Stromboli is stirring after a long slumber, so there might be chaos over there if that mountain chooses to blow, not to mention Vesuvius, dormant for 70 years.
OT The tiny island of Stromboli off Sicily is a cute place. Mentioned in the Odyssey, was known as the lighthouse of the Med. The cone is noithing like a huge as Vesuvius or Etna.
Stromboli’s tiny villages are full of Sicilian families with Australian connections. Thewhole island is just a volcanic cone, and it has a mild eruption every 20 minutes or so – some flame, a few rocks into the air. (see the link). Every few years it has a more major eruption with lava flowing down the hillside – like this year. But nothing really major in recent times.
To get a video shot you have to trek up the volcano a bit and then wait. But it is easy to miss the eruption, or it may be a small one, so you can be up there for a long time before you can get a decent video clip. A bit spooky standing around in the dark 200 metres from the top of an “active” volcano.
(I have a daughter with a total phobia about volcanoes, which we discovered only after driving her around the south of Italy age 10 – Castrovillari surrounded by conical hills, twice up Vesuvious, lingering in Pompeii and Herculaneum, the bubbling sulphur pits of Pozzuoli. It turned out she thought Box Hill in Surrey was a volcano ready to blow. So I make a point whenever abroad of visiting any local volcano so I can send her a photo saying “Wish you were here”)
Well it could be on its way here.
A ‘British citizen’ has contracted Ebola in Sierra leone (could that mean he’s ethnic British as foreign ethnics are normally described as ‘Britons’ in t he Looking Glass world of Beeboids?)
According to the BBC a ‘decision has to be taken whether to bring him to the UK’!
Absolute bloody madness, but it seems likely Cameron will wish to appear ‘nice’ in the eyes of the Globalist self righteous, and will do so.
BBC Online News Today re the recent shooting in the USA of a black teenager.
“”The 18-year-old was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson””
Mischievous misreporting verging on lies. Walking in the street? He had just committed a violent robbery at a store and had assaulted a police officer whilst trying to seize a gun from him. As ever, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story!
Semantically, possibly factually accurate, if totally free of essential context. On purpose.
So yes, no more and no less than most BBC ‘reporting’ when a narrative needs enhancing.
As to an institutional commitment to driving divisions, as this would be vastly irresponsible for a state broadcaster, and risky for any not guaranteed funding or immunity from accountability, who can say?
The BBc love to cause tension. It then creates more stories in the wake to shovel on the pile. Hence for example every time there is a petrol supply issue they will film outside a petrol station with a big queue. When we had snow they were filming empty shelves in the supermarkets and informing us of possible shortages. Outside Northern rock telling people not to panic whilst filming the queue to withdraw money. etc etc. etc.
BBC always ready to trumpet discrimination, anti – diversity, waycism, anyone not putting the bunting out over … “enrichment” eh! ……….. genocidal waycism?
hmmm they seemed to have missed this
“Anti-Semitic protesters shouted: “Jews aren’t safe – we’re coming to get you.” But they didn’t get arrested; only a Jewish man did. That is Britain in 2014. To have arrested the Jew-haters who were menacing the deli would have been “Islamophobic.” British authorities never miss an opportunity to bow before their Islamic supremacist masters. What a bright future Britain has!”
R Spencer
… mind you BBC London is so filled with nationally important news
taking up column inches, there is no space
…. ” Fine over a flat accessed by crawling” ?
The elite in Britain likes their Jews to be docile and quiet.
Stand up for themselves? That won’t do . Lets arrest them harrass them and put them in their place.
That will please the tyrants of the Middle East.
There is no such thing as anti Semitism. It’s all in their minds .
If you are Jewish in Britian it is time to think about leaving for a civilised country.
BBC1 – Aquil Ahmeds Sunday Muslim oops Morning Live
Christianity? is traditional worship on the way out?
Islam, why do brit muslims want to massacre in Syria, or anywhere
cue assistance from the traitor Camoron … this is not about one faith, its about ALL peoples? all religions, including Islam?? yada yada ……..
(yep! … wilfully ignorant twat)
Laughably, SML dredges up MCBs Iqbal “Rushdie – death is too good to him” Sacranie, as the voice on the header
… only on the Al BBC
D Murray is there, probably buried in denials, diversions and obfuscations as its 4 to 1. 5 if you count Sian Llloyd.
The most abject and subservient apologies, for my “faux pas” – including but not limited to,
that ‘I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I’ve caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected, this momentary indiscretion has jeopardised
etc, etc, etc
“Iqbal, “Rushdie – death is too good FOR him” Sacranie”
Sir Iqbal Sacranie speaking at Global Peace and Unity Event – is death still to good for him?
We are being sleepwalked into oblivion – untrue Islamic points being spouted by Islamic State supporters on BBC programmes are hardly being challenged.
Around 28 mins – a Muslim lady, Miriam Francois-Cerrah says :
“Islamic State is product of political reality – not ancient religion”
Prof Robert Winston, sat there most of the time looking like he dare not speak, head in his hands in total despair but did come out with:
“It’s not to do with Islam”.
Is this Jewish Professor’s appeasement real?
Is he typical of the Labour Whip?
They also gave a voice to a young radicalised Muslim, Abu Rumaysan, who got one thing right – but totally in the wrong way – when he said:
“there are a lot of lies being pushed out by the BBC”.
When asked about killings of Christians and Yazidis the loony Caliphate supporter unbelievably stated:
“….it has been largely exaggerated”
“…it is policy of Islamic State to cater for and protect non-Muslims…”
“…as a Muslim I would like to see Britain governed by Sharia….”
This Muslim loony was challenged by Douglas Murray, but basically there was so much appeasement in this programme and no real forthright opposition we might as well put up the white flag now.
Sunday Morning Live – have to admit, D Murray very muted, this show, where there was sooo much to feast on.
Dame (THE prophet) Ann (Imam) Leslie
“originally the Koran was not suddenly revealed by arch angel Gabriel, but was revealed and evolved over the years” …
“the schism after the death of … THE Prophet”
Spoken by this damn fool Islamophile, as if it was
something FACTUAL! … you can expect this baloney from someone brainwashed from birth, or who has so little in their life to get suckered in.
Aquil … one can assume she ll be back real soon.
… Douglas another BBC example for Islamophillia 2
By way of background, 2 long articles on media bias against Israel In the first one, I like the idea of calling the BBC the Palestinian Propaganda Channel (PPC). And the second one has a lot on the Guardian’s extreme position (so much followed in the BBC) and has a reference to a visit to Israel made by Alan Risbridger, editor of the Guardian and Ian Katz his news editor who is now editor of Newsnight.
Gotta laugh if it wasn’t so sad about Lord Cheeseman’s attack on Malky McKay’s anti-semetic “text” whilst ignoring real anti-semitism rife throughout the UK.
The bBC, and how whitewashing the key facts out of any negative Islamic story it gets, has become something of a mission statement for them China executes eight, including Tiananmen attackers China has executed eight people in the north-western region of Xinjiang, for what it calls “terrorist” attacks, reports the state news agency Xinhua. Three of those executed had been convicted of an attack in Tiananmen Square in Beijing last October, in which five people died, Xinhua said. The others were found guilty of crimes including bomb-making and arson
I was a little confused by what the bBC posts next: “Xinjiang is the traditional home of Muslim Uighurs, who speak a distinct language and have different customs to the majority Han population elsewhere in China.”
Without saying that actually Muslims were behind the attacks and it was Muslims who the Chinese executed, the bBC excuses their actions (without saying why) by hinting at the fact that the locals(who are all Muslims) object to immigration from the rest of China. Err can anybody else see where the bBC trips up on this frame of mind?.
But as this is the bBC they close off their article with a condemnation of these executions: “Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for the World Uighur Congress exile group, called the executions “a typical case of the law serving political ends”…Uighur leaders deny they are co-ordinating a terrorist campaign. They say the government’s repressive policies in Xinjiang have provoked the unrest.
Now did anybody see the bBC give a voice to anybody to speak out regards the executions of 21 people in Gaza?
Meanwhile the very politically correct EuroNews reports the above as such: China executes eight Muslims convicted of terrorism China has executed eight men it says were behind terrorist attacks in its far-western Xinjiang province. They include three men the Chinese are calling masterminds of an attack in October last year when a car was driven into a crowd in Tienanmen square in Beijing and burst into flames. Xinjiang is the home of the Muslim Uighur people, who accuse China of persecution.
Funny how they can encapsulate the entire story into so few words. Straight to the point, which is what the news should be.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
Just read David Davis wants British ISIS terrorist stripped of their citizenship or triad for treason. Isn’t this the same David Davis who fought against extending the length of time terrorist suspects can be questioned? Isn’t this the same David Davis who denounced the extradition of Rangzieb Ahmed who was later convicted or terrorism. The same David Davis that is Sharmi Chakrabatis cuckold?
I was about to commend the BBC for a very good programme just on before the 5pm news(Radio 4/24.8.14).
Called In Memorium I think…and-for once-thoughtful, thought -out, creative and no obvious agenda(unless they got one past me without my knowing).
But after the news?…back to the usual Francine Stock crap re the marvels of mescaline, Huxley and Timothy Leary.
And none of that gangland drug massacres either…these are Lennon type “good drugs” that the clever and the beautiful(like Russell Brand and Richard Bacon) use to sprinkle stardust on our drab, beige cornflakes of lives.
They propose evolution and progress you see-so a few drive bys and Mexicans hanging from a Monterrey bridge is a small price for a Peter Blake cover or a “Take me to the Greek”.
The BBC really can`t do an hour of decent off-duty type of programming can it…let me know if there is an hour guaranteed on Radio 4 that does NOT drive their amoral , weasel agenda along.
Two consecutive programmes in a row…that too much now to ask?
Whatever next?
BBC Reporters on scene telling us about the thousands of murders by the Islamic State? And being asked by those cosy ‘militants’ to move on?
Somehow that comment placed itself here, it was meant as a reply as to how Dr Who’s lesbian lizards reproduce from the previous page, I’ll get me coat…
As a Dr Who fan of more years’ standing than I care to admit, last night’s offering really was a pile of utter poo.
I’m sure if I’d listened carefully they would have mentioned that the two ladies were married to each other. I said I’m sure if I’d listened carefully they would have mentioned that the two ladies were married to each other. I SAID I’M SURE IF I’D LISTENED CAREFULLY THEY WOULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT THE TWO LADIES WERE MARRIED TO EACH OTHER.
And if you must shoehorn in a lesbian kiss, please try to do it with a little more subtlety. My 14-year old daughter nearly threw up.
I’ve been a pretty big fan of Dr Who since the William Hartnell days. However I didn’t watch this weekends offering reading the comments on here and elsewhere in the media seems my choice was the correct one I’ve pretty much disliked all the output since the re-imagining re-launch.
We have a DVD we treasure because it’s so bad it’s funny, called ‘War Birds’. Daft plot, bizarre casting, bad acting, dire direction and CGI by an Amstrad.
Inspired by all the hype, we decided to give the new Dr. Who a go on iPlayer.
It seems to have broken through a new barrier. So bad but not funny. Didn’t get any further than a Peter Capaldi producing more ham than a Wall’s factory as he tried to get to grips with who the moppet was, or he was, or something, as a Vogon, a woman and Shrek’s Aunty looked on, as a T-Rex channeling Ray Harryhausen via Gozilla walked up and down.
If this is going to keep the foreign income stream going, I’ll be Impressed.
