Durham Police “commissioner” spoken to this morning, by “Today”. He doesn’t want to prosecute “first offenders” for theft from shops, but to sit them down and “engage” with them, hoping for them to realise the erring of their ways, desist from their normal, thieving way of life and promise to do better, or give the requisite correct answers – then they won’t be prosecuted, or given a verbal warning, but encouraged to return to their ‘normal’ way of life of stealing from every shop they possibly can being good citizens.
For ‘first offender’, you may read “unfortunate/careless first time apprehension, after years of nicking”.
Incidentally, the man’s accent caused me to wonder about his reference to “Lawn Sharks”, whilst casually glancing over my grass for any aggressive, fishy visitors…
So Lord Hall-Hall reviews Cliff coverage and finds no fault by BBC. And the Newsnight broadcast of a laughing Jihadist is “informative” and therefore justified. Are these people serious? The BBC must have a death wish.
Getting it about right of the BBC, by the BBC, for the BBC.
Perish the thought. Except, all should realise that no one is bigger than the BBC ((c) Cohen. D).
Unaccountable megalomaniac media monopolies… what’s not to like?
It would still be interesting to see how the BBC would fare if their funding was not compelled and every aspect of their operation secret, internal and exempted from challenge.
At least you are not compelled by criminal law to fund Murdoch, and when it comes to Morals and ethics, The BBC make Murdoch look saint-like.
When News International was caught bang-to-rights in the “listening to celebraties unsecured answerphone messages” scandal in which News international used mostly self-employed freelance journalists who had been doing this for a few years, Murdoch closed News of the World. Need it be noted that several other major newspapers did this aswell and We all saw Piers Morgan commit purjury on TV lying about the Mirror’s involvement.
When the BBC was cought bang-to-rights harbouring and covering up for a number of vile predatory paedophiles, employed by the BBC and who conducted their vile child abusing activity on BBC premises, for five decades.
… The BBC’s response was to falsely slander an elderly retired tory MP.
For all Murdoch’s many faults. The BBC’s ethics and lack of integrity make him look like an angel!
The NotW didn’t close out of some worthy principle, it was a blatant pr stunt! They just renamed it the Sun on Sunday.
Did you see their performance before the Select Committee?!
If the BBC was banged to rights as you say, you should have no problem proving evidence of that?
Lol evidence ? they refuse all F.O.I. requests or they lawyer up and spend hundreds of thousands keeping their internal paper work out of public hands [who fund their internal paperwork ] but you love that because it means you can remain blind deaf and dumb and it only costs you £145 a year !
Numerous BBC staff have admitted that “everyone knew” what Savile was doing in his Caravan in the BBC car park. The BBC knew and covered it up, even to the extent of trying to cancel an expose on his vile activities, in order to show a tribute documentary to him instead. The BBC paid him, the BBC gave him places to abuse kids and the BBC knew what he was doing.
Bang to rights!
Murdoch closed the News of the World sacking the staff. He he did not merely rename it “the Sun on Sunday” That is a lie that lefty idiots tell themselves to reinforce their mass delusion that Murdoch is bad and the BBC is good.
The BBC is a lying steaming pile of crap that is wilfully misinforming the public everyday in order to pursue a lefty liberal progressive agenda on everything from the EU, lying about the causes of climate changes, immigration, Islam, multiculturalism…
If that agenda was not so brutally dangerous, it would be hillarious. Only yesterday the report into over 1400 white kids who were brutally gang raped under the noses of those who were paid a fortune to protect them, but failed because they are brainwashed by a cult-like devotion to a liberal left, politically correct multicultural agenda, where we now are expected to sacrifice our own children to the immigrants like some sort of ancient freakish Deity devotion.
Two fathers who went to retreive their own daughters from houses where these very young white girls were being gang raped, were arrested instead by the politically correct police. Why? Since the Lawrence Inquiry falsely labelled all the police as institutionally racist, officers were pressured by endless diversity training that ethnic people should not be pursued. Another reason, was because of the threat of Islamic extremist terrorism, the police were told by community leaders to back off from investigation lower-levels of crime committed by the Islamic community, including their “grooming” of white or Hindu children, or else they would stop cooperating with the police regarding terrorism investigations.
Either way, the BBC and the politically correct agenda it pushes with relentless zeal are a very large part of the responsible party for the sinister PC attitudes which permeated the entire state sector leading to them refusing to even investigate very serious crimes if it put them in conflict with that PC agenda! It is that PC agenda which ensured that far more children were abused than would have been IF the police, social services, child protection had not been poluted with a PC agenda and had done their jobs and protected those vulnerable young girls.
Yes I blame the BBC, as they have reported with gleeful zeal every report they can find on racism from white people, and the devastating effect such attacks have on the immigrant community, whilst refusing to report the greater number of cases from ethnic communities attacking and even murdering white victims. The relatives of such victims are ignored, or labelled racist if they speak out. They do not get supported into a seat in the House of Lords. Their deification of Lawrance and his mum, whilst ignoring every other case of racist abuse from ethnic communities against whites is so over the top to be sickening.
It is this PC attitude which was enforced throughout the public sector which led to people in positions of high responsibility to wilfully refuse to protect these girls.
A public sector which is so badly run that catastrophic failure to do your job, leading to 1400 victims of brutal gang rape is not enough to get you fired, but so much as making a politically incorrect jokey comment will have you forced onto a diversity awareness course, ruin chances of promotion and a second such offence will see you hitting the unemployment line so fast that your head will spin!!!
Worse still, these 1400 victims are the tip of the iceburg. That is ONE council. This sort of Islamic abuse of white children is still happening the length and breadth of the country.
Why are the Politically Correct lobby still trying to excuse the race and religion of those responsible? The BBC are still saying only “Asian”, not Pakistani Muslims.
The reason those sick, racist, Islamic child rapists picked their victims was solely because those victims where white or not Islamic, and it is THEIR religion which teaches them that non-muslims are like cattle. Not human. As the Germans in the early 1940s called such people: Untermenchen.
That is how those racist Islamic child rapists could do what they did. In their minds they were not raping children. Their victims were not Islamic and so were not human!
That is where the vile PC liberal left agenda, as pushed relentlessly by the BBC, has got this society. Having to give up and sacrifice our own children on the alter of PC multiculturalism or face arrest if we refuse and the BBC has been relentless in pushing that vile, childhood destroying philosophy.
The BBC should be shut, closed, destroyed. I hate it and all the racist, paedophile abuse it is responsible for.
Compelled? I don’t feel compelled. I don’t have a television so don’t need a licence. When the letters come I shred them and feed them to the worms (yes, I have a wormery to recycle my food waste – deal with it!) If they come calling and ask if they can come in and have a look I politely say no, as they have no right to do so. If there’s something I really, really want to watch I watch it on my laptop, not plugged in to the mains (are you aware of this little loophole?) or watch it a little later on the appropriate website. I get my media stimulation from Radio 4 and Radio 3, which don’t require a licence and seem to me to represent pretty good value, always mindful of course that personal tastes vary.
But compelled? Nah! Representing the licence fee as some kind of poll tax, payable by everybody regardless, is a tad disingenuous.
Hence, in the spirit of not supporting that which you do not agree with, one is sure you have exercised your right to deny them money via subscription and/or ad revenue eyeballs?
Equally, the DM (not raised I concede, but goes to a broader point and best covered as well).
Or for all these are you one of those who decry readers whilst also being one? Bit bad form to weigh in on what has not been experienced.
On matters disingenuous, as you stoutly defend a BBC you don’t fund or watch, you deny there is any aspect of compulsion.
This is doubtless on the basis of only watching non-live broadcast from any service, which is a requirement to not risk fine or jail.
Not an option for those in the UK, and with moves afoot to apply it to any online-capable or service, or on residences subject to council tax, whether BBC services are desired or appreciated or not.
But of course you and I know all this, and with the weekend attrition beckoning, so the dance is set to commence again.
Before deciding to do so, a bit more comment on BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity (as below… don’t agree given how they opted to handle it was the key factor, but a valid view nonetheless, and one worth debating, if possibly manically) may persuade you are not just one of the attrition crew that comes onstream at this point to accuse others of things you are more guilty of.
Oh, and amongst the bits you picked up upon, a few were left out.
Are you saying the BBC is not secretive, keeps things internal and is exempted from challenge when those outside dare to hold them to account?
Unlike the Murdoch Empire, they are publicly-funded, so the rules are different but still very much apply, despite their ongoing attempts to steer clear.
Well, as I mentioned in another reply I quite legitimately don’t pay a fee for the BBC either, although in their case I do, also quite legitimately consume its products. I tend to read newspapers online these days with AdBlock turned on. It’s no good complaining about that; I’m self-aware enough to be impervious to advertising so its wasted on me.
For the record, I do believe that that licence fee as a means of funding a public service broadcaster has outlived its usefulness. If further evidence were needed, the Guardian was live-streaming the women’s cricket ODI from Scarborough on its website yesterday, presumably because the even wasn’t tangled up in rights issues, and that seemed to be running rings around the idea of licenced broadcasting. I believe that a public service broadcaster has been of great benefit and an undoubted asset to this country and to the world, and that it should continue to be so. A new method of funding should be sought and it should be carefully thought out. My inclination, and I know you won’t agree with me but that’s plurality for you, is to fund out of central taxation but I’m open to learning of other ways because even that is less than perfetc. What I don’t want to see is a system like PBS in the US which has to resort to periodic grovelling for donations. I don’t care much for subscriptions which might put some out of reach, nor of advertising which allows advertisers to manipulate content either by appealing to populism to maximise revenue or by buying the message. A public service broadcaster must be free to challenge, disconcert and deflate the powerful.
(yes, I have a wormery to recycle my food waste – deal with it!)
A wormery, is that a posh word for a compost heap? As it is, why should anybody have to deal with it. They’re as common as muck where I’m from.
As for your ability to do away with not watching live TV. Unfortunately not a lot of people are like you (But I’m one) and so they fill their homes with TVs and thus end up compelled to pay. I mean can you imagine the human rights angle by not allowing children to watch ‘Rastermouse’ on CBBC (I saw an advert for it the otherday)
Noticed that pounce she seems to love the ‘don’t you judge me’ mentality so suited to those who are under no attack but cannot help but be defensive ! plus if you don’t pay for it and don’t use it why feel the compulsion to defend it ?
The point surely, Di, is that if you want to buy and read a newspaper you can bypass Murdoch if you wish. However if you want to watch telly in the UK, you must pay the BBC, irrespective of your income, channel choice, or how crappy and/or biased the BBC output may be.
You may not feel compelled but there are others under my roof who enjoy some of their “entertainment” programmes. So I am compelled to fund their “news” output.
Break BBC up, commercial subscription to sports, entertainment, and news, separately. The justification for a national broadcaster is long gone, like a national airline.
The BBC fears market forces because they know it would destroy them, something no politician dares to do.
I hope you don’t feed the worms anything from the BBC, as you would soon quickly find them able to wiggle only to the left.
It does seem that way. I don’t think the BBC is going to make us accept their behaviour over Cliff as easy as that. A lot of people noticed it and it has been well publicised.
Looked bad and smelt worse.
Sorry, I’m missing something here. I don’t have a television so haven’t seen Newsnight so I don’t know what images of a ‘laughing Jihadist’ was shown, but I do find myself wondering which is preferable; footage of a jihadist being obnoxious or footage of a jihadist putting forward a coherent argument. (I said ‘coherent’, I’m not saying ‘well-founded’). What impression is left on the casual viewer by a hostile figure laughing, do you think? I don’t think the description ‘laughting jihadist’ suggests to me something to be approved of.
Well I suppose you’d start by not treating this little episode on Newsnight as an isolated example of the publicity, even barely-concealed support (in the case of Hamas), afforded by the BBC to the Islamist cause.
So I suggest you catch up on the last several days’ (or is it weeks’?) worth of posts and take it from there.
“News is dominated by the ‘Orwellian’ BBC “… the monolithic corporation is the chief source of news for the overwhelming majority of Britons, reaching 86% of current affairs consumers through TV, radio and the internet.” Every household in the UK needs a TV license to fund the BBC, regardless of whether you watch BBC or not. The network often resembles George Orwell’s 1984 because blatantly biased news and views are pumped into the nation’s living rooms, and even correspondents’ opinions are often passed off as ‘fact’.
Multiculturalism and liberalism are the main themes throughout the BBC because ethnic minorities are vastly overre presented in their workforce, and any fears over immigration and lack of integration are ignored in their broadcasting. I watched BBC’s Mark Easton say Britain ‘hasn’t changed that much’ in one decade after the 2011 census was released. Easton did not mention Britain absorbed only 250,000 immigrants in almost 900 years between 1068 – 1946, but now nearly double that arrive every year. Try telling 600,000 Londoners that fled the capital in that one decade that Britain ‘hasn’t changed that much’. The BBC does not even realise how biased it is most of the time, without its own employees pointing it out, but still never changes.
The BBC gave hate preacher Anjem Choudary a platform after Lee Rigby was murdered by Muslims in Woolwich; promotes other cultures ahead of British culture and is favourable to Islam; and has a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias. Not bad for a supposedly impartial, publically-funded organisation!
In Britain ‘alternative’ Channel 4 showed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad instead of the Queen’s speech one Christmas Day. A previous year they showed a woman in a burka instead of the Queen. So it came as no great surprise how Ramadan was recently celebrated by this channel. What dhimmitude! Britain already has Al Jazeera so there is no need for British channels to get in on the act!
Do you think it is the case that people who watch/listen to the BBC receive everything they see or hear uncritically as absolute truth? Many of those people also read the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph the Sun, or other news source with a different message. Others will be reading online content from non-traditional news sources. Does that cause inner conflict, do you think, or do you believe as I do that most people will take in tghe contraditions and make up their own minds? I suspect that most will feel more comfortable with hearing what they want to hear and rejecting that which challenges but I don’t think that is healthy.
You are missing the point. There is lots of poll evidence that the BBC is the main provider of “news” to large numbers of people. They are by far the most dominant news source in the UK – far more significant than your bogeyman Murdoch – whose media outlets have a variety of views.
BBC “groupthink” on issues such as Israel and climate change has a very large effect. The BBC is required to be impartial – but it is not. And we are forced to pay for it.
Di Blanchard of course you are right that people do not totally rely on or believe everything they see/hear on the BBC.
But just as John Anderson has said above you are totally missing the point.
The point being the BBCs liberal left indoctrination is very effective due to it’s enormous finance and traditional news dominance in this country to a lot of people who do not have the time or interest like you and I to look around.
The point is that the BBC, being state funded by a compulsory tax, has a duty to be impartial and politically neutral, in contrast to commercial media groups who can and do take a wide range of positions on the political spectrum. If the BBC wishes to campaign for a multicultural leftist Britain, which it certainly has done for the past 30 years, it must become a commercial organsiation and exist with zero state funding.
Personally I think that it damaging for democracy if any single media outlet , commercial or state funded , has such a dominant position as does the BBC. How can we get the pluralistic diverse views that we need if the media is dominated by one group?
“Di Blanchard” – you suddenly appear here and appear to have unlimited time and resources to attempt to manage the flow of spontaneous opinion from the populous. Why don’t I believe you are a normal ordinary member of the public? You bob up too often, always the same “script”. You are an interest-view troll. You people hate the internet open society so much. Sorry love, you are a loser.
I too was impressed with Philip’s link. Pity more people cannot be made aware of it.
‘Multiculturalism and liberalism are the main themes throughout’ – ‘ethnic minorities are vastly overrepresented’ are two that stood out for me. Lizo, Reeta, Ahmed, Sangita, Pallab, etc. the list goes on. The latest one we have noticed is Rajini in Washington. Her report, wide eyed and hysterical as she was asked to move along by the Police in Ferguson for her own safety, was an ‘education’.
It is not only ethnic minorities either it is that all nationalities seem preferable to indigenous. Orla (Irish), Lyse (Canadian) and the (really can’t stand her myself) Lynda Yueh (British American??). Why is it that many ‘experts’ interviewed during news broadcasts are foreigners, many coming from King’s College for some reason. Even applies to topics of purely British interests.
Down here in the South West they fall over themselves to find an ethnic face to put into any outside broadcast. A few years back we had a school carol concert on the quayside at Looe in Cornwall. Two ethnic children were in the front row, were in shot most of the time and were interviewed at the end. Not a word to any of the others. Last night a pasty eating contest featured a row of men about to gobble one down. The winner (I think local) was interviewed and one other contestant – the only black face in the entire report. They then showed GCSE results from a local problem school. A group of five students – four white and one with a ‘headscarf’. One white and ‘headscarf’ were spoken to. In an area with as yet very low levels of multi ethnicity it is so blindingly obvious the way they trip over themselves to portray otherwise.
The worst enemy of our country and our culture is shockingly financed by us!!
Just pointing out that Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message has also included Sacha Baron-Cohen and a survivor of the World Trade Centre. Sometimes it’s irreverent, sometimes it’s simply a serious but more off-beat alternative to the mainstream. What’s certain is that it is aimed at an audience that isn’t going to be watching the more traditional Christmas message on several other channels, and also that those whose Christmas is built around the traditional message aren’t going to be much interested in the alternative. Seems fair enough to me.
