The irony is that the local weather immediately precedes the national weather and one will often contradict the other, not to mention frequently they’re both wrong.
“Why does the BBC waste your money on so many weather forecasters?
“One forecast last week – and a dozen different faces across the country”. Because its ‘Jobs for the boys’ (and girls!)
Whilst the main forecaster in our region is at least a meteorologist I know the weekend girl (one of several) has her degree in media studies so I can presume she is only reading a script. I am sure that Lord Hall’s call for more women will mean all new recruits fit his agenda. The DM article certainly showed a monstrous regiment of women and one man. So certainly jobs for the girls.
I’ve been using a more traditional form of weather forecasting for a while now.
I look out of a window.
So far I’m doing better than the BBC / Met office.
Can I have billions of pounds of taxpayer’s cash to buy a super computer to improve my Window forecasting models please?
I’ll base my computer model on the assumption that carbon dioxide and human activity have fuck all to do with climate and that its mostly down to ENSO.
Many years ago I was told by an RAF met officer that the poor man’s weather forecast was rather better than the met office – he said all you need is to say “tomorrow’s weather will be the same as yesterday’s”.
The irony of the Met office, they who try to predict the weather/global warming, is that its own pollution is massive in doing so. Its one of the country’s least green machines, it uses enough energy to power a small town – producing 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – and has made the Met Office one of the worst public buildings in Britain for pollution in a new green league table. Even Maurice Spurway, of Friends of the Earth, said it is “ironic” that a computer designed to help stave-off climate change is responsible for such high levels of pollution…..
And why do both Five Live and Radio 2 have separate sets of traffic announcers? It’s the same traffic, after all. Doubtless, it’s because all BBC departments/channels are independent “fiefdoms” which must be completely self-contained and never talk to each other or share resources.
Indeed, why not share the same news broadcasts across all radio networks, as you say its the same news.
The same could be said with TV news, all broadcasts should be linked up with News 24 on the hour, instead we have BBC3 News BBC4 World News and Newsnight etc, etc, in fact with the arrival of digital TV, does (biased) news even need to be shown at all on anything other than News 24?
Local bulletins are also a load of PC multicult filler and could be covered in 15 minutes with just one presenter.
The Scottie local news alwaysfollows the same format. First, a Disasta, with as much prurient gore as possible. Then, Grot, preferably with Partially Decomposed Body Parts. And finally, Fitba’, what most people would call soccer. That’s it.
I’m rather a fan of Five Live traffic’s fragrant Orna Merchant, despite the fact she, along with the others, continually warns me that “Elaine is blocked.”
Poor Elaine. Who is she? Who is blocking her? Is it the patriarchy?
Cos one was deported to Manchester ,to broadcast a national radio station ,only to the North West , along with the proper local Radio Manchester station , the other however remains in London . ( where it should be )
I am happy to have local weather forecasters as well as the national ones as they are able to provide more detail and interpret the regional picture better, knowing the local geography and topography.
But the problem is that many of those who read out the local weather forecasts are just bimbos, not meteorologists. The worst in the NorthWest is actually a fashion designer! But she is Nigerian, so that’s OK then.
I quite like the lady, actually, but, because it’s the BBC, it grates as you know only too well there’s an agenda behind it. I bloody hate them for making me feel like that.
As well as having no knowledge of weather forecasting, unfortunately the Nigerian can’t speak English, so we have to interpret what ‘clods over Combria’ means.
What drove Hamas to take on Israel?
While I appreciate that Dr Jeroen Gunning is an outside expert
the BBC would not have brought him in if not basically in agreement.
Read the article. Dr Gunning gives the economic, political and strategic reasons for Hamas to attack Israel but somehow he (or is it the BBC editors?) miss an essential point. Hamas is for reasons of religion (mostly), Arab pride and revenge for 1948 committed to the total destruction of the State of Israel.
A more honest headline would be: What drove Hamas to take on Israel – NOW NOT LATER? .
George R, good link. I’ve read it before but it’s a concise summary of the history of that region and came as a welcome reminder of the arab mentality and their distortion of the actualite.
I have been interested in the past few days by the BBC coverage of the events in Gaza. The subtlety of the language used is interesting. When reporting Hamas press releases or interviews the verb used is usually “announced” whereas Israeli press releases are described as “claimed”.
That cleverly puts the hearer or viewer in the mindset that Hamas tell the truth but Israel’s statements are of doubtful veracity.
Yup, just like putting ‘Israelis say’ in front of facts which a £3.2Bn news organisation should be able to verify easily. The clear intention is to cast doubt on easily verifiable facts.
Tonight Newsnight showed what was tagged as an
“activist video”. An unidentified Palestinian? perhaps being shot? (dead?) by some unidentified assailant, IDF?.
Who knows? BBC seems happy to act as a conduit for HAMAS propaganda and accept without question that any
Palestinian interviewee tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, while Jews are not being killed in sufficiently high numbers for the BBC to take them seriously. Using BBC logic, the D-Day landings should never have taken place because tens of thousands of innocent French civilians would be killed.due to indiscriminate bombing and shelling.
To be fair, when this allegation hit the newswires, on BBC News 24 Gary O’Donoghue mentioned that Thomas was a Labour cabinet minister. However, he only dribbled this out after his main description of him as the “Speaker of the Commons under Mrs Thatcher”. [My bold] In other words, the impression given was that, yes, he was originally Labour but he betrayed his origins by selling out to the devil herself in order to run the Commons, presumably in the Thatcherite interest.
As most people know the Speaker is elected by MPs in a turn and turnabout system to alternate between the major parties. Just to note, this system was overturned by Blair who used Labour’s overwhelming majority to see that a Conservative was not appointed after Betty Boothroyd’s resignation. That appointee (Speaker Martin) was slung out for incompetence (and worse) and Labour’s MPs – against the wish of a majority of Conservative MPs – appointed as successor a CINO whose bias in Labour’s favour mirrors the institutional bias of the BBC. So 3 Labour speakers in a row and counting.
Well I am continually amazed at the almost complete media silence on the London child abuse allegations which constantly names leading Tories. And its constant silence herein.
As you and Mat have pointed out, an odd one for a BBCphile to resurrect spontaneously.
No excuse for much professionally before or after, but a possible explanation for media cirumspection post McAlpine was the national broadcaster pursuing a blatant political agenda before checking facts, and making a royal Horlicks of so much it cost the licence fee payer a fortune to protect them from.
True apparently there is a reporter who had a file which linked politicians who supported PIE and their campaign to get child sex legalised taken from him by Special Branch. Interesting to see whose names could be in there. I wonder is a certain husband and wife double act could get a mention. And I’m not talking about the Krankies.
The Ukraine situation is too dangerous for the usual BBC simplifications.
Some of the responsibility is Putin’s. He has used the putsch in Kiev to grab territory.
But the western leaders who encouraged the Ukrainian demonstrators to overthrow a democratically elected president must also shoulder blame for the civil war going on.
And finally what the hell was the plane flying over a war zone for. And not just a war zone but one in which aircraft are being shot down at high altitude.
It’s not time to demonise Putin. That could cause a very dangerous escalation. There’s a great post on the need for restraint called: No Time To Do The Right Thing” at:
Just wait until the idiots in power force up gas prices. Then we will see Camoron distance himself but not offering any help for those unable to heat their homes.
Agreed, I keep thinking, these asses are pretty loud right now, but just wait until November when Putin extracts revenge – straight through their wallets. Of course we, the consumers will bear the brunt so they don’t care, but it will be good just to see how they need to change their tune when the global warming phenomenon known as ‘winter’ arrives!
Meanwhile, I recommend to buy a wood burner, or install that ground heat pump, do not delay. (should also be a good test of Little ‘Ead’s promise to freeze utility prices!)
What the media hasn’t told you is that Putin’s airplane was also flying in the area, maybe that was the intended target. Russia doesn’t having anything to gain by shooting down the airliner but Ukraine does.
Saw this on Россия 24.
Supposedly, Cameron and Putin have talked and agreed that the “incident” should not lead to escalation. No indication what else might have been said by way of criticism.
Over the no-fly area there were single figures, as you will know from the research you’ve done: of course if you want to include the whole region and at least three flight corridors then the ‘hundreds’ could be true. Specific pictures of heat trials and days worth of flights are available which no doubt you’ve seen so you’ll know that this plane was (a) off course (b) well north of that flight’s usual route (c ) not as high as usual etc…Ukraine traffic control, whose recordings etc would have as important information have yet to make available anything that could help explain the exact reasons WHY. I doubt either side is entirely innocent but please cut the crap.
AsISeeIt, I trust nothing that comes out of Gaza. A man in blue scrubs wearing white rubber gloves as in Lyce’s report tonight appears to be a medic but we don’t know that he is.
OMG arch right wing Globalist Evan Davies homosexual and advocate of mass immigration who notoriously suggested on Broadcasting House that immigrants willing to ‘squash up a bit’ could be the answer to Londons need for cheap labour, is to be Jeremy Paxmans replacement on Newsnight.
Not so Simon….gay men are always on the look-out for sex, any place, anytime, they cannot help themselves, worse than ‘normal’ guys and women. It’s as though they are in a frenzy to mate as though the world will end.
This is a sobering report from the islam-watch website. The subject and the photos are not for the squeamish but it needs to be widely known in our country what muslims are capable of doing to each other and Christians.
I don’t watch bbc news so I don’t know if they have ever reported on such atrocities. The little girl who had her heart cut out, after watching her parents murdered by muslims, looks to be about 5 years old. My revulsion towards islam and disgust for muslims is now complete; the apologists for muslims such as the bbc have to know they are complicit in hiding the truth from our nation. May God help all the Christians who are currently being ethnically cleansed in syria, afghanistan, iraq and just about all other muslim countries. If we don’t wake up and do something to protect ourselves in our country, these things will be done to us, sooner or later.
In the same week muslim jihadist rebels were killing Christians by crucifixion in Syria, the British media was covering the latest ‘waaycism’ non news story, Jeremy Clarkson saying the N word. Pathos.
I had a long conversation with an otherwise sound right wing man yesterday whose hostility to Israel was quite disturbing. In essence he parroted the liberal line that it is all Israel’s fault for existing and that if Israel was ended then the ME and Europe would be at peace.
AS he was ignorant of the history of Israel he was actually spouting the common Guardian/liberal/BBC line. Disproportonate force etc etc. Peace loving Palestinians. Palestine has always existed and so on. There were no Jews in the ME prior to 1947 No background knowledge at all.
So relentless is the liberal media’s bias that is has completely corrupted reality and the truth. Few are immune.
There are times in life where I sit in stunned silence at the barbarity that is meted out to people, whether it’s by the wicked drug cartels or these Islamist/Jihadist scum.
At the weekend I had to phyically stop thinking about those 300 people, especially the little children, who fell to their deaths from 33,000ft after being blown out of the sky. And for what?.
Today though, I am fighting back the tears after seeing the above link and especially that little 5yr old girl.
I wish it would stop but it’s been going on since the dawn of Islam. Islam if it ever was benign is being hijacked by evil sadists. Much like Communism was I suppose. Not all Muslims are maniacal terrorists but it seems all maniacal terrorists are Muslim.
Another huge, continuing cost of mass immigration from Africa and Asia (from areas with predominantly Islamic populations) to British society, on which INBBC does not make a clear connection-
An hour of Scots independence on Five Live this morning. It started off quite calmly, but soon descended into the usual ranting emotion from one side of the debate. Anyone who disagrees with the yes campaign is either a bully, a scaremonger or a liar.
Yesterday a very odd bod was interviewed on Sky News, replete with a red star on his t-shirt. So strange was “Nicky Patterson” I decided to google this chap stumbled upon at random in Glasgow city centre, and found this…
If you have ten minutes and you like a laugh it is well worth a read. Mr. Patterson is a recovering alcoholic and mental patient. Scotland’s future is secure.
Scotland’s future is secure.!
Sadly for Scotland it’s future is 1314 one victory leading to utter ruin! again! as once the Souths money runs out and the oil drys up [funny thought socialists hated oil ??] then all they have is booze. boggy old battlefields, American tourists and a huge manufactured sense of grievance !
