I can see that the current Open Thread is bulging at the seams so time for a new one! As we prepare for another week of BBC bias, THIS is where to detail it and debate it.
As Scott hijacked the last thread good and proper, can I suggest we all don’t take the bait, however abusive he gets.
With a bit of luck, if ignored, the frustration of no attention might make him libel or defame someone which would bloody well serve him right.
In the past I’ve tried to take him as part of the blog, but he does seem to have got a lot worse of late.
Frankly, I think DV has the patience of a saint, to take Scott’s vitriolic ad homs.
I notice you avoid mentioning any of the vile abuse that has been thrown in my direction, including Pounce’s threats of violence. In fact, whenever I ask the question as to why people pick on their false impressions of my comments and ignore far worse from others, nobody can answer. Funny, that.
But I forget – it’s not an “ad hom” if it’s made by one of Biased BBC’s resident little people, is it? They can do what they like. Welcome to the world of this site, as cultivated by David Vance: a bunch of people who think they can do and say anything, but can’t cope when the victims of their repulsive behaviour stand up for themselves. Wannabe bullies who fall to pieces when their aggressive tactics don’t work.
But hey. You have Vance and his big red delete button to help you. He’s much more likely to delete posts that point out how he can’t manage this site than to actually encourage his regulars to behave like adults.
What a shame this site can’t be managed by anybody grown up.
Bless. You only started calling me racist because I mentioned how your true colours – your angry, aggressive, fly-off-the-handle temperamental side – were showing.
If there are any other commonly used idioms which make you Hulk out for no reason, could you let us know in advance? Thanks.
Oi Scott! Prance is brown and everything! So when he spews racist stomach dregs it’s ok. Although if he turned out to be some sad fat white fantasist well it would be problematic. Also he’s David Brimm’s bum chum.
Probably, and he doesn’t like goats having a nice time whilst living in France, either, and commenting on things to do with the country of their birth, even though they had the presence of mind to leave whilst the going was good…
That’s it, John – carry on avoiding any of the issues I’ve raised. Carry on not answering questions about your turning of a blind eye to others. Carry on demonstrating why Biased BBC doesn’t have the maturity to address its own faults.
Or, you know, you could change and start acting like an adult. Up to you.
Scott you should be commemorating the 100 years since the start of W.W.1 , instead of your nasty comments on everyone . I bet you would not of joined up anyhow , & 100 years ago a white feather would of been of turned up in your letter box.
Still waiting for your reply to my left-wing, right-wing comedian question. Is there a problem at your end finding even one right-wing comedian? Surely not…
Thread derailed againd. That is the intention so stop slinging insults around. Pointless.
Concentrate on the main thing which is the inability of the BBC to give room ( along with much of the liberal media ) to those who really espouse a different viewpoint.
This is what I find objectionable. Not somebody’s opinions or beliefs however deluded I think they are.
The BBC needs to come to terms with it’s inability to cope with differing viewpoints and to understand that 40 years of employing those who “fit’ and accept the hive or bodysnatcher views is foolish.
If anything it is getting worse. The younger reporters are even more hive minded.
In the end many round the world ,as it and they turn against the emotionally based liberalism of the 1960s, will just ignore it.
I deplore all pointless insults from whatever source. Pointless. However my main point stands. The BBC is unable to cope with conservative ( in the true sense ) viewpoints.
Like Telemachus over on the Spectator, ‘Scott’ is a fake. He’s a joke being played on you all by a prankster. Why so many continue to fall for it is beyond me…
Threads would not be hijacked if we all refused to reply to his off-topic, insulting and factually wrong comments. He never ever learns from them and loves seeing dozens of replies. It makes him feel all special and tingly in his gentleman’s chipolata. He will never ever admit to being wrong.
I see somebody else is now contributing to the fiction that I drag topics off-comment. If you look back over recent threads, you’ll see I started by posting on-topic contributions which then attracted attacking comments and insults from the usual sources.
I will repeat myself: I am not responsible for other Biased BBC commenters’ bad behaviour. I realise blaming me is easier than admitting that this site has a problem, but you’d do yourself a favour by not continually lying about it.
Pounce has no reason for calling me a racist, other than he wants to fling abuse my way.
Like I said: I’m not responsible for other people’s bad behaviour. The only person responsible for Pounce’s aggressive and threatening behaviour is Pounce.
He doesn’t need to learn from them or anything else because he’s a fake. He’s not real, but has been designed for a laugh at your expense. Think about it – nobody is that much of an idiot. The whole point of him is to annoy you, and he does that beautifully. Sadly, people respond to it.
If Scott only ticked half the idiot boxes, he’d be more believable. Whoever devised the character has gone for broke, and ticked all of them; they’ve overplayed their hand in their excitement.
Consequently, it’s a bust. If you reply to this invention, you’ll get what you deserve – derailed threads and nonsense, which is the whole point of what the character has been devised to do.
This abject Islamophilia caught my eye …
“held just days after the close of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims for spiritual reflection”
…… just days after”?, a day after?, 5 minutes,
no, 1 minute after! AND! …….
not of the slightest concern, in any way, to any degree!
Most Islamophile of all … “spiritual reflection” … 😀
37 suicide bombings?, 272 terror attacks? 2429 dead bodies?, 2028 wounded?
…which was introduced by the “journalists” who have extrapolated what seems to have been one person’s comment on Instagram expressing disgust at the hog roast. To be honest, I’ve known vegetarians (and some meat-eaters) who don’t like the look of a whole pig being roasted.
This is all fabricated outrage designed to push the buttons of anti-BBC, anti-Muslim numpties who prefer knee-jerking to thinking.
Gallant of you to spare the blushes and pride of our new well-educated damsel in such cases, even when her salvo landed short elsewhere. Guessing, Bowen-like, you didn’t see it so it didn’t happen?
At least, besides a colourful if pithy turn of phrase, she has restricted herself so far to the politics if not the topic of BBC coverage. The perfect diversity complement to another, then. Maybe Danny Cohen oversees Flokkerbot recruitment too?
Meanwhile interesting you have decided two degrees of separation from topic, beyond politics to grammar tease, is now your comfort zone.
Not really like the threads need packing out much more than they are already in this regard, but every little bit helps.
WE would do well to support the Kurds. They alone seem to have the will to take on Isis and need weapons now. Not that you will hear a word of support for them from the Western media and liberal politicians. I wonder why?
Instead we are busy covering up our disastrous policy in Libya and Syria. Governed by idiots and cheered on by fantasists
We would at that. But they have just two towns to ISIS. Hopefully this is only a one off. But the sorry fact remains there are a re lot of reasons why Turkey,Iraq and Iran will allow the Kurds to be rolled over.
Currently in Saudi Arabia 30,000 Pakistani troops (And an unknown number of Egyptian troops) have relocated to the Iraqi border tp protect SA from ISIS.
The worlds media is crying out for Hamas, yet the much more dangerous and important situation inside Syria and Iraq is being overlooked. ISIS is a threat to everybody (Think what would happen if they took all of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Well put it this way the greens will be happy.
Absolutely agree. Back in mydays in the West Midlands, my other and much better half and I lived next door to a Kurdish family of asylum seekers. They loved the freedom of England, and all they wanted was decent honest work. One evening our friend said to us: Why should we ever have anything against the Jews? They have never hurt us. We have been hurt far more by our “fellow” muslims (my italics).
The story which the bBC isn’t reporting is what really led to Hamas kicking off with Israel. Under the Egyptian MB, Hamas operated a most profitable regime which allowed them to tax tunnel operators and allow Hamas to make a tidy profit.
Problem is Eygpt has not only closed down those tunnels, but the new regime has no time for Hamas.
Since then Hamas has suffered a credit shortfall , it needed to do something like start a little war which would allow it be seen as the victim and get the money rolling in again.
The thing is Israel hasn’t played along, instead of stopping , it carried on and on and on. It has hit Hamas hard, lets be honest about this. Hamas has been weakened.
And there lies the problem.
Other groups have been biding their time in which to take over from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS or even Fatah. if either of the first 2 take control, then these past few weeks will come across as a stroll in the park.
Yes, Egypt as well as Israel now exercises tight control of borders.
But for decades now the whole Gaza problem (and much of the West Bank problem) has been supported by the endless funding of idle Pa;lestinians by the UN. The whole “refugee” notion is false and has been false for decades, but the UN spends as much on Palestinians as it spends on real refugees worldwide. UNHRA is corrupt to the core, is now largely staffed by Hamas or its sympathisers, is running an evil “education” system” – and has nil intention of easing down its bloated empire.
It needs to be progressively defunded to force the people in Gaza to find useful employment for their time and to cut their explosive birthrate. The US and Europe are funding this monster – it is coming out of our taxes.
Nothing to do with the last comment about money well spent but not having the time to do so whose money was it? E ntirely Scottish orBritish i.e that includes even the disliked Southern English.
It really should not have cost taxpayers anything. Minority interests should fund themselves and not be a drain on the public finances.
Sadly not going to happen. The Scots will not vote for independence, now that they are realising what independence actually means. IE their own almost worthless currency, a broke central bank and no fat subsidy from the UK or EU.
By that estimate the 180,000 people who attended the Rugby 7’s (never mind all those attending at all other venues over the Games) only spent £5.55 per head. Typical “right wing” comment – post first and think later!!
The Daily Record = the Daily Mirror for simpletons. The real, one-and-only, daily newspaper whose serious content can be read from cover to cover on the train ride between Haymarket and Edinburgh Waverley (i.e. in about 4 minutes).
Even the free ‘Metro’ newspaper has more serious content.
The BBC ask: @ “Can a lone blogger bring down a business…Hopefully a corporation. A one that fleeces money from the public whether they tune in or not…..
Jeremy Clarkson probably did for Austin-Rover and Delia Smith ensured that every supermarket egg became brown.
At least people have to go looking for blogger’s comments, the BBC has a direct line to millions and, if it chooses, can insert its message into news, (“some say”, “the BBC understands that”, etc.), drama and ‘comedy’ with no redress or effective regulation.
Former Archbishop of Canterbury:
“Islam is reviving British values”
“Rowan Williams was giving a speech at the annual Living Islam Festival (UH OH!) …in Lincolnshire on Friday, discussing what British values were and how Muslims could affect them.
He said one of the greatest gifts to Britain had been bringing back “open (?), honest( 😀 ?!?) and difficult public discussion (??????) ”, the Times reported.
He s going to discuss, Mohammeds Jew massacre and hatred … and the pressing topic
of his documented paedophilia, and throw in his urging of wanton sex slavery, in ahem … “fully open, honest public discussion” later … this week.
… oops! or maybe not
No wonder Anglicans are converting to Catholicism at the fastest rate for centuries. The man is the worst, most “liberal” idiotic left wing lunatic that the Anglican Church has had “leading” it …….. ever!
As someone who is seriously and genuinlly confused on matters ot religion, would it be too much to ask for an Anglican Archbishop who actually espoused Anglican Christian views? It might help…
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Royal Navy evacuates 100 Britons from Libya as fighting worsens.
Ambassador oversees safe departure on HMS Enterprise before returning to close down UK embassy in Tripoli.”
When even lefties like Miller turn on the BBC you know the end game isn’t far off.
After eviscerating trash TV, their only response to Miller and other is thus:
A spokesman for the BBC said: “This is not a description of the BBC we recognise. We’re focused on making great TV and radio which audiences tell us they love.”
I often wonder what goes on behind the scenes at the BBC what with Immigration, sex, racial tension are all part of the social ‘mix’ illustrated in the ‘Cloward-Piven Orchestrated crisis Strategy’ (revealed in this US report – a history of leftists activists) pushing for more ‘corrupted human rights agenda’, copied (or inspired by) numbing insincerity of EU socialists and BBC ‘World Service’ as a bolt-on ‘value-for-money’ BBC – and so ‘cheap’ at just 56p per day – says DG Lord Hall, (who happens to live well on the BBC benefits of the UK taxpayer).
The ‘Cloward Piven’ report explains how the leftists managed to near bankrupt the US economy selling ‘human rights’ mortgages to those who could never repay the debt – consolidated into repackaged bonds bought by Europe which were all found worthless. If Gordon Brown ‘saved the world’ from financial melt down he also helped ‘orchestrate the problem’ he engineered with conspirators – emboldened by praise of the BBC). Whilst the BBC commented on the ensuing chaos as a failure of world ‘capitalism’ their own socialist BBC ‘ethos’ of moral relativity is based on the ‘Cloward-Piven’ leftist strategy (as demonstrated superbly by the French political ‘elite’ who run the EU). This redefined ‘human right’ of increasing utopian benefits’ (often strategically inserted in UN polices by the same grouping) on immigration, race, gender and religion are all chosen to create economic chaos and encourage public disorder until the ‘dystopian vision’ of the the Marxist state is reinvented for another generation, fed false hopes of ‘Communism’ as the cure for all ailments – that ‘miraculously’ appear only when the West is near bankrupt by benefits without any responsibility, morality or care to the society they clearly despise. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=7522&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+fpmdtn+%28FrontPage+Magazine+%C2%BB+Discover+the+Networks%29
Today is the 4th of August, the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, Nicki Campbell said ” We’re going to celebrate that fact.” Shouldn’t that be commemorate ? what an arse.
We all know the conflict was about fighting for equality and human rights !! but what I want to know is how are the BBC going to get the subject of ‘effnik’ minorities into it ? My intuition tells me they some how will.
Maybe it’s just particular bad timing, but whenever I’ve had Radio 4/World Service on recently and WW1 is the subject you’d swear it wasn’t a European war at all.
They did indeed. Paxo in fact, who couldn’t distinguish between a celebration and a commemoration. Cameron went on to draw an analogy with the Jubilee and it was too much of an opportunity for the BBC not to have a go, rather than try to understand what Cameron was actually saying about who we were.
Paxman seemed to ignore that the Diamond Jubilee had a far greater significance than simply a ‘knees up’.
They already have. They (rightly in my view) reported on Saturday the large contribution our Hindu friends from India made to our first world war effort, with over 2 million of them ready to fight for Britain before Kitchener made his “Your Country Needs You” plea.
Spot on. And in WW2, we would have sufferd major defeats without the Indian Army and its astonishing contribution to the defeat ot totalinarianism. Remeber the Irawaddy (ok Albaman, correct my spelling..)
It’s Monday it’s BBc breakfast and off we go. Whilst interviewing the Prime Minister about the start of World war one the presenter tries to get him to declare Isreal is guilty of war crimes.
Reporting the news.
Objective analysis of the news.
Creating the ‘news’… then ‘reporting’ that.
I wonder how our dopey PM feels being played by his national broadcaster for propaganda purposes.
Another unbelievably one-sided report from Gaza this morning. In the ‘yet another UN school hit’ series of propaganda missives from our impartial reporters.
It would appear children ‘sheltering’ in the UN school were killed when 3 Hamas ‘operatives’ were hit by an Israeli missile just outside. Apparently the children were ‘in the shade’ under some trees and were hit, tragically, by shrapnel.
Yet again no mention of how these ‘UN schools’ are used by Hamas to protect their operations with human shields and no insight into the ‘UN’ organisation that oversees them (UNRWA), let alone why more protection was not afforded to the children by those – whoever they were – in charge of the school at the time, them knowing full well Hamas were, as always, operating under its cover.
But the real clincher was an interview with a ‘Palestinian’, Ahmed: ‘This is our land. They took our land. This has been going on for 60 years’. No challenge, no counterview, just the BBC lying narrative by proxy, fuelling division, hate and anti-Semitism.
Hamas Charter vs BBC Charter – spot the difference.
To be fair to the BBC, Montague interviewed the Israeli ambassador on Today this morning. Unfortunately Montague – puffed up by her righteous indignation concerning Palestinian casualties in Gaza – kept interrupting. OTOH when will official Israelis learn that they don’t have to put up with this? The ambassador could have asked Montague to shut up while he answered her questions. More importantly, he could have asked Montague why the BBC has not AFAIAA investigated or reported (even on the “some say” weasel basis) that the world’s most intrepid journalists are frightened to report anything from Gaza except on the Hamas-approved “cry me a river” theme.
I just caught the end of that interview. It seemed clear to me that Ms Montague had no interest in what he had to say.
