Even the BBC cannot really hide the obvious fact that Miliband’s encounter with Obama was …. awkward! Have a read, this made me smile.
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Even the BBC cannot really hide the obvious fact that Miliband’s encounter with Obama was …. awkward! Have a read, this made me smile.
“good and free-flowing” (3 times), OK, we get it!
When they entered and left the building Alexander and Miliband looked like a couple of little teenagers, completely lightweight and amateur. If they get into power we’re finished.
Oh, dear… if Alexander and Miliband look like light-weights next to Obama, the entire world is lost!
It was, I think, Mark Steyne who made the “empty suit” comment of the century concerning Obama… “The clothes have no Emperor.”
The fact that this Marxist student clown, who has absolutely no comprehension, let alone experience of, what true leadership is about could actually end up as the PM tells us all we need to know about how deluded and warped the minds of the liberals and socialists in the UK have become.
Truly depressing and frightful for the future when you reflect on it.
If Mr Miliband is to be believed, they managed to cram an awful lot into half an hour. if only all matters could be covered in such a short time, and not just the trivial things they appear to have discussed.
This seems to be stuck in ‘awaiting moderation’. Is there a problem?
If Mr Miliband is to be believed, they managed to cram an awful lot into half an hour. if only all matters could be covered in such a short time, and not just the trivial things they appear to have discussed.
He could have turned up to reply to the statement on the Ukraine and Gaza like a proper leader in waiting would. Of course he did know that he wouldn’t get the ‘why aren’t you here?’ treatment that Cameron got when he went to a genocide memorial service when their was some flooding.
Check out the comments……a tonic for anyone suffering from hignfy syndrome.
Why should the US administration care about who the leader of the opposition is? Does the UK government care about who the Leader of The (US) House Minority is?n
No, thought not.
There is no equivalent position in the US, so I suspect Americans really don’t care about this non-entity.
So – a 30 minute drive-by meeting.
By the looks of the number of people at the table, and the cast mentioned in the article, it probably took at least 10 minutes to allow everyone to introduce themselves, shake hands and get themselves seated; and, with all the photo-stops, roughly the same sort of time to say their fond goodbyes, and to agree a form of words to describe the meeting to the waiting press, and the almost rapturous BBC reporter (“Labour leader and Obama ? together ? Oooooooooooooooh…..uh-oh, I think I need to sit down…………and I may need a change of underwear.”)
No doubt someone will, at some point, dig out the full record of the actual meeting, occupying the remainder of the time available, which is probably recorded along the following lines……
Milli (business-like): “Right – let’s get down to the purpose of this meeting. I have a number of topics I want to discuss with you in some depth…….”
Obama: “OK, David…….why are you looking puzzled ?….oops, sorry, that was your brother, right ?…. hold on, don’t tell me, I’ll get it….. (*aside* “where the hell is that teleprompter ?….*slight pause*…..”Right, got it, it’s Ed, isn’t it ?”
Brief interlude where words are exchanged off the record, like “Sorry…”, “Yeah, but it’s a real bitch when these damned teleprompters aren’t around….” Embarrassing….” “No, really, it’s OK. I get this all the time….”, and so forth….
Obama : “OK – back to the agenda, or we’ll never get finished….right, next – The Malaysian Airlines fiasco…..”
Milli : “Tick”
Obama “Eastern Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists…..”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama: “Gaza…”
Milli: “Tick”
Wee Dougie: “Tick, Tick, Tick…. what ?……well, I’m going to look so serious in the photo op where we’re grouped around the table that I have to say something – after all I’m the Shadow Foreign Minister….isn’t that right, David…hell, I mean, Ed”
Milli (with some disgruntlement on his face, lip curled, you know the pose, and a slow, deliberate, menacing tone ) : “Tick……..Dougie”
Milli (*aside* “Now shut up, Dougie, this meeting is important to me so that the Labour Party can be seen to have credible foreign policies, and we haven’t got a lot of time) “So where were we, Obama ?…. I mean Barack, I mean Mr President….Sir ?”
Obama (Somewhat irritated and puzzled because the teleprompter hasn’t got the conversation of the previous minute or so on it): “Mmmmmm… OK, got it….. China…. ”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama “South Korea……”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama: “Syria……”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama: “Afghanistan…”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama: “Iraq…..”
Milli: “Tick”
Obama: “The European Union….”
Milli (sounding a bit hesitant): “Tick”
Obama: “Our Southern Border….”
Milli (sounding totally puzzled now): “…errm…..Tick ?”
Obama (after having had his ear whispered into by his aide): Sorry, Dave, My mistake, the teleprompter was just being set up for the next meeting….well, I guess that’s it, so…..”
Milli (interrupting):” Wait, wait, just before we finish, can we just agree on our statement for the press…how about making sure that we use the words…. ‘good and free-flowing’ – that sounds so positive, you know, hip, trendy, doesn’t actually spell out much….yep, that fits in with our manifesto, I like it, …’good and free-flowing’…. got that Dougie ? ‘…good and free-flowing’..”
Wee Dougie: “Tick, Tick, Tick…… OK, I guess this guy trying to yank…. oops, sorry. I meant ‘pull’….the chair out from under me is kind of hinting they need the room for somebody else right now. I think it’s time we shook hands again and said our goodbyes, David……… er Ed ” (aside, sotto voce “Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t !”)
Milli (not quite hiding his pique at this point): “Right – photo-op time, let’s get at least one shot with Obama…. I mean, The President…. and me in the shot…… alone…… that means NOT YOU, Dougie….got it ?
And that, dear reader, is why we have the phrase “….good and free-flowing…” appearing all over the BBC report.
Miliband and his band of political-lightweights did look like pygmies next to Obama.
But then again Obama’s stance on the Ukraine crisis has been feeble. Putin has played him like a fiddle.
So Ed Miliband discussed Gaza and Ukraine with the empty suit that is Obama.
Wonder if he`d care to tell us here in Britain what he now thinks of these issues….he`s not said a dicky bird yet.
Something about “all sides needing to get around a table” maybe?…that`s pretty much all he offers about anything.
But he repeats it, so it ekes out some time on the BBC news.
Don`t know why the shadow foreign secretary was there ,he may not be allowed in the Commons after Sept 18th, with any luck .
These meetings are how a tea break is programmed into Obama’s busy schedule. A half hour brain enema allows him to clear his mind before moving on to the important business of the day.
Lets be fair to Miliband, he was clearly dying for a visit to the loo but daren’t ask permission to leave the room from Obama. Look at his face contorted with the agony of holding on , his deep frown of concentration focusing on anything but the urgent need for immediate relief, his hunched body trying to find a position where the agony was just a little less.