“A spokesman for the Bank of England said: “Defacing bank notes is definitely not something we would recommend but whether or not there would be a prosecution would be up to the Crown Prosecution Service to determine if it was in the public interest. ”
You can bet your arse that it wouldn’t be “in the public interest”
You will find that Manchester Political Correctness Squad (note it isn’t a Police service any more) is over seen by the Nu Liebour Fascist Tony Lloyd who has apparently either infected or forced the widely believed hopeless chief Constable Peter Fahy into adopting the same Fascist values he holds.
No chance of a prosecution for someone defacing a note with anti semitic hate speech, when the Police Commissioner is off shaking hands with successors of architects of the Holocaust whose supporters still give the Socialist salute and fly the Swastika.
I see the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism in the Uk -The bBC- has written another couple of posts demonising Israel. In the first they report that Iran ‘shoots down Israeli drone’ near Natanz nuclear site
On reading the article you read how Iran claims to have knocked a israeli stealth UAV out of the sky. Yet they have no evidence other than the words of the Mullahs . However they word it as so: “The statement did not say when the drone was brought down, nor how the Guards knew it was Israeli.”
Hang on, there is nothing to support the claim, yet the bBC not only promotes this story as fact. they come out with story line in which to paint Iran as the victim here of Israeli belligerence. “Tehran insists it wants to keep its nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes, but critics – including many in Israel – say this is a front for producing nuclear weapons.
In the past, Israel has frequently threatened to attack Iran’s nuclear plants.”
Now lets look at the above story from a factual point of view:
1) Israel does own UAVs that can reach Iran, Well actually they own one: the Heron TP An unmanned MALE UAV, using a pusher propeller set up , which has a wingspan almost as big as 737 and a top speed of 370mph. and a ceiling of 45,000ft.
Now is somebody telling me, that Israel would fly a medium-altitude, long endurance (MALE) UAV at 370mph across Jordan/Syria/Iraq to the middle of Iran , where in a region which is in the middle of a desert mountain range surrounded by missile batteries (I’ve known this since 2002) they fly over Iran’s nuclear chemistry set. by the very nature of having a propeller , the UAV has a very large radar footprint. But there’s a bloody good reason why stealth aircraft look like something out of sci-fi movie. Its so as to minimise their stealth footprint. Here have a look:
Going to that ceiling height. the Iranian F4, F14 and Mig 29 all fly higher. and yet the bBC feels qualified to end its post with: If so, the fact that the drone managed to get so close raises questions about Iran’s detection capabilities, says BBC Persian’s Rana Rahimpour.
Now lets look next door inside Irag. The US and UK are flying drone missions, the Uk has its River Joint aircraft flying over Iraq . In otherwords they rule the sky over Iraq. With all those aircraft flying next door, are you telling me Iran isn’t going to be watching who is flying where and listening in to air traffic. To that end do you not think somebody may have noticed a UAV with such a huge wing span flying around and mentioned it over the radio.
Lastly only the other day Iran came out with yet another advance they had made in producing a missile system as good as Iron dome, just like they did with their stealth aircraft.
Why is it, the bBC reports everything from Iran as fact, when they have been debunked virtually everytime.
The second post from the bBC which demonises Israel is this one: Israel closes Gaza’s Erez crossing Israel says it has closed the Erez crossing after it came under rocket fire from Gaza, wounding four people. The crossing is used by aid workers, journalists and Palestinians with Israeli permits to enter or leave Gaza.
Hang on I thought the Israelis were holding siege to Gaza. But with this crossing which allows people to travel in and out of Gaza, the others which allow food in, that tells me Israel can’t be doing a good job of a siege, especially after Hamas has managed to sneak in over 11,000 missiles.
And after the bBC screams out…”Israel closes crossing’ yeah the nasty bastards, I come across this “Following the mortar attack on Erez, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has closed down the Crossing, with the exception of border passages for life-saving humanitarian reasons.”
So the nasty jews who are not only bombing the shit out of Gaza, have in just under 2 months only managed to kill 2000 people.
(Anybody who feels that Israel is kicking shit out of one of the most densely packed areas of the world care to explain how they have only managed to kill 2000 people, seeing as a car bomb inside Iraq/Nigeria/Pakistan can kill over 100 people . 20 car bombs = 2000, Israel has hit Gaza how many time 3000,4000 times?)
But at the same time allow in Aid convoys on a daily basis, treat wounded people in its hospitals and as mentioned here lift the no move order to for humanitarian reasons.
Does , that sound like the actions of the evil Nazis the left and the bBC say that Israel is?
There’s a twist to the Foley beheading story, and possibly a double-twist.
According to the following article Foley supported the Sunnis in Syria James Foley Went Looking to Support Terrorists in Syria, Instead They Cut Off His Head
I had never heard of Foley before his ‘demise’, and this certainly cast some ‘light’ on his character.
After reading the article, and seeing great similarity between him and the usual BBC types, one can’t help but share the emotion of some of the comments: beniyyar • 3 hours ago
I only speak good of the dead, James Foley is dead, good!
NonSense • 8 hours ago
Well.. suddenly I’m god damn satisfied they chopped his head off glennm • 9 hours ago
this guy lost his head long before it was cut off
Now I’ve never seen the video of him supposedly having his head cut off, and have no desire to do so, but I read a very interesting comment also on this story, and I think you’ll agree might have some merit.
Given Foley’s views and support for the Sunnis, it is rather strange that they would have cut his head off. In a similar way we saw how surprised the BBC’s Alan Johnson was when he was kidnapped in Gaza, because he knew he was really the Islamists friend. In the head he was released and they could come across as ‘good guys’.
See what you think about this:
Shuey • 2 days ago
First, I am not and never have been a conspiracy nut. I hate Alex Jones, for example.
That said, I just started reading about Foley yesterday and watched the full beheading video on LiveLeak. I was able to stomach watching it ONLY because I already heard/read that the screen goes dark BEFORE you would see the worst of it. If you haven’t seen it, the real deal video does NOT show the actual beheading. Just the first couple seconds of beginning to cut his neck with no blood or gore other than a still photo of the two body pieces at the very end.
On the LiveLeak video page, many of those commenting were claiming the video is a fake and that no beheading was actually done. Some also pointed out that Foley’s parents didn’t seem nearly as upset as one would expect. “So maybe they know he isn’t really dead and so does the government … and the government has to pretend they are fooled by the fake video”, they said. I will agree that the Foleys did seem a bit upbeat considering the news, but maybe they are strong or just well prepared since he was a hostage once before?
Despite the reasons the posters stated to support their claims of “fakery”, I scoffed to myself. While there are some issues with the video that could be proof of fakery, I thought it was a dumb claim to make since everyone who is “in the know” (including his parents) seemed convinced. More importantly, I could not come up with any reason that Foley would have for going along with a faked beheading …even while under threat.
So now, some 12 hours later, I stumble across a link to this FrontPage story. I don’t know, but this story could be the missing piece of the puzzle to explain why there might have been a fake beheading video. Maybe Foley wants to “disappear” into a life with ISIS. Or maybe he wants to be able to work undercover back home in the help them strike here?
The video does fade out as “John” begins to saw at Foleys neck with the knife. However, there are a couple odd things about that: 1) Foley does his little speech in the video without any nervousness or fear. Quite a feat when you are convinced that your head is about to be sawed off with a knife, and 2) Foley shows absolutely no reaction or fear as the knife is forcefully applied to his throat. None, and that doesn’t seem humanly possible if it were really happening, and finally 3) The killer FORCEFULLY saws back and forth about 8 times before the fade out and there is absolutely no blood yet. I even captured the video and played it in slow motion and zoomed in with a high quality digital filter …. still no blood visible. This is really odd because I’ve read that a throat slit typically spurts blood the instant the cut penetrates about a quarter inch.
Finally, why would a group that has released many graphic beheading videos (with every gory detail) suddenly release their most important video with the worst part edited out and then only a still photo of the severed head and body at the very end? Photos are easily photo-shopped.
Anyway, I’m not sure I believe it was faked so I doubt most here will either. But it sure was strange to find this FrontPage story on the heels of the allegations of a “faked” video …. which clearly COULD have been a fake.
And now I read that Foley actually supported ISIS. Hmmmmmm … and let’s not forget that he was supposedly a hostage years ago and “escaped”. Was that another instance where he was actually there to work with his captors and they “let him come home”? You tell me.
They are still going along with the claim that he was killed, but off camera. According to experts who analysed the film, they too found the actual ‘beheading’ as shown as suspect, but the picture after it was decapitated appears real.
Although as far as I can see the MSM haven’t yet referred to Foley’s pro-Sunni views, and time will tell whether they will, one thing is for sure, it won’t be the BBC that lead with it. I do hope BBC journalists are sweating though that despite their pro-militant Islam agenda they might still become victims of it, more than we know they are already.
Perhaps Foley thought they weren’t really going to behead him, and it was only for a scam, but being the twisted beings they are, they decided it would serve their purposes better if they did. Possibly since the USA doesn’t pay ransoms for hostages they were trying to change their mind. I see one American hostage has been freed recently, could their plan be working? American man kidnapped when heading to Syria freed after two years in captivity
Maybe the irony was lost on the bBC experts during the post race analysis of the Belgian Grand Prix. Nico Robert was made out to be the bad boy for taking out their hero Lewis Hamilton in what was essentially a racing incident with no intent.
We heard that the German TV audience was 16% down despite a German leading the championship, it was surmised that it was because he was ‘too European’ for being half Finnish, the irony is of course is why Mr Hamilton isn’t the most popular British driver and for reasons they’re unable to see or won’t admit to.
Little was made of Jenson Button being the highest placed British driver on the day (6th) only constant talk of him being too old and his impending retirement. It must be remembered that he got the better of Hamilton more so than the other way around when they were team mates.
It’s now come to the stage with BBC F1 that I’m considering watching it with the sound off all you can hear from beginning to end of the program is the mantra of “Lewis Hamilton” no matter what position he is during the race. I did note there was no stewards inquiry at the time of the latest incident although the BBc F1 page is now running this
Lewis Hamilton, his father comes from Grenada, his mother is called Carmen Larbalestier, so he’s definitely ”Bwitish.” When he signed his F1 contact he did his patriotic duty and pissed off to Switzerland, saying he was hounded by the press while in England and had nothing what so ever to do with paying less tax, really nothing at all.
He slagged off his home town Stevenage saying it was a dump. He’s now since moved to Monaco saying Switzerland was boring.
Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he ? I suspect where he comes from he’s more use to ‘exciting’ knife crime and riots.
He slagged off Nico Rosberg for not being German, bit rich that coming from Hamilton, shows a lack of self awareness.
Hamilton, a real ‘class’ act, there’s nothing quite like an uppity, you know what, is there ?
I wonder what the bBC has to say about this tweet from Hamas:
We are continuing our struggle.
I wonder when the BBC will get around to reporting this killing. I’m sure that had she been killed by one of the untermensch (white person) they would have been on it immediately.
She has no head covering so this might yet turn out to be another killing of a woman who had become in the eyes of her husband ‘too Westernised’.
If that does turn out to be the case there will be a repeat of the hand wringing and burying of heads in the sand to avoid the obvious conclusion that there’s a problem with Islam.
Got to love the liberal minded bBC, only they could out with this paragraph: Paris 1944: True stories behind liberation from Nazis “”After Paris fell to the Allies, for a reason no-one has ever explained, the German air force carried out a series of bombing raids. Many people were killed.”
Anybody here have a clue as to why the Nazis would bomb Paris after getting kicked out of it. If you do , could you inform the bBC’s Hugh Schofield why?
It would have been more difficult to explain if the German air force had bombed Paris before it was liberated….
