Anyone else catch the second episode of “Too much Immigration” featuring Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford “exploring the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides of the debate together, pairing Brits opposed to immigration with immigrants.” on BBC 1 last night? It ended with the several cynical Brits all converting to the idea that immigration is a good thing for the UK. Even Mohammad, a Somali man living here with 7 children, on benefits, and who refused to enter a Sikh temple and help out handing out food to the vulnerable was seen as a top chap. Pure propaganda from the BBC, using the populism of the hosts to placate the concerned.
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Not that wrong since a program called ‘Space Cadets’ where a group of truly stupid & gullible young people were convinced that they were being trained for a space mission.
Although the shallow watching it thought it was all a big laugh, the deeper meaning showed how easy it was to manipulate the dim witted, with truly ridiculous concepts, they never seemed to realise that they themselves are also manipulated on a smaller scale.
Herrman Goering quote ” Naturally the common people don’t want war: Neither in Russia, nor in Britain, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the Leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. it works the same in any country.”
And we can see this in the recent demonizing of Putin and Russia by the Media Industrial Complex over the past year.
Demonising Putin?
Hmmm… might want to see what the Malaysians think of Putin before you suggest that many of us have the guy all wrong…
Tony my child, you don’t actually believe what the media tells you ? that could be a False Flag. The Globalists in the West have been goading Russia into a war.
David, I shall refrain from speculating what you brim with.
Just because the EU is anti-Putin doesn’t mean he is right. Like the proverbial stopped clock, even the EU can be right occasionally. Putin is bad, ask the Ukranians who have had to suffer loss of life and possibly land as a result of this communist-style dictator’s ego.
a Somali man living here with 7 children, on benefits
He will have another few children, making a complement of around 10, all on Benefits. Is that a net contribution to Britain. Then, how many of these will become the next generation of “home grown” Jihadis? How much will that cost in money and social integration, or disintegration? How many more integration ministers will have to be appointed?
The BBC interviewed a Gazan just a couple of days ago. He had 10 children, and over a 100 ( yes, one hundred) grandchildren.
What we are seeing is Britain being transformed into a mix of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia, and some other rich diversity spices.
Did anyone expect anything other than a rabidly pro immigration propaganda piece from the BBC? The BBC long ago threw in its lot with the liberal left and has campaigned relentlessly for the liberal left establishment agenda ever since. If the BBC were paid for by subscription or by adverts I would have no objection to whatever stance they wished to take. But as a state funded organisation they are bound by the impartiality clause in their charter and should be held to account. The failure of successive Tory governments to rein in the BBC is a curiosity of modern British politics. Each time the Tories baulk at confronting the BBC the monster grows bigger and the task of dealing with it becomes harder.
The advent of new technology and the slow demise of people viewing on TV sets, gives the Tories the opportunity to abandon the LF without the BBC being able to whip up nation wide support. They must take this once in a lifetime opportunity.
“It ended with the several cynical Brits all converting to the idea that immigration is a good thing for the UK.”
Well, who could have seen that coming? That’s precisely why I didn’t watch it.
Were they genuinely cynical though? I wouldn’t have thought many who were genuinely cynical would agree to take part in such a programme with the BBC.
What is a Somali man, on benefits, with seven children doing here? That should have been any reasonable person’s starting question for any debate. The Left just want to take in every single immigrant because they hate and don’t believe in this country. I’ll say it again, we are heading for civil war this century. There just is no other outcome possible. The treachery of the left is beyond control and the Muslim extremist terrorist element will continue to grow.
What struck me about the program was the attitude and character of the immigrants when it came to religion.
The French student did not mention it, the Filipino had a Bible on show but did not speak about it, and the Pole had a crucifix on show, but again did not emphasise the point. The Sikh went into more depth but did not attempt to force the issue.
That left us with the two Muslims, who were the most assertive when it came to religion – the Somali man mentioned his devotion to Allah very early on in the interview, and the Pakjistani couple invited the British one to the mosque.
“What is a Somali man, on benefits, with seven children doing here?”
