Hi all! Well, it’s good to be BACK! As you may have gathered, the server that hosts this (and other) sites has experienced some nasty technical problems which has put us off-air! Thanks to the behind the scenes hard work of All Seeing Eye and Rob, we seem to back up and running. So, where to start? How about ROTHERHAM? BBC (along with much of the rest of the UK MSM) have been quick to condemn the dangers of Political Correctness whilst breathlessly informing us about “men of Pakistani origin”…the irony is cosmic.
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Great British Bake Off – what should have been a popular family time inoffensive program has been wrecked by BBC stupidity.
500+ people complained about the ‘sabotage’ by one contestant who is a 69 year old Grandmother.
She claims the BBC ‘stitched her up’ by editing the footage to make it appear that she took an entry from the freezer, but failed to show her putting it back in again after a short time.
She has left the program in tears and said that she also cried when she watched how the BBC had manipulated the footage.
Last year Great British Bake Off caused quite a stir with spin off products appearing in supermarkets and shops riding a wave of baking being bake in vogue. Then they go and do this! Screw up one of their most popular programs.
Not that the BBC care, they all get paid what ever happens.
The BBC are very good at screwing up their programs…look at Dr Whoo this weekend.
An hour of gay lizards and face veils…absolute progressive tripe…aimed at kids…brainwash ’em young.
How many times did the lizards wife have to say “were married”….6-7?
Did you spot the name in the newspaper of the lady who self-combusted? Margaret Roberts.
There are listed, the names of the 12 contestants, none of them bear the name ‘Margaret’ !
The one the BBC scapegoated was Diana Beard, the one who had the ‘meltdown’ was a man Iain Watters.
A quick google search of British bake off with Margaret Roberts returned no relevant pages.
The comment was about Dr Who.
Thanks Ken, you saved me the bother. 🙂
Imagine what the BBC are going to do with this if the UN supports it.
Now UN sparks fury after launching human rights investigation into Britain’s disability benefit reforms
Now I think the Tories deserve everything they get over their disgraceful treatment of disabled people, with IDS proudly claiming that he expects to strip 800 000 disabled people of all their extra disability benefits, leaving them with an amount similar to jobseekers to live on. An amount that IDS himself admits is nowhere near enough to survive, and justifying it as an incentive to find work.
But these are the people who actually got through the horrible ATOS assessment and are entitled to those benefits. They can’t be incentivised to work as they can’t, that doesn’t bother IDS, after all they can’t hit back so they’re a soft target.
Notwithstanding all this I’m sure the BBC will maximise the UN intervention with all the bias it can muster.
Where is the doe-eyed poisoned dwarf Shami Chakrabarti. I seek her here, I seek her there, I seek her everywhere, but there is no trace of the ubiquitous (on the BBC) defender of the rights of all those who want to behead, blow up,sexually exploit and generally brutalise us.
This absence is a mystery. At a time when Theresa May and Boris Johnson are calling for withdrawing the passports, therefore rendering them stateless (shock and horror), of ‘British citizens’ who travel abroad to Islamic jihad finishing schools in Syria and Iraq, to learn the finer points of hacking off peoples heads, burying them alive, raping the women they capture and crucifying them in praise of Allah and the religion of peace, Shami is no where to be found.
This could be because I have been out of country for most of July and August and have not been able to listen to the Today programme. QT is of course on its summer break and therefore, as the Observer noted (that’s right the Observer) Shami’s “endless appearances” are temporarily suspended.
However, there may be something more sinister at work here. The BBC has been moving ii’s services to outlandish places ‘upp north’. Is it possible that they have mislaid Shami and she is stuck in a crate somewhere in transit, going round in the outer circle of hell, for any metropolitan liberal, that is the provinces.
Or, and this explanation I suspect is the most likely. Shami is in Chiantishire visiting Polly pull that really expensive fine wine from my cellar Toynbee, and let us discuss the plight of the British underclass and their treatment by those horrid Tories.
BBC-NUJ’s political solidarity with its Labour Party-Rotherham chums, because they ALL share the same destructive ‘multicultural’ ideology.
Destructive of British society, that is; not of Islam.
For the attention of this shameful excuse for a children s commissioner Atkinson. who is still bleating about “waycism”
… and the BBC who will look everywhere, but at the facts.
UK 91% perps of child rape muslim,
even higher for child gang rape
UK 4% population muslim
ie – clearly the indication is a muslim male is 200 times more likely to be a child rapist than an indigenous non muslim male.
… “waycism” is the obfuscation, the “look at me” – whereas the hard fact is its Islam, Islamic community, Islamic custom and practice and Islamic texts/doctrine, Islamic supremacism.
Morroccan, Afghan, Paki, Iraqi, Bangladeshi, “waycist?”
… what race is Islam?
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
the information here is good, and precise.