(To BBC Editor: Can we use the word German in this context? Would the word Nazi be more appropriate in our pan-European world? Was it not the Nazis who were in Germany in WW2, not the Germans?).
For the same reason that the Nazis followed a vindictive scorched-earth policy when they were losing. The destruction of the village of Oradour-sur-Glane testifies to their brutality.
Earlier on in war, the Czech village of Lidice was destroyed and all its inhabitants butchered after resistance fighters assassinated the monstrous local SS boss Reinhard Heydrich.
Sadly there are scores of Lidices and Oradour-sur-Glanes being re-enacted by present-day Islamic State savages.
Sunday Morning Live – have to admit, D Murray very muted, this show, where there was sooo much to feast on.
Dame (THE prophet) Ann (Imam) Leslie
“originally the Koran was not suddenly revealed by arch angel Gabriel, but was revealed and evolved over the years” …
“the schism after the death of … THE Prophet”
Spoken by this damn fool Islamophile, as if it was
something FACTUAL! … you can expect this baloney from someone brainwashed from birth, or who has so little in their life to get suckered in.
Aquil … one can assume she ll be back real soon.
… Douglas another BBC example for Islamophillia 2
Well to be fair tens of millions of people believe it as an absolute fact and the only way around this is preface any statement with ‘Muslims believe’.
The problem is, if you don’t accept it as fact then you have to offer an alternative narrative. I can offer this, but there’s no way the BBC would allow it, and I can tell you that my life would be in serious threat were I to do so, aside from pissing off very many people.
Yes we should have a free and open dialogue, and we should be able to criticise the RoP as we can any other without fear of violent attack and murder. This is what the BBC should be covering in the first instance, and if it is unable to broadcast certain alternative opinions then it should say so and state that it is because of fear of attack by Muslims.
We who monitor the BBC know exactly what Mark Thompson said, the rest of the public unfortunately don’t.
Just heard this classic during Beeb’s 10 o’clock news item on death of Richard Attenborough. The obit stated: “He and his brother, the television naturalist David, were the children of left-wing parents. Richard inherited their commitment to good causes…”
UNBELIEVABLE! So the implication is that people from lefty backgrounds are devoted to good causes, and by further implication that people of the right are nasty individuals who think only of themselves.
I could never imagine a similar BBC report stating that someone’s parents were right-wing and they inherited a commitment to good causes. It would never enter the reporter’s head as a possibility. These Beeboids really do live in a bubble.
Hands together for the Rolling Stones and their great performance in Tel Aviv despite the threats, despite the call for a boycott. Yes, they made a lot of money, but that is what they do wherever they go. Fifty thousand fans enjoyed the show
I find myself dividing the pop fraternity into those who think for themselves-like Cohen, Dylan, Jagger,Lydon and Cowell…and those who just follow the beehive…Lennox, Pink Floyd, Costello etc.
Jagger is oh his way, his song “Saint of Me” is honest and quite religious…unlike Roger Waters, he has a brain and has left the sixth form agitprop behind.
Wonder if UB40 or Jerry Dammers will be playing a tour of Cairo, Beirut etc then?…let alone dare to busk anywhere near Mecca or Medina.
Gutless hypocrites these lefties eh?
First of all, RIP Richard Attenborough. A great actor and director and seemed like a very good man to boot.
Second, shame on the BBC for turning his obituary into a blatant plug for his liberal politics. It’s pretty obvious looking at his body of work that Attenborough was into equal rights and giving a voice to oppression, for which he is rightly held in high regard. That does not make him a spokesperson for the BBC’s agenda which seems far more extreme than anything Attenborough ever promoted. He may have supported Labour but there’s no word on his stance towards New Labour, and it’s all too easy for the BBC to suggest he was an unwavering supporter of their views since he’s been incapacitated for several years. Instead of providing an obituary based on his films and other endeavors, it’s based on almost entirely subjective interpretations on what these works meant and how, because he was well respected (and again, rightly so), that means the BBC can play the appeal to authority and say his views represent fact. It’s so cynical.
Third, it’s hard to take the BBC seriously on this when they’ve spent the last several weeks refusing to open almost all of the major stories to public discussion, choosing instead to have fluff pieces open to HYS. Today’s one wasn’t even a story, it was just about Doctor Who. This, along with the BBC’s habit of over-eulogising people with political beliefs similar to their own and not based on their actual achievements (e.g. Tony Benn, Roger Lloyd Pack), makes it almost impossible to take any of this without a massive pinch of salt.
The BBC led their 8am news with the death of this trouper-one who has not done anything since the early 90s in their terms…but has that Edinburgh monicker that demands obsequiousness by the chatterati.
In short-a hagiography of an SDP luvvie…and good old BBC3 last night were nonplussed as they read out breaking news of his death.
Poor gum chewing effnik poppet didn`t have a clue…a real Richard Bacon, it was.
And now the BBC tells me that Cameron is…er “leading the tributes” on all our behalves.
Oh dear-should we not let Inspecta Yewtree do his finest, before we all fall keening on the poor old sods birthday cake( going cheap in Richmond High St today, I`d imagine!).
So Beeb-given your record with Savile-forgive me if I wait until the bodys gone cold, until I eulogise the Gibb Brother of Putney with my blue plaques and reruns of liberal horseshit that was big in the 80s.
He did do “I`m alright Jack” though, and “10 Rillington Place”…which are two fine flims more that the usual crop of Yankee cokeheads and nomarks that the BBC would prefer to drool over in their passing.
No disrespect intended with my riffing…but those who crave the BBCs bawbee and its awards get such a load of satire-serving flannel and flummery, than your first instinct is to scorn all their oozing sanctimony.
As they treated Thatcher…so go they!
John Attenborough was Maurice Gibb!
And Davids OPT agenda has been furthered today, so it can`t all be bad news to the oleagenious, ubiquitous misantrhope…will that fit on a carved headstone I wonder?
(With black topper tiffed towards Leonard Sachs, re that last sentence).
If the BBC laud you-they did the same for Sir James of Roundhay!
‘Dickie darling’ was undoubtedly a fully paid-up totem of the liberal left progressives; a ‘luvvie’ in every possibly way, pretty much the film industry’s Chief Luvvy, if you will. It’s no surprise to see the BBC quickly move to claim Attenborough as ‘One Of Ours’; he had all the correct lefty credentials, after all, including a CAGW-championing Famous Younger Brother (who also happens to have been a BBC employee and, like Dickie, had his fingers all over various aspects of Britain’s TV industry).
Alan Rickman’s nauseating and strangely stilted, faux reverential narration of last night’s BBC ‘tribute’ to The Great Man was doing its very best to coax me towards the ‘off’ switch, with its surreal ‘death of a President’ style presentation. Did Dickie solve world hunger, eradicate poverty or something? Did I miss this detail about The Great Man?
Richard Attenborough was a man of talent and no doubt great compassion. It’s just a shame the BBC had to saint him as well, instead of simply offering up an unpoliticised, critical and celebratory review his interesting and varied film career.
Seems the pols are panicking, and losing the plot in the process.
This ‘bunker’ young John would appear to hang out in would not be inconveniently located under a school or hospital full of willing or co-opted chivvy martyrs by chance? As opposed to those nice ethical ones situated well away from non-com areas.
Thus putting Major Engagement of Mouth Before Brain in a bit of a dilemma, given he and the guys & gals were not so keen when others were doing it.
Would like to know just how Michael Heseltine is able to get the conch shell, as and when he wants to back the BBCs Common Purpose crapola re immigration.
Who at the BBC decided that the ravings of a multimillionaire with a tree where his brain ought to be, has a view on student numbers or immigration in general?
Well worth a survey…news order and continual hustling for “big beasts” to tow the BBCs bandwaggons should not be made news-even on a pointless Bank Holiday with nothing happening.
Tebbit wouldn`t get the same gushing , despite being a far greater man in every sense.
Wrong message though.
Beeboids give great prominence to Heseltine who, along with BBC-NUJ, wants U.K borders kept open for mass entry of ‘students’ /immigrants. Islamic State activists will be pleased.
An awful lot of voices on the net regarding the links (direct or otherwise) between the CIA and those running ISIS.
The CIA has a long history of ineptitude, incompetence, indecision, and completely backing the wrong side, (as opposed to some kind of super intelligent malevolence).
Tomorrow on the new thread (if the site holds up) I’ll post some links for people to decide for themselves. and a couple of names of important people who the BBC seem to have completely overlooked (wonder why?) !
Yep – more than a whiff of that famous BBC ‘impartiality’ in the air during that debate last night. One wonders what the BBC have to gain from an Independent Scotland? Baffling.
Admittedly erring on the Mandy Rice-Davies, but it really wouldn’t be the BBC without some Head Of or other claiming the BBC got it about right based on… their belief and no more.
This, however is more definitive;
‘”This was misleading and was known by the BBC to be inaccurate.””
So the fuzz are calling Ms. Hockaday and the BBC liars to their faces.
Ms. Hockaday by contrast is dissembling like a good ‘un as she does every Newswatch.
And while I am sure she and all 19,999 of the rest of them can be pretty sure they can tell the rest of us they are unaccountable, I’m not so sure the same applies to the police.
So I may keep the popcorn handy.
Especially if there are charges down the line and they get affected by the media circus this daft bint is trying to make out would have had no affect on due process.
Think you live in a civilised and free country?
When the organisation that has displayed total disregard for its charter in all manner of agendas, and one that has a host of scandals recently coming to light, and yet the public are forced to pay for it under threat of imprisonment, is something akin to a third world dictatorship.
Now we hear that a third of the BBC Trust, who are supposed to represent the interests of the licence fee public in monitoring the BBC have family members working within the corporation.
The ignorant public putting up with this are content to have the illusion that this is a free country.
hardly worth posting a comment. The past three of mine which took a while to write have been lost due to a crappy site which can’t stay on line longer than a few minutes !
Time to find a new web server if this one can’t perform !
let’s all play a game of “Spot The Difference” between these two reports of the disgusting and appalling multiple rape of children, trafficking, violence and abuse seen in Rotherham
I’ll even give you a helpful clue. Read the Sky report first, and then search the BBC report for the words “Labour” and “Pakistani”. Curiously and by lucky chance they seem to have been omitted.
The difference in reporting fully substantiates the main reason why 97 girls a year for 16 years were allowed to be raped which the bBC reports as: ” “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
The irony.
This couldn’t have happened without the servicing of the complicit BBC.
Abolish the licence fee, get rid of the subsidies and let that sick organisation go down the plughole where it can find it’s natural inheritance.
The men were “mainly of Pakistani” origin the 6 O’clock news. Well blow me down I’ve known that for years and it now totally vindicates what I’ve been telling anyone who would listen to me for years. How did North West tonight deal with this bearing in mind the odd exchange of correspondence I’ve had with them on this subject in the past? Yep ignore it, they ran “drunk tanks” for Manchester as lead story.
Just picking two statements from the BBC article….
“At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.”
“However, Rotherham Council Chief Executive Martin Kimber said no council officers will face disciplinary action as he did not have enough evidence against individuals.
“Officers in senior positions responsible for children’s safeguarding services throughout the critical periods when services fell some way short of today’s standards do not work for the council today,” he said.
“To that extent, I have not been able to identify any issues of professional practice related to current serving officers of this council that would require me to consider use of disciplinary or capability procedures.””
So – according to the Council Chief Exec, anyone who was involved in this crap right up until 2013 has now left the council’s employment….and are now drawing pretty damned good pensions, redundancy payments etc., no doubt, all on the back of the taxpayer, and not one single person remains in any post which had some responsibility for this nonsense ? Yeah, right.