The answer is in the question.
1. Somali
2.Muslim likely
3.Seven children
4. Al;l on Benefits
I think four red tags are more then enough.
”What is a Somali man, on benefits, with seven children doing here?”
Imported by the Liebour party ”to rub the Right Wing nose in diversity,” in revenge for Thatcher, put an X next to Liebour on the ballot paper and basically to screw up the country really !!
How can anyone in their right mind say that letting in an immigrant with seven kids, with no job, with basically nothing to offer is a good thing? If I had my way they wouldn’t even make in the door. Every immigrant on benefits, who hasn’t worked and contributed anything in tax, should be deported back to whence they came. I’m sick of these turd worlders coming in to scrounge. It’s getting real bad!
IF only it were just the left! They make the most noise about it for sure, but the Tories are little better. Mass immigration is essentially a right wing policy to hold wages down and provide a mass of cheap labour. It suits the Tories too because it provides them with more support for cutting welfare.
All the big parties are doing what the bankers and multinationals want to bring us all into a totalitarian EU superstate. Immigration weakens nationalism and undermines democracy by creating fragmentation and lack of a ‘voice’ for the people.
Too true.
A civil war not just in Britain but Europe. Been saying that for over a decade.
I agree with a lot of that article but strongly object to the writer calling WW1 and WW2 civil wars. That is a fairly recent EU invention trying to re0write history and implying that we were all really one country so the unification of the EU is just getting back to how things were before. The world wars were between sovereign states which means they were not civil wars.
I take your point about the EU trying to make out that is has prevented another war in Europe. However, the point to illustrate that European wars can get very nasty and global.
Something badly wrong with the comments here. I just posted and my comment vanished into the ether.
And my login details keep getting wiped.
Also the voting is a bit haywire. I ticked a comment yesterday and ’24’ votes came up. Blame it on the weather!
That’s the Tower Hamlets Software Co Ltd for you.
Interesting. I can see my comments on my mobile phone but not the desktop via Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Apologies folks – it’s my fault. We’ve had some server issues and I’m trying to work round it with caching. The caching has been a bit aggressive… Hopefully it should calm down a bit.
Thanks. Not that I understand the explanation. 😀
Thought it was just me – clearing my cookies sorted out a refreshed BBBC updated page.
No I didn’t watch it I was breaking my fast with a bottle of red wine and a kebab
There was also a Pakistani man who said that the reason he had moved to the UK was because he has a genetic eye condition that he could not have afforded to have treated in Pakistan so he came to live here to receive ongoing treatment on the NHS. The response by the BBC was that immigrants ONLY use £1,600 of NHS treatment each year while Brits use £2000 a year – no mention at all to what we pay in!! Biased rubbish at my expense.
I watched the last half hour. Ran to the form I expected. As a gambling man my money would have been safe.
I did catch the Sikh girl’s wry comment that it would have been very difficult to be hostile to people you had spent a few days with and on air.
Who were those presenters? Anice pair of English middle class liberals with out a real thought in their heads.
poor stuff and very predictable. A people and a nation is about a lot more that economics. Something these liberals cannot grasp.
Meanwhile the balkanisation of my country continues. Unstoppable now and the result of a viciously stupid elite that understood only betrayal and treachery as English virtues and had no concept of what we really are.
England will outlast them and their kind.
”A people and a nation is about a lot more that economics”
David Cameon was babbling on about British values the other day which according to him are ” being nice, decency, being nice, standing in queues and err um, being nice.”
Actions speak louder than words, in the same week he said it he gave Iraq £4 Million pounds, yet they can’t find the money to dredge a river in Somerset , strange that ?
I saw it was coming on and made a point not to watch it and I’m sure my blood pressure will thank me for it. 🙂
didn’t watch it. knew it would be carp.
And bad for the blood pressure.
When the Ruling Elites witter on about how ” mass immigration is truly wondrous, it benefits the country !! blah, blah, blah.” Your own intuition tells you that there’s something not quite right, how can an illiterate Somalian with a vapid expression and his seven children, also with vacant faces, from a stone age country with a primitive culture bring anything to the party ???
