Here you go, an on-time freshly prepared OPEN THREAD to see us all off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend. HERE is where you detail the bias as you see it. A new month commences…
I have commented on this before, but the lack of medals table updates during televised coverage of the Commonwealth Games has been a source of continuing irritation over the last 3 weeks.
It is online, but not shown as part of televised coverage.
Its almost as if they are suggesting that the fact that England have won 3 times as many medals as Scotland may have some kind of an impact on the scottish referendum.
As the guy who phoned in to the Nikki Campbell extravaganza this morning said “it’s not as if the first person a winning athlete goes to hug is a political dignitary…” . I didn’t listen to the entire programme, but it did seem from what I did hear that some kind of connection was being made though.
The bBBC seems very keen to emphasise every Scottish winner, even Eilidh Child who lost, and shows every medal ceremony where they play the Scottish dirge, but never seems to have time to show the medal ceremonies with an English winner.
I noticed that, Not having watched any of the games, I presumed from listening to the news, that Scotland was in the lead, they were 4th last I looked and I am pretty sure that come the end they will be even further down the list.
Based on medals per head of population Scotland are punching well above their weight.
So many Biased BBC regulars seem disappointed that the Games are being enjoyed by so many both at the venues and on the BBC.
What a daft comment… the original post wasn’t about how well Scotland are faring (no-one doubts I think that they are doing pretty well), it was about the BBC’s change of policy in not regularly updating their viewing public with medal tables (which is something they have always done in the past) and why that might be.
Instead, Albaman tries to hijack the discussion and adds a transparently gratuitous swipe at contributors to this forum. What a dick!
“……. Scotland are punching well above their weight….”
No shit Sherlock. They’ve always been a bunch of punchy drunks.
When I was a bobby on the beat in the late 70s over half my drunk and disorderly clientele were benefit grabbing jock down and outs, barely able to stand but always wanting to take a swing.
A kick in the balls always worked.
… the record must be sticking …
Al BBC reports earlier this morning that, after the condemnation of much of the international community over Israel etc etc etc…
…. “the truce had been …. largely 😀 …. successful”,
slipping in a footnote at the end of the piece that
… Hamas Gaza rockets still being fired … hmmm
BBC – Militants?? ‘seize Israeli soldier’, Breaking news
Militants? …
do they mean an Islamic terrorist organisation in Gaza?
… must be a typo 😀
Militants ‘seize Israeli soldier’
Israeli forces are searching for a missing soldier believed captured, as a Gaza truce collapses.
(oh no! … why?, did ahem, “someone” some er “militant” not observe it?)
and at least 27 Palestinians are killed in Israeli shelling.
… oops! … they forgot to add Israeli response to shelling,
another typo?
You can see that Mr Peiser is not a favoured interviewee of the bbc where the changeability of our climate is concerned. He was interviewed by an organisation called the ‘Institute of Art and Ideas’, which I had never heard of before now. Interestingly, if I hadn’t known they were open-minded about climate changeability, I’d have thought them to be just another socialist front organisation, on the basis that their name seems to be meaningless and anodyne (which is what the commies have a penchant for creating). How wrong could I be therefore. It’s worth reading and the Heartland site has a link to the IAI.
Usain Bolt has said ”the Commonwealth Games is a bit shit.” Fake indignation immediately by the media industrial complex. Usain Bolt said he was misquoted !! Yes, I suspect he meant to say the Commonwealth Games are a whole lot of shit !!
‘Where as you can type on a keyboard.’
Of course, for some this can remain a challenge. ‘Lyse Doucet has been superb’
And I now need to sport a sheepish grin for not seeing a spoof account at work sooner.
Well played.
Well, it’s always easier for Guest Who to criticise others. It saves him from having to demonstrate why anyone should take any notice of him – something he’s never quite been able to manage.
Oh Scott. If you question GuestWho like this he might have to take you downstairs for one of his “family-basement-funtime-sessions” (Fun extra fact for David Brimms his favorite acolyte couldn’t find a white English lady to marry him… he’s “tainted”)
Cripes, Ming, Scott, Ming again, and a ^T^ threesome. All taking notice of little old me. Or.. Not. Great anyway to see you guys have Saturday night ents well sorted.
Not sure, but I may be warming to Ming. Scott, kudos on the ongoing irony failure. ^T^… If you say so, as someone once said.
Time only will tell how this pans out.
Sleep tight, my princes.
whereas Lyse Doucet can report miles away from where the fighting is taking place, put a helmet and body armour on and stand in rubble where the fighting took place last week and make it look like shes in a war zone. Well done her.
Lyse Doucet knows she’ll be safe with Hamas minders in Gaza because they know she’s sympathetic to their propaganda and is a willing propagator of it. Sky reporters knowingly put themselves in harm’s way when covering conflicts around the world. Even ( and I’m saying this through gritted teeth ) Russia Today reporters put themselves where bullets fly to cover a story. BBC reporters only put themselves in harm’s way unwittingly. Wearing body armour and helmets on camera only gives the impression of danger and the BBC know this.
What’s your problem David. Is it to many non-whites competing or to many people enjoying themselves. You really do come across as a sad old racist either way.
whats youre problem albabum, cant see nothing racist in what david said.
but hey, well done scotland eh? even though youre doing better than ever at the games, youre still doing crap. but what do you expect from a sad little people like you from a sad little country like scotland.
It was just a bit over the top for the BBC to allow it to take over BBC1.
And it is a minority interest whatever the media likes to think.
I mix with sportsmen and nobody but nobody mentions these games. The Test matches vs India yes. The Galway and Goodwood races yes. The Tour de France .Even Man Us friendlies.
But the Glasgow games. Zilch.
Nothing to do with the colour of the competitors.
They are just not that interesting except to the enthusiasts for these things.
Usain Bolt is an arrogant b****** who thinks the world revolves around him, but as probably the best athlete in the world he has a right to act like that. And he can’t be bad because today he’s attacking the bBBC.
“the most racist folk out there are the ones who shriek “racist” at every comment made”
And the difference between anti-semitism and racism is what exactly?
BBC Points West, man loses control of car and drives into river in Somerset and sadly drowns, woman is spat at.
Which story is the main headline and occupies the first 5 minutes of the program? Well as objectionable as it may be it was the woman being spat at story, why? Because that woman just happens to be a Muslim, dressed in Muslim attire and she claims she was spat at because of the happenings in the middle east. Cue over concerned reporting and disgust from Avon and Somerset police rep.
Now in no way do I uphold such disgusting behavior, but one does have to ask the question was no one else spat at in the Points West region yesterday? Probably, but of course that would not be BBC newsworthy….
Rathkeale Quality Generators and Wheelbarrows LTD says:
The concern from the BBC should be for the huge rise in anti-semitism fuelled by the one-sided reporting from its cowardly journalists . It has no problem quoting from the discredited Tell Mama , why not from the Jewish equivolent.
Fair point.
Newsnight seems yet to have located a cheekie chappie cabbie to roam London as a roving reporter chatting to the Jewish community of which he is part, one presumes also now ‘living in fear’.
Which is odd.
Is there equivalent of Tell Mama for other faiths?
Do they have equal trouble with accurate versions of events?
Have they had their funding pulled for not as such doing what they claimed, much less well?
Rathkeale Quality Generators and Wheelbarrows LTD says:
A must see video of about 10 mins.. Ron Prosor Israel’s Ambasador to the UN puts the case for Israel clearly and succinctly…Puts our media particularly the BBC to shame…
May I proposed a fund be raised with the sole purpose of sending the families of Jeremy Bowen and Jon Snow to
Ashkelon or another township close to the Gaza border…
At lunch my missus floated the notion that as Iron Dome was a relatively effective defence system, for better PR why did the Israelis not sit it out and let public opinion turn to them.
I invited her and the kids to join me immediately in the basement. Not a word. We then sat there for a while and I said nothing, other than ‘wait’ as they asked why.
I then took us back to lunch.
“Now imagine that, daily, for the last few decades, only with the chance of a rocket actually landing on us or nearby. Oh, and some charmer popping over the fence to slit our throats in bed”.
She saw my point.
I felt it best to leave it at that, rather than also get into how the US, UK and most other governments, most global media, and a large chunk of supposedly questioning society had in said last few decades not once had a slight pang of doubt that there may be a disconnect to wars starting only when one side returns fire.
Guessing the Snow of Bowen families would not see the problem. So it could be worth them giving it a go for a lifetime.
Good one Guest who…..i recently reported here on Peter Hitchens piece in the Mail, in which he appears to go soft and native, saying Israel should do nothing……then i suggested that if someone followed him when he is out, and tripped him up every minute, how long before he turns and gets nasty….not long i’d guess, but would he ‘get it?’
Whilst partaking of a fine breakfast of Krispie Rice two days before the morrow, the memsahib had the audacity to suggest that Hamas should cease and desist from the launchering of rockets towards the Israeli side of the picket fence.
I invited her to immediately remove herself from the vicinity of the rustic pine bar de breakfast. Not a word.
Her seeming refusal was easily countered with a reminder directed at the winks, kiddies there of, that they may well end up with brains splattered amongst the crackle and pop.
We sat outside for a while and watched as I had the house blown up.
I sad nothing despite the youngest losing a couple of limbs and the lady wife’s incessant screaming.
She saw my point. I felt it best to leave it at that.
Thanks JackDe. There is something very, very wrong that we cannot get this kind of responsible reporting on the BBC or indeed on any UK mainstream channel. It is as if we are already under war time Censorship inside the EU and the BBC (by complicity) is the enemy within out midst. We know where they stand.
The interview with Mark Regev by Blitzer of CNN is well worth a listen – a detailed description of the Hamas violation of the ceasefire after just 90 minutes.
As Regev says – this is part of a pattern of repeated frustration by Hamas of any chances of humanitarian respites from the violence.
That was part of the longer Mark Regev interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN posted above. Has Regev also spoken on Sky ? And the BBC ? – his remarks are utterly clear and precise about timing and who did what. So I expect the BBC will try to avoid them.
The ceasefire started at 8am local time, the Rafah incident happened at 9.30 – but Hamas now has the gall to claim that it happened at 7am !
Egypt has banned Hamas from talks in Cairo. Ha,mas is now angling for a renewed ceasefire. There are some reports that the IDF has ordered the evacuation of the Shifa hospital where the Hamas leadership hides.
John the youtube clip is from Sky news channel, there to show the differential, on this with the Al BBC … if Mr Regev has been on BBC this afternoon?, I haven t had time to check
… can you even imagine Ch4 News and Jon “poor Palestinians” Snow, tonight
… (shakes Head)
The rise of anti-Semitic hashtags in July 2014
#IsraHell: Monthly trend increases by +24.2, dramatically rising four weeks ago and popularity soaring to 39.3
#HitlerWasRight: Monthly trend increases by +36.5 with popularity steadily rising to 32.2
#IfHitlerWasAlive: Monthly trend increases by +27.2 with popularity reaching 27.9
#HitlerDidNothingWrong: Monthly trend increases by +26.8 with current popularity at 25.0
#killjews: Monthly trend increases by +14.9 with popularity at 14.5
#Hitler2014: Remains at 4.8 this month with popularity at 6.9
Source: Hashtagify searches among 34,566,633 Twitter hashtags
Of no interest to the Al BBC?,
A question, seeing as Beebots are obsessed with Twitter
what percentage would be in agreement with the above
… anyone care to hazard a guess …
sheesh! must have been a big part of the “Eid celebrations” for the ROP?
I do recall, on first hearing of this ‘incident’, one reporter heard on the BBC mentioning that “….the actual market itself hasn’t been hit, explosions were some hundred yards away, amongst some other buildings…..”.
Since then, I have wondered why that comment was obviously covered up and never heard again. Obviously, Hamas is clearly in control of certain reporters and their reports – although, in the case of the BBC, Hamas’ control doesn’t appear to be really necessary.
Lord Prescott saying Gaza resembles a concentration camp ( Baroness Oona King has also said this in the past ). Says Israel over reacting blah blah blah.
This from a yobbo who repeatedly punched a poor chap who cracked an egg on his head. This from a self confessed bulimic. He should have had it fried, eaten it then quickly regurgitated it.
The ‘Brigg Society’ on radio 4 sees Fascist left whinger Marcus Brigstocke pushing his views on UKIP and anyone else that dares disagree with his twisted world view.
