I can see that the current Open Thread is bulging at the seams so time for a new one! As we prepare for another week of BBC bias, THIS is where to detail it and debate it.
Gareth Pierce…this is your life!
Has Helena Kennedy now got a brown nose, having been a decidedly “non pro bono” fat fee for a chinwag with fellow lefty traveller Pierce.
IRA, miners, Muslims like Qatada and Begg?…this guilt-ridden Cheltenham Ladies College and Oxbridge do-gooder has been on the battlefields with all of them…and always on the wrong and losing side as far as I can tell.
Hence the half-hour hagiography of this “The Law is an ass-and I`m here to kick it” harpie…and even Pierce was abashed at being told by Kennedy etc that she should be cloned so there`s more of her to love.
Utterly sickening-would she take on my case of sugar reflux, after being force fed half an hour of this well paid, product of ECHR benevolence?
Pierce is just the kind of lefty fellow traveller from the same caste as the BBC itself…all the right causes and matching wristbands too.
As for Lee Rigby or 7/7…that`ll be Jim Davison and James Murdoch in for enquiries then.
And just one more thing…how come Qatada let himself fight his jihad using a girl from the SWP in a dungaree pin striped suit then?
Unclean…another humans shield for Islam-albeit extremely well-paid for it, unless the decent families of Gaza.
BBC going into overdrive regards Warsi resigning. One news report was highlighting the fact that the government’s stance on the conflict might fuel ‘radicalisation’ domestically. I think that Muslim extremists were being radicalised long before this and for the BBC to try and imply that the government’s position might be conducive to homegrown terror is yet another example of siding with the Hamas/terrorist community.
I see that the BBC have made a bee-line for wise words and handwringing from the country’s (and the BBC’s choice of) leader in waiting, Ed Milbandwagon.
They’re just luvin’ it!
I note though that they’re forgetting to mention that there is a widespread belief that Warsi has flounced off because she didn’t get the job of Home Secretary. WTF? If she wanted promotion far beyond her ability, she should have joined the Labour Party.
Israel has withdrawn it’s troops. Now wait for the spinning to start.
It looks as if the IDF has done what it set out to do. Anybody naive enough to think that the BBC/C4 and our silly liberal media will tell it how it is?
Now I wonder exactly what line they will take.
No prizes for accurate guesses.
Has anyone else noticed how non-diverse our WW1 remembrance ceremonies are? No doubt some prick will find the one photo example available, but all coverage on BBC, ITV and SKY has been almost exclusively white. It seems whenever the British Army is involved, the majority of our adopted sons & daughters steer clear……………
Every day is April Fools Day there at the BBC!
Laurie Taylor-some corduroy creep from the nearby Wezzi Uni?
….what could possibly look stupid for the Daily Mail!
Charlie Dhimmi-ock !
Al Beeb thought they could combine two stories to the detriment of the coalition today. They had a team reporting on the East African hordes from differing tribes camped out in Calais whilst waiting to come here to enrich us by claiming our benefits fighting amongst themselves, and an interview with the former head of immigration services in the UK who resigned recently.
The Al Beeb goons must have wet themselves in frustration when instead of slagging off our border controls he said that they had been pretty effective! Al Beeb don’t seem too keen to mention this anymore!
In contrast to INBBC’s pro-Hamas, pro-Warsi political line:-
‘The Commentator’-
“Baroness Warsi resigns on a lack of principle over Gaza.
To put it with brutal frankness, in resigning from the UK government, Baroness Warsi is giving Hamas every reason to continue to sacrifice the children of Gaza in future conflicts. Their sickening policy works, and Warsi has proved the point.”
This BBC article will soon be changed. A man has been escorted from the Manchester plane, after the pilot warned the authorities. But on live news we are getting a slightly different tale, which tells how the Qatar authorities supplied the information, and of course, behaved impeccably.
Can I recommend a blog called The Commentator (which I first picked up from Guido). There is a marvellous article on the noble Baroness – published yesterday- after reading it any normal person will be wondering what the hell she was doing anywhere near Government. Of course our lords and masters will no doubt have good reason for keeping this incompetent on board, I doubt anyone else will see it,
Radio 2 4pm news, main point the resignation of Warsi (can’t bring myself to call her Baroness). We’re told that the people from her hometown are supportive of her decision to quit. A vox pop from Dewsbury, interviews 4 people all supportive, with 75% sounding more so that they hadn’t long arrived from Islamabad….
By doing this the BBC were leading us to believe that these people were from her ‘constituency’ which of course they weren’t because she has never been elected….
An Indian TV crew – after getting out of Gaza – have released some video footage of Hamas setting up a rocket launch outside their hotel. If the ceasefire holds, I think we will get more journalists – on leaving Gaza – confirming all the IDF aerial footage showing rocket launches in among the civilians.
A very good question, but one that has not, as far as I can tell, been asked of her despite all the pages the BBC has devoted to the story.
We are just told she finds the government policy “morally indefensible”. What is this policy? What would she do differently? And what outcome would she foresee from this different approach? We don’t need to know, apparently. Just emote.
WARSI is already assisting the Hamas cause by resigning, and this politically suits BBC-NUJ.
I wonder whether any specific Islamic interests advised her to take this action.
Will Cameron now reverse the U.K entry ban on critics of Islamic jihad: American bloggers- Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer? Only kidding. In run up to 2015 General Election, we can expect all main political parties to compete in their appeasing of Islam, to Beeboid applause.
Its simple she s Islamic, and Islam has a penchant for insidiously try to poison everyone to its view. She s a nobody,(with a diary to sell), and a foot In the door with the IOC ….. good riddance ….
and the Islamophilic “Bastards Beneath Contempt” have really shown themselves up for what they truly are today
Cabbage Patch Camoron, and his cabinet of grasping crooks ought to know better, but sadly they re nothing but slimy imbeciles, who can t wait, to take the muslim “dollar” … shame on them
Its simple she s Islamic, Islam has a proven enchant for insidiously try to poison everyone to its view. (castigation, and delegitimising of Israel?), she ought to resign over lack of action on persecution of Christians, other minorities by Islam.
