A frothy little post nailing Victoria Coren’s ‘feminist’ hypocrisy which she berates us with courtesy of her privileged platform on the BBC, but it has a serious undertow….the usual BBC bias…as demonstrated year in year out by its approach to reporting on UKIP…originally trying hard to ignore UKIP even as it wiped the board in local elections, then trying to ridicule it or denounce it as the nearest thing to the Nazi party we have in the UK. Failing to stem the ever growing popularity of UKIP and having to grudgingly start to give UKIP some airtime and a nodding acquaintance with ‘acceptability’ the BBC still manages to slip in the odd sly allusion to fascism and the far right into its reports but its last resort is its comedy shows where the oh so middle class comedians can’t get their heads around the fact that UKIP’s ideas on Europe and immigration are immensely popular…and therefore maligning them on TV or the radio might look like we have an elitist broadcasting organisation that is set up to serve the few who regard themselves not only the voice of the nation but its moral, ethical and intellectual guides who look down on the great unwashed that pays their inflated wages.
Is that democracy?
Peter Oborne fulminated on the death of democracy as it is apparently being bludgeoned to death by those unwilling to participate in the good natured political raillery epitomised by the likes of George Galloway. Oborne raised the alarm that politicians are being physically intimidated from participating in the democratic process.
That may or may not be true though it certainly wasn’t a ‘political’ attack on Galloway, so democracy is safe yet. However what Oborne didn’t investigate was a different sort of intimidation and subornment of the democratic political process….that of the Media seeking to destroy a political party.
When one political party outside the ‘Establishment’ such as UKIP, or indeed group such as the EDL, are singled out by the Media for an intensive barrage of lies, smears and innuendos with the intent of maligning their reputation and undermining their credibility and authority who can say that democracy is alive and well.
All the more so when the one source of news and information that the public should be able to rely on, the UK’s dominant news source, the BBC, is a full participant in the witch hunt. Far from providing balanced, informative news the BBC descended to the same level as the highly partisan press in its contemptible, sustained and savage attacks on UKIP…not forgetting of course the BBC’s campaign against the EDL which it dubbed ’poisonous’, a group it claimed ’polluted’ people’s minds. A group the BBC set out to destroy. The trouble is the EDL were right in their attempt to highlight the downsides to Islam in a western progressive democracy….and even the self -proclaimed anti-racist Dan Hodges has finally had to take their line….Too many of Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why.
‘We can’t carry on like this. We just can’t. I don’t know why we have a specific problem of Muslim integration. I’m not sure anyone does. But I suspect one of the reasons is no one has really taken the time or effort to formally try and find out. And now we have to take time.
Because this I do know. The days when we could simply ignore the issue are over.
Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why.’
The BBC has kept up a relentless barrage against UKIP, everything from endless damaging news stories about UKIP members or councillors, or dragging up Nigel Farage’s supposed past….only a few days ago Newsnight’s editor, Ian Katz, was lauding LBC’s James O’Brien who conducted an interview with Farage seemingly, you’d have to assume, after O’Brien had consumed copious amounts of hallucinogenic drugs. He was certainly tripping on something…though not over the truth. The same James O’Brien who Newsnight now seeks to employ…guess we know where they are coming from.
The BBC continues its campaign via its current affairs programmes and into its ‘comedy’ shows such as the Now Show and the Brig Society, both of which, when the muse fails them, or just when they get the urge, indulge themselves with a bit of gratuitous UKIP bashing…someone wants to loosen the gun laws?…oh that’ll be UKIP so they can shoot more immigrants….no really, that was a joke on the Now Show.
Have I got News For You is also in on the act and consistently drags UKIP’s name through the mud.
Some may remember a particularly bad show when Godfrey Bloom braved the slings and arrows and put himself in the stocks.
One of the ‘comedians’ took a particular dislike to Godfrey and proceed to vilify him throughout the programme for his alleged sexist attitudes and abuse of women.
This particular comedian, Victoria Coren, took especial umbrage at a photograph of Bloom enjoying himself immensely at a party with his face buried in a stripper’s well padded chest, despite the girl, having voluntarily taken up such a career, looking to be taking it all in her stride and laughing at the harmless, if juvenile, fun that it all is.
Not so Coren who berates poor old Godfrey, who could never have imagined that his boundless boyish good humour and playful partying could lead to a narrow minded dressing down by a sharp tongued ‘comedian’ who appoints herself the guardian of British womanhood.
