Two words guaranteed to strike fear into the soul of any thinking person – Marcus Brigstock, that much loved BBC “comedian’. I accidentally caught a portion of his BBC Radio 4 programme “The Brig Society”. It was horrendous – the running “joke” was UKIP are racists. The degree of conformity amongst BBC comedians is incredible – all hive think.
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The bbc is obsessed with comedy; is there a logical reason for this? I mean, the word comedy, and programmes professing to be comedy, on the radio especially, are out of proportion to what, well, I want. It’s as though quantity is the driving force and who cares if most of it is crap; always the same names turn up time and again. With many of the new comedian routines, I feel I am being shouted at rather than entertained. Radio 4 Extra is riddled with the stuff and I wish most of it would just cease to be. The sodding comedy club is quite painful to listen to; so I don’t, but all the prime time evening slots are given over to comedy. If you want to listen to a drama, then it necessitates staying awake until the early hours or take my solution to this problem and buy an internet radio; thank goodness I can now ignore the live broadcast dross.
Communist Education or Com-edy for short, is a join BBC/Labour party enterprise organised by Arthur Smith. It is under the disguise of not being biased Communist Education, because everyone at the BBC thinks Com-edy is funny.
Just what is Arthur Smith? Certainly not a comedian. Somebody’s boyfriend no doubt. Can be the only explanation why this unfunny untalented git is always on the BBC.
There seems to be some law at work here – the more BBC commissions ‘comedy’ the less funny it gets.
I really don’t think I’ve lost my sense of humour but it’s now reached the stage that the announcement of any R4 ‘comedy’ show triggers a dive for the ‘off’ switch.
The problem is that the BBC is now completely infested with humourless Lefties who can’t tell the difference between polemic and entertainment.
The same is also true of almost all of the BBC’s drama output.
It’s ok David, we know you rightards don’t do comedy. Next time you have an accident just change channels, that’s what I do when you are on the BBC.
“we know you rightards don’t do comedy. Next time you have an accident just change channels, that’s what I do when you are on the BBC”
Again with this all inclusive ‘we’.
Being the weekend not unexpected, but when the pickings are slim it can still surprise what will lure you out.
Hope it was worth surrendering the moral high ground you used to treasure, too.
Yes Albaman, but we are forced to pay for the BBC which ever TV channel we watch.
Becca. Forced? I am sorry to beg to differ on this one. I see no one with a gun on my doorstep forcing me to pay for a stupid licence. I do not pay a TV licence. In fact to be honest I do not own a TV at all. They can only make you pay if they establish ‘joinder’ between you and their company. Just don’t bloody pay it. If you do pay your licence you are aiding and abetting a criminal organization – not only because of the wars and their biased output, but because they are obviously a criminal organization due to its harboring of pedophiles within its organization and having knowledge of terrorist attack prior to them actually happening. Yes folk, this goes deeper than you think. My advice to you all is just not to watch it. End of.
Mike. I agree with most of your sentiments, but just how does one legally watch live commercial television without the ‘Telegoons’ knocking on your door demanding licence fees?
Different problem. In my house, I watch no broadcast television (or catch up) loathe the stuff, one of the 2% which according to statisticians” dont watch television” Not news, not entertainment. (I do read BBC News output online, and am disgusted by it)
The missus unfortunately watches reality teenage crap television addictively. (Claims its her escape from the pressure of work)
I’m on the verge of suggesting she should be the one paying the license fee, not shared.
Could be contentious.
Any advice?
Its ok albaman we know you leftards don’t do comedy. We really, really do know, after years of Radio 4 comedy being a Guardian readers wet dream of slagging off anyone to the right of Stalin. Pity they couldn’t come up with any lines that were actually funny in the real world.
“we know you rightards don’t do comedy”
Neither does the BBC.
Milton Jones, Tim Vine, Ken Dodd, Tommy Cooper, Barry Cryer, Jack Dee, Paul Whitehouse, Harry Enfield come to mind as funny people don`t they?
None of them have pimped off the BBC doing cliche-ridden unfunny diatribes like a Mark Thomas or an Alexei Sayle/Jeremy Hardy…and all be “rightards”-in that they aren`t thick socialists and independent enough to get laughs as well as a good living.
Unlike the News Quiz types who have yet to break out of the village halls they used to do before they got the BBC Dead Mans Shoes gigs…Mark Steel is either at a Trades Club or the BBC for most of his working year-the nation doesn`t find him funny, unlike Michael MacIntrye…hence the Lefts hatred of him and his like.