“Guess Who” (no, I can’t, sorry) upthread somewhere challenged me to offer evidence of bias in the BBC. Well, it’s long been my perception that the BBC is biased to the point of sycophancy towards the monarchy. It shows in the playing of the national anthem on certain birthdays during Today, and in the special voices adopted by newsreaders when giving royal news. I do occasionally make contributions to my BBC local radio station and I have seen in the studio the instrctions for action in the event of the death of one of the Big Four (Liz, Phil, Chuck, Wills, possibly it’s the Big Five now with Wee Geordie). Two of those can’t be far off now (they can’t hang me any more for saying that, it’s just realistic!) and the prospect doesn’t much appeal to me.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think the present Queen is a good egg as a person, the person who is an avid Doctor Who fan and who is alleged to have denied a knighthood to Greg Dyke for cancelling it, who played her part in the Olympic opening ceremony with such obvious relish, who made a point of asking Barack Obama for a more up-to-date iPod when he came to visit, who is said behind the scenes to be a talented mimic, especially of her Prime Ministers and particularly of the one she particularly loathed (I wonder if you can guess?), and who has done a lot to tone down a lot of the obsequiousness surround the monarchy (so there’s hope that we will leave suitable instructions). But I still dislike the notion of monarchy. It’s a point of view, not one that many here will agree with but that’s why I come here, to see and comment on a different point of view.
“Are you saying the BBC is not secretive, keeps things internal and is exempted from challenge when those outside dare to hold them to account?”
I think if the BBC manages to do that as a matter of design it is on to something and the security services, amongst others have a lot of to learn from it.
On the other hand if, as I suspect, the BBC is big and bureaucratic with a lot of different power bases in constant conflict with each other and ever ready to knife each other in the back, with no part having any control over what any other part is up to, and would probably be unable to keep anything confidential if flown to the Andromeda nebula, then it’s no different from any other large corporation. Its senior officers have a nasty habit of being unable to accept that they might be wrong and that annoys the hell out of me. But on the whole I think the BBC does more good than harm.
Most helpful. By having at least an answer, when I was expecting none. Definitely better than the usual BBC or BFF response. And thus deserving of a fuller reply.
‘I think if the BBC manages to do that as a matter of design..
It rather does. And you make an interesting point. Security services may have a case in being coy on explanation in a few areas. The BBC… less so… much less so. Particularly as they are mostly a broadcaster of news and entertainment funded uniquely by the public, with a supposedly extensive system of complaints handling to explain and atone when they err.
Full lockdown, denials, redactions and FOI exclusions across the board no matter what doesn’t just look bad, worse, it looks daft.
‘…. if, as I suspect, the BBC is big and bureaucratic… etc.. ‘
I suspect your suspicion to be pretty accurate.
‘…then it’s no different from any other large corporation.’
In action and reaction, very likely. Thing is, unlike any other large corporation, there is a rather crucial difference: it is funded, albeit uniquely, by the public. It makes quite a play of that, and talks a lot at high level of trust and transparency. Hard to reconcile with shutting down any expressions of concern on accuracy, objectivity or integrity, by default, all the way to the top.
‘Its senior officers have a nasty habit of being unable to accept that they might be wrong and that annoys the hell out of me.’
You and many others. Oddly, comparing with ‘other corporations’, nasty habits that annoy the hell out of folk usually don’t see protections, pay offs, sidesteppings and back ins, etc on a cosy sack of rats, but sack of rats club basis. especially when screwing up, big time, all the time.
‘But on the whole I think the BBC does more good than harm.’
Good for you. I, I think you will be unsurprised to learn, do not share that view.
All I ask is that I am not required to pay for the BBC first no matter what, simply to enjoy the broadcast offerings of the world.
That way the BBC can also do whatever it likes, and if I am nothing to do with it, no longer in my name. The ‘British;’ being retained will niggle, mind, as it does when Americans hold the country rather generically to account for the actions of blokes accorded that nationality by governments and media when they really don’t seem to deserve it.
It is not de rigeur to be of the left to have reservations about a monarchy.
There is a very good conservative case to be made for a republic.
That is my view.
But our system is really republican with a monarch as head of state. Quite clever if you think about it.
It has been that way since 1660 with a few hiccups along the road.
Look at the fate of James 11 and you will see what I mean.
In Good Morning Vietnam, some pompous bureaucrats decided to take Robin Williams’s character off air, and replace his extremely popular show that pushed the boundaries with something mild and uncontroversial. People hated the show’s replacement and stopped tuning in.
Mr. Cohen seems determined to be the JonDon of marketratedom, presumably on a shared belief of absolute immunity from consequence.
His pontifications appear to be getting more frequent and megalomaniacal.
Luckily for him, he has no shareholders to account to, and of course ‘customers’ are merely a cash cow joke to be abused to such a champagne socialist.
Long may he continue, as his pronouncements are not going to help with the core audience, and the guys who depend on them for votes every few years (unlike Danny & crew), at all.
The amount of bias coming out of the BBC appears to have reached epidemic proportions of late.
Somewhat perversely, I actually feel more confident now than ever that the time is very close when the BBC will over-reach itself and the whole edifice will come crashing down. It is held in more contempt than ever and there will soon be a critical mass of people no longer prepared to tolerate it.
It is, sadly, too late to fix much of the damage it has done to the fabric of this country, particularly over the last 15 years or so.
(P.S. admins: I’d really appreciate my login being unblocked – the contact form appears to deliver correspondence into a big black hole.)
There are many commercial channels who would willingly pay double what the BBC pays to get hold of TopGear. the BBC makes a fortune out of that show, but once the audience tires of the same old format (no matter how popular currently) the BBC wil take enormous delight in scrapping it.
I suspect that Clarkson only stays with the BBC out of spite, to make them keep broadcasting their most lucrative show, knowing that it drives most of the BBC staff crazy to think that their best selling show internationally is so politically incorrect and “laddish”.
I personally love that their best selling show is politically incorrect, male dominated, sexist petrol headed fun!
I think the BBC’s witch hunt against Jeremy Clarkson is just another miserable episode from the BBC(they never seem to end).
The “changes” will simply result in one of the private channels scooping all three presenters up (Clarkson, May, Hammond) and starting their own “Top Gear”.
The audience will follow leaving the BBC’s Top Gear a dead duck which will be axed due to poor viewing figures.
On “Today” – Doctors will be “forced” to say “sorry” to patients, if they fuck up.
Yeah, that’ll make ALL the difference.
“Ah, Mr. Bloggs – I/we removed the wrong leg – sorry”
“Mr Jones, terribly sorry that Dr. Smith killed your husband – you’ll just have to find another one”
Incidentally, why, in newspaper headlines, are people “forced” to do this or that? Are they held at gunpoint, or something?
What’s wrong with:
“obliged to do x, y or z”,
or “thought it best to…”,
or “had to…”,
or “considered it prudent to…”,
or “asked/ordered/made/advised to…”
Well having to “force” someone to provide an apology fits perfectly with the BBC mentality, of course. Which is to say that one should never, ever, voluntarily apologise for anything, for that carries with it an admission of wrong-doing. The BBC, being perfect (like their favourite prophet), can do no wrong, hence they cannot, as a matter of principle apologise.
Unless they are FORCED so to do. The consequence of force/coercion being used is that it renders the apology void (like a forced confession), thus allowing the perfect Corporation to maintain its position that it did nothing wrong, despite apologising.
Talking of ‘forcing’ Wednesday’s Jeremy Vine had a piece about a woman who was ‘forced’ to have a new ‘phone, email address etc. by her boyfriend that she ‘loved’. She is all in favour of the government bringing in laws to protect stupid people from non-violent domestic abuse, (how?).
If they get this law I suspect it might catch more women than men!
Well, “forced” is typical headline shorthand, but actually admitting fault and apologising does help a lot. I have seen any number of cases of negligence by doctors and the way they close ranks, drag out proceedings for years etc. is terribly disheartening for those affected. We all make mistakes and an honest admission would make a lot of difference.
“Forced” – watch how they do it…….I am reliant on the GMC (at a cost to me of 490 pounds annually, revalidation and multiple other jumping through pointless hoops in addition to the important stuff) put me on the register and license my practice. No register, no work ,,,,,and the stipulations extend to Canada / Australia / US and many other countries worldwide. I would hope that I apologise to any patient and their family for any mistakes that I make, but sometimes horrible things happen and people even die despite my best efforts.
An unhappy family can report me to my hospital or GP practice, be unhappy with the result, then complain to the CCG , GMC and finally undertake legal action. At any of these I can undergo the “neutral” act of suspension. Any complaint (including one recently that I had failed to look someone in the eye as I introduced myself) has to be reported to the GMC on an annual basis, giving them huge amounts of ammunition for future investigations.
There are bad doctors, who may be good people but incompetent or evil (before anyone brings up Shipman), and need to be stopped from working but if the GMC says forced, believe me we take notice.
In today’s Daily Telegraph Charlotte Moore, the head of BBC One says the channel was determined to improve diversity both on and off screen. ”Improve”!?
She claims that there are more Darleks on the cover of the Radio Times than people from ethnic minorities. Well you can play spot the white person or white child on so many street shots or visits to schools during BBC news programmes, in fact play spot the white bloke actually reading the main news. The is a diversity of ethnic ”minority’s”?.
Moore is determined to ensure 12% of actors and presenters are from BAME by 2017, so recruitment will be based partly on race and will discriminate against the indigenous population.
Perhaps she should just impose a 9pm watershed so white folk can see their own kind in their country after that time.
I am sick of the BBC.
The BBC can only behave like it does because it is funded by extortion. The Mafia makes you an offer you can’t refuse. So does the BBC. Want a telly buy a licence and keep us in clover.
A very silly organisation that is heading for a fall. Give it time. The execs are ever more stupid with each passing year.
Absolutely, spot on.
If it was incumbent on the BBC to accurately reflect the ethnic proportionality of the UK, they would have to sack a few “minority” presenters.
Why don’t they just employ on the basis of ability?
So many of their presenters are apparently functionally illiterate and incapable of a rational critique of anything remotely scientific or technological, and seem to have virtually no comprehension oc the history of Britain.
Give me an articulate and Informed Indian presenter over some bimbo, anytime. End the tokenism.
The Radio Times is no longer an in-house production, so what has it got to do with her who appears on it’s covers? Besides, I’m sure a Dalek will sell more copies than the new series of Citizen Khan
If the senior management are so obsessed with this, maybe a few could lead by example and remove themselves from the BBC. They could be replaced by some minorities
I started reading that second para and thought she, Danny, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch were having another market rate moment and imposing sex quotas on alien robots. Very Metropolis.
Seems Dalek skirts were not obvious enough. Maybe remove all the hemispheres bar two?
Do that and one’s a shoo-in for the next Trust Chair.
It’s not only the bias, it’s the sheer ignorance: Carole Walker on Today this morning “explained” the background to the spat concerning the appointment of Chief Clerk to the Commons. Carole “explained” it as, basically, MPs throwing their toys out of their collective pram because their privileges might be damaged by the appointment of – what everyone agrees – is a complete and compliant ignoramus.
What Carole failed to convey – either through ignorance or, more likely, mendacity – is that the rules of the House of Commons (built up over 500+ years) are not only an important part of the British Constitution but in their correct application partially underwrite the freedom of all of us through the enforcement of civilised debate and, yes, legal privileges of our representatives. The new appointment is purely in the interests of the self-aggrandizement of Bercow.
The substantial re-writing of the rules by the over-tumescent Robin Cook when he was leader of the House in 2001 (notably after the resignation of Betty Boothroyd – the last decent Speaker, in all meanings of the word “decent”) served to emasculate the Commons: none moreso than the universal timetabling of all bills as against the occasional guillotining previously, so that any old crap can be and is now bulldozed through the Commons as long as the executive can ensure a majority. Accordingly, the Speaker’s role in acting as protector of the Commons and of the privileges of MPs in all our interests became even more vital. Unfortunately Bercow is rather more interested in his own prerogatives and privileges – and the money of course: he has an expensive wife to run – than he is about those of the Commons.
But don’t ask the BBC to explain why MPs might be a tad upset about the appointment except through the BBC’s dark glass of contempt for this country’s institutions.
According to Radio 4 News at midday, these informers were “tried” and then executed. The implication is that in Gaza it’s just like here: allegations are investigated by an impartial body and the suspected perps appear before an impartial judge and a jury of the perp’s peers. Or was it a kangaroo court or even not a court at all? Apparently the guys were named, arrested and shot in a matter of hours.
I think we all know what the BBC would like us to believe. Accordingly, there’s no need to anticipate Lyse’s interview with defence counsel or look forward to Phil Shiner’s indignation at this breach of human rights when Humphrys asks him for his comments on Today.
The 6 at the mosque had no trial. According to witness reports to AFP, they were simply seized as they were leaving the mosque this morning among hundreds of others, shouted at by masked Hamas men and sprayed with bullets.
But it’s OK, the liberal progressive defenders of things such as homosexual marriage, banning page 3, racial “positive” discrimination etc. are all convinced that all Palestinians belong to the religion of peace and so long as they are fighting against the Jewish controllers of the 1% , all is well, and they will overlook how Hamas execute homosexuals, rape-victims and anyone who crosses them, without a trial, and these liberal progressive defenders of Hamas: the worshippers of Nazis, happily spread their joyous bile across the corporate controlled social networks on their corporate manufactured “smart” devices.
I guess their devices have to be “smart”, because they sure as hell aren’t.
It shames me, as an openly gay man, that I find so many misguided nincompoops within queer ranks prepared to march on behalf of terrorist murderers and international Islamic criminals. If these morons only knew what ‘true’ Islam would do to them given half the chance (and already does to those it can lay its hands on)…
It’ll be too late to realise the awful truth once the Black Flag of Islamic State touches these shores.
A “glorious Scottish summer”, according to the BBC Radio 5 Live blog.
Now, could anyone tell me how the promotion of Scottish national and cultural pride and identity by the BBC ties in with the “multicultural Britain” so beloved of the Corporation? Or does “multiculturalism” only ever apply in England?
BBC – Imam debates ISIS supporter
Calliphate nothing to do with Islam?
Calliphate is something spiritual?
Islam promotes a caring welfare state, is just.
Islam always supports democracy
We re all already living in a Calliphate, in the UK, for the last 30yrs?
……………. and that’s just the Imam?
A bit OT – but I came back from USA today and was amazed at the lack of coverage on the mainstream media about the beheading of the American Journalist – nothing even on FOX.
Whether they felt it was too gruesome for family viewing or waiting until Obama decided what should be done about it is another matter.
My thought at the time on hearing the news (available on SKY/ BBC Apps) was:
“The left would suck up to Islam even whilst they are having their heads cut off by them”
And that was BEFORE today’s reporting as to his sympathies.
(As I have been away – how has the report that the leader of Tower Hamlets claimed that it was the religious DUTY of muslims to vote for him been going down?)
R4: A day or two ago, they had an educational academic on; but without saying so was having a big dig at Gove’s exam reforms. She said things like harder for the students, exam being the main thing no course work, etc etc. No alternative view like nothing was said when ‘A’ went from 90% down to 70%, normalisation was no longer done, courses were modular so could be taken in little pieces, multiple attempts at subjects.
No, there must never be any hint from the bBC that education was deliberately dumbed down by government, that is why our children get all these wonderful results.
Mind you, while its true that A grades used to be considered truly outstanding, this change isn’t entirely down to easier exams. Teaching standards have improved, better educated parents are able to help their children as never before, and last but by no means least, the WEALTH of revision guides, give children practice at answering questions and mean that children are no longer depependent on solely the skills of their individual teachers.
This HAS TO make abig difference.
And now we have the product of reduced vigour in teaching and exams…..Oxford’s finest…Owen Jones….standards have slipped, nay, fallen off a cliff in his case.
MPs to quiz BBC and police bosses over Cliff Richard raid
The bosses of the BBC and South Yorkshire Police have been summoned to appear before MPs after a claim of a “cover-up” over a recent police raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s Berkshire home.
Home affairs select committee chairman Keith Vaz said the chief constable had accused the BBC of a cover-up “which is a matter of deep concern”.
BBC director general Tony Hall has said BBC journalists “acted appropriately”.
The search related to an alleged sex offence, which Sir Cliff denies.
Did anyone else notice the emphasis this week on Radio 4 Today and others when giving the weather forecast? Constantly repeating phrases such as…..’for those of you having a bank holiday this weekend’. If I didn’t know there was a Scottish referendum on Independence due soon I would never have guessed.
Last nights Newsnight was a new low.
Very Glenn Ponder, Alan Partridge.
And none of that nasty ISIS stuff either…pass the shortbread tin and a Proclaimers CD.
Utter crap-but Kirsty is now home for the weekend at our expense, so a result all round.
Hope someone kept it as evidence that the BBC has given up doing news…just nation Of Islam crap with blue facepaint on.
Crap. Typical baseline of kapok stuffed mediocrity this Newsshite.
It was truly awful – a new low, even for Newsnight and that really is saying something. I watched about fifteen minutes of the wretched broadcast and just had switch it off and do something (anything) far less irritating.
This is making my blood boil beyond all control. I AM NOT F***ING INTERESTED IN ANYTHING THE MOSQUES HAVE TO DO OR SAY. They get enough coverage in this country (thx to those loathsome BBC Marxist scum) for a whinging minority that make up just 4pc of the population.
I am getting sick and tired of the BBC calling these vomitous Isis Scum ‘British’. They are not British; they are Muslim immigrants who have never integrated and have made mockery of the BBC’s beloved diversity wet dream. These vile and revolting scum need to be wiped out; they should be shot on sight wherever they be found.
