They are tiptoeing around the paper review ,not once was the word MUSLIM used in describing the scum who abused children in Rotherham, the spin is aimed solely at the police and ‘social workers’,this is their worst nightmare, a LABOUR council, muslim perpetrators .
They spent longer on a story about the theft of lego bricks in the US than the emerging shitstorm in Rotherham .
BBC avoid the elephant in the room as usual – Labour’s unfettered immigration – and have the shocking audacity to give Labour a platform to have a dig at the conservatives…
It’s been an education, watching and listening to the BBC TV and radio news over the past 24 hrs, as the Corporation has done its level best to avoid ever mentioning the ethnicity and religious affiliations of ‘those men’ and ‘gangs’ who have been so busy over the past 16 years up and down the country raping underage girls under the very noses of apparently indifferent, politically correct social workers and coppers – all of whom complicitly sealed the fate of those children at the hands of our ‘culturally enriching’ muslim friends.
It’s been possible to watch or listen to an entire news bulletin and really be none the wiser about what could possibly be motivating ‘those men’ to commit these crimes in such numbers..? Instead, the BBC has decided that the focus should be exclusively on blaming social workers and police for their crimes – as if by doing this alone the issue can be satisfactorily explained. No need to look any further. Nothing to see.
It’s like living in an Orwellian dystopia where the ‘news’ is anything but; instead it’s just a fictional confection of misdirection and dissembling, even though everyone – and I really mean everyone (media, government, police, social workers, etc) – knows exactly what lies behind this sustained campaign of child abuse.
The BBC just cannot sink any lower: p*sspoor ‘journalism’ (or the absence of any journalistic enquiry at all), underpinned by a total unwillingness to tell the truth or to deal with the facts leads us to this mendacious avoidance of dealing with the biggest single issue behind the abuse of these girls. It is a terrible indictment of the utterly crippling ‘PC’ culture at the BBC which strangles any chance of ‘truth in journalism’ every single time, but never more so than when the Corporation attempts (and utterly fails) to report honestly on race, immigration and the so-called ‘religion of peace’.
At the risk of falling into the same trap and blaming everyone but the Pakistani rapists themselves, I think everyone else is far too tolerant.
Imagine the scenes in Rotherham and elsewhere if the races had been reversed. According to the DT, parents who tried to rescue children from the abusers were arrested themselves. Frankly, I’d like to see the public assemble outside Rotherham town hall with torches and pitchforks.
As for descriptions of “asians” and “men”, as far as I’m aware Sikhs and Hindus, also from the Indian Subcontinent and sharing a similar culture, were not involved but, as I’m sure Cameron will repeat in due course, “It has nothing to do with Islam”.
More and more people seem to be describing the National Socialist Labour Party as ‘Fascist’ which is of course an accurate description.
The party has split itself in two with traditionalists and Fascists – the Fascists being certainly the loudest faction.
The Rotherham situation is a perfect illustration of the Labour Fascism in action.
The Ubermensch (Pakistani Muslim Men) are allowed to do what ever they like to the Untermensch (White people) with complete impunity.
Of course the Jews are hated just as much as they were during the 1930s and despite their professed love of the Gays, it dramatically ends when the Brown eyed boys want to kill them (Manchester Students Union and the Muslims Women’s group).
I don’t see many traditionalists at the BBC. As far as I can see it’s stuffed full of Fascists working hard to improve the position of their Brown eyed boys, I can’t wait for the day when the idiotic gays who support the religion of Islam (like Hitler did) are taken to the high place and thrown off!
The more people start to use the word Fascist to accurately describe the PC NU Liebour idiots, the more they will be exposed for what they are the more the general population will cry for change.
BBc Breakfast runs calls for resignations in connexion with child abuse. No calls for resignations at the BBc for those who tried to muddy the waters with reports of the involvement of “men” etc whilst missing key words then.
I dare say the Rotherham scandal/conspiracy will be a thread in and of itself soon, so I’ll repost this if it gets lost, but I remember Five Live’s Victoria Derbyshire interviewing a victim’s mother the thick end of ten years ago
The whole tone VD employed was an arch, sighing disbelief and a sniffy disinterest. Listening to Five Live last night and this morning you’d imagine it was the first they’d ever heard of it.