She s a nobody,(with a diary to sell), and a foot In the door with the IOC ….. good riddance ….
and the Islamophilic “Bastards Beneath Contempt” have really shown themselves up for what they truly are today
Cabbage Patch Camoron, and his cabinet of grasping crooks ought to know better, but sadly they re nothing but slimy imbeciles, who can t wait, to take the muslim “dollar” … shame on them
“Captured Hamas combat manual explains benefits of human shields”
“Hamas TV: Every Muslim mother “must nurse her children on hatred”
“Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
“Gaza jihadists mistakenly hit Gaza hospital, refugee camp with rockets”
“Gaza streets and homes rigged with explosives”
“For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza”
“UNRWA gives Hamas rockets found in Gaza school back to Hamas”
“Hamas to social media activists: Always call dead “innocent civilians”; don’t post photos of rockets being fired from civilian areas”
then again you could always highlight
Israel eh!
“Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
“Friday sermon at Italian mosque:
Kill the Jews to the very last one”
“Belgium calls for clear labelling of goods from Israeli settlements
“Imams in the Netherlands use verses from the Koran to preach hatred”
Contrary to misguided opinion brought about by the constant drip of PC propaganda it is not an offence to hate anybody, jew or otherwise, therefore it cannot be considered libel, I personally hate homosexuals .
Maybe you should spend less time hating and more time learning.
libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.
The best defence against libel action is the truth.What possible harm could it do her, in fact it will probably enhance her reputation amongst muslims and their apologists !
Dick R, what a strange thing to say. Perhaps you feel uncomfortable amongst homosexuals or hate the idea of gay marriage but to say ‘hate’ homosexuals? Maybe you also hate all blue eyed people or Muslims? Whilst I would maybe feel uncomfortable in Muslim company it would be because I would wonder how many of them have been taught to hate me, but I certainly would not hate them on an individual level. And as for hating homosexuals, even if you do, it was not a necessary comment to make on this site and in that context.
I rarely go near these route to madness (destination reached) exchanges, but here I’ll stand by rejection of any association with such a statement.
It serves no purpose than taint and distraction, which of course may be the intention.
Other than such as DavidP, I have little clue who is who, or care. The daintiest lady blossom may be a Sumo wrestler for all I know. Especially given the site system has no means to provide anyone also being anyone else. So rush to condemnation can also be fraught.
All that matters is the words.
Risking precedent from the take-an-inch-demand-a-mile brigade turning every inept or false flag outing into a thread morass or site closing (using the word ‘hate’ rather offers an open goal) campaign, this word was unnecessarily provocative and deliberately targeted.
Falling off the fence of the free speech vs. censorship dilemma, I’d suggest removal in this case, and will live with this post being erased or orphaned too as a consequence.
It’s a good question. I doubt very much there’s an organised conspiracy but the BBC does often seem to embody metropolitan elite culture and values combined with fashionable left wing causes. Examples abound once you look – even the jokes made by comedians on R4.
Yes Merched, I think the BBC consider influencing public opinion as part of their ‘educating’ remit that is part of their Charter. It applied to much of what they do and once you see that mind set you can see how it over rides ‘inform’ with a much more dangerous layer. Now when I first read ‘educate’ in the Charter I think of teaching us about nature programmes, or Sky At Night. But the BBC really does see this as to ‘educate’ the population on for example what is happening in Gaza, or to teach us why a government should spend vast amounts of money it hasn’t got, or how the EU works etc becomes brain washing the population into group think.
I wonder if there may be any investigation (internal, in secret, very expensive, redacted, FOI ringfenced) investigation into how the world’s biggest, most resourced, trusted, treasured, transparent and all round ace news monopoly has spent a fair old while in Gaza yet keeps missing events captured by chaps and ladies from as far afield as Finland and India?
Maybe they’d be better suited as ethically-challenged (CV sorted there) police captains in Casablanca?
Top Gear rakes in ~£300m for BBC. If they kill it off, they will have to raise the telly tax by more than £6 per household to make up the shortfall, and at the same time watch as the programme is taken up by one of the commercial stations and make shedloads of cash for “the opposition”.
Tbh – the BBC don’t deserve the programme; it doesn’t fit in with their lentil eating, tree hugging, sandal wearing ethos.
I hope that JC tells the BBC to f off, and takes up a career in politics standing against Milliband and all this PC crap in his home town of Doncaster for UKIP. For sure he would stand a good chance.
-no INBBC mention of Islam, nor of Islamic jihad, in this deliberate insider murder of U.S general-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Afghan soldier murders U.S. Army major general”
“It appears now that the American victim of the insider jihad murder incident about which I posted here was a U.S. Army major general. He is a casualty of his government’s unshakable dogma that Islam is a religion of peace, and that therefore anyone who opposes the Taliban must be a moderate Muslim Jeffersonian whose loyalties cannot and must not be questioned.”
They can’t get it through their thick heads, there is no such thing as a muslim extremists , just muslims ,some are more vocal and insane than others but they are all ultimately working to the same ends all this religion of peace crap is just playing into their hands !
I’m not so pessimistic but our modern attitudes don’t seem to help. Many muslims served in the British Indian army or were loyal subjects in British India. Even though it was a colonial, racist regime there was no real ‘Muslim’ or ‘jihadist’ problem. Similarly I don’t think British jihadists appeared at all in Britain till some time after multi-culturalism, and anti-racism had made their mark, exacerbated by liberal intervention wars of choice to ‘help’ foreign Muslim lands. Funny eh?
The BBC News Channel folk must have been disappointed with the performance today of Crispin Blunt MP. As a late deciding homosexual, a former chair of the The Council for Arab-British Understanding and sacked minister. The BBC must have been thinking he was their sort of Tory & could be relied on twist the knife inserted by Warsi. Instead he was very measured and perfectly understanding of the need for younger MPs to be brought into government.