British politicians are too squeamish to order anyone to be shot. On the other hand there must be a prima facie case that anyone who went to the Middle East to help IS has committed crimes in Iraq. We should just hand them over to the Iraqi government for investigation.
Even worse is calling them ‘Britons’. While ‘British’ can refer to mere citizenship and not ethnicity, ‘Britons’ has a ring of ancestry about it, meaning its use should be reserved for those whose heritage lies in our islands, English Welsh Scottish and Irish, or any blend of these I.e. ethnic British.
So has anybody else seen the bBC’s coverage of the very public execution of 18 men on the streets of Gaza (Actually outside a mosque at kicking out time) over people whom they accused of being Jewish informants and thus with not even a kangaroo court to convict them, they were hooded and murdered in broad day light.
So did Hamas execute these poor terrified men or didn’t they, because the language used by the bBC to describe this event beats a little too much about the bush. in which to confuse the reader somewhat .This is followed up by the even more disturbing: “The killings came after an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas leaders on Thursday. Two more Palestinians died in overnight strikes.”
So help me here, is the bBC saying that these killings – which may have not taken place- were due to the killing of 3 Hamas leaders, becasue that’s how I read it. So The bBC which has no problem attacking any democratically elected government for executing somebody (Pounce looks across the water) has no problem pulling in Human rights experts, former wardens and so many bloody witnesses who claim that the dead man was actually innocent.
But when Hamas not only does it, but much more barbarically (Remember the horror the bBC expressed when that Joseph Wood in the US suffered due to taking too long to die) So after all that. lets go back to the main story about how the bBC reports that Hamas may have/or may have not executed (Before anybody tries to take me to task, when the bBC reports on deaths caused by Israel, there is no say in the matter, they report the fact that Israel did. Here are a few photos that the bBC didn’t show which would have substantiated the cold bloodied murders (on a par with the beheading of Mr Foley) of 18 men in public. Photos the bBC must have had seeing as the tame one they use comes from the same cameraman as the ones I posted (Not graphic) Hamas executes 18 people
Now go down a little further, the bBC reports: Hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza resumed on Tuesday, scuppering efforts in Cairo to achieve a long-term ceasefire deal.
Hamas has insisted on a lifting of the economic blockade of Gaza as part of any longer-term deal.
Israel has vowed to pursue its campaign until “full security” is achieved through the disarmament of Hamas and other groups in Gaza.
Now reading that whom would you think is looking for peace and whom is the one looking for war. Yet it was Hamas which broke the ceasefire by launching 127 missiles into Israel, Not Israel which pulled its negotiation team back from Egypt on hearing the news that Hamas had kicked off again. But there’s more, which the biased bBC doesn’t tell.
Hamas has been saying that the reason why they have been lobbing missiles across the border is because of the number of their men arrested after 3 young boys were murdered by somebody. A crime they said had nothing to do with.
That was until the other day when a senior Hamas operative inside Turkey went on camera at a conference for Imams admitted they(Hamas) carried out the act. Something the bBC haven’t bothered their arse reporting.
Well it appears Hamas may have shot themselves in the foot, as in arresting all those men, Israel uncovered a Plot by Hamas to kill Abbas and take the West Bank by force.
So lets go to the end of that bBC post: “After the first 11 executions, Hamas warned that “the same punishment will be imposed soon on others”.
Ok, but lets look at this from a neutral point of view:
Gaza is in shit state, no water, no power,plenty of food thou( seeing as one of the Hamas gunmen is a right fat bastard) 2000 dead, living under fire (from both sides for 2 months) and you’d think that some people may start to grumble (in the Uk, we complain about dog shit in the street. Think about what it is like living with 1.5 million people shitting in the street.)
It has been widely reported that people in Gaza have been expressing their displeasure with Hamas
(Which is why they executed 30 at the end of July in Shejaia (You remember Shejaia don’t you?) using the same excuse)
Now why would you execute 7 men in public outside a mosque. The bbC reports that Hamas does so in which to send the message don’t work for Israel. Yet from every media outlet going, everybody in Gaza hates Israel and lets be honest, with the speed on how fast Muslims can kill their women folk, do you think anybody caught spying for the jew would survive long enough to get to a police station. Family Honour and all that.
Could it be, that Hamas wants to send a message to those griping about how Hamas has done nothing for Gaza, but spend money on weapons, protect its own inside bunkers and see to it that Gaza gets flattened yet again for the third time in as many years.
In other words they are terrorising the population to keep on them on their side. Which is why a country statelet with a population 1/300th of the US has executed more (known)people this past month (48) than the US has in the past 8 months.
Where are the Human rights lawyers, the anti-execution posts from the bBC. Instead the bBC ends with: “It added that “the current circumstances forced us to take such decisions”, suggesting a link between the executions and the killing of the three senior Hamas leaders.”
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
So with all that in mind, would I be correct in saying that to the contrary, rather than being Militants . Hamas are actually Terrorists, because which everway you look at the reason for those 48 known murders this past month, they were carried out to terrorise people and not milititize. (I mean Militant in the Viz was never this evil, was she, fucking ugly and could have done with wearing a burka)
Yes but they are American, and therefore to blame for all the world’s ills, from the financial crisis throuth Gaza all the way to anthropogenic global warming. Although a democracy, with Saint Barrack in charge, they are still just Yanks.
Hamas, however, merely execute people without due process. What’s to complain about? After all, they’re not Yanks or Yids.
Well never mind the Muslim extremists in our midst, never mind the grooming gangs, never mind that we will soon become a minority in our own land, never mind that our infrastructure is breaking under the weight of all our new arrivals, never mind the immigrant crimewave besieging us all – never mind all that – but look, this is BIG news (according to the BBC) someone may be RACIST!!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28904368
Out of 10,000 text messages in and out of someone’s phone, I sent three,” added Mackay.
If someone can manage detect three “Wacist” messages out of 10,000 actually sent, shouldn’t we be employing the same people to monitor the phones of the “Jihadists” in our midst.
Following on from its triumph in the diversity race the BBC proms series which has managed such luminaries as a black singer (quite knowledgeable), and a camp gay disabled one armed pianist (again quite knowledgeable) the BBC needs to get an ‘Asian’ in the act and so it chooses Razia Iqbal who appears to have very little knowledge of Western classical music. All the way through the commentary she’s shuffling through the idiot cards and clearly reading from autocue.
She does however fit the bill for the BBC as she is what might be described as ‘eye candy’ as have all the female presenters. No chance of getting some heffalump in here regardless of how meritorious they might be.
And that’s the point which bothers me. I hate having ‘diversity’, and ‘equality’ forced down my throat, but the inconsistency, when the BBC decides a pretty young (ish) girl is the only female they are going to allow is sickening.
Will BBC-Democrat report the Soros connection in Rick Perry indictment, or censor it?
‘Fox News’-
“Mainstream media censors Soros’ connection to Rick Perry indictment”
Anyone catch ‘Boomers’ the so called new Friday night ‘comedy’ ?
A stellar cast that doesn’t come cheap including June Whitfield, Alison Steadman, Paula Wilcox and Russ Abbott. Nowt wrong with the acting, but let down but a typically tepid 21st century PC bBC script commissioned by some well paid metrosexual common purpose tw@t who must have thought it funny and just what the licence payer wants.
That’s the thing about the bloody licence fee, we pay it but have absolutely no say in what they give us, only drivel that they arrogantly think we want. Imagine going into a restaurant and being served what the chef thinks we want….
My only surprise is that an ethnic character hasn’t appeared yet, but still four episodes (that I won’t be watching) left.
I tried to watch and retired hurt.
Compare it to “Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads” running every evening on Freeview.
On second thoughts don’t. It is embarrasing .
Made years ago but still sharp and with a timeless air down to a brilliant script and good acting.
The whole series was on BBC4 last year (27 episodes) I consigned them to DVD for something to watch in my dotage to remind me of the Britain that once was….
The BBC ‘Cultural Diversity and Community Cohesion Awareness & Re-Education Department’ poisons the well, every time. The most notoriously egregious example I can think of recently was how comprehensively they sent the second season of ‘In The Flesh’ straight down the sh*tter on a bare-faced, barely disguised anti-UKIP storyline (zombies as ‘immigrants’ – the hated other, the object of xenophobia, etc, blah, blah…gedditt??).
P*sspoor Fourth Form politics masquerading – allegedly – as entertainment – it was truly execrable, embarrassing, insufferable and completely transparent. The bias shone through with such ferocity it was unmissable.
The BBC – never missing a chance to pimp the Agenda (and in the process wilfully f*cking up every good idea it might ever have). I wanted a good zombie apocalypse series – the BBC delivered an anti-UKIP campaign instead. Is this what they mean by ‘viewer choice’..?
The Danny Cohen ‘Legz Akimbo’ guidelines are pervading well and mashing nicely with that head of drama’s ‘left of centre’ edict, though it is possible there have been a few tweaks along the way, for instance to ‘correct’ any unfortunate Olliesque side views on certain female lifestyle choices.
There is nothing that cannot be shaped to suit the purity of the narrative.
I am in London at the moment and watching the local news I now know just how few white British there are in the capital. The two news readers this week are a man and woman from an ethnic minority (although I suppose we will have to find another way of describing them) and now we have a (at least male) weather reader (my local weekend weather person has a degree in media studies so she is no meteorologist). But a couple of tube lines were on strike yesterday and the local news had about 12 people on vox pops. There were 10 from ethnic minority with one white man and one white female added to the mix, I presume for balance.
What amuses me is that the white liberal ( aren’t they all ) seeems to think it perfectly normal for a capital city of a country to be populated by the non indigenous.
It is a somewhat unusual situation in the world and I cannot think of a historical precedent.
Now it tells me two things
1. The indigenous have abandoned the city.
2. The City is becoming someplace else. Change the people change the city.
I think we should at least talk about this. I forgot this is England 2014 in the grip of collective madness.
The awful thing is that London may not resemble Britian, but it wont be much longer before Britain resembles London. Already many other of our great cities are not far behind, Birmingham, Manchester and more.
Here we go again on ‘Today’ this morning at 8.15. Utter bias.
Two ‘experts’ or as I heard the other day ‘bacon dodgers’ were trying to explain how difficult it was to control the radicalisation of ‘British men’. The final word was given to one of these gentlemen who mumbled that it was all the fault of the Coalition government because they do not ‘engage’ with Mooslims. To cap it all he stressed that the previous Liebour government were really good at it!
Guess what, the interview suddenly stopped, no challenge to that at all. Beyond contempt and what the hell does ‘engaging’ actually mean?
How about some bleeding engagement from the Muslim community for once and condemn categorically the ‘British men’ and their atrocities meted out on their own people and westerners in the name of their religion of peace.
If liebour was really good at engaging with Muslims then why the 7/7 bombings when liebour was in power and engaging? That would have been my response back to them, but of course it never gets asked.
Yes, it seems Beeboids want cuts in U.K defence spending to lessen effectiveness of resistance to Islamic jihad threat, but they want increases in spending on mass immigration and the concomitant public costs.
INBBC: note this about one Islamic jihadist who uses Britain as a base:-
“Two British jihad fighters probed in bid to identify James Foley executioner ‘John'”
[Excerpt from ‘Daily Mirror’ report]-
“A second possible link is London rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, who left his family’s £1million home in Maida Vale to join jihadis in Syria.
“He has posted images of himself posing with weapons there.
“His father Adel Abdul Bary is a suspected al-Qaeda mastermind extradited to the USA in 2012.”
“The rapper, the hacker and the terror travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State ‘Beatles’ emerge as MI5 ‘zeroes in’ on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley.”
It should be easy to find Jihadi John of the Islamic State Beatles. Just arrest and put the squeeze on any Moouslims with names like Ringo, George and Paul.
And where are all those lovely liberal lawyers?
This is a waste of money and time-an ethnic minority bloke merely playing the part of a grapefruit with a gun for some bit of performance art back in 1980.
You`d think Yoko would be happy to celebrate those bullets that were merely tears, had we the vision of herself.
Besides-Chapman has increased her portfolio and profits plenty over the years…she should be toasting him-if that`s allowed with a grapefruit shedding acid tears for his years of not being loved by the liberals.
Miscarriage of justice this one. Release him, and let Gareth and Shami celebrate his passion.
Chapman was just an exuberant critic…”Double Fantasy” , on balance deserved less-but it`s a close thing…
Liberal fantasies again. It is all they have got these liberals to explain what is going on.
Reality. There is nothing much we can do to prevent young men going to join the Jihad other than by physically detaining them.
It is a cause that they feel is essential to their existence.
We Westerners have to accept this and prepare our defences. Liberal fantasising will only delay the inevitable need to do this.
Secondly there are not going to be harmonious community relations in the cities again. i doubt there ever were it just paid us to pretend .
The Jewish community is under siege and soon so will be the Christian if in a minority. Jewish and white flight is the new reality. You know the towns and cities no need for a list.
Multi this and that was fraudulent. It was actually dangerous. Liberal good intentions overcoming a need for realism.
Sharia and fundamentalist ( Saudi style ) Islam is incompatible with the European way of doing things. Always was and always will be. AS the Catholic Archbishop said Islam has to learn to share space on this earth with other beliefs. I noticed that was not reported much!
It seems that the very simplicity of these realities are too much for the liberals to comprehend.
“Radicalization”, like “militant” and “fighter” is another nauseating euphemism used by the left/BBC. These goons aren’t “radicalized” they are conditioned, indoctrinated, brain-washed.
Pandering to their vile anti-British desires. Wilfully refusing to investigate an entire mountain range of evidence of racist paedophallic rapes. Allowing overtly racist incitement to violence and hatred against the parent or native culture. Engaging in vile genital mutilation for primitive reasons. Allowing them to be the only section of society to be allowed to engage in profoundly homophobic and sexist behaviour. Allowing them to engage in bigamy and paying benefits to each of the four wives permitted.
And even recruiting and allowing Islamic extremists to work for MI5/MI6 and engage in the commission of terrorism, just so long as they are “our terrorists” and then imposing totalitarian state surveillence on the rest of us, to keep us safe from “our” terrorists.
That is what labour’s engagement with their “community” means.
The Russians have sent aid vehicles into East Ukraine, without permission. How very DARE they! They can stop that operation immediately – we can’t have aid being sent in, can we? Whatever next!
The West are outraged! Notice the outrage aimed at the lack of aid, elsewhere…
On another subject, completely, why not ban ALL hospitals from making ANY parking charges? They wouldn’t dream of charging for parking at such places, here in France…
Well, there are real issues here. Should any country just be able to send vehicles containing whatever they like, into their next door country’s territory at will ? ISIS would be ever so pleased if that were the case, I would think.
A week or so ago, I saw some news about these 260 trucks. The reporter on the scene mentioned that the location where they all 260 of them were parked at the time had been absolutely crawling with uniformed Russian personnel just hours before the trucks were ‘opened for inspection’ to the media. All of a sudden, and inexplicably, according to the reporter, there were absolutely no uniformed personnel anywhere to be seen in the vicinity of these trucks. “Where did they come from in the first place, and where did they then go ?”, might have been a sensible question for the reporter to ask…. but maybe they had all been conditioned out of asking sensible questions by Hamas-like tours.
Then, the backs of several trucks were opened and they were practically empty – one I saw had almost nothing in it at all, another had only a couple of pallets of bottled water. Another couple of good questions at this point might have been “If these are representative of all the trucks, why the heck did you sent 260 of them, when around a couple of dozen would have done ?” and “So when, and with what, are you going to fill these trucks before they cross the border to Ukraine ?”, or “OK, can we now look at a random sample of these trucks, chosen by ourselves ?”
Very strange actions for a convoy of ‘humanitarian aid’. Or was there an attempt to provoke an attack on them when they crossed the border ?
Who knows ? But for certain, I wouldn’t want 260 trucks full of goodness knows what crossing our border from an unfriendly country (like France….. from the new Sangatte…for instance ?) with impunity, and unsearched.
Watched SKY News at 10.30pm when a couple of donuts from the chatterati class review the newspapers. I think they the said ” Bwitish ” 500 times in relation to that muslim terrorist beheading the American journalist.
I do like the lame stream media’s slight of hand, smoke and mirrors etc etc, quite sickening.
The beauty is , though: that we are all collectively getting the notions, nostrums and the games that the BBC continually play with us and our language.
Common Purpose, and the United Colours of Benetton being the ultimate destination.
So obvious-we can prove it scientifically re word counts, interruptions(thanks to Craig way back!)…but -as we see with Global Boiling-science is NOT the yardstick any more. The true scientist like Lovelock are hated and hounded for being apostates in the blind faith of “science” as much as any Muslim that sees sense, and dares tt say so publicly.
Same shit Sherlock-a scientific fascism to match the emerging islamic one.
But-thanks to this site-we are not, nor are we ever; alone anymore.
We know the score-and f*** the football!
The liberal left are cutting their own throats-but expect us to bare our necks by way of substituting sacrifice.
Read your bibles-especially the bits that Giles Fraser etc don`t like and won`t preach on-and enjoy the surfboard ride soon to come.
Might be frothing and foaming with blood though….but don`t tell `em…got Enoch banished didn`t it?
Choose Life huh?…either get it from the source…or be content to let George Michael wear it on your behalf by way of a Katherine Hannett token protest against Fatch!
Time to roll the BBC off to Mecca, trussed up for its fate. It won`t be ours here in England, despite what they say.
