Here you go, an on-time freshly prepared OPEN THREAD to see us all off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend. HERE is where you detail the bias as you see it. A new month commences…
Out of interest and for the record, with regard to the most recent midweek thread and a comment from Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling placed on on July 30, 2014 at 9.30 am regarding BBC article ‘How many men are paedophiles?’ I made a comment at 02.44 pm, having just seen the page was showing two photos of Christian priests, to the effect that I thought this wasn’t very multicultural. I just checked the same BBC web page today and find that now there’s only one photo of Christian priests on view but the ‘updated’ page has been timed: ’30 July 2014 Last updated at 00.34′.
I’m amazed … are they really miracle workers at the BBC? I’m thinking of changing my religion. Hail the almighty BBC, time travellers extraordinary!
By the way, although I know we shouldn’t expect anything better from the BBC, is it legal for them to amend and predate web pages in order to ‘disappear’ anything that might appear embarrassing? If they can do it on this occasion then what else are they amending for their own convenience? I know what was on the page when I commented. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling, if you’re there or anyone else who saw the two photos, I’d love to know your thoughts about this.
The BBC really is the definition of a sickening organisation.
Well clearly not here.
Making the picket line, offshore squadron and constantly on-station airborne Staffel of Flokkers ready to swoop to say so an intriguing commitment at the very least.
Other than a few half-hearted drive-by attempts they do seem to have been pretty quiet for a weekend though.
Can’t think why.
Interesting comments there, and few taking issue bar a few one-liner loons doing what they do best and making themselves and the entities they support look daft. “The silence is deafening.”
Indeed it is. Especially on this not irrelevant aspect by such as the UK’s state media, reflected here by its DOTIs reduced to cherry vulture pickings on sidebar topics.
Mutterings over the shandies at debrief for sure.
George R,
“UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant ‘Heil Hitler,’ assault Jews”
Meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:
“It is about time there was a serious backlash against the Muslim leaders in this country”, John Anderson.
“About time some mosques were burnt out , let these sub-humans know we will not stand for it any more”, Robert Brown.
“I hope to god that Mosques gets burnt down, Muslims get attacked on the streets”, Pounce.
“Dez once again remains silent about any attacks on Jews”
Apart from calling them disgusting in the very post you sanctimoniously dismiss, of course. But hey. Why let pesky facts get in the way? Outrage is much more fun when it’s fabricated.
I see. Lie about Dez’s comment, get called out on it, then pretend you meant to lie to see “who that might tempt out” and then act all haughty and patronising instead of taking responsibility for your lies.
Good for you. That doesn’t make you come across as a desperate, malicious little loser at all, does it?
And I note you think hoping people get “attacked on the streets” is merely being “beastly”. What a surprise: Biased BBC bigots turning a blind eye to their fellow bigots’ atrocious behaviour, or pretending it’s somehow valid.
Vance will be so proud at the little nest of lunacy he’s building here, I’m sure.
Well I do try, “John”, but you will keep on posting nonsense.
Tell me, why are you so fixated on me while overlooking behaviour that is far worse from others? Are they paying you, or do they get your services as a dull, droning little attention-diverter for free?
A man(?) who posts so many different photographs of himself
Eh? I know coherence is an attribute you’re not prone to displaying, but even by your low standards this makes no sense.
Now, are you going to contribute anything other than weak attempts to insult me? I realise that’s pretty much the limit of your repertoire, but you never know, you could surprise us all…
What is Islamophobic about saying that Muslim leaders in the UK are doing far too little to combat the extremism in their communities, that they are not helping assimilation enough, that they promote medieval sharia concepts especially against women, and that many of them push the victimhood line far too much.
Stop wriggling. There is absolutely no way on earth you would make similar statements about leaders in the Jewish community. No matter what. No matter when. If anyone dared do so the outrage here would be seismic but Islam is always fair game.
Bollox. I have not seen anything done wrong – or actions omitted – by leaders of any other communities in Britain – Jewish or any other religion. But we have seen slippery statements by Muslim leaders, lack of real action to curb extremism, toleranced by them of far too many extremist preachers – and always the victimhood whining as an excuse for their lack of forthright actions, effective actions.
Also – none of the other religions represent a coercive anti-democratic ideology. Islam is exactly that, and it is blind to deny it.
What is Islamophobic about saying that Muslim leaders in the UK are doing far too little to combat the extremism in their communities
I note you don’t seek to defend other comments that Mosques should be burned down, and that Muslims should be attacked on the streets. Do you think Pounce’s comments are acceptable or, like any reasonable person, do you think he is once again demonstrating his inability to act like a decent human being?
Scott wrote: Do you think Pounce’s comments are acceptable
lets put this into context Scott shall we, the above outburst was when a British soldier was beheaded in public on the streets of London. Now why do you think I became upset over that.
Tell me if a gayman was beheaded on the Streets of London by Muslims would you be angry?
The problem with people like you Scott is, you have no backbone, that’s why you are a spineless prick.
Of course not, you’d be on your knees slurping over the mullahs cock, blaming all gay people are nasty rabid racists.
How charming. I see you’re doing nothing to actually act like a decent human being, as ever. But hey, this is Pounce we’re talking about – bitterness and anger personified into one ugly little ball of bigotry and hate. The sort of person who likes to boast about making women scared. A wannabe bully who lashes out because he can’t do anything else.
And a coward too, let’s not forget. Hiding behind a pseudonym because you don’t have the guts to let people attach your bile and bigotry to you as a person. A snivelling, bigoted little coward. You have my pity.
Tell me, do you think having medals makes it acceptable for you to behave the way you do? Or would you be the same nasty little bigot regardless?
Poor little Pounce. The man so desperate to be a bully, but who can’t even do that right. So he has to hide behind his pseudonym, hoping that his CO doesn’t find out the aort of things he says online that he knows would fall foul of the Army’s code of conduct. Pretending to be a hard man, but job stead just a pathetic, malignant tumour on humanity.
“DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The still-gaping holes in Britain’s borders ”
“In a report published *yesterday (and predictably ignored by the BBC) Cambridge academic Robert Rowthorn said the pressure on schools, housing and hospitals far outstrips any economic benefits of such historic levels of immigration.”
Anything much happening in Syria or Iraq at the moment? How are the Christians of Mosul faring now they’ve been driven out of their homes or killed?
All must be OK and peaceful because the BBC only have eyes for Hamas it seems.
Libya’s kicking off apparently. The BBC seem to be keeping schtumm as to why though. It just seems to involve some “men” as far as I can tell from their news stories.
