It looks like survival of Harrabin and the BBC is dependent on censorship of Journalism as well as censorship of politicians, scientists, science and scientific debate. As well as censorship of anyone who may disprove BBC beliefs that some people deny that the climate changes or that the academic advisory council of the GWPF is full of scientists who want to destabilise a censored debate, which is over.
I think investigations into the BBC’s environmental activists will find that the Tyndall Centre, Grantham Institute and the BBC all now seek to censor the debate, but the GWPF has got Professor Henrik Svensmark on its advisory council, so he can explain why the world hasn’t got any warmer in 17 years. That’s one piece of evidence for BBC censorship.
Horizon: What’s Wrong with Our Weather? BBC 2. Helen Czerski and John Hammond investigated why the British weather appears to have become more extreme and if it has anything to do with climate change.
The BBC/Met Office ignorance or censorship was.
(1) Climate change meant global warming not a change in weather trends.
(2) A change in weather trends originated in the Indonesian floods not the speed of plasma on the Sun or a new Hale magnetic Solar cycle.
(3) All proven Computer model predictions have proved to be wrong, and therefore must be censored, but the head of the Met office thinks that they are perfect and are the greatest achievement of mankind, the Met office needs more money for even bigger super computers, so as to produce even more convincing Fraser-Steel-facts? about the future.
(4) Arctic amplification, is caused by ice albedo changes, not clouds trapping heat. Rubbished by Astronomers because calculations show this cannot cause the ice ages, because the Sun hardly shines on polar Ice (that is how it remains Ice) and not at all in the Polar winter.
(5) Sudden Stratospheric warming was mentioned, but not its causes.
The Met Office seems to be catching up with Weatheraction, but is still far behind, Weather from the Sun was first postulated two hundred years ago when William Herschel tried to prove the price of grain was inversely correlated with the sunspot number, which was subsequently proven. So you can see how far behind Weatheraction, the BBC/Met Office is when it comes to Meteorology.
Global Warming, extreme weather change, holes in the ozone layer? – Male bovine excrement!
Lets be really honest about this. The biggest threat to the environment of this country (GB), is immigration, Why? More and more of our green field land is being used up to provide housing for the expanding population and more demands on our utilities, schools and hospitals etc etc. Previous governments, Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems. have done nothing to abate the tidal surge of the people coming to live here. They are all to blame and do not listen to the people of this nation. Remember this at the next general election.
No bias because I can’t see a report anywhere !!!!! The BBBC must hate the French , they’ve just banned any Pro-Palestinian marches. Living in France just gets better and better. No walking Letterboxes and now this. I feel the urge to sing “Heaven , I’m in Heaven”
I keep thinking to myself, just wait until muslim violence affects enough bbc staff personally then they’ll change their tune. But in fact, I think they’ll adopt a Stockholm syndrome and find limitless excuses for whatever happens to them. Socialists, of which the bbc is a hive, have a warped view of the world, in my opinion, and I’m not sure where they get it. Nature or nurture; there are so many from so diverse a background that I think it must be primarily nurture; so what are they being fed or taught in early life that results in such a demented relationship between them and normal people? islam is the cause for muslims, but that can’t explain the same behaviour in socialists/communists/fascists/greens/marxists etc.
No, in their case it is just naïve stupidity and infantilism, John. They don’t ‘get’ the problem with Islam and they won’t – unless and until we see a load of Mosques springing up in Hampstead, and the quaint, plaintive cry of the muezzin on Primrose Hill.
They get the problem, all right. It just suits them to appear niave
Look at Frank Gardener, put in a wheelchair by Al Quaeda terrorists, yet his so-called friends and colleagues still present them as the real victims in this mess. You must wonder how he feels in the morning tone meetings.
Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner. I have no sympathy for the guy. He is a victim of his own single minded left wing belief that Islam is a religion of piece. He still spouts that crap today.
Where do they get it John? Education is where, and the longer they are in the education system the more Marxist indoctrination they will get. The BBC bunch are bound to have been to university where the liberal ideas are thoroughly entrenched, not just here but throughout most of the Western world. But it’s more insidious and evil even than just being fed the distorted propaganda – if they don’t regurgitate it in their exams and assignments they won’t pass!! Howzat for a game, set and match to the liberal left!
sir albert bore the labour leader of birmingham city council has just been on bbc news to apologise for ignoring these muslim extremists in the trojan horse birmingham plot peddling there hate and extremism in these birmingham schools because him and the labour council was frightened of being accused of racism and islamphobia,was a grubby little coward sir albert bore and the labour party are for ignoring this problem that is in fact encouraged racists and fascists within these schools to implement there sick and racist islamist ideology on schoolchildren.just sickening is birmingham labour controlled council.
Crossing the thin line between criticism and anti-Semitism, courtesy of Twitter.
So many people around the world lost their lives in armed conflicts, but all eyes are on Israel, which is often being compared to the Nazis. This is where criticism becomes anti-Semitism.
In the past couple of weeks, hundreds of people died in Yemen, as a result of clashes between the Yemeni army and Shi’ite Muslim fighters. As of the beginning of the week, the death toll in syria’s civil war stands on 170,000, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. As of yesterday, the death toll from a suicide car bombing in Afghanistan’s eastern Paktika province has climbed to 89, with more than 40 people wounded. Meanwhile,all eyes are on Israel, where the army responds to more than 1,000 missiles fired at civilians by a terror organization operating in Gaza (with the support of another terror organization operating from Lebanon.) In 8 days, about 200 Gazans who were used by Hamas as human shields, and one Israeli who went to deliver food to soldiers on the Gaza border line – lost their lives.
As countless people over the world lose their lives to terror organizations, world leaders and celebrities choose to criticize the Israeli government, or, if they don’t have time to use their heads, simply Tweet #FreePalestine. To top that, the U.N Human Rights Committee also neglects all other areas in the world, and spend their meetings condemning Israel.
How come people who consider themselves human rights activists put all their efforts on the West Bank/Gaza “occupation,” when in the rest of the world far more terrible things happen? How come the Israeli army, which takes measures in avoiding civilian casualties and keeps Israel’s border crossings to Gaza open for medical supplies, humanitarian aid and other goods to be transferred to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, is being condemned more than other armies around the world, butchering civilians without even blinking? How come Israel is the only state being often compared to Hitler’s Germany?
There is an answer to this. When people say it, they are being criticized for hiding behind cheap excuses, but sometimes it is simply the way it is. When people criticize Israel for violating human rights without criticizing any other government doing so – it is anti-Semitism. When people accuse Jews of acting like Hitler – it is anti-Semitism, point blank. Not all people saying those things are aware of their statements anti-Semitic reek, but like any other type of racism, it comes from a small, dark place we sometimes can’t even notice.
This anti-Semitism is not direct and straight forward. It does not compare Jews to vermin or directly ask people to carry on Hitler’s legacy. It does something much worse: this anti-Semitism uses an innocent and peaceful rhetoric to gradually delegitimize the state of Israel and the right of the Jewish people to their own country. It creates hatred toward the Jewish people as a whole by modernly turning us into a villain of some sort. With a fair share of lies a peaceful rhetoric, “the Israeli Jew” becomes a person to blame for all the world’s suffering, and the Holocaust turns into an event that is only second to what the Palestinians are going through nowadays.
Not to say Israel can’t be criticized. It can and it must, like any other country on this planet, but a line must be drawn. If Israel and Israel alone is being criticized for doing something that happens in other places at a much larger scale, it is not criticism and not “human rights caring.” Just watch how gradually the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack goes hand in hand with the hashtag #HitlerWasRight…
There was an insight to this mindset earlier in the week when an anti-Israeli poster told us the Jews drove the Palestinians’ from their own land to create the state of Israel, a land where ‘the Palestinians had lived for thousands of years’.
When faced with such profound ignorance (or dissembling, whichever it is) – and you would guess from the bile you hear on the BBC and elsewhere that it is pretty widespread – it is hardly surprising there is such a large pro-‘Palestinian’ bias in the country. The BBC does its bit to sustain this situation by never, ever giving the historical context to the current situation, and never challenging the ignorance and historical revisionism that’s spouted ad nauseam throughout the length and breadth of its news media.
Time was, every child in Britain would pick up the history as a by-product of daily Morning Assembly, where the relationship of the Jews to Israel is clear from so many parts of the Bible and in hymns. And every child would receive at least the basic ideas of Christian morality. Many of us did not continue any active religion – but we had absorbed the tenets of Christianity which are the base of Western civilisation.
The BBC is plenty happy with the dilution of any such heritage, even its “religious affairs” output is bringing in alien religions far too frequently. And the BBC openly admits that it is happy to attack Christianity fiercely – but shies away from any kind of attack on alien religions.
My wife and I had a very special Israeli guest at out home this week…She is in her eighties and told us over a cup of tea that her family came to ‘Palestine’ in the late 1800’s She remembers her father telling her the story, very much like Mark Twain, they found the land barren, empty and devoid of people. It was only when the Jews starting clearing the land and create employment that Arabs started to arrive to seek work. Interestingly it was the Jews who called themselves and became Palestinians the
‘Palestinians’ Arabs refused to do so calling themselves just Arabs..
Of course. Both my parents, both Jewish, were born in Palestine around the same time Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt. But do I count as ‘Palestinian’?
This and more: the UN defines a Palestinian as anybody resident in Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, and this is the basis for counting Arab Palesintians, but not Jews.
What the BBC will never tell you is the indisputable fact that Jews are prohibited BY LAW from being citizens of the Palestinian Authority. Isn’t this relevant in the face of all those screaming ‘Apartheid’ at the wrong side?
The British historian, Martin Gilbert has written extensively about this in an excellent series of books.
It was from his writings that I learnt about early Jewish settlers arriving in the area in the late 19th and early 20th century.
They would buy tracts of land that were either barren or mosquito infested swamps from unscrupulous Arabs who sold the land at grossly inflated prices.
By sheer hard work these settlers changed the landscape into fertile, arable land.
The greed of the Arabs took hold and there were many instances of Jewish settlers either being driven from the land that they had purchased and transformed, or slaughtered.
I have said here before that, having lived and worked amongst Arabs in the Middle East during the 70s I found them to be an utterly reprehensible and disgusting group of people. I loathe and despise them as the scum of the earth.
Hey BBC, wake up! Do a proper documentary on the lives of the Jews who emigrated to what is now Israel during that period of time and the despicable persecution they suffered at the hands of the Islamic arab scum.
“It does something much worse: this anti-Semitism uses an innocent and peaceful rhetoric to gradually delegitimize the state of Israel and the right of the Jewish people to their own country.”
No more so than Globalists seek to deny the rights of European ethnic groups to our own countries.
Thats what Globalism is – no borders, every country for everyone. Its nothing to do with specific ‘anti-semitism.’
Very inappropriate use of the word ‘conservatism’ in relation to this Trojan Horse story. In fact the BBC is sloppy with this word and its derivatives in general (‘conservative’ being used to describe both the old guard of the Chinese communist part and the ruling party in Iran rendering it meaningless). The word ‘conservative’ implies trying to hold on to a certain (threatened) way of life. It is not appropriate for a group who are trying to disrupt or even ultimately overthrow existing society. I’m not even sure ‘reactionary’ is a good word for Salafists. However I’m pretty sure that ‘social conservatism’ is not a good phrase to describe the outlook of these hardline adherents. ‘Socially conservative’ that would be the Amish perhaps.
btw, Chris Cook was outed here by Pounce yesterday for some gross bias and here he is again, not so much the use of ‘conservatism’ which here isn’t so bad but for crow barring Gove into the headline.
Very inappropriate use of the word ‘conservatism’ in relation to this Trojan Horse story. In fact the BBC is sloppy with this word and its derivatives in general (‘conservative’ being used to describe both the old guard of the Chinese communist part and the ruling party in Iran rendering it meaningless). The word ‘conservative’ implies trying to hold on to a certain (threatened) way of life. It is not appropriate for a group who are trying to disrupt or even ultimately overthrow existing society. I’m not even sure ‘reactionary’ is a good word for Salafists. However I’m pretty sure that ‘social conservatism’ is not a good phrase to describe the outlook of these hardline adherents. ‘Socially conservative’ that would be the Amish perhaps.
You can find the article for yourself under the heading ‘Trojan Horse Report an Unhelpful Epitaph for Michael Gove’
Like much of the controlled media throughout the world, the BBC is running an article on the history of passenger planes that have been shot down (see Yet they have managed to avoid two significant ones: the shooting down of two civilian Viscount aircraft in Rhodesia by terrorists loyal to Joshua Nkomo. In the first one, some passengers survived the initial crash, only to be subsequently butchered by the terrorists. Joshua Nkomo subsequently appeared on the BBC, laughing and denying responsibility. Wonder why the BBC has “forgotten” about this? See and for background information.
“…my starting point is not: ‘what is the best means of funding the BBC given its current remit?’ but rather ‘Is there any remaining justification for a “universal” public service broadcaster at all?’ ”
There has to be some concern that the near exclusive thrust of ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry has thus far been around this former premise almost entirely.
The merest hint of question as to how well it delivers from such largesse has been mostly nipped in the bud.
With luck the droite du seigneur approach by the market second raters may yet derail this steamroller.
May just be worth investing in a wee pack of popcorn to see how this one pans out.
A ‘purposes of..’ FoI exclusion by the BBC refusing to support a BBC market rate claim would be interesting in its impact on already poor credibility.
The BBC making stuff up and using itself to promote it is hardly new in the ‘tell it often enough’ school of propaganda, but even the dimmest denizen of the sofa may find their trust and transparency claims hard to credit.
“makes uncomfortable reading for Birmingham city council as it accuses local politicians and officials of ignoring evidence of extremism for years, repeatedly failing to support bullied head-teachers and putting the need to soothe community tensions ahead of all else.”
That is, the need to appease supremacist Muslims, which apparently trumps all other needs.”
Islamophile BBC … Islamic Trojan Horse.
A “Damning” report, aggressive Islamic attitude, sustained and co-ordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools, segregationist attitudes and hardline practices.
… oh dear … speaks for itself.
Anyone recall BBC consistent fawning, “I wouldn t believe it”, over this chap … nothing to see, no evidence of any conspiracy … even spouting the intentional deceit, the insidious, “tool” of wilful liars, “islamofauxbia” in its reports?
“The chairman of the education trust at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot in Birmingham schools has resigned along with his fellow trustees.”
The bbC instead come out with: The report, revealed in The Guardian, was ordered by the government after claims some Muslim groups were trying to take control in some schools……Birmingham council has released its own report, disagreeing with Mr Clarke.
Really bBC here is How the Guardian which is linked into the bBC article headlines this story: Leaked report reveals ‘aggressive Islamist agenda’ in Birmingham schools
Just what is it about intolerant Islam do the left love, do all Muslims have big dicks , which has all the women and gay men at Al Beeb bending over 5 times a day in which to utter allah ackba as they get their fill?
Do they all have a S&M fetish were they get their Islamic pricks to beat them up.
Or do the wankers at the bBC love the idea of following the codex of a paedophile which allows you to Bugger British Children free from recrimination.
The 150-page Mr Kershaw report found that governors at Trojan Horse-linked Birmingham schools were guilty of ‘serious malpractice’ including campaigns of intimidation and bullying which led to head teachers being forced out. It identified a number of ‘key individuals who are encouraging and promoting certain Islamic principles in schools’.
While not commenting on whether or not the Trojan Horse letter was a hoax, Mr Kershaw did conclude that the conditions for school takeovers as outlined in the letter existed at a number of schools in the East Birmingham area.
He also criticised the city council, Ofsted and the Department for Education for failing to properly monitor and oversee the running of schools – saying they failed to share information and too often focused only on exam performance.
In the report Mr Kershaw said: “In a number of schools relevant to the investigation there have been incidents of governing bodies attempting to, and being successful in removing head teachers or senior members of staff from post or causing disruption to their roles.
“This has been manifested in explicit campaigns to remove specific members of staff, or by the general behaviour of certain governors, or a governing body, to bully or harass a head teacher or seek to remove them without proper process.”
He added that poor governance in the schools was a “result of, at best, poor skills and at worst, serious malpractice”.
“It is clear that in some governing bodies there have been individuals who have rejected responsibility for displaying integrity, objectivity and honesty in all matters related to the governance of a school,” he said.
The report identified the failings by city council staff who tended to ‘shy away’ from challenging governors or tackling complaints for fear of being branded racist. The council has admitted that there is a ‘cultural problem’ which will be tackled.
The report also found that ‘key individuals’ had moved around schools promoting a hard-line Muslim ethos, including segregation of boys and girls, and homophobia, disregarded other faiths and removed sex education and citizenship from the curriculum.
