Here you go, a new open thread to detail the bias. How do you think they are covering the Scottish Independence issue, any bias there? It strikes me that they would love to see a YES vote. Your thoughts?
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Its a start
Martin Kimber:
“The Council has now decided what it must do to give the best possible protection for the children and young people of Rotherham. I believe that new leadership will enable the town to recover more quickly from the events of the last two weeks, and strongly signal a new beginning at this critical time in its recovery. The time is therefore now right for me to leave.”
The conceited arsehole…only cares about the past couple of weeks, because it has affected him, and his own…
What about the 20+ years of suffering for the poor white girls of Rotherham, at the hands of Labors favorite enrichers?
A piss stain on the planet is what these people are.
20 odd years!? … come on, and the rest
Rotherham councillors suspended in latest child abuse twist.
Hidden shame of two members of Rotherham’s disgraced council
Sunday/Daily Star, (really is well worth a read).
Noticed on the BBC, no mention of this at all, in fact I noted the past couple of weeks, the lack of indepth questioning and indeed airtime, over at least two Pakistani Muslim councillors.
Very strange indeed seeing as clear family links to drugs trade, and one being the ex owner of a Rham taxi firm, (taxis at school gates/night time economy etc), another being in charge of scrutiny of childrens services!, previous denial of any problem, charged with violence etc … and family links to Yorks police who also carry blame.
Goodness … should have been the first place, to have tv cameras, virulent press pack, and radio reporters demanding answers on camera .. not some strange alternate universe, where for some reason, they re at the very back of the queue.
More information at
Utterly sickening.
Meanwhile, in the real, not-London centric, not media pimp world, where logic and rationality still apply, in a world where people have fuctioning brains and a modicum of their natural born intelligence, we are still paying billions a year of our own hard-earned taxes to an organisation that steadfastly refuses to report the news factually and without bias. WTF?
London media desperately want a NO vote.That is why they wre running as a big story the fall of the £ v $ but did not mention that the £ did not fall much against the Euro i.e the opinion poll showing YES ahead might only have been a minor factor in Sterling`s fall
‘ It strikes me that they would love to see a YES vote.”
Certainly coverage, handling of debates, vox pops, interviews, etc, can in no way be seen as anything but massively skewed.
But I cannot see why, as it will kill Ed’s chances stone dead.
And that… has some pretty serious consequences for the BBC elsewhere, unless other deals are being done elsewhere behind FoI-closed doors.
I would not trust any of the revolving PPE Oxbridge Old boys & Girls in the current political-media establishment one jot.
But for sure, no matter what comes out the BBC’s already barrel-bottom burrowing reputation for objectivity and integrity is now halfway to China.
“But I cannot see why, as it will kill Ed’s chances stone dead”
The Frog and the Scorpion springs to mind. Some people just want to watch the world burn and can’t pass such a chance by.
I used to use a separate shampoo and conditioner, but now im bald, i just polish and go
‘I used to use a separate shampoo and conditioner, but now im bald, i just polish and go’ A source close to the BBC has learned. That will be £145.50 or else, thank you.
Happened to be passing…
1. Following on from Gameshow Nikki a couple of weeks ago – I note that Victoria Dreadfulshire whored herself with a full-page puff in the Mail on Sunday – funny how they spend their careers deriding the Mail, but as soon as they have something to sell they skip the BBC house organs, Ariel, Independent, Guardian, Observer, with their non-existent readerships and head for the Mail’s several million.
Rancid hypocrites the lot of them.
2. Marr puffed himself also at the weekend. For him guess what the Telegraph. When asked how he would vote in the Aye/ nay referndum he said… ‘If I told you I’d be sacked tomorrow’.
Yeah right – because we never know the political preferences of any of the Droid retweetsarenotendorsements-ers do we.
3. Krugman on the Jock fantasy…
‘I find it mind-boggling that Scotland would consider going down this path after all that has happened in the last few years (in Europe)’
‘‘If I told you I’d be sacked tomorrow’.
Might be worth asking him the precedent for such a claim.
And now, back to Jasmine Lawrence, in the studio. Again. After a brief side-step a la Hugs et Al.
Regarding the referendum, from the odd couple of programs I’ve seen on the issue I have to admit I couldn’t detect any bias. My theory is that there’s a deadlock within the beeb’s upper echelons. There will be the trots who’d love to see the population stick it to the ‘man’ ie England, versus those who’d be horrified by the loss of all those Scottish labour MPs in Westminster.
Anyway if the ‘Yes’ vote manages to win I’ll definitely be getting blind drunk in celebration. Only problem will be how long it will take before they’re skint and our taxes will be ‘diverted’ to bail them out again,
this pretty much accords with my analysis, indeed the bbc’s studied neutrality on scottish nationalism contrasts with their unswerving support for every other kind of nationalism, the ira’s included.
Through most of the campaign I think theyve been quite pro Scottish independence. Perhaps like the Big Three high ups, theyre having last minute collywobbles.
Too right there’s a deadlock! A guaranteed Socialist Republic versus 50+ Liebore seats in Westminster, a northern leftist Paradise versus a chance to stop England reverting to traditional values. Bit of a bitch, that choice, for your average leftard.
Personally, the news that the “yes” campaign had finally made it into the lead forced me – yes, forced – to go buy a case of Chateau Haut Garrigue.
Should I recover, I may live to comment again.
And wile yer on…
Radio 4worththelicencefeealone seems to have developed a ‘comedy’ template.
Take an excruciatingly unfunny ‘comedian’, get them to perform an achingly politically correct mongologue in a ‘comedy’ voice, cut it with random very loud fake laughter, and broadcast it.
Helps of course if subject comedian is gay and/or minority.
Marcus Brigstocke, Susan McCalman and many more to come.
The bits I involuntarily heard of McCalman’s at the weekend there actually made me feel sorry for the poor droid who had to edit in the canned laughter. Like me, he really hadn’t a clue which were meant to be the funny bits, clearly threw in the towel , and slotted in the canned laughter anywhere there was a gap.
Brigstocke is possibly the biggest t*sser of the lot. Smug, sneering, patronising and every inch a paid-up Common Purpose troll. The only thing he has in common (see what I did there?) with any other BBC ‘comedian’ is
a. A noticeable absence of ‘comedy’ in all of his output
b. His impeccable left-wing credentials
And ‘b’ once again proves just how ‘impartial’ BBC comedy is (not). Just in case you weren’t getting that impression from, say, HIGNFY or…oh, I dunno, The News Quiz, or QI, etc, etc.
Just got BBC news Channel on, and the talking head had some breaking news for us, she informed us that 5 “men” convicted at Winchester Crown Court for a dating scam conning women out of huge sums of money.
I thought thats a bit strange, they didnt mention no names of the “men” that are convicted. A quick google search and the guilty “men” are
Monty Emu, 28, and Eberechi Ekpo, 26, from Southsea, Brooke Boston, 28, of Titchfield, Chukwuka Ugwu, 28, of Somers Town, Portsmouth, and Adewunmi Nusi, 36, of Thatcham, Berkshire,
Now is this an example of bad journalism, or is there some sort of common purpose here.
Now a reporter from Winchester crown court reporting on the dating scam. The BBC reporter gave an in depth report on how these women were scammed, including interviews with victims, but they still didnt mention the names of the accused, they were just referred to as “men”. One can only wonder why.
“…One can only wonder why.”
It’s a new BBC concept – it involves a certain amount of guesswork on the part of the viewer. Think of it as a game show. Your job, as the viewer, is to guess which bits of any given news story involving ‘those men’ the reporter is wilfully ‘forgetting’ to report. Hours of harmless fun – and you can play it just as easily on the radio as on the TV.
Or maybe it’s just lying by omission.
Yet they had no qualms in naming Cliff Richard, even though as far as I know he hasn’t even been charged with anything let alone convicted. Why wasn’t he referred to as “a singer” ?
Or just “a man”?
Or merely that ageing has-been, with a dubious past and even more dubious “religion”, complete with live-in vicar…
How about ‘a Barbados man’?
you can always tell if the culprit of any crime is either foreign of foreign decent or Muslim by the fact they exclude these very facts from the reporting.
Even my wife who is foreign spotted it years ago when she came to this country, she would listen to a new report and say the perpetrator is foreign etc .
