Harry’s Place records that
Anti-semitic incidents reach record level in July 2014
One anti-Semitic incident was missing from those statistics.
At a time in history when the Middle East is in flames and running with blood and the Israel/Palestine conflict is oft cited as the catalyst for all other conflicts you might think it was an incendiary move by the BBC when it decided this was the perfect time to add fuel to the flames by broadcasting a series that sides with Islamic terrorists and promotes the destruction of Israel.
The BBC thought otherwise.
‘You know what “clue” is in Ancient Greek? It’s “thread”.
One thread to pull it all together.
And all I have to do is find it.’
So said MI5’s Hugh Hayden-Hoyle in the BBC’s ‘The Honourable Woman’.
Many, if not all, reviews of the series have declared that it is an immensely complex and deeply plotted piece but in reality it is quite simple…once you find the thread, the message it wishes to impart.
That thread that pulls everything together for the BBC’s ‘The Honourable Woman’ is the terrible things Palestinians are prepared to do, forced to do by Israeli tyranny and oppression in the writer’s eyes, in order to establish a Palestinian state….the thread throughout the series is that ‘price for a nation ‘.
The politics of the programme were pretty much ignored by the reviewers, not bothering to ask if there was a message in the tale, possibly as any genuine assessment would not paint the BBC in a good light, though one reviewer declared that Palestinians would be upset as ‘once again they find themselves cast as the villains’.
The series did indeed revolve around a Palestinian group kidnapping and murdering its way to its intended goal, a Palestinian state, with the connivance of the USA and a rogue UK MI5 officer.
However….such unpleasant actions, we were repeatedly told, were the inescapable and tragic result of decades of Israeli terrorism, murder and lies against the defenceless Palestinians who had no other weapons but terrorism…a narrative echoed by sympathetic BBC reporters in the recent Gaza conflict…though that is somewhat turning the truth upon its head….the Israelis being the ones who have suffered 70 years of terrorism, attempted invasions and ethnic cleansing.
Here you can see that narrative in black and white as a Palestinian excuses her duplicity and the murder of the Jewish Stein family…..
I lost all my family.
All my family.Have you seen the hills? What they’re building? Every day and every day? What you try don’t change anything for my people. We need so much more.
What else can I do? Do you need me to die? Me?
Oh, no. No….But if it’s the price for a nation I’m sorry to tell you, yes.
Here is the BBC laying out the Palestinian’s case for mitigation and absolvement for their use of terrorism……an analogy where the writer uses the Palestinian’s murder and rape of Nessa Stein’s family as a metaphor for what the Jews have supposedly done to Palestine…and in turn turning the Palestinians into ‘animals’, uncultured and violent…just one more reason to hate the Jews…..and in the end Nessa, being told these ‘truths’, agrees and accepts ‘her’ guilt saying ‘I deserve it‘….Nessa is ‘Israel’ here….the writer making her the guilty symbol of the Israeli state, and making her agree that Israel is to blame…..
Zahid Al-Zahid (Fatah commander):
Do you know who I am? I am Kasim’s grandfather.
My son raped you.
On my orders.
One of my soldiers, also, he killed your father.
On my orders.
What I have ordered goes beyond all imagining.
So I must ask you if there was a knife on the table between us here what would you do? Your brother is dead.
My orders.
The hatred you feel for me right now only matches what I have felt for your people all my life.I know you won’t take it because you think you are better than me….More cultured, more sophisticated, more human.
And I hate you all the more because you have never stopped to think why that is.
Nessa Stein:
No, I have.
I have.
And I know the answer.
And I’ve known it since I first asked and after every dreadful thing that’s happened since and the answer’s always the same.
I deserve it.
All of it.
So that’s the message from the BBC…the Jews deserve everything they get from the Palestinians…all of it.
A message reinforced when Atika, as she lay dying, spat out the demand to ‘Get off my land!’
This long drawn out BBC series set in Israel/Palestine, ‘The Honourable Woman’, has been a blatantly pro-Palestinian State tract all along….with the message that Israel is an illegitimate state that should be erased from the map….a message silently bolstered by the camera lingering on a map in a Palestinian official’s office showing ‘Palestine’ as including the whole of Israel….
