves Scott will be met by a protest by our campaign group chanting “we’re Here. We’re Queer, Dont Serve Scott Beer”
Again, on behalf of the gay community, i would like to appologise for Scotts behaviour
Bless. Well, thanks all for demonstrating the high quality of Biased BBC commentary. Congratulations guys – you’ve made “John Anderson” and “Guest Who” look like the sane ones in Biased BBC’s usual group of socially impotent inadequates. That’s quite some feat.
Thanks for the name check, Scott.
But a pity you feel associating me here with zero context in amongst a topic-free fauxflagfest serves your warped mirror of BBC standard editorial practice.
Along with pseudonymonous posters you evidently can live with.
I’d also suggest raising relative mental stabilities is a possibly unproductive route to pursue.
Of all topics and threads, recourse here to nothing beyond grammar commentary suggests you are struggling badly with your addiction today already; maybe writing no more and taking a break would serve better?
But the floor is now yours, even though you have already been used to wipe it.
Take care.
Awareness of your own hypocrisy isn’t one of our strong suits, is it? Not that you have many. Or, based on your posts over the years, any.
But you carry on being a blowhard if you want. Reading you trying to convince yourself and others that your voice has any authority is faintly amusing, in its own way.
Woo-hoo… we’ve hit the 3-word column stage!
As you like things short ‘n sweet, as a colleague of yours once coined, pithily, ‘if you say, so, Scott’.
Stay classy. And good luck with the self-conviction your end, too.
And cue Guest Who with his gobshite colleagues bollocks AGAIN. I’m off back to my MI5… Sorry I mean MI6…oops, BBC, of course, cubicle for further instructions from my paymasters about infiltrating a blog full of mostly unsubstantiated nonsense. I will be sure to tell them that the we reckoned without Guest Who’s brilliant deduction skills.
“Calling all colleagues I think they are on to us”
I must confess to alluding to tag-teaming, yes, based on who turns up…for want of a better two words… ‘On cue’ at such times.
Pure coincidence that you turn up TP, erudite and in topic too, as ever.
And two likes already, by coincidence;)
Good to have each other’s back, as it were.
@GAS “That is crass, tasteless and sadly not at all funny. The 25 people who clicked ‘like’ should probably take a long hard look at themselves” ——— Is what John Anderson, Guest Who etc WOULD say if they had any interest whatsoever in assuring that their whinging about Trolls had any credibility whatsoever.
Maybe. I wouldn’t like to speculate. A bit cowardly and unnecessary to create daft accounts just to be childish. Who knows but it seems to be pretty common.
Such biting satire. You are Armando Iannucci and I claim my fiver.
No but seriously. From the creation of a new account to the superb word play it is hard to fault your outstanding contribution. Work hard and who knows how far you can take this. Best of luck with it all, champ.
Some of you may recall the time when the Soviet Union murdered 269 people by shooting down Korean Airlines flight 007, en route from Anchorage to Seoul on the 1st September 1983, after the aircraft had strayed off course due to a navigation error and flew over Soviet airspace.
For over 14 years the USSR lied and obfuscated over their clear culpability.
Of course they were ably abetted in this by the BBC who bent over backwards in their writhing to blame anyone but the USSR.
For several nights the BBC’s Newsnight led by a lefty journalist, Donald MacCormick, came up with every hair brained conspiracy theory to deflect blame to the US.
According to the BBC it was apparently a spy plot involving the space shuttle Challenger which was orbiting the earth at that time which was coordinating an intelligence gathering mission with the Korean airliner. The BBC, of course, ignored the well publicised mission objectives which was to deploy a Comsat communications satellite and to test the robotic arm with heavy payloads.
To what end the BBC never expanded on their theory, but whoever dreamed up this ludicrous nonsense in the BBC Newsnight editorial team was never brought to account.
Fast forward to more recent times when US sanctions were beginning to bite against Iran and the Iranians, by their own volition, chose to fly unserviceable aircraft which then crashed.
Of course the BBC’s stance was “US sanctions on Iran cause airline disasters”
Today Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine have used a Buk missile to bring down a Malaysian Airline flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Now what will the BBC meme be for this???
US sanctions force Russians in to precipitate action.
On another note, what will the idiot clown in the White House do now that it appears that up to 25 US citizens were on this flight? Draw another ‘Red Line’?
“Hey Putin, don’t do that again or you’ll be for it”
The BBC reporting was very circumspect tonight. Just like the Lee Rigby case the BBC were hours behind Sky and Social Media which had seen a Ukrainian separatist bragging that they had brought a plane down…even posting pictures of the scene.
Not only that, BBC’s Jonathan Beale some sort of defence or security correspondent suddenly becomes an aviation expert and manages to file his report without a single reference to the high altitude missiles that the Russians /separatists have got their hands on, preferring to suggest it’s not them – ‘they’ve only got shoulder launched missiles’. Astonishing.
Then more in the same vein from Caroline Wyatt.
From the BBC, only half the story…only the half that they want you to hear.
Updated to say that the reports on the Ten o’ Clock News are similarly appallingly piss poor.
They report that the separatists say they don’t have the firepower to bring a jet down at high altitude. On the 30th June they claimed that they had taken over a missile battery that could do just that.
They have did not reported that the leader of the separatists, bragged they had shot a plane down then removed his post.
They did not report on the intercepted phone conversations between Russian Intelligence and local militia, reporting that the military transport aircraft turn out to be a civilian flight. ‘There are dead women and children’, local fighters said.
Negligence? Or like the Lee Rigby reporting, who are the BBC trying to protect?
BBc Breakfast. Ok I’ve been busy. “moneyexpert comes on and gives some waffle that banks will not be subject to the pay day loan rules. Err an unauthorised overdraft isn’t the same as a loan. Nice to see the weather reader at the beach instead of in the ,as I now know, London office. That certainly made my day, no? Ok yep I’m lying it didn’t. As I turned over to watch Farscape I could hear One show presenter saying last year the papers were full of stories of how we would be overrun by Romanians……I didn’t turn back.
Our local news just had a piece with a young woman arranging a Free Gaza demo. She said that Hamas only wanted freedom for her people. I have emailed the BBC suggesting they read the Hamas Charter.
Breaking News from reputable news organisations (obviously not the BBC):
Major assault by land, sea and air by large scale movements of Israeli armed forces into Gaza.
Excerpt from ‘Jihadwatch’ (above) on Hamas’s political instructions to social media-
“’Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don’t forget to always add ‘innocent civilian’ or ‘innocent citizen’ in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.’ And the mainstream media eagerly plays along with their cynical game.”
Taken from Five Minutes for Israel The link to the PDF before reaching the story about the deliberately misleading civilian casualty figures is also worth checking out.
I myself have noted that nearly all Hamas inteviews are conducted through their so-called “health authority”…their hospitals and medical admin types.
Now either all Hamas speaking types are on on welfare over there-or else Hamas aren`t trusted to run anything else other than the hosptials that they seem to like to fill up with their martyrs-or Hamas are indeed using their hospitals to fire rockets from and to place tunnels under…as Israel seems to think.
Only an oaf like Montague on Today wouldn`t see that hospitals and rehab units( the Winehouse Centres and Gasgoigne Suites I wonder?) just might have a rocket or two…a tunnel of three…under them.
Wonder if Hamas have a Dr Al-Shipmani working at their Madhi-Staffiz Hospitals…the BBC would be gullible enough to say so surely!
What a joy to hear Arthur Laffer blast poor Evan Davis into a cocked hat re his economics this morning(17/7/14-8.45 Today).
A masterclass in the bleeding obvious…and even able to ask if Evan is related to David Davis, with who he had dinner last night.
Davis reduced to asking the questions of an imbecile-and Laffers logic was irrefutable and blistering in its critique of all that the BBC hod dear.
Thanks to the people above who passed it on….
I’m bored so I Googled ‘BBC’ and ‘Diversity’ and found this little floater. The conclusion of this pointless essay was predictable enough: diversity in London has bucked the trend is proving that it is good for ‘community cohesion’.
You see, the BBC will always promote diversity even when they know full well that diversity has proved to be a complete bloody disaster. But, there’s always some eccentric, bearded sociology academic somewhere who can provide the BBC with the enrichment goods it so craves. Christ I hate them and the foul multicultural swindle.
