The BBC reports that a British computer expert who admitted supporting terrorism through the internet has been sentenced in a US court to 12-and-a-half years in prison. Babar Ahmad, of Tooting, south London, had admitted conspiracy and providing material to support the Taliban. Yet on the Today programme this morning, again in the 6.30-7am slot, we had a BBC correspondent giving us a VERY sympathetic piece on Ahmad. He was allowed to tell us how distraught he himself felt after the 9/11 attacks (yeah, right) and how he did not believe that Jihad meant killing innocent people. The impression was left that the bad Americans had jailed another “innocent Brit” in the form of jihad crazy Babar from good old London town.
Yes, every report now has the tone of it’s as if ‘our British brethren are fighting the good fight abroad and being harassed for it’.
The BBC are hellbent on seeing this country become a Muslim nation. But what about Channel (4) Snore? It is one of the most extremist left-wing, Muslim grovelling programs on air. Disgraceful.
There’s a real media-driven support initiative for Islam in this country; I seriously don’t understand why. At this rate we will be a Muslim country within a hundred years.
I don’t know if they’re hellbent on seeing it become Muslim as such. They are so utterly convinced that if you’re nice to people they’ll all be nice to you that they cannot reconcile this with the reality they see before them.
It actually reminds me of a programme I once saw about stroke victims. One poor chap had lost the use of his arm but the part of his brain that coped with change had also been damaged. He could not accept that he was unable to move his arm, despite the evidence in front of his eyes and said “it’s just having a rest now”.
The left seem to have some similar block in dealing with the reality of Muslim behaviour throughout the world.
I agree. They seem to me to have no concept of the reality of the road we are really on and the hell it may well lead to. I think a huge part of the problem is that the majority of them have been indoctrinated and indulged since birth with the all the socialist and liberal crap that has consumed the west since the 60s and only when a nuclear attack eventually takes place will they possibly come to their senses and realise that their reality was a fools paradise.
I would say the BBC are anti establishment and will always support those who oppose Britain and what it once stood for. Islam fits this bill but to a dangerous extreme, not that will bother the luvies.
Unfortunately it is the BBC denizens and their ilk who are the establishment these days, General, but your point is a good one.
This site is called biased BBC, but could easily be called ‘Biased BBC (incorporating Biased C4)’. In many ways, C4 is even worse than the BBC in its leftist nonsense, but the BBC is publicly funded, hence the focus on that instead.
Channel 4 website:
“Channel 4 was launched on 2nd November 1982 with a unique business model, under the Broadcasting Act 1981. We are funded predominantly by advertising and sponsorship, but unlike other broadcasters such as ITV, Channel 4 is not shareholder owned. Channel 4 is a statutory corporation, independent of Government, and governed by a unitary board made up of executive and non-executive directors, who are responsible for ensuring that Channel 4 fulfils its remit and delivers its financial responsibilities. Non-executive directors are appointed by OFCOM in agreement with the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. This system ensures our not-for-profit status; that we are held accountable and that all profit generated by our commercial activity is directly reinvested back into the delivery of our public service remit.”
Not like the BBC but, nevertheless tainted by the “public service” mentality, like the BFI? Don’t know, but I suspect much cross fertilisation between C4 and the BBC.
David, just a minor point. You wrote ‘he did not believe that Jihad meant killing innocent people’.
I understand that in the muzzie mind only muzzies are innocent. It follows that if Jihad means killing non-muzzies, then no innocent people will be killed.
Therefore Ahmad is right in his belief and can continue his support for slaughter with a clear conscience. Phew, that’s a weight off my mind.
I heard that on ‘Today’ this morning. He meant the other kind of Jihad, silly! Although Sharia law does acknowledge the ‘other’ Jihad as existing, it’s clear from the manuals that ‘Jihad means going to the gym despite my busy schedule’ is outside of the legal definition. You can think it’s the case, and do it, but it’s not jihad as far as Sharia law says.
The left think that jihad is our fault. They think climate change is our fault too. It’s as if they can’t live will the reality that there maybe something they can’t control. Jihadists do it because they hate us and want the (appropriately) black flag flying. Regarding climate change, the really frightening possibility is that it may not have anything much to do with us – and therefore we can’t do anything about it.
I don’t like the way in which the BBC uses the word ‘pioneer’ in this report…
It has too many positive connotations… as if he is some type of discoverer of new worlds. And ‘cyber-jihadist’? Terrorist who supports violence and murder online more like!
Babar Ahmed is connected to Azzam who used the postcode WC1N 3XX.
Lots of weird organisations have post office boxes there.
Hassan Abu-Jihaad was also connected to Azzam and that postcode.
Nearby, just down High Holborn, is Arab House, which contains HH Saudi Marketing, whose one time head head Ahmed bin Salman was linked to 9/11 by Gerald Posner.
Was there not also a connection to that other BBC ‘innocent’ Mozzam Begg?
“I think my love of truth and honesty forces me to notice that the liberal intelligentsia of Western countries is betraying itself where Islam is concerned … by the terror being thought racist – driven by misunderstanding Islam as though it were a race… I do fret about what I see as a betrayal by my own people, the nice liberals.”
Richard Dawkins, December 2013
A good quote from Dawkins. Maybe, Richard, if you’ve come far enough to admit this, could it be that some other liberal shibboleths might also be a crock of sh1te, such as manmade global warming, the EU and multiculturalism?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s Casciani is sympathetic to Islam, and ‘understanding’ of convicted Islamic jihadists such as Babar Ahmad.
Casciani’s piece (link is above) could well appear on ‘Islam TV’. And British people’s licence-fee also goes on Casciani’s propaganda programme on this, Radio 4 tonight.
“UK Muslim gets 12 years for running jihad funding websites”
For INBBC’s apologist, Casciani:-
“Jihadi rhetoric: Tiresome but deadly.
With Islamists today, it’s the same exact message as it always has been, of supremacism, hate, and violence, capped off with divine sanctioning.
Yet Western media and politicians still have their heads in the sand.”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
well it looks like that this british citixen who was not even born in england will come back to jihadi central in london after he finishes his sentence in states,this british citixen babar ahmad who was not born in england will be greeted as a hero by his family and buddies once he lands back on british soil that he has soiled with his funding of the taliban and al qaeda,good old uk is just becoming a rest home for retired jihadis abroad once they have finished there sentences abroad,good old uk is the thing,i will never ever call myself british again because of the fact these so called british citixens jihadi fighters use this word british to abuse and use are country for there own ends.
Obviously you are unaware that many British citizens are not born in England. Either that or you consider Britain an England to be one and the same!!!
Ah the sweet excuses of an idiot…………