Hi all! Well, it’s good to be BACK! As you may have gathered, the server that hosts this (and other) sites has experienced some nasty technical problems which has put us off-air! Thanks to the behind the scenes hard work of All Seeing Eye and Rob, we seem to back up and running. So, where to start? How about ROTHERHAM? BBC (along with much of the rest of the UK MSM) have been quick to condemn the dangers of Political Correctness whilst breathlessly informing us about “men of Pakistani origin”…the irony is cosmic.
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Will BBC-NUJ mention this?:-
“MacShame Uses Rotherham Scandal to Plug New Book”
Just unbelievable.
Unbelievable but entirely predictable – MacShane has absolutely no shame.
McShane acquited himself very well on TWATO a few minutes ago.(Radio 4, 1.05pm onwards).
Worth a listen-he praises Anne Cryer for doing what he himself was too gutless to do-being a “Guardian-reading liberal leftie” to quote him.
Poor Ed(wood) Srourton won`t be liking that-any more that McShane bringing up Savile as well…verboten on the BBC these days.
Yes McShane is a venal Eurocrook and self publicist…he is also a good friend of Israel, which only goes to show that God uses his like, as much as he used David and Jacob way back.
So, Dennis is OK-this could change by this evening, so have a listen before the BBC edit him.
Maybe we should imprison many more “Guardian reading liberal lefties.”..they may yet be able to improve as people of we do.
Labour’s Ian MacShane – the same labour party who’s Liverpool cell lined up with the UAF and SWP out side of Liverpool crown court in defence of the first 48 ‘asian groomers’ to go on trial
A trial that was only brought to the public notice by demonstrations mounted by the BNP and EDL
(Are those the actions that earned them the epithet ‘scum’ hippiepooter?)
It was the BBC who secretly filmed the BNP leader Griffin at a meeting apparently exposing just what was going on with Asian grooming gangs in ,I think it was Rochdale. Did the BBC investigate these claims to see if they were true? No the BBC just handed the ”evidence ‘ over to the police and he was prosecute for stirring up racism!
I doubt the BBC and the authorities would have acted differently if Jesus Christ had been filmed warning about Asians sexually abusing young girls,; no wonder the police and child protection(?) people kept quiet, wouldn’t want to accused of racism when trying to save children from abuse!
Does anyone believe that the local and national media did not know about the abuse by the Asian grooming gangs? They should have been the ones to expose it
I must say I am surprised that Shami and Liberty did not take up the case on behalf of Grffin
Only the BBC/Channel 4 scumbags could have turned the odious Nick Griffin into a latter-day prophet.
Griffin is an oil slick-but he was right to call out what Islam was doing up in northern towns, whilst the likes of the BBC were hounding him.
Brave souls like Andrew Gilligan got the same treatment as they did undercover reports on just what Muslims were saying and planning to do with the rest of us.
Griffin is a creep-but, the BBC have now made him into a prescient and brave hero for telling the truth long before the liberals could piss on the fires.
As you mention Ch4, as a slight OT here is the latest ‘Snowm…job’:
‘Jon Snow here in Rotherham with a look ahead to tonight’s show.
Rotherham child abuse: who is responsible?
Although ethnicity may be an element by far the strongest factor seems to be that of class.
Jon bringing a level of insight to this affair not seen since he didn’t notice anything untoward from those nice Hamas chappies when he swung by to ‘do’ Gaza and emote about ‘the children’ there.
Class? This man’s father ( Headmaster and Bishop) got it right. He didn’t think his son was very bright
I’ve only just got in from work so I have been unable to avail myself of Jon Snow’s wisdom. But my wife tells me that the apologists have been dutifully pushing the ‘its a class thing’ meme on twitter all night.
Quite how they will manage to lay this war crime scale of abuse at the door of those waxed mustachioed tory toffs , given that it took place in a Labour strong hold , during a labour administration and was perpetrated by group ( however they choose to describe them) who have been assiduously courted by labour throughout the the period, I will be interested to to see. Perhaps the the self styled Bureau of Investigative Journalism will be on hand to help out
Did he ,I wonder, repeat Mrs Dromey’s Question Time calumny of suggesting the girls stories were not believed because they were prostitutes? ( now that’s what I call oily ChrisH )
But Snow is unwittingly right , it is a class thing insomuch as his class ( the bourgeois intelligentsia) were more than happy to offer up those working class girls as a blood sacrifice in pursuit of their multicultural utopia.
Would they have been as willing to sacrifice their own daughters?
Probably. zelots usually are
Hi, may have clicked the ‘Report’ button in error. If so my sincere apologies.
I saw Snow Pink. Yes it is all the result of poverty. Nothing to do with M’s etc.
Nick griffin has more guts than all the frightened mewling politicised corrupt police will ever have.
Griffin was right, that’s all that matters here, and i would sue the BBC and Police if i was him, if i was a lawyer, i’d not charge him a penny……i’d chase those guilty people with messianic zeal, and bring the whole rotten edifice crashing down. Watch the wretched piggies squeal.
Huh? What’s dear old Lovejoy done? I mean I know he’s a bit of a crook but he’s a very charming bit of a crook…
Geore R, old chap, You might like to know of TinyURL.com which, completely free of charge, will reduce ridiculous URLs like the one you used to a much more manageable http://tinyurl.com/p4gr4ty.
They haven’t learnt the lessons. The cover up was about protecting community relations, or rather a community of a certain belief. Now we have an attemt to salvage the careers of those who claim ignorance.
Its still about community relations.
‘The Labour councillor told John Humphrys he was not aware of the depth and scale of the abuse and added: “What we need to do is make sure this issue doesn’t divide Rotherham communities”.’
How about army boots on the ground to replace these authorities until civilised values are restored?
Everyone knew this was going on. All the people, all the police, all the local politicians. The police would not do anything about it.
Now this police force should be investigated including all the senior officials past and present. Same goes for the council.
Those responsible for inaction should be sued by each and every one of the victims. The decision makers who hindered or prevented investigation and prosecution should go to jail.