How on earth the BBC can broadcast what amounts to a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party which is not funny in the slightest in the ‘comedy’ slot is beyond me.
Of course I’ve complained, but they’ll just put it down to some reactionary old fart who because of the mandatory television tax they can just ignore.
Roll on the day the BBC loses it’s charter and idiots like Brigstocke have to make a living by their talent. I think it’ll be a very short career !
And evidence of bias? Well, the “comedy” started with Brigstock allegedly winning an election; derogatory names were given to the losing candidates, Tory, LD and UKIP. Strangely no Labour candidate. Can’t remember a seat where they didn’t stand but then he wouldn’t want to insult his mates would he. Or maybe the producer banned it
Presumably the Labour candidate was Prickstocke himself. The party provided Lord LardArse Of The Pies with a remunerative career for long after the joke wore thin, so they’re obviously not choosy enough to reject Weirdy Beardy And his Ego Of Doom are they ?
So how many people have read this story from the bBC about how an Islamic girl was spat at in the Middle East: Muslim woman who was spat on in Bristol speaks out A Muslim woman who was repeatedly spat at while walking to work in Bristol is urging others to stand up to hate crime. Project manager Hasina Khan, 36, said on Monday a man ran up to her “ranting about the Middle East”. Police said they take hate crime “very seriously” and want to speak to a man captured on CCTV at the time of the attack in Cabot Circus.
Now hands up how many people have heard of this much more serious attack on a young girl in Birmingham by three , lets say ‘Asian’ Lads. Anybody heard a peep from the Beeb about this attack. Yet they went out of their way to interview a Pakistani women who was simply spat at. (Not saying its right, but its a far lesser event than the one below) Youths spit at girl and punch her in face on Birmingham bus Three young thugs spat at a teenage girl and punched her in the face in an unprovoked attack when she shunned their advances after they followed her off a bus in a busy part of Birmingham. The three men wanted in connection with the suspected assault on the number 50 bus are are captured on the vehicle’s camera The bBC, the whitewasher of Islamic hate crimes, paid for by ……You.
“Two and seventy virgins, sitting on a wall,
Two and seventy virgins sitting on a wall,
And if one jihadi, should quite deliberately fall,
There’ll be no more virgins, and no effing wall.”
So I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reporting the jailing of this Islamic thug: Knifeman and honeytrap girlfriend jailed for violent Handsworth attacks A “dangerous” gold-toothed thug has been jailed for 12 years for two vicious knife attacks − including a honeytrap in which he teamed up with his girlfriend to lure a victim to a Birmingham park with a series of flirtatious Facebook posts.
Afahan Hussain, 29, tempted a man from the capital using his partner Haseena Aziz and then threatened him with a meat cleaver during a robbery. Hussain also slashed a man across the face with a Stanley knife in Soho Road, Handsworth, last August in an unprovoked attack. Unemployed Hussain was jailed for 12 years for wounding with intent and robbery. His girlfriend Aziz was sent to prison for four years….The jury at Birmingham Crown Court heard how his lover Aziz laughed as she watched the attack and then waded in herself by kicking the man in the groin. Both later sent texts mocking him for falling for their set-up.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story about Islamic ambulance chasers ;Public Interest Lawyers. Birmingham law firm loses challenge to British military interrogation technique Public Interest Lawyers said method which included shouting at detainees should be declared unlawful
A Birmingham law firm has failed in a bid to have a British military interrogation technique involving shouting at detainees declared unlawful. Public Interest Lawyers, based in the Jewellery Quarter, was part of a legal team who said the technique, known as challenge direct, amounted to “inhuman treatment”. It involves a series of statements, delivered as a verbal “short, sharp shock”, designed to encourage the detainee to engage with his questioner. Lawyers for Iraqi Haidar Ali Hussein, who was questioned in 2004 using an earlier and now unused form of interrogation, alleged the technique breached the Geneva Convention. By permitting shouting, the MoD had not dealt with deficiencies in the previous policy, which had been deemed to be too aggressive and intimidating, the Court of Appeal heard.
I used to drive busses in B’ham and one of the routes I drove was the No11 which crossed over the Soho Road in Handsworth.
Another piece of useless information from the Old Bloke 😎
After each and every Islamic terrorist attack the bBC goes out of its way to air stories about how the Terrorist loving Muslims are fearful of a backlash, we saw it after 7/11, we saw it after the Glasgow airport incident, we saw it after Lee rRgbys murder, why we even saw it after 9/11. After all of the above the bBC went out its way to to promote the message that not all Muslims are terrorists and that we should blame them for the actions of a few. Yet has anybody seen the bBC do something similar for the Jewish population in the UK.No! Maybe that’s Anti-Semitism is rife in Manchester. Jewish community suffering anti-semitic backlash in wake of Gaza conflict
And here a few of the fucking usual suspects behind such Hate. (funny thing is, when Packys protest in mass agaisnt Jews ,that’s OK, but when White people do agaisnt Packys, why that Racist._If you are new here, I am a dark skinned Asian fellow and I can’t be fucking racist agaisnt my own bigoted kind)
I did post the response of Manchester Councils leader to this a few days ago in which he described the scenes as reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s
So where are the thugs from the UAF? The ones who claim to be against Fascism, conspicuous by their absence, because of course they are the ones who are the real Fascists. Shouting Nazi abuse at the Orthodox Jewish UKIP candidate turning up for the count at Manchester Town hall.
I’ve avoided BBc not that it’s any loss as to put it bluntly I’m sick to death of the same old biased anti Israeli diatribe. However I did catch the end of North West tonight a few minutes ago when they ran a story on the “demonstration” in Manchester. Ohh look there is a very large number of a certain ethnic type along with all the usual lefty hippy socialist worker rent a mob. Despite the use of clever camera angles to make the gathering look bigger, it doesn’t look like there were that many there the BBc didn’t give a figure. I didn’t notice the BBc asking any of these people what they would do if someone was lobbing high explosives in their direction which is a shame as I’m sure there would have been some creative answers.
In the twitter assault last night that I mentioned elsewhere, one of the ‘best’ factoids the brain donors had was that the UN was ‘saying’ this or that.
Even when confronted with which ‘UN’ was coming out with what from which unchecked source, they just started rambling that ‘it’s the UN!’, which is like the BBC finding the BBC gets everything about right.
Two unelected, unaccountable money sinks who appear to feel being around a long time thanks to compelled funding makes them objective.
I don’t think this has been very widely aired yet, but the BBC have influenced OFGEM to allow controls which are illegal in the USA and Europe to prevent recorded media from being replayed on anything other than the machine it’s recorded on.
It’s yet another example of a corporation acting in the interest of itself and against the people who are forced to pay for it.
Got to love the bBC, when Muslims inside China go on a murderous rampage the bBC absolves their behaviour because of high immigration which apparently they don’t like I quote: Uighurs have been unhappy for years over large-scale Han Chinese migration and tight Chinese control of Xinjiang.
Funny how when British people peaceful join a legitimate political party, which wants to peacefully reduce immigration , the bBC calls them ‘Racists’. But when Muslims murder death kill, then they are deemed as..unhappy.
The bBC, not only a fifth column within our midst, but the political mouthpiece for radical Islam..paid for by you.
In the same report, the local Iman was murdered by 3 Muslims, 2 of whom were shot dead by the police. Now usually when an Iman is attacked the bBC rolls out hundreds of people who praise the injured man and that this was a racist hate crime. Yet when Muslims actually murder one, then the bBC excuse the crime by saying: mam Jume Tahir is said to have been unpopular with some Uighurs due to his pro-Beijing stance
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
Is that the same bloke who was behind this story in the Guardian:
According to the Times journalist, Katie Gibbons, she approached Bolt on Tuesday as he waited in the rain for his car at the athletes’ village. After she showed Bolt her media accreditation, he reportedly said that “the Olympics were better”, that he was “not really” having fun in Glasgow, and that he felt the Games were “a bit shit”, before he left “to do some business”…The Times published a 70-word transcript of the conversation in Thursday’s paper. The paper’s Scottish editor, Angus Macleod, said he had full confidence in Gibbons, adding: “We stand by this story 100%. We have utter confidence in this story.” As Bolt passed Gibbons at the netball mixed zone on Wednesday, she shouted to him: “Why did you deny what you said to me yesterday?” Bolt didn’t appear to hear – or didn’t want to hear.
This is a warning, Marcus Brigstocke is back on Radio 4. I’m afraid I caught the show / party political broadcast and my God it was absolutely ghastly. Half an hour of left wing bigotry and propaganda masquerading as comedy. The audience must either be personal friends, family, or on the payroll, for they guffawed and shrieked at every puerile piece of tosh this smug, ranting, self satisfied berk assaulted us with. There was so much cheering and foot stomping it sounded like the Neuremberg rally.
He clearly hates UKIP, thinks anyone who isn’t overjoyed at mass immigration is a Nazi and spent thirty minutes, that we paid for, maligning us. It was co written by that equally talentless, left wing pain in the rectum, Steve Punt (must be rhyming slang, surely?)
I wouldn’t mind quite so much if the whole tiresome, dreary charade wasn’t so painfully predictable and entirely mirthless.
I haven’t enjoyed myself so much since I had chicken pox…
Well put, Jeff. Brigstocke is the ultimate tosser’s tosser. The BBC are now so divorced from reality and insulated from market forces that they employ the least funny person in the UK to insult their own license payers.
I see the Islamic cock sucking wankers at the bBC are jubilant over a missing Israeli soldier, presumed Kidnapped. Here is how the bBC sees this good news: Does the Jewish state’s need to bring back its missing soldiers actually make the state weaker by encouraging militant groups to attempt further captures? ”
Really shows the Islamic mindset of the bBC where the death of a Muslim terrorist is a racist hatecrime, but at the end of the day it can only make the followers of the gay death cult stronger. But for a Modern nation to actually do everything it can to get its soldiers back, why that’s a sign of weakness which would never be allowed under the unholy Koran.
Along with weighing in on Miliband’s campaign strategy when they can’t abide his kindergarden’s incompetence, or helping tweak Argentinian bomb fuse settings, the BBC certainly does feel very free with useful nudge-nudge advice in guise of posing those cute ‘questions’.
Guessing Jezza ‘asking’ if Hamas command centres along basement 3 in room 101 are their weak spot not too likely?
They (the BBC/liberals ) are uncomfortable with the notion of loyalty at whatever cost.
To be frank I do not think they can even grasp the concept of loyalty and patriotism.
Sad lost people .
So, I’m reading the Civilian death count in gaza and I come across this little Snippet Gaza City receives approximately two hours of electricity per day snippet which made me laugh:
The image painted by the bBC is that those poor Gazans have to do with very little electricity. Here is a litle something the bBC doesn’t want you to know: Gaza’s sole power station supplies about 30 percent of Gaza’s electricity; 10 lines from Israel supply about 62 percent; and two lines from Egypt about eight percent.
And here’s something else Among the demands Hamas has demanded that Israel fulfill in exchange for a cease-fire is the continued unlimited supply of free electricity by Israel to Gaza.
The electricity demand was one of “ten commands” Hamas has put forth, Hamas owes the Israel Electric Company (IEC) hundreds of millions of shekels, part of the 1.4 billion shekel electricity bill that the Palestinian Authority owes. Neither the PA nor Gaza have paid for electricity for at least a decade.
“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Islamic State’s driving force”
-includes this euphemistic sentence-
“Compared with the Islamic State’s first attempt at governance last decade, thus far, while still brutal, it is doing a better job, though questions still remain about its longer-term sustainability.”
I wonder if this was the news that got out about former President, and fan of felacio, Billy-Boy Clinton stating that in 2000, with predator drones, the US located Bin Laden…in Afghanistan.
Fully armed, they could have taken him out (as he was already the most wanted man on the planet) BEFORE the 9/11, but Clinton refused.
He said he did not want to kill “Innocent Civilians” (that old chestnut) just to kill one ma, even though, the camp Bin Laden was in, was near deserted, and they also located the very house the mass murdering freak was living in…it was not a cave.
He was thinking of “The chiiiiiiilderen”
He had no such problems doing just that in Waco, Texas to kill David Koresh though, did he?
He admitted to this while he was on his circuit tour of businessmen in Australia, and the recording of that statement has been leaked.