And there’s the problem in a nutshell, confusing inane insults with humour.
Every single, slightly right leaning comedian has been banned by the BBC, and you know this Alby sweetie.
I’d like to see some comedy that is a-political please, but we cant….why, because anything that can be made fun out of has got the big BBC “BANNED” sticker on it, the only real target left that are fair game it seems, are politicians…Right wing ones preferably, because one cannot make fun of the Left, because they are so cuggly wuggly, and share the same views as the so called “comedians”….tsk, that would never do.
On a personal note, i’d like the radio to have a bit of decent music on it, Radio 2 used to be the station of choice for the middle aged, but even that has gone to shit…every time i tune in, it’s either playing some protest singer (Bragg) or has some beeboid talking heads, waffling bullshit about some lefty cause or other…or, quite frankly, the worst, a cooking program….not that they have enough on telly, no, they have to put them on the radio as well….what is the point?…not only can you not smell the food, you can’t eat the food….you can’t even f*cking see it.
I’d like to see some comedy that is a-political please, but we can’t
You mean, apart from (just a selection of 2014 BBC TV comedies, according to the British Comedy Guide): Not Going Out, Boomers, Cuckoo, Siblings, Walter, People Just Do Nothing, Top Coppers, Cradle to Grave, Jenny Bede: AAA, Rude Boys, Parents’ Evening, OtherwOrld, Vodka Diaries, Fried, In Deep, Woody, Murder in Successville, Josh, Detectorists, In and Out of the Kitchen, Flat TV, How Do I Get Up There?…
Yes, I can see how comedy is absolutely dominated by left wing politics.
No, all BBC political or current affairs ‘comedy shows’ are dominated by left wing politics – slightly different but still valid.
Unless you can give a right-wing example, say one that constantly takes the piss out of Gordon Brown for claiming ‘an end of boom and bust’ or his condemnation of ‘that bigoted woman’ whose only crime was to express concern over mass immigration. Maybe something about Harman’s links with the PIE? What about Byrne’s ‘there’s no money left’ or Burnham’s unbelievable hypocrisy on the NHS?
Somehow, I don’t think so.
No, all BBC political or current affairs ‘comedy shows’
Forgive me, but chop was whining about not being able to find apolitical comedy. Narrowing the field of reference down to political shows is ridiculous, even by Biased BBC’s lack of standards.
No, it would be instructive as the BBC is meant to be unbiased.
Let’s play a game: I’ll name a left wing comedian who gets regular airtime on the BBC to air his/her left of centre views. You then name a right wing comedian who gets similar airtime.
I’ll start – Mark Steel – nary a slot of his goes by without an attack on the Tories or a disparaging mention of Thatcher or an insult aimed at Daily Mail readers or UKIP…
Your first example of a right wing comedian given a similar amount of airtime to Mark Steel is…?
Still waiting for Scott’s nomination. Seems earily quiet out there. Could be youve hit a bullseye under the waterline.
Scott: wook wook wook.
I think you’ll have a long wait… Point made Scott?
I think I can claim that as a walkover, can’t I Scott? Point made and accepted re BBC left wing comedy bias.
Isn’t “Comedy” supposed to make you laugh?
Perhaps I should change my original post to “I’d like to see some comedy” and leave out the apolitical part then, considering that “Comedy” has now been framed, with so many things off limits to touch, thanks to the BBC.
What you find funny, and what I do differs greatly, but for me, the BBC does not cater for anything that I find remotely funny, and has not done so for many years (since Red Dwarf, first 5 series I guess)
But I still have to pay for it.
P.s. Brigstoke looks like a blow up doll on that picture.
That’s about as funny as having a ventriloquist on the radio.
Peter Brough and his dummy were not very funny, but a lot of the other characters in Educating Archie were great fun.
Could be worse, at least UKIP aren’t the BBC, because the BBC are paedophiles.
”Two words guaranteed to strike fear into the soul ”
Another two is Kirsty Squawk.
”the running “joke” was UKIP are racists.”
Brigstocke really is the most conceited, spoilt, smug, unpleasant, hypocritical waste of oxygen tosser imaginable. As funny as ebola.
God do I miss Dave Allen . I don’t think there are any comedians left on the planet now, all the greats are gone and we’re left with the likes of Jo Brand, Ben Elton and Russell Brand to name just 3 who have me screaming for the remote. Thank God for the DVD.