Anybody else ever remember an unelected, incompetent and token “Minister” like Warsi, getting the unalloyed trust and confidence of the political elite of media and LeftLab world?
As yet, I`ve not heard or seen any speculation that this unelected, parachuted-in nomark might just be miffed at her serial demotions, and her lack of any prospect of career enhancement , being all too apparent-even to the useless, venal Tories.
Any chance that Snow or Montague, Robinson or Wark will ask her about her carrer being stalled, and her using the Gazans as cover for her “point of principle”.
The Tories-a principle-free zone since 1990.
My dad has been rushed to hospital, so I’m not really inclined any more to stay here and debate with mostly xenophobic neo-cons. After all, people like me are mostly the ones in power, so it would serve no purpose.
Richard D: I respect the fact that unlike most, you refrained from personal insults. Basically you seem pretty decent.
John: Us naive Pollyannas (would you call a fellow male Pollyanna?) are important. You are not.
Just sayin’: You are the next Elliott Rodger.
Chop: You seem to be a white supremist. You think we’re ‘enlightened’? We learned maths from the Arabs.
Simon: You consider the deaths of children ’emotional nonsense.’ Get help.
Fortunately, this little micro-world you’ve created of like-minded righties will never go anywhere. Once my dad is better I may return, or I may not. I may respond to particularly enraging comments.
Thanks for adding f$%^k all to this site ! hope your life pans out and one day you find the strength to understand that there are many ways of thinking and not all of them agree with yours ! when I next stand at the site of those who lost their lives in hope of a better future I will think of you and your contempt and feel nothing but pity !
Warsi even more important than those murdering Joos this evening. Clearly something perceived as bad news for the Tories (probably incorrectly) trumps Gaza.
Warsi rose without trace. I hope she disappears in the same style.
Mind you, Vazeline is still hanging around like a bad smell, so I’m not optimistic. Perhaps she’ll go back back to Dewsbury and try to organise a piss up in a brewery. But that wouldn’t be possible, would it?
3 weeks ago Egypt proposed a ceasefire – with no pre-conditions. Any questions about eg the Israeli controls on the border, release of Hamas prisoners etc should be left until afterwards. Just – cease fire.
Israel accepted the ceasefire. Hamas refused it, – they wanted a raft of concessions before agreeing any ceasefire. And Hamas refused or broke all subsequent attempts at a ceasefire.
Does the BBC tell us this ? Does it hell. because the implication is that Hamas is responsible for all the death and destruction since then. But the BBC is deliberately bad at providing context.
After all the death and destruction, the current ceasefire is on exactly the same terms as originally proposed by Egypt. That is – no pre-conditions whatsoever.
All the propaganda from the BBC has been aimed at pressurising Israel to make concessions to Hamas, to blame Israel, to distort what has really been happening on the ground. All that helped to encourage Hamas to stick out. Finally, after destruction of all those terror-tunnels, and the deaths of about a thousand terrorist operatives,.Hamas has caved. (It appears the local leaders refused to follow any more the obstinacy of the leaders swanning it in Qatar).
I see the BBC as bearing moral responsibility for encouraging Hamas by its biased reporting, and therefore moral responsibility for the death and destruction. Israel was acting in self-defence, it offered ceasefires on the basis oif “calm for calm” but was repeatedly rebuffed, and the IDF showed amazing restraint in dealing with Hamas which deliberately sought civilian casualties.
The BBC political view on News. And no grey areas.
Arab = Good
Israel = Bad
England = Bad
Scotland = Good
Wales = Good
Ireland = Very Good
Scientists = Bad
Artists = Good
Cars = Bad
Bicycles = Good
Nuclear Power = Bad
Wind Power = Good
Fracking = Son of the devil
British military = Bad
British police = Bad
God , you got to give the bBC credit for being the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism in the Uk Israel’s operation in Gaza may be over, but no victor emerges It is already clear that there have been no winners. The Palestinian death toll has been widely condemned around the world as disproportionate….In military terms there are clear lessons for both sides. Hamas, along with other Palestinian groups, has clearly learned from its previous clashes with Israeli forces. Its fighters were well-trained and well-prepared. Its traditional weapon – long-range rocket-fire -proved much less successful than it might have hoped, given the performance of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defences.Iron Dome emerged again as a great success story. However it still has its critics who raise questions about its seemingly extraordinary success rate. Some locally-manufactured Hamas rockets may well be less effective and there are reports that some had a portion of their explosive removed to reduce weight and extend their range.
“it still has its critics who raise questions about its seemingly extraordinary success rate. “
Yeah,like those at the left wing media who wanted to see more Jewish deaths. How many times have you heard these people scream out give the Pals tanks, Planes and Iron dome and then we’ll see how the Jews fights.
Err they did, in 1948,1956,1967,1973,1982. Each and every time the Arabs have tried to wipe out the jew they have lost everytime. it why they now use the media, as its a cheaper and more effective tool. But then we all know the bbC is full of tools and guess what another bbC tool was exposed today of being a child rapist. Seems that the bBC subscribes to the notions of Mohammed down to a Q
Of course, if people lied about me less, and flung abuse my way less often, I’d post in rebuttal less often.
Does that mean you think the perpetrators of vile abuse are “doing the site’s job”, rather than just being ineffectual little men whose only sense of fulfilment in life is attempting to be bullies, and failing?
Scott instead of just replying to posters with flippant replies along with the implication that you feel you have the moral highground, why don’t actually place some original upfront posts that highlight your views on a given subject? Thus allowing posters to air their views on your thoughts instead of it constantly being the other way around?
I’m sure you have plenty, let’s hear your views on the BBC any any perceived views of bias you may/may not have.
Failing that maybe you could let posters here know other forums you frequent so they may join in with discussions you have elsewhere?
why don’t actually place some original upfront posts that highlight your views on a given subject?
I have done. Apparently it’s as easy to ignore those as it is to turn a blind eye to the Biased BBC regulars whose only contributions are to insult and defame people.