Mass Immigration’s sole purpose is to disrupt, fragment, cause mayhem, weaken, destroy and finally abolish the nation state. What better way to take out a country by creating a Tower of Babel, so that Britain like France, Holland, Sweden, etc etc will become vassal provinces of the Globalists dream of the United States of Europe. That’s the trajectory.
Stalin used Russian mass immigration to destroy Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Cossacks and China is also doing the same tactic by ethnic cleansing Tibet of Tibetans.
Yes, a very good point, David, regards China and Tibet. Whereas we haven’t been invaded by a foreign nation, we’re still experiencing the similar effects of our national identity being systematically eroded by an external and hostile force in the form of supranational Marxists and their useful idiots, Muslim extremists; and, in contrast to China’s invasion of Tibet, much of this has been achieved subtly and gradually through lies and the contempt with which the elitist new world order politicians view the working-class people.
Once the nationstate and its people’s identity has been diluted, then it’s time for the Eurocrats to design the structures of the new uniform superstate. We’ll be long gone by such time that boundaries formally cease to exist (being replaced by regions). And I foresee that such a time will know extreme violence and a volatility that will give rise to the beginnings of war… a new World War caused by successive governmental policies and their failure to respect and ensure national identity… and caused by a failure to stand up to Muslim extremist forces. It’s going to be a real bloodbath with only one possible victor. Enjoy your evening!
“Stalin used Russian mass immigration to destroy Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Cossacks and China is also doing the same tactic by ethnic cleansing Tibet of Tibetans.”
And of course Brits used the same ‘plantation’ techniques in Ireland. However none of these seem to be as determined and successful as the plantation of Western Europe, well maybe the Chinese in Tibet.
Trouble is it is only naive or stupid Brits would take part in a program about immigration (unless they too are Globalists and wish to promote it). Mind you the BBC are so experienced and talented at propaganda they do it very well indeed, certainly well enough that your average Joe isnt going to spot it.
For example the Brits they chose for this program were onlyfairly thick, they were presented in a sympathetic though patronising light. The message was:
These Brits may be decent but theyre a bit stupid, not ‘world class’ citizens – we need immigrants because our own people are inferior.
Labour’s plan, supported by the bBBC, has worked. Not the one to ruin the economy by borrowing from our children and grandchildren, the one to swamp the country with foreigners who would vote for them.
Only one in five white Britons votes for Labour
The divide between London’s white and ethnic minority voters will be laid bare in a shocking study this week.
The research into London’s recent European election result shows two thirds of white British voters backed either the Tories or Ukip.
It goes on to reveal that two thirds of non-white voters supported Labour, which received the backing of just one in five white British voters.
The analysis suggests that the migration of ethnic minority voters to the capital’s inner suburbs is behind recent Labour victories there.
But it also comes amid debate among senior Labour voices over how to respond to the rise of Ukip support among white working class voters.
The analysis highlights that there are now almost as many non-white as there are white British voters in London.
The research is co-authored by former Equalities and Human Rights Commission chief Trevor Phillips. He said: “At the heart of these findings is the fact that there are now nearly as many minority voters in London as there are white British voters.
“But the fact that two out of three minority voters stick with Labour irrespective of where they live or how well-off they are is transforming the capital’s politics. What we’re seeing is the emergence of cultural politics…voters seem to want to vote for parties that they feel understand and like them and shun parties they think don’t fit the bill.”
The research will be published in think tank Demos’ quarterly magazine later this week. It found 41 per cent of voters in London are non-white while 51 per cent are white British.
Mr Phillips suggested that the dispersal of ethnic minorities into London’s inner suburbs had led to Labour’s successes in council elections in Croydon, Merton and Harrow. He also predicted it would mean former Tory marginals turning into Labour strongholds.
In my view any government that relies for its election upon imported voters is illegitimate. They should not be allowed to remain in power. To allow Labour to benefit from their crimes is unthinkable.