Her only interest was to get across the Pali-good/Israel-bad line. Otherwise she surely would have wanted to pursue further his claim that weapons had been found at UN schools, rather than ignore it.
I suspect the victims of unbalanced biased bile filled BBC interviews win out in the end. Most people have an innate sense of fair play. Undecided or open minded listeners hearing Montague rudely mugging Israeli spokesmen will become more sympathetic to their point of view, not less.
It is better to stay cool and be polite and make the interviewer look like a shit. In the long run you win.
Listeners and BBC staff ideologically opposed to Jews or the Conservatives or eurosceptics or global warming sceptics or whatever group the BBC is attacking at any given moment cannot have their opinions changed. Haters gotta hate. The interviewee is only talking to people who are actually willing to listen. Those are the people most sensitive to obnoxious interviews.
Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Thus was tucked away on a link at the bottom of the BBC webpage… this is scandal but no protestations from the middle-class Lefties and the moderate Muslims!
I`ll be honest with you.
The likes of Regev and Taub ARE as good as PR World permits…but they`re using peashooters against the likes of Montague.
I would happily ensure that any Israeli spokesman knew the salaries, the pratfalls, the consistently bad calls from the BBC when it comes to Savile, Murdoch or whatever…so -just once in a while-they could get personal and nasty enough to make sure that Montague is withdrawn from the Debate Soc that is the f***in BBC in the mornings.
Karen Matthews anyone?…how much she gets paid and her own privileged schooling?…get NASTY Israel-the BBC understands nothing else, and would happily step over Israels grave to bring a falafel wrap to any Hamas Jihadist by way of thanks.
The left and the liberals HATE Israel. We Christians have no other option but to love it, and defend the Jews to death…and it`ll be the Left and Jihad that will have to die, spiritually if Jews and Christians are not to die physically.
Christian refugees back here now-and send ten times as Belmarsh bullies into Shia held territory(if they`re Sunni)-and vice versa.
Let`s see that religion of peace show us all how IT deals with refugees and on-the-runs!
Montague needs to shut up-she might learn something for a few days later if she did.
OT – This seems a glorious satirical effort, I hope on purpose, from the headline to the tongue in cheek reference to drones over wedding parties http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/headshots.html
Interesting when it comes to war crimes and national leaders, the BBC seems a wee bit more pragmatic when PresO is signing off on the executive order.
And doubtless when the cruise missiles start to fly once the Goldfish-class statepersons and foreign correspondents notice what is bubbling in pressure cookers from Libya to Syria, all will be legitimate until it isn’t. Or something.
This ‘to the death’ lark sounds horrifyingly familiar on a variety of counts:
___ The Telegraph @Telegraph Ukraine’s rebels prepare to defend Donetsk to the death tgr.ph/1rXOlhs
“Such a battle is hard to imagine in 21st century…. Europe” (lucky he added that last)
I also rather dread when the Sauron’s Eye that is BBC astoundingly uncurious, selective reporting turns to it eventually, and on whose side they pitch in this time.
So basically it’s pretty much kicking off all from the Ukraine round to Libya, with a fair bit of ongoing South where from Bokoland to CAR.
But we will doubtless get every single Pally claim from Gaza no matter what.
http://order-order.com/2014/08/04/speaker-slips-into-paranoia/ ‘while “sources close to him” say asking for a simple explanation constitutes a “rightwing hatchet job”.’
Sounds familiar. Now which unaccountable entity has high on the hog chummy cadres roaming behind the lines making sure asking legitimate questions is decried as a plot?
I wonder if the House Speaker can get Guido expedited for such temerity? ‘meant to embody the rules, not wriggle above them’
The way this country is headed, not so unlikely.
Not sure they were forced into anything, but for the BBC denial seems to be the place they inhabit by default, so that’s what happened.
A guy who has points on the board confirms that W1A was a documentary with all roles played by actors.
BBC responds to this by simply confirming everything, albeit free of self-awareness or irony.
Meanwhile the news editorial plumbs new depths and the Future of the BBC Committee discusses whether the licence poll tax could be added to NI deductions and/or as part of a handling fee for those out of work, so nothing can opt out of subsidising that poorly invested pension pot of Mark Byford or the set-asides for the fallout from the next Newsnight special.
How many articles do you see which insist that someone is “forced” to do something. Is this at gunpoint?
Why can’t they say ” was obliged to”, or “considered it appropriate/was advised to/felt the compunction to”, or many other descriptions along those lines. People are rarely “forced” to do anything.
BBC- even when supposedly talking about the WW1 commemoration … can t help themselves.
UN right to speak out on Gaza strike, says Cameron? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28638491
Listen to the interview, more attempts to put words
into the mouth. No time for Camoron (and his cabinet crooks) at all, but this is just so blatant, and amateur .
And after Cameron didn’t play along the BBC, have
spent all day accusing him of refusing to condemn Israel…no doubt in support of the beleaguered ‘Leader of the Opposition’s’ weekend sound-bite (I won’t use his name as he doesn’t seem to be able to do so himself – something that the BBC have forgotten to mention)
Can’t see Ed, or the people he blames, and then Ed again, coming out of that last one well. ‘And after Cameron didn’t play along the BBC, have spent all day accusing him of refusing to condemn Israel’
Bit of a win/no lose for Aunty’s propagandists here, getting a result with or without the PM handing them a gift.
Of course, ‘Country’s leader (who we like suddenly) says Israel should do what we say, not what we have done, do and will again’ is top trumps, but ‘Critics (ie: the BBC) are saying the PM has not gone far enough (code for, possibly none, though DC has laid a few tantalisers) in his condemnation of stuff and folk we don’t like’ will serve.
Beeboid Hewitt tiptoes on ‘anti-Semitism,’ self-censoring Muslim instigators.
Hewitt manages to use the word ‘Jews’ in his piece, even the word ‘Christians,’ but the word ‘Muslims’ is missing:-
“Ant-Semitism comes back to haunt Europe” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28522336
I maintain an ongoing interest in the BBC CECUTT attrition system.
Hence this is no surprise but typically dire: ‘3rd BBC Reply
This is when things started getting interesting. On 21st July, they replied, admitting that:
The correspondent who wrote the article, Matt McGrath, accepts that some of the information included was not as accurate as it should have been…
The BBC… ‘not as accurate as it should have been, but fighting any attempt to get to the truth to the death’.
http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/culture-media-and-sport-committee/future-of-the-bbc/oral/11461.html “Dame Tessa Jowell: Let me begin by saying that I do not think that the BBC needs fundamental change…
…the BBC—as, despite all the difficulties, one of the most trusted institutions that this country has…”
So, she’s a fan? Mainly ‘questioned’ by other fans, and indeed ex-colleagues. Nifty. “…a sum paid every year by licence fee payers for the BBC. It is not available to the Government of the day to spend at will and it should be made much harder, in my view, for the Government to raid the licence fee for its own purposes.”
As opposed for the BBC to raid for pension shortfall corrections, executive payouts and compo buy-offs? “Q538 there are very few Governments that emerge enhanced from a row with the BBC.”
Yes, Chris Patten made that clear. Like dealing with the Mob, then? Thanks for the confirmation.
“Dame Tessa Jowell: The Trust has been quite seriously misrepresented. The Trust was never established…to be both cheerleader for the BBC and regulator of the BBC.”
And yet, and yet…. “On regulation, as you know, there is a pretty clear relationship between the levels of responsibility exercised by Ofcom in relation to all broadcasters and those that are specifically retained by the BBC and overseen by the Trust.”
Yes. OFCOM goes nowhere near the BBC, who keep things internal and in secret. Great accountability. Not. As evidenced financially with DMI and in terms of staff activity, as shown by Pollard, Rose, et al. “I hope that we can write out of the argument, in critiquing the Trust, the idea that somehow it was created to be both cheerleader and regulator.”
Yet that is the current and still fought for case. Mainly to ensure the latter is kept ‘light’ and the former boosted as much as possible. “Dame Tessa Jowell: I am sure that you can look case by case and draw conclusions as to where the Trust’s intervention was perhaps ill advised.”
Ya think???? “It is not the Trust’s job to be accountable for poor judgment within the BBC itself. The BBC executive must be responsible for that.”
Pity then they each point at each other and neither is responsible.
“Q542 Dame Tessa Jowell: I think the Trust has done a better job than it has had credit for. There have been a small number of instances where there has been a lack of clarity”
Yes, a small number. And let’s call the cluster-FUBAR for all of them… ‘lack of clarity’.
“Q546 Mr Bradshaw: There is no truth in the claim from Greg Dyke that it was because Michael Grade threatened to resign?
Dame Tessa Jowell: No, I don’t think so.”
Question required and answer; equivocation on standard CECUTT basis delivered. “Q547 Mr Bradshaw: The claim that is made, not just by Greg Dyke but others, is that he put up a stiff fight and that in the wake of the Hutton inquiry you and the Government generally did not want to be seen as being vindictive towards the BBC.”
Which ‘Government’ would that be, Ben?
“Q549 Chair: Before we move on from governance, you said in 2011 to the Lords Communications Committee that responsibility for content regulation should move entirely to Ofcom. Is that still your view?
Dame Tessa Jowell: I am surprised that I said that content regulation should go entirely to Ofcom. “
She’s surprised she said what she said? Ooook. “Chair: It should stay with the BBC.
Dame Tessa Jowell: It should stay with the BBC.”
Under Ed Richards, who worked with who now? “Dame Tessa Jowell: I would define the public interest for this purpose as the effective and efficient use of the licence fee income that is generated to oversee the delivery of services by the BBC that attract public support.”
So long as the public has no way of ever expressing concern or opting out? Got it.
“Q552 Dame Tessa Jowell: I have argued on a number of occasions over the last few years that the BBC could become the country’s biggest mutual.”
Coke and rent boys for all!
“I may be overly optimistic about this but I think that if a public backlash led to a popular call to wind down the BBC we would probably at that stage be left with no institutions except probably the BBC and the National Health Service.”
One being an essential service, and the other delivering Eastenders, ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ and Jon Donnison’s tweets. Got it. “Q555 Dame Tessa Jowell: if you treat the BBC as if it were any other broadcaster you miss about 90% of the point about the BBC.”
That it is unaccountable by any mechanism, especially market forces and free choice. Got it. “Q557 Tracey Crouch: Would you envisage periodically asking licence fee payers whether they supported the principle of the licence fee itself as part of this model?
Dame Tessa Jowell: Absolutely.”
So long as there is no way other than to keep the money spigot full on and no opting out. Got it. “Q560 Mr Bradshaw: Given the short timeframe and concern about some politicians’ intentions when it comes to the BBC, do you think the political parties should be absolutely clear in their manifestos about what their intentions are for the BBC in the event of them winning an election?
Dame Tessa Jowell: I think it would be a very good thing for the licence fee payers, who are also voters, to know what the intentions are in relation to the BBC.”
Safe ground there, even from Dave’s bunch. Speaking of whom… “Chair: I think we probably need to move on to the BBC.”
Only 80-odd pages more. Of Lord Pantone and Danny’s excellent adventures.
May take a while. I’ll pop in the odd selected highlight when I get a mo’.
Good edit George R. It’s good thing that they (BBC Trustees) should squirm in the spotlight of publicity they cannot overtly control. Thanks, not all of us can trawl through that lot and grateful for quotes. Excellent work.
Just to bring folks up to date on my complaint to the BBC about inaccurate reporting at that UKIP carnival in Croyden.
“ Thank you for contacting us.
I understand you’re unhappy with the response received to your complaint.
Please be assured that reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are.
I’d add that we have no reason to think Winston McKenzie did not say what he was quoted as saying and our politics team stand by the reporting on this occasion.
If you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred here, and you wish to pursue this complaint further, you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation. ”
I have to say I see no merit in taking it further. It’s their word against what the Guardian quoted so unless I ring up Mr McKenzie for his version I don’t see where I can go with this. And they know it, of course.
As for “reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are” … words fail. That seems as near an admission of foul-up as we’re going to get, I suppose. Perhaps it represents a breach of Editorial Guidelines – I can’t be bothered checking, I’m afraid but suspect it does – however I am only too well aware that no-one is going to be pulled up over it.
Possibly that makes another victory for the BBC’s attritional expertise over integrity, but the hard facts are that most of us don’t have the time to play the game. And in truth the sheer whoppers being accepted at face value over in Gaza make this look pretty small beer.
I admire your persistence especially since you (and us out here) had a pretty good idea where your complaint was going.
As to the “news” transmitted by the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation (Portland Place Branch), your point is a good one. If they can lie obfuscate in the (relatively) trivial case you complained about, God knows what they get up to elsewhere.
You are probably right about knowing when to bail.
It would be a year-long attrition-fest culminating in the Trust being told half the story by their colleagues, in secret, and pulling the plug. Sadly, it also counts as a failed complaint. Not becuase it is without merit or they are in the clear; you just didn’t push the camel through the needle’s eye.
However the shares here…. still well worthwhile, and of course garnering a wider audience (sorry Flokkers, that approaching 33M counter must mean a few more than the blockade piquets are reading if not chipping in).
And there is yet another triumph of BBC ambition now to add to a proud lexicon from ‘interpret events’ to ‘thruthiness’ to don’t be stupid ‘lessons learned on not wishing death on other nation’s leaders when working for the UK state broadcaster’: ‘“reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are”
Yes, of course, along with NHS nurses and that tricky water to prevent dehyrdation and lying in poo all day is bad for old folk, well worth the reminder should professional integrity and competence ebb in the face of zero chance of anything adverse resulting.
So did you see this on London TV? Or in another region no need to be specific. Or just the web site page? I must admit I abandoned taking my complaint futher as the reply I had made me laugh so much I couldn’t type.
Only the BBC would dream of attempting this, and in particular that old scrote Shuckman who is able to pontificate about everyone else’s carbon footprint but doesn’t give a flying tootles about his own.
Can anyone enlighten me about how the casualty figures from Gaza are verified? The only figures seem to come from the Palestinians health authority, but the BBC report them as unquestionable fact. Am I missing a more reliable source?
Maybe the BBC checks them with the United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency. But I highly doubt it.
They ought to preface their reports from Gaza with: “We are reporting under Hamas reporting restrictions.” But they never do because they want to sell Hamas propaganda.
So why would they care if the casualty figures are fabricated? The numbers fit the story they want to tell.
And the other 53% were human shields. The “international allegations of a lopsidedly heavy civilian death toll” are jihad propaganda, willingly and even eagerly disseminated by the mainstream media.
R Spencer
1. Have you or any of your colleagues been intimidated by Hamas?
2. Do you feel restricted in your ability to ‘say what you see’ in Gaza?
3. How do you feel about the Spanish journalist who said Hamas would kill any journalist if they filmed rocket fire?
4. Has Hamas pressured you to delete anything you have published?
5. Has Hamas ever threatened to take your phone, laptop or camera?
6. Has Hamas ever taken the phone, laptop or camera of a colleague in Gaza?
7. Have you seen Hamas fighters in Gaza?
8. If yes, why have you not directly reported Hamas fighting activity when you are eye-witnesses in Gaza, but rather indirectly reported about what the IDF says Hamas has done?
9. Are you scared to publish photos of Hamas operatives on your Twitter page, or broadcast images of Hamas fighting and aggression on your news channel?
10. Have you published any photos of terrorists launching rockets in Gaza? If so, are these images being turned down by your newspaper or broadcaster?
11. Have you thought of interviewing the traumatised residents of southern Israel?
12. When Israeli authorities say that most of the dead in Gaza are terrorists, and Hamas says most of the dead in Gaza are civilians, how do you differentiate?
13. When Hamas Health Ministry statistics contradict Hamas’ own propaganda and reveal that mostly men of fighting age have died so far in Gaza, does it give you pause for thought?
14. Is an underage armed terrorist still counted as a terrorist or a child when killed? Or both? Do you explain to your readers how this is possible?
15. Have you put to Hamas spokespersons that firing rockets from civilian areas in a war situation will draw return fire and lead to the death of civilians?
16. Nick Casey of the Wall Street Journal tweeted: “you have to wonder with the shelling, how patients at Shifa hospital feel as Hamas uses it as a safe place to see media.” Never mind wondering; did you ask any patients how they feel?
