David Cameron must have long regretted his liberal urges as he saw the beneficiary of his PR stunt/ethnic minority box ticking exercise run rampage, undermining the government’s foreign policy and subverting and emasculating its anti Islamic terror programme.
Baroness Warsi was more interested in promoting Islam than in doing her job….people will say ‘ah but she defended all religions‘…indeed she did…but in doing so her real aim was to ensure that Islam was allowed to maintain its customs and traditions not just in private but in the Public sphere as well…..she said.…’I’m Muslim, but all faiths are important to me. I think that in order to create a more just society people need to feel stronger in their religious identities.’
Stronger in their religious identities?….By promoting ‘all faiths’ she makes Islam stronger and more assertive of its ‘rights’ and demands….she knows Christianity is losing ground so supporting it is just a question of time……..as Islam is gaining and likely to keep on growing with immigration and a high birthrate….and so likely to be the dominant religion demographically quicker than you might think…politically it is already the dominant religion with the media and politicians running scared of it.
Warsi’s narrative is the same line the Islamist MCB takes…a rather paradoxical approach to integration…if you want Muslims to integrate they must be allowed to form their own unique and separate societies in which they can practice their beliefs unhindered by local laws and social norms….a parallel society…a mini-Pakistan, or several mini-Pakistans, within Britain.
And she had some pretty rum bedfellows working alongside her.
The BBC however doesn’t make mention of any of the doubts about her loyalties and her dubious contacts. The BBC is more concerned with airing her attack on the Government for its measured approach to Gaza….
Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi has resigned from the government, saying its policy on the crisis in Gaza is “morally indefensible”
One interesting phrase from Warsi is this:
Lady Warsi’s resignation letter says government policy is “morally indefensible, is not in Britain’s national interest and will have a long term effect on our reputation internationally and domestically”.
It’s that ‘domestically’ we should be concerned about. Is she threatening us with yet more ‘outraged’ Muslims angry at ‘our’ foreign policy? That after all is the justification, so often supported by the BBC, for Islamist terror attempts.
Just why do Muslims get so ‘angry’ about Gaza and yet, like Warsi herself, turn a blind eye to the same or worse in Muslim countries?
Why has Warsi not resigned over the government’s handling of Syria or its failure to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Middle East?
It seems Muslim Warsi is only concerned with Muslim suffering when caused by Israelis.
It seems that the BBC refuses to go down that road and challenge her on her views and loyalties.
It’s not as if the questions haven’t been asked many, many times……
‘Hopeless’ Warsi ‘resisting’ David Cameron’s fight against extremism
Baroness Warsi and the demons of hate
Baroness Warsi and the OIC
Baroness Warsi was over-promoted, incapable and incompetent
Wee Kirsty called this a “hammer blow” to Camerons excuse for a Government(Newsnight 5/8/14).
Clearly the BBC bubble have no idea what a rocket, a hammer blow or anything approaching proper warfare or violence means..it`s as if Gaza never happened.
Maybe it`s a Hamas blow…they`l;l be needing yet another stooge or cipher for their aims now.
As if the BBC doesn`t have a few thousand of those…pity we can`t fire them as well as Hamas does with its rockets.
I think this was a hammer blow for Kirsty Squawks career for being taken as a serious ”journalist.”
A Christian man in Syria recently had his head brutally hacked off by Islamic militants after being forced to deny his faith and salute Mohammed as “the messenger of God”.
She was given a political role because she ticked all the political boxes. Unelected though.
The Conservatives will without doubt lose the next election.
Calvin Mackenzie has predicted this.
The field is wide open?
That worked out well, didn’t it ?
Beeboids’ continuum of political support seems to extend from Islamic Hamas to Islamic Warsi.
Is Warsi’s commitment to the OIC the political icing on the cake for Beeboids, given OIC’s global campaign to ban criticism of Islam?
Beeboids self-censor on OIC’s proclivity to ban all criticism of Islam.
‘Jihadwatch’ doesn’t:-
For some reason R4 Today called her Britain’s ‘most prominent’ Muslim politician – which is debatable. Did they want to big up the event and imply she’s Britain’s most senior Muslim politician? She’s no longer in the Cabinet and has been eclipsed by the admirable and capable Sajiv Javid as Britain’s senior Muslim poltico.
I don’t dislike Warsi, and she did speak out against the religious persecution of Christians which few politicians do. She is not the only Tory concerned about Gaza. But I suspect the BBC was trying to inflate this story out of proportion.