It was covered on Michael Savage’s show on the 1st of Aug (I think that’s the right date)
Kings Of Rock and Roll BBC 4, another talking heads ‘docu’ about 50’s Rock n Roll stars who in amongst the likes of Cliff Richard, Marty Wilde, Joe Brown and members of Bill Haley’s Comets, we find that well known expert on 50’s Britain Sanjeev Bhaskar (b 1963).
Fine if he knows his stuff but he certainly wasn’t there and one does wonder the exact reason why it was thought necessary to include him in the program. I try to steer clear of the blantant agenda of diversity on the BBC by searching out the occasion gem on BBC4, but it would appear that even watching a program about pre 60’s Britain one struggles to escape it these days.
That was not my point, which was where exactly does he fit in with the names I mentioned who were part of the ‘scene’
And please tell me where on the BBC I can find all this 20’s music that is being played? I guess most of it probably includes BBC objectionable lyrics now, remember David Lowe?
In the normal world, it’s generally accepted that a programme on a relatively recent genre is best handled by someone who was actually there at the time.
In the BBC’s world of course, the desire to impose a brown face trumps everything else.
A presenter who was around in the 1920s would be hard to find.
Just returned from a day out to find that the “UN ceasefire has been broken”.
Yet the timbre of the reports are clearly not gloating at Jewish perfidy…for I`d have heard that , were it true.
Only that passive tense “the ceasefire has been broken”…an act of Allah, no-one to blame, who`s to say in this crazy fog of war yada yada…
So then-am I to assume that it was Hamas yet again pissing all over their liberal apologists at the Guardian, BBC…and even Al Jazeera don`t seem able to pin anything on the Jews re this one?
S`pose the anti-Israeli protests will still continue, as will the sucking up , the lies and the excuses for the Kritallnacht camp followers of the West…and the never ending limewashing of Islams psychos by the useful stooges of the West.
To be honest-the more Hamas get on the telly; the more that we know that Israel is right…for these joyless lifeless ciphers for Satan only show us what WE`LL be fighting if Israel doesn`t heroically hold the line against the Muslimists.
‘Only that passive tense “the ceasefire has been broken”…an act of Allah, no-one to blame’
BBC, the ‘has been’ news provider… when the narrative demands it. A worthy complement to ‘has learned’ for ‘run this just in from our mates’.
Which, given the need to ‘report’ inconvenient words or deeds by their PR clients, makes it pretty much a ‘has been’ broadcast monopoly.
Does the BBC report facts or does it drive its agenda? The BBC has joined those blaming an Australian couple who refused a surrogate twin with Downs and a heart defect from a Thai woman. What they don’t say is that a scan revealed the problems and the Australian couple wanted the surrogate to have an abortion but she refused. This fact might not change your opinion one way or the other in this moral minefield but it is relevant. The BBC is pro-choice so why would it omit this?
And how does this make Radio 4s news headlines this Saturday morning?
Endless preening agendas, identity cherry picking and an excuse to get at Tony Abbott, no doubt.
This is not a story, for anybody but the Thais, the Aussies and their respective advocacy and cheridee groups…how the hell I get to hear of it can only be due to the New World Order of Liberal Vogues to strike for the UN Compliance police…as hoped-for by the BBC.
‘The BBC is pro-choice so why would it omit this?’
A question worth asking.
One suspects the answer will be as predictable as it will be useless.
The BBC does what it does because it is the BBC and can.
For now.
Expect full Beeboid support for these illegal immigrants to get residence in England:-
“From Eritrea and Sudan, the new migrant queue at Calais: Latest illegal encampment to spring up has hundreds who are currently waiting for the first chance to escape.”
“Mass immigration could see water shortages, failing hospitals – and we won’t feel richer, says Civitas.
The report from Civitas found that large-scale immigration will have a negative effect on standards of living as any economic benefits will be outweighed by pressures.”
George R thanks read that Civitas report (above link) and it concurs a huge UK problem with current immigration status ‘The BBC does hide Immigration issues (we are already in an immigration ‘crisis’ which is according to this independent report – published by Civitas: ‘Large Scale immigration’ – its economic and demographic consequences for the UK (August 2014)….
‘At the current rate of population growth (immigration at current rates) the UK will have to build a new town the size of Letchworth Garden City every month for the next seventy years’… (page 38) – This is of course impossible to achieve as the UK is already under considerable pressure on hospitals, schools, water and roads etc. It would make our country’s population the largest in Europe (exceeding Germany in less than thirty years) when we will also have the highest city population density in Europe.
Not according to Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford. According to them, there can never be too many immigrants, in fact the more immigrants that come to the UK the richer and more fulfilled the indigenous population become
Yes no doubt a report on the One Show next week from a bleeding heart lefty on their ‘plight’ as per friend of Gordon Brown, Fiona Phillips did a month or so ago.
Their plight is not to escape the tyranny that they may be suffering in their homeland, their real plight is to get to soft touch Britain (England) or else they would simply stop off at the first safe country they arrived in…
‘So this week’s prize for stupidity goes to the daft queens marching down their local High Street in support of a regime that wants them dead. Of course, some of the responsibility for this must lie with the BBC, Channel 4 and CNN — all of which downplay the ugliness of Islamist Palestinian society and ham up the suffering of its citizens to make Israel look like the bad guy. ‘
‘To be fair, the gays aren’t the only ones taken in. “Radical feminists” have also been spotted in London and elsewhere “showing solidarity” with their oppressed fellow human rights enthusiasts in Gaza. It’s almost too obvious a joke to make, but have these angry, spiky-haired four-foot Caledonian lesbians railing against Israel actually considered what their lives would be like if they’d been born in an Islamic country? ‘
And to the very nub of the question….
‘So why is this happening? I don’t think it’s anti-Semitism. It’s just stupidity. Like most fashionable but ill-conceived Left-wing causes, the Free Palestine movement feels good and looks good and gets you applause from the right people.’
And I think that explains the BBC’s right-on ‘I Love you, Love, you Love me too Love, I Love you Love me Love’ inane lefty feed-back attitude to Gaza.
‘actually considered what their lives would be like if they’d been born in an Islamic country’
Or indeed, swung by for a vizzie unless in a very well protected (by TV cameras pointing out only) convoy?
Maybe a variation of Groucho Marx’ ‘Wouldn’t last long in any club I claim to be trying to join’ is in order?
‘Two weeks ago, the Lucy Faithful Foundation gathered together experts from across the globe to discuss practical methods of protecting children from sexual abuse. They sent out press releases to all the national media. Not one journalist bothered to attend. Not one journalist bothered to rehash the press release. The BBC promised to send someone to learn what practical measures could protect children – but at the last moment they were diverted to cover a glossy celebrity filled piece about ’600 Doctors and Teachers caught up in child porn sting’.’
‘The BBC promised to send someone … but at the last moment they were diverted’
Doubtless A. Newsroom tealady will be on hand to explain one story was ‘not news’ while the other was, or maybe the cuts had so denuded the 8,000 strong BBC cubicle gardens they could not possibly cover everything. Or…
It might be worth asking what guided the BBC’s decisions, but Hug’s Magnificent 7 will likely leap from retainer to ensure that gets nowhere.
The BBC historically has exploited children on TV and they routinely suggest child porn is entirely healthy (as it is part of the PIE/CHE/EU ‘sexual rights’ agenda) they suggest its all perfectly normal to pervert children sexual identity. No child right exist to protest against planned (school) indoctrination that all perversions are ‘normal’ at BBC HQ. They never learn.
A counter to INBBC’s pro-Muslim political stance:-
“What our leaders would say if they really cared about defending Britain’s Jews.
This lynch-mob mentality has been building for years.”
By Melanie Phillips
Arguably the worst example of a suspected BBC TV Licensing “stitch-up” we have ever seen surfaced a few days ago: [See article]
A TV licence is only required for those properties where equipment is installed or used to receive TV programme services (e.g. to watch “live” broadcast TV programmes). Mere possession of a TV set does not require a TV licence. It is the act of receiving TV programmes that is licensable.
Briefly, TV Licensing turned up with a (rarer than hen’s teeth) search warrant and found the telly all disconnected, not receiving any programmes, therefore not legally requiring a TV licence.
Clearly frustrated at the lack of evidence, the TV Licensing man plugged in the TV set, thereby installing it and committing an offence himself, in a calculated attempt to incriminate the occupier. Even then he couldn’t managed to receive any TV programmes, so he decided to pursue a trumped up obstruction charge instead. As the video clearly shows the occupier was very reasonable throughout and certainly not obstructive at all.
Someone gave a very useful analogy: The way the TV Licensing man behaved was directly comparable to the police pulling over a car, breathalyzing the driver and getting a negative result, handing the driver a can of beer to drink, breathalyzing him/her again and then arresting them for drink driving!
Someone also suggested that as the action was creating the only illegality, hence the full force of the UK legal system should be directed at the BBC’s hired enforcement officer.
The principle of state sanctioned framing is a poor one to support.
Maybe the BBC would care to investigate and/or comment?
More reports of concerted violence, threat, against the
Jewish community are being reported, from all over Europe.
I checked BBC news online … squat! … before I posted I put anti Semitism into Al BBC News search bar to get this, from
Nasir Hanif (:-D) from … 2011!
BBC- “Jewish and Muslim students are joining forces to tackle anti-Semitism and Islamophobia on university campuses” … … what! really? in what universe.
1/. anti Semitic, violence, attacks, attacks at schools/synagogues/universities, REAL violence/threat is truly rampant, frightening for every decent person., Documented, filmed, from France, Germany, Sweden etc 99% of the time perpetrators … Muslim.
2/. Islamofauxbia?, a bonafide unicorn, 99% of the time used to stifle true inquiry, by an ideology, that through its own aggression and herd mentality, doesn t need or deserve any level of equivalence … so … BBC?.
For those outside Beebot HQ …
Imam: Egypt should annex Gaza, lead armies to annihilate the Jews
UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant “Heil Hitler,” assault Jews.
Canada: Muslims scream “Heil Hitler” at Jews while police stand idly by
UK: Left-wing anti-Semitism is nothing new
Imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
Germany: Muslim throws petrol bombs at synagogue
Belgium ; calls for clear labelling of goods from Israeli settlements
France: Jewish centre firebombed after pro- “Palestinian” demonstration
Belgium: Doctor refuses to help 90-year-old woman because she is Jewish — “Go to Gaza”
Denmark: pro-Palestinian protesters run amok, police warn pro-Israel rally goers to walk outside protected yard “at own risk”
US, imam encourages jihad against Israel, quotes Qur’an: “Strike fear in the hearts of the enemy of Allah”
Denmark: Islamic Faith Society, Mayor’s adviser/partner against “extremism sells jihad flags
Miami: Synagogue vandalized with swastikas, “Hamas”
Toronto “Palestinian” demo to Jews: “Go back to Germany where they can kill you again”
US: Facebook says page calling for death to Jews doesn’t violate “community standards”
It’s like 1938, says Israeli ambassador to Germany –
Daily Mail
Anti-semitism on the rise in Britain as Jewish people face ..
UK seeing 50% rise in hate crimes against Jews.
Anti-semitic hate crime in UK ‘reaches highest level in 5yrs
Anti-Semitism on the march: Europe braces for violence
European Jews face rising tide of anti-Semitism
Anti semitism on rise in UK: Belfast synagogue windows smashed graffiti scrawled
B Telegraph.
come on Al BBC …
now where is that “Tell MAMA” chap again
I am sorry, I did not note who posted this analysis of the first 150 or so names of people announced in Gaza as killed. But thanks very much for the posting – it is a very revealing list.
If the analysis is fair and accurate in its use of photo and other evidence from social media etc, 71 of the dead (or 47%) were terrorists.
But going down the list, I can see 2 other conclusions from this first 150 names :
1 There are surprisingly few “children” – ie under 15.
2 A lot of the names who are not identified as members of Hamas or other terrorist organisations were killed in strikes on houses of known terrorists. We know that in many cases prior warnings were given – and from the outset the IDF had warned people to get out of specific neighbourhoods eg in north Gaza or directly along the border.
There is one further point on the figures. Of the TRULY innocent, how many were killed by terrorist rockets and mortars falling short, inside Gaza.
Of course the BBC will never publish any such analysis. It wants to blazen the gross, exaggerated figures, playing along with the declared propaganda objective of Hamas.
