On Friday Dominic Laurie was talking to the Bishop of Baghdad about the ISIS crisis (12:42)
Laurie unwittingly revealed all that informs the BBC mindset when dealing with Islam and its sword waving followers……He stated that…
‘This isn’t though a battle between Christianity and hardcore Islam is it, because there are other areas of the Muslim faith, other peoples who are also Muslims, who are also being persecuted…it’s complicated…and it’s just as well really isn’t it?’
Yes…how wonderfully multi-cultural.
Laurie’s last comment gives the game away…it’s just as well other Muslims are being persecuted as well as Christians.…why is it ‘just as well’?…..because otherwise we might think ‘Islam’ had launched a war against all non-Muslims….and that would be difficult with 3 million Muslims in this country.
The problem for the BBC, and what they don’t really want to emphasise, is that those so called ‘other Muslims’ are not considered to be Muslim by the Sunnis.
There is no Muslim civil war between Sunni and Shia…..just Islam against non-Islam….the Shia are not considered Muslim.
An uncomfortable truth, but a truth none the less.
What is happening in the Middle East right now is an echo from the past when 1400 years ago when Islam first swept across the world….it is history come to life in a full colour, bloody, action replay.
The Roman and Persian empires were exhausted and unable to withstand the small but violent attacks by Muhammed and his followers who quickly established their own dominance…just as an apathetic America and broken Arab states failed to stem the tide of ISIS…….and if you think the murderous violence of ISIS shouldn’t be compared to Muhammed’s rampaging conquests think again…Muhammed slaughtered all the men of the Banu Qurayza and enslaved their women and children just as ISIS did to the Yazidis.
Historian Tom Holland writes in the Sunday Times:
The ghastly images posted by ISIS on social media have shocked the world but to the perpetrators their act is a symbol of conquest practised for millenia across the Middle East – and one sanctioned by the Koran.
“We went to meet our enemies with small abilities and weak forces,”as one medieval scholar put it, “and God made us triumph and gave us possession of their lands.”
Now after a year in which they have routed forces many times their size, conquered a swathe of territory larger than Britain and grown flush with gold and oil, the fighters of the Islamic State can justifiably make the same boast.
Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian admits ISIS are a blast from the past…but in true Guardian fashion dodges the truth and tries to equate them with European Barons and not Muhammed:
The state structures of both Iraq and Syria have all but collapsed. The result is a power vacuum of a kind that would have been recognised in the lawless Europe of seven or eight centuries ago – and which IS has exploited with the ruthless discipline of those long ago baronial warlords who turned themselves into European princes.
The BBC tries to dodge that question completely, preferring instead, in true BBC fashion, to tell us how wonderful medieval Islam was and how horrible Christian Europe was:
Isis and what it means to be modern
When you see the leader of Isis, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, in Mosul announcing the creation of a caliphate – an Islamic state ruled by a religious leader – it’s easy to think that what you’re watching is a march back into the past.
There’s actually little in common between the horribly repressive regime it has established in parts of Iraq and Syria and the subtle Islamic states of mediaeval times, which in Spain, for example, exercised a degree of tolerance at a time when the rest of Europe was wracked by persecution.
Damian Thompson in the Spectator said:
‘This point can’t be stressed too often — our leaders know next to nothing about world religions, including those whose adherents have arrived on their doorstep. They’d better start learning, fast.’
The black flag of ISIS is flying in London
When historians look back on Europe in this era, they will rub their eyes in disbelief. ISIS is carrying out actual genocide, ethnic and religious cleansing on the people of Syria and Iraq. Their exact ideological soul-mates in Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda are doing everything they can to set light to the same region. Right now the western states are finally talking of intervening in Iraq to stop ISIS wiping out the ancient Yazidi and Christians communities of Iraq. Yet we do nothing to stop the same murderous ideology thriving here.
Instead another pattern is set. When we see this disgusting ideology at work, as we have done for the last month, much of Europe turns its hatred onto the Saturday people for defending themselves. Israel continues to defend itself. And we may do something to hold back ISIS in Iraq. But what will we do in our societies when we finally realise that behind the flag of Hamas is the black flag of jihad, and that after failing to stand up for the Saturday people there will be fewer people left to stand up for the Sunday people?
