Reports state, a convert to the “religion of pieces”
and within 12 months beheading a pensioner with a machete.
(and it could have been anyone non Muslim).
tick, tick, tick!
“Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.
However, detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.”
“WHAT! … On what grounds? Why? …
denial and wilful ignorance, of course”
R Spencer
Terrorism eh!,
… have they ruled out Islam?
… If they only examined the evidence eh?
oh I forgot, sorry … its the Met
Edmonton MP Andy Love said: “I am absolutely horrified and stunned by what has happened in my constituency.This is a relatively solid community with relatively good relations”
“Relatively?” … active Muslim community?
Lets not rush to judgement here, that is he BBC’s role. This could be the act of a truly mentally ill person. The conversion to Islam would fit in with a disturbed mind. People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts. Islam I think is a religion that fits well with delusional beliefs. So yes it may be that the tenets of Islam attracts this sort of delusional person.
There were claims by a friend of a friend (of his) on Twitter yesterday that he had been going large on social media recently with praise for ISIS, the beheadings etc.
That’s surely going to change the angle significantly if it turns out to be true. Mentally ill or no, he was influenced by ISIS and fellow travelers.
Hmmm – chicken or egg? Was he a delusional megalomaniac with fantasies of murdering old ladies with a machete and then became Muslim? Or did he become a Muslim and then became a delusional megalomaniac with fantasies of murdering old ladies with a machete?
Either way, not really good, and noticeable that he did not become a Christian. Or a Hundu. Or a Buddhist. Or a Seikh. Or Jewish.
The teachings of Islam and the Quoran (despite what politicians and BBC et al claim) provide homicidal maniacs a convenient platform upon which they can perform and justify their violent acts.
“The BBC’s role”, is to report the facts, they maybe (to some) unpalatable, but … they are facts, none the less.
This guy is admittedly disturbed, mentally ill, or whatever
he converted to Islam, he s muslim, he beheaded someone … muslims do that, stop unwarranted protectionism. BBC.
“People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts”
I guess would should be thankful he don’t convert to Christianity .He might have gone around forgiving people
Islam is a manifesto that legitimises any and all psychopathic or criminal behaviour- theft,slavery rape ,murder -there’s a verse in the Koran to justify them all
Which is why it is so eagerly embraced by so many in prison
It doesn’t matter though. We could argue that Hitler or Stalin were mentally ill with a disturbed mind. They still managed to gain power, oppress people through fear and kill millions though, didn’t they?
It only requires a social structure that gives such people power to force others to do their bidding.
Maybe the NHS could do a mental health check on all converts to Islam, so the psychopaths they net might be sent to Syria or Saudi for further tests.
Clearly if they think that Muhammad went to Jerusalem on a winged horse, or whatever…it`s a “cause for concern”…and given how many Muslims are in prison. are abusing little white girls/boys…there MUST be a Muslim Gene that needs seeking out, before we exonerate these mental defectives from what they are tending to do these days.
Maybe we could point all future padded cells and isolation blocks towards Mecca, as we design them.
Just doing my bit for social cohesion Medhi!
He cut the heads off cats, which gives an extra insight to the recent story about cats heads being found behind a restaurant in Manchester.
That was blamed on “right wing troublemakers” but it looks like it may have been somebody practising or relieving their primal urges. (Why the “right wing troublemakers” would go to the length of cutting heads off cats and then putting them in a rubbish bag where there is no guarantee they would ever be found is anybody’s guess.)
In Manchester, the cats had been pets that were beheaded because the Curry Mile there has yet to fund a suitable Kashmiri dish that can use a stuffed cats head.
Give them all time though
But it’s not random any more, is it? And increasingly, in the world he adopted, not strange either.
Looking at the BBC website, is anyone else reminded of the late Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam?
“In… in Saigon today, according to official sources, nothing actually happened. One thing that didn’t officially happen was a bomb didn’t officially explode at 1430 hours, unofficially destroying Jimmy Wah’s cafe.”
