Have a read of this item from the BBC on ex-Gitmo detainee Moazzam Begg. Note how it finishes by letting us know that Moazzam “has never previously been charged with an offence.” Beggs is one of their poster boys. I recall doing a BBC interview with him some years ago and he was afforded the kid gloves treatment even as I was attacked. You can bet your bottom dollar the BBC will be in tears should he be convicted of these alleged crimes of terror.
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he is such a nice lad and a good muslim boy is mr begg,his mother said he was a good son and peace loving,his supporters on the bbc cry he has done nothing wrong and this is just one big anti muslim plot against him,trouble is here is that while we are out in the sun enjoying the summer mr begg is in belmarch prison in a smelly sweaty cell alongside the 100s of other muslim extremists no doubt praying to allah to release him because allah can perform miracles,that i dont think will be happening for a long long time if he is convicted of these charges against him.but then again he could be innocent and a victim of a big plot against islam and muslims,i dont think so.
Mr Begg could do himself a great deal of good, while incarcerated, by reading the Bible. Perhaps if more muslims actually knew more about the Bible, and Jesus Christ, they’d be less inclined to follow islam. Of course, reading the Bible is a dangerous act for muslims and probably the main reason why they are ignorant of a religion that they are told to despise. In addition, I suggest that there are too few Christians (perhaps in name only ) who know enough about Christianity to have a sensible understanding of who they are and who they are following. As for atheists, I’d suggest that there are many, if not most, who find it easiest to reject religion, because then they don’t have to think too much about such things are right and wrong, good and evil, heaven and hell.
…and maybe change his name to Moh’s Ham Begg.
“Beggs is one of their poster boys”
A smarmy, pontificating little sh-t,
with a delusion of his own self importance, who couldn t lie straight in bed.
Come to think of it perfect qualities for a Beebot.
Plus, a social parasite and misfit all his nasty life
One needs to pray for our enemies, as they too are created in the image of God. We pray for them, despite the fact that Muslims are persecuting Christians in Muslim countries.
Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for ‘adultery’: NGO
Read the comments. Even yahoo readers get it.
Why banning Sharia courts would harm British Muslim women –
– written by a Muslim convert
Again read the comments.
The tide has turned. Its now a matter of time before some party launches a boat to catch the tide.
July 18, 2014 8:29 PM Posted by Tom
It’s over: Genocide has been accomplished in Mosul
For two thousand years, our dearest brethren saw it all from Mosul: Romanized Greeks, Persians, Hellenized Romans later called “Byzantines”, Arabs from the desert with a religion of the sword, Egyptians, Crusaders, Mongols, Turks, French and British, “Independence”… Then the clumsiest Empire in history, an Empire not wanted by most voters, unwarranted by the Republic’s own Constitution ( Yes, thats you America), led by bellicose hawks motivated by God knows what, justifying their actions on untruths, arrived, upsetting a balance that was not the best, but was best of all possible outcomes.
After two thousand years, it is finished. It’s over. Who will pay for the lasting damage lying Western politicians created by starting a process that would lead to what not even the first Islamic rulers, thirteen centuries ago, ever did, the obliteration of Christian life and populations? “Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time.” His judgment over this generation and their rulers will be overwhelming and frightful.
And dont think it wont happen in Europe. It will. With each Muslim growth vastly greater then natives, figure it out.
PS: Mosul is where is ancient Ninevah. ISIS freedom fighters supported by the US and the UK, have reportedly destroyed the tomb of Jonah. They are also stoning women to death, and others sharia compliant acts of jurisprudence.
Moazzam Beggs? I much prefer Mozambique!
Have you ever been lol?
I have – Sofala and Manica.
‘Never previously charged with an offense’ – so kind of like Lord McAlpine then, huh?
Clearly, they can’t find any drug-addled convicted felons to speak out against Begg.
It’s those ever flexible BBC standards again. Whether or not he’s committed any actual felonies, on any number of issues Begg is clearly far more extreme than the average UKIP member, so how come one gets the sneers and one gets the sob-sister treatment?
“Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on UK judge saying Rigby murder a ‘betrayal of Islam,’ the arrest of Moazzam Begg, and more”
(March, 2014, video clip)
” You can bet your bottom dollar the BBC will be in tears should he be convicted of these alleged crimes of terror.”
I think you mean when he is convicted of the crimes of terror.
‘Never previously charged with an offense’
Other than …?
“Begg was first arrested in 1994, as he showed up for work at a benefits office in Small Heath, Birmingham for alleged involvement in a benefit fraud case. He was charged with conspiracy to defraud the Department of Social Security.” (ex wiki)
“Mainstream charities have donated thousands to Islamic group fronted by terror suspect”
(March, 2014).
What’s the difference between a Muslim and a Battery?
The Battery got a positive side.