Twenty minutes ago they started the fightback, interviewing “appalled” Pakistani men on the streets of Rotherham, who seemed far more concerned with portraying Islam in a positive light rather than any interest in the victims.
Five Live, and the BBC as a whole, once more failed to serve their public trust. Add this scandal to Savile, to Harris and many more.
… This should bury Political correctness, and the Multicult.
What s more valuable than our nations children?
but … even now the BBC is ………….
hell … can t even be bothered to type any more.
Apologies to all, I know this is my third repeat but the message is short and to the point:
This couldn’t have happened without the servicing of the complicit BBC.
Abolish the licence fee, get rid of the subsidies and let that sick organisation go down the drain where it can find its natural inheritance.
So far this Rotherham situation has been summed up by a bunch of harrumphing on social media that so-called ‘guilty of doing nothing’ parties from political parties to public sector departments, are damned by not agreeing to appear on…. Newsnight.
That is Newsnight, the show that perfected the politically cor… disatstrous market rate backside covering that tried to avoid the decades of market rate astounding uncuriosity of their own institutional little secret keeping.
If any organisation is responsible for the culture of Rotherham’s gangs to germinate, thrive & exist without challenge, it is the BBC.
Yet they are trying to manoeuvre, albeit with odd semantics (‘Men’, ‘Asian’) into the ‘we were outraged all along’ camps, apparently happy to drop even Labour in it as they pathetically bleat that it is not time for party politics to try and excuse their role.
This is of course another Fascist tactic, to always blame the white untermensch, whilst protecting the Pakistani ubermensch.
Until the majority of people wake up and see the reality of what BLiars government has done then we won’t be able to correct it.
Everyone who opposes Political Correctness and organisations like the BBC needs to stop using their language and tell the truth about Fascism. To spread the message to the people, to get them motivated for change.
Tony Livesey on BBC 5 Live has just informed us that most abuse is down to white men and, in any case, why didn’t anyone speak out about it. You tell us Tony.
No public voice allowed, while we get simply diversionary
garbage, from people you literally want to slap
oops! then like magic, phone lines open …
its about all society,
all communities
mostly white, its everyone s problem,
how can we move forward
etc etc
You got to hand it to the stinking, treacherous, disingenuous, grasping and pimping BBC – they are good at their job. Today’s 8.10 Stakhanovite discussion on Muslims in Rotherham raping hundreds of children should surely win this year’s Beeboid Multiculti Deflection of the Year Competition. And as we all know, competition has never been brisker.
For those of you who simply could not bear to listen, let me summarise the methodology. Recognising the public mistrust for its ability to report matters to do with the Religion of Peace as well as the growing impatience with Islamist bigotry and a genuine, righteous rage that kids could be so cruelly treated, the Commissars at Broadcasting House figured they better deal with this one head on. No more wishy washy talk of “Asians” or “ethnic dimensions”. They better call a spade a spade and yup folks, finally we were allowed to know, categorically, that it was “people of Pakistani cultural origin” who were mass-raping and torturing 1400 children. And who better to probe this uncomfortable truth, than… errr… other “people of Pakistani cultural origin”.
So we had 15 minutes of apologetic Muslims saying the Religion of Peace is innocent guv, does not authorise gang rape of little white chick kaffurs and exhorting the police to prosecute all guilty men, regardless of their ethnic or religious identity. Oh, and for good measure, just in case you thought perhaps this was Pakistani men raping white English girls, we had a Muslim woman telling us that just as many of the victims were “Asian”. Yeah, right. Even she didn’t believe it.
Clever ruse, isn’t it? In this way Islam and the BBC, as ever, get off the hook. There is no discussion of Muslim attitudes to women, no discussion of the collusion within the Pakistani communities, no discussion of Islamist attitudes to Kaffurs (lower than cattle), no discussion of ethnic entitlement, no discussion of other Islamist paedophile rings throughout the country and of course, no discussion at all of political correctness, cultural relativism or the PC tyranny that exposed these poor children to rape, abuse, and torture and denied them any kind of justice.
Then, to cap it all, they conclude with an interview with some minor council functionary, the point of which is to articulate the need for a public hanging of a few white guys who should have known better.
