The BBC gave Ed Miliband plenty of coverage for his criticism of Cameron over Gaza… far they don’t give similar coverage to his remarkable silence on IS and events in Iraq as his new found friend, Obama, starts bombing the Islamists.
Presumably Miliband is hunkered down with his wonks working out Labour’s ‘position’. Got to be kind of difficult after turning a blind eye to Syria and cosying up to the Islamists of Hamas.
Still, whatever he comes up with he can probably rely on the BBC to spin it his way…they did after all hide the video footage of Syrian atrocities until after the vote on Syria.
yes where is wally,where is clegg,where is galloway,where is all the left and these labour and liberal politicians when it comes to this nazi genocide of the christians in iraq by the nazi head cutting ,baby killing,torturing,mass murdering isis islamist.muslim terrorists,why is wally who wants to be the future leader of this country so silent over this genocide of the christians in iraq,can you answer that ed miilband and your socalist chums.
No, they can’t, and that’s why they stay silent.
Why so loud over Gaza, yet silent over anywhere that MUSLIMS are the more powerful force?
Answers on a postcard to:
We don’t care, unless Israel is winning.
P.O. Box We don’t give a fuck, unless Israel is winning.
Londonistan (Ar-Ak-Islam, Dhimmitude)
Islamic Republic of Ar-Al-England (Remove St. Georges cross please)
The Caliphate.
Well, Galloway was skewered in the week wasn’t he? A video of him expressing his desire for Bradford to be an Israeli free zone appeared on YouTube. Personally, I’d prefer it, and all other British cities for that matter, to be Islam free zones.
Funny how those supporters of Palestine are so quiet over the plight of the Yazidis and Christians in Iraq at the hands of Muslim terrorists. Not a peep out of them there.
Then again, I’m still waiting for Miliband to explain how a man who claims he wants to be the UK’s first Jewish PM, could allow himself to be photographed attempting to eat a bacon muffin. Last I heard, bacon was not Kosher.
Last I heard, atheist socialists were not Jewish either.
Since the so called Arab spring, the Christian population in the Middle East have undergone attacks that could only be described ethnic makes you pine for the days of gaddaffi and sadam who protected these people
I remember an interview that General Norman Schwarzkopf gave in the months after the first Gulf War. The journalist asked him why he hadn’t pressed on into Baghdad and taken Hussein out of power. He replied that there were two reasons. First, he had no mandate from the United Nations. And second, if he had removed Hussein, it would have turned Iraq into a rat run, and destabilised then entire middle east. He was not wrong.
The usual suspects march in unison against Israel. Abuse, demands for retributionand an absolute refusal to even look at the case against Hamas.
There is no case so they say.
The genocide unfolding in Iraq is different. Things need to be understood. Positions clarified and stands taken. Meetings to be held and press releases thought out.
The liberal is contemptible. The refusal to look at reality is also fightening. These people are in power and responsible for the fate of millions and the future of my grandchildren.
They need to be driven from power and influence in this land and in any decent land of the West.
WE need new men and women .
Is this a UK issue? The world site leads with Baroness (for life?) Warsi and her claim that the Conservative party will not win the next election unless it does more to attract ethnic minority voters. Nothing at all about Milliband.
If the parties did something about voter fraud perhaps the ethnics vote wouldn’t be so important and they could resume their intended purpose of doing things that are good for the indigenous population.
Alan the BBC will be furious…how did you get his xray picture ??
That is not an X-Ray of RedEd. For a start, the brain is too big and, it’s in the wrong location ;o)