Does anyone perceive Blick taking sides? I thought he walked a difficult tightrope with real skill. Calling for equality of opportunity with the statement: “Terror thrives in poverty. It dies in wealth,” felt powerful without being contentious.
The Guardian tells us that the writer, Hugo Blick, also the producer and director,
Chose no sides and offered no political resolution.
That’s clearly not true…he sided with the Palestinians and his political resolution was a one state solution…in other words the end of Israel and the erasure of a Jewish homeland and safe haven.
As the conflict in Gaza commenced the BBC no doubt thought that The Honourable Woman could have its place in the BBC battle order as it agitated against the Israeli state…..it is a ‘weapon’ of war as much as any gun or bomb…it is a ‘smart bomb’ delivered into thousands, if not millions, of homes around the world bearing not high explosives but a poisonous message….a message delivered by the BBC on behalf of Hamas, Fatah and all those who wish to ‘wipe Israel off the map’.
That explosive message is that Israel, the ‘Jewish state’, should be dismantled and the Palestinians allowed to take the land of Israel….needless to say the BBC glosses over what would happen to the Jews, merely implying that all would be peace and harmony as the love and understanding flowed between the two peoples.
The smart bomb that is intended to target the secure walls of the Israeli ‘house’ whilst not killing the occupants, merely forcing them to flee into exile, once again.
Hugo Blick declares he has no axe to grind, the series is apolitical….
The Honourable Woman is a work of fiction and yes, it does look at real and current politics in the Middle East but, I am certainly not offering any actual, specific answers to such a complex and emotionally provocative issue except to explore what happens to fictional characters who do.
My political sympathies and/or ideologies are not relevant to the story which stands on its own particular platform.
However he admits that he has a strong interest in those politics…..
Here this fascination comes from a lifelong interest and careful consideration of the real world conflict that serves as a back drop to this story – but necessarily it only goes so far as to relate to the motivations of my fictional characters.
It is important that viewers and critics watch the entire series – as intended – before making judgements on the characters or story arc because great care has been taken to explore this complexity.
The series though had threaded through it continuous slurs against Israel and apologia for Palestinian atrocities.
As Nessa Stein was being raped by her Palestinian captor we saw that he needed to take drugs to enable him to carry out the crime. Essentially we were being told he is a decent man driven by circumstances and unable to do it unless off his head on drugs. As he went to rape Nessa he waved photographs of his wife and child, killed by the Israelis, in Nessa’s face as yet more proof that it is the anguish and mental pain caused by those evil Israelis that excuses his actions.
Blick’s tale is a shallow, naive allegory of the Middle East…Nessa Stein’s zionist, arms dealing father is the old Israel, or rather the Israel that it still is, ‘armed and dangerous’, whilst the daughter, Nessa Stein, that ‘Honourable Woman’, is the new Israel, or rather the ‘one state’ solution where the walls are taken down and there are no barriers any more between the Jews and the Palestinians and everyone lives happily everafter.
The father is killed off, Blick signalling his belief that Israel should be destroyed as a state….Blick admits that the conflict is embodied within the characters…what happens to the characters a metaphor for what happens in the conflict…. ‘In The Honourable Woman the conflict is used as a creative device – a reflection of the internal conflict of the central character.’
Nessa tells us that strong walls were needed for Israel to thrive at its birth, and that’s what her father offered, strong walls for a fledgling nation….but those walls aren’t needed now.
She goes on, telling us that Israel’s GDP in the previous year exceeded $220bn…a fledgling nation no more….the Palestinians on the other hand had a GDP of only $4bn.
She tells us ‘What a difference a wall makes.’
Which wall would that be Mr Blick? Could he possibly be making a not so subtle allusion to the Israeli security barrier? It must come down!
Nessa goes on to reveal that ‘I believe in Israel’ but there needs to be ‘fundamental change….the greatest threat to Israel is Palestinian poverty, terror thrives in poverty, it dies in wealth…..The strongest wall we can help Israel to maintain is one through which equality of opportunity can pass.’
Blick is saying that that wall must come down, it must be breached, he is saying Israel must be destroyed as a Jewish nation.