If only Biased BBC were populated by people who cared about telling the truth, rather than people who were so desperate to feel important that they felt they had to lie all the time…
I have given examples in the past, “Geoff”. I’ve given examples where both Alan and Vance have deliberately and repeatedly lied about the content of BBC reports. Trolls like Pounce lie about me all the time.
So yes, I take the moral high ground. Because I’m not a filthy little liar, and yet I get mud flung at me by people who are.
Bless. Poor little Pounce, reduced to flinging out baseless insults because he’s not capable of being a nice person. Who wants to be a bully, but is frustrated because his intended victim is having none of it.
Gordon Bennet, all I see these days when logging on to BBBC is Scott’s whingeing, and “blessing” someone with every other post. Give it a rest, Scotty, it’s becoming a tad tiresome.
Haven’t you heard? It’s peaceful in Mexico, CAR, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. The only fighting worth reporting on is in Gaza. Likewise Haiti has fully recovered, and the caste system is ended in India.
After last nights debate Newsnight decided to talk to some young undecided voters. They picked three young Scots to represent the country. In a country overwhelmingly white of the three only one was white native Scottish. A small thing but so typical.
Biased bBC at is best. While the bBC has demonised the Jew over Gaza, has anybody heard them mention this statistic: 1491 trucks of food went into Gaza, including 220 trucks with humanitarian aid, and 106 trucks carrying medical equipment.
All those came from Israel during this latest conflict, yet according to the bBC, people are starving, there is a lack of Medicine etc.. that only children are getting killed, which they substantiate by virtually every other picture being of a child, why today they show one of children playing, always opposed by a picture of an IDF tank, soldiers etc.. (Anybody seen similar pictures of Hamas gunmen these past 4 weeks from the media) The message been sent is Gaza is innocent and Israel is belligerent
And on last night’s news (it might have been Channel 4 or BBC 6 pm) behind the reporter the market stalls in Gaza looked full of fruit and vegetables. I wondered how this fitted the starving narrative.
Remind me again how many people were murdered in Fort Hood by a Hate filled Muslim…13. As evil as the above was and is, it pales into insignificance when compared to Islamic killings.
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vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
Gareth Pierce…this is your life!
Has Helena Kennedy now got a brown nose, having been a decidedly “non pro bono” fat fee for a chinwag with fellow lefty traveller Pierce.
IRA, miners, Muslims like Qatada and Begg?…this guilt-ridden Cheltenham Ladies College and Oxbridge do-gooder has been on the battlefields with all of them…and always on the wrong and losing side as far as I can tell.
Hence the half-hour hagiography of this “The Law is an ass-and I`m here to kick it” harpie…and even Pierce was abashed at being told by Kennedy etc that she should be cloned so there`s more of her to love.
Utterly sickening-would she take on my case of sugar reflux, after being force fed half an hour of this well paid, product of ECHR benevolence?
Pierce is just the kind of lefty fellow traveller from the same caste as the BBC itself…all the right causes and matching wristbands too.
As for Lee Rigby or 7/7…that`ll be Jim Davison and James Murdoch in for enquiries then.
And just one more thing…how come Qatada let himself fight his jihad using a girl from the SWP in a dungaree pin striped suit then?
Unclean…another humans shield for Islam-albeit extremely well-paid for it, unless the decent families of Gaza.
BBC going into overdrive regards Warsi resigning. One news report was highlighting the fact that the government’s stance on the conflict might fuel ‘radicalisation’ domestically. I think that Muslim extremists were being radicalised long before this and for the BBC to try and imply that the government’s position might be conducive to homegrown terror is yet another example of siding with the Hamas/terrorist community.
‘Do what the terrorists say or we’ll blow you up!’
I see that the BBC have made a bee-line for wise words and handwringing from the country’s (and the BBC’s choice of) leader in waiting, Ed Milbandwagon.
They’re just luvin’ it!
I note though that they’re forgetting to mention that there is a widespread belief that Warsi has flounced off because she didn’t get the job of Home Secretary. WTF? If she wanted promotion far beyond her ability, she should have joined the Labour Party.
Israel has withdrawn it’s troops. Now wait for the spinning to start.
It looks as if the IDF has done what it set out to do. Anybody naive enough to think that the BBC/C4 and our silly liberal media will tell it how it is?
Now I wonder exactly what line they will take.
No prizes for accurate guesses.
Has anyone else noticed how non-diverse our WW1 remembrance ceremonies are? No doubt some prick will find the one photo example available, but all coverage on BBC, ITV and SKY has been almost exclusively white. It seems whenever the British Army is involved, the majority of our adopted sons & daughters steer clear……………
Warsi and Javid were quite prominent during last nights events.
I meant in the crowds Geoff, not those forced to be there.
Yea I got it after posting and re-reading your post, couldn’t edit!
So one minute you are posting as “Thatcher Revolutionary” and the next as “Alan Larocka”
I think the contribution of the British Indian volunteer army in both World Wars is still sadly neglected, but matters are slowly improving.
Every day is April Fools Day there at the BBC!
Laurie Taylor-some corduroy creep from the nearby Wezzi Uni?
….what could possibly look stupid for the Daily Mail!
Charlie Dhimmi-ock !
Don’t wait for the Daily Mail, hear it here first.
Al Beeb thought they could combine two stories to the detriment of the coalition today. They had a team reporting on the East African hordes from differing tribes camped out in Calais whilst waiting to come here to enrich us by claiming our benefits fighting amongst themselves, and an interview with the former head of immigration services in the UK who resigned recently.
The Al Beeb goons must have wet themselves in frustration when instead of slagging off our border controls he said that they had been pretty effective! Al Beeb don’t seem too keen to mention this anymore!
More Illegal Immigrants in Calais, heading to England.
Two reports:-
‘ Daily Express’:-
“We’ll buy migrants ferry tickets to Britain’ says Calais deputy mayor”
“African migrants clash in French port of Calais”
In contrast to INBBC’s pro-Hamas, pro-Warsi political line:-
‘The Commentator’-
“Baroness Warsi resigns on a lack of principle over Gaza.