Spotted this the other day and shows why Labour did what they did and how it has worked a treat. Thanks Blair and co as for personal gain you have destroyed this country and its future
Do you know Birmingham Sparkbrook used to be a pretty well-heeled middle class area. It was a marginal constituency. Roy Hattersley (the MP) used to boast about how Asian immigration had turned it into a solid labour seat. He seemed to think that was more important than the fact that it had had been turned into something resembling a third world slum with all the associated problems
I’ve been busy elsewhere my PVR should have recorded it so I’ll dissect it in the next couple of days before I comment.
typical 2 white bbc middle class lefties making a pro immigration documentary that turned out to be totally the opposite with its internal racial conflicts and bigotary within the immigrants that came to this country when blair and co opened the floodgates to mass immigration in 1997,it was just a immigration mess that went wrong,whats up with the bbc this week and immigration,tonight at 10.30 pm on bbc1 we have another immigration love in with tim samuels a well known pro immigration bbc leftie.ZZZZZzzzz bored to tears with these pro immigration docos on the bbc.
Crude propaganda. Every day the BBC gets more like Pravda in the bad old days. Liberals do not accept free speech any more.
Directed speech is more their line.
With hindsight I see they ever did – it was forced upon them before they got the whip hand.
These people are not ‘liberals’ and do not deserve that description, they are Globalists.
Aerfen, exactly! Higher immigration = lower wages = higher profits for the transnational elite. Bypassing the natural laws of supply and demand in a sovereign country leads to a widening gap between the poor and the ultra wealthy who often have no allegiance whatsoever to any country.
‘The pay gap between the richest and poorest earners has “soared” in many parts of the country since 2000, new research by the Trades Union Congress has shown.’
Incidentally, on Sunday the price of gold took a large hard-to-explain downward fall (over £20.00 an ounce) and now, after the Malaysian missile strike, the price is surging upwards. Was there an intended manipulation of markets? By whom? Why? The BBC won’t be hurrying to inform you.
btw, Aerfen, as you are probably aware, the Red Ice Radio podcast is available, free, on iTunes. Professionally presented, open-minded, inquisitive and truth-seeking and I’m not talking about the BBC.
If the BBC asks Too Much Immigration?, you
can be 100% certain the answer will be No!
There seems to a pro-immigration campaign underway at the moment. Some Romanian on Today Radio4 this morning was informing us that the British working class is “too lazy”.
If Farage had made the same kind of over -generalization about Poles ,say, there would have been much moral indignation
However did us lazy stupid English ever amass an Empire and make such a mark on the world with our technologyand law and our language.
Beats me if I listen to the BBC and the media .
To be a traitor to your people is the worst of crimes and the BBC/elite is guilty.
I note the dislke of the word “liberal”
It is really just shorthand and used by the right to describe all the various leftisit /facist/communist etc etc groupings.
The Somali in the programme sounds very much like the highly publicised story of a Somali who managed to blag his way into the country a few years ago and gave his occupation as bus conductor. This was about the same time that the occupation of bus conductor ceased to exist in the UK and, as he couldn’t get a job in his chosen profession, was immediately entitled to benefits for himself and five children and would appear to have milked the system ever since.
Well Nick and Margaret’s show was a nice piece of non-science, wasn’t it?
According to new BBC Trust guidelines neither of them should have been allowed to present that tosh.
Congratulations BBC! ‘Nick & Margaret – Too Many Immigrants’ – screened at peak-time over two nights this week – served as nothing more than a blatant party political broadcast on behalf of Messrs Miliband, Clegg and Cameron.
Once again, the liberal bigots who run the BBC have thoroughly shamed themselves into attempting to brain-wash us all into thinking that the U.K. is one big happy family – all thanks to immigrants. Ah…that’s all right then.
Notably – there were high viewing figures for Part 1 – which tailed off for Part 2 – as viewers probably became acutely aware of the loaded questions, PC theories and rhetoric which abounded throughout – and rightly decided not to give the Beeb a second chance.