17. And how do you feel about the fact that Casey subsequently deleted his tweet?
18. Russia Today journalist Harry Fear mentioned rocket-launching sites near his hotel. Have you noticed any terrorists or terror bases near your hotel?
19. How do you feel about Fear’s expulsion from Gaza, for tweeting about the rocket launches from civilian areas? Are you worried that you might also be expelled from Gaza?
20. Did you see any Hamas terror personnel inside Al-Shifa hospital?
21. Have you interviewed a Hamas spokesperson inside Al-Shifa?
22. Have you seen any rocket-launching sites in or around the vicinity of a hospital?
23. Have you interviewed hospital staff or patients as to how they feel about their buildings being used for terror activity?
24. Hamas’ command and control bunker is underneath Al Shifa hospital. Is this worth reporting? Have you asked to gain access to it, so you can interview Hamas commanders?
25. French newspaper Liberation reported that Hamas’ Al Qassam offices are next to the emergency room at Shifa hospital, before deleting the article. Was the reporter right to delete the article, and will the information appear in the media at some point still?
26. When the missile hit Al-Shati hospital where children were killed, did you see Hamas operatives collecting the debris of the fallen Palestinian rocket, as Gabriel Barbati reported? Did Barbati pick up on something you missed?
27. Barbati prefaced his tweet by writing “Out of Gaza, far from Hamas retaliation.” Will you also report differently about Gaza when you are out of Gaza, far from Hamas retaliation?
28. Can live journalism by reporters who are scared of retaliation from the authorities they are reporting about really count as pure journalism, or is journalism in that context fundamentally compromised?
29. Have you seen or heard evidence of Hamas using civilians as human shields, by forcing or “encouraging” them to stay inside or enter into a building that has received a knock on the roof?
30. Have you seen or heard evidence of Hamas storing weapons inside schools, houses, flats, mosques or hospitals?
31. Have you interviewed Gazan residents to find out if they have – or know someone who has – a tunnel dug underneath their house? How do they feel about this?
32. Have you tried to interview any of the parents of the 160 Palestinian children who died building the terror tunnels?
33. Have you asked Hamas spokespersons why they are setting out to murder children by firing rockets towards civilian populations?
34. Have you interviewed any UNRWA officials about why Hamas are storing weapons in their schools, and how the weapons got there?
35. Are you currently investigating how Hamas rockets ended up in UNRWA schools?
36. Are you currently investigating why UNRWA returned rockets to Hamas and their police force?
37. When Hamas breaks a ceasefire with Israel – as it has done 6 times – how easy is it to report on this from Gaza?
38. Is there any anti-Hamas sentiment in Gaza, and how is it expressed?
39. Were you aware that Hamas chose to execute dozens of anti-war protesters in Gaza, and did you not consider this to be worth
40. Is international media reporting from Gaza free from pressure and intimidation, or is there a real problem – and if so, how will you address it?
I see the bbC has everybody manning their desks that a British National has been killed by those nasty evil Jews.
Yet for all that money they spend on defending Islamic terrorism, they can’t be bothered to read the Guardian which reported the other day that Kadir Islam formally of London but who moved to Rochdale was killed in Gaza. And before the bBC starts spreading its lies here’s something you should all know:
.@Muslim_Aid tells me the alleged, note alleged and not confirmed at all, aid worker killed in Gaza is not one of their workers.— Raziye Akkoc (@RazAkkoc) August 4, 2014
It never fails to amaze me the bias the bBC puts into its reporting regards the death toll inside Gaza. Health officials in Gaza say 1,800 Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed since the conflict with Israel escalated on 8 July.
Sixty-seven Israelis have died, all but three of them soldiers.
Note the emphasis on civilian casualties, no mention what soever of Hamas gunmen/terrorists/militants call them what you will. But here is a tweet from Al Jazeera which by omission paints a very different story: As of 0745 GMT today, the 1,815 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge on July 8. According to the Gaza health ministry the deaths includes 401 children, 238 women and 74 elderly men.
by Rahul Radhakrishnan 8:59 AM
So that means 1102 were not children,women or old men.
Still subscribe to that Mostly civilian claim.
Anybody seem a picture of a gun totting Hamas terrorist from the bBC (Other than those hiding inside tunnels)
And the other 53% were human shields. The “international allegations of a lopsidedly heavy civilian death toll” are jihad propaganda, willingly and even eagerly disseminated by the mainstream media.
R Spencer
One could always ask the BBC, and they may eventually come back with thinking it’s a belief that it is or is not something they recognise.
Maybe they’ve pulled a JonDon and popped him off to Oz for a bit of R&R slagging off the Government, or some nice desert island to count AGW-disturbed graves, before returning refreshed to not see or hear anything he shouldn’t again?
I’ve just checked his twitter feed, his last entry as on the 22nd of July 14. So there may be an element of truth in this.
The only problem here is, he will become a martyr for the cause, which will be only blamed on the…Jew.
The current hot story is how the British Going to review its Arms sales to Israel. For some strange reason everybody appears to have picked an arbitrary figure out of thin air in which to try and shock people into thinking the worse. For example Reuters and Guardian is reporting that the UK sells over £8 billion worth of arms to Israel. No doubt the bBC will pick up on this and use it to inflame the masses just that little bit more. But the thing is, the total figure of direct arms sales to Israel from the Uk is..£4 million. Hey don’t take my word for it, here’s something the Guardian knocked out earlier on:
How the bBC perpetuates this vision of innocent Gaza: Gaza conflict: Israel ‘to pursue campaign’ as truce ends
Israel’s prime minister has vowed the campaign in Gaza will continue “until quiet and security are returned to the citizens of Israel”. Benjamin Netanyahu issued the statement after Israel’s seven-hour “humanitarian window” for parts of Gaza closed. The truce slowed violence in Gaza, although Palestinians said Israel broke it by hitting a house in Gaza City.Two attacks on Israelis were reported in Jerusalem and Israel said militant rocket fire from Gaza had continued.
So if you only received your news from the bBC, who have started reporting from Israel that they are under Israeli censorship. (Anybody heard them mention similar when reporting from Gaza?) You’d get the impression that Israel has been bombing the shit out of Gaza. Here is what the media Israel was reporting 4 hours ago. 31 rockets fired from Gaza since beginning of 10am humanitarian ceasefire Gaza militants have so far fired 31 rockets at southern towns in Israel since the one-sided humanitarian ceasefire began at 10am. The ceasefire is expected to remain in force until 5pm. 21 of the rockets fell in open areas and one was down by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Now lets look at the two countries in question, Israel where everything it says and does can (And will be) questioned . So there’s no point in lying. And Gaza, where telling the truth gets you a visit by armed gunmen.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.,
Photos have emerged purporting to show the aftermath of a strike on Gaza City after the truce began Lacking a certain element of truce truth. A truce requires both sides. This was a unilateral ceasefire with the proviso that troops would defend themselves. Intriguingly I couldn’t find this picture elsewhere to confirm.
In Jerusalem, Israeli police said a Palestinian construction vehicle driver was shot dead after an attack on a bus that killed an Israeli passer-by.
Apart from only being tangential to the headline. Two videos of the event are already circulating. The article even supplies a photograph. Why isn’t it reported as a fact?
The truce followed an attack near a UN-run school in Gaza on Sunday that sparked international outrage. Palestinian officials said at least 10 people died.
There was no attack. There was a response to an attack carried out by Hamas (?) near the school.
I should have added. That the ceasefire followed the incident at the school. There is no evidence that had the incident not happened that the ceasefire would not have come anyway. As the logicians say, just because B follows A doesn’t mean B was caused by A. Irrelevant detail. The ceasefire followed dozens of rockets fired at Israel.
Note the typical use of the passive . It is always the same with BBC reports. Things just happen. People don’t do them.
Later on in the reports the people are mentioned but the first sentence is nearly always in the passive.
Robert Spencer
“It may not have seemed possible for the Cameron government to bow more abjectly than they have already been doing before Islamic supremacists and jihadists, but the Prime Minister and his team have found a way. What is even worse is that his government is not falling over this travesty”
Selling arms is about Britain’s last remaing najor industry. If Israeli orders are big enough that is the last we will hear of it.
Cameron is devoid of principle and I hope he is driven from office soon. Who cares who folows. He or she could hardly be worse.
I agree. I have said on this site how I would rather have the liberal Conservatives than Miliband doing things like votes for 16 year olds but I don’t care anymore.
The people of this country are so thick these days that they will still vote Labour so get what they deserve
But some ,of us don`t want to live under the Millipeed /Labour jackboot , its just `cutting off your nose to spite your face` because the Tory`s are not `conservative enough `. If Millipeed wins there are thousands of illegals at Calais this very day trying to get into the country & Millipeed will `Just let em in` you can b e sure of that.
BBC – unrelenting, badgering narrative
Reports of strike during Gaza ceasefire
Israel ‘to pursue campaign’ as truce ends
Children in conflict
Hamas hopes
Comparing tolls etc
Sunday’s much reported Israeli Gaza School Attack Now Appears To Be Staged
“account promoted by Hamas and repeated by the United States and the U.N. on Sunday was that an Israeli mortar hit a U.N. school, killing 10 people, including children. However, evidence is emerging that the Israeli strike hit outside of the school and the bodies were moved into the courtyard to make it look like Israel hit the school.”
I know John Snow is not employed by the BBC but this one is good. Could apply so easily to Jeremy Bowen or Orla Guerin.
I hope that it fits in to space available..
Jon Snow… J’accuse!
Dear Jon Snow
I watched your recent report from Shifa Hospital, as well as the additional piece on your return from Gaza; with great interest.
As you rightly say to viewers “we have to know that in some way we actually share some responsibility for those deaths”. And let me say that I “did choose to watch” and I am indeed “motivated to do something”. That something is this…
Jon Snow, I accuse you of being complicit in the wilful and reckless endangerment and death of these same children and other innocents in Gaza.
I accuse you of aiding and abetting Hamas in their diabolical plan to manipulate world opinion by ruthlessly engineering the maximum possible death toll among their own civilian population, especially their children.
I accuse you of wilful negligence, professional misconduct, and abject failure to report the facts as they truly are.
Yes Jon, I watched your macabre, heart wrenching “infomercial” / “propaganda film”, which might have been written by Hamas itself.
I can’t say as I am that surprised, as I remember how you described Hamas rockets in the past as “nothing more than fireworks, pretty harmless really”.
Well Jon, let us examine the facts as they truly are…
Four days ago, one of your harmless fireworks managed to kill 4 Israelis and wound 9. Last week your harmless fireworks killed a 32 year old father and wounded his whole family, leaving his three month old baby daughter fighting for her life and her four year old brother with serious shrapnel wounds. Your harmless fireworks also injured two sisters, one of ten years old currently fighting for her life in hospital and her thirteen year old sister wounded but recovering. That same harmless firework also injured an 81 year old disabled man.
Perhaps the saddest and most ironic examples of your harmless fireworks in action are two of many Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets which misfired, one which hit the Shifa hospital killing 16 and the other hitting a playground in the Shati refugee camp killing 10 children. Indeed one of your colleagues, an Italian journalist has confirmed that it was a misfired Hamas mortar shell which hit the UN school killing another 17 and injuring countless others.
As an experienced reporter who wants his reports “to mean something”, surely they can only do so if they are honest, non-partisan and factual. In your report you purposely omitted key facts concerning the plight of innocents in Gaza and failed to provide important information which could put the desperate situation of these poor and unfortunate people into proper context.
You neglected to mention that Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired over 3000 rockets into Israel in an attempt to kill as many innocent women and children as possible. You scoff at Israel’s “American funded” Iron Dome missile defence system and almost lamented at its success in protecting Israeli innocents.
For the record, the Iron Dome anti-missile system came about through a combination of Israeli creativity, Israeli expertise, Israeli technical excellence and a desperate need and determination to protect Israeli citizens, Jews, Muslims, Christians and all; from harm.
In addition to the Iron Dome, the main reason that there have been so few Israeli casualties from these “harmless fireworks” is that currently, under fire from Hamas, around 3,000,000 Israelis are living in underground bunkers or reinforced concrete safe rooms. As figures go, that is equivalent to over 20 million people in the UK living in bunkers as they are bombarded by rockets day and night over a three week period. That would equate to the whole population of London and the South East of England hiding in fear from rocket fire. Indeed as you are well aware, since 2001 there have been over 15,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza.
Talking of figures, as you mentioned the US funding of Iron Dome, I fear you neglected to mention the billions in US, UN and European funds donated to the Palestinians in Gaza, which were not used as intended, to build schools and hospitals and create jobs, but rather were added to the considerable funding from Iran, Qatar and others in order to purchase and manufacture rockets as well as other weapons; and to build a massive underground terror infrastructure.
You also neglected to mention that the concrete, cement and steel allowed into Gaza by the Israelis under great pressure from the international community were not in fact used to build and improve the lives of ordinary Gazans, but were in actual fact used to build, underground bunkers for the storage and manufacture of rockets and weapons along with apparently hundreds of kilometres of terror tunnels for the purpose of infiltrating Israel in order to kill Israeli civilians and in times of conflict, hide and protect Hamas fighters and leaders.
You neglected to question that surely if Hamas wanted to shield its women and children from the fighting, just as Israel does; Hamas could indeed provide refuge for its civilians in the vast array of underground bunkers and tunnels. Such safety however appears to be available solely to Hamas leaders and fighters and importantly its weapons.
Come to think of it Jon, as you were reporting from Shifa Hospital, you might have thought to walk downstairs into the basement of the hospital to question the leaders of Hamas who have established their command centre under the hospital and who hide safely underground while ensuring their children and civilian population are as exposed as possible.
You neglected to mention the three UN schools in which, by the UN’s own admission, rockets have been stored or the fact that throughout the conflict rockets have been stored and fired from a selection of homes, schools, mosques and other civilian locations, in fact wherever Hamas could guarantee a civilian presence and consequently civilian casualties, apparently illegal under international law.
When the Doctor you interviewed from Shifa asked “where are the human rights” and made his desperate call for an immediate ceasefire, you neglected to mention that five ceasefires have thus far been proposed, where Israel agreed to all of them, but Hamas steadfastly refused, including two humanitarian ceasefires broken by Hamas and today’s humanitarian ceasefire which Hamas exploited in order to kidnap an Israeli soldier, killing another two in the process.
You might also have asked why, in the full knowledge that there will be an aggressive response, Hamas continues to provoke Israel by firing rockets and attacking Israelis through its terror tunnels.
When the brave Norwegian doctor complained that the “siege” has led to a shortage of medical supplies and medicines, you neglected to point out that there have been ample funds donated to Gaza for those very things, but that the money was misappropriated by Hamas to fund rockets and weapons. Indeed you had the opportunity to escort the good doctor down into the basement of his Hospital to confront the leaders of Hamas and ask for the money back. Just think Jon, such a confrontation would have made “great television”.
Jon, you are a highly experienced journalist with twenty five years at the helm of Channel 4’s flagship news broadcast. It is for that very reason that I hold you responsible.
There is no doubt you know what you are doing. You understand that the most powerful weapon Hamas has is not its rockets or its drones, rather international journalists and people with influence, like you.
You know all too well that the greatest strategic asset Hamas has is the certainty that if they “supply the bodies” you will “put them to work”.
It is in that certain knowledge of your willingness to cooperate, with no questions asked; that Hamas sets about engineering the death and destruction of as many Palestinian innocents as possible.
For Hamas, you Jon Snow, along with Palestinian women and children willingly “martyred”; are its very own “Iron Dome”. You are the means by which Hamas can feel protected and ensure its own survival.
Hamas understands all too well that you will overlook their tyrannical rule of Gaza. Hamas leaders know that you will ignore the fact that they steal the billions donated to the people of Gaza in order fund weapons, build a terror infrastructure and in the process make themselves rich.
Hamas understands that you will take their message to the people of the world and truth be damned.
I accuse you of pandering to a murderous terrorist group and of complicity in their ruthless crimes against their own people. In doing so you actively encourage and perpetuate the suffering of the people of Gaza and deny Palestinian children an end to the carnage.
Those people who watch your broadcasts, who genuinely wish to see an end to the conflict, an end to the suffering and a better future for the people of Gaza must recognise you for what you are… the worst kind of hypocrite as well as a disingenuous and dishonest “hack”, complicit in the continued, wilful endangerment, death and destruction of so many innocent men, women and especially children in Gaza.