One new report started with a black youth made an unprovoked attack on a white youth on a bus … 30mins later the same new report from the same new channel was a youth had been assaulted in an unprovoked attack…
‘Man’ = black/brown man.
‘White man” = white man.
The MSM and politically motivated (BBC tick both boxes) are afraid the average punter might start to notice that the ‘Men’ are disproportionately represented in crime reports and start asking awkward questions about the ‘benefits of multiculturalism’, perhaps even have the temerity to challenge that assertion!
Foreigners are quite prominent in BBC Crimewatch … as perpetrators. How long will it be before the BBC introduce quotas to make sure that more white, English baddies are shown?
Drops Crimewatch more likely.
Imagine if it had been a Conservative or UKIP Councillor of Jewish faith or ancestry: it would have been front page for a fortnight.
That’s rubbish, many MPs are Jewish ancestry and it is never referred to when and if they get up to no good. This idea that the BBC is anti Jewish is paranoia, when there are so many Jewish people, including among the high ups, at the BBC.
A Jewish criminal would simply be referred to as ‘white’ i.e treated no differently to other ‘whites’.
and the reason the BBC spent so much of our money keeping the Balen report out of the public eye was for what reason?
I don’t know, but being being pro Palestine doe snot equate with being anti Jewish.
BBC R4 trailer for programme on US pop art phenomenon Andy Warhol. Warhol was talented and influential. Nice to see the BBC giving new presenting talent a break as art historian Lenny Henry gets the gig.
Lenny Henry looks a scream
Hang him on my war-hor-hall
(apologies to D. Bowie, Hunky Dory)
I think there’s an ‘f’ missing in front of the ‘art’.
Shortly after 2pm the bbc tv news was having a right royal arse-licking contest with the world’s media, seeing who can most disgustingly bow and scrape before the monarchy parasites over the gestating foetus.
Does this slavishness reconcile with their all-embracing stance favouring right wing terrorist organisations? Has al-beeb suddenly shifted to the right? Let’s hear the royal views of Donnison, al-Bowen, Guerin, et al.
Funny that the bBBC doesn’t have room to report that birth defects in children of closely-related parents are the biggest killer of children in Bradford. I wonder why.
This inbreeding between cousins and the problems resulting is well known in the medical world even if the BBC still ignores it.
It’s even well known in the animal kingdom, after a fashion. They have checks and balances to minimise it.
The occasional cousin marriage is not really a problem but these people do it generation after generation , strange the M word is never used whenever this subject is mentioned on the BBC.
As Flexdream states, this has been known about for a very long time. I read a report nearly 15 years ago. Not just Bradford, but parts of East London, Birmingham, Manchester, all the usual places
Looking at the link you provided, isn’t it curious the report has a picture of a Caucasian baby on the front cover?
Thanks for the link, Sir Arthur.
Here’s a quote from it. (Don’t you love the term Too Bold A Brush?):
“”Dr Mohammed Iqbal, chairman of the of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Bradford, said efforts to raise awareness among South Asian communities had started, but there was more to be done
He said seeing it as a question of whether relatives should marry each other was “too bold a brush” to use, but that work should be concentrated among those families at greatest risk of passing down genetic anomalies””
Indeed this is a story that appears every now and again and then gets bounced as wacist.
So, there I was watching Doctor Who….I know, I know….but I have loved it since I was a kid….
Anyways, this weeks episode is about Robin Hood….fantastic, 12th century… they can’t politicly correct that up….can they?
Think again…
Within 10 minutes, “Climate change” had been mentioned, and within 20 mins, the 1st negro face of Sherwood was seen.
Why do I bother.
“the 1st negro face of Sherwood”
I don’t suppose he was a former slave liberated from the Saracen by the great Crusader Richard Coeur de Lion, by any chance?
The Lionheart was still fighting the crusades when the Robin Hood legend takes place. Hence Prince John and the Sheriff as the bad guys
1. I know. But someone liberated from, say, Acre or Jaffa or points between by Lionheart could have got back long before him (as indeed most people did, owing to that little difficulty in Austria). And, if regarded as in any way ‘Richard’s man’, he would easily fall foul of and be declared outlaw by John and his minions.
2. You really think the writers care about that level of historical exactness?
Best bit of BBC ‘revisionist history’ recently was their use of a black actor to portray the Duke of York in a Will Shakes play of Henry V……i laughed, then got angry, it was directed at kids, who’ll think he really was black… into a ding dong on-line war of words with a wretched leftie who said it doesn’t matter…..well it does, what do you think…..the Duke actually lived, and died at Agincourt….his portrait shows him white, though he had a Spanish mother.
Its directing this $hite at kids that really annoys me! And eventually there will be a whole generation that grows up believing the myth that ‘there have always been black people in England’!
To be fair the ‘climate change’ bit could be taken either way. Was the lass being sarcastic for example?
As to the black face, well that’s par for the course in BBC fantasy history land. In fact so par for the course I didn’t even spot it …
Thank god I didn’t watch it. I really can’t believe how batsh*t insane the BBC is these days. I think the deliberate spiking of their output across all genres is emanating from their Diversity Awareness Directorate (downstairs in the Basement, three doors along from the Community Cohesion Rapid Response Unit, right next to the Climate Change Enforcement Agency).
This is the sad truth about all of the BBC’s output these days. It all gets run through the filter of political correctness prior to transmission and ‘reworked’ to the degree that even historical documentaries get the same jarring, ill-considered revisionist kick in the nuts.
Orwell must be turning in his grave.
Good God, they’ll be having Muslim Daleks next …. Oh, hang on……….
Robin Hood – a west-indian actress; Maid Marion – transgender post-op, Friar Tuck – an imam, Sherif of Nottingham – Labour droid…
They can’t help themselves.
Almost right, but it will be Robin Hood himself black -always the alpha male hero, Friar Tuck, black, black Friar, ‘lesser’ Merry men, white ethnic British, drinking too much and needing keeping in their place by Robin. Sheriff, evil, white and ugly, but outsmarted by Robin. Maybe Little John white big but none too bright.
Maid Marion white of course, Maid of Albion, all for Robin.
Good old Spike…’ put him in the curry’……he called Arabs wogs the lot…..a different time, sadly.
Brilliant I remember when this was first broadcast. Of course it would never be made these days.
At least they’ll never have gay daleks.
Oh hang on:
I’d like to see a Dalek trying to navigate Hampstead Heath.
‘Thank god I didn’t watch it’
I gave episode 1 of the new one a go as, like Connery’s Bond, I grew up with William Hartnell scaring the bejus out of me, and a series of Moorish jokesters afterwards really didn’t appeal. I thought Mr. Capaldi might be a welcome return to menace, as Daniel Craig managed with 007.
Sadly, it appeared that after 50 years the special effects were more Harryhausen in homage, the acting was more wooden than the sets, and there was an assumption that I’d watched the last decade’s worth. That and two very odd wimmin running a very rum show. Crashed at takeoff for me.
Still, there are those still hooked:
Not too sure about the never wavering.
Stick Firefly or even Babylon 5 back on and I’m there.
Even ‘The 100’, despite being targeted at the hormonal teen market, has some rather dark, fun plot twists so far.
Episode 1 was unwatchable and laced with a clumsy pro gay marriage message. Skip it and enjoy Episodes 2 & 3.
I watched it too, and Capaldi is better than that. Fact is, a once wonderful series – and I go back to Hartnell and Troughton – has been deliberately twisted and distorted to brainwash the young. After the last few episodes, I suspect the average scriptwriter is 16 – and I’m not sure if that is an age or an IQ.
After watching Dr Who since the early days I didn’t watch many of the last series and I’m not going to watch any of these new ones. Well done BBc.
Just ignore the BBC.It is worthless.
I watched a BBC4 programme about the 1915 shell crisis last night. It was illustrated at one point by footage of some black pioneer troops moving ammunition – just in passing – as incidental footage to the narrative. Now this was real footage and there were black troops in support roles and they deserve to be remembered, but how many million feet of film did the BBC have to watch to find that 30 seconds of footage? It was quite clear that this was a specific statement being made by the producers rather than an illustration of the first world war. This is absolutely typical of everything the BBC does.