And Blick is not above using Jewish stereotypes…the moaning wife of Nessa’s brother being an archetypal ‘Jewess’ whilst the Jewish businessman, Shlomo, wanting the contract for laying communications cables, is the Pub ‘humorists’ idea of a Jewish businessman…brash, rude, loud and obnoxious….add onto that a racist talking of that ‘Palestinian bastard’ and subliminally suggesting that Arabs are ‘fucking camel jockeys’….oye vay!
It should also be noted that the BBC was happy to screen this programme despite it involving the kidnapping of a Palestinian child. No cultural sensitivities, no postponing of the broadcast, at a time when a Palestinian teenager has indeed been kidnapped and killed.
The Guardian certainly liked what it saw and applauded its ‘relevance’…check the link they provide:
‘This new eight-parter is among the most exciting TV events of the year (pace the World Cup). The opener didn’t disappoint, weaving not one but two whodunnits – the suicide/murder of Samir Meshal and kidnap of Kasim – around the most intractable political issue of the day (it could hardly feel more timely) and the life of the woman in the middle.’
There were some nice anti-Semitic touches in this episodes that must have played well with some.
We had one character called ‘Yaniv Levi’ described as that ‘horrible, horrible Israeli terrorist’ (there are of course so many of those)….whilst the Palestinian ones were all conflicted and anguished, driven to do ‘horrible things’ by dire circumstances forced upon them by the cruel world. The Israeli ‘terrorist’ seemed to be just a gratuitous creation designed purely to suggest it is not only Palestinians who are capable of such things.
Levi was made to look as unattractive as possible with copious amounts of body hair, slumping fatly in a track suit with a Star of David made up of rifles that the camera lingered over for some reason whenever he came into shot……some sort of message there? He was later described as ‘an Israeli attack dog….he always has a price….what Jew doesn’t.’
Good old BBC, feeding the stereotype and making up a few new ones.
And what to make of the Stein group’s logo? Looks remarkably like a rocket launch from Gaza with someone cheering it on. Just a coincidence I’m sure…..it must mean something else entirely……
The Palestinian commander ordering the rape and killing is from Fatah not Hamas…why Fatah and not Hamas in Gaza? Fatah being the BBC’s least favourite Palestinian terrorist group….the BBC once dismissing Hamas’s murderous rampage in 2006 when it threw Fatah members off roof tops and dragged them from hospital beds to shoot them in front of their families as merely ‘clearing out a corrupt and violent Fatah’. That’s OK then.
The Fatah commander gloried in the ‘poisoning’ of the Stein bloodline with Palestinian blood….
‘The grandson of Eli Stein with my blood in its veins…first I ordered his death and now I take his heritage….how great is his defeat!’
A clear message…the Palestinian militants have fought the Israelis and killed many but the real battle will only be won by destroying the ‘heritage’, the bloodline, the purity of the Jewish state by flooding Israel with Palestinian people…the ‘right of return‘…in other words destroying the Jewish nature of the Israeli state…the whole reason for its existence….that second phase can only begin when Israel drops its guard, its military defence (represented by the death of the arms dealing father) and more importantly the will to defend itself….this loss of will is represented by Nessa taking over the company with a completely different mindset and attitude and who believes that if only the Jews and the Palestinians could work and live together all would be well…there would be no ‘Israel’ but a one state solution…..a Palestine from the river to the sea…in other words Israel is wiped out.
A nice bit of pro-Palestinian propaganda from the BBC.
The Palestinian nanny, Atika, tells us that she is ‘A stranger in her own land….but we learn how to wait’….clearly the thought is that the tyrannical Israel cannot last forever.
Nessa proclaims that Atika is ‘The Wandering Arab’…not once but twice to reinforce the message…this is an allusion to the ’Wandering Jew’, Blick trying desperately to make clever associations and to turn the Palestinians into victims of Israeli oppression and tyranny….The Wandering Jew was forced to roam the world homeless and scavenging for a living…..Atika dramatically states ‘It is what the world has made me.’ Not really though…it is what the Palestinian leaders have made her.
When Nessa and her brother Ephra are at a family party the camera lingers on a group of Jewish men who cheer the news on the TV that ‘Israel will not negotiate with terrorists’…..Nessa says to Ephra, who initiated the change from arms dealing to ‘promoting peace and reconciliation’ for his father’s company, that ‘Pappa would be proud of you.’….Ephra looks disdainfully at the cheering Jews and says ‘Yes I think he would have been.’ Quite clear what message the writer intended to impart to us.