Don’t forget, you can still see and listen to all the genuine ‘greats’ on YouTube. There are hundreds up there now.
I was watching Dave Allen only last night.
If Dave Allen were still going today I wonder if he’d dare satirise Islam in the way he did Catholicism?
72 virgins waiting in heaven for every suicide bomber, eh? He’d have field day.
On the rare occassion I’ve seen one of those “comedy shows” which involves a panel and the rare occassion one of the other guest members is actually a sharp, risqué comedian(must have got through the net) it’s priceless to see the numb and dumb leftist clone “comedians” on the panel sitting there with a look of panic on their faces as to what might be coming.
Think YouTube > BBC and Frankie Boyle 😉
Briggers is of course being ironic. UKIP has the least racist immigration policy as it would treat mostly white EU applicants and mostly non-white non EU applicants equally. UKIP also wants to promote links with the mostly non-white Commonwealth and leave the mostly white EU.
I couldn’t agree more with the two foregoing comments. There is hardly anything which dampens the spirits so much these days as the announcement of a BBC comedy programme – usually in near-reverential tones. I think the programmers really believe that this output is the jewel in their crown.
The political bias could be endured if it were funny, like a truly witty parliamentary speech ( and when did we last hear one of those?)
But when it is not being drearily PC, the standard is abysmally puerile. I had the misfortune to switch on a programme which spent much time on the subject of the Queen going to the lavatory! It was not even third form stuff.
I suppose it is what they call ” pushing the envelope”! Complaint, of course, is fruitless as their smugness knows no bounds with their income safely guaranteed by the persecuted licence payer.
Brigstock is painfully unfunny; hence the adjective ‘Brigstockian’ which should be used to describe anything genuinely unfunny.
Also a suitable adjective for a bad dose of the piles.
The left, naturally, can never be funny these days as they’ve limited themselves with a self-imposed PC topical straightjacket: e.g., you cannot slag off ethnics, the Irish, Islam, gays, women, fat people, the Scots and so on. No matter what infantile lies the Left delude themselves with, humans are hardwired to laugh at the misfortune, social standing of and appearance of others… it’s the way we are and the reason why egotistical smart-arse lefty ‘comedy’ is currently so devoid of anything remotely funny. Oh, it’s OK to slag of the white English working class and Christianity, though. The left are scum!
The verboten section of the slaggings list is indeed a long one. However at least it is still OK to slag of Essex girls, blonds, people who speak nicely and redheads. Where would BBC comedy be without those targets eh?
Its ok , us Essex boys n girls will make the county a “licence free zone ” , they can whistle if they want any cash out of us anymore, with their racist , sexist ,anti English , “Essex jokes” . Yawn al bbc comedy joke book , we have heard them all before. Try this one for size for the next edition of the News Quiz: “I`ve just been banned from a muslim clothes shop… I only asked to try on a fucking bomber jacket “!
Now THATS comedy!
Thanks Big Dick 🙂
No Problemo , always had a soft spot for the Bernard Manning & Cockney Comedian style, joke book .
Luckily I hadn’t seen or heard anything of this smarmy, sanctimonious, leftist bed-wetter for a long time.
I was hoping that even the BBC had come to their senses and realised he’s not even remotely funny.
You still won’t change it unless you complain.
Yes there will be the usual response that output has to be taken as a whole and over a period of time to ascertain balance, but that begs the question as to how this is measured, and what the previous results show.
The answer is of course that no one is measuring it and there are no previous results. The response is effectively a lie.
They will of course dismiss your complaint as another right wing reactionary, and derive a smug satisfaction from the fact they managed to cause offence, but there are statistics generated, and if there are only a couple of complaints then they can relax, if however there are a couple of hundred, well then they have to take some notice.
Can I offer the twenty unfunniest “comedians”-and no prizes for guessing their political alliegances.
1. Alexei Sayle-failing to provide any kind of comedy solutions since 1980
2. Russell Brand
3. Jo Brand
4. Russell Howard
5. Adrian Edmondson
6.Lenny Henry
7.Mark Thomas
8.Mark Steel
9. Marcus Bigstick
10. Stephen K Amos
11. Shappa Khorsaddi(or what`eva!)
12. Omar Djalili
13. Julian Clary
14. Jeremy Hardy
15. Lenny Bruce
16. Bill Hicks
17. Richard Prior
18. Spike Milligan
19. Ted Ray
20. Arthur Askey/Ted Rodgers joint bottom!
Feel free to amend-hope to get a Poker-Face scale of mirth deficiency from this lot of “comix”….Alexei Sayle will have to be 100 though…no negotiation here, I hope!