Brilliant, in its ghastly way. One is left thinking: 1) Gee, Muslims really don’t approve of this, it must have been a few bad apples. 2) Let’s hang a couple of white guys because as we all know, its is ultimately Government (in all its forms) that must make sure we behave properly, and 3) the BBC is not a disgusting, pimping, treacherous, self-serving, Multiculti conspiracy that actually has engineered the conditions of this barbarity, but is as pure as John Humphrey’s pompous and well-rehearsed indignation schtick suggests.
One hopes that one day, when historians rake through the ashes of Britain to find out what went wrong, they will recognise the true significance of this 8.10 slot, and wonder why a proud and brilliant people allowed this nasty clique of privileged hypocrites to undermine, and ultimately destroy a great country and civilisation.
we had a Muslim woman telling us that just as many of the victims were “Asian”
Yes, I heard that one, somewhat open-mouthed. Apparently their culture stops them coming forward in the same numbers as white girls. Sadly she was not asked what evidence she had for this, nor was it noted that if there are cultural differences there, there might be cultural differences explaining why so many “Asians” appear to be associated with the grooming of young white females.
(Still finding that posting from my usual login results in my comment vanishing into thin air, but only on certain computers)
Surprise surprise, … more No.10 traitor speak from clueless Camoron and co
UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.
Islamic State regime “goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam”
“Isil’s so-called caliphate has no moral legitimacy; it is a regime of torture, arbitrary punishment and murder that goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam.” hmm Which ones?
Hammond didn’t say?”
Still now 5Live continues to obfuscate on its phone in, then somehow the subject comes back Rotherham … oops!
only two callers allowed … yep! … both Muslim.
both protect Islam …………..
“You can write that as the epitaph of Great Britain. The British government kowtowed to Islamic supremacists “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government hounded counter-jihadists domestically and banned ones from the U.S. from entering the country “for fear of being thought as racist.” The British government worked with Islamic supremacists it mistook for “moderates” “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government for years ignored an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools “for fear of being thought as racist.”
As Britain collapses into inevitable chaos, civil war, and jihad in the streets, Blair, Cameron, May (Warsi?) and the rest, and all the dreary Sarah Browns among their dreary, dreary supporters, can congratulate themselves that as they bring down a once-great civilization upon their own heads … at least no one will think that they were “racist.”
Al Beeb reports that a rising primary school population is putting pressure on budgets – ‘rising birth rate’ ?
More like the ‘the elephant in the room’ . Its time to get out of the EU and its open doors policy – Roll on UKIP
The BBC has known all about this for many years. In 2008 Panorama devoted a whole programme to “Teenage sex for sale” – this link describes the programme :
BUT – nowhere in its report did Panorama say that the perpetrators were Pakistani and the girls were mostly white. Over the years, the BBC were complicit in a massive cover-up.
As has been said elsewhere, “We did not want to appear racist” is the equivalent of the Nazis saying “We were only obeying orders”
Has yesterday’s report finally blown the lid off all the cover-ups, the abject and shameful failure of all the authorities concerned? I doubt it- as we heard on the sickening Today programme this morning.
And the sheer SCALE of it all ! The report says that 1400 is not the true scale – even in Rotherham.
So how huge is the national figure ? 10,000 girls ?
Yesterday’s report should be just the start of the clean-up, just the start of the investigation. When is Cameron going to announce a full judicial enquiry – nationwide ?
Surprise surprise – today’s Woman’s Hour is not touching the story with a bargepole. “Hear no evil, see, no evil”
and this link shows that the Sikh community recognised very early on, in the 1990s, that the supremacist attitude of many Muslims were at the root of it all – and that there was full-scale cover-up of the problems :
There were damning reports 2002, 2003, 2006, after at least 2 decades of denial, cover up …
Jeez even, N Griffin could not have made it clearer 2003, actually arrested in 2004.
There was A Cryer, stating the Islamic community didn t, want to know, denial.
You even had bandwagon jumpers like Shafiq from the Ramadan
Foundation simultaneously self promoting whilst obfuscating about islam.
Muslim Grooming Gangs: BBC Censors Derek Adams on Politics Show as another Nine Arrested in Neighbouring Rochdale
“Sunday’s edition of the BBC’s North West Politics Show deliberately cut short an interview with the British National Party’s candidate in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election, Derek Adams, after he began discussing Muslim sex grooming gangs in detail — one day before another nine offenders were arrested in neighbouring Rochdale for that crime”
Just a word from one of the governments chief Fascists now retired and then head of Barnardos, and the time of the Rochdale denied there was any issue with race and sexual exploitation of children by Pakistani Muslims – always excuse the ubermensch.