(Now why the heck has this comment landed in purgatory? I appear to be on some sort of naughty step around here, for reasons I cannot fathom)
Certainly not a “random” thing for an islamo-loon to do . Beheading seems very popular amongst adherents of a certain religion . But still unable to give his ethnicity or religion on the BBC .
“..Beheading seems very popular amongst adherents of a certain religion”
Meanwhile, in a left-field thinking part of the BBC ‘fiction as metaphor’ commissioning dept, re-running old Spooks episodes is being pondered.
I note with anger that the BBC is asking why could anyone in authority ignore the plight of the girls in Rotherham for fear of being labelled racist. They need look no further than themselves for the answer. In just the same way as they are now naming and shaming the guilty in Rotherham council, the BBC would have gone after them if they had brought cases against the Pakistani men involved and labelled them racists. Racist is a label thrown at anyone who stands up for British values, particularly by the BBC, and it a death sentence to anyone who has a job in the public sector.
The country is now reaping what the liberal left has sown. We can look forward to more and more tension between communities who share little in common except living in the UK. I despise the liberal left for what they have done to my country. They can stuff mass immigration, diversity and community cohesion if it means, allowing Pakistani men to abuse thousands of young girls but not to investigate and arrest them, if it means wondering when the next act of terror will take place, wondering it safe to take the tube , avoiding the centre of northern towns because you are seen as an outsider and stared at by groups of local men which makes you feel threatened. So much for the enrichment that mass immigration has brought us. But of course the BBC would say that I am a bigoted racist from the far right , not that I am just an ordinary bloke who can remember when we were a country at ease with itself and much preferred it that way.
“People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts”
I guess would should be thankful he don’t convert to Christianity .He might have gone around forgiving people
Islam is a manifesto that legitimises any and all psychopathic or criminal behaviour- theft,slavery rape ,murder -there’s a verse in the Koran to justify them all
Which is why it is so eagerly embraced by so many in prison
sorry wrong place , this is meant to be reply to ‘John Paul Jones ‘ above
But can any one tell me whyit would require moderating?
(I am Intrigued to know Mr/Ms Moderator)
There is no moderation here unless you have a long history of trolling or intentional ‘legal issue’ posts (Libel defamation etc); I think your problem would have been more likely to be a technical problem related than moderation.
I have made it clear to my sons that they should aim to be gone from England by 2025 at the latest.By that date the stresses will have made the place intolerable. The cities will be unliveable and the rest will be constantly under seige of some sort. That we as a family should be thinking this way after centuries is dreadful.
As to where to go that is difficult but there are options. it all depends on how goes the next five years. What needs to happen is that enough people go to make a new land in a new place. One family member is already there.
If things pan out as looks very possible the North Western USA ( Montana, Idaho, Dakotas Wyoming Washington State, and Western Canada look to have the space and the potential.
I expect the USA to fracture eventually into at least three parts. That part I mention would be more than keen in those circumstances to accept refugees from Europe of the right type. We can leave the liberals to their own devices. A useless lot that would struggle to survive lacking skills and common sense.
Never say this is impossible. The future is always fluid and nothing is off limits.
Following on from the beheading thread. Last night in the pub with the quiz team one remarked ” what is it with beheadings? Why do they all do that”?
It’s their religion I told him, it’s written in the Qur’an.
” Nah I don’t believe it! says he, and I have to give the chapter & verse of what it says.
Well making mischief doesn’t say making war !
And why execute an American journalist – he wasn’t ‘making mischief’
All of them are reasonable questions asked by millions of reasonable people up and down the UK, and it’s evidence of the lack of information being given by the UK media and the politicians to deliberately keep the populace in ignorance.
In most fields when there are two opposing views it would be normal to invite a representative from each side to discuss the issues at hand. But not with Islam, Oh no not at all. There is no way the BBC is ever going to allow the people to hear the evil in the Islamic texts no matter how one sided they can cook up the bias.
And so people still ask why it is that all this beheading is going on, and there’s no one around to tell them why.
Yes but you must have heard on the BBC that when you quote the verses that tell Muslims to behead people and to rape women, you are quoting out of context !!!!!!
The offer of a separate state will always be rebuffed by the ‘Palestinians’, because history tells us so and tells us why – you just won’t hear it on the BBC.