BBC radio 4 ‘Sunday’ is a text book example of left wing bias on the BBC.
It’s not so much in what they report as the people they choose to interview, and the topics they choose to discuss.
Hardly anyone in favour of Israel is allowed to speak, but plenty opposed are invited on.
Muslims who have had their bank accounts closed on suspicion of supporting terrorism are allowed to deny everything and attack reasonable people as ‘islamophobic, and waycist’.
The nutcase Bishop of Manchester, a man more interested in Left wing politics than his religion is invited on to press for the immigration of Iraqi Christians forced out by ISIS. He criticises the US & UK for the war in Iraq (which both deserve) but not ISIS for following their Islamic teachings.
He is also allowed to make ridiculous statements that immigration is good and that it ‘enriches’ us.
It’s as if the BBC cannot see another view, and that if it could, that view must not be allowed airtime, as it is so dangerous.
It’s the denial of the ‘Oxygen of publicity’ which at the time of the Thatcher government it criticised so much !
INBBC refers to British military assisting British people to get out.
But INBBC censors out the Islamic jihad cause of the crisis in Libya.
It is necessary to turn to ‘Jihadwatch’ for that.
“Jihadists declare emirate in east Libya:
‘Benghazi has now become an Islamic emirate.”
BBC – If Israel wants to secure lasting safety for its people, it must use political will, not military might, to break the cycle of violence” Deputy PM Nick Clegg ….
BBC- The situation in Gaza is “simply intolerable and must be addressed”, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond
No 10, obviously not viewed the hijacked UN, or orchestrated media,like the Al BBC or listened to the traitorous Kerry recently … Bibi is doing just that
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened on Saturday to exact an “intolerable price” from the Gaza Strip’s dominant Hamas Islamists should there be continued attacks from the Palestinian territory.
The BBC seemed to be overjoyed that the poor Israeli soldier )thought to have been kidnapped by Hamas) turns out to have been killed instead.
A relief to the BBC in that-on this one occasion thus far-Hamas turn out to have been more correct in their story that the IDF.
One to Hamas-according to the rather sick world of the BBC-and, therefore;” in your face Bibi”!
That`s how the BBC/Hamas choose to report the tragic death of young lads fighting for their country in trying to defend it.
Imagine how the BBC would weep if a few of our jihadist teenagers got killed fighting for OUR country-yes, the umma and Caliphate of Islam…est 1989(Rushdie Rules)…secured 2013(Rigby Revisions).
F*** Off BBC-if this is a “triumph” for Hamas-then I`d hate to see a failure.
Only Israel fails and gets it wrong…Allah clearly pays his License Fee…
And a reality surely not completely beyond the realms of possibility. Otherwise, the BBC’s stance on much that passes for news at home and abroad would be rather inexplicable. I do hear his ‘detector men’ could teach Capita a thing or two about enforcement.
In the spirit of balance, I stumbled across this just now and felt it worth a share:,7340,L-4553643,00.html
Her initial report was of course one that did get turned into a cause celebre for journalism not toeing the Bowen ‘I didn’t see or hear anything therefore it couldn’t have happened unless my minders tell me’ line pushed by the vast majority of the MSM in Gaza as guests of Hamas or with relatives they can reach.
Seems she’s not happy, and has been moved to explain why.
Fair enough.
Ignoring many questions that occur on ‘how close is not close enough’ and the odd level of subsequent retraction when such rare stories do make it out (the translated captions to her video report do suggest she went a bit further than how she explained it in her distancing piece, and is regretting it made it to public domain to get picked up), I merely ponder the precedent to her ‘don’t use me as propaganda’ plea that is in turn being pushed now as slightly irony-free counters to any seeing her initial report quoted.
It would be interesting to hear from the BBC on where they see the ‘use’ of ‘reports’ moving from reflecting news to propaganda.
Guessing they may need to be a wee bit careful as they are not immune from citing stuff, especially quotes, as and when it suits.
I think it was more she heard it, very loud, just outside, and mentioned that as part of the overall report.
Then the figurative, social media world fell in on her.
Some sources quoted what she testified to as it was a bit unusual, especially given her background, compared to such as the BBC’s finest, who are experienced enough to know what you don’t say as much as what you do. Hence the thousands of rcokets launched that have escaped Jezza’s eagle eyes and bat ears.
Feel a bit sorry for her (and any rellies), but she did choose the profession, the topic and went to air.
It became (bad) propaganda when it served the interests of a group other than the one intended, as opposed to the rest of her report, which was ne…. good propaganda.
Lessons have probably been learned.
Over 3000 rockets launched from Gaza in 3 weeks, hundreds of compliant journalists –
but no witnesses ?
Except this one Finnish wuss who inadvertently divulged the truth of Hamas tactics – and then tries to backtrack because it is out of step with the swarm. BUT – she does not retract her story. Cat out of the bag.
Do I see a programme coming up about this, a la “Game For A Laugh”?
Surely this was a deliberate wind up, and an affront to all right-thinking Muslims!
I urge a fatwa against the BBC-and have asked Anjem to look into the windows of opportunity under which we can roast a pig as we natter.
Well done BBC!…has this made the news bulletins or Andrew Marr yet?
Sounds like the Sun on Sunday and the Mail – neither publication known for fair and equitable reporting when it comes to the BBC – making a mountain out of a molehill in the hope that its craven, BBC-hating, numpty readers are provoked into their usual Pavlovian response.
Before you change your alias so you can use the one you reserve for being a homophobic idiot, do you think “How shall I prove to the world that I’m a tiny little excuse for a man today?”?
I’m not in a bad mood at all. I find the readiness of Biased BBC’s resident trolls to demonstrate just how vapid and stupid they are is quite amusing.
But your “jokes”, as ever, are anything but.
You carry on, though. If you think that making weak little digs about my being gay makes you a better person and less of a sad little man, who am I to burst your ridiculous fantasy bubble?
Rather amazed that some department or another did not have to run this by another first, and by now a rather crucial aspect of the hog roast process did not raise a few re.. black flags with squiggles.
But happen it did, it must surely be accepted. A bit like the rocket launch happened but how it got shared ran away from that reporterette’s carefully nurtured comfort zone. Latter pretty serious on a variety of levels. Former just funny across the board (though for various reasons unlikely to be deemed comedic by such as HIGNFY, as A. Newsroom Script Editor will doubtless attest), other than for those who don’t have a funny bone that hasn’t been surgically removed when hatched..