If Scotland does vote yes then the “South’s” oil will run out about 50 years earlier than Scotland’s. It is a pretty safe bet that an Independent Scotland would make a better job of managing the oil revenues than Westminster has to date. The only other oil and gas rich country that has failed to manage this natural resource as badly as Westminster is Iraq!!
“Ah, the usual form of response by a BBBC regular”
As a matter of interest, how would you describe yourself and a few others currently packing out the threads with a fair number of responses whilst steering clear of very live topical issues?
Since when did I need your consent to contribute?
As “Milverton” posted the original comment to which I responded at 2.28pm today it would appear to be a “live topical issue”.
If “topicality” is a requisite can I perhaps point out that the vast majority of your posts fail to comply.
” Wasn’t that hard to understand.”
You’d think.
Maybe I strayed into multi-syllables again?
But to be fair, 8 others appear to be similarly challenged, unless they just click by default without thinking.
“Since when did I need your consent to contribute?”
You don’t.
That never came up, other in the place you inhabit.
I asked a question.
Which you seem reluctant to address. Can’t imagine why that seems familiar.
Let me try again.
If posting volume is surely a fair measure of regularity, what makes one a BBBC regular or, mysteriously, not?
“If “topicality” is a requisite can I perhaps point out that the vast majority of your posts fail to comply.”
You can try and point out anything you like, and clearly have. But like much discussed here, that need not make it so.
I am of course biased in my own favour (the BBC will surely empathise) but other than occasional forays teasing the likes of your goodself, often using precedent or self-dug holes of your own creation, most of my posts are about lack of BBC accuracy, objectivity or integrity (countering with ‘no they’re not’ won’t do, so you have a choice: head elsewhere or embark on one of your archive safaris), usually using URL and/or quote.
I notice that these seldom, if ever, see any from the Flokker fraternity come near. I wonder why that is?
Oh, and finally, one small thing… using phrases like ‘failure to comply’ when whipping out your Madocian notebook as self-appointed hall monitor to a blog you claim not to like…. well, that’s a lol.
Your (there, a morsel off-topic to latch on to) welcome:)
Sweaty Sock wrote: The only other oil and gas rich country that has failed to manage this natural resource as badly as Westminster is Iraq!!
Really how about Venezuela, Iran,Nigeria even Russia . None of them have used their Oil wealth to benefit the people. As for the UK management, People like you quote Norway as the country to follow. Err Norway has a population of 5 million, try spreading the same money around 50-60 million people.
As for Scottish Oil lasting over 50 years. Err think again, its already on the downward slope.
Finally I have no problem with the Scottish gaining independence. But if things go tits up (And I’ll put money on that) are we going to see loads of Scottish people moving to….England.
Venezuela is debatable: the people do have the benefit of the cheapest petrol ever anywhere* but of course the potential revenues the country could have got would no doubt have helped the country more.
* less than 2 dollar cents per litre… yes, about 60 litres per US dollar.
Being English I try not to get too optimistic over the independence thing because I reckon they’ll see sense (who’ll pay for stuff?) at the last minute and vote NO.
But if it’s actually YES I’ll be celebrating for weeks. Just think – much less chance of Labour ever getting again, they’ll have to stop whingeing about England being the cause of all their woes, and they can finally slink back into bed with their natural allies – the French.
In fact while they are at it they can have large parts of London and our ‘enriched’ socialist fiefdoms in the north too.
Simple arithmetic indicates that Blair would still have had a majority, in 3 successive elections, without any Scottish seats. That tends to be the case when a country only elects about 10% of the Westminster M.P.’s
‘A political row has broken out over the role of Scottish Labour MPs whose votes proved crucial as the government won the vote on university top-up fees.
The Higher Education Bill was backed by 316 votes to 311 at Westminster.
Some 46 Scottish Labour MPs voted with the government, even though the plans will not apply north of the border. Five voted against and three abstained.
Shadow education secretary Tim Yeo said the bill had only been carried on the votes of Scottish Labour MPs.’
Interesting that whenever the Beeboids sum up the origins of the Ukraine war they forget it all kicked off when the EU tried to expand eastwards and get Ukraine into the EU and NATO.
The EU poked the bear and we now reap the horrors.
That’s not what John said. But do you doubt that if the EU had not interfered then that airliner would not have been shot down?
Whatever happened to the investigation into the sniper killings in Kyiv’s Maidan?
The BBC has not been telling us the scale of the tunnel infrastructure already found in Gaza. The IDF says there are 18 tunnels so far, many interconnected, with multiple entrances. They describe it as being like a metro system.
The IDF also claims to have killed 118 gunmen since entering Gaza a few days ago – if valid, that sharply reduces the “civilian” death toll, and that toll should also be reduced by subtracting all other Hamas rocket operatives etc killed earlier. The BBC is still describing the Hamas gunmen as “militants”
I understand that one of the tunnel entrances was in a mosque. And another tunnel had an exit ready just under the dining area of an Israeli kibbutz – imagine the carnage that could have led to.
An overseas journalist yesterday described seeing a Hamas gunmen dressed as a woman. And the IDF says a female suicide bomber was killed today.
This is the “flavour”, the detail, that the BBC tries to hide from us. They are bleating on about the casualty levels – what else could be expected if the IDF has to work its way through crowded Gaza neighbourhoods where Hamas has forced the civilians to remain even 2 days after endless IDF warnings to evacuate.
This is just one of many exits to the tunnels, many of which go under the Gaza border and far into Israel. The Palestinians and their fellow-travellers including so many at the BBC claim it is wrong to have strong border control with Gaza. But the huge amount of investment, concrete etc in the tunnels shows that Israel has no choice but to try to defend itself from the murderous Hamas.
Israel should booby-trap all the tunnels and leave the Gaza ends open and block the Israel ends with tons of concrete. As Hamas are the ones that use the tunnels the booby traps would eliminate only terrorists.
I think most people here in England think that the muslim tunnels are akin to the tunnels dug by our plucky POWs during WW2; makeshift, one man efforts that are prone to collapse and discovery at any moment. An image I suggest the bbc perpetuates.
Amazing, isn’t it? All that concrete to build tunnels for the use of ferrying Hamas assassins and weapons safely around when they could have built bomb shelters for Palestinian civilians. How come no one like Lies Douche or Jeremy Al-Bowen ask questions like that?
BBC reports on Gaza are mostly propagating – or implying – false themes :
1 They keep bringing in the word “massacre” – used by Hamas spokesmen but never challenged by BBC staff. Hamas clearly wants to present the current clearing out of the Hamas-infested district of Shuja’iya as a massacre. 100 deaths a massacre ? – of which a lot will be Hamas terrorists and most of the civilians were forced to stay in the district after 2 days of warnings to evacuate. If the IDF really wanted a massacre, hundreds if not thousands could have been killed. In fact all the signs are that the IDF put themselves at excessive risk which is why they lost so many men yesterday.
2 “No terrorists” – the BBC seeks endless sad video of women and children – but never ever seems to see any Hamas fighters. They cannot be that blind – they MUST be lying. This is part of the BBC failure to report that the Hamas strategy is to use human shields in built-up neighbourhoods. The Guering sob-story treatment all the time.
3 No terrorist casualties. All deaths and injuries (using base figures which themselves are suspect, being manipulated by Hamas) – are described as “civilian”. So – days of street fighting, and no dead terrorists ?
4 Play down the warnings Israel has been giving. Not just IDF warnings by leaflet, radio, phone calls etc – but warnings from Netenyahu himself directly to the people of the suburb “Get out, Hamas does not care for you, we do” – all played down by the BBC. And worse still- play down the large amount of evidence that Hamas was forcing civilians to stay in harm’s way – a war crime.
Here is an example of BBC “reporting”, lasting over 5 minutes, that leaves out context, that never challenges the Palestinian viewpoint, that tries to portray a massacre by the IDF.
It ticks all the Hamas boxes, and was broadcast round the word by BBC World Service.
Only the BBCs Today programme would consider a self-styled “audio postcard” from Gaza as being somehow worth putting out on a news programme.
It was an absolute disgrace…emoting, deceit, self-serving sliming for a news angle. Doucet is a PLO shill, pure and simple.
And the BBC slopped this stuff out and call it “news analysis and comment”.
Point of information. Hamas is not a member of the PLO. If it wasn’t for UN resolutions and the wording of the Oslo Accords the PLO probably no longer exists in any real sense. Abbas as head of the PLO doesn’t consult any of the other members when he does or says anything.
Apparently Hammas claim one family of 28! All died in one attack. Does anyone actually try to find out if any of these seemingly ridiculous figures bear any truth or do Hammas simply use a bingo machine and make up a story then pull out a ball with a number written on it and add it in?
Oh No! Tensions grow in Oldham. North West Tonight report a rise in crime an 1.000 or so complaints Yes issues from various existing ethnic groups about Romanians. Oh but they must be part of the multi cultural dream. Anyway I didn’t think any of them came here? Apparently “A small group of Asians gave the Police an ultimatum” Now what did Fargage say about Romanians moving in next door? Any one able to remind me?
Lunchtime local news.”Romanian immigrants feel victimised” “Police say tensions are growing.” It must be serious for North West to still be running this one.
Did anyone hear Sarah Montague this morning interviewing a govt minister(Brokenshire?) about the five hundred guys named Mo who’ve gone off on a jihad jolly to the middle east?
It was extremely irritating, as the whole premise of the questioning was how do we educate these nice kids about the situation, as they are clearly only going there for ‘HUMANITARIAN REASONS’ and, once there, they may find themselves unwittingly caught up with Isis and the Al Nusra Front.
What an absolute pile of garbage, and the govt minister was totally on board with this interpretation. Makes you despair.
To admit any other interpretation would be tantamount to admitting that reality exists. The whole political and media elite is in denial.
Not for the first time has this elite proved to be absurdly wrong.
Human frailty is the kind explanation. Sheer ignorance and perverse stupidity is the real one.
Only the BBC would fail to see the option to use those Dignitas drugs cocktails for more productive purposes.
They clearly don`t want the death penalty in the USA, as this piece of crap on Radio 4 tonight(8pm 21/7/14) continues to tell me as I write.
They fear the wrong drugs being used-and the return of the electric chair( as if the USA doesn`t have guns to shoot the dogs of death row).
But I assume Dignitas have a winning formula that satisfies the human rights lobby…so why does the BBC not see the potential to export drugs, create a decent death and even use generic cheap equivalents, should that save us from overpaying Big Pharma.
Happy to provide my “joined up, holistic solutions”..the silo thinking of the Human Rights lobby and the BBC seems to be a bit…well “conservative” maybe?
BBC iPlayer was out of action for many/most users for over 2 whole days starting Saturday morning. Database server overload is suggested as the cause.
I was able to get access an hour or so again. But now the same error messages are cropping up – I have to access tried 5 or 6 programmes on the radio channels. not a single one is available.
Apparently the BBC still does not know what really cause – and still is causing ? – such a major and lengthy breakdown.