Yes me too. More revelation on the workings of the BBC including spying and its recent announcement to lay off ‘150 staff’ due to err ‘Austerity’… This is from the Times (16/07). The BBC admits spying on its own staff emails; ‘For the past two years the BBC have admitted spying on its own staff with investigators loinking into Fraud, haressment, bribery and breaches of confidentilaity’. This follows the investigations into the corporation failures following the Jimmy Saville sex abuse and the excessive pay off to former BBC executives….
Not only but also (reported same article in Times) in a reply to Conservative Philip Davis (MP for Yorkshire) querying Lord Hall on his multi-culti plans to make all BBC jobs ‘open’ to enthnic minorities. Lord Hall stated that all BBC jobs had a ‘profund belief’ in equality. Davis pointed out that he (Lord Hall) sat next to James Purnell who was made Director of ‘BBC Strategy’ (and former Labour Culture Secrertary) who just happened to be apointed without any ethnic or academic credentials and that the job was never advertised either!.. Davis went on to say ”now you’ve got your ‘mates’ in place, its now open to everybody else and lower down the food chain may have to vacate their jobs to ethic minorties so you can feel good about yourself’. It’s true the BBC have since (the very next day in the Times reported) 150 BBC news jobs are to go from their 8,000 news team. No doubt these same News team places will be filled with more ethnic Labour activists who will be loyal (and spied on) on the run up to the general election. God don’t you just HATE the liberal elite management of the BBC? Trust – none of them!
I think you will find that most organisations, both public and private, monitor their employees emails. Why should the BBC not do so? How is such monitoring evidence of bias?
Subtext: Once again, the Nasty Party are discriminating against women, the disabled and lone parents.
I mean, why not tell us about benefit sanctions against non-disabled married men? Have the sanction figures for them increased too, perchance?
I went to the Job Centre to say I would be away for a week and wouldn’t be able to come in to sign on and they said, if I was on holiday, that meant I couldn’t be looking for work, so they immediately sanctioned me and stopped my benefits,” she said.
“It was traumatic. I couldn’t pay to put the heating on. It was winter. There was snow on the ground. I didn’t know how I was going to feed my granddaughter.
“And, while all that was going on, my two sons were serving in Afghanistan.
So let’s get this right. This woman could afford to go on holiday, and despite having two sons who could presumably send her money, she was worried that her granddaughter might starve (even though that doesn’t happen to children in modern Britain).
I think there is a lot we aren’t being told here, and the BBC is deliberately painting a misleading picture.
Did you post this expecting the BBBC regulars to agree with you without reading the full text of the article cited? If not can you explain the reasons for your very selective editing?
Sorry mate, but I’m tired and I’m not going to write an essay just so that you can say something dismissive, make an insult or not reply at all.
Why don’t you tell me specifically why I was wrong, and we might be able to have a discussion, rather than just asking a condescending rhetorical question?
“…can you explain the reasons for your very selective editing?”
Jeff could always have pulled a BBC to such a challenge and refused to reply at all using a ‘for the purposes of..’ exclusion, but it is right and proper to hold a forum blogger to a standard you would not dream of applying to a national media monopoly. He has answered; you have slithered, as always.
Guess this terrible assault on what you have written may bring your new chum Guesstimate out of the pseudonymonous Doppleganger Borg box in defence again?
Have to admire the mutual support, but you merry souls really love dishing it out but can’t take it at all, can you?
No wonder you empathise so much with the BBC and its pet global bully causes.
‘Guess that’s a Yes then. Thanks’ – No, thank you. You’ve just proven with that passive aggressive reply that I would have been wasting my time by providing a more detailed response.
BBC – Great Romanian Invasion
Third puff piece in three days, I ll save you, all of the B/S
… suffice to say , ends with Beebot, (with a face you could not stop punching)
“the great Romanian .. non … invasion, that says more about us, than it does them”
oooh yeah! … dropkick the TV time
(as you wish it was that tw-t from the BBC).
A message to Al Beeb and to all those on this thread who support its propaganda, the old adage, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Looking at the publication alone I thought that this one was going to sting in unfamiliar places, but reading on it seems odd to use ‘cronyism’ to refer to what appears to be institutional trashing of all employment legislation. One presumes another BBC ‘unique’ they can get away with?
Shedding folk is never nice but everyone faces such choices when things get tight. Shedding one set but rigging replacements with crafty redesignations surely risks the licence fee propping up industrial tribunal costs on top of all other non-programming commitments set to ensure year-long Dad’s Army repeats?
And who is being purged and who is being brought in, and on what basis? Competence, or fealty!
“crooked, corrupt & incompetent people in positions of power can rest more easily that BBC now less able to hold them to account”
Uh-huh. Helen Boaden was trying to tell that one often enough years ago.
How about:
“can rest more easily now that the BBC now has installed more crooked, corrupt & incompetent people in positions of power”?
Love the quote from Michael Crick.
As if that fat useless Brylcreemed Bunter would have any kind of acquaintance with “the truth” and “holding the powerful to account”, after his series of hit and run lies and fiddles over UKIP in the last elections.
Michael Crook…Creep?…feel free to add others if you like…he`s got so many faces, they should ALL have a name by now.
Drive back from first call, as the radio goes on to hear …………….
Barely 10 seconds, of facts from Gaza, followed by 7 minutes, of poor children, humanitarian crisis, people can t get out, including two “Pallywood” spokesman, two Beebot voice overs, etc.
Did I hear about an escape window, a 5 hour break, to let
those “who can t get out”, move out … that was ignored by one particular side?
… must be a rumour?, ancient history?
Of course there’s no such thing, as Anjem Choudary would tell you, you’re either a Muslim and follow all of the teachings, or you’re not.
Recent studies have found massive mainstream support for the introduction of Sharia law in Britain, homophobia, and anti Semitism.
With creeping Islamisation of the UK it is inevitable that sooner or later Muslim demands will be met by weak government and this kind of teaching will become mainstream.
Until then though the BBC should be admitting that this is simply a Muslim requirement, and those that don’t want it referred to as ‘lapsed Muslims’ or other appropriate term.
Islamophile BBC – Islamic Trojan Horse.
A “Damning” report, aggressive Islamic attitude, sustained and co-ordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools, segregationist attitudes and hardline practices.
… oh dear … speaks for itself.
Anyone recall BBC consistent fawning, “I wouldn t believe it”, over this chap … nothing to see, no evidence of any conspiracy …
even spouting the intentional deceit, the insidious, “tool” of wilful liars, “islamofauxbia” in its reports?
“The chairman of the education trust at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot in Birmingham schools has resigned along with his fellow trustees.”
“It is understood that while it is critical of the governance of a number of schools in the east of the city, it found no evidence of violent extremism, radicalisation or an anti-British agenda being promoted.”
Also on that link, look at the picture of Nansen Primary School. I wonder how many Native British pupils go there? (In the same sense as Native Americans – if it’s good enough for them…)
Out of interest, I looked at its webpage and the list of staff made interesting reading. It included:
Nursery Assistant: Mrs F Begum
Reception Teaching Assistant: Ms N. Begum
Class Teacher: Ms H. Begum
Teaching Assistant: Mrs S. Begum
Recruiting from a wide and diverse base, it would appear.
Think we`ll be finding that OFSTEDs report is flawed, and nowhere near as good as Birminghams internal enquiry…which basically says that they were a bit gung-ho in the old governance department.
Therefore more training, lessons to be learned -and(of course) more diverse school governors…maybe the MCB might spare a few of their chaps to help the Brummies along.
I myself would trust the Birmingham internal enquiry that had to be forced out of the Council after national headlines…and wiould have been stuffed with Sharia-compliant stooges and ciphers.
Peter Clarke of course would know nothing about the cultural sensitivites of the vulnerable Muslim communities up there….so the BBC won`t be bothering with HIS take on things.
My favourite part of this was the muslim MP for Perry Bar in Birmingham, Khalid Mahmood, saying on LBC Radio, “I know who these people are, they’re doing this, it’s real, it’s happening, not a conspiracy theory”, and Ken Livingstone then telling him he was talking nonsense and was “an Islamophobe”.