He came out with this howler which is still being bandied around by Fascist organisations like the BBC looking to excuse the ubermensch once again.
He said he was not stigmatising the Asian community as a whole, noting that during his time managing the prison service – prior to joining Barnardo’s – sex offenders were “overwhelmingly white”, but the Labour MP Keith Vaz warned the BNP was setting the agenda.
What a stupid thing to say !
If the only people prosecuted are the white untermensch and the Pakistani ubermensch are constantly allowed to commit crime unhindered it is no surprised that they overwhelming majority are white people !
There are probably thousands of Pakistanis who should be in prison but never will be, because of the Fascists actions.
The statements of the racist Keith Vaz are truly sickening but I doubt be will ever be brought top account by the BBC interviewers who are wholly on his side.
You have to admire the BBC for subtle and persistent propaganda this Sunday. On Radio 4 early morning ‘religious’ spokesman (name escapes me but you know the one) found a woman who declared that she had suffered Domestic Violence in meeting her partner in a Church ( a bully, a pig and a drunk etc.) and then ‘spokesman’ cooly segwayed into the Catholic ‘problem’ (domestic violence everywhere is suggested), before interviewing a pair who set up a domestic violence unit in an Anglican (or Methodist) Church before retuning back to Ms ‘X’ who declared that she ‘was’ a Baptist (did not sound that authentic). We are left with the listeners conclusion that ‘she had it coming’ that Domestic Violence is clearly endemic within all the Catholic churches, (which is a surprise to me as I head of to my local Church noisy with happy families). On my return, (having had quite enough of BBC Radio 4), I happened by mistake (the stronger radio signal) tuned into BBC ‘Surrey Radio’ which then was declaring the ‘success of a Muslim Festival’ in the Surrey Hills (where no crime has yet been committed we learn and that it is ‘very popular’ in an (unspecified) Farm field, full of the hidden charms of Islam (the BBC sponsors the media and beer tent perhaps). Between BBC ‘normal’ wildlife/Garden stories and (pro Islam) comment – you are left with the distinct conclusion (on Radio) that Surrey is ‘twinned’ with the Islamic caliphate and that Surrey Farmers are now Muslim converts. Of course we in the Surrey hills know full well that Islam is the ‘Religion of Peace’, that no Domestic Violence ever, ever actually happens in the Arabic Muslim world , woman are simply loyal domestics (or are stoned). Or perhaps I missed that bit when I turned ‘off’ the BBC Radio to find another reference- from a commercial radio station that was a bit more informative although the BBC interpretation is very different to today’s Sunday Times and Henry Kissinger’s worrying account (new book) of the Middle East Crisis (now predicted to wage war in Europe and in particular the homegrown activists within the freedom loving UK). Not much surprise there. Another independent view by a furious historian Michale Burleigh writing again in The Sunday Times outlines the hopeless problem ‘Extremists flaunting their rights whilst we talk tough and do nothing’* (he mentions the BBC as part of the liberal minded political class with their illusions of sentimental multiculturalism are largely responsible for the situation developing).
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
They are tiptoeing around the paper review ,not once was the word MUSLIM used in describing the scum who abused children in Rotherham, the spin is aimed solely at the police and ‘social workers’,this is their worst nightmare, a LABOUR council, muslim perpetrators .
They spent longer on a story about the theft of lego bricks in the US than the emerging shitstorm in Rotherham .
The BBC will deflect attention away from their beloved Muslims at all costs. They are scum!
BBC avoid the elephant in the room as usual – Labour’s unfettered immigration – and have the shocking audacity to give Labour a platform to have a dig at the conservatives…
It’s been an education, watching and listening to the BBC TV and radio news over the past 24 hrs, as the Corporation has done its level best to avoid ever mentioning the ethnicity and religious affiliations of ‘those men’ and ‘gangs’ who have been so busy over the past 16 years up and down the country raping underage girls under the very noses of apparently indifferent, politically correct social workers and coppers – all of whom complicitly sealed the fate of those children at the hands of our ‘culturally enriching’ muslim friends.