Nothing to add Tim, you’ve said it all. Come on you bastard, Michael Mansfield, QC, how about representing these kids against these Pakistani scum, and the Council and the Police…….oh, no, against your left-wing leanings eh? Helena Kennedy? come on bitch, do some good in your wretched life for once……i would gladly shotgun every guilty copper and council official involved……..vigilantism is just around the corner if these bastards get away with this…….
Gareth Pierce, Phil Shiner, Clive Stafford-Smith, John Pilger and Tariq Ali?
We await their opinions…pro-bono perhaps?
I couldn’t agree more but I think there is more to this than has been reported. The Protective Services and Police were deemed to fail, but did they? I think protective services weren’t there to protect the child but to protect the notion of community cohesion and the Muslim community who mostly vote Labour. So what is several hundred white working class girls suffer? I think the police and social services as well as politicians and local councillors need investigating and criminal proceeding brought against them. These incidents are too common and too frequent to not be organised and coordinated, not only the the Muslims but by the authorities. Remember Labour and PIE? Even if this was just ignored by the authorities as is claimed, why then is it still being ignored to the extent that the ‘M’ word or the ‘I’ word never gets mentioned even thought this is the crux of the issue?
I’ve said this on another thread but the CPS also has a hand in this cover up. I know from experience that, until these crimes were made public over the last two or three years, the CPS declined to bring any prosecutions against any accused gangs because they thought the complainants made “unreliable witnesses”.
Additionally, why hasn’t there been an investigation into Common Purpose? After all, this is happening all over the country with local authorities and the Police behaving in exactly the same way. A check will show that most of those involved in the politically correct cover up were graduates of that insidious organisation – Joyce Thacker being a prime example. It’s obvious that multicultural community cohesion is the main thing graduates are brainwashed with. Common Purpose is creating the pod people from “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” – all behave the same way,all speak the same way, all think the same way. None of them appear to be trained to accept responsibility for their cock ups and instead told to spread the blame.
What the PC attitude has done to this nation. Take http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089 it only quotes the word ‘asians’. Yet the Jay report uses the word ‘Pakistani’, an example of things being watered down. Here is an example of what we should do with PC, the speaker is too the point and does not mince her words; http://ozziesaffa.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/i-bet-she-regrets-asking-her-question.html PC should along with the bBC be put in the dustbin of history.
I am so glad you posted that so that I could watch and listen to it. The world needs her and others like her to run it; I found her mesmerising to listen to, and she puts into words so eloquently what we all feel.
Thank you for posting this. I am still in a state of shock watching it. This is what we are denied by the leftist stranglehold on television journalism in the UK.
The same pool of journalists with the same Guardian-formed opinions circulating between all the media outlets, fed by left-controlled international news agencies. BBC, ITN Sky, not a shade of difference between any of them, and towering above them all, the BBC near-monopoly on news employment and left-wing comedians, and the ghastly opinion panels with a three to one bias in selection of panellists
If you want to work in the UK, journalists know: , face Mecca, think Marx.
Thank you for posting this. I am still in a state of shock watching it. This is what we are denied by the leftist stranglehold on television journalism in the UK.
The same pool of journalists with the same Guardian-formed opinions circulating between all the media outlets, fed by left-controlled international news agencies. BBC, ITN Sky, not a shade of difference between any of them, and towering above them all, the BBC near-monopoly on news employment and left-wing comedians, and the ghastly opinion panels with a three to one bias in selection of panellists
If you want to work in the UK, journalists know: face Mecca, think Marx.
Brigitte is a formidable woman. Very courageous and articulate. Reminds me, somehow, of Clinger’s beautiful sister!! We need more people like her but I fear they are thin on the ground…
God save us from what England, my country, is sleepwalking into.
Everyone’s ‘amazed’ at the ‘breathtaking scale’ of the child abuse up and down the UK by these mysterious ‘gangs of men’ – everyone, from the police, government, councils, social workers and even child protection agencies. All ‘amazed’. Not one of them can possibly figure out what might be the single, connecting strand that runs through the vast majority of these cases. They’ve looked…they’ve investigated…they’ve considered the facts… but, nope. Nobody seems to have even the first idea what the problem might possibly be.
What is unforgivable about this sorry saga isn’t so much the fact that the ‘men’ acted like they did because we have come to expect it from sections of their culture (and dare I say it religion) and not just here in the UK. No, What is unforgivable is the Socialist led PC culture of the authorities that looked the other way and allowed it to continue unabated and continues to drive our country into the dirt, cheerleaded of course by the BBC.
Make no mistake the exploitation of young white girls is encouraged by their elders within the community. I’ve heard this directly from a gang of Pakistani youths who used to hang around our local bus station where they regularly preyed on vulnerable females. I was told by one youth that their elders encouraged them to “pleasure themselves with white girls” who were considered “easy” and “slags” of little worth. While the behaviour of some girls doesn’t discourage this opinion, to generalise in such a way is itself racist. It’s not just Pakistanis committing these offences – Yemenis, Somalis, Eastern Europeans and most other groups of Arab origin are also heavily involved, as though it’s natural for them to behave in such a way against their white victims. The common denominator in all of these groups is their religion.
Funny how these progressive damp rags are amazed ain’t it…
I mean, it’s not as if the sane folk out there have not been saying it has been happening for years.
Guess they just didn’t believe us, eh?
The Rotherham story was dealt with by Today in their usual fashion…
First stop Rotherham to talk to some Asians/Pakistanis who of course were good upstanding citizens and were upset that the affair should reflect on them – the interviewer treating them with the appropriate degree of fawning respect.
Then a bullying interview with one of the council officers – he did deserve a good kicking as do all the political leaders (Dennis MacShane in particular) but as usual the interviewer failed to land a decent blow.
I then listened to David Steel being interviewed about his relationship with Cyril Smith – naturally it was none of his fault and the hardly even knew the man etc.
The BBC are quite keen to accept the excuse that people in authority were quite unaware of what was happening in their organisations – one wonders why.
“The BBC are quite keen to accept the excuse that people in authority were quite unaware of what was happening in their organisations – one wonders why.”
What and lose the standard bBC uber excuse!