A beautiful broadcasting moment. If I was a producer at BBC Radio, I’d be offering Ken a job pronto…he’ll fit right in…
BBC Drama man fostering left of centre thinking says:
Mere minutes after our heroine, wry, Guardian-reading Labour Councillor Helena Kerr discovers the bloodied corpse of the gay committee Clerk, onto the scene steps her Tory opposite number, haughtily sneering his way around the crime scene. You didn’t need to be Poirot to work out what was going to happen – our lefty Holmes would inevitably discover that this Thatcherite Moriarty was a) wealthy, b) corrupt, c) homophobic, d) secretly gay and e) the killer.
And that’s exactly how it went. The only bit I failed to guess at was that his loyal wife would turn out to be intimidated and cowed by him, only capable of being set free by, you guessed it, Cllr Helena Kerr.
Too true, Umbongo. The ‘Conservatives’ – part & parcel of a horribly distorted, four-cheeked Westminster/Whitehall arse.
‘Recent articles in the mainstream press & media concerning Common Purpose & Leveson have tried to suggest that CP is an old-boys network of the Left. Nothing could be further from the truth.’
That was an excellent sketch of the current state of the Tory party – and a reminder why one should resist the ‘vote UKIP get Labour’ mantra, trotted out by Conservative apologists.
Indeed, so far to the Left is much of the current Tory party that it is mystifying how the BBC finds so much to gripe about. Presumably, it’s simply an atavistic thing – a left over shell from their student days.
A joy to hear of this bloke Frank Turner-a folk/punk type but who has a mind of his own…and look at the comments and reviews by the Guardian.
I will have to listen to some stuff-but as things stand, don`t care if he`s as bad as Kenny G…we`vew got our antidote to Billy Bragg at least.
Have the BBC ever played one song of his, or put him in for bloody Mitch Benn…as if!
The culture wars have now heated up…and intend to press my advantage at Tolpuddle under the Wessex Friends of Israel banner this weekend…and howl at Owen Jones as he gives his swirling lament for Tony Benn and Bob Crow..”.bish bosh,the shits are dead”…two down, a few yet to be flushed into the portaloo of history!
Not all bad news-no Billy Bragg this year…thank you YHWH!
Frank Turner played at the opening to the Olympics, you know, that left-wing extravagazafest we all complained about at the time. All the more remarkable that someone with his views passed the Danny Boyle test. He was in a punk/hardcore band called ‘Million Dead’ who were moderately popular about a decade ago. Interestingly, his favourite band ‘Refused’ are very left-wing, the singer says he’s a communist.
Interesting to read the shock and disgust of so many Guardianista comments. Odd, because I maintain respect for many artists who are left wing. I guess it’s just another sad case of conservatives being unable or unwilling to admit a war has been declared by the other side.
This comment rings true ‘It’s just that we get used to rock/folk/pop singers having default lefty views ‘. BBC can a bow, I think.
Oh Lordy-Deepcut again!
TWATO featured this new enquiry into the death of some poor soldier in 1995…all in the hope that the Army can be put in the dock again!
My grouse is with the BBCs continual reheating of old news when it suits them…the Blair Peach/Cherry Groce/Hillsborough/Stephen Lawrence stories are the ones that keep on giving, as far as the BBC are concerned.
Funnily enough-all happened under Tory administrations…so yet another chance to smear Thatcher/Major or whoever..
Yet funnily enough-when it comes to De Menezes, to Oldham/Blackburn riots of 2001 and all the other scandals of similar stripe-we only get the likes of Mark Duggan instead.
The BBC never seem to care about the murderers of Phillip Lawrence, Damilola Taylor or Keith Blakelock, Omagh or cover ups with PIE or Peerages for honours as given by Blair.
About time we reminded the BBC at every turn, that they gave us Savile-and he behaved worse under labour than he did under the Tories…will they check that for us?
Vote labour-get Savile!..see, I can do simple too!
Search Biased BBC
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Watching the BBC news programmes today you would think that Jimmy Anderson was guilty of GBH / ABH against a poor defenceless Indian cricketer, the BBC paraded in front of the TV a plethora of Indian ex players to support the allegations.
The big problem is that the so called assault never happened and the CCTC cameras of which the Indian team where unaware were capturing the moment the two sides converged to enter the dressing room showed that no such assault took place.
I am eagerly awaiting the BBC’s attempts tomorrow to downplay their knee-jerk reaction to to attack an English player which they have based on the unsubstantiated words of a Indian player.
If I was a cynic I would wonder if someone in India has had a bet on either a player getting suspended!!
Should be required reading for all. It is why it is our duty to support Israel. Not on a whim but because it is just. The Canadian PM is right and good men and women know it. Europe is morally bankrupt and will go down and who will mourn.
Nobody celebrates the deaths in Gaza . Nobody will celebrate the deaths that may come in Israel. The first is true of all good men but as to the second I fear so morally depraved is the European politcal and intellectual class that he or she will not condemn them.
But what I simply can’t get my head around is why so many are so inclined. It must surely be some form of perverse evolutionary development that gets worse with each generation. What else can it be, as the mind numbing dangerous idocy of it is crystal clear to anyone who pauses for a moment and thinks about how fragile civilisation and life on earth really is in the scheme of the universe ?
Watched 30 seconds of the BBC 3 drama, it was more like the school play, ” The Glasgow Girls,” it turned my stomach. Don’t know why it was called that since the immigrants come from the 4 corners of the World, nothing to do with Glasgow, should’ve been called ” The Somalian Girls.”
Who knew the children/ spoiled brats were experts at British and European Human Rights Law !!! and Saul Alinsky tactics, protests, marches, demonstrations, agitation and subversion to get their way. At that age I was reading comics, do you think they were helped by adults and outside forces ?
The play was all about the Rights of Third World Immigrants, but what about the indigenous British inhabitants who were never asked that their neighbourhood, town, city, was turned into a crime ridden ghetto, don’t they have any Rights ?
Now you are just a racist bigot who contributes to a comic.
Alba my friend, name calling is the most graceless act of admitting you’ve lost the argument, I’m so disappointed in you, I thought you were better than that, apparently not, such a shame.
If you like Third World immigrants so much, why don’t you move to Somalia then ? 5 minutes living there dodging the bullets might knock some common sense into that thick skull of yours.
Albaman. what is wrong with you? You stage some half way decent arguments sometimes so why are you behaving like this now?
Hello scum
Make no mistake folks, that was directed at albaman
“At that age I was reading comics, do you think they were helped by adults and outside forces ?”
I suspect that judging others on what you get up to, Brims, would result in a whole globe full of overachievers.
Absolutely. I didn’t watch it. I looked the story up on line. In the last case the BBc jumped on the “child” who was an adult there also seemed to be an organizing force behind the “kids” who were trying to stop her being deported.
I posted this on the Start The Week thread after the Midweek thread had opened. As I don’t often praise the BBC I’ve copied it here.
Congratulations to the BBC.
This afternoon (Wednesday) they showed the 1959 film “North West Frontier”. A British officer leads a small group saving a Hindu prince from a horde a fanatical Muslims.
I wonder how that made it through the scheduling committee?
Oh joy! a rare Westminster moment (reported in the Times Tuesday) when Lucy Adams Head of HE at the BBC ‘bonus payments’ and hidden (secret) privileges to top BBC executives, admitted she was ‘WRONG!’. ‘Cheers reportedly rang out in the BBC newsroom on Monday when Adams was branded a liar by MPs’…
I see the bBC is reporting the news that Islamic Jihad propagandist Babar Ahmad has been jailed. You know that terrorist fund raiser who after he was arrested , the bBC went well out its way in which to paint him as a…..victim.
So days after he was nicked the bBC ran with: Father defends terror suspect son
The father of a British man the US wants to extradite on terrorism charges has said his son is “totally innocent” and the case against him “ridiculous”.
Then they came out with: Muslim fear amid terror arrests
Many Muslims are increasingly troubled by anti-terrorism operations. One public meeting this weekend showed how for some that concern is turning to anger
Then the bbC came out with:Terror suspect human rights fear
A Briton fighting extradition to the United States over terror charges risks having his human rights breached, a court has been told.