This morning Jon Donnison tweeted a photo showing damage to the university in Gaza. A lot earlier, the IDF had released its usual brief list of the number of targets struck in Gaza in the previous day – and this specifically included a strike on a “weapons development facility” at the university. Donnison does not mention this, of course.
‘With the escalating conflict in Gaza reaching its 23rd day, Middle East bureau chief Richard Colebourn says it’s becoming challenging to find enough staff to cover the intense story in dangerous conditions.’
”At any one time in Gaza in the last three weeks we have had nine visiting staff working with 10 local staff, but they have been rotating through,’ Colebourn tells Ariel from his base in Jerusalem.’
‘churning through a lot of people’.
‘Among some of the people who have been called to cover the story are Martin Patience, Chris Morris, Ian Pannell, Yolande Knell, global news producer Kate Benyon-Tinker and cameraman Adam Campbell – but there have been others.’
‘To get the journalists into Gaza also requires paperwork and permissions – which in and of itself is ‘extremely time consuming’. ‘
‘it’s taking a toll on staff’
‘it’s the 10 local staff in the Gaza office, all Palestinians, who are ‘suffering the most in terms of impact on their personal lives, their families and the toll of working day in and day out on the story’. ‘
Mr AsISeeIt calls on the BBC to pull out of Gaza. Problem solved.
Cant actually see the point in having BBC “journalists” in Gaza ,seeing as all they do is parrot the press releases from Hamas . No actual investigation or questioning happens .
This could be done from the studio with the hotline to their Hamas heroes .
I suppose Lord Hall has arranged BBC Journalists to hold secret seminars with the Hamas leadership. The Israeli government should lodge a freedom of information request. The BBC would spend millions of pounds resisting the FOI request. On the premise that secrecy about the coordination with Hamas with regards the BBC’s anti-Semitic propaganda, ‘being for the purpose of protecting the BBC’s sources of Journalism’.
‘it’s becoming challenging to find enough staff to cover the intense story in dangerous conditions’
One can sympathise.
During the Mandelathon, despite near all of the BBC reporting staff being in SA reporting on, well anything to score a plane ticket and hotel mini bar pass, they also struggled to find anyone to pop up to CAR to ‘cover’ what some might have said was a conflict every bit as ‘newsworthy’.
Everybody knows – but the BBC never tells us – that the main Shiva hospital in Gaza is used by Hamas as an HQ. Also, rockets are launched from nearby – the reporters in Gaza all know this, but most reporters are too frightened to tell us.
Here is a brave Finnish TV reporter stating she saw a rocket launched from just outside the hospital.
But the Bowen / BBC line is – “stories about Shifa are just Interney rumours”.
The BBC – bloody liars. Or rather – liars with blood on their hands.
On the Today programme Sarah Montague has been fishing several times this week on the Today programme to get someone to describe Israel’s actions as “disproportionate”. She tried twice to hook Philip Hammond, the new Foreign Sec but failed.
Finally she got Paddy Ashdown to use the word on the programme this morning. Whoopee ! And sure enough, Ashdown is being quoted on the BBC Radio 4 headlines. Job accomplished !
‘Finally she got Paddy Ashdown to use the word on the programme this morning.’
The Mrs. Doyle approach to soundbite creation… ‘go on, go on… you know you want to…’
Probably from this forum, but even if so worth repeating here again:
The. Word. IS. Meaningless.
Any Questions was certainly much better for having Ed Stourton as well as four non-politicians on, by way of panellists.
No fan of either Stourton or Beard normally…but at least I could hear their arguments, and it was all civilised and not the usual insult to my intelligence that Dimbleby and rentaquote drones from the Left, and Centre…
R4 – any answers?
… well the BBC s is to trumpet “sanctions
against Israel “…
No less than three times, the presenter states she wants to go back explore “sanctions against Israel” with a couple of helpful (random?) callers, who all spout a propaganda line of B/S … instead of fact.
Agreed-and the woman seemed more than happy to promote a boycott of Israeli goods…she mentioned sanctions a couple of times, and linked it to Russia as well.
The BBC is a notice board for the left-a septic water cooler on tap when it`s not a plasterboard wailing wall for the Palestinians.
Some of those that phoned in seemed a bit creepy and co-ordinated to me.
Can the BBC be done for “incitement to racial hatred, re the Jews?”…certainly Socialist Worker should be with its current front page referring to Israel as “serial child killers”.
Very Kristallnacht at the moment is the BBC and its Lefty chums.
I was astonished how poor Mary Beard was. Less than eighteen months ago she was being lauded as one of the nation’s great thinkers. Not going by that performance.
‘The BBC office is tucked behind a high wall in a leafy street in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. We’re a big team, working for both English and Urdu output. For security reasons we don’t have a BBC sign up outside the gate. Like most offices and houses in Pakistan, we have guards who keep an eye on who is coming in and out.’
Oh, forget that then. I’ll travel to somewhere that’s welcoming.
When I worked in Saudi, the Saudi Government used to send their air force pilots overseas for training. The best got to go to the US and worst got sent to Pakistan. Not even the Saudis wanted to go there even when they were paid
…. Relentless
BBC – Israel ‘set to shun Gaza talks’
BBC – New Mosque hit in Gaza City,
BBC – Israel unlikely to send a delegation to truce talks in BBC – Cairo Fresh strikes amid ‘Solidarity’ for soldier
BBC – Inside gutted Gaza homes
BBC – Israel action ‘foolish’ – P Ashdown
BBC – Are troops Israel’s weak spot?
BBC – Gaza: Mapping the human cost
BBC – What s the fighting about?
BBC – Mid-East in crisis
BBC – Children in conflict
BBC – The grimmest day
BBC – Front-line hospital
BBC – Comparing tolls
and worst of all
BBC – Hamas hopes
Away from the drip drip, bullsh-t pool, and back to reality.
never mind “poor Palestinians” … how about
10 s of 1000 s of poor Christians?
Dennis Prager – The Genocide Libel
Dennis Prager discusses the broken moral compass of the Left.
I like his short 5 minute lectures at the Pager University (name checked at the end of that interview); I wonder if they are simple enough for blinkered lefty shills to understand…Ok. stupid question.
It is looking more and more likely that Israel will finish destroying the remaining few terror tunnels and will then withdraw from Gaza unilaterally. Indeed troops have already been taken out of some areas.
It NOW scorns any idea of negotiating with Hamas on a ceasefire. I reclon Hamas would use any negotiations for grandstanding, bleating on about sieges etc, and Hamas could not be trusted to abide by any deal anyway. Israel will just have to rely on deterrence, not any form of agreement.
And NO concessions whatsoever to Hamas, nothing Hamas can use to try to justify all the death and destruction it has brought down on the heads of the people in Gaza.
Even after pulling out, Israel could still retaliate from the air to any further attacks from Gaza.
And as the main power plant in Gaza is now out of action, all electricity is supplied from Israel (unpaid by Gaza) – why not use that as a threat. It may be called “collective punishment” to cut off power, but there are diesel generators for hospitals etc, and how is it punishment to refuse to give stuff away free ? Sod world opinion – if Hamas wants peace, it has to provide peace.
Hamas doesn’t care if the people of Gaza suffer. It has fought this war in a manner that was guaranteed to cause civilian casualties and destruction. Pulling the electric plug would not move them because it is not just the hospitals that have their own generators.
It has to be said that Hamas only find dead Palestinians useful to their cause. The Hamas motto should be ” The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian – for propaganda purposes.”
‘Organisers Glasgow 2014 said the Sierra Leone chef de mission knows where Mohamed Tholley is.’
Good. Want to tell us where he is?
‘On Friday it emerged that athletes from the country were considering extending their stay amid fears over the Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa. ‘
Well, we wouldn’t want to send them home while there is a danger that they might catch a deadly virus.
‘Unisa Deen Kargbo said that legally Tholley could be in the country until September but he had not discussed leaving the village with anyone in the camp.’
Fair enough. But I sense we are not going to be told where this guy has gone to.
‘Tholley’s coach Winston Crowther said the cyclist may have had concerns over the Ebola outbreak, but did not rule out other reasons for him leaving the team camp, including economic factors.’
Wait a minute! What do ‘economic factors’ mean?
‘On the issue of the team returning to Sierra Leone, Unisa Deen Kargbo said: “Athletes have come to me and said they don’t want to return because of the Ebola situation.’
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I have commented on this before, but the lack of medals table updates during televised coverage of the Commonwealth Games has been a source of continuing irritation over the last 3 weeks.
It is online, but not shown as part of televised coverage.
Its almost as if they are suggesting that the fact that England have won 3 times as many medals as Scotland may have some kind of an impact on the scottish referendum.
As the guy who phoned in to the Nikki Campbell extravaganza this morning said “it’s not as if the first person a winning athlete goes to hug is a political dignitary…” . I didn’t listen to the entire programme, but it did seem from what I did hear that some kind of connection was being made though.
3 weeks = however long the Games have been going on for…
The bBBC seems very keen to emphasise every Scottish winner, even Eilidh Child who lost, and shows every medal ceremony where they play the Scottish dirge, but never seems to have time to show the medal ceremonies with an English winner.
I noticed that, Not having watched any of the games, I presumed from listening to the news, that Scotland was in the lead, they were 4th last I looked and I am pretty sure that come the end they will be even further down the list.
Based on medals per head of population Scotland are punching well above their weight.
So many Biased BBC regulars seem disappointed that the Games are being enjoyed by so many both at the venues and on the BBC.
pmsl rofl lmfao hahahahahaha
lies, damn lies and statistics, face facts man, scotland are doing crap, and the improvement is due to english tax payers money funding them
Of course it is as no one in Scotland pays any tax.
wrong, westalbaniaman, according to the Times 270,000 people in west albania/scotland pay tax.
Let me guess mate.
You’re not one of them.
You are not my mate and your guess is wrong.
Paid tax and national insurance every month for the last 38+ years!!
What a daft comment… the original post wasn’t about how well Scotland are faring (no-one doubts I think that they are doing pretty well), it was about the BBC’s change of policy in not regularly updating their viewing public with medal tables (which is something they have always done in the past) and why that might be.
Instead, Albaman tries to hijack the discussion and adds a transparently gratuitous swipe at contributors to this forum. What a dick!
That would be the medal table that’s on the Red Button and the front of the Sports page here:
I’ve also seen it being stated during the coverage that England is set to top the table and break Australia’s dominance.
But I guess that BBC is incompetent when it comes to their own conspiracies.
What is your view on the performance of the Isle of Man?
…are you allowed to say ‘man’?
“……. Scotland are punching well above their weight….”
No shit Sherlock. They’ve always been a bunch of punchy drunks.
When I was a bobby on the beat in the late 70s over half my drunk and disorderly clientele were benefit grabbing jock down and outs, barely able to stand but always wanting to take a swing.
A kick in the balls always worked.
‘Eilidh Child’ was the ‘poster girl of the games’….and they missed her medal ceremony.
I guess your point is what’s called an ‘own goal’.
… the record must be sticking …
Al BBC reports earlier this morning that, after the condemnation of much of the international community over Israel etc etc etc…
…. “the truce had been …. largely 😀 …. successful”,
slipping in a footnote at the end of the piece that
… Hamas Gaza rockets still being fired … hmmm
BBC – Militants?? ‘seize Israeli soldier’, Breaking news
Militants? …
do they mean an Islamic terrorist organisation in Gaza?
… must be a typo 😀
Militants ‘seize Israeli soldier’
Israeli forces are searching for a missing soldier believed captured, as a Gaza truce collapses.
(oh no! … why?, did ahem, “someone” some er “militant” not observe it?)
and at least 27 Palestinians are killed in Israeli shelling.
… oops! … they forgot to add Israeli response to shelling,
another typo?
BBC – b-stards beneath contempt
John Robson – Middle-east media coverage bias
you guessed it, not the BBC
I thought that those who have not seen this, on the Heartland Institute website, might find it interesting :
You can see that Mr Peiser is not a favoured interviewee of the bbc where the changeability of our climate is concerned. He was interviewed by an organisation called the ‘Institute of Art and Ideas’, which I had never heard of before now. Interestingly, if I hadn’t known they were open-minded about climate changeability, I’d have thought them to be just another socialist front organisation, on the basis that their name seems to be meaningless and anodyne (which is what the commies have a penchant for creating). How wrong could I be therefore. It’s worth reading and the Heartland site has a link to the IAI.