This has apparently been going on, and known to be happening, for many years – I wonder how long Mr Kimber has been a senior officer, and Chief Exec on this council ? Oh, it turns out he’s been Chief Exec of Rotherham Council for more than 5 years…and, despite all the reports, he had no idea this was occurring ?… so he couldn’t investigate anything and find the guilty parties ?…yeah, right ! So he’s personally not going to fall on his sword, then, I guess, despite presiding over the council for a quarter of the period during which this was taking place, and was being reported on, according to this latest investigation.
“…services fell some way short of today’s standards…” he whines….so the standards in your council from 1997 onwards actually allowed for the events that took place ? Yeah. right !
Same council who removed two foster children from “exemplary” foster carers because they were UKIP members (and incidentally ex-Labour party members).
Over a 1000 Children! Will anyone be sacked? Wait for the “lessons learned” bullshit and “lets move on”. The
Poor kids deserve better than the Politically Correct F*ck Wits who are paid to look after them but put political agenda before care. If they were middle-class kids from Hampstead and Islington would this have happened? No “go f*ck the provincial proles”. What has Milliband and Harman (the PIE apologist) got to say about the council their party runs.
Where is the doe-eyed poisoned dwarf Shami Chakrabarti. I seek her here, I seek her there, I seek her everywhere, but there is no trace of the ubiquitous (on the BBC) defender of the rights of all those who want to behead, blow up and brutalise us.
This absence is a mystery. At a time when Theresa May and Boris Johnson are calling for withdrawing the passports, therefore rendering them stateless, of ‘British citizens’ who travel abroad to Islamic finishing schools in Syria and Iraq, to learn the finer points of hacking off peoples heads, burying them alive and crucifying them in praise of Allah and the religion of peace, Shami is no where to be found.
This could be because I have been out of country for most of July and August and have not been able to listen to the Today programme. QT is of course on a summer break and therefore, as the Observer noted (that’s right the Observer) Shami’s “endless appearances” are temporarily suspended.
However, there may be something more sinister at work here. The BBC has been moving it services to outlandish places ‘up north’. Is it possible that they have mislaid Shami and she is stuck in a crate somewhere in transit, going round in the outer circle of hell, for any metropolitan liberal, that is the provinces.
Or, this explanation I suspect is the most likely. Shami is in Chiantishire visiting Polly pull that really expensive fine wine from your cellar Toynbee, and let us discuss the plight of the British underclass and their treatment by those horrid Tories.
Same council who removed two foster children from “exemplary” foster carers because they were UKIP members (and incidentally ex-Labour party members).
Over a 1000 Children! Will anyone be sacked? Wait for the “lessons learned” bullshit and “lets move on”. The
Poor kids deserve better than the Politically Correct F*ck Wits who are paid to look after them but put political agenda before care. If they were middle-class kids from Hampstead and Islington would this have happened? No “go f*ck the provincial proles”. What has Milliband and Harman (the PIE apologist) got to say about the council their party runs.
In all its infamy, for the second time in 2 days the BBC wheels
out orchestrated “fluffers” who (under the absurd pretence of knowledge!) display only extreme ignorance of both the texts and reality, and the actuality of Islam
A new ploy?, a new low definitely … Ann Leslie? and Winston?
Couldn’t get on the site yesterday (Monday). I was wondering if anyone knew why the BBC was giving so much coverage to British nurse William Pooley? He seems an admirable chap, and it is to do with Ebola, but was it really the main story throughout the day? Similarily does anyone know why the BBC is so sanguine about the real prospect of Russia and Ukraine coming to blows? And how does ISIS with around 7000 fighters rout the Iraqi army and act with impunity under the noses of the Air Forces of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc.?
Can somebody help me here?
According to the bBC, Hamas is declaring a victory over Israel. I quote: “A spokesman for Hamas, which dominates the territory, told a news conference: “We are here today to declare the victory of the resistance, the victory of Gaza, with the help of God, and the steadfastness of our people and the noble resistance.”
If Hamas defeated Israel. (well that;s what a victory means to me) can somebody please explain why everybody on the left have been bitching at Israel for carrying out a genocide.
My thought exactly.
If Hamas won the “war”…then why was everybody like the BBC so bothered about Israeli heavy-handedness?
I heard some self-appointed “Palestinian Ambassador to the UK” on the PM show.
These thick anti Semites and nasty little terrorist apologisers condemn themselves with every answer they give…no, he could not confirm whether Hamas would once again bring in weapons, build up tunnels and use human shields-the BBC sure as hell would not be asking either. And even if they did-well it would be Israels fault.
Always is-and no mention of Egypt hating Hamas as much as Israel does…Arab Spring remember?
Usual crap from Hamas, the PLO and the f***in useless BBC.
“The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ description of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.”
And it would be racist, as again it’s the usual suspects, so not Chinese, Japanese, Fillipino, Indian, Sri Lankan etc. The R4 news reader in the headlines gave the game away by using the more explicit code word ‘Pakistani’ but as usual missing from the BBC reporting is the M word.
Just imagine how different the BBC reporting would be if Catholics were involved? Or if the victims had been mostly black?
It looks like other press is colluding in the silence about the ‘cultural’ background of most of the perpertrators, in fact the silence is deafening. But hands up anyone who didn’t guess who’d be abusing poor white girls in a Northern town, or why the police and local authority would ignore the issue. Anyone?
Al-Beeb and the South Yorkshire Police must have a very warped sense of priorities. While they tried to ensnare Sir Cliff for a trumped-up historical allegation of abuse, there had been real abuse – and then some – carried out to this very day by gangs of paedophile “Asian men”.
About as serious as it gets is the Rotherham matter.
Everybody involved in covering it up should resign and then be prosecuted.
It is sickening. In the England I gew up in this would have never happened and those that say it would have happened are liars.
Even the BBC could not sanitise this.
Community cohesion ? Gone for good and the elite knows it.
Time to face reality for everybody’s sake.
These were children for God’s sake and the police and the council should be ashamed.
What they ve done, is allowed it to happen, wilfully turned
their backs on rampant orchestrated paedophilia,(oh the 1400 cases? …yeah right, no where near) … its still going on now, and not just in Rotherham.
They ve allowed abduction, violence, gang rape, on children as young as 10 and 11 … and 32 cases are pending … today.
Nothing but lengthy prison terms, for their complicion, and deceit, abject cowardice in deliberately not dealing with grotesque child abuse.
If that council tw-t, or that so called policeman had even uttered
… “lessons” in front of me I d have buried him there and then.
The elongated pain, suffering, emotional abuse and trauma, of these children can t be imagined …
Ethnicity issue eh! The Muslim Paedostani s … should hang.
Yea but the BBc seems to me has done it’s best to cover it up in the past. North west not running coverage of the court case in Manchester after giving me the usual bogus reply, then when they couldn’t stop the story as it was all over the internet giving me more bull about how they would cover it. They didn’t in fact they ran a story about how the demonstrators outside the court may have upset someone. The constant vague reports of “men” being involved. Who instigated the action to get some one jailed in 2006 for talking about this in private meetings (clue loath him or dislike him it was Nick Griffin)? Yea the BBc.
once again! … another reply has just gone on this site? …
oh well … lets, try another
“You can write that as the epitaph of Great Britain. The British government kowtowed to Islamic supremacists “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government hounded counter-jihadists domestically and banned ones from the U.S. from entering the country “for fear of being thought as racist.” The British government worked with Islamic supremacists it mistook for “moderates” “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government for years ignored an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools “for fear of being thought as racist.”
As Britain collapses into inevitable chaos, civil war, and jihad in the streets, Blair, Cameron, May (Warsi?) and the rest, and all the dreary Sarah Browns among their dreary, dreary supporters, can congratulate themselves that as they bring down a once-great civilization upon their own heads … at least no one will think that they were “racist.”
BBC yes? … Ch 4? … Sky news?
I caught BBC radio news yday, some of Ch4 news last night not Sky though.
The link between these Paki, Afghan, Bangladeshi etc men?
“Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN.”
Has Al Beeb been complicit in its reporting of these crimes over the years? – what of their description of these perpetrators as ”Asians” and ”men” etc?
More importantly, what is our government doing about this?
We await our Prime Minister’s comment on the whole débâcle.
And remember how politically weak was BBC-NUJ reporting of Rotherham Labour Council’s action against UKIP foster parents.
In comparison-
‘Daily Mail’ (2013):-
“Council which removed foster children after parents’ Ukip membership was discovered finally apologises seven months on”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
This irks me.
The BBC with all the thousands of staff and £ billions in funding can’t even use the correct Icelandic alphabet letters or spelling.
It’s not Bardarbunga, it’s Bárðarbunga.
good job it’s not in Italy : D
Stromboli is stirring after a long slumber, so there might be chaos over there if that mountain chooses to blow, not to mention Vesuvius, dormant for 70 years.
OT The tiny island of Stromboli off Sicily is a cute place. Mentioned in the Odyssey, was known as the lighthouse of the Med. The cone is noithing like a huge as Vesuvius or Etna.
Stromboli’s tiny villages are full of Sicilian families with Australian connections. Thewhole island is just a volcanic cone, and it has a mild eruption every 20 minutes or so – some flame, a few rocks into the air. (see the link). Every few years it has a more major eruption with lava flowing down the hillside – like this year. But nothing really major in recent times.
To get a video shot you have to trek up the volcano a bit and then wait. But it is easy to miss the eruption, or it may be a small one, so you can be up there for a long time before you can get a decent video clip. A bit spooky standing around in the dark 200 metres from the top of an “active” volcano.
(I have a daughter with a total phobia about volcanoes, which we discovered only after driving her around the south of Italy age 10 – Castrovillari surrounded by conical hills, twice up Vesuvious, lingering in Pompeii and Herculaneum, the bubbling sulphur pits of Pozzuoli. It turned out she thought Box Hill in Surrey was a volcano ready to blow. So I make a point whenever abroad of visiting any local volcano so I can send her a photo saying “Wish you were here”)
Have a good weekend everyone.
But cant they get hung up on Mumbai?
Ebola on it’s way?
Well it could be on its way here.
A ‘British citizen’ has contracted Ebola in Sierra leone (could that mean he’s ethnic British as foreign ethnics are normally described as ‘Britons’ in t he Looking Glass world of Beeboids?)
According to the BBC a ‘decision has to be taken whether to bring him to the UK’!
Absolute bloody madness, but it seems likely Cameron will wish to appear ‘nice’ in the eyes of the Globalist self righteous, and will do so.
The growing Islamic jihad threat to Europe.
Is this 5 min video report from:-
a.) Russian TV,
b.) INBBC?
“Jihad Inside: Extremists ranks in Europe grow”
BBC Online News Today re the recent shooting in the USA of a black teenager.
“”The 18-year-old was shot dead on 9 August after being stopped by a police officer for walking in the street in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson””
Mischievous misreporting verging on lies. Walking in the street? He had just committed a violent robbery at a store and had assaulted a police officer whilst trying to seize a gun from him. As ever, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story!
The BBC seem desperate to raise tensions both here and in the USA.
Semantically, possibly factually accurate, if totally free of essential context. On purpose.
So yes, no more and no less than most BBC ‘reporting’ when a narrative needs enhancing.
As to an institutional commitment to driving divisions, as this would be vastly irresponsible for a state broadcaster, and risky for any not guaranteed funding or immunity from accountability, who can say?
The BBc love to cause tension. It then creates more stories in the wake to shovel on the pile. Hence for example every time there is a petrol supply issue they will film outside a petrol station with a big queue. When we had snow they were filming empty shelves in the supermarkets and informing us of possible shortages. Outside Northern rock telling people not to panic whilst filming the queue to withdraw money. etc etc. etc.