Can you see the pattern here, according to the bBC, this Islamic terrorist funder could only be a victim, those who wanted him to have his day in court were (Are) evil and to illuminate that angle the bBC devorted a lot of time on how when this terrorist was arrested, Allah forbid he claimed the police taunted…..Allah. Terror suspect Babar Ahmad ‘taunted over God’ by police
A terrorist suspect was forced into a praying position and asked “where is your God now?” during arrest at his south London home
The problem for Allah features and the bBC, is that MI5 had a bug planted in the house and a playback revealed nothing, I mean nothing, no abuse,no violence. so it appears terrorist features lied. However any of the bBC accounts of the police aquittal and the bBC insist that the lying bastard is the…victim Babar Ahmad: trial concluded after eight years
And so it continues with the latest bBC article regards their fav jailed terrorist:
British cyber-jihadist Babar Ahmad jailed in US
‘No threat’
The judge said she had to weigh the seriousness of the crime with Ahmad’s good character, after reading thousands of letters of support and hearing from British prison officials who described him as an exemplary prisoner.
She said Ahmad was not an operational terrorist, showed he posed no threat to the public and exhibited remorse for setting up websites that promoted jihad.
The judge said she was struck by the impact the Bosnia War had had on him, where he had gone as an 18-year-old and saw the suffering of Muslims, after which he committed to jihad.
Note how many times the bBC informs you that Babar has many supporters;
Note how the bBC lets you know that babar was never charged
Note even how dicksplash pleaded guilty to terrorism charges. (Last dec) to the bBC this terrorist was and can only be…innocent.
<B<The bBC, the terrorist mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism, paid for by,,,,you.
We watched News 24 at 7 last night and Sophie Long just waffled on and on about this topic. She more or less read the same report twice while they waited for their American link. The link appeared, again repeating the same facts and then failed! … we were promised it would be reconnected later, they sounded devastated. I do love the off button.
Wonderful watching the BBC sticking fingers in ears and whistling ‘Dixie’ whilst looking the other way in its efforts to studiously ignore the links between Babar Ahmad and Labour shadow minister for Justice (Oh the irony) and expenses fiddler Sadiq Khan.
Take your pick from below:
So I’m reading this bBC article of a white Swedish Nazis who has gone to the Ukraine in which to fight the Russians.
‘White power’ warrior
Reading the article I find out that Mikael Skillt is a Swedish sniper who believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
So lets out the above into prospective , The above is a racist bigot, who hates people not of his colour,ilk or creed. and for that he is evil.
Yet a similar band of brothers who have left the West for the East (Syria/Iraq etc..) who subscribe to a very similar mindset
are painted as brainwashed,victims anything but….Evil
See the bBC doing what it does best, lying for allah
“Jews are not white and should not mix with white people”
Quite right. And they should keep their damn Jewish technology, software and pharmaceuticals to themselves as well!
And another thing – why do they keep hoarding all those Nobel prizes?
Why, you could almost be describing Herr Brims. He certainly likes to call a spade a spade.
The bBC promotes this vision of Islam as a religion of peace, how they can only be Muslims, how people who carry out evil acts while uttering “Allah ackba” are not Muslims and how at the end of the day, the finger of blame is always pointed at the…British Empire. Well here’s something the bBC doesn’t want you to know Ramadan Death Count
Yup the bBC is happen to cry out from the highest minaret how the nasty evil hooked nosed jews have killed around 200 Pals these past 10 days. Meanwhile over the past 17 days nearly 4000 people have been killed by Muslims
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
The bBC bias exposed yet again:
MP Andrew Mitchell invested in scheme HMRC says avoided tax
The bBC reports on the revelation that film financing company Film Partners 2 LLP has been exposed as a tax avoidance scheme and the person they pick as the most notable is…Tory MP Andrew Mitchell . They then spend a bit of time informing us all why Mitchell is infamous and then they add another tax avoiding fellow Lord Waldegrave, (Tory) and former bBC chairman ‘Lord Grade who admitted he was a Tory in 2010. So 3 people guilty of a tax scam (According to the bBC they can only be guilty) and they are all conservatives.
A quick internet search reveals that a lot of people paid into the above fund they are:
Robbie Keane
John O’Shea
Steven Gerrard
Emile Heskey
Gary Lineker
David Beckham
Ryan Giggs
Wes Brown
Nicky Butt
Sacha Baron Cohen
David Baddiel
Gareth Gates
Marcus Trescothwick.
And there’s more:
Bob Geldof,
Anne Robinson
Victoria Beckham
Geri Halliwell
Annie Lennox,
Ant and Dec
Davina McCall
Roy Hodgson
Wayne Rooney
All those people and another 1000 more and the bBC only names…..3 Tories. I wonder how many Labour MPs are on that list?
The bBC, biased beyond belief
That BBC article is by Chris Cook who is Policy Editor at There are several names in the lists you have given that a far better known than Andrew Mitchell. Newsnight. For example Wayne Rooney, David Beckham and Ant and Dec. Newsnight has been looking at this tax issue for some time, so Cook must have known how biased his article is – how many other famous names were also involved.
“Ann “Annie” Lennox, OBE (born 25 December 1954) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, political activist and philanthropist.”
“ ‘Ann “Annie” Lennox, OBE (born 25 December 1954) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, political activist and philanthropist.’
Hey, hey– she saved the world today! (So too did Gordon Brown– but that’s another story for another day…)
She was married to an Israeli Jew. This may explain her rabid anti Semitism/Zionism.
Why would it? Would it not actually suggest the exact opposite? Again, probably just me. Carry on regardless.
Woman scorned .Knob ed’.
Whenever Israel is pushed to reacting strongly against Hamas, there are many even within Israel who raise objections. But this time, there appears to be near-unanimity in Israel that Hamas must be attacked. Here is someone normally regarded as a “softie” who is now forthright about the guilt and folly of Hamas :
Yep. a leftist facing cognitive dissonance. It happens quite often on Harry’s Place.
Myself a former leftist, I used to frequent Harry’s Place quite a lot but have now lost patience. How much dissonance can people face before realizing that something is wrong with their basic assumptions?
Well it didn’t take long! I posted only a few days ago that Scameron would pick a meaningless fight with Europe in an attempt to appear as tough on Europe, tough on the causes of Europe, and so today he’s announced what he’s going to do.
He is going to change the primacy of Human Rights Act law so that British law takes primacy. The hard of thinking might well think that this sounds wonderful, and just what’s needed, whilst having little understanding that it’s just another scam!
When the utterly corrupt BLiar brought the ECtHR to Britain he integrated it with UK law, in a way which has not been done by any other European country. It would be a difficult job to untangle the ECtHR if we now want to leave but that is what is needed.
As the UK law now has to comply with ECtHR how is UK law going to take primacy over it?
It’s like mixing a Gin & Tonic, and trying to talk about the gin as if its somehow now still as separate as it was when in the bottle.
UK can’t take primacy because BLiar mixed the two together! Wonder why he did that when no other European country did? Couldn’t have anything to do with his wife could it?
So all the rest of Europe uses the ECtHR as a guide, and not as a court imposing law and decisions upon them, except for us! Scameron is making a pointless gesture as a showman who will never make a real difference at all.
In all the sh*te about awarding supremacy to Parliament here, I can’t recall one commentator noting that decisions of the ECHR are only persuasive and need only be taken into account in UK trials. This is unlike the European Court of Justice which is, in law and practice, the supreme court of the UK.
So there’s no need for Cameron to grandstand on this. All he (or the Ministry of “Justice”) needs to do is issue a a very public bulletin to the Judiciary reminding them of this. Unfortunately, even if Parliament is made “supreme” (again!) by another PR document dressed up by an act of Parliament, why would anyone expect our Judiciary to change their judgements? They are already applying the law as they see it – it’s not the fault of a dysfunctional ECHR.
The only solution is repeal of the law incorporating the Human Rights convention into our domestic law (a one-liner which could go through Parliament in a day). However you rarely hear any of the facts from the politicians or, oddly, from the BBC’s “experts”.
No, he never announced what he’s going to do. There was media speculation but no announcement. Incredible.
Radio 4s Today program managed to get hold of the Romanian Immigrant who was met by Keith Vaz, and his apologist, who tells us that the man has had a terrible time having to sleep in a car for a few nights, but now he is making cheese! and hoping to buy a cheese shop in the future.
All of the BBC staff are fawning in their awe of him, and there are no searching or difficult questions of the kind which I would have asked !