Sorry BBC and Prime Minister and Ed.
Yours Dougie.
As you are all aware by now, this dreadful abuse of young girls in Rotherham went on for years and although the authorities were aware of it nothing at all was done. In fact it appears concerted efforts were made to cover it up. Now it seems to me that the Muslim Community must also have been well aware of the abuse. If the girls were offered to dozens, maybe hundreds of men – Muslim men – throughout the Country then all of this must have been coordinated in the Mosques; and this has been repeated in Rochdale, Oxford and other places. Yet a mere five Muslims in Rotherham were charged and jailed. There needs to be a tough root and branch investigation and all those guilty of taking part in the abuse, and those who knew but did nothing, must be brought to justice. The media, particularly the BBC are spinning that these dreadful events are nothing to do with Islam really and try to distract the public from the true nature of Islam which is now becoming obvious to the most dim of Liberals. However, in my view, the Public will now no longer be fooled. It has been obvious to some for a long time and now has been writ large to the many, that Islam, its practices and traditions are not, and never will be, compatible with Western democracy its culture and heritage. The cowardly politicians still haven’t got it but the Public has and there is a reckoning to come for them.
Don t forget another important factor, for instance … Rotherham
Pakistani muslims got themselves into stronger positions in local council, in local government, deputy leader of the council, lead councillors, as is always seen, pushing the community cohesion, diversity forum lever, including being responsible for scrutiny for children s services, denying strenuously any link to that small interrelated mosque sharing community
Makes you wonder what is happening in Tower Hamlets, doesn’t it?
I think there it’s more the case of good old fashioned graft, favoritism and corruption.
Do you think these ahem “pillars” of the muslim community, would not insidiously use the multiculti/waycism card, (as usual) to continually
usurp manipulate, how aspects of local Gov worked.
I mean deputy leader of the council, mayor, lead councillors … and how many others?
Repeated exposed evidence has shown you the first and overarching thing to muslims is Islam, herd mentality to it, anything to protect it including lying, subversion etc … the harsh fact is, for them there is no concern given to the wellbeing of Rotherham, its inhabitants, the county or indeed our nation.
In the report itself, clearly stated the muslims in Rotherham local government, put “barriers” in place to hamper information gathering.
“In the report itself, clearly stated the muslims in Rotherham local government, put “barriers” in place to hamper information gathering. “
…Even to the extent that the few decent police officers that wanted to investigate, were actively prevented from doing so, by having to approach the Mosques for “talks” rather than actually be allowed to arrest and interview suspects. Other police officers actively prevented investigations and even arrested victims and victims parents. Evidence submitted was actually destroyed by the police. (we can guess the religion of the offending officers). You see, to the Muslim, (who have to repeatedly remind themselves daily of the supremacy of Allah and Islam, in everything that they say and write), a human invention, such as criminal law, comes a distant second to protecting Islam and Muslims. Islamic police officers who place Islam above the law, should be arrested and charged with conspiracy to pervert the cause of justice, then left to rot in jail.
“all of this must have been coordinated in the Mosques;”
What a ridiculous thing to say ! You think that Pakistanis don’t have mobiles? Or internet connections?
Let me tell you the Mosques are the last places it happened.
Huge families of interbred people who have a kind of bond that most in the West don’t understand. One family unit in one part of the country can easily contact another, and the men rule these households with a rod of Iron, their wives & kids almost certainly don’t know what’s going on.
Come out with something as stupid as you just have and we might as well give up because you might as well have painted a target for the lefties to shoot down.
At least make sure you have at least a basic grasp of the facts first.
Except that a Muslim in Rotherham has admitted that a lot of it was organised through the Mosques and these cases were known about and discussed often. They actively prevented the police and social workers investigations, not that the police or social workers were interested in actually pursuing these cases, and were much happier to allow children to be brutally gang-raped than to try to stop it.
In such cases I’ll defer to what is proven factually before rushing to point fingers (or claim stupidity and/or superior grasp of what is unknown), but historically the sanctity of religious gathering places has on occasion been abused by those seeking to discuss, organise and even promote activity hardly in keeping with the professed laudable values such meeting places claim to promote.
Certainly rather handy to have exclusive club rooms in no-go areas that would be denied others via dual track rules now in place.
It’s actually another win-win, because despite such places housing weapons, emplacements, etc, even if then legitimately targeted by ordnance or raid, the outrage potential is assured no matter what the justification.
Watching the BBC, it would appear that the police have caused the gang rape of white girls by men of Pakistani origin.
Always, in BBC-Land it’s the fault of the authorities and not the criminals.
In BBC land and for all the new Fascists it’s always the fault of the untermensch – the nasty white people.
Just as Hitler set up his underclass and blamed them for all kinds of things todays fascists have done the same.