A a press conference Sir Albert said: “I want to apologise to the people of Birmingham for the way the actions of a few, including some within the council, have undermined the reputation of our great city, and particularly the Muslim communities for whom this has raised the spectre of Islamophobia.
“We have previously shied away from tackling this problem out of a misguided fear of being accused of racism.”
But he was also scathing of governors and senior staff in schools who had pushed their narrow ideology, through infiltration, intimidation and bullying – summarised as ‘serious malpractice’ in the report.
“The report highlights the utter disregard for and rejection of the basic principles of public life by some school governors.
“In the recent resignations of governors at Saltley and Park View Academy Trust we have not heard a single apology, nor recognition of any misdemeanor.
So Israel after 2 (yes 2 Ceasefires only it abided by) has said enough is enough and gone into Gaza (Go Israel go) 2OO odd dead and to the bBC this is a human rights crime of the first magtitude and yet:
115 soldiers were murdered outside a gas field in Syria the other day, with 200 still unaccounted for
A woman was stone to death in Syria today.
Over 200 killed in one town in Yemen.
and instead of reporting the above the bBC reports on those poor fucking gazans who breed like rats, live off Aid and lob missiles across the border when they have nothing better to do. Oh yeah as for that so called poor civilian death count..really: Al Jazeera exposes ‘only women and children killed in Gaza’ as a myth
If those evil Joos who are bombing innocent Pallies would cut off their food supplies instead, the death rate would decrease. The Joos are over feeding the Pallies and creating an obesity epidemic. The BBC need to get their nutritional experts out there fast.
No wonder they can’t waddle out of the way when the counter strikes are coming…or maybe they are too busy eating to read the pamphlets that Israel drops.
I know it`s Biased BBC-but maybe we need an Index to see whether it is the BBC or the evil Channel 4 that actually IS more Biased.
Jon Snow said that Israel would now be doing its worst(well, words to that effect!) now that the worlds attention is being focused on the Ukraine and that plane.
This was used to set up tonights show-I turned off immediately, especially when they wondered whether the “cure for AIDS was on that plane”.
Disgusting trivialising of all those deaths-according to Channel 4 , being a footy fan or an AIDS conference delegate makes you “ubermenschen” they`ll single your death as being more sad and tragic than the others on the passenger list.
Oh and need I add?…that the Malaysian authorities or the “lack of communications” are being cited as the real tragedies…keeps us all from prying into those good rebels and their convoluted links with either Russia or the EU.
Well-for 24 hours, Israel have not been blamed…imagine the liberals are already working on that though.
Am also surprised that ISIS/Taliban haven`t claimed the credit for this atrocity…don`t they usually do so when it comes to whitey?
Very off topic, and nothing to do with the BBC but two questions keep recurring in my mind-
1. How long will it be before airline companies are required to publicise their route in advance, and
2. How long can Malaysian Airlines continue in business? Maybe they are state owned but any other airline company with this kind of (short-term) track record must be counting its days. Lockerbie finished of Pan-Am after all?
Still many unanswered questions on both tragedies, but the short answer sadly suggests that an airline brand seldom recovers well from such things… especially if there remain too many unanswered questions.
The view around the region does not see MAS recovering.
ChrisH I’ve been saying this for years regards the vile far-left Muslim Channel 4. It’s an Islamic extremist propaganda program, nothing to do with news.
‘5Live Breakfast’s Rachel Boredom is at Camp Bastion the UK’s biggest military base in Afghanistan which was once home to 30,000 people’ yadda yadda yadda
‘It’s hot and dusty’. Apparently. And ‘Rache’ has been on that 3 day media training course that at great expense to us teaches the droids to wave their arms around a lot.
I believe I’ve pointed out before that under its ‘cuts’ Droidland has had to keep some pretend lid on salaries. A lid it circumvents by sending salary-capped presenters on 5 star front-of-plane jollies laughingly described as ‘programmes’.
And in case you didn’t know, Camp Bastion is ‘kina big’.
Watching BBC4s “tributes” to the guitar riff as well as the 80s.
Who else could forget the roles of Billy Bragg and the Runaways in making the 80s and the guitar riff indispensable?
And there was me thinking that Led Zeppelin and Prince might have been more typical?
Not a bit of it-Lauren Laverne etal tell me that we were all in Red Wedge, supporting miners and CND…and Heart were the band that gave us the riff!
Thanks BBC….I may have been there, but Laverne will read out the preferred BBC version of history.
Best I document this now-for any alternative versions will not be allowed for much longer at the BBC, I`m sure.
Watching the repeat now , I wondered ,who the bint was doing the narration , they should have Leona Graham do it, if it has to be a rock chick .But she is Absolute, & too intelligent for al bbc .
The most important local ‘news’, according to bBBC Northwest Tonight, is that a homosexual journalist was one of those killed on MH17. Half of tonight’s ‘news’ bulletin was devoted to a stream of others from the ‘community’ saying what a nice ‘man’ he was.
No, I think Old Goat is in a sunny south of France and was commentating on the beautiful sea: he was saying ‘beau mer’ but of course it should be belle mer 🙂
Personal abuse as usual from the loony trolls.
I’m sorry that you don’t understand that this is a website about BBC bias: what galled me was that the BBC think that the death of one of their colleagues and fellow-homosexuals is more important than all yesterday’s other northwest news put together.
And they use our money, from the compulsory TV-tax, to push their own agenda.
Bless. You complain about what you see as personal abuse from me, but are typically silent when your fellow travellers say and do far worse.
Typical Biased BBC hypocrisy: anybody who stands up to your prejudice metes out personal abuse – people who share your prejudice get away with whatever they like. And the sad little cowards with no standards trespass on the moral high ground as ever.
Still, your post provides amusement for the few witless souls who think making comments about me compensates for their own inadequacy, so I’m sure you must be proud for that (very) small achievement.
Its an interest in the Arts identifies people as prejudiced and biased, not being gay, that’s why I have only ever seen the gay UKIP MEP David Coburn on Russia Today, because the arts people at the BBC support Labour or the Greens. If people at the BBC where more intelligent and impartial, they would be more interested in the factual world of science and maths, and therefore not so prejudiced, biased and left-wing.
i again feel i must appologise on behalf of the gay community for Scotts rantngs. Its irrelevant that this poor chat who was killed on this flight was gay, he was just another victim.
His sexuality shouldnt of even been mentioned by the BBC who constantly tries to make gay ppl a treasured minority when all gay ppl want is to be treated normally and left to blend in with the rest of society
Its irrelevant that this poor chat who was killed on this flight was gay
Quite. Indeed, the only mention within the online report is a reference to the partner he leaves behind.
I suspect Grebe-Strebeling is making far more of his sexuality because that gives him something to carp about. It’s a tactic straight from the Alan/David Vance playbook: lie about the content of a BBC report so there’s something to whine about. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that having to exaggerate to the point of falsehood weakens what little argument they may have. They’re too busy being disgusted with their own fictional construct to engage with the truth.
Well, Scott, what does the ‘online report’ you cite have to do with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s citing of what he saw on BBC Northwest Tonight’s programme ?
I don’t live in the Northwest of England, and suspect you probably don’t either, so why accuse him of lying about a report you probably haven’t even seen, so can’t actually comment on ?
As for the BBC obituary industry, it eulogises about any past or present BBC employee who dies, to the exclusion of other, REAL news, and news important to the listeners, not some lengthy obit to fraternal friends of the BBC.
Well, Scott, what does the ‘online report’ you cite have to do with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s citing of what he saw on BBC Northwest Tonight’s programme ?
It’s all we have to go on, as the local news reports don’t show up on iPlayer.
Forgive me if I don’t take the word of a pseudonymous idiot who gets put out because a news report mourns the death of a gay man. Biased BBC commenters lie, lie and lie again – and then get put out when people don’t believe them. Boo hoo.
Yet more personal abuse from the usual source.
I agree that the man’s sexuality should have had nothing to do with the newsworthiness of reporting his death. But to the BBC, his sexual choices – emphasised by the people they interviewed – were the key point of their Northwest Tonight report. If he had been heterosexual, and hadn’t worked for the BBC in the past, they wouldn’t have thought it was the top ‘news’ story.
That is the BBC’s bias, and that is why this is worthy of comment on this biased-BBC blog.
Oh, I see – just because you didn’t see it, it must be a lie ? I have explained my own experience of BBC’s extensive obits regarding past and present ‘colleagues’, which Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s initial post refers to – and if the man’s sexuality was of no importance, then why was it ever brought up on the programme, either directly or indirectly – as it obviously was, otherwise Sir Arthur might never have known about his sexuality.
And, by the way, what was that you were saying previously about ad-hominem attacks and global attacks on groups of people ?
If you are so put out by such things, why do you commit the same sins – for example the egregious global attack on everyone who posts on this web-site ? e.g. “. Biased BBC commenters lie, lie and lie again ……”
And just as a small aside, since you are a quite frequent commenter here – I therefore have to assume you are a self-confessed serial liar !
And, by the way, what was that you were saying previously about ad-hominem attacks and global attacks on groups of people ?
Oh sorry, I forget: it’s okay to make blanket statements about gays, “the left”, “Beeboids”, how all Muslims are terrorists, all immigrants are thieves.
But how DARE I suggest that there is commonality between a group of people who lie on the internet day after day for everybody to read! The very idea!
Maybe there is a difference. Maybe my low opinion of the pseudonymous little men on Biased BBC has been built up from years and years of reading bilge that they have written. Maybe if my prejudice was pure fantasy, maybe if I made up content to back it up – maybe you’d accept it then?
If you’re so upset at people making assumptions, why do you stay so silent when your sad little friends do it? Why is lying for the sake of being a sad, unfulfilled little bigot on the internet okay with you?
Bless, Scott (to use one of your favourite infantile attempts at superiority). Throwing a tantrum at me for pointing out your hypocrisy, ad hominem comments, assumptions, blanket assertions without foundation, etc., etc., whilst complaining about others offering the same contempt for you and those you support, clearly displays the complete paucity of any reasoned arguments in your comments here.
Anyone who had an ounce of sense, who was so offended at comments on a screen, would simply avoid the site. But some seem to be either so drawn to, or driven to, the site despite the clear contempt in which they are held, that there must be a very strong ulterior motive for doing so. Perhaps the suspicions about yourself and your motives for posting here are true.
So what you’re saying is that nobody should ever challenge Biased BBC commenters who are liars, impersonators and hypocrites?
That if a Biased BBC commenter who has been asked why he’s lying, or why he ignores bad behaviour from a regular commenter, the questioner should just leave instead of getting an answer?
I feel sorry for you that you don’t have an answer for your own behaviour, and would just rather be left alone so that you and the other sad, embittered old bigots who make up the core of Biased BBC’s little clique can make up nonsense and be bitter old men together. I’m sure you’d love to drive away every dissenting voice – after all, if all that were left on Biased BBC were the numpties, it’s be that much easier to convince yourself that your fictions were true, wouldn’t it?
But go you. Don’t bother explaining why you let lying old bigots get away with murder, but go for the jugular when anybody stands up to them. We’ll just assume that either you’re a snivelling little coward who’s too timid to stand up against bigotry, or you want the space and freedom to lie and defame others too.
I bet that makes you feel proud, doesn’t it? That the only way you and other Biased BBC commenters can feel better about themselves is to behave in a manner which adults would reprimand their children for? You poor, poor man.
Precious, just a word of advice. This is a public site, and you have the right to air your views. You can complain all you like about specific views of other commentators, but you are a total hypocrite if you complain about other peoples’ behaviour and do the same thing yourself. And boy, did the ad-hom memo you keep sending out miss your mailbox. With no evidence whatsoever, you have called me a liar, bigot, old and bitter. Given that one essence of a bigot is that they hold attitudes about others with no evidence to support their views, then everyone can draw their own conclusion as to who is the bigot here. So far I have called you no worse than a hypocrite and provided you with evidence of your hypocrisy. Your defence to that is to throw out all sorts of unsubstantiated insults. Do grow up, and grow a pair (of brain cells) – that’s the behaviour of an 11-year old.
“you have called me a liar, bigot, old and bitter”
Well, if you can demonstrate why you’re not like the rest of Biased BBC commenters, if you can explain why you turn a blind eye to Biased BBC commenters’ lies and bigotry, maybe you can convince me that you’re not part of the problem.
Until then, as you seem so insistent on ignoring the issue of why so many Biased BBC commenters, including yourself, ignore bad behaviour by others to focus on lesser behaviour by me and others, I’m just going to have to make assumptions as to the cause of your hypocrisy. And if you don’t like the conclusions I’m forced to come to, there’s one thing you can do – explain why you ignore bad behaviour when it comes from Biased BBC’s regulars. Or is that too difficult for you?
As I thought, Scott – no answer to the point I made about the lack of evidence for any of your name-calling assertions about me. Typical of your ilk. Just say the same things, but slightly differently when caught out. I don’t have to prove anything to you. I have clearly demonstrated your hypocrisy, your bigotry, and your name-calling without foundation.
Try acting like an adult for once, and, when called out, back up your claims with evidence of your assertions – about my being a bigot, for instance. The problem for you is that you can’t – and it’s crystal clear to everyone that you can’t. All you can do is raise straw men and then try to hang them on me. Tough. Any intelligent person can see through that sort of trick, and won’t fall for it. Stop resorting to the sorts of response anyone would expect from a whining 11-year-old who can’t get his own way.
“Richard”, it’s good to see you repeating the same arguments back at me that I’ve been making towards Biased BBC’s liars and bigots for ages now. I suspect they won’t respond to you by faking accounts under your name, insulting your photo, swearing at you, and otherwise conducting personal abuse that – shock horror! – people like you become blind to.
And yet you still try and claim the moral high ground. Why is that? When you are so selective that you attack me but ignore everybody else, why should I think of you as anything other than a hypocrite?
And yet again, another tirade, with no evidence to back up any of your claims that I am old, bitter, bigoted or hypocritical. All you can do, apparently, is criticise me for not criticising others for behaving in the same way as you. Well, if I get into an argument with anyone else behaving like you have, I certainly will call them out too. However, I am not the guardian of this board, and if you have bones to pick with others – that’s your problem. I have nothing I need to prove to you.
But you then kicked off and made this personal, not me. From the very beginning of this thread, I gave you MY reasons for agreeing , at least in part, with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling.
Since then, I have had nothing from you but a torrent of abuse and name-calling with absolutely no evidence to substantiate anything you are saying. In the absence of any such evidence, I now have to add ‘liar’ to the characteristics of hypocrisy and bigotry I have amply proved you to display.
I will not, despite any further name-calling or abuse from you, respond any further on this particular topic, it is obvious you can neither debate in a reasonable fashion, nor have you the grace to admit you have been unable to verify any of the claims you have made about me.
You really need to grow up and disabuse yourself of this childish, abusive, approach you think passes for adult debate.
Just watched the weather forecast …more exceptional thunderstorms excessive heat yada yada…….Anyone care to place a bet how long it will be before the morons trot out the climate change pyromaniacs again ?
They don’t need to, OB, because now whenever torrential rain is forecast the Met Office issue an AMBER WEATHER WARNING, which the BBC illustrates on your screen with a massive yellow and black triangle with a huge exclamation mark in the middle. Funny, in the sixties I swear that was reserved for an imminent Soviet nuclear strike.
Ah, well – gone are the days when your mum just used to say ‘I think you’d better take yer pacamac, luv’.
An Amber Weather warning, eh? In the words of Private Fraser ‘We’re DOOMED!’
Oh yes and to stop being doomed, you little people need to vote Labour/Green/LibDem.
Saw that from my very pleasant heatbase in south west France, and had a little chuckle. The more I see of British weather reports in the news, and “forecasts”, the more patronising and “alarming” they appear to be. Are the majority of British listening/viewing folk kindergarten children, one wonders? The Blue Peter style presentations would suggest so. Yesterday some lisping idiot called Schafernacker, or something, was telling us all that the night-time thunder could be “very loud”, for Chrissakes. It’s laughable. Whatever happened to the grown-up weather broadcasts of old? And whilst I’m at it – the “Farming” programme before the “Today” nonsense – why is it all about environmentalism, sustainability, eco this and organic that? It sickens me, it really does.
Once you know the bias is there you listen out for an agenda – and they have plenty – in every programme they broadcast. They rarely fail to disappoint.
Nah – the Rossi Ice cream parlour on the seafront will rescue the population, like it has in years gone by. They do an excellent Lemon Ice if you’re in the area btw!
Heat Alert?? .Here in South East France I find that cool. I find BBBC weather reports more of a comedy programme than anything else. Here comes Nanny BBBC to tell you how to survive the nasty Climate Change.
The BBC live in a different age – you know, sometime well before Brits started to go on holiday in the height of summer to the likes of Greece, Turkey and Spain, where they bask in 40 degrees plus.