AS long as the BBC carry around the stench of Saviles mouldering carcass on their reedy backs, they have absolutely f***all to say about systemic child abuse being allowed, condoned or covered up.
Yet the shameless suckups like Stourton or Today presenters DARE to ask their fellow liberal retards in councils, in social services and education, health and police, councils, CPS, governments and all those supine “advocates, champaigners and charity haemarroids” just what they are going to “do about it”?
FukkoffBeeb…providing paedophile solutions to the gentry and well-connected since Childrens Broadcasting was thought of as a grooming device.
Rotherham is Labour, and is a happy example of where bullet headed ex-miners on the take meets Muslims needing to get their mosques by stealth…THIS has always been Labours Third Way-Nasser, Gadhaffi, Saddam, AC Grayling, Crick, Gould and now Cooper/Balls etc.
Sharon Shoesmith and Paul Flowers-Labour hacks to a T!
Rotherham also let their looked after lads nearly kill a kid in Eglingham 2009…and threaten UKIP adoption candidates should they want to apply.
An extremely nasty little spot on the map is South Yorkshire at the minute…there`ll be civil war with West Yorkshire very soon at this rate.
Oh-and as for that “Asian Men” crap-will More or Less tell me whether Pakistani Muslim gangs are any more threat to little white girls than Bangladeshi Muslim gangs?
My impression is that Pakistan is more the problem…but the BBC never seem to want to tell me if my hunch is correct or not?
‘people in authority were quite unaware of what was happening in their organisations’
Astounding uncuriosity meets rats in a sack.
Being slightly less unique it is possible a few may see careers come to an earlier close than planned, but still with all dosh nicely banked and pensions secured.
‘….some Asians/Pakistanis who of course were good upstanding citizens and were upset that the affair should reflect on them – the interviewer treating them with the appropriate degree of fawning respect.’
Hang on, how’s about asking them some pertinent questions like ‘This was child abuse on an industrial scale which has been going on for 15 years and nobody in your community knew anything about it, or if they did weren’t prepared to speak up?’
‘upset that the affair should reflect on them’
Even as we speak. Ian Katz is filling up his favourite roving reporter’s duk-duk with two-stroke to head up the M1 and tour all communities living in fear because of what their community seems to get up to under their very noses. Again.
“under their very noses. Again.”
Yes how often are we told that one of the strengths of the ROP is its egalitarianism , the banker and the baker kneel down next to each other in the mosque.( not to mention the the taxi driver and the kebab shop owner)
Its impossible that this industrial scale abuse was going on without the knowledge of the wider Muslim community.
They did nothing . why? because they considered these girls sub – human.
(Oh and save your breath apologists we know what would have happened in a working class white community -And you and the rest of the liberal inquisition are quick enough to vilify their vigilante actions when it does)
A reprise, for BBC-NUJ:-
“UK: Child Sex Slavery, Multiculturalism and Islam”
by Soeren Kern
(March, 2014.)
Mr Wright has just been questioned on Sky news and claims he is “astonished” at this .
How low can you go
And I heard him say that he was “disappointed and let down” by not getting all the necessary information from others lower down the food chain(and how low would THAT have to be?).
So despite thousands of white teenage girls abused in HIS authority and under HIS directorate…in the end, it becomes a matter where we`re supposed to feel “sorry” for him!
Poor lamb…if only all those abuse reports had a red rose on the cover-and an introduction by Blair/Brown/Johnson/Harman/Hodge or such like.
Maybe then somebody would have read it aloud for the thick git.
Wonder if Labour will auction off THESE reports to raise Party Funds for next year…be nice to read one wouldn`t it?
Or has it gone the way of Harmans Paedo Info Exchange “advice”?
The Five Live phone-in was a ****ing scandal in itself. An hour of excuse making and cover up masquerading as tackling the issue. Several mentions of white men being more prevalent perpetrators, of course. Perhaps it is because the police don’t prosecute certain sections of society.
Five Live knew about this many years ago. Victoria Derbyshire peered down her nose at a victim’s mother almost a decade ago. It was clear then VD didn’t wish to discuss it at all.
The BBC, who should be a fearless seeker of truth whomsoever it inconveniences, are as complicit as the council and the plod.
Simply put this is yet another Savile style cover up.
Tony Livesey as complicit as the rest of the BBC.
Yeah I heard that show this morning, e mailed them my disgust to no avail. I noticed with about 15 mins to go, a Hindu guy managed to get a minute trying to say that it’s Muslims not Asians and he’s fed up with the label only for a Muslim guy to get much longer having a rant on about how it’s nothing to do with his religion. Classic Muslim victimhood. Later on R4 Ed Balls was droning on about how there should be resignations (I agree) as there were in Haringey but failed to mention PIE (Harman) or Islington (Hodge) How very blinkered and selective.
I very much agree that child abuse isn’t just a Muslim problem as the care home scandals of the past show but the mudus operandi (which is basically a kind of racism akin to the Nazis) is pretty unique to them
Bringing violent child rapists and subhuman murdering jihadists to justice seems to be ‘little to do with the religion’ either.
I saw the head of `Barnardo`s, is someone called Javid Khan , talk about putting `Dracula in charge` of the blood bank.
Rotherham is a big tip on a huge iceberg. In a just world thousands of police, social workers, community ‘workers’ local and national politicians, councillors and media whores would be removed with loss of pension and scheduled for court appearances.
But we don’t live in a just world – just ask Rotherham UKIP voting fosterer parents. This Rotherham report is astonishing in it’s scale and the only sane response is not to vote for any Liblabcon apparatchik and stop paying the Licence Fee.
Happening in Newcastle too as Hexhamgeezer will know . Operation Sanctuary here to date has the majority charged and arrested with ethnic names . Not quite what the police were saying at the start of it ,claiming that the deviants are from a wide range of backgrounds.
To be fair the fact that they have prosecuted people of ‘ethnic’ origin shows that it is very different to Rotherham where they didn’t just fail to prosecute they actively refused to.
BBC Radio 5Live “the fix is in”
today seems a good day to obfuscate/lie/omit/divert bad news.