I`ve read the Book-the good guys win, let me tell you(spoiler alert, my arse)
When Christians committed crimes in the name of the Lord throughout history, such as burning the heathen at the stake, root causes were often sought (by historians of the Enlightenment and to this day) in the literature of the good book itself; not so with Islam. The Left are still playing their childish little games, wilfully ignoring the elephant in the room: the Koran. As another commentator aptly stated last night, will it take that they are faced with their own Jihadi beheading until realisation dawns that certain passages in the Koran sanction violence towards non-believers?
The newsman was quizzing BBC1 controller Charlotte Moore at the festival, asking punchy questions about why the BBC Trust has been so critical of her channel of late, and whether she accepted veteran BBC news man John Simpson’s recently-expressed claim that the BBC is “run by tough women” and is “grotesquely managed” because of it.
Guru-Murthy’s questioning prompted an angry response from a BBC staffer in the audience who accused him of “legitimising” Simpson’s “sexist” comment.
Don’t you love it when lefties try to shut down legitimate debate with an ism?
Sounds like they were trying to shut down a lot more than debate with a lot more than an ism.
“But the row really started at the end of the session when BBC controller of drama commissioning Ben Stephenson and director of television Danny Cohen confronted Guru-Murthy in person, followed by angry exchanges… Cohen was also heard exchanging angry words. Cohen was then seen apparently being led away by his PR minder…”
Danny seems to shaping up as very good value indeed. In the last few months he has been incapable of doing anything… Forcing wimmin into comedy shows… Putting horse’s heads in Jennifer Saunders’ bed… Threatening Jeremy Clarkson…. without coming across as a deranged, megalomaniac, thug.
Rather suggesting whoever this ‘PR minder’ (is the licence fee payer having to pay for him to have an entourage surrounding him in case he goes nuts again in public?) is, they are doing a p*ss poor job. Keep it up!
As the nation’s nanny, the spectacle of a bunch of multi-hundred thou a year testosteronies facing off over who’s dissed who when professional courtesy requires it’s only the rest of the world who can be asked a question, is as preposterous as it is himarious.
Maybe the BBC should invest in a muzzle… for the head of what they serve up to the UK public.
Lord Pantone may have to express disappointment at the next board meeting, once they are all out of the sack and around the table.
Seems the BBC has found a new expensive, unworkable way to not be rude and obnoxious with suppliers, just because they can and seem to enjoy throwing their weight around… an App!
Thing is, it still requires a tool at the GIGO end to use it, so I doubt much will change.
Krishnan should have given the BBC the same response they give to the multitude of complaints made to them. “We have reviewed…blah blah blah (got it about right) but your comment will be put into our log…blah blah blah (ignored).
As to Among the questions posed by Guru-Murthy was an invitation for Moore to respond to John Simpson, who earlier this month criticised a host of “tough women” at the BBC. Shortly afterwards, a member of BBC Drama team publicly suggested he was only” legitimising” the complaint by putting it to a senior female member of staff.
How often do we see the BBC doing exactly the same to ensure their own agendas are reinforced? They sure don’t like it up ’em, yet they do it to us a myriad times a day.
Privatise this insidious organisation!
Just a thought as to how the Fascist left aided by the BBC help Jihadists recruit more fighters prepared to die in this and foreign lands.
Without a Caliphate Muslims can only fight defensive Jihad to protect their religion. In the past it has been pretty difficult to justify any kind of Jihad on this basis until the West began meddling in the Middle East.
George Bush and Tony BLiars adventuring in Iraq gave the Jihadis the perfect opportunity to mischief makers to portray the West as having attacked Islam in general.
This is made much worse by Fascists also wanting to blame us, the British as being in some way also guilty by association, and thus providing a perfect excuse to Jihadi recruiters.
If anyone needs a history lesson, the people of the UK were wholly opposed to BLiars military adventuring, and I for one would not raise any objection if the Muslims declared a Fatwa on his life for what he did.
However, the more the BBC and its allies in the Fascist left continue to blame the UK and others for attacking Islamic lands, the more fuel they add to the fire.
I wasn’t opposed to the Iraq War! I was opposed to the fact that during the first Gulf War George Bush senior did not (at the demand of Arab countries) go on and enter Baghdad . In fact had he done so then there would not have been the need for the 2nd Gulf War and the subsequent dissolving of the Iraq structure that has led to this current conflict.
It didn’t help the second time round, having Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps the most inept strategist in the history of man, masterminding the campaign as well as guidance and direction to the war effort.
I do however believe the reason the 2nd gulf war was undertaken was solely due to the fact it was ‘unfinished business’ as far as George Bush Junior was concerned and the WMD theory was a load of crap. Rant Over
“this piece is a particularly clever example, chock full of his trademark diversions and sleights of hand. Here he extrapolates from the apparent fact that two jihad terrorists ordered copies of Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies to argue that “the 1,400-year-old Islamic faith has little to do with the modern jihadist movement.”
So still using the word “illegal” for the traffickers, but not for the “illegal” immigrants. The obvious questions I would ask remain unanswered despite all the military action and who knows how much money pumped into Afghanistan is it now worse for them than when the Taliban were running the show forcing them to flee. But of course that would be journalism wouldn’t it?
That’s perhaps because they aren’t illegal immigrants, but asylum seekers, and they’ll probably get it too! Would you seriously want to live in a country like Afghanistan as a religion different to Islam?
What the BBC should be asking is how is was possible for our hopelessly inept excuse of a Police force can never manage to arrest a people trafficker until the spotlight of intense left wing publicity is shone, and then they’re capable of making an arrest within hours.
Either they know what is going on and are turning a blind eye, or politicians behind the scenes are forcing them to do so.
Nowadays we no longer have a Police force, we have changed them into a politically correct squad, fully capable of investigating every thought crime, and minor infringement, whilst leaving most criminals alone!
The problem is, Thoughtful, these so called “asylum seekers” travelled across Europe and obviously spent some time in Belgium (Zeebrugge) without claiming asylum. Why should this country be responsible for them? If they were genuine they should have claimed asylum at the first safe country they arrived at. Of course, lefties usually say that if the “asylum seekers” come through Europe and claim asylum in the EU states then we will never get them here which they say isn’t fair or just. The problem with that argument is that this country can’t do anything about its geographical location and also the vast majority of so called asylum seekers seem to make a bee-line for good old GB. Just look at all those trying to get here from the Sangatte camps and all the others around Calais. No asking the local authorities there for asylum. Now why would that be, I ask?
All those washing up on the coast of France and Belgium are just economic migrants abusing the asylum system.
Have any of the pro-YES reports from the BBC re the Scottish vote next month mentioned the planned move to England by many Scotts should the YES win?
This would make sense. If I had my money in Scotland along with my home, I would certainly consider a move South across the border to protect my investments.
Maybe now’s the time to invest in Newcastle property???
If your bank lent you pounds sterling for your mortgage, unfortunately it will be looking to be repaid in pounds sterling, and if you are earning Scottish something or others ….meh good luck with that one.
Just reading around “The honourable Woman” & discover that an actor in the production, Stephen Rea was married to an IRA bomber Dolours Price. But rather more sinister he spoke Gerry Adams’ words when his voice was banned by the UK government. How on earth did the BBC come to choose Rea for the job?
Dolours Price later became a critic of Sinn Féin. This is why Rea was cast, not because he’s an accomplished Irish actor but because of the BBC’s well known anti-Sinn Fein bias.
Manchester ‘Gay Pride’ today (what’s there to be proud of having another man’s willy up your bottom?) and BBC Radio Manchester can’t shut up about it … in case you’ve got the mind of a goldfish, you’ll be reminded 5 minutes after you last heard it. Peter Fahy, the top cop in Manchester, is also there … more cops there than at any other similar event in the world, apparently. Two words: Common Purpose. El Beeb are also there although they won’t be attempting to square their love of qweers with their love of violent, gay-hating, Islamic fanatics … if they tried their brains would explode.
Well worth a survey to see just how Councils up and down the land are using OUR money to promote THEIR versions of inclusion and diversity.
Not a Bank Holiday can go by down here without the usual slew of public sector shills and “yoof cheridees” getting the face paints and hi-viz feather boas out to dole out condoms and tattoos to the hair dyed, lager swilling lardies with countless kiddies in tow.
I never see an Israeli flag there among the “One World” Wankas-I`d imagine that they`d fear for their lives had one been slipped onto the bunting…poor sods hardly know what it looks like, judging by the current level of geography teaching these days.
Worth an FoI request…and some data on just how extensive this public sector, quangocrat love-in is, nationally.
Labour started this “celebration”…dumbass Tories let it continue.
Speaking as an elected local councillor, I have seen the training packages offered to Councillors this year change.
All courses are voluntary, I must add hastily.
Here in Wales, the courses are offered by ‘ One Voice Wales’ and this year a new course has arrived:
Yes you guessed it: Inclusion and diversity.
They know just where they can shove that one !
Most of the people on that parade are either Fascists attempting to show their left wing credentials to the world, or straight public service workers who now need to attend this kind of event in order to tick a box for the promotion board.
Fahy’s boss the Fascist Tony Lloyd (as called by Melanie Philips, and he hasn’t sued her!) will want to see a display of his Political Correct squad as now they can’t be called ‘Police’ any longer.
I phoned through a drug deal with a white guy as the buyer and a Pakistani Taxi driver as seller. I spent longer on the call defending my use of the word ‘Pakistani’ and the fact that I was an obvious waycist for reporting it, than I did describing the crime.
Could be (vastly) worse: I once stupidly ignored a VERY insistent ‘NSFW’ on a Michelle Malkin piece highlighting “Up Your Alley” –” Where leather daddies rule the streets of San Francisco’s South of Market district.”
All this Scott-bait and our little fish has yet to rise, surprisingly.
Actually, I haven’t seen his gurning mugshot (always a handy invitation to scroll down to the next post) at all this week: has he finally got fed up with his futile mission here, or has his Auntie given him the gooner ?
“Galileo satellites go into wrong, lower orbit – Esa” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28910662
no mocking by the BBC if it were a NASA cock up
No outrage over the waste of taxpayer money* if it was directly spent by the Tory government, rather then indirectly via EU agencies.
(*either for the failure to perform or for the whole possibly unnecessary project duplicating existing SatNav capabilities)
” I am sure I agree with you, but please could you try to string your words together in some kind of coherent English?”
A young and goodness grace-ious new weekend name to the team fold; one is sure you’re all doing very well? Just hope any pseudonym aspects don’t see any colleagues sulking in the corner.
Your agreeable assurances notwithstanding, it would perhaps be helpful if, with your debut, you specified where your failures in comprehension originate. As a service to coherence clearly so treasured.
Otherwise it just looks like you’ve arrived on the scene any old how to have a pop any old where on the thread, any old way about anything, or nothing, especially actual discussions of BBC failures in accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
Thanks awfully, and regards to your young feline companion.
Thanks for the compliment; but my contribution, such as it is, does not need further promotion by me, as it appears there are many well aware of it, if oddly keen to refer to me or my style to the exclusion of any reference to BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity. Usually new folk with familiar, old lines of approach. Especially at weekends.
Can’t imagine why.
And as Teddy Bear has also noted, the post of mine that has inspired all (and it has been a fair, OT, amount) this has so far still remained Betty’s little secret.
But we have been told she is working on a post that does move from critiques of fellow posters to the actual topic. Soon. Apparently. Her lack of amusement with the BBC sounds like the potent fury of a woman scorned.
Looking forward to those from all other new friends too.
With the greatest respect. With the greatest respect. With the greatest respect.
I am a fully paid up memeber of the BBC Bias fraternity! I love this blog and I think the BBC is fully slanted to the left, and to the pro-immigration, anti-Israel lobby. But I just wanted to say, with the greatest respect to you, that you sometimes ramble incoherently. No disrespect to you, but if we want to counter BBC leftist propaganda, we must do so with very clear arguments.
Your name wouldn’t be ‘Betty’s Loco MBE’ (spelt memeber) would it?
Otherwise most of us would agree that Guess Who does an eminent job of expressing his view, and if you are truly aware of BBC bias as you say you are, you should be grateful for his efforts.
Seems suspicious you didn’t actually post your comment under one of his posts that you ‘found a problem with’. Like I have done with yours 😉
Your name wouldn’t be ‘Betty’s Loco MBE’ (with the M to spell memeber) would it?
Otherwise most of us would agree that Guess Who does an eminent job of expressing his view, and if you are truly aware of BBC bias as you say you are, you should be grateful for his efforts.
Seems suspicious you didn’t actually post your comment under one of his posts that you ‘found a problem with’, like I have done with yours 😉
OK, maybe maybe my debut was not great! I will, in future, limit myself to BBC bias rather than critising fellow bloggers. I shall soon post about the BBC claim that antisemitism is NOT rising, and compare it with their claims that islamophobia IS rising. And the BBCs protection of Tom Paulin who called for US Jewish settlers to be ‘shot dead’. Watch this space, Betty Slocombe is not amused with the BBC.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Durham Police “commissioner” spoken to this morning, by “Today”. He doesn’t want to prosecute “first offenders” for theft from shops, but to sit them down and “engage” with them, hoping for them to realise the erring of their ways, desist from their normal, thieving way of life and promise to do better, or give the requisite correct answers – then they won’t be prosecuted, or given a verbal warning, but encouraged to return to their ‘normal’ way of life of
stealing from every shop they possibly canbeing good citizens.For ‘first offender’, you may read “unfortunate/careless first time apprehension, after years of nicking”.
Incidentally, the man’s accent caused me to wonder about his reference to “Lawn Sharks”, whilst casually glancing over my grass for any aggressive, fishy visitors…
So Lord Hall-Hall reviews Cliff coverage and finds no fault by BBC. And the Newsnight broadcast of a laughing Jihadist is “informative” and therefore justified. Are these people serious? The BBC must have a death wish.
Getting it about right of the BBC, by the BBC, for the BBC.
Perish the thought. Except, all should realise that no one is bigger than the BBC ((c) Cohen. D).
Unaccountable megalomaniac media monopolies… what’s not to like?
It would still be interesting to see how the BBC would fare if their funding was not compelled and every aspect of their operation secret, internal and exempted from challenge.
‘Unaccountable megalomaniac media monopolies… what’s not to like?’
Yeah, right, I don’t care much for the Murdoch empire either!
At least you are not compelled by criminal law to fund Murdoch, and when it comes to Morals and ethics, The BBC make Murdoch look saint-like.
When News International was caught bang-to-rights in the “listening to celebraties unsecured answerphone messages” scandal in which News international used mostly self-employed freelance journalists who had been doing this for a few years, Murdoch closed News of the World. Need it be noted that several other major newspapers did this aswell and We all saw Piers Morgan commit purjury on TV lying about the Mirror’s involvement.
When the BBC was cought bang-to-rights harbouring and covering up for a number of vile predatory paedophiles, employed by the BBC and who conducted their vile child abusing activity on BBC premises, for five decades.
… The BBC’s response was to falsely slander an elderly retired tory MP.
For all Murdoch’s many faults. The BBC’s ethics and lack of integrity make him look like an angel!
The NotW didn’t close out of some worthy principle, it was a blatant pr stunt! They just renamed it the Sun on Sunday.
Did you see their performance before the Select Committee?!
If the BBC was banged to rights as you say, you should have no problem proving evidence of that?
Lol evidence ? they refuse all F.O.I. requests or they lawyer up and spend hundreds of thousands keeping their internal paper work out of public hands [who fund their internal paperwork ] but you love that because it means you can remain blind deaf and dumb and it only costs you £145 a year !
Numerous BBC staff have admitted that “everyone knew” what Savile was doing in his Caravan in the BBC car park. The BBC knew and covered it up, even to the extent of trying to cancel an expose on his vile activities, in order to show a tribute documentary to him instead. The BBC paid him, the BBC gave him places to abuse kids and the BBC knew what he was doing.
Bang to rights!
Murdoch closed the News of the World sacking the staff. He he did not merely rename it “the Sun on Sunday” That is a lie that lefty idiots tell themselves to reinforce their mass delusion that Murdoch is bad and the BBC is good.
The BBC is a lying steaming pile of crap that is wilfully misinforming the public everyday in order to pursue a lefty liberal progressive agenda on everything from the EU, lying about the causes of climate changes, immigration, Islam, multiculturalism…
If that agenda was not so brutally dangerous, it would be hillarious. Only yesterday the report into over 1400 white kids who were brutally gang raped under the noses of those who were paid a fortune to protect them, but failed because they are brainwashed by a cult-like devotion to a liberal left, politically correct multicultural agenda, where we now are expected to sacrifice our own children to the immigrants like some sort of ancient freakish Deity devotion.
Two fathers who went to retreive their own daughters from houses where these very young white girls were being gang raped, were arrested instead by the politically correct police. Why? Since the Lawrence Inquiry falsely labelled all the police as institutionally racist, officers were pressured by endless diversity training that ethnic people should not be pursued. Another reason, was because of the threat of Islamic extremist terrorism, the police were told by community leaders to back off from investigation lower-levels of crime committed by the Islamic community, including their “grooming” of white or Hindu children, or else they would stop cooperating with the police regarding terrorism investigations.
Either way, the BBC and the politically correct agenda it pushes with relentless zeal are a very large part of the responsible party for the sinister PC attitudes which permeated the entire state sector leading to them refusing to even investigate very serious crimes if it put them in conflict with that PC agenda! It is that PC agenda which ensured that far more children were abused than would have been IF the police, social services, child protection had not been poluted with a PC agenda and had done their jobs and protected those vulnerable young girls.