BBC has white guilt in spades. Pardon the pun.
I seem to remember Kevin Costner managed to wangle a black face into Sherwood Forest. Only to have every scene stolen from under him by Alan Rickman.
Alan Rickman’s performance apparently stole the show so utterly that the wooden Costner insisted the performance be cut by more than half
but that’s not difficult is it. My sweaty sock could steal scenes from Kevin Costner. He makes Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a Shakespearian Actor dear boy
For once ITV take the crown. Robin of Sherwood had a Moor as one of the merry men. Stayed silent for three years as he couldn’t speak English, and was played by an English actor
Probably not what the beeboids Diversity Unit had in mind though
Maid Marion and her Merry Men has a Rastafarian in her gang. In my memory it was just a bit of fun and not for reasons of political correctness.
Written by Sir Tony Robinson. A front-runner in the PC brigade (if you ignore the hideously white Who Dares Wins and Blackadder)
Maid Marion had a Rastafarian in HER gang? The show where Robin was a dolt and the less than subtle republican message? HER gang! I do hope you were trying to be funny.
David Harewood as Friar Tuck in the BBC children’s version of Robin Hood (a few years ago now) is another front runner. Got to get to the kids before they have the ability to question what they see.
(Fine actor though.)
This program ticked just about every politically correct box you could think of.
Black Friars who were actually black friars.
Maid Marion – a strong, independent, self-confident young woman who was challenging the patriarchy.
Merry Man who had issues with his sexuality. Crush on Robin?
Tolerant Muslims showing off their advanced medical and scientific skills. What a boon they will be for the NHS in years to come.
Noble peasants a la Ken Roache fighting
oppression as our glorious working class will do in the future.
Given the BBC’s penchant for contemporary allegory, may we anticipate an episode where Will Scarlett maintains a wagon in the camp clearing as a special place for him and Much the miller’s son, about which the rest of the men keep their merry little secret?
So’s Robin and Marion can swing between astounding uncuriosity or maintain that in all those strolls around forest paths and riding through the glen they saw or heard nothing or simply must have forgotten it if mentioned at all?
With the introduction of the Duke of Pollard as Witchfinder General, uniquely funded by a tax on the villagers, in Episode 2, we discover Queen Rona gives a pass on a few odd omissions to his investigations, and all live happily ever after getting it about right.
Not so Much, of course. Or the taxed villagers. But those that matter… golden.
I have pretty much given up watching Beeb drama (I’ll include Who in that) because they cant help themselves putting ethnic or disabled characters were clearly its nonsense, it undermines any credibility of the story. I thought I would have a look at the crime drama Shetland (I think) as even if the story was lame the scenery should be good. I managed 10 mins, I couldnt stand it when they went into a typical Shetland pub – lots of whisky and gaelic band complete with quota – off button.
And its not just the BBC, ITV and Channel Four are as bad.
‘Within 10 minutes, “Climate change” had been mentioned…’
We could take that as a positive as this was slap bang in the middle of the Medieval Warm Period which, as we know, had bugger all to do with man-made CO2 emissions.
So it could just, possibly, have been satirical.
Ah, well, we can always hope….
I doubt whether they had sufficient knowledge, or did sufficient research to appreciate that.
Did Robin and ‘the moor’ land under the white cliffs of Dover, immediately jump onto Hadrian’s Wall and walk along it for a couple of hours until they got to Nottingham.
Be grateful that that Edward, the Black Prince wasn’t dragged into it.
Lenny Henry is short of work, apparently.
There was also subtle religious symbolism, with the robots killing people with laser fired crucifixes, until they were stopped by being beheaded.
Is that not symbolic of Islam defeating the infidels of Christianity?
One bit of the BBC that seems to occasionally escape the from the PC censor are the Parliamentary subcommittee sessions. The one on the Trojan Horse scandal was interesting because Peter Clarke , the investigator appointed by Mr Gove, and an investigator appointed by Birmingham council , both said that they found that lots of folks in the council had known for years that the allegations in the Trojan Horse letter were true, but had done nothing about them because they were fearful of being labelled racist and loosing their jobs. Exactly the same as in Rotherham.
They both said that they expected that other areas of the country would have problems similar to those they had investigated in Birmingham. Exactly the same as is said about the issues finally uncovered in Rotherham.
So we now have two quite different ways in which Political Correctness has allowed Muslims in this country to play the race card and indulge in criminal and obscene behaviour in one case and undermining the school system in the other. And it is expected that both of these cases are the tips of their respective icebergs.
So how much longer will the liberal left , headed by their mouthpiece the BBC, go on trying to cover up the multitude of problems that having millions of Muslims in our country is creating?
They are losing control of the cover up, some of their number are beginning to split and reveal what is going on, the truth is leaking out, they are close to being exposed for the liars that they are. The game is up!
Someone better have a plan for how they are going to deal with the emotions of the British people once the full extent of the degree to which Muslim groups have been allowed to break the law with the connivance of those in authority, is known.
Add to those two the intimidation of voters in Tower Hamlets polling stations whilst Plod looked benignly on – and the postal votes scam, of course.
Gosh that made me angry, seeing cops with hands in pockets, seemingly ‘ oblivious’ to the cheating going on in T Hamlets…..Police chief needs to walk…
“Someone better have a plan for how they are going to deal with the emotions of the British people once the full extent of the degree to which Muslim groups have been allowed to break the law with the connivance of those in authority, is known. ”
Taking Rotherham as but one example of what is undoubtedly a much wider problem, labour effectively decriminalised the brutal and violent, racially and religiously motivated gang rape of thousands of white working class children by Islamic perverts.
Labour decriminalised child rape in all but statute. The effect on real families in these communities was exactly the same as if they had legalised organised gang child rape of white working class children.
Why would anyone ever vote labour again?
Because they are programmed sheep, brainwashed by decades of exposure to Al-Beeb.
Do these people not understand that if they continue to hide the true nature of the problem, the backlash will be even more severe and innocent people may well be hurt, or even die, because of the colour of their skin or merely because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time?
The time to deal with this problem was years ago, when it was in its infancy, but the PC brigade have ensured that the problems are now so deep rooted that there is no easy solution. It used to be said that you reap what you sow; now, thanks to the liberal left we, or our children, must now reap what has been sown by a bunch of traitourous bastards who have all retired to the Home Counties.
This piece from anti-Islamic jihad, ‘Jihadwatch’ Editor, American, Robert Spencer (banned from UK), is more insightful than anything at INBBC on the issue-
“Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Who Lost Britain? 14 Culprits”
The people who lost Britain, or at the very least have left it in a position of danger, were the liberal left, several millions of them. Of course some of those named by Mr Spencer above are big movers and shakers in the liberal left establishment, but it isn’t a handful of folks who sold Britain down the river, its a whole class.
How the liberal left were able to gain control of the institutions of this country is an interesting piece of , as yet, unwritten history. Why was their powerful weapon, the BBC , almost given to them on a plate without anyone to the right of centre objecting before it was way too late? After all anyone plotting a revolution in a banana republic knows that the first thing to do is to secure the local radio station.
Perhaps it all stems from what even Tory politicians thought in the 50’s and 60’s that it was impossible to roll back the state and that socialism and decline were inevitable. It took Mrs Thatcher to show that this wasn’t the case. But amongst all the triumphs she had, she made one serious error in not dealing with the BBC.
The beast grew and in Orwellian fashion managed to control what the nation heard about and what it didn’t and even what the nation thought.
Fortunately there now seem to be a few cracks opening up at the Ministry of Truth. Rotherham and the Trojan Horse may be the start of the leakage of the truth. And if the the truth comes out and the people realise that they have been duped for the last 30 years , the whole edifice of liberal left will come crashing down.
We really need to work out exactly how the liberal left took over so that we can stop it ever happening again.
because soon it will be the end for their fantasies and absurdities and the country hopefully put back together.
I do believe that capturing the BBC was a liberal left strategy and has been effective. That is why I favour abolition rather than reform.
Liberal left views have destroyed our education system as well and that was clear to me in the 1960s when those in power just gave up and indulged the 68ers . Maybe the war had a deal to do with it.
Controlling media and education is a real asset and has enabled the liberal left to corrupt generations.
