Whatever the BBC’s roving reporter Jon Donnison is it’s not the renowned Alistair Cooke….Donnison doesn’t seem to know which continent he’s on, I’m not sure what planet he’s on.
Despite the BBC spending a large wodge of licence fee dosh on sending Donnison to Australia it seems he is still having flashbacks to Gaza, and can’t help telling the world…no doubt two weeks in Gaza without latte and a cinnamon bun and a dose of the Guardian imbibed daily has brought on PTSD.
What’s happening in Oz? It’s raining, and it has a slower internet speed than Romania.
That hasn’t stopped Donnison from updating us on his personal crusade in an excited newsflash:
Donnison claimed Hamas had nothing to do with the kidnapping of 3 Israeli teens….and here he tries to suggest the Times of Israel article backs him up…trouble is, it doesn’t…as Donnison knows.
The TOI does say that ‘The officer revealed that the terror attack is believed to have been a local initiative rather than a directive from above’…..
That does not mean it was not an Hamas operation….it was approved of and paid for by Hamas….for Donnison to claim it wasn’t an Hamas operation just because Hamas HQ didn’t think up the idea is verging on dishonest when you read on:
The two men at the heart of the attack were the brothers Hussam and Mahmoud Kawasme. The latter, who lives in Gaza, was released from a 20-year sentence in an Israeli prison for his role in a 2004 suicide attack in Beersheba and exiled, as part of the Gilad Shalit deal, to the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave.
Hussam, whom the Shin Bet said played a “staff officer role” in the attack, asked his brother for, and received, NIS 220,000 ($61,000) in cash in order to fund an attack, the Shin Bet said.
So Kawasme, a Hamas operative in Gaza, ran the operation past his bosses, who must have approved it and decided to fund it.
Kawasme is described in the indictment and by the Shin Bet as a command-level Hamas operative, who obtained funding for the kidnapping from his brother, a Hamas member whom Israel expelled to the Gaza Strip as part of the Gilad Schalit deal.
Palestinian sources: Teens’ killing planned, funded by Hamas
The brother of a Palestinian man arrested as the ringleader of a terror cell that kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teens in June, suspected of funding the attack, has fostered deep Hamas ties since being deported to Gaza, Palestinian security sources said.
His ties to the attack and to Hamas will likely further implicate the terror group in the killings. Israel has alleged Hamas involvement, though Hamas’s leadership has denied any connection to the scheme.
According to Palestinian sources, Mahmoud Kawasme initiated and planned the kidnapping along with his brother Hussam. Senior members of Hamas’s military wing were aware of the plan, and gave him money to fund the attack. The kidnappers needed vehicles, Israeli license plates, weapons, and safe houses.
Donnison is being economical with the truth here….and twists it once more with his other Tweet claiming the Israeli police officer ‘told him’…falsely and slyly trying to bolster his story with the credibity of an Israeli police spokesman…@MickyRosenfeld was right in what he told me 6 weeks ago. Lone cell, not hamas leaders.
Trouble is Micky Rosenfeld denies having told Donnison that and Donnison hasn’t come up with any proof he did.
Rosenfeld said that he had told Donnison what the Israeli government had been saying all along. “The kidnapping and murder of the teens was carried out by Hamas terrorists from the Hebron area.”
It looks like Donnison concocted a story from the facts and due to his desperation to spin for Hamas only heard what he wanted to hear…..and now keeps digging himself deeper by refusing to acknowledge he was and is wrong.
It is quite clear Hamas were deeply involved in this, the main planner being an Hamas member, Hamas approving of and funding the operation.
Here’s something from the Times of Israel that Donnison decided not to share with us:
Be Responsible When Sharing Images on Facebook and Twitter
Terrorist organizations are bad enough – you don’t need to use falsified images to portray the horror they inspire. The real McCoy is as evil as it gets.
Good advice. Donnison pay attention.
An Appeal:
If you want to help Donnie get into the mood and the swing of things in OZ, which he seems to have trouble doing, go buy him a T- shirt like the one at the top of this post..not only is it suitable for a warm climate it also comes with an uplifting message encouraging professionalism and a critical outlook on the world….and it’s sold by the Guardian…so kosher for a BBC ‘Friend of Hamas’.
I cannot grasp why Mr Donnison holds the beliefs he has. Does anyone know if he has any religious beliefs or is he an atheist? If he is an atheist, is he a Marxist? Given that all the trouble in the world these days seems to be caused by muslims, marxists, atheists and kaballists perhaps we should be told, as a matter of course, the dogma that informs the bbc’s self-styled reporters/journalists.
Maybe if he’d stayed in Gaza he’d have been in a position to report on this, from the horse’s mouth:
Hamas: Give Us West Bank So We Can Destroy Israel
Funny how none of the other Beeboids in the area, who only recently were happy to publish any old Hamas press release re casualty figures, Israeli ‘war crimes’, etc., as gospel (if you’ll excuse the grotesque metaphor), seem to have noticed it or deemed it newsworthy. Maybe Hamas should have added some old picures of dead Syrian babies to get his attention.
Would love to see Joan Rivers’ daughter sue this arsehole
When will Donnison get it into his thick head that Hamas and most Arab states are more interested in the destruction of Israel than they are in the creation of a ‘Palestinian’ state? History tells him that, recent conflicts tell him that, Islamic propaganda tells him that.
If the BBC were interested at all in preserving it ‘reputation’ for impartiality and balance it would come down on Donnison like a ton of bricks and give him a written warning. As they haven’t and they won’t, it just goes to show that the Charter isn’t worth the paper it’s written on – in fact they probably used it up long ago for wiping their arses on.