‘would appear that the police have caused the gang rape’
Certainly they do have a history of dropping their partners in addressing crime right in it when the poo hits the fan.
I wonder if there is a public sector police/state media sack of rats analogy? Can’t be much love lost there.
I wonder if any choppers (that’s slang for helicopter for the easily moved to outrage non-‘you lot’ regulars, mercifully absent mostly at present for some reason) were commissioned by the budget-strapped, eco-aware BBC to add context to Rotherham from an arial perspective?
A Tory problem for UKIP, which pro-Islamising Turkey Beeboids may not latch onto-
“Douglas ‘Friend of Turkey’ Carswell defects to UKIP”
From the precis it seems like the British licence fee payer funded BBC has decided to give a platform for an Irish man to investigate how the Black and Tans murdered his grandfather [http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04g4c38/who-do-you-think-you-are-series-11-4-brendan-ocarroll] I’m not going to waste time watching it.
Nothing like giving a fair and balanced account of the history of Ireland eh? Is the BBC infiltrated by pro-IRA elements? The same people who thought Rebel Hearts was prime time drama.
Now that St Barack of Obama has spoken the BBC has woken up again to what’s happening in Ukraine. Seems that maybe the real prospect of a war between Russia and Ukraine which has been brewing for months is an important news story after all. After being eclipsed by the momentous events in Ferguson where a man was shot.
The BBC separating the news from the chaff.
Spot the difference between the BBC’s treatment of Rotherham, which did happen, and Lord McAlpine, which didn’t.
I look forward to the BBCs indepth questioning those Muslims in Rotherham local government, in the council, with the reports findings, don t you
It’ll never happen, Radio 5 is too busy reporting on the Stephen Lawrence case.
And the politicians repeat the stupidity of the past !
The Daily Mail has been running something of a campaign by publishing patients photographs of their hospital meals.
The government has sprung into its over zealous action and set down a legally binding set of rules for food hospitals have to meet.
However as you might expect, they’ve taken advice from dieticians and nutritionists not cooks, and banned salt from the cooking process.
They did this with school meals, and had to backtrack, because particularly with potatoes, all you end up with is an unpleasant tasting colourless goop.
So there will be no change in the quality of the meals, it’ll cost a fortune and just as much will be left as waste.
Beeboid EASTON’s latest article online on sex crimes against children is entitled, with no self-criticism of Beeboids:-
“When we look, we find.”
But really it is the following corollary title which applies to Beeboids on this issue:
‘When we don’t look, we don’t find.’
This applies to J. Savile, and his sex crimes, undiscovered at BBC for decades; and to those Pakistani Muslims of Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Derby, Peterborough, Telford, etc, which Beeboids censor on.
something else I noticed, it took the bbc 24 hours to catch up with what would otherwise have been an instant feature of its website – pretty woman attacked, gruesome piccies, `yooff` culture angle, London-centric – what on earth could the problem have been, perhaps she was having trouble remembering what her attacker looked like?
Thanks to Craig way back…and others on this site…you soon are able to work out the Common Purpose agenda and machinations that the effete liberal elite shamelessly promote.
The memes of the moment I`ve heard ceaselessly are
1. A “culture of disbelief”-as fist heard by me from Keir Starmer who is the “lead officer” as far as the liberal elite and massage boys go.
2. The “lets focus instead on the victims” call from Javid Khan(?) -who heads up Barnardos…another way of saying that it`s somehow selfish and self-indulgent to look at the role of the media, the Labour Party, the mosques, the charities and interfaith quangos, the Labour councils, the social workers, the youth rights lobbies and childrens champions etc…need I go on?
The culture of disbelief?..think I can think of one “Common Belief” that accounts for 91% of all convictions for local gang rape of white girls in care?…Perm any two from Pakistani,Somali(and Afghan to a lesser degree) from Group A…then Muslim and Islam from Group B.
” Let`s focus on the victims”-in a Jenni Murray, John Humphrys emoting kinda way…as opposed to dealing with the whole rotten vipers nest of Muslim blokes in key Labour constituencies, with access to the motorways and drug barons.
One sick country when we have to talk like this about our own country…and the neediest girls that exist in our population.
BBC TV Licensing’s newest PR campaign focuses on the “tremendous value” provided by the licence fee, which is the equivalent of only 40 pence a day.
The only problem is that it isn’t actually that good value, when you compare it to the price of licence-free on-demand services out there. Another TV Licensing own goal!
Read more: http://tv-licensing.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/tv-licensing-pr-campaign-licence-fee.html
‘Value’ is a purely personal judgement. The BBC has no right, whatsoever, to determine on my behalf, what represents good value. I am entirely capable of making that decision myself – and if I had the right to follow that through, it is entirely reasonable that I would decide that the BBC does not represent value for money, and withdraw my patronage, whilst still retaining the right to use other media sources. Sadly, I do not have that right.