However Coren herself seems to think it is OK for her to act in a servile way…it’s OK…it’s Art:
I would have ignored her indefinitely had she not decided to lecture me, from a very elevated position indeed, on the subject of ‘addiction’. She did this here .
From a similar very elevated, and privileged, position she decided to lecture and scorn Godfrey Bloom for his antics.
Perhaps that wasn’t wise of Coren when you realise that she used to make pornographic films and admits that she sees nothing wrong with a good bit of heterosexual porn on the shelves at home…alongside the photo albums of holiday snaps no doubt…see later for reference relevance.
Yes, I once made a porn movie. Which is why I feel qualified to share a few hot tips
My own porn days are long behind me. It was in 2001 that I struck out for Amsterdam with nothing but my best friend Charlie, two cheap home movie cameras (one of them without a working microphone) and a budget of £15,000 with which to make the greatest blue movie of all time.
The money had been fronted to us by a respectable publishing house, as part of an advance payment for which it received a book about our X-rated adventures called Once More, With Feeling.
In Once More, With Feeling, Victoria Coren worries whether people will think her “a nasty old tart”.
Coren believed there was a place for heterosexual porn in the home….but don’t you dare push your face into a stripper’s décolletage.
Curiously she isn’t averse to using her own charms to distract her fellow poker players…nor too fussy about the venue’s choice of entertainment…never mind the sinful ‘gambling’…..
Coren is forever trying to lecture people on how to live, and love, it seems. No one is safe, not even an innocent tourist out enjoying a day trip to Las Vegas. Coren decides they should be fully immersing themselves in the views and absorbing the memories. The tourists themselves prefer to take a few snaps to help preserve those memories.
Ironically Coren herself is not immersing herself in the views, concerned as she is with the tourist’s philistine behaviour….so much so that she spends her time taking photos of them taking photos (see above)…and then writing it all up in her own blog.
She declares…..
Come on, people! Put the camera down and look! What kind of film do you think you’ll have when you get home anyway? What kind of photograph? You’ll have a small, square frame of an astonishing view that your eyes could just take in whole! But you’re not actually seeing it, because you’re too busy creating a bad, blurry version of an aerial picture of Las Vegas that’s been taken a million times before, much better than you’re going to manage, and is all over the internet anyway. Here, look. Have this one.
You don’t need that photo you’re taking! Just have the experience! Just stand there and look at the thing, and then remember it! The vision in front of you is real! Why do you think it will only become real when you look at it on screen later? Stop being so bloody 21st Century!
Sorry. I got cross for a moment there.
Ironically….here is a piece from her blog bringing to us the joyous visions she has enjoyed on her hols…and taken pictures of…..
Accept that disapproving lectures to your loved one, or about strangers, cannot possibly be helpful – and then it’s fine to say you will lecture anyway because they’re so bloody annoying. Or frightening. That’s OK.
Well in that spirit here’s some critiqueing from the cheap seats:
I don’t know so much about VC. She may be a good looker, but she’s got a very sharp tongue about her, and she can be very catty at times, eg when commentating on poker on CH4 she did a fair few (unnecessary) personal put-downs of some of the players.. Whatever, I wouldn’t care to get on the wrong side of her. She comes across as having a rather ruthless streak about her.
I didn’t like Victoria Coren, I thought she seemed patronising and weasel like.
As for Victoria Coren, I humbly know that as a woman I cannot possibly understand her appeal to so many of you – but I have to say that I find both her and her brother Giles rather smug and self-satisfied whereas her Dad Alan was a wonderful comic and yet not at all priggish.
She is a good poker player though.
She said something along the lines of Mumsnet being a site for women to join and congratulate themselves for having children. Very disparaging, and she came across as a bit of a twat.
Seems she is married to someone who is of a like mind...sucking the joy out of every occasion:
David Mitchell on stag nights…I watched the video but had to turn it off…he is extraordinarily tedious and hard going……..
Stag nights. Now the stag night is a totally invented tradition.
But that’s ok, so are lots of basically good things like Christmas cards and Scottish tartans.
And I suppose come to that, so ultimately are weddings, Christmas and Scotland.The problem lies in the arrogance of trying to be unique.
Now that not everyone simply goes to the pub,
the pressure is on each new groom to prove his wedding, and by extension he himself,
are so special that only ten days white water rafting in a paddle steamer crewed by strippers can adequately reflect it.