I really can’t understand how the BBC can realistically think that it isn’t bias to the far left, unless they believe that they represent mainstream thinking!
Will it be a cheese shop like this?
Well that’s a relief. We can expect an end to the disastrous Romanian cheese shortage any time soon.
Blessed are the cheesemakers!
Shut up big nose.
An interesting little admission by a fully paid up member of the liberal elite.
Martin Kettle : Martin James Kettle (born 7 September 1949) is a British journalist and author. The son of two prominent communist activists. Martin Kettle is an associate editor of the Guardian and writes on British, European and American politics, as well as the media, law and music. Educated at Leeds Modern School and Balliol College, Oxford University. Worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties as a research officer from 1973. He then began his career in journalism as home affairs correspondent for New Society (1977–81) and moved to The Sunday Times in 1981, working as a political correspondent for three years. He has been with The Guardian since 1984 and also wrote regularly for Marxism Today in its later years. He writes a column on classical music in Prospect magazine. Martin Kettle has often defended New Labour and Tony Blair (a personal friend) – though not over the Iraq war.
You will rarely see more impeccable liberal elite credentials.
But Mr Ketlle is interesting because he is prepared to break ranks with the unthinking knee-jerk tribalists of the left.
‘….soon after the 2010 general election, Kettle wrote that David Cameron’s Conservative-led Coalition had had a positive effect on the country’
He doesn’t feel the need to endlessly patronize and placate special groups – such as the Celts…
‘Romanticising the Scots does Scotland no favours. The argument that Scotland’s problems are exceptional, and solvable only by independence, is wrong on both counts’
And now, BBC, please take note of this little admission from Mr Kettle…
‘Guardian readers may take for granted that everybody shares their feelings about Michael Gove, but the truth is that most people don’t know much about him, even today’.
A Guardian journo there, who, one suspects, will not be making the easy cross-over to the BBC
Perhaps not the Celts, but I can think of other special groups he has endlessly placated.
Is this not more to do with Martin Kettle fear that if Scotland becomes independent the Liebour party will lose 42 MPs, meaning they will find it very difficult to win at Westminster ever again ?
“BBC News to cut a further 415 jobs”
1. Notice how it’s filed under “Entertainment”!
2. Lets hope everyone who attended 28-Gate is on the list.
thats about 115,600 pounds per person
Al Beeb “news currently employs around 8,400 people, including around 5,000 journalists, based in London around the UK and overseas”
Well I know which ones I would cut. But I bet there is a large Golden Handshake awaiting their ‘favourites’ when they get the boot .
Needed several stiff drinks after viewing the Beeb’s coverage of Cameron’s reshuffle.
If only the vote on proportional representation had passed. Then everybody sickened by his pathetic PC games could vote against him without letting that freak Miliband in.
There’s a great post by the by on the solemn madness behind liberal pretensions called: “Racism Meme” at:
Take a look at the editor’s picks for the comments
From Guido:-
Evan Davis: “You’re part of the great neo-liberal consensus that emerged in the eighties, free markets and all that? Are you happy…”
Art Laffer: “It’s called economics.”
Evan Davies was taken apart on the Today programme this morning.
The interview ended very abruptly, I noted….as did Arthur Laffer!
Davies can be good on business as in his Bottom Line prog but he is a liberal sweetie. His whole interview with Laffer assumed that the best tax rate is that which takes in most tax. Why shouldn’t it be the rate that makes the most people the most well off? Laffer himself spoke in favour of a (low) fixed rate tax on income, and a similar sales tax. Not a rate to bring in the most tax.
The BBC are completely detached from reality.
Despite denials from all sides (Israel, Hamas, Egypt), the top headline of the BBC website still screams:
‘Israel-Gaza Ceasefire deal ‘reached”
And additional Breaking News even specifies when it is supposed to take place.
Inside the article, nothing particularly new except:
‘However, the United Nations says most of those killed in Gaza have been civilians.’
The BBC fails to inform that UN in Gaza means UNRWA, who take pride in that over 90% of their workers are local ‘Palestinians’. So the neutrality implied by referring to the UN is simply a lie.
The BBC, perfecting the art of lying through omission.
Now it says “Israel-Gaza ceasefire deal denied”.
It’s obvious that the place to go for up-to-date and accurate news isn’t the BBC.
But we knew that already.
Meanwhile in Libya,Iraq,Syria,Pakistan,Afghanistan … (take your pick) more (non Palestinian) Muslims being killed, but not newsworthy/
Reporting of Casualties in Gaza
Summary: The largest group of casualties are males 16-39 and the second largest group males over 40. Females are greatly under represented. This strongly suggests fighters and commanders not civilians.
BTW an excellent download ’25 Answers to Tough Questions About Israel’
Strange too how the BBC omitted to report about the discovery by UNRWA of 20 Palestinian rockets hidden one of its vacant schools.
Vacant indeed. Not a school any more, or perchance on summer holidays?
UNRWA are going out of their way to emphasize ‘vacant’ and ‘first case ever’. ‘First’ my foot. Just the first they admit, of course.
This analysis suggests that Israel might be well-advised to mount the incursion into northern Gaza – presenting it as an aim to destroy Hamas and other tunnels and munitions and control centres. The civilian population have already had several days’ notice to evacuate the area, so any fighting would be between the IDF and terrorists:
It seems that India’s progress in the cricket is more important than England’s as reported on the Radio 2 3pm news who lead with ‘India are making slow progress in the cricket, latest score they’re 113-4.
To my way of thinking, surely a BRITISH broadcaster should be reporting that ‘England are making good progress’ ?
Good spot. In the good old days I remember a commentator saying the British runner was battling against a headwind.
Do you mean Colman when he said “Once Foster gets rid of the wind on the back straight he goes like the clappers.”?
Q: Which team was batting?
The answer might well be the key to your paranoid confusion.
Really? Dp you believe your own explanation? Why not simply put it down to the BBC following traditional British self-deprecation? Then why the sudden shout about the ‘paranoid confusion’ of a poster here? Just me, or is there an increasing incidence of visitors (friends of the BBC) slinging personal accusations about? What’s your motive chaps?
“India are making slow progress in the cricket, latest score they’re 113-4.”
“England are making good/reasonable progress in the cricket, holding India to 113-4 so far.”
I can see the difference; maybe you didn’t understand the comment.
Tis you who’s confused, do you not understand cricket terminology?
I notice the BBC is continuing with it relentless pro-immigration propaganda push. Tonight we’ll be treated to this little gem:
The Great Big Romanian Invasion
Thursday 10:35pm BBC1
Okay, hands up who already knows which way this will go? After the travesty of ‘Nick & Margaret’ last night (a total and complete exercise in doctrinal re-education), it appears the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern are absolutely determined to keep pressing home the pro-immigration message.
I’m guessing they’ll say it [The Great Big Gypsy er … Romanian Invasion] never happened despite tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of gyppo’s er … Romanians in the country. No one is counted or out any more so it’s anyone’s guess how many gyppo’s er … Romanians are here. It’ll probably be a good opportunity by the BBC to rubbish Farage as well.
Quite likely this jet was shot down – very likely I’d say.
Can you call it a war yet?
No you can not, All of the BBC’s correspondents seem to have moved to a place West of Jordan.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one sees it fall, has it really falled?
Correct Dave S,For depraved, just look at the likes of Jenny Tonge, Galloway etc…..scum, all of them, the dregs of humanity.
If you thought the BBC was in the gutter, well they’re even lower than that with this non story provided by a far left labour dyke.
“Michael Gove ‘got stuck in Commons toilet'”
“Michael Gove got stuck in the toilet on his first full day as government Chief Whip, according to Labour’s Shadow Leader of the Commons, Angela Eagle.”
So the only source for this story is the disgusting Eagle ‘woman’.
Puts me in mind of when the BBC used to roll around on the floor laughing uncontrollably at every utterance by that disgusting far left turd Tony Banks, thankfully no longer stealing air.
Look at you, putting “woman” in quote marks so you can look down on her. What a “man” you must imagine yourself to be.
And you have the nerve to accuse others of descending to the gutter. Is it because you crave the company down there?
… bum bum! 😀
old Scott of the Arseantic … easy tiger
… wrong week again?
Ah look, TPO won’t be alone in the gutter after all.