My accusations stand. J’accuse! http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/british-reporter-returns-from-gaza-and-gives-heartbreaking-account-of-what-he-saw/
Germany attacked France in WWI when its troops passed through neutral Belgium. This violation of Belgian neutrality led to the UK declaring war on Germany.
Are you and Geoff suggesting that because “culture secretary, Sajid Javid, born in Rochdale is of Pakistani descent then he should not have been there?
That’s a completely different question, which you’ll have to address to Geoff. I pointed that Geoff’s objection was not to Belgium, not whether I agreed with it, and you jumped to accuse me of racism.
It’s a technique that can work but looks desperate in debate when it fails.
As with BBC analysers trying out ‘so what you are saying is..’ just before they run out of time and cut to skateboarding turtles.
It can however be revealing how often proponents, trying to create a narrative to gnaw on, actually leave themselves the most exposed to the very thing they are hoping to decry.
Darn. You got me with that argument.
Guess I’m reduced to quoting someone now: ‘If you say so’.
Clearly, no BBC analyser has ever come out with ‘so what you are saying is..’ to try and create a narrow new line defined by them.
Really quite simple.
The St Symphorien Military cemetery near Mons in Belgium is the site of the graves of John Parr (British) and George Price (Canadian) who are considered to be the first and last British Empire soldiers killed during WW1.
With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, David Cameron and Prince Harry being in attendance are you suggesting that the BBC should not have covered this act of Remembrance?
3 hours from the centenary of the declaration of war by the Uk the bbC comes out with this tripe: World War One: Bob Marley’s father ‘neurotic and incontinent’ A musical icon and one of the best-selling artists of all time, Bob Marley lived most of his short adult life in the spotlight. It was in marked contrast to his enigmatic father about whom little more is known, apart from a less than illustrious World War One record.
So the bBC which goes well out of its way to attack the actions and decisions of yesterday with the morals of today. Comes out with a corrosive article about a man whose son happened to be Black.
Disgusting article. which has nothing to do with WW1, but rather about a pop singer who happened to be black.
Have a look at how NAT talks down to people. Sorry, I forgot I was dealing with morons who think that Hamas is synonymous with Palestine. It isn’t.
Now, for somebody new to this board he seems to have had a lot of dealings with everybody. Now who do we know on here has a habit of being a rabble rouser, a habit of using IDs in which to try and give the impression of support from the ranks and who loves to bitch. The same person who has been outed as a Racist and whom people have been told not to feed.
Yup it BNP Scott doing what Racists do best. Leave the racist bastard to stew in his own shite.
youre the one the one throwing insults, typical lefty, you can give it but cant take it, you do sound very much like our queen scott of the blue oyster bar
a habit of using IDs in which to try and give the impression of support from the ranks
I’ve never done that. I’ve only ever used one pseudonym on here when Alan went through a habit of deleting every post I made without even reading it first – and if anybody asked me who I was, I told them.
The same person who has been outed as a Racist
You’ve called me a racist. That’s not the same thing. Lest anyone forget, what triggered this latest line of abuse from you was when I said that your latest eruption of foul language was you showing your true colours – an idiom which everyone, except apparently you, would be familiar with. (Funnily enough, up until recently you were obsessed with me being Muslim-loving. It appears you can’t even get your straw men straight.)
whom people have been told not to feed
Mainly by John Anderson, who interrupts any thread I’ve been attempting to contribute to without participating in any other way. And who can’t answer a straight question as to why he ignores atrociously bad behaviour from other people on this site, such as yourself.
Yup it BNP Scott
No, I am not Nat. I also have no association with the BNP (yet another fevered fiction dreamt up by you in your of your fits of irrational anger).
So you’re pretty much 100% wrong on everything you wrote. And it appears you copied and pasted the same fiction to multiple threads. You can repeat it multiple times, it’ll still be completely wrong.
Poor Pounce. Reduced to lying in order to justify your anger. My pity for you is only matched by the sadness that there will be others on Biased BBC who actually believe you.
Wictor is an interesting man.
If he is correct then the Western media has a lot to answer .
At any rate there are ample grounds for investigation.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the BBC/C4/Western press.
I am waiting with real interest to find out how the media is going to spin it when the IDF withdraws without conditions having achieved it’s objectives.
A tricky one for them I fear.
This whole conflict has been so badly reported that those responsible need to find alternative employment.
“Spain stops trafficking of teenage girls for the sex Jihad.
Teenage girls, heading to sex slavery for jihadists in the Middle East, are apprehended by Spanish police.
The BBC and other mainstream outlets in Europe refuse to report such instances for fear of offending politically correct narratives.”
BBC – REALLY! interested, the R5 ” Your Call” phone in question appears to have changed?,
So … an unelected, former chairman?, who has shown her true nature, insidiously playing “the game” for the IOC? …….. So its back to bleating Gaza-agogo narrative from the Al BBC
Note the timing, she resigns after her appearance at Westminster Abbey last night. Maybe Dave wanted her to stay on just to give the proceedings some ‘much needed’ diversity, far too white was WW1….
From the Ox2 link elsewhere… ‘she was a waste of space, but she was also aligned to some very dodgy interests who would have eventually led to scandal of some sort. A ticking time bomb which has happily now defused itself.’
It will be interesting if the BBC will be exploring this angle as much as, say, sudden selective conscience syndrome on a faith basis, or the massive impact this will have on the Danny Cohen ladees in positions that count, count.
BBC 5Live, N Campbell has gone all “superficial sighs and interesting hair” over Warsi on the phone in.
One of the first Al BBC ejector seat callers ….
(Netanyahu) “this man could be called the next Adolf Hitler”
….. hmmm …………………………………off switch!
Hamas Calls for ’3 Day Uprising’ During Ceasefire” ?
(so … whose the next Adolf Hitler?) http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/183719#.U-AnSki6Cmo
“Hamas on Monday specifically called on Arabs in Judea and Samaria to conduct attacks on Israelis, urging them to start the “third intifada” that would start with attacks on Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and eventually move into the rest of Israel”
“An uprising “during” the ceasefire??.
Clearly Hamas sees that there is nothing it can do to lose the support of the UN, the EU and Barack Obama,
So … it’s full-speed ahead with the jihad”
R Spencer
(or the BBC, or Ch4, or Warsi etc)
BBC R4 this morning ‘treated’ listeners to an interview between ‘Baroness’ Helena Kennedy and Gareth Peirce – two lawyers noted for their far-Left wing views and careers that have been outstanding for nothing so much as political activism.
And as if that emetic duo wasn’t enough to ruin your day, what was to follow? A hymn of praise the south American ‘artist and committed socialist’ (sic) Frida Kahlo.
And to think, we have to endure the nonsense of silly little boys like Scott and Albaman, who try to pretend that the BBC has no agenda…
Gareth Peirce has a 30 year history of supporting the IRA in British courts.
She and her legal firm were foremost in legally representing the IRA when they were arrested in the UK.
And they legally represented the Arab group that bombed the London Israeli Embassy in the 1990’s with many casualties.
Helena Kennedy also regularly as a Barrister represented the IRA at the Old Bailey. Why? It was of course her independent nature that caused her to represent again and again such terrorists.
Looking forward to more from the BBC on Warsi’s departure from the government over Gaza. I thought Al bin to Eton Cameron and his pals in the BBC have taken quite a strong anti-Jew approach
Talentless, unelected, unaccountable, chosen on the basis of her gender and faith (allegedly). Should fit in well at the BBC – look forward to her new show.
When you’re down the pub with your mates discussing something & some stranger interjects with a barbed comment, you know it’s going to cause trouble. Go & hang out with your own kind or suffer the consequences. I’m so bored by you already!
Ah, INBBC, you don’t mention whether Warsi is a Muslim. Perhaps you think it’s best for your political propaganda purposes not to mention that.
Isn’t Warsi’s first loyalty bound to be to the Ummah, not to any British political party?
“Baroness Warsi quits as Foreign Office minister over Gaza”
Note how INBBC’s demotes that as a Muslim, WARSI was put on charge of religious affairs of British people as ‘Minister for Faith and Communities.’
What a calamitous mistake that was by this dhimmi Government.
Will INBBC report whether unelected Muslim WARSI will now join Islamic Respect Party, which supports Hamas, or simply continue her interest in further Islamising the Tory Party?
Actually, this is what it says in the thirs sentence:
‘Lady Warsi, who was previously chairman of the Conservative Party, became the first female Muslim cabinet minister when David Cameron took office in 2010. ‘
And in the BBC’s analysis part , its in the 2nd sentence:
‘She clearly believes – as probably the most prominent British Muslim politician in the country ‘
Baroness Scotland, Amos ,Uddin and Warsi.
All of them Derry Irvines and Charlie Falconers for the women of colour.
All unelected and unelectable…hence the Lords and the crony peerages.
Serves Cameron right-you reap what you sowed!
Still-a better gargoyle for the Good Ship Dhimmi Cohesion has yet to be found…
Racist BBC attacks on the blind chihuahau of the Tory Party set to follow…WGAFF( the first “F”=Flying!)
You still allowed to use the word “coloured” there nonce?
Harriet Harman won`t be liking that ,will she?
The brush-by blogger is the coming trend then is it?
Woo Hoo,
I have my own clone. Now I wonder who that could be?
Could it be Scot who just cannot accept how he has been exposed as a racist Bigot for all to see and now he acts as only a child would….Pathetic
But then all racist bullies are…Pathetic.
Nope, it’s not me. But then, nor have I been “exposed” as a racist: I’ve just been called one by someone who gets irrationally angry but can’t back up his temper tantrums with fact. Being called names by a hysterical bully is hardly being “exposed”. Thankfully, the more Pounce bloviates, the more he exposes his true nature (I can’t say “true colours”, or he flies into another of his irrational rages).
I note you don’t ever offer any proof that I’m a racist. Probably because you have none. You’re just throwing around insults because, well, because you’re Pounce. Unfocused, irrational anger seems to be your raison d’etre.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
As Scott hijacked the last thread good and proper, can I suggest we all don’t take the bait, however abusive he gets.
With a bit of luck, if ignored, the frustration of no attention might make him libel or defame someone which would bloody well serve him right.
In the past I’ve tried to take him as part of the blog, but he does seem to have got a lot worse of late.
Frankly, I think DV has the patience of a saint, to take Scott’s vitriolic ad homs.
Agree entirely.
Scott cannot hijack anything without ‘inside’ help.
Starve him of the attention he seeks.
take Scott’s vitriolic ad homs
I notice you avoid mentioning any of the vile abuse that has been thrown in my direction, including Pounce’s threats of violence. In fact, whenever I ask the question as to why people pick on their false impressions of my comments and ignore far worse from others, nobody can answer. Funny, that.
But I forget – it’s not an “ad hom” if it’s made by one of Biased BBC’s resident little people, is it? They can do what they like. Welcome to the world of this site, as cultivated by David Vance: a bunch of people who think they can do and say anything, but can’t cope when the victims of their repulsive behaviour stand up for themselves. Wannabe bullies who fall to pieces when their aggressive tactics don’t work.
But hey. You have Vance and his big red delete button to help you. He’s much more likely to delete posts that point out how he can’t manage this site than to actually encourage his regulars to behave like adults.
What a shame this site can’t be managed by anybody grown up.
Ignore the whining troll
Bless. You only started calling me racist because I mentioned how your true colours – your angry, aggressive, fly-off-the-handle temperamental side – were showing.
If there are any other commonly used idioms which make you Hulk out for no reason, could you let us know in advance? Thanks.
Well, he’s not normal, I’ll give you that.
Oi Scott! Prance is brown and everything! So when he spews racist stomach dregs it’s ok. Although if he turned out to be some sad fat white fantasist well it would be problematic. Also he’s David Brimm’s bum chum.
Good lord. Not another woofter, surely.
Probably, and he doesn’t like goats having a nice time whilst living in France, either, and commenting on things to do with the country of their birth, even though they had the presence of mind to leave whilst the going was good…
Thank God! A normal person on this site. I was beginning to think it was impossible.
” a bunch of people who think they can do and say anything.”
Shocking isn’t it, Free speech ?
So it’s free speech when you and your cronies spit out abuse, but an unforgivable ad hom when one of your targets stands up for themselves.
I’m not exactly surprised you can’t recognise the hypocrisy.
Ignore the troll
That’s it, John – carry on avoiding any of the issues I’ve raised. Carry on not answering questions about your turning of a blind eye to others. Carry on demonstrating why Biased BBC doesn’t have the maturity to address its own faults.
Or, you know, you could change and start acting like an adult. Up to you.
Scott you should be commemorating the 100 years since the start of W.W.1 , instead of your nasty comments on everyone . I bet you would not of joined up anyhow , & 100 years ago a white feather would of been of turned up in your letter box.
Racist bigot
Still waiting for your reply to my left-wing, right-wing comedian question. Is there a problem at your end finding even one right-wing comedian? Surely not…
Thread derailed againd. That is the intention so stop slinging insults around. Pointless.
Concentrate on the main thing which is the inability of the BBC to give room ( along with much of the liberal media ) to those who really espouse a different viewpoint.
This is what I find objectionable. Not somebody’s opinions or beliefs however deluded I think they are.
The BBC needs to come to terms with it’s inability to cope with differing viewpoints and to understand that 40 years of employing those who “fit’ and accept the hive or bodysnatcher views is foolish.
If anything it is getting worse. The younger reporters are even more hive minded.
In the end many round the world ,as it and they turn against the emotionally based liberalism of the 1960s, will just ignore it.
“Thread derailed againd”
If by “derailed” you mean “we wanted to insult someone but he stood up to us – help! We can’t justify our behaviour so let’s pretend it’s his fault!”
Far easier to try to shut down a conversation than admit a site’s deficiencies, isn’t it.
I deplore all pointless insults from whatever source. Pointless. However my main point stands. The BBC is unable to cope with conservative ( in the true sense ) viewpoints.
Like Telemachus over on the Spectator, ‘Scott’ is a fake. He’s a joke being played on you all by a prankster. Why so many continue to fall for it is beyond me…
Threads would not be hijacked if we all refused to reply to his off-topic, insulting and factually wrong comments. He never ever learns from them and loves seeing dozens of replies. It makes him feel all special and tingly in his gentleman’s chipolata. He will never ever admit to being wrong.
I see somebody else is now contributing to the fiction that I drag topics off-comment. If you look back over recent threads, you’ll see I started by posting on-topic contributions which then attracted attacking comments and insults from the usual sources.
I will repeat myself: I am not responsible for other Biased BBC commenters’ bad behaviour. I realise blaming me is easier than admitting that this site has a problem, but you’d do yourself a favour by not continually lying about it.
Oh look the BNP racist is back. Hey bigot shouldn’t you be away burning down a mosque.
Racist Bigot.
Pounce has no reason for calling me a racist, other than he wants to fling abuse my way.
Like I said: I’m not responsible for other people’s bad behaviour. The only person responsible for Pounce’s aggressive and threatening behaviour is Pounce.
He doesn’t need to learn from them or anything else because he’s a fake. He’s not real, but has been designed for a laugh at your expense. Think about it – nobody is that much of an idiot. The whole point of him is to annoy you, and he does that beautifully. Sadly, people respond to it.
I suppose if you think the subjects of Biased BBCers’ vile abuse are fake, then you don’t have to address their behaviour?
What a shame Biased BBC commenters have to sink to such depths, just to get out behaving like respectable people.
Don;t feed the troll
If Scott only ticked half the idiot boxes, he’d be more believable. Whoever devised the character has gone for broke, and ticked all of them; they’ve overplayed their hand in their excitement.
Consequently, it’s a bust. If you reply to this invention, you’ll get what you deserve – derailed threads and nonsense, which is the whole point of what the character has been devised to do.
Even the BBC is upsetting the ROP (and tolerance) now!!
BBC ‘Angered Muslim Staff’ By Holding Hog Roast Under Windows of Arabic TV Service.
Not a day goes past now without muslims getting outraged about something.
Am I allowed to be outrraged about the forced “marital” rape of a nine year old girl?
Mohammed? OK! Jimmy Saville? Hang the bastard…
Succinct and spot on.
Thank you.