Victoria Derbyshire show, carries on from “Your Call” where a single mention of Islam bought a 5minute rant, from … you know it doesn t matter, muslim of course and of course, uninterrupted
Chris Warburton carries on the drip drip layering of Islamic protection, shocked SHOCKED I tell you muslim gobshites, the same poor victim wheeled out again.
(re-posted from the previous Open Thread)
The BBC has known all about this for many years. For instance in 2008 the mighty Panorama devoted a whole programme to “Teenage sex for sale” – this link describes the programme :
BUT – nowhere in its report did Panorama say that the perpetrators were Pakistani and the girls were mostly white. Over the years, the BBC were complicit in a massive cover-up.
As has been said elsewhere, “We did not want to appear racist” is the equivalent of the Nazis saying “We were only obeying orders”
Has yesterday’s report finally blown the lid off all the cover-ups, the abject and shameful failure of all the authorities concerned? I doubt it- as we heard on the sickening Today programme this morning.
And the sheer SCALE of it all ! The report says that 1400 is not the true scale – even in Rotherham.
So how huge is the national figure ? 10,000 girls ?
Yesterday’s report should be just the start of the clean-up, just the start of the investigation. When is Cameron going to announce a full judicial enquiry – nationwide ?
Surprise surprise – today’s Woman’s Hour did not touch the story with a bargepole. “Hear no evil, see, no evil”
This link discusses the evasiveness of the BBC Panorama programme :
and this link shows Barnardos setting the PC line in Bradford way back in 1995 :
Probably more than 10000 and individual acts rising into the hundreds of thousands .
did anyone else hear this morning’s today programme on norman tebbit’s `cricket test`
if you did, you will have learned how ravi bopara gets racist abuse when playing cricket for England.
funny how the bbc has been soft peddling on this aspect of racist abuse in sport to date.
just as well he doesn’t play soccer and that his abusers aren’t white
“The end of Christianity? Why we must act NOW to stop Islamic State before it’s too late.
One of the greatest crimes in history is happening right now. Yet it is something almost nobody will discuss.”
By Douglas Murray.
INBBC is more inclined to give its political support to Islamic perpetrators, not to Christian victims.
I’ve just seen a photograph of the “Welcome to Rotherham” sign. It seem that the town is twinned with St Quentin. Unfortunately it’s the town in France not the prison in California. They need to change that.
It’s quite appropriate to think of the prison. An American term for an under-age sex partner is “St. Quentin quail.”
Beeboids appear not to have noticed-
By Brendan O’Neill.
And Islam Not BBC (INBBC) political leader, Director General, Tony HALL,
demands more ‘diversity,’ which means more mass immigration from Islamic countries,
with more of the same results.
something else that’s been deliberately overlooked by the bbc – the `children’s commissioner’s` constant refrain that `over 90% of convicted child abusers are white`.
no one on the bbc seems bothered to suggest that an enforcement policy that ignores child abuse by one ethnic group could have anything to do with this statistic
Well they are going to be white if the state only prosecutes the white untermensch while leaving the Pakistani ubbermensch free to do as they please to their racial inferiors. That’s Fascsim for you!
I do hate that `over 90% of convicted child abusers are white` argument. It was used unchallenged by the bBC from the current Rotherham MP Sarah Champion. Stating something obvious like the largest % of crime is committed by the white population is a obvious diversion tactic. What needs to be stated are gross anomalies, like why does a small minority of the citizens of Rotherham commit a vast majority of their sex crimes.
`over 90% of convicted child abusers are white`
Yeah over the last 30yrs maybe, but in the last 5yrs it has dropped to 40%.
An eye-opening obituary of Brigadier Ronnie Stonham (1927-2014). We desperately need someone like him now.
A former army officer, Ronnie Stonham was identified as MI5’s man at the BBC in the 1980s when it was revealed that he was in charge of vetting BBC staff in co-operation with the secret services. He worked with a small unit behind the closely guarded door of Room 105 on the first floor of Broadcasting House — a section of the building that inspired George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. The office was discreetly labelled “Special Duties-Management”.
It was Stonham’s responsibility to ensure that applicants for the news and current affairs departments held no subversive political views, in particular that they were not communists or extremists who might cause the corporation embarrassment.
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/obituaries/article4187652.ece (£)
Most of the day the BBC have been broadcasting about the Rotherham report that the problem has been caused by the fear of being called ‘racist’.
Despite this no solution to this fear has been proposed and the usual Fascists have been wheeled on and have inevitably wittered on about – yes you guessed it – racism.
If it was the fear of racism which caused this then the solution lies in dispelling the fear of this meaningless word. But it’s a power word, a bully word of the fascist left, and they’re not going to let it go without a fight.
It is time to make false allegations of racism a criminal offence with severe penalties available for what can be serious damage to individuals.
For the BBC to point it out as a main reason for the rape of 1400 children, and then to refuse to discuss the fear it has caused is a disgrace – just the system protecting itself regardless of who get hurt in the process.
Listening to this mornings radio (Classic FM) they failed to mention who the perpetrators were and failed to mention Labour Council and Leader Denis McShane; ‘He told the BBC: “I think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat if I may put it like that.” i.e. The Political correct message of the Labour/Liberal BBC is exposed as dangerous and will always be hidden (if they can get away with it). Unfortunately Rotherham is not unique in political correctness to ignore a problem. The BBC will not report it until it becomes ‘critical mass’ and the excuses and blame redirected to the English environment/locality etc. Except we know all to well what causes it and why political correctness is used to muzzle the news at every level.
Beeboid Peston and Ms Lagarde (2012):
“The seductive IMF boss and a smitten BBC business guru:
Lagarde’s Gallic charms leave Peston flustered”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2149017/The-seductive-IMF-boss-smitten-BBC-business-guru-Lagardes-Gallic-charms-leave-Peston-flustered.html#ixzz3Bb1pIj00
And today:-
“IMF’s Lagarde put under investigation in French fraud case”
Had a thought about the scottish debate setup by the bBC. Didn’t take long to see it was another question time conspiracy against Darling. What could the bBC get out of it. Well bBC Scotland could because if the show bias for the SNP and there is a ‘YES’ vote, then they would have to negotiate a licence fee with Salmond as bBC Scotland would be a new entity. bBC can’t trust them nomatter where they turn up.