Usain Bolt has said ”the Commonwealth Games is a bit shit.” Fake indignation immediately by the media industrial complex. Usain Bolt said he was misquoted !! Yes, I suspect he meant to say the Commonwealth Games are a whole lot of shit !!
I think he said “pit of shit”. An easy mistake to make…
Top 3 most annoying BBC correspondents:
1) Lyse Doucet
2) Lyse Doucet
3) Lyse Doucet, Orla Guerin & Gavin Hewitt tied for 3rd.
Lyse Doucet has been superb. We are lucky to have correspondents willing to risk their lives to report from war zones.
Where as you can type on a keyboard. Well done.
‘Where as you can type on a keyboard.’
Of course, for some this can remain a challenge.
‘Lyse Doucet has been superb’
And I now need to sport a sheepish grin for not seeing a spoof account at work sooner.
Well played.
Not like you to pick up on typos/grammar. You are the height of hypocrisy little man.
Well, it’s always easier for Guest Who to criticise others. It saves him from having to demonstrate why anyone should take any notice of him – something he’s never quite been able to manage.
He (GW) is funny and I take notice of him. You are not funny. You are a boring fart.
Oh Scott. If you question GuestWho like this he might have to take you downstairs for one of his “family-basement-funtime-sessions” (Fun extra fact for David Brimms his favorite acolyte couldn’t find a white English lady to marry him… he’s “tainted”)
Will you ^T^ or Scott marry me?
Cripes, Ming, Scott, Ming again, and a ^T^ threesome. All taking notice of little old me. Or.. Not. Great anyway to see you guys have Saturday night ents well sorted.
Not sure, but I may be warming to Ming. Scott, kudos on the ongoing irony failure. ^T^… If you say so, as someone once said.
Time only will tell how this pans out.
Sleep tight, my princes.
shhhhhhhhhh *wait* shhhhhhhhh
whereas Lyse Doucet can report miles away from where the fighting is taking place, put a helmet and body armour on and stand in rubble where the fighting took place last week and make it look like shes in a war zone. Well done her.
Lyse Doucet knows she’ll be safe with Hamas minders in Gaza because they know she’s sympathetic to their propaganda and is a willing propagator of it. Sky reporters knowingly put themselves in harm’s way when covering conflicts around the world. Even ( and I’m saying this through gritted teeth ) Russia Today reporters put themselves where bullets fly to cover a story. BBC reporters only put themselves in harm’s way unwittingly. Wearing body armour and helmets on camera only gives the impression of danger and the BBC know this.
No Jeremy Bowen?
What’s your problem David. Is it to many non-whites competing or to many people enjoying themselves. You really do come across as a sad old racist either way.
whats youre problem albabum, cant see nothing racist in what david said.
but hey, well done scotland eh? even though youre doing better than ever at the games, youre still doing crap. but what do you expect from a sad little people like you from a sad little country like scotland.
It was just a bit over the top for the BBC to allow it to take over BBC1.
And it is a minority interest whatever the media likes to think.
I mix with sportsmen and nobody but nobody mentions these games. The Test matches vs India yes. The Galway and Goodwood races yes. The Tour de France .Even Man Us friendlies.
But the Glasgow games. Zilch.
Nothing to do with the colour of the competitors.
They are just not that interesting except to the enthusiasts for these things.
Guess all those attending in person and watching on TV would disagree with you. But hey ho this is the parallel universe of BBBC.
It’s not a parallel universe. It’s called “the internet”. Maybe you’ve heard of it.
Albachild my simple naive soul
Usain Bolt is the one who said the Commonwealth Games is a bit shit, the last time I looked he was a dusky skinned gentleman.
Usain Bolt is an arrogant b****** who thinks the world revolves around him, but as probably the best athlete in the world he has a right to act like that. And he can’t be bad because today he’s attacking the bBBC.
Usain is right: these games are ‘a bit shit’
Eeeek….eeeeek….Racists under the bed….racists in the kitchen….eeeeek….eeeeeeeek!
grow up you f’king prick.
the most racist folk out there are the ones who shriek “racist” at every comment made.
tits like you are the ones fueling racism, not tackling it.
no one, and i do mean, NO ONE is special because of their individual skin colour, got it?
“the most racist folk out there are the ones who shriek “racist” at every comment made”
And the difference between anti-semitism and racism is what exactly?
Dez, what’s your point?
BBC Points West, man loses control of car and drives into river in Somerset and sadly drowns, woman is spat at.
Which story is the main headline and occupies the first 5 minutes of the program? Well as objectionable as it may be it was the woman being spat at story, why? Because that woman just happens to be a Muslim, dressed in Muslim attire and she claims she was spat at because of the happenings in the middle east. Cue over concerned reporting and disgust from Avon and Somerset police rep.
Now in no way do I uphold such disgusting behavior, but one does have to ask the question was no one else spat at in the Points West region yesterday? Probably, but of course that would not be BBC newsworthy….
The concern from the BBC should be for the huge rise in anti-semitism fuelled by the one-sided reporting from its cowardly journalists . It has no problem quoting from the discredited Tell Mama , why not from the Jewish equivolent.
Fair point.
Newsnight seems yet to have located a cheekie chappie cabbie to roam London as a roving reporter chatting to the Jewish community of which he is part, one presumes also now ‘living in fear’.
Which is odd.
Is there equivalent of Tell Mama for other faiths?
Do they have equal trouble with accurate versions of events?
Have they had their funding pulled for not as such doing what they claimed, much less well?
they are reporting the huge rise in anti-semitism .
Will the BBC be asking them their views ?
What did the sing when opposing the EDL ? ‘We are muslim, we are Jew, we are many more than you’. It is time UK Jews realized they are in danger.
A must see video of about 10 mins.. Ron Prosor Israel’s Ambasador to the UN puts the case for Israel clearly and succinctly…Puts our media particularly the BBC to shame…
May I proposed a fund be raised with the sole purpose of sending the families of Jeremy Bowen and Jon Snow to
Ashkelon or another township close to the Gaza border…
At lunch my missus floated the notion that as Iron Dome was a relatively effective defence system, for better PR why did the Israelis not sit it out and let public opinion turn to them.
I invited her and the kids to join me immediately in the basement. Not a word. We then sat there for a while and I said nothing, other than ‘wait’ as they asked why.
I then took us back to lunch.
“Now imagine that, daily, for the last few decades, only with the chance of a rocket actually landing on us or nearby. Oh, and some charmer popping over the fence to slit our throats in bed”.
She saw my point.
I felt it best to leave it at that, rather than also get into how the US, UK and most other governments, most global media, and a large chunk of supposedly questioning society had in said last few decades not once had a slight pang of doubt that there may be a disconnect to wars starting only when one side returns fire.
Guessing the Snow of Bowen families would not see the problem. So it could be worth them giving it a go for a lifetime.
Good one Guest who…..i recently reported here on Peter Hitchens piece in the Mail, in which he appears to go soft and native, saying Israel should do nothing……then i suggested that if someone followed him when he is out, and tripped him up every minute, how long before he turns and gets nasty….not long i’d guess, but would he ‘get it?’
Whilst partaking of a fine breakfast of Krispie Rice two days before the morrow, the memsahib had the audacity to suggest that Hamas should cease and desist from the launchering of rockets towards the Israeli side of the picket fence.
I invited her to immediately remove herself from the vicinity of the rustic pine bar de breakfast. Not a word.
Her seeming refusal was easily countered with a reminder directed at the winks, kiddies there of, that they may well end up with brains splattered amongst the crackle and pop.
We sat outside for a while and watched as I had the house blown up.
I sad nothing despite the youngest losing a couple of limbs and the lady wife’s incessant screaming.
She saw my point. I felt it best to leave it at that.
After which she no doubt fully understood how Hamas protects itself and its missiles with women and children, with the apparent complicity of the UN.
Well done, Dez.
Thanks JackDe. There is something very, very wrong that we cannot get this kind of responsible reporting on the BBC or indeed on any UK mainstream channel. It is as if we are already under war time Censorship inside the EU and the BBC (by complicity) is the enemy within out midst. We know where they stand.
The interview with Mark Regev by Blitzer of CNN is well worth a listen – a detailed description of the Hamas violation of the ceasefire after just 90 minutes.
As Regev says – this is part of a pattern of repeated frustration by Hamas of any chances of humanitarian respites from the violence.
-Why should Beeboids report this, given it would not assist their political chum, Hollande?:-
“Marine Le Pen ‘leads race for French presidency'”
Read more:
BBC – Militants ‘seize Israeli soldier’
“Militants”? , BBC – Gaza ceasefire off? … and?
Sky News – Hamas Detonates Suicide Bomb, Kidnaps IDF Soldier – Just 90 Mins Into Ceasefire
Mark Regev on Sky news
That was part of the longer Mark Regev interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN posted above. Has Regev also spoken on Sky ? And the BBC ? – his remarks are utterly clear and precise about timing and who did what. So I expect the BBC will try to avoid them.
The ceasefire started at 8am local time, the Rafah incident happened at 9.30 – but Hamas now has the gall to claim that it happened at 7am !
Egypt has banned Hamas from talks in Cairo. Ha,mas is now angling for a renewed ceasefire. There are some reports that the IDF has ordered the evacuation of the Shifa hospital where the Hamas leadership hides.
John the youtube clip is from Sky news channel, there to show the differential, on this with the Al BBC … if Mr Regev has been on BBC this afternoon?, I haven t had time to check
… can you even imagine Ch4 News and Jon “poor Palestinians” Snow, tonight
… (shakes Head)
BBC seem to be quiet on the huge rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes, crimes committed, of course, by Muslims and far-Left thugs.
The rise of anti-Semitic hashtags in July 2014
#IsraHell: Monthly trend increases by +24.2, dramatically rising four weeks ago and popularity soaring to 39.3
#HitlerWasRight: Monthly trend increases by +36.5 with popularity steadily rising to 32.2
#IfHitlerWasAlive: Monthly trend increases by +27.2 with popularity reaching 27.9
#HitlerDidNothingWrong: Monthly trend increases by +26.8 with current popularity at 25.0
#killjews: Monthly trend increases by +14.9 with popularity at 14.5
#Hitler2014: Remains at 4.8 this month with popularity at 6.9
Source: Hashtagify searches among 34,566,633 Twitter hashtags
Of no interest to the Al BBC?,
A question, seeing as Beebots are obsessed with Twitter
what percentage would be in agreement with the above
… anyone care to hazard a guess …
sheesh! must have been a big part of the “Eid celebrations” for the ROP?
video …..
Apologies if already posted. It seems at least some people are au fait with the Hamas inventions…
I do recall, on first hearing of this ‘incident’, one reporter heard on the BBC mentioning that “….the actual market itself hasn’t been hit, explosions were some hundred yards away, amongst some other buildings…..”.
Since then, I have wondered why that comment was obviously covered up and never heard again. Obviously, Hamas is clearly in control of certain reporters and their reports – although, in the case of the BBC, Hamas’ control doesn’t appear to be really necessary.
Lord Prescott saying Gaza resembles a concentration camp ( Baroness Oona King has also said this in the past ). Says Israel over reacting blah blah blah.
This from a yobbo who repeatedly punched a poor chap who cracked an egg on his head. This from a self confessed bulimic. He should have had it fried, eaten it then quickly regurgitated it.
I’m certainly not going to tell a Lord that he is incorrect but I have to ask how many concentration camps had a mall with a water park?
The ‘Brigg Society’ on radio 4 sees Fascist left whinger Marcus Brigstocke pushing his views on UKIP and anyone else that dares disagree with his twisted world view.
How on earth the BBC can broadcast what amounts to a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party which is not funny in the slightest in the ‘comedy’ slot is beyond me.
Of course I’ve complained, but they’ll just put it down to some reactionary old fart who because of the mandatory television tax they can just ignore.
Roll on the day the BBC loses it’s charter and idiots like Brigstocke have to make a living by their talent. I think it’ll be a very short career !
He would end up permanently on the University circuit.