Whereas, of course it doesn’t work like that.
If you’re boring, no amount of high-speed water prostitution will save you.
If you’re not, then a night in the pub with your friends will be great.
As you may have noticed, there are some professional hen night hunters and serious stag do spoilers out there.
The last thing any hen night organiser wants is some sour faced, dreary analyst taking every opportunity to ask if the hen night accessories you bought were ethically sourced from the wheels of recycled Peruvian mobility scooters.
Questioning the integrity of a T-shirt manufacturer is one thing, boring the pants off everyone till they prove there wasn’t a more sensitive way of celebrating the hen night is another – remember, they chose to go to Dublin dressed as nuns draped in condoms!
If you want to take an altogether different approach, there are plenty of classy stag party options. That’s ‘options’ – no one is getting on a soapbox to say you shouldn’t stay at home writing clever comedy, introverting yourself into an early grave.
Nor are they Tallinn you to go around tearing up foreign capitals on some vodka-fuelled crusade. Trips are laid on, and the booze is often super-cheap, but ultimately, it’s people who decide how they act and celebrate on a stag party – and they don’t care what you think!cornerswell
16 June 2011 1:08pm
I can’t think of anything worse than going on one of these incredibly loud and expensive ego-fests either, but it’s getting to the point with David Mitchell that, even if he was talking about something that I absolutely loved, he’d completely suck the joy out of it for me, completely and for ever.
I’m not suggesting that you start skipping around singing hello birds, hello trees, David, but you’re starting to depress the hell out of me. Please go away for a bit
Yes Victoria you really have met your soul mate…sucking the joy out of life for everyone else.
Still someone loves you enough to spend time photoshopping you, it’s very, very good, I’ve looked very, very closely and can’t see the join………..
Good job she has a sense of humour:
and so does David, allegedly:
Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why
WTF? Is Hodges a moron? It’s bloody obvious why Muslims fail to integrate.
For years the liberal elite have treated ‘integration’ and ‘assimilation’ as the dirtiest words in their lexicon. They have out and out refused to permit Muslims to integrate and done everything in their power to keep them in a separate box, just as they have with other minority cultures and religeons. All in the name of Multiculturism. They had to be kept seperate in order to keep the inter-group competion and, inevitabley, conflict going. Anyone who even mooted in the mildest terms possible that it was unhealthy to have large groups of people who saw no reason to become part of the wider culture and couldn’t even support the England cricket team was shouted down and silenced, by new laws designed solely for that purpose.
The BBC has played its part in this right to the line. They will happily hire murders, child rapists, thugs, drug smugglers, thieves, burglars, perjurers and God knows what else. But there is one crime that gets you off air as fast as anything – saying something even slightly racist. Suggest, in private, that a tennis player looks a bit like a golliwog – gone. Don’t want your daughter in the same car as an Asian taxi driver – gone. Played a song played a thousand times before that contains the word ‘nigger’ – gone. There are many other examples.
So, no, it’s no mystery why some Muslims won’t integrate. What amazes me is that it has taken so long for Hodges to notice.
As to Mitchel, he can be funny but he is, as the chap says, a joy mop at times. Like all the rest he has to take the right, i.e. left side in order to keep working.
Coren? Well now I know she’s done a porn film I think my activity for the afternoon is now booked. Now which piratebay is still open …
Hodges is most indeed a moron…..when he wrote in the Telegraph, i suggested he sit down and read the Koran…….then he’ll know….prat….
Agreed, he is a moron. He wants to know why Muslims don’t integrate, but he asks as if it is our fault. But Catholics and Jews and Seikhs and Hindus and Buddhists all do integrate, so it is not the white guy’s fault, Dan, it really is not.
He also works for ‘Hope Not Hate’ who’ll be on the streets of Rotherham, supporting the rights of Muslim savages to rape white children, this coming Saturday.
…And also a founder of wacko open borders lobby group ‘Migration Matters’
Victoria Coren spoils the otherwise-interesting ‘Only Connect’ (now moving to BBC2) by her repeated drones of me-me-me-look-at-me-I’m-an-alcoholic-smartarse.
Victoria Coren, yet another beneficiary of the BBC’s nepotism.
Did you know the likes of her was not born with a “silver spoon in her mouth”, oh no!
She was born with a silver microphone where the sun don’t shine, just like the Dimblebums and others.
Offspring of a wealthy sleb. And thus, of course, absolutely qualified and entitled to tell everyone how to live and what is right and wrong.