More or Less on Radio 4 doing its best to use statistics to downplay the attacks on Jews all over Europe.
Well they’re the most accepted group, you can guess who was the least accepted – largely because of their behaviour!
There’ve only been around 100 attacks on Jews – but there’s no attempt to tell the seriousness such as murders and attempted murders.
There’s no attempt to relate the lack of attacks on Muslims despite the supposed hatred of them.
Its just the BBC at it’s biased best turning even a program on statistics into a platform for fascist propaganda.
Is there anywhere an actual list of ‘communities’, and ‘attacks’ committed against them.
I’d be interested, and I am sure Mishal Husain would be too with her moral relativometer, how the respective outrages stack up, what with errant meat product deployment and nasty tweets for some and rather more personal, physical assaults on others.
It would then be interesting to match all this with who the BBC rushes to empathise with and who they choose to scold.
CST recorded 529 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2013, an 18 per cent decrease from the 649 antisemitic incidents recorded by CST for 2012 and the lowest annual total recorded by CST since 2005.6
The highest number of antisemitic incidents ever recorded by CST in a single year is 931 incidents, recorded in 2009.
Heard this too.
Like the crime figures-it`s the victims “misperception” of all those incidents(Toulouse, Liege, Brussels)…and the EUs deciding to put the attacks in the wider context(I.e aren`t Jews used to all this, and what else do you expect for poisoning Yosser Marrowfat?)…that makes this “analysis” by Tim Harford all the more odious.
Any fule no that the rise of unfettered immigration, the assertiveness and violence of accompanying Islam, the green lights given to such attacks by the Left, the BBC and the complete indifference of the CPS/police ALL lead to the obvious conclusion that it is now far more dangerous to be a Jew than it has been for many, many years.
If any of you ever see an Israeli flag in a shop window/Council office on “World Unity Day” or whatever gabfest they fund for “celebrating their diversities”…let me know…I`ve yet to see one.
It would get attacked and a window broken after the usual lefty protestors had Facebooked the evil provocation.
The EU will blame any Jewish attacks on “The Right”…but it is Islam and its Leftard bendybuses that actually do the attacks west of Dresden.
Not that the BBC will ever tell you-so f*** off Harford , you lying hound!
I am seldom exposed to live BBC ‘news’ ‘analysis’, but from posts here it seems Mehdi Hasan has slipped down the ‘gob-du-jour’ must have list for many BBC producers, perhaps since they discovered he actually works for a publication with ABC ratings almost in minus figures.
But at risk of a Candyman invocation, I simply hope he will remain obscure fare for our national disgrace given this may now be added to his CV:
No more than cattle? eh! …
A question, how do muslims treat their cattle?
Another … have you been unfortunate enough to go/or have seen halal butchery?
Out in the mmmad mad Islamic “world”, the head is lopped off with out the slightest passing thought, or concern.
Think about, those poor victims, the Yazidi s, the Christians, the US journalists … or maybe even DH if the gruesome threat is carried out …
I wonder if he chose the FT in honour of the new Trust Chair.
He certainly is doing his best to show just how nice it is to be in charge of the edit and immune from, well, anything.
Having given the dust a year to settle, he can’t resist using his position to say that, really, whatever he says or does, it’s actually about right no matter what.
Odd to scratch such a sore though. Labour may not be pleased that he chose them to point out that no one says anything of the least value out loud anywhere near the BBC… because the BBC will simply use it as something to be enhanced, good or bad, to suit their narrative. Even after 12 months. QED.
It’s a long piece, and may claim to be balanced as pros and cons and political hues are offered bouquets and brickbats in relatively equal measure.
I am just surprised at his arrogance, or innocence, that his return to an ideal of passion, truth and honesty have a hope in hell of ever returning.
Not least because of the dumbed-down gutter his programme high amongst many have dragged the process into.
And beyond lamenting practices the BBC has perfected and runs still, has he actually heard what his own top-floor colleagues come out with when the spotlight steers their way?
Even something anodyne from the DG or a ‘Head of’ is issued as a filtered waffle via an anonymous non-return spokesweasel.