Still subjective depending of ideology and fealty I suppose, but in case any feel the BBC might just be a force for ill in the democratic process, shaping policy with every devious fix and edit it can…
‘A poorly refereed 90-minute debate, one organized by the BBC, was devoid of substance. It degenerated for much of the time into a slanging match in which Salmond clearly had the upper hand…
The audience played a significant role. Recruited supposedly on an impartial basis by a company hired by the BBC, they turned out to be heavily partisan. Constant loud applause greeted Salmond’s barbs. At times it would have been easy to assume that one was at a rowdy SNP rally. Salmond looked at the audience with knowing familiarity as he made some of his most audacious claims.’
Quite why the BBC would wish to see a victory that would mean the end for project Ed and Labour South of the Border I can’t quite fathom, but bent audience vetting, bent chairing and bent editting seems a p*ss poor way to arrive at the best for any country.
“Don’t use the A-word: BBC accused of censorship over Rotherham child abuse by failing to mention that gangs were Asian.
“Report found 1,400 children abused between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham.
“Majority of the perpetrators were Pakistani men, the report revealed.
“But a fear of acknowledging their ethnicity ‘compounded the scandal.’
“Four of seven article on BBC News online do not mention Pakistani men.
“Ukip MEP blasts omission as ‘spineless’, readers outraged on Twitter.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2735465/BBC-accused-sanitising-news-coverage-Rotherham-child-abuse-Asian-gangs-failing-refer-perpetrators-ethnicity.html#ixzz3BbAMafCU
They were not Asians. They were Pakistani muslims.
Funny how the BBC love to describe them as:
British Muslims
American Muslims
French Muslims
When discussing something positive about them…
Yet they won’t name them as:
Muslim rapists when they commit such filthy acts on the streets of every town and city in this country.
I see they had a section on BBCs One Show, trying to explain the conflict with ISIS. I thought The One Show was supposed to be light entertainment, wht next; Islaminc extremism explained by Peppa Pig? Or “Peppa Pig – Why I became a jihadist”
This tweet sums up the bBC to a tee:
And on the Guardians CIF:
TheGreatRonRafferty Aqueuetangle
26 August 2014 8:08pm
I used to post on the BBC Today website.
There was one poster who repeatedly told the story of this abuse in northern towns. Every time he put it on, the BBC moderators took it off.
So, the BBC was actually GIVEN the story by a poster, and they chose to ignore it because they deemed it racially offensive, just as the police and social services did.
It never ceases to amaze me that the media – all the media – now have stories given them for free. Ones that require only a little checking out. Yet they choose to ignore the vast majority of them.
The BBC itself could have broken this story years ago. Instead it chose the politically correct route. Sound familiar?
“Press conference about the gang rape of 1400 British children by Muslims.”
[Excerpt from a comment about this Conference]:-
“At one point in this press conference, you hear the voice of the journalist Andrew Norfolk asking critical questions. Norfolk is the one who, writing for the Times newspaper, actually broke this story nationwide and brought it into the realm of public acceptance. He deserves credit for that. But he also deserves blame for the fact that, as he himself has admitted, he knew about the story for years before he ever wrote about it, consciously deciding to suppress it because “he didn’t want to help the BNP”. Eventually, he decided that this approach was no longer tenable. Nonetheless, he himself, for years, made exactly the same choice that the police and councillors and social workers were making, that is to elevate their bizarre political and moral obsession with supporting the repopulation of their country by aliens peoples above the welfare of the ordinary, vulnerable human beings it was their job to protect.”
(reposted and updated from weekend thread)
You got to hand it to the stinking, treacherous, disingenuous, grasping and pimping BBC – they are good at their job. Today’s 8.10 Stakhanovite discussion on “Asians” in Rotherham raping hundreds of children should surely win this year’s Beeboid Multiculti Deflection of the Year Competition. And as we all know, competition has never been brisker.
For those of you who simply could not bear to listen, let me summarise the methodology. Recognising the public mistrust in the BBC’s ability to report matters to do with the Religion of Peace as well as the growing impatience with Islamic bigotry and a genuine, righteous BRITISH rage that kids could be so cruelly treated, the Commissars at Broadcasting House figured they better deal with this one head on. No more wishy washy talk of “Asians” or “ethnic dimensions”. They better call a spade a spade and yup folks, finally we were allowed to know, categorically, that it was “people of Pakistani cultural origin” who were mass-raping and torturing 1400 children. And who better to probe this uncomfortable truth, than… errr… other people of Pakistani cultural origin.
So we had 15 minutes of apologetic Muslims saying the Religion of Peace is innocent guv, does not authorise gang rape of little white chick kaffurs and exhorting the police to prosecute all guilty men, regardless of their ethnic or religious identity. Oh, and for good measure, just in case you thought perhaps this was Pakistani men raping white English girls, we had a Muslim woman telling us that just as many of the victims were “Asian”. Yeah, right. Even she didn’t believe it.
Then, to cap it all, they conclude with an interview with some minor council functionary, the point of which is to articulate the need for a public hanging of a few white guys who should have known better, because as we all know, anything wrong in the world must be the fault of a few white guys.
This gem of propaganda was refined on PM, instead now the massed ranks of Dhimmi Beeboids had tired of the Pakistani thing and were naturally more fixated on the need to hang white men, esp the Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun White. Of course he should resign, but to locate the entire debate on this this symbolic action is to once again miss the point. And of course it’s deliberate. Better to get the masses to bay for the blood of one greedy and stupid man than to encourage a debate that enables people to challenge the Beeboid Creed of Multicultural Suicide. In fact, I don’t think the word “Muslim” was mentioned once on PM (except inadvertently perhaps when referring to the mass slaughter of Turkomen in the IS).
Clever ruse, isn’t it? In this way Islam and the BBC, as ever, get off the hook. There is no discussion of Muslim attitudes to women, no discussion of the collusion within the Pakistani communities, no discussion of Islamic attitudes to Kaffurs (lower than cattle), no discussion of ethnic entitlement, no discussion of other Islamic paedophile rings throughout the country and of course, no discussion at all of political correctness, cultural relativism or the PC tyranny that exposed these poor children to rape, abuse, and torture and denied them any kind of justice.