It’s been possible to watch or listen to an entire news bulletin and really be none the wiser about what could possibly be motivating ‘those men’ to commit these crimes in such numbers..? Instead, the BBC has decided that the focus should be exclusively on blaming social workers and police for their crimes – as if by doing this alone the issue can be satisfactorily explained. No need to look any further. Nothing to see.
It’s like living in an Orwellian dystopia where the ‘news’ is anything but; instead it’s just a fictional confection of misdirection and dissembling, even though everyone – and I really mean everyone (media, government, police, social workers, etc) – knows exactly what lies behind this sustained campaign of child abuse.
The BBC just cannot sink any lower: p*sspoor ‘journalism’ (or the absence of any journalistic enquiry at all), underpinned by a total unwillingness to tell the truth or to deal with the facts leads us to this mendacious avoidance of dealing with the biggest single issue behind the abuse of these girls. It is a terrible indictment of the utterly crippling ‘PC’ culture at the BBC which strangles any chance of ‘truth in journalism’ every single time, but never more so than when the Corporation attempts (and utterly fails) to report honestly on race, immigration and the so-called ‘religion of peace’.
Absolutely disgraceful. There are no words.
At the risk of falling into the same trap and blaming everyone but the Pakistani rapists themselves, I think everyone else is far too tolerant.
Imagine the scenes in Rotherham and elsewhere if the races had been reversed. According to the DT, parents who tried to rescue children from the abusers were arrested themselves. Frankly, I’d like to see the public assemble outside Rotherham town hall with torches and pitchforks.
As for descriptions of “asians” and “men”, as far as I’m aware Sikhs and Hindus, also from the Indian Subcontinent and sharing a similar culture, were not involved but, as I’m sure Cameron will repeat in due course, “It has nothing to do with Islam”.
Like hell it doesn’t!
Excellent post, Phil
Phil, as ever, totally spot on. However, I do believe that there are still further depths to which they will sink until the final reckoning.
More and more people seem to be describing the National Socialist Labour Party as ‘Fascist’ which is of course an accurate description.
The party has split itself in two with traditionalists and Fascists – the Fascists being certainly the loudest faction.
The Rotherham situation is a perfect illustration of the Labour Fascism in action.
The Ubermensch (Pakistani Muslim Men) are allowed to do what ever they like to the Untermensch (White people) with complete impunity.
Of course the Jews are hated just as much as they were during the 1930s and despite their professed love of the Gays, it dramatically ends when the Brown eyed boys want to kill them (Manchester Students Union and the Muslims Women’s group).
I don’t see many traditionalists at the BBC. As far as I can see it’s stuffed full of Fascists working hard to improve the position of their Brown eyed boys, I can’t wait for the day when the idiotic gays who support the religion of Islam (like Hitler did) are taken to the high place and thrown off!
The more people start to use the word Fascist to accurately describe the PC NU Liebour idiots, the more they will be exposed for what they are the more the general population will cry for change.
BBc Breakfast runs calls for resignations in connexion with child abuse. No calls for resignations at the BBc for those who tried to muddy the waters with reports of the involvement of “men” etc whilst missing key words then.
I dare say the Rotherham scandal/conspiracy will be a thread in and of itself soon, so I’ll repost this if it gets lost, but I remember Five Live’s Victoria Derbyshire interviewing a victim’s mother the thick end of ten years ago
The whole tone VD employed was an arch, sighing disbelief and a sniffy disinterest. Listening to Five Live last night and this morning you’d imagine it was the first they’d ever heard of it.
Twenty minutes ago they started the fightback, interviewing “appalled” Pakistani men on the streets of Rotherham, who seemed far more concerned with portraying Islam in a positive light rather than any interest in the victims.
Five Live, and the BBC as a whole, once more failed to serve their public trust. Add this scandal to Savile, to Harris and many more.
… This should bury Political correctness, and the Multicult.
What s more valuable than our nations children?
but … even now the BBC is ………….
hell … can t even be bothered to type any more.
Apologies to all, I know this is my third repeat but the message is short and to the point:
This couldn’t have happened without the servicing of the complicit BBC.
Abolish the licence fee, get rid of the subsidies and let that sick organisation go down the drain where it can find its natural inheritance.
I did reply … it just disappeared
BBC yes? … not only the BBC the media
Always worth repeating regag.
The BBC helped create the atmosphere (the word “culture” seems inappropriate) in which this was possible.