And evidence of bias? Well, the “comedy” started with Brigstock allegedly winning an election; derogatory names were given to the losing candidates, Tory, LD and UKIP. Strangely no Labour candidate. Can’t remember a seat where they didn’t stand but then he wouldn’t want to insult his mates would he. Or maybe the producer banned it
Presumably the Labour candidate was Prickstocke himself. The party provided Lord LardArse Of The Pies with a remunerative career for long after the joke wore thin, so they’re obviously not choosy enough to reject Weirdy Beardy And his Ego Of Doom are they ?
So how many people have read this story from the bBC about how an Islamic girl was spat at in the Middle East:
Muslim woman who was spat on in Bristol speaks out
A Muslim woman who was repeatedly spat at while walking to work in Bristol is urging others to stand up to hate crime. Project manager Hasina Khan, 36, said on Monday a man ran up to her “ranting about the Middle East”. Police said they take hate crime “very seriously” and want to speak to a man captured on CCTV at the time of the attack in Cabot Circus.
Now hands up how many people have heard of this much more serious attack on a young girl in Birmingham by three , lets say ‘Asian’ Lads. Anybody heard a peep from the Beeb about this attack. Yet they went out of their way to interview a Pakistani women who was simply spat at. (Not saying its right, but its a far lesser event than the one below)

Youths spit at girl and punch her in face on Birmingham bus
Three young thugs spat at a teenage girl and punched her in the face in an unprovoked attack when she shunned their advances after they followed her off a bus in a busy part of Birmingham.
The three men wanted in connection with the suspected assault on the number 50 bus are are captured on the vehicle’s camera
The bBC, the whitewasher of Islamic hate crimes, paid for by ……You.
I used to drive busses in B’ham, the No50 was one I used to catch to visit my girlfriend.
Another piece of useless information from the Old Bloke. 😎
Old bloke wrote:
I used to drive busses in B’ham,
So what songs do the Mothers sing to their brood on a morning:
“The Jihadists on the Bus go “Allah Ackba, Allah Ackba, Allah Ackba”
All day long.
The jihadis on the bus go tick tick tick tick BOOM
“Two and seventy virgins, sitting on a wall,
Two and seventy virgins sitting on a wall,
And if one jihadi, should quite deliberately fall,
There’ll be no more virgins, and no effing wall.”
So I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reporting the jailing of this Islamic thug:
Knifeman and honeytrap girlfriend jailed for violent Handsworth attacks
A “dangerous” gold-toothed thug has been jailed for 12 years for two vicious knife attacks − including a honeytrap in which he teamed up with his girlfriend to lure a victim to a Birmingham park with a series of flirtatious Facebook posts.
Afahan Hussain, 29, tempted a man from the capital using his partner Haseena Aziz and then threatened him with a meat cleaver during a robbery. Hussain also slashed a man across the face with a Stanley knife in Soho Road, Handsworth, last August in an unprovoked attack. Unemployed Hussain was jailed for 12 years for wounding with intent and robbery. His girlfriend Aziz was sent to prison for four years….The jury at Birmingham Crown Court heard how his lover Aziz laughed as she watched the attack and then waded in herself by kicking the man in the groin.

Both later sent texts mocking him for falling for their set-up.
A honey-trap … with that!!! I can only assume that the poor fella never saw her face.
typo: pony trap
Lol, they look like aliens from Star Trek.
Should have gone to Specsavers !
Klingons off the starboard bow, it’s life but not as we know it Jim!
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story about Islamic ambulance chasers ;Public Interest Lawyers.
Birmingham law firm loses challenge to British military interrogation technique
Public Interest Lawyers said method which included shouting at detainees should be declared unlawful
A Birmingham law firm has failed in a bid to have a British military interrogation technique involving shouting at detainees declared unlawful. Public Interest Lawyers, based in the Jewellery Quarter, was part of a legal team who said the technique, known as challenge direct, amounted to “inhuman treatment”. It involves a series of statements, delivered as a verbal “short, sharp shock”, designed to encourage the detainee to engage with his questioner. Lawyers for Iraqi Haidar Ali Hussein, who was questioned in 2004 using an earlier and now unused form of interrogation, alleged the technique breached the Geneva Convention. By permitting shouting, the MoD had not dealt with deficiencies in the previous policy, which had been deemed to be too aggressive and intimidating, the Court of Appeal heard.
Ah, diddums.
Shouting…… whatever next, eh….. no asking any questions whatsoever, in case you hurt these people’s feelings ? In a war zone ……
Multiple claimant against the MOD looking for more easy money ?
Stinking filth !!!
I used to drive busses in B’ham and one of the routes I drove was the No11 which crossed over the Soho Road in Handsworth.
Another piece of useless information from the Old Bloke 😎
After each and every Islamic terrorist attack the bBC goes out of its way to air stories about how the Terrorist loving Muslims are fearful of a backlash, we saw it after 7/11, we saw it after the Glasgow airport incident, we saw it after Lee rRgbys murder, why we even saw it after 9/11. After all of the above the bBC went out its way to to promote the message that not all Muslims are terrorists and that we should blame them for the actions of a few. Yet has anybody seen the bBC do something similar for the Jewish population in the UK.No! Maybe that’s Anti-Semitism is rife in Manchester.
Jewish community suffering anti-semitic backlash in wake of Gaza conflict
And here a few of the fucking usual suspects behind such Hate. (funny thing is, when Packys protest in mass agaisnt Jews ,that’s OK, but when White people do agaisnt Packys, why that Racist._If you are new here, I am a dark skinned Asian fellow and I can’t be fucking racist agaisnt my own bigoted kind)

I did post the response of Manchester Councils leader to this a few days ago in which he described the scenes as reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s
So where are the thugs from the UAF? The ones who claim to be against Fascism, conspicuous by their absence, because of course they are the ones who are the real Fascists. Shouting Nazi abuse at the Orthodox Jewish UKIP candidate turning up for the count at Manchester Town hall.
What a sickening bunch of Fascists they are !
I would like to see how the woman in green would get on walking through Gaza dressed like that.
Muslims like fat women, its why so many wear the nigab. The only thing they can get into.
I’ve avoided BBc not that it’s any loss as to put it bluntly I’m sick to death of the same old biased anti Israeli diatribe. However I did catch the end of North West tonight a few minutes ago when they ran a story on the “demonstration” in Manchester. Ohh look there is a very large number of a certain ethnic type along with all the usual lefty hippy socialist worker rent a mob. Despite the use of clever camera angles to make the gathering look bigger, it doesn’t look like there were that many there the BBc didn’t give a figure. I didn’t notice the BBc asking any of these people what they would do if someone was lobbing high explosives in their direction which is a shame as I’m sure there would have been some creative answers.
We hear reports on the BBC about UNRWA presented as an impartial UN body. It is not; it is Hamas.
In the twitter assault last night that I mentioned elsewhere, one of the ‘best’ factoids the brain donors had was that the UN was ‘saying’ this or that.
Even when confronted with which ‘UN’ was coming out with what from which unchecked source, they just started rambling that ‘it’s the UN!’, which is like the BBC finding the BBC gets everything about right.
Two unelected, unaccountable money sinks who appear to feel being around a long time thanks to compelled funding makes them objective.
and how the BBC made the UK the most strictly controlled environment in the world for broadcast media.
I don’t think this has been very widely aired yet, but the BBC have influenced OFGEM to allow controls which are illegal in the USA and Europe to prevent recorded media from being replayed on anything other than the machine it’s recorded on.
It’s yet another example of a corporation acting in the interest of itself and against the people who are forced to pay for it.
oops OFCOM not OFGEM
I look forward to finding a way around it.
Got to love the bBC, when Muslims inside China go on a murderous rampage the bBC absolves their behaviour because of high immigration which apparently they don’t like I quote:
Uighurs have been unhappy for years over large-scale Han Chinese migration and tight Chinese control of Xinjiang.
Funny how when British people peaceful join a legitimate political party, which wants to peacefully reduce immigration , the bBC calls them ‘Racists’. But when Muslims murder death kill, then they are deemed as..unhappy.
The bBC, not only a fifth column within our midst, but the political mouthpiece for radical Islam..paid for by you.
In the same report, the local Iman was murdered by 3 Muslims, 2 of whom were shot dead by the police. Now usually when an Iman is attacked the bBC rolls out hundreds of people who praise the injured man and that this was a racist hate crime. Yet when Muslims actually murder one, then the bBC excuse the crime by saying:
mam Jume Tahir is said to have been unpopular with some Uighurs due to his pro-Beijing stance
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
Just seen this on the bBC sports page:
Paula Radcliffe
BBC Sport athletics expert & 2002 CWG champion
Men’s 4x100m relay
Posted at
“It’s great Usain Bolt has come here. It shows that to him the Commonwealth Games are important and they matter, as we have seen every night here.
“Like David Rudisha as well, it’s important to see champions here so people can get out there and race against them.”
Is that the same bloke who was behind this story in the Guardian:
According to the Times journalist, Katie Gibbons, she approached Bolt on Tuesday as he waited in the rain for his car at the athletes’ village. After she showed Bolt her media accreditation, he reportedly said that “the Olympics were better”, that he was “not really” having fun in Glasgow, and that he felt the Games were “a bit shit”, before he left “to do some business”…The Times published a 70-word transcript of the conversation in Thursday’s paper. The paper’s Scottish editor, Angus Macleod, said he had full confidence in Gibbons, adding: “We stand by this story 100%. We have utter confidence in this story.” As Bolt passed Gibbons at the netball mixed zone on Wednesday, she shouted to him: “Why did you deny what you said to me yesterday?” Bolt didn’t appear to hear – or didn’t want to hear.
This is a warning, Marcus Brigstocke is back on Radio 4. I’m afraid I caught the show / party political broadcast and my God it was absolutely ghastly. Half an hour of left wing bigotry and propaganda masquerading as comedy. The audience must either be personal friends, family, or on the payroll, for they guffawed and shrieked at every puerile piece of tosh this smug, ranting, self satisfied berk assaulted us with. There was so much cheering and foot stomping it sounded like the Neuremberg rally.
He clearly hates UKIP, thinks anyone who isn’t overjoyed at mass immigration is a Nazi and spent thirty minutes, that we paid for, maligning us. It was co written by that equally talentless, left wing pain in the rectum, Steve Punt (must be rhyming slang, surely?)
I wouldn’t mind quite so much if the whole tiresome, dreary charade wasn’t so painfully predictable and entirely mirthless.
I haven’t enjoyed myself so much since I had chicken pox…
Well put, Jeff. Brigstocke is the ultimate tosser’s tosser. The BBC are now so divorced from reality and insulated from market forces that they employ the least funny person in the UK to insult their own license payers.
I see the Islamic cock sucking wankers at the bBC are jubilant over a missing Israeli soldier, presumed Kidnapped. Here is how the bBC sees this good news:
Does the Jewish state’s need to bring back its missing soldiers actually make the state weaker by encouraging militant groups to attempt further captures? ”
Really shows the Islamic mindset of the bBC where the death of a Muslim terrorist is a racist hatecrime, but at the end of the day it can only make the followers of the gay death cult stronger. But for a Modern nation to actually do everything it can to get its soldiers back, why that’s a sign of weakness which would never be allowed under the unholy Koran.
I thought you must have made that up so I checked. Jesus wept.
Along with weighing in on Miliband’s campaign strategy when they can’t abide his kindergarden’s incompetence, or helping tweak Argentinian bomb fuse settings, the BBC certainly does feel very free with useful nudge-nudge advice in guise of posing those cute ‘questions’.
Guessing Jezza ‘asking’ if Hamas command centres along basement 3 in room 101 are their weak spot not too likely?
They (the BBC/liberals ) are uncomfortable with the notion of loyalty at whatever cost.
To be frank I do not think they can even grasp the concept of loyalty and patriotism.
Sad lost people .
So, I’m reading the Civilian death count in gaza and I come across this little Snippet
Gaza City receives approximately two hours of electricity per day snippet which made me laugh:
The image painted by the bBC is that those poor Gazans have to do with very little electricity. Here is a litle something the bBC doesn’t want you to know:
Gaza’s sole power station supplies about 30 percent of Gaza’s electricity; 10 lines from Israel supply about 62 percent; and two lines from Egypt about eight percent.
And here’s something else
Among the demands Hamas has demanded that Israel fulfill in exchange for a cease-fire is the continued unlimited supply of free electricity by Israel to Gaza.