Making the resident knee jerk’s attempt to skirt round that basic fact to meet quota even more bizarre than usual.
Whilst I also smiled at the thought that the Muslim staff should keep their windows shut – I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill. I think we should be told if it is our money that is being spent.
Of course-a hog roast at our expense…hence the phrase “high on the hog” I expect!
Well, classier than the usual drugs of choice there at the BBC.
AND-to insult Allahs little helpers yet more…there`d have been the waft of booze as well-we pay for that too!
So- porking out(haram)..with free alcohol…did we celebrate Eid in vain,so BBC types can mock the Teddy Bear Mohammad…peace be upon her?
Who`s gonna tell Anjem or Abu?…can they issue double fatwas?
Except it wasn’t. But hey. Why let facts get in the way of a rant? Where would Biased BBC be if the truth was allowed to get in the way of its commenters’ demented outpourings?
Bless. Biased BBC tactic #317: if somebody lied, attack the person who pointed it out so that the original perpetrator can get away with it.
Vance will be so relieved. After all, if he threw out every snivelling little liar on this site, he’d not only have no fans left, he’d have to eject himself.
So well done, my little stalker. You’re keeping up Biased BBC’s reputation for dishonesty. Bravo. That’s not pathetic in the least.
I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill.
It was round the corner from my workplace, and several of us went down on Friday lunchtime.
There was no bar. There were a number of market-style food stalls, with Caribbean jerk chicken, a Hummus Bros stall, somebody selling chutneys and preserves, Costa giving away samples of their iced coffees. Apart from those small samples, everything was chargeable. The hog roast rolls were £5 – expensive even by central London standards – but they were delicious.
We weren’t the only non-BBC employees enjoying the chance to sample fresh food that is a welcome change from the coffee shops and supermarket “express” shops that dominate the area.
So, not a big thing. Although it doesn’t take much for Biased BBC to foment a sense of outrage and go off the deep end, I’ll grant you.
BBC just so bloody, insensitive to Islamic “feelings”…
BBC ‘Angers Muslim Staff’ (are there any other type?)
by hosting hog roast to celebrate Commonwealth Games under the windows of Arabic TV service
“Mind you, these Muslims were not forced or cajoled or asked to eat the pork. They just didn’t want others to be able to do so while in their proximity”
this abject Islamophilia caught my eye …
“held just days after the close of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims for spiritual reflection”
…… just days after”?, a day after?, 5 minutes, no
1 minute after!
AND! …….
not of the slightest concern, in any way, to any degree!
most Islamophile of all … “spiritual reflection” … 😀
37 suicide bombings?, 272 terror attacks? 2429 dead bodies?, 2028 wounded?
Ooh! Let’s post two links, one to the Mail and one to a rabid hate site, so it looks like this is an actual thing! Let’s ignore that the second link just repeats the first! Let’s ignore that George R, Biased BBC’s own “Google News for lunatic racists”, linked to this before!
Poor John. Reduced to repeating himself over and over again because he can’t face the prospect of doing anything else.
Pity him. Pity the poor, sad little man who thinks that stalking me is a worthwhile use of time. But don’t bother trying to ask him a direct question. He’ll ignore it and blame you for his inability to behave like a grown-up.
“Rabid Hate Site”, ouch!
easy cupcake, truth hurt.
Flag week for Snotty Scotty?
You re sounding like you have an agenda to sell? … sorry girlfriend not buying 😀
So dear, you all “brothers in arms” now, with those who would have you swinging from a crane, given the chance?
… because they re just the idiots, who reel “rabid hate site” off, because
A/. It reports the facts,
B/. Tells the truth about them
My apologies – it does seem as if everyone except George R has linked to this. It appears that when it comes to blindly linking to stories without properly examining the story itself, poor little George has competition…
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s comments on Hamas won’t get a hearing on the BBC anytime soon. She knows whereof she speaks – but her truths don’t match the naive fellow-travelling BBC groupthink. I’d like to hear or see her in a face-off with Sarah Montague or Mishal Husain. or Emily Maitlis :
That has to be the most powerful rational statement of the reality of the true current state of Islam I think I have ever heard. It makes the morons at the BBC who continue to flood us with their emotional one sided liberal lefty lies and garbage look like the dangerous and naive utter fools that they truly are. Frightening for the future, truly frightening !
Apologies for the on topic post and URLs in amidst the Sunday denial of service ran… blessings, but this seems interesting:
Mr. E was one of the first experts trotted out, and despite professing undying love for the BBC, did then come out with a spirited collection of statements that had most of the committee suffering a fit of the vapours.
So far, he seems about the only witness called not there simply to sign off on how much they get via means the public can no longer avoid.
So I kinda like/d his style.
This goes a wee bit further, and reminds me to check the latest transcripts when a moment presents. ‘Dame Tessa Jowell: Let me begin by saying that I do not think that the BBC needs fundamental change..
Because he doesn’t mince his words about the integrity of our market rate masters, from headline onwards. ‘I have chosen to call them lies, because there is not the slightest attempt to present any kind of balanced picture. It is a bad faith exercise, and deserves the strongest epithet in condemning it.’
That these are the folk gunning for £4B pa or more of public money as long as they can get it, without chance of opting out any more, and no accountability for what they do with it, I remain with concerns that what they say or do is so often at variance with reality.
To the level, apparently, of forty times at least from just one of them writing one policy essay.
Trust in the BBC seems a leap of faith some are prepared to take, but on hard facts past and present, that faith seems blind at best.
Scott wrote Scott says:
August 3, 2014 at 2:59 pm
I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill. It was round the corner from my workplace, and several of us went down on Friday lunchtime. There was no bar. There were a number of market-style food stalls, with Caribbean jerk chicken, a Hummus Bros stall, somebody selling chutneys and preserves, Costa giving away samples of their iced coffees. Apart from those small samples, everything was chargeable. The hog roast rolls were £5 – expensive even by central London standards – but they were delicious. We weren’t the only non-BBC employees enjoying the chance to sample fresh food that is a welcome change from the coffee shops and supermarket “express” shops that dominate the area. So, not a big thing. Although it doesn’t take much for Biased BBC to foment a sense of outrage and go off the deep end, I’ll grant you.
Help me here, Scott, for somebody who claims to have absolutely no links to the bBC, you appear to have known about a roasting at the bBC and even managed to get your hands on a Pork roll at the event.
Would I be correct in saying that you’ve been ‘exposed’ for what you really are?
