Jonathan Freedland, who just a few minutes earlier Mishal Husain told us worked for the Guardian and the Jewish Chronicle but didn’t mention the BBC, pops up, yet again, on the BBC:
The Long View
Jonathan Freedland examines the current anxieties surrounding the teaching of history through the prism of history textbooks from around a century ago with his guests in front of an audience at the Chalke Valley History Festival.
What is the balance to be struck between dry facts and flamboyant descriptions? Should British history imbue children with a sense of patriotism and chronology?
This turned out to be just another excuse to deride Britain, Empire and all that….
Apparently British history is not something to be proud of…such abhorrent behaviour…how do you teach such history when there is so much revulsion towards Britain’s past?….for example Britain looted, oppressed and impoverished India and no Indian can talk positively about Britain because of that legacy.
Or so we are told by William Dalrymple. William Dalrymple who is pro-Muslim, pro-‘native’, anti-British.
Why would the BBC choose him as their impartial voice of history and reasoned debate?
The other guest speakers were in a similar vein, the whole programme being, as said, a vehicle to rewrite history and to bash Britain.
Janet Daley suggests that such self-loathing by British intellectuals (Orwell too denounced such an attutude) allows others to provide a different narrative…and when the BBC is also promoting an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas terror narrative who can doubt she isn’t right?
British guilt over jihadis is for dummies
In order to persuade young Muslims that their allegiance belongs here, this country will have to question its own casual self-loathing
If we expect law-abiding, loyal Muslims to handle this problem, we are going to have to give them a lot more help. The parents and the mosques and the communities can condemn as much as they like – and to their credit they have done a great deal of that over recent months. But these are displaced people themselves who need support in order to understand the values of British culture. In order to persuade their sons (and some of their daughters too) that their allegiance belongs to this country, Britain will have to question its own casual self-loathing. And the West will need to consider the larger consequences of its cynical isolationism.
What I find particularly repugnant is that these media commentating lefties (who all, perversely, seem to live in middle-class, predominantly white neighbourhoods) spend much of their useless lives denigrating this country and its history, culture, social attitudes and so on whilst living here and enjoying the bountiful fruits that this country still provides. Why don’t they piss off to the nearest Islamic country and break bread with their tolerant Muslim brethren?
I’ll leave tonight with this little observation: these fairtrade coffee sipping, sandal wearing beatniks spout on about humanity and right-on revolts against the banks, but you stop their student loans or pocket money and they would make Hitler look like a pacifist! Good night.
Be interesting to get the views of David and Alan on the ‘name” being used by this commentator.
No doubt Guest Who will have a view on this “drive by” “lurker”.
Presumably Alby is objecting to the name ‘Bacon’ as that is Haram in his heroes’ religion. Otherwise, I guess I may be missing a reference here.
Ah, the lethal weapon with which one attacks mosques.
FFS, is the word “bacon” being added to the list of Words That Must Not Be Used?
Although I’d maybe agree when used in conjunction with “Richard”.
It would be just as interesting to know who ‘Albaman’ is.
Given the name’s derivation.
Then again, you could try growing-up, instead.
I think he is the person often referred to as Perfidious Albaman.
The original root of the word ‘alba’ is in the Indo-European language and translates, in it’s original form, as meaning ‘white’ so Albaman translates as Whiteman, but shh, don’t tell anybody.
It means Scotsman. Alba is gaelic for Scotland
Please don’t think all Scots are like him.
Precisely the point I was making.
I wonder if he is bright enough to have seen the irony?
My comment referred to the post from Amounderness Lad whose understanding was quite correct.
For those who still don’t ‘get it’ I was pointing out that Albaman has chosen a name that could well be taken to mean ‘white man’.
Now just think of the reaction to that in his favoured circles!
Green coffee bean extract by far has become of the biggest news makers in the field of health and wellness today. It is considered by many as the total fat buster because of the various health benefits that it contains. It came from raw green coffee beans. Scientists have found out that raw green coffee beans contain an organic compound called Chlorogenic acid which could greatly affect your body’s metabolism.
The amount of green coffee beans consumed by the BBC is disgraceful and not sustainable and contributes to global warming.
And all those right-on veggie types are smashing the ozone layer with their flatulence.
And all those right-on BBC veggie types are smashing the ozone layer with their flatulence.
Green coffee bean?
Will no one think of the poor, downtrodden, victimised brown coffee beans?
You are a right wing racist, Sir, and I claim my £5.
BBC, Orwell and ‘Oikophobia’-
Click to access cs49-8.pdf
By Roger Scruton.
-above, is from excellent Civitas pamphlet:-
“England and the Need for Nations”, by Roger Scruton
William Dalrymple wrote a book called The Last Mughal.
It suggested that the British East India Company was much more tolerant of the natives than the British Empire was when it took over.
So not all bad.
Alan says “Or so we are told by William Dalrymple. William Dalrymple who is pro-Muslim, pro-’native’, anti-British.
This is of course absolute manure and proves the binary worldview that makes this blog, emmmmm… special.
Just because he spends a large proportion of his time on the Indian subcontinent does not make him anti British. He has written about Britain too and has exhibited pride in its traditions. He writes a lot about various religions and cultures and is undoubtedly better qualified to do so than Alan, as he has demonstrated ably by stating his egregious opinions of Dalrymple as fact without any academic rigour whatsoever. Still, fresh meat for the indigenous wildlife herein.
“A tribute to William Dalrymple”
By Hugh Fitzgerald.
Islamising Britain.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) campaigns for mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries, but is euphemistic about the consequences-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’ –
“Hardline Islam views were forced on pupils in ‘deliberate and sustained action’ at Trojan Horse schools, says leaked report.
“Review said pupils were at risk of ‘intolerant, inward-looking monoculture.’
“‘Incontrovertible evidence’ politicians knew of scandal in 2012, report said.
“Alleged Trojan Horse plot in Birmingham schools revealed in February.
“Report, by retired policeman Peter Clarke, due for release in next 24 hours.”
Read more:
2.) INBBC –
“Trojan Horse: Council findings to be released”
Will nobody spare a thought for the white children who are forced to attend these municipal madrassas , there must be several who the local authority have refused an alternative on the ground that it is, in leftie speak , ‘divisive’.
No doubt.
Indigenous British people, especially the poorer section of society, continue to be victims of the rapid colonisation of Britain, which is aided and abetted by Beeboids.
I heard that! We’re experiencing a similar problem here in the States with the South Americans traveling through Mexico and pouring over our border. So far this year there have been more OTMs (other than Mexicans) come over our southern border than US troops who invaded at Normandy, but when we refer to it as an “invasion” the left goes apoplectic. Then they wonder why we call them “Orwellian”. (shrug) So we keep refering to it as an “invasion” hoping they’ll maybe blow a gasket. 😉
In the meantime, these OTMs are overloading the system, and it is the poor US citizens who are suffering for it, finding they system coming up short now.
I used to think thatr this colonisation was the result of a useless incompetent elite that just could not get a grip on anything.
Now I am not so sure. it is happening in too many countries and at the same time.
Follow the money seems about right. There is a super rich elite that owes no loyalty to anything except money. The destruction of the nationstate and a homogenous people benefits only this elite.
Truly a recipe for civilisation decline and destruction. Not that the elite gets this and even if it does simply ignores this.