It’s still doing it.
(At least Eamonn Holmes gave the head of Barnardo’s a grilling on Sky this morning.)
So far this Rotherham situation has been summed up by a bunch of harrumphing on social media that so-called ‘guilty of doing nothing’ parties from political parties to public sector departments, are damned by not agreeing to appear on…. Newsnight.
That is Newsnight, the show that perfected the politically cor… disatstrous market rate backside covering that tried to avoid the decades of market rate astounding uncuriosity of their own institutional little secret keeping.
If any organisation is responsible for the culture of Rotherham’s gangs to germinate, thrive & exist without challenge, it is the BBC.
Yet they are trying to manoeuvre, albeit with odd semantics (‘Men’, ‘Asian’) into the ‘we were outraged all along’ camps, apparently happy to drop even Labour in it as they pathetically bleat that it is not time for party politics to try and excuse their role.
Apparently we’ve got it all wrong. BBC 5 live have just informed us that most of the abuse is down to white men.
This is of course another Fascist tactic, to always blame the white untermensch, whilst protecting the Pakistani ubermensch.
Until the majority of people wake up and see the reality of what BLiars government has done then we won’t be able to correct it.
Everyone who opposes Political Correctness and organisations like the BBC needs to stop using their language and tell the truth about Fascism. To spread the message to the people, to get them motivated for change.
Tony Livesey on BBC 5 Live has just informed us that most abuse is down to white men and, in any case, why didn’t anyone speak out about it. You tell us Tony.
No public voice allowed, while we get simply diversionary
garbage, from people you literally want to slap
oops! then like magic, phone lines open …
its about all society,
all communities
mostly white, its everyone s problem,
how can we move forward
etc etc
off switch
“‘I didn’t want to appear racist’ is the ‘I was only obeying orders’ of our age.”
You got to hand it to the stinking, treacherous, disingenuous, grasping and pimping BBC – they are good at their job. Today’s 8.10 Stakhanovite discussion on Muslims in Rotherham raping hundreds of children should surely win this year’s Beeboid Multiculti Deflection of the Year Competition. And as we all know, competition has never been brisker.
For those of you who simply could not bear to listen, let me summarise the methodology. Recognising the public mistrust for its ability to report matters to do with the Religion of Peace as well as the growing impatience with Islamist bigotry and a genuine, righteous rage that kids could be so cruelly treated, the Commissars at Broadcasting House figured they better deal with this one head on. No more wishy washy talk of “Asians” or “ethnic dimensions”. They better call a spade a spade and yup folks, finally we were allowed to know, categorically, that it was “people of Pakistani cultural origin” who were mass-raping and torturing 1400 children. And who better to probe this uncomfortable truth, than… errr… other “people of Pakistani cultural origin”.
So we had 15 minutes of apologetic Muslims saying the Religion of Peace is innocent guv, does not authorise gang rape of little white chick kaffurs and exhorting the police to prosecute all guilty men, regardless of their ethnic or religious identity. Oh, and for good measure, just in case you thought perhaps this was Pakistani men raping white English girls, we had a Muslim woman telling us that just as many of the victims were “Asian”. Yeah, right. Even she didn’t believe it.
Clever ruse, isn’t it? In this way Islam and the BBC, as ever, get off the hook. There is no discussion of Muslim attitudes to women, no discussion of the collusion within the Pakistani communities, no discussion of Islamist attitudes to Kaffurs (lower than cattle), no discussion of ethnic entitlement, no discussion of other Islamist paedophile rings throughout the country and of course, no discussion at all of political correctness, cultural relativism or the PC tyranny that exposed these poor children to rape, abuse, and torture and denied them any kind of justice.
Then, to cap it all, they conclude with an interview with some minor council functionary, the point of which is to articulate the need for a public hanging of a few white guys who should have known better.
Brilliant, in its ghastly way. One is left thinking: 1) Gee, Muslims really don’t approve of this, it must have been a few bad apples. 2) Let’s hang a couple of white guys because as we all know, its is ultimately Government (in all its forms) that must make sure we behave properly, and 3) the BBC is not a disgusting, pimping, treacherous, self-serving, Multiculti conspiracy that actually has engineered the conditions of this barbarity, but is as pure as John Humphrey’s pompous and well-rehearsed indignation schtick suggests.