The right is usually engaged in the doings of the world.. Commerce, agriculture, manufacturing etc and as long as things prospered just let the left get on with it, inventing useless jobs and stupid laws. Most of the liberal left is unemployable in the real economy any way.
It was useful to have something to occupy their days otherwise they would have just littered the streets .
As reality asserts itself in all aspects of our lives the liberal left will just give up. It was always a fantasy . So that as usual the country will have to be rescued by the ordinary people.
I hope the liberal left retires from the field gracefully. If they hang around it will just be that much harder to assert reality in our lives.
Rather than just retire from the field I want them (progressives/liberals/radicals) to pay. All institutional assets stripped from leftist charities and NGOs to help pay for repatriating the unassimilable. Personal assets too, from the top bods of those organisations. No more Islington dinner parties for them.
With a public sector eventually cut to about 10% of its current size, the ex-army of unionized do-gooder foot soldiers will now find plenty of work crop-picking, serving coffee or doing care work. And I’d make the buggers live in their beloved ethnic ghettos too.
And at the very top of the treasonous pile – there will be some who’ll have to face very serious consequences.
You are right. Better to have than picking up litter along the roads than letting them become litter.
No high vis jackets though that would just be indulging them .
Read Gramsci. It’s all there.
It seems Mrs Thatcher made the same mistake as Churchill during WW2 underestimating the propaganda power of Goebbels, where she underestimated how the BBC could unite leftists.
Not that good I’m afraid. He left out Sir Iain Blair who not only closed the streets of London so that hate preachers could recruit terrorists, he provided them with Police protection whilst they did it.
And not a lot else. One of the more useless commissioners, in quite a line-up of them. The only one with real guts was Robert Mark. I wouldn’t give you tuppence for the rest of them – all political stooges, and not worth a light. The current one being a case in point.
Robert Mark…last of the proper coppers……not the faggots of today….
And of course, it came to light that Ian Blair ‘bigged’ up his role in the Balcombe St siege to look a hero……what a worthless shite the man is….
‘Those immigration policies were fuelled in part by the naïve and roseate view of Islam that Blair energetically proffered, saying in 2007 that “to me, the most remarkable thing about the Koran is how progressive it is,” and in 2008: “I regularly read the Koran, practically every day,” and the Islamic prophet Muhammad had been “an enormously civilizing force.”
And this bonehead ran our country. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry, do you?
Laugh or cry?
Rather, Lock and load.
Did he really say progressive???….. I would say most strongly that it is regressive…..Lawyer? He is not worth a light…..Will some Iraqi that lost his family in the bombing please, please shoot this worthless waster that has destroyed not only your country, but ours as well…..
It’s always interesting what the BBC decides is safe to let us talk about. Today it’s “Britain ‘becoming like Downton Abbey’, says TUC leader”.
Yet somehow important matters like the systematic abuse of young girls are deemed unsuitable for our opinions. Lest we say something doubleplusungood.
At the same time the sad tale of an old lady losing her head has been disappeared from anywhere prominent before you can say “ooh look, a pregnant princess”. And indeed it never made the News at Ten, because, one can only presume, such happenings are so commonplace as to not represent anything newsworthy.
‘so commonplace as to not represent anything newsworthy’
(c) A. Newsroom Tealady, formerly of this parish.
Of late, sorely missed.
The bBBC’s ‘Editors Picks’ for this ‘news’ are 17 comments, all backing the loony leftie class-warfare of the TUC, and all receiving positive ratings from the daytime posters.
Britain becoming like Downton Abbey? More like Downtown Tehran.
if I had any faith at all in Cameron I’d say he was trying to lose Scotland on purpose; get rid of dozens of Labour MPs and the traditional Scots over-representation (without which Labour would never have held a majority before 1997) and let government liabilities and spending drive the Scots into bankruptcy.
But I don’t believe that he’s really anything other than an incompetent pie-faced wet
I do think that BBC Scotland is probably in happy with a Yes vote as , because they have not supported the Union during the campaign, they can expect to receive receive good favours from the new leftist Scottish government.
But I doubt that the BBC in the rest of the UK is keen on a Yes vote. A yes certainly makes Tory governments more likely in RUK and therefore the BBC can expect a less rosy future.
If the Scottish vote yes, then the bBC will have to be broken up. The number of staff at bBC Scotland cannot be funded by the Scottish populace.
ln Nov 11 with a population of just over 5 million bBC Scotland employed ln Nov 11 : 1277 people, then there was the 212 foreign correspondents who push news back to the Uk, then add over 10,000 in London who do likewise.
Yet the Midland and the East of England with a population of over 15 Million makes do with 1622.
Yes bBC Scotland (or whatever it will call itself ) will be able to fund those people, but the people will have to pay for it.
Talk about Turkeys voting for Christmas.
Click to access rfi20111450_number_of_bbc_employees.pdf
Just looked up STV staff figures. They employ 370 staff in Scotland and…London . with an additional 600 freelancers
They really don’t think that far ahead.
BBC Scotland has an almost sectarian allergy to anything associated with the Union Flag, and in the event of a Yes vote, seem to think they will be TUPEd over to the SNP-approved Scottish Broadcasting Channel, bloated wages, pensions et al.
Yes indeed. I think that you can make an argument that the BBC have actually created the SNP or at least made it a power in the land. The BBC has for decades portrayed the old patrician ruling classes as callous idiots on the one hand or devilishly clever toffs deviously exploiting the poor workers on the other. They have also mocked Britain as a concept and undermined British values to a great extent. They heaped all the blame for the loss of heavy industry in Scotland on Mrs Thatcher and the Tories. If you pump this message out with no real counter and with an increasingly leftist education system to boot , you end up with people ready to believe the worst of those in power. If then the bankers turn out to have swindled millions out of their hard earned money, it isn’t difficult to see why there is so much anger that the SNP have been able to focus on Westminster and on the English. So I think the BBC have created the conditions where separation is a real possibility. The Scots disbelieve that they won’t be able to a currency union or won’t be able to join the EU, because Westminster politicians are telling them this.
Whilst I would love to agree with your first paragraph, Colonel, I have to agree with your second.
I am now utterly convinced that the liberal-left pseudo-intelligencia need a “No” vote inorder to secure a “Yes” vote in the forthcoming referendum on UK EU membership.
If they think a Scottish “Yes” vote will trigger a constitutional crisis (which it won’t, it’s simple to deal with if you have the balls) then what the hell will they do if Scotland votes to stay in the Union and then Scottish votes keep England in the EU when England votes to leave?
Peter Hitchins a year ago guessed that Cameron wasn’t that keen on the Union remaining (so the 40 Scottish Labour MP’s couldn’t sit at Westminster and Labour would never trouble us again as a government). He reckoned Cameron would make a pigs ear of the NO campaign. It seems that he was right.
I for one would happily say goodbye knowing we south of the border will never again have a Scottish Warmonger prime minister like Blair and the Labour party taking us to war. Shaming this nation and involving our servicemen useless wars for a Scotsman’s ego.
Scotland’s independence may have major and positive ramifications for England. It means that nothing will be sacred anymore and we will look to establishments and say maybe we don’t want you any more. The BBC should be a little nervous.
I agree with much of that, but the problem is that Cameron is not much different from Blair – Libya, Syria, Ukraine, mass immigration, lies. We need to get rid of the lot of them.
So the reply to my complaint over non use of the word illegal in respect of the container full of illegals found in Tilsbury. Reference CAS-2874067-W3Y6GV
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘BBC News at Ten’ broadcast on 19 August.
We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.
We understand you believe the BBC should have referred to the immigrants found in a shipping container at Tilbury docks as “illegal”.
While we appreciate your concerns, as the immigrants have applied for asylum, we believe the term immigrant is applicable; they are not illegal as you suggest.
Nevertheless, all complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News teams every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards”
Well they didn’t apply for asylum when they crossed the border illegally did they because they were in a container it wouldn’t have been possible. They did apply for asylum once they were discovered. Would they have applied If they had been given the opportunity to melt away.
Beyond your point, which they seem to have structured the termination of the case well enough to avoid being pursued, I also notice this:
‘We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.
I notice it because when people share, this template blah, blah is there every, single time.
Has anyone had a reply where they actually did what they are supposed to?
‘Has anyone had a reply where they actually did what they are supposed to?’