The BBC tries to use the claimed figure of 500 deaths in Gaza (without saing that probably half or more were Hamas terrorists) as some sort of “massacre”. The figures are miniscule compared with the carnage that ZMuslims have been involved with in the past – here are some random figures I just found :
1983-2005 Sudan (Muslim)-South Sudan (Christian)- 1.8 million killed
1980-1988 Iran (Muslim)-Iraq (Muslim) 1.5 million, including 200,000 Kurdish civilians, many from mustard gas
1967-1970 Nigeria (Muslim) civil war – 1.2+ million
1975-2002 Angola (Muslim) civil war 800,000+
1955-1972 Sudan (Muslim/christian) civil war- 500,000 killed
1991-2006 Somalia (Muslim) civil war 300,000+
1971 Bangladesh (Muslim)-west Pakistan(Muslim) 300,000
1974-1980 Ethiopian (Muslim) civil war 250,000+
1954-1962 France-Algeria (Muslim) 250,000
1976-1990 Lebanon civil war (Muslim/Christian fighting) 200,000+ killed
2011-present Syria civil war (Muslim) 170,000+
2003-2011 US-Iraq (Muslim) 160,000+ killed
1962-1970 Yemen (Muslim) Civil War/Egypt(Muslim) 100,000+, including thousands of civilians from mustard gas
1979-1988 USSR-Afghanistan (Muslim) 100,000 killed
1992-1995 Bosnian War 100,000 killed; 1 million displaced
1975-1990 Indonesia (Muslim)-East Timor(Christian) 100,000 killed, mostly Christians
1994-1995 Russia- Chechnya (Muslim) 80,000
1991-2002 Sierra Leone (Muslim) civil war 50,000+
2001-present US-Afghanistan (Muslim) 47,000+
1984-present Turkey (Muslim)-Kurds 44,000
1999 Russia – Chechnya (Muslim) 40,000+
1990-1991 US-Iraq (Muslim), Kuwait (Muslim) 35,000
2006-2009 Somalia (Muslim)-Ethiopia 28,000
1982-1983 Israel (Jewish)-Lebanon (Muslim) 27,000
1982 Syria (Muslim) Hama uprising 20,000
1948-1949 Israel(Jewish) – Egypt (Muslim), Syria(Muslim), Jordan(Muslim), Iraq(Muslim), Saudi Arabia (Muslim), Sudan(Muslim), Yemen(Muslim) 18,000
1973 Israel(Jewish)-Egypt(Muslim); Syria(Muslim) 18,000
1967 Israel(Jewish)-Egypt(Muslim); Jordan(Muslim); Syria(Muslim) 16,000
1971 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 13,000
2011 Libya (Muslim) civil war 8000+
1947-1948 India(Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 7,500
1965 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 6800
2000-2008 Israel (Jewish)-Palestinians 6500
2004- Shia Insurgency in Yemen 5000
2009-present Somalia(Muslim) civil war 4000
2001 AlQaeda (Muslim)- US 3000
1999 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 2500
1987-1993 Israel (Jewish)-Palestinians 2300
2009-present south Yemen(Muslim) 1500
2008 Israel(Jewish)-Hamas(Muslim) 1400
2005-2010 Chad (Muslim/christian) civil war 1000+
1990 Iraq (Muslim)-Kuwait(Muslim) 1000+ killed
2006 Israel (Jewish)-Hezbollah(Muslim) 600
1989-1991 Mauritania(Muslim)-Senegal(Muslim) 500
1985 Mali (Muslim)- Burkina Faso (Muslim) 250
2012 Israel (Jewish)- Hamas 200+
1991-2001 Djibouti civil war 100+
The BBC’s obsession with Israel and failure to report properly is not just anti-Israel – it smells like anti-semitism
I don’t think the Angolan civil war was Islamic – it was the Russian/Cuban/East German-backed Leninist MPLA against the US/South African-backed “democratic socialist” UNITA – so two bunches of Lefties kicking seven bells out of each other, killing at least half a million people and displacing a third of the population.
The MPLA are now screwing every penny they can out of the highly-profitable oil industry – for example, Luanda is now one of the most expensive places in the world to live as foreigners have to rent approved accomodation, government controlled and frequently owned by relatives of officials.
“Forget the licence fee:
Why Game of Thrones damns the case for a universal BBC”
By Ryan Bourne.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Ahead of the 2016 Charter Review, the BBC is bunkering down to defend its funding through the licence fee. Last week alone saw director-general Tony Hall and head of policy James Heath robustly justify the continuation of the £145.50 annual charge for all those households who watch any type of live TV.
“It would be a mistake, however, to think this debate is just about whether the Beeb gets its revenues from a compulsory charge, or else advertising and subscription. Of course, we can discuss interesting topics like the impact of technology on whether the licence fee is feasible. But at its core, the funding debate is a proxy for a discussion of what the BBC should be and what it should do. In other words, is there a case any longer for the sort of all-singing, all-dancing public service broadcaster the BBC has become?”
Yes, there should be 2 debates – first do we still need “public service broadcasting”, in particular the BBC, and to what scale and extent. (I can;’t see any kind of case for more than 2 TV channels and 2 or 3 radio channels)
Only after deciding what the scale of any BBC might be should we consider how to fund it. And the licence fee looks the worst possible method.
With the appalling bias shown again to Israel tonight on the 10pm news I suppose I was looking for light relief and found it in Miliband! He had gone to Washington for a meeting with the President. Well as the BBC couldn’t be bothered to report I don’t know how many minutes he was given but from this site I do know that Obama didn’t have the Milipede high up his agenda. But instead of a photo op of the PM in waiting with POTUS we had him like a tourist with the White House in the background; pity the BBC couldn’t fill us in with the politics for once.
The middle East is in flames, world war three could result from the shooting down of the Malaysian air liner and the moronic marxist political student, who could easily end up as PM, thinks it is more important to swan off to to the US for a selfie opportunity with Barry.
And the BBC thinks the sun shines out of the arses of both of these idiots.
Great to see you back and what has teased you back out (BBC employees wishing lingering illness bit of a steer clear zone, apparently).
Given how the meeting went may have shaped the BBC’s desire to share it. Or not. Sure some time in the edit suite may see more enthusiasm.
Like many other interesting editorial decisions only understood by such as A. Newsroom Tealady, these often are of course coyly protected by the BBC’s unique code of omertà.
I have no idea.I think Deborah seems to suggest that not reporting the meeting between Miliband and Obama was evidence of bias. I was just trying to find out what her thinking was. If that is the case then I wonder how that works. I couldn’t really work it out from her post.
But will the BBC throw up a headline with similar prominence telling us how many of these athletes and officials are still here in the UK long after their scheduled departures ?
I mean, some of them don’t even bother to wait for the games to begin….
The BBC rarely offers us a surprise in the type of views it chooses to promote.
Today our national broadcaster tackles the thorny issue of ‘London’s housing crisis’. Well, most would say there is an issue there, some might say there is a problem – I tend to think only the official Labour Party are really keen on that ‘crisis’ word but hey-ho let’s play along.
So the BBC promises ‘Five controversial solutions’ Gosh – controversial solutions – what do you reckon is number one then?
Erm…. curb immigration?
No, no, no, of course not. The BBC takes as its number one insightful best thought on the matter…..
‘Adopt a European attitude’
Oh dear, how very very predictable.
Idea number two?
‘Build all over the green belt’
And on it goes….
‘Penalise owners of empty properties’
‘Build on brownfield sites’ – in what conceivable way is that one controversial?
The Today hotline to Labour latest: ‘Can we have Liam Byrne on to do a number on Gove over the Birmingham schools?’
Consider it done!
Whoosh! Byrne appears in studio, slaps on the back all round.
In the gospel according to Liam (for Naughtie hangs on his every word) Gove was divisive in his approach to this problem and his policies in general have left Birmingham schools ‘Balkanised’ (no, he didn’t explain what he meant). Now we need to get back to building inclusivity in this diverse and multicultural city (no, no explanation as to how they’re going to do that in areas which are overwhelmingly Muslim). No challenges from Naughtie about how Labour’s mass immigration policy possibly, just possibly might have contributed to this growing radicalisation threat, let alone whether by ‘diverse’ we actually mean ‘fractured’. In fact, no challenges at all – just gently attentive, helping Byrne emphasize his points, letting him trash Gove at will – who, like Thatcher, is no longer able to defend himself.
I listened to that interview this morning over my bowl of All-Bran. The most amazing thing was how not once during the entirety of the interview was the dreaded ‘Islam’ word mentioned. Not once. Think about that. Here were two supposedly educated, intelligent men having a discussion about a scandal in the education system and yet neither one of them dared mentioned the ‘I’ word. If I was a visiting Martian I really would have come away from the interview wondering exactly what the two of them were talking about.
Once again this morning the Today programme covered itself in anti-semitic shame. The face that fewer Israeli’s die due to their better protection against Hamas rocket attacks is a matter of some contention. This morning it was Sarah Montague who was clearly upset that not enough Jews are dying.
I have followed the BBC’s news output for years and have always been annoyed by their bias but have lived with it. However I do believe that their coverage of the Gaza conflict has stepped over the line into the same realm as their coverage of global warming. It seems that the science is settled and they have merely become a mouthpiece for Hamas propaganda. Shameful.
Any impartiality is long gone. Every news story is deeply ingrained with opinion. Hard core left Marxist pro-immigration, pro-EU, pro-muslim. Basically everything I disagree with.
Following on from uncledazuk’s comments, Today – follwing its “impartiality” remit – brought on Israeli nutter Mira Bar-Hillel to rant about the evil Jews, the justice of the Hamas cause and how the majority (?) of British Jews who support the Palestinian cause are being intimidated (via Twitter?) into silence.
Now, I’m always happy to see nutters given their place in the sun as long as their delusions are torn to shreds by a sane opponent: not this morning unfortunately. However, it struck me when listening to this travesty of “debate” that a really interesting opponent of the fair Mira would have been a Palestinian/Moslem/Gazan who publicly would have been willing both to oppose Hamas and support Israel’s actions. Of course, AFAIAA no such person exists since anyone putting his/her head above the parapet here would be seriously putting his/her life in danger (not like Mira who might get a few swear words twittered to her).
The existence of Israeli and Jewish public opposition to Israel’s policies on Gaza and, again AFAIAA, the absence of mirror-image opposition on the other side says it all about the rights and wrongs of what’s happening.
Nowhere on the BBC have I heard that a key strategy for all the tunnels branching out from Gaza was the high risk of a Mumbai-style operation, gangs of Hamas terrorists using tunnels to attack nearby kibbutz and even kindergarten. The aim being to kill or kidnap as many civilians as possible. One of the tunnels had small railtracks so people eg children could be taken back into Gaza more easily.
A lot of the stuff about the extent and huge costs and uses of the tunnels is highly newsworthy – but seldom mentioned in proper context by the BBC. For example – the aggressive intent of the tunnels, the sheer scale of tunnel building, the way massive aid resources have been used up in building them – and especially the way Hamas has put the entrances under houses and mosques etc to increase risks of civilian casualties.
Why isn’t Panorama making a special programme on the Hamas tunnel strategy – and why it became essential for Israel to go into Gaza to track down the tunnel entrances.
Complaint in to the BBC again today re FMG reporting (Islamic omission):
Your total omission within your news article of the Islamic cause of FGM is not understood. Could you please explain? How can we ever expect to tackle this illegal practice within our democracy if the taxpayer, who funds the agencies, (including the broadcaster), to catch the perpetrators are kept out of the loop? We need to know the full story to support our Government to wipe out this evil criminal practice which is totally medieval and alien to our culture. It is most unfortunate your current BBC tax funded model allows your prominent censored view direct access into almost every household in our land. This sort of omission of facts is tantamount to propaganda and appeasement of criminals. Hitherto we have also witnessed the BBC censor Muslim criminal gangs involved in pedophilia, (grooming and sexually abusing non-Muslim girls in this country). Such appeasement is well known to exacerbate such a problem perpetrated by determined advocates. Therefore I am of the view the BBC is aiding and abetting Muslim criminality by making the problem harder to define by the majority of the electorate who, if they were made aware, would pile on pressure for it to be stopped. Where is the common sense or logic of the alternative, (appeasement)? I would bet my bottom dollar this type of criminal appeasement is not supported by the tolerant vast majority of inhabitants of this nation who fund you
I did notice however that at lunchtime a certain ethnic type was featured in the video running with the story. Again like you I noted the glaring omission in the report. I’d be interested to know what their reply is for your complaint.
I was listening to Five Live which was broadcasting from the “Girls” summit.
The presenter – Fogarty maybe – stated (to paraphrase) – we mustn’t forget that FGM is not restricted to only Africa and the sub-continent, it goes on in the UK.
Erm, quite – and from where were the UK exponents imported……..?
Following on from the theme of ‘guess what views the BBC promotes’
Dragon’s Den last night and all decisions appeared to be commercially driven until a chap turned up with a toy tank – ‘grrr it’s petrol driven, now if it had been electric….’ ‘my problem is that it has a gun on it’
The UN Sec-General is now in Israel. He has forthrightly condemned the Hamas rocket attacks – but more importantly and surprisingly, he has condemned the use of civilian sites for rocketry :,
“We condemn strongly the rocket attacks. These must stop immediately. We condemn the use of civilians sites, schools, hospitals and other civilian facilities for military purposes. No country would accept the rockets raining down on its territory. All countries and parties have an obligation to protect its citizens”
I wonder how much prominence the BBC will give this statement.. Not much, I would expect. It does not fit in with the moral equivocation of BBC reporters.