No you would not be correct (quelle surprise). A work colleague spotted the food stalls when walking from Oxford Circus tube station to our office, so at lunchtime we headed down to have a look.
It’d take a special kind of idiot to regard that as part of some kind of conspiracy theory. Are you saying you’re that sort of an idiot?
Scott says: August 3, 2014 at 3:58 pm Bless. Biased BBC tactic #317: if somebody lied, attack the person who pointed it out so that the original perpetrator can get away with it.
So by replying to my post as such: “It’d take a special kind of idiot to regard that as part of some kind of conspiracy theory. Are you saying you’re that sort of an idiot?”
Should I take it , that you are in fact a fucking Hypocrite?
Bless. Your real colours coming out now, aren’t they?
I made light of a common trait of Biased BBC conversations that can be frequently observed. No need to get all four-letter sweary for that. Although I appreciate you hardly need an excuse to reveal your true, foul-mouthed, aggressive character.
Do you also think when Cyndi Lauper sang about “True Colors”, it was a racist call to arms?
I think you need to start growing up, and lose all those multiple chips on your shoulder. Then maybe, just maybe, you may have a shot at not being a total dick.
Do you also think when Cyndi Lauper sang about “True Colors”, it was a racist call to arms?
Racist bastard, why aren’t you on the local BNP website. Maybe I should drop a few flyers around the local mosque complete with your picture to warn all the local Muslims you are a racist. I’m sure a few of the local shop keepers will recognise you and inform the local gangs. Racist.
Racist bastard, why aren’t you on the local BNP website. Maybe I should drop a few flyers around the local mosque complete with your picture to warn all the local Muslims you are a racist. I’m sure a few of the local shop keepers will recognise you and inform the local gangs. Racist.
You really are losing it, aren’t you. Poor Pounce, the man who told me that I should laugh off all the insults that he and others flung my way like monkeys in a zoo fling faeces. Poor Pounce, who boasts about demeaning women at the top of his voice so that they run away scared. Poor Pounce, who is a disgrace to the British army uniform he rushes to hide behind.
Yet again, you show your true face: a sad, miserable man who retreats to aggression and threats because of his own insecurities. What a pitiful excuse for a human being you prove yourself to be.
Scott, you are nothing more than a racist. So typical of the liberal left. As for informing the local Islamic population of where you live, here is a little something to show you that actually I don’t live that far from you and I am more than happy to pass on your picture to a load of people you look down on.
By all means continue communicating with me, you’re about 45 mins away by tube. The ball is in your court. Racist
Pounce, your threats are now descending into the sort where I could very reasonably get the authorities involved. Maybe they will be able to get you the help you need.
In the meantime, care to explain how my talking about you showing your true colours makes me a racist? Or are you just going to continue to fly off the handle for no reason?
It is clear from this thread and others that the Scott-troll deliberately seeks confrontations, insults people glibly – and then whines and bleats when challenged.
Take off the spectacles and the troll looks like that Rage Boyfrom Kashmir.
A national sperm bank is to be set up to meet increasing demand and a UK-wide shortage.
Heterosexual and same-sex couples will be able to use the service, as well as single women. People from ethnic minority backgrounds will be able to choose from culturally-matched donors.
The second and third sentences of this bBBC report pander to nearly all their favourite groups, although they don’t mention disabled people.
And what is a ‘culturally-matched donor’, whose sperm will be available to those from ethnic minorites? Will those from the ethnic majority be able to reject sperm from wankers who were black or ‘Asian’?
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Out of interest and for the record, with regard to the most recent midweek thread and a comment from Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling placed on on July 30, 2014 at 9.30 am regarding BBC article ‘How many men are paedophiles?’ I made a comment at 02.44 pm, having just seen the page was showing two photos of Christian priests, to the effect that I thought this wasn’t very multicultural. I just checked the same BBC web page today and find that now there’s only one photo of Christian priests on view but the ‘updated’ page has been timed: ’30 July 2014 Last updated at 00.34′.
I’m amazed … are they really miracle workers at the BBC? I’m thinking of changing my religion. Hail the almighty BBC, time travellers extraordinary!
By the way, although I know we shouldn’t expect anything better from the BBC, is it legal for them to amend and predate web pages in order to ‘disappear’ anything that might appear embarrassing? If they can do it on this occasion then what else are they amending for their own convenience? I know what was on the page when I commented. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling, if you’re there or anyone else who saw the two photos, I’d love to know your thoughts about this.
The BBC really is the definition of a sickening organisation.
Wayback Machine also shows this picture from the article you describe which appears to be the one you are referring to.

Another website is NewsSniffer where you can see how the BBC changes various articles, but doesn’t necessarily inform the reader of those changes.
As to legality, I have no idea. Ethics is something else.
Thanks Teddy Bear, that’s the one.
You welcome 🙂
Some place north-east of Thuthics ?
Do bloggers wield too much power – BBC.
Well, do we?
Well clearly not here.
Making the picket line, offshore squadron and constantly on-station airborne Staffel of Flokkers ready to swoop to say so an intriguing commitment at the very least.
Other than a few half-hearted drive-by attempts they do seem to have been pretty quiet for a weekend though.
Can’t think why.
Interesting comments there, and few taking issue bar a few one-liner loons doing what they do best and making themselves and the entities they support look daft.
“The silence is deafening.”
Indeed it is. Especially on this not irrelevant aspect by such as the UK’s state media, reflected here by its DOTIs reduced to cherry vulture pickings on sidebar topics.
Mutterings over the shandies at debrief for sure.
Will Beeboids spell out the nature of these anti-Semitic attacks, and report them?
“UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant ‘Heil Hitler,’ assault Jews”
If the Beeb did report it the headline will be ‘Rise in Jewish attacks’ not ‘Rise in attacks on Jews’.
George R,
“UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant ‘Heil Hitler,’ assault Jews”
Meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:
“It is about time there was a serious backlash against the Muslim leaders in this country”, John Anderson.
“About time some mosques were burnt out , let these sub-humans know we will not stand for it any more”, Robert Brown.
“I hope to god that Mosques gets burnt down, Muslims get attacked on the streets”, Pounce.
Meanwhile on BiasedBBC:
Dez once again remains silent about any attacks on Jews but leaps in to comment if anyone is beastly to Muslims.
“Dez once again remains silent about any attacks on Jews”
Apart from calling them disgusting in the very post you sanctimoniously dismiss, of course. But hey. Why let pesky facts get in the way? Outrage is much more fun when it’s fabricated.