One hopes that one day, when historians rake through the ashes of Britain to find out what went wrong, they will recognise the true significance of this 8.10 slot, and wonder why a proud and brilliant people allowed this nasty clique of privileged hypocrites to undermine, and ultimately destroy a great country and civilisation.
we had a Muslim woman telling us that just as many of the victims were “Asian”
Yes, I heard that one, somewhat open-mouthed. Apparently their culture stops them coming forward in the same numbers as white girls. Sadly she was not asked what evidence she had for this, nor was it noted that if there are cultural differences there, there might be cultural differences explaining why so many “Asians” appear to be associated with the grooming of young white females.
(Still finding that posting from my usual login results in my comment vanishing into thin air, but only on certain computers)
Some of the victims were Sikhs – they were targeted too.
But I have not ever seen any reports of widescale and systematic abuse of Muslim children by the grooming gangs.
Surprise surprise, … more No.10 traitor speak from clueless Camoron and co
UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.
Islamic State regime “goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam”
“Isil’s so-called caliphate has no moral legitimacy; it is a regime of torture, arbitrary punishment and murder that goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam.” hmm Which ones?
Hammond didn’t say?”
Still now 5Live continues to obfuscate on its phone in, then somehow the subject comes back Rotherham … oops!
only two callers allowed … yep! … both Muslim.
both protect Islam …………..
“You can write that as the epitaph of Great Britain. The British government kowtowed to Islamic supremacists “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government hounded counter-jihadists domestically and banned ones from the U.S. from entering the country “for fear of being thought as racist.” The British government worked with Islamic supremacists it mistook for “moderates” “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government funded liars who exaggerated claims of Muslim victimhood “for fear of being thought as racist.”
The British government for years ignored an Islamic supremacist takeover of public schools “for fear of being thought as racist.”
As Britain collapses into inevitable chaos, civil war, and jihad in the streets, Blair, Cameron, May (Warsi?) and the rest, and all the dreary Sarah Browns among their dreary, dreary supporters, can congratulate themselves that as they bring down a once-great civilization upon their own heads … at least no one will think that they were “racist.”
“The rotten Borough of Rotherham”
“UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam”
by Soeren Kern
(March, 2014.)
Those Asian bastards have been caught child molesting again.
When are we going to rid this country of those Hindus and Sikhs?
Shut the BBC down now.
Al Beeb reports that a rising primary school population is putting pressure on budgets – ‘rising birth rate’ ?
More like the ‘the elephant in the room’ . Its time to get out of the EU and its open doors policy – Roll on UKIP
The BBC has known all about this for many years. In 2008 Panorama devoted a whole programme to “Teenage sex for sale” – this link describes the programme :
BUT – nowhere in its report did Panorama say that the perpetrators were Pakistani and the girls were mostly white. Over the years, the BBC were complicit in a massive cover-up.
As has been said elsewhere, “We did not want to appear racist” is the equivalent of the Nazis saying “We were only obeying orders”
Has yesterday’s report finally blown the lid off all the cover-ups, the abject and shameful failure of all the authorities concerned? I doubt it- as we heard on the sickening Today programme this morning.
And the sheer SCALE of it all ! The report says that 1400 is not the true scale – even in Rotherham.
So how huge is the national figure ? 10,000 girls ?
Yesterday’s report should be just the start of the clean-up, just the start of the investigation. When is Cameron going to announce a full judicial enquiry – nationwide ?
Surprise surprise – today’s Woman’s Hour is not touching the story with a bargepole. “Hear no evil, see, no evil”
This link discusses the evasiveness of the BBC Panorama programme :*.27
and this link shows Barnardos setting the PC line in Bradford way back in 1995 :*.17
and this link shows that the Sikh community recognised very early on, in the 1990s, that the supremacist attitude of many Muslims were at the root of it all – and that there was full-scale cover-up of the problems :
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
Yet BBC reports still smear the Sikhs when they say that it is “Asian men”.
And through all this, the Home Office under Labour and then under the Coalition failed to tackle the problem.
There were damning reports 2002, 2003, 2006, after at least 2 decades of denial, cover up …
Jeez even, N Griffin could not have made it clearer 2003, actually arrested in 2004.
There was A Cryer, stating the Islamic community didn t, want to know, denial.
You even had bandwagon jumpers like Shafiq from the Ramadan
Foundation simultaneously self promoting whilst obfuscating about islam.
