Here’s some context to the immigration ‘debate’…..what will uncontrolled immigration and an open borders policy bring us? What indeed has it brought us?
If we’d been able to select who to let into this country perhaps such an attack would never have happened.
Politicians and the media who support mass immigration are to blame for such crimes.
The future…..a prediction from 2006:
2012 to 2018 is the period when the current global power structure is likely to crumble…Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.
Adaptive adversaries will seek to utilise the media and the opponent’s political system to their advantage. States will increasingly sponsor proxies, seeking to exploit gaps in the international system while minimising state-on-state risks.
Thanks to ChrisH for reminding us of this 2006 prediction of what the future would bring us:
The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036
Here is the Daily Mail report:
Britain faces mass migration, warns Admiral
Last updated at 10:33 12 June 2006
Britain and Europe face being overrun by mass migration from the Third World within 30 years, a senior Royal Navy strategist claimed yesterday.
In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry forecast ‘reverse colonisation’, where migrants become more dominant than their hosts.
He said the seeds of the problem were spiralling population growth and environmental destruction.
In the competition for resources, many would flee their homelands and head en masse for better places such as Britain.
The Internet, cheap foreign travel and free international phone calls would hasten the demise, he said, because new migrants would stay connected with their homelands rather than assimilate into the host country’s culture.
His prognosis is that Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.
And he said the process could start within ten years with African pirates attacking yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean.
Admiral Parry is head of the Ministry of Defence unit tasked with identifying future threats to Britain’s security.
He said: ‘Globalisation makes assimilation seem redundant and old-fashioned.
‘The process acts as a sort of reverse colonisation, where groups of people are self-contained, going back and forth between their countries, exploiting sophisticated networks and using instant communication on phones and the Internet.’
Admiral Parry, 52, an Oxford graduate who was mentioned in dispatches in the Falklands War, warned in a presentation last week that the world was heading for a cataclysmic security breakdown.
Although it would start in the Third World, the instability would seep into the West via the Mediterranean.
‘At some time in the next ten years it may not be safe to sail a yacht between Gibraltar and Malta,’ he warned.
He predicted that as flood, water shortages, agricultural decline or starvation strike, the most dangerous zones would be Africa, especially the northern half, and the Middle East and central Asia.
The flashpoints would also be regions affected by radical Islam.
With rural areas of Third World countries falling into ruin, millions would be forced into towns and cities, with the result that large metropolises such as Mexico City face becoming ungovernable.
In an effort to control population growth, some countries might be tempted to copy China’s ‘one child’ policy, but with the widespread preference for male children this would produce a ratio of boys to girls as much as 150 to 100.
‘When you combine the lower prospects for communal life with macho youth and economic deprivation you tend to get trouble, typified by gangs and organised criminal activity,’ he said.
He pinpointed 2012 to 2018 as the period when the current global power structure was likely to crumble, with the United States’s superpower status challenged by the rise of nations such as China, India, Brazil and Iran.
Admiral Parry, whose slogan was ‘old dog, new tricks’ when he commanded the attack ship HMS Fearless, delivered his vision in the presentation to senior officers at the Royal United Services Institute in London.
He did not claim all the threats would come true, but warned what was likely to happen if problems were not addressed by politicians.
Lord Boyce, a former Chief of Defence Staff, said of the analysis: ‘Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead.
‘The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the Government.’
A later report continues the good news:
Ideological conflicts are likely to occur and extremist groups may use violence to achieve political objectives. There may be a resurgence of anti-capitalist ideologies, such as Marxism. Diaspora communities are likely to increase in size and influence and many will bring economic benefits to their host states. However, those that fail to integrate are likely to remain reservoirs for resentment. Some of these groups are likely to become involved in ideologically driven conflicts, and may act as proxies for other states.
The BBC’s coverage of immigration is simplistic and naive….it is shaped purely to present their own belief that immigration is beneficial to the UK in a positive light and seeks to downplay any problems that immigrants import with themselves.
Such simplistic coverage merely stores up enormous problems for the future….and that future is already here with terrorism, ‘Trojan Horses’ and crime. It can only get worse as certain communities grow but do not integrate and continue to connect more with their own communities and cultures abroad than with the indigenous one.