Dave the Tosser is a vacuous PR spiv who has no political beliefs or principles. The only reasons he wanted Warsi in the Cabinet was because she was a Muslim woman. It was always a cynical tick box exercise, and now the ungrateful token Muslim woman has kicked him in the teeth. She is a disloyal waste of space, and he is a pathetic follower, not a leader. It could not have happened to two better people. Shame this shower are our government, but you can’t have everything.
this woman has shown how sectarian she is by backing the palestinian cause for the simple reason they are fellow muslims,why has she not spoke out against the slaughter of christians in iraq by this nazi isis lot,why has she not spoke out against the kidnnaping and forced conversion of these 300 nigerian christian schoolgirls by these paedo islamic boko haram grinning sickos,why has she not spoke out against the slaughter of christians in syria by these devils of al qaeda,i could go on with further examples,why does this woman not care about the suffering of christians,why mrs warsi i ask you.
I like the cowardly way she waited until Cameron had left to go on holiday before she was suddenly overcome by her loudly claimed attack of sudden morality or hadn’t she noticed the constant stream of propaganda being poured out by the BBC for the last couple of weeks. .
Yes, she waited until DC was away and she also waited until the Israelis started withdrawing!
WORST of all this waste of space has the same title as the late great Lady Thatcher and for that alone Cameron cannot be forgiven.
I’m not going to tell you I told you so, but this is what happens when you give Third Worlders key positions in government !!
She was born in Yorkshire.
Mind you, having grown up there, you’re probably right whichever way one looks at it.
Jesus was born in a stable, it doesn’t etc etc…
Now imagine the situation where Camerons liberal dream has come to pass and we have a Muslim Prime Minister. I have no doubt that he (Because it’s never going to be a she) will be looking to send the army in.
These wealthy nutters need to be prevented from entering Parliament, and one of the best ways is the abolition of ‘internships’ where only the very wealthy can take a London centre role for at least two years unpaid, and then a 5 year stint at wages not sufficient to cover basic expenses.
Of course another solution would be to move the UK parliament out of London which might be the only viable solution.
“Of course another solution would be to move the UK parliament out of London which might be the only viable solution.”
The way things are going, it would probably move to Luton or Bradford.
Salford Quays may be vacant soon (high hopes), the BBC could then move to Brussels or Qatar to be nearer their media ‘sponsors’.
Do the Conservatives have a policy? What is it?
Yes, to follow UKIP -Boris is nearly there .
Will Cameron now feel obliged to appoint a new muslim and/or woman and/or ethnic minority to replace her? If so who?
Should that be the case he could trump the ‘community’ by appointing a Sikh or Hindu. As a general rule they are loyal to Britain, honest, entrepreneurial and hard working. Above all their skins tend to be darker and who could say a word in opposition?
I could not agree more. If he has to go for ‘tokenism’ again, he should at least make sure he chooses someone who genuinely wants to be British in Britain, whatever his or her colour. At least we would feel safer in our beds.
Have a lot of time for Hindus and have had quite a few Hindu friends down the years even though I have lost touch with them all.
Wouldn’t bother me at all if one was promoted to a position in Government but would prefer it to be on merit rather than tokenism. Although saying that ALL politicians are complete failures at everything they do so tokenism or not I don’t see how they could be any worse than our current establishment (that the BBC is a full member of)
Muslim are now attacking Hindus in India (not reported on the BBC). Future trouble for our peaceful Hindu Indian Community in London and elsewhere…
Quite frankly I cannot see any difference between Warsi, Cameron, and the BBC’s support for Islam.
deegee says:
August 6, 2014 at 8:45 am
Good point. Hindus and Sikhs have made a huge contribution to this country but seem to get overlooked in favour of the RoP, especially by the BBC. They get sidelined because of the admirable traits you have listed – in other words they are not a threat. The only time I ever recall British Sikhs collectively hitting the headlines due to breaking the law was in the 70s when they refused to wear crash helmets. They didn’t make any threats of violence, blow anyone up or riot; merely a dignified campaign of not wearing a crash helmet instead of a turban. How very British.
and the Sikhs had a genuine religious reason for their wish to keep their turbans – a peaceful desire that did not impact the rest of us adversely.
In my experience Hindus and Sikhs tend not to play the racism card very much either. They probably don’t have to as they seem to get where they want to be through their own efforts.