Nothing like that on their ‘Text’ headlines so far, only ‘United Nations Secretary – General Ban Ki- moon has urged Israel and the Palestinians to “stop fighting” and “start talking” to end the conflict in Gaza….’ Perhaps the news takes longer to get to this part of the world?
The UN condemned the use of a UN school to store rockets – then got Hamas around to come and collect them. It’s clear whose side the despicable UN is on. And why wouldn’t it be? Its disgusting Human Rights Council is run by the OIC.
Yes, this is a very favourite trick of the bbbc……..If they have talked themselves into a corner or the beloved muslim has done something clearly wrong they mention it on page 7 and then rather stiffly ignore it.
For example, if an alien from outer space were to watch the coverage of the current arab/israeli conflict he would quite correctly assume that everything was caused by those horrible Israelis……….Or should hamas just be allowed to continue to fire rockets(not targeted on anything warlike or military),after all that not so bad according to bbbc
I just wish someone (perhaps Nigel Farage) may do something when he is elected……..
The tension in Oldham runs into day 2 and I’m surprised North West normally does it’s best to ignore or cover up these incidents,Today it’s the Romanians side of the story and every one is prejudice to them including the police. The man interviewed tells reporter there is no crime maybe only 5 or 6 year olds taking a bike out of a back garden to play with, and it shouldn’t have been reported to the police. So that covers the 1000 or so incidents then. Next Plod joins the news team on the sofa and gives us the Manchester has welcomed all immigrants to the area speil, Pretty much batting all the reporters comments out into the long grass. Residents describe the area as a “tinderbox” “20” Romanians in one house, An Asians mans threat for the Police “To sort it out in 4 weeks” or they will. Plod then tells us it’s the hot weather tensions always rise in the hot weather. Oh ok then.
I saw this, the platitudinous cop was like a tubby social worker in uniform. I note however that the cops now have a dilemma: if the whites threaten to “take the law into their own hands” the plod would be down on them like a ton of bricks. But what to do if the Pakistanis are making the threats? Obviously, the Pakistani community has a special status, which is why they got away with having organised rape gangs for about 15 years. But does their protected status trump the Romas? We will find out. I would urge any white people left in Oldham to sit back and let the Pakistanis and Roma sort it out between them, it’s their town now after all.
“Islamic State orders shopkeepers to veil mannequins”
By Robert Spencer-
“This is because, you see, if a man is tempted by seeing an unveiled mannequin, and rapes her, then the poor mannequin will have to be put to death to salvage the honor of the department store.”
I used to live and work in Saudi Arabia , one evening I went into the local store to find the manager and staff hurriedly removing all the Mutant Ninja Turtle dolls from the shelves. When I asked them why, they told me the religious police had just been in and told them to remove them from display as they represented the image of a person and were un-Islamic. I told them you should have asked to see where it mentions Mutant Ninja Turtles in the Koran. They didn’t smile.
I note the Labour Protection Racket, (aka BBC), has kicked in again this week.
Our National Broadcaster has seen fit not to report our National ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, imminently being sent a Chilcot Enquiry “Maxwellisation” letter- as reported in the Independent and elsewhere on the net:
The Israeli reaction seems to be that the assault was purely because of the Arabic language not because of resentment towards the BBC or what he was actually saying. Can anyone translate what he was actually saying?
BBC is reporting that flights to Ben Gurion airport, the main international airport, are being suspended because of attempted rocket attacks by Hamas,
Somehow the BBC omits to mention that targetting a civil airport is a war crime.
Anyway, this really ups the ante. It is an attack on Israel’s international commerce and on its tourist industry. No way can the IDF stop hunting down the tunnel and rocket-firing and storage infrastructure. Hamas won’t accept the Egyptian ceasefire proposals that were endorsed by the Arab League and Israel.
Forget any waffling by Kerry or the EU, Israel cannot agree any demands to relax the blockade on Hamas terrorism, let alone release any prisoners. Egypt won’t alter its hostility to Hamas. Hamas can’t accept a truce based on nil gain and nil victory other than the ephemera of media criticism. Gazans are apparently getting pissed off with Hamas which has caused many deaths with nothing to show for them.
Absent any ceasefire things are going to get bloodier. And I don’t think Israeli public opinion or its politicians are going to give way, however much the media like the BBC may twist and bleat
And it could well be the end of the “2-state solution” – which was looking like a chimera anyway. Ben Gurion airport is muchcloser to the West Bank than to Gaza, no way can Israel now contemplate any risk of Hamas or similar being free in the West Bank to attack the airport,
Israeli military control of the West Bank has to remain.
Did anyone watch Crimewatch last night? They did a big piece on a terrorist attack even though the terrorist was already arrested, tried and sentenced. The victim a Muslim pensioner. We then had all the background all the right wing extremism etc. Why did we have this when the arrest etc was not connected with the programme and why have we not had similar pieces on Islamic terrorists being arrested and tried or even Islamic paedophile gangs?
bBC non-story design to attack the government: UK ‘still exporting arms’ to Russia, say MPs Britain is exporting millions of pounds worth of arms to Russia despite fears Moscow is arming the separatist rebels in Ukraine suspected of shooting down a Malaysia Airways plane, MPs have said.A committee report said 251 licences for the sale of controlled goods worth at least £132m remained in force.The PM has criticised other EU countries’ arms deals with Moscow
So according to the bBC headlines, the Tories are still selling weapons to Moscow, while berating others. Hypocrites especially with DM saying: David Cameron’s spokesman said the UK had not sold arms to Russia’s armed forces since March. He also said the arms export licences still in place were for “non-military legitimate reasons”.
Now go to the bottom of the page:
A government spokesman said the UK aimed to operate one the most robust and transparent export control systems in the world, and that “every application is examined rigorously against internationally-recognised criteria and particular attention is paid to human rights risks”.
The spokesman then gave further details of the UK’s equipment sale policy with Russia, saying:
This government has never exported missiles or missile parts to the Russian military
The UK has granted an export licence for the Brazilian navy which enables their vessels to be repaired in Russia. This includes components for navy vessel missile launchers but these are exclusively for use by the Brazilian navy and not by Russian forces
In March the then Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the suspension of all export licences to the Russian armed forces for any equipment that could be used against Ukraine
The committee’s report covers exports in 2013 before the suspension was in place and the majority of export licences still in place for Russia are for commercial use, but all licences are being kept under review
This government has not approved any licences for the export of rifles or ammunition to the Russian military. Export licences for rifles and ammunitions cover hunting and sporting rifles supplied to private individuals and to authorised dealers for resale
Ministers do not believe there is a credible risk that these weapons will be diverted for use by the Russian military
Today program on the Trojan horse plot – And here’s one of the school governors !
Of course the interviewers didn’t bother to challenge too much.
Then there was the inevitable leftie who stated that the Fascist bully words were responsible for the council failing to act, and then carrying on to liberally pepper her speech with accusations of ‘racism’ & ‘islamophobia’.
IMHO the time has come to make false or unproven accusations of either a criminal offence in the same way as other crimes are. We have seen the Trojan Horse plot able to flourish and despite the council having full knowledge they were unable to act.
Then there has been the Rochdale paedophile ring where again authorities had full knowledge but failed to act for fear of the bully words.
I’m sure that there are several other examples, and that there are other terrible deeds currently being perpetrated, which the authorities know about, but are paralysed to act because of fear of bully words.
Then when the Fascist politicos turn up they castigate the workers for doing nothing, when had they taken action at the time they wold have been there with the perpetrators spewing forth their bile along with their mates in the BBC.
David Ward, BBC 5Live, resident Beebot.
08 40 am – even for the BBC, this time
…. really crossed the line.
Beebot “hand feeds”questions, allows the spewing
of so many lies, so much anti-Semitism, with no recourse.
shameful – literally there are no words …..
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“Why does the BBC waste your money on so many weather forecasters?
“One forecast last week – and a dozen different faces across the country.”
Read more:
The irony is that the local weather immediately precedes the national weather and one will often contradict the other, not to mention frequently they’re both wrong.
“Why does the BBC waste your money on so many weather forecasters?
“One forecast last week – and a dozen different faces across the country”. Because its ‘Jobs for the boys’ (and girls!)
Whilst the main forecaster in our region is at least a meteorologist I know the weekend girl (one of several) has her degree in media studies so I can presume she is only reading a script. I am sure that Lord Hall’s call for more women will mean all new recruits fit his agenda. The DM article certainly showed a monstrous regiment of women and one man. So certainly jobs for the girls.
Surely, as all the weather forecasting is carried out by the Met Office, the duty newsreader can read them at the end of the news bulletin?
I’ve been using a more traditional form of weather forecasting for a while now.
I look out of a window.
So far I’m doing better than the BBC / Met office.
Can I have billions of pounds of taxpayer’s cash to buy a super computer to improve my Window forecasting models please?
I’ll base my computer model on the assumption that carbon dioxide and human activity have fuck all to do with climate and that its mostly down to ENSO.
Many years ago I was told by an RAF met officer that the poor man’s weather forecast was rather better than the met office – he said all you need is to say “tomorrow’s weather will be the same as yesterday’s”.
There, that’s saved you the cost of a window!
The irony of the Met office, they who try to predict the weather/global warming, is that its own pollution is massive in doing so. Its one of the country’s least green machines, it uses enough energy to power a small town – producing 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – and has made the Met Office one of the worst public buildings in Britain for pollution in a new green league table. Even Maurice Spurway, of Friends of the Earth, said it is “ironic” that a computer designed to help stave-off climate change is responsible for such high levels of pollution…..
And why do both Five Live and Radio 2 have separate sets of traffic announcers? It’s the same traffic, after all. Doubtless, it’s because all BBC departments/channels are independent “fiefdoms” which must be completely self-contained and never talk to each other or share resources.
Egos and empire-building.
Indeed, why not share the same news broadcasts across all radio networks, as you say its the same news.
The same could be said with TV news, all broadcasts should be linked up with News 24 on the hour, instead we have BBC3 News BBC4 World News and Newsnight etc, etc, in fact with the arrival of digital TV, does (biased) news even need to be shown at all on anything other than News 24?
Local bulletins are also a load of PC multicult filler and could be covered in 15 minutes with just one presenter.
The Scottie local news alwaysfollows the same format. First, a Disasta, with as much prurient gore as possible. Then, Grot, preferably with Partially Decomposed Body Parts. And finally, Fitba’, what most people would call soccer. That’s it.
I’m rather a fan of Five Live traffic’s fragrant Orna Merchant, despite the fact she, along with the others, continually warns me that “Elaine is blocked.”
Poor Elaine. Who is she? Who is blocking her? Is it the patriarchy?
Cos one was deported to Manchester ,to broadcast a national radio station ,only to the North West , along with the proper local Radio Manchester station , the other however remains in London . ( where it should be )
I am happy to have local weather forecasters as well as the national ones as they are able to provide more detail and interpret the regional picture better, knowing the local geography and topography.
But the problem is that many of those who read out the local weather forecasts are just bimbos, not meteorologists. The worst in the NorthWest is actually a fashion designer! But she is Nigerian, so that’s OK then.
The worst in the NorthWest is actually a fashion designer! But she is Nigerian, so that’s OK then.
Of course she must be the worst if she is a Nigerian. Just what would a Nigerian know about anything.
‘Of course she must be the worst if she is a Nigerian. Just what would a Nigerian know about anything.’
I think Sir Arthur’s comment is about the BBC’s obsession with minority quotas, whereas yours smacks of subconscious racism.
She can’t pronounce Cumbria…by her own admission. If you haven’t seen her on the Tv you couldn’t appreciate it.
I quite like the lady, actually, but, because it’s the BBC, it grates as you know only too well there’s an agenda behind it. I bloody hate them for making me feel like that.
As well as having no knowledge of weather forecasting, unfortunately the Nigerian can’t speak English, so we have to interpret what ‘clods over Combria’ means.
Ain’t that the truth Sir Arthur. Lets hope it’s not Wainey tomorrow.
She is a big lass though
She does heavy breathing as well.
What drove Hamas to take on Israel?
While I appreciate that Dr Jeroen Gunning is an outside expert
the BBC would not have brought him in if not basically in agreement.