Ah, I wondered who that might tempt out. As it’s you, I won’t bother commenting further as it would waste everyone’s time.
Ah, I wondered who that might tempt out…
I see. Lie about Dez’s comment, get called out on it, then pretend you meant to lie to see “who that might tempt out” and then act all haughty and patronising instead of taking responsibility for your lies.
Good for you. That doesn’t make you come across as a desperate, malicious little loser at all, does it?
Keep ignoring the disruptive troll
Is that a fart Scott or are you blowing kisses?
Did you mean Dezzzzzz, Scott?
As sure as night follows day when Dez makes a drive by comment, Scott is sure to bring up the rear.
They must have desks next to each other.
Wow. You and John together. It really is Dimwitted Trolls Who Mistakenly Think They’re All That Day on Biased BBC, isn’t it?
You would know, matey, you would know…
And I note you think hoping people get “attacked on the streets” is merely being “beastly”. What a surprise: Biased BBC bigots turning a blind eye to their fellow bigots’ atrocious behaviour, or pretending it’s somehow valid.
Vance will be so proud at the little nest of lunacy he’s building here, I’m sure.
Ignore the low-IQ whining troll
Well I do try, “John”, but you will keep on posting nonsense.
Tell me, why are you so fixated on me while overlooking behaviour that is far worse from others? Are they paying you, or do they get your services as a dull, droning little attention-diverter for free?
Bless. Poor little stalker. Your inability to stand up for yourself when asked a direct question speaks volumes.
Keep on turning a blind eye to others, if you want. It just highlights your own inadequacy.
Ignore the needling troll, always full of stupid questions, never any valid answers
In your own words, “John”:
Ignore the annoying little twat! A man(?) who posts so many different photographs of himself must have very low self esteem.
A man(?) who posts so many different photographs of himself
Eh? I know coherence is an attribute you’re not prone to displaying, but even by your low standards this makes no sense.
Now, are you going to contribute anything other than weak attempts to insult me? I realise that’s pretty much the limit of your repertoire, but you never know, you could surprise us all…
Can’t be bothered, Scott. I’m just using your own methods against you. Seems you can give it but you can’t take it.
By the way, if I had a mug like yours I’d be embarrassed to post photos of myself. The face that launched a thousand gips.
Absolutely sickening. I had comments deleted for condemning Herr Vance’s deceit on Twitter yet the comments shown here by dez are deemed fine?
Apparently Anti-Semitism is the only real bigotry in society. ‘Islamafauxbia’ and ‘waycism’ don’t exist.
Such a virtuous bunch.
What is Islamophobic about saying that Muslim leaders in the UK are doing far too little to combat the extremism in their communities, that they are not helping assimilation enough, that they promote medieval sharia concepts especially against women, and that many of them push the victimhood line far too much.
Stop wriggling. There is absolutely no way on earth you would make similar statements about leaders in the Jewish community. No matter what. No matter when. If anyone dared do so the outrage here would be seismic but Islam is always fair game.
That is wrong no matter which way you slice it.
Bollox. I have not seen anything done wrong – or actions omitted – by leaders of any other communities in Britain – Jewish or any other religion. But we have seen slippery statements by Muslim leaders, lack of real action to curb extremism, toleranced by them of far too many extremist preachers – and always the victimhood whining as an excuse for their lack of forthright actions, effective actions.
Also – none of the other religions represent a coercive anti-democratic ideology. Islam is exactly that, and it is blind to deny it.
What is Islamophobic about saying that Muslim leaders in the UK are doing far too little to combat the extremism in their communities
I note you don’t seek to defend other comments that Mosques should be burned down, and that Muslims should be attacked on the streets. Do you think Pounce’s comments are acceptable or, like any reasonable person, do you think he is once again demonstrating his inability to act like a decent human being?
Scott wrote:
Do you think Pounce’s comments are acceptable
lets put this into context Scott shall we, the above outburst was when a British soldier was beheaded in public on the streets of London. Now why do you think I became upset over that.
Tell me if a gayman was beheaded on the Streets of London by Muslims would you be angry?
The problem with people like you Scott is, you have no backbone, that’s why you are a spineless prick.
Of course not, you’d be on your knees slurping over the mullahs cock, blaming all gay people are nasty rabid racists.
How charming. I see you’re doing nothing to actually act like a decent human being, as ever. But hey, this is Pounce we’re talking about – bitterness and anger personified into one ugly little ball of bigotry and hate. The sort of person who likes to boast about making women scared. A wannabe bully who lashes out because he can’t do anything else.
And a coward too, let’s not forget. Hiding behind a pseudonym because you don’t have the guts to let people attach your bile and bigotry to you as a person. A snivelling, bigoted little coward. You have my pity.
Scotty screamed:
A snivelling, bigoted little coward
Thanks for the accolade Scott, I’ll print that off and place it with my medals. Oh by the way how many have you got?
Tell me, do you think having medals makes it acceptable for you to behave the way you do? Or would you be the same nasty little bigot regardless?
Poor little Pounce. The man so desperate to be a bully, but who can’t even do that right. So he has to hide behind his pseudonym, hoping that his CO doesn’t find out the aort of things he says online that he knows would fall foul of the Army’s code of conduct. Pretending to be a hard man, but job stead just a pathetic, malignant tumour on humanity.
A ‘Support Israel’ wristband.
How many BBC staff would be allowed to wear it?
Any of ’em?
Continuing Mass Immigration into Britain.
‘Daily Mail’-
“DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The still-gaping holes in Britain’s borders ”
“In a report published *yesterday (and predictably ignored by the BBC) Cambridge academic Robert Rowthorn said the pressure on schools, housing and hospitals far outstrips any economic benefits of such historic levels of immigration.”
Read more:
*- Civitas report here, in full-
Click to access LargescaleImmigration.pdf
Anything much happening in Syria or Iraq at the moment? How are the Christians of Mosul faring now they’ve been driven out of their homes or killed?
All must be OK and peaceful because the BBC only have eyes for Hamas it seems.
Must be peaceful in Nigeria too. As well as Mexico and East Ukraine.
Libya’s kicking off apparently. The BBC seem to be keeping schtumm as to why though. It just seems to involve some “men” as far as I can tell from their news stories.
Very peaceful in socialist Venuzuela
For attention of INBBC and others, embedded with Hamas:-
“40 questions for foreign journalists in Gaza”
40 questions the BBC Gaza staff should answer. Questions they have deliberately avoided so they can present their anti-Israel narrative :
Sorry George R – I was looking at the same list on another site, at the same time !