Yes I blame the BBC, as they have reported with gleeful zeal every report they can find on racism from white people, and the devastating effect such attacks have on the immigrant community, whilst refusing to report the greater number of cases from ethnic communities attacking and even murdering white victims. The relatives of such victims are ignored, or labelled racist if they speak out. They do not get supported into a seat in the House of Lords. Their deification of Lawrance and his mum, whilst ignoring every other case of racist abuse from ethnic communities against whites is so over the top to be sickening.
It is this PC attitude which was enforced throughout the public sector which led to people in positions of high responsibility to wilfully refuse to protect these girls.
A public sector which is so badly run that catastrophic failure to do your job, leading to 1400 victims of brutal gang rape is not enough to get you fired, but so much as making a politically incorrect jokey comment will have you forced onto a diversity awareness course, ruin chances of promotion and a second such offence will see you hitting the unemployment line so fast that your head will spin!!!
Worse still, these 1400 victims are the tip of the iceburg. That is ONE council. This sort of Islamic abuse of white children is still happening the length and breadth of the country.
Why are the Politically Correct lobby still trying to excuse the race and religion of those responsible? The BBC are still saying only “Asian”, not Pakistani Muslims.
The reason those sick, racist, Islamic child rapists picked their victims was solely because those victims where white or not Islamic, and it is THEIR religion which teaches them that non-muslims are like cattle. Not human. As the Germans in the early 1940s called such people: Untermenchen.
That is how those racist Islamic child rapists could do what they did. In their minds they were not raping children. Their victims were not Islamic and so were not human!
That is where the vile PC liberal left agenda, as pushed relentlessly by the BBC, has got this society. Having to give up and sacrifice our own children on the alter of PC multiculturalism or face arrest if we refuse and the BBC has been relentless in pushing that vile, childhood destroying philosophy.
The BBC should be shut, closed, destroyed. I hate it and all the racist, paedophile abuse it is responsible for.
Not sure the already ragged ‘we were afraid of looking racist’ get-out will apply with Jimmy, Etc.
And frankly the ‘it was a different time’ may struggle too.
Maybe just go straight to ‘we think we got it about right’ and have done before ‘moving on’.
It’s not a time for perry politics or recriminations… at least not when Labour, certain untouchable minorities, and the BBC are in the frame.
‘Yeah, right, I don’t care much for the Murdoch empire either!’
Muroch’s media coverage: 11%
BBC: 70%
Go do the sums.
Compelled? I don’t feel compelled. I don’t have a television so don’t need a licence. When the letters come I shred them and feed them to the worms (yes, I have a wormery to recycle my food waste – deal with it!) If they come calling and ask if they can come in and have a look I politely say no, as they have no right to do so. If there’s something I really, really want to watch I watch it on my laptop, not plugged in to the mains (are you aware of this little loophole?) or watch it a little later on the appropriate website. I get my media stimulation from Radio 4 and Radio 3, which don’t require a licence and seem to me to represent pretty good value, always mindful of course that personal tastes vary.
But compelled? Nah! Representing the licence fee as some kind of poll tax, payable by everybody regardless, is a tad disingenuous.
‘I don’t care much for the Murdoch empire either’
Hence, in the spirit of not supporting that which you do not agree with, one is sure you have exercised your right to deny them money via subscription and/or ad revenue eyeballs?
Equally, the DM (not raised I concede, but goes to a broader point and best covered as well).
Or for all these are you one of those who decry readers whilst also being one? Bit bad form to weigh in on what has not been experienced.
On matters disingenuous, as you stoutly defend a BBC you don’t fund or watch, you deny there is any aspect of compulsion.
This is doubtless on the basis of only watching non-live broadcast from any service, which is a requirement to not risk fine or jail.
Not an option for those in the UK, and with moves afoot to apply it to any online-capable or service, or on residences subject to council tax, whether BBC services are desired or appreciated or not.
But of course you and I know all this, and with the weekend attrition beckoning, so the dance is set to commence again.
Before deciding to do so, a bit more comment on BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity (as below… don’t agree given how they opted to handle it was the key factor, but a valid view nonetheless, and one worth debating, if possibly manically) may persuade you are not just one of the attrition crew that comes onstream at this point to accuse others of things you are more guilty of.
Oh, and amongst the bits you picked up upon, a few were left out.
Are you saying the BBC is not secretive, keeps things internal and is exempted from challenge when those outside dare to hold them to account?
Unlike the Murdoch Empire, they are publicly-funded, so the rules are different but still very much apply, despite their ongoing attempts to steer clear.
Well, as I mentioned in another reply I quite legitimately don’t pay a fee for the BBC either, although in their case I do, also quite legitimately consume its products. I tend to read newspapers online these days with AdBlock turned on. It’s no good complaining about that; I’m self-aware enough to be impervious to advertising so its wasted on me.
For the record, I do believe that that licence fee as a means of funding a public service broadcaster has outlived its usefulness. If further evidence were needed, the Guardian was live-streaming the women’s cricket ODI from Scarborough on its website yesterday, presumably because the even wasn’t tangled up in rights issues, and that seemed to be running rings around the idea of licenced broadcasting. I believe that a public service broadcaster has been of great benefit and an undoubted asset to this country and to the world, and that it should continue to be so. A new method of funding should be sought and it should be carefully thought out. My inclination, and I know you won’t agree with me but that’s plurality for you, is to fund out of central taxation but I’m open to learning of other ways because even that is less than perfetc. What I don’t want to see is a system like PBS in the US which has to resort to periodic grovelling for donations. I don’t care much for subscriptions which might put some out of reach, nor of advertising which allows advertisers to manipulate content either by appealing to populism to maximise revenue or by buying the message. A public service broadcaster must be free to challenge, disconcert and deflate the powerful.
‘ A public service broadcaster must be free to challenge, disconcert and deflate the powerful. ‘
I think just spotted the irony in that statement.
(yes, I have a wormery to recycle my food waste – deal with it!)
A wormery, is that a posh word for a compost heap? As it is, why should anybody have to deal with it. They’re as common as muck where I’m from.
As for your ability to do away with not watching live TV. Unfortunately not a lot of people are like you (But I’m one) and so they fill their homes with TVs and thus end up compelled to pay. I mean can you imagine the human rights angle by not allowing children to watch ‘Rastermouse’ on CBBC (I saw an advert for it the otherday)
Noticed that pounce she seems to love the ‘don’t you judge me’ mentality so suited to those who are under no attack but cannot help but be defensive ! plus if you don’t pay for it and don’t use it why feel the compulsion to defend it ?
The point surely, Di, is that if you want to buy and read a newspaper you can bypass Murdoch if you wish. However if you want to watch telly in the UK, you must pay the BBC, irrespective of your income, channel choice, or how crappy and/or biased the BBC output may be.
What is worse is paying for the abusive, paedophile excusing PC agenda that they push relentlessly.
You may not feel compelled but there are others under my roof who enjoy some of their “entertainment” programmes. So I am compelled to fund their “news” output.
Break BBC up, commercial subscription to sports, entertainment, and news, separately. The justification for a national broadcaster is long gone, like a national airline.
The BBC fears market forces because they know it would destroy them, something no politician dares to do.
I hope you don’t feed the worms anything from the BBC, as you would soon quickly find them able to wiggle only to the left.
It does seem that way. I don’t think the BBC is going to make us accept their behaviour over Cliff as easy as that. A lot of people noticed it and it has been well publicised.
Looked bad and smelt worse.
Sorry, I’m missing something here. I don’t have a television so haven’t seen Newsnight so I don’t know what images of a ‘laughing Jihadist’ was shown, but I do find myself wondering which is preferable; footage of a jihadist being obnoxious or footage of a jihadist putting forward a coherent argument. (I said ‘coherent’, I’m not saying ‘well-founded’). What impression is left on the casual viewer by a hostile figure laughing, do you think? I don’t think the description ‘laughting jihadist’ suggests to me something to be approved of.
Well I suppose you’d start by not treating this little episode on Newsnight as an isolated example of the publicity, even barely-concealed support (in the case of Hamas), afforded by the BBC to the Islamist cause.
So I suggest you catch up on the last several days’ (or is it weeks’?) worth of posts and take it from there.
And it is hitting the fan!
Just catching up on this blog and noticed I missed excellent post yesterday by:
Philip – August 20, 2014 at 11:37 pm
Article includes a lot about the BBC massive influence upon the Nation not possibly for our good:
Interesting quotes:
“News is dominated by the ‘Orwellian’ BBC “… the monolithic corporation is the chief source of news for the overwhelming majority of Britons, reaching 86% of current affairs consumers through TV, radio and the internet.” Every household in the UK needs a TV license to fund the BBC, regardless of whether you watch BBC or not. The network often resembles George Orwell’s 1984 because blatantly biased news and views are pumped into the nation’s living rooms, and even correspondents’ opinions are often passed off as ‘fact’.
Multiculturalism and liberalism are the main themes throughout the BBC because ethnic minorities are vastly overre presented in their workforce, and any fears over immigration and lack of integration are ignored in their broadcasting. I watched BBC’s Mark Easton say Britain ‘hasn’t changed that much’ in one decade after the 2011 census was released. Easton did not mention Britain absorbed only 250,000 immigrants in almost 900 years between 1068 – 1946, but now nearly double that arrive every year. Try telling 600,000 Londoners that fled the capital in that one decade that Britain ‘hasn’t changed that much’. The BBC does not even realise how biased it is most of the time, without its own employees pointing it out, but still never changes.
The BBC gave hate preacher Anjem Choudary a platform after Lee Rigby was murdered by Muslims in Woolwich; promotes other cultures ahead of British culture and is favourable to Islam; and has a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias. Not bad for a supposedly impartial, publically-funded organisation!
In Britain ‘alternative’ Channel 4 showed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad instead of the Queen’s speech one Christmas Day. A previous year they showed a woman in a burka instead of the Queen. So it came as no great surprise how Ramadan was recently celebrated by this channel. What dhimmitude! Britain already has Al Jazeera so there is no need for British channels to get in on the act!
Do you think it is the case that people who watch/listen to the BBC receive everything they see or hear uncritically as absolute truth? Many of those people also read the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph the Sun, or other news source with a different message. Others will be reading online content from non-traditional news sources. Does that cause inner conflict, do you think, or do you believe as I do that most people will take in tghe contraditions and make up their own minds? I suspect that most will feel more comfortable with hearing what they want to hear and rejecting that which challenges but I don’t think that is healthy.
You are missing the point. There is lots of poll evidence that the BBC is the main provider of “news” to large numbers of people. They are by far the most dominant news source in the UK – far more significant than your bogeyman Murdoch – whose media outlets have a variety of views.
BBC “groupthink” on issues such as Israel and climate change has a very large effect. The BBC is required to be impartial – but it is not. And we are forced to pay for it.
Di Blanchard of course you are right that people do not totally rely on or believe everything they see/hear on the BBC.
But just as John Anderson has said above you are totally missing the point.
The point being the BBCs liberal left indoctrination is very effective due to it’s enormous finance and traditional news dominance in this country to a lot of people who do not have the time or interest like you and I to look around.
Does the BBC ever tell its audience it is biased ?
Nibor – see:
The point is that the BBC, being state funded by a compulsory tax, has a duty to be impartial and politically neutral, in contrast to commercial media groups who can and do take a wide range of positions on the political spectrum. If the BBC wishes to campaign for a multicultural leftist Britain, which it certainly has done for the past 30 years, it must become a commercial organsiation and exist with zero state funding.
Personally I think that it damaging for democracy if any single media outlet , commercial or state funded , has such a dominant position as does the BBC. How can we get the pluralistic diverse views that we need if the media is dominated by one group?
“Di Blanchard” – you suddenly appear here and appear to have unlimited time and resources to attempt to manage the flow of spontaneous opinion from the populous. Why don’t I believe you are a normal ordinary member of the public? You bob up too often, always the same “script”. You are an interest-view troll. You people hate the internet open society so much. Sorry love, you are a loser.
I too was impressed with Philip’s link. Pity more people cannot be made aware of it.
‘Multiculturalism and liberalism are the main themes throughout’ – ‘ethnic minorities are vastly overrepresented’ are two that stood out for me. Lizo, Reeta, Ahmed, Sangita, Pallab, etc. the list goes on. The latest one we have noticed is Rajini in Washington. Her report, wide eyed and hysterical as she was asked to move along by the Police in Ferguson for her own safety, was an ‘education’.
It is not only ethnic minorities either it is that all nationalities seem preferable to indigenous. Orla (Irish), Lyse (Canadian) and the (really can’t stand her myself) Lynda Yueh (British American??). Why is it that many ‘experts’ interviewed during news broadcasts are foreigners, many coming from King’s College for some reason. Even applies to topics of purely British interests.
Down here in the South West they fall over themselves to find an ethnic face to put into any outside broadcast. A few years back we had a school carol concert on the quayside at Looe in Cornwall. Two ethnic children were in the front row, were in shot most of the time and were interviewed at the end. Not a word to any of the others. Last night a pasty eating contest featured a row of men about to gobble one down. The winner (I think local) was interviewed and one other contestant – the only black face in the entire report. They then showed GCSE results from a local problem school. A group of five students – four white and one with a ‘headscarf’. One white and ‘headscarf’ were spoken to. In an area with as yet very low levels of multi ethnicity it is so blindingly obvious the way they trip over themselves to portray otherwise.
The worst enemy of our country and our culture is shockingly financed by us!!
Just pointing out that Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message has also included Sacha Baron-Cohen and a survivor of the World Trade Centre. Sometimes it’s irreverent, sometimes it’s simply a serious but more off-beat alternative to the mainstream. What’s certain is that it is aimed at an audience that isn’t going to be watching the more traditional Christmas message on several other channels, and also that those whose Christmas is built around the traditional message aren’t going to be much interested in the alternative. Seems fair enough to me.
“Guess Who” (no, I can’t, sorry) upthread somewhere challenged me to offer evidence of bias in the BBC. Well, it’s long been my perception that the BBC is biased to the point of sycophancy towards the monarchy. It shows in the playing of the national anthem on certain birthdays during Today, and in the special voices adopted by newsreaders when giving royal news. I do occasionally make contributions to my BBC local radio station and I have seen in the studio the instrctions for action in the event of the death of one of the Big Four (Liz, Phil, Chuck, Wills, possibly it’s the Big Five now with Wee Geordie). Two of those can’t be far off now (they can’t hang me any more for saying that, it’s just realistic!) and the prospect doesn’t much appeal to me.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think the present Queen is a good egg as a person, the person who is an avid Doctor Who fan and who is alleged to have denied a knighthood to Greg Dyke for cancelling it, who played her part in the Olympic opening ceremony with such obvious relish, who made a point of asking Barack Obama for a more up-to-date iPod when he came to visit, who is said behind the scenes to be a talented mimic, especially of her Prime Ministers and particularly of the one she particularly loathed (I wonder if you can guess?), and who has done a lot to tone down a lot of the obsequiousness surround the monarchy (so there’s hope that we will leave suitable instructions). But I still dislike the notion of monarchy. It’s a point of view, not one that many here will agree with but that’s why I come here, to see and comment on a different point of view.
“Guess Who” (no, I can’t, sorry)
If directed at me, that bracketed section may have worked better without the editorial tweak to force it.
‘upthread somewhere challenged me to offer evidence of bias in the BBC’
Don’t recall asking for a small essay on the rather narrow (in the great BBC coverage scheme of things) topic of Madge.
Do recall this:
“Are you saying the BBC is not secretive, keeps things internal and is exempted from challenge when those outside dare to hold them to account?”
So, third time lucky?
“Are you saying the BBC is not secretive, keeps things internal and is exempted from challenge when those outside dare to hold them to account?”
I think if the BBC manages to do that as a matter of design it is on to something and the security services, amongst others have a lot of to learn from it.
On the other hand if, as I suspect, the BBC is big and bureaucratic with a lot of different power bases in constant conflict with each other and ever ready to knife each other in the back, with no part having any control over what any other part is up to, and would probably be unable to keep anything confidential if flown to the Andromeda nebula, then it’s no different from any other large corporation. Its senior officers have a nasty habit of being unable to accept that they might be wrong and that annoys the hell out of me. But on the whole I think the BBC does more good than harm.
Does that help?
Most helpful. By having at least an answer, when I was expecting none. Definitely better than the usual BBC or BFF response. And thus deserving of a fuller reply.
‘I think if the BBC manages to do that as a matter of design..
It rather does. And you make an interesting point. Security services may have a case in being coy on explanation in a few areas. The BBC… less so… much less so. Particularly as they are mostly a broadcaster of news and entertainment funded uniquely by the public, with a supposedly extensive system of complaints handling to explain and atone when they err.
Full lockdown, denials, redactions and FOI exclusions across the board no matter what doesn’t just look bad, worse, it looks daft.
‘…. if, as I suspect, the BBC is big and bureaucratic… etc.. ‘
I suspect your suspicion to be pretty accurate.
‘…then it’s no different from any other large corporation.’
In action and reaction, very likely. Thing is, unlike any other large corporation, there is a rather crucial difference: it is funded, albeit uniquely, by the public. It makes quite a play of that, and talks a lot at high level of trust and transparency. Hard to reconcile with shutting down any expressions of concern on accuracy, objectivity or integrity, by default, all the way to the top.
‘Its senior officers have a nasty habit of being unable to accept that they might be wrong and that annoys the hell out of me.’