During both programmes, some of the so-called ‘experts’ happily preached their own agendas when quoting research figures (Jonathan Portes – one of the left-wing architects of Blair’s decision to open our borders to 10 accession countries in 2004 – being a prime example). Consequently, one could see where it was all leading…problem…what problem?
As for the presenters, Nick Hewer (a life-long ‘old’ Labour supporter) has gone on record to openly brag about the Polish builder he employs at his house in France (lucky him) – whilst Margaret Mountford…well, her lawyer-fixed glare could kill a man from ten paces.
Oh yes…and what about my agenda? I merely speak as a 4th generation immigrant who believes that enough is enough – too many immigrants (yes) – but the BBC should take a serious look at itself – and after broadcasting such a heavily biased, irresponsible and propagandist programme – it should then do the honourable thing and press the self-destruct button.
Gain or drain? Last one out…don’t forget to switch the lights off.
So the BBC produced a documentary looking at the pros and cons of mass immigration into Britain and reached the conclusion that it’s all been rather wonderful really. Well, who’d a’ thought it?
Next week Freidrich Engels takes a close (and unbiased) look at the pros and cons Marxism has had on the world.
Can’t begin to think how that one is going to turn out…
Expect more of this type of left-wing propaganda in the run-up to the 2015 general election. The BBC did it last time, in 2010, especially about immigration. Evan Davis introduced a programme billed as “the truth about economic migration”. In reality it was a few carefully selected individuals, chosen specifically it seemed to portray immigrants in the best night possible. Entirely unrepresentative. Unscientific. Blatant propaganda and the BBC knew it. They are not stupid.
Yes, tonight Newsnight was claiming, on the basis of leaks from a “controversial” government report, that Migration Watch was incorrect in stating that there is no or only insignificant economic benefit from EU immigration. If 100,000 immigrants add £100,000 per annum to the GDP, there is obviously an economic benefit, but is this
a worthwhile compensation for the negative impact on the housing market, say,?
Remember the retired Jeremy Paxman’s recent comment?
“Newsnight is run by thirteen year olds”
I am new to this page, so hope it gets through.
My comment is on “Too much Immigration” that I watched last week. I have already posted on this on the biased BBC blog.
As usual, typical BBC bias. Wish they had asked me to present the programme !
So contrived and staged. There would have been one or two things that should have had more air time, but was only too brief (how convenient) ! That was the woman who couldn’t speak English and you could only see her eyes. Why give somebody air time who couldn’t speak English ?
Britain has lost its identity, certainly not the country I grew up in as a child in the 40’s and 50s. They should have interviewed more people on our streets for their views. Is it any wonder that Nigel Farage has gained popularity. I am mindful however that our NHS would be even worse without immigrant people that do “dirty jobs” that some English people wouldn’t do. It is too late now – we should have clamped down on extremism at the start, not let preachers of hate like Abu Hamza and his ilk carry ranting on our streets and in mosques. I hate Britain for what it has become and fear for my young grandchildren. I shudder to think what it will be like when they are adults. Just as well I won’t be around to see it 🙁
they probably got the builders son a job with the pole, offered to rehouse the old white couple in a new white area and paid the care worker a contribution to his future care costs at Malaya joes care home.
The hindu women got a new three piece suite
Oh come on , that Muslim Somali is never going to intergrate his daughters are never going to forgo their culture and their never going to go back so how in heavens name could she reach a conclusion that his family was a gain for Britain .
the whole thing was an insult to the intelligence with its obvious biased and lack of concern for the indigenous populations fears of massive cultural change in less than a generation and without their permission , even if migrants were a massive boost to the economy, which they are not , that fear alone should be enough to shut the borders for any government of any sovereign nation .
Left wing propaganda at its best, using two of Alan sugers lackeys to pretend to argue the issues on camera before they retire back to their middle England hideously white villages .
Why make a programme about immigration if you are going to pair 3 sets of semi literate white people with 3 sets of outstanding immigrants, how about the other way around next time just for fun.
Utter tosh and a waste of our license fee we are forced by law to pay.