The BBC doesn’t do morals any more – so don’t expect Charles to appear on the BBC any time soon. They will be going back to Paul Krugman, no doubt – without mentioning that he is now making what looks like an ignominious exit from Princeton University
INBBC propagandises currently about an Islamic jihadist in a Muslim family who has left his base in Belgium and become an Islamic jihadist in Syria (on its ‘Middle East’ pages).
But INBBC censors reports on real victims of Islam, such as Christians-
“Islamic State to Christians: Convert to Islam, pay jizya, or die”
By Robert Spencer.
“Will Muslim spokesmen denounce this call as un-Islamic, or remain silent about it? I’m betting the latter, in light of passages like these that make it clear that the Islamic State’s call is in complete accord with the Qur’an and Islamic law:
“ ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued’ (Qur’an 9:29).”
Why I bother with Newsnight is a mystery Once a week I indulge.
Tonight it is banging on about immigration and unless you are deaf you could not fail to get the message- Fine and lets have a lot more of it and so what if the indigenous don’t like it we know best because we are really intelligent and really really nice people.
Economics as usual. It is the only argument they have got.
I would like to hear the liberal opinion on whether it is a good thing for London and other major cities to become colonised to the extent that the English inhabitants are rapidly becoming a minority.
How long before London is say 75% majority minority. It is already heading towards 50%.
This is the major issue of our time and is ignored.
I used to think that besides being thick the liberal was a lying toerag wilfully ignoring reality to force through his agenda.
Not so sure now.
I think the liberal is incapable of looking into the future. Instant gratification and instant emotion is his thing. A liberal would never plant an orchard or really consider how his actions affect the flow of the generations. The liberal does not create anything that is intended to last. Full of words and noise is the liberal but vapid .You find them in the arts ( performing mainly) and the talking professions including the media and politics.
A useless bunch who have bought and are bringing harm to England. The BBC is infested with them and it shows. Newsnight is exactly what I mean.
Islam Not BBC, embedded with Islamic interests in rapidly Islamising Birmingham, appears to think that Muslim opinions are all that count, and that non-Islamic concerns on Islamic infiltration issues in U.K education don’t count, as shown in INBBC video clip here:-
“‘Trojan Horse’ report finds ‘aggressive Islamist ethos’ in schools”
How much attention will INBBC give to the related problems of Islamisation in London schools, as reported today by ‘Daily Express’?-
“EXCLUSIVE: Senior Islamic leaders gain governor role in London schools.
“Senior members of an Islamist group that David Cameron and former Labour leader Tony Blair wanted banned have secured potentially influential positions as governors at London schools.”
Newsnight – agree with Dave S the piece on immigration was terrible – and had to endure a 10 minute interview with lefty Vince Cable in which Kirsty Squalk attacked him from the even harder left.
The anti-Putin bias on the MH17 disaster was also attrocious. IMHO it’s ridiculous to call it a ‘terrorist attack’ cos whoever fired the rocket almost certainly thought they were attacking a military target – not slaughtering women and children. For me 90% of the blame must rest with whoever told the flights it was safe to fly through a warzone where military planes were regularly being shot down and both sides were armed with BUK missiles that could reach 70,000 ft. And they could have followed up on why BA were allegedly avoiding the airspace while others weren’t. IMHO that’s the scandal.
I have to agree with Chris, that the UK media is operating a disinformation campaign, although it was a breath taking shock to hear the BBC talking about not having seen such propaganda since WWII coming from Russia !
No one seems to have been prepared to explain Vladimir Putins point that the country at war still controls its airspace and could if it so wished divert commercial aviation away from conflict zones. The Ukrainian government failed to alert the airline to these areas of risk and therefore has to bear at least some responsibility.
For years, airlines have been flying over countries where there are minor armed conflicts, and they will continue to do so. What was not anticipated was that a major world power would arm its people embedded in another country’s ‘insurgents’ with weapons capable of knocking down a civilian flight at more than 32,000 feet. Any aircraft at that height were infinitely more likely to be civilian carriers than war-planes attacking a very small part of a country.
It’s also disingenuous to claim, for instance, that the Ukrainians must have targeted this aircraft, mistaking it for Putin’s personal plane because of the paint job being similar to a Malaysian Airlines aircraft – after all, why on earth would Putin be flying over Ukraine if he’s so convinced that flying over a conflict zone just shouldn’t happen ? Equally – how could the people firing the rocket even begin to visually identify any aircraft by its paint job at 32,000+ feet, before launching a missile at it ?
And let me get this other Russian claim straight – if any country has an internal dispute, then it is significantly at fault if, for instance, a neighbouring state, not at war with the country being over-flown, just fancies taking a pot-shot at any civilian aircraft over next-door’s airspace ? Really ?
Jeez – we probably have to ban flying anywhere near the middle East or Africa.
We can all reach our own conclusions as to the merits of Putins claims, however the point of this is that the BBC is as ever giving a distorted picture because it doesn’t like one of the people involved.
The pro Muslim BBC is reporting that Christians are being targeted in Mosel and told that they either have to convert, or pay a ‘special tax’ or face the sword.
There is absolutely no attempt to explain that this is completely in accordance with the teachings in the Quran, and that Muslims here would likely do the same given the chance.
No mention that the ‘special tax’ more like a special phrase to disguise the evil of Islam is in fact the Jizya, and has been levied throughout Islam’s history.
It’s a complete disguise, weighted to make it appear that this is the action of extremists and not the mainstream view of Muslims in the UK as well.
No mention of Dhimmitude, or those Muslim countries practicing it today – such as Pakistan where the top of the hierarchy of isms come from.
‘Jihadwatch’ explains this Islamic exterminating violence against Christians by referring to the tenets of Islam:-
“Islamic State marks Christian homes in Mosul”
By Robert Spencer.
“They are marking the Christians’ homes with a ن, a nūn for Nasara, which is the Qur’an’s word for Christians: Nazarenes. Probably they are doing this so that they can know from which houses to demand the jizya, the tax that the Qur’an demands that the subjugated People of the Book pay in the Islamic state: ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued’ (Qur’an 9:29).”
In their blinkered and secure little bubble of a world BBC staff have probably never heard of Jizya or Dhimmitude because their understanding of Islam begins and ends with ‘Horrible Histories’.
We can certain that it would have been more news worthy to the BBC if a Brit had refused to serve halal meat to a Muslim. In fact the BBC would no doubt be calling for the full force of the anti white racist laws to be used against anyone who dared to do that.
The BBC crapping a brick about this disgraceful example of how our spineless and big sissy establishment has let these medieval Koran-bashers into our education system…
I hope I’ll see Hope Not Hate and UAF out protesting against what is real a very real threat of fascism; but, no. They only protest against the voiceless white working class folk. The BBC luvvies will be phoning mummy and daddy for advice on our to placate these ‘tolerant’ Muslim enrichers.
“…extremism went unchecked because the council “disastrously” prioritised community cohesion over “doing what is right”.”
Who could have seen that as a consequence?
Well, other than any such as the BBC would have hung out to dry for even thinking cautionary thoughts out loud?
I do have a slight concern still though with such as ‘doing what is right’.
As the BBC showed with 28Gate and Hugs and her suits’ wagon-circling, there are some oddly shy folk still around who feel they know better ‘what is right’ but prefer they and their decisions remain their little secret.
“There WAS deliberate, sustained action to introduce Islamic ethos into Birmingham schools, says former counter-terror chief – but the council’s own report still doesn’t accept there was a Trojan Horse plot”
“We do not need an over-reaction. This is not a criticism of the Islamic faith, but of a narrow current within it.”
Russell Hobby – General secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers
Although reported by, the this is not from the BBC
the fix is in, overt protectionism?
…. the danger glaringly obvious? … not just in Bham, in London Leicester, Bradford, Oldham etc?
This is not one or two “conservatives”, “radicals”, “strict” or any other diversionary name, is it?
The warning sign, the blatant red flag is there …
All children need strong concerted protection,
from this abhorrent backwardness? … muslim children as well.
Politicians, need to act now, time to wake up and smell the coffee, just as the population already has.
… Islam IS the Trojan Horse …..
The problem is folks is that we’ve become weak and passive; as a nation, we’ve been largely brainwashed into docile submission by the bland X Factor deadhead pop culture and hyperconsumption… the culture of addiction where we must have it all NOW! Having a glass of wine every night whilst watching some prat flambe a cranberry tartlet on Master Chef has become more pressing than getting out and protesting over a fascist ideology hellbent on taking over. The government have us just where they want us: submissive zombies throwing petals and singing Kumbaya in a delirious state of self-indulgence.
Aw c’m’on, Master Chef is the best comedy on the BBC.
There’s nothing to beat some spotty oik dropping his collapsed souffle on the floor, bursting into tears, and sobbing ‘boohoo, I hope Greg and John can see my potential boohoo’.
Though somebody in full howl and a finger hangin on by skin being ambulanced off to A&E thirty seconds after saying ‘I’m looking forward to showing John and Greg my knife technique’ comes a close second.
I like Greg his only claim to fame is that he sold veg in London. Same as the hundreds of other TV personalities only famous because they are from London, Essex or the South East. Stacy Dooley a prime example. Contributes nothing the the programme other than crying at people worse off than her, making them even more pissed off than before she turned up.
Oh dear I made the mistake of watching the music program on BBc last night. Some program about guitar riffs. Watching it as with so many BBc programs I became aware it was documenting some strange parallel universe where things were similar to what I have know, experienced and seen but somehow subtlety different. For an example whilst a fan of My bloody valentine, it’s not a band I would put as a leading example of riff driven music. The hand of BBc agenda was all over it. So who was the commentator through this strange journey of a subject I’ve known well for the past 40 years or so. Yes none other than Lauren Lavern.
Did I say bias towards My bloody valentine? I don’t think I did. I thought it odd to include a shoegazer band when the sound of the genre is defined as a wall of guitar effect sound in a program about guitar riff driven songs. See it’s relatively simple isn’t it? For those unsure about the shoegazer genre check out you tube I’m sure there will be video of Swervedriver, Ride Slowdive & My Bloody Valentine etc.
Have commented on this one elsewhere I think.
Who else associates rock riffs with those timeless classics we all know from Heart and from The Runaways?
None of that Led Zep,, Slash or Keef crap!
See-women did it all!
And-had you seen the show previous?…you`d now know that Billy Bragg and all those other Gauloise Gauleiters of anti-Thatch stuff(like the mighty Style Council and Robert Wyatt) seem to have dominated the Eighties in terms of pop music…no Madonna, no Prince or U2.
Oh God-don`t tell them about Sunday Bloody Sunday will you?
As for Lauren Laverne…Kenickie changed MY life…and yours too, which is why she knows so much about pop history.
I know quite a bit about it actually, Dave as I write about music and the evolution of pop culture. No need for YouTube. A lot of the programme’s subtext was about changes of tonality and what the guitar was capable of and that wall of feedback was the driver of much of the alternative scene before giving way to the retrograde Britpop, which largely harked back to the 60’s formula. I have no idea how any of that could demonstrate bias. If you didn’t like the music, well that is wholly subjective.
‘A lot of the programme’s subtext was about changes of tonality and what the guitar was capable of and that wall of feedback was the driver of much of the alternative scene….’
Sounds about as far away from a riff as you can get.
No you see you are still having a problem aren’t you. NOTE I said I am a fan of My bloody valentine. If we want to get into bragging rights. I used to dj in a rock club (a proper one not a scout hut)which also hosted live music. I also used to have a radio show during which I played a number of shoegazer bands. So I also know a fair bit about musical history having 38 years of seeing live bands. The statement stands, it was billed as a program about riff driven music not what a guitar can do. Don’t even get me started on Britpop as I am friends with several members of Britpop bands. Still what do I know?
Yesterday morning on the main BBC Breakfast programme, they had some ‘expert’ on to tell people how to stay safe in this heatwave – which is insulting enough as it is, after the woman had given some advice, the presenter Naga Munchetty asked her if there was any extra advice because it’s ramadan, yes said the woman, there’s a page on our NHS website that deals with those people who are fasting during a heatwave. Unbelievable.
Not connected with the BBc but similar in nature, Many years ago we were given an ethnic diversity questionnaire at work. Assuming this to be part of a positive discrimination exercise many of us promptly consigned this to file 13 (the bin) we had been assured this was all in strictest confidence. So imagine our suprise when a couple of weeks later what did all of the non-conformist get yes a duplicate form with a letter informing us that our forms had not been received. Closer inspection revealed that our staff numbers were actually printed on the forms. The point being that equal opportunities means just that not trying to gather information for the purpose of introducing quotas and favoring one group over another just for the purpose of politics.
Our forms where anonymous. Some joker ticked the Black box, and another joker in a neighbouring office also ticked the Black box.
This got the administrators exited, but we did think we managed to persuade them that we did not have any blacks, and that we suspected who the jokers were.
But the experience shows that there must be lots of white people who pretend to be ethnics, and its also hard to convince the race obsessed lefty loons to believe this possibility.
I never filled in my Census Form, but I was tempted to write that I was a black muslim disabled lesbian in a wheelchair with 7 kids, since that’s the demographic the government wants in the country.
This all to do with Diversity and getting a proper balance of staff as I understand it that reflects the modern community.
If gays make up two per cent of the population, then surely the repeat this week of QI with Stephen Fry and Sandy Tosfig should have had an additional 99 blokes and 99 females!
So for every two gays panellists News readers, actors, show hosts the BBC must have 98 non gays. it doesn’t matter if the non gay recruits are useless and not a patch performance wise on any of the gays, quotas and PC direct they must be hired by the BBC, This after all is the rationale behind recruiting EMB and females to replace white heterosexual men.
According to the 2001 Census white English men make up 42% of the population, do you see that percentage presenting BBC News programmes? No, but never mind, the emphasis is always on the supposed lack of females. Bit like teachers in Primary schools.
They are only interested in superficial ‘diversity’. They may well want to employ blacks, muslim women, whoever, whatever. but only if their political views are the same as the BBC’s. Despite their legal obligation to do so, they have little interest in promoting real, i.e. political, diversity.
Yes, in parallel with Juncker’s European federalising project, the political left, inc Beeboids, have an active political agenda to colonise British society by continuing mass immigration from Islamic and other countries.
Once again the BBC trick of having a Miliband speech/policy (with big photo and several sub links) dominating the Politics page (even linked to from the main page!…i.e. so important in the world to be among the main stories there!)
1. The continued reticence of the BBC to identify the Russian-led and -supported terrorists in Donetsk as having fired a missile at Malaysian Airlines flight 17…. and, of course, the continued doubt expressed about the downing of the aircraft as having been caused by a missile at all.
2. The absolute certainty, almost instantly expressed, when regurgitating Hamas claims regarding Israeli actions as being the deliberate targeting and killing of women, children and civilian males.
I have noticed this and although I generally tend to support Russia this latest action is contemptible.
The very best you can say is that it is the all to common military cock up. Give lethal weapons to trigger happy lunatics and things go badly wrong.
If I were Russia I would come down very hard on these idiots. As to why civilian planes are flying over a dangerous war zone words fail me. Cock up again is the best interpretation.
BBC not being open about a now deceased political paedo: Don’t mention Labour
Not a mention of the party he belonged to. BBC must think the photo of him in establishment wig is enough to make a link with Tories, for the reader.
Why isn’t the BBC directly reporting this statement from a TOP IDF source (extracted from a Times of Israel live-blog on Gaza) :
“Hamas leaders hiding under Gaza City hospital, says IDF official”
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Major General Yoav Mordechai says Hamas leaders are hiding in bunkers under the Shifa hospital in Gaza City and that one of them even made use of an ambulance to leave.
In an interview with BBC in Arabic picked up by Israel Radio, Mordechai adds that senior Hamas military wing official, Marwan Issa, is hiding in a home with children, using them as human shields.
-……and on the second para – why isn’t the BBC directly reporting that it has confirmation that Hamas is also hiding in a children’s home – and that it actually revealed this (inadvertently?) on its own Arabic service.?
It is deliberate bias for the BBC to hide these key facts, facts which should affect anyone’s view of the conflict.
There is already a long list of BBC transgressions on the current situation – the situation of the past month or so. Hamas looks to be wanting to hold out, ignoring Egypt and angling for support from Turkey and Qatar who are asking for Israel to accept impossible conditions. The longer it all goes on, the more the IDF will damage Hamas terrorist capacity and the more huge tunnels will be exposed.
Also, the longer Hamas holds out and refuses any ceasefire, the longer the rap-sheet against the BBC becomes. Against the BBC collectively, and against specific BBC “journalists”.
Only way to find out his party is to read the provided headlines for coverage of the story by other news outlets.
Now admittedly the speaker is technically neutral so there’s a small amount of defence there, but he had a VERY long career and wasn’t the speaker for the majority of it.