Mrs Bangernofski is Sikh. Born here and puts England first. We’ve been together 30 years. Only racial abuse from Muslims in Regents Park in the 1980s who commented on my colour or lack of. It is good to be bi-lingual. Child in Army. We vote UKIP. Live happily in sticks away from liberal mess of a metropolis. BBC just wouldn’t get it. Warsi should be done for treason.
And fortunately, many of us older Brits feel a great deal of gratitude for the service that you and your forefathers gave to our country. I suspect that those who are younger have little or no idea of this part of our joint history – after all, it doesn’t really fit the BBC agenda, and it certainly won’t turn up in a school history lesson.
I think Mr Jones (above, quoting deegee) is right – if you are not perceived as a threat, the BBC will ignore you.
Rightly or wrongly this is a big story. Despite Warsi being an ambitious lightweight she ticks some boxes for the government. The biggest box is, of course, the Muslim vote. Unfortunately for the “Conservatives” Miliband has already put Labour solidly in the anti-Israel and, as it happens, anti-Jewish, camp; the Libdems are already there.
The Muslim and third world constituency here will never vote Conservative wrongly considering that CINOs are anti-immigrant. They might vote LibDem occasionally but, in reality, Labour has their vote sewn up. Now we see why the doors to immigration from the sub-continet were sealed open by Labour. Moreover this explains Labour’s relaxed reaction to the possibility of Scottish independence: the solid Scottish Labour vote will be (more than) replaced by the ethnic vote in England.
Warsi might have been a sop to that constituency but that kind of kidology was never effective. Now Gaza has separated the men from the boys: if you’re pro-Israel or even vaguely equivocal you’re an “islamophobe” and probably “racist”. So, in reality, Warsi has cost the Conservatives very few votes since the Muslim/immigrant collective vote as noted here is Labour’s. Of course, Cameron is on uncertain ground here since the BBC and the paper press are demonising Israel for defending itself. Since Cameron has the backbone of an earthworm he’ll be wearing (metaphorically if not actually) the “free Palestine” wristband as soon as one can be got to him.
Of course, this only demonstrates that Israel is fighting our battle. It’s in our interest that Israel , not just survives, but defeats Hamas. After all, who will be next if and when Israel goes down? This is not an argument which appeals to BBC commentators and is thus never mentioned. In fact, so potent is the argument that, like AGW scepticism, it is actually unmentionable and, in the paper press, largely unprintable
“Of course, this only demonstrates that Israel is fighting our battle. It’s in our interest that Israel , not just survives, but defeats Hamas.”
An interesting take on a complex situation. One of the largest omissions the BBC has made in my opinion is not contextualising the current conflict in the broader sense and thereby giving credence to both anti-islamic and anti-semitic extreme viewpoints rather than addressing actual causal issues.
Israels illegal occupations, annexations, territorial claims and resultant oppressions have given rise to militant resistance much the same as it did in our own Northern Ireland situation. People who have access to basic human needs..ie, Food, shelter, access to work etc don’t tend to revolt.
Rockets don’t get fired into israel from Egypt because Israel, via a process of negotiation gave back what it took and made peace with Egypt. Rockets don’t get fired into Israel from Jordan because, via a process of negotiation a peace accord was struck between Jordan and Israel.
Israel is here to stay but it is necessary for Israel to make peace with its neighbours by relinquishing its occupied territories, dropping its illegal claims on territory and abandoning its illegal settlements. Colonialism doesn’t work any more and we should be the first to know that.
We should also be the first to know that sustained military campaigns against “terrorists” don’t produce solutions, contrary to what one commentator here said, the Provisonal IRA were never militarily defeated, despite government protestations to the contrary, we talked to them and eventually, nominally at least reached a solution.
Although I was never a great fan, Baroness Warsi is being misrepresented here as a pure Muslim mouthpiece, she wasn’t, there was far more to her than that.
Well said Umbongo. ‘Hear hear’ as they say in parliament. You get my vote. Israel must survive, it has every right to protect itself and defeat Hamas or we all go into an abyss of uncertainty. We live in uncertain times for sure.
Face palm Alan, face palm. Sometimes you outdo yourself.
facepalm is something 11 year olds say…and liking your own comment is pathetic
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“For years, people have been saying that Baroness Warsi needs to be put out to pasture”
[Inc Cartoon]