The policeman was unaware that the 18 year old had committed the robbery.
However the 18 year old may have thought that the policeman knew about his actions.
(Just to set the record straight)
BBC always ready to trumpet discrimination, anti – diversity, waycism, anyone not putting the bunting out over … “enrichment” eh! ……….. genocidal waycism?
hmmm they seemed to have missed this
“Anti-Semitic protesters shouted: “Jews aren’t safe – we’re coming to get you.” But they didn’t get arrested; only a Jewish man did. That is Britain in 2014. To have arrested the Jew-haters who were menacing the deli would have been “Islamophobic.” British authorities never miss an opportunity to bow before their Islamic supremacist masters. What a bright future Britain has!”
R Spencer
… mind you BBC London is so filled with nationally important news
taking up column inches, there is no space
…. ” Fine over a flat accessed by crawling” ?
The elite in Britain likes their Jews to be docile and quiet.
Stand up for themselves? That won’t do . Lets arrest them harrass them and put them in their place.
That will please the tyrants of the Middle East.
There is no such thing as anti Semitism. It’s all in their minds .
If you are Jewish in Britian it is time to think about leaving for a civilised country.
No more Woodey Allen types, I promise you.
As the BBC encourages us to check into Hotel India….
Why’s that, you ask? Well, seems India needs to boost its tourism industry…
And naturally the BBC are on the case, more than happy to help the Indian balance of payments.
Meanwhile, these former residents of the Subcontinent are desperate to check into Hotel UK….
Seems ‘a better life’ can only be found, not in India – or indeed in Belgium – but in the jolly old UK.
BBC1 – Aquil Ahmeds Sunday Muslim oops Morning Live
Christianity? is traditional worship on the way out?
Islam, why do brit muslims want to massacre in Syria, or anywhere
cue assistance from the traitor Camoron … this is not about one faith, its about ALL peoples? all religions, including Islam?? yada yada ……..
(yep! … wilfully ignorant twat)
Laughably, SML dredges up MCBs Iqbal “Rushdie – death is too good to him” Sacranie, as the voice on the header
… only on the Al BBC
D Murray is there, probably buried in denials, diversions and obfuscations as its 4 to 1. 5 if you count Sian Llloyd.
SIR Iqbal, if you don’t mind.
The most abject and subservient apologies, for my “faux pas” – including but not limited to,
that ‘I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I’ve caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected, this momentary indiscretion has jeopardised
etc, etc, etc
“Iqbal, “Rushdie – death is too good FOR him” Sacranie”
Sir Iqbal Sacranie speaking at Global Peace and Unity Event – is death still to good for him?
“Hello UK – We have a problem”
We are being sleepwalked into oblivion – untrue Islamic points being spouted by Islamic State supporters on BBC programmes are hardly being challenged.
Sunday Morning Live was unbelievable!
Make your own minds up folks – here is the link:
Around 28 mins – a Muslim lady, Miriam Francois-Cerrah says :
“Islamic State is product of political reality – not ancient religion”
Prof Robert Winston, sat there most of the time looking like he dare not speak, head in his hands in total despair but did come out with:
“It’s not to do with Islam”.
Is this Jewish Professor’s appeasement real?
Is he typical of the Labour Whip?
They also gave a voice to a young radicalised Muslim, Abu Rumaysan, who got one thing right – but totally in the wrong way – when he said:
“there are a lot of lies being pushed out by the BBC”.
When asked about killings of Christians and Yazidis the loony Caliphate supporter unbelievably stated:
“….it has been largely exaggerated”
“…it is policy of Islamic State to cater for and protect non-Muslims…”
“…as a Muslim I would like to see Britain governed by Sharia….”
This Muslim loony was challenged by Douglas Murray, but basically there was so much appeasement in this programme and no real forthright opposition we might as well put up the white flag now.
Sunday Morning Live – have to admit, D Murray very muted, this show, where there was sooo much to feast on.
Dame (THE prophet) Ann (Imam) Leslie
“originally the Koran was not suddenly revealed by arch angel Gabriel, but was revealed and evolved over the years” …
“the schism after the death of … THE Prophet”
Spoken by this damn fool Islamophile, as if it was
something FACTUAL! … you can expect this baloney from someone brainwashed from birth, or who has so little in their life to get suckered in.
Aquil … one can assume she ll be back real soon.
… Douglas another BBC example for Islamophillia 2
By way of background, 2 long articles on media bias against Israel In the first one, I like the idea of calling the BBC the Palestinian Propaganda Channel (PPC). And the second one has a lot on the Guardian’s extreme position (so much followed in the BBC) and has a reference to a visit to Israel made by Alan Risbridger, editor of the Guardian and Ian Katz his news editor who is now editor of Newsnight.
Gotta laugh if it wasn’t so sad about Lord Cheeseman’s attack on Malky McKay’s anti-semetic “text” whilst ignoring real anti-semitism rife throughout the UK.
The bBC, and how whitewashing the key facts out of any negative Islamic story it gets, has become something of a mission statement for them
China executes eight, including Tiananmen attackers
China has executed eight people in the north-western region of Xinjiang, for what it calls “terrorist” attacks, reports the state news agency Xinhua. Three of those executed had been convicted of an attack in Tiananmen Square in Beijing last October, in which five people died, Xinhua said. The others were found guilty of crimes including bomb-making and arson
I was a little confused by what the bBC posts next:
“Xinjiang is the traditional home of Muslim Uighurs, who speak a distinct language and have different customs to the majority Han population elsewhere in China.”
Without saying that actually Muslims were behind the attacks and it was Muslims who the Chinese executed, the bBC excuses their actions (without saying why) by hinting at the fact that the locals(who are all Muslims) object to immigration from the rest of China. Err can anybody else see where the bBC trips up on this frame of mind?.
But as this is the bBC they close off their article with a condemnation of these executions:
“Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for the World Uighur Congress exile group, called the executions “a typical case of the law serving political ends”…Uighur leaders deny they are co-ordinating a terrorist campaign. They say the government’s repressive policies in Xinjiang have provoked the unrest.
Now did anybody see the bBC give a voice to anybody to speak out regards the executions of 21 people in Gaza?
Meanwhile the very politically correct EuroNews reports the above as such:
China executes eight Muslims convicted of terrorism
China has executed eight men it says were behind terrorist attacks in its far-western Xinjiang province. They include three men the Chinese are calling masterminds of an attack in October last year when a car was driven into a crowd in Tienanmen square in Beijing and burst into flames. Xinjiang is the home of the Muslim Uighur people, who accuse China of persecution.
Funny how they can encapsulate the entire story into so few words. Straight to the point, which is what the news should be.
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
As Beeboid ‘multiculturalist’ propagandists should know:-
“The Biggest Single Trigger of Jihadism Has Been our Adherence to ‘Multiculturalism’”
By Professor Anthony Glees.
Just read David Davis wants British ISIS terrorist stripped of their citizenship or triad for treason. Isn’t this the same David Davis who fought against extending the length of time terrorist suspects can be questioned? Isn’t this the same David Davis who denounced the extradition of Rangzieb Ahmed who was later convicted or terrorism. The same David Davis that is Sharmi Chakrabatis cuckold?
I was about to commend the BBC for a very good programme just on before the 5pm news(Radio 4/24.8.14).
Called In Memorium I think…and-for once-thoughtful, thought -out, creative and no obvious agenda(unless they got one past me without my knowing).
But after the news?…back to the usual Francine Stock crap re the marvels of mescaline, Huxley and Timothy Leary.
And none of that gangland drug massacres either…these are Lennon type “good drugs” that the clever and the beautiful(like Russell Brand and Richard Bacon) use to sprinkle stardust on our drab, beige cornflakes of lives.
They propose evolution and progress you see-so a few drive bys and Mexicans hanging from a Monterrey bridge is a small price for a Peter Blake cover or a “Take me to the Greek”.
The BBC really can`t do an hour of decent off-duty type of programming can it…let me know if there is an hour guaranteed on Radio 4 that does NOT drive their amoral , weasel agenda along.
Two consecutive programmes in a row…that too much now to ask?
Shooting in USA by police of a black man ten days ago:
BBC reporter (female Asian tick-box) on Online News.
Resents the way the police have told the journalists….including her!!…to move on.
She’s also resentful that there’s nothing else to report.
Whatever next?
BBC Reporters on scene telling us about the thousands of murders by the Islamic State? And being asked by those cosy ‘militants’ to move on?
A sonic turkey baster ?
Somehow that comment placed itself here, it was meant as a reply as to how Dr Who’s lesbian lizards reproduce from the previous page, I’ll get me coat…
As a Dr Who fan of more years’ standing than I care to admit, last night’s offering really was a pile of utter poo.
I’m sure if I’d listened carefully they would have mentioned that the two ladies were married to each other. I said I’m sure if I’d listened carefully they would have mentioned that the two ladies were married to each other. I SAID I’M SURE IF I’D LISTENED CAREFULLY THEY WOULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT THE TWO LADIES WERE MARRIED TO EACH OTHER.
And if you must shoehorn in a lesbian kiss, please try to do it with a little more subtlety. My 14-year old daughter nearly threw up.
I’ve been a pretty big fan of Dr Who since the William Hartnell days. However I didn’t watch this weekends offering reading the comments on here and elsewhere in the media seems my choice was the correct one I’ve pretty much disliked all the output since the re-imagining re-launch.
We have a DVD we treasure because it’s so bad it’s funny, called ‘War Birds’. Daft plot, bizarre casting, bad acting, dire direction and CGI by an Amstrad.
Inspired by all the hype, we decided to give the new Dr. Who a go on iPlayer.
It seems to have broken through a new barrier. So bad but not funny. Didn’t get any further than a Peter Capaldi producing more ham than a Wall’s factory as he tried to get to grips with who the moppet was, or he was, or something, as a Vogon, a woman and Shrek’s Aunty looked on, as a T-Rex channeling Ray Harryhausen via Gozilla walked up and down.
If this is going to keep the foreign income stream going, I’ll be Impressed.
By way of balance, I have just seen this:
The author seems forgiving. The comments less so.
Meanwhile, the shop boss in an Islamistani district of a Northern town has decided to deface the Queen’s currency for political purposes.
as usual plod will do nothing about it
Plod are controlled by the CPS who are controlled by the Government.
“A spokesman for the Bank of England said: “Defacing bank notes is definitely not something we would recommend but whether or not there would be a prosecution would be up to the Crown Prosecution Service to determine if it was in the public interest. ”
You can bet your arse that it wouldn’t be “in the public interest”
You will find that Manchester Political Correctness Squad (note it isn’t a Police service any more) is over seen by the Nu Liebour Fascist Tony Lloyd who has apparently either infected or forced the widely believed hopeless chief Constable Peter Fahy into adopting the same Fascist values he holds.
No chance of a prosecution for someone defacing a note with anti semitic hate speech, when the Police Commissioner is off shaking hands with successors of architects of the Holocaust whose supporters still give the Socialist salute and fly the Swastika.
I see the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism in the Uk -The bBC- has written another couple of posts demonising Israel. In the first they report that Iran ‘shoots down Israeli drone’ near Natanz nuclear site
On reading the article you read how Iran claims to have knocked a israeli stealth UAV out of the sky. Yet they have no evidence other than the words of the Mullahs . However they word it as so:
“The statement did not say when the drone was brought down, nor how the Guards knew it was Israeli.”
Hang on, there is nothing to support the claim, yet the bBC not only promotes this story as fact. they come out with story line in which to paint Iran as the victim here of Israeli belligerence.