BBC radio 4 ‘Sunday’ is a text book example of left wing bias on the BBC.
It’s not so much in what they report as the people they choose to interview, and the topics they choose to discuss.
Hardly anyone in favour of Israel is allowed to speak, but plenty opposed are invited on.
Muslims who have had their bank accounts closed on suspicion of supporting terrorism are allowed to deny everything and attack reasonable people as ‘islamophobic, and waycist’.
The nutcase Bishop of Manchester, a man more interested in Left wing politics than his religion is invited on to press for the immigration of Iraqi Christians forced out by ISIS. He criticises the US & UK for the war in Iraq (which both deserve) but not ISIS for following their Islamic teachings.
He is also allowed to make ridiculous statements that immigration is good and that it ‘enriches’ us.
It’s as if the BBC cannot see another view, and that if it could, that view must not be allowed airtime, as it is so dangerous.
It’s the denial of the ‘Oxygen of publicity’ which at the time of the Thatcher government it criticised so much !
INBBC refers to British military assisting British people to get out.
But INBBC censors out the Islamic jihad cause of the crisis in Libya.
It is necessary to turn to ‘Jihadwatch’ for that.
“Jihadists declare emirate in east Libya:
‘Benghazi has now become an Islamic emirate.”
INBBC (and no mention of things Islamic here)-
“Royal Navy ship to help evacuate Britons from Libya”
For INBBC, which is disinclined to report on France, and on Islamic jihad threat-
“Suspected French-Moroccan ‘jihadist’ detained at Charles de Gaulle airport”
Islamic jihad war spreads to LEBANON, but INBBC censors nature of it, by talking of ‘rebels’-
Two reports:-
“Syria troops kill at least 50 jihadists near Lebanon”
“Chaos as Syria rebels raid Lebanon border town of Arsal”
BBC – If Israel wants to secure lasting safety for its people, it must use political will, not military might, to break the cycle of violence” Deputy PM Nick Clegg ….
BBC- The situation in Gaza is “simply intolerable and must be addressed”, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond
No 10, obviously not viewed the hijacked UN, or orchestrated media,like the Al BBC or listened to the traitorous Kerry recently … Bibi is doing just that
B Netanyahu:
”we promised to return the quiet to Israel’s citizens and we will continue to act until that aim is achieved. We will take as much time as necessary, and will exert as much force as needed”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened on Saturday to exact an “intolerable price” from the Gaza Strip’s dominant Hamas Islamists should there be continued attacks from the Palestinian territory.
Egypt to Hamas: We Are Sick and Tired of You
Strong Horse/Weak Horse?
The BBC seemed to be overjoyed that the poor Israeli soldier )thought to have been kidnapped by Hamas) turns out to have been killed instead.
A relief to the BBC in that-on this one occasion thus far-Hamas turn out to have been more correct in their story that the IDF.
One to Hamas-according to the rather sick world of the BBC-and, therefore;” in your face Bibi”!
That`s how the BBC/Hamas choose to report the tragic death of young lads fighting for their country in trying to defend it.
Imagine how the BBC would weep if a few of our jihadist teenagers got killed fighting for OUR country-yes, the umma and Caliphate of Islam…est 1989(Rushdie Rules)…secured 2013(Rigby Revisions).
F*** Off BBC-if this is a “triumph” for Hamas-then I`d hate to see a failure.
Only Israel fails and gets it wrong…Allah clearly pays his License Fee…
‘Allah clearly pays his License Fee’
And a reality surely not completely beyond the realms of possibility. Otherwise, the BBC’s stance on much that passes for news at home and abroad would be rather inexplicable. I do hear his ‘detector men’ could teach Capita a thing or two about enforcement.
In the spirit of balance, I stumbled across this just now and felt it worth a share:,7340,L-4553643,00.html
Her initial report was of course one that did get turned into a cause celebre for journalism not toeing the Bowen ‘I didn’t see or hear anything therefore it couldn’t have happened unless my minders tell me’ line pushed by the vast majority of the MSM in Gaza as guests of Hamas or with relatives they can reach.
Seems she’s not happy, and has been moved to explain why.
Fair enough.
Ignoring many questions that occur on ‘how close is not close enough’ and the odd level of subsequent retraction when such rare stories do make it out (the translated captions to her video report do suggest she went a bit further than how she explained it in her distancing piece, and is regretting it made it to public domain to get picked up), I merely ponder the precedent to her ‘don’t use me as propaganda’ plea that is in turn being pushed now as slightly irony-free counters to any seeing her initial report quoted.
It would be interesting to hear from the BBC on where they see the ‘use’ of ‘reports’ moving from reflecting news to propaganda.
Guessing they may need to be a wee bit careful as they are not immune from citing stuff, especially quotes, as and when it suits.
I’m a bit confused here. Did she or did she not see a rocket launched near the hospital? If she did, how is it propaganda to point it out?
I think it was more she heard it, very loud, just outside, and mentioned that as part of the overall report.
Then the figurative, social media world fell in on her.
Some sources quoted what she testified to as it was a bit unusual, especially given her background, compared to such as the BBC’s finest, who are experienced enough to know what you don’t say as much as what you do. Hence the thousands of rcokets launched that have escaped Jezza’s eagle eyes and bat ears.
Feel a bit sorry for her (and any rellies), but she did choose the profession, the topic and went to air.
It became (bad) propaganda when it served the interests of a group other than the one intended, as opposed to the rest of her report, which was ne…. good propaganda.
Lessons have probably been learned.
Over 3000 rockets launched from Gaza in 3 weeks, hundreds of compliant journalists –
but no witnesses ?
Except this one Finnish wuss who inadvertently divulged the truth of Hamas tactics – and then tries to backtrack because it is out of step with the swarm. BUT – she does not retract her story. Cat out of the bag.
Made my weekend.
Do I see a programme coming up about this, a la “Game For A Laugh”?
Surely this was a deliberate wind up, and an affront to all right-thinking Muslims!
I urge a fatwa against the BBC-and have asked Anjem to look into the windows of opportunity under which we can roast a pig as we natter.
Well done BBC!…has this made the news bulletins or Andrew Marr yet?
It’s quite simple. We eat pig in this country. If that bothers you, well…. tough. No-one’s making you stay.
so upset … hmmm …
so give up the lucrative jobs at the Al BBC then?