Not to recognise these problems, sweeping them under the carpet so as not to upset that famous ‘community cohesion’ only serves to undermine that very cohesion by allowing communities to live completely separate, parallel lives whilst they seek to gain political and social power to influence events and policies to suit their own values and beliefs using human rights legislation, manipulating diversity law and exploit the Left’s multi-cultural, anti-white/British guilt complex to give themselves undue advantage.
The BBC and those politicians who opened the borders have a lot to answer for.
And thanks to you Alan for getting the original publication.
I only saw the Sunday Times reporting of the Parry presentation, whilst waiting for the World Cup game whilst idling my time in a Winchester pub one Sunday in June 2006.
So incongruous…and we have no excuse do we?
Thank God for the Internet-the BBC were happy to see Parry sacked from some ISIS(Independent Schools Information Service…irony huh?) job , for daring to say something “judgemental” about sex, school sports and the State sector.
But his article in June 2006 makes him a prophet in my book…which matches The Book to an alarming degree these days.
Here is the Church of England hosting an event supporting Hamas and other Islamic terrorists despite them butchering and slaughtering Christians on a massive scale throughout the Middle East.
Ironically it has to take an Arab to speak out against it. Hold your head in shame Mr. Cameron.
I hope the good people in the church were not eating pork but stuffing their faces with halal food.
Good guy
Liberals want to quit international conventions to limit Muslim immigration”
“Islamic State: ‘We Will Take Spain Back’”
Sunday Telegraph today (17/Aug). Front page ‘News’; Cameron has finally realised the ‘threat’ of ISIS terrorists we have encamped on our doorstep (courtesy of the BBC and Labour) we will have war for a ‘generation’ on UK soil, Cameron stated. Rather late we think and perhaps blindingly obvious to the rest of us. This fits in well with another Telegraph report highlighting Cherie Blair’s private wealth (p7) @ £1000 an hour (Arabic states only need apply) excludes Tony’s London property portfolio £100 mill net worth (estimated). And then swiftly moving on to another disgraced Labour PM; Gordon Browns ‘charities’ (that are not at all ‘charitable’ but are tax free ‘Trojan Horses’). The Charity Commission (p12) is investigating half of all charities created during Labours glorious Blair / Gordon Brown premierships. Incredibly(!) found to be acting as Labour ‘support groups’ for Labour activists such as the IPPR (Institute Public Policy Research) designed to oppose any changes to ‘public state benefits’ et al. Also reported (same article) is clear evidence of a ‘swing door’ between Labour and certain well known charities which are coincidentally ‘chaired’ by none other than 11 of the 25 of Gordon Browns closest special advisors! (No surprise there that Gordon Brown established thousands of Labour directed charities when he hired ex BBC ‘World Service’ man (Andrew Hind) who buggered up the Charity Commission regulations in secret (a Treasonable act in itself). This echoes the shady practices of the BBC recruitment of laying people off only to be immediately reemployed at a higher pay scale (reported here some months ago). The BBC are then called on to add ‘weight’ to these same Labour activist groups which then are found, ‘dominating the BBC programs and usually articulating a Left-wing vision which is neither affordable nor deliverable…’ stated Mr Chris Grayling, Justice Secretary. Other groups mentioned here are ‘UK Uncut’ and ‘Socialist Workers’ campaigns that hide behind a thin veneer of neutrality’ – an abuse of fund raising for clearly ‘political purposes’ (banned under Charity Regulations in 2010) are now under Charity Commission investigations. (p12). In the last Telegraph article (p24) an Obituary tribute – (worth a post in itself) as it concerns both BBC and Mi5 (which confirms what we already know here), that the BBC was already ‘under suspicion’ of Trotsky infiltration and that it was monitored until 1988 when it suddenly stopped. This coincides with Labour ‘landslide’ winning the general election in 1987. Just a coincidence that Mi5’s Brigadier Ronnie Stonham was about to report on BBC ‘vetting’ procedures when ‘The Observer ‘broke’ his cover in 1985 – making his recommendations less credible but included recommendations that were then implemented for (1) War time contingency plans and (2) External Services i.e. World Service (now both containing highly biased BBC reports). If Cameron is right in any future ‘war’ we will have to assume the BBC has it’s own wartime ‘contingency plans’ in the war about to unfold on the streets of Britain.
“Jean Raspail, author of ‘Camp of the Saints’:-
“Our civilisation is disappearing”
(Oct 2013.)