You and many others. Oddly, comparing with ‘other corporations’, nasty habits that annoy the hell out of folk usually don’t see protections, pay offs, sidesteppings and back ins, etc on a cosy sack of rats, but sack of rats club basis. especially when screwing up, big time, all the time.
‘But on the whole I think the BBC does more good than harm.’
Good for you. I, I think you will be unsurprised to learn, do not share that view.
All I ask is that I am not required to pay for the BBC first no matter what, simply to enjoy the broadcast offerings of the world.
That way the BBC can also do whatever it likes, and if I am nothing to do with it, no longer in my name. The ‘British;’ being retained will niggle, mind, as it does when Americans hold the country rather generically to account for the actions of blokes accorded that nationality by governments and media when they really don’t seem to deserve it.
It is not de rigeur to be of the left to have reservations about a monarchy.
There is a very good conservative case to be made for a republic.
That is my view.
But our system is really republican with a monarch as head of state. Quite clever if you think about it.
It has been that way since 1660 with a few hiccups along the road.
Look at the fate of James 11 and you will see what I mean.
In Good Morning Vietnam, some pompous bureaucrats decided to take Robin Williams’s character off air, and replace his extremely popular show that pushed the boundaries with something mild and uncontroversial. People hated the show’s replacement and stopped tuning in.
I think that is what will happen with Top Gear – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/11048961/Jeremy-Clarkson-is-not-untouchable-says-head-of-BBC-TV.html
Mr. Cohen seems determined to be the JonDon of marketratedom, presumably on a shared belief of absolute immunity from consequence.
His pontifications appear to be getting more frequent and megalomaniacal.
Luckily for him, he has no shareholders to account to, and of course ‘customers’ are merely a cash cow joke to be abused to such a champagne socialist.
Long may he continue, as his pronouncements are not going to help with the core audience, and the guys who depend on them for votes every few years (unlike Danny & crew), at all.
I gave up on Top Gear ages ago when it bacame a grown up version of “Just William”
“I gave up on Top Gear ages ago when it became a grown up version of “Just William”
As is your right to do entirely.
How do you feel about still being compelled to fund it no matter what?
What’s wrong with Just William ?
Violet Elizabeth Bott. (My children hated her)
I loved Violet Elizabeth. She was eating an apple. She saw it contained a worm. She removed the worm, and carried on eating. Prototype Ripley.
Most normal men of whatever age have an inner ‘William’ waiting to spring into life at the smallest excuse and do daft boyish things.
The amount of bias coming out of the BBC appears to have reached epidemic proportions of late.
Somewhat perversely, I actually feel more confident now than ever that the time is very close when the BBC will over-reach itself and the whole edifice will come crashing down. It is held in more contempt than ever and there will soon be a critical mass of people no longer prepared to tolerate it.
It is, sadly, too late to fix much of the damage it has done to the fabric of this country, particularly over the last 15 years or so.
(P.S. admins: I’d really appreciate my login being unblocked – the contact form appears to deliver correspondence into a big black hole.)
There are many commercial channels who would willingly pay double what the BBC pays to get hold of TopGear. the BBC makes a fortune out of that show, but once the audience tires of the same old format (no matter how popular currently) the BBC wil take enormous delight in scrapping it.
I suspect that Clarkson only stays with the BBC out of spite, to make them keep broadcasting their most lucrative show, knowing that it drives most of the BBC staff crazy to think that their best selling show internationally is so politically incorrect and “laddish”.
I personally love that their best selling show is politically incorrect, male dominated, sexist petrol headed fun!
I think the BBC’s witch hunt against Jeremy Clarkson is just another miserable episode from the BBC(they never seem to end).
The “changes” will simply result in one of the private channels scooping all three presenters up (Clarkson, May, Hammond) and starting their own “Top Gear”.
The audience will follow leaving the BBC’s Top Gear a dead duck which will be axed due to poor viewing figures.
Talk about a self-inflicted death.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly sad……
On “Today” – Doctors will be “forced” to say “sorry” to patients, if they fuck up.
Yeah, that’ll make ALL the difference.
“Ah, Mr. Bloggs – I/we removed the wrong leg – sorry”
“Mr Jones, terribly sorry that Dr. Smith killed your husband – you’ll just have to find another one”
Incidentally, why, in newspaper headlines, are people “forced” to do this or that? Are they held at gunpoint, or something?
What’s wrong with:
“obliged to do x, y or z”,
or “thought it best to…”,
or “had to…”,
or “considered it prudent to…”,
or “asked/ordered/made/advised to…”
Forced? I don’t think so.
Interesting the BBC covered this so thoroughly when they never, never apologise for anything themselves. Pots and black kettles spring to mind.
Balen report !
Well having to “force” someone to provide an apology fits perfectly with the BBC mentality, of course. Which is to say that one should never, ever, voluntarily apologise for anything, for that carries with it an admission of wrong-doing. The BBC, being perfect (like their favourite prophet), can do no wrong, hence they cannot, as a matter of principle apologise.
Unless they are FORCED so to do. The consequence of force/coercion being used is that it renders the apology void (like a forced confession), thus allowing the perfect Corporation to maintain its position that it did nothing wrong, despite apologising.
A forced apology is no apology at all.
Talking of ‘forcing’ Wednesday’s Jeremy Vine had a piece about a woman who was ‘forced’ to have a new ‘phone, email address etc. by her boyfriend that she ‘loved’. She is all in favour of the government bringing in laws to protect stupid people from non-violent domestic abuse, (how?).
If they get this law I suspect it might catch more women than men!
Despite “winning” a ruling against the BBC after a year against a documentary on Israel by presenter Dan Cruickshank and appealing for an apology which their rules stated was justified the BBC managed to get out of it.
To see more details read http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/1-road-to-armeggeddon-sat-7th-june-2003.html
and http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/road-to-armaggedon-resonses.html
Well, “forced” is typical headline shorthand, but actually admitting fault and apologising does help a lot. I have seen any number of cases of negligence by doctors and the way they close ranks, drag out proceedings for years etc. is terribly disheartening for those affected. We all make mistakes and an honest admission would make a lot of difference.
“Forced” – watch how they do it…….I am reliant on the GMC (at a cost to me of 490 pounds annually, revalidation and multiple other jumping through pointless hoops in addition to the important stuff) put me on the register and license my practice. No register, no work ,,,,,and the stipulations extend to Canada / Australia / US and many other countries worldwide. I would hope that I apologise to any patient and their family for any mistakes that I make, but sometimes horrible things happen and people even die despite my best efforts.
An unhappy family can report me to my hospital or GP practice, be unhappy with the result, then complain to the CCG , GMC and finally undertake legal action. At any of these I can undergo the “neutral” act of suspension. Any complaint (including one recently that I had failed to look someone in the eye as I introduced myself) has to be reported to the GMC on an annual basis, giving them huge amounts of ammunition for future investigations.
There are bad doctors, who may be good people but incompetent or evil (before anyone brings up Shipman), and need to be stopped from working but if the GMC says forced, believe me we take notice.
Action continues on Gaza, but somehow I have not heard the BBC reporting :
1 The admission by Hamas that they organised the kidnapping and killing of the 3 Israeli teenagers
2 That Israel has definitely killed 3 of the main Hamas commanders in the past few days – and has probably killed the top dog
3 That Hamas has been executing / murdering “collaborators – 14 in the past 2 days.
Maybe all this cuts across the BBC narrative ?
In today’s Daily Telegraph Charlotte Moore, the head of BBC One says the channel was determined to improve diversity both on and off screen. ”Improve”!?
She claims that there are more Darleks on the cover of the Radio Times than people from ethnic minorities. Well you can play spot the white person or white child on so many street shots or visits to schools during BBC news programmes, in fact play spot the white bloke actually reading the main news. The is a diversity of ethnic ”minority’s”?.
Moore is determined to ensure 12% of actors and presenters are from BAME by 2017, so recruitment will be based partly on race and will discriminate against the indigenous population.
Perhaps she should just impose a 9pm watershed so white folk can see their own kind in their country after that time.
I am sick of the BBC.
The BBC can only behave like it does because it is funded by extortion. The Mafia makes you an offer you can’t refuse. So does the BBC. Want a telly buy a licence and keep us in clover.
A very silly organisation that is heading for a fall. Give it time. The execs are ever more stupid with each passing year.
”No taxation without representation”, when do we get a say in what goes on at the BBC?
‘No justice, no peace’
Only 12%? Cue mass “minority” redundancies across BBC “talent”…..
Absolutely, spot on.
If it was incumbent on the BBC to accurately reflect the ethnic proportionality of the UK, they would have to sack a few “minority” presenters.
Why don’t they just employ on the basis of ability?
So many of their presenters are apparently functionally illiterate and incapable of a rational critique of anything remotely scientific or technological, and seem to have virtually no comprehension oc the history of Britain.
Give me an articulate and Informed Indian presenter over some bimbo, anytime. End the tokenism.
The Radio Times is no longer an in-house production, so what has it got to do with her who appears on it’s covers? Besides, I’m sure a Dalek will sell more copies than the new series of Citizen Khan
If the senior management are so obsessed with this, maybe a few could lead by example and remove themselves from the BBC. They could be replaced by some minorities
I started reading that second para and thought she, Danny, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch were having another market rate moment and imposing sex quotas on alien robots. Very Metropolis.
Seems Dalek skirts were not obvious enough. Maybe remove all the hemispheres bar two?
Do that and one’s a shoo-in for the next Trust Chair.
It’s not only the bias, it’s the sheer ignorance: Carole Walker on Today this morning “explained” the background to the spat concerning the appointment of Chief Clerk to the Commons. Carole “explained” it as, basically, MPs throwing their toys out of their collective pram because their privileges might be damaged by the appointment of – what everyone agrees – is a complete and compliant ignoramus.
What Carole failed to convey – either through ignorance or, more likely, mendacity – is that the rules of the House of Commons (built up over 500+ years) are not only an important part of the British Constitution but in their correct application partially underwrite the freedom of all of us through the enforcement of civilised debate and, yes, legal privileges of our representatives. The new appointment is purely in the interests of the self-aggrandizement of Bercow.
The substantial re-writing of the rules by the over-tumescent Robin Cook when he was leader of the House in 2001 (notably after the resignation of Betty Boothroyd – the last decent Speaker, in all meanings of the word “decent”) served to emasculate the Commons: none moreso than the universal timetabling of all bills as against the occasional guillotining previously, so that any old crap can be and is now bulldozed through the Commons as long as the executive can ensure a majority. Accordingly, the Speaker’s role in acting as protector of the Commons and of the privileges of MPs in all our interests became even more vital. Unfortunately Bercow is rather more interested in his own prerogatives and privileges – and the money of course: he has an expensive wife to run – than he is about those of the Commons.
But don’t ask the BBC to explain why MPs might be a tad upset about the appointment except through the BBC’s dark glass of contempt for this country’s institutions.
What would Beeboids say if this were Rupert Murdoch, not George SOROS, financier of the political ‘left’?-
“George Soros bets $2B-plus on stock market collapse: industry insiders”
For INBBC to report?:-
“Hamas Kills 11 Suspected Informers for Israel: Gaza Official”
According to Radio 4 News at midday, these informers were “tried” and then executed. The implication is that in Gaza it’s just like here: allegations are investigated by an impartial body and the suspected perps appear before an impartial judge and a jury of the perp’s peers. Or was it a kangaroo court or even not a court at all? Apparently the guys were named, arrested and shot in a matter of hours.
I think we all know what the BBC would like us to believe. Accordingly, there’s no need to anticipate Lyse’s interview with defence counsel or look forward to Phil Shiner’s indignation at this breach of human rights when Humphrys asks him for his comments on Today.
The latest news is that 18 have been executed. 6 of them in front of a mosque.
Hamas beginning to panic a bit ? There must have been security breaches to let the IDF kill the Hamas commanders.
The 6 at the mosque had no trial. According to witness reports to AFP, they were simply seized as they were leaving the mosque this morning among hundreds of others, shouted at by masked Hamas men and sprayed with bullets.
But it’s OK, the liberal progressive defenders of things such as homosexual marriage, banning page 3, racial “positive” discrimination etc. are all convinced that all Palestinians belong to the religion of peace and so long as they are fighting against the Jewish controllers of the 1% , all is well, and they will overlook how Hamas execute homosexuals, rape-victims and anyone who crosses them, without a trial, and these liberal progressive defenders of Hamas: the worshippers of Nazis, happily spread their joyous bile across the corporate controlled social networks on their corporate manufactured “smart” devices.
I guess their devices have to be “smart”, because they sure as hell aren’t.
It shames me, as an openly gay man, that I find so many misguided nincompoops within queer ranks prepared to march on behalf of terrorist murderers and international Islamic criminals. If these morons only knew what ‘true’ Islam would do to them given half the chance (and already does to those it can lay its hands on)…
It’ll be too late to realise the awful truth once the Black Flag of Islamic State touches these shores.
A “glorious Scottish summer”, according to the BBC Radio 5 Live blog.
Now, could anyone tell me how the promotion of Scottish national and cultural pride and identity by the BBC ties in with the “multicultural Britain” so beloved of the Corporation? Or does “multiculturalism” only ever apply in England?
Answers on a postcard…
BBC – Imam debates ISIS supporter
Calliphate nothing to do with Islam?
Calliphate is something spiritual?
Islam promotes a caring welfare state, is just.
Islam always supports democracy
We re all already living in a Calliphate, in the UK, for the last 30yrs?
……………. and that’s just the Imam?
2hrs 08 mins
A bit OT – but I came back from USA today and was amazed at the lack of coverage on the mainstream media about the beheading of the American Journalist – nothing even on FOX.
Whether they felt it was too gruesome for family viewing or waiting until Obama decided what should be done about it is another matter.
My thought at the time on hearing the news (available on SKY/ BBC Apps) was:
“The left would suck up to Islam even whilst they are having their heads cut off by them”
And that was BEFORE today’s reporting as to his sympathies.
(As I have been away – how has the report that the leader of Tower Hamlets claimed that it was the religious DUTY of muslims to vote for him been going down?)
It has been completely ignored by the mainstream media, as you would expect.
R4: A day or two ago, they had an educational academic on; but without saying so was having a big dig at Gove’s exam reforms. She said things like harder for the students, exam being the main thing no course work, etc etc. No alternative view like nothing was said when ‘A’ went from 90% down to 70%, normalisation was no longer done, courses were modular so could be taken in little pieces, multiple attempts at subjects.
No, there must never be any hint from the bBC that education was deliberately dumbed down by government, that is why our children get all these wonderful results.
Coursework is an utter scam. (Even though I was getting good marks for the stuff I was doing for my grandkids – everyone is on it.)
Mind you, while its true that A grades used to be considered truly outstanding, this change isn’t entirely down to easier exams. Teaching standards have improved, better educated parents are able to help their children as never before, and last but by no means least, the WEALTH of revision guides, give children practice at answering questions and mean that children are no longer depependent on solely the skills of their individual teachers.
This HAS TO make abig difference.
When I were a lad (1963) if someone got two As at A-Level, they were almost certain to get into Oxford or Cambridge, I rest my case.
And now we have the product of reduced vigour in teaching and exams…..Oxford’s finest…Owen Jones….standards have slipped, nay, fallen off a cliff in his case.
It’s all Israels fault again I see…
MPs to quiz BBC and police bosses over Cliff Richard raid
The bosses of the BBC and South Yorkshire Police have been summoned to appear before MPs after a claim of a “cover-up” over a recent police raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s Berkshire home.
Home affairs select committee chairman Keith Vaz said the chief constable had accused the BBC of a cover-up “which is a matter of deep concern”.
BBC director general Tony Hall has said BBC journalists “acted appropriately”.
The search related to an alleged sex offence, which Sir Cliff denies.
I suspect, on reflection, the BBC will conclude they ‘got it about right’. And that will be that.
They actually were moved to flag this as a ‘breaking news’ email:
Subject: MPs to quiz bosses over Cliff raid
Rather reads like an Ariel story.
Or something to do with The Guns of Navarone.
Did anyone else notice the emphasis this week on Radio 4 Today and others when giving the weather forecast? Constantly repeating phrases such as…..’for those of you having a bank holiday this weekend’. If I didn’t know there was a Scottish referendum on Independence due soon I would never have guessed.
Last nights Newsnight was a new low.
Very Glenn Ponder, Alan Partridge.
And none of that nasty ISIS stuff either…pass the shortbread tin and a Proclaimers CD.
Utter crap-but Kirsty is now home for the weekend at our expense, so a result all round.
Hope someone kept it as evidence that the BBC has given up doing news…just nation Of Islam crap with blue facepaint on.
Crap. Typical baseline of kapok stuffed mediocrity this Newsshite.
It was truly awful – a new low, even for Newsnight and that really is saying something. I watched about fifteen minutes of the wretched broadcast and just had switch it off and do something (anything) far less irritating.
http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/192849/2014/08/21/…stop galloway fascism.
Just watched the BBC news. Apparently the message at Friday prayers from Muslims in the UK is one of peace. Thank Allah for that!
This is making my blood boil beyond all control. I AM NOT F***ING INTERESTED IN ANYTHING THE MOSQUES HAVE TO DO OR SAY. They get enough coverage in this country (thx to those loathsome BBC Marxist scum) for a whinging minority that make up just 4pc of the population.