Brilliant, in its ghastly way. One is left thinking: 1) Gee, Muslims really don’t approve of this, it must have been a few bad apples and has nothing to do with the Religion of Peace; 2) Let’s hang a couple of white guys because as we all know, its is ultimately Government (in all its forms) that must make sure we behave properly; and 3) the BBC is not, after all, a disgusting, pimping, treacherous, self-serving, Multiculti conspiracy that actually has engineered the conditions enabling this barbarity, but is as pure as John Humphrey’s pompous and well-rehearsed indignation schtick suggests.
One hopes that one day, when historians rake through the ashes of Britain to find out what went wrong, they will recognise the true significance of this 8.10 slot, and wonder why a proud and brilliant people allowed this nasty clique of privileged hypocrites to undermine, and ultimately destroy a great country and civilisation.
The line that ‘these people are an embarrassment to their community and only bring shame etc’ is so obviously bollocks.
How many Muslim men go to the police when they are offered young white girls as slaves? How many take the stand in court to provide evidence against the accused?
“Row over Scotland debate ‘rent-a-mob’: BBC accused of bias after viewers complained independence supporters were allowed to challenge Alistair Darling”
The BBC seem to have buried the equally disturbing news that we now have over 2 million illegal immigrants at large in the country:
Fury over Britain’s 2m illegal migrants
BRITAIN is now home to two million illegal migrants, with soaring numbers still trying to get here, it emerged last night.
On the one hand they are ‘illegal’. On the other hand they are almost certainly claiming housing, sending their kids to school, going to hospital when needed, going to foodbanks, and either working or stealing to live.
So why can we not find them??
One of the problems is that many of the illegals use false documents. They can kid most local authorities etc that they are legal. And we know the decrepit immigration service, which does have staff capable of vetting documents properly, claims to be overwhelmed.
How about a task-force for each city, separate from the woeful immigration service, staffed with people trained to vet documentation. Preferably bstaffed by ex-forces people who would take no nonsense. Combing through all applications for new school places – this focus to try to stop people setting down deep roots. And combing through all new applications for social housing – and also for housing benefits. Running real blitzes.
Plus – payment by results ?
We would still have the problem of having to rely on the wet immigration service to actually deport illegals. But it would be a start.
I bet Mark Easton would like it.
because no one who matters wants to.
firstly, it would upset the IoD and the CBI who secretly and not so secretly like having these people as cheap, undercutting labour providers. so the tories won’t do anything.
secondly, in due course, these people will become voters and guess who they will vote for. so labour won’t do anything.
the libs are liars on immigration as with everything else they touch.
when ukip get in it will become clear quite quickly that they are liars too unless they are willing to face off the practically unassailable financial, social and media interests that benefit from uncontrolled mass immigration.
Those in a position to accept requests for school places, or hospital appointments, regularly protest they are not paid to be immigration offcials. Unfortunately neither are immigration officials, busying themselves with frisking elderly white British ladies at airports in order not to appear to be targeting the group that causes all of our problem, muslim men of Pakistan origin in their teens and twenties. Meanwhile the Africans in search of a free education for their children and hospital treatment for their ailments just waltz in through the open “Commonwealth” door. You despair.
Don’t worry, if Boris Johnson ever becomes Prime Minister (God forbid!) he’ll give them all an amnesty to go with all their benefits and new houses.
Less Chaos or more Chaos (under Labour) there is a disturbing reason why border controls are not fixed and will not be fixed under Lib/Lab/Con in any hurry.
Two million? And the rest……I see dozens of africans in Bristol that seem to be drifting, idle and forever talking in phones, probably switched off, trying to meld in…..i was in a cafe, in walked a huge, lanky african, scruffy, and walking like a rag doll, just strolling around, very intimidating. I was up, i asked him if he was supposed to be in this country, a risk, but my blood is up now, he asked who i was, i replied , ‘a 57 year old anglo saxon male, fed up with my country being invaded by half the known world’. He, obviously, clued up with legal nonsense, told me to f… off, fair enough i said, but come with me to the police station, [ around the corner ] and i’ll ask you again in front of them, ………a very rapid and shouty exit from the cafe and he legged it down the road…….Every one else in the cafe just sat there pretending nothing happened…. i told them, shame on you, these people will dominate us unless we take a stand…….i reported to the police……not interested. It’s coming……what are you going to do?
I made a point of listening to conversation in my shire town.
Unanimous opiinion is that those in charge need to go now and be prosecuted. No exceptions.
Also the citizens are not easily fooled. They know the reports are sanitised and that this behaviour is from one particular section of the population.
Look we have to face facts. This is the last straw and has ended any chance of community ” cohesion” which is liberal speak for the indigenous and the immigrants getting on.
This is a disaster for this country and has been directly caused by liberalism running amok in the face of reality.
The liberal media can wail all it likes. It is too late.
We should have made it clear from day one that immigrants to this country obeyed one law and left behind the cultural practices of their homeland.
This is a key event. The repercussions will take time.
I would advise the BBC and it’s tame acolytes to face up to it and try to help solve the problem.
INBBC dangerously misleads on all things Islamic, including on a ‘caliphate’-
I’ve had a look at the BBC website but, if they’re giving us space to comment on Rotherham, they’re keeping it well hidden.
Now why could that be?
Have they published a link to the full text of the appalling report ?
Yes, they have actually.
(Site is still blooming slow for me.)
If they are sitting on the Balen Report, suppressing Rotherham is a piece of cake.
Now why could that be?
Another BBC ‘evolution’.
They have had HYS ‘we want your views’ that have opened, got massed modded and closed in hours, then moved to those really special ones where they close before they open, and of course the ‘forgot to open at all’.
Next up… test card. Still £145.50 to cover salaries, pension shortfalls, legals and compo, but saves a fortune of the actually broadcasting bit.