He`d been a LABOUR MP since the mid-40s.
And had been elected as a Labour candidate, even when serving as Speaker.
All too obvious that , had he been a Tory MP: the BBC would sure as hell have included it in their report.
But-being a Viscount and an MP-he`s a Tory toff as far as Joe Public is concerned…and the BBC hope that is the case.
Especially as he was still a Labour minister at the time of the alleged offence (55 year old assaulted at age 9 = 46 years ago ie 1968. Secretary of State for Wales 1968-1970)
The BBC is playing the sympathy card all the time over the evacuation of civilians from areas in Gaza that the IDF has now moved into. Estimates of some 40,000 being put up at UN schools etc.
Hold on – 40,000 is about 3% of the total population of Gaza. Why aren’t the rest of the Gazans taking these people into their homes ? Don’t they have any relatives, work colleagues, for instance ?
Hamas has deliberately closed all the banks in Gaza for about a fortnight now. This is obviously making it very difficult for people to get food if they don’t have cash. That is another card designed to elicit ignorant sympathy – and hostility towards the Israelis.
Like so many problems in Gaza – Hamas causes the problems deliberately, the BBC plays along with this whole propaganda scam and tries to blame the Israelis.
And if any mention is made of a “blockade” – it is always Israel that is doing the blockading, not the Egyptians. Egypt today turned away a big protest convoy from entering .Gaza – no report by the BBC. The BBC so seldom mentions that border restrictions are the direct result of the need to protect against past proven Hamas terrorism.
How rabid can Mulism get ? Erdogan of Turkey has just said that Israel’s actions in Gaza are surpassing Hitler.
That will get an audience across the Arab world – where the Sunnis are split now between Egypt versus all the states that go along with the Muslim Brotherhood. No doubt the BBC will see fit to broadcast Erdogan’s filth on their Arabic service.
A one-off special to herald the start of the Commonwealth Games.
Some of the nation’s best-loved presenters – Clare Balding, Denise Lewis, Anita Rani, Dan Snow and Reggie Yates – travel around the globe to enjoy free holidays at your expense while pretending to be making a programme’
Fingal’s Cave
The Namib Desert
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Victoria Falls
Funny that the Commonwealth is a liberal embarrassment, and mocked by the BBC etc-until the Great God Sport comes along, and there`s a TV documentary to be made.When these things happen-the guilt trips about colonialism, empire shamings, slavery…the damn Queen being Head of it, and being regarded as something positive-soon get filed at the back of the bin.
As do the air miles and carbon footprint.
Chancers, graspers and opportunist parasites-our BBC….working for Anjem 24/7
Fiordland in New Zealand is at the foot of South Island – fiords and beautiful mountains and lakes. It would take a decent film editor about a day to track down lots of lovely video of the area. Maybe pay a Kiwi to present it
There is no need whatsoever to send a BBC team over there at fifty times the cost – and probably less effect. I would rather have a Kiwi explain about the open spaces there than some boring BBC turn.
Elves as bent as nine-bob notes, and Frodo and Sam staring longingly into one another’s eyes before sauntering off into the car park at the back of The Barley Bree.
Never mind all that – there must be so much stock footage of the Fjordland area of New Zealand (I agree, an area of immense natural beauty), that there would be absolutely no need whatsoever to shoot any more.
And, given the BBC’s continual carping hypocrisy about everyone else creating carbon dioxide ‘pollution’, leading to global warming (or not, as reality indicates), it beggars belief that they want to create even more for so little return. But I guess that a free jolly for the BBC twitterati trumps any silly argument about CO2.
Oh wait, is that the squalling cry of the lesser-bollocked Harrabin I hear….. no, thought not !
Good to see they’ve reflected the population makeup of the country in that team of presenters (42% whit males as noted above). Are white males invisible or something, or are are the BBC just racist? Surely not, it must be that white males make for terrible presenters.
I think it was Pounce who was asking why we have not seen any brave Hamas fighters in their uniforms.
Some of them were out in uniform today – trying to get into Israel via a tunnel, aiming to kill or kidnap. Trouble was – they were wearing IDF uniforms.
‘Leila White, an art history student at King’s College…’ – tells you everything you need to know about the type of person jumping on the anti-Semitic lefty bandwagon. Fatty bum Abbott was there also… probably a few BBC types also!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) : more uncritical Islamisation propaganda tonight by INBBC’s smiley Ms Linda Yueh on expansion of Islamic, sharia-compliant banking.
“UK: Fears of ‘Islamophobia’ gave Islamic supremacists free rein in schools”
By Robert Spencer.
“’Islamophobia’ is a propaganda term that Islamic supremacists and Leftists skillfully deploy in order to intimidate people into thinking that there is something wrong with opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression. This is a prime example of how it works, making timid and cowed British officials too afraid to oppose the spread of the teaching of Sharia norms inimical to human rights in Birmingham schools.”
What is being overlooked or quite deliberately ignored is the obvious fact that these schools are presumably monocultural and monoracial.
Quite how the liberal is going to be able to explain this is beyond me.
It would suggest that separate communites are now well established and that this is something most people can live with including the minority ethnic population.
If this is repeated throught the country and I suspect it probably is or well on the way to being so then multiculturalism has failed and the liberal fantasy is dead.
Reality is so inconvenient.
Several times today, on both radio and TV, I heard the same clip when some Beeboid airhead was ‘doing a piece’ on a neighbourhood somewhere in Holland from where a local family had been killed in the Malaysian Airlines massacre.
I could not believe I heard the airhead say something to the effect that ‘some people’ might wrongly think that the Dutch hadn’t been really affected by the issue because there was no general upwelling of public grief, wailing, gnashing of teeth, garment-rending and self-immolation in sympathy. (Well, maybe that’s just a tad exaggerated at the end, but you will get the drift).
Tony Blair and his ‘People’s Princess’ crap, the demands for our queen to display her grief in public on the issue, the hordes of hysteria-driven public emotional outpourings, all have a lot to answer for.
Kids died when I was at school, families lost their breadwinners in mining accidents, but the general public did not need an army of counsellors, psychiatrists and med-evac teams as they seem to do these days – and contrary to all popular belief, nobody was ‘repressed’ simply because they had no need of such support.
But today, and on all these other days, the BBC is right in there, coaxing and possibly even, by the implied peer pressure, coercing people to ‘let it all out’.
Sorry for pricking your bubble on this, but it’s a little like saying the lads who fought in WWI were all soft for getting shell shock, after all in every conflict before they didn’t and no one helped them!
Indeed this attitude at the beginning of was did prevail, and we shot our own brave soldiers simply for them suffering mental breakdowns.
Just because at the time you’re talking about there was no therapy or counselling services doesn’t mean that the people involved didn’t suffer any kind of symptoms, they almost certainly did, and they almost certainly were forced to hide them.
Mental conditions are often side lined as some how being less important than the physical, I can’t imagine anyone writing a piece like yours on the subject of heart bypass operations which were equally unavailable at the time.
On the other hand I do see a total over the top hand wringing by the BBC as ever !
You’re not pricking any bubbles, Thoughtful. Of course, I recognise that people have feelings and some (but only some) have to deal with mental issues when bereaved. But in reality, in the days I was talking about, this was limited to close family and friends, since they at least had some intimate knowledge of the deceased. I really don’t believe you can even begin to compare someone suffering from shell-shock, or even any generic mental health sufferer with what I am talking about – it’s a completely over-the-top (if you’ll pardon the pun) comparison. The issue I have a problem with is the required universality of the ‘outpouring of grief’. The heart bypass operations comment is even less relevant.
I don’t know about yourself, but when I was at school, other than my close neighbours, I knew few of the other schoolkids who were in other classes or years at school.
Nowadays, if something happens to a schoolchild, it seems that every kid in the school is claimed to be prostrate with grief, along with their parents, few of whom have probably had any meaningful personal contact whatsoever with the deceased they are deemed to be mourning. It’s beginning to move towards mass hysteria – well-fueled by the media, and not inconspicuously by the BBC. And if mass counselling and support is required, it is perhaps not inconceivable that this is the direct result of hysteria being whipped up by those whom it serves well.
For the BBC these days, anything short of the mid-eastern ululating, grief-stricken parade, with a cast of thousands, seems to imply that we are not mourning enough.
In fact most armies shot their own soldiers, it was the common (and obvious considering the circumstances) punishment. That said “Between 1914 and 1918, the British Army identified 80,000 men with what would now be defined as the symptoms of shellshock.” but in total only 306 were shot…maybe ‘pour encourager les autres’ but no doubt some were genuine ‘cowards’ without shellshock or other excuse (needless to say no doubt a large majority were suffering).
The tiny number shot (and very few after 1916, even mutineers) reflects well on our services.
At Stalingrad both the Nazis and Commies spent a lot of ammunition murdering anyone thought to be weakening. We rescued our men at Dunkirk and called it a victory!
Not just at Stalingrad in the case of the Soviets, (not sure about the Germans) whose casualties at the hands of Beria and their own side (c.600,000 + and most of them without any sort of trial or tribunal) were actually higher than the entire British or American WW2 death tolls.
Several times today, on both radio and TV, I heard the same clip when some Beeboid airhead was ‘doing a piece’ on a neighbourhood somewhere in Holland from where a local family had been killed in the Malaysian Airlines massacre.
I could not believe I heard the airhead say something to the effect that ‘some people’ might wrongly think that the Dutch hadn’t been really affected by the issue because there was no general upwelling of public grief, wailing, gnashing of teeth, garment-rending and self-immolation in sympathy. (Well, maybe that’s just a tad exaggerated at the end, but you will get the drift).
Tony Blair and his ‘People’s Princess’ crap, the demands for our queen to display her grief in public on the issue, the hordes of hysteria-driven public emotional outpourings, all have a lot to answer for.
Kids died when I was at school, families lost their breadwinners in mining accidents, but the general public did not need an army of counsellors, psychiatrists and med-evac teams as they seem to do these days – and contrary to all popular belief, nobody was ‘repressed’ simply because they had no need of such support.
But today, and on all these other days, the BBC is right in there, coaxing and possibly even, by the implied peer pressure, coercing people to ‘let it all out’.
As ever, the global media estate now obsessed with content, ratings and/or opportunity to pack the airwaves with agenda has thrown sensitivity and tact to the winds.
A community suffers tragedy and seeks no more than deal with it quietly and in dignity amongst themselves.
This us clearly not on.
So the BBC, amongst others as if that atones, makes a bee-line to where not invited or wanted to intrude with what they demand be shared.
Like the perverse logic of some Flokkers here, it seems failure to broadcast emotion or opinion to satisfy the public forum is deemed unacceptable and to be called out.
Interestingly, though I seldom read much into BBC FaceBook page commentary, they may possibly have been discomfited by a clear global distaste for their evident lack of concern or compassion in trying to file a story, any story, to justify their career commitments.
A silly article. The BBC is the enemy of democracy and , like the Guardian , has an editorial policy that ensure strict conformity with orthodox liberal left establishment views.
Contrast this with the Telegraph that published articles such as the one above and the leftist view of Mary Riddell to keep us entertained.
“most people in every poll overwhelmingly back the BBC?”
Not one to take polls from any quarter too credibly, but since you say ‘every poll’:
There was another, more recent, featured here that suggested even less support as the BBC’s self-destructive arrogance accelerates.
Or did you mean polls you like?
If so, the tell it often enough section of the cubicle gardens beckon.
One might task the BBC to explain in more detail the self-boosting, internally-commissioned pr they punt out to explain how they think they are so loved, but often one runs into problems in this regard if answers don’t suit.
And there’s always pretending things never existed if things get especially tricky…
“How come most people in every poll overwhelmingly back the BBC?”
Because they are never explained an alternative. They think of their local BBC station or the afternoon play or a choice of music, or a soap opera or comedy show etc: they never think of the grossly biased news entity that DOES NOT adequately or impartially report the news. If they were asked keep the service but ditch the news it would be a bit different.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
It looks like survival of Harrabin and the BBC is dependent on censorship of Journalism as well as censorship of politicians, scientists, science and scientific debate. As well as censorship of anyone who may disprove BBC beliefs that some people deny that the climate changes or that the academic advisory council of the GWPF is full of scientists who want to destabilise a censored debate, which is over.
I think investigations into the BBC’s environmental activists will find that the Tyndall Centre, Grantham Institute and the BBC all now seek to censor the debate, but the GWPF has got Professor Henrik Svensmark on its advisory council, so he can explain why the world hasn’t got any warmer in 17 years. That’s one piece of evidence for BBC censorship.
Horizon: What’s Wrong with Our Weather? BBC 2. Helen Czerski and John Hammond investigated why the British weather appears to have become more extreme and if it has anything to do with climate change.
The BBC/Met Office ignorance or censorship was.
(1) Climate change meant global warming not a change in weather trends.
(2) A change in weather trends originated in the Indonesian floods not the speed of plasma on the Sun or a new Hale magnetic Solar cycle.
(3) All proven Computer model predictions have proved to be wrong, and therefore must be censored, but the head of the Met office thinks that they are perfect and are the greatest achievement of mankind, the Met office needs more money for even bigger super computers, so as to produce even more convincing Fraser-Steel-facts? about the future.
(4) Arctic amplification, is caused by ice albedo changes, not clouds trapping heat. Rubbished by Astronomers because calculations show this cannot cause the ice ages, because the Sun hardly shines on polar Ice (that is how it remains Ice) and not at all in the Polar winter.
(5) Sudden Stratospheric warming was mentioned, but not its causes.
The Met Office seems to be catching up with Weatheraction, but is still far behind, Weather from the Sun was first postulated two hundred years ago when William Herschel tried to prove the price of grain was inversely correlated with the sunspot number, which was subsequently proven. So you can see how far behind Weatheraction, the BBC/Met Office is when it comes to Meteorology.
Global Warming, extreme weather change, holes in the ozone layer? – Male bovine excrement!
Lets be really honest about this. The biggest threat to the environment of this country (GB), is immigration, Why? More and more of our green field land is being used up to provide housing for the expanding population and more demands on our utilities, schools and hospitals etc etc. Previous governments, Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems. have done nothing to abate the tidal surge of the people coming to live here. They are all to blame and do not listen to the people of this nation. Remember this at the next general election.
No bias because I can’t see a report anywhere !!!!! The BBBC must hate the French , they’ve just banned any Pro-Palestinian marches. Living in France just gets better and better. No walking Letterboxes and now this. I feel the urge to sing “Heaven , I’m in Heaven”
they managed this but failed all the riots (important for British travellers surely?) earlier this week.
I keep thinking to myself, just wait until muslim violence affects enough bbc staff personally then they’ll change their tune. But in fact, I think they’ll adopt a Stockholm syndrome and find limitless excuses for whatever happens to them. Socialists, of which the bbc is a hive, have a warped view of the world, in my opinion, and I’m not sure where they get it. Nature or nurture; there are so many from so diverse a background that I think it must be primarily nurture; so what are they being fed or taught in early life that results in such a demented relationship between them and normal people? islam is the cause for muslims, but that can’t explain the same behaviour in socialists/communists/fascists/greens/marxists etc.
No, in their case it is just naïve stupidity and infantilism, John. They don’t ‘get’ the problem with Islam and they won’t – unless and until we see a load of Mosques springing up in Hampstead, and the quaint, plaintive cry of the muezzin on Primrose Hill.
They get the problem, all right. It just suits them to appear niave
Look at Frank Gardener, put in a wheelchair by Al Quaeda terrorists, yet his so-called friends and colleagues still present them as the real victims in this mess. You must wonder how he feels in the morning tone meetings.
Mind you, he is ex-British Army, so they no doubt saw him as a legitimate target
Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner. I have no sympathy for the guy. He is a victim of his own single minded left wing belief that Islam is a religion of piece. He still spouts that crap today.
Where do they get it John? Education is where, and the longer they are in the education system the more Marxist indoctrination they will get. The BBC bunch are bound to have been to university where the liberal ideas are thoroughly entrenched, not just here but throughout most of the Western world. But it’s more insidious and evil even than just being fed the distorted propaganda – if they don’t regurgitate it in their exams and assignments they won’t pass!! Howzat for a game, set and match to the liberal left!
Sadly, that’s not the case. The powers that be here in France have suspended the ban on wearing Muslim headscarves on a particular beach. Here’s a link:
As for banning pro-Palestinian marches, I have not seen any references to that.
You may well feel like singing “Heaven, I’m in Heaven.” And who could blame you?
Just don’t start singing, “The sun has got his hat on…”
sir albert bore the labour leader of birmingham city council has just been on bbc news to apologise for ignoring these muslim extremists in the trojan horse birmingham plot peddling there hate and extremism in these birmingham schools because him and the labour council was frightened of being accused of racism and islamphobia,was a grubby little coward sir albert bore and the labour party are for ignoring this problem that is in fact encouraged racists and fascists within these schools to implement there sick and racist islamist ideology on schoolchildren.just sickening is birmingham labour controlled council.