This abject Islamophilia caught my eye …
“held just days after the close of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims for spiritual reflection”
…… just days after”?, a day after?, 5 minutes,
no, 1 minute after! AND! …….
not of the slightest concern, in any way, to any degree!
Most Islamophile of all … “spiritual reflection” … 😀
37 suicide bombings?, 272 terror attacks? 2429 dead bodies?, 2028 wounded?
This abject Islamophilia caught my eye
…which was introduced by the “journalists” who have extrapolated what seems to have been one person’s comment on Instagram expressing disgust at the hog roast. To be honest, I’ve known vegetarians (and some meat-eaters) who don’t like the look of a whole pig being roasted.
This is all fabricated outrage designed to push the buttons of anti-BBC, anti-Muslim numpties who prefer knee-jerking to thinking.
Scott you are the personification of knee jerking
…or merely just jerking…
Where I live, and where I used to live, we roast pigs and east them. Tasty. Live with it or F**k off out of my culture.
Do you west, northern and south them also?
Gallant of you to spare the blushes and pride of our new well-educated damsel in such cases, even when her salvo landed short elsewhere. Guessing, Bowen-like, you didn’t see it so it didn’t happen?
At least, besides a colourful if pithy turn of phrase, she has restricted herself so far to the politics if not the topic of BBC coverage. The perfect diversity complement to another, then. Maybe Danny Cohen oversees Flokkerbot recruitment too?
Meanwhile interesting you have decided two degrees of separation from topic, beyond politics to grammar tease, is now your comfort zone.
Not really like the threads need packing out much more than they are already in this regard, but every little bit helps.
Just tell them it wasn’t Jeremy Bowen being roasted.
Or copies of the Qur’an and the rest of the Islamic bookshop put on the fire.
I made a quick Google search. 65,600,000 hits for Muslims and enraged.
Crucial INBBC obfuscation on nature of Islamic State: murderous Islamic jihadists wrongly described as mere ‘militants.’
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Islamic State storms university, destroys material that violates Sharia”
2.) INBBC’s euphemistics still:
“UN warns of ‘tragedy’ as militants take over Iraq towns”
INBBC: and its permanent apologetics for Islam.
For INBBC: the mass-murdering reality of Islamic State-
“Analysis: Islamic State advertises war crimes in video”
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/07/islamic_state_advert.php#ixzz39MDBBW9P
WE would do well to support the Kurds. They alone seem to have the will to take on Isis and need weapons now. Not that you will hear a word of support for them from the Western media and liberal politicians. I wonder why?
Instead we are busy covering up our disastrous policy in Libya and Syria. Governed by idiots and cheered on by fantasists
We would at that. But they have just two towns to ISIS. Hopefully this is only a one off. But the sorry fact remains there are a re lot of reasons why Turkey,Iraq and Iran will allow the Kurds to be rolled over.
Currently in Saudi Arabia 30,000 Pakistani troops (And an unknown number of Egyptian troops) have relocated to the Iraqi border tp protect SA from ISIS.
The worlds media is crying out for Hamas, yet the much more dangerous and important situation inside Syria and Iraq is being overlooked. ISIS is a threat to everybody (Think what would happen if they took all of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Well put it this way the greens will be happy.
Dave S wrote:
and need weapons now
You might like this,(Then again might not)
The Kurds Way
Should Israel openly back the Kurds?
Absolutely agree. Back in mydays in the West Midlands, my other and much better half and I lived next door to a Kurdish family of asylum seekers. They loved the freedom of England, and all they wanted was decent honest work. One evening our friend said to us: Why should we ever have anything against the Jews? They have never hurt us. We have been hurt far more by our “fellow” muslims (my italics).
The story which the bBC isn’t reporting is what really led to Hamas kicking off with Israel. Under the Egyptian MB, Hamas operated a most profitable regime which allowed them to tax tunnel operators and allow Hamas to make a tidy profit.
Problem is Eygpt has not only closed down those tunnels, but the new regime has no time for Hamas.
Since then Hamas has suffered a credit shortfall , it needed to do something like start a little war which would allow it be seen as the victim and get the money rolling in again.
The thing is Israel hasn’t played along, instead of stopping , it carried on and on and on. It has hit Hamas hard, lets be honest about this. Hamas has been weakened.
And there lies the problem.
Other groups have been biding their time in which to take over from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS or even Fatah. if either of the first 2 take control, then these past few weeks will come across as a stroll in the park.
Yes, Egypt as well as Israel now exercises tight control of borders.
But for decades now the whole Gaza problem (and much of the West Bank problem) has been supported by the endless funding of idle Pa;lestinians by the UN. The whole “refugee” notion is false and has been false for decades, but the UN spends as much on Palestinians as it spends on real refugees worldwide. UNHRA is corrupt to the core, is now largely staffed by Hamas or its sympathisers, is running an evil “education” system” – and has nil intention of easing down its bloated empire.
It needs to be progressively defunded to force the people in Gaza to find useful employment for their time and to cut their explosive birthrate. The US and Europe are funding this monster – it is coming out of our taxes.
It never fails to surprise me how so many families in Gaza are able to fund so many damn children. Funded I should ask primarily on Aid money.
They don;t fund the children. The West funds the children.
That lets Hamas use all the funds from Qatar etc for military purposes.
And Qatar sponsor FC Barcelona, SKY weather, and are meant to be hosting the 2022 World Cup.
Qatar is a stinking oil-rich lavatory. Any volunteers to pull the chain ?
The main funders of the Palestinians are the United States and the EU and we’re talking billions of euros.
Apparently the Commonwealth Games has cost £500m. Moment well spent if it’s left David “racist” Brimms feeling even slightly queasy.
Nothing to do with the last comment about money well spent but not having the time to do so whose money was it? E ntirely Scottish orBritish i.e that includes even the disliked Southern English.
It really should not have cost taxpayers anything. Minority interests should fund themselves and not be a drain on the public finances.
Funded 80/20 by Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council.
Um, and the ‘Scottish government’ is totally self-funding?
Don’t think so. Roll on independence.
Sadly not going to happen. The Scots will not vote for independence, now that they are realising what independence actually means. IE their own almost worthless currency, a broke central bank and no fat subsidy from the UK or EU.
“FREEEEEEDO……oh….ummm….yeah, sorry, forget all that, carry on….”
Yep, Freedom = no more subsidies.. oops!
^ TT^
Its one M.
T plonk . Surely you are the racist.
Lucky for some the mods here don’t operate the OT or provocation policies of the BBC.
But brought an additional £1m to Glasgow businesses (Daily Record 1/8/201) Typical left wing value for money.
By that estimate the 180,000 people who attended the Rugby 7’s (never mind all those attending at all other venues over the Games) only spent £5.55 per head. Typical “right wing” comment – post first and think later!!
Perhaps better than the left wing practice of posting first and never thinking for oneself at all.
You have not taken into account income – costs.
Typical left wing comment. No thinking required at all.
It’s your lefty rag Daily Record reporting it – take your sums up with them.
The Daily Record = the Daily Mirror for simpletons. The real, one-and-only, daily newspaper whose serious content can be read from cover to cover on the train ride between Haymarket and Edinburgh Waverley (i.e. in about 4 minutes).
Even the free ‘Metro’ newspaper has more serious content.
Available now.
A ‘Support Israel’ Wrist band.
Sponsored by BBC staff and worn by all of them.
The BBC ask: @ “Can a lone blogger bring down a business…Hopefully a corporation. A one that fleeces money from the public whether they tune in or not…..
Jeremy Clarkson probably did for Austin-Rover and Delia Smith ensured that every supermarket egg became brown.
At least people have to go looking for blogger’s comments, the BBC has a direct line to millions and, if it chooses, can insert its message into news, (“some say”, “the BBC understands that”, etc.), drama and ‘comedy’ with no redress or effective regulation.
Is this really the MOST important story in England?
A gay clergyman who married his partner and now the Bishop won’t give him the licence required to be an NHS chaplain.
It might have some merit as a regional story, but not the headline one on the England webpage surely ?
Who says its the most ‘important’?
might be replaced by this ASAP! on the Al BBC
Former Archbishop of Canterbury:
“Islam is reviving British values”
“Rowan Williams was giving a speech at the annual Living Islam Festival (UH OH!) …in Lincolnshire on Friday, discussing what British values were and how Muslims could affect them.
He said one of the greatest gifts to Britain had been bringing back “open (?), honest( 😀 ?!?) and difficult public discussion (??????) ”, the Times reported.
Asked if he thought Islam was restoring British values, he said: “Yes. I’m thinking of the way in which, for example, in Birmingham we have seen a local parish and a mosque combining together to provide family services and youth activities ….
…. Is this guy senile? … not even worth a retort
“in Birmingham we have seen a local parish and a mosque combining together to provide family services and youth activities”.
It’s like the story of the mice who hired a cat to keep them safe from the fierce creature they heard growling in the night.
Islam has only one agenda – world domination through caliphates.
He s going to discuss, Mohammeds Jew massacre and hatred … and the pressing topic
of his documented paedophilia, and throw in his urging of wanton sex slavery, in ahem … “fully open, honest public discussion” later … this week.
… oops! or maybe not
No wonder Anglicans are converting to Catholicism at the fastest rate for centuries. The man is the worst, most “liberal” idiotic left wing lunatic that the Anglican Church has had “leading” it …….. ever!
As someone who is seriously and genuinlly confused on matters ot religion, would it be too much to ask for an Anglican Archbishop who actually espoused Anglican Christian views? It might help…
With twats like him in control of the church, who needs Islam to destroy it.
No wonder I’m Atheist.
Problem is, Islam will end up getting rid of the atheists as well.
Oh, I know that Mark,
I am WORSE than a Christian or a Jew in the eyes of Islam, I can’t be converted, as I have no faith.
I am 1st in line down Choppy-Chop square if they win.
Me too. But I will send as many of the bastards to their paradise as I can on the way to that choppy chop square.
The BBC takes every opportunity it gets to bash the bishop. Boom…boom!
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Royal Navy evacuates 100 Britons from Libya as fighting worsens.
Ambassador oversees safe departure on HMS Enterprise before returning to close down UK embassy in Tripoli.”
Well done to Royal Navy, but will this lessen BBC-NUJ’s predilection for more U.K defence spending cuts, rather than the needed increases?
“BBC is run by ‘media studies twerps’, Sir Jonathan Miller says”
When even lefties like Miller turn on the BBC you know the end game isn’t far off.
After eviscerating trash TV, their only response to Miller and other is thus:
A spokesman for the BBC said: “This is not a description of the BBC we recognise. We’re focused on making great TV and radio which audiences tell us they love.”
Off this planet and out of the solar system.
Have to love the anon spokesweasel pretty much gilding his observation with that template management speak response.
I often wonder what goes on behind the scenes at the BBC what with Immigration, sex, racial tension are all part of the social ‘mix’ illustrated in the ‘Cloward-Piven Orchestrated crisis Strategy’ (revealed in this US report – a history of leftists activists) pushing for more ‘corrupted human rights agenda’, copied (or inspired by) numbing insincerity of EU socialists and BBC ‘World Service’ as a bolt-on ‘value-for-money’ BBC – and so ‘cheap’ at just 56p per day – says DG Lord Hall, (who happens to live well on the BBC benefits of the UK taxpayer).
The ‘Cloward Piven’ report explains how the leftists managed to near bankrupt the US economy selling ‘human rights’ mortgages to those who could never repay the debt – consolidated into repackaged bonds bought by Europe which were all found worthless. If Gordon Brown ‘saved the world’ from financial melt down he also helped ‘orchestrate the problem’ he engineered with conspirators – emboldened by praise of the BBC). Whilst the BBC commented on the ensuing chaos as a failure of world ‘capitalism’ their own socialist BBC ‘ethos’ of moral relativity is based on the ‘Cloward-Piven’ leftist strategy (as demonstrated superbly by the French political ‘elite’ who run the EU). This redefined ‘human right’ of increasing utopian benefits’ (often strategically inserted in UN polices by the same grouping) on immigration, race, gender and religion are all chosen to create economic chaos and encourage public disorder until the ‘dystopian vision’ of the the Marxist state is reinvented for another generation, fed false hopes of ‘Communism’ as the cure for all ailments – that ‘miraculously’ appear only when the West is near bankrupt by benefits without any responsibility, morality or care to the society they clearly despise.
Today is the 4th of August, the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, Nicki Campbell said ” We’re going to celebrate that fact.” Shouldn’t that be commemorate ? what an arse.
We all know the conflict was about fighting for equality and human rights !! but what I want to know is how are the BBC going to get the subject of ‘effnik’ minorities into it ? My intuition tells me they some how will.
Maybe it’s just particular bad timing, but whenever I’ve had Radio 4/World Service on recently and WW1 is the subject you’d swear it wasn’t a European war at all.
Origins of the First World War, talk about dumbing down and patronising the kids, shocking, I lasted 40 seconds.
The actors don’t look very African-American to me.
Didn’t the BBC attack David Cameron for allegedly saying we would celebrate the start of the 1st World War?
They did indeed. Paxo in fact, who couldn’t distinguish between a celebration and a commemoration. Cameron went on to draw an analogy with the Jubilee and it was too much of an opportunity for the BBC not to have a go, rather than try to understand what Cameron was actually saying about who we were.
Paxman seemed to ignore that the Diamond Jubilee had a far greater significance than simply a ‘knees up’.
They already have. They (rightly in my view) reported on Saturday the large contribution our Hindu friends from India made to our first world war effort, with over 2 million of them ready to fight for Britain before Kitchener made his “Your Country Needs You” plea.
Spot on. And in WW2, we would have sufferd major defeats without the Indian Army and its astonishing contribution to the defeat ot totalinarianism. Remeber the Irawaddy (ok Albaman, correct my spelling..)
It’s Monday it’s BBc breakfast and off we go. Whilst interviewing the Prime Minister about the start of World war one the presenter tries to get him to declare Isreal is guilty of war crimes.
Reporting the news.Objective analysis of the news.
Creating the ‘news’… then ‘reporting’ that.
I wonder how our dopey PM feels being played by his national broadcaster for propaganda purposes.
What makes you think he cares?
What makes you think he has tne faintest idea…
Another unbelievably one-sided report from Gaza this morning. In the ‘yet another UN school hit’ series of propaganda missives from our impartial reporters.
It would appear children ‘sheltering’ in the UN school were killed when 3 Hamas ‘operatives’ were hit by an Israeli missile just outside. Apparently the children were ‘in the shade’ under some trees and were hit, tragically, by shrapnel.
Yet again no mention of how these ‘UN schools’ are used by Hamas to protect their operations with human shields and no insight into the ‘UN’ organisation that oversees them (UNRWA), let alone why more protection was not afforded to the children by those – whoever they were – in charge of the school at the time, them knowing full well Hamas were, as always, operating under its cover.
(More on UNRWA here:
http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/defund-the-unrwa/ )
But the real clincher was an interview with a ‘Palestinian’, Ahmed: ‘This is our land. They took our land. This has been going on for 60 years’. No challenge, no counterview, just the BBC lying narrative by proxy, fuelling division, hate and anti-Semitism.
Hamas Charter vs BBC Charter – spot the difference.
To be fair to the BBC, Montague interviewed the Israeli ambassador on Today this morning. Unfortunately Montague – puffed up by her righteous indignation concerning Palestinian casualties in Gaza – kept interrupting. OTOH when will official Israelis learn that they don’t have to put up with this? The ambassador could have asked Montague to shut up while he answered her questions. More importantly, he could have asked Montague why the BBC has not AFAIAA investigated or reported (even on the “some say” weasel basis) that the world’s most intrepid journalists are frightened to report anything from Gaza except on the Hamas-approved “cry me a river” theme.
I just caught the end of that interview. It seemed clear to me that Ms Montague had no interest in what he had to say.
Her only interest was to get across the Pali-good/Israel-bad line. Otherwise she surely would have wanted to pursue further his claim that weapons had been found at UN schools, rather than ignore it.
I suspect the victims of unbalanced biased bile filled BBC interviews win out in the end. Most people have an innate sense of fair play. Undecided or open minded listeners hearing Montague rudely mugging Israeli spokesmen will become more sympathetic to their point of view, not less.
It is better to stay cool and be polite and make the interviewer look like a shit. In the long run you win.