The electricity demand was one of “ten commands” Hamas has put forth, Hamas owes the Israel Electric Company (IEC) hundreds of millions of shekels, part of the 1.4 billion shekel electricity bill that the Palestinian Authority owes. Neither the PA nor Gaza have paid for electricity for at least a decade.
Two reports on ‘ISLAMIC STATE’ (ISIS).
1.) ‘Fox News’-
“Social Media Jihad: Islamic State ramps up gruesome Internet campaign”
(inc video clip)-
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Islamic State’s driving force”
-includes this euphemistic sentence-
“Compared with the Islamic State’s first attempt at governance last decade, thus far, while still brutal, it is doing a better job, though questions still remain about its longer-term sustainability.”
Those sub-human savages would make Iran’s Republican Guard look like a bunch of wets.
Glenn Beck’s ‘The Blaze’ has the following, but not INBBC:-
“Former Senator Says Huge Breakthrough Is Coming With Classified 9/11 Information”
I wonder if this was the news that got out about former President, and fan of felacio, Billy-Boy Clinton stating that in 2000, with predator drones, the US located Bin Laden…in Afghanistan.
Fully armed, they could have taken him out (as he was already the most wanted man on the planet) BEFORE the 9/11, but Clinton refused.
He said he did not want to kill “Innocent Civilians” (that old chestnut) just to kill one ma, even though, the camp Bin Laden was in, was near deserted, and they also located the very house the mass murdering freak was living in…it was not a cave.
He was thinking of “The chiiiiiiilderen”
He had no such problems doing just that in Waco, Texas to kill David Koresh though, did he?
He admitted to this while he was on his circuit tour of businessmen in Australia, and the recording of that statement has been leaked.
It was covered on Michael Savage’s show on the 1st of Aug (I think that’s the right date)
Kings Of Rock and Roll BBC 4, another talking heads ‘docu’ about 50’s Rock n Roll stars who in amongst the likes of Cliff Richard, Marty Wilde, Joe Brown and members of Bill Haley’s Comets, we find that well known expert on 50’s Britain Sanjeev Bhaskar (b 1963).
Fine if he knows his stuff but he certainly wasn’t there and one does wonder the exact reason why it was thought necessary to include him in the program. I try to steer clear of the blantant agenda of diversity on the BBC by searching out the occasion gem on BBC4, but it would appear that even watching a program about pre 60’s Britain one struggles to escape it these days.
If being alive at the time of composition is a requirement for the presenter then I guess all pre 1920’ish music will no longer be played.
That was not my point, which was where exactly does he fit in with the names I mentioned who were part of the ‘scene’
And please tell me where on the BBC I can find all this 20’s music that is being played? I guess most of it probably includes BBC objectionable lyrics now, remember David Lowe?
Lots of pre 1920’s music available on Radio 3. What is your problem with Sanjeev Bhaskar apart from his date of birth?
Did you not read my last comment?
Albachild my simple soul
It’s all about quotas, tokenism and ticking boxes, duh !!
Would you have art critic Brian Sewell presenting a radio programme about rap music ?
Kenny Lynch was a recording artist at that time. Surely he would have been more appropriate as a “talking head” than Bakshar?
Look, it isn’t difficult to understand.
In the normal world, it’s generally accepted that a programme on a relatively recent genre is best handled by someone who was actually there at the time.
In the BBC’s world of course, the desire to impose a brown face trumps everything else.
A presenter who was around in the 1920s would be hard to find.
Is that clearer now?
Good grief.
Rod`s on next week ,honorary Essex man with a house in Epping as well as LA .
Wasn’t it a repeat anyway?
Just returned from a day out to find that the “UN ceasefire has been broken”.
Yet the timbre of the reports are clearly not gloating at Jewish perfidy…for I`d have heard that , were it true.
Only that passive tense “the ceasefire has been broken”…an act of Allah, no-one to blame, who`s to say in this crazy fog of war yada yada…
So then-am I to assume that it was Hamas yet again pissing all over their liberal apologists at the Guardian, BBC…and even Al Jazeera don`t seem able to pin anything on the Jews re this one?
S`pose the anti-Israeli protests will still continue, as will the sucking up , the lies and the excuses for the Kritallnacht camp followers of the West…and the never ending limewashing of Islams psychos by the useful stooges of the West.
To be honest-the more Hamas get on the telly; the more that we know that Israel is right…for these joyless lifeless ciphers for Satan only show us what WE`LL be fighting if Israel doesn`t heroically hold the line against the Muslimists.
‘Only that passive tense “the ceasefire has been broken”…an act of Allah, no-one to blame’
BBC, the ‘has been’ news provider… when the narrative demands it. A worthy complement to ‘has learned’ for ‘run this just in from our mates’.
Which, given the need to ‘report’ inconvenient words or deeds by their PR clients, makes it pretty much a ‘has been’ broadcast monopoly.
Glad to hear they give you days out. Hope your treatment is going well.
Does the BBC tell us that Hamas has been firing rockets from everywhere i n Gaza :
Does the BBC report facts or does it drive its agenda? The BBC has joined those blaming an Australian couple who refused a surrogate twin with Downs and a heart defect from a Thai woman. What they don’t say is that a scan revealed the problems and the Australian couple wanted the surrogate to have an abortion but she refused. This fact might not change your opinion one way or the other in this moral minefield but it is relevant. The BBC is pro-choice so why would it omit this?
And how does this make Radio 4s news headlines this Saturday morning?
Endless preening agendas, identity cherry picking and an excuse to get at Tony Abbott, no doubt.
This is not a story, for anybody but the Thais, the Aussies and their respective advocacy and cheridee groups…how the hell I get to hear of it can only be due to the New World Order of Liberal Vogues to strike for the UN Compliance police…as hoped-for by the BBC.
‘The BBC is pro-choice so why would it omit this?’
A question worth asking.
One suspects the answer will be as predictable as it will be useless.
The BBC does what it does because it is the BBC and can.
For now.
Expect full Beeboid support for these illegal immigrants to get residence in England:-
“From Eritrea and Sudan, the new migrant queue at Calais: Latest illegal encampment to spring up has hundreds who are currently waiting for the first chance to escape.”
Read more:
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Mass immigration could see water shortages, failing hospitals – and we won’t feel richer, says Civitas.
The report from Civitas found that large-scale immigration will have a negative effect on standards of living as any economic benefits will be outweighed by pressures.”
George R thanks read that Civitas report (above link) and it concurs a huge UK problem with current immigration status ‘The BBC does hide Immigration issues (we are already in an immigration ‘crisis’ which is according to this independent report – published by Civitas: ‘Large Scale immigration’ – its economic and demographic consequences for the UK (August 2014)….
‘At the current rate of population growth (immigration at current rates) the UK will have to build a new town the size of Letchworth Garden City every month for the next seventy years’… (page 38) – This is of course impossible to achieve as the UK is already under considerable pressure on hospitals, schools, water and roads etc. It would make our country’s population the largest in Europe (exceeding Germany in less than thirty years) when we will also have the highest city population density in Europe.
There is worse to come! Under EU laws our own parliament will be unable to stop it when QMV legislation (which we are signed up to receive under the EU Lisbon treaty) becomes an EU mandate in which the UK is powerless to refuse anything ANYTHING we object to. This is happening in November 2014. Read about that here:
Not according to Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford. According to them, there can never be too many immigrants, in fact the more immigrants that come to the UK the richer and more fulfilled the indigenous population become
Yes no doubt a report on the One Show next week from a bleeding heart lefty on their ‘plight’ as per friend of Gordon Brown, Fiona Phillips did a month or so ago.
Their plight is not to escape the tyranny that they may be suffering in their homeland, their real plight is to get to soft touch Britain (England) or else they would simply stop off at the first safe country they arrived in…
‘So this week’s prize for stupidity goes to the daft queens marching down their local High Street in support of a regime that wants them dead. Of course, some of the responsibility for this must lie with the BBC, Channel 4 and CNN — all of which downplay the ugliness of Islamist Palestinian society and ham up the suffering of its citizens to make Israel look like the bad guy. ‘
H/T to Guido Fawkes for his link to this
‘To be fair, the gays aren’t the only ones taken in. “Radical feminists” have also been spotted in London and elsewhere “showing solidarity” with their oppressed fellow human rights enthusiasts in Gaza. It’s almost too obvious a joke to make, but have these angry, spiky-haired four-foot Caledonian lesbians railing against Israel actually considered what their lives would be like if they’d been born in an Islamic country? ‘
And to the very nub of the question….
‘So why is this happening? I don’t think it’s anti-Semitism. It’s just stupidity. Like most fashionable but ill-conceived Left-wing causes, the Free Palestine movement feels good and looks good and gets you applause from the right people.’
And I think that explains the BBC’s right-on ‘I Love you, Love, you Love me too Love, I Love you Love me Love’ inane lefty feed-back attitude to Gaza.
‘actually considered what their lives would be like if they’d been born in an Islamic country’
Or indeed, swung by for a vizzie unless in a very well protected (by TV cameras pointing out only) convoy?
Maybe a variation of Groucho Marx’ ‘Wouldn’t last long in any club I claim to be trying to join’ is in order?
‘Two weeks ago, the Lucy Faithful Foundation gathered together experts from across the globe to discuss practical methods of protecting children from sexual abuse. They sent out press releases to all the national media. Not one journalist bothered to attend. Not one journalist bothered to rehash the press release. The BBC promised to send someone to learn what practical measures could protect children – but at the last moment they were diverted to cover a glossy celebrity filled piece about ’600 Doctors and Teachers caught up in child porn sting’.’
‘The BBC promised to send someone … but at the last moment they were diverted’
Doubtless A. Newsroom tealady will be on hand to explain one story was ‘not news’ while the other was, or maybe the cuts had so denuded the 8,000 strong BBC cubicle gardens they could not possibly cover everything. Or…
It might be worth asking what guided the BBC’s decisions, but Hug’s Magnificent 7 will likely leap from retainer to ensure that gets nowhere.
The BBC historically has exploited children on TV and they routinely suggest child porn is entirely healthy (as it is part of the PIE/CHE/EU ‘sexual rights’ agenda) they suggest its all perfectly normal to pervert children sexual identity. No child right exist to protest against planned (school) indoctrination that all perversions are ‘normal’ at BBC HQ. They never learn.
A counter to INBBC’s pro-Muslim political stance:-
“What our leaders would say if they really cared about defending Britain’s Jews.
This lynch-mob mentality has been building for years.”
By Melanie Phillips
(inc video clip).
Arguably the worst example of a suspected BBC TV Licensing “stitch-up” we have ever seen surfaced a few days ago: [See article]
A TV licence is only required for those properties where equipment is installed or used to receive TV programme services (e.g. to watch “live” broadcast TV programmes). Mere possession of a TV set does not require a TV licence. It is the act of receiving TV programmes that is licensable.
Briefly, TV Licensing turned up with a (rarer than hen’s teeth) search warrant and found the telly all disconnected, not receiving any programmes, therefore not legally requiring a TV licence.
Clearly frustrated at the lack of evidence, the TV Licensing man plugged in the TV set, thereby installing it and committing an offence himself, in a calculated attempt to incriminate the occupier. Even then he couldn’t managed to receive any TV programmes, so he decided to pursue a trumped up obstruction charge instead. As the video clearly shows the occupier was very reasonable throughout and certainly not obstructive at all.
Someone gave a very useful analogy: The way the TV Licensing man behaved was directly comparable to the police pulling over a car, breathalyzing the driver and getting a negative result, handing the driver a can of beer to drink, breathalyzing him/her again and then arresting them for drink driving!
Someone also suggested that as the action was creating the only illegality, hence the full force of the UK legal system should be directed at the BBC’s hired enforcement officer.
The principle of state sanctioned framing is a poor one to support.
Maybe the BBC would care to investigate and/or comment?
Christ, they had Allah’s little helper, Lyce Doushit presenting News(s)hite last night…reaching the bottom of the barrel.
More reports of concerted violence, threat, against the
Jewish community are being reported, from all over Europe.
I checked BBC news online … squat! … before I posted I put anti Semitism into Al BBC News search bar to get this, from
Nasir Hanif (:-D) from … 2011!
BBC- “Jewish and Muslim students are joining forces to tackle anti-Semitism and Islamophobia on university campuses” … … what! really? in what universe.