No fair listing dead’uns.
Amended-but doesn`t Brigstocke die every night on his ski slope piste sessions?
Certainly a little bit of me dies whenever I spend time in his orbit.
Reduce the last six ,with late guest star Noel Fielding-and I have “The Unfunny Fifteen”!
I quite liked Alexei Sayle, his sketch about bringing in The Army during the film critics strike was superb. I find his humour rather cleverly done. As for Arthur Askey, lets not forget there was a war on and you didn’t want people sat in front of the radio or down the cinema enjoying themselves you wanted them out working or fighting hence all the crap comics of that era. I don’t include George Formby of course as being from Lancashire I rate him alongside GOD 😉
Luckily he wasn’t actually God: the thought of man being made in the image of George Formby is not pleasing to me.
Luckily he wasn’t actually God: the thought of man being made in the image of George Formby is not pleasing to me.
Heard you the first time
Well, lucky old you then: you get to enjoy my insanely witty comment twice as much. 😉
(Actually I didn’t post it twice, ’twas the site wot dunnit…….do-do-do-do do-do-do-do……)
Yes, Rob-he did some sketch about Lambeth Social Services not being around when Ghengis Khan was doing his worst.
And Arthur Askeys “Busy Bee” song was good as I recall…so it`s all general knockabout.
But if you can put the case for Ted Rodgers or Dickie Henderson?…I`ll not back down over them!
Challenge have been repeating ‘Blankety Blank’ from the start (starts digging sizeable hole) and watching last Saturday (hole now quite impressive) Mr Henderson made quite a good joke about Nicholas Parsons;
“He’s a very nice man………….just ask him.”
I laffed at this, either because it was quite good, or because the same disease which leads me to record the old Blankety Blank episodes (hole now visible from space) if I’m not at home has destroyed my discrimination.
Since I still won’t laugh at anything involving Prickstocke unless it also features his wearing lead boots and a meat suit whilst trying to outrun wolves, bears, tigers etc, I’m inclining to the first option and therefore think that Mr Henderson should leave the top twenty: his replacement – ginger all-round light entertainment nuisance Charlie “Hello My Darlings!” Drake. Look at the list of his singles on wiki and tell me you don’t shudder.
I liked Richard Pryor.
Fair enough sir…just personal taste.
I like Stewart Lee and John Shuttleworth….so there`s absolutely no certainties…apart from the fact that Mark Thomas isn`t funny, anyway!
Oh come now,…Arthur Askey was a comedy god!!!
chrisH. If you understood the workings of Bill Hicks you most certainly would not have put him on your list – beside the fact he is not unfortunately dead, his work was so anti system and deffo not biased. If he were alive today I am sure that even he would be able to merge randy goat the goat boy into a skit with the BBC. RIP Bill Hicks. The others on your list I accept.
I agree with that, Mike. Bill Hicks was subversively funny. He is dead unfortunately.
Ade Edmondson was pretty funny, Bottom excepted and he was a great cook!
I heard “The Brig Society” on R4 yesterday evening. What a load of pretentious middle-class crap! If Marcus Brigstock likes immigration so much why doesn’t he come and live in Hounslow?
…or Watford, or Luton, or Oldham, or Birmingham, or Bolton, or Bradford, or Blackburn……ect.
I have stopped paying the “Licence” fee.
This man is not funny.
This is not comedy, but propaganda.
Pozzitive Productions
These are the people you have to thank for the most of the garbage classed as comedy, which is put out by the bBC.
Quite a large output which would certainly attract enormous fees – paid by us of course.
If you want some good old fashioned politically incorrect comedy look no further then Ed Millipedes cousin. Dr. Mike Keen he is brilliant.
Aren’t we lucky that David Vance ha the ability to extrapolate a whole programme from just a portion. Who cares if his extrapolation is fictional? It causes outrage from his usual fanbase, which is all that matters!
The were some UKIP jokes in the show (including quoting stuff that Godfrey Bloom MEP had actually said – the very idea, using UKIP MEPs’ own words in a comedy about MEPs!), but there were just as many about EU bureaucracy. But those latter ones are less likely to demonstrate how knees can jerk even when there’s no conscious brain attached, I guess…
Hi Scott,
any jokes about labour party paedophiles?
no didnt think so
No, as you’d expect in a programme about Brussels.