The Israeli Ambassador is played as if he were a Gestapo officer from the war….very reminiscent of so many WWII films….Just another coincidence I’m sure….good to have a Jew acting like a Nazi!
Blick also introduces a device into the programme seemingly just so that he can accuse Israel of being a racist state running an apartheid system. He creates an unnecessary storyline where Israeli ex-military are given preferential treatment when applying for university courses…to the detriment of Israeli Arabs.
‘What I discovered, it seems that the, erKidma Academy, ‘funded by the Stein Foundation, ‘is running a discriminatory selection process ‘against Israeli Arabs and in favour of Israeli military veterans. Education is a meritocracy by function. As soon as you use it as a tool ‘for social engineering on race grounds you’re simply creating an apartheid system.’
This was, as said, just an excuse to malign Israel by proclaiming it an apartheid state (repeated for reinforcement of effect as with the ‘Wandering Arab’ line) despite being in reality one of the most democratic and open states in the Middle East…and one where Christians can consider themselves safe…not something they could do anywhere else in the Middle East.
The character played by Igal Naor, Shlomo Zahary, was a pantomime Jew, a stereotype set up to be portrayed as shifty, money grabbing and untrustworthy….Blick summarises him as someone ‘who could always smell a deal.’…what does he mean about our stereotypical Jewish pantomime villain?
Blick has a clear message to impart…Israel is a racist, apartheid state that oppresses the Palestinians who are forced to react in the only way possible for them with terrorism, but Israel will eventually be overwhelmed by a flood of returning Palestinians to ‘their own land’ when Israel’s will to defend itself militarily is broken and the ‘purity’ of the Jewish state is leavened by the demographic reality of that mass of Palestinians making a Jewish state meaningless and impossible.
‘How great would be their defeat?’
Some at the BBC are already planning the obituary.
It will be interesting to see the Beeboid/ Guardian reaction when (not if) a major attack on Israel comes from IS based in Syria.
I suspect the comments will be of the form.
“It is no more than they deserve”
“Let’s see how they like it”
The wankers of ISIS will have a very nasty shock if they try!
The comments will very soon turn to…..nasty Israelis, killing all those nice beheaders.
A few days ago Daniel Greenfield wrote one of his best essays
“The deadly Israeli house strikes again” on his Sultanknish blog.
Read it and put this BBC propaganda out of your mind. For that ,clever though it is, is just what it is.
When they say the BBC is baised towards Israel what they really mean is that the BBC is forced to give the hated Israelis a chance to reply. The liberal would deny them even that.
Oh and before BBC apologists start to get upset I no longer care what they think. They are, as they have always been, on the other side.
Thanks, dave s, for the pointer to Daniel Greenfield’s essay. Yes, he points out the deadliest weapon in the Middle East – Israeli houses!
It is not only worth a read but also copying for future reference. What a pity a few dozen copies could not be sent to the great and the good in Newport.
Socialism and Islamic terrorism both need poverty, so the extermination of anyone with more money must be the reason that Socialists love Islam and hate Jews and Capitalists.
But last night I saw a BBC Drama set in the 1930’s about Chester Zoo, which suddenly had a contemporarily politically correct scene inserted as regards the actor who played the part of the sole Government employed Immigration Officer at the Docks.
I suppose it must be justified by some researched fact about Dock employees, but I imagine it was just another Frazer Steel fact, rewriting historical facts by turning evidence of a 1930’s Black Customs and Excise menial worker, into the sole senior uniformed government officer at the docks.
One must wonder about the actors. While I appreciate that the role is separate from the actor didn’t any of them ask themselves the same questions?
well well well.the same anti semetic alliance of white scuffy socalist workers party twats and there islamist mates who marched in support of hamas a few weeks ago.are down there in newport marching against nato and giving there support for the cousins of hamas these isis baby killing,women raping,beheading sunni muslims savages,boy dont the enemy within make you sick when they crawl from under there stones to spit in the face of the country that feeds them,houses them and gives these bums welfare benefits to march against are democracy and freedoms.
The Fatah chief was portrayed as living in squalor, more or less a mud hut.
Yeah, sure !
Whereas the Jewish family lived in utter luxury in London. Ostentatious OTT wealth – which is not like the Jews I know.