To put it with brutal frankness, in resigning from the UK government, Baroness Warsi is giving Hamas every reason to continue to sacrifice the children of Gaza in future conflicts. Their sickening policy works, and Warsi has proved the point.”
This BBC article will soon be changed. A man has been escorted from the Manchester plane, after the pilot warned the authorities. But on live news we are getting a slightly different tale, which tells how the Qatar authorities supplied the information, and of course, behaved impeccably.
So close to Manchester studios too. As we say up north: allah akibar, eeh bah gum ecky thump.
For pro-Hamas BBC-NUJ to censor:-
Hamas and Human Shields in Gaza-
“Captured Hamas combat manual explains benefits of human shields”
Can I recommend a blog called The Commentator (which I first picked up from Guido). There is a marvellous article on the noble Baroness – published yesterday- after reading it any normal person will be wondering what the hell she was doing anywhere near Government. Of course our lords and masters will no doubt have good reason for keeping this incompetent on board, I doubt anyone else will see it,
For link, see 1:34 pm above.
Radio 2 4pm news, main point the resignation of Warsi (can’t bring myself to call her Baroness). We’re told that the people from her hometown are supportive of her decision to quit. A vox pop from Dewsbury, interviews 4 people all supportive, with 75% sounding more so that they hadn’t long arrived from Islamabad….
By doing this the BBC were leading us to believe that these people were from her ‘constituency’ which of course they weren’t because she has never been elected….
For information of BBC-NUJ-
‘The Islamic Republic of DEWSBURY’
– by Danny Lockwood.
-‘Look inside’ Lockwood’s book-
Dewsbury- another once English town which has gone Islamic.
There will be many more, as INBBC knows and approves, under the phoney cover of Hall’s ‘diversity.’ It is Islamic colonisation.
An Indian TV crew – after getting out of Gaza – have released some video footage of Hamas setting up a rocket launch outside their hotel. If the ceasefire holds, I think we will get more journalists – on leaving Gaza – confirming all the IDF aerial footage showing rocket launches in among the civilians.
But the BBC will no doubt continue its absurd pretence that Hamas did not commit these war crimes. Bloody liars, they are enablers of terrorism.
What specifically does Warsi want the Government to do? It is all very unclear.
A very good question, but one that has not, as far as I can tell, been asked of her despite all the pages the BBC has devoted to the story.
We are just told she finds the government policy “morally indefensible”. What is this policy? What would she do differently? And what outcome would she foresee from this different approach? We don’t need to know, apparently. Just emote.
WARSI is already assisting the Hamas cause by resigning, and this politically suits BBC-NUJ.
I wonder whether any specific Islamic interests advised her to take this action.
Will Cameron now reverse the U.K entry ban on critics of Islamic jihad: American bloggers- Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer? Only kidding. In run up to 2015 General Election, we can expect all main political parties to compete in their appeasing of Islam, to Beeboid applause.
Its simple she s Islamic, and Islam has a penchant for insidiously try to poison everyone to its view. She s a nobody,(with a diary to sell), and a foot In the door with the IOC ….. good riddance ….
and the Islamophilic “Bastards Beneath Contempt” have really shown themselves up for what they truly are today
Cabbage Patch Camoron, and his cabinet of grasping crooks ought to know better, but sadly they re nothing but slimy imbeciles, who can t wait, to take the muslim “dollar” … shame on them
The opening words of the above post could be considered libelous and should perhaps be removed.
“The opening words of the above post could be considered libelous and should perhaps be removed. ”
But are they correct?
It is absolutely incorrect and should be retracted.
If she is a muslim she accepts the teaching of the Koran and hadith – That is quite sufficient to say that she is a Jew hater.
If she has principles she should attack those sections of the Koran that persecute Jews. Only then can she remove the stigma.
I mean she might be killed as a result (she has already had eggs thrown at her) but that is a small price to pay for your principles.
What is the point of amending the initial post and then leaving this comment which repeats the same allegation?
For once I agree with Albaman. Statements that could be held to be libellous do not help this blog at all. We all must be careful .
Its simple she s Islamic, Islam has a proven enchant for insidiously try to poison everyone to its view. (castigation, and delegitimising of Israel?), she ought to resign over lack of action on persecution of Christians, other minorities by Islam.
She s a nobody,(with a diary to sell), and a foot In the door with the IOC ….. good riddance ….
and the Islamophilic “Bastards Beneath Contempt” have really shown themselves up for what they truly are today
Cabbage Patch Camoron, and his cabinet of grasping crooks ought to know better, but sadly they re nothing but slimy imbeciles, who can t wait, to take the muslim “dollar” … shame on them
hope that, will suffice
Simple indeed http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2013/11/19/baroness-warsi-to-give-benedict-xvi-lecture/
“Captured Hamas combat manual explains benefits of human shields”
“Hamas TV: Every Muslim mother “must nurse her children on hatred”
“Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
“Gaza jihadists mistakenly hit Gaza hospital, refugee camp with rockets”
“Gaza streets and homes rigged with explosives”
“For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza”
“UNRWA gives Hamas rockets found in Gaza school back to Hamas”
“Hamas to social media activists: Always call dead “innocent civilians”; don’t post photos of rockets being fired from civilian areas”
then again you could always highlight
Israel eh!
“Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you”
“Friday sermon at Italian mosque:
Kill the Jews to the very last one”
“Belgium calls for clear labelling of goods from Israeli settlements
“Imams in the Netherlands use verses from the Koran to preach hatred”
“UK: Anti-Semitic attacks soar as Muslims chant “Heil Hitler,” assault Jews”
“Jerusalem imam: Egypt should annex Gaza, lead armies to annihilate the Jews”
“Miami: Synagogue vandalized with swastikas, “Hamas”
“UK: Muslims menace Jews, attack synagogue, hoist “Hitler was right” banners”
“Qatar: Muslim cleric prays for Allah to kill the Jews”
“Netherlands: Muslim protesters scream “Death to all Jews”
“Iran’s Supremo: Only solution for crisis is Israel’s destruction”
“Germany: Muslims and Leftists chant “Gas the Jews” at anti-Israel hate rallies”
“France: “They’re shouting ‘Death to the Jews’ and attacking synagogues. It’s completely out of control.”