There’s always one more adolescent Biased BBC half wit who thinks that making derogatory statements about gay people will compensate for their own insecurities, isn’t there…
Have you taken your tablet today, Scotty? If not, I would run along and do it, now, if I were you.
Love from another adolescent.
Hi, im from the online pressure group Gays Against Scott or GAS. i would just like to point out that Scott isn’t representative of the gay community, on the contrary, he is an embarrassment to the gay community and we are now launching an online campaign to ban Scott from ever gay pub and club in the country.
Any pub or club that serves Scott will be met by a protest by our campaign group chanting “we’re Here. We’re Queer, Dont Serve Scott Beer”
Again, on behalf of the gay community, i would like to appologise for Scotts behaviour
I’m the real Scott. I’m quite nice and not at all a paranoid potty mouth like this interloper.
Please don’t ban me because of this imposter with his loathsome avatar which purports to be me. As if: I’m quite the dish and not at all a munter.
Scott. (The REAL one: accept no substitutes).
Bless. Well, thanks all for demonstrating the high quality of Biased BBC commentary. Congratulations guys – you’ve made “John Anderson” and “Guest Who” look like the sane ones in Biased BBC’s usual group of socially impotent inadequates. That’s quite some feat.
Thanks for the name check, Scott.
But a pity you feel associating me here with zero context in amongst a topic-free fauxflagfest serves your warped mirror of BBC standard editorial practice.
Along with pseudonymonous posters you evidently can live with.
I’d also suggest raising relative mental stabilities is a possibly unproductive route to pursue.
Do you suppose the English language has recourse under the Geneva conventions in the face of such relentless torture?
Of all topics and threads, recourse here to nothing beyond grammar commentary suggests you are struggling badly with your addiction today already; maybe writing no more and taking a break would serve better?
But the floor is now yours, even though you have already been used to wipe it.
Take care.
Awareness of your own hypocrisy isn’t one of our strong suits, is it? Not that you have many. Or, based on your posts over the years, any.
But you carry on being a blowhard if you want. Reading you trying to convince yourself and others that your voice has any authority is faintly amusing, in its own way.
Woo-hoo… we’ve hit the 3-word column stage!
As you like things short ‘n sweet, as a colleague of yours once coined, pithily, ‘if you say, so, Scott’.
Stay classy. And good luck with the self-conviction your end, too.
And cue Guest Who with his gobshite colleagues bollocks AGAIN. I’m off back to my MI5… Sorry I mean MI6…oops, BBC, of course, cubicle for further instructions from my paymasters about infiltrating a blog full of mostly unsubstantiated nonsense. I will be sure to tell them that the we reckoned without Guest Who’s brilliant deduction skills.
“Calling all colleagues I think they are on to us”
Heaven help us.
I must confess to alluding to tag-teaming, yes, based on who turns up…for want of a better two words… ‘On cue’ at such times.
Pure coincidence that you turn up TP, erudite and in topic too, as ever.
And two likes already, by coincidence;)
Good to have each other’s back, as it were.
“I must confess to alluding to tag-teaming, yes, based on who turns up…for want of a better two words… ‘On cue’ at such times.”
In other words, if two people both disagree with Guest Who on the same thread they MUST be in cahoots.
Got to admire the ability to possess such a huge ego when there’s absolutely zero talent behind it. Self-delusion on that scale is truly unusual.
“Do you suppose the English language has recourse under the Geneva conventions in the face of such relentless torture? ”
I think what Scott means is “Stop using big words of more than one syllable”. It would seem they are beyond his comprehension.
@GAS “That is crass, tasteless and sadly not at all funny. The 25 people who clicked ‘like’ should probably take a long hard look at themselves” ——— Is what John Anderson, Guest Who etc WOULD say if they had any interest whatsoever in assuring that their whinging about Trolls had any credibility whatsoever.
Ignore the tag-team of trolls
Will do. Thanks for the heads up, BAD.
Is John Anderson BAD, do you think? The stench of hypocrisy is awfully familiar…
Maybe. I wouldn’t like to speculate. A bit cowardly and unnecessary to create daft accounts just to be childish. Who knows but it seems to be pretty common.
You’re so right ‘Turtle Power’.
Scottie, TP, Albie, BAD:
Contact your controller of TWAT for a further briefing on “How to Derail Threads”
Totally Useless Red Dick (TURD)
Such biting satire. You are Armando Iannucci and I claim my fiver.
No but seriously. From the creation of a new account to the superb word play it is hard to fault your outstanding contribution. Work hard and who knows how far you can take this. Best of luck with it all, champ.
John Prescott (Labour) was a ‘Man’ who got stuck in the toilet.
A middle-class Welshman with a working-class Hull accent.
How fortunate we are that the BBC covers the functions of government. </SARC>
“Michael Gove ‘got stuck in Commons toilet’”
… least there was some reading material, only problem he wanted to blow up No 10 when he came out
Some of you may recall the time when the Soviet Union murdered 269 people by shooting down Korean Airlines flight 007, en route from Anchorage to Seoul on the 1st September 1983, after the aircraft had strayed off course due to a navigation error and flew over Soviet airspace.
For over 14 years the USSR lied and obfuscated over their clear culpability.
Of course they were ably abetted in this by the BBC who bent over backwards in their writhing to blame anyone but the USSR.
For several nights the BBC’s Newsnight led by a lefty journalist, Donald MacCormick, came up with every hair brained conspiracy theory to deflect blame to the US.
According to the BBC it was apparently a spy plot involving the space shuttle Challenger which was orbiting the earth at that time which was coordinating an intelligence gathering mission with the Korean airliner. The BBC, of course, ignored the well publicised mission objectives which was to deploy a Comsat communications satellite and to test the robotic arm with heavy payloads.
To what end the BBC never expanded on their theory, but whoever dreamed up this ludicrous nonsense in the BBC Newsnight editorial team was never brought to account.
Fast forward to more recent times when US sanctions were beginning to bite against Iran and the Iranians, by their own volition, chose to fly unserviceable aircraft which then crashed.
Of course the BBC’s stance was “US sanctions on Iran cause airline disasters”
Today Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine have used a Buk missile to bring down a Malaysian Airline flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Now what will the BBC meme be for this???
US sanctions force Russians in to precipitate action.
On another note, what will the idiot clown in the White House do now that it appears that up to 25 US citizens were on this flight? Draw another ‘Red Line’?
“Hey Putin, don’t do that again or you’ll be for it”
The BBC reporting was very circumspect tonight. Just like the Lee Rigby case the BBC were hours behind Sky and Social Media which had seen a Ukrainian separatist bragging that they had brought a plane down…even posting pictures of the scene.
Not only that, BBC’s Jonathan Beale some sort of defence or security correspondent suddenly becomes an aviation expert and manages to file his report without a single reference to the high altitude missiles that the Russians /separatists have got their hands on, preferring to suggest it’s not them – ‘they’ve only got shoulder launched missiles’. Astonishing.
Then more in the same vein from Caroline Wyatt.
From the BBC, only half the story…only the half that they want you to hear.
Updated to say that the reports on the Ten o’ Clock News are similarly appallingly piss poor.
They report that the separatists say they don’t have the firepower to bring a jet down at high altitude. On the 30th June they claimed that they had taken over a missile battery that could do just that.
They have did not reported that the leader of the separatists, bragged they had shot a plane down then removed his post.
They did not report on the intercepted phone conversations between Russian Intelligence and local militia, reporting that the military transport aircraft turn out to be a civilian flight. ‘There are dead women and children’, local fighters said.
Negligence? Or like the Lee Rigby reporting, who are the BBC trying to protect?
BBc Breakfast. Ok I’ve been busy. “moneyexpert comes on and gives some waffle that banks will not be subject to the pay day loan rules. Err an unauthorised overdraft isn’t the same as a loan. Nice to see the weather reader at the beach instead of in the ,as I now know, London office. That certainly made my day, no? Ok yep I’m lying it didn’t. As I turned over to watch Farscape I could hear One show presenter saying last year the papers were full of stories of how we would be overrun by Romanians……I didn’t turn back.
Our local news just had a piece with a young woman arranging a Free Gaza demo. She said that Hamas only wanted freedom for her people. I have emailed the BBC suggesting they read the Hamas Charter.