Get your own house in order, chum; then pen stuff like this.
So farewell Joan Rivers.
Not only were her last words in favour of what Israel was doing in Gaza a month ago…and she poured bile on the dumbass liberal idiot who accosted her at the airport hoping for a sleb soundbite a la George Clooney or such…..but here, she crushes the evil race-hustling grievance-monging Channel 4 House tomcat…bloody Darcus Who.
And she sends Libby Bloody Purvies into orbit too.
Listen in from 4.30 on…God Bless You Joan!
BBC 6pm news reporting on the gangs of criminal thugs in Calais (the beeb calls them migrants). One paid US$1,000 to get from libya to Italy. Then this ILLEGAL immigrant made his way to Calais over a month and now plans on coming to blighty to escape persecution. How many safe countries has this criminal crossed so far? The BBC isnt interested in questions like that.
The beeb showed these criminals getting food from a soup kitchen charity in France, didnt mention France doesnt give them no benefits at all as theyve paid nothing into the french system, and the ONLY reason these gangs of CRIMINALS want to come to the UK is for YOUR hard earned cash in the form of benefits while our own ppl have to use food banks and freeze to death in the winter
The BBC, reporting the hardship of criminals trying to rob our country blind, failing to protect the British people who pay for the BBCs very existence via the licence fee. Effin’ scumbags
-information which BBC-NUJ does not appear to use, as this is not Ferguson, USA-
“‘The man’s next of kin have yet to be informed – at this stage all I will confirm is that he is a 40 year old black man, thought to be born in Islington.”
‘Daily Mail’-
“Armed police shoot dead man in volley of gunshots ‘like fireworks’ after he broke into woman’s home and threatened her with a knife following two-hour stand-off with officers. ”
On Radio 4’S weekly obituary prog. this afternoon they discussed Joan Rivers a bit – and stuck in the line that “some people were offended” by remarks she had made recently about Gaza.
I had seen the incident a few days ago – a brilliant response by straight-talking Rivers to a journalist at an airport, saying the BBC, CNN etc should be ashamed of themselves. “You are all insane – THEY started it !”
“What about civilian casualties ?” Don’t put your goddam rockets in private homes !”
No.They would be portrayed as liberators. The golden age of Islamic Spain etc. Just the sort of thing the worthless BBC would like.
Search Biased BBC
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” It’s just shocking he could have done something like this. It’s so random and strange, I just can’t believe it. Locals claimed Salvadore had converted to Islam last year”
BBC – police to quiz beheading suspect
Reports state, a convert to the “religion of pieces”
and within 12 months beheading a pensioner with a machete.
(and it could have been anyone non Muslim).
tick, tick, tick!
“Locals last night claimed the arrested man had converted to Islam last year.
However, detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.”
“WHAT! … On what grounds? Why? …
denial and wilful ignorance, of course”
R Spencer
Terrorism eh!,
… have they ruled out Islam?
… If they only examined the evidence eh?
oh I forgot, sorry … its the Met
Edmonton MP Andy Love said: “I am absolutely horrified and stunned by what has happened in my constituency.This is a relatively solid community with relatively good relations”
“Relatively?” … active Muslim community?
Lets not rush to judgement here, that is he BBC’s role. This could be the act of a truly mentally ill person. The conversion to Islam would fit in with a disturbed mind. People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts. Islam I think is a religion that fits well with delusional beliefs. So yes it may be that the tenets of Islam attracts this sort of delusional person.
There were claims by a friend of a friend (of his) on Twitter yesterday that he had been going large on social media recently with praise for ISIS, the beheadings etc.
That’s surely going to change the angle significantly if it turns out to be true. Mentally ill or no, he was influenced by ISIS and fellow travelers.
Hmmm – chicken or egg? Was he a delusional megalomaniac with fantasies of murdering old ladies with a machete and then became Muslim? Or did he become a Muslim and then became a delusional megalomaniac with fantasies of murdering old ladies with a machete?
Either way, not really good, and noticeable that he did not become a Christian. Or a Hundu. Or a Buddhist. Or a Seikh. Or Jewish.