Crossing the thin line between criticism and anti-Semitism, courtesy of Twitter.
So many people around the world lost their lives in armed conflicts, but all eyes are on Israel, which is often being compared to the Nazis. This is where criticism becomes anti-Semitism.
In the past couple of weeks, hundreds of people died in Yemen, as a result of clashes between the Yemeni army and Shi’ite Muslim fighters. As of the beginning of the week, the death toll in syria’s civil war stands on 170,000, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. As of yesterday, the death toll from a suicide car bombing in Afghanistan’s eastern Paktika province has climbed to 89, with more than 40 people wounded. Meanwhile,all eyes are on Israel, where the army responds to more than 1,000 missiles fired at civilians by a terror organization operating in Gaza (with the support of another terror organization operating from Lebanon.) In 8 days, about 200 Gazans who were used by Hamas as human shields, and one Israeli who went to deliver food to soldiers on the Gaza border line – lost their lives.
As countless people over the world lose their lives to terror organizations, world leaders and celebrities choose to criticize the Israeli government, or, if they don’t have time to use their heads, simply Tweet #FreePalestine. To top that, the U.N Human Rights Committee also neglects all other areas in the world, and spend their meetings condemning Israel.
How come people who consider themselves human rights activists put all their efforts on the West Bank/Gaza “occupation,” when in the rest of the world far more terrible things happen? How come the Israeli army, which takes measures in avoiding civilian casualties and keeps Israel’s border crossings to Gaza open for medical supplies, humanitarian aid and other goods to be transferred to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, is being condemned more than other armies around the world, butchering civilians without even blinking? How come Israel is the only state being often compared to Hitler’s Germany?
There is an answer to this. When people say it, they are being criticized for hiding behind cheap excuses, but sometimes it is simply the way it is. When people criticize Israel for violating human rights without criticizing any other government doing so – it is anti-Semitism. When people accuse Jews of acting like Hitler – it is anti-Semitism, point blank. Not all people saying those things are aware of their statements anti-Semitic reek, but like any other type of racism, it comes from a small, dark place we sometimes can’t even notice.
This anti-Semitism is not direct and straight forward. It does not compare Jews to vermin or directly ask people to carry on Hitler’s legacy. It does something much worse: this anti-Semitism uses an innocent and peaceful rhetoric to gradually delegitimize the state of Israel and the right of the Jewish people to their own country. It creates hatred toward the Jewish people as a whole by modernly turning us into a villain of some sort. With a fair share of lies a peaceful rhetoric, “the Israeli Jew” becomes a person to blame for all the world’s suffering, and the Holocaust turns into an event that is only second to what the Palestinians are going through nowadays.
Not to say Israel can’t be criticized. It can and it must, like any other country on this planet, but a line must be drawn. If Israel and Israel alone is being criticized for doing something that happens in other places at a much larger scale, it is not criticism and not “human rights caring.” Just watch how gradually the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack goes hand in hand with the hashtag #HitlerWasRight…
There was an insight to this mindset earlier in the week when an anti-Israeli poster told us the Jews drove the Palestinians’ from their own land to create the state of Israel, a land where ‘the Palestinians had lived for thousands of years’.
When faced with such profound ignorance (or dissembling, whichever it is) – and you would guess from the bile you hear on the BBC and elsewhere that it is pretty widespread – it is hardly surprising there is such a large pro-‘Palestinian’ bias in the country. The BBC does its bit to sustain this situation by never, ever giving the historical context to the current situation, and never challenging the ignorance and historical revisionism that’s spouted ad nauseam throughout the length and breadth of its news media.
Time was, every child in Britain would pick up the history as a by-product of daily Morning Assembly, where the relationship of the Jews to Israel is clear from so many parts of the Bible and in hymns. And every child would receive at least the basic ideas of Christian morality. Many of us did not continue any active religion – but we had absorbed the tenets of Christianity which are the base of Western civilisation.
The BBC is plenty happy with the dilution of any such heritage, even its “religious affairs” output is bringing in alien religions far too frequently. And the BBC openly admits that it is happy to attack Christianity fiercely – but shies away from any kind of attack on alien religions.
My wife and I had a very special Israeli guest at out home this week…She is in her eighties and told us over a cup of tea that her family came to ‘Palestine’ in the late 1800’s She remembers her father telling her the story, very much like Mark Twain, they found the land barren, empty and devoid of people. It was only when the Jews starting clearing the land and create employment that Arabs started to arrive to seek work. Interestingly it was the Jews who called themselves and became Palestinians the
‘Palestinians’ Arabs refused to do so calling themselves just Arabs..
Of course. Both my parents, both Jewish, were born in Palestine around the same time Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt. But do I count as ‘Palestinian’?
This and more: the UN defines a Palestinian as anybody resident in Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, and this is the basis for counting Arab Palesintians, but not Jews.
What the BBC will never tell you is the indisputable fact that Jews are prohibited BY LAW from being citizens of the Palestinian Authority. Isn’t this relevant in the face of all those screaming ‘Apartheid’ at the wrong side?
The same could be said about South Africa exactly the same happened there!
The British historian, Martin Gilbert has written extensively about this in an excellent series of books.
It was from his writings that I learnt about early Jewish settlers arriving in the area in the late 19th and early 20th century.
They would buy tracts of land that were either barren or mosquito infested swamps from unscrupulous Arabs who sold the land at grossly inflated prices.
By sheer hard work these settlers changed the landscape into fertile, arable land.
The greed of the Arabs took hold and there were many instances of Jewish settlers either being driven from the land that they had purchased and transformed, or slaughtered.
I have said here before that, having lived and worked amongst Arabs in the Middle East during the 70s I found them to be an utterly reprehensible and disgusting group of people. I loathe and despise them as the scum of the earth.
Hey BBC, wake up! Do a proper documentary on the lives of the Jews who emigrated to what is now Israel during that period of time and the despicable persecution they suffered at the hands of the Islamic arab scum.
“It does something much worse: this anti-Semitism uses an innocent and peaceful rhetoric to gradually delegitimize the state of Israel and the right of the Jewish people to their own country.”
No more so than Globalists seek to deny the rights of European ethnic groups to our own countries.
Thats what Globalism is – no borders, every country for everyone. Its nothing to do with specific ‘anti-semitism.’
An excellent post jackde with incisive points.
Very inappropriate use of the word ‘conservatism’ in relation to this Trojan Horse story. In fact the BBC is sloppy with this word and its derivatives in general (‘conservative’ being used to describe both the old guard of the Chinese communist part and the ruling party in Iran rendering it meaningless). The word ‘conservative’ implies trying to hold on to a certain (threatened) way of life. It is not appropriate for a group who are trying to disrupt or even ultimately overthrow existing society. I’m not even sure ‘reactionary’ is a good word for Salafists. However I’m pretty sure that ‘social conservatism’ is not a good phrase to describe the outlook of these hardline adherents. ‘Socially conservative’ that would be the Amish perhaps.
they always do that, any chance they get.
btw, Chris Cook was outed here by Pounce yesterday for some gross bias and here he is again, not so much the use of ‘conservatism’ which here isn’t so bad but for crow barring Gove into the headline.
Very inappropriate use of the word ‘conservatism’ in relation to this Trojan Horse story. In fact the BBC is sloppy with this word and its derivatives in general (‘conservative’ being used to describe both the old guard of the Chinese communist part and the ruling party in Iran rendering it meaningless). The word ‘conservative’ implies trying to hold on to a certain (threatened) way of life. It is not appropriate for a group who are trying to disrupt or even ultimately overthrow existing society. I’m not even sure ‘reactionary’ is a good word for Salafists. However I’m pretty sure that ‘social conservatism’ is not a good phrase to describe the outlook of these hardline adherents. ‘Socially conservative’ that would be the Amish perhaps.
You can find the article for yourself under the heading ‘Trojan Horse Report an Unhelpful Epitaph for Michael Gove’
Like much of the controlled media throughout the world, the BBC is running an article on the history of passenger planes that have been shot down (see Yet they have managed to avoid two significant ones: the shooting down of two civilian Viscount aircraft in Rhodesia by terrorists loyal to Joshua Nkomo. In the first one, some passengers survived the initial crash, only to be subsequently butchered by the terrorists. Joshua Nkomo subsequently appeared on the BBC, laughing and denying responsibility. Wonder why the BBC has “forgotten” about this? See and for background information.
Going well so far, after a cracking start from Mr. Heath.
Lord Pantone’s next outing with the DCMS will be interesting.
Even the Labour committee members may grasp that the elite patronising the poor in such a way may not play as well as it used to.
“…my starting point is not: ‘what is the best means of funding the BBC given its current remit?’ but rather ‘Is there any remaining justification for a “universal” public service broadcaster at all?’ ”
There has to be some concern that the near exclusive thrust of ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry has thus far been around this former premise almost entirely.
The merest hint of question as to how well it delivers from such largesse has been mostly nipped in the bud.
With luck the droite du seigneur approach by the market second raters may yet derail this steamroller.
If the BBC were a bank, there would be constant cries from the left to have it broken up.
If the BBC was a dog it would be shot as the rabies-like symptoms throughout the Corporation are now too clear.
May just be worth investing in a wee pack of popcorn to see how this one pans out.
A ‘purposes of..’ FoI exclusion by the BBC refusing to support a BBC market rate claim would be interesting in its impact on already poor credibility.
The BBC making stuff up and using itself to promote it is hardly new in the ‘tell it often enough’ school of propaganda, but even the dimmest denizen of the sofa may find their trust and transparency claims hard to credit.
“makes uncomfortable reading for Birmingham city council as it accuses local politicians and officials of ignoring evidence of extremism for years, repeatedly failing to support bullied head-teachers and putting the need to soothe community tensions ahead of all else.”
That is, the need to appease supremacist Muslims, which apparently trumps all other needs.”
Islamophile BBC … Islamic Trojan Horse.
A “Damning” report, aggressive Islamic attitude, sustained and co-ordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools, segregationist attitudes and hardline practices.
… oh dear … speaks for itself.
Anyone recall BBC consistent fawning, “I wouldn t believe it”, over this chap … nothing to see, no evidence of any conspiracy … even spouting the intentional deceit, the insidious, “tool” of wilful liars, “islamofauxbia” in its reports?
“The chairman of the education trust at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot in Birmingham schools has resigned along with his fellow trustees.”
“Leaked report reveals ‘aggressive Islamist agenda’ in Birmingham schools”
BBC 😀 … Trojan Horse chairman … ‘not sinister’
and still tonight BBC 5Live News the same Islamophilia.
… beneath contempt.
I too have noticed how the bBC have instead of reporting the real story here:
‘We’re sorry’ Council leader admits staff ignored Trojan Horse issue for ‘fear of being accused of racism’
The bbC instead come out with:
The report, revealed in The Guardian, was ordered by the government after claims some Muslim groups were trying to take control in some schools……Birmingham council has released its own report, disagreeing with Mr Clarke.
Really bBC here is How the Guardian which is linked into the bBC article headlines this story:
Leaked report reveals ‘aggressive Islamist agenda’ in Birmingham schools
Just what is it about intolerant Islam do the left love, do all Muslims have big dicks , which has all the women and gay men at Al Beeb bending over 5 times a day in which to utter allah ackba as they get their fill?
Do they all have a S&M fetish were they get their Islamic pricks to beat them up.
Or do the wankers at the bBC love the idea of following the codex of a paedophile which allows you to Bugger British Children free from recrimination.
The bBC. the traitors within our midst.
The 150-page Mr Kershaw report found that governors at Trojan Horse-linked Birmingham schools were guilty of ‘serious malpractice’ including campaigns of intimidation and bullying which led to head teachers being forced out. It identified a number of ‘key individuals who are encouraging and promoting certain Islamic principles in schools’.
While not commenting on whether or not the Trojan Horse letter was a hoax, Mr Kershaw did conclude that the conditions for school takeovers as outlined in the letter existed at a number of schools in the East Birmingham area.
He also criticised the city council, Ofsted and the Department for Education for failing to properly monitor and oversee the running of schools – saying they failed to share information and too often focused only on exam performance.
In the report Mr Kershaw said: “In a number of schools relevant to the investigation there have been incidents of governing bodies attempting to, and being successful in removing head teachers or senior members of staff from post or causing disruption to their roles.
“This has been manifested in explicit campaigns to remove specific members of staff, or by the general behaviour of certain governors, or a governing body, to bully or harass a head teacher or seek to remove them without proper process.”
He added that poor governance in the schools was a “result of, at best, poor skills and at worst, serious malpractice”.
“It is clear that in some governing bodies there have been individuals who have rejected responsibility for displaying integrity, objectivity and honesty in all matters related to the governance of a school,” he said.
The report identified the failings by city council staff who tended to ‘shy away’ from challenging governors or tackling complaints for fear of being branded racist. The council has admitted that there is a ‘cultural problem’ which will be tackled.
The report also found that ‘key individuals’ had moved around schools promoting a hard-line Muslim ethos, including segregation of boys and girls, and homophobia, disregarded other faiths and removed sex education and citizenship from the curriculum.
A a press conference Sir Albert said: “I want to apologise to the people of Birmingham for the way the actions of a few, including some within the council, have undermined the reputation of our great city, and particularly the Muslim communities for whom this has raised the spectre of Islamophobia.
“We have previously shied away from tackling this problem out of a misguided fear of being accused of racism.”
But he was also scathing of governors and senior staff in schools who had pushed their narrow ideology, through infiltration, intimidation and bullying – summarised as ‘serious malpractice’ in the report.
“The report highlights the utter disregard for and rejection of the basic principles of public life by some school governors.
“In the recent resignations of governors at Saltley and Park View Academy Trust we have not heard a single apology, nor recognition of any misdemeanor.
So Israel after 2 (yes 2 Ceasefires only it abided by) has said enough is enough and gone into Gaza (Go Israel go) 2OO odd dead and to the bBC this is a human rights crime of the first magtitude and yet:
115 soldiers were murdered outside a gas field in Syria the other day, with 200 still unaccounted for
A woman was stone to death in Syria today.
Over 200 killed in one town in Yemen.
and instead of reporting the above the bBC reports on those poor fucking gazans who breed like rats, live off Aid and lob missiles across the border when they have nothing better to do. Oh yeah as for that so called poor civilian death count..really:
Al Jazeera exposes ‘only women and children killed in Gaza’ as a myth
If those evil Joos who are bombing innocent Pallies would cut off their food supplies instead, the death rate would decrease. The Joos are over feeding the Pallies and creating an obesity epidemic. The BBC need to get their nutritional experts out there fast.
The greedy, fat fu*kers.
No wonder they can’t waddle out of the way when the counter strikes are coming…or maybe they are too busy eating to read the pamphlets that Israel drops.
I know it`s Biased BBC-but maybe we need an Index to see whether it is the BBC or the evil Channel 4 that actually IS more Biased.
Jon Snow said that Israel would now be doing its worst(well, words to that effect!) now that the worlds attention is being focused on the Ukraine and that plane.
This was used to set up tonights show-I turned off immediately, especially when they wondered whether the “cure for AIDS was on that plane”.
Disgusting trivialising of all those deaths-according to Channel 4 , being a footy fan or an AIDS conference delegate makes you “ubermenschen” they`ll single your death as being more sad and tragic than the others on the passenger list.
Oh and need I add?…that the Malaysian authorities or the “lack of communications” are being cited as the real tragedies…keeps us all from prying into those good rebels and their convoluted links with either Russia or the EU.
Well-for 24 hours, Israel have not been blamed…imagine the liberals are already working on that though.
Am also surprised that ISIS/Taliban haven`t claimed the credit for this atrocity…don`t they usually do so when it comes to whitey?
Very off topic, and nothing to do with the BBC but two questions keep recurring in my mind-
1. How long will it be before airline companies are required to publicise their route in advance, and
2. How long can Malaysian Airlines continue in business? Maybe they are state owned but any other airline company with this kind of (short-term) track record must be counting its days. Lockerbie finished of Pan-Am after all?
Back on topic…
Still many unanswered questions on both tragedies, but the short answer sadly suggests that an airline brand seldom recovers well from such things… especially if there remain too many unanswered questions.
The view around the region does not see MAS recovering.
ChrisH I’ve been saying this for years regards the vile far-left Muslim Channel 4. It’s an Islamic extremist propaganda program, nothing to do with news.
Hear a few days ago on Radio 4 (paraphrased, except for bold which is actual): ‘Hamas launch rockets at Israel every couple of years or so……’
I think it was a BBC correspondent, but couldn’t be absolutely sure.