Listeners and BBC staff ideologically opposed to Jews or the Conservatives or eurosceptics or global warming sceptics or whatever group the BBC is attacking at any given moment cannot have their opinions changed. Haters gotta hate. The interviewee is only talking to people who are actually willing to listen. Those are the people most sensitive to obnoxious interviews.
Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Thus was tucked away on a link at the bottom of the BBC webpage… this is scandal but no protestations from the middle-class Lefties and the moderate Muslims!
I`ll be honest with you.
The likes of Regev and Taub ARE as good as PR World permits…but they`re using peashooters against the likes of Montague.
I would happily ensure that any Israeli spokesman knew the salaries, the pratfalls, the consistently bad calls from the BBC when it comes to Savile, Murdoch or whatever…so -just once in a while-they could get personal and nasty enough to make sure that Montague is withdrawn from the Debate Soc that is the f***in BBC in the mornings.
Karen Matthews anyone?…how much she gets paid and her own privileged schooling?…get NASTY Israel-the BBC understands nothing else, and would happily step over Israels grave to bring a falafel wrap to any Hamas Jihadist by way of thanks.
The left and the liberals HATE Israel. We Christians have no other option but to love it, and defend the Jews to death…and it`ll be the Left and Jihad that will have to die, spiritually if Jews and Christians are not to die physically.
Christian refugees back here now-and send ten times as Belmarsh bullies into Shia held territory(if they`re Sunni)-and vice versa.
Let`s see that religion of peace show us all how IT deals with refugees and on-the-runs!
Montague needs to shut up-she might learn something for a few days later if she did.
OT – This seems a glorious satirical effort, I hope on purpose, from the headline to the tongue in cheek reference to drones over wedding parties
Interesting when it comes to war crimes and national leaders, the BBC seems a wee bit more pragmatic when PresO is signing off on the executive order.
And doubtless when the cruise missiles start to fly once the Goldfish-class statepersons and foreign correspondents notice what is bubbling in pressure cookers from Libya to Syria, all will be legitimate until it isn’t. Or something.
The finger-on-the-pulse BBC? This looks as though it could be taken from the BBC’s ‘Induction’ booklet!
This ‘to the death’ lark sounds horrifyingly familiar on a variety of counts:
The Telegraph @Telegraph
Ukraine’s rebels prepare to defend Donetsk to the death tgr.ph/1rXOlhs
“Such a battle is hard to imagine in 21st century…. Europe” (lucky he added that last)
I also rather dread when the Sauron’s Eye that is BBC astoundingly uncurious, selective reporting turns to it eventually, and on whose side they pitch in this time.
So basically it’s pretty much kicking off all from the Ukraine round to Libya, with a fair bit of ongoing South where from Bokoland to CAR.
But we will doubtless get every single Pally claim from Gaza no matter what.
YES. And nothing matters more than the next episode of Corronation Street…
‘while “sources close to him” say asking for a simple explanation constitutes a “rightwing hatchet job”.’
Sounds familiar. Now which unaccountable entity has high on the hog chummy cadres roaming behind the lines making sure asking legitimate questions is decried as a plot?
I wonder if the House Speaker can get Guido expedited for such temerity?
‘meant to embody the rules, not wriggle above them’
The way this country is headed, not so unlikely.
“BBC forced to deny being run by ‘media studies twerps’”
Not sure they were forced into anything, but for the BBC denial seems to be the place they inhabit by default, so that’s what happened.
A guy who has points on the board confirms that W1A was a documentary with all roles played by actors.
BBC responds to this by simply confirming everything, albeit free of self-awareness or irony.
Meanwhile the news editorial plumbs new depths and the Future of the BBC Committee discusses whether the licence poll tax could be added to NI deductions and/or as part of a handling fee for those out of work, so nothing can opt out of subsidising that poorly invested pension pot of Mark Byford or the set-asides for the fallout from the next Newsnight special.
How many articles do you see which insist that someone is “forced” to do something. Is this at gunpoint?
Why can’t they say ” was obliged to”, or “considered it appropriate/was advised to/felt the compunction to”, or many other descriptions along those lines. People are rarely “forced” to do anything.
‘A spokesman for the BBC said: “This is not a description of the BBC we recognise.”’
Really ? I am so surprised that the ‘media studies twerps’ don’t recognise that they are a bunch of ‘media studies twerps’ /sarc
However, that is a far less descriptive phrase than the one I would use to describe them.
BBC- even when supposedly talking about the WW1 commemoration … can t help themselves.
UN right to speak out on Gaza strike, says Cameron?
Listen to the interview, more attempts to put words
into the mouth. No time for Camoron (and his cabinet crooks) at all, but this is just so blatant, and amateur .
And after Cameron didn’t play along the BBC, have
spent all day accusing him of refusing to condemn Israel…no doubt in support of the beleaguered ‘Leader of the Opposition’s’ weekend sound-bite (I won’t use his name as he doesn’t seem to be able to do so himself – something that the BBC have forgotten to mention)
Can’t see Ed, or the people he blames, and then Ed again, coming out of that last one well.
‘And after Cameron didn’t play along the BBC, have spent all day accusing him of refusing to condemn Israel’
Bit of a win/no lose for Aunty’s propagandists here, getting a result with or without the PM handing them a gift.
Of course, ‘Country’s leader (who we like suddenly) says Israel should do what we say, not what we have done, do and will again’ is top trumps, but ‘Critics (ie: the BBC) are saying the PM has not gone far enough (code for, possibly none, though DC has laid a few tantalisers) in his condemnation of stuff and folk we don’t like’ will serve.
Beeboid Hewitt tiptoes on ‘anti-Semitism,’ self-censoring Muslim instigators.
Hewitt manages to use the word ‘Jews’ in his piece, even the word ‘Christians,’ but the word ‘Muslims’ is missing:-
“Ant-Semitism comes back to haunt Europe”
Pamela Geller:
“German Muslim and Leftist Protesters Chant ‘Gas the Jews’ at Anti-Israel Jew-Hatred Rallies”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/07/german-leftist-muslim-protesters-chant-gas-jews-anti-israel-jew-hatred-rallies.html/#sthash.AKL7Lcq4.dpuf
“Imams in the Netherlands use verses from the Koran to preach hatred”
Time to deport the mad mullahs who are spouting that poison.
Remember the BBC story about rising seas uncovering Japanese war dead on the Marshall Islands?
Turns out it was a coral digger who dug them up.
The BBC though remain in denial and refuse to correct their report.
I maintain an ongoing interest in the BBC CECUTT attrition system.
Hence this is no surprise but typically dire:
‘3rd BBC Reply
This is when things started getting interesting. On 21st July, they replied, admitting that:
The correspondent who wrote the article, Matt McGrath, accepts that some of the information included was not as accurate as it should have been…
The BBC… ‘not as accurate as it should have been, but fighting any attempt to get to the truth to the death’.
Quick pre-lunch edit (BBC-styly) and fisk:
“Dame Tessa Jowell: Let me begin by saying that I do not think that the BBC needs fundamental change…
…the BBC—as, despite all the difficulties, one of the most trusted institutions that this country has…”
So, she’s a fan? Mainly ‘questioned’ by other fans, and indeed ex-colleagues. Nifty.
“…a sum paid every year by licence fee payers for the BBC. It is not available to the Government of the day to spend at will and it should be made much harder, in my view, for the Government to raid the licence fee for its own purposes.”
As opposed for the BBC to raid for pension shortfall corrections, executive payouts and compo buy-offs?
“Q538 there are very few Governments that emerge enhanced from a row with the BBC.”
Yes, Chris Patten made that clear. Like dealing with the Mob, then? Thanks for the confirmation.
“Dame Tessa Jowell: The Trust has been quite seriously misrepresented. The Trust was never established…to be both cheerleader for the BBC and regulator of the BBC.”
And yet, and yet….
“On regulation, as you know, there is a pretty clear relationship between the levels of responsibility exercised by Ofcom in relation to all broadcasters and those that are specifically retained by the BBC and overseen by the Trust.”
Yes. OFCOM goes nowhere near the BBC, who keep things internal and in secret. Great accountability. Not. As evidenced financially with DMI and in terms of staff activity, as shown by Pollard, Rose, et al.
“I hope that we can write out of the argument, in critiquing the Trust, the idea that somehow it was created to be both cheerleader and regulator.”
Yet that is the current and still fought for case. Mainly to ensure the latter is kept ‘light’ and the former boosted as much as possible.
“Dame Tessa Jowell: I am sure that you can look case by case and draw conclusions as to where the Trust’s intervention was perhaps ill advised.”
Ya think????
“It is not the Trust’s job to be accountable for poor judgment within the BBC itself. The BBC executive must be responsible for that.”
Pity then they each point at each other and neither is responsible.
“Q542 Dame Tessa Jowell: I think the Trust has done a better job than it has had credit for. There have been a small number of instances where there has been a lack of clarity”
Yes, a small number. And let’s call the cluster-FUBAR for all of them… ‘lack of clarity’.
“Q546 Mr Bradshaw: There is no truth in the claim from Greg Dyke that it was because Michael Grade threatened to resign?
Dame Tessa Jowell: No, I don’t think so.”
Question required and answer; equivocation on standard CECUTT basis delivered.
“Q547 Mr Bradshaw: The claim that is made, not just by Greg Dyke but others, is that he put up a stiff fight and that in the wake of the Hutton inquiry you and the Government generally did not want to be seen as being vindictive towards the BBC.”
Which ‘Government’ would that be, Ben?
“Q549 Chair: Before we move on from governance, you said in 2011 to the Lords Communications Committee that responsibility for content regulation should move entirely to Ofcom. Is that still your view?
Dame Tessa Jowell: I am surprised that I said that content regulation should go entirely to Ofcom. “
She’s surprised she said what she said? Ooook.
“Chair: It should stay with the BBC.
Dame Tessa Jowell: It should stay with the BBC.”
Under Ed Richards, who worked with who now?
“Dame Tessa Jowell: I would define the public interest for this purpose as the effective and efficient use of the licence fee income that is generated to oversee the delivery of services by the BBC that attract public support.”
So long as the public has no way of ever expressing concern or opting out? Got it.
“Q552 Dame Tessa Jowell: I have argued on a number of occasions over the last few years that the BBC could become the country’s biggest mutual.”
Coke and rent boys for all!
“I may be overly optimistic about this but I think that if a public backlash led to a popular call to wind down the BBC we would probably at that stage be left with no institutions except probably the BBC and the National Health Service.”
One being an essential service, and the other delivering Eastenders, ‘Snog, Marry, Avoid’ and Jon Donnison’s tweets. Got it.
“Q555 Dame Tessa Jowell: if you treat the BBC as if it were any other broadcaster you miss about 90% of the point about the BBC.”
That it is unaccountable by any mechanism, especially market forces and free choice. Got it.
“Q557 Tracey Crouch: Would you envisage periodically asking licence fee payers whether they supported the principle of the licence fee itself as part of this model?
Dame Tessa Jowell: Absolutely.”
So long as there is no way other than to keep the money spigot full on and no opting out. Got it.
“Q560 Mr Bradshaw: Given the short timeframe and concern about some politicians’ intentions when it comes to the BBC, do you think the political parties should be absolutely clear in their manifestos about what their intentions are for the BBC in the event of them winning an election?
Dame Tessa Jowell: I think it would be a very good thing for the licence fee payers, who are also voters, to know what the intentions are in relation to the BBC.”
Safe ground there, even from Dave’s bunch. Speaking of whom…
“Chair: I think we probably need to move on to the BBC.”
Only 80-odd pages more. Of Lord Pantone and Danny’s excellent adventures.
May take a while. I’ll pop in the odd selected highlight when I get a mo’.
Good edit George R. It’s good thing that they (BBC Trustees) should squirm in the spotlight of publicity they cannot overtly control. Thanks, not all of us can trawl through that lot and grateful for quotes. Excellent work.
Just to bring folks up to date on my complaint to the BBC about inaccurate reporting at that UKIP carnival in Croyden.
“ Thank you for contacting us.
I understand you’re unhappy with the response received to your complaint.
Please be assured that reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are.
I’d add that we have no reason to think Winston McKenzie did not say what he was quoted as saying and our politics team stand by the reporting on this occasion.
If you believe a serious and specific breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines has occurred here, and you wish to pursue this complaint further, you can contact the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation. ”
I have to say I see no merit in taking it further. It’s their word against what the Guardian quoted so unless I ring up Mr McKenzie for his version I don’t see where I can go with this. And they know it, of course.
As for “reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are” … words fail. That seems as near an admission of foul-up as we’re going to get, I suppose. Perhaps it represents a breach of Editorial Guidelines – I can’t be bothered checking, I’m afraid but suspect it does – however I am only too well aware that no-one is going to be pulled up over it.
Possibly that makes another victory for the BBC’s attritional expertise over integrity, but the hard facts are that most of us don’t have the time to play the game. And in truth the sheer whoppers being accepted at face value over in Gaza make this look pretty small beer.
I admire your persistence especially since you (and us out here) had a pretty good idea where your complaint was going.
As to the “news” transmitted by the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation (Portland Place Branch), your point is a good one. If they can
lieobfuscate in the (relatively) trivial case you complained about, God knows what they get up to elsewhere.You are probably right about knowing when to bail.
It would be a year-long attrition-fest culminating in the Trust being told half the story by their colleagues, in secret, and pulling the plug. Sadly, it also counts as a failed complaint. Not becuase it is without merit or they are in the clear; you just didn’t push the camel through the needle’s eye.
However the shares here…. still well worthwhile, and of course garnering a wider audience (sorry Flokkers, that approaching 33M counter must mean a few more than the blockade piquets are reading if not chipping in).
And there is yet another triumph of BBC ambition now to add to a proud lexicon from ‘interpret events’ to ‘thruthiness’ to don’t be stupid ‘lessons learned on not wishing death on other nation’s leaders when working for the UK state broadcaster’:
‘“reporters have been reminded to keep in mind that protesters might not always be what they say they are”
Yes, of course, along with NHS nurses and that tricky water to prevent dehyrdation and lying in poo all day is bad for old folk, well worth the reminder should professional integrity and competence ebb in the face of zero chance of anything adverse resulting.
So did you see this on London TV? Or in another region no need to be specific. Or just the web site page? I must admit I abandoned taking my complaint futher as the reply I had made me laugh so much I couldn’t type.
It was the BBC web pages I was specifically complaining about.
How to connect the Treaty of Versailles and Climate Change in one easy lesson…
Only the BBC would dream of attempting this, and in particular that old scrote Shuckman who is able to pontificate about everyone else’s carbon footprint but doesn’t give a flying tootles about his own.
Ah, the ubiquitous “carbon footprint” – a meaningless phrase, and nonsensical to boot.
Can anyone enlighten me about how the casualty figures from Gaza are verified? The only figures seem to come from the Palestinians health authority, but the BBC report them as unquestionable fact. Am I missing a more reliable source?
Maybe the BBC checks them with the United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency. But I highly doubt it.
They ought to preface their reports from Gaza with: “We are reporting under Hamas reporting restrictions.” But they never do because they want to sell Hamas propaganda.
So why would they care if the casualty figures are fabricated? The numbers fit the story they want to tell.
The evidence that 47% of Gaza dead were combatants,” Ynet News
And the other 53% were human shields. The “international allegations of a lopsidedly heavy civilian death toll” are jihad propaganda, willingly and even eagerly disseminated by the mainstream media.
R Spencer
Think of a number. Double it, and add three.
40 questions for the
international mediaBBC in Gaza Too long for a comment but I thought it warranted copying in full.1. Have you or any of your colleagues been intimidated by Hamas?
2. Do you feel restricted in your ability to ‘say what you see’ in Gaza?
3. How do you feel about the Spanish journalist who said Hamas would kill any journalist if they filmed rocket fire?
4. Has Hamas pressured you to delete anything you have published?
5. Has Hamas ever threatened to take your phone, laptop or camera?
6. Has Hamas ever taken the phone, laptop or camera of a colleague in Gaza?
7. Have you seen Hamas fighters in Gaza?
8. If yes, why have you not directly reported Hamas fighting activity when you are eye-witnesses in Gaza, but rather indirectly reported about what the IDF says Hamas has done?