“Berlin imam: “Oh Allah, destroy the Zionist Jews…Count them and kill them to the very last one…Make them suffer terribly.”
“Malaysian ex-Grand Mufti: Hitler “might have been right” in exterminating Jews”
“Belgium: Muslim rally goers call for “slaughter of Jews”
“Paris: Savage anti-Israel rioters trap hundreds of Jews in synagogue”
Thank goodness its only calls for extermination eh!
… worth resigning over?
Making a stand on the highest principle of all
… worth resigning over.
… then again there s always Israel
Why? Israel?
Contrary to misguided opinion brought about by the constant drip of PC propaganda it is not an offence to hate anybody, jew or otherwise, therefore it cannot be considered libel, I personally hate homosexuals .
Maybe you should spend less time hating and more time learning.
libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others.
The best defence against libel action is the truth.What possible harm could it do her, in fact it will probably enhance her reputation amongst muslims and their apologists !
Oh for !!!! sake getting a lecture on hate from scotts butt plug all purpose hater !!
Classy comment as usual Mat.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen “Mat” post a comment that was both coherent and inoffensive.
Or even one of the two.
Don’t feed the unpleasant jihadi-fancying troll
I think the Baroness is unconcerned about what’s being posted here. Just a wild guess. I may be wrong.
Where are the inverted commas around the word baroness ,she is as much a real baroness as some old whore hawking her snatch around Kings Cross !
Dick R, what a strange thing to say. Perhaps you feel uncomfortable amongst homosexuals or hate the idea of gay marriage but to say ‘hate’ homosexuals? Maybe you also hate all blue eyed people or Muslims? Whilst I would maybe feel uncomfortable in Muslim company it would be because I would wonder how many of them have been taught to hate me, but I certainly would not hate them on an individual level. And as for hating homosexuals, even if you do, it was not a necessary comment to make on this site and in that context.
I rarely go near these route to madness (destination reached) exchanges, but here I’ll stand by rejection of any association with such a statement.
It serves no purpose than taint and distraction, which of course may be the intention.
Other than such as DavidP, I have little clue who is who, or care. The daintiest lady blossom may be a Sumo wrestler for all I know. Especially given the site system has no means to provide anyone also being anyone else. So rush to condemnation can also be fraught.
All that matters is the words.
Risking precedent from the take-an-inch-demand-a-mile brigade turning every inept or false flag outing into a thread morass or site closing (using the word ‘hate’ rather offers an open goal) campaign, this word was unnecessarily provocative and deliberately targeted.
Falling off the fence of the free speech vs. censorship dilemma, I’d suggest removal in this case, and will live with this post being erased or orphaned too as a consequence.
Southern Israel is covered with small communities that have taken the brunt of rocket and mortar fire. They are too close for Iron Dome to react.
BBC wipes Israel off the map
Does anyone get the feeling that Al Beeb is trying to drive and influence public opinion ?
Well, that’s how I came to look for and find this website.
BBC-NUJ is blatant, persistent in its political support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad; and we British people are paying for it, in every sense.
It’s a good question. I doubt very much there’s an organised conspiracy but the BBC does often seem to embody metropolitan elite culture and values combined with fashionable left wing causes. Examples abound once you look – even the jokes made by comedians on R4.
Yes Merched, I think the BBC consider influencing public opinion as part of their ‘educating’ remit that is part of their Charter. It applied to much of what they do and once you see that mind set you can see how it over rides ‘inform’ with a much more dangerous layer. Now when I first read ‘educate’ in the Charter I think of teaching us about nature programmes, or Sky At Night. But the BBC really does see this as to ‘educate’ the population on for example what is happening in Gaza, or to teach us why a government should spend vast amounts of money it hasn’t got, or how the EU works etc becomes brain washing the population into group think.
Deborah. Educating? More like Brainwashing. Particularly the younger viewers.
BBC launches investigation into Top Gear racist gaffes:
I wonder if there may be any investigation (internal, in secret, very expensive, redacted, FOI ringfenced) investigation into how the world’s biggest, most resourced, trusted, treasured, transparent and all round ace news monopoly has spent a fair old while in Gaza yet keeps missing events captured by chaps and ladies from as far afield as Finland and India?
Maybe they’d be better suited as ethically-challenged (CV sorted there) police captains in Casablanca?
Top Gear rakes in ~£300m for BBC. If they kill it off, they will have to raise the telly tax by more than £6 per household to make up the shortfall, and at the same time watch as the programme is taken up by one of the commercial stations and make shedloads of cash for “the opposition”.
Tbh – the BBC don’t deserve the programme; it doesn’t fit in with their lentil eating, tree hugging, sandal wearing ethos.
I hope that JC tells the BBC to f off, and takes up a career in politics standing against Milliband and all this PC crap in his home town of Doncaster for UKIP. For sure he would stand a good chance.
The idea has been touted.
I am suffering Gaza overload! Read ‘JC’ and thought Geoff was referring to the Jewish Chronicle.
-no INBBC mention of Islam, nor of Islamic jihad, in this deliberate insider murder of U.S general-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Afghan soldier murders U.S. Army major general”
“It appears now that the American victim of the insider jihad murder incident about which I posted here was a U.S. Army major general. He is a casualty of his government’s unshakable dogma that Islam is a religion of peace, and that therefore anyone who opposes the Taliban must be a moderate Muslim Jeffersonian whose loyalties cannot and must not be questioned.”
2.) INBBC-
“Afghan soldier attack on UK army camp kills US general”
They can’t get it through their thick heads, there is no such thing as a muslim extremists , just muslims ,some are more vocal and insane than others but they are all ultimately working to the same ends all this religion of peace crap is just playing into their hands !