The teachings of Islam and the Quoran (despite what politicians and BBC et al claim) provide homicidal maniacs a convenient platform upon which they can perform and justify their violent acts.
“The BBC’s role”, is to report the facts, they maybe (to some) unpalatable, but … they are facts, none the less.
This guy is admittedly disturbed, mentally ill, or whatever
he converted to Islam, he s muslim, he beheaded someone … muslims do that, stop unwarranted protectionism. BBC.
“People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts”
I guess would should be thankful he don’t convert to Christianity .He might have gone around forgiving people
Islam is a manifesto that legitimises any and all psychopathic or criminal behaviour- theft,slavery rape ,murder -there’s a verse in the Koran to justify them all
Which is why it is so eagerly embraced by so many in prison
It doesn’t matter though. We could argue that Hitler or Stalin were mentally ill with a disturbed mind. They still managed to gain power, oppress people through fear and kill millions though, didn’t they?
It only requires a social structure that gives such people power to force others to do their bidding.
Maybe the NHS could do a mental health check on all converts to Islam, so the psychopaths they net might be sent to Syria or Saudi for further tests.
Clearly if they think that Muhammad went to Jerusalem on a winged horse, or whatever…it`s a “cause for concern”…and given how many Muslims are in prison. are abusing little white girls/boys…there MUST be a Muslim Gene that needs seeking out, before we exonerate these mental defectives from what they are tending to do these days.
Maybe we could point all future padded cells and isolation blocks towards Mecca, as we design them.
Just doing my bit for social cohesion Medhi!
He cut the heads off cats, which gives an extra insight to the recent story about cats heads being found behind a restaurant in Manchester.
That was blamed on “right wing troublemakers” but it looks like it may have been somebody practising or relieving their primal urges. (Why the “right wing troublemakers” would go to the length of cutting heads off cats and then putting them in a rubbish bag where there is no guarantee they would ever be found is anybody’s guess.)
In Manchester, the cats had been pets that were beheaded because the Curry Mile there has yet to fund a suitable Kashmiri dish that can use a stuffed cats head.
Give them all time though
“It’s so random and strange”
But it’s not random any more, is it? And increasingly, in the world he adopted, not strange either.
Looking at the BBC website, is anyone else reminded of the late Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam?
“In… in Saigon today, according to official sources, nothing actually happened. One thing that didn’t officially happen was a bomb didn’t officially explode at 1430 hours, unofficially destroying Jimmy Wah’s cafe.”
(Now why the heck has this comment landed in purgatory? I appear to be on some sort of naughty step around here, for reasons I cannot fathom)
Certainly not a “random” thing for an islamo-loon to do . Beheading seems very popular amongst adherents of a certain religion . But still unable to give his ethnicity or religion on the BBC .
“..Beheading seems very popular amongst adherents of a certain religion”
Meanwhile, in a left-field thinking part of the BBC ‘fiction as metaphor’ commissioning dept, re-running old Spooks episodes is being pondered.
For ‘balance’.
No! It’s not beheading – it’s ‘beheading’ as if it didn’t really happen.
Ramzpaul on the muslim ISIS problem, ” What would Charles Martel or El Cid do ? If you don’t convert to Christianity, kill them !!”
I note with anger that the BBC is asking why could anyone in authority ignore the plight of the girls in Rotherham for fear of being labelled racist. They need look no further than themselves for the answer. In just the same way as they are now naming and shaming the guilty in Rotherham council, the BBC would have gone after them if they had brought cases against the Pakistani men involved and labelled them racists. Racist is a label thrown at anyone who stands up for British values, particularly by the BBC, and it a death sentence to anyone who has a job in the public sector.
The country is now reaping what the liberal left has sown. We can look forward to more and more tension between communities who share little in common except living in the UK. I despise the liberal left for what they have done to my country. They can stuff mass immigration, diversity and community cohesion if it means, allowing Pakistani men to abuse thousands of young girls but not to investigate and arrest them, if it means wondering when the next act of terror will take place, wondering it safe to take the tube , avoiding the centre of northern towns because you are seen as an outsider and stared at by groups of local men which makes you feel threatened. So much for the enrichment that mass immigration has brought us. But of course the BBC would say that I am a bigoted racist from the far right , not that I am just an ordinary bloke who can remember when we were a country at ease with itself and much preferred it that way.