Breaking News from reputable news organisations (obviously not the BBC):
Major assault by land, sea and air by large scale movements of Israeli armed forces into Gaza.
At long last.
For Hamas-friendly INBBC:-
“Hamas to social media activists: Always call dead ‘innocent civilians’; don’t post photos of rockets being fired from civilian areas”
-Don’t worry, Islamic Jihad and Hamas: INBBC is way ahead of you.
Excerpt from ‘Jihadwatch’ (above) on Hamas’s political instructions to social media-
“’Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don’t forget to always add ‘innocent civilian’ or ‘innocent citizen’ in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.’ And the mainstream media eagerly plays along with their cynical game.”
Hamas lies through its teeth about casualties. surprisingly Al Jazeera spilled the beans.
Reporting of Casualties in Gaza
The REAL statistics of those killed in Gaza
Taken from Five Minutes for Israel The link to the PDF before reaching the story about the deliberately misleading civilian casualty figures is also worth checking out.
I myself have noted that nearly all Hamas inteviews are conducted through their so-called “health authority”…their hospitals and medical admin types.
Now either all Hamas speaking types are on on welfare over there-or else Hamas aren`t trusted to run anything else other than the hosptials that they seem to like to fill up with their martyrs-or Hamas are indeed using their hospitals to fire rockets from and to place tunnels under…as Israel seems to think.
Only an oaf like Montague on Today wouldn`t see that hospitals and rehab units( the Winehouse Centres and Gasgoigne Suites I wonder?) just might have a rocket or two…a tunnel of three…under them.
Wonder if Hamas have a Dr Al-Shipmani working at their Madhi-Staffiz Hospitals…the BBC would be gullible enough to say so surely!
What a joy to hear Arthur Laffer blast poor Evan Davis into a cocked hat re his economics this morning(17/7/14-8.45 Today).
A masterclass in the bleeding obvious…and even able to ask if Evan is related to David Davis, with who he had dinner last night.
Davis reduced to asking the questions of an imbecile-and Laffers logic was irrefutable and blistering in its critique of all that the BBC hod dear.
Thanks to the people above who passed it on….
Yes Brilliant expose of Davis this morning. Laffers Logic makes sense and lampooned Davis for his absurd quips.
I’m bored so I Googled ‘BBC’ and ‘Diversity’ and found this little floater. The conclusion of this pointless essay was predictable enough: diversity in London has bucked the trend is proving that it is good for ‘community cohesion’.
You see, the BBC will always promote diversity even when they know full well that diversity has proved to be a complete bloody disaster. But, there’s always some eccentric, bearded sociology academic somewhere who can provide the BBC with the enrichment goods it so craves. Christ I hate them and the foul multicultural swindle.
Yes me too. More revelation on the workings of the BBC including spying and its recent announcement to lay off ‘150 staff’ due to err ‘Austerity’… This is from the Times (16/07). The BBC admits spying on its own staff emails; ‘For the past two years the BBC have admitted spying on its own staff with investigators loinking into Fraud, haressment, bribery and breaches of confidentilaity’. This follows the investigations into the corporation failures following the Jimmy Saville sex abuse and the excessive pay off to former BBC executives….
Not only but also (reported same article in Times) in a reply to Conservative Philip Davis (MP for Yorkshire) querying Lord Hall on his multi-culti plans to make all BBC jobs ‘open’ to enthnic minorities. Lord Hall stated that all BBC jobs had a ‘profund belief’ in equality. Davis pointed out that he (Lord Hall) sat next to James Purnell who was made Director of ‘BBC Strategy’ (and former Labour Culture Secrertary) who just happened to be apointed without any ethnic or academic credentials and that the job was never advertised either!.. Davis went on to say ”now you’ve got your ‘mates’ in place, its now open to everybody else and lower down the food chain may have to vacate their jobs to ethic minorties so you can feel good about yourself’. It’s true the BBC have since (the very next day in the Times reported) 150 BBC news jobs are to go from their 8,000 news team. No doubt these same News team places will be filled with more ethnic Labour activists who will be loyal (and spied on) on the run up to the general election. God don’t you just HATE the liberal elite management of the BBC? Trust – none of them!
I think you will find that most organisations, both public and private, monitor their employees emails. Why should the BBC not do so? How is such monitoring evidence of bias?
The Question is why it is necessary at all. The Bias is endemic, as you are aware.–changed.html
‘Benefits sanctions double against women, disabled and lone parents’ –
Subtext: Once again, the Nasty Party are discriminating against women, the disabled and lone parents.
I mean, why not tell us about benefit sanctions against non-disabled married men? Have the sanction figures for them increased too, perchance?
I went to the Job Centre to say I would be away for a week and wouldn’t be able to come in to sign on and they said, if I was on holiday, that meant I couldn’t be looking for work, so they immediately sanctioned me and stopped my benefits,” she said.
“It was traumatic. I couldn’t pay to put the heating on. It was winter. There was snow on the ground. I didn’t know how I was going to feed my granddaughter.
“And, while all that was going on, my two sons were serving in Afghanistan.
So let’s get this right. This woman could afford to go on holiday, and despite having two sons who could presumably send her money, she was worried that her granddaughter might starve (even though that doesn’t happen to children in modern Britain).
I think there is a lot we aren’t being told here, and the BBC is deliberately painting a misleading picture.
Did you post this expecting the BBBC regulars to agree with you without reading the full text of the article cited? If not can you explain the reasons for your very selective editing?
Sorry mate, but I’m tired and I’m not going to write an essay just so that you can say something dismissive, make an insult or not reply at all.
Why don’t you tell me specifically why I was wrong, and we might be able to have a discussion, rather than just asking a condescending rhetorical question?
Guess that’s a Yes then.
“…can you explain the reasons for your very selective editing?”
Jeff could always have pulled a BBC to such a challenge and refused to reply at all using a ‘for the purposes of..’ exclusion, but it is right and proper to hold a forum blogger to a standard you would not dream of applying to a national media monopoly. He has answered; you have slithered, as always.
Guess this terrible assault on what you have written may bring your new chum Guesstimate out of the pseudonymonous Doppleganger Borg box in defence again?
Have to admire the mutual support, but you merry souls really love dishing it out but can’t take it at all, can you?
No wonder you empathise so much with the BBC and its pet global bully causes.
‘Guess that’s a Yes then. Thanks’ – No, thank you. You’ve just proven with that passive aggressive reply that I would have been wasting my time by providing a more detailed response.
He’s fucked off back to his cave to watch a spider.
BBC – Great Romanian Invasion
Third puff piece in three days, I ll save you, all of the B/S
… suffice to say , ends with Beebot, (with a face you could not stop punching)
“the great Romanian .. non … invasion, that says more about us, than it does them”
oooh yeah! … dropkick the TV time
(as you wish it was that tw-t from the BBC).
It also finished with that other unmissable posh lefty twattism in such programmes: the sneering at the white British working classes.
I started the programme thinking my God, that fella has got a hell of a conk on him, later to realise it was for looking down at the British.
A message to Al Beeb and to all those on this thread who support its propaganda, the old adage, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Abraham Lincoln.
“Journalists Accuse BBC of Cronyism”
Looking at the publication alone I thought that this one was going to sting in unfamiliar places, but reading on it seems odd to use ‘cronyism’ to refer to what appears to be institutional trashing of all employment legislation. One presumes another BBC ‘unique’ they can get away with?
Shedding folk is never nice but everyone faces such choices when things get tight. Shedding one set but rigging replacements with crafty redesignations surely risks the licence fee propping up industrial tribunal costs on top of all other non-programming commitments set to ensure year-long Dad’s Army repeats?
And who is being purged and who is being brought in, and on what basis? Competence, or fealty!
“crooked, corrupt & incompetent people in positions of power can rest more easily that BBC now less able to hold them to account”
Uh-huh. Helen Boaden was trying to tell that one often enough years ago.
How about:
“can rest more easily now that the BBC now has installed more crooked, corrupt & incompetent people in positions of power”?
Love the quote from Michael Crick.
As if that fat useless Brylcreemed Bunter would have any kind of acquaintance with “the truth” and “holding the powerful to account”, after his series of hit and run lies and fiddles over UKIP in the last elections.
Michael Crook…Creep?…feel free to add others if you like…he`s got so many faces, they should ALL have a name by now.