Read the article. Dr Gunning gives the economic, political and strategic reasons for Hamas to attack Israel but somehow he (or is it the BBC editors?) miss an essential point. Hamas is for reasons of religion (mostly), Arab pride and revenge for 1948 committed to the total destruction of the State of Israel.
A more honest headline would be:
What drove Hamas to take on Israel – NOW NOT LATER? .
Yes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) and its Islamic jihad imperative.
Some necessary history fore INBBC:-
“How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?”
By Lawrence Auster.
George R, good link. I’ve read it before but it’s a concise summary of the history of that region and came as a welcome reminder of the arab mentality and their distortion of the actualite.
I wonder if the BBC will report this little ditty?
I have been interested in the past few days by the BBC coverage of the events in Gaza. The subtlety of the language used is interesting. When reporting Hamas press releases or interviews the verb used is usually “announced” whereas Israeli press releases are described as “claimed”.
That cleverly puts the hearer or viewer in the mindset that Hamas tell the truth but Israel’s statements are of doubtful veracity.
For the last few years I’ve viewed EVERYTHING the BBBC has broadcast as “claimed”. I trust them as far as I can throw Dianne Fatbot
Yup, just like putting ‘Israelis say’ in front of facts which a £3.2Bn news organisation should be able to verify easily. The clear intention is to cast doubt on easily verifiable facts.
Tonight Newsnight showed what was tagged as an
“activist video”. An unidentified Palestinian? perhaps being shot? (dead?) by some unidentified assailant, IDF?.
Who knows? BBC seems happy to act as a conduit for HAMAS propaganda and accept without question that any
Palestinian interviewee tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, while Jews are not being killed in sufficiently high numbers for the BBC to take them seriously. Using BBC logic, the D-Day landings should never have taken place because tens of thousands of innocent French civilians would be killed.due to indiscriminate bombing and shelling.
Presumably there will be a Newsnight piece on this sometime this week !
I’m surprised (not) the BBC “forgot” to mention George Thomas was a Labour MP. Imagine if he’d been a Tory!
To be fair, when this allegation hit the newswires, on BBC News 24 Gary O’Donoghue mentioned that Thomas was a Labour cabinet minister. However, he only dribbled this out after his main description of him as the “Speaker of the Commons under Mrs Thatcher”. [My bold] In other words, the impression given was that, yes, he was originally Labour but he betrayed his origins by selling out to the devil herself in order to run the Commons, presumably in the Thatcherite interest.
As most people know the Speaker is elected by MPs in a turn and turnabout system to alternate between the major parties. Just to note, this system was overturned by Blair who used Labour’s overwhelming majority to see that a Conservative was not appointed after Betty Boothroyd’s resignation. That appointee (Speaker Martin) was slung out for incompetence (and worse) and Labour’s MPs – against the wish of a majority of Conservative MPs – appointed as successor a CINO whose bias in Labour’s favour mirrors the institutional bias of the BBC. So 3 Labour speakers in a row and counting.
Hear hear – well said!
Well I am continually amazed at the almost complete media silence on the London child abuse allegations which constantly names leading Tories. And its constant silence herein.
Sorry who you on about ? would this be the list of dead men the BBC lovers want to libel ? or those you have proof of misconduct ?
As has been said before, the silence only came when Labour started getting mentioned: look you your beeb for why that should be…
As you and Mat have pointed out, an odd one for a BBCphile to resurrect spontaneously.
No excuse for much professionally before or after, but a possible explanation for media cirumspection post McAlpine was the national broadcaster pursuing a blatant political agenda before checking facts, and making a royal Horlicks of so much it cost the licence fee payer a fortune to protect them from.
True apparently there is a reporter who had a file which linked politicians who supported PIE and their campaign to get child sex legalised taken from him by Special Branch. Interesting to see whose names could be in there. I wonder is a certain husband and wife double act could get a mention. And I’m not talking about the Krankies.
The Ukraine situation is too dangerous for the usual BBC simplifications.
Some of the responsibility is Putin’s. He has used the putsch in Kiev to grab territory.
But the western leaders who encouraged the Ukrainian demonstrators to overthrow a democratically elected president must also shoulder blame for the civil war going on.
And finally what the hell was the plane flying over a war zone for. And not just a war zone but one in which aircraft are being shot down at high altitude.
It’s not time to demonise Putin. That could cause a very dangerous escalation. There’s a great post on the need for restraint called: No Time To Do The Right Thing” at:
Just wait until the idiots in power force up gas prices. Then we will see Camoron distance himself but not offering any help for those unable to heat their homes.
Agreed, I keep thinking, these asses are pretty loud right now, but just wait until November when Putin extracts revenge – straight through their wallets. Of course we, the consumers will bear the brunt so they don’t care, but it will be good just to see how they need to change their tune when the global warming phenomenon known as ‘winter’ arrives!
Meanwhile, I recommend to buy a wood burner, or install that ground heat pump, do not delay. (should also be a good test of Little ‘Ead’s promise to freeze utility prices!)
What the media hasn’t told you is that Putin’s airplane was also flying in the area, maybe that was the intended target. Russia doesn’t having anything to gain by shooting down the airliner but Ukraine does.
Michael Savage on Ukraine. The Manchurian Candidate John McCain is clamouring for war .
Saw this on Россия 24.
Supposedly, Cameron and Putin have talked and agreed that the “incident” should not lead to escalation. No indication what else might have been said by way of criticism.
There were hundreds of planes flying over the area as you’ll discover with a little research.
The problem is Putin letting hi-tech equipment into the hands of idiots who think they are playing a war game app.
Over the no-fly area there were single figures, as you will know from the research you’ve done: of course if you want to include the whole region and at least three flight corridors then the ‘hundreds’ could be true. Specific pictures of heat trials and days worth of flights are available which no doubt you’ve seen so you’ll know that this plane was (a) off course (b) well north of that flight’s usual route (c ) not as high as usual etc…Ukraine traffic control, whose recordings etc would have as important information have yet to make available anything that could help explain the exact reasons WHY. I doubt either side is entirely innocent but please cut the crap.
The black boxes have now been handed over apparently, hopefully the Ukrainian authorities will be equally obliging.
Template BBC TV package on Gaza last night.
Lyse Ducet brings us nothing but pictures of Gaza civilians and medics rushing about – no miltants at all, not so much as handgun in sight.
Over to Israel and John Simpson brings us footage of trucks, armoured personnal carriers, howitzers – the lot.
Not subtle BBC, not subtle.
Maybe the reason is that our Lyse is under very strict supervision from her Hamas minders? Well then tell us so.
Better to have no TV coverage at all than to have pro-Hamas TV reporting.
AsISeeIt, I trust nothing that comes out of Gaza. A man in blue scrubs wearing white rubber gloves as in Lyce’s report tonight appears to be a medic but we don’t know that he is.
OMG arch right wing Globalist Evan Davies homosexual and advocate of mass immigration who notoriously suggested on Broadcasting House that immigrants willing to ‘squash up a bit’ could be the answer to Londons need for cheap labour, is to be Jeremy Paxmans replacement on Newsnight.
i think i am going to be sick……
He looks a bit like Gollum out of Lord of the Rings.
Will he be accompanied by Mr. Whippy?
Yes this is the guy, should we really be surprised, this is the BBC? after all he does tick a few boxes….
Robert Brown – he does look ridiculous but saying “he is on the prowl for gay sex” is a bit far fetched
But probably true…
Not so Simon….gay men are always on the look-out for sex, any place, anytime, they cannot help themselves, worse than ‘normal’ guys and women. It’s as though they are in a frenzy to mate as though the world will end.
gay men are always on the look-out for sex, any place, anytime, they cannot help themselves, worse than ‘normal’ guys and women
If only.
Use contact lenses Scott, grow the hair a little and brush it forward, you never know! 😉
Credit where credit is due Scott. You made me smile today. Thank you.
See a little pleasant humour can build bridges
Didn’t a picture of you used to be on the cover of Mad Magazine?
… cry boy, cry boy, cry
………… cry boy, cry boy, cry
scene, or non-scene?
where s “Scott” of the Arseantic?
He seems to be standing for his change. I’m not sure how that is contentious.
At least I won’t have to suffer him anymore on Today.
But which woman will we get to replace him?
Lest we forget, his nickname among BBC staff is “tinsel tits” in homage to his nipple jewellery.
Thank you so much for that image. 🙂
This is a sobering report from the islam-watch website. The subject and the photos are not for the squeamish but it needs to be widely known in our country what muslims are capable of doing to each other and Christians.
I don’t watch bbc news so I don’t know if they have ever reported on such atrocities. The little girl who had her heart cut out, after watching her parents murdered by muslims, looks to be about 5 years old. My revulsion towards islam and disgust for muslims is now complete; the apologists for muslims such as the bbc have to know they are complicit in hiding the truth from our nation. May God help all the Christians who are currently being ethnically cleansed in syria, afghanistan, iraq and just about all other muslim countries. If we don’t wake up and do something to protect ourselves in our country, these things will be done to us, sooner or later.
In the same week muslim jihadist rebels were killing Christians by crucifixion in Syria, the British media was covering the latest ‘waaycism’ non news story, Jeremy Clarkson saying the N word. Pathos.
I had a long conversation with an otherwise sound right wing man yesterday whose hostility to Israel was quite disturbing. In essence he parroted the liberal line that it is all Israel’s fault for existing and that if Israel was ended then the ME and Europe would be at peace.
AS he was ignorant of the history of Israel he was actually spouting the common Guardian/liberal/BBC line. Disproportonate force etc etc. Peace loving Palestinians. Palestine has always existed and so on. There were no Jews in the ME prior to 1947 No background knowledge at all.
So relentless is the liberal media’s bias that is has completely corrupted reality and the truth. Few are immune.
There are times in life where I sit in stunned silence at the barbarity that is meted out to people, whether it’s by the wicked drug cartels or these Islamist/Jihadist scum.
At the weekend I had to phyically stop thinking about those 300 people, especially the little children, who fell to their deaths from 33,000ft after being blown out of the sky. And for what?.
Today though, I am fighting back the tears after seeing the above link and especially that little 5yr old girl.
This can’t go on.
I wish it would stop but it’s been going on since the dawn of Islam. Islam if it ever was benign is being hijacked by evil sadists. Much like Communism was I suppose. Not all Muslims are maniacal terrorists but it seems all maniacal terrorists are Muslim.
Female Genital Mutilation.
Another huge, continuing cost of mass immigration from Africa and Asia (from areas with predominantly Islamic populations) to British society, on which INBBC does not make a clear connection-
“Extra FGM training for public sector staff”
An hour of Scots independence on Five Live this morning. It started off quite calmly, but soon descended into the usual ranting emotion from one side of the debate. Anyone who disagrees with the yes campaign is either a bully, a scaremonger or a liar.
Yesterday a very odd bod was interviewed on Sky News, replete with a red star on his t-shirt. So strange was “Nicky Patterson” I decided to google this chap stumbled upon at random in Glasgow city centre, and found this…
If you have ten minutes and you like a laugh it is well worth a read. Mr. Patterson is a recovering alcoholic and mental patient. Scotland’s future is secure.
Scotland’s future is secure.!
Sadly for Scotland it’s future is 1314 one victory leading to utter ruin! again! as once the Souths money runs out and the oil drys up [funny thought socialists hated oil ??] then all they have is booze. boggy old battlefields, American tourists and a huge manufactured sense of grievance !
Such ignorance.
If Scotland does vote yes then the “South’s” oil will run out about 50 years earlier than Scotland’s. It is a pretty safe bet that an Independent Scotland would make a better job of managing the oil revenues than Westminster has to date. The only other oil and gas rich country that has failed to manage this natural resource as badly as Westminster is Iraq!!
Ahh the usual and totally predictable B/S of Knob Roy and his skirt warriors dancing in the bog of bigots ! ! bliss !
Ah, the usual form of response by a BBBC regular when challenged on their unfounded assertions.
“Ah, the usual form of response by a BBBC regular”
As a matter of interest, how would you describe yourself and a few others currently packing out the threads with a fair number of responses whilst steering clear of very live topical issues?
Since when did I need your consent to contribute?
As “Milverton” posted the original comment to which I responded at 2.28pm today it would appear to be a “live topical issue”.