I saw a depressing comment from an American on Breitbart today that captures this mood for me:
“England used to seem like the Shire. Now it’s more like Mordor”.
Yet the BBC will still continue to tell us in gleeful terms how great the “diverse” and “vibrant” parts of the UK are.
“People who are delusional are often attracted to religions of all sorts”
I guess would should be thankful he don’t convert to Christianity .He might have gone around forgiving people
Islam is a manifesto that legitimises any and all psychopathic or criminal behaviour- theft,slavery rape ,murder -there’s a verse in the Koran to justify them all
Which is why it is so eagerly embraced by so many in prison
sorry wrong place , this is meant to be reply to ‘John Paul Jones ‘ above
But can any one tell me whyit would require moderating?
(I am Intrigued to know Mr/Ms Moderator)
Hmmm – that’s better than average.
I read the articles but tend to avoid the comments. They seem to descend into discussions about “kickin ass” and the best gun to do it with.
I thought the DT was bad.
“England used to seem like the Shire. Now it’s more like Mordor”.
With the BBC fulfilling the role of Saruman
(Will this one be ‘moderated I wonder?)
There is no moderation here unless you have a long history of trolling or intentional ‘legal issue’ posts (Libel defamation etc); I think your problem would have been more likely to be a technical problem related than moderation.
I’d suggest Grima (Wormtongue) poisoning the mind of the leaders.
I have made it clear to my sons that they should aim to be gone from England by 2025 at the latest.By that date the stresses will have made the place intolerable. The cities will be unliveable and the rest will be constantly under seige of some sort. That we as a family should be thinking this way after centuries is dreadful.
As to where to go that is difficult but there are options. it all depends on how goes the next five years. What needs to happen is that enough people go to make a new land in a new place. One family member is already there.
If things pan out as looks very possible the North Western USA ( Montana, Idaho, Dakotas Wyoming Washington State, and Western Canada look to have the space and the potential.
I expect the USA to fracture eventually into at least three parts. That part I mention would be more than keen in those circumstances to accept refugees from Europe of the right type. We can leave the liberals to their own devices. A useless lot that would struggle to survive lacking skills and common sense.
Never say this is impossible. The future is always fluid and nothing is off limits.
The BBC does seem to flit easily between outrage and complicity.
‘In such a gilded cage, ethics and common-sense fairness should not be jettisoned at the drop of hat.
But they were.’
And better yet, Keith Vaz says it’s OK by him.
Following on from the beheading thread. Last night in the pub with the quiz team one remarked ” what is it with beheadings? Why do they all do that”?
It’s their religion I told him, it’s written in the Qur’an.
” Nah I don’t believe it! says he, and I have to give the chapter & verse of what it says.
Well making mischief doesn’t say making war !
And why execute an American journalist – he wasn’t ‘making mischief’
All of them are reasonable questions asked by millions of reasonable people up and down the UK, and it’s evidence of the lack of information being given by the UK media and the politicians to deliberately keep the populace in ignorance.
In most fields when there are two opposing views it would be normal to invite a representative from each side to discuss the issues at hand. But not with Islam, Oh no not at all. There is no way the BBC is ever going to allow the people to hear the evil in the Islamic texts no matter how one sided they can cook up the bias.
And so people still ask why it is that all this beheading is going on, and there’s no one around to tell them why.
Is it just me or is there a link between Halal slaughter and beheading?
Yes but you must have heard on the BBC that when you quote the verses that tell Muslims to behead people and to rape women, you are quoting out of context !!!!!!
Snapshot: The biggest problems facing the world
According to the BBC:
Ukraine, Syria, Islamic State, Militant Islam, Afghanistan, Israel-Gaza, Ebola.
What do 5 of the 7 have in common?
Nothing much happening in most of Africa, South America, Asia. They will be so pleased.