Drive back from first call, as the radio goes on to hear …………….
Barely 10 seconds, of facts from Gaza, followed by 7 minutes, of poor children, humanitarian crisis, people can t get out, including two “Pallywood” spokesman, two Beebot voice overs, etc.
Did I hear about an escape window, a 5 hour break, to let
those “who can t get out”, move out … that was ignored by one particular side?
… must be a rumour?, ancient history?
only a few minutes, give this a look … sound familiar to anyone?.
Sorry Noggin – I double posted
Hamas issues guidance for those using social media to always get in the phrase “innocent civilians” at the top:
Hard Line Muslims !
That’s a new one!
Of course there’s no such thing, as Anjem Choudary would tell you, you’re either a Muslim and follow all of the teachings, or you’re not.
Recent studies have found massive mainstream support for the introduction of Sharia law in Britain, homophobia, and anti Semitism.
With creeping Islamisation of the UK it is inevitable that sooner or later Muslim demands will be met by weak government and this kind of teaching will become mainstream.
Until then though the BBC should be admitting that this is simply a Muslim requirement, and those that don’t want it referred to as ‘lapsed Muslims’ or other appropriate term.
Irritating corporate leftist badge wearing – this morning it’s Nelson Mandela’s personality cult that greets me on the Google search page.
Isn’t this exactly what 1980s Students’ Unions and loony left London Labour councils used to do?
No doubt his peace partner FW DeKlerk tomorrow though?
Oh joy it’s Nelson Mandela Day. How can it ever live up to BBC coverage the day he died?
Islamophile BBC – Islamic Trojan Horse.
A “Damning” report, aggressive Islamic attitude, sustained and co-ordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools, segregationist attitudes and hardline practices.
… oh dear … speaks for itself.
Anyone recall BBC consistent fawning, “I wouldn t believe it”, over this chap … nothing to see, no evidence of any conspiracy …
even spouting the intentional deceit, the insidious, “tool” of wilful liars, “islamofauxbia” in its reports?
“The chairman of the education trust at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot in Birmingham schools has resigned along with his fellow trustees.”
“Leaked report reveals ‘aggressive Islamist agenda’ in Birmingham schools”
BBC – Trojan Horse chairman … ‘not sinister’
“It is understood that while it is critical of the governance of a number of schools in the east of the city, it found no evidence of violent extremism, radicalisation or an anti-British agenda being promoted.”
Well, that’s alright then.
Also on that link, look at the picture of Nansen Primary School. I wonder how many Native British pupils go there? (In the same sense as Native Americans – if it’s good enough for them…)
Out of interest, I looked at its webpage and the list of staff made interesting reading. It included:
Nursery Assistant: Mrs F Begum
Reception Teaching Assistant: Ms N. Begum
Class Teacher: Ms H. Begum
Teaching Assistant: Mrs S. Begum
Recruiting from a wide and diverse base, it would appear.
If there had been any with initial ‘E.’ It may have at least lightened the mood briefly, at least phonetically.
Go to Blackburn or Rochdale for that.
The BBC would call that a 100% diverse school.
Think we`ll be finding that OFSTEDs report is flawed, and nowhere near as good as Birminghams internal enquiry…which basically says that they were a bit gung-ho in the old governance department.
Therefore more training, lessons to be learned -and(of course) more diverse school governors…maybe the MCB might spare a few of their chaps to help the Brummies along.
I myself would trust the Birmingham internal enquiry that had to be forced out of the Council after national headlines…and wiould have been stuffed with Sharia-compliant stooges and ciphers.
Peter Clarke of course would know nothing about the cultural sensitivites of the vulnerable Muslim communities up there….so the BBC won`t be bothering with HIS take on things.
My favourite part of this was the muslim MP for Perry Bar in Birmingham, Khalid Mahmood, saying on LBC Radio, “I know who these people are, they’re doing this, it’s real, it’s happening, not a conspiracy theory”, and Ken Livingstone then telling him he was talking nonsense and was “an Islamophobe”.
A beautiful broadcasting moment. If I was a producer at BBC Radio, I’d be offering Ken a job pronto…he’ll fit right in…
They know, yet they do f*** all about it.
Because, as I have commented times without number, the “progressive modern Conservatives” (© Francis Maude) basically go along with the meme. For instance, the “Conservatives” had an opportunity in 2011 to rein in the BBC to some extent. Who, of all those available, was appointed the new Chairman of the BBC Trust? Chris Patten: an ornament of the metro political class whose every piety (from AGW to a USE) he espouses and is at the apogee of CINO wetness. Also, in 2010, the “Conservatives” nodded through the re-appointment of Bercow as Speaker. Here’s another CINO more at home on the Labour benches (although voted in by the Tory boneheads of Buckingham who, in Bercow’s case, actually did vote for a “speak your weight” machine because he was wearing a blue rosette.)
Too true, Umbongo. The ‘Conservatives’ – part & parcel of a horribly distorted, four-cheeked Westminster/Whitehall arse.
‘Recent articles in the mainstream press & media concerning Common Purpose & Leveson have tried to suggest that CP is an old-boys network of the Left. Nothing could be further from the truth.’
That was an excellent sketch of the current state of the Tory party – and a reminder why one should resist the ‘vote UKIP get Labour’ mantra, trotted out by Conservative apologists.
Indeed, so far to the Left is much of the current Tory party that it is mystifying how the BBC finds so much to gripe about. Presumably, it’s simply an atavistic thing – a left over shell from their student days.
I can finally prove there is no god. Stacy Dooley being given airtime on the BBC using our license taxes.
Not just in Great Britain – Canada have a shit national broadcaster too
A joy to hear of this bloke Frank Turner-a folk/punk type but who has a mind of his own…and look at the comments and reviews by the Guardian.
I will have to listen to some stuff-but as things stand, don`t care if he`s as bad as Kenny G…we`vew got our antidote to Billy Bragg at least.
Have the BBC ever played one song of his, or put him in for bloody Mitch Benn…as if!
The culture wars have now heated up…and intend to press my advantage at Tolpuddle under the Wessex Friends of Israel banner this weekend…and howl at Owen Jones as he gives his swirling lament for Tony Benn and Bob Crow..”.bish bosh,the shits are dead”…two down, a few yet to be flushed into the portaloo of history!
Not all bad news-no Billy Bragg this year…thank you YHWH!
Frank Turner played at the opening to the Olympics, you know, that left-wing extravagazafest we all complained about at the time. All the more remarkable that someone with his views passed the Danny Boyle test. He was in a punk/hardcore band called ‘Million Dead’ who were moderately popular about a decade ago. Interestingly, his favourite band ‘Refused’ are very left-wing, the singer says he’s a communist.
Interesting to read the shock and disgust of so many Guardianista comments. Odd, because I maintain respect for many artists who are left wing. I guess it’s just another sad case of conservatives being unable or unwilling to admit a war has been declared by the other side.
This comment rings true ‘It’s just that we get used to rock/folk/pop singers having default lefty views ‘. BBC can a bow, I think.
For attention of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“AS I SEE IT: How the West is complicit in Islamic Jew-hatred”
By Melanie Phillips.
I note that she has never spoken about the tsunami of anti-Islamic feeling surging through Europe. Why do you think that might be?
N.B The question was of course rhetorical.
Oh Lordy-Deepcut again!
TWATO featured this new enquiry into the death of some poor soldier in 1995…all in the hope that the Army can be put in the dock again!
My grouse is with the BBCs continual reheating of old news when it suits them…the Blair Peach/Cherry Groce/Hillsborough/Stephen Lawrence stories are the ones that keep on giving, as far as the BBC are concerned.
Funnily enough-all happened under Tory administrations…so yet another chance to smear Thatcher/Major or whoever..
Yet funnily enough-when it comes to De Menezes, to Oldham/Blackburn riots of 2001 and all the other scandals of similar stripe-we only get the likes of Mark Duggan instead.
The BBC never seem to care about the murderers of Phillip Lawrence, Damilola Taylor or Keith Blakelock, Omagh or cover ups with PIE or Peerages for honours as given by Blair.
About time we reminded the BBC at every turn, that they gave us Savile-and he behaved worse under labour than he did under the Tories…will they check that for us?
Vote labour-get Savile!..see, I can do simple too!