Muslim Saudi Arabians are not ‘Guardian’-INBBC readers?:-
“Poll: 92% of Saudis believe that Islamic State ‘conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law'”
R Bacon carries on the Al BBC Islam “protectorthon”
but …amid this shameless activity, two features can t be hidden
1/. Amazingly a spokeswoman still bleating “its waycist” to point out that Pak Paedostani from the Pak community, are Pakistani
2/. A girl whose relation was convicted of continually raping/gang raping a 14 yr old girl, he s 28, who had stated that it is ok because it happens”, “all the time in the old country”
ie … it is a Pakistani community problem, thats not racism that is a FACT, as is the overt absolving of any guilt for the actions of males
by their inbred families in Pakistan, covering for them lying for them .. that is not racism that is a FACT.
hey ho …
5Live Drive continues the loop, some Muslim gobshite, from the f-cking Asian network, stating its stupid?? and both racist and islamofauxbic to point out that Pak Paedostani s from the Pak community, are Pakistani
these muslim hypocrites make me sick,yes the bbc paid by us asian network had a phone in this morning and the usual in denial about there pakistani muslim child groomers operating on a industrial scale in there community targeting white children,yes we had the usual crowd bleating about racism and islamaphobia because it was pointed out these paedophiless was from there pakistani community and it was them who was the racists by targeting white children because they viewed them as total trash and selected them because of the colour of ther skin,of course if this was 1400 muslim children being gang raped,sold as slaves and tortured by white men they would be out on streets rioting right now and screaming racism and islamaphobia,i dont trust the muslim community at all.i find them ignorant and backward,from 7/7 to trojan horse to this child grooming they are always in denial about these problems because they could not care less about the victims because they are white and non muslim,the truth of the matter is every damm muslim knew what was going on in there community concerning these child groomers,they chose to keep quiet about it and they dont like it one bit now that this community has been exposed again for how they close ranks and protect there own,muslims will lie to the teeth to protect there fellow muslim brothers,that is what has being going on here simple as that.shame on the lot of you.
Well said Stuart, but I don’t think the concept of shame exists in their world, unless as an excuse to murder the odd daughter or two.
I can’t find the video on the website, but this morning the B-BBC was reporting the “Muslim gang rape of adolescent neglected children” story with a backdrop of a video of a white girl with a short red dress standing by the roadside at night – clearly implying that the girls were streetwalkers. Outrageous attempt to shift the blame for the events onto the young, abused victims.
I can’t find the video on the website, but this morning the B-BBC on News 24 was reporting the “Muslim gang rape of adolescent neglected children” story with a backdrop of a video of a white girl with a short red dress standing by the roadside at night – clearly implying that the girls were streetwalkers. Outrageous attempt to shift the blame for the events onto the young, abused victims.
Sometime in the wee hours of this morning the BBC World Service broadcast what it laughably calls a business programme. I caught two stories before turning off in disgust.
The first was an account of a Muslim-only bathing area and beach complex in Turkey where a female (Muslim, I don’t doubt) faux-journalist was gushing about its joys with one of the proprietors.
That cut straight to a story about the black riots in Ferguson, USA.
And this from a ‘business programme’.
There is a double scandal going on here. The first is the use of the BBC as a propaganda machine by the far-Left. The second is that the World Service is paid for by our taxes, supposedly to present a positive image of this country.
Business news on the BBC has always been hopeless. The only business they seem to feature is plugging how good John Lewis, the Co-op, Sainsbury’s are (Labour donors) and how evil Tesco, Asda and any privatised utility is. They conveniently forget to point out Network Rail is publicly owned too.
And did not Ed Balls state that he wished to Nationalise the Railways (again) I had vision of stale BR sandwiches and late filthy trains that I grew up with becoming a new reality under Labour. Most of the accidents are ‘Network Rail’ causalities and not the Trains. Only for leftie BBC listeners and Guardian readers I think:
Looks like Labour are trying to distance themselves from Rotherham and blame it all on the police.
Well it won’t wash. The entire council (and MPs) should resign for introducing multiculturalism and making it impossible for social workers to do their jobs for fear of being called racist.
I am sure the young children of Rotherham enjoyed having their noses rubbed in racial diversity.
there is a obvious pattern developing here,every one of these councils where these muslim child grooming rings operate is run by the labour party.just thought i would point that out.
Well it’s a hung council here in Bedford. Same problem with the Muslim gangs here though
BBC’s Mark Easton:
See, it’s just basic stats, stupid!
Easton will probably never mention that LABOUR is part of the problem – and a series of political ‘cover-ups’ (of paedophiles) that corrupts the entire political process does not make a balanced BBC news report. When Labour ignored what was happening and the BBC has failed in so many areas it is hardly right to justify that it is ‘normal’ to be sexually perverted, twisted and abused.
Radio 4 PM wheels out Bleary Hazel disgraced MP for Salford, and standing down at the next election, attempting to carve a niche for a job opportunity for herself.
Living in Salford there aren’t a great many Muslims, so it’s the usual fluffy rose tinted naive nonsense you would expect from a Liebour MP. She want the government to establish a department (headed by whom I wonder) to develop a new view of Islam for the 21st century. It’s almost laughable to anyone who knows anything about Islam and the conservative nature of Muslims in the UK.
She also wants this department to run what she calls reverse propaganda to counter the ‘toxic interpretation of the Qur’an’ which leads to Jihad.
She bases the fact that this is possible because the majority of Muslims are not violent Jihadis.
Well if those verses and that interpretation actually existed doesn’t she think that her deluded allies wouldn’t have been pushing them for all they’re worth?
So the BBC in all its pomp roll on a rent a gob Muslim who tells them that at least 100 Mosques are open for non Muslims to visit. this will apparently show people they have nothing to fear.
Here is where naivety and ignorance play into the hands of the Muslims, because it sounds like a reasonable thing to do, until you look a little deeper.
Our church had a similar invitation to visit a local mosque, and were all set for going until they extended a reciprocal invitation to the Muslims to visit the church. The Muslims refused point blank !