Whatever, no attempt was made to correct the biased idiot. Attacks by year:
‘5Live Breakfast’s Rachel Boredom is at Camp Bastion the UK’s biggest military base in Afghanistan which was once home to 30,000 people’ yadda yadda yadda
‘It’s hot and dusty’. Apparently. And ‘Rache’ has been on that 3 day media training course that at great expense to us teaches the droids to wave their arms around a lot.
I believe I’ve pointed out before that under its ‘cuts’ Droidland has had to keep some pretend lid on salaries. A lid it circumvents by sending salary-capped presenters on 5 star front-of-plane jollies laughingly described as ‘programmes’.
And in case you didn’t know, Camp Bastion is ‘kina big’.
anwileyeron I heard precisely 5 words this week from the Toady Programme and these were:
‘… inflation rising faster than wages’.
I suppose if I’d bothered to stop and listen I might also have heard…
‘…created a million new jobs in the past year.’
But I didn’t bother.
Watching BBC4s “tributes” to the guitar riff as well as the 80s.
Who else could forget the roles of Billy Bragg and the Runaways in making the 80s and the guitar riff indispensable?
And there was me thinking that Led Zeppelin and Prince might have been more typical?
Not a bit of it-Lauren Laverne etal tell me that we were all in Red Wedge, supporting miners and CND…and Heart were the band that gave us the riff!
Thanks BBC….I may have been there, but Laverne will read out the preferred BBC version of history.
Best I document this now-for any alternative versions will not be allowed for much longer at the BBC, I`m sure.
Watching the repeat now , I wondered ,who the bint was doing the narration , they should have Leona Graham do it, if it has to be a rock chick .But she is Absolute, & too intelligent for al bbc .
Couldn’t we add : dire straits, mike oldfield, chris rea, the eagles for beautiful guitar riffs?
This Merle Haggard classic sums up my feelings towards the self-loathing middle class left/BBC:
‘They love our milk and honey but they preach about some other way of livin’
Huh? Why would Al-Beebia make you think of that?
I have no idea who you mean, but you’re probably a Nazi anyway, just for thinking whatever it is,.
The most important local ‘news’, according to bBBC Northwest Tonight, is that a homosexual journalist was one of those killed on MH17. Half of tonight’s ‘news’ bulletin was devoted to a stream of others from the ‘community’ saying what a nice ‘man’ he was.
Oh dear – I think you just laid a baited trap for our bespectacled jug-eared troll…
No, I think Old Goat is in a sunny south of France and was commentating on the beautiful sea: he was saying ‘beau mer’ but of course it should be belle mer 🙂
Quite so.
And of course, this came to mind :
Bring it on.
How dreadful for you, to be subjected to the realisation that gay people can be respected by others.
What galls you more, that he was gay or that he garnered the sort of respect that you don’t?
Personal abuse as usual from the loony trolls.
I’m sorry that you don’t understand that this is a website about BBC bias: what galled me was that the BBC think that the death of one of their colleagues and fellow-homosexuals is more important than all yesterday’s other northwest news put together.
And they use our money, from the compulsory TV-tax, to push their own agenda.
Bless. You complain about what you see as personal abuse from me, but are typically silent when your fellow travellers say and do far worse.
Typical Biased BBC hypocrisy: anybody who stands up to your prejudice metes out personal abuse – people who share your prejudice get away with whatever they like. And the sad little cowards with no standards trespass on the moral high ground as ever.
Still, your post provides amusement for the few witless souls who think making comments about me compensates for their own inadequacy, so I’m sure you must be proud for that (very) small achievement.
Its an interest in the Arts identifies people as prejudiced and biased, not being gay, that’s why I have only ever seen the gay UKIP MEP David Coburn on Russia Today, because the arts people at the BBC support Labour or the Greens. If people at the BBC where more intelligent and impartial, they would be more interested in the factual world of science and maths, and therefore not so prejudiced, biased and left-wing.
I am in its sister organisation Densa
i again feel i must appologise on behalf of the gay community for Scotts rantngs. Its irrelevant that this poor chat who was killed on this flight was gay, he was just another victim.
His sexuality shouldnt of even been mentioned by the BBC who constantly tries to make gay ppl a treasured minority when all gay ppl want is to be treated normally and left to blend in with the rest of society
Its irrelevant that this poor chat who was killed on this flight was gay
Quite. Indeed, the only mention within the online report is a reference to the partner he leaves behind.
I suspect Grebe-Strebeling is making far more of his sexuality because that gives him something to carp about. It’s a tactic straight from the Alan/David Vance playbook: lie about the content of a BBC report so there’s something to whine about. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that having to exaggerate to the point of falsehood weakens what little argument they may have. They’re too busy being disgusted with their own fictional construct to engage with the truth.
Well, Scott, what does the ‘online report’ you cite have to do with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s citing of what he saw on BBC Northwest Tonight’s programme ?
I don’t live in the Northwest of England, and suspect you probably don’t either, so why accuse him of lying about a report you probably haven’t even seen, so can’t actually comment on ?
As for the BBC obituary industry, it eulogises about any past or present BBC employee who dies, to the exclusion of other, REAL news, and news important to the listeners, not some lengthy obit to fraternal friends of the BBC.
Well, Scott, what does the ‘online report’ you cite have to do with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s citing of what he saw on BBC Northwest Tonight’s programme ?
It’s all we have to go on, as the local news reports don’t show up on iPlayer.
Forgive me if I don’t take the word of a pseudonymous idiot who gets put out because a news report mourns the death of a gay man. Biased BBC commenters lie, lie and lie again – and then get put out when people don’t believe them. Boo hoo.
Yet more personal abuse from the usual source.
I agree that the man’s sexuality should have had nothing to do with the newsworthiness of reporting his death. But to the BBC, his sexual choices – emphasised by the people they interviewed – were the key point of their Northwest Tonight report. If he had been heterosexual, and hadn’t worked for the BBC in the past, they wouldn’t have thought it was the top ‘news’ story.
That is the BBC’s bias, and that is why this is worthy of comment on this biased-BBC blog.
Oh, I see – just because you didn’t see it, it must be a lie ? I have explained my own experience of BBC’s extensive obits regarding past and present ‘colleagues’, which Arthur Strebe-Grebling’s initial post refers to – and if the man’s sexuality was of no importance, then why was it ever brought up on the programme, either directly or indirectly – as it obviously was, otherwise Sir Arthur might never have known about his sexuality.
And, by the way, what was that you were saying previously about ad-hominem attacks and global attacks on groups of people ?
If you are so put out by such things, why do you commit the same sins – for example the egregious global attack on everyone who posts on this web-site ? e.g. “. Biased BBC commenters lie, lie and lie again ……”
And just as a small aside, since you are a quite frequent commenter here – I therefore have to assume you are a self-confessed serial liar !
He’s not even the real Scott.
I, TRUE Scott have no avatar, and certainly not one that could be pasted on top of the biscuit tin to stop the kids from nicking them.
“I am true and he is not:
Bugger off Imposter Scott.”
And, by the way, what was that you were saying previously about ad-hominem attacks and global attacks on groups of people ?
Oh sorry, I forget: it’s okay to make blanket statements about gays, “the left”, “Beeboids”, how all Muslims are terrorists, all immigrants are thieves.
But how DARE I suggest that there is commonality between a group of people who lie on the internet day after day for everybody to read! The very idea!
Maybe there is a difference. Maybe my low opinion of the pseudonymous little men on Biased BBC has been built up from years and years of reading bilge that they have written. Maybe if my prejudice was pure fantasy, maybe if I made up content to back it up – maybe you’d accept it then?
If you’re so upset at people making assumptions, why do you stay so silent when your sad little friends do it? Why is lying for the sake of being a sad, unfulfilled little bigot on the internet okay with you?
Maybe if my prejudice was pure fantasy – It is.
maybe if I made up content to back it up – You do.
maybe you’d accept it then? -That’ll be a ‘no’ then.
Bless. Does that make you feel slightly better? A little bit less inadequate? Good.
Any more likely to treat Biased BBC commenters who agree with your own bigotries to those who stand up to them? No, thought not.
Biased BBC: where intellectually deprived hypocrites stick together, because they find company better than honesty.
Bless, Scott (to use one of your favourite infantile attempts at superiority). Throwing a tantrum at me for pointing out your hypocrisy, ad hominem comments, assumptions, blanket assertions without foundation, etc., etc., whilst complaining about others offering the same contempt for you and those you support, clearly displays the complete paucity of any reasoned arguments in your comments here.
Anyone who had an ounce of sense, who was so offended at comments on a screen, would simply avoid the site. But some seem to be either so drawn to, or driven to, the site despite the clear contempt in which they are held, that there must be a very strong ulterior motive for doing so. Perhaps the suspicions about yourself and your motives for posting here are true.
So what you’re saying is that nobody should ever challenge Biased BBC commenters who are liars, impersonators and hypocrites?
That if a Biased BBC commenter who has been asked why he’s lying, or why he ignores bad behaviour from a regular commenter, the questioner should just leave instead of getting an answer?
I feel sorry for you that you don’t have an answer for your own behaviour, and would just rather be left alone so that you and the other sad, embittered old bigots who make up the core of Biased BBC’s little clique can make up nonsense and be bitter old men together. I’m sure you’d love to drive away every dissenting voice – after all, if all that were left on Biased BBC were the numpties, it’s be that much easier to convince yourself that your fictions were true, wouldn’t it?
But go you. Don’t bother explaining why you let lying old bigots get away with murder, but go for the jugular when anybody stands up to them. We’ll just assume that either you’re a snivelling little coward who’s too timid to stand up against bigotry, or you want the space and freedom to lie and defame others too.
I bet that makes you feel proud, doesn’t it? That the only way you and other Biased BBC commenters can feel better about themselves is to behave in a manner which adults would reprimand their children for? You poor, poor man.
Precious, just a word of advice. This is a public site, and you have the right to air your views. You can complain all you like about specific views of other commentators, but you are a total hypocrite if you complain about other peoples’ behaviour and do the same thing yourself. And boy, did the ad-hom memo you keep sending out miss your mailbox. With no evidence whatsoever, you have called me a liar, bigot, old and bitter. Given that one essence of a bigot is that they hold attitudes about others with no evidence to support their views, then everyone can draw their own conclusion as to who is the bigot here. So far I have called you no worse than a hypocrite and provided you with evidence of your hypocrisy. Your defence to that is to throw out all sorts of unsubstantiated insults. Do grow up, and grow a pair (of brain cells) – that’s the behaviour of an 11-year old.
“you have called me a liar, bigot, old and bitter”
Well, if you can demonstrate why you’re not like the rest of Biased BBC commenters, if you can explain why you turn a blind eye to Biased BBC commenters’ lies and bigotry, maybe you can convince me that you’re not part of the problem.
Until then, as you seem so insistent on ignoring the issue of why so many Biased BBC commenters, including yourself, ignore bad behaviour by others to focus on lesser behaviour by me and others, I’m just going to have to make assumptions as to the cause of your hypocrisy. And if you don’t like the conclusions I’m forced to come to, there’s one thing you can do – explain why you ignore bad behaviour when it comes from Biased BBC’s regulars. Or is that too difficult for you?
As I thought, Scott – no answer to the point I made about the lack of evidence for any of your name-calling assertions about me. Typical of your ilk. Just say the same things, but slightly differently when caught out. I don’t have to prove anything to you. I have clearly demonstrated your hypocrisy, your bigotry, and your name-calling without foundation.
Try acting like an adult for once, and, when called out, back up your claims with evidence of your assertions – about my being a bigot, for instance. The problem for you is that you can’t – and it’s crystal clear to everyone that you can’t. All you can do is raise straw men and then try to hang them on me. Tough. Any intelligent person can see through that sort of trick, and won’t fall for it. Stop resorting to the sorts of response anyone would expect from a whining 11-year-old who can’t get his own way.
“Richard”, it’s good to see you repeating the same arguments back at me that I’ve been making towards Biased BBC’s liars and bigots for ages now. I suspect they won’t respond to you by faking accounts under your name, insulting your photo, swearing at you, and otherwise conducting personal abuse that – shock horror! – people like you become blind to.
And yet you still try and claim the moral high ground. Why is that? When you are so selective that you attack me but ignore everybody else, why should I think of you as anything other than a hypocrite?
And yet again, another tirade, with no evidence to back up any of your claims that I am old, bitter, bigoted or hypocritical. All you can do, apparently, is criticise me for not criticising others for behaving in the same way as you. Well, if I get into an argument with anyone else behaving like you have, I certainly will call them out too. However, I am not the guardian of this board, and if you have bones to pick with others – that’s your problem. I have nothing I need to prove to you.
But you then kicked off and made this personal, not me. From the very beginning of this thread, I gave you MY reasons for agreeing , at least in part, with Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling.
Since then, I have had nothing from you but a torrent of abuse and name-calling with absolutely no evidence to substantiate anything you are saying. In the absence of any such evidence, I now have to add ‘liar’ to the characteristics of hypocrisy and bigotry I have amply proved you to display.
I will not, despite any further name-calling or abuse from you, respond any further on this particular topic, it is obvious you can neither debate in a reasonable fashion, nor have you the grace to admit you have been unable to verify any of the claims you have made about me.
You really need to grow up and disabuse yourself of this childish, abusive, approach you think passes for adult debate.
Don’t feed the troll.
Just watched the weather forecast …more exceptional thunderstorms excessive heat yada yada…….Anyone care to place a bet how long it will be before the morons trot out the climate change pyromaniacs again ?
They don’t need to, OB, because now whenever torrential rain is forecast the Met Office issue an AMBER WEATHER WARNING, which the BBC illustrates on your screen with a massive yellow and black triangle with a huge exclamation mark in the middle. Funny, in the sixties I swear that was reserved for an imminent Soviet nuclear strike.
Ah, well – gone are the days when your mum just used to say ‘I think you’d better take yer pacamac, luv’.
An Amber Weather warning, eh? In the words of Private Fraser ‘We’re DOOMED!’
Oh yes and to stop being doomed, you little people need to vote Labour/Green/LibDem.
Saw that from my very pleasant heatbase in south west France, and had a little chuckle. The more I see of British weather reports in the news, and “forecasts”, the more patronising and “alarming” they appear to be. Are the majority of British listening/viewing folk kindergarten children, one wonders? The Blue Peter style presentations would suggest so. Yesterday some lisping idiot called Schafernacker, or something, was telling us all that the night-time thunder could be “very loud”, for Chrissakes. It’s laughable. Whatever happened to the grown-up weather broadcasts of old? And whilst I’m at it – the “Farming” programme before the “Today” nonsense – why is it all about environmentalism, sustainability, eco this and organic that? It sickens me, it really does.
Once you know the bias is there you listen out for an agenda – and they have plenty – in every programme they broadcast. They rarely fail to disappoint.
Seen this? Heat warning for Southend – 20 – 24 degrees. My God, whatever will the poor folk do in that part of Essex? They are surely doomed!
Nah – the Rossi Ice cream parlour on the seafront will rescue the population, like it has in years gone by. They do an excellent Lemon Ice if you’re in the area btw!
Heat Alert?? .Here in South East France I find that cool. I find BBBC weather reports more of a comedy programme than anything else. Here comes Nanny BBBC to tell you how to survive the nasty Climate Change.
Now THIS is what I call a weather warning…
It should be a noisy night.
The BBC live in a different age – you know, sometime well before Brits started to go on holiday in the height of summer to the likes of Greece, Turkey and Spain, where they bask in 40 degrees plus.
Patronising morons.
We use to call it ‘Summer’ ?
Charles Krauthammer sums up the moral position on Gaza:
The BBC doesn’t do morals any more – so don’t expect Charles to appear on the BBC any time soon. They will be going back to Paul Krugman, no doubt – without mentioning that he is now making what looks like an ignominious exit from Princeton University
I wonder if this Al Jazeera report on Christian persecution makes its way to the BBC website?
More intolerance by the “peaceful” religion.
INBBC propagandises currently about an Islamic jihadist in a Muslim family who has left his base in Belgium and become an Islamic jihadist in Syria (on its ‘Middle East’ pages).
But INBBC censors reports on real victims of Islam, such as Christians-
“Islamic State to Christians: Convert to Islam, pay jizya, or die”
By Robert Spencer.
“Will Muslim spokesmen denounce this call as un-Islamic, or remain silent about it? I’m betting the latter, in light of passages like these that make it clear that the Islamic State’s call is in complete accord with the Qur’an and Islamic law:
“ ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued’ (Qur’an 9:29).”
Why I bother with Newsnight is a mystery Once a week I indulge.
Tonight it is banging on about immigration and unless you are deaf you could not fail to get the message- Fine and lets have a lot more of it and so what if the indigenous don’t like it we know best because we are really intelligent and really really nice people.
Economics as usual. It is the only argument they have got.