I am getting sick and tired of the BBC calling these vomitous Isis Scum ‘British’. They are not British; they are Muslim immigrants who have never integrated and have made mockery of the BBC’s beloved diversity wet dream. These vile and revolting scum need to be wiped out; they should be shot on sight wherever they be found.
British politicians are too squeamish to order anyone to be shot. On the other hand there must be a prima facie case that anyone who went to the Middle East to help IS has committed crimes in Iraq. We should just hand them over to the Iraqi government for investigation.
Even worse is calling them ‘Britons’. While ‘British’ can refer to mere citizenship and not ethnicity, ‘Britons’ has a ring of ancestry about it, meaning its use should be reserved for those whose heritage lies in our islands, English Welsh Scottish and Irish, or any blend of these I.e. ethnic British.
So has anybody else seen the bBC’s coverage of the very public execution of 18 men on the streets of Gaza (Actually outside a mosque at kicking out time) over people whom they accused of being Jewish informants and thus with not even a kangaroo court to convict them, they were hooded and murdered in broad day light.
Now what I found disturbing was the headlines:
Gaza: Hamas says 18 suspected informants executed
“Hamas sources in Gaza say 18 people suspected of collaborating with Israel have been executed”.
So did Hamas execute these poor terrified men or didn’t they, because the language used by the bBC to describe this event beats a little too much about the bush. in which to confuse the reader somewhat .This is followed up by the even more disturbing:
“The killings came after an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas leaders on Thursday. Two more Palestinians died in overnight strikes.”
So help me here, is the bBC saying that these killings – which may have not taken place- were due to the killing of 3 Hamas leaders, becasue that’s how I read it. So The bBC which has no problem attacking any democratically elected government for executing somebody (Pounce looks across the water) has no problem pulling in Human rights experts, former wardens and so many bloody witnesses who claim that the dead man was actually innocent.
But when Hamas not only does it, but much more barbarically (Remember the horror the bBC expressed when that Joseph Wood in the US suffered due to taking too long to die) So after all that. lets go back to the main story about how the bBC reports that Hamas may have/or may have not executed (Before anybody tries to take me to task, when the bBC reports on deaths caused by Israel, there is no say in the matter, they report the fact that Israel did. Here are a few photos that the bBC didn’t show which would have substantiated the cold bloodied murders (on a par with the beheading of Mr Foley) of 18 men in public. Photos the bBC must have had seeing as the tame one they use comes from the same cameraman as the ones I posted (Not graphic)
Hamas executes 18 people
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic terrorism.
Now go down a little further, the bBC reports:
Hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza resumed on Tuesday, scuppering efforts in Cairo to achieve a long-term ceasefire deal.
Hamas has insisted on a lifting of the economic blockade of Gaza as part of any longer-term deal.
Israel has vowed to pursue its campaign until “full security” is achieved through the disarmament of Hamas and other groups in Gaza.
Now reading that whom would you think is looking for peace and whom is the one looking for war. Yet it was Hamas which broke the ceasefire by launching 127 missiles into Israel, Not Israel which pulled its negotiation team back from Egypt on hearing the news that Hamas had kicked off again. But there’s more, which the biased bBC doesn’t tell.
Hamas has been saying that the reason why they have been lobbing missiles across the border is because of the number of their men arrested after 3 young boys were murdered by somebody. A crime they said had nothing to do with.
That was until the other day when a senior Hamas operative inside Turkey went on camera at a conference for Imams admitted they(Hamas) carried out the act. Something the bBC haven’t bothered their arse reporting.
Well it appears Hamas may have shot themselves in the foot, as in arresting all those men, Israel uncovered a Plot by Hamas to kill Abbas and take the West Bank by force.
Has anybody seen the bBC report this either?
The bBC, the mouthpiece for Islamic propganda
So lets go to the end of that bBC post:
“After the first 11 executions, Hamas warned that “the same punishment will be imposed soon on others”.
Ok, but lets look at this from a neutral point of view:
Gaza is in shit state, no water, no power,plenty of food thou( seeing as one of the Hamas gunmen is a right fat bastard) 2000 dead, living under fire (from both sides for 2 months) and you’d think that some people may start to grumble (in the Uk, we complain about dog shit in the street. Think about what it is like living with 1.5 million people shitting in the street.)
It has been widely reported that people in Gaza have been expressing their displeasure with Hamas
(Which is why they executed 30 at the end of July in Shejaia (You remember Shejaia don’t you?) using the same excuse)
Now why would you execute 7 men in public outside a mosque. The bbC reports that Hamas does so in which to send the message don’t work for Israel. Yet from every media outlet going, everybody in Gaza hates Israel and lets be honest, with the speed on how fast Muslims can kill their women folk, do you think anybody caught spying for the jew would survive long enough to get to a police station. Family Honour and all that.
Could it be, that Hamas wants to send a message to those griping about how Hamas has done nothing for Gaza, but spend money on weapons, protect its own inside bunkers and see to it that Gaza gets flattened yet again for the third time in as many years.
In other words they are terrorising the population to keep on them on their side. Which is why a country statelet with a population 1/300th of the US has executed more (known)people this past month (48) than the US has in the past 8 months.
Where are the Human rights lawyers, the anti-execution posts from the bBC. Instead the bBC ends with:
“It added that “the current circumstances forced us to take such decisions”, suggesting a link between the executions and the killing of the three senior Hamas leaders.”
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
So with all that in mind, would I be correct in saying that to the contrary, rather than being Militants . Hamas are actually Terrorists, because which everway you look at the reason for those 48 known murders this past month, they were carried out to terrorise people and not milititize. (I mean Militant in the Viz was never this evil, was she, fucking ugly and could have done with wearing a burka)

Yes but they are American, and therefore to blame for all the world’s ills, from the financial crisis throuth Gaza all the way to anthropogenic global warming. Although a democracy, with Saint Barrack in charge, they are still just Yanks.
Hamas, however, merely execute people without due process. What’s to complain about? After all, they’re not Yanks or Yids.
Two of the people “executed” were women
Listening to 5 the other day I was interested to hear that the Irish Parliment is run by a Tea Shop? Who knew.
I thought it was run by a t-shirt.
Well never mind the Muslim extremists in our midst, never mind the grooming gangs, never mind that we will soon become a minority in our own land, never mind that our infrastructure is breaking under the weight of all our new arrivals, never mind the immigrant crimewave besieging us all – never mind all that – but look, this is BIG news (according to the BBC) someone may be RACIST!!!!!
Out of 10,000 text messages in and out of someone’s phone, I sent three,” added Mackay.
If someone can manage detect three “Wacist” messages out of 10,000 actually sent, shouldn’t we be employing the same people to monitor the phones of the “Jihadists” in our midst.
Following on from its triumph in the diversity race the BBC proms series which has managed such luminaries as a black singer (quite knowledgeable), and a camp gay disabled one armed pianist (again quite knowledgeable) the BBC needs to get an ‘Asian’ in the act and so it chooses Razia Iqbal who appears to have very little knowledge of Western classical music. All the way through the commentary she’s shuffling through the idiot cards and clearly reading from autocue.
She does however fit the bill for the BBC as she is what might be described as ‘eye candy’ as have all the female presenters. No chance of getting some heffalump in here regardless of how meritorious they might be.
And that’s the point which bothers me. I hate having ‘diversity’, and ‘equality’ forced down my throat, but the inconsistency, when the BBC decides a pretty young (ish) girl is the only female they are going to allow is sickening.
BBC Democrat and Soros.
Will BBC-Democrat report the Soros connection in Rick Perry indictment, or censor it?
‘Fox News’-
“Mainstream media censors Soros’ connection to Rick Perry indictment”
Anyone catch ‘Boomers’ the so called new Friday night ‘comedy’ ?
A stellar cast that doesn’t come cheap including June Whitfield, Alison Steadman, Paula Wilcox and Russ Abbott. Nowt wrong with the acting, but let down but a typically tepid 21st century PC bBC script commissioned by some well paid metrosexual common purpose tw@t who must have thought it funny and just what the licence payer wants.
That’s the thing about the bloody licence fee, we pay it but have absolutely no say in what they give us, only drivel that they arrogantly think we want. Imagine going into a restaurant and being served what the chef thinks we want….
My only surprise is that an ethnic character hasn’t appeared yet, but still four episodes (that I won’t be watching) left.
I tried to watch and retired hurt.
Compare it to “Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads” running every evening on Freeview.
On second thoughts don’t. It is embarrasing .
Made years ago but still sharp and with a timeless air down to a brilliant script and good acting.
The whole series was on BBC4 last year (27 episodes) I consigned them to DVD for something to watch in my dotage to remind me of the Britain that once was….
The BBC ‘Cultural Diversity and Community Cohesion Awareness & Re-Education Department’ poisons the well, every time. The most notoriously egregious example I can think of recently was how comprehensively they sent the second season of ‘In The Flesh’ straight down the sh*tter on a bare-faced, barely disguised anti-UKIP storyline (zombies as ‘immigrants’ – the hated other, the object of xenophobia, etc, blah, blah…gedditt??).
P*sspoor Fourth Form politics masquerading – allegedly – as entertainment – it was truly execrable, embarrassing, insufferable and completely transparent. The bias shone through with such ferocity it was unmissable.
The BBC – never missing a chance to pimp the Agenda (and in the process wilfully f*cking up every good idea it might ever have). I wanted a good zombie apocalypse series – the BBC delivered an anti-UKIP campaign instead. Is this what they mean by ‘viewer choice’..?
The Danny Cohen ‘Legz Akimbo’ guidelines are pervading well and mashing nicely with that head of drama’s ‘left of centre’ edict, though it is possible there have been a few tweaks along the way, for instance to ‘correct’ any unfortunate Olliesque side views on certain female lifestyle choices.
There is nothing that cannot be shaped to suit the purity of the narrative.
Yes, Boomers is what you get when the droids fall over themselves to tick a demographic box.
It’s comedy, Jim, but not as we know it.
It’s not about what we want, much more about what they insist we should think.
I am in London at the moment and watching the local news I now know just how few white British there are in the capital. The two news readers this week are a man and woman from an ethnic minority (although I suppose we will have to find another way of describing them) and now we have a (at least male) weather reader (my local weekend weather person has a degree in media studies so she is no meteorologist). But a couple of tube lines were on strike yesterday and the local news had about 12 people on vox pops. There were 10 from ethnic minority with one white man and one white female added to the mix, I presume for balance.
The first time I visited London I felt I was in a Tarzan movie, I was on safari, I was tripping over them !!
What amuses me is that the white liberal ( aren’t they all ) seeems to think it perfectly normal for a capital city of a country to be populated by the non indigenous.
It is a somewhat unusual situation in the world and I cannot think of a historical precedent.
Now it tells me two things
1. The indigenous have abandoned the city.
2. The City is becoming someplace else. Change the people change the city.
I think we should at least talk about this. I forgot this is England 2014 in the grip of collective madness.
Look at Tokyo, it resembles Japan, does London resemble Britain ? Maybe London should hold a referendum and become independent.
This made me laugh, bewildered white liberal John Cleese has finally woken up, it’s taken about 40 years.
The awful thing is that London may not resemble Britian, but it wont be much longer before Britain resembles London. Already many other of our great cities are not far behind, Birmingham, Manchester and more.
Here we go again on ‘Today’ this morning at 8.15. Utter bias.
Two ‘experts’ or as I heard the other day ‘bacon dodgers’ were trying to explain how difficult it was to control the radicalisation of ‘British men’. The final word was given to one of these gentlemen who mumbled that it was all the fault of the Coalition government because they do not ‘engage’ with Mooslims. To cap it all he stressed that the previous Liebour government were really good at it!
Guess what, the interview suddenly stopped, no challenge to that at all. Beyond contempt and what the hell does ‘engaging’ actually mean?
How about some bleeding engagement from the Muslim community for once and condemn categorically the ‘British men’ and their atrocities meted out on their own people and westerners in the name of their religion of peace.
DYKEVISIONS – “what the hell does ‘engaging’ actually mean?
= Please give More Money to Muslim Organisations – be more like Tower Hamlets.
If liebour was really good at engaging with Muslims then why the 7/7 bombings when liebour was in power and engaging? That would have been my response back to them, but of course it never gets asked.
All day yesterday on Radio 4 news etc the message seemed to be that coalition cuts causes Muslim radicalisation.
Yes, it seems Beeboids want cuts in U.K defence spending to lessen effectiveness of resistance to Islamic jihad threat, but they want increases in spending on mass immigration and the concomitant public costs.
INBBC: note this about one Islamic jihadist who uses Britain as a base:-
“Two British jihad fighters probed in bid to identify James Foley executioner ‘John'”
[Excerpt from ‘Daily Mirror’ report]-
“A second possible link is London rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, who left his family’s £1million home in Maida Vale to join jihadis in Syria.
“He has posted images of himself posing with weapons there.
“His father Adel Abdul Bary is a suspected al-Qaeda mastermind extradited to the USA in 2012.”
Also, ‘Daily Mail”-
“The rapper, the hacker and the terror travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State ‘Beatles’ emerge as MI5 ‘zeroes in’ on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2732393/Is-one-British-extremists-Jihadi-John-Three-potential-Islamic-State-Beatles-emerge-MI5-zeroes-murderer-U-S-journalist-James-Foley.html#ixzz3BClYEZSb
It should be easy to find Jihadi John of the Islamic State Beatles. Just arrest and put the squeeze on any Moouslims with names like Ringo, George and Paul.
noticed that John’s killer was up for parole again and Yoko was opposing his release. Where is the love and tolerance that both used to preach?
And where are all those lovely liberal lawyers?
This is a waste of money and time-an ethnic minority bloke merely playing the part of a grapefruit with a gun for some bit of performance art back in 1980.
You`d think Yoko would be happy to celebrate those bullets that were merely tears, had we the vision of herself.
Besides-Chapman has increased her portfolio and profits plenty over the years…she should be toasting him-if that`s allowed with a grapefruit shedding acid tears for his years of not being loved by the liberals.
Miscarriage of justice this one. Release him, and let Gareth and Shami celebrate his passion.
Chapman was just an exuberant critic…”Double Fantasy” , on balance deserved less-but it`s a close thing…
Liberal fantasies again. It is all they have got these liberals to explain what is going on.
Reality. There is nothing much we can do to prevent young men going to join the Jihad other than by physically detaining them.
It is a cause that they feel is essential to their existence.
We Westerners have to accept this and prepare our defences. Liberal fantasising will only delay the inevitable need to do this.
Secondly there are not going to be harmonious community relations in the cities again. i doubt there ever were it just paid us to pretend .
The Jewish community is under siege and soon so will be the Christian if in a minority. Jewish and white flight is the new reality. You know the towns and cities no need for a list.
Multi this and that was fraudulent. It was actually dangerous. Liberal good intentions overcoming a need for realism.
Sharia and fundamentalist ( Saudi style ) Islam is incompatible with the European way of doing things. Always was and always will be. AS the Catholic Archbishop said Islam has to learn to share space on this earth with other beliefs. I noticed that was not reported much!
It seems that the very simplicity of these realities are too much for the liberals to comprehend.
Engaging means throwing taxpayers money at self appointed ‘community leaders’!
I know exactly how my party can engage with Muslims.
“Radicalization”, like “militant” and “fighter” is another nauseating euphemism used by the left/BBC. These goons aren’t “radicalized” they are conditioned, indoctrinated, brain-washed.
Engaging = appeasement.
Pandering to their vile anti-British desires. Wilfully refusing to investigate an entire mountain range of evidence of racist paedophallic rapes. Allowing overtly racist incitement to violence and hatred against the parent or native culture. Engaging in vile genital mutilation for primitive reasons. Allowing them to be the only section of society to be allowed to engage in profoundly homophobic and sexist behaviour. Allowing them to engage in bigamy and paying benefits to each of the four wives permitted.
And even recruiting and allowing Islamic extremists to work for MI5/MI6 and engage in the commission of terrorism, just so long as they are “our terrorists” and then imposing totalitarian state surveillence on the rest of us, to keep us safe from “our” terrorists.
That is what labour’s engagement with their “community” means.
The Russians have sent aid vehicles into East Ukraine, without permission. How very DARE they! They can stop that operation immediately – we can’t have aid being sent in, can we? Whatever next!
The West are outraged! Notice the outrage aimed at the lack of aid, elsewhere…
On another subject, completely, why not ban ALL hospitals from making ANY parking charges? They wouldn’t dream of charging for parking at such places, here in France…
Those Russian trucks are painted white. If that’s winter camouflage Putin is playing a long game.
It does feel as though NATO/EU have taken a knife to a gunfight. Not that you’d know from the BBC cheerleading for the anti-Russian cause.
Well, there are real issues here. Should any country just be able to send vehicles containing whatever they like, into their next door country’s territory at will ? ISIS would be ever so pleased if that were the case, I would think.
A week or so ago, I saw some news about these 260 trucks. The reporter on the scene mentioned that the location where they all 260 of them were parked at the time had been absolutely crawling with uniformed Russian personnel just hours before the trucks were ‘opened for inspection’ to the media. All of a sudden, and inexplicably, according to the reporter, there were absolutely no uniformed personnel anywhere to be seen in the vicinity of these trucks. “Where did they come from in the first place, and where did they then go ?”, might have been a sensible question for the reporter to ask…. but maybe they had all been conditioned out of asking sensible questions by Hamas-like tours.