9. Are you scared to publish photos of Hamas operatives on your Twitter page, or broadcast images of Hamas fighting and aggression on your news channel?
10. Have you published any photos of terrorists launching rockets in Gaza? If so, are these images being turned down by your newspaper or broadcaster?
11. Have you thought of interviewing the traumatised residents of southern Israel?
12. When Israeli authorities say that most of the dead in Gaza are terrorists, and Hamas says most of the dead in Gaza are civilians, how do you differentiate?
13. When Hamas Health Ministry statistics contradict Hamas’ own propaganda and reveal that mostly men of fighting age have died so far in Gaza, does it give you pause for thought?
14. Is an underage armed terrorist still counted as a terrorist or a child when killed? Or both? Do you explain to your readers how this is possible?
15. Have you put to Hamas spokespersons that firing rockets from civilian areas in a war situation will draw return fire and lead to the death of civilians?
16. Nick Casey of the Wall Street Journal tweeted: “you have to wonder with the shelling, how patients at Shifa hospital feel as Hamas uses it as a safe place to see media.” Never mind wondering; did you ask any patients how they feel?
17. And how do you feel about the fact that Casey subsequently deleted his tweet?
18. Russia Today journalist Harry Fear mentioned rocket-launching sites near his hotel. Have you noticed any terrorists or terror bases near your hotel?
19. How do you feel about Fear’s expulsion from Gaza, for tweeting about the rocket launches from civilian areas? Are you worried that you might also be expelled from Gaza?
20. Did you see any Hamas terror personnel inside Al-Shifa hospital?
21. Have you interviewed a Hamas spokesperson inside Al-Shifa?
22. Have you seen any rocket-launching sites in or around the vicinity of a hospital?
23. Have you interviewed hospital staff or patients as to how they feel about their buildings being used for terror activity?
24. Hamas’ command and control bunker is underneath Al Shifa hospital. Is this worth reporting? Have you asked to gain access to it, so you can interview Hamas commanders?
25. French newspaper Liberation reported that Hamas’ Al Qassam offices are next to the emergency room at Shifa hospital, before deleting the article. Was the reporter right to delete the article, and will the information appear in the media at some point still?
26. When the missile hit Al-Shati hospital where children were killed, did you see Hamas operatives collecting the debris of the fallen Palestinian rocket, as Gabriel Barbati reported? Did Barbati pick up on something you missed?
27. Barbati prefaced his tweet by writing “Out of Gaza, far from Hamas retaliation.” Will you also report differently about Gaza when you are out of Gaza, far from Hamas retaliation?
28. Can live journalism by reporters who are scared of retaliation from the authorities they are reporting about really count as pure journalism, or is journalism in that context fundamentally compromised?
29. Have you seen or heard evidence of Hamas using civilians as human shields, by forcing or “encouraging” them to stay inside or enter into a building that has received a knock on the roof?
30. Have you seen or heard evidence of Hamas storing weapons inside schools, houses, flats, mosques or hospitals?
31. Have you interviewed Gazan residents to find out if they have – or know someone who has – a tunnel dug underneath their house? How do they feel about this?
32. Have you tried to interview any of the parents of the 160 Palestinian children who died building the terror tunnels?
33. Have you asked Hamas spokespersons why they are setting out to murder children by firing rockets towards civilian populations?
34. Have you interviewed any UNRWA officials about why Hamas are storing weapons in their schools, and how the weapons got there?
35. Are you currently investigating how Hamas rockets ended up in UNRWA schools?
36. Are you currently investigating why UNRWA returned rockets to Hamas and their police force?
37. When Hamas breaks a ceasefire with Israel – as it has done 6 times – how easy is it to report on this from Gaza?
38. Is there any anti-Hamas sentiment in Gaza, and how is it expressed?
39. Were you aware that Hamas chose to execute dozens of anti-war protesters in Gaza, and did you not consider this to be worth
40. Is international media reporting from Gaza free from pressure and intimidation, or is there a real problem – and if so, how will you address it?
I see the bbC has everybody manning their desks that a British National has been killed by those nasty evil Jews.
Yet for all that money they spend on defending Islamic terrorism, they can’t be bothered to read the Guardian which reported the other day that Kadir Islam formally of London but who moved to Rochdale was killed in Gaza. And before the bBC starts spreading its lies here’s something you should all know:
It never fails to amaze me the bias the bBC puts into its reporting regards the death toll inside Gaza.
Health officials in Gaza say 1,800 Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed since the conflict with Israel escalated on 8 July.
Sixty-seven Israelis have died, all but three of them soldiers.
Note the emphasis on civilian casualties, no mention what soever of Hamas gunmen/terrorists/militants call them what you will. But here is a tweet from Al Jazeera which by omission paints a very different story:
As of 0745 GMT today, the 1,815 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge on July 8. According to the Gaza health ministry the deaths includes 401 children, 238 women and 74 elderly men.
by Rahul Radhakrishnan 8:59 AM
So that means 1102 were not children,women or old men.
Still subscribe to that Mostly civilian claim.
Anybody seem a picture of a gun totting Hamas terrorist from the bBC (Other than those hiding inside tunnels)
I ve repeated this pounce, originally further up th board.
evidence that 47% of Gaza dead were combatants,” Ynet News
And the other 53% were human shields. The “international allegations of a lopsidedly heavy civilian death toll” are jihad propaganda, willingly and even eagerly disseminated by the mainstream media.
R Spencer
“th board” 😀 …
thufferin thuckertash, thilly me
Not sure if this is true
They could pull the rest and no-one would know any better .
One could always ask the BBC, and they may eventually come back with thinking it’s a belief that it is or is not something they recognise.
Maybe they’ve pulled a JonDon and popped him off to Oz for a bit of R&R slagging off the Government, or some nice desert island to count AGW-disturbed graves, before returning refreshed to not see or hear anything he shouldn’t again?
This sort of rumour-reported-as-fact is rebuffed by the BBC’s head of Newsgathering:
Between Pounce and pretty much anybody else on the planet, I know who I’d believe…
Racist bigot
What a silly troll you are.
I’ve just checked his twitter feed, his last entry as on the 22nd of July 14. So there may be an element of truth in this.
The only problem here is, he will become a martyr for the cause, which will be only blamed on the…Jew.
The stigma of being an atheist in the US
I confess I haven’t been able to find the page on the stigma attached to such matters in, say, Iran.
The current hot story is how the British Going to review its Arms sales to Israel. For some strange reason everybody appears to have picked an arbitrary figure out of thin air in which to try and shock people into thinking the worse. For example Reuters and Guardian is reporting that the UK sells over £8 billion worth of arms to Israel. No doubt the bBC will pick up on this and use it to inflame the masses just that little bit more. But the thing is, the total figure of direct arms sales to Israel from the Uk is..£4 million. Hey don’t take my word for it, here’s something the Guardian knocked out earlier on:

How the bBC perpetuates this vision of innocent Gaza:
Gaza conflict: Israel ‘to pursue campaign’ as truce ends
Israel’s prime minister has vowed the campaign in Gaza will continue “until quiet and security are returned to the citizens of Israel”. Benjamin Netanyahu issued the statement after Israel’s seven-hour “humanitarian window” for parts of Gaza closed. The truce slowed violence in Gaza, although Palestinians said Israel broke it by hitting a house in Gaza City.Two attacks on Israelis were reported in Jerusalem and Israel said militant rocket fire from Gaza had continued.
So if you only received your news from the bBC, who have started reporting from Israel that they are under Israeli censorship. (Anybody heard them mention similar when reporting from Gaza?) You’d get the impression that Israel has been bombing the shit out of Gaza. Here is what the media Israel was reporting 4 hours ago.
31 rockets fired from Gaza since beginning of 10am humanitarian ceasefire
Gaza militants have so far fired 31 rockets at southern towns in Israel since the one-sided humanitarian ceasefire began at 10am. The ceasefire is expected to remain in force until 5pm. 21 of the rockets fell in open areas and one was down by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Now lets look at the two countries in question, Israel where everything it says and does can (And will be) questioned . So there’s no point in lying. And Gaza, where telling the truth gets you a visit by armed gunmen.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism.,
Gaza conflict: Israeli partial ceasefire under way So much to object to in such a small post.
Photos have emerged purporting to show the aftermath of a strike on Gaza City after the truce began Lacking a certain element of
trucetruth. A truce requires both sides. This was a unilateral ceasefire with the proviso that troops would defend themselves. Intriguingly I couldn’t find this picture elsewhere to confirm.In Jerusalem, Israeli police said a Palestinian construction vehicle driver was shot dead after an attack on a bus that killed an Israeli passer-by.
Apart from only being tangential to the headline. Two videos of the event are already circulating. The article even supplies a photograph. Why isn’t it reported as a fact?
The truce followed an attack near a UN-run school in Gaza on Sunday that sparked international outrage. Palestinian officials said at least 10 people died.
There was no attack. There was a response to an attack carried out by Hamas (?) near the school.
I should have added. That the ceasefire followed the incident at the school. There is no evidence that had the incident not happened that the ceasefire would not have come anyway. As the logicians say, just because B follows A doesn’t mean B was caused by A. Irrelevant detail. The ceasefire followed dozens of rockets fired at Israel.
this being reported as a suspected attack
Footage already available on liveleak
Nothing suspected at all . Pure terrorism . And his family are claiming it was a traffic accident which im sure the BBC will quote at some point.
Note the typical use of the passive . It is always the same with BBC reports. Things just happen. People don’t do them.
Later on in the reports the people are mentioned but the first sentence is nearly always in the passive.
UK reviewing arms exports to Israel over Gaza
Robert Spencer
“It may not have seemed possible for the Cameron government to bow more abjectly than they have already been doing before Islamic supremacists and jihadists, but the Prime Minister and his team have found a way. What is even worse is that his government is not falling over this travesty”
Selling arms is about Britain’s last remaing najor industry. If Israeli orders are big enough that is the last we will hear of it.
Cameron is devoid of principle and I hope he is driven from office soon. Who cares who folows. He or she could hardly be worse.
I agree. I have said on this site how I would rather have the liberal Conservatives than Miliband doing things like votes for 16 year olds but I don’t care anymore.
The people of this country are so thick these days that they will still vote Labour so get what they deserve
But some ,of us don`t want to live under the Millipeed /Labour jackboot , its just `cutting off your nose to spite your face` because the Tory`s are not `conservative enough `. If Millipeed wins there are thousands of illegals at Calais this very day trying to get into the country & Millipeed will `Just let em in` you can b e sure of that.
BBC – unrelenting, badgering narrative
Reports of strike during Gaza ceasefire
Israel ‘to pursue campaign’ as truce ends
Children in conflict
Hamas hopes
Comparing tolls etc
Sunday’s much reported Israeli Gaza School Attack Now Appears To Be Staged
“account promoted by Hamas and repeated by the United States and the U.N. on Sunday was that an Israeli mortar hit a U.N. school, killing 10 people, including children. However, evidence is emerging that the Israeli strike hit outside of the school and the bodies were moved into the courtyard to make it look like Israel hit the school.”
I know John Snow is not employed by the BBC but this one is good. Could apply so easily to Jeremy Bowen or Orla Guerin.
I hope that it fits in to space available..
Jon Snow… J’accuse!
Dear Jon Snow
I watched your recent report from Shifa Hospital, as well as the additional piece on your return from Gaza; with great interest.
As you rightly say to viewers “we have to know that in some way we actually share some responsibility for those deaths”. And let me say that I “did choose to watch” and I am indeed “motivated to do something”. That something is this…
Jon Snow, I accuse you of being complicit in the wilful and reckless endangerment and death of these same children and other innocents in Gaza.
I accuse you of aiding and abetting Hamas in their diabolical plan to manipulate world opinion by ruthlessly engineering the maximum possible death toll among their own civilian population, especially their children.
I accuse you of wilful negligence, professional misconduct, and abject failure to report the facts as they truly are.
Yes Jon, I watched your macabre, heart wrenching “infomercial” / “propaganda film”, which might have been written by Hamas itself.
I can’t say as I am that surprised, as I remember how you described Hamas rockets in the past as “nothing more than fireworks, pretty harmless really”.
Well Jon, let us examine the facts as they truly are…
Four days ago, one of your harmless fireworks managed to kill 4 Israelis and wound 9. Last week your harmless fireworks killed a 32 year old father and wounded his whole family, leaving his three month old baby daughter fighting for her life and her four year old brother with serious shrapnel wounds. Your harmless fireworks also injured two sisters, one of ten years old currently fighting for her life in hospital and her thirteen year old sister wounded but recovering. That same harmless firework also injured an 81 year old disabled man.
Perhaps the saddest and most ironic examples of your harmless fireworks in action are two of many Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets which misfired, one which hit the Shifa hospital killing 16 and the other hitting a playground in the Shati refugee camp killing 10 children. Indeed one of your colleagues, an Italian journalist has confirmed that it was a misfired Hamas mortar shell which hit the UN school killing another 17 and injuring countless others.
As an experienced reporter who wants his reports “to mean something”, surely they can only do so if they are honest, non-partisan and factual. In your report you purposely omitted key facts concerning the plight of innocents in Gaza and failed to provide important information which could put the desperate situation of these poor and unfortunate people into proper context.
You neglected to mention that Hamas and other terrorist groups have fired over 3000 rockets into Israel in an attempt to kill as many innocent women and children as possible. You scoff at Israel’s “American funded” Iron Dome missile defence system and almost lamented at its success in protecting Israeli innocents.
For the record, the Iron Dome anti-missile system came about through a combination of Israeli creativity, Israeli expertise, Israeli technical excellence and a desperate need and determination to protect Israeli citizens, Jews, Muslims, Christians and all; from harm.
In addition to the Iron Dome, the main reason that there have been so few Israeli casualties from these “harmless fireworks” is that currently, under fire from Hamas, around 3,000,000 Israelis are living in underground bunkers or reinforced concrete safe rooms. As figures go, that is equivalent to over 20 million people in the UK living in bunkers as they are bombarded by rockets day and night over a three week period. That would equate to the whole population of London and the South East of England hiding in fear from rocket fire. Indeed as you are well aware, since 2001 there have been over 15,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza.
Talking of figures, as you mentioned the US funding of Iron Dome, I fear you neglected to mention the billions in US, UN and European funds donated to the Palestinians in Gaza, which were not used as intended, to build schools and hospitals and create jobs, but rather were added to the considerable funding from Iran, Qatar and others in order to purchase and manufacture rockets as well as other weapons; and to build a massive underground terror infrastructure.
You also neglected to mention that the concrete, cement and steel allowed into Gaza by the Israelis under great pressure from the international community were not in fact used to build and improve the lives of ordinary Gazans, but were in actual fact used to build, underground bunkers for the storage and manufacture of rockets and weapons along with apparently hundreds of kilometres of terror tunnels for the purpose of infiltrating Israel in order to kill Israeli civilians and in times of conflict, hide and protect Hamas fighters and leaders.
You neglected to question that surely if Hamas wanted to shield its women and children from the fighting, just as Israel does; Hamas could indeed provide refuge for its civilians in the vast array of underground bunkers and tunnels. Such safety however appears to be available solely to Hamas leaders and fighters and importantly its weapons.
Come to think of it Jon, as you were reporting from Shifa Hospital, you might have thought to walk downstairs into the basement of the hospital to question the leaders of Hamas who have established their command centre under the hospital and who hide safely underground while ensuring their children and civilian population are as exposed as possible.
You neglected to mention the three UN schools in which, by the UN’s own admission, rockets have been stored or the fact that throughout the conflict rockets have been stored and fired from a selection of homes, schools, mosques and other civilian locations, in fact wherever Hamas could guarantee a civilian presence and consequently civilian casualties, apparently illegal under international law.
When the Doctor you interviewed from Shifa asked “where are the human rights” and made his desperate call for an immediate ceasefire, you neglected to mention that five ceasefires have thus far been proposed, where Israel agreed to all of them, but Hamas steadfastly refused, including two humanitarian ceasefires broken by Hamas and today’s humanitarian ceasefire which Hamas exploited in order to kidnap an Israeli soldier, killing another two in the process.
You might also have asked why, in the full knowledge that there will be an aggressive response, Hamas continues to provoke Israel by firing rockets and attacking Israelis through its terror tunnels.