How does your list compare?
Israel-Gaza WTF? A short if brutal war with by international standards very limited casualties and little liklihood of spread.
I noticed something of a glaring omission on the BBC news website today.
I can’t find any mention of the Egyptian offer to let Palestinians settle in Sinai or the fact it was rebuffed.
The offer of a separate state will always be rebuffed by the ‘Palestinians’, because history tells us so and tells us why – you just won’t hear it on the BBC.
More or Less on Radio 4 doing its best to use statistics to downplay the attacks on Jews all over Europe.
Well they’re the most accepted group, you can guess who was the least accepted – largely because of their behaviour!
There’ve only been around 100 attacks on Jews – but there’s no attempt to tell the seriousness such as murders and attempted murders.
There’s no attempt to relate the lack of attacks on Muslims despite the supposed hatred of them.
Its just the BBC at it’s biased best turning even a program on statistics into a platform for fascist propaganda.
‘There’ve only been around 100 attacks on Jews’
Doubtless the Newsnight special with a special rapporteur emoting around whole new communities in fear is still being considered by Ian Katz?
TellMama would be pretty good for the new Italian one on the grief list, but I guess that one is taken.
Is there anywhere an actual list of ‘communities’, and ‘attacks’ committed against them.
I’d be interested, and I am sure Mishal Husain would be too with her moral relativometer, how the respective outrages stack up, what with errant meat product deployment and nasty tweets for some and rather more personal, physical assaults on others.
It would then be interesting to match all this with who the BBC rushes to empathise with and who they choose to scold.
CST recorded 529 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2013, an 18 per cent decrease from the 649 antisemitic incidents recorded by CST for 2012 and the lowest annual total recorded by CST since 2005.6
The highest number of antisemitic incidents ever recorded by CST in a single year is 931 incidents, recorded in 2009.
But nothing for 2014 or a list.
Heard this too.
Like the crime figures-it`s the victims “misperception” of all those incidents(Toulouse, Liege, Brussels)…and the EUs deciding to put the attacks in the wider context(I.e aren`t Jews used to all this, and what else do you expect for poisoning Yosser Marrowfat?)…that makes this “analysis” by Tim Harford all the more odious.
Any fule no that the rise of unfettered immigration, the assertiveness and violence of accompanying Islam, the green lights given to such attacks by the Left, the BBC and the complete indifference of the CPS/police ALL lead to the obvious conclusion that it is now far more dangerous to be a Jew than it has been for many, many years.
If any of you ever see an Israeli flag in a shop window/Council office on “World Unity Day” or whatever gabfest they fund for “celebrating their diversities”…let me know…I`ve yet to see one.
It would get attacked and a window broken after the usual lefty protestors had Facebooked the evil provocation.
The EU will blame any Jewish attacks on “The Right”…but it is Islam and its Leftard bendybuses that actually do the attacks west of Dresden.
Not that the BBC will ever tell you-so f*** off Harford , you lying hound!
BBC even handed reporting :-
Muslim attacks on Non Muslims i.e.:- Beheading, rape, beating.
equate to:-
Non Muslim attacks on Muslims i.e. :- daubing paint on a Mosque.
What’s the deal with Russian tank driver Jo Brand ? she’s never off the BBC, she must have photographs of Tony Hall in a compromised position.
Nice pies in the canteen.
Didn’t realize it was a she.
I am seldom exposed to live BBC ‘news’ ‘analysis’, but from posts here it seems Mehdi Hasan has slipped down the ‘gob-du-jour’ must have list for many BBC producers, perhaps since they discovered he actually works for a publication with ABC ratings almost in minus figures.
But at risk of a Candyman invocation, I simply hope he will remain obscure fare for our national disgrace given this may now be added to his CV:
If one dainty digit pauses over the iPhone address button as ways to ‘explain’ Edmonton are sought, this will have been worth it.
Poor old, “Puff Ho”,
Mr Hasan,
“In this respect, the Koran describes the atheists as “cattle”
No more than cattle? eh! …
A question, how do muslims treat their cattle?
Another … have you been unfortunate enough to go/or have seen halal butchery?