Then, the backs of several trucks were opened and they were practically empty – one I saw had almost nothing in it at all, another had only a couple of pallets of bottled water. Another couple of good questions at this point might have been “If these are representative of all the trucks, why the heck did you sent 260 of them, when around a couple of dozen would have done ?” and “So when, and with what, are you going to fill these trucks before they cross the border to Ukraine ?”, or “OK, can we now look at a random sample of these trucks, chosen by ourselves ?”
Very strange actions for a convoy of ‘humanitarian aid’. Or was there an attempt to provoke an attack on them when they crossed the border ?
Who knows ? But for certain, I wouldn’t want 260 trucks full of goodness knows what crossing our border from an unfriendly country (like France….. from the new Sangatte…for instance ?) with impunity, and unsearched.
Is INBBC aware of what its Islamic chum is up to?:-
“Mehdi Hasan peddles Islam for dummies”
“Who is the greater hypocrite: Mehdi Hasan or the British left?”
By Nick Cohen.
(Oct, 2013).
(inc 2 min INBBC video.)
How apartheid ‘Asian Network’ spends BBC licence fee:-
“BBC Asian Network to launch new South Indian show”
south Indian ? 😀
“BBC Plan iPlayer-only Charges Amidst Licence Fee Defence.”
I actually welcome this. It’s a step towards subscription-only services.
Watched SKY News at 10.30pm when a couple of donuts from the chatterati class review the newspapers. I think they the said ” Bwitish ” 500 times in relation to that muslim terrorist beheading the American journalist.
I do like the lame stream media’s slight of hand, smoke and mirrors etc etc, quite sickening.
The beauty is , though: that we are all collectively getting the notions, nostrums and the games that the BBC continually play with us and our language.
Common Purpose, and the United Colours of Benetton being the ultimate destination.
So obvious-we can prove it scientifically re word counts, interruptions(thanks to Craig way back!)…but -as we see with Global Boiling-science is NOT the yardstick any more. The true scientist like Lovelock are hated and hounded for being apostates in the blind faith of “science” as much as any Muslim that sees sense, and dares tt say so publicly.
Same shit Sherlock-a scientific fascism to match the emerging islamic one.
But-thanks to this site-we are not, nor are we ever; alone anymore.
We know the score-and f*** the football!
The liberal left are cutting their own throats-but expect us to bare our necks by way of substituting sacrifice.
Read your bibles-especially the bits that Giles Fraser etc don`t like and won`t preach on-and enjoy the surfboard ride soon to come.
Might be frothing and foaming with blood though….but don`t tell `em…got Enoch banished didn`t it?
Choose Life huh?…either get it from the source…or be content to let George Michael wear it on your behalf by way of a Katherine Hannett token protest against Fatch!
Time to roll the BBC off to Mecca, trussed up for its fate. It won`t be ours here in England, despite what they say.
I`ve read the Book-the good guys win, let me tell you(spoiler alert, my arse)
When Christians committed crimes in the name of the Lord throughout history, such as burning the heathen at the stake, root causes were often sought (by historians of the Enlightenment and to this day) in the literature of the good book itself; not so with Islam. The Left are still playing their childish little games, wilfully ignoring the elephant in the room: the Koran. As another commentator aptly stated last night, will it take that they are faced with their own Jihadi beheading until realisation dawns that certain passages in the Koran sanction violence towards non-believers?
Egyptian TV view of Hamas…and their rejection of the cease fire…..Hamas is deranged….and responsible for the death of Palestinians.
I see the bBC has a new don’t deport anybody from the UK, article.
UK immigration removal centres ‘worse than prison’
I’ve not seen a more disgusting propaganda piece.
I think of it this way – if prison is better than immigration camps then prison conditions are not bad enough –
Krishnan Guru-Murthy embroiled in row over “aggressive” interview with female BBC executive – http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2014-08-22/krishnan-guru-murthy-embroiled-in-row-over-aggressive-interview-with-female-bbc-executive
The newsman was quizzing BBC1 controller Charlotte Moore at the festival, asking punchy questions about why the BBC Trust has been so critical of her channel of late, and whether she accepted veteran BBC news man John Simpson’s recently-expressed claim that the BBC is “run by tough women” and is “grotesquely managed” because of it.
Guru-Murthy’s questioning prompted an angry response from a BBC staffer in the audience who accused him of “legitimising” Simpson’s “sexist” comment.
Don’t you love it when lefties try to shut down legitimate debate with an ism?
Sounds like they were trying to shut down a lot more than debate with a lot more than an ism.
“But the row really started at the end of the session when BBC controller of drama commissioning Ben Stephenson and director of television Danny Cohen confronted Guru-Murthy in person, followed by angry exchanges… Cohen was also heard exchanging angry words. Cohen was then seen apparently being led away by his PR minder…”
Danny seems to shaping up as very good value indeed. In the last few months he has been incapable of doing anything… Forcing wimmin into comedy shows… Putting horse’s heads in Jennifer Saunders’ bed… Threatening Jeremy Clarkson…. without coming across as a deranged, megalomaniac, thug.
Rather suggesting whoever this ‘PR minder’ (is the licence fee payer having to pay for him to have an entourage surrounding him in case he goes nuts again in public?) is, they are doing a p*ss poor job. Keep it up!
As the nation’s nanny, the spectacle of a bunch of multi-hundred thou a year testosteronies facing off over who’s dissed who when professional courtesy requires it’s only the rest of the world who can be asked a question, is as preposterous as it is himarious.
Maybe the BBC should invest in a muzzle… for the head of what they serve up to the UK public.
Lord Pantone may have to express disappointment at the next board meeting, once they are all out of the sack and around the table.
And here he is again.
Seems the BBC has found a new expensive, unworkable way to not be rude and obnoxious with suppliers, just because they can and seem to enjoy throwing their weight around… an App!
Thing is, it still requires a tool at the GIGO end to use it, so I doubt much will change.
Krishnan should have given the BBC the same response they give to the multitude of complaints made to them. “We have reviewed…blah blah blah (got it about right) but your comment will be put into our log…blah blah blah (ignored).
As to
Among the questions posed by Guru-Murthy was an invitation for Moore to respond to John Simpson, who earlier this month criticised a host of “tough women” at the BBC. Shortly afterwards, a member of BBC Drama team publicly suggested he was only” legitimising” the complaint by putting it to a senior female member of staff.
How often do we see the BBC doing exactly the same to ensure their own agendas are reinforced? They sure don’t like it up ’em, yet they do it to us a myriad times a day.
Privatise this insidious organisation!
Just a thought as to how the Fascist left aided by the BBC help Jihadists recruit more fighters prepared to die in this and foreign lands.
Without a Caliphate Muslims can only fight defensive Jihad to protect their religion. In the past it has been pretty difficult to justify any kind of Jihad on this basis until the West began meddling in the Middle East.
George Bush and Tony BLiars adventuring in Iraq gave the Jihadis the perfect opportunity to mischief makers to portray the West as having attacked Islam in general.
This is made much worse by Fascists also wanting to blame us, the British as being in some way also guilty by association, and thus providing a perfect excuse to Jihadi recruiters.
If anyone needs a history lesson, the people of the UK were wholly opposed to BLiars military adventuring, and I for one would not raise any objection if the Muslims declared a Fatwa on his life for what he did.
However, the more the BBC and its allies in the Fascist left continue to blame the UK and others for attacking Islamic lands, the more fuel they add to the fire.
I wasn’t opposed to the Iraq War! I was opposed to the fact that during the first Gulf War George Bush senior did not (at the demand of Arab countries) go on and enter Baghdad . In fact had he done so then there would not have been the need for the 2nd Gulf War and the subsequent dissolving of the Iraq structure that has led to this current conflict.
It didn’t help the second time round, having Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps the most inept strategist in the history of man, masterminding the campaign as well as guidance and direction to the war effort.
I do however believe the reason the 2nd gulf war was undertaken was solely due to the fact it was ‘unfinished business’ as far as George Bush Junior was concerned and the WMD theory was a load of crap. Rant Over
BBC Fave Mehdi Hasan
“this piece is a particularly clever example, chock full of his trademark diversions and sleights of hand. Here he extrapolates from the apparent fact that two jihad terrorists ordered copies of Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies to argue that “the 1,400-year-old Islamic faith has little to do with the modern jihadist movement.”
So still using the word “illegal” for the traffickers, but not for the “illegal” immigrants. The obvious questions I would ask remain unanswered despite all the military action and who knows how much money pumped into Afghanistan is it now worse for them than when the Taliban were running the show forcing them to flee. But of course that would be journalism wouldn’t it?
That’s perhaps because they aren’t illegal immigrants, but asylum seekers, and they’ll probably get it too! Would you seriously want to live in a country like Afghanistan as a religion different to Islam?
What the BBC should be asking is how is was possible for our hopelessly inept excuse of a Police force can never manage to arrest a people trafficker until the spotlight of intense left wing publicity is shone, and then they’re capable of making an arrest within hours.
Either they know what is going on and are turning a blind eye, or politicians behind the scenes are forcing them to do so.
Nowadays we no longer have a Police force, we have changed them into a politically correct squad, fully capable of investigating every thought crime, and minor infringement, whilst leaving most criminals alone!
The problem is, Thoughtful, these so called “asylum seekers” travelled across Europe and obviously spent some time in Belgium (Zeebrugge) without claiming asylum. Why should this country be responsible for them? If they were genuine they should have claimed asylum at the first safe country they arrived at. Of course, lefties usually say that if the “asylum seekers” come through Europe and claim asylum in the EU states then we will never get them here which they say isn’t fair or just. The problem with that argument is that this country can’t do anything about its geographical location and also the vast majority of so called asylum seekers seem to make a bee-line for good old GB. Just look at all those trying to get here from the Sangatte camps and all the others around Calais. No asking the local authorities there for asylum. Now why would that be, I ask?
All those washing up on the coast of France and Belgium are just economic migrants abusing the asylum system.
Have any of the pro-YES reports from the BBC re the Scottish vote next month mentioned the planned move to England by many Scotts should the YES win?
This would make sense. If I had my money in Scotland along with my home, I would certainly consider a move South across the border to protect my investments.
Maybe now’s the time to invest in Newcastle property???
If your bank lent you pounds sterling for your mortgage, unfortunately it will be looking to be repaid in pounds sterling, and if you are earning Scottish something or others ….meh good luck with that one.
Just reading around “The honourable Woman” & discover that an actor in the production, Stephen Rea was married to an IRA bomber Dolours Price. But rather more sinister he spoke Gerry Adams’ words when his voice was banned by the UK government. How on earth did the BBC come to choose Rea for the job?
Simply put, it’s the very reason they DID choose him.
Dolours Price later became a critic of Sinn Féin. This is why Rea was cast, not because he’s an accomplished Irish actor but because of the BBC’s well known anti-Sinn Fein bias.
Sorry, that’s not actually true, I’m just nuts.
Manchester ‘Gay Pride’ today (what’s there to be proud of having another man’s willy up your bottom?) and BBC Radio Manchester can’t shut up about it … in case you’ve got the mind of a goldfish, you’ll be reminded 5 minutes after you last heard it. Peter Fahy, the top cop in Manchester, is also there … more cops there than at any other similar event in the world, apparently. Two words: Common Purpose. El Beeb are also there although they won’t be attempting to square their love of qweers with their love of violent, gay-hating, Islamic fanatics … if they tried their brains would explode.
Well worth a survey to see just how Councils up and down the land are using OUR money to promote THEIR versions of inclusion and diversity.
Not a Bank Holiday can go by down here without the usual slew of public sector shills and “yoof cheridees” getting the face paints and hi-viz feather boas out to dole out condoms and tattoos to the hair dyed, lager swilling lardies with countless kiddies in tow.
I never see an Israeli flag there among the “One World” Wankas-I`d imagine that they`d fear for their lives had one been slipped onto the bunting…poor sods hardly know what it looks like, judging by the current level of geography teaching these days.
Worth an FoI request…and some data on just how extensive this public sector, quangocrat love-in is, nationally.
Labour started this “celebration”…dumbass Tories let it continue.
Speaking as an elected local councillor, I have seen the training packages offered to Councillors this year change.
All courses are voluntary, I must add hastily.
Here in Wales, the courses are offered by ‘ One Voice Wales’ and this year a new course has arrived:
Yes you guessed it: Inclusion and diversity.
They know just where they can shove that one !
Shove it where the Sunni don’t shine 🙂
Most of the people on that parade are either Fascists attempting to show their left wing credentials to the world, or straight public service workers who now need to attend this kind of event in order to tick a box for the promotion board.
Fahy’s boss the Fascist Tony Lloyd (as called by Melanie Philips, and he hasn’t sued her!) will want to see a display of his Political Correct squad as now they can’t be called ‘Police’ any longer.
I phoned through a drug deal with a white guy as the buyer and a Pakistani Taxi driver as seller. I spent longer on the call defending my use of the word ‘Pakistani’ and the fact that I was an obvious waycist for reporting it, than I did describing the crime.
Could be (vastly) worse: I once stupidly ignored a VERY insistent ‘NSFW’ on a Michelle Malkin piece highlighting “Up Your Alley” –” Where leather daddies rule the streets of San Francisco’s South of Market district.”
Just come out already!
Bum Boy Corp at it again i see up in manchester.
All this Scott-bait and our little fish has yet to rise, surprisingly.
Actually, I haven’t seen his gurning mugshot (always a handy invitation to scroll down to the next post) at all this week: has he finally got fed up with his futile mission here, or has his Auntie given him the gooner ?
And it’s great without him so why be such a twit and risk spoiling it by mentioning his bloody name!
“Galileo satellites go into wrong, lower orbit – Esa”
no mocking by the BBC if it were a NASA cock up
No outrage over the waste of taxpayer money* if it was directly spent by the Tory government, rather then indirectly via EU agencies.
(*either for the failure to perform or for the whole possibly unnecessary project duplicating existing SatNav capabilities)
Guess Who.
Dear Guess Who, I am sure I agree with you, but please could you try to string your words together in some kind of coherent English?
Dear Mrs. Slocombe,
” I am sure I agree with you, but please could you try to string your words together in some kind of coherent English?”
A young and goodness grace-ious new weekend name to the team fold; one is sure you’re all doing very well? Just hope any pseudonym aspects don’t see any colleagues sulking in the corner.
Your agreeable assurances notwithstanding, it would perhaps be helpful if, with your debut, you specified where your failures in comprehension originate. As a service to coherence clearly so treasured.
Otherwise it just looks like you’ve arrived on the scene any old how to have a pop any old where on the thread, any old way about anything, or nothing, especially actual discussions of BBC failures in accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
Thanks awfully, and regards to your young feline companion.
Guess who – very funny – you never told Mrs Slocombe your enormous contribution to this site has made you a modern day Stanley Unwin
Dear Hi Guys – Tony here,
This addressing folk is very polite.
“You never told Mrs. Slocombe..”
Thanks for the compliment; but my contribution, such as it is, does not need further promotion by me, as it appears there are many well aware of it, if oddly keen to refer to me or my style to the exclusion of any reference to BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity. Usually new folk with familiar, old lines of approach. Especially at weekends.
Can’t imagine why.
And as Teddy Bear has also noted, the post of mine that has inspired all (and it has been a fair, OT, amount) this has so far still remained Betty’s little secret.
But we have been told she is working on a post that does move from critiques of fellow posters to the actual topic. Soon. Apparently. Her lack of amusement with the BBC sounds like the potent fury of a woman scorned.
Looking forward to those from all other new friends too.
With the greatest respect. With the greatest respect. With the greatest respect.
So good it needed saying twi… three times!
Another reinvented, rebranded same old bbc employee.
Dear Guess Who
I am a fully paid up memeber of the BBC Bias fraternity! I love this blog and I think the BBC is fully slanted to the left, and to the pro-immigration, anti-Israel lobby. But I just wanted to say, with the greatest respect to you, that you sometimes ramble incoherently. No disrespect to you, but if we want to counter BBC leftist propaganda, we must do so with very clear arguments.
No disrespect to you.
Your name wouldn’t be ‘Betty’s Loco MBE’ (spelt memeber) would it?
Otherwise most of us would agree that Guess Who does an eminent job of expressing his view, and if you are truly aware of BBC bias as you say you are, you should be grateful for his efforts.
Seems suspicious you didn’t actually post your comment under one of his posts that you ‘found a problem with’. Like I have done with yours 😉
Your name wouldn’t be ‘Betty’s Loco MBE’ (with the M to spell memeber) would it?
Otherwise most of us would agree that Guess Who does an eminent job of expressing his view, and if you are truly aware of BBC bias as you say you are, you should be grateful for his efforts.
Seems suspicious you didn’t actually post your comment under one of his posts that you ‘found a problem with’, like I have done with yours 😉
OK, maybe maybe my debut was not great! I will, in future, limit myself to BBC bias rather than critising fellow bloggers. I shall soon post about the BBC claim that antisemitism is NOT rising, and compare it with their claims that islamophobia IS rising. And the BBCs protection of Tom Paulin who called for US Jewish settlers to be ‘shot dead’. Watch this space, Betty Slocombe is not amused with the BBC.
From the West of this island , well done Betty !
thank you!
Then Welcombe aboard Betty 😉
thank you Teddy
Look forward to your insights from someone who spent a lot of time complaining to the BBC in the past – written up on my blog site http://www.netanyalynette.co.il Take a look at an eg of one of my blogs http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/12/the-bbc-sponsers-supporter-of-terrorism.html.
Dr Who – New series, New Doctor
Lesbian Lizards. Words fail me………….
Is that tired old show still running?
How do they reproduce & multiply ?
Virgin births.