I’m not so pessimistic but our modern attitudes don’t seem to help. Many muslims served in the British Indian army or were loyal subjects in British India. Even though it was a colonial, racist regime there was no real ‘Muslim’ or ‘jihadist’ problem. Similarly I don’t think British jihadists appeared at all in Britain till some time after multi-culturalism, and anti-racism had made their mark, exacerbated by liberal intervention wars of choice to ‘help’ foreign Muslim lands. Funny eh?
Look up the 1915 Singapore mutiny
Interesting ! Half of a regiment of Muslim sepoys answering a fatwa pronounced by the Ottoman Sultan..
The BBC News Channel folk must have been disappointed with the performance today of Crispin Blunt MP. As a late deciding homosexual, a former chair of the The Council for Arab-British Understanding and sacked minister. The BBC must have been thinking he was their sort of Tory & could be relied on twist the knife inserted by Warsi. Instead he was very measured and perfectly understanding of the need for younger MPs to be brought into government.
Anybody else ever remember an unelected, incompetent and token “Minister” like Warsi, getting the unalloyed trust and confidence of the political elite of media and LeftLab world?
As yet, I`ve not heard or seen any speculation that this unelected, parachuted-in nomark might just be miffed at her serial demotions, and her lack of any prospect of career enhancement , being all too apparent-even to the useless, venal Tories.
Any chance that Snow or Montague, Robinson or Wark will ask her about her carrer being stalled, and her using the Gazans as cover for her “point of principle”.
The Tories-a principle-free zone since 1990.
As Beeboids must know, Islamic Trojan Horses are not only in British schools…
Her “propaganda” interview on Ch4 News tonight was a disgrace …….
hmmm Newsnight? (shudder)
My dad has been rushed to hospital, so I’m not really inclined any more to stay here and debate with mostly xenophobic neo-cons. After all, people like me are mostly the ones in power, so it would serve no purpose.
Richard D: I respect the fact that unlike most, you refrained from personal insults. Basically you seem pretty decent.
John: Us naive Pollyannas (would you call a fellow male Pollyanna?) are important. You are not.
Just sayin’: You are the next Elliott Rodger.
Chop: You seem to be a white supremist. You think we’re ‘enlightened’? We learned maths from the Arabs.
Simon: You consider the deaths of children ’emotional nonsense.’ Get help.
Fortunately, this little micro-world you’ve created of like-minded righties will never go anywhere. Once my dad is better I may return, or I may not. I may respond to particularly enraging comments.
Thanks for adding f$%^k all to this site ! hope your life pans out and one day you find the strength to understand that there are many ways of thinking and not all of them agree with yours ! when I next stand at the site of those who lost their lives in hope of a better future I will think of you and your contempt and feel nothing but pity !
Neo cons are not conservatives. Just to point that out .
Hope your dad is okay, Nat.
Good God-an agreement with Scott?
Peace is breaking out here for 72 hours,maybe?
Thanks for your comment. It was fun debating with you (even though the debate did deviate from full-blown BBC Bias analysis.)
I hope all is well with your dad also.
Do return, you never can tell what you may learn from what source.
Au revoir.
Nat – all the best with your dad. It’s sometimes in the nature of the internet that people disagree violently.
Warsi even more important than those murdering Joos this evening. Clearly something perceived as bad news for the Tories (probably incorrectly) trumps Gaza.
Warsi rose without trace. I hope she disappears in the same style.
Mind you, Vazeline is still hanging around like a bad smell, so I’m not optimistic. Perhaps she’ll go back back to Dewsbury and try to organise a piss up in a brewery. But that wouldn’t be possible, would it?
… over promoted, incapable and incompetent?
incisive precise bursting of the Warsi B/S bubble.
… now then, if D Murray was on Newsnight tonight
for the upcoming Warsi-fest
Pat Condell
– Hypocrisy over Gaza –
A few more for Warsiphiles out there
Gaza civilians executed by Hamas for protesting against the destruction of their neighbourhood
Hamas used child labour to build tunnels. Hundreds killed.
Arab apartheid against Palestinians
No apartheid in Israel, lots of it in the Arab world
Hamas glorifies the deliberate murder of Israeli civilians
Hamas TV teaches children: Shoot all the Jews
Meet the Hamas billionaires
Private jets, restaurants, luxury hotels: the good life of senior Hamas officials
A thank you letter from Hamas to the media
A mine of information.
3 weeks ago Egypt proposed a ceasefire – with no pre-conditions. Any questions about eg the Israeli controls on the border, release of Hamas prisoners etc should be left until afterwards. Just – cease fire.
Israel accepted the ceasefire. Hamas refused it, – they wanted a raft of concessions before agreeing any ceasefire. And Hamas refused or broke all subsequent attempts at a ceasefire.
Does the BBC tell us this ? Does it hell. because the implication is that Hamas is responsible for all the death and destruction since then. But the BBC is deliberately bad at providing context.
After all the death and destruction, the current ceasefire is on exactly the same terms as originally proposed by Egypt. That is – no pre-conditions whatsoever.
All the propaganda from the BBC has been aimed at pressurising Israel to make concessions to Hamas, to blame Israel, to distort what has really been happening on the ground. All that helped to encourage Hamas to stick out. Finally, after destruction of all those terror-tunnels, and the deaths of about a thousand terrorist operatives,.Hamas has caved. (It appears the local leaders refused to follow any more the obstinacy of the leaders swanning it in Qatar).
I see the BBC as bearing moral responsibility for encouraging Hamas by its biased reporting, and therefore moral responsibility for the death and destruction. Israel was acting in self-defence, it offered ceasefires on the basis oif “calm for calm” but was repeatedly rebuffed, and the IDF showed amazing restraint in dealing with Hamas which deliberately sought civilian casualties.
The BBC political view on News. And no grey areas.
