Oh to have friends in the Media who smooth away your troubles.
Whilst a s**t storm is raging around accusations of a cover up surrounding accusations of child abuse here is Harriet Harman in the Observer (Guardian) from this Sunday glossing over her PIE associations with the help of a Guardian journalist who suggests that it was the ‘times’, public morals were different then, the general atmosphere of sexual liberation and all that meant people could abuse children with a clean conscience, so supporting PIE in any way should be seen in the context of the times:
You were embroiled in a spat earlier this year with the Daily Mail over your role at the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), at a time when one of its affiliates was the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). How do you think you handled that?
Well, I don’t spend any time at all working out whether I got approval from anybody for how I handled something. The point is accusations and allegations were made and I answered back to speak out for the truth of the situation. I’m not interested in how I handled it. I’m not in the business of handling.
Well, you are. You’re a politician. How you come across on issues – moral, political, historical – is of importance to the voting public. But I wondered how you rated your own performance.
I try not to do too much introspective handling. I answered the allegation. The public can make their own minds up.
What’s it like being suddenly thrust into that kind of media storm?
It’s very unpleasant and really offensive to find that you’ve been alleged to have done something that you would deplore. It’s the nature of the allegation rather than the focus of attention which is the issue.
There has been a shift in public morals over the intervening years. If you were now in the NCCL, it would not be acceptable for the PIE to be affiliated. Do you think you were being asked to comment from today’s perspective on what happened in the 1970s?
By the time I came to NCCL they [PIE] had been denounced. They weren’t allowed to speak at the AGM – the battle had been fought. I heard someone say in relation to the Rolf Harris case, “Oh well, these things were regarded as much more acceptable in those days than they are now.” And I profoundly disagree. Because I think for the young girls who were the victims, it was never acceptable to them. What’s changed is that there has been the beginnings of a recognition that the victims of sexual offences will get justice if they speak out. That’s what’s changed. It was never acceptable to the terrified victims of child abusers.
But that’s not all that’s changed. In the 1970s, in the general atmosphere of sexual liberation, there was part of that liberationist movement that turned a blind eye to the abuse of children and entertained the false notion of consent. At the high point of those debates, there was a tolerance of that idea.
Not by me. It might have been what other people were arguing, but it wasn’t what I was arguing. I’m not answering for the culture at the time. I’m answering for what my views were, and the question of consent to sexual intercourse was very much part of our campaigning around the question of rape and sexual offences. All of those arguments were going on. If a woman says no, she means no.
Other Labour politicians might also look at their associations such as Lord Smith, vice-president of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (originally rather coy about admitting his position)…the CHE wanting to block certain prosecutions for child abuse:
February 2009

CHE is delighted to announced that Lord Smith of Finsbury has agreed to become one of our Vice-Presidents. As Chris Smith he was Britain’s first openly gay MP and he’s currently Chairman of the Environment Agency.
A few months later…….
Pink News tells us that in July 2009 this happened:
The Campaign for Homosexual Equality has been disaffiliated from human rights organisation Liberty, allegedly over a motion which called for a time limit on reporting child sex abuse.
The contentious motion read: “We urge the government to introduce a Statute of Limitation which would debar any criminal prosecution in respect of alleged child abuse unless the matter was brought to the attention of the police within five years of the complainant reaching the age of majority.”
The group has claimed that in cases of historic abuse, evidence or acknowledgment of an accused man being gay can damage his chances of acquittal due to homophobia and confusion between homosexuality and paedophilia.
Liberty said…...”In particular, your motion on child sex abuse is also clearly contrary to the objectives of Liberty”
Curiously links to CHE which admit Smith is their Vice-President are missing.