Sounds like the Sun on Sunday and the Mail – neither publication known for fair and equitable reporting when it comes to the BBC – making a mountain out of a molehill in the hope that its craven, BBC-hating, numpty readers are provoked into their usual Pavlovian response.
And by the looks of things, mission accomplished.
Ignore the pig-ignorant troll
That was nearly funny, my sad little stalker.
Before you change your alias so you can use the one you reserve for being a homophobic idiot, do you think “How shall I prove to the world that I’m a tiny little excuse for a man today?”?
I’m not in a bad mood at all. I find the readiness of Biased BBC’s resident trolls to demonstrate just how vapid and stupid they are is quite amusing.
But your “jokes”, as ever, are anything but.
You carry on, though. If you think that making weak little digs about my being gay makes you a better person and less of a sad little man, who am I to burst your ridiculous fantasy bubble?
He hasn’t anything better to do. Besides, we all love him, really. Don’t we?
Rather amazed that some department or another did not have to run this by another first, and by now a rather crucial aspect of the hog roast process did not raise a few re.. black flags with squiggles.
But happen it did, it must surely be accepted. A bit like the rocket launch happened but how it got shared ran away from that reporterette’s carefully nurtured comfort zone. Latter pretty serious on a variety of levels. Former just funny across the board (though for various reasons unlikely to be deemed comedic by such as HIGNFY, as A. Newsroom Script Editor will doubtless attest), other than for those who don’t have a funny bone that hasn’t been surgically removed when hatched..
Making the resident knee jerk’s attempt to skirt round that basic fact to meet quota even more bizarre than usual.
Whilst I also smiled at the thought that the Muslim staff should keep their windows shut – I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill. I think we should be told if it is our money that is being spent.
Of course-a hog roast at our expense…hence the phrase “high on the hog” I expect!
Well, classier than the usual drugs of choice there at the BBC.
AND-to insult Allahs little helpers yet more…there`d have been the waft of booze as well-we pay for that too!
So- porking out(haram)..with free alcohol…did we celebrate Eid in vain,so BBC types can mock the Teddy Bear Mohammad…peace be upon her?
Who`s gonna tell Anjem or Abu?…can they issue double fatwas?
Of course-a hog roast at our expense
Except it wasn’t. But hey. Why let facts get in the way of a rant? Where would Biased BBC be if the truth was allowed to get in the way of its commenters’ demented outpourings?
Ignore the boring nit-picking troll
Bless. Biased BBC tactic #317: if somebody lied, attack the person who pointed it out so that the original perpetrator can get away with it.
Vance will be so relieved. After all, if he threw out every snivelling little liar on this site, he’d not only have no fans left, he’d have to eject himself.
So well done, my little stalker. You’re keeping up Biased BBC’s reputation for dishonesty. Bravo. That’s not pathetic in the least.
ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Prat
Is it your time of the month, or something, Scott, or has there been a little “domestic” at home? Either way, you don’t like us, do you?
I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill.
It was round the corner from my workplace, and several of us went down on Friday lunchtime.
There was no bar. There were a number of market-style food stalls, with Caribbean jerk chicken, a Hummus Bros stall, somebody selling chutneys and preserves, Costa giving away samples of their iced coffees. Apart from those small samples, everything was chargeable. The hog roast rolls were £5 – expensive even by central London standards – but they were delicious.
We weren’t the only non-BBC employees enjoying the chance to sample fresh food that is a welcome change from the coffee shops and supermarket “express” shops that dominate the area.
So, not a big thing. Although it doesn’t take much for Biased BBC to foment a sense of outrage and go off the deep end, I’ll grant you.
BBC just so bloody, insensitive to Islamic “feelings”…
BBC ‘Angers Muslim Staff’ (are there any other type?)
by hosting hog roast to celebrate Commonwealth Games under the windows of Arabic TV service
“Mind you, these Muslims were not forced or cajoled or asked to eat the pork. They just didn’t want others to be able to do so while in their proximity”
this abject Islamophilia caught my eye …
“held just days after the close of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims for spiritual reflection”
…… just days after”?, a day after?, 5 minutes, no
1 minute after!
AND! …….
not of the slightest concern, in any way, to any degree!
most Islamophile of all … “spiritual reflection” … 😀
37 suicide bombings?, 272 terror attacks? 2429 dead bodies?, 2028 wounded?
Ooh! Let’s post two links, one to the Mail and one to a rabid hate site, so it looks like this is an actual thing! Let’s ignore that the second link just repeats the first! Let’s ignore that George R, Biased BBC’s own “Google News for lunatic racists”, linked to this before!
The troll fancied a jihadist New York bomber. Disgusting troll – ignore it
Poor John. Reduced to repeating himself over and over again because he can’t face the prospect of doing anything else.
Pity him. Pity the poor, sad little man who thinks that stalking me is a worthwhile use of time. But don’t bother trying to ask him a direct question. He’ll ignore it and blame you for his inability to behave like a grown-up.
“Rabid Hate Site”, ouch!
easy cupcake, truth hurt.
Flag week for Snotty Scotty?
You re sounding like you have an agenda to sell? … sorry girlfriend not buying 😀
So dear, you all “brothers in arms” now, with those who would have you swinging from a crane, given the chance?
… because they re just the idiots, who reel “rabid hate site” off, because
A/. It reports the facts,
B/. Tells the truth about them
My apologies – it does seem as if everyone except George R has linked to this. It appears that when it comes to blindly linking to stories without properly examining the story itself, poor little George has competition…
Ignore the repulsive jihadi-fancying troll
Truly it would take a man with a heart of stone not to laugh at this boob
“BBC ‘angers Muslim staff’ by hosting hog roast to celebrate Commonwealth Games under the windows of Arabic TV service”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s comments on Hamas won’t get a hearing on the BBC anytime soon. She knows whereof she speaks – but her truths don’t match the naive fellow-travelling BBC groupthink. I’d like to hear or see her in a face-off with Sarah Montague or Mishal Husain. or Emily Maitlis :
Might go something like this 😀
“The Squawk” nearly implodes.
That has to be the most powerful rational statement of the reality of the true current state of Islam I think I have ever heard. It makes the morons at the BBC who continue to flood us with their emotional one sided liberal lefty lies and garbage look like the dangerous and naive utter fools that they truly are. Frightening for the future, truly frightening !
Apologies for the on topic post and URLs in amidst the Sunday denial of service ran… blessings, but this seems interesting:
Mr. E was one of the first experts trotted out, and despite professing undying love for the BBC, did then come out with a spirited collection of statements that had most of the committee suffering a fit of the vapours.