If “topicality” is a requisite can I perhaps point out that the vast majority of your posts fail to comply.
…he meant when would you consider YOURSELF a BBBC regular? Wasn’t that hard to understand.
” Wasn’t that hard to understand.”
You’d think.
Maybe I strayed into multi-syllables again?
But to be fair, 8 others appear to be similarly challenged, unless they just click by default without thinking.
“Since when did I need your consent to contribute?”
You don’t.
That never came up, other in the place you inhabit.
I asked a question.
Which you seem reluctant to address. Can’t imagine why that seems familiar.
Let me try again.
If posting volume is surely a fair measure of regularity, what makes one a BBBC regular or, mysteriously, not?
“If “topicality” is a requisite can I perhaps point out that the vast majority of your posts fail to comply.”
You can try and point out anything you like, and clearly have. But like much discussed here, that need not make it so.
I am of course biased in my own favour (the BBC will surely empathise) but other than occasional forays teasing the likes of your goodself, often using precedent or self-dug holes of your own creation, most of my posts are about lack of BBC accuracy, objectivity or integrity (countering with ‘no they’re not’ won’t do, so you have a choice: head elsewhere or embark on one of your archive safaris), usually using URL and/or quote.
I notice that these seldom, if ever, see any from the Flokker fraternity come near. I wonder why that is?
Oh, and finally, one small thing… using phrases like ‘failure to comply’ when whipping out your Madocian notebook as self-appointed hall monitor to a blog you claim not to like…. well, that’s a lol.
Your (there, a morsel off-topic to latch on to) welcome:)
But only last week my absence was being commented upon. Not so long ago I was described as a “drive by” commentator and a “lurker”.
Consistency? What consistency!!
Ahh the usual response from a BBC troll when bitch slapped !
So classy as usual!!
Sweaty Sock wrote:
The only other oil and gas rich country that has failed to manage this natural resource as badly as Westminster is Iraq!!
Really how about Venezuela, Iran,Nigeria even Russia . None of them have used their Oil wealth to benefit the people. As for the UK management, People like you quote Norway as the country to follow. Err Norway has a population of 5 million, try spreading the same money around 50-60 million people.
As for Scottish Oil lasting over 50 years. Err think again, its already on the downward slope.
Finally I have no problem with the Scottish gaining independence. But if things go tits up (And I’ll put money on that) are we going to see loads of Scottish people moving to….England.
Venezuela is debatable: the people do have the benefit of the cheapest petrol ever anywhere* but of course the potential revenues the country could have got would no doubt have helped the country more.
* less than 2 dollar cents per litre… yes, about 60 litres per US dollar.
Would you care to provide an independent (i.e. not a paid-for, SNP-supporting sycophant’s) source for that 50-years claim, Albaman ?
Being English I try not to get too optimistic over the independence thing because I reckon they’ll see sense (who’ll pay for stuff?) at the last minute and vote NO.
But if it’s actually YES I’ll be celebrating for weeks. Just think – much less chance of Labour ever getting again, they’ll have to stop whingeing about England being the cause of all their woes, and they can finally slink back into bed with their natural allies – the French.
In fact while they are at it they can have large parts of London and our ‘enriched’ socialist fiefdoms in the north too.
Simple arithmetic indicates that Blair would still have had a majority, in 3 successive elections, without any Scottish seats. That tends to be the case when a country only elects about 10% of the Westminster M.P.’s
What he/she actually said was ‘…much less chance of Labour ever getting again…’
Anyroad, the reality is this:
‘A political row has broken out over the role of Scottish Labour MPs whose votes proved crucial as the government won the vote on university top-up fees.
The Higher Education Bill was backed by 316 votes to 311 at Westminster.
Some 46 Scottish Labour MPs voted with the government, even though the plans will not apply north of the border. Five voted against and three abstained.
Shadow education secretary Tim Yeo said the bill had only been carried on the votes of Scottish Labour MPs.’
Interesting that whenever the Beeboids sum up the origins of the Ukraine war they forget it all kicked off when the EU tried to expand eastwards and get Ukraine into the EU and NATO.
The EU poked the bear and we now reap the horrors.
Ah so it was EU who shot down the airliner.
Words fail me at this point…
That’s not what John said. But do you doubt that if the EU had not interfered then that airliner would not have been shot down?
Whatever happened to the investigation into the sniper killings in Kyiv’s Maidan?
Not only your words have failed, your ability to read also seems too have failed.
The BBC must be spitting feathers, having missed out on interviewing this raving lunatic………ticks all their boxes.
The BBC has not been telling us the scale of the tunnel infrastructure already found in Gaza. The IDF says there are 18 tunnels so far, many interconnected, with multiple entrances. They describe it as being like a metro system.
The IDF also claims to have killed 118 gunmen since entering Gaza a few days ago – if valid, that sharply reduces the “civilian” death toll, and that toll should also be reduced by subtracting all other Hamas rocket operatives etc killed earlier. The BBC is still describing the Hamas gunmen as “militants”
I understand that one of the tunnel entrances was in a mosque. And another tunnel had an exit ready just under the dining area of an Israeli kibbutz – imagine the carnage that could have led to.
An overseas journalist yesterday described seeing a Hamas gunmen dressed as a woman. And the IDF says a female suicide bomber was killed today.
This is the “flavour”, the detail, that the BBC tries to hide from us. They are bleating on about the casualty levels – what else could be expected if the IDF has to work its way through crowded Gaza neighbourhoods where Hamas has forced the civilians to remain even 2 days after endless IDF warnings to evacuate.
This is just one of many exits to the tunnels, many of which go under the Gaza border and far into Israel. The Palestinians and their fellow-travellers including so many at the BBC claim it is wrong to have strong border control with Gaza. But the huge amount of investment, concrete etc in the tunnels shows that Israel has no choice but to try to defend itself from the murderous Hamas.
Israel should booby-trap all the tunnels and leave the Gaza ends open and block the Israel ends with tons of concrete. As Hamas are the ones that use the tunnels the booby traps would eliminate only terrorists.
I think most people here in England think that the muslim tunnels are akin to the tunnels dug by our plucky POWs during WW2; makeshift, one man efforts that are prone to collapse and discovery at any moment. An image I suggest the bbc perpetuates.
Amazing, isn’t it? All that concrete to build tunnels for the use of ferrying Hamas assassins and weapons safely around when they could have built bomb shelters for Palestinian civilians. How come no one like Lies Douche or Jeremy Al-Bowen ask questions like that?
BBC reports on Gaza are mostly propagating – or implying – false themes :
1 They keep bringing in the word “massacre” – used by Hamas spokesmen but never challenged by BBC staff. Hamas clearly wants to present the current clearing out of the Hamas-infested district of Shuja’iya as a massacre. 100 deaths a massacre ? – of which a lot will be Hamas terrorists and most of the civilians were forced to stay in the district after 2 days of warnings to evacuate. If the IDF really wanted a massacre, hundreds if not thousands could have been killed. In fact all the signs are that the IDF put themselves at excessive risk which is why they lost so many men yesterday.
2 “No terrorists” – the BBC seeks endless sad video of women and children – but never ever seems to see any Hamas fighters. They cannot be that blind – they MUST be lying. This is part of the BBC failure to report that the Hamas strategy is to use human shields in built-up neighbourhoods. The Guering sob-story treatment all the time.
3 No terrorist casualties. All deaths and injuries (using base figures which themselves are suspect, being manipulated by Hamas) – are described as “civilian”. So – days of street fighting, and no dead terrorists ?
4 Play down the warnings Israel has been giving. Not just IDF warnings by leaflet, radio, phone calls etc – but warnings from Netenyahu himself directly to the people of the suburb “Get out, Hamas does not care for you, we do” – all played down by the BBC. And worse still- play down the large amount of evidence that Hamas was forcing civilians to stay in harm’s way – a war crime.
BBC – a total disgrace.
Here is an example of BBC “reporting”, lasting over 5 minutes, that leaves out context, that never challenges the Palestinian viewpoint, that tries to portray a massacre by the IDF.
It ticks all the Hamas boxes, and was broadcast round the word by BBC World Service.
Presented by Lyse Doucet. Who else !
(5mins 6 secs)
sheesh! … whats worse, the B/S or that bloody woman s irritating, faux concerned screech!
Only the BBCs Today programme would consider a self-styled “audio postcard” from Gaza as being somehow worth putting out on a news programme.
It was an absolute disgrace…emoting, deceit, self-serving sliming for a news angle. Doucet is a PLO shill, pure and simple.
And the BBC slopped this stuff out and call it “news analysis and comment”.
Point of information. Hamas is not a member of the PLO. If it wasn’t for UN resolutions and the wording of the Oslo Accords the PLO probably no longer exists in any real sense. Abbas as head of the PLO doesn’t consult any of the other members when he does or says anything.
Apparently Hammas claim one family of 28! All died in one attack. Does anyone actually try to find out if any of these seemingly ridiculous figures bear any truth or do Hammas simply use a bingo machine and make up a story then pull out a ball with a number written on it and add it in?
Oh No! Tensions grow in Oldham. North West Tonight report a rise in crime an 1.000 or so complaints Yes issues from various existing ethnic groups about Romanians. Oh but they must be part of the multi cultural dream. Anyway I didn’t think any of them came here? Apparently “A small group of Asians gave the Police an ultimatum” Now what did Fargage say about Romanians moving in next door? Any one able to remind me?
… Asians?
would that be Chinese, Korean or Japanese
I have no idea North West Tonight didn’t specify.
Have you been to the Islamic Republic of Glodwick in Oldham ?
Lunchtime local news.”Romanian immigrants feel victimised” “Police say tensions are growing.” It must be serious for North West to still be running this one.
Did anyone hear Sarah Montague this morning interviewing a govt minister(Brokenshire?) about the five hundred guys named Mo who’ve gone off on a jihad jolly to the middle east?
It was extremely irritating, as the whole premise of the questioning was how do we educate these nice kids about the situation, as they are clearly only going there for ‘HUMANITARIAN REASONS’ and, once there, they may find themselves unwittingly caught up with Isis and the Al Nusra Front.
What an absolute pile of garbage, and the govt minister was totally on board with this interpretation. Makes you despair.
To admit any other interpretation would be tantamount to admitting that reality exists. The whole political and media elite is in denial.
Not for the first time has this elite proved to be absurdly wrong.
Human frailty is the kind explanation. Sheer ignorance and perverse stupidity is the real one.
Only the BBC would fail to see the option to use those Dignitas drugs cocktails for more productive purposes.
They clearly don`t want the death penalty in the USA, as this piece of crap on Radio 4 tonight(8pm 21/7/14) continues to tell me as I write.
They fear the wrong drugs being used-and the return of the electric chair( as if the USA doesn`t have guns to shoot the dogs of death row).
But I assume Dignitas have a winning formula that satisfies the human rights lobby…so why does the BBC not see the potential to export drugs, create a decent death and even use generic cheap equivalents, should that save us from overpaying Big Pharma.
Happy to provide my “joined up, holistic solutions”..the silo thinking of the Human Rights lobby and the BBC seems to be a bit…well “conservative” maybe?
BBC iPlayer was out of action for many/most users for over 2 whole days starting Saturday morning. Database server overload is suggested as the cause.
I was able to get access an hour or so again. But now the same error messages are cropping up – I have to access tried 5 or 6 programmes on the radio channels. not a single one is available.
Apparently the BBC still does not know what really cause – and still is causing ? – such a major and lengthy breakdown.
and what is the BBC spend on IT / digital services each year ?
The Register calls it a massive cock-up.
