19 Responses to FGM AND THE BBC…

  1. Span Ows says:

    the biggest surprise to me a while ago was finding it was so high in Egypt.

    On the plus side (excuse side) the practice is believed to be pre Islamic; on the minus side it is encouraged in many countries and obligatory in some sects of Islam.

    A good article here:


    If it was in a Hadith then Moh was saying Allah made women badly.


  2. Pounce says:

    They say a picture says a thousand words here’s two:

    and what religions occupy Africa.

    Spot anything?


  3. dave1east says:

    odd that there’s no mention of male genital mutilation still less the counties where it is most popular


  4. Mr Thikas Toosh Ortplanks says:

    I’m surprised the BBC didn’t use the umbrella term ‘religious groups’. They always try to give the impression that it’s all religions in the hope that people might think it’s Christianity that’s to blame.


  5. Demon says:

    To be fair, Ethiopia which is mainly Christian is also high on the list.

    The map isn’t quite right as some of the countries shown as 100% muslim are mainly Christian in the South.


  6. Mr Thikas Toosh Ortplanks says:

    I’ve just made an official complaint about the bBC censoring the words ‘Islam’, ‘Terrorist’ and ‘Muslim’ in FGM and terrorist reports.


    • JohnH says:

      Good luck…………….


    • Charlatans says:

      I am going to join you and hope others here will too. This is such a dangerous policy sleepwalking us into Muslim appeasement of even further Muslim criminal activity here.


  7. Charlatans says:

    The BBC omission of the obvious Islamic cause of FGM is absolutely amazing.
    How can we ever expect to improve our Nation, by tackling and wiping out this illegal practice within our own borders if we are being censored of the Islamic causes?
    Our taxes are being abused by our National broadcaster by not giving us full information of the known causes of this crime?
    We are a democracy not an autocracy.
    It is our democratic right not to be censored of who practices this cruel medieval act on Muslim girls in our land.
    We need to know to muster support here to wipe out this practice totally alien to our culture.
    Thank God for media plurality which at least enables a lot of us to easily find out the truth.
    The sad fact is the current BBC tax funded model enables this mis-information and propaganda direct into almost every home in our land, but it goes against the majority of logical, non left leaning residents, who basically do not want this Muslim criminal appeasement.
    Hitherto we have witnessed the BBC censor Muslim criminal abuse of Muslim girls, in the same manner they have/are doing with the mainly Muslim gangs sex/grooming/abuse of underage non-Muslim girls in this country.
    You do not have to be Albert Einstein to appreciate such appeasement only increases the problem.
    So basically the BBC is aiding and abetting Muslim criminality by making the problem harder to define by the majority of the electorate.
    Where is the common sense or logic of such appeasement? This is dangerous and mainly a ‘left’, progressive agenda for reasons of ‘social cohesion’, (appeasement by any other name)?
    But in reality this is only putting more victims into the pot.
    Mark my words. way down the line this will eventually sleep-walk us into a massive Muslim confrontation in this country.


  8. Charlatans says:

    The BBC omission of the obvious Islamic cause of FGM is absolutely amazing.
    How can we ever expect to improve our Nation, by tackling and wiping out this illegal practice within our own borders if we are being censored of the Islamic causes?
    Our taxes are being abused by our National broadcaster by not giving us full information of the known causes of this crime?
    We are a democracy not an autocracy.
    It is our democratic right not to be censored of who practices this cruel medieval act on Muslim girls in our land.
    We need to know to muster support here to wipe out this practice totally alien to our culture.
    Thank God for media plurality which at least enables a lot of us to easily find out the truth.
    The sad fact is the current BBC tax funded model enables this mis-information and propaganda direct into almost every home in our land, but it goes against the majority of logical, non left leaning residents, who basically do not want this Muslim criminal appeasement.
    Hitherto we have witnessed the BBC censor Muslim criminal abuse of Muslim girls, in the same manner they have/are doing with the mainly Muslim gangs sex/grooming/abuse of underage non-Muslim girls in this country.
    You do not have to be Albert Einstein to appreciate such appeasement only increases the problem.
    So basically the BBC is aiding and abetting Muslim criminality by making the problem harder to define by the majority of the electorate.
    Where is the common sense or logic of such appeasement? This is dangerous and mainly a ‘left’, progressive agenda for reasons of ’social cohesion’, (appeasement by any other name)?
    But in reality this is only putting more victims into the pot.
    Mark my words. way down the line this will eventually sleep-walk us into a massive Muslim confrontation in this country.


  9. pah says:

    On ‘Breakfast’ this morning they did mention Islam but in the context that FGM occurred in both Christian and Islamic countries. They interviewed a Muslim woman opposed to it and a Christian woman.

    To be fair, whilst there was no spoken reference, all the pictures of women in Britain were of women who were covered up Islam style.

    They also said that women jetting off to countries where FGM was a ‘risk’ would be interviewed. I can just see the complaints when it turns out the useless Immigration people having been asking to look at teenage girls’ muffs. Purely to check out the FGM of course.


  10. George R says:

    Islam Not BBC now learns about FGM and Islam?:-

    “Islamic State (ISIL/ISIS) Orders ‘orders female genital mutilation’ (clitoridectomies) for women in Mosul ”
    – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/07/islamic-state-orders-orders-female-genital-mutilation-clitoridectomies-women-mosul.html/#sthash.4SlnEJm5.dpuf