“Tehran insists it wants to keep its nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes, but critics – including many in Israel – say this is a front for producing nuclear weapons.
In the past, Israel has frequently threatened to attack Iran’s nuclear plants.”
Now lets look at the above story from a factual point of view:
1) Israel does own UAVs that can reach Iran, Well actually they own one: the Heron TP An unmanned MALE UAV, using a pusher propeller set up , which has a wingspan almost as big as 737 and a top speed of 370mph. and a ceiling of 45,000ft.
Now is somebody telling me, that Israel would fly a medium-altitude, long endurance (MALE) UAV at 370mph across Jordan/Syria/Iraq to the middle of Iran , where in a region which is in the middle of a desert mountain range surrounded by missile batteries (I’ve known this since 2002) they fly over Iran’s nuclear chemistry set. by the very nature of having a propeller , the UAV has a very large radar footprint. But there’s a bloody good reason why stealth aircraft look like something out of sci-fi movie. Its so as to minimise their stealth footprint. Here have a look:

Going to that ceiling height. the Iranian F4, F14 and Mig 29 all fly higher. and yet the bBC feels qualified to end its post with:
If so, the fact that the drone managed to get so close raises questions about Iran’s detection capabilities, says BBC Persian’s Rana Rahimpour.
Now lets look next door inside Irag. The US and UK are flying drone missions, the Uk has its River Joint aircraft flying over Iraq . In otherwords they rule the sky over Iraq. With all those aircraft flying next door, are you telling me Iran isn’t going to be watching who is flying where and listening in to air traffic. To that end do you not think somebody may have noticed a UAV with such a huge wing span flying around and mentioned it over the radio.
Lastly only the other day Iran came out with yet another advance they had made in producing a missile system as good as Iron dome, just like they did with their stealth aircraft.
Why is it, the bBC reports everything from Iran as fact, when they have been debunked virtually everytime.
The second post from the bBC which demonises Israel is this one:
Israel closes Gaza’s Erez crossing
Israel says it has closed the Erez crossing after it came under rocket fire from Gaza, wounding four people. The crossing is used by aid workers, journalists and Palestinians with Israeli permits to enter or leave Gaza.
Hang on I thought the Israelis were holding siege to Gaza. But with this crossing which allows people to travel in and out of Gaza, the others which allow food in, that tells me Israel can’t be doing a good job of a siege, especially after Hamas has managed to sneak in over 11,000 missiles.
And after the bBC screams out…”Israel closes crossing’ yeah the nasty bastards, I come across this
“Following the mortar attack on Erez, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has closed down the Crossing, with the exception of border passages for life-saving humanitarian reasons.”
So the nasty jews who are not only bombing the shit out of Gaza, have in just under 2 months only managed to kill 2000 people.
(Anybody who feels that Israel is kicking shit out of one of the most densely packed areas of the world care to explain how they have only managed to kill 2000 people, seeing as a car bomb inside Iraq/Nigeria/Pakistan can kill over 100 people . 20 car bombs = 2000, Israel has hit Gaza how many time 3000,4000 times?)
But at the same time allow in Aid convoys on a daily basis, treat wounded people in its hospitals and as mentioned here lift the no move order to for humanitarian reasons.
Does , that sound like the actions of the evil Nazis the left and the bBC say that Israel is?
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
I think Mosad have been using 3rd parties .to liquidate Iranian nuclear scientists over the last few years. Very clever , I thought .
Both the above are excellent posts, Mr Pounce. Your facts have exposed two lousy bit of biased BBC journalism. Well done!
They’ve got an aircraft carrier too ! As big as the American ones, and they’re gonna kick their asses with it !
OOopss came over all BBC for a moment.
Not wanting to be too planey but that picture is wrongly titled ,as that’s a pic of a B-2 Not a F-117
Mat wrote:
” Not wanting to be too planey, but that picture is wrongly titled,as that’s a pic of a B2″
Mat, I don’t know what happened there, I posted 4 pics, if you fully inspect the webpage you will see that there is a link to a picture of a F117 and the missing F22.
The caption is what one writes into the code of a Img in which to explain what the picture is.
But sorry anyway
There’s a twist to the Foley beheading story, and possibly a double-twist.
According to the following article Foley supported the Sunnis in Syria
James Foley Went Looking to Support Terrorists in Syria, Instead They Cut Off His Head
I had never heard of Foley before his ‘demise’, and this certainly cast some ‘light’ on his character.
After reading the article, and seeing great similarity between him and the usual BBC types, one can’t help but share the emotion of some of the comments:
beniyyar • 3 hours ago
I only speak good of the dead, James Foley is dead, good!
NonSense • 8 hours ago
Well.. suddenly I’m god damn satisfied they chopped his head off glennm • 9 hours ago
this guy lost his head long before it was cut off
Now I’ve never seen the video of him supposedly having his head cut off, and have no desire to do so, but I read a very interesting comment also on this story, and I think you’ll agree might have some merit.
Given Foley’s views and support for the Sunnis, it is rather strange that they would have cut his head off. In a similar way we saw how surprised the BBC’s Alan Johnson was when he was kidnapped in Gaza, because he knew he was really the Islamists friend. In the head he was released and they could come across as ‘good guys’.
See what you think about this:
Shuey • 2 days ago
First, I am not and never have been a conspiracy nut. I hate Alex Jones, for example.
That said, I just started reading about Foley yesterday and watched the full beheading video on LiveLeak. I was able to stomach watching it ONLY because I already heard/read that the screen goes dark BEFORE you would see the worst of it. If you haven’t seen it, the real deal video does NOT show the actual beheading. Just the first couple seconds of beginning to cut his neck with no blood or gore other than a still photo of the two body pieces at the very end.
On the LiveLeak video page, many of those commenting were claiming the video is a fake and that no beheading was actually done. Some also pointed out that Foley’s parents didn’t seem nearly as upset as one would expect. “So maybe they know he isn’t really dead and so does the government … and the government has to pretend they are fooled by the fake video”, they said. I will agree that the Foleys did seem a bit upbeat considering the news, but maybe they are strong or just well prepared since he was a hostage once before?
Despite the reasons the posters stated to support their claims of “fakery”, I scoffed to myself. While there are some issues with the video that could be proof of fakery, I thought it was a dumb claim to make since everyone who is “in the know” (including his parents) seemed convinced. More importantly, I could not come up with any reason that Foley would have for going along with a faked beheading …even while under threat.
So now, some 12 hours later, I stumble across a link to this FrontPage story. I don’t know, but this story could be the missing piece of the puzzle to explain why there might have been a fake beheading video. Maybe Foley wants to “disappear” into a life with ISIS. Or maybe he wants to be able to work undercover back home in the help them strike here?
The video does fade out as “John” begins to saw at Foleys neck with the knife. However, there are a couple odd things about that: 1) Foley does his little speech in the video without any nervousness or fear. Quite a feat when you are convinced that your head is about to be sawed off with a knife, and 2) Foley shows absolutely no reaction or fear as the knife is forcefully applied to his throat. None, and that doesn’t seem humanly possible if it were really happening, and finally 3) The killer FORCEFULLY saws back and forth about 8 times before the fade out and there is absolutely no blood yet. I even captured the video and played it in slow motion and zoomed in with a high quality digital filter …. still no blood visible. This is really odd because I’ve read that a throat slit typically spurts blood the instant the cut penetrates about a quarter inch.
Finally, why would a group that has released many graphic beheading videos (with every gory detail) suddenly release their most important video with the worst part edited out and then only a still photo of the severed head and body at the very end? Photos are easily photo-shopped.
Anyway, I’m not sure I believe it was faked so I doubt most here will either. But it sure was strange to find this FrontPage story on the heels of the allegations of a “faked” video …. which clearly COULD have been a fake.
And now I read that Foley actually supported ISIS. Hmmmmmm … and let’s not forget that he was supposedly a hostage years ago and “escaped”. Was that another instance where he was actually there to work with his captors and they “let him come home”? You tell me.
It appears that the MSM is starting to find something fishy about his ‘beheading’, including The Times (£).
Here’s the Sydney Morning Herald
Video of James Foley beheading ‘may have been staged’
They are still going along with the claim that he was killed, but off camera. According to experts who analysed the film, they too found the actual ‘beheading’ as shown as suspect, but the picture after it was decapitated appears real.
Although as far as I can see the MSM haven’t yet referred to Foley’s pro-Sunni views, and time will tell whether they will, one thing is for sure, it won’t be the BBC that lead with it. I do hope BBC journalists are sweating though that despite their pro-militant Islam agenda they might still become victims of it, more than we know they are already.
Perhaps Foley thought they weren’t really going to behead him, and it was only for a scam, but being the twisted beings they are, they decided it would serve their purposes better if they did. Possibly since the USA doesn’t pay ransoms for hostages they were trying to change their mind. I see one American hostage has been freed recently, could their plan be working?
American man kidnapped when heading to Syria freed after two years in captivity
Maybe the irony was lost on the bBC experts during the post race analysis of the Belgian Grand Prix. Nico Robert was made out to be the bad boy for taking out their hero Lewis Hamilton in what was essentially a racing incident with no intent.
We heard that the German TV audience was 16% down despite a German leading the championship, it was surmised that it was because he was ‘too European’ for being half Finnish, the irony is of course is why Mr Hamilton isn’t the most popular British driver and for reasons they’re unable to see or won’t admit to.
Little was made of Jenson Button being the highest placed British driver on the day (6th) only constant talk of him being too old and his impending retirement. It must be remembered that he got the better of Hamilton more so than the other way around when they were team mates.
It’s now come to the stage with BBC F1 that I’m considering watching it with the sound off all you can hear from beginning to end of the program is the mantra of “Lewis Hamilton” no matter what position he is during the race. I did note there was no stewards inquiry at the time of the latest incident although the BBc F1 page is now running this
Lewis Hamilton, his father comes from Grenada, his mother is called Carmen Larbalestier, so he’s definitely ”Bwitish.” When he signed his F1 contact he did his patriotic duty and pissed off to Switzerland, saying he was hounded by the press while in England and had nothing what so ever to do with paying less tax, really nothing at all.
He slagged off his home town Stevenage saying it was a dump. He’s now since moved to Monaco saying Switzerland was boring.
Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he ? I suspect where he comes from he’s more use to ‘exciting’ knife crime and riots.
He slagged off Nico Rosberg for not being German, bit rich that coming from Hamilton, shows a lack of self awareness.
Hamilton, a real ‘class’ act, there’s nothing quite like an uppity, you know what, is there ?
Do you think Jim Clark would behave like uppity Lewis Hamilton, a humble farmer from the Scottish Borders ?
It’s good to look at these old clips to see the social and cultural history of Britain of what it was like, a nostalgic trip down memory lane.
Thankfully now we’re living in a multicultural third world ebola slum !!
I wonder what the bBC has to say about this tweet from Hamas:
“DEATH FOR ALLAH IS OUR MOST EXALTED WISH—”. So if they were all dead Allah would be delighted then. He wouldn’t be the only one.
I wonder when the BBC will get around to reporting this killing. I’m sure that had she been killed by one of the untermensch (white person) they would have been on it immediately.
She has no head covering so this might yet turn out to be another killing of a woman who had become in the eyes of her husband ‘too Westernised’.
If that does turn out to be the case there will be a repeat of the hand wringing and burying of heads in the sand to avoid the obvious conclusion that there’s a problem with Islam.
Got to love the liberal minded bBC, only they could out with this paragraph:
Paris 1944: True stories behind liberation from Nazis
“”After Paris fell to the Allies, for a reason no-one has ever explained, the German air force carried out a series of bombing raids. Many people were killed.”