No mention of Peter Lello, either, for the same reasons…
Ignore the unpleasant attention-seeking troll
Are we supposed to be gratified that you can’t take your own advice?
I caught less than two minutes and UKIP were mentioned three times.
Perhaps we were all unlucky to catch just that part of the show and the rest was a forensic examination of New Labour’s light touch Square Mile regulation and how it helped plunge us into a fiscal calamity.
Hopelessly one-sided. Not surprisingly BBC get stick for its never-ending stream of unfunny left-wing comedy. It was so ridiculously pro EU, with lots of things credited to it where it has played no part. Peace? Eurozone has caused massive tensions between north and south Europe, plus EU expansionism/imperialism is causing scary tensions between the West and Russia.
I can only assume this program was made with some of the money that the EU gives to the BBC.
The only current BBC comedy that is funny is Mrs Brown, but then Brendan O’Carroll is probably the only Mensa member employed by the BBC, although Ben Miller studied for a PhD in Physics at Cambridge, and made a joke at the expense of the Global warming morons such as Brigstock, who studied Drama at Bristol.
But in the main both these comedians remain essentially non-political, for career survival purposes, as must be the case for any right-wing comedian.
Intelligent people at the BBC must be a very small minority, as the BBC reflects the Labour voting tendencies of the people who live in the inner-city areas rather than any area of the country that votes UKIP.
probably the only Mensa member employed by the BBC
Do you think paying to be a member of Mensa confers some sort of status? Surely there are millions of incredibly intelligent people out there who don’t need the security blanket of paying to belong to an organisation?
Don’t feed the sarcastic whiny troll
I think it’s probably fair to guess that “John Anderson” is not in Mensa.
What’s so good about Mensa Scott, in your previous post you said:
“Do you think paying to be a member of Mensa confers some sort of status? Surely there are millions of incredibly intelligent people out there who don’t need the security blanket of paying to belong to an organisation?”
So your attempted put down of John Anderson with an attempted gag (BBC Comedy at it’s finest) ever so slightly failed.
Definition of stupidity – turning up at websites trying to get insulted and slapped around. Troll behaviour – don’t feed them
There you go again, John, trying to blame me for your inability to behave with maturity.
I am not responsible for your inability to at like an adult, I’m afraid. You’ll either have to find someone else to blame, or – shock, horror! – take responsibility for your own actions.
Or, you know, you could carry on acting like an imbecile and pretend that “don’t feed the troll” posts are a valid substitute for being a decent human being. But hey, try it again – maybe the three hundred and twenty seventh time’s the charm?
Don`t think Scotty has heard of Mensa before , or thinks it might be some gay club down Brighton way .
The Magazine can be boring, but the special interest groups are worth the membership payment alone, and it does seem to keep the doors open to academia once you retire.
The payments are voluntary, unlike the BBC, where you are forced by the law to pay the BBC to watch programs made by other organisations.
At two percent of the population, I do not think that more than a million people would be entitled to membership, and I do not and have never paid an organisation, protection money for a security blanket or status.
Richard Pinder,
“The only current BBC comedy that is funny is Mrs Brown, but then Brendan O’Carroll is probably the only Mensa member employed by the BBC.”
Yeah, bring back Jimmy Savile; that other proud Mensa member employed by the BBC.
I do not think that the Richard Pinder doppelganger troll is in Mensa, so that is a lie.
David Tyler one of the partners owning pozzitive productions is a card carrying Labour party member.
I find you very funny. Any chance you could get a series on the BBC?
Seconded: He’s the Arthur Mullard de nos jours.
Arthur Mullard on 80’s Dave Ismay gameshow “The Parlour Game” being asked to name: “Things you’d take on holiday beginning with “T”;”
“Holiday? Don’t go on bleedin’ ‘oliday ! Wiv a”T”, eh ? Mmmm…….Tables……and the (t)chairs……….tassles…….”
Best thing ever but sadly can’t find any trace of it on the web.
I find you very funny. Any chance you could get a series on the BBC?”
Alan Carr has the ugly, four eyed, homosexual, unfunny bases covered…
“Damn you Kevin Spacey, you took all my parts”
(Shameless HT to Adam Sandler’s Little Nicky)
Ah, chop bringing personal attacks into a debate once again. It was ever thus. No wonder nobody cares about his opinion.
I see Graham Norton has been ‘Photoshopped’ out of that picture of Mr Brigstock.