Muslim Grooming Gangs: BBC Censors Derek Adams on Politics Show as another Nine Arrested in Neighbouring Rochdale
“Sunday’s edition of the BBC’s North West Politics Show deliberately cut short an interview with the British National Party’s candidate in the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election, Derek Adams, after he began discussing Muslim sex grooming gangs in detail — one day before another nine offenders were arrested in neighbouring Rochdale for that crime”
For INBBC: re-photo-journalist, James Foley-
“James Foley ‘was exasperated by widespread Islamophobia, and he wanted to build bridges between the Christian and Muslim worlds.’”
– See more at:
Just a word from one of the governments chief Fascists now retired and then head of Barnardos, and the time of the Rochdale denied there was any issue with race and sexual exploitation of children by Pakistani Muslims – always excuse the ubermensch.
He came out with this howler which is still being bandied around by Fascist organisations like the BBC looking to excuse the ubermensch once again.
He said he was not stigmatising the Asian community as a whole, noting that during his time managing the prison service – prior to joining Barnardo’s – sex offenders were “overwhelmingly white”, but the Labour MP Keith Vaz warned the BNP was setting the agenda.
What a stupid thing to say !
If the only people prosecuted are the white untermensch and the Pakistani ubermensch are constantly allowed to commit crime unhindered it is no surprised that they overwhelming majority are white people !
There are probably thousands of Pakistanis who should be in prison but never will be, because of the Fascists actions.
The statements of the racist Keith Vaz are truly sickening but I doubt be will ever be brought top account by the BBC interviewers who are wholly on his side.
He must have been seeing his shrink when his Maths teacher did percentages. Pakistanis are still a minority in the UK.
“He suggested that vulnerable girls on the streets were more likely to be white”
So it’s their fault then? Using the same logic, if young black men want to avoid being stopped and searched, they should stay off the streets as well.
Phil Ford you are so right and so many think the same, but we’re invisible
You have to admire the BBC for subtle and persistent propaganda this Sunday. On Radio 4 early morning ‘religious’ spokesman (name escapes me but you know the one) found a woman who declared that she had suffered Domestic Violence in meeting her partner in a Church ( a bully, a pig and a drunk etc.) and then ‘spokesman’ cooly segwayed into the Catholic ‘problem’ (domestic violence everywhere is suggested), before interviewing a pair who set up a domestic violence unit in an Anglican (or Methodist) Church before retuning back to Ms ‘X’ who declared that she ‘was’ a Baptist (did not sound that authentic). We are left with the listeners conclusion that ‘she had it coming’ that Domestic Violence is clearly endemic within all the Catholic churches, (which is a surprise to me as I head of to my local Church noisy with happy families). On my return, (having had quite enough of BBC Radio 4), I happened by mistake (the stronger radio signal) tuned into BBC ‘Surrey Radio’ which then was declaring the ‘success of a Muslim Festival’ in the Surrey Hills (where no crime has yet been committed we learn and that it is ‘very popular’ in an (unspecified) Farm field, full of the hidden charms of Islam (the BBC sponsors the media and beer tent perhaps). Between BBC ‘normal’ wildlife/Garden stories and (pro Islam) comment – you are left with the distinct conclusion (on Radio) that Surrey is ‘twinned’ with the Islamic caliphate and that Surrey Farmers are now Muslim converts. Of course we in the Surrey hills know full well that Islam is the ‘Religion of Peace’, that no Domestic Violence ever, ever actually happens in the Arabic Muslim world , woman are simply loyal domestics (or are stoned). Or perhaps I missed that bit when I turned ‘off’ the BBC Radio to find another reference- from a commercial radio station that was a bit more informative although the BBC interpretation is very different to today’s Sunday Times and Henry Kissinger’s worrying account (new book) of the Middle East Crisis (now predicted to wage war in Europe and in particular the homegrown activists within the freedom loving UK). Not much surprise there. Another independent view by a furious historian Michale Burleigh writing again in The Sunday Times outlines the hopeless problem ‘Extremists flaunting their rights whilst we talk tough and do nothing’* (he mentions the BBC as part of the liberal minded political class with their illusions of sentimental multiculturalism are largely responsible for the situation developing).
* Blood and Rage: A cultural history of terrorism by Michael Burleigh