So far, he seems about the only witness called not there simply to sign off on how much they get via means the public can no longer avoid.
So I kinda like/d his style.
This goes a wee bit further, and reminds me to check the latest transcripts when a moment presents.
‘Dame Tessa Jowell: Let me begin by saying that I do not think that the BBC needs fundamental change..
Because he doesn’t mince his words about the integrity of our market rate masters, from headline onwards.
‘I have chosen to call them lies, because there is not the slightest attempt to present any kind of balanced picture. It is a bad faith exercise, and deserves the strongest epithet in condemning it.’
That these are the folk gunning for £4B pa or more of public money as long as they can get it, without chance of opting out any more, and no accountability for what they do with it, I remain with concerns that what they say or do is so often at variance with reality.
To the level, apparently, of forty times at least from just one of them writing one policy essay.
Trust in the BBC seems a leap of faith some are prepared to take, but on hard facts past and present, that faith seems blind at best.
Scott wrote
Scott says:
August 3, 2014 at 2:59 pm
I would also like to know who is paying for this BBC party, who is being invited and what is the bar bill. It was round the corner from my workplace, and several of us went down on Friday lunchtime. There was no bar. There were a number of market-style food stalls, with Caribbean jerk chicken, a Hummus Bros stall, somebody selling chutneys and preserves, Costa giving away samples of their iced coffees. Apart from those small samples, everything was chargeable. The hog roast rolls were £5 – expensive even by central London standards – but they were delicious. We weren’t the only non-BBC employees enjoying the chance to sample fresh food that is a welcome change from the coffee shops and supermarket “express” shops that dominate the area. So, not a big thing. Although it doesn’t take much for Biased BBC to foment a sense of outrage and go off the deep end, I’ll grant you.
Help me here, Scott, for somebody who claims to have absolutely no links to the bBC, you appear to have known about a roasting at the bBC and even managed to get your hands on a Pork roll at the event.
Would I be correct in saying that you’ve been ‘exposed’ for what you really are?
No you would not be correct (quelle surprise). A work colleague spotted the food stalls when walking from Oxford Circus tube station to our office, so at lunchtime we headed down to have a look.
It’d take a special kind of idiot to regard that as part of some kind of conspiracy theory. Are you saying you’re that sort of an idiot?
Scott says: August 3, 2014 at 3:58 pm
Bless. Biased BBC tactic #317: if somebody lied, attack the person who pointed it out so that the original perpetrator can get away with it.
So by replying to my post as such:
“It’d take a special kind of idiot to regard that as part of some kind of conspiracy theory. Are you saying you’re that sort of an idiot?”
Should I take it , that you are in fact a fucking Hypocrite?
Bless. Your real colours coming out now, aren’t they?
I made light of a common trait of Biased BBC conversations that can be frequently observed. No need to get all four-letter sweary for that. Although I appreciate you hardly need an excuse to reveal your true, foul-mouthed, aggressive character.
Ignore the troll-flea
Scott wrote:
Bless. Your real colours coming out now, aren’t they?
Are you calling me a Paki? you racist twat.?
*rolls eyes*
Do you also think when Cyndi Lauper sang about “True Colors”, it was a racist call to arms?
I think you need to start growing up, and lose all those multiple chips on your shoulder. Then maybe, just maybe, you may have a shot at not being a total dick.
Do you also think when Cyndi Lauper sang about “True Colors”, it was a racist call to arms?
Racist bastard, why aren’t you on the local BNP website. Maybe I should drop a few flyers around the local mosque complete with your picture to warn all the local Muslims you are a racist. I’m sure a few of the local shop keepers will recognise you and inform the local gangs.
Racist bastard, why aren’t you on the local BNP website. Maybe I should drop a few flyers around the local mosque complete with your picture to warn all the local Muslims you are a racist. I’m sure a few of the local shop keepers will recognise you and inform the local gangs.
You really are losing it, aren’t you. Poor Pounce, the man who told me that I should laugh off all the insults that he and others flung my way like monkeys in a zoo fling faeces. Poor Pounce, who boasts about demeaning women at the top of his voice so that they run away scared. Poor Pounce, who is a disgrace to the British army uniform he rushes to hide behind.
Yet again, you show your true face: a sad, miserable man who retreats to aggression and threats because of his own insecurities. What a pitiful excuse for a human being you prove yourself to be.
Scott, you are nothing more than a racist. So typical of the liberal left. As for informing the local Islamic population of where you live, here is a little something to show you that actually I don’t live that far from you and I am more than happy to pass on your picture to a load of people you look down on.

By all means continue communicating with me, you’re about 45 mins away by tube. The ball is in your court.
Pounce, your threats are now descending into the sort where I could very reasonably get the authorities involved. Maybe they will be able to get you the help you need.
In the meantime, care to explain how my talking about you showing your true colours makes me a racist? Or are you just going to continue to fly off the handle for no reason?
It is clear from this thread and others that the Scott-troll deliberately seeks confrontations, insults people glibly – and then whines and bleats when challenged.
Take off the spectacles and the troll looks like that Rage Boyfrom Kashmir.
insults people glibly
John Anderson’s complete lack of self-awareness strikes again…
“BBC’s £100k pay probe: Secret inquiry turns spotlight on bumper salaries of top stars”
Read more:
Just to lighten the mood after today’s troll-attacks. Someone at the bBBC has a sense of humour, or wanted to publicise his hobby.

UK sperm bank to be opened in Birmingham
A national sperm bank is to be set up to meet increasing demand and a UK-wide shortage.
Heterosexual and same-sex couples will be able to use the service, as well as single women. People from ethnic minority backgrounds will be able to choose from culturally-matched donors.
The second and third sentences of this bBBC report pander to nearly all their favourite groups, although they don’t mention disabled people.
And what is a ‘culturally-matched donor’, whose sperm will be available to those from ethnic minorites? Will those from the ethnic majority be able to reject sperm from wankers who were black or ‘Asian’?
Jonathan Miller tells it like it is, and how:
‘Support Israel’ wristband.
As not worn by BBC staff.
Chaps, don’t rise to Scott, his aim is to obfuscate the discussion which is a typical lefty troll tactic and to a degree seems to be working.
Just ignore and leave his ‘conditioned’ Metrosexual Beeboid mates to recommend his posts…
Bless. Is it a “typical righty tactic” to lie, insult and threaten? Or is that just unique to Biased BBC?
Good try!
Don’t feed the troll