1/. anti Semitic, violence, attacks, attacks at schools/synagogues/universities, REAL violence/threat is truly rampant, frightening for every decent person., Documented, filmed, from France, Germany, Sweden etc 99% of the time perpetrators … Muslim.
2/. Islamofauxbia?, a bonafide unicorn, 99% of the time used to stifle true inquiry, by an ideology, that through its own aggression and herd mentality, doesn t need or deserve any level of equivalence … so … BBC?.
For those outside Beebot HQ …
Imam: Egypt should annex Gaza, lead armies to annihilate the Jews
UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant “Heil Hitler,” assault Jews.
Canada: Muslims scream “Heil Hitler” at Jews while police stand idly by
UK: Left-wing anti-Semitism is nothing new
Imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
Germany: Muslim throws petrol bombs at synagogue
Belgium ; calls for clear labelling of goods from Israeli settlements
France: Jewish centre firebombed after pro- “Palestinian” demonstration
Belgium: Doctor refuses to help 90-year-old woman because she is Jewish — “Go to Gaza”
Denmark: pro-Palestinian protesters run amok, police warn pro-Israel rally goers to walk outside protected yard “at own risk”
US, imam encourages jihad against Israel, quotes Qur’an: “Strike fear in the hearts of the enemy of Allah”
Denmark: Islamic Faith Society, Mayor’s adviser/partner against “extremism sells jihad flags
Miami: Synagogue vandalized with swastikas, “Hamas”
Toronto “Palestinian” demo to Jews: “Go back to Germany where they can kill you again”
US: Facebook says page calling for death to Jews doesn’t violate “community standards”
It’s like 1938, says Israeli ambassador to Germany –
Daily Mail
Anti-semitism on the rise in Britain as Jewish people face ..
UK seeing 50% rise in hate crimes against Jews.
Anti-semitic hate crime in UK ‘reaches highest level in 5yrs
Anti-Semitism on the march: Europe braces for violence
European Jews face rising tide of anti-Semitism
Anti semitism on rise in UK: Belfast synagogue windows smashed graffiti scrawled
B Telegraph.
come on Al BBC …
now where is that “Tell MAMA” chap again
I am sorry, I did not note who posted this analysis of the first 150 or so names of people announced in Gaza as killed. But thanks very much for the posting – it is a very revealing list.
If the analysis is fair and accurate in its use of photo and other evidence from social media etc, 71 of the dead (or 47%) were terrorists.
But going down the list, I can see 2 other conclusions from this first 150 names :
1 There are surprisingly few “children” – ie under 15.
2 A lot of the names who are not identified as members of Hamas or other terrorist organisations were killed in strikes on houses of known terrorists. We know that in many cases prior warnings were given – and from the outset the IDF had warned people to get out of specific neighbourhoods eg in north Gaza or directly along the border.
There is one further point on the figures. Of the TRULY innocent, how many were killed by terrorist rockets and mortars falling short, inside Gaza.
Click to access E_124_14B_472268844.pdf
Of course the BBC will never publish any such analysis. It wants to blazen the gross, exaggerated figures, playing along with the declared propaganda objective of Hamas.
This morning Jon Donnison tweeted a photo showing damage to the university in Gaza. A lot earlier, the IDF had released its usual brief list of the number of targets struck in Gaza in the previous day – and this specifically included a strike on a “weapons development facility” at the university. Donnison does not mention this, of course.
The Gaza Conflict : Regional tension, mounting casualty numbers, excalating violence, broken truces….
And it is tough on all those BBC foreign correspondents
‘How Gaza conflict’s affecting BBC staff’
‘With the escalating conflict in Gaza reaching its 23rd day, Middle East bureau chief Richard Colebourn says it’s becoming challenging to find enough staff to cover the intense story in dangerous conditions.’
”At any one time in Gaza in the last three weeks we have had nine visiting staff working with 10 local staff, but they have been rotating through,’ Colebourn tells Ariel from his base in Jerusalem.’
‘churning through a lot of people’.
‘Among some of the people who have been called to cover the story are Martin Patience, Chris Morris, Ian Pannell, Yolande Knell, global news producer Kate Benyon-Tinker and cameraman Adam Campbell – but there have been others.’
‘To get the journalists into Gaza also requires paperwork and permissions – which in and of itself is ‘extremely time consuming’. ‘
‘it’s taking a toll on staff’
‘it’s the 10 local staff in the Gaza office, all Palestinians, who are ‘suffering the most in terms of impact on their personal lives, their families and the toll of working day in and day out on the story’. ‘
Mr AsISeeIt calls on the BBC to pull out of Gaza. Problem solved.
Cant actually see the point in having BBC “journalists” in Gaza ,seeing as all they do is parrot the press releases from Hamas . No actual investigation or questioning happens .
This could be done from the studio with the hotline to their Hamas heroes .
I suppose Lord Hall has arranged BBC Journalists to hold secret seminars with the Hamas leadership. The Israeli government should lodge a freedom of information request. The BBC would spend millions of pounds resisting the FOI request. On the premise that secrecy about the coordination with Hamas with regards the BBC’s anti-Semitic propaganda, ‘being for the purpose of protecting the BBC’s sources of Journalism’.
‘it’s becoming challenging to find enough staff to cover the intense story in dangerous conditions’
One can sympathise.
During the Mandelathon, despite near all of the BBC reporting staff being in SA reporting on, well anything to score a plane ticket and hotel mini bar pass, they also struggled to find anyone to pop up to CAR to ‘cover’ what some might have said was a conflict every bit as ‘newsworthy’.
Everybody knows – but the BBC never tells us – that the main Shiva hospital in Gaza is used by Hamas as an HQ. Also, rockets are launched from nearby – the reporters in Gaza all know this, but most reporters are too frightened to tell us.
Here is a brave Finnish TV reporter stating she saw a rocket launched from just outside the hospital.
But the Bowen / BBC line is – “stories about Shifa are just Interney rumours”.
The BBC – bloody liars. Or rather – liars with blood on their hands.
On the Today programme Sarah Montague has been fishing several times this week on the Today programme to get someone to describe Israel’s actions as “disproportionate”. She tried twice to hook Philip Hammond, the new Foreign Sec but failed.
Finally she got Paddy Ashdown to use the word on the programme this morning. Whoopee ! And sure enough, Ashdown is being quoted on the BBC Radio 4 headlines. Job accomplished !
‘Finally she got Paddy Ashdown to use the word on the programme this morning.’
The Mrs. Doyle approach to soundbite creation… ‘go on, go on… you know you want to…’
Probably from this forum, but even if so worth repeating here again:
The. Word. IS. Meaningless.
You will, you will, you will, you WILL!
Would you loik a nois cuppa tea, Fadder?
Any Questions was certainly much better for having Ed Stourton as well as four non-politicians on, by way of panellists.
No fan of either Stourton or Beard normally…but at least I could hear their arguments, and it was all civilised and not the usual insult to my intelligence that Dimbleby and rentaquote drones from the Left, and Centre…
R4 – any answers?
… well the BBC s is to trumpet “sanctions
against Israel “…
No less than three times, the presenter states she wants to go back explore “sanctions against Israel” with a couple of helpful (random?) callers, who all spout a propaganda line of B/S … instead of fact.
bias wot bias!
Agreed-and the woman seemed more than happy to promote a boycott of Israeli goods…she mentioned sanctions a couple of times, and linked it to Russia as well.
The BBC is a notice board for the left-a septic water cooler on tap when it`s not a plasterboard wailing wall for the Palestinians.
Some of those that phoned in seemed a bit creepy and co-ordinated to me.
Can the BBC be done for “incitement to racial hatred, re the Jews?”…certainly Socialist Worker should be with its current front page referring to Israel as “serial child killers”.
Very Kristallnacht at the moment is the BBC and its Lefty chums.
“Agreed-and the woman seemed more than happy to promote a boycott of Israeli goods”
Confined to fruit and veg no doubt.
Could be most inconvenient, or even downright dangerous, to boycott the Israeli hi-tech medical stuff.
I was astonished how poor Mary Beard was. Less than eighteen months ago she was being lauded as one of the nation’s great thinkers. Not going by that performance.
,,,that performance, or indeed any other.
‘City breaks by the BBC: Islamabad’
Ooooh, sounds interesting. I could do with a holiday. Perhaps this will save me buying a Rough Guide to Pakistan?
‘The BBC office is tucked behind a high wall in a leafy street in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. We’re a big team, working for both English and Urdu output. For security reasons we don’t have a BBC sign up outside the gate. Like most offices and houses in Pakistan, we have guards who keep an eye on who is coming in and out.’
Oh, forget that then. I’ll travel to somewhere that’s welcoming.
Sheesh! a third of their workforce would rush to get over there.
Q – who? WHO? wants to holiday in the Pak?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp.
When I worked in Saudi, the Saudi Government used to send their air force pilots overseas for training. The best got to go to the US and worst got sent to Pakistan. Not even the Saudis wanted to go there even when they were paid
…. Relentless
BBC – Israel ‘set to shun Gaza talks’
BBC – New Mosque hit in Gaza City,
BBC – Israel unlikely to send a delegation to truce talks in BBC – Cairo Fresh strikes amid ‘Solidarity’ for soldier
BBC – Inside gutted Gaza homes
BBC – Israel action ‘foolish’ – P Ashdown
BBC – Are troops Israel’s weak spot?
BBC – Gaza: Mapping the human cost
BBC – What s the fighting about?
BBC – Mid-East in crisis
BBC – Children in conflict
BBC – The grimmest day
BBC – Front-line hospital
BBC – Comparing tolls
and worst of all
BBC – Hamas hopes
Away from the drip drip, bullsh-t pool, and back to reality.
never mind “poor Palestinians” … how about
10 s of 1000 s of poor Christians?
Dennis Prager – The Genocide Libel
Dennis Prager discusses the broken moral compass of the Left.
I like his short 5 minute lectures at the Pager University (name checked at the end of that interview); I wonder if they are simple enough for blinkered lefty shills to understand…Ok. stupid question.
It is looking more and more likely that Israel will finish destroying the remaining few terror tunnels and will then withdraw from Gaza unilaterally. Indeed troops have already been taken out of some areas.
It NOW scorns any idea of negotiating with Hamas on a ceasefire. I reclon Hamas would use any negotiations for grandstanding, bleating on about sieges etc, and Hamas could not be trusted to abide by any deal anyway. Israel will just have to rely on deterrence, not any form of agreement.
And NO concessions whatsoever to Hamas, nothing Hamas can use to try to justify all the death and destruction it has brought down on the heads of the people in Gaza.
Even after pulling out, Israel could still retaliate from the air to any further attacks from Gaza.
And as the main power plant in Gaza is now out of action, all electricity is supplied from Israel (unpaid by Gaza) – why not use that as a threat. It may be called “collective punishment” to cut off power, but there are diesel generators for hospitals etc, and how is it punishment to refuse to give stuff away free ? Sod world opinion – if Hamas wants peace, it has to provide peace.
Hamas doesn’t care if the people of Gaza suffer. It has fought this war in a manner that was guaranteed to cause civilian casualties and destruction. Pulling the electric plug would not move them because it is not just the hospitals that have their own generators.
It has to be said that Hamas only find dead Palestinians useful to their cause. The Hamas motto should be ” The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian – for propaganda purposes.”
‘Glasgow 2014: Sierra Leone cyclist ‘not missing”
Where is he then?
‘Organisers Glasgow 2014 said the Sierra Leone chef de mission knows where Mohamed Tholley is.’
Good. Want to tell us where he is?
‘On Friday it emerged that athletes from the country were considering extending their stay amid fears over the Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa. ‘
Well, we wouldn’t want to send them home while there is a danger that they might catch a deadly virus.
‘Unisa Deen Kargbo said that legally Tholley could be in the country until September but he had not discussed leaving the village with anyone in the camp.’
Fair enough. But I sense we are not going to be told where this guy has gone to.
‘Tholley’s coach Winston Crowther said the cyclist may have had concerns over the Ebola outbreak, but did not rule out other reasons for him leaving the team camp, including economic factors.’
Wait a minute! What do ‘economic factors’ mean?
‘On the issue of the team returning to Sierra Leone, Unisa Deen Kargbo said: “Athletes have come to me and said they don’t want to return because of the Ebola situation.’
I can’t wait for the BBC update on this story.