This is an instruction within the Qur’an to open the mosque so they can try to convert people to Islam. Of course this isn’t remarked on because the BBC interviewer knows nothing about it, and a duplicitous Muslim is able to make a religious instruction appear as some kind of ‘out reach program’ which they wouldn’t normally be doing, while carrying on just the same as they always have and as the Qur’an instructs.
It’s all very well the BBC now feigning outrage and coming out fighting on behalf of these poor white girls. But I seem to recall one of their undercover operations when they covertly taped Nick Griffin warning his supporters of this horror. The Beeb didn’t bother to investigate, they passed the “inflammatory material” on to the police. The equally timid and pc police didn’t look into the matter either; clearly not wishing to upset community relations they decided to prosecute the messenger instead. A victim was interviewed on the radio this afternoon and she mentioned the numerous organisations and powerful individuals her family turned to for help. Apart from the police and the press they tried social services, local MP’s and even David Blunkett. No one lifted a hand to assist. Shame on them all.
It’s not hard to find people who have inflicted far more harm than Nick Griffin ever did.
(Sorry hippiepooter, but I think your definition of ‘scum’ is perverted.)
Another reason for Beeboids to be opposed to UKIP:-
“Open letter:
UKIP gets serious on shale, serious on UK interests.
UKIP was once branded, and smeared, as the party of ‘Little Englanders’. No more. This open letter shows that, ahead of the 2015 elections, UKIP is the most forward-looking, internationalist party that Britain has.”
By accident just I have seen a piece on the 6 O’clock News. Never ever watch BBC as a rule. Apparently we in the UK need lots of new schools because of a sudden dramatic rise in birth rate and funding problems for these new schools lies with the current government who have cut back money for local government. Now in the early to mid ’90s we were looking to shut schools because there had been a steady fall in births. No explanation as to from where this sudden dramatic rise has come. No mention of Labour’s immigration policies for over decade. No mention of Labour’s lack of fiscal control both centrally and at local government levels meaning all budgets have to been cut. No it is all the current government’s fault apparently.
no mention of muslims breeding like rats either
Never mind Labour! Dhimmi Dave allowed 550 000 people to come to the UK last year. Of course with the weasel way immigration is calculated – ‘net immigration’ is still in the hundreds of thousands despite the election lie the Tories would get it down to tens of thousands.
It really makes no difference who gets in, Labour or Tory, they’ve both opened the floodgates, and all we can hope is that one of the groups will take on the Muslims for us, because sure as hell the oppressed whites have had the shit kicked out of them by the governments and won’t put up any fight at all.
A couple that didn’t make it from yesterday’s server meltdown (shame to waste):
Interesting complement to deliberations here, from over the sea:
‘Mr Rabbitte said that he simply did not believe there were any households who could claim to have no access to public service broadcasting whether via television, radio or the RTE website on phones and computers.
Clearly ‘belief’ drives much in the political-media classes there too.
And beyond access or not, he seems to have avoided how some may feel about the actual output of RTE, which may not be to everyone’s tastes… or ‘beliefs’. Paying anyway would remain… ‘unique’.
Be rude not to, really (though some of the options really fall short of fully expressing the opinions many may wish to express and lead to results rather skewed in favour anyway. This being a Graun poll about the BBC, a real shock to all, one is sure).
Yet another ‘listening to the BBC I’m shaking my head in disbelief’ moment today – in fact several.
Without exception, every news reporter and host commenting on or interviewing people about the Rotherham child abuse scandal sounded so very shocked and taken aback that it could be fear of accusations of racism, or fear of not being seen as a supporter of multiculturalism, that led to 16 years of cover-ups.
This is the same BBC who during the Blair years led a daily procession of Labour ministers, community leaders, human rights activists, educationalists, Guardian columnists and every other left-liberal, Britain-hating parasite to come on the likes of Today and spout the joys of mass immigration and multiculturalism, damning anybody who dared speak out about the dangers which could be seen a mile off by any sane person as ‘racist’.
Yes, folks – the very same BBC.
thats another point that has been missed about the bbc when they tried to set nick griffin up when he exposed these muslim child grooming rings 7 years ago and was taken to court and found not guilty of exposing these paedophile rings,funny that the same people who took griffin to court have admtited he was right and this problem was ignored and covered up by the police and the councils, i am no fan of griffin,but that guy deserves a big apology from the bbc and these gutless cowards and appeasers of these child groomers who have carried out there sexual jihad against white children for the past 16 years in rotherham.
Sheila Fogerty and Boooooom Bacon right in there with…
‘Many people are arguing that this is not about race or religion’.
Are these f*ckers insane.
I’d like to take this ‘many people’ and ram it up their respective jacksies with a pile driver.
It’s the old “many people” strategy, similar to “we’ve received many texts and tweets”. A smokescreen for the advancement of their own left wing agenda and bias.
Just as INBBC defers to Muslims to decide whether the ‘Islamic State’ is Islamic, so too INBBC defers to Muslims to decide whether sex crimes against white girls in Rotherham are committed by Muslims.
‘NYT’ (second home of ex-Beeboid D.G, Thompson) ideologically apes INBBC, re-Rotherham atrocities-
“The NY Times Covers Rotherham — Find The Word”
‘NYT’ (second home of ex-Beeboid D.G. Thompson) ideologically apes INBBC, re-Rotherham atrocities-
“The NY Times Covers Rotherham — Find The Word”
The craven NYT is not alone in referring to these paedos as “men of Pakistani Heritage”.
I myself think them to be of Pakistani Vintage…the finest crop of sons of Allah it has been our privilege to let in, to educate, to medicate…and now to allow to deflower the very lowest of state-sponsored, chavvy victims of white oppression.
Can I have my job back as head of Social Services now…or at least a Home Affairs/Northern correspondent there at the BBC.
Ed Shoesmith/Sharon Balls…things have got to get better eh?
ChrisH wrote:
I myself think them to be of Pakistani Vintage
The interesting thing about this is, that until 1947 Pakistan did not even exist, it was India. Yet Indians in the UK don’t go round raping little white girls
……but most Indians are not Muslims.
A Palestinian gives his view on Gaza. Factual and very clear about Hamas and also Qatar which is its main backer. Miles away from the drivel the BBC tries to feed us :