I mean other than Gaurdian journos, Jo Abbess, any ‘ism activist group and Lenny Henry.
‘While we appreciate your concerns, as the immigrants have applied for asylum, we believe the term immigrant is applicable; they are not illegal as you suggest. ‘
1. Asylum seekers enter the country through official immigration channels, then declare their claim to asylum.
2. People who enter the country in freight containers do so illegally in the hope they won’t be discovered, their objective being to melt away unnoticed into our porous landscape via welcoming friends and relatives who can soon find them all the ID fixes they’ll ever need.
3. Typically 2 costs several thousands of pounds more than 1 – the risks are higher but the potential rewards are astronomical for a large family.
Wilful ignorance on the part of the BBC or simple lefty logic deficit disorder? Either way, they are not fit to be our national broadcaster (but we knew that already).
Simple logic is beyond the worthless BBC. What a bunch of jokers. Even a 5 year old could do better.
Complaining to this bunch of tossers is a waste of time.
Now I want the BBc to tell me when they consider an illegal immigrant to be an illegal immigrant. Let’s try that angle in light of this and the recent events in France.
Just e-mailed them this back: “As you would expect I completely disagree with your reply. To clarify this point for myself and other parties who were interested in your reply could you please define when the BBC considers an illegal immigrant to be an illegal immigrant? Or does the BBC view that no immigrants are illegally entering the UK?”
Love it.
A direct question that will see heads exploding.
You’ll either get a bonkers exclusion from answering based on, well, anything really, or a banning because they haven’t a clue where to go next.
Look toward to #stage 2.
I doubt it will cause any heads to explode. I can tell you though that the complaints process is not there to answer hypothetical questions. You won’t get banned for it though, that only happned to Guest Who, for reasons which were explained at the time.
What were they again?
“I doubt it will cause any heads to explode”
Such doubt, but then….
“I can tell you though that the complaints process is not there to answer hypothetical questions.”
Such pride in procedure, albeit in the process of making things go away vs. answering.
“You won’t get banned for it though”
And such certainty. Having said the result will be to get dismissed or ignored.
“that only happened to Guest Who, for reasons which were explained at the time.”
Not to mention an intriguing level of apparent knowledge and claim.
“What were they again?”
My turn.
Are you saying that Guest Who is the only person to get banned by the BBC?
Do share these reasons, please.
And by whom shared, at what time?
Thank you.
“He’s not answering”
“I fink ‘e’s dunnabunk, like, Mr. Mackay”
“Indeed. Unidentified *Fleeing* Objects.”
Based on experience I predict the wriggle on that one will be that you haven’t actually asked them about anything they’ve done, or a variation on that theme.
When you say you emailed, did you simply reply via your email program or did you fill out their tedious forms again? If the former, you will hear nothing.
No I filled out their form, again, it does at one stage ask you if it refers to a previous complaint. Of course I don’t expect to get an answer I’m just curious as to how they will continue to justify their initial reply. The BBc is always right and I am always wrong. I’ve been complaining when I feel it is justified for several years now I know exactly how things work.
Thought it worth checking, having made that mistake once myself. It seemed reasonable to reply directly to the email I had received as there was no indication that I should not and no auto-message telling me that I had repied to an address that would not be answered. Just silence, and by the time I realised my mistake the moment had passed.
It’s a piece of nonsense that to reply to their waffling, evasive non-replies one has to fill in so many details all over again that they will already have to hand from the case number they give you. Why, it’s almost as if they wish to discourage anyone who is not satisfied with their weaselly justifications of getting it about right.
‘one has to fill in so many details all over again that they will already have to hand from the case number they give you’
As an expert is clearly on station, maybe Fletch would care to answer why such drag-out repetition is deemed necessary if not as most here would surmise?
Being the BBC, and CECUTT especially, is so down on wastes of time ‘n all.
When complaining to the BBC about bias quite frequently 10 years ago I received a letter back “We will no longer reply to a single complainant on the same subject as it is a waste of tax payers money “. I wrote to my local MP and said that I was a taxpayer and I had a right that every complaint be answered as a fresh complaint. The BBC continued to answer our letters after that – it’s worth getting MP’s involved so that they are also aware of the effect of the bias on the public eg incitement to hatred and treat this issue seriously.
bet they ignore you. But well done for trying. I gave up complaining to the supercilious bunch ages ago
It does take perseverance. Which as Roland D has noted, can be tested by designed in systems.
And even if taken to the line, there’s no certainty it will ever get seen unless the complaint and replies are posted in public. As above.
Which is what CECUTT truly hates. Exposure. Of answers that are not. Or daft. Or plain bent. Or all three. It shows the BBC complaints system up for what it truly is.
Hence the not infrequent failure to stay silent from a drone that gives away more than they really should.
However, whatever happens in public, even in their little secret places it can’t be totally ignored, and logs do get kept, however then sent to places even Hugs’ special email folder couldn’t reach.
And when the walls come down, which they fill, those files will be available to view, which is nice.
if not, perhaps, for any within or acting on behalf of the BBC trying to suppress the right to raise concerns.
If they have applied for asylum then they’re asylum seekers, and not immigrants. At the time they were in the container & subsequently released from the container they had not applied for asylum, and were therefore illegal immigrants.
What ever the BBC claim, no one can claim asylum except by going in person to the Home Office in Croydon.
Not on the BBC. Those young Britons wanting some Jihad cool in Syria might think twice after finding out about the ‘bumming Jihad’.
New recruits to ISIL are covered in perfume then bend over and have to take it up the Gary Glitter by 15 hairy Jihadis. This is videoed and if they try to leave the video of them getting the ‘bumming Jihad’ will be sent to their parents.
More here
Last week I heard the MD of Aberdeen Asset Management being interviewed on the Today business news about the Scottish referendum, during which he said he was less worried about Scotland leaving the Union than he was the UK leaving the EU (worth a few challenges, you’d think, but – nah).
Well, you’ll never guess what – they had him back on this morning to expound on his EU views.
And you’ll never guess what (2) – it was the usual scaremongering mantras about the EU being our biggest trading partner (the inference being that we’ll lose that trade, despite it being worth £54 billion more to Europe than it is to us), car manufacturers will move from the UK to Europe, a ‘perception’ that we’re governed mainly by Europe etc etc etc
Not a single challenge.
So mission accomplished. Yet again.
Did BBC-NUJ fall for Rotherham Labour Party Council’s political machinations?
“Rotherham council accused of prioritising ‘media management’ over child sex abuse victims after chief executive announcement”
Do you reckon that there is any mileage in us taking a bet on how much old Kimber will be trousering for being relieved of his duties in a somewhat intemperate fashion?
Are we talking Shoesmith here…or merely Flowers?
My money is on a generous wad…
BBC Points West give us a trail on tonight’s Inside Out West, they tell us that 80% of Muslim marriages are unregistered (shock horror on presenters face).
Apparently this ‘poor’ Muslim woman ‘meets and falls in love’ with Muslim guy (translated meets future husband from Pakistan at airport and marrys next day).
I have no idea why the BBC should be so bloody surprised, of course they ain’t registered because the majority of Muslim marriages are probably made up of 50% illegal immigrant, they wouldn’t want to create a paper trail now would they…
Is there anything honest about these people?
Honest about which people? Muslims? Some honest, some dishonest, as with any group. BBC? ALWAYS DISHONEST.
BBC Scotland has been sabotaged by loathsome and hideous YESNPers. The last Salmond/Darling debate was testament to this. I cannot believe the arrogance of the nationalist scum… and the flawed logic behind the BBC’s foul stance. If the Scottish nationalists choose independence then it’s good night Vienna for the BBC. I feel sorry for the many, many great Scot I have met and who are vehemently for the Union.
the snp are just the socalist workers party all but in name,but there are some benefits here for us in england if the is scots gain there independance from us evil nasty english barons,alex salmomd said today in a inteview that if the snp gains power he and his party will welcome with open arms unlike england all immigrants from all over the world into his new free country including that rioting criminal lot in calias who are trying to break into england in backs of lorrys and cars,sound good to me so far,alex called this nation building in the true sense,sounds even better to me,do you know what,i hope scotland and the snp gets there independance and turns there new nation into a melting pot of multi culturism and diversity that sadly has been a complete disaster for us in england as we all know.