I’ve always been a big fan of ‘I’m sorry I haven’t a clue’, both with Humph and more recently with Jack Dee. However I’ve noticed a recent tendency to slip in remarks about UKIP, Daily Mail, Nigel Farage and Michael Gove.
I actually wouldn’t have a problem with this as it can be amusing but there is no counterbalancing comments about e.g. The Guardian, Harman, the mad Greens, George Galloway. All one way traffic.
And finally on the subject ….. I am sorry to say, the BBC just don’t do comedy any more. Its very sad really, after spending all that licence money.
You can still find a few bits of hope in the BBC comedy output – Sorry I Haven’t a Clue, Ed Reardon’s Week, Claire in the Community – some acid wit, some belly laughs, clever writing, always worth listening to. That is why it is so sad to have all the other lefty dross. Loud, unfunny, plus canned laughter or sycophantic audiences.
Can I put in a recommendation for the mighty John Shuttleworth tonight at 7.15-Radio 4?
About the only redeeming feature of the BBCs at the moment…
BBC ‘comedian’
Primary: private, check
Prep school – check
Secondary school – private, check
University – arts undergraduate drop out, check
Personal life – adulterer, check
Professional: blatant derivative of Jon Stewart etc
Politics: soft left, supporter of Caroline Lucas, check
Wannabe actor trading off his ‘fame’ as being on the radio- check (and he is crap)
Controversy: attacks climate change sceptics, Joos, eeeevil torees, UKIP , check
With a cv like this it was a toss-up whether he would have worked for the BBC, the Grauniad or the Labour Party (and lets face it they are all the same anyway)
Ecven the New Satesman thinks he is rubbish
Summary: “He is the poster boy for an effete, obsolete, undergraduate, Meccano-set humour that can be snapped together in short order. Absolutely nobody, apart from BBC commissioning editors, thinks Brigstocke is funny. He is, in fact, the very opposite of funny. He is the new Jim Davidson.”
‘The BBC is run by Media studies twerps’ says Sir Jonathan Miler quoted in The Telegraph today (4/Aug). “The idea of doing a 15–part series on the history of medicine now is absolutely inconceivable. What you’d have to do is do a pitch to someone with a degree in media studies – juvenile twerps.”
In the same article we learn others Writers/Producers/Comedians think the BBC ‘unfunny’ here are some notable quotes : John Lloyd (comedy producer) ‘..those in charge (BBC) are now drawn from “scheduling, marketing and car parking’. And then there’s John Cleese (Comedian/Actor/Writer) said of the BBC…”said the corporation was made up of a “new echelon of BBC executives who can’t write, who can’t direct, who are not really associated with shows”…
Other recent “comedians’ who think the BBC are ‘pants’ or worse include Jennifer Saunders who said (2013) Jennifer Saunders has criticised the BBC, claiming that it has become “an executive-run place for idiots”. .. ‘The writer and comedian said the BBC was no longer a fun place to work, but a top-heavy corporate behemoth.’ Even the BBC claim (Jan 2014) that their Comedians have a ‘high level of psychotic traits’. I wonder who they mean? Marcus Brigstocke perhaps or Jeremy Hardy (or both)?
But the the REAL ‘problem with BBC comedy is not that it’s Left-wing, but that it’s too establishment with BBC comedy is not that it’s Left-wing, but that it’s too establishment’ (according the the TELEGRAPH dated 2013)
Shame my last listenable presenter was Mike Harding (who was fired from BBC Radio2 back in 2012) had more earthy ‘folk’ heart and sole than any of the tin pot BBC execs employed by ‘the corporation’. I even have soft spot for the old Comedians who made the BBC worth watching (or listening too). Now its all gone, dead and buried history. Jeremy Paxman (former BBC Newsnight presenter) may not be much of a comedian either but at least he recognises that the idiots ‘smug kids’ have at last taken over the madhouse corporate body. Paxman also commented on the bloated BBC management that was apparent even in 2007 (but absent from Labour grandees who awarded the BBC another 10 year license fee fiddling.
Mike Harding, who once claimed on a God Spot that the Tories were evil. Some things never change at the BBC.
I was listening to Brigstock’s ‘ comedy’ programme at lunchtime today. I start to understand why he does the (anti Tory) political stuff all the time. I know that appeals to both Al BeeB and his juvenile audience, who probably think he’s ‘edgy’, but his nonpolitical (non anti-Tory) routine today was so dire that even the canned laughter was muted!