I would like to hear the liberal opinion on whether it is a good thing for London and other major cities to become colonised to the extent that the English inhabitants are rapidly becoming a minority.
How long before London is say 75% majority minority. It is already heading towards 50%.
This is the major issue of our time and is ignored.
I used to think that besides being thick the liberal was a lying toerag wilfully ignoring reality to force through his agenda.
Not so sure now.
I think the liberal is incapable of looking into the future. Instant gratification and instant emotion is his thing. A liberal would never plant an orchard or really consider how his actions affect the flow of the generations. The liberal does not create anything that is intended to last. Full of words and noise is the liberal but vapid .You find them in the arts ( performing mainly) and the talking professions including the media and politics.
A useless bunch who have bought and are bringing harm to England. The BBC is infested with them and it shows. Newsnight is exactly what I mean.
A corrective to Beeboids’ continuing advocacy of Open-Door, limitless Mass Immigration into U.K-
‘The Economic Effects of Immigration into UK’
by D. Coleman and R. Rowthorn.
Click to access wp25_Economic_effects_of_immigration.pdf
Islam Not BBC, embedded with Islamic interests in rapidly Islamising Birmingham, appears to think that Muslim opinions are all that count, and that non-Islamic concerns on Islamic infiltration issues in U.K education don’t count, as shown in INBBC video clip here:-
“‘Trojan Horse’ report finds ‘aggressive Islamist ethos’ in schools”
How much attention will INBBC give to the related problems of Islamisation in London schools, as reported today by ‘Daily Express’?-
“EXCLUSIVE: Senior Islamic leaders gain governor role in London schools.
“Senior members of an Islamist group that David Cameron and former Labour leader Tony Blair wanted banned have secured potentially influential positions as governors at London schools.”
Newsnight – agree with Dave S the piece on immigration was terrible – and had to endure a 10 minute interview with lefty Vince Cable in which Kirsty Squalk attacked him from the even harder left.
The anti-Putin bias on the MH17 disaster was also attrocious. IMHO it’s ridiculous to call it a ‘terrorist attack’ cos whoever fired the rocket almost certainly thought they were attacking a military target – not slaughtering women and children. For me 90% of the blame must rest with whoever told the flights it was safe to fly through a warzone where military planes were regularly being shot down and both sides were armed with BUK missiles that could reach 70,000 ft. And they could have followed up on why BA were allegedly avoiding the airspace while others weren’t. IMHO that’s the scandal.
I have to agree with Chris, that the UK media is operating a disinformation campaign, although it was a breath taking shock to hear the BBC talking about not having seen such propaganda since WWII coming from Russia !
No one seems to have been prepared to explain Vladimir Putins point that the country at war still controls its airspace and could if it so wished divert commercial aviation away from conflict zones. The Ukrainian government failed to alert the airline to these areas of risk and therefore has to bear at least some responsibility.
For years, airlines have been flying over countries where there are minor armed conflicts, and they will continue to do so. What was not anticipated was that a major world power would arm its people embedded in another country’s ‘insurgents’ with weapons capable of knocking down a civilian flight at more than 32,000 feet. Any aircraft at that height were infinitely more likely to be civilian carriers than war-planes attacking a very small part of a country.
It’s also disingenuous to claim, for instance, that the Ukrainians must have targeted this aircraft, mistaking it for Putin’s personal plane because of the paint job being similar to a Malaysian Airlines aircraft – after all, why on earth would Putin be flying over Ukraine if he’s so convinced that flying over a conflict zone just shouldn’t happen ? Equally – how could the people firing the rocket even begin to visually identify any aircraft by its paint job at 32,000+ feet, before launching a missile at it ?
And let me get this other Russian claim straight – if any country has an internal dispute, then it is significantly at fault if, for instance, a neighbouring state, not at war with the country being over-flown, just fancies taking a pot-shot at any civilian aircraft over next-door’s airspace ? Really ?
Jeez – we probably have to ban flying anywhere near the middle East or Africa.
You’re missing the point Richard.
We can all reach our own conclusions as to the merits of Putins claims, however the point of this is that the BBC is as ever giving a distorted picture because it doesn’t like one of the people involved.
Nope – I didn’t miss the point at all. I was making several other points.
Kirsty Squalk is a mate of Gordon Clown
The pro Muslim BBC is reporting that Christians are being targeted in Mosel and told that they either have to convert, or pay a ‘special tax’ or face the sword.
There is absolutely no attempt to explain that this is completely in accordance with the teachings in the Quran, and that Muslims here would likely do the same given the chance.
No mention that the ‘special tax’ more like a special phrase to disguise the evil of Islam is in fact the Jizya, and has been levied throughout Islam’s history.
It’s a complete disguise, weighted to make it appear that this is the action of extremists and not the mainstream view of Muslims in the UK as well.
No mention of Dhimmitude, or those Muslim countries practicing it today – such as Pakistan where the top of the hierarchy of isms come from.
‘Jihadwatch’ explains this Islamic exterminating violence against Christians by referring to the tenets of Islam:-
“Islamic State marks Christian homes in Mosul”
By Robert Spencer.
“They are marking the Christians’ homes with a ن, a nūn for Nasara, which is the Qur’an’s word for Christians: Nazarenes. Probably they are doing this so that they can know from which houses to demand the jizya, the tax that the Qur’an demands that the subjugated People of the Book pay in the Islamic state: ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued’ (Qur’an 9:29).”
more explanation for INBBC:-
“Islamic State to Christians: Convert to Islam, pay jizya, or die”
In their blinkered and secure little bubble of a world BBC staff have probably never heard of Jizya or Dhimmitude because their understanding of Islam begins and ends with ‘Horrible Histories’.
Wonder why the BBC has failed to cover this story:
Typical censorship of anything which doesn’t show their favourite brown eyed boys as perfect.
We can certain that it would have been more news worthy to the BBC if a Brit had refused to serve halal meat to a Muslim. In fact the BBC would no doubt be calling for the full force of the anti white racist laws to be used against anyone who dared to do that.
Re-write of INBBC headline needed:-
from THIS:-
“Burgas attack: Bulgaria names anti-Israeli bomber.”
to THIS:-
‘Burgas attack: Bulgaria names Muslim anti-Israeli bomber.”
The BBC crapping a brick about this disgraceful example of how our spineless and big sissy establishment has let these medieval Koran-bashers into our education system…
I hope I’ll see Hope Not Hate and UAF out protesting against what is real a very real threat of fascism; but, no. They only protest against the voiceless white working class folk. The BBC luvvies will be phoning mummy and daddy for advice on our to placate these ‘tolerant’ Muslim enrichers.
“…extremism went unchecked because the council “disastrously” prioritised community cohesion over “doing what is right”.”
Who could have seen that as a consequence?
Well, other than any such as the BBC would have hung out to dry for even thinking cautionary thoughts out loud?
I do have a slight concern still though with such as ‘doing what is right’.
As the BBC showed with 28Gate and Hugs and her suits’ wagon-circling, there are some oddly shy folk still around who feel they know better ‘what is right’ but prefer they and their decisions remain their little secret.
“There WAS deliberate, sustained action to introduce Islamic ethos into Birmingham schools, says former counter-terror chief – but the council’s own report still doesn’t accept there was a Trojan Horse plot”
Read more:
“We do not need an over-reaction. This is not a criticism of the Islamic faith, but of a narrow current within it.”
Russell Hobby – General secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers
Although reported by, the this is not from the BBC
the fix is in, overt protectionism?
…. the danger glaringly obvious? … not just in Bham, in London Leicester, Bradford, Oldham etc?
This is not one or two “conservatives”, “radicals”, “strict” or any other diversionary name, is it?
The warning sign, the blatant red flag is there …
All children need strong concerted protection,
from this abhorrent backwardness? … muslim children as well.
Politicians, need to act now, time to wake up and smell the coffee, just as the population already has.
… Islam IS the Trojan Horse …..
The problem is folks is that we’ve become weak and passive; as a nation, we’ve been largely brainwashed into docile submission by the bland X Factor deadhead pop culture and hyperconsumption… the culture of addiction where we must have it all NOW! Having a glass of wine every night whilst watching some prat flambe a cranberry tartlet on Master Chef has become more pressing than getting out and protesting over a fascist ideology hellbent on taking over. The government have us just where they want us: submissive zombies throwing petals and singing Kumbaya in a delirious state of self-indulgence.
Aw c’m’on, Master Chef is the best comedy on the BBC.
There’s nothing to beat some spotty oik dropping his collapsed souffle on the floor, bursting into tears, and sobbing ‘boohoo, I hope Greg and John can see my potential boohoo’.
Though somebody in full howl and a finger hangin on by skin being ambulanced off to A&E thirty seconds after saying ‘I’m looking forward to showing John and Greg my knife technique’ comes a close second.
I like Greg his only claim to fame is that he sold veg in London. Same as the hundreds of other TV personalities only famous because they are from London, Essex or the South East. Stacy Dooley a prime example. Contributes nothing the the programme other than crying at people worse off than her, making them even more pissed off than before she turned up.
Oh dear I made the mistake of watching the music program on BBc last night. Some program about guitar riffs. Watching it as with so many BBc programs I became aware it was documenting some strange parallel universe where things were similar to what I have know, experienced and seen but somehow subtlety different. For an example whilst a fan of My bloody valentine, it’s not a band I would put as a leading example of riff driven music. The hand of BBc agenda was all over it. So who was the commentator through this strange journey of a subject I’ve known well for the past 40 years or so. Yes none other than Lauren Lavern.
Interesting. Bias towards My Bloody Valentine? I find that one pretty amusing, I must admit.
Did I say bias towards My bloody valentine? I don’t think I did. I thought it odd to include a shoegazer band when the sound of the genre is defined as a wall of guitar effect sound in a program about guitar riff driven songs. See it’s relatively simple isn’t it? For those unsure about the shoegazer genre check out you tube I’m sure there will be video of Swervedriver, Ride Slowdive & My Bloody Valentine etc.
Have commented on this one elsewhere I think.
Who else associates rock riffs with those timeless classics we all know from Heart and from The Runaways?
None of that Led Zep,, Slash or Keef crap!
See-women did it all!
And-had you seen the show previous?…you`d now know that Billy Bragg and all those other Gauloise Gauleiters of anti-Thatch stuff(like the mighty Style Council and Robert Wyatt) seem to have dominated the Eighties in terms of pop music…no Madonna, no Prince or U2.
Oh God-don`t tell them about Sunday Bloody Sunday will you?
As for Lauren Laverne…Kenickie changed MY life…and yours too, which is why she knows so much about pop history.
I know quite a bit about it actually, Dave as I write about music and the evolution of pop culture. No need for YouTube. A lot of the programme’s subtext was about changes of tonality and what the guitar was capable of and that wall of feedback was the driver of much of the alternative scene before giving way to the retrograde Britpop, which largely harked back to the 60’s formula. I have no idea how any of that could demonstrate bias. If you didn’t like the music, well that is wholly subjective.
”I know quite a bit about it actually,”
Are you boasting or complaining ?
‘A lot of the programme’s subtext was about changes of tonality and what the guitar was capable of and that wall of feedback was the driver of much of the alternative scene….’
Sounds about as far away from a riff as you can get.
No you see you are still having a problem aren’t you. NOTE I said I am a fan of My bloody valentine. If we want to get into bragging rights. I used to dj in a rock club (a proper one not a scout hut)which also hosted live music. I also used to have a radio show during which I played a number of shoegazer bands. So I also know a fair bit about musical history having 38 years of seeing live bands. The statement stands, it was billed as a program about riff driven music not what a guitar can do. Don’t even get me started on Britpop as I am friends with several members of Britpop bands. Still what do I know?
Yesterday morning on the main BBC Breakfast programme, they had some ‘expert’ on to tell people how to stay safe in this heatwave – which is insulting enough as it is, after the woman had given some advice, the presenter Naga Munchetty asked her if there was any extra advice because it’s ramadan, yes said the woman, there’s a page on our NHS website that deals with those people who are fasting during a heatwave. Unbelievable.
So now we know why so many gays get into the BBC – they ask if you belong to the BTF club, first…
Not connected with the BBc but similar in nature, Many years ago we were given an ethnic diversity questionnaire at work. Assuming this to be part of a positive discrimination exercise many of us promptly consigned this to file 13 (the bin) we had been assured this was all in strictest confidence. So imagine our suprise when a couple of weeks later what did all of the non-conformist get yes a duplicate form with a letter informing us that our forms had not been received. Closer inspection revealed that our staff numbers were actually printed on the forms. The point being that equal opportunities means just that not trying to gather information for the purpose of introducing quotas and favoring one group over another just for the purpose of politics.
”positive discrimination”
An Orwellian phrase, how can discrimination be positive ? The correct term is anti white racism.
Our forms where anonymous. Some joker ticked the Black box, and another joker in a neighbouring office also ticked the Black box.
This got the administrators exited, but we did think we managed to persuade them that we did not have any blacks, and that we suspected who the jokers were.
But the experience shows that there must be lots of white people who pretend to be ethnics, and its also hard to convince the race obsessed lefty loons to believe this possibility.
I never filled in my Census Form, but I was tempted to write that I was a black muslim disabled lesbian in a wheelchair with 7 kids, since that’s the demographic the government wants in the country.
This all to do with Diversity and getting a proper balance of staff as I understand it that reflects the modern community.
If gays make up two per cent of the population, then surely the repeat this week of QI with Stephen Fry and Sandy Tosfig should have had an additional 99 blokes and 99 females!
So for every two gays panellists News readers, actors, show hosts the BBC must have 98 non gays. it doesn’t matter if the non gay recruits are useless and not a patch performance wise on any of the gays, quotas and PC direct they must be hired by the BBC, This after all is the rationale behind recruiting EMB and females to replace white heterosexual men.
According to the 2001 Census white English men make up 42% of the population, do you see that percentage presenting BBC News programmes? No, but never mind, the emphasis is always on the supposed lack of females. Bit like teachers in Primary schools.
They are only interested in superficial ‘diversity’. They may well want to employ blacks, muslim women, whoever, whatever. but only if their political views are the same as the BBC’s. Despite their legal obligation to do so, they have little interest in promoting real, i.e. political, diversity.
Yes, in parallel with Juncker’s European federalising project, the political left, inc Beeboids, have an active political agenda to colonise British society by continuing mass immigration from Islamic and other countries.
As I’m bi-sexual I guess I can only work for the BBC part time
Once again the BBC trick of having a Miliband speech/policy (with big photo and several sub links) dominating the Politics page (even linked to from the main page!…i.e. so important in the world to be among the main stories there!)
…sorry, meant to add that they do this Friday evening/Saturday morning and it stays there all weekend.
Is the reporter in this cartoon Yolande Knell of the BBC ?
Very sober, economic and social case for dismantling the BBC produced yesterday by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA):
The BBC licence tax is totally out of step with today’s TV market and technology – a regressive anachronism.
Compare and contrast…
1. The continued reticence of the BBC to identify the Russian-led and -supported terrorists in Donetsk as having fired a missile at Malaysian Airlines flight 17…. and, of course, the continued doubt expressed about the downing of the aircraft as having been caused by a missile at all.
2. The absolute certainty, almost instantly expressed, when regurgitating Hamas claims regarding Israeli actions as being the deliberate targeting and killing of women, children and civilian males.
I have noticed this and although I generally tend to support Russia this latest action is contemptible.
The very best you can say is that it is the all to common military cock up. Give lethal weapons to trigger happy lunatics and things go badly wrong.
If I were Russia I would come down very hard on these idiots. As to why civilian planes are flying over a dangerous war zone words fail me. Cock up again is the best interpretation.
You respect a country which has banned a free press, represses any opposition and is run by a modern Benito!
What a surprise to be posting here.
And harbours that freedom-loving hero of the left, Edward Snowden.
BBC not being open about a now deceased political paedo:
Don’t mention Labour
Not a mention of the party he belonged to. BBC must think the photo of him in establishment wig is enough to make a link with Tories, for the reader.
Even the hard-left Guardian references the fact that he was a Labour Peer (see whilst the Daily Mail has an altogether more descriptive headline (see The BBC also do not mention his supposed homosexuality – perhaps they don’t want people drawing the dots between that and paedophilia. Whilst the lack of reference to his political persuasion is clearly intentional, it could – conceivably – be argued that he was best known as Speaker of the House of Commons and that the Speaker is traditionally considered to be politically neutral.
Isn’t it a bit odd that BBBC remains so quiet about all the child abuse tales involving politicians?
I’m sure it has nothing to do that most of those named are members or chums of the Tories. Or supporters of Israel. Or in the Orange Order.
Of course not. Molesting any child is a criminal disgrace. Only it seems to be more a disgrace for some people more than others.
Just saying…
Named where? By whom? Where’s the evidence? Any charges been made?