Anybody here have a clue as to why the Nazis would bomb Paris after getting kicked out of it. If you do , could you inform the bBC’s Hugh Schofield why?
It would have been more difficult to explain if the German air force had bombed Paris before it was liberated….
(To BBC Editor: Can we use the word German in this context? Would the word Nazi be more appropriate in our pan-European world? Was it not the Nazis who were in Germany in WW2, not the Germans?).
For the same reason that the Nazis followed a vindictive scorched-earth policy when they were losing. The destruction of the village of Oradour-sur-Glane testifies to their brutality.
Earlier on in war, the Czech village of Lidice was destroyed and all its inhabitants butchered after resistance fighters assassinated the monstrous local SS boss Reinhard Heydrich.
Sadly there are scores of Lidices and Oradour-sur-Glanes being re-enacted by present-day Islamic State savages.
Sunday Morning Live – have to admit, D Murray very muted, this show, where there was sooo much to feast on.
Dame (THE prophet) Ann (Imam) Leslie
“originally the Koran was not suddenly revealed by arch angel Gabriel, but was revealed and evolved over the years” …
“the schism after the death of … THE Prophet”
Spoken by this damn fool Islamophile, as if it was
something FACTUAL! … you can expect this baloney from someone brainwashed from birth, or who has so little in their life to get suckered in.
Aquil … one can assume she ll be back real soon.
… Douglas another BBC example for Islamophillia 2
Well to be fair tens of millions of people believe it as an absolute fact and the only way around this is preface any statement with ‘Muslims believe’.
The problem is, if you don’t accept it as fact then you have to offer an alternative narrative. I can offer this, but there’s no way the BBC would allow it, and I can tell you that my life would be in serious threat were I to do so, aside from pissing off very many people.
Yes we should have a free and open dialogue, and we should be able to criticise the RoP as we can any other without fear of violent attack and murder. This is what the BBC should be covering in the first instance, and if it is unable to broadcast certain alternative opinions then it should say so and state that it is because of fear of attack by Muslims.
We who monitor the BBC know exactly what Mark Thompson said, the rest of the public unfortunately don’t.
Just heard this classic during Beeb’s 10 o’clock news item on death of Richard Attenborough. The obit stated: “He and his brother, the television naturalist David, were the children of left-wing parents. Richard inherited their commitment to good causes…”
UNBELIEVABLE! So the implication is that people from lefty backgrounds are devoted to good causes, and by further implication that people of the right are nasty individuals who think only of themselves.
I could never imagine a similar BBC report stating that someone’s parents were right-wing and they inherited a commitment to good causes. It would never enter the reporter’s head as a possibility. These Beeboids really do live in a bubble.
Hands together for the Rolling Stones and their great performance in Tel Aviv despite the threats, despite the call for a boycott. Yes, they made a lot of money, but that is what they do wherever they go. Fifty thousand fans enjoyed the show
I find myself dividing the pop fraternity into those who think for themselves-like Cohen, Dylan, Jagger,Lydon and Cowell…and those who just follow the beehive…Lennox, Pink Floyd, Costello etc.
Jagger is oh his way, his song “Saint of Me” is honest and quite religious…unlike Roger Waters, he has a brain and has left the sixth form agitprop behind.
Wonder if UB40 or Jerry Dammers will be playing a tour of Cairo, Beirut etc then?…let alone dare to busk anywhere near Mecca or Medina.
Gutless hypocrites these lefties eh?
Another reason for Beeboids to oppose UKIP?:-
“‘Stop benefits of IS fighter families’:
Potential new measures against jihadist threat.”
First of all, RIP Richard Attenborough. A great actor and director and seemed like a very good man to boot.
Second, shame on the BBC for turning his obituary into a blatant plug for his liberal politics. It’s pretty obvious looking at his body of work that Attenborough was into equal rights and giving a voice to oppression, for which he is rightly held in high regard. That does not make him a spokesperson for the BBC’s agenda which seems far more extreme than anything Attenborough ever promoted. He may have supported Labour but there’s no word on his stance towards New Labour, and it’s all too easy for the BBC to suggest he was an unwavering supporter of their views since he’s been incapacitated for several years. Instead of providing an obituary based on his films and other endeavors, it’s based on almost entirely subjective interpretations on what these works meant and how, because he was well respected (and again, rightly so), that means the BBC can play the appeal to authority and say his views represent fact. It’s so cynical.
Third, it’s hard to take the BBC seriously on this when they’ve spent the last several weeks refusing to open almost all of the major stories to public discussion, choosing instead to have fluff pieces open to HYS. Today’s one wasn’t even a story, it was just about Doctor Who. This, along with the BBC’s habit of over-eulogising people with political beliefs similar to their own and not based on their actual achievements (e.g. Tony Benn, Roger Lloyd Pack), makes it almost impossible to take any of this without a massive pinch of salt.
The BBC led their 8am news with the death of this trouper-one who has not done anything since the early 90s in their terms…but has that Edinburgh monicker that demands obsequiousness by the chatterati.
In short-a hagiography of an SDP luvvie…and good old BBC3 last night were nonplussed as they read out breaking news of his death.
Poor gum chewing effnik poppet didn`t have a clue…a real Richard Bacon, it was.
And now the BBC tells me that Cameron is…er “leading the tributes” on all our behalves.
Oh dear-should we not let Inspecta Yewtree do his finest, before we all fall keening on the poor old sods birthday cake( going cheap in Richmond High St today, I`d imagine!).
So Beeb-given your record with Savile-forgive me if I wait until the bodys gone cold, until I eulogise the Gibb Brother of Putney with my blue plaques and reruns of liberal horseshit that was big in the 80s.
He did do “I`m alright Jack” though, and “10 Rillington Place”…which are two fine flims more that the usual crop of Yankee cokeheads and nomarks that the BBC would prefer to drool over in their passing.
No disrespect intended with my riffing…but those who crave the BBCs bawbee and its awards get such a load of satire-serving flannel and flummery, than your first instinct is to scorn all their oozing sanctimony.
As they treated Thatcher…so go they!
John Attenborough was Maurice Gibb!
And Davids OPT agenda has been furthered today, so it can`t all be bad news to the oleagenious, ubiquitous misantrhope…will that fit on a carved headstone I wonder?
(With black topper tiffed towards Leonard Sachs, re that last sentence).
If the BBC laud you-they did the same for Sir James of Roundhay!
‘Dickie darling’ was undoubtedly a fully paid-up totem of the liberal left progressives; a ‘luvvie’ in every possibly way, pretty much the film industry’s Chief Luvvy, if you will. It’s no surprise to see the BBC quickly move to claim Attenborough as ‘One Of Ours’; he had all the correct lefty credentials, after all, including a CAGW-championing Famous Younger Brother (who also happens to have been a BBC employee and, like Dickie, had his fingers all over various aspects of Britain’s TV industry).
Alan Rickman’s nauseating and strangely stilted, faux reverential narration of last night’s BBC ‘tribute’ to The Great Man was doing its very best to coax me towards the ‘off’ switch, with its surreal ‘death of a President’ style presentation. Did Dickie solve world hunger, eradicate poverty or something? Did I miss this detail about The Great Man?
Richard Attenborough was a man of talent and no doubt great compassion. It’s just a shame the BBC had to saint him as well, instead of simply offering up an unpoliticised, critical and celebratory review his interesting and varied film career.
Yet another weather forecaster at North West this morning
Beeboids’ feelings?: ‘but Boris, the jihadists’ human rights, their human rights’, their diversity…England wouldn’t be the same without them’…
“‘Jihadi John’ should be killed in a bomb attack and his fellow ‘wackos’ banned from ever returning to Britain, says Boris Johnson”
Read more:
Seems the pols are panicking, and losing the plot in the process.
This ‘bunker’ young John would appear to hang out in would not be inconveniently located under a school or hospital full of willing or co-opted chivvy martyrs by chance? As opposed to those nice ethical ones situated well away from non-com areas.
Thus putting Major Engagement of Mouth Before Brain in a bit of a dilemma, given he and the guys & gals were not so keen when others were doing it.
Could not get access to this site today. Looks as if others may have had the same problem from the lack of comments. Would like to know what happened?
Seems to happen from time to time. But it has been bad today.
Although perhaps lack of comments is everyone waiting for a new Open Thread. 🙂
Would like to know just how Michael Heseltine is able to get the conch shell, as and when he wants to back the BBCs Common Purpose crapola re immigration.
Who at the BBC decided that the ravings of a multimillionaire with a tree where his brain ought to be, has a view on student numbers or immigration in general?
Well worth a survey…news order and continual hustling for “big beasts” to tow the BBCs bandwaggons should not be made news-even on a pointless Bank Holiday with nothing happening.
Tebbit wouldn`t get the same gushing , despite being a far greater man in every sense.
Wrong message though.
Beeboids give great prominence to Heseltine who, along with BBC-NUJ, wants U.K borders kept open for mass entry of ‘students’ /immigrants. Islamic State activists will be pleased.
An awful lot of voices on the net regarding the links (direct or otherwise) between the CIA and those running ISIS.
The CIA has a long history of ineptitude, incompetence, indecision, and completely backing the wrong side, (as opposed to some kind of super intelligent malevolence).
Tomorrow on the new thread (if the site holds up) I’ll post some links for people to decide for themselves. and a couple of names of important people who the BBC seem to have completely overlooked (wonder why?) !
Nice that the bBC stacked last nights debate with the usual QT style audience.
Yep – more than a whiff of that famous BBC ‘impartiality’ in the air during that debate last night. One wonders what the BBC have to gain from an Independent Scotland? Baffling.
Bit of a tail-end Carlos as we head (hopefully) to a new thread with (even more hopefully) the weekend glitches ironed out..
Admittedly erring on the Mandy Rice-Davies, but it really wouldn’t be the BBC without some Head Of or other claiming the BBC got it about right based on… their belief and no more.
This, however is more definitive;
‘”This was misleading and was known by the BBC to be inaccurate.””
So the fuzz are calling Ms. Hockaday and the BBC liars to their faces.
Ms. Hockaday by contrast is dissembling like a good ‘un as she does every Newswatch.
And while I am sure she and all 19,999 of the rest of them can be pretty sure they can tell the rest of us they are unaccountable, I’m not so sure the same applies to the police.
So I may keep the popcorn handy.
Especially if there are charges down the line and they get affected by the media circus this daft bint is trying to make out would have had no affect on due process.
Think you live in a civilised and free country?
When the organisation that has displayed total disregard for its charter in all manner of agendas, and one that has a host of scandals recently coming to light, and yet the public are forced to pay for it under threat of imprisonment, is something akin to a third world dictatorship.
Now we hear that a third of the BBC Trust, who are supposed to represent the interests of the licence fee public in monitoring the BBC have family members working within the corporation.
The ignorant public putting up with this are content to have the illusion that this is a free country.
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: How the BBC Trust keeps it in the family
hardly worth posting a comment. The past three of mine which took a while to write have been lost due to a crappy site which can’t stay on line longer than a few minutes !
Time to find a new web server if this one can’t perform !
same here Slow and comment not posted earlier
let’s all play a game of “Spot The Difference” between these two reports of the disgusting and appalling multiple rape of children, trafficking, violence and abuse seen in Rotherham
I’ll even give you a helpful clue. Read the Sky report first, and then search the BBC report for the words “Labour” and “Pakistani”. Curiously and by lucky chance they seem to have been omitted.
The difference in reporting fully substantiates the main reason why 97 girls a year for 16 years were allowed to be raped which the bBC reports as:
” “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
The irony.