I picked up on this as well. Its very strange – If I was a Scot, perhaps the one thing that would sway me to vote Yes would be the idea that I could preserve some sense of Scottish identity, but Salmon wants the to throw this away, what an idiot.
Just in case the “Yes” does prevail, might be an idea to re-build that bloody wall then!
Border controls will be required, and Gretna Green will be the new Calais
If the Yes vote wins, how will the BBC handle the horror of Millipede and Liebour being trounced at the 2015 election ? Oh the joy.
This has really boiled my p1ss:
The BBC is playing an extremely dangerous game here – pressuring others to take the line that VPN users are pirates.
This plays directly into the despicable authoritarianism that started in earnest with the last Labour administration and unfortunately has barely abated with the current government (c.f. DRIP, snooper’s charter etc). Not to mention any foreign governments where citizens are BBC consumers. Many of us have increasingly rational reasons for wanting to maintain a relative level of privacy and anonymity from prying eyes – including from the government and the BBC. This is utterly irresponsible of them to do.
Everyone I know in Essex wants a Yes vote too . Byee, Scottish racist anti English bigots .
BBC Inside out … Muslim mentors, prevent extremism, prevent radicalisation, an absolute folly, the worst thing here is that this “horse and pony show” is the best the deluded dhimwits in No10 can come up with.
The amount of “kid glove” on display is simply staggering.
Mandated Islamic “would be” mass murderers … is this not a severe risk, a dangerous security threat?, the number one cause of terrorist loss of life here?. You would never think it listening to this horsesh-t.
I posted this earlier as a new thread suddenly emerged
BBC trumpets muslim mentors, to help teach the radicalised yoof, some absurd “not that islam/this islam” palava.
Yep government parole again, dhimwitted No10 … denial of both the facts and reality.
These erm, community champions will coin it in, and for who eh?.
Hmmm it appears terrorism pays … well … doesn t it,
clueless absolutely clueless.
Another moneypit to fund erm well anything, any tenuous reason, or activity …
Hmmm remember that crock “Prevent” 😀 divisive and caused more problems than it solved … or should it have been be called “enable” …
“…There are no extra gifts you get in our society just for being young and muslim.” – Douglas Murray.
Fantastic stuff. Mr Murray hits the nail on the head – special pleading from muslims in our society is divisive and moves us ever further away from the progressive dream of ‘social cohesion’. While the left paint the likes of UKIP as racist, they themselves advocate the most subtle and corrosive racist policies, designed to stigmatise and denigrate ethnic minorities by singling them out for ‘special’ treatment with tax payer’s money.
All the world’s media headlined the second pregnancy of William and The Duchess of Cambridge. Yes, even the Guardian. One international broadcaster didn’t: yes, the BRITISH broadcasting corporation’s website relegated it to third story, and now it has slipped right down. BBC: the enemy within. Makes you want to weep for our once great country.
From Raheem Kassam at Breitbart
A CNN Reporter, BBC Reporter, and an Israeli commando were captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the terrorists told them that he would grant them each one last request before they were beheaded.
The CNN Reporter said, ‘Well, I’m an American, so I’d like one last hamburger with French fries.” The leader nodded to an underling who left and returned with the burger & fries. The reporter ate it and said “Now, I can die.”
The BBC Reporter said, ‘I’m a reporter to the end. I want to take out my tape recorder and describe the scene here and what’s about to happen. Maybe someday someone will hear it and know that I was on the job till the end.” The terror leader directed an aide to hand over the tape recorder and dictated some comments. The reporter then said, ‘Now I can die knowing I stayed true until the end.”
The leader turned and said, “And now, Mr. Israeli tough guy, what is your final wish?”
“Kick me in the ass,” said the soldier.
“What?’ asked the leader, “Will you mock us in your last hour?”
“No, I’m not kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass,” insisted the Israeli. So the leader shoved him into the open and kicked him in the ass.
The soldier went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a 9 mm pistol from under his flak jacket, and shot the leader dead. In the resulting confusion, he jumped to his knapsack, pulled out his carbine and sprayed the terrorists with gunfire. In a flash, all terrorists were either dead or fleeing for their lives.
As the soldier was untying the reporters, they asked him, “Why didn’t you just shoot them in the beginning? Why did you ask them to kick you in the ass first?”
“What?” replied the Israeli, “and have you report that I was the aggressor?”
Here’s one I like better though
A guy in London saw a pit bull attacking a toddler.
He killed the pit bull and saved the child’s life.
Reporters from the BBC swarmed the fellow.
“Tell us! What’s your name? All London will love you! Tomorrow’s headline will be: “London Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!”
The guy says, “But I’m not from London.
“Reporters: “That’s OK. Then the whole of England will love you and
tomorrow’s headline will read: ‘English Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!'”
The guy says, “I’m not from England, either.”
Reporters: “That’s OK also. All Europe will love you. Tomorrow’s
headlines will shout: ‘European Hero Saves Girl from Vicious Dog!'”
The guy says, “I’m not from Europe, either.
“Reporters: “So, where ARE you from?
The guy says, “I’m from Israel.
“Reporters: “OK. Then tomorrow’s headlines will proclaim to the world:
‘Israeli Kills Girl’s Dog!'”
What INBBC censors on ISLAMIC STATE’s motivation-
“Video: Top ten Qur’an verses to help you understand the Islamic State.”
BBC National news and South Today managed to report on fraud case in Winchester today without pictures or mentioning names. Apparently spell-check couldn’t handle the names and the camera flashes weren’t working. Strangely other media managed it.
Beeboids won’t like the probable electoral consequences of this logical constitutional case-
“If Scots leave, cancel Scottish 2015 general election”
By John Redwood, MP.
He is right of course and I am surprised anyone even thinks we can hold a normal GE in 2015 after a Yes vote. Any election could be open to challenge.
Just another not thought through result of this rushed ill considered referendum.
So has anybody read this Jewish story from the bbC:
Israeli police bust ‘messianic’ prostitution ring
Details have emerged from Israel about a prostitution ring in which Jewish women were allegedly forced into having sex with non-Jews by a messianic sect. Two men and two women are being detained on suspicion of exploitation. Police say the victims were brainwashed into believing that having sex with non-Jews would “save the Jewish people and bring about redemption”…Details have emerged from Israel about a prostitution ring in which Jewish women were allegedly forced into having sex with non-Jews by a messianic sect. Two men and two women are being detained on suspicion of exploitation. Police say the victims were brainwashed into believing that having sex with non-Jews would “save the Jewish people and bring about redemption”.
Wow the bBC reports on a Jewish paedophile ring . Hang on isn’t Judaism a religion, in line with how the bBC deflects from naming Muslims by saying…Asians shouldn’t the bBC be calling these people..Middle-Eastern. However I have to be careful, becasue people could easily claim I am defending Jews from Criticism and then I read the same story at the Arab News and its a totally different one from the bBC version:
Israeli cult leader convicted of sex crimes
JERUSALEM: An Israeli court convicted a polygamist cult leader of sex crimes on Monday, after he kept a harem of women who bore him dozens of children in a state of near total obedience.
The Tel Aviv District court convicted Goel Ratzon of rape, incest and other offenses, but acquitted him of an enslavement charge, sparking cries of outrage in the courtroom.
The case shocked Israelis when details of the cult emerged in 2010. Ratzon kept at least 21 “wives,” some of whom tattooed his name on their bodies along with images of the short 64-year-old with long white hair and beard.
The children they bore him were named after variations of his first name Goel, or “savior” in Hebrew.
Yehudit Herman, who was part of the harem, told channel 2 television she had mixed feelings about the court’s decisions. She said she was “really happy” that he was charged with the sex crimes. “I know what damage went on there, there are really women who were hurt by him for the rest of their lives, small girls and women.”
Can anybody explain why the non-Jew friendly Arab news can give a much clearer and honest coverage of this story than the bBC, which for some reason appears to try and taint the followers of Judism as somehow being paedophiles.
The bBC, the mouth piece for Islamic propaganda and the reason why Anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
The dirty old B-BBC is absolutely all over the yes vote – suddenly woke up to the fact that when the Jocks go, there is no more Liebour party majority in the UK – ever. Crash Gordon came out of the pit for an announcement that they will get extra goodies whatever they vote, and Emily Maitliss gave them some tough questions to answer for a change, it is THAT bad!!