When the brave Norwegian doctor complained that the “siege” has led to a shortage of medical supplies and medicines, you neglected to point out that there have been ample funds donated to Gaza for those very things, but that the money was misappropriated by Hamas to fund rockets and weapons. Indeed you had the opportunity to escort the good doctor down into the basement of his Hospital to confront the leaders of Hamas and ask for the money back. Just think Jon, such a confrontation would have made “great television”.
Jon, you are a highly experienced journalist with twenty five years at the helm of Channel 4’s flagship news broadcast. It is for that very reason that I hold you responsible.
There is no doubt you know what you are doing. You understand that the most powerful weapon Hamas has is not its rockets or its drones, rather international journalists and people with influence, like you.
You know all too well that the greatest strategic asset Hamas has is the certainty that if they “supply the bodies” you will “put them to work”.
It is in that certain knowledge of your willingness to cooperate, with no questions asked; that Hamas sets about engineering the death and destruction of as many Palestinian innocents as possible.
For Hamas, you Jon Snow, along with Palestinian women and children willingly “martyred”; are its very own “Iron Dome”. You are the means by which Hamas can feel protected and ensure its own survival.
Hamas understands all too well that you will overlook their tyrannical rule of Gaza. Hamas leaders know that you will ignore the fact that they steal the billions donated to the people of Gaza in order fund weapons, build a terror infrastructure and in the process make themselves rich.
Hamas understands that you will take their message to the people of the world and truth be damned.
I accuse you of pandering to a murderous terrorist group and of complicity in their ruthless crimes against their own people. In doing so you actively encourage and perpetuate the suffering of the people of Gaza and deny Palestinian children an end to the carnage.
Those people who watch your broadcasts, who genuinely wish to see an end to the conflict, an end to the suffering and a better future for the people of Gaza must recognise you for what you are… the worst kind of hypocrite as well as a disingenuous and dishonest “hack”, complicit in the continued, wilful endangerment, death and destruction of so many innocent men, women and especially children in Gaza.
My accusations stand. J’accuse!
A message to Al Beeb,
The reason for all the ‘Casualties’, – Israel uses an ‘Iron Dome’ and Hamas uses a ‘Human Shield’.
Other than for reasons for a show of diversity, is it really necessary for the culture secretary to be in Belgium for the WW1 commemorations?
Germany attacked France in WWI when its troops passed through neutral Belgium. This violation of Belgian neutrality led to the UK declaring war on Germany.
I know my history, my Grandfather was BEF, it would appear you missed my point.
Commemoration of WWI from a Brussels / EU point of view ?
And your point was? if we entered the war because Belgium was invaded, that’s were the war started.
Too difficult to comprendez?
A clue. I don’t think it’s the place that Geoff is questioning.
Are you and Geoff suggesting that because “culture secretary, Sajid Javid, born in Rochdale is of Pakistani descent then he should not have been there?
I’d say he was there as a pathetic exercise in tokenism by Dave the Tosser.
I’m suggesting nothing. I’m pointing out that Ponce has misunderstood Geoff’s remark.
Stop being so quick to fling racist accusations. It dilutes the meaning of the word.
Ok, enlighten me, what exactly did Geoff mean by “Other than for reasons for a show of diversity”?
That’s a completely different question, which you’ll have to address to Geoff. I pointed that Geoff’s objection was not to Belgium, not whether I agreed with it, and you jumped to accuse me of racism.
It’s a technique that can work but looks desperate in debate when it fails.
As with BBC analysers trying out ‘so what you are saying is..’ just before they run out of time and cut to skateboarding turtles.
It can however be revealing how often proponents, trying to create a narrative to gnaw on, actually leave themselves the most exposed to the very thing they are hoping to decry.
What absolute nonsense!!
Darn. You got me with that argument.
Guess I’m reduced to quoting someone now: ‘If you say so’.
Clearly, no BBC analyser has ever come out with ‘so what you are saying is..’ to try and create a narrow new line defined by them.
Really quite simple.
The St Symphorien Military cemetery near Mons in Belgium is the site of the graves of John Parr (British) and George Price (Canadian) who are considered to be the first and last British Empire soldiers killed during WW1.
With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, David Cameron and Prince Harry being in attendance are you suggesting that the BBC should not have covered this act of Remembrance?
3 hours from the centenary of the declaration of war by the Uk the bbC comes out with this tripe:
World War One: Bob Marley’s father ‘neurotic and incontinent’
A musical icon and one of the best-selling artists of all time, Bob Marley lived most of his short adult life in the spotlight. It was in marked contrast to his enigmatic father about whom little more is known, apart from a less than illustrious World War One record.
So the bBC which goes well out of its way to attack the actions and decisions of yesterday with the morals of today. Comes out with a corrosive article about a man whose son happened to be Black.
Disgusting article. which has nothing to do with WW1, but rather about a pop singer who happened to be black.
Have a look at how NAT talks down to people.
Sorry, I forgot I was dealing with morons who think that Hamas is synonymous with Palestine. It isn’t.
Now, for somebody new to this board he seems to have had a lot of dealings with everybody. Now who do we know on here has a habit of being a rabble rouser, a habit of using IDs in which to try and give the impression of support from the ranks and who loves to bitch. The same person who has been outed as a Racist and whom people have been told not to feed.
Yup it BNP Scott doing what Racists do best. Leave the racist bastard to stew in his own shite.
I love how you assume I’m male.
I’m not. Neither am I racist or a bastard.
get some vagasil u stink of fish
And the sexist comments begin…
youre the one the one throwing insults, typical lefty, you can give it but cant take it, you do sound very much like our queen scott of the blue oyster bar
I’ll accept insults on my intelligence or political position, because those can be debated. What I won’t tolerate is insults on my gender.
oh so its ok to be abusive and insulting so long as its on your terms? foxtrot oscar u stupid sierra lima alpha golf
‘My terms’ happen to be the same terms accepted by all Western countries and many Eastern ones too.
I’m a slag? Typical of all misogynists, you resort to comments on my sexuality when left with no other rational choice.
Nat was not being insulting.
You on the other appear to be a forgotten branch of evolution.
Bit strong don’t you think? It’s easy enough to destroy her arguments without sinking that low.
Not a very British reaction now is it?
I don’t assume you are male. I assume you are a pest and that ‘Nat’ is an abbreviation of Gnat.
a habit of using IDs in which to try and give the impression of support from the ranks
I’ve never done that. I’ve only ever used one pseudonym on here when Alan went through a habit of deleting every post I made without even reading it first – and if anybody asked me who I was, I told them.
The same person who has been outed as a Racist
You’ve called me a racist. That’s not the same thing. Lest anyone forget, what triggered this latest line of abuse from you was when I said that your latest eruption of foul language was you showing your true colours – an idiom which everyone, except apparently you, would be familiar with. (Funnily enough, up until recently you were obsessed with me being Muslim-loving. It appears you can’t even get your straw men straight.)
whom people have been told not to feed
Mainly by John Anderson, who interrupts any thread I’ve been attempting to contribute to without participating in any other way. And who can’t answer a straight question as to why he ignores atrociously bad behaviour from other people on this site, such as yourself.
Yup it BNP Scott
No, I am not Nat. I also have no association with the BNP (yet another fevered fiction dreamt up by you in your of your fits of irrational anger).
So you’re pretty much 100% wrong on everything you wrote. And it appears you copied and pasted the same fiction to multiple threads. You can repeat it multiple times, it’ll still be completely wrong.
Poor Pounce. Reduced to lying in order to justify your anger. My pity for you is only matched by the sadness that there will be others on Biased BBC who actually believe you.
Don;t feed the whining jihadi-fancying disruptive troll. It is a waste of bandwidth.
Methinks “John Anderson” doth protest too much…
Why else would you stalk me to the extent you do? It’s very flattering, John, but my hearts lies elsewhere, I’m afraid.
Repulsive trolls do not “contribute” – they aim to disrupt. Don’t feed trolls.
You’re right. The next time you troll one of my comments, I’ll keep my laughter at your inability to behave like a rational human being to myself.
Racist your kind aren’t wanted on this blog.
What a silly troll you are.
Irrelevant to Beeboid leftists, politically embedded with Islamic lobby?:-
Wictor is an interesting man.
If he is correct then the Western media has a lot to answer .
At any rate there are ample grounds for investigation.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the BBC/C4/Western press.
I am waiting with real interest to find out how the media is going to spin it when the IDF withdraws without conditions having achieved it’s objectives.
A tricky one for them I fear.
This whole conflict has been so badly reported that those responsible need to find alternative employment.
My question is, will Hamas continue firing rockets at Israel and bring the IDF right back in again?
“Spain stops trafficking of teenage girls for the sex Jihad.
Teenage girls, heading to sex slavery for jihadists in the Middle East, are apprehended by Spanish police.
The BBC and other mainstream outlets in Europe refuse to report such instances for fear of offending politically correct narratives.”
BBC – Panto wants to know AAAWL Abaaat it
Sayeeda Warsi resigns … her unelected post
over ……….. #Gaza.
obviously, Islam comes first? … they ll never learn
anyway …. one down
BBC – REALLY! interested, the R5 ” Your Call” phone in question appears to have changed?,
So … an unelected, former chairman?, who has shown her true nature, insidiously playing “the game” for the IOC? …….. So its back to bleating Gaza-agogo narrative from the Al BBC
Note the timing, she resigns after her appearance at Westminster Abbey last night. Maybe Dave wanted her to stay on just to give the proceedings some ‘much needed’ diversity, far too white was WW1….
Who said nothing good would come from the conflict in Gaza?
“Warsi quits as minister over Gaza”
From the Ox2 link elsewhere…
‘she was a waste of space, but she was also aligned to some very dodgy interests who would have eventually led to scandal of some sort. A ticking time bomb which has happily now defused itself.’
It will be interesting if the BBC will be exploring this angle as much as, say, sudden selective conscience syndrome on a faith basis, or the massive impact this will have on the Danny Cohen ladees in positions that count, count.
BBC 5Live, N Campbell has gone all “superficial sighs and interesting hair” over Warsi on the phone in.
One of the first Al BBC ejector seat callers ….
(Netanyahu) “this man could be called the next Adolf Hitler”
….. hmmm …………………………………off switch!
BBC – Gaza, Three-day truce under way
propaganda free reality
Hamas Calls for ’3 Day Uprising’ During Ceasefire” ?
(so … whose the next Adolf Hitler?)
“Hamas on Monday specifically called on Arabs in Judea and Samaria to conduct attacks on Israelis, urging them to start the “third intifada” that would start with attacks on Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and eventually move into the rest of Israel”
BBC – Israeli-Palestinian Gaza truce
“An uprising “during” the ceasefire??.
Clearly Hamas sees that there is nothing it can do to lose the support of the UN, the EU and Barack Obama,
So … it’s full-speed ahead with the jihad”
R Spencer
(or the BBC, or Ch4, or Warsi etc)
she always stayed quiet as muslims are killing Christians abroad so the usual double standards. Bye bye you won’t be missed
Your wrong:
I’m shocked and take it back then
And on and on the wagon rolls….
BBC R4 this morning ‘treated’ listeners to an interview between ‘Baroness’ Helena Kennedy and Gareth Peirce – two lawyers noted for their far-Left wing views and careers that have been outstanding for nothing so much as political activism.
And as if that emetic duo wasn’t enough to ruin your day, what was to follow? A hymn of praise the south American ‘artist and committed socialist’ (sic) Frida Kahlo.
And to think, we have to endure the nonsense of silly little boys like Scott and Albaman, who try to pretend that the BBC has no agenda…
Peirce represented Abu Qatada, lest we forget.
Gareth Peirce has a 30 year history of supporting the IRA in British courts.
She and her legal firm were foremost in legally representing the IRA when they were arrested in the UK.
And they legally represented the Arab group that bombed the London Israeli Embassy in the 1990’s with many casualties.
Helena Kennedy also regularly as a Barrister represented the IRA at the Old Bailey. Why? It was of course her independent nature that caused her to represent again and again such terrorists.
Looking forward to more from the BBC on Warsi’s departure from the government over Gaza. I thought Al bin to Eton Cameron and his pals in the BBC have taken quite a strong anti-Jew approach
Talentless, unelected, unaccountable, chosen on the basis of her gender and faith (allegedly). Should fit in well at the BBC – look forward to her new show.
Ding Dong ……….. etc
As usual, she will fill a much-needed void.
Yes I’m sure she has already passed her CV to the BBC’ s Head of Religion & Ethics, erm Aaqil Ahmed….
And you know this for a fact or is did just because she was
1. Asian
2. Muslim
3. Female.
3 strikes and you are out!
When you’re down the pub with your mates discussing something & some stranger interjects with a barbed comment, you know it’s going to cause trouble. Go & hang out with your own kind or suffer the consequences. I’m so bored by you already!
Ah, INBBC, you don’t mention whether Warsi is a Muslim. Perhaps you think it’s best for your political propaganda purposes not to mention that.
Isn’t Warsi’s first loyalty bound to be to the Ummah, not to any British political party?
“Baroness Warsi quits as Foreign Office minister over Gaza”
Note how INBBC’s demotes that as a Muslim, WARSI was put on charge of religious affairs of British people as ‘Minister for Faith and Communities.’
What a calamitous mistake that was by this dhimmi Government.
Will INBBC report whether unelected Muslim WARSI will now join Islamic Respect Party, which supports Hamas, or simply continue her interest in further Islamising the Tory Party?
The Minister for sky fairy worship .
Actually, this is what it says in the thirs sentence:
‘Lady Warsi, who was previously chairman of the Conservative Party, became the first female Muslim cabinet minister when David Cameron took office in 2010. ‘
And in the BBC’s analysis part , its in the 2nd sentence:
‘She clearly believes – as probably the most prominent British Muslim politician in the country ‘
Also mentioned in the BBC profile of Baroness Warsi.
“The working-class daughter of Pakistani immigrants, who grew up in West Yorkshire, she was the first female Muslim to sit at the cabinet table.”
For INBBC:- Supplementary on WARSI resignation-
“Baroness Warsi was over-promoted, incapable and incompetent”
By Douglas Murray.
Baroness Scotland, Amos ,Uddin and Warsi.
All of them Derry Irvines and Charlie Falconers for the women of colour.
All unelected and unelectable…hence the Lords and the crony peerages.
Serves Cameron right-you reap what you sowed!
Still-a better gargoyle for the Good Ship Dhimmi Cohesion has yet to be found…
Racist BBC attacks on the blind chihuahau of the Tory Party set to follow…WGAFF( the first “F”=Flying!)
And all women.
I suspect your fear of women (come on you’re still a virgin!) is worse if they are coloured:-)
Don’t be silly. Everyone knows you just need to show them a mouse and they’re on the nearest stool shouting “Thomas!”.
You still allowed to use the word “coloured” there nonce?
Harriet Harman won`t be liking that ,will she?
The brush-by blogger is the coming trend then is it?
Woo Hoo,
I have my own clone. Now I wonder who that could be?
Could it be Scot who just cannot accept how he has been exposed as a racist Bigot for all to see and now he acts as only a child would….Pathetic
But then all racist bullies are…Pathetic.
Nope, it’s not me. But then, nor have I been “exposed” as a racist: I’ve just been called one by someone who gets irrationally angry but can’t back up his temper tantrums with fact. Being called names by a hysterical bully is hardly being “exposed”. Thankfully, the more Pounce bloviates, the more he exposes his true nature (I can’t say “true colours”, or he flies into another of his irrational rages).
Oh look, the racist Bigot is back,. Shouldn’t you be attacking coloured people on the streets you Nazis.
I note you don’t ever offer any proof that I’m a racist. Probably because you have none. You’re just throwing around insults because, well, because you’re Pounce. Unfocused, irrational anger seems to be your raison d’etre.
Strong reasons to blieve you are a white hater or probably self loather so yes you are a racist by the same reasoning you call us racists scott
“Strong reasons to blieve you are a white hater”
No specific examples, of course, because there are none to be had.
Also, that’s the exact opposite of Pounce’s (current) fantasy slur against me, which also has no foundation in fact.
Ignore the whining troll
Please don’t expose yourself Scott.
“incapable and incompetent”
You don’t seem to understand. She wasn’t actually expected to do anything.