Hamas must be so pleased that they have embedded Jeremy Al Bowen and Lyce Doucet in the BBC. The latter’s venom towards Israel was visceral on the Today programme this morning – just after 6.30am. She trotted out what Israel said with regard to the accidental killing of the 4 young boys on the beach in Gaza and then immediately cast doubt on the veracity of it herself. I appreciate that Israel gets VERY little sympathy amongst the MSM here in the UK (The Daily Mail being an arch offender at the moment) BUT the BBC pretends it is a trusted and neutral source of news when in fact it could not bend over any further to propagandise FOR Hamas.
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What I cannot understand is why.
So we kicked British out of Palestine, but so did others in other parts of the world with nowhere near the same animosity.
What is it that makes these people believe self-professed killers like Hamas and disbelieve Israel?
Anat T. Bowen’s animosity can be traced to an incident when an Israeli tank killed his Lebanese driver cum Hezbollah fixer. In addition, Bowen surrounds himself with Israel haters, both Jewish and Arab which, as he speaks no Hebrew or Arabic and has developed no personal contacts out of that camp particularly in Israel, is essential to his reporting.
Lyse (BTW not Lyce unless this is some sort of a pun on lice) Doucet is harder to figure out. Her entire journalistic career has been in the Muslim world.
I expect part of it is self-identification, however incorrectly, because she considers herself to be Accadian, colonised by both French and English and expelled from their homeland. She appears convinced that she is scrupulously neutral – the both sides criticise me so i must be right defence.
Bowen was always, clearly, anti-Israel even prior to his Palestinian bestest friend was killed, supposedly, by Israelis. Lies Douche does not even have that excuse.
bestest friend getting killed
I find that irritating accent is like listening to fingernails scrape down a blackboard. Similar to that bespectacled geek who did Master Chef and Through the Keyhole.
I know this the Biased BBC website but David mentions the Daily Mail as an arch offender of the anti-Israel news. I have been watching the DM’s headlines on the internet page. Last night there were really vicious anti-Israel headlines (I didn’t take a screen shot) but I was sufficiently upset that when I woke in the night I looked again at the i-pad. The headline had changed, although the article hadn’t – more on the basis that both countries were in mourning. And I am not sure but I think by first thing this morning it was a bit more again anti-Israel and now back to the both sides in mourning view (although I might be wrong about this morning’s changes). Either the DM has a very pro-Palestinian headline writer or they are after the Muslin readership but then the next shift moderates the language. I have also noticed that sometimes when I try to add a comment all that happens is that my comment cannot be posted and I just get returned to the top of the article – and many times the non contentious comment is not published. I had thought it was my computer but it happens even when I went on to Mr D’s.
“Why there are civilian casualties in Gaza:
Islamic jihadists place rockets in Gaza UNRWA school”
British licence-payers have the political ‘choice’ of such INBBC propagandists as:- e.g. –
-Bowen’s anti-Israel tirades,
-Doucet, extolling the Taliban’s ‘humanity,’
-Knell, if not embedded with Muslim Brotherhood at INBBC Cairo Bureau, embedded with Hamas in Gaza,
and then there’s Casciani, and his endlessly ‘understanding’ pieces on Islamic jihadists in Britain.
i had to wash out my ears to hear if i am hearing right when jeremy bowen said tonight on radio 4 that isreal is attacking the hamas terrorists with american support,hang on there bowen,obama has never supported isreals war against hamas,far from it, so i have to wonder what he meant by american support for isreal,very bizzare statement.
Note the equivalence, Isreal is in internationally recognised state ,Hamas on the other hand is a collection of corrupt ,murdering religious fanatics ,Isreal cannot therefore be ‘at war’ with them to suggest otherwise is a ploy to legitimise hamas.
Isreals actions should be described as counter terrorism or a police action against insane criminals, calling it a war serves to raise hamas to the level of a sovereign state
Doucett on the Radio 4 six, voice seemingly cracking with emotion at one point as she described the evacuations ahead of the Israeli ground troops.
Israel has a large Arab population. The ancient city of Jaffa is an example.
All get along together, just as they have done for over a thousand years.
It’s the Hamas ‘politicians’ and the media that are enforcing the divisions and causing deaths.
The BBC reporters regard Israel as a sealed fortress full of jewish demons persecuting their noble arab neighbours for sport.
You ought to be a part of a contest for one of the most useful blogs on the net.