The fact that the EU will refuse to take Scotland in is even better – they really are getting all the upsides!
If there is a “Yes” vote, the electoral boundaries in England and Wales will be changed to give Labour back it’s MPs.
Here’s fun:
‘Electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets. The Trojan Horse plot to take over schools in Birmingham. British citizens beheading American journalists in Iraq. Thousands of young girls enslaved and tortured over many years in Rotherham. Does anyone at the BBC think there may be something that links these events? If so, as a public service broadcaster, wouldn’t the corporation be obliged to investigate and report?’
‘Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC News.
We understand you feel there is a connection between certain events such as the Rotherham child abuse and ‘Trojan Horse’ in Birmingham.
We appreciate the feedback that you feel we should investigate this further, and let me assure you that we have passed this onto news editors.
Thank you again for contacting us, we value your feedback about our news output.
All complaints are sent to senior management every morning and I included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.’
Sometimes, despite the evasion and misrepresentation, you just know you’ve got ’em.
Another ‘man’ at it in Rotherham.
Guess which of the following is his name…
Deepak Patel
Alan Jones
Isaac Rosen
Vejuhadin Ghorbani
Savad Singh
Well,did you guess right?
Ministers to review enforcement of TV licence payment:-
“When over 10% of magistrates’ court cases concern this one offence, you have to ask whether the current system is really working. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
“A spokesman for the BBC, which is obliged to ensure its collection arrangements are efficient, appropriate and proportionate, said it hoped the review would be thorough and “not rushed”
Will the Select Committee before which the DG appears be televised?
After Ian Katz’ recent moan about anodyne waffling by those in power being held to account, it is interesting if no surprise to see a BBC ‘report’ about the BBC littered with anonymity again. One recalls how this has also vexed the troll community here, so doubtless they are penning their complaints directly.
The wording also has clearly been through the BBC filter up and down through many levels, again arriving at oddly passive semantic ways of describing stuff.
So just as a victims of terrorist murder atrocity have somehow simply ended up dead with ‘militant men’ in the vicinity, people simply arrive in court without the BBC having any part in their being there. Oh, no… nothing to do with the BBC, unique funding and enforcement at all.
‘concerns about the number of people appearing in court for evasion.
It is also possible that ‘concerns’ are as great if not greater at those not forking out totally legally under current annoying but easily accommodated rules.
Hence ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry, I think catching up with new Trust Chair Rona today, spending a lot of time with a lot of people pondering just what is the best way to ensure no one has any chance but to pay no matter what.
‘The review should conclude early in the next Parliament, he will say.’
Should and will in the same sentence. Spiffy.
‘It comes as Rona Fairhead, ministers’ preferred candidate to chair the BBC Trust, prepares to face MPs’ questions.’
I am also intrigued as to the use of the term ‘preferred candidate’ here. Is there another? I thought she was the BBC Trust Chair, confirmed. Why else would she be answering MP’s questions? Just for kicks?
I also had to ‘love’ this:
‘Loved services’
Blimey, who the heck came out with that? Ah…
‘A spokesman for the BBC… said… “Licence fee evasion is low which maximises investment in the programmes and services that audiences love,” he said.’
The BBC quotes a BBC sposkeweasel saying the BBC is loved, enough to make that a subhead. Got it.
Doubtless who this adoring soul is would be subject to all manner of FOI coyness if pursued, so it could indeed be A. Newsroom Tealady.
Then, clearly to satisfy Danny Cohen’s edict that nothing one person can do can be left to any less than two sexes, we get… a ladee too…
‘A BBC Trust spokeswoman added that this was an issue that should be discussed “in the round”, including the “potential impact on licence fee income and BBC output”
Nope, me neither.
‘She said the trust looked forward to engaging fully with the review when the time comes.’
Guessing her seniority and ability to speak for said Trust their little secret as well?
‘The BBC’s director of strategy and digital James Purnell has suggested the time taken up by licence fee cases in court was actually much lower than often stated.’
Hold on… a name! And a fact! Well, maybe. More a suggestion of one. Where did it come from? Did anyone confirm it? Seems there are doubts on the number, so surely…
“The last fact we saw was that it took up 0.3% of time”
So this ‘fact’ was ‘seen’ by the BBC? So still worth amplifying upon surely as interest hardly unconflicted here…
‘…because most of these cases are processed pretty quickly, about three minutes on average,”
It’s a bit worse than that Jim, they are often ‘processed’ en bloc by lazy or ill-informed magistrates with near zero actual respect for due process. State and state media working in total harmony.
Surely the interviewer raised this? This is serious holding of BBC power to account here. Who was the media terrier in question?
‘..he told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme in March.’
Late but worth mentioning. Listened 6am news on Radio 4 Sunday. Ten minutes later is a short programme about the Virgin Mary, starting with Ave Maria. Minutes into the programme we get to Mary in Islam and how people in the UK are building bridges between Christianity and Islam. No mention of persecuted Christians.
A question for the BBC, the Government – Muslim leaders in the West issue vague, and ambiguous pro-forma condemnations, don t lift a finger to implement a single plan of action, do nothing direct to prevent jihadi terror attacks from happening.
Yet they orchestrate Government revenues/funding to veneer their non activities in this regard, to deceitfully construct the appearance of effect.
Whilst diverting eyes from every, line of text urging such violent action, and the Islamic manual every mosque has on its pulpit.
So much airtime devoted, to new funding … prevent/change radicalisation, funding mentors, community champions, initiatives in Muslim communities etc … all muslim organisations, all muslim mentors 😀 WHY?
… that’s not very multiculti, very integrated … IS IT?
yep!, on and on the bullsh-t money train rolls.
I got news for every vacuous airhead, Beebot, Ch4ite, No10 f-ckwit,
Any Islamic “yoof” who wants to rush off and mass murder the non Islamic, the wrong Islamic, does so not because of ISIS, but because of what ISIS read, the same books he reads, the same verses, the same commands, he ll follow the same mandated commands.
To Islam there is one Quran, one Mohamhead.
No bullsh-t about context, the Quran doesn’t have any.
Mohamhead is the “perfect example of conduct” … UH OH!
Any muslim who is erm “peaceful”… ahem “moderate”, is so in spite of Islam not because of it.
That is fact, clear correct, and concise … now … Beebots, Ch4ites, No10 f-ckwits ……. what to do?
I was listening to Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell interviewing Alistair Darling yestersay morning on Five Live, and it soon became apparent after the interview began that Campbell was determined not to let Darling answer the questions put to him. Whenever Darling attempted to answer a question, Campbell would interject with the the facile comment. “you’re panicking,” thereby continually forcing Darling to repeat himself. I have notied, however, that when Alex Salmond is interviewed, he is always shown deference and respect. This clearly indicates where Campbell’s sympathies lie, and undermines what I have always thought, namely, that he is a very poor journalist and better suited to the gameshow circuit!!
Good post. Submit a complaint. I would.
Did you hear him this morning with two Scottish Labour voters, one a ‘yes’ and one a ‘no’?
Hard left all of them, it was like three old friends chatting away about their visions of a Socialist utopia, either within or without the UK…all three misty eyed, worshipping at the altar Marx and the ‘greatest Socialist creation of all…the NHS’.
I don’t know about Gameshow’s nationalism, but not for the first time he showed that he is at ease and at his most empathetic when surrounded by those of the far left.
Three people stuck in the past with an ideology as relevant to modern Britain as a horse drawn tram. It was like listening to ‘All our Yesterdays’.
Remember Salmond was a member of the 1969 Group, a hard left Marxist shower. His idea of utopia resembles 1950’s Hungary.
IF the Scottish vote yes, will the BBC get rid of all the over abundance of useless Scottish socialist presenters? I would hope so, as then the BBC staff should reflect the make up of the United Kingdom, without Scotland.
I doubt it – I wouldn’t be surprised if they demand even more deference and representation as they will then be ‘foreigners’ and thus be accorded the special protections that status seems to bring.
Paying for Islamic Nigeria TV.