The BBC tries to use the claimed figure of 500 deaths in Gaza (without saing that probably half or more were Hamas terrorists) as some sort of “massacre”. The figures are miniscule compared with the carnage that ZMuslims have been involved with in the past – here are some random figures I just found :
1983-2005 Sudan (Muslim)-South Sudan (Christian)- 1.8 million killed
1980-1988 Iran (Muslim)-Iraq (Muslim) 1.5 million, including 200,000 Kurdish civilians, many from mustard gas
1967-1970 Nigeria (Muslim) civil war – 1.2+ million
1975-2002 Angola (Muslim) civil war 800,000+
1955-1972 Sudan (Muslim/christian) civil war- 500,000 killed
1991-2006 Somalia (Muslim) civil war 300,000+
1971 Bangladesh (Muslim)-west Pakistan(Muslim) 300,000
1974-1980 Ethiopian (Muslim) civil war 250,000+
1954-1962 France-Algeria (Muslim) 250,000
1976-1990 Lebanon civil war (Muslim/Christian fighting) 200,000+ killed
2011-present Syria civil war (Muslim) 170,000+
2003-2011 US-Iraq (Muslim) 160,000+ killed
1962-1970 Yemen (Muslim) Civil War/Egypt(Muslim) 100,000+, including thousands of civilians from mustard gas
1979-1988 USSR-Afghanistan (Muslim) 100,000 killed
1992-1995 Bosnian War 100,000 killed; 1 million displaced
1975-1990 Indonesia (Muslim)-East Timor(Christian) 100,000 killed, mostly Christians
1994-1995 Russia- Chechnya (Muslim) 80,000
1991-2002 Sierra Leone (Muslim) civil war 50,000+
2001-present US-Afghanistan (Muslim) 47,000+
1984-present Turkey (Muslim)-Kurds 44,000
1999 Russia – Chechnya (Muslim) 40,000+
1990-1991 US-Iraq (Muslim), Kuwait (Muslim) 35,000
2006-2009 Somalia (Muslim)-Ethiopia 28,000
1982-1983 Israel (Jewish)-Lebanon (Muslim) 27,000
1982 Syria (Muslim) Hama uprising 20,000
1948-1949 Israel(Jewish) – Egypt (Muslim), Syria(Muslim), Jordan(Muslim), Iraq(Muslim), Saudi Arabia (Muslim), Sudan(Muslim), Yemen(Muslim) 18,000
1973 Israel(Jewish)-Egypt(Muslim); Syria(Muslim) 18,000
1967 Israel(Jewish)-Egypt(Muslim); Jordan(Muslim); Syria(Muslim) 16,000
1971 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 13,000
2011 Libya (Muslim) civil war 8000+
1947-1948 India(Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 7,500
1965 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 6800
2000-2008 Israel (Jewish)-Palestinians 6500
2004- Shia Insurgency in Yemen 5000
2009-present Somalia(Muslim) civil war 4000
2001 AlQaeda (Muslim)- US 3000
1999 India (Hindu)-Pakistan(Muslim) 2500
1987-1993 Israel (Jewish)-Palestinians 2300
2009-present south Yemen(Muslim) 1500
2008 Israel(Jewish)-Hamas(Muslim) 1400
2005-2010 Chad (Muslim/christian) civil war 1000+
1990 Iraq (Muslim)-Kuwait(Muslim) 1000+ killed
2006 Israel (Jewish)-Hezbollah(Muslim) 600
1989-1991 Mauritania(Muslim)-Senegal(Muslim) 500
1985 Mali (Muslim)- Burkina Faso (Muslim) 250
2012 Israel (Jewish)- Hamas 200+
1991-2001 Djibouti civil war 100+
The BBC’s obsession with Israel and failure to report properly is not just anti-Israel – it smells like anti-semitism
I don’t think the Angolan civil war was Islamic – it was the Russian/Cuban/East German-backed Leninist MPLA against the US/South African-backed “democratic socialist” UNITA – so two bunches of Lefties kicking seven bells out of each other, killing at least half a million people and displacing a third of the population.
The MPLA are now screwing every penny they can out of the highly-profitable oil industry – for example, Luanda is now one of the most expensive places in the world to live as foreigners have to rent approved accomodation, government controlled and frequently owned by relatives of officials.
Yes, that sounds valid.
“Forget the licence fee:
Why Game of Thrones damns the case for a universal BBC”
By Ryan Bourne.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Ahead of the 2016 Charter Review, the BBC is bunkering down to defend its funding through the licence fee. Last week alone saw director-general Tony Hall and head of policy James Heath robustly justify the continuation of the £145.50 annual charge for all those households who watch any type of live TV.
“It would be a mistake, however, to think this debate is just about whether the Beeb gets its revenues from a compulsory charge, or else advertising and subscription. Of course, we can discuss interesting topics like the impact of technology on whether the licence fee is feasible. But at its core, the funding debate is a proxy for a discussion of what the BBC should be and what it should do. In other words, is there a case any longer for the sort of all-singing, all-dancing public service broadcaster the BBC has become?”
Yes, there should be 2 debates – first do we still need “public service broadcasting”, in particular the BBC, and to what scale and extent. (I can;’t see any kind of case for more than 2 TV channels and 2 or 3 radio channels)
Only after deciding what the scale of any BBC might be should we consider how to fund it. And the licence fee looks the worst possible method.
With the appalling bias shown again to Israel tonight on the 10pm news I suppose I was looking for light relief and found it in Miliband! He had gone to Washington for a meeting with the President. Well as the BBC couldn’t be bothered to report I don’t know how many minutes he was given but from this site I do know that Obama didn’t have the Milipede high up his agenda. But instead of a photo op of the PM in waiting with POTUS we had him like a tourist with the White House in the background; pity the BBC couldn’t fill us in with the politics for once.
The middle East is in flames, world war three could result from the shooting down of the Malaysian air liner and the moronic marxist political student, who could easily end up as PM, thinks it is more important to swan off to to the US for a selfie opportunity with Barry.
And the BBC thinks the sun shines out of the arses of both of these idiots.
Is this evidence of bias because the BBC didn’t report the meeting?
Great to see you back and what has teased you back out (BBC employees wishing lingering illness bit of a steer clear zone, apparently).
Given how the meeting went may have shaped the BBC’s desire to share it. Or not. Sure some time in the edit suite may see more enthusiasm.
Like many other interesting editorial decisions only understood by such as A. Newsroom Tealady, these often are of course coyly protected by the BBC’s unique code of omertà.
You mean like this?
I have no idea.I think Deborah seems to suggest that not reporting the meeting between Miliband and Obama was evidence of bias. I was just trying to find out what her thinking was. If that is the case then I wonder how that works. I couldn’t really work it out from her post.
BBC Headline :
” Glasgow 2014: Thousands descend on Glasgow
Thousands of athletes and officials are descending on Glasgow as the city prepares for the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games on Wednesday.”
But will the BBC throw up a headline with similar prominence telling us how many of these athletes and officials are still here in the UK long after their scheduled departures ?
I mean, some of them don’t even bother to wait for the games to begin….
The first comment on the Guardian called ”IndieScot” on the missing Cameroon athletes.
”Hope they manage to evade the authorities and have a long happy stay in Scotland.”
Aiding and abetting criminal activity. When you have useful idiots like this in the country, the nation is f**ked.
The BBC rarely offers us a surprise in the type of views it chooses to promote.
Today our national broadcaster tackles the thorny issue of ‘London’s housing crisis’. Well, most would say there is an issue there, some might say there is a problem – I tend to think only the official Labour Party are really keen on that ‘crisis’ word but hey-ho let’s play along.
So the BBC promises ‘Five controversial solutions’ Gosh – controversial solutions – what do you reckon is number one then?
Erm…. curb immigration?
No, no, no, of course not. The BBC takes as its number one insightful best thought on the matter…..
‘Adopt a European attitude’
Oh dear, how very very predictable.
Idea number two?
‘Build all over the green belt’
And on it goes….
‘Penalise owners of empty properties’
‘Build on brownfield sites’ – in what conceivable way is that one controversial?
Just in case you don’t believe me here’s the link
‘Be the first to comment’
Beeboids interested in reporting racism?
“-Trojan Horse school chief exposed as bigot who wants adulterers and gays sent into exile”
Ah! That’s what constitutes a “moderate”. If he had been extreme, or even mainstream he would have called for automatic stoning and lynching.
…”a social conservative”
The Today hotline to Labour latest: ‘Can we have Liam Byrne on to do a number on Gove over the Birmingham schools?’
Consider it done!
Whoosh! Byrne appears in studio, slaps on the back all round.
In the gospel according to Liam (for Naughtie hangs on his every word) Gove was divisive in his approach to this problem and his policies in general have left Birmingham schools ‘Balkanised’ (no, he didn’t explain what he meant). Now we need to get back to building inclusivity in this diverse and multicultural city (no, no explanation as to how they’re going to do that in areas which are overwhelmingly Muslim). No challenges from Naughtie about how Labour’s mass immigration policy possibly, just possibly might have contributed to this growing radicalisation threat, let alone whether by ‘diverse’ we actually mean ‘fractured’. In fact, no challenges at all – just gently attentive, helping Byrne emphasize his points, letting him trash Gove at will – who, like Thatcher, is no longer able to defend himself.
(Yet another) job done.
I listened to that interview this morning over my bowl of All-Bran. The most amazing thing was how not once during the entirety of the interview was the dreaded ‘Islam’ word mentioned. Not once. Think about that. Here were two supposedly educated, intelligent men having a discussion about a scandal in the education system and yet neither one of them dared mentioned the ‘I’ word. If I was a visiting Martian I really would have come away from the interview wondering exactly what the two of them were talking about.
‘World-class’ BBC radio journalism, folks.
The report says that concerns were raised as early as 2002.
That’s 12 years that Gove had to sort it out…Oh! hang on….!
Once again this morning the Today programme covered itself in anti-semitic shame. The face that fewer Israeli’s die due to their better protection against Hamas rocket attacks is a matter of some contention. This morning it was Sarah Montague who was clearly upset that not enough Jews are dying.
I have followed the BBC’s news output for years and have always been annoyed by their bias but have lived with it. However I do believe that their coverage of the Gaza conflict has stepped over the line into the same realm as their coverage of global warming. It seems that the science is settled and they have merely become a mouthpiece for Hamas propaganda. Shameful.
Any impartiality is long gone. Every news story is deeply ingrained with opinion. Hard core left Marxist pro-immigration, pro-EU, pro-muslim. Basically everything I disagree with.
Following on from uncledazuk’s comments, Today – follwing its “impartiality” remit – brought on Israeli nutter Mira Bar-Hillel to rant about the evil Jews, the justice of the Hamas cause and how the majority (?) of British Jews who support the Palestinian cause are being intimidated (via Twitter?) into silence.
Now, I’m always happy to see nutters given their place in the sun as long as their delusions are torn to shreds by a sane opponent: not this morning unfortunately. However, it struck me when listening to this travesty of “debate” that a really interesting opponent of the fair Mira would have been a Palestinian/Moslem/Gazan who publicly would have been willing both to oppose Hamas and support Israel’s actions. Of course, AFAIAA no such person exists since anyone putting his/her head above the parapet here would be seriously putting his/her life in danger (not like Mira who might get a few swear words twittered to her).
The existence of Israeli and Jewish public opposition to Israel’s policies on Gaza and, again AFAIAA, the absence of mirror-image opposition on the other side says it all about the rights and wrongs of what’s happening.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the UN, describes how the media plays along with the strategy of Hamas :
And the BBC is well in the lead.
Nowhere on the BBC have I heard that a key strategy for all the tunnels branching out from Gaza was the high risk of a Mumbai-style operation, gangs of Hamas terrorists using tunnels to attack nearby kibbutz and even kindergarten. The aim being to kill or kidnap as many civilians as possible. One of the tunnels had small railtracks so people eg children could be taken back into Gaza more easily.
A lot of the stuff about the extent and huge costs and uses of the tunnels is highly newsworthy – but seldom mentioned in proper context by the BBC. For example – the aggressive intent of the tunnels, the sheer scale of tunnel building, the way massive aid resources have been used up in building them – and especially the way Hamas has put the entrances under houses and mosques etc to increase risks of civilian casualties.
Why isn’t Panorama making a special programme on the Hamas tunnel strategy – and why it became essential for Israel to go into Gaza to track down the tunnel entrances.