This couldn’t have happened without the servicing of the complicit BBC.
Abolish the licence fee, get rid of the subsidies and let that sick organisation go down the plughole where it can find it’s natural inheritance.
That’s how Labour-run one-party states work.
Its all part of ‘multicultural enrichment’ . What is the government doing about this !
Didn’t this very same council remove foster children from a placement because the couple were members of UKIP.
The men were “mainly of Pakistani” origin the 6 O’clock news. Well blow me down I’ve known that for years and it now totally vindicates what I’ve been telling anyone who would listen to me for years. How did North West tonight deal with this bearing in mind the odd exchange of correspondence I’ve had with them on this subject in the past? Yep ignore it, they ran “drunk tanks” for Manchester as lead story.
Just picking two statements from the BBC article….
“At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.”
“However, Rotherham Council Chief Executive Martin Kimber said no council officers will face disciplinary action as he did not have enough evidence against individuals.
“Officers in senior positions responsible for children’s safeguarding services throughout the critical periods when services fell some way short of today’s standards do not work for the council today,” he said.
“To that extent, I have not been able to identify any issues of professional practice related to current serving officers of this council that would require me to consider use of disciplinary or capability procedures.””
So – according to the Council Chief Exec, anyone who was involved in this crap right up until 2013 has now left the council’s employment….and are now drawing pretty damned good pensions, redundancy payments etc., no doubt, all on the back of the taxpayer, and not one single person remains in any post which had some responsibility for this nonsense ? Yeah, right.
This has apparently been going on, and known to be happening, for many years – I wonder how long Mr Kimber has been a senior officer, and Chief Exec on this council ? Oh, it turns out he’s been Chief Exec of Rotherham Council for more than 5 years…and, despite all the reports, he had no idea this was occurring ?… so he couldn’t investigate anything and find the guilty parties ?…yeah, right ! So he’s personally not going to fall on his sword, then, I guess, despite presiding over the council for a quarter of the period during which this was taking place, and was being reported on, according to this latest investigation.
“…services fell some way short of today’s standards…” he whines….so the standards in your council from 1997 onwards actually allowed for the events that took place ? Yeah. right !
Same council who removed two foster children from “exemplary” foster carers because they were UKIP members (and incidentally ex-Labour party members).
Over a 1000 Children! Will anyone be sacked? Wait for the “lessons learned” bullshit and “lets move on”. The
Poor kids deserve better than the Politically Correct F*ck Wits who are paid to look after them but put political agenda before care. If they were middle-class kids from Hampstead and Islington would this have happened? No “go f*ck the provincial proles”. What has Milliband and Harman (the PIE apologist) got to say about the council their party runs.
Deleted, not omitted:
Oh good grief – that needs sharing far and wide! The BBC caught red handed purposefully sanitising the issue!
There are no words.
That is a pretty deliberate policy decision.
Where is the doe-eyed poisoned dwarf Shami Chakrabarti. I seek her here, I seek her there, I seek her everywhere, but there is no trace of the ubiquitous (on the BBC) defender of the rights of all those who want to behead, blow up and brutalise us.
This absence is a mystery. At a time when Theresa May and Boris Johnson are calling for withdrawing the passports, therefore rendering them stateless, of ‘British citizens’ who travel abroad to Islamic finishing schools in Syria and Iraq, to learn the finer points of hacking off peoples heads, burying them alive and crucifying them in praise of Allah and the religion of peace, Shami is no where to be found.
This could be because I have been out of country for most of July and August and have not been able to listen to the Today programme. QT is of course on a summer break and therefore, as the Observer noted (that’s right the Observer) Shami’s “endless appearances” are temporarily suspended.
However, there may be something more sinister at work here. The BBC has been moving it services to outlandish places ‘up north’. Is it possible that they have mislaid Shami and she is stuck in a crate somewhere in transit, going round in the outer circle of hell, for any metropolitan liberal, that is the provinces.
Or, this explanation I suspect is the most likely. Shami is in Chiantishire visiting Polly pull that really expensive fine wine from your cellar Toynbee, and let us discuss the plight of the British underclass and their treatment by those horrid Tories.
Same council who removed two foster children from “exemplary” foster carers because they were UKIP members (and incidentally ex-Labour party members).
Over a 1000 Children! Will anyone be sacked? Wait for the “lessons learned” bullshit and “lets move on”. The
Poor kids deserve better than the Politically Correct F*ck Wits who are paid to look after them but put political agenda before care. If they were middle-class kids from Hampstead and Islington would this have happened? No “go f*ck the provincial proles”. What has Milliband and Harman (the PIE apologist) got to say about the council their party runs.
What the heck is this cheery greeting on the usual browser that gets used here all about?
You don’t have permission to access /blog/2014/08/22/weekend-open-thread-42/comment-page-2/ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Also the URL logo is different. What’s ‘TF’ in a green circle?
In all its infamy, for the second time in 2 days the BBC wheels
out orchestrated “fluffers” who (under the absurd pretence of knowledge!) display only extreme ignorance of both the texts and reality, and the actuality of Islam
A new ploy?, a new low definitely … Ann Leslie? and Winston?
Couldn’t get on the site yesterday (Monday). I was wondering if anyone knew why the BBC was giving so much coverage to British nurse William Pooley? He seems an admirable chap, and it is to do with Ebola, but was it really the main story throughout the day? Similarily does anyone know why the BBC is so sanguine about the real prospect of Russia and Ukraine coming to blows? And how does ISIS with around 7000 fighters rout the Iraqi army and act with impunity under the noses of the Air Forces of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar etc.?
Can somebody help me here?
According to the bBC, Hamas is declaring a victory over Israel. I quote:
“A spokesman for Hamas, which dominates the territory, told a news conference: “We are here today to declare the victory of the resistance, the victory of Gaza, with the help of God, and the steadfastness of our people and the noble resistance.”
If Hamas defeated Israel. (well that;s what a victory means to me) can somebody please explain why everybody on the left have been bitching at Israel for carrying out a genocide.
My thought exactly.
If Hamas won the “war”…then why was everybody like the BBC so bothered about Israeli heavy-handedness?
I heard some self-appointed “Palestinian Ambassador to the UK” on the PM show.
These thick anti Semites and nasty little terrorist apologisers condemn themselves with every answer they give…no, he could not confirm whether Hamas would once again bring in weapons, build up tunnels and use human shields-the BBC sure as hell would not be asking either. And even if they did-well it would be Israels fault.
Always is-and no mention of Egypt hating Hamas as much as Israel does…Arab Spring remember?
Usual crap from Hamas, the PLO and the f***in useless BBC.
2 days of probs trying to get to this site ? anyone else ?
Not henry Lenny.
I also had the same problem. I thought it was because I was living as far West as the Pembrokeshire coast.
Same here, http 403 and 500 errors, time outs. I’d say often as not the site is inaccessible these past few days.
Everyone else!
“The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ description of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.”
And it would be racist, as again it’s the usual suspects, so not Chinese, Japanese, Fillipino, Indian, Sri Lankan etc. The R4 news reader in the headlines gave the game away by using the more explicit code word ‘Pakistani’ but as usual missing from the BBC reporting is the M word.
Just imagine how different the BBC reporting would be if Catholics were involved? Or if the victims had been mostly black?
It looks like other press is colluding in the silence about the ‘cultural’ background of most of the perpertrators, in fact the silence is deafening. But hands up anyone who didn’t guess who’d be abusing poor white girls in a Northern town, or why the police and local authority would ignore the issue. Anyone?
Al-Beeb and the South Yorkshire Police must have a very warped sense of priorities. While they tried to ensnare Sir Cliff for a trumped-up historical allegation of abuse, there had been real abuse – and then some – carried out to this very day by gangs of paedophile “Asian men”.
About as serious as it gets is the Rotherham matter.
Everybody involved in covering it up should resign and then be prosecuted.
It is sickening. In the England I gew up in this would have never happened and those that say it would have happened are liars.
Even the BBC could not sanitise this.
Community cohesion ? Gone for good and the elite knows it.
Time to face reality for everybody’s sake.
These were children for God’s sake and the police and the council should be ashamed.
What they ve done, is allowed it to happen, wilfully turned
their backs on rampant orchestrated paedophilia,(oh the 1400 cases? …yeah right, no where near) … its still going on now, and not just in Rotherham.
They ve allowed abduction, violence, gang rape, on children as young as 10 and 11 … and 32 cases are pending … today.
Nothing but lengthy prison terms, for their complicion, and deceit, abject cowardice in deliberately not dealing with grotesque child abuse.
If that council tw-t, or that so called policeman had even uttered
… “lessons” in front of me I d have buried him there and then.
The elongated pain, suffering, emotional abuse and trauma, of these children can t be imagined …
Ethnicity issue eh! The Muslim Paedostani s … should hang.
Yea but the BBc seems to me has done it’s best to cover it up in the past. North west not running coverage of the court case in Manchester after giving me the usual bogus reply, then when they couldn’t stop the story as it was all over the internet giving me more bull about how they would cover it. They didn’t in fact they ran a story about how the demonstrators outside the court may have upset someone. The constant vague reports of “men” being involved. Who instigated the action to get some one jailed in 2006 for talking about this in private meetings (clue loath him or dislike him it was Nick Griffin)? Yea the BBc.
once again! … another reply has just gone on this site? …
oh well … lets, try another
“You can write that as the epitaph of Great Britain. The British government kowtowed to Islamic supremacists “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government hounded counter-jihadists domestically and banned ones from the U.S. from entering the country “for fear of being thought as racist.” The British government worked with Islamic supremacists it mistook for “moderates” “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government for years ignored an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools “for fear of being thought as racist.”
As Britain collapses into inevitable chaos, civil war, and jihad in the streets, Blair, Cameron, May (Warsi?) and the rest, and all the dreary Sarah Browns among their dreary, dreary supporters, can congratulate themselves that as they bring down a once-great civilization upon their own heads … at least no one will think that they were “racist.”
It couldn’t have happened without a complicit BBC.
BBC yes? … Ch 4? … Sky news?
I caught BBC radio news yday, some of Ch4 news last night not Sky though.
The link between these Paki, Afghan, Bangladeshi etc men?
The dangerous deceivers of the ‘multicultural, politically correct,’ Left-Islam alliance try to spread the propaganda that:-
a.) the Islamic State is not Islamic;
b.) the continuing mass sex crimes against English girls by Pakistani Muslims are not Islamic.
If they say Islamic prayers, keep citing the Islamic Qur’an, and talk about killing non-Islamics ……
then they are Islamic.
Two reports on Rotherham (Labour):-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN.”
Read more:
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
in which the following words do not appear:- ‘Pakistani,’ ‘Muslim,’ ‘Islamic,’ nor even euphemism, ‘Asian.’
“Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds”
Here is the BBC online report today on child exploitation in Rotherham:
Committed by ‘Asian’ men. Men from India and the Philippines perhaps?
Men from Pakistan? Yes.
Political Correctness and the BBC’s joyful willingness to conform is destroying this country.
Political Correctness = No Free Speech or loose your job/career.
Has Al Beeb been complicit in its reporting of these crimes over the years? – what of their description of these perpetrators as ”Asians” and ”men” etc?
More importantly, what is our government doing about this?
We await our Prime Minister’s comment on the whole débâcle.
And remember how politically weak was BBC-NUJ reporting of Rotherham Labour Council’s action against UKIP foster parents.
In comparison-
‘Daily Mail’ (2013):-
“Council which removed foster children after parents’ Ukip membership was discovered finally apologises seven months on”
Read more: