We know that Hamas published a guide for budding Goebbels in Gaza giving some splendid advice on creative writing but here’s a trick they missed off that particular list:
Snow published that photo in this post:
‘Am I Going to Die, Daddy?’ The Child in Gaza Asked
Even our own translator, cut off from his family, in the south of Gaza, has to listen on the phone as his children weep and his 6-year-old asks: “Am I going to die, daddy”.
Snow then had to apologise for the photo as it was thought to have been taken in Syria:
But now it is said to be confirmed to be from Gaza:
‘Editors’ Note: Getty Images and the Anadolu Agency have verified that the photograph at the top of this article was taken at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Wednesday. We had temporarily removed the photograph while we investigated complaints about its authenticity that were sent to the author of this article.’
Well so far so good, that is the photo dealt with….but what about the words of the six year old? Could this possibly be the same six year old whose mother claimed spoke similar words when she was being interviewed by Sheila Fogarty 10 days ago?
Fogarty has a couple of quick comments from Israelis then a long interview with a Palestinian, a ‘Gaza mother’….Fogarty asks, amongst other things, ‘What do you say to your 6 year when he says to you ‘When is it my turn to die’.
Any proof at all that the 6 year old boy said that? Or is that the invention of Hamas’ media unit?
Are all six year olds trained to parrot this phrase by Hamas or is this sad story just the invention of a uniquely resourceful and exploitative propagandist?
The most dangerous thing about stories like the above is the media is feeding the Islamic penchant for violence in our own backyards. The same media I should add which goes well out of its way in which to defend the notion that not all Muslims are terrorists after any outrage in the UK by playing the victim and Islamopobia card.

Yet attacks on Jews far outweigh any attack on Muslims.
Take for example the bBC headline for this racist attack on an Israeli football team in Austria.
Protests target Israel football club
So did they blow whistles, scream and shout or just sit silently . silly, these are Muslims, they resort to violence at the drop of a koran and the bbC deems it a simple protest, heres the picture which comes with the bBC article,
and how does the bbC report that protest:
It seems that no-one was seriously hurt in the incident.
Across Europe and even in the UK, jews, their places of worship are under sustained attack. But has anybody seem an article from the bBC rxpressing the fears of Jews living in the UK? they do when Muslims carry out terrorist attacks, they swarm our lives with stories of Islamopobia,backlash and not all Muslims are terrorists. But when its tiny little Israel (5 million jews as ) then its…silence. As for the rug rat above asking the question “Daddy I’m I going to die, err Jon Snow do you even know who Einat Haran was?
‘It seems that no-one was seriously hurt in the incident’
‘Seems’, eh? Beyond the immediate astounding uncuriosity on checking further, how very understanding if not placatory.
Lucky no one was wielding inappropriate meat products with a view to laying them around and about.
The BBC would have been calling for a lynching.
couple of those “protesters” had rather nasty cuts down their legs after the footballers fought back and racked their studs down there legs
…raked…..rather than racked!
As I’ve emailed David Vance and mentioned on the Open Thread, this useless Left-wing egotist should be subject to an Ofcom appraisal due to his outrageous and emotive bias. Tonight’s Channel 4 News was despicable… it was no better than an overgrown sociology student aggressively imposing his views on everyone else in the student union pub. If I ever meet him, I’ll give him a real piece of my mind!
I note his twitter handle is ‘jonsnowc4’.
If he comes back looking a bit bulkier round the vest area his colleagues may consider giving the watercooler a miss if they don’t agree with everything he tells them they need to agree with.
I`d agree.
I well remember him introducing one of his shows last week by stating that Israel could now hide behind the bad news from the Ukraine( re the plane being shot out of the sky), to do it`s worst in Gaza.
Unbelievable bias-and well worth an enquiry.
What gave him the right to say that?
Alone amongst nations the world ( the Western bit and the left bit) requires Israel to fight an existential war according to the rules that world has consistently flouted over the last how many years. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and wherever the West has had cause to interfere .
It is obvious to anyone of normal intelligence that the IDF is desperate to avoid civilian casualties. The propaganda war against Israel is so intense that it is a political imperative.
This means that the IDF is taking casualties .
Are we so stupid that we are asked to believe that every Hamas missile is on target and every Israeli shell or whatever is shot wild?
War is always messy and that is reality but I have never encountered such double standards as the West and it’s liberal dominated media display. It is a form of racism to hold Israel to a higher standard than every other country even Western ones.
It is inexplicable other than by calling it the old Jew hatred and jealousy that has so marred Europe down the centuries. Those many nations who wish to destroy Israel and rerun the 1940s must hardly be able to believe their good fortune. To have their propaganda made for them by the Western liberal media and fellow travellers.
It is making pogroms inevitable and for a Jew in Europe there is little future now. Which makes the refuge that is Israel all the more vital and all the more necessary to defend whatever the cost.
Can’t be said often enough the hypocrisy of the high standard which is applied to Israel, and only Israel. A nation facing a credible threat of extinction and extermination, and with living memory of the virtual extermination of European Jewry.
Israel offers peaceful and prosperous co-existence to its neighbours. Those who live by the sword will sometimes die by the sword.
If Hamas had nuclear weapons would they use them against Israel? Yes, in a heartbeat they would. Israel is realising it might as well ignore world ‘opinion’ which is often ill informed and ill intentioned.
“Mummy, who are those men with beards and AK47s walking through Shifa Hospital”.
I still don’t know how to embed an image on B-BBC
use the tags
and put the link inbetween
i dont know if it will work as its https rather than http, soon find out
tage are [ i m g ] insert link [ / i m g ] but without the spaces