Most importantly, what will we do when we wake up to the fact that, far from being in some neighbouring or far-flung country, we have allowed the enemy to plant itself deep inside our own countries?
The BBC had better start learning fast about religion and stop thinking how wonderfully multi-cultural it is that ISIS are so diverse in their killing spree, not just Christians but ‘other Muslims’ too.
Because it isn’t true. They kill those they consider non-Muslims.
And their ideology is no different to that spread far and wide by Saudi Arabia into many countries around the world, including Britain….funding Mosques, universities, schools and Islamic centres that are intended to spread the message and capture new devotees.
they seperate women from men,they carry out mass murders,they behead babys,mass rape women,torture and butcher the innocents,you could of been forgiven i was talking about the nazis in world war 2,be in no doubt isis would of fit in nicely in hitlers waffen ss divisions in world war2,isis are nazis,those who suport then are nazis,those who fight with then are nazis,isis 2014 are the heirs to modern day nazism fightiing in the of islamism and the koran,they must be destroyed and wiped of the face of the earth and shown no mercy.
There seems to be a difference. The vile SS kept it’s deeds dark. Isis does not care who knows. Terror used as a weapon.
I have long feared what is coming which is why I favour separationism.
That is the complete and total disconnection from the ME and it’s horrors. No tourism. No trade ( this will hurt the West but is survivable. ) Minimal diplomatic contact.
Closed frontiers and that means closed. Our armed forces to stay well clear unless ,and this is vital, we are attacked and then use our military strength .
A realignment of the world.
Probably the end of the United Nations.
Will it happen ?
No. But it is a possible future that means the West will survive for some more generations.
You cannot negotiate with the spirit that impels ISis. You cannot reason with it. Isis has the truth ,as they see it , and will not betray that truth. This we need to understand before it is too late.
You are aware that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem organised a regiment of Muslims to fight for the Nazis?
I read somewhere that Yassar Arrafat was the Grand Mufti’s nephew. It runs in the family
Two regiments. The Arab regiment (Arabisches Freiheitkorps) was essentially wiped out on the Russian Front. The Bosnian SS (13th SS Handzar Division) had mostly deserted by 1945.
The above two articles are from 1994(yes, 1994!) and 2006!
The prophest have long spoken…but all we`ve been allowed to get from the liberal media whores is Carole Caplin and Katy Perry.
Read them and weep-I`ve quoted the second one a few times, but Kaplans piece comes having read Dominic Sandbrook refer to it in his article in the Mail yesterday.
There`s still a few good men who have not yet bent the knee to Baal…but the BBC sure as hell won`t be telling you.
Ta for the Holland tip Alan…he`s another one we can trust.
We need to bring an immediate halt to immigration from countries where Islamic extremism flourishes. At the same time ruthless measures are needed to sort out the jihadists and incubators of extremism in this country – mosques, universities etc. – plus its appeasers, including the BBC and Guardian.
Unless we eliminate this threat now it will be too late.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
or, as Edmund Burke put it – all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent.
They finally got around to the IS issue on the Five Live phone-in on… Wednesday, if memory serves. The odious Burden in the chair, but following the same line and message as Campbell to a ‘t’.
It is interesting hearing just how straight a bat they play until a certain grouping are perceived to have been slighted. You might expect a journalistic enterprise to have a degree of even-handedness, but, this is Five Live, which in any other country would be under investigation for services to terrorism.
After the ranting, psychotic, pissed up Glaswegian Marxist, a phone-in staple as fixed as the travel report, a chap came on to say that we should not expect Muslims to have the same democratic beliefs as we in the West (Burden purrs in approval) because they are uneducated, at which point the Kraken awoke, as she leapt to the defence of the BBCs favoured protected species. There then followed a forty-five second mini-tirade from Rugby Bore as she set the record straight for we mere plebs. Copybook blotted the miscreant was telephonically ushered off stage right, stage left being fully populated by the production team.
All and any vestige of journalistic probity extinguished she left for a camping holiday in what she described as the West Country, presumably nearer Devon than Gaza, but who can really tell?