I ground my way through the whole series – but it was a real pain.
And so just now there is a beheading of an innocent eighty year old of Italian decent right in my home of Enfield Town (Edmonton). Apparently by a chap “recently converted to Islam”. Will the BBC accept that their constant lies & propaganda are now coming home roost? Of course not.
breaking news just off the press,it was muslim convert who beheaded that woman in london today according to the sun newspaper.
It had to be dragged out of them little by little to try to give them time to get some spin onto it , as the perpetrator was not named that was enough to ring alarm bells.
Had he been white a name and photograph would soon be published .
Had he been a black West Indian with an anglo Sottish just the name would have been published
When the perpetrator is a muslim it has to be dragged out of them
when i heard the word beheading, alarm bells rung in my head,when the police say they dont think this was a terrorist attack even more alarm bells rose in my head,now that he is a muslim convert which the police and the bbc and other media outlets tried to hide from us is even more worrying,that poor pensioner,may she rest in heaven and whoever done this rot in the deepest corner of hell,if this is another cover like the rotherham muslim paedo ring then there is going to be real anger over this,we want know the truth of what is going on here and no more lies and cover ups.
One has to wonder what the police define as a terrorist attack? Edmonton appears to be a mixed Muslim and other area (Italian?) It could be just coincidence that the neighbour the BBC chose to interview was called Muhammed Yusuf? Was there pressure to introduce Sharia Law for all inhabitants? Was their pressure to encourage the kuffer to find other accommodation?
At least the BBC Palmira Silva, 82, ‘beheaded’ in London garden didn’t rewritie the police statement as a militant attack although the ‘scare quotes’ return. Are the BBC suggesting that she possibly wasn’t beheaded, only knicked.
The photographs the BBC used are instructive,especially the 4th one.
Residents were evacuated from the area and the street has been cordoned off, police said
You’re absolutely right. Quite what the difference is between a beheading and a “suspected beheading” escapes me.
Poor Palmira Silva. RIP.
I’m interested to know that the Bbc was so free with the word “terrorist” in this production. You could listen to a year of beeboid “news” reporting, replete with any number of atrocities by hamas, isis, boko haram, al shabaab etc etc, and never see the word “terrorist” once.
I just went back to this article, from last December, about the trial of the murderers of Lee Rigby:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25424290 .
Note how the word “terrorist” is never used and how the word “muslim” appears only in the twenty-seventh paragraph, following a passage which seems designed to justify Michael Adebowale’s turn to terrorism (gist: as a drug dealer, he witnessed a murder, so became a muslim and, ermmm, decided to become a murderer himself).
The koran is both proscriptive, telling you what you are not permitted to do, and prescriptive, ordering you what to do, but it nowhere has a moral basis, such as other religions have. Killing Jews is prescribed, passim. “Love thy neighbour” is nowhere to be seen. Because there is no specific injunction in islamic “teachings” against raping eleven-year-old girls, or peddling heroin, or doing drive-by shootings, muslims do all of those things and can still consider themselves to be “good” muslims.
Not a terrorist attack they say ,the lady who was the victim must have been terrified .
They are saying it wasn’t a “terrorist” attack, but there are also suggestions that the suspect is a recent muslim convert, who was “inspired” by seeing events in the Middle East (more the atrocities by isis than the bits where Arabs get their comeuppance from the Israelis, I’m guessing). In my book, that would make him a terrorist.
You are quite right:- He may not have been a member of any “official” terrorist gang, but his action was an act of terrorism. Ergo, he is a terrorist.
Referring to the shooting of a knife bearing attacker we find a reference to the beheading of the 80 year old woman, which is now a suspected beheading.
‘The fatal shooting comes less than a day after an 82-year-old was killed in a suspected beheading in Edmonton, which is about eight miles from Shepperton Road’.
Terrorist?….nah….another poor victim of government austerity.
The Honourable Women sounds horrendous propaganda but this is also added to years of BBC produced propaganda against Israel shown at peak times to millions of viewers and without any doubt it is this accumulation that incites people to hatred of Israel and its people ( and since it is the only Jewish State -its people are the Jews ) See http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/fiction-as-fact.html and http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/fiction-as-fact-and-fact-as-fiction.html