Chattering-class media whores, how to count the ways they boil my pee? I think that ‘acting like they’re Important People Doing Something Useful just because some other chattering-class twat pays them for their dribblings’ has to be near the top of the list.
She needs a damn good seeing to…..and i’m the man to make her squeal…….The Lord Flashheart…tally ho. Married to that chinless drip, she wants the ripping, scorching creature in my pants……HUZZAH……
Victoria Coren has always irritated me. She thinks she’s so clever. I think she should be abolished along with the TV licence.
Feminists and their pathetic henpecked male useful idiots are a bunch of useless, egotistical, self-absorbed c**ts. Much in the same vein as cultural theorists or sociologists. As far as I’m concerned, they can p*ss off.
Cracking pair of tits, though. What a waste.
Should that read “waist”?
Maybe Godfrey could road test them for us !
I have to admit that i don’t know who David Mitchell or Victoria Coren are although I do agree she
has a great pair of titslooks niceI like them both. They are an attractive and entertaining pair.
I think Godfrey should road test them.
David himself isn`t funny, but Peep Show used to be.
Was talking to some UKIP bloke yesterday from Bryanston-on holiday i`m guessing.
I`m thinking of writing him a “feem toon”( as Little Britain once said) for the Scots grab bag coming up.
1. When Two Mice Go to War…tribute to FGTH
2. I would walk 400 miles(approx 640 kilometers)…Pint of lager being the chorus to this Proclaimers classic…and some fetching tartan skirts and white socks for the video.
3.Hey You (och aye or noo?)…in the style of Pink Fraud…sorry Floyd.
I also have managed to find Two Scots who will argue aye or noo on a Dryborough Heavy Crate…and who want their votes to be registered from sunny Exeter.
It`s good enough for professional Jock Rod (Stewie )Stewart…it`s good enough for our wee twain laddies!
All bawbies spent( once the turnstiles have been emptied Jimmy, mark you) on our “Stirling” production will be going to LimeAid(other brands are, of course, available).
No-David Mitchell isn`t funny…this has been a “Public Service Announcement “…with guitars follow…even if they`re air ones!
Hello Cleveland!
You are all, of course; invited to offer lyrics and ideas…no prizes these days after Wossy, but an air Golden Grammy may well be forthcomg…after the celebratory curry!
After getting bits of Evan Davis sexual ELF on the Toadmeister Show earlier…we need to reflect just on how low the BBC has brought us all!…fuck `em!
Is this the Victoria Coren that, like her brother, got there jobs through their father?
Tsk… I’m sure she got the job via an open, transparent and well-documented recruitment process which included plenty of opportunity for blind, lesbian Muslims to apply for the job as well.
Right, BBC?
No. No. The BBC is an “equal opportunities employer”
Asked the Corens, the Dimbleby’s, Sally Magnusson, The Snow boy, Ester Rantzen’s daughter (who goes by a different name)…and whoever else you can name. Yet to see new immigrants at the Beeb that the BBC are keen to promote.
Good point here PTV!
Which of the Mughal dynasties of the Media tribal class is doing best from the largesse of “our BBC”?
My first instinct would be the Dimblebys, by the time you`ve taken in Henrys worries about school dinners in Halifax…when his own siggie udders/sig others) obviously enjoy hand-picked rocket and blueberry corniche in THEIR luncheon receptacles!
But of course.
Is there a weighted table..a chart of Beeb leechies-time spent, money paid, no of spots,/own shows etc?
Don`t need to do the political one…including other names used, that`ll be the Benns closely followed by the Kinnocks(liable to change very soon).
See why the BBC and Labour need each other?…to share expense tips , over the State-paid creches of N1.
You may have noticed she may have been passable when younger, but now she is old, fatter and her looks are going.
Her husband married an old past it woman after her looks had gone. Makes me laugh!
I’d poker face
I gave her my heart and a diamond, but she clubbed me unconscious with a spade. BA-DUM TISH!
Actually I think David Mitchell is quite amusing, and certainly a few steps above Brigstocke and Russell Brand.
Mind you, I have stones out in the back garden that are a few steps above those tosswits.
Starkey took her, Harman, Shirley Williams and the Dimbley to the cleaners on QT. Told them what they were, privileged, nepotists who had no right nor reason to shout the odds at the rest of us. It was a joy. And you can’t say that very often on QT!