Arab = Good
Israel = Bad
England = Bad
Scotland = Good
Wales = Good
Ireland = Very Good
Scientists = Bad
Artists = Good
Cars = Bad
Bicycles = Good
Nuclear Power = Bad
Wind Power = Good
Fracking = Son of the devil
British military = Bad
British police = Bad
God , you got to give the bBC credit for being the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism in the Uk
Israel’s operation in Gaza may be over, but no victor emerges
It is already clear that there have been no winners. The Palestinian death toll has been widely condemned around the world as disproportionate….In military terms there are clear lessons for both sides. Hamas, along with other Palestinian groups, has clearly learned from its previous clashes with Israeli forces. Its fighters were well-trained and well-prepared. Its traditional weapon – long-range rocket-fire -proved much less successful than it might have hoped, given the performance of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defences.Iron Dome emerged again as a great success story. However it still has its critics who raise questions about its seemingly extraordinary success rate. Some locally-manufactured Hamas rockets may well be less effective and there are reports that some had a portion of their explosive removed to reduce weight and extend their range.
“it still has its critics who raise questions about its seemingly extraordinary success rate. “
Yeah,like those at the left wing media who wanted to see more Jewish deaths. How many times have you heard these people scream out give the Pals tanks, Planes and Iron dome and then we’ll see how the Jews fights.
Err they did, in 1948,1956,1967,1973,1982. Each and every time the Arabs have tried to wipe out the jew they have lost everytime. it why they now use the media, as its a cheaper and more effective tool. But then we all know the bbC is full of tools and guess what another bbC tool was exposed today of being a child rapist. Seems that the bBC subscribes to the notions of Mohammed down to a Q
People such as Scott are posting here because this site is hitting a political nerve.
And a nerve that needs to be struck.
The more that posters such as Scott and his ilk post, the more that I am happy that this site is doing it’s job.
Of course, if people lied about me less, and flung abuse my way less often, I’d post in rebuttal less often.
Does that mean you think the perpetrators of vile abuse are “doing the site’s job”, rather than just being ineffectual little men whose only sense of fulfilment in life is attempting to be bullies, and failing?
Don;t feed the stupid attention-seeking troll
Bloody hell the Goose stepping Racist Nazis is still bitching about what a victim he is.
Whereas you are just flinging about baseless, fictional insults because…?
Scott instead of just replying to posters with flippant replies along with the implication that you feel you have the moral highground, why don’t actually place some original upfront posts that highlight your views on a given subject? Thus allowing posters to air their views on your thoughts instead of it constantly being the other way around?
I’m sure you have plenty, let’s hear your views on the BBC any any perceived views of bias you may/may not have.
Failing that maybe you could let posters here know other forums you frequent so they may join in with discussions you have elsewhere?
why don’t actually place some original upfront posts that highlight your views on a given subject?
I have done. Apparently it’s as easy to ignore those as it is to turn a blind eye to the Biased BBC regulars whose only contributions are to insult and defame people.
If only Biased BBC were populated by people who cared about telling the truth, rather than people who were so desperate to feel important that they felt they had to lie all the time…
There you go again, taking the moral highground, please give some examples of these lies.
Do you believe the BBC is biased?
I have given examples in the past, “Geoff”. I’ve given examples where both Alan and Vance have deliberately and repeatedly lied about the content of BBC reports. Trolls like Pounce lie about me all the time.
So yes, I take the moral high ground. Because I’m not a filthy little liar, and yet I get mud flung at me by people who are.
Ignore the sanctimonious whining troll
Goose Stepping Nazis posts here at 1am, posts again at 5am. Working late racist were you? Burning a cross were you.
Bless. Poor little Pounce, reduced to flinging out baseless insults because he’s not capable of being a nice person. Who wants to be a bully, but is frustrated because his intended victim is having none of it.
You have my pity, you pathetic man.
I’m sorry Scott but this is a weak reply which leaves you wide open to ridicule and somewhat disrespectful in the way you emphasise my name.
As I requested please give some examples of theses lies.
Gordon Bennet, all I see these days when logging on to BBBC is Scott’s whingeing, and “blessing” someone with every other post. Give it a rest, Scotty, it’s becoming a tad tiresome.
This site is gaining political momentum. And that is good.
Am I missing something?
Has the civil war and mass slaughter in Syria come to an end? Or have all Al Beeb’s reporters gone to Israel?
Haven’t you heard? It’s peaceful in Mexico, CAR, Nigeria, Somalia, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. The only fighting worth reporting on is in Gaza. Likewise Haiti has fully recovered, and the caste system is ended in India.
And another thing. What happened to all those girls that were kidnapped by Boko Haram ?
All but 60 have been found
After last nights debate Newsnight decided to talk to some young undecided voters. They picked three young Scots to represent the country. In a country overwhelmingly white of the three only one was white native Scottish. A small thing but so typical.
”A small thing but so typical. ”
A small thing maybe but really it’s a big thing !
The shape of things to come !
Biased bBC at is best. While the bBC has demonised the Jew over Gaza, has anybody heard them mention this statistic:
1491 trucks of food went into Gaza, including 220 trucks with humanitarian aid, and 106 trucks carrying medical equipment.
All those came from Israel during this latest conflict, yet according to the bBC, people are starving, there is a lack of Medicine etc.. that only children are getting killed, which they substantiate by virtually every other picture being of a child, why today they show one of children playing, always opposed by a picture of an IDF tank, soldiers etc.. (Anybody seen similar pictures of Hamas gunmen these past 4 weeks from the media) The message been sent is Gaza is innocent and Israel is belligerent
And on last night’s news (it might have been Channel 4 or BBC 6 pm) behind the reporter the market stalls in Gaza looked full of fruit and vegetables. I wondered how this fitted the starving narrative.
After Oak Creek Temple shooting, Sikhs stand up to bias
Two years ago, in one of the most deadly hate crimes at a place of worship in recent US history, six Sikhs were gunned down in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Remind me again how many people were murdered in Fort Hood by a Hate filled Muslim…13. As evil as the above was and is, it pales into insignificance when compared to Islamic killings.
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