Out in the mmmad mad Islamic “world”, the head is lopped off with out the slightest passing thought, or concern.
Think about, those poor victims, the Yazidi s, the Christians, the US journalists … or maybe even DH if the gruesome threat is carried out …
are they treated like cattle?
Earlier Mr. Katz of the BBC Guardian alumni club was mentioned; not in a good way. Here he is again:
An interesting piece on a variety of levels.
I wonder if he chose the FT in honour of the new Trust Chair.
He certainly is doing his best to show just how nice it is to be in charge of the edit and immune from, well, anything.
Having given the dust a year to settle, he can’t resist using his position to say that, really, whatever he says or does, it’s actually about right no matter what.
Odd to scratch such a sore though. Labour may not be pleased that he chose them to point out that no one says anything of the least value out loud anywhere near the BBC… because the BBC will simply use it as something to be enhanced, good or bad, to suit their narrative. Even after 12 months. QED.
It’s a long piece, and may claim to be balanced as pros and cons and political hues are offered bouquets and brickbats in relatively equal measure.
I am just surprised at his arrogance, or innocence, that his return to an ideal of passion, truth and honesty have a hope in hell of ever returning.
Not least because of the dumbed-down gutter his programme high amongst many have dragged the process into.
And beyond lamenting practices the BBC has perfected and runs still, has he actually heard what his own top-floor colleagues come out with when the spotlight steers their way?
Even something anodyne from the DG or a ‘Head of’ is issued as a filtered waffle via an anonymous non-return spokesweasel.
Get your own house in order, chum; then pen stuff like this.
Comments are, of course, closed.
So farewell Joan Rivers.
Not only were her last words in favour of what Israel was doing in Gaza a month ago…and she poured bile on the dumbass liberal idiot who accosted her at the airport hoping for a sleb soundbite a la George Clooney or such…..but here, she crushes the evil race-hustling grievance-monging Channel 4 House tomcat…bloody Darcus Who.
And she sends Libby Bloody Purvies into orbit too.
Listen in from 4.30 on…God Bless You Joan!
BBC 6pm news reporting on the gangs of criminal thugs in Calais (the beeb calls them migrants). One paid US$1,000 to get from libya to Italy. Then this ILLEGAL immigrant made his way to Calais over a month and now plans on coming to blighty to escape persecution. How many safe countries has this criminal crossed so far? The BBC isnt interested in questions like that.
The beeb showed these criminals getting food from a soup kitchen charity in France, didnt mention France doesnt give them no benefits at all as theyve paid nothing into the french system, and the ONLY reason these gangs of CRIMINALS want to come to the UK is for YOUR hard earned cash in the form of benefits while our own ppl have to use food banks and freeze to death in the winter
The BBC, reporting the hardship of criminals trying to rob our country blind, failing to protect the British people who pay for the BBCs very existence via the licence fee. Effin’ scumbags
-information which BBC-NUJ does not appear to use, as this is not Ferguson, USA-
“‘The man’s next of kin have yet to be informed – at this stage all I will confirm is that he is a 40 year old black man, thought to be born in Islington.”
‘Daily Mail’-
“Armed police shoot dead man in volley of gunshots ‘like fireworks’ after he broke into woman’s home and threatened her with a knife following two-hour stand-off with officers. ”
Read more:
On Radio 4’S weekly obituary prog. this afternoon they discussed Joan Rivers a bit – and stuck in the line that “some people were offended” by remarks she had made recently about Gaza.
I had seen the incident a few days ago – a brilliant response by straight-talking Rivers to a journalist at an airport, saying the BBC, CNN etc should be ashamed of themselves. “You are all insane – THEY started it !”
“What about civilian casualties ?” Don’t put your goddam rockets in private homes !”
RIP Joan Rivers.
Will INBBC report, or oppose even, the Islamic jihad enemy threat to Spain and Portugal?
“Islamic jihadists vow to free Iberian Peninsula from ‘Spanish and Portuguese occupation’”
No.They would be portrayed as liberators. The golden age of Islamic Spain etc. Just the sort of thing the worthless BBC would like.