And get your facts right before posting – it seems paedophilia has no political boundaries:
And how strange that a Labour supporter should come on here defending the BBC. Can’t get my head round that one…
Your post is absolute drivel. Go and slither back under your rock.
Syria- more Islamic persecution of Christians:
– for INBBC to censor?
“Interfaith outreach in the caliphate:
Islamic State burns down seat of Syrian Catholic Archeparchy of Mosul”
Why isn’t the BBC directly reporting this statement from a TOP IDF source (extracted from a Times of Israel live-blog on Gaza) :
“Hamas leaders hiding under Gaza City hospital, says IDF official”
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Major General Yoav Mordechai says Hamas leaders are hiding in bunkers under the Shifa hospital in Gaza City and that one of them even made use of an ambulance to leave.
In an interview with BBC in Arabic picked up by Israel Radio, Mordechai adds that senior Hamas military wing official, Marwan Issa, is hiding in a home with children, using them as human shields.
-……and on the second para – why isn’t the BBC directly reporting that it has confirmation that Hamas is also hiding in a children’s home – and that it actually revealed this (inadvertently?) on its own Arabic service.?
It is deliberate bias for the BBC to hide these key facts, facts which should affect anyone’s view of the conflict.
There is already a long list of BBC transgressions on the current situation – the situation of the past month or so. Hamas looks to be wanting to hold out, ignoring Egypt and angling for support from Turkey and Qatar who are asking for Israel to accept impossible conditions. The longer it all goes on, the more the IDF will damage Hamas terrorist capacity and the more huge tunnels will be exposed.
Also, the longer Hamas holds out and refuses any ceasefire, the longer the rap-sheet against the BBC becomes. Against the BBC collectively, and against specific BBC “journalists”.
BBC article about the latest alleged paedo politician:
Only way to find out his party is to read the provided headlines for coverage of the story by other news outlets.
Now admittedly the speaker is technically neutral so there’s a small amount of defence there, but he had a VERY long career and wasn’t the speaker for the majority of it.
He`d been a LABOUR MP since the mid-40s.
And had been elected as a Labour candidate, even when serving as Speaker.
All too obvious that , had he been a Tory MP: the BBC would sure as hell have included it in their report.
But-being a Viscount and an MP-he`s a Tory toff as far as Joe Public is concerned…and the BBC hope that is the case.
Beeboids must be apoplectic that they can’t get away with any headline wordplay around ‘Tonypandy’ and ‘Tory Panderer’.
He never married…..
Outrageous that the BBC avoid stating Thomas’s political party
Especially as he was still a Labour minister at the time of the alleged offence (55 year old assaulted at age 9 = 46 years ago ie 1968. Secretary of State for Wales 1968-1970)
Perhaps it made a change from sheep …..
Where’s ‘Respect’ disappeared to?
The BBC is playing the sympathy card all the time over the evacuation of civilians from areas in Gaza that the IDF has now moved into. Estimates of some 40,000 being put up at UN schools etc.
Hold on – 40,000 is about 3% of the total population of Gaza. Why aren’t the rest of the Gazans taking these people into their homes ? Don’t they have any relatives, work colleagues, for instance ?
Hamas has deliberately closed all the banks in Gaza for about a fortnight now. This is obviously making it very difficult for people to get food if they don’t have cash. That is another card designed to elicit ignorant sympathy – and hostility towards the Israelis.
Like so many problems in Gaza – Hamas causes the problems deliberately, the BBC plays along with this whole propaganda scam and tries to blame the Israelis.
And if any mention is made of a “blockade” – it is always Israel that is doing the blockading, not the Egyptians. Egypt today turned away a big protest convoy from entering .Gaza – no report by the BBC. The BBC so seldom mentions that border restrictions are the direct result of the need to protect against past proven Hamas terrorism.
How rabid can Mulism get ? Erdogan of Turkey has just said that Israel’s actions in Gaza are surpassing Hitler.
That will get an audience across the Arab world – where the Sunnis are split now between Egypt versus all the states that go along with the Muslim Brotherhood. No doubt the BBC will see fit to broadcast Erdogan’s filth on their Arabic service.
Isn’t this the twat that Cameron wants to join the EU?
They would know. Weren’t the Turks and Hitler best buddies?
Kaiser Bill’s Germany and Ottoman Turkey were allies in WW One.
The post-Ataturk Turkish Republic was neutral in WW Two.
‘Seven Wonder of the Commonwealth.
A one-off special to herald the start of the Commonwealth Games.
Some of the nation’s best-loved presenters – Clare Balding, Denise Lewis, Anita Rani, Dan Snow and Reggie Yates – travel around the globe to enjoy free holidays at your expense while pretending to be making a programme’
Fingal’s Cave
The Namib Desert
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Victoria Falls
Funny that the Commonwealth is a liberal embarrassment, and mocked by the BBC etc-until the Great God Sport comes along, and there`s a TV documentary to be made.When these things happen-the guilt trips about colonialism, empire shamings, slavery…the damn Queen being Head of it, and being regarded as something positive-soon get filed at the back of the bin.
As do the air miles and carbon footprint.
Chancers, graspers and opportunist parasites-our BBC….working for Anjem 24/7
Yes, they mock the Commonwealth as a trade bloc but very happy to use it to re-live Olympcs 2012 joy.
Fiordland in New Zealand is at the foot of South Island – fiords and beautiful mountains and lakes. It would take a decent film editor about a day to track down lots of lovely video of the area. Maybe pay a Kiwi to present it
There is no need whatsoever to send a BBC team over there at fifty times the cost – and probably less effect. I would rather have a Kiwi explain about the open spaces there than some boring BBC turn.
They’d only need to watch Lord of the Rings footage for the landscapes of NZ’s South Island.
Apologies for tardy post below, saying much the same… I can’t type nearly as fast as I can think….
Absolutely. As long as they cut out the bits with the actors.
Like Ian McKellen, alias Gandalf the Gay ?
Elves as bent as nine-bob notes, and Frodo and Sam staring longingly into one another’s eyes before sauntering off into the car park at the back of The Barley Bree.
What a wit!
I’ll be looking out for more of your posts as the clearly show such a sharp mind.
Most impressed.
Never mind all that – there must be so much stock footage of the Fjordland area of New Zealand (I agree, an area of immense natural beauty), that there would be absolutely no need whatsoever to shoot any more.
And, given the BBC’s continual carping hypocrisy about everyone else creating carbon dioxide ‘pollution’, leading to global warming (or not, as reality indicates), it beggars belief that they want to create even more for so little return. But I guess that a free jolly for the BBC twitterati trumps any silly argument about CO2.
Oh wait, is that the squalling cry of the lesser-bollocked Harrabin I hear….. no, thought not !
The Milford Track in NZ’s Fiordland, for example – “the best walk in the world” – there is abundant video available :
Click to access Milford_web.pdf
Good to see they’ve reflected the population makeup of the country in that team of presenters (42% whit males as noted above). Are white males invisible or something, or are are the BBC just racist? Surely not, it must be that white males make for terrible presenters.
This refers to the Commonwealth Games comment above.
I think it was Pounce who was asking why we have not seen any brave Hamas fighters in their uniforms.
Some of them were out in uniform today – trying to get into Israel via a tunnel, aiming to kill or kidnap. Trouble was – they were wearing IDF uniforms.
John wrote:
“I think it was Pounce who was asking why we have not seen any brave Hamas fighters in their uniforms.
Already on it mate:
‘Leila White, an art history student at King’s College…’ – tells you everything you need to know about the type of person jumping on the anti-Semitic lefty bandwagon. Fatty bum Abbott was there also… probably a few BBC types also!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) : more uncritical Islamisation propaganda tonight by INBBC’s smiley Ms Linda Yueh on expansion of Islamic, sharia-compliant banking.
‘Sharia Finance Watch’ site:-
– on INBBC TV News channel.
Another alternative viewpoint on Islamic finance, which INBBC censors out:-
‘Money Jihad’ site:-
Beeboid ears burning?:-
“UK: Fears of ‘Islamophobia’ gave Islamic supremacists free rein in schools”
By Robert Spencer.
“’Islamophobia’ is a propaganda term that Islamic supremacists and Leftists skillfully deploy in order to intimidate people into thinking that there is something wrong with opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression. This is a prime example of how it works, making timid and cowed British officials too afraid to oppose the spread of the teaching of Sharia norms inimical to human rights in Birmingham schools.”
What is being overlooked or quite deliberately ignored is the obvious fact that these schools are presumably monocultural and monoracial.
Quite how the liberal is going to be able to explain this is beyond me.
It would suggest that separate communites are now well established and that this is something most people can live with including the minority ethnic population.
If this is repeated throught the country and I suspect it probably is or well on the way to being so then multiculturalism has failed and the liberal fantasy is dead.
Reality is so inconvenient.
“Are you gay? Parents on benefits? Did you get free school meals?
“The ludicrously PC questions you will be asked if you want to work for the BBC.”
Read more:
Other Beeboid politically loaded question for applicants?-
‘Do you, as BBC-NUJ, support UK membership of E.U?’
‘Can you see that Juncker is preferable to Farage for ‘necessary’ E.U federalising project for Europe?’
If Beeboids were democratic, they would regularly view and digest the content of Nigel Farage’s message of this week:
(5 mins video)
Several times today, on both radio and TV, I heard the same clip when some Beeboid airhead was ‘doing a piece’ on a neighbourhood somewhere in Holland from where a local family had been killed in the Malaysian Airlines massacre.
I could not believe I heard the airhead say something to the effect that ‘some people’ might wrongly think that the Dutch hadn’t been really affected by the issue because there was no general upwelling of public grief, wailing, gnashing of teeth, garment-rending and self-immolation in sympathy. (Well, maybe that’s just a tad exaggerated at the end, but you will get the drift).
Tony Blair and his ‘People’s Princess’ crap, the demands for our queen to display her grief in public on the issue, the hordes of hysteria-driven public emotional outpourings, all have a lot to answer for.
Kids died when I was at school, families lost their breadwinners in mining accidents, but the general public did not need an army of counsellors, psychiatrists and med-evac teams as they seem to do these days – and contrary to all popular belief, nobody was ‘repressed’ simply because they had no need of such support.
But today, and on all these other days, the BBC is right in there, coaxing and possibly even, by the implied peer pressure, coercing people to ‘let it all out’.
Sorry for pricking your bubble on this, but it’s a little like saying the lads who fought in WWI were all soft for getting shell shock, after all in every conflict before they didn’t and no one helped them!
Indeed this attitude at the beginning of was did prevail, and we shot our own brave soldiers simply for them suffering mental breakdowns.
Just because at the time you’re talking about there was no therapy or counselling services doesn’t mean that the people involved didn’t suffer any kind of symptoms, they almost certainly did, and they almost certainly were forced to hide them.
Mental conditions are often side lined as some how being less important than the physical, I can’t imagine anyone writing a piece like yours on the subject of heart bypass operations which were equally unavailable at the time.
On the other hand I do see a total over the top hand wringing by the BBC as ever !
You’re not pricking any bubbles, Thoughtful. Of course, I recognise that people have feelings and some (but only some) have to deal with mental issues when bereaved. But in reality, in the days I was talking about, this was limited to close family and friends, since they at least had some intimate knowledge of the deceased. I really don’t believe you can even begin to compare someone suffering from shell-shock, or even any generic mental health sufferer with what I am talking about – it’s a completely over-the-top (if you’ll pardon the pun) comparison. The issue I have a problem with is the required universality of the ‘outpouring of grief’. The heart bypass operations comment is even less relevant.
I don’t know about yourself, but when I was at school, other than my close neighbours, I knew few of the other schoolkids who were in other classes or years at school.
Nowadays, if something happens to a schoolchild, it seems that every kid in the school is claimed to be prostrate with grief, along with their parents, few of whom have probably had any meaningful personal contact whatsoever with the deceased they are deemed to be mourning. It’s beginning to move towards mass hysteria – well-fueled by the media, and not inconspicuously by the BBC. And if mass counselling and support is required, it is perhaps not inconceivable that this is the direct result of hysteria being whipped up by those whom it serves well.
For the BBC these days, anything short of the mid-eastern ululating, grief-stricken parade, with a cast of thousands, seems to imply that we are not mourning enough.
but when I was at school, other than my close neighbours, I knew few of the other schoolkids who were in other classes or years at school.
how sad to have been so lonely and isolated. When a kid got murdered at my School all 1500 went out to pay respects. And we did know him.
And that was 40 odd years ago.
In fact most armies shot their own soldiers, it was the common (and obvious considering the circumstances) punishment. That said “Between 1914 and 1918, the British Army identified 80,000 men with what would now be defined as the symptoms of shellshock.” but in total only 306 were shot…maybe ‘pour encourager les autres’ but no doubt some were genuine ‘cowards’ without shellshock or other excuse (needless to say no doubt a large majority were suffering).
The tiny number shot (and very few after 1916, even mutineers) reflects well on our services.
At Stalingrad both the Nazis and Commies spent a lot of ammunition murdering anyone thought to be weakening. We rescued our men at Dunkirk and called it a victory!
Which side won in the long run.
Not just at Stalingrad in the case of the Soviets, (not sure about the Germans) whose casualties at the hands of Beria and their own side (c.600,000 + and most of them without any sort of trial or tribunal) were actually higher than the entire British or American WW2 death tolls.
Several times today, on both radio and TV, I heard the same clip when some Beeboid airhead was ‘doing a piece’ on a neighbourhood somewhere in Holland from where a local family had been killed in the Malaysian Airlines massacre.
I could not believe I heard the airhead say something to the effect that ‘some people’ might wrongly think that the Dutch hadn’t been really affected by the issue because there was no general upwelling of public grief, wailing, gnashing of teeth, garment-rending and self-immolation in sympathy. (Well, maybe that’s just a tad exaggerated at the end, but you will get the drift).
Tony Blair and his ‘People’s Princess’ crap, the demands for our queen to display her grief in public on the issue, the hordes of hysteria-driven public emotional outpourings, all have a lot to answer for.
Kids died when I was at school, families lost their breadwinners in mining accidents, but the general public did not need an army of counsellors, psychiatrists and med-evac teams as they seem to do these days – and contrary to all popular belief, nobody was ‘repressed’ simply because they had no need of such support.
But today, and on all these other days, the BBC is right in there, coaxing and possibly even, by the implied peer pressure, coercing people to ‘let it all out’.
Absolutely spot on, richard D.
As ever, the global media estate now obsessed with content, ratings and/or opportunity to pack the airwaves with agenda has thrown sensitivity and tact to the winds.
A community suffers tragedy and seeks no more than deal with it quietly and in dignity amongst themselves.
This us clearly not on.
So the BBC, amongst others as if that atones, makes a bee-line to where not invited or wanted to intrude with what they demand be shared.
Like the perverse logic of some Flokkers here, it seems failure to broadcast emotion or opinion to satisfy the public forum is deemed unacceptable and to be called out.
Interestingly, though I seldom read much into BBC FaceBook page commentary, they may possibly have been discomfited by a clear global distaste for their evident lack of concern or compassion in trying to file a story, any story, to justify their career commitments.
One for those who see support from the Daily Telegraph as proof that the BBC is still loved across the political divide…
As a tip, if seeking reassurance, stick with the authored post. The comments may be more of a concern.
A silly article. The BBC is the enemy of democracy and , like the Guardian , has an editorial policy that ensure strict conformity with orthodox liberal left establishment views.
Contrast this with the Telegraph that published articles such as the one above and the leftist view of Mary Riddell to keep us entertained.
How come most people in every poll overwhelmingly back the BBC?
Why don’t you start a petition to get rid of it? David Vance could do it tomorrow. Or Alan.
But they never do as they know the result. The public overwhelmingly back the BBC.
bollox they do, the bbc know the right question to ask to get the result they want.
if the bbc is so good, it should relish pay per view, because everyone will pay for it
what have they got to be scared of?
“most people in every poll overwhelmingly back the BBC?”
Not one to take polls from any quarter too credibly, but since you say ‘every poll’:
There was another, more recent, featured here that suggested even less support as the BBC’s self-destructive arrogance accelerates.
Or did you mean polls you like?
If so, the tell it often enough section of the cubicle gardens beckon.
One might task the BBC to explain in more detail the self-boosting, internally-commissioned pr they punt out to explain how they think they are so loved, but often one runs into problems in this regard if answers don’t suit.
And there’s always pretending things never existed if things get especially tricky…
“How come most people in every poll overwhelmingly back the BBC?”
Because they are never explained an alternative. They think of their local BBC station or the afternoon play or a choice of music, or a soap opera or comedy show etc: they never think of the grossly biased news entity that DOES NOT adequately or impartially report the news. If they were asked keep the service but ditch the news it would be a bit different.