Bored with the BBC’s ‘The Honourable Woman’ and looking for something more credible and inventive I settled for Jonathan Creek, episode 1 of the first series.
23 minutes in and we are given instructions on how to hack phone messages.
That was in 1997.
So why the outrage at Murdoch?
The War on Rupert Murdoch is the Real Story of the Hacking Saga.
If you read [Nick] Davies’ piece you are left with the impression that he – and perhaps his paper – hate two things above all: tabloid journalism and the influence wielded by Murdoch’s newspapers….the real scandal, at least according to The Guardian, is that Murdoch’s papers still exist and that, generally speaking and most of the time, they promulgate a right-of-centre view of the world and support the Conservative party.
Power. It’s always about power.
After all, consider this…of a possible 1600 names on a hacking ‘to do’ list….800 or so could have been hacked by the left wing Mirror….
The list of victims has been drawn up based on data from a PalmPilot digital device seized by police from Dan Evans, a former NoW and Sunday Mirror reporter.
Several sources have told the BBC the PalmPilot contained up to 800 names, while a separate list of names given to Evans by a senior NoW journalist contained a further 800 names.
The BBC understands around half of the 800 names on a contact list on the PalmPilot could have had their phones hacked while Evans was at the Sunday Mirror.
Where’s the ‘outrage’?
It has always been about control of the message for the BBC and their liberal left establishment( LLE) fellow travelers. The BBC will go to any lengths to ensure that it controls what the British public see and hear and that means it must oppose any other media group that threatens that near monopoly. Hacking was just a convenient vehicle to attack Murdoch and stop the take over of BSB. The BBC said the British Public ( BP) should be outraged by hacking, so the BP was outraged, in just the same way as the BP are being conned by the BBC at the behest of the LLE, into believing mass immigration, massive public spending , wind farms are good for them and that there have been enormous cuts in public expenditure that have done great harm, when in fact the cuts have been very small beer.
Basically the BBC have enormous control over what the BP think and do and they use that to ruthlessly pursue a leftist agenda which is why the corporation is so damaging to democracy in this country. Governments can only operate with the approval of the BBC . This is fine for Labour of course, but the Tories face the BBC creating huge public opposition whenever they seek to do something which the BBC does not approve of.Why the Tories haven’t dealt with the BBC is beyond me. Every time they baulk at taking on the corporation the monster grows. If they win the next GE they must have dealing with the BBC at the top of their agenda if they want to govern without its consent.