Complaint in to the BBC again today re FMG reporting (Islamic omission):
Your total omission within your news article of the Islamic cause of FGM is not understood. Could you please explain? How can we ever expect to tackle this illegal practice within our democracy if the taxpayer, who funds the agencies, (including the broadcaster), to catch the perpetrators are kept out of the loop? We need to know the full story to support our Government to wipe out this evil criminal practice which is totally medieval and alien to our culture. It is most unfortunate your current BBC tax funded model allows your prominent censored view direct access into almost every household in our land. This sort of omission of facts is tantamount to propaganda and appeasement of criminals. Hitherto we have also witnessed the BBC censor Muslim criminal gangs involved in pedophilia, (grooming and sexually abusing non-Muslim girls in this country). Such appeasement is well known to exacerbate such a problem perpetrated by determined advocates. Therefore I am of the view the BBC is aiding and abetting Muslim criminality by making the problem harder to define by the majority of the electorate who, if they were made aware, would pile on pressure for it to be stopped. Where is the common sense or logic of the alternative, (appeasement)? I would bet my bottom dollar this type of criminal appeasement is not supported by the tolerant vast majority of inhabitants of this nation who fund you
I did notice however that at lunchtime a certain ethnic type was featured in the video running with the story. Again like you I noted the glaring omission in the report. I’d be interested to know what their reply is for your complaint.
I was listening to Five Live which was broadcasting from the “Girls” summit.
The presenter – Fogarty maybe – stated (to paraphrase) – we mustn’t forget that FGM is not restricted to only Africa and the sub-continent, it goes on in the UK.
Erm, quite – and from where were the UK exponents imported……..?
Well written letter of complaint Charlatans
Agreed. Well done
BBC – ‘Trojan horse’ scandal – extreme … or diverse?
BBC – Trojan Horse: ‘Tragedy’ if governors stepped down
BBC- Trojan Horse: Former Park View Educational Trust chairman … ‘not sinister’
BBC – Trojan Horse: ‘Extremism – wrong label
and yet outside the Al BBC bubble.
Trojan Horse school chief exposed – bigot who wants adulterers and gays sent into exile
Uncovered evidence of “co-ordinated, deliberate and sustained action to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamist ethos into some schools in the city
Christians lie and wives must have sex or go to hell, Trojan Horse pupils told
…….. by their fruits we will know them ………..
“Britain has let Islamists run riot –
as today’s report into the ‘Trojan horse’ plot reveals”
By Douglas Murray.
2.) INBBC:-
“Trojan report claims ‘aggressive Islamist agenda'”
Following on from the theme of ‘guess what views the BBC promotes’
Dragon’s Den last night and all decisions appeared to be commercially driven until a chap turned up with a toy tank – ‘grrr it’s petrol driven, now if it had been electric….’ ‘my problem is that it has a gun on it’
BBC : Strict leftist agenda, who, us?
The UN Sec-General is now in Israel. He has forthrightly condemned the Hamas rocket attacks – but more importantly and surprisingly, he has condemned the use of civilian sites for rocketry :,
“We condemn strongly the rocket attacks. These must stop immediately. We condemn the use of civilians sites, schools, hospitals and other civilian facilities for military purposes. No country would accept the rockets raining down on its territory. All countries and parties have an obligation to protect its citizens”
I wonder how much prominence the BBC will give this statement.. Not much, I would expect. It does not fit in with the moral equivocation of BBC reporters.
Nothing like that on their ‘Text’ headlines so far, only ‘United Nations Secretary – General Ban Ki- moon has urged Israel and the Palestinians to “stop fighting” and “start talking” to end the conflict in Gaza….’ Perhaps the news takes longer to get to this part of the world?
The UN condemned the use of a UN school to store rockets – then got Hamas around to come and collect them. It’s clear whose side the despicable UN is on. And why wouldn’t it be? Its disgusting Human Rights Council is run by the OIC.
There must come a time when the BBC will run out of sugar to coat the Torjan Horse stories with.
The BBC always has one final weapon – it can simply ignore an issue completely, until it just disappears from lack of daylight.
Cue tumbleweed from stage left….and BBC reporter on air… ” ‘Trojan Horse’ ?….what ‘Trojan Horse’ ?….. Aaaaah, must be from ‘Horrible Histories'”
Yes, this is a very favourite trick of the bbbc……..If they have talked themselves into a corner or the beloved muslim has done something clearly wrong they mention it on page 7 and then rather stiffly ignore it.
For example, if an alien from outer space were to watch the coverage of the current arab/israeli conflict he would quite correctly assume that everything was caused by those horrible Israelis……….Or should hamas just be allowed to continue to fire rockets(not targeted on anything warlike or military),after all that not so bad according to bbbc
I just wish someone (perhaps Nigel Farage) may do something when he is elected……..
The tension in Oldham runs into day 2 and I’m surprised North West normally does it’s best to ignore or cover up these incidents,Today it’s the Romanians side of the story and every one is prejudice to them including the police. The man interviewed tells reporter there is no crime maybe only 5 or 6 year olds taking a bike out of a back garden to play with, and it shouldn’t have been reported to the police. So that covers the 1000 or so incidents then. Next Plod joins the news team on the sofa and gives us the Manchester has welcomed all immigrants to the area speil, Pretty much batting all the reporters comments out into the long grass. Residents describe the area as a “tinderbox” “20” Romanians in one house, An Asians mans threat for the Police “To sort it out in 4 weeks” or they will. Plod then tells us it’s the hot weather tensions always rise in the hot weather. Oh ok then.
Perhaps the police should hand out the ice lollies ?
I saw this, the platitudinous cop was like a tubby social worker in uniform. I note however that the cops now have a dilemma: if the whites threaten to “take the law into their own hands” the plod would be down on them like a ton of bricks. But what to do if the Pakistanis are making the threats? Obviously, the Pakistani community has a special status, which is why they got away with having organised rape gangs for about 15 years. But does their protected status trump the Romas? We will find out. I would urge any white people left in Oldham to sit back and let the Pakistanis and Roma sort it out between them, it’s their town now after all.
Islamic State.
For INBBC to censor:-
“Islamic State orders shopkeepers to veil mannequins”
By Robert Spencer-
“This is because, you see, if a man is tempted by seeing an unveiled mannequin, and rapes her, then the poor mannequin will have to be put to death to salvage the honor of the department store.”
I used to live and work in Saudi Arabia , one evening I went into the local store to find the manager and staff hurriedly removing all the Mutant Ninja Turtle dolls from the shelves. When I asked them why, they told me the religious police had just been in and told them to remove them from display as they represented the image of a person and were un-Islamic. I told them you should have asked to see where it mentions Mutant Ninja Turtles in the Koran. They didn’t smile.
Why is the BBC providing no proper overview of the massive Hamas tunnel programme, and the threat it posed to Israel ? :
Like this – if Memri can do it with minimal resources, why not the BBC ?
I note that the BBC are about to run another of their burka scams to suck up to the religion of peace, and attack those that are pig sick of Islam…
“pig” sick of Islam ? Indeed !
I note the Labour Protection Racket, (aka BBC), has kicked in again this week.
Our National Broadcaster has seen fit not to report our National ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, imminently being sent a Chilcot Enquiry “Maxwellisation” letter- as reported in the Independent and elsewhere on the net:–blair-and-straw-to-get-warning-letters-ahead-of-publication-of-report-into-2003-invasion-of-iraq-9617005.html
Obviously like our National celebrity Paedo Stud, (aka Saville, Harris, Hall at the BBC Co Ltd), this is a National interest news item to join the ‘bias by omission’ filing cabinet, (i.e. bury the story if possible).
YouTube clip of a BBC Arab Service Arab being knocked over in Tel Aviv apparently by an Israeli man.
The Israeli reaction seems to be that the assault was purely because of the Arabic language not because of resentment towards the BBC or what he was actually saying. Can anyone translate what he was actually saying?
BBC is reporting that flights to Ben Gurion airport, the main international airport, are being suspended because of attempted rocket attacks by Hamas,
Somehow the BBC omits to mention that targetting a civil airport is a war crime.
Anyway, this really ups the ante. It is an attack on Israel’s international commerce and on its tourist industry. No way can the IDF stop hunting down the tunnel and rocket-firing and storage infrastructure. Hamas won’t accept the Egyptian ceasefire proposals that were endorsed by the Arab League and Israel.
Forget any waffling by Kerry or the EU, Israel cannot agree any demands to relax the blockade on Hamas terrorism, let alone release any prisoners. Egypt won’t alter its hostility to Hamas. Hamas can’t accept a truce based on nil gain and nil victory other than the ephemera of media criticism. Gazans are apparently getting pissed off with Hamas which has caused many deaths with nothing to show for them.
Absent any ceasefire things are going to get bloodier. And I don’t think Israeli public opinion or its politicians are going to give way, however much the media like the BBC may twist and bleat
And it could well be the end of the “2-state solution” – which was looking like a chimera anyway. Ben Gurion airport is muchcloser to the West Bank than to Gaza, no way can Israel now contemplate any risk of Hamas or similar being free in the West Bank to attack the airport,
Israeli military control of the West Bank has to remain.
More crap “reporting” by John Simpson :
Did anyone watch Crimewatch last night? They did a big piece on a terrorist attack even though the terrorist was already arrested, tried and sentenced. The victim a Muslim pensioner. We then had all the background all the right wing extremism etc. Why did we have this when the arrest etc was not connected with the programme and why have we not had similar pieces on Islamic terrorists being arrested and tried or even Islamic paedophile gangs?
bBC non-story design to attack the government:
UK ‘still exporting arms’ to Russia, say MPs
Britain is exporting millions of pounds worth of arms to Russia despite fears Moscow is arming the separatist rebels in Ukraine suspected of shooting down a Malaysia Airways plane, MPs have said.A committee report said 251 licences for the sale of controlled goods worth at least £132m remained in force.The PM has criticised other EU countries’ arms deals with Moscow
So according to the bBC headlines, the Tories are still selling weapons to Moscow, while berating others. Hypocrites especially with DM saying:
David Cameron’s spokesman said the UK had not sold arms to Russia’s armed forces since March. He also said the arms export licences still in place were for “non-military legitimate reasons”.
Now go to the bottom of the page:
A government spokesman said the UK aimed to operate one the most robust and transparent export control systems in the world, and that “every application is examined rigorously against internationally-recognised criteria and particular attention is paid to human rights risks”.
The spokesman then gave further details of the UK’s equipment sale policy with Russia, saying:
This government has never exported missiles or missile parts to the Russian military
The UK has granted an export licence for the Brazilian navy which enables their vessels to be repaired in Russia. This includes components for navy vessel missile launchers but these are exclusively for use by the Brazilian navy and not by Russian forces
In March the then Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the suspension of all export licences to the Russian armed forces for any equipment that could be used against Ukraine
The committee’s report covers exports in 2013 before the suspension was in place and the majority of export licences still in place for Russia are for commercial use, but all licences are being kept under review
This government has not approved any licences for the export of rifles or ammunition to the Russian military. Export licences for rifles and ammunitions cover hunting and sporting rifles supplied to private individuals and to authorised dealers for resale
Ministers do not believe there is a credible risk that these weapons will be diverted for use by the Russian military
I wasn’t aware that we actually made ammunition in the UK any more.
Today program on the Trojan horse plot – And here’s one of the school governors !
Of course the interviewers didn’t bother to challenge too much.
Then there was the inevitable leftie who stated that the Fascist bully words were responsible for the council failing to act, and then carrying on to liberally pepper her speech with accusations of ‘racism’ & ‘islamophobia’.
IMHO the time has come to make false or unproven accusations of either a criminal offence in the same way as other crimes are. We have seen the Trojan Horse plot able to flourish and despite the council having full knowledge they were unable to act.
Then there has been the Rochdale paedophile ring where again authorities had full knowledge but failed to act for fear of the bully words.
I’m sure that there are several other examples, and that there are other terrible deeds currently being perpetrated, which the authorities know about, but are paralysed to act because of fear of bully words.
Then when the Fascist politicos turn up they castigate the workers for doing nothing, when had they taken action at the time they wold have been there with the perpetrators spewing forth their bile along with their mates in the BBC.,-obamas-case-against-russia-disintegrates.aspx
‘Hey, if we can’t get Putin on MH-17, how about digging out the old Litvinenko file?’
David Ward, BBC 5Live, resident Beebot.
08 40 am – even for the BBC, this time
…. really crossed the line.
Beebot “hand feeds”questions, allows the spewing
of so many lies, so much anti-Semitism, with no recourse.
shameful – literally there are no words …..
Burden is truly pathetic, but like her sidekick Nicky, gets away with it. A truly terrible interview.