British non-Muslim people, via licence fee, finance INBBC’s Muslim Hausa TV news:-
“BBC launches Hausa TV news programme”
Funded by the BRITISH telly tax payer as is 1xtra, The Asian Network and The BBC Arabic network and to a lesser degree the World Service. Nothing British about those networks, in fact they’re anti-British and somewhat subversive failing to serve the vast majority of telly tax payers.
When will we get the white working class channel?
The Controller of BBC Radio 4 has a salary of….
…wait for it…
£191,000 per annum.
BBC-NUJ: censoring Crime and Muslims in NORWAY.
Contrasting information:-
1.)’Maggie’s Notebook’ blog-
“Rape Jihad: Europe’s Muslims Name Their Rape Gangs ‘Take Your Turn’-
Polish Men Send Message to Rapists.”
2.) BBC-NUJ:
“Norway to ‘export’ inmates to Dutch jails to cut queues”
Author, Bruce Bawer, is very knowledgeable about trends in Norway’s society-
This really does make me angry. The left say how they are for women’s rights and fat scumbags like jo brand constantly bang on about (white) men being evil and sexist towards women but where are they when they see this? Busy pretending they haven’t seen it I expect
I really hope some muslim rape gangs target the daughters and journos the bbc as karma always comes round to get you and them brushing this under the carpet will come back to haunt them.
I’ve been reading that the late surge in the Jock referendum ‘yes’ vote is purely a result, according to one Labour MP, of scaremongering about the NHS (oh, the irony).
According to Mrs jtf Salmond was given another soundbite on the BBC lunchtime news proclaiming (no pun intended) a ‘no’ vote will see the ‘Scottish’ NHS being privatised by Westminster.
In reality the NHS in Scotland is one of the existing devolved responsibilities of the Scottish Assembly, so Salmond is lying through his teeth.
So I was just wondering: has anyone heard the Nats challenged on this by the BBC – our fearless champions of truth and impartiality – or have they totally ignored it and by default helped the ‘Yes’ campaign get ahead in the polls?
As A. Newsroom Tealady will doubtless soon be along to clarify, the BBC does not ignore news. There is news you need to hear and act upon, and what they don’t like, in which case it becomes ‘not news’.
Roughly similar for interviews.
It has not been ignored by the BBC, it has been repeated unquestioned by it.
A ‘British’ Islamic jihad message for Islamophilic political class
(not yet reported by INBBC?)-
“UK Muslima: ‘I want Cameron’s head on a spike’”
Although Beeboid Media City is about 10 miles from Chorlton area of Manchester,
there seems to be a deliberate policy of censorship
on the Islamic jihad Muslims of Manchester.
For BBC-NUJ to censor?:-
“How British female jihadis are running Islamic State’s religious police force that punishes women for ‘un-Islamic’ behaviour
Al-Khanssaa brigade is female-only militia set up by IS in Raqqa, Syria.
“‘Key figure’ is Aqsa Mahmood, 20, who fled Glasgow for Syria last year.
“London academics identify four British females as members of group.
“British women in al-Khanssaa could know who killed two US hostages.”
Read more:
nice pic … time to ban the burkha, can t have this odious creature or any other with the same mind, wandering around
with hidden identity. is the terrorist threat severe? or not.
long, long overdue, as is wake up time, Camoron and the rest of his No10 buffoons
I woke at 0430 today to the bBBC ‘Wuruld Service’ announcer advertising a forthcoming programme about women playing football, asking when would they be allowed to follow their dream.
I mention this as a public service because I am sure that lots of readers of this blog will want to find it on iPlayer.
Any chance of womens rugby?…Bin collecting?…soccers for girlies these days.
Emptying bins at 5.30am on a cold Droitwich morning…THAT`S a mans sport!
Has anyone actually watched women’s football on here? The standard is absolutely terrible and a non-league team far down the pyramid could easily beat the women’s England team about 15-0. No matter how much the chips-on-their-shoulders feminists and manginas say how the game is being held back because of sexism, it isn’t. If it was any good to watch Sky Sports would pick it up and put it on primetime for people to see
BBC’s version:
Daily Mail’s version:
Say it all, really.
The BBC – sanitisers of the news
BBC News went straight , live to some Scottish town(Loanhead?…no jokes there please!) to hear Gordon Broon among his own.
Got to say that he looked happy and well…how come he has to speak north of the border to see that he`s actually a bright, decent and self-deprecating kind of “wain”?
Hope Scotland scoots off next week-Brown could reprise his cameo of 1997-2007-2010 in bringing out northern competitor to its knees, as he did to our country.
Bet we`re left with hanging chads though, whilst Salmond bleeds the country dry.
We don`t pay hostage ransoms eh?…try telling THAT to us , as we stump for the Scots as ever.
Still-Brown looked happy, so he may well be the next President of Poundland up there!
Does Prozac do sponsorship of MPs?
Yeah Gordon Brooon is popular up there in Scotland where the sun don’t shine.
That right there is another major reason why we’d be better off without them and they’d be better off without us.
Good luck to ’em.
P.S. If they vote No I think we should keep making them vote until they get the right answer. That’s what the European Union does.
I’ve just read something on Gordon Brown’s ‘big idea’ and it’s not worth quoting but this quote is (from a Labourite) thinks Gordon Brown has sabotaged the vote suggesting a new Union ‘deal’ to rewrite the (UK) union favoring Scotland (eh?)…
‘What we are currently witnessing defies the imagination. The reason why we are being confronted with the spectacle of Brown, Cameron, Miliband, Clegg et al rushing around – frantically drawing up a new constitution on the back of a fag packet – is that they are currently terrified at the prospect of the people of Scotland voting for independence. And why are the people of Scotland contemplating that move? Ask any politician, commentator, pollster or political observer, and they’ll give you the same answer: it’s because the voters are turning away from the political establishment and its old way of doing things.
Footnote: I personally think the Scots will survive but England could do very well outside Scotland benefits culture. This is the dress rehearsal for the BIG choice for us leaving the EU and taking back our English democracy to a vote. Now that is democracy.
I am hoping the same as you, Philip, let’s hope it turns out that way!!
Climate Change Weekly or Costing The Earth considers whether we are at risk of catching Malaria or West Nile Disease from mosquitoes as ‘climate change’ extends the number of months they can breed here.
Ironically it is ‘Green’ policies such as increasing the area of wetlands and encouraging the use water butts that is providing more breeding sites.
Fortunately, though we might experience more mosquito bites in future, it won’t matter as ‘our’ mosquitoes won’t be disease carriers, they would have to bite a diseased person first and the chances of finding a sub-Saharan African in Europe with Malaria or West Nile Disease is remote in the extreme and not worth considering.
It would be interesting to compare the costs of keeping out disease-carrying humans versus our current (non-guaranteed) method of avoiding ‘climate change’ by taxing people and increasing the costs of doing business in Europe.
Scaremongering over the spread of mosquito-borne disease to the northern hemisphere has been a feature of IPCC reports since their first inception. And it resulted in the resignation of a leading expert on tropical diseases from the IPCC, Professor Paul Reiter:
‘It is a memorandum written by Professor Paul Reiter to the UK House of Lords on the widely disseminated idea promoted by the IPCC that climate change will produce increased ranges for mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
If people are in any doubt as to the true nature of the IPCC’s “scientific consensus” then Professor Reiter removes that doubt…..
…….”The scientific literature on mosquito-borne diseases is voluminous, yet the text references in the chapter were restricted to a handful of articles, many of them relatively obscure, and nearly all suggesting an increase in prevalence of disease in a warmer climate. The paucity of information was hardly surprising: not one of the lead authors had ever written a research paper on the subject! Moreover, two of the authors, both physicians, had spent their entire career as environmental activists.:
Yes the BBC ‘Costing the Earth’ are spot on, (tongue in cheek) you see there is no chance of any UK citizen becoming infected by sub saharan exotic ailments such as Dengu fever, Ebola, Aids, tuberculosis or Maleria because if there were, the BBC would be the first to point out that there is ‘negligible health risk’ for foreign combatants returning home for a quick check up on the NHS and a dose of remedial medication for those climate change warriors. They should wear Sun factor 40 and avoid the latrines for fear of running out of bog paper. Cripes the nerds at the BBC may